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NOTE: Please remember that following ‘answers’ are NOT ‘model answers’. They

are NOT synopsis too if we go by definition of the term. What we are providing is

content that both meets demand of the question and at the same time gives you extra

points in the form of background information.

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Table of Contents

TOPIC: Human Values – lessons from the lives and teachings of great leaders, reformers and administrators; role

of family, society and educational institutions in inculcating values. Probity in Governance: Concept of public

service; Philosophical basis of governance and probity; ______________________________________________ 4

Q) “Gandhian ethics of social and political reconstruction are more relevant than ever, since

they represent an act of self-transformation of humanity rather than an illusory dream of a

political leader”. Discuss. (250 words) ____________________________________________________4

Q) What do you think are the different types (levels) of leadership in public service. Discuss.

(250 words) ______________________________________________________________________________5

TOPIC : Ethics and Human Interface: Essence, determinants and consequences of Ethics in human actions;

dimensions of ethics; ethics in private and public relationships. _______________________________________ 7

Q) Is There A Difference Between Ethics And Morality. Discuss. (250 words) _______________7

Q) “Only one thing is intrinsically good, namely, love: nothing else”. Comment. (250 words) _8

Q) Nearly boundless scope of AI technology poses several ethical challenges before us. DIscuss.

(250 words) ______________________________________________________________________________9

Q) If you don’t have a rational reason to adopt a rational ethics system, you’re failing before

you begin. Do you agree. Comment. (250 words) ________________________________________ 10

Topic: Aptitude and foundational values for Civil Service , integrity, impartiality and nonpartisanship, objectivity,

dedication to public service, empathy, tolerance and compassion towards the weaker sections_____________ 11

Q) What do you think are the core values in public administration. Discuss. (250 words) 11

Q) What is the role of Ethos and Ethics in the context of public services. Discuss. (250 words)

_______________________________________________________________________________________ 12

TOPIC : Public/Civil service values and Ethics in Public administration: Status and problems; ethical concerns and

dilemmas in government and private institutions; laws, rules, regulations and conscience as sources of ethical

guidance; accountability and ethical governance; strengthening of ethical and moral values in governance; ethical

issues in international relations and funding; corporate governance. __________________________________ 14

Q) “Public service must be more than doing a job efficiently and honestly. It must be a complete

dedication to the people and to the nation”- Margaret Chase. Examine the statement in the

context of present situation of public service in India. (250 words) _______________________ 14

Q) “So the reward for public service is something intangible. Indeed, public service should only

attract those who get their kicks from making something work that the markets cannot or will

not provide”. Comment. (250 words) ____________________________________________________ 15

Q) “Political parties must evolve a consensus on the code of conduct for their members both

inside the Parliament and out of it, otherwise, people might soon lose faith in our political

processes and institutions.” Comment. (250 words) _____________________________________ 15

Q) “Technology itself is value-neutral. It is the responsibility of the companies and the

government to deploy it in ways that will maintain and protect our digital commons.”

Comment. (250 words) _________________________________________________________________ 17

Q) Suppose you are presented with a problem which involves ethical decision making i.e

adherence to the principles of ethics, while arriving at a decision. What steps would you follow

in order to arrive at the decision. Discuss. Also create a hypothetical situation where those

steps could be implemented. (250 words) _______________________________________________ 18

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General Studies Paper - IV

TOPIC: Human Values – lessons from the lives and teachings of great leaders, reformers and

administrators; role of family, society and educational institutions in inculcating values. Probity in

Governance: Concept of public service; Philosophical basis of governance and probity;

Q) “Gandhian ethics of social and political reconstruction are more relevant than ever,

since they represent an act of self-transformation of humanity rather than an illusory

dream of a political leader”. Discuss. (250 words)

The Hindu

Directive word

Discuss- this is an all-encompassing directive which mandates us to write in detail about the key demand of the question. we also have to discuss about the related and important aspects of the question in order to bring out a complete picture of the issue in hand.

Key demand of the question.

The question wants us to write in detail about the Gandhian ethics of social and political reconstruction and discuss in detail as to how they are more relevant today than ever.

Structure of the answer

Introduction– write a few introductory lines about the role of Gandhi- e.g Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was a man of spiritual truthfulness and democratic action, both at the public and personal levels, with a unique method of struggle that combined political pragmatism with ethical integrity.


Discuss in detail about the Gandhian ethics of social and political transformation and how they are relevant today. E.g Gandhi wanted to change the values that govern the social, political and economic activities in human society. Significantly, Gandhi believed that decentralised politics and an egalitarian economy function better at the level of micro-communities, where citizens can operate in relations of reciprocity and mutuality. For Gandhi it was clear that neither society nor the individual can live without a moral vision of the world etc.

Discuss the present situation in India and the need for forwarding the local self government in Indian villages, particularly in North Indian, Central, Eastern and NE India; discuss the inequality in access to resources in India and how Gandhian ethics of an egalitarian economic society are relevant today etc.

Conclusion– sum up your discussion in a few lines and form a fair and a balanced conclusion on the above issue.

Background :-

• In Gandhi’s autobiography, The Story of My Experiments with Truth, one can find the idea that life is nothing but a spiritual experience with truth, and a struggle against all forms of untruth and injustice. As such, Gandhi claimed that his life was his message, simply because he extended his practice of satyagraha to all walks of life.

• The main pillars of Gandhi’s philosophy were non-violence, tolerance of others, respect for all religions and a simple life.

