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Similar Artist CD Cover Research

Date post: 02-Jun-2018
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  • 8/10/2019 Similar Artist CD Cover Research


    Similar artist/band (in genre) Ccovers and designs SeetherCD covers and designs

    By Thomas Cutmore

  • 8/10/2019 Similar Artist CD Cover Research


    A little about SilverbySkylines g

    SilvebySkyline are a ost!unk" alternative rock o!unk band #ho #ere established in Aberdee$%%&' They also secialise in elds such as altero!unk" indie o and ost hardcore genre'

    They have released $ albums" one being an * !

    Goodbye Olympus ($%+$)" and then the , songCaptives($%+,)'

  • 8/10/2019 Similar Artist CD Cover Research


    Goodbye Olympus ($%+$)

    -n Goodbye Olympusthe album cover only .eatlead singer Scotty singing into the microhone" #could have been taken in a rehearsal or gig o. tho#ever so the as the microhone is being heldthere is a siral #raed around Scottys arm #hlinks to the bands name' The use o. this could so#er.ul image as it could reresent the idea o. bands light bringing about hainess and hoe its listeners' The lighting o. the album cover alsit out as i. Scotty is being lit u by this siral o. l#hich hels emhasise an iconic status o. the ba


  • 8/10/2019 Similar Artist CD Cover Research


    Goodbye Olympus ($%+$)

    The idea o. the lightlighting in the dark#hich is seen to becoming .rom the bandsname" could sho# thatthe bands imortance tothe band members andtheir .ans

  • 8/10/2019 Similar Artist CD Cover Research



    The band use mystical designs such as #ith 0Captives(as th$ designs used)' 1ne o. the designs (the digital album) #as #they use the idea o. a dystrohic .orest along #ith a mysticacreatures (such as the rabbit #ith glo#ing eyes)' This caughaudiences attention in terms o. the use o. vibrant colour" #hused to stand out above the rest' The second design" #hich as the nalised album cover used a more literal aroach to

    as it included a #oman" #hom is naked" being blinded by thi#hich #hat is sho#n to be a monster hiding in the shado#s' rein.orce the mystical aroach as the monster still holds the2ualities such as the glo#ing eyes" ho#ever so it could also the idea o. the bands ideology in terms o. the vulnerability obeing e3loited by society and by the oosing se3'

  • 8/10/2019 Similar Artist CD Cover Research



    The same use o.glo#ing eyes rein.orces mysticalre.erences'

    BvtcinaThe #ay the #oman is being blinded

    by the unkno#n end (#ho #ould be

    assumed as a man)4 ! this couldossibly indicate the bands vie# onthe danger o. #omen in society" as#ell as emhasising the term0Catives

  • 8/10/2019 Similar Artist CD Cover Research


    Seether alternative rock

    Seether (originated as 0Saron 5as)" a South A.ricaband secialising in alternative rock and grunge" arst originated the band on grunge rock insiratioas 6irvana and *earl 7am (+888 to resent)'

    Seether took a more surreal aroach in their desalbum covers" such as4 ! Disclaimer/Disclaimer pKarma and Efect ($%%9 $%%:) and Findin !ea"eative #paces ($%%; ! $%%8) and $solate and %($%+,)' They aimed to emhasise their ost alternrock" grunge scene out to the ublic" indicating anemhasising ersonal issues that the band thems

    their .ans are e3eriencing'

  • 8/10/2019 Similar Artist CD Cover Research


    Disclaimer/Disclaimer part 2($%%,)

    Disclaimer/Disclaimer part 2 ($%%,)& Disclaimer #as the bandsrelease and in a #ay layed their rst debut album o. Seether (Sareleased the rst album be.ore them entitled Fraile($%%%)' TheDisclaimer #as #ritten to mainly target the bands imressions onlives" like illustrated in 0ee" #hich is mostly the rea?romance@ in the cover sho#ing the t#o (#hat is seen to be) humsho#ing aection' o#ever" the use o. muscles instead o. skin brthe ideologies o. the lead singer" and also backing the bands daro. music as it sho#s that love can be ugly or harsh' Disclaimer preleased shortly a.ter as it #as a sin o o. the rst" including demremi3es o. the songs on Disclaimer'

  • 8/10/2019 Similar Artist CD Cover Research


    Disclaimer/Disclaimer part 2($%%,)

    Cover taken .rom thebands music video.or 0

  • 8/10/2019 Similar Artist CD Cover Research


    Karma and Efect ($%%9 $%%:

    Karma and Efect ($%%9 $%%:) -n Karma anEfect, the band used the a dark aroach basindesign on mythological asects such as acuunc#hich #ould reresent the arma" and then the the black .athoming eyes" #hich #ould reresenect' The band used this design to ortray thei

    as a more darker side o. alternative rock/grungetime the album #as also released" Shaun =orgasinger) #ent into rehab to be treated .or alcohol#hich the album design could also sho# as his krelying on alcohol has brought around a negative

    uon him'

