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SIMPLY DIN October 2017 Inside This Issue Fundamental Right to Freedom of Religion. What Does It Mean? B 4 My Navjote & As I Grow: Once Upon A [Parsee] Time! Individual Spiritual Alchemy - A Marriage Made in Heaven! A Periodical on Zarathushtrian Philosophy, Life, Customs, Current Issues and Challenges. A Humata Parsee Anjumaan Publication www.humata.org [email protected] Vol. 14 Fundamental Right to Freedom of Religion. What Does It Mean? I am not an attorney, nor do I have any legal background whatsoever. However, when it comes to religion and government, each and every citizen, of any country and any religion must ask one question... “What does the Right to Freedom of Religion mean?” Does a government or it’s Judiciary have a moral, “legal” or Divine Authority to force changes into the internal management of a belief system and its practice? If the answer is yes, just imagine the international consequences on a single religion. One country may decide that its decisions and judgements should take a patrilineal approach. While other countries may decide that a matrilineal approach should be taken. A third country may not allow any propagation of a non- state religion and consider the entire religion invalid (we have already faced this at least once in our history). A fourth country may decide that each religion is universal and that anyone can belong to a religion so long as they proclaim to be so. In so doing each country would be “forcing” it’s civic ideology on an unwilling religious community that wants to practice the religion as it was revealed by their Prophet. If we allow a government to “decide” religious matters, what if anything would be left to religion? A religion should be the same regardless of which country its adherents reside in. These sorts of inconsistencies, created by alien entities, cause confusion and disorder in communities. This situation of confusion, conflicting beliefs and mixed values is a happy playground for the deceptions of evil. In Volume 3 we discussed the importance and necessity of praying a powerful manthric vibration prior to discussing or debating important moral, religious or social issues. I’m going to pray it now and I hope you do too! Taroidite Anghrahe Mainyeush ”“ [May Ahura Mazda] help me see through and through the deceptions of evil ”. Here, deception refers to anything that makes us stray from the “Path of Religion”, but in a way that we do not realize that we have strayed. Therefore it causes such confusion in our minds that ultimately we are “deceived” into thinking what is Right and True in nature is wrong. We are “deceivedinto believing the wrong choice, the wrong path is the only right path. Such is the cunning and clever nature of our adversary! With this prayer in our hearts, I would like to ask a few questions to those who advocate that “the constitutional right to freedom of religion supersedes a religion’s own fundamental belief system, and the fundamental belief system and practice of its adherents”. My questions are as follows: 1. What is the intent of this constitutional fundamental freedom? As a layman, I feel that it implies that any nation which grants its citizens this freedom, is proclaiming on it’s own behalf, and on matters of a civic nature, that it will not hold any prejudice

Simply Din

October 2017

Inside This Issue

• FundamentalRighttoFreedomofReligion.WhatDoesItMean?

• B4MyNavjote&

As I Grow: OnceUponA[Parsee]Time!

• Individual Spiritual Alchemy - A Marriage Made in Heaven!

A Periodical on Zarathushtrian

Philosophy, Life, Customs, Current

Issues and Challenges.

A Humata Parsee Anjumaan Publication

www.humata.org [email protected]

Vol. 14


WhatDoesItMean?I am not an attorney, nor do I haveany legal background whatsoever.However,whenitcomestoreligionandgovernment, each and every citizen, ofany country and any religion must askonequestion... “Whatdoes theRight to Freedom of Religionmean?”

Doesagovernmentorit’sJudiciaryhavea moral, “legal” or Divine Authorityto force changes into the internalmanagement of a belief system and itspractice?

If the answer is yes, just imagine theinternational consequences on a singlereligion. One countrymay decide thatits decisions and judgements shouldtakeapatrilinealapproach.Whileothercountriesmay decide that a matrilinealapproachshouldbetaken.Athirdcountrymaynotallowanypropagationofanon-state religion and consider the entirereligion invalid (we have already facedthisatleastonceinourhistory).Afourthcountry may decide that each religionisuniversalandthatanyonecanbelongtoareligionsolongastheyproclaimtobeso. In sodoingeachcountrywouldbe “forcing” it’s civic ideology on anunwilling religious community thatwants to practice the religion as it wasrevealed by their Prophet. If we allowa government to “decide” religiousmatters,what if anythingwould be lefttoreligion?A religion should be the same regardless of which country its adherents reside in.

These sorts of inconsistencies, createdby alien entities, cause confusion and

disorder incommunities. Thissituationof confusion, conflicting beliefs andmixedvalues isahappyplaygroundforthedeceptionsofevil.

InVolume3wediscussedtheimportanceand necessity of praying a powerfulmanthricvibrationpriortodiscussingordebating important moral, religious orsocial issues. I’mgoing topray itnowandIhopeyoudotoo!

“Taroidite Anghrahe Mainyeush”“[May Ahura Mazda] help me see through and through the deceptions of evil”.

Here, deception refers to anythingthat makes us stray from the “Path ofReligion”,but in a way that we do not realize that we have strayed.Thereforeit causes such confusion in our mindsthat ultimately we are “deceived” intothinking what is Right and True innature is wrong. We are “deceived”into believing the wrong choice, thewrongpathistheonlyrightpath.Suchis the cunning and clever nature of ouradversary!

With this prayer in our hearts, I wouldlike to ask a few questions to thosewho advocate that “the constitutionalright to freedomof religionsupersedes a religion’s own fundamental beliefsystem, and the fundamental beliefsystemandpracticeofitsadherents”.