Gandhian ethics:- ▪ Truth :-

▪ Gandhi, in short, was a leader looking for a spiritual cause. He found it, of course, in his non-violence and, ultimately, in independence for India. Truth, Satya, was the central axis of the Gandhian system of thought and practice.

▪ For Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, everything turned on Truth – satyagraha, swaraj, ahimsa, ashram, brahmacharya, yajna, charkha, khadi, and finally, moksha itself.

▪ Gandhi’s life and ideas arranged around the axial principle of Truth.

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▪ Secular :- ▪ Gandhi made great use of the Bible in his prayers, teachings, writings and Ashram liturgies. He was often

accused of being a crypto-Christian. ▪ However, he flatly refused to give preference to the Vedas over the Bible. He is no Sanatani Hindu who is

narrow, bigoted and considers evil to be good if it has the sanction of antiquity and is to be found supported in any Sanskrit book.

▪ As such, Gandhi considered interculturalism as a call for simultaneous awareness of commonalities, acceptance of differences, and recognition of shared values.

▪ Social political significance :- ▪ There is more to Gandhi which makes him a political thinker and a relevant social reformer. Gandhi was a

dialogical thinker who was open to other horizons of thinking. ▪ He firmly believed that the spirit of genuine reciprocity and solidarity is not just a moral requirement, but

also a geopolitical necessity. ▪ Gandhi rejected the idea that there is one privileged path to god. He also believed that all religious traditions

are an unstable mixture of truth and error. ▪ He encouraged inter-religious and inter-cultural dialogue, so that individuals could see their faith and culture

in a comparative and critical reflection of the other. ▪ Gandhi wanted to change the values that govern the social, political and economic activities in human

society. ▪ Gandhi believed that decentralised politics and an egalitarian economy function better at the level of micro-

communities, where citizens can operate in relations of reciprocity and mutuality. ▪ For him, it was clear that neither society nor the individual can live without a moral vision of the world.

Gandhi had his moral and political dreams of changing humanity. ▪ In Gandhi’s political thinking, the experience of freedom derives not only from constitutional rights but

mainly from the diverse modes of participation of the individual in a common humanity. ▪ Indian democracy survived and became stronger over the years only because India had Mahatma

Gandhi and his message that the answer to violence does not lie in violence; that hatred should not be countered by hatred is applicable to India due to the harmony among different communities.

▪ Mahatma Gandhi and his values have become more relevant for today’s society which is under turmoil and suffering from social evils, corruption, terrorism and violence.

▪ From Gandhi, the youth can learn to be resolute and focused towards their purpose despite all hardships. ▪ Gandhian technique of mobilising people has been successfully employed by many oppressed societies

around the world under the leadership of people like Martin Luther King in the United States, Nelson Mandela in South Africa, and now Aung Saan Sun Kyi in Myanmar, which is an eloquent testimony to the continuing relevance of Mahatma Gandhi.

Conclusion:- ▪ There are ample events and incidents insisting that we can continue to consult Gandhi on all manner of issues

that may trouble our individual or collective conscience. ▪ Truth is the key to Gandhi’s philosophy, and we rely on Gandhi even decades after his death and long after his

supposed lapse into political irrelevance. To be sure, Gandhi certainly deserves the honour as a courageous fighter, a deep thinker, and a great leader of men and ideas.

Q) What do you think are the different types (levels) of leadership in public service.

Discuss. (250 words)


Directive word

Discuss- this is an all-encompassing directive which mandates us to write in detail about the key demand of the question. We also have to discuss about the related and important aspects of the question in order to bring out a complete picture of the issue in hand.

Key demand of the question

The question wants us to write in detail about the different stages of leadership (in terms of levels of leadership) in public service.

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Structure of the answer

Introduction– write a few introductory lines about the meaning of leadership.


Discuss separately the stages of leadership. E.g

• The Brute Force Model- You do what I tell you to do or I will hurt you!” .

• Leadership through Stripes- “You do what I tell you to do because I have two chevrons on my sleeve and you have one.”

• Leadership by Expertise- “you do what I ask you to do because I can show you how to do it and you can learn.”

• Leadership through Espirit´- The group is so completely focused on a shared mission that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

Discuss each style briefly and bring out the pros and cons of each style.

Conclusion- based on your discussion, form a fair and a balanced conclusion on the given issue. Background :- ▪ Ethical leadership in the government sector is about influencing others and setting the culture of a

workplace. Leadership is a practice, rather than a position or classification level Different Levels of leadership in public service :- ▪ Brute force model:-

▪ The first one of these styles is leadership by brute force. That is to say, “You do what I tell you to do or I will hurt you” Hurting someone does not obviously need to be by physical force.

▪ The problem with that leadership practice is that it is extremely inefficient. ▪ The organization would only get minimal performance. You will get just the extent of performance that you

commanded and nothing more. There is no reciprocity between the leader and the follower; there is nothing in it for the follower other than the avoidance of pain.

▪ Leadership through Stripes:- ▪ In the stripes model there is more regularity. “You do what I tell you to do because I have two chevrons on

my sleeve and you have one.” ▪ The model typically is associated in modern times with military organizations, but it is almost pervasive in

civil service bureaucracies. ▪ The point of this theory is that there now begins to be something in it for the follower as someday he/she

too, will probably have a second stripe and may be in the position of being able to give orders and have my will done rather than just blindly following.

▪ There is a sense of hierarchy, a sense of orderliness, some sense of procedure that is involved in this model of leadership. As a consequence it is likely to be more stable.

