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Simple Header Design in Photoshop

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  • 8/6/2019 Simple Header Design in Photoshop


    Simple header design in Photoshop

    Step 1

    Open a new document File/New and set the size.

    Step 2

    Now open a new layer

    Step 3

    By double clicking on the first square in the Tools menu (to set foreground color) you will open the Color Picker window.

    Choose a color and click OK.

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    Step 4

    Edit/Fill to fill the new layer whit the color you picked.

    Step 5

    Make a second new layer the same way you made the first. Find a Brush tool in Tools menu and select a brush ( there is a lot free

    brushes on the internet, you may choose the type that you need ) I have chosen a light-feather kind of brush.

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    Step 6

    Apply the brush in the corner of the image and be careful that you have the last new layer selected ( you can also rename the layers to

    know which one is which, without selecting them )

    Step 7

    If you don't like the color you have chosen don't make a new brush stroke just to change the color - instead you can go to Layer / Layer

    style/ Color overlay and choose a different color.

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    Step 8

    To soften up the edges I used the soft Eraser tool with 61% Opacity.

    Step 9

    Delete as much brush as to need to get the results you wish, if needed the Opacity of the Eraser tool can be changed in the process to

    get the gradient fade effect.

  • 8/6/2019 Simple Header Design in Photoshop


    Step 10

    Now choose a shape that you want, I got mine from the net for free.

    Step 11

    Place it the on the image the way it suits you. I used Edit/Transform/Rotate to position my shape.

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    Step 12

    To see the changes you are making on the shape, by using filters and such, click on the Vector mask thumbnail to toggle the outline on

    / off.

    Step 13

    Layer/Layer style/Gradient Overlay to add some nice effects of reflection. Set the settings as on the image below.

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    Step 14

    Now to add some glow.

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    Step 15

    Click OK. Now the brush is a bit pale now, you can add glow to it, too.

  • 8/6/2019 Simple Header Design in Photoshop



    And we're done.

    Just put your logo on the clear space of the image and you got yourself a simple, yet good looking header.


  • 8/6/2019 Simple Header Design in Photoshop


    Create Glassy Button

    This is the final result of what we will be creating. Come, lets go to create a photoshop Document 430x430 with a

    Black background.

    STEP-01 Create a new layer name it box. Use the Rounded rectangle tool (U) create a rounded corner box. Press

  • 8/6/2019 Simple Header Design in Photoshop


    ctrl+enter make it a section and then fill in the selection with white colour.

    STEP-02 Now you need to apply Blending Options: Gradient overlay, Inner glow and stroke styles to the box layer.

    STEP-03 Apply Gradient Overlay Properties as given image above.

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    Add this colour code for gradient - left(B1DB08) center(66AB04) right(B1DB08).

    STEP-04 Next Add Inner Glow Properties as given image above. set the colour of glow(D9FF4E).

    STEP-05 Add Stroke Properties as given image above. Apply the colour of Stroke(A8D508).

  • 8/6/2019 Simple Header Design in Photoshop


    STEP-06 Create a new layer name it light. Make a Rounded rectangle selection again. Fill it with white colour.

    STEP-07 Apply zigzag filter (Filter > Distort > Zigzag). Follow the Properties as given image above.

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    STEP-08 Reduce the layer opacity 40%. Erace with eraser tool(E) rest of the light area. finally that brings us to the

    end of this Photoshop tutorial.

    SAMPLES Here are Some Other Styles... Hope you will learn this tutorial easily. Thanks for Scrolling.

    Orb Button Effect - Photoshop Part

  • 8/6/2019 Simple Header Design in Photoshop


    This set of tutorial will show on how to create a very basic mouse over effect in html/css. Therefore this tutoriawill spilt into 2 parts:

    1. Orb Button Effect - Photoshop Part : which will show how the button is made

    2. Orb Button Effect - Dreamweaver Part : which will show on how to make a simple basic mouse over effect with html/css

    **note** this is a very basic tutorial


    Start by creating a document of any size that you want, as later on we are going to crop it to the desire size. Here for this tutorial, Ill be

    using 200200 px. Fill the background with white color. Create a new layer, name this layer as - orb-bg, with the Eclipse Tool, draw a

    perfect circle of size similar as shown as the above picture. Give the circle a gradient color of #2a2a2a on top and #3e3e3e at the



    Secondly, create another new layer. Name this layer orb-glass. Using the Eclipse Tool again, draw an oval shape as how it is shown on

    the above image, with white(#fffff) color fill of course.

  • 8/6/2019 Simple Header Design in Photoshop



    Then use the round marquee tool, draw a marquee selection 1/3 below the orb-glass which was created on step-2, as shown in the

    image. Open up the feather option by going to Select > Feather or with the shortcut key Ctri + Alt + D. Give it a 30px feather. With

    the orb-glass layer select, press delete twice.


    After the deletion, you will come close to whats shown in the above image. Change the opacity of the orb-glass if you wanted to.