  • 8/10/2019 Similar Artist CD Cover Research


  • 8/10/2019 Similar Artist CD Cover Research


    Karma and Efect and Epidem

    The obects/surroundings

    damaging the main characterin the illustrations

    The 0beauty/innocence 0thecharacters hold outside thedamage that is being done tothem'Both albums illustrate thedamage being done

  • 8/10/2019 Similar Artist CD Cover Research


    0Findin !eauty in "eative #pa($%%; $%%8)

    The design o. 0Findin !eauty in "eative #paces($%%; $brought around a surreal and dark aroach o. the band as .eatured the art#ork entitled ECandice the 5hostE" #hich #aillustrated by David o' The band used this to grab the audiattention as the ghost is brought to stand out beyond thebackground' The album #as also a tribute to Shauns brothe#ho commited suicide and could be used as an emhasis on

    Findin !eauty in "eative #pacesas to Shaun ugene is everything" but yet he ended his li.e #hich emhasises ho##as the 0beauty in Shauns li.e" but the suicide #as the 0nesace'

    (David os in.ormation on his art 0Candice the 5host !httG//###'davidho'com/gallery/ersonal/candicestory'html)

  • 8/10/2019 Similar Artist CD Cover Research


    0Findin !eauty in "eative #pa($%%; $%%8) 0Candice toriginal ar

    David o'

    this artisthel creatthe albumthe tye oalbum holalbum is ametal and(hard and

    merged to

    This reads Findin !eauty in "eative #paces#hichin #here it is laced on the album challenges theoriginal 0layout o. albums" #hich is usually at the to"but as the band has laced their name u on the to"#hich could suggest the band trying to get theiroularity u" the use o. the osition and design o. the

    album name could indicate that the band #ant eoleto learn the album o b heart so #hen the see the

    The eerie darkbackground couldhel bring out theart#ork o. thealbum and helemhasise theatmoshere o. the

    mood that themusic creates'

  • 8/10/2019 Similar Artist CD Cover Research


    1ther David o art#ork thatSeether took insiration o.

    The use o. these art#orks hel bring aboutthe gothic .ace o. alternative rock and helsemhasise the tye o. music the bandroduce' -t could also reach out to those #hoare interested in gothic art#ork or David o

    himsel. as Seether act as an? @

  • 8/10/2019 Similar Artist CD Cover Research


    $solate and %edicate (2)*+

    $solate and medicate ($%+,) is the bands most recent album #hich holds a more

    grunge/alternative metal .eature to#ards it in terms o. the bands musical genre' Tis resented on the album cover is by the colour scheme" the use o. grahics #hicminimalistic and also surreal vie#" leaving it .or the audience to #ork out #hat is hand also the overlays o. the album' This rein.orces the bands genre as the colour background holds a grungy" dirty background #hen they use the green" black and background" emhasising the distortion and the ?sludgy@ guitar sound #hich is see0tyical in grunge music4 ! 0O-ten c.aracteried by a sludy uitar sound t.at useso- distortion' (source ! httG//en'#ikiedia'org/#iki/5runge)'

    -n terms o. interte3tuality" $solate and %edicatecould be linked to 6irvanas +88$

    The reason .or this link is both o. the albums hold the same surreal album art#orkresembles an surreal artistic meaning' This meaning is both e3ressed through theimages used" #hich esecially #ith the main image4 ! the character holding the baand %edicateand also there is a similar image o. a character #ho is being held onin $ncesticide' These t#o album covers could sho# a strong moral meaning to ceregarding babies/childcare" such as #ith Seethers" the coat hanger #ith charms his shado#ed by a gun" #hich could ossibly sho# the .ear o. abortion' Ihere as inthe character #ho could be imersonating the mother seems to look like she is beand/or is corse like by the child' This could sho# the damages o. childbirth on th

    and ho# it can aect them hysically and mentally

  • 8/10/2019 Similar Artist CD Cover Research


    $solate and %edicate and$ncesticide

    The use o. babies/in.antsas an issue or at risk4 ! thebaby in Seethers albumcover is at illustrated to beat risk o. abortion' Iherethe in.ant on 6irvanasalbum cover is seen to bedamaging the mother as

    the mother is a corse butthe child is seen to beulling her'

  • 8/10/2019 Similar Artist CD Cover Research


    Does Seether link #ith genericalbum covers .or its genreJ Seether does emhasise its genre through its album art#ork a

    symbols/images" colour/lighting and meanings that the art#orkhel emhasise their music and the meaning behind it' -n somethe album art can hel tell the reason(s) to #hy the album #ascertain event that brought the album around" .or e3amle4 ! Fi!eauty in "eative #paces#as #ritten as a tribute to Shaunsugene'

    Some o. Seethers album art could also sho# ambiguity to#ardsituations/vie#s" such as love #ith their album cover Disclaim#here they dislayed an act o. love in a more sinister vie#" #hsho# ho# the band/band member vie#s a certain emotion' An linking to Disclaimer part 2 #ould be ho# #hen the second a#ritten the lead singer Shaun #as in a relationshi at the time'