▪ However It rarely inspires individual creativity. And it also can be very inefficient. It is not as inefficient as the brute force model.

▪ Leadership by Expertise:- ▪ The leadership by expertise is of the format “you do what I ask you to do because I can show you how to do

it and you can learn.” The reciprocity between follower and leader here is quite different. There is something substantial to be gained by compliance with requests

▪ There are several problems even with the expertise model. ▪ One of them is leader exhaustion. ▪ Expertise quickly can become obsolete. ▪ Making sure that the expertise is continuously changing and updating itself is a significant challenge to the

expertise model. ▪ Leadership through Espirit :-

▪ The group is so completely focused on a shared mission that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Each person performs at a high level of expertise, and each is aware of the strengths of the other.

▪ It is very hard to tell leader from follower in this model because leadership is a changing mode depending upon the particular person or set of skills or group that is required for success.

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Conclusion:- ▪ So just to review the hierarchy, the first style depends enormously on the motivation of fear, perhaps a powerful

immediate motivator, but not a long lasting one. The second one relies upon an appeal to order. The third mode invokes an appeal to reason and rationality. And the fourth style resonates deeply with an appeal to aspirations and to values. This model constitutes the style of leadership to which most people aspire if they believe they can develop an organization to function at that level.

TOPIC : Ethics and Human Interface: Essence, determinants and consequences of Ethics in

human actions; dimensions of ethics; ethics in private and public relationships.

Q) Is There A Difference Between Ethics And Morality. Discuss. (250 words)


Directive word

Discuss- this is an all-encompassing directive which mandates us to write in detail about the key demand of the question. we also have to discuss about the related and important aspects of the question in order to bring out a complete picture of the issue in hand.

Key demand of the question.

The question wants us to write in detail about the difference between ethics and morality.

Structure of the answer

Introduction- write a few introductory lines about the relationship between the terms ethics and morality. E.g mention that the terms are often used interchangeably.


• Discuss in points the difference between ethics and morality. E.g

• Ethics focuses on the decision-making process for determining right and wrong, which sometimes is a matter of weighing the pros and cons or the competing values and interest. Morality is a code of behavior usually based on religious tenets, which often inform our ethical decisions.

• Morals come from within. One’s own internal compass. Ethics are more extrinsic rule sets to guide us all.

• Ethics deals with codes of conduct set my policies in the workplace and morality is the standards that we individually set for ourselves in regards to right and wrong.

• Ethics is a set of principles developed purposefully over time. Morality is something one feels intuitively.

• Ethics is a map of how one makes choices. Morality is an established code that can be used to judge behavior.

• Ethics contains standards of what should be. What we “ought” to do. Morality is more of what we do – how we actually behave – focused on what “is” etc.

Conclusion– sum up your discussion in a few lines and form a fair and a balanced conclusion on the above issue.

Answer :-

• Ethics refer to rules provided by an external source, e.g., codes of conduct in workplaces or principles in religions. Morals refer to an individual’s own principles regarding right and wrong. Laws, on the other hand, reflect the collective conscience of a nation. As such, they apply uniformly to all who fall within their jurisdiction.

• Ethics shows them the distinction between truth and a falsehood. It makes us aware of the wrongness and rightness of our actions. Ethics enables us to think in moral terms and upgrades us in moral terms. It helps us in raising our moral standard.

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• Ethics are external standards that are provided by institutions, groups, or culture to which an individual belongs. Morals are also influenced by culture or society, but they are personal principles created and upheld by individuals themselves.

Consistency and Flexibility ▪ Ethics are very consistent within a certain context, but can vary greatly between contexts. For example, the ethics

of the medical profession in the 21st century are generally consistent and do not change from hospital to hospital, but they are different from the ethics of the 21st century legal profession.

▪ An individual’s moral code is usually unchanging and consistent across all contexts, but it is also possible for certain events to radically change an individual’s personal beliefs and values.

A person strictly following Ethical Principles may not have any Morals at all. Likewise, one could violate Ethical Principles within a given system of rules in order to maintain Moral integrity. A Moral Person although perhaps bound by a higher covenant, may choose to follow a code of ethics as it would apply to a system. Ethics are governed by professional and legal guidelines within a particular time and place. Morality transcends cultural norms.

Q) “Only one thing is intrinsically good, namely, love: nothing else”. Comment. (250 words)


Directive word

Comment- here we have to express our knowledge and understanding of the issue and form an overall opinion thereupon.

Key demand of the question

The question wants us to express our opinion in favour or against the statement. However our opinion should be based on proper discussion and presentation of facts, arguments.

Structure of the answer

Introduction-mention that the statement is an important element of situation ethics.


Discuss how love is intrinsically good and determines ethical behaviour.

E.g Nothing is inherently good or evil, except love (personal concern) and its opposite, indifference or actual malice; Love, in this context, means desiring and acting to promote the wellbeing of people; Nothing is good or bad except as it helps or hurts persons; The highest good is human welfare and happiness (but not, necessarily, pleasure); Love and justice are the same, for justice is love distributed Love and justice both require acts of will etc.

Conclusion– based on your discussion, form a fair and a balanced conclusion on the given issue. Answer:

• The elements of situation ethics were described by Joseph Fletcher, its leading modern proponent. Love is one of the important components. The whole situational ethics system is guided by a desirable principle: that of love.