    Make another new layer in between orb-glass and orb-bg. Name this layer orb-bottom. Using again theEclipse Tool, draw a small oval

    shape at the bottom of the orb with black(#000000) fill. As how is shown on the above image.

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    With the orb-bottom layer, selected, bring out the Gaussian Blur window by going to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur. Give a 2.8px of



    If everything is on the right path, you will have something like is shown on the image. However, it is still not done yet as we are goin to

    make the mouse over effect glow.

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  • 8/6/2019 Simple Header Design in Photoshop



    Then, shift this orb-shadow layer down, right below orb-bg layer. With the orb-shadow selected, press the key around 4 - 5 times

    to shift the orb-shadow object 4 pixel down. Now you will have the shadow for the orb done.


    Ctrl + left click on the orb-bg thumbnail to have a marquee selection over it. Then Inverse the selection by going Select > Inverse or

    with the shortcut key Shift + I. With the over-glow layer selected, press Delete to clear what is outside the orb button for this layer.

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    With the marquee selection still active, select the orb-bottom layer and press Delete again to clear what is outside the orb button for

    this layer


    Now the final step to complete the orb button. Using the round marquee tool, draw an oval marquee selection as shown in the image.

    Bring out the Feather window, Select > Feather or with the shortcut key Ctri + Alt + D. Give again 30px feather. With the orb-

    bottom layer selected, press Delete twice.

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    This will be the mouse over effect for your orb button. You can add any icon on the orb if you want to, but for here I will just left it


    Now is time to export the required images to be use during the html progress later on


    First , crop the images which was done from the above 15 steps to a smaller size. Select the Crop Tool (in case you dont know, the

    crop tool is at the tool bar with the logo shown on the small image at the corner. Select the appropriate size to crop. After the selection is

    confirmed, double click on the selection.

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    Now to export the default mouse image, hide the over-glow layer by clicking on the eye icon.


    To Export, go to File > Save For Web or with the shortcut key Ctrl + Alt + Shift + S, choose your desire option. In here I will use

    the .jpg file format with 60% quality. Save the file as mouse-active.

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    Now for the mouse over image. Unhide the over-glow layer by doing the same thing on how to hide it. AgainExport, go to File > Save

    For Web or with the shortcut key Ctrl + Alt + Shift + S, with the same option, save the file by the name of mouse-over.

    Now we are done with the required images. For the html/css part, please proceed toOrb Button Effect -

    Dreamweaver Part


    Photoshop tutorial website pill button icon design in photoshop

    [2] Select the Gradient Tool apply the following settings.

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    [3] Now fill the background with gradient tool.

    [4] Select the Rounded Rectangle Tool apply the following settings.

    [5] Create a shape.

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    [6] After that add the following layer styles.

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    [7] This is my result.

    [8] Select the Elliptical Marquee Tol use these settings.

    [9] Hold Cntl+Click the shape layer to make a selection then create a shape like me.

    [10] Make a new layer fill that layer with #f26520.

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    [11] After that press cntl+t, then right click to select the Flip Horizontal.

    [12] Select the Elliptical marquee Tool create a shape, make a new layer fill that layer with #f26520.

    [13] Select the Rectangular Marquee Tool apply the following settings.

    [14] Hold Cntl+Click the first shape layer to make a selection then create a shape like me.

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    [15] Go to Select > Modify > Contract and set it to 7.

    [16] Now create a new layer make sure your forground is set to white Now select the gradient tool and set it to Foreground to

    Transparant and drag it from top to bottom.

    [17] Select the Rounded Rectangle Tool create a shape like this, then right click to select the make selection.

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    [18] Now create a new layer make sure your forground is set to white Now select the gradient tool and set it to Foreground to

    Transparant and drag it from top to bottom.

    [19] Change the Blending Mode to Overlay.

    [20] Here is my final result.

    cool draw

    cool text in photoshop

    create a logo in photoshop

    Glass Button

    Photoshop Tutorial

  • 8/6/2019 Simple Header Design in Photoshop


    Select Rounded Rectnagle tool ( ). Set the radius to 3 px ( ). Set the background to any color you

    want. Draw the shape as shown :-

    Press control+j to duplicate the layer. Hide the original layer. Select eraser tool and set the brush size to 27 px.

    Erase the part of the shape as shown: -

    Now, unhide the original or the base layer.

    Control+click on its layer name in layer pallate to select it. Go to select>Modify>Contract and contract the selection

    by 1 pixels. Press control+i to invert the selection. Press shift+control+alt together and click on its layer name in

    layer pallate to select a border of 1 pixel.

    Hide the original layer again. We will not use it again, if you want you can safely delete this layer. Now, create this


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    Create another layer. Select Gradient tool. Select Linear gradient and fill the selection as shown: -

    Now, erase the left and right border of the layer.

    Select the upper border with rectangular marquee tool. Copy and paste it twice. Place the two layers as shown.

    Also, reduce the layer opacity to 30%.

    Group and merge all layers and add drop shadow as shown: -

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    Our final step is to add some text. Also add little drop shadow in it. Transparent glass button is ready :)