• Love, in this context, means desiring and acting to promote the wellbeing of people. Nothing is inherently good or evil, except love (personal concern) and its opposite, indifference or actual malice. The highest good is human welfare and happiness but not, necessarily, pleasure . Whatever is most loving in a situation is right and good not merely something to be excused as a lesser evil. Moral theology seeks to work out love’s strategy, and applied ethics devises love’s tactics.

• Love is intrinsically valuable, it has inherent worth. Nothing else has intrinsic value but it gains or acquires its value only because it happens to help persons or to hurt persons . A lie is not intrinsically wrong. It is wrong if it harms people, but may sometimes be right. For the Situationist, what makes the lie right is its loving purpose. Love is very ethical, if done right. Loving someone while being selfless is pretty right.

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Q) Nearly boundless scope of AI technology poses several ethical challenges before us.

DIscuss. (250 words)


Directive word

Discuss- this is an all-encompassing directive which mandates us to write in detail about the key demand of the question. we also have to discuss about the related and important aspects of the question in order to bring out a complete picture of the issue in hand.

Key demand of the question.

The question wants us to write in detail about the ethical challenges posed by Artificial Intelligence before humanity.

Structure of the answer

Introduction– write a few introductory lines about the potential applications of AI and the rate at which AI technology is evolving.


Discuss in paras the ethical challenges posed by AI. e.g

• Unemployment. What happens after the end of jobs?

• Inequality. How do we distribute the wealth created by machines?

• Humanity. How do machines affect our behaviour and interaction?

• Artificial stupidity.

• Racist robots. How do we eliminate AI bias?

• Security. How do we keep AI safe from adversaries

• Evil genies. How do we protect against unintended consequences?

• Singularity. How do we stay in control of a complex intelligent system?

• Robot rights. How do we define the humane treatment of AI?

Conclusion– based on your discussion, form a fair and a balanced conclusion on the given issue. Background :- ▪ Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been implemented and is delivering on its promise at least at large companies

including Facebook, Google, and Netflix. Retailers are using AI-powered robots in their warehouses, Utilities use AI to forecast electricity demand,

▪ Automakers are using AI for autonomous cars, and Financial Services companies are using AI to better understand their customers, look for potential fraud, and to identify new products/services customers will want.

▪ By using artificial intelligence, a company can drastically cut down on relying on the human workforce, and this means that revenues will go to fewer people.

However boundless cope of AI technology poses several ethical challenges:- ▪ Humans have attributes that AI systems might not be able to authentically possess, such as compassion. AI

currently is unable to replicate, such as contexual knowledge and the ability to read social cues. ▪ Reliability and safety ▪ AI could make errors and, if an error is difficult to detect or has knock-on effects, this could have

serious implications. ▪ Transparency and accountability

▪ It can be difficult or impossible to determine the underlying logic that generates the outputs produced by AI.

▪ Machine learning technologies can be particularly opaque because of the way they continuously tweak their own parameters and rules as they learn. This creates problems for validating the outputs of AI systems, and identifying errors or biases in the data.

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▪ Data bias, fairness, and equity ▪ Although AI applications have the potential to reduce human bias and error, they can also reflect and

reinforce biases in the data used to train them. ▪ Concerns have been raised about the potential of AI to lead to discrimination in ways that may be hidden or

which may not align with legally protected characteristics, such as gender, ethnicity, disability, and age. ▪ Effects on patients

▪ Concerns have been raised about a loss of human contact and increased social isolation if AI technologies are used to replace staff or family time with patients.

▪ Effects on healthcare professionals ▪ Healthcare professionals may feel that their autonomy and authority is threatened if their expertise is

challenged by AI. ▪ The ethical obligations of healthcare professionals towards individual patients might be affected by the use

of AI decision support systems ▪ Malicious use of AI

▪ While AI has the potential to be used for good, it could also be used for malicious purposes. For example, there are fears that AI could be used for covert surveillance or screening.

▪ The question of who is responsible when AI is used to support decision-making; difficulties in validating the outputs of AI systems, securing public trust in the development and use of AI technologies etc are other ethical issues.

Q) If you don’t have a rational reason to adopt a rational ethics system, you’re failing before

you begin. Do you agree. Comment. (250 words)

Reference Wikipedia

Directive word

Comment- here we have to express our knowledge and understanding of the issue and form an overall opinion thereupon.

Key demand of the question.

The question wants us to form an opinion on the given statement. We can form our opinion in favour of or against the statement but our opinion has to be based on a proper discussion and presentation of valid arguments and facts.

Structure of the answer

Introduction– define rationalist ethics or moral rationalism/ ethical rationalism. E.g Moral rationalism, also called ethical rationalism, is a view in meta-ethics according to which moral principles are knowable a priori, by reason alone.


Discuss why there is a need to adopt a rational reason/ motivation before undertaking a rationalist ethics approach. E.g Rationality is a -means-, not an ends. A “rational ethics system” is merely an ethical system based on logic, on reason; the very first step in adopting a rational ethics system is determining -why- you want to adopt a rational ethics system. “I want to be more rational” is irrational. “I want to know the truth” is a better reason for wanting to be rational; illustrate your point with the example of truth having an inherent value; mention that A rational ethics system must have its axioms. It is the values that your ethics system seeks to maximize which are its most important axioms etc.

Conclusion– sum up your discussion in a few lines and form a fair and a balanced conclusion on the above issue.

Answer:- ▪ Rational ethics is according to which moral principles are knowable a priori, by reason alone. ▪ Rational ethics is a system that allows you to choose between different values by a method of comparison. The

key to rational ethics is to have a single standard of value. A standard of value is just a standard of evaluation that you use to weigh the different possible values. It has to be something that every possible value can be

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weighed against, and so you can pick between them. Different systems of ethics will have different standards by which they make the comparisons, leading to different results.

▪ Some prominent figures in the history of philosophy who have defended moral rationalism are Plato and Immanuel Kant

Why rational reason is important:- ▪ Many moral rationalists believe that moral reasoning is based on practical reason, which involves choices about

what to do or intend to do, including how to achieve one’s goals and what goals one should have in the first place. In this view, moral reasoning always involves emotional states and hence be intrinsically motivating.

▪ Immanuel Kant expressed this view when he said that immoral actions do not involve a contradiction in belief, but a contradiction in the will, that is, in one’s commitment to a principle which one intends to motivate actions.

▪ Rationality is a means and not an end. The very first step in adopting a rational ethics system is determining why one wants to adopt a rational ethics system. If one gives an argument that “I want to know the truth” is a better reason for wanting to be rational than I want to be rational. So a clear logic is needed to support one’s arguments.

▪ However sometimes clear reasoning is difficult to put forward and actions are based on one’s ethical beliefs and experience as well. For instance a person with compassion and empathy can try to help others even though there is no reason for him/her to help.

Topic: Aptitude and foundational values for Civil Service , integrity, impartiality and nonpartisanship,

objectivity, dedication to public service, empathy, tolerance and compassion towards the weaker sections

Q) What do you think are the core values in public administration. Discuss. (250 words)


Directive word

discuss- this is an all-encompassing directive which mandates us to write in detail about the key demand of the question. we also have to discuss about the related and important aspects of the question in order to bring out a complete picture of the issue in hand.

Key demand of the question.

The question wants us to decide as to what are the core values in public administration and then write at length about their role and importance for the ethical perspective.

Structure of the answer

Introduction– write a few introductory lines about the growing complexity and increasing demands for greater efficiency of public administration. Mention the role of values as a source of guidance in policy formulation, decision making and execution.


Discuss individually the core values that you think are necessary as far as public administration is concerned. Discuss the role and importance of-

• Transparency

• Accountability

• Professionalism

• Objectivity

• Compassion

• Justice

Conclusion– based on your discussion, form a fair and a balanced conclusion on the given issue. Answer:-

• Public administrators must conduct themselves in a manner that shows the public that they are trustworthy. This means adhering to core values for the safety and good of the public. Core values are more than just beliefs

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and principles; they are motivations that incite actions. Public administrators must adhere to all the core values to earn public trust.

Some of the core values are :- ▪ Professionalism

▪ Being a public administrator comes with a degree of prestige because of the public spotlight. Therefore, public administrators must always act professionally. Anything they do can damage their reputation. This is the first core value and means dressing appropriately and acting fairly to the public. Professional values incorporate character traits such as responsibility, dependability, efficiency, competence, objectivity, and confidence.

▪ Ethics ▪ After professional values comes ethical values. Public administrators must act with integrity in all of their

doings to earn public trust. Integrity means always being honest and fair, whether it is with neighbors, friends, or businesses.

▪ Everything a public administrator does and says can be looked upon by the public. Many public administrators have been caught deceiving the public or acting unethically, and it often ruins their careers.

▪ Public administrators must always show integrity and be mindful of laws and regulations. They must not use their power in the wrong way. If you want to become a public administrator, you must be willing to be under constant scrutiny by the public.

▪ Accountability ▪ Public administrators are employed by the public and held accountable for their words and actions.

Democratic values involve accountability and dependability. ▪ Essentially, this means being professional in all ways and doing what you say you’re going to do. Without

accountability, public trust cannot be established. Additionally, public administrators need to ensure the public has access to information by being as transparent as possible.

▪ Objectivity ▪ Objectivity is the another public administration core value. It entails respect, equality, and fairness. It doesn’t

matter whether someone has money or not, they must be treated fairly. ▪ It is a public administrator’s job to make sure that the laws created do not infringe on any person’s rights.

Everyone should be treated equally and with respect. ▪ Legitimacy:

▪ The public interest might also be considered as significant value. Although, there are numerous types and source of legitimacy, the term can be defined simply as the popular acceptance of a governing regime, in this case public administration.

▪ More specially, legitimacy arises when the governed consent to the governing institution and believes that those institutions will rule in the public interest.

▪ Public Interest: ▪ There is a common good that is different than the aggregate of private benefit and that common good is

something that is in the interest of the larger community, even if it is against the interest of some individuals in the community.

▪ Integrity and Honesty: ▪ Public servants hold their office in trust, which underlines two principles they shall not use public office for

private gain and they shall act impartially and not give preferential treatment to any private organization or individual.

▪ Spirit of Service and Sacrifice: ▪ It is an essential ingredient of public services and public officials should feel inspired that they are working

for a national cause.

Q) What is the role of Ethos and Ethics in the context of public services. Discuss. (250



Directive word

Discuss- this is an all-encompassing directive which mandates us to write in detail about the key demand of the question. we also have to discuss about the related and important aspects of the question in order to bring out a complete picture of the issue in hand.

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Key demand of the question.

The question wants us to write in detail about the meaning and role of the ethos and ethics in the context of public services.

Structure of the answer

Introduction– Define ethos and ethics means. E.g Ethos is the character or fundamental values of a person, people, culture, or movement while ethic is a set of principles of right and wrong behaviour guiding, or representative of, a specific culture, society, group, or individual.

Discuss their importance and role in public services. E.g

• Ethos- Discuss how ethos helps in public services. E.g Passion for serving people with special care for the marginalised and disadvantaged. Being approachable, welcoming, caring and rising above bias while interacting with people. Understands the needs of the people and constantly strives to improve the services; Strategic Thinking; Organisational Awareness; Commitment to the organisation; Leading Others.

• Ethics- e.g discuss the role of Integrity; Self-Confidence; Attention to Detail; assuming responsibility and fostering and practicing accountability etc.

Conclusion– based on your discussion, form a fair and a balanced conclusion on the given issue. Background :-

• Ethos is a term with Greek origins, and it refers to the morals, values and beliefs of a person, or even an entire culture. Ethos is also one of the three rhetorical appeals identified by Aristotle.

• Where as Ethics is the evaluation of behavior on the basis of the good, the right, or of what makes for happiness. Ethos is applied within a culture and presupposes community, whereas ethics operate on the basis of principles and are rooted in systems of thought.

Role of ethos and ethics in the context of public service :- ▪ Public servants with ethos will have the following priorities People first, strategic thinking, organizational

awareness, commitment to the organization and leading others. ▪ They understand the needs of the marginalised and disadvantaged, along with the needs of the wider public,

strive to respond quickly to meet their needs in a respectful, helpful and responsive manner, report issues that affect service delivery, where necessary,

▪ They have the ability to understand dynamic internal and external environment and its impact. They respond to the opportunities and challenges for the betterment of the society.

▪ They understand the organisation’s mandate, structure, policies, processes, norms and its interface with other organisations. It also includes an understanding of the organisation’s informal structures, power dynamics, and constraints.

▪ They align behaviour and interests with the needs and goals of the organisation. ▪ Similarly public servants with ethics will have the following priorities integrity, self confidence, attention to

detail, they take accountability etc. ▪ People consistently behaves in an open, fair, and transparent manner; honour one’s commitments and

works to uphold the Public Service Values. ▪ They believe in own capability to accomplish a task and being able to express confidence in dealing with

challenging circumstances, without being arrogant or boastful. ▪ They have an underlying drive to being thorough and meticulous and to comply with procedures, rules,

guidelines, and standards. ▪ They take ownership for outcomes (successes or failures) while addressing performance issues fairly and


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TOPIC : Public/Civil service values and Ethics in Public administration: Status and problems;

ethical concerns and dilemmas in government and private institutions; laws, rules, regulations

and conscience as sources of ethical guidance; accountability and ethical governance;

strengthening of ethical and moral values in governance; ethical issues in international

relations and funding; corporate governance.

Q) “Public service must be more than doing a job efficiently and honestly. It must be a

complete dedication to the people and to the nation”- Margaret Chase. Examine the

statement in the context of present situation of public service in India. (250 words)


Directive word

Examine- here we have to probe deeper into the topic, get into details, and find out the causes or implications if any. .

Key demand of the question.

The question wants us to carefully understand the given statement and bring out the importance of dedication to public service. It wants us to discuss as to why honesty and efficiency alone are not enough in order to become a good civil servant.

Structure of the answer

Introduction-Write a few introductory lines about the importance of honesty and efficiency in public service.


Discuss in detail as to why only the above 2 values are not enough and bring out the importance of dedication to public service. E.g it determines the level of motivation of a public servant; it determines his response and attitude in difficult situations; a dedicated, efficient and an honest civil servant will perform well in all kinds of conditions; dedication to civil service helps a person overcome emotional, financial difficulties faced by him; it also instructs a person to be fair and always ready to serve the people and the nation etc.

Conclusion– based on your discussion, form a fair and a balanced conclusion on the given issue.


▪ Efficiency and honesty in a public servant are sine qua non for an efficient and sustainable administration. The concept of public handling over the responsibilities to sustain the society to the state itself is enough to maintain such values. The public servants are the repositories of public conscience, they secure their livelihoods and control the macro and micro economy. However, these traits alone are not enough.

Dedication in public service is very necessary:- ▪ Dedication means quality of involving oneself completely or applying one’s attention, time to a particular activity,

cause or a person. ▪ Dedication in public service is required as civil servants in India, a developing country need to perform the regular

administrative and also play an important role in socio-economic development of the nation. ▪ In carrying out these activities he may be faced with several obstructions like social opposition against any

programme which is against their deep rooted belief, lack of support from political executive. ▪ Schemes for promoting family planning are generally opposed in rural as they consider contraceptives as taboos

here dedication is required to fulfil the goal of healthy society. One’s employees and superiors may be involved in corruption. These obstacles can only be overcome when one has perseverance and dedication.

▪ Public service is not a goal but journey which may be non-exciting and unwanted at times, only a dedicated civil servant can remain motivated in such situations.

▪ Dedication would make sense of duty an end in itself, which will be independent of assignment.

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Q) “So the reward for public service is something intangible. Indeed, public service should

only attract those who get their kicks from making something work that the markets

cannot or will not provide”. Comment. (250 words)


Directive word

Comment- here we have to express our knowledge and understanding of the issue and form an overall opinion thereupon.

Key demand of the question.

The question wants us to express our knowledge and understanding about the public service, how its rewards are intangible and why it should only attract those who get their kicks from making something work that the markets cannot or will not provide.

Structure of the answer

Introduction- write a few introductory lines about public service or start your answer with a related quotation- e.g Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile- Einstein.


Discuss how the reward for public service is intangible in the sense that the pay is very low as compared to the private sector; the performance is not rewarded in the monetary terms like perks, bonuses etc. mention that as a public servant, that your reward comes from making public services more responsive and accountable to the public; Public service is at its worst when those who work in it – politicians and civil servants – start to redefine its objectives for personal and party gain, or in the interests of the provider and not the citizen etc.

Conclusion- based on your discussion, form a fair and a balanced conclusion on the given issue. Answer

• Public service is a service which is provided by government to people. Services are provided or supported by a government or its agencies. Public service is done to help people rather than to make a profit..

• The pay is very low as compared to the private sector, the performance is not rewarded in the monetary terms like perks, bonuses etc. As a public servant, reward comes from making public services more responsive and accountable to the public.

• Public service has intangible rewards like respect in the society, contribution towards the society, learning values like compassion, tolerance, humanity etc., self satisfaction, changing the lives of people, problem solving abilities, sense of mission and focus , spirit of service and sacrifice etc whereas market works on the principle of profit and material advantages.

• However public service these days is mired with multiple logjams like public service is at its worst when those who work in it politicians and civil servants start to redefine its objectives for personal and party gain, or in the interests of the provider and not the citizen etc.

• There have been instances of using one’s position to gain personal interests,

• corruption etc.

• So there is a need for strict implementation of code of ethics ,accountability ,transparency in the working of the public servants. Also people need to be made aware of their right to be informed of the administrative decisions.

Q) “Political parties must evolve a consensus on the code of conduct for their members

both inside the Parliament and out of it, otherwise, people might soon lose faith in our

political processes and institutions.” Comment. (250 words)


Directive word

Comment- here we have to express our knowledge and understanding of the issue and form an overall opinion thereupon.

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Key demand of the question.

The question wants us to express our knowledge and expression and accordingly form an opinion on the need to evolve a consensus on the code of conduct for the MPs.

Structure of the answer

Introduction– Write a few introductory lines highlighting the untoward and unethical conduct of the parliamentarians.


Briefly discuss the ethics committee of Rajya Sabha and the permanent standing committee on ethics of Lok Sabha. Bring out the operational differences between the two and the limitations of each. e.g The Ethics Committee of Rajya Sabha consisting of nine members (later expanded to 10) was constituted in March 1997 “to oversee the moral and ethical conduct of the members and to examine the cases referred to it with reference to the ethical and other misconduct by members”; Over the years this committee has evolved a general framework of a code of conduct for members of the Rajya Sabha and a procedure for enforcing the code; Unlike the Rajya Sabha, the Lok Sabha Committee does not maintain a register of members’ interests and does not prevent a member from participating in a debate on an issue in which they have pecuniary interests. The Rajya Sabha panel acts on complaints and can take up an issue suo-motu while the Lok Sabha Committee can only act on complaints. In this context, it may be important to point out that ethics committees of the house enjoy wide powers in several countries.

Bring out the need to form a code of conduct for the parliamentarians, which respects national interests over parochialism and sub partisanship. Take the help of the article attached to the question to call your answer.

Conclusion– based on your discussion, form a fair and a balanced conclusion on the given issue. Answer:-

• Codes of conduct for high constitutional functionaries and representatives of the people have been discussed for long. In recent times, the obstructive conduct of some MPs and MLAs has caused heartburn among voters .

• There have seen incidents of the Parliamentary logjam and also in State Assemblies. In fact, there is a distinct need to bring upon reforms in Indian Parliamentary domain.

Why political parties must evolve consensus on code of conduct:- ▪ Many MPs and MLAs come to office with little knowledge of either the rules of the House or the process of

legislation ▪ MPs and MLAs seek shelter behind parliamentary privilege after engaging in disruptive activities. ▪ Differences in working of ethical committees as well in both Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha.

▪ Unlike the Rajya Sabha, the Lok Sabha Committee does not maintain a register of members’ interests and does not prevent a member from participating in a debate on an issue in which they have pecuniary interests.

▪ Need to form a code of conduct for the parliamentarians, which respects national interests over parochialism and sub partisanship.

▪ In the Rajya sabha there are nominated members who hardly attend the proceedings. Many are experts in their fields and their contributions could greatly enrich the discourse in the House.

What needs to be done? ▪ Ethics committee-

▪ Over the years this committee has evolved a general framework of a code of conduct for members of the Rajya Sabha and a procedure for enforcing the code.

▪ Its reports have suggested that members need to advance general well-being of the citizen–community and desist from acting in a way that affects their credibility.

▪ In case of conflict between one’s private interest on the one hand and public interests on the other, a member should prioritise the latter and they should not employ their official interventions in the house, such as resolutions, voting, or questions, for private gain.

▪ International experiences:- ▪ Britain, for instance, has a Committee of Standards and Privileges to examine any breaches of the Model

Code of Conduct by their parliamentarians. The European Parliament too has similar procedural rules that

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enjoin members to respect the dignity of the parliament and not compromise the smooth conduct of parliamentary business. India needs to do that.

▪ Code of conduct that is agreed upon by all parties will elevate public discourse.

Q) “Technology itself is value-neutral. It is the responsibility of the companies and the

government to deploy it in ways that will maintain and protect our digital commons.”

Comment. (250 words)


Directive word

Comment- here we have to express our knowledge and understanding of the issue and form an overall opinion thereupon.

Key demand of the question.

The question wants us to express our opinion on the statement. We have to form our opinion based on a proper discussion and presentation of valid arguments/ facts in our support.

Structure of the answer

Introduction– write a few introductory lines about the way technology has been transforming human lives and how the new corridors of technology AI, bioengineering etc seek to transform human world.


• Discuss how technology is value-neutral. Give an example to illustrate your point that although technology is value neutral and can be used in productive, peaceful ways as well as in a destructive manner and for nefarious purposes etc.

• Discuss the main stakeholders in the realm of technology- technology companies; the government and the people. Discuss why there is a responsibility on part of the government and the companies to deploy technology towards the common good of all. E.g Solving problems is how businesses succeed. Profitability is ultimately a by-product of a company’s vision. To continue thriving, a global corporation has to find a bigger problem to solve, rather than protect a business model that has delivered in the past; need to make technology accessible and affordable for all etc.

Conclusion– based on your discussion, form a fair and a balanced conclusion on the given issue. Answer:-

• New technologies and approaches are merging the physical, digital, and biological worlds in ways that will fundamentally transform humankind.

• The quest for invention has given us gunpowder and digital photography, and it has filled our oceans with plastic. Gunpowder can be used to make weapons, but it can also create fireworks. Digital photography can generate massive e-waste, but it can also cure blindness.

• So technology is value neutral and depends on how it is being used. So there is a need to push technology to be a force for the common good.

Why there is a responsibility on part of the government and the companies to deploy technology towards the common good of all:- ▪ Solving problems is how businesses succeed. Profitability is ultimately a by-product of a company’s vision. To

continue thriving, a global corporation has to find a bigger problem to solve, rather than protect a business model that has delivered in the past

▪ There is a need to make technology accessible and affordable for all . ▪ Social media is another arena where we need to better align technology and public purpose. Today’s platforms

are wonderful enablers of commerce and community, but also of darkness, hatred, lies, and isolation; invasion of privacy; even attack

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▪ The public interest is represented by many institutions at many levels, and when businesses extend the same courtesy and consideration to them that they do to other prospective customers, win-wins for the common good become possible.

▪ Technology such as biotechnology, block chain technology ,AI, machine learning, cloud computing, data management have revolutionised human life. However they bring certain challenges such as ethical issues, cyber attack, cyber crimes, environmental pollution, climate change which has adverse impact on human life.

▪ There is more than privacy at stake. Facebook and other social-media companies are now information (and misinformation) providers that affect our democracies. They need to ensure that their algorithms do not promote misinformation as clickbait.

Q) Suppose you are presented with a problem which involves ethical decision making i.e

adherence to the principles of ethics, while arriving at a decision. What steps would you

follow in order to arrive at the decision. Discuss. Also create a hypothetical situation where

those steps could be implemented. (250 words)


Directive word

Discuss- this is an all-encompassing directive which mandates us to write in detail about the key demand of the question. we also have to discuss about the related and important aspects of the question in order to bring out a complete picture of the issue in hand.

Key demand of the question.

The question wants us to brainstorm and write in detail as to what should be the broad framework followed in order to make ethical decisions. It wants us to form a step wise procedure in this regard. Then we have to give an example of a hypothetical situation where our step by step process could be applied.

Structure of the answer

Introduction– write a few lines about the need to follow ethical principles in public administration and briefly mention the role of code of conduct rules etc.


Mention that it is not possible to formulate a process which covers all situations where questions of ethics may arise. Form your answer in the form of a step by step process and give a brief explanation for each step. E.g you can take the help of Michael Davis’ seven-step guide to ethical decision-making. Be creative and critical enough to modify the guide for the challenges involved in public administration.

Seven-step guide to ethical decision-making (Davis 1999)

• State the problem.

• Check the facts.

• Identify relevant factors.

• Develop a list of options.

• Test the options.

• Make a choice based on steps 1-5.

• Review steps 1-6.

• Form an example where this guide can be followed. Background:- ▪ Ethics are the rules that define moral conduct according to the ideology of a specific group. Moreover, ethics in

public administration are important for good business conduct based on the needs of a specific town, state or country.

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▪ Ethics provide accountability between the public and the administration. Adhering to a code of ethics ensures that the public receives what it needs in a fair manner. It also gives the administration guidelines for integrity in their operations. That integrity, in turn, helps foster the trust of the community.

Steps needed for ethical decision making:- ▪ Seven-step guide to ethical decision-making

▪ State the problem. ▪ Check the facts.

▪ Many problems disappear upon closer examination of the situation, while others change radically. ▪ For example, persons involved, laws, professional codes, other practical constraints

▪ Identify relevant factors. ▪ Develop a list of options.

▪ Be imaginative, try to avoid dilemma ▪ Test the options. Use some of the following tests:

▪ Harm test: questioning whether a particular alternative creates harm to others. ▪ Defensibility test: Whether the made choice can be defended before any committee of peers ▪ Reversibility test: Whether I would want to change my decision ▪ Colleague test: Getting opinion of collegues.

▪ Make a choice based on above steps. ▪ Review above steps and assess whether I would stick to the same decision again etc.

Example :- As a public administrator there might be many instances where one has to look forward for ethical decision making for instance when a widow wants to know why welfare measures are denied to her due to technical issues related to Aadhar. In this case the following steps can be undertaken: ▪ The problem is the lady is being denied the services ▪ Get confirmation whether what she is saying is truth or false ▪ Once facts are checked assess why she has been denied for instance her fingerprints were not recognised etc. ▪ Have a list of multiple options and test them :-

▪ To ensure that she gets the services of the welfare schemes or find out the issues involved in ensuring she gets the services or

▪ Based on the above steps come to the conclusion.