As a layman, I feel that it implies thatany nation which grants its citizensthis freedom, is proclaiming on it’sown behalf, and on matters of a civicnature,thatitwillnotholdanyprejudice

October2017Simply Din


against or favour towardsany of its citizens based ontheir religious beliefs. I don’t believe, nor can I believe, that this right implies in any way, that the State is giving a single person the “right” to be acknowledged as a member of a certain faith or religion against the ideals and conscience of the formal establishment of that religion or it’s followers.

Therefore,withregards to thepenal system, or the judicialsystem, or any governmentalfunding, education, healthcare etc. etc.... the countryacknowledges and proclaimsthat it will treat each ofits citizens with equalityregardlessofreligion,andwillallowitscitizensthefreedomtopracticeanyreligion(iewillnotforcethemintothepracticeof a state religion). It is aproclamationbyagovernmentto itscitizens that theState istotreatallreligionsimpartiallyandneutrally.Thisistheonlysensiblepositionagovernmentcantake.

2. Can a government “passjudgement”onwho“SHALL”be admitted into a particularreligion? Is that the intent inLaw?

IfsothenIwouldarguethattheGovernment is not upholdingthe fundamental rights of theadherentsofthatreligion.It’sinterferenceinreligiousmattersis a severe infringementof the Fundamental Rightsof Freedom of Religion andconscienceof itscitizenswhofollowthereligioninquestion.

3.Isitnottruethatthe“Rightto Propagate a Religion,specifically EXCLUDES any“right” to convert anotherindividualintoareligion?Whether that conversion is

throughforce,ordeception(likeformsoflovejihad),ordifferentformsofpressuresuch as social pressure from in-laws orpressure created by media exposure....propagation of religion should exclude the “right to convert” in a society that promotes religious harmony. If not... disharmony is the only possible outcome.


Hence if the rules or lawsof a religionarenot causingpublicdisorder, if thereisnoquestionofimmoralityordangertosomeone’slifeandhealth,thegovernmentshouldnotassumeitcaninterfereinthereligion’snormsofpracticeandworship.

5. Is it not also true that so long as areligionanditsadherents,areabidingbypoint4above,thatthecharterguarantees(i.e. the State/Country/ Governmentguarantees) that all religions have theright to manage their own affairs inmatters of religion, set up institutionsof their own for charitable or religiouspurposes and can own, acquire andmanagepropertyinaccordancewiththelaw(andpoint4above)?


In Volume 11 we discussed equalityanddiversity. Do re-visit it inorder tounderstandthat:

Equality is not gained by being ableto choose which ethnicity, culture orreligionyouwishtobelongto.Rather,equality is gained by recognizing andpursuing our common divine purposeamidst our diversity. Equality comesfromtheacknowledgementofdiversity.

Traditional or Liberal... we all face thesame issues. We all love our familyand friends. None of us want ournear and dear to be excluded from ourreligion.Buttrynottoconfuseprofoundunchangingreligioustruthswithrapidlychangingsocial ideals. Whenwedon’tunderstandsomeaspectofreligion,tryto

learnmoreaboutitinsteadofjumpingonthebandwagonof“Change”.Religion is to be followed with faithand humility until the truths unveilthemselves.Whenitcomestoreligion...compromise is the devil’s advocate!

It iseasy to jumpon thebandwagonofchangewhentheissueaffectsusdirectly.Perhaps a family member wishes tomarry someone of a different religionand culture. Perhaps a friendwants toconvert into our religion. Perhaps wewant our children or grandchildren ofinterfaithmarriages to be admitted intoours. Perhaps, we see the suffering ofwomen in other countries and religionsand want to rescue them with ourreligion. All thesemotives come fromloveandcompassion. However,wedohaveadutytoupholdthereligionandthetruths therein. Noonesaid itwouldbeeasy. Let the truemeaningofequalityrise within you. Please do go back toVol.11toseehowonefamilydealtwiththeseissues.Applythesametoyournearanddear.Seehowthetruthwillsetyourheartfree!


“Taroidite Anghrahe Mainyeush” - see through and through the deceptions of evil.

The judgement of any country’s courtwillnotindemnifyusonjudgementday!

There is only one law... “Divine Law”andoneTruth...“DivineTruth”.


It is a Truth full of beauty, love andcompassion. Be humble enough tosearchforit...andwhenyoufindit...bestrongenoughtoupholdit.

Remember,whatevertheproblem,thereis always a clear and distinct DivineSolution....anditisn’tfoundinthecourtsoflaw.

Havove Tarapore



Simply Din B4MyNavjote&


“Onceuponatimetherelived a people calledParsaorParsee...”

What will the future generations be learning about our community, culture and history?

Who will tell our story? No matter what ideologies the world introduces, ultimately you .... yes you ... will have the greatest impact on what your children grow up to believe and how much culture they carry forward.

To give my own example, my family migrated to Canada when I was not even 5 years old. My parents were not “learned” in religious matters. They merely wore their sudreh and kushti and prayed this short but effective prayer only once a day. Growing up, the only Parsees I knew were my own immediate family and some friends of my parents who would visit once or twice a year. Yet I was always aware of my Parsee identity, history and culture from the stories my parents told. They talked about “the good ol’ days” with their friends, and families. They talked about their successes and failures, their adventures and life changing events. Moments that made them who they were. It helped me recognize similar traits in me and my siblings. They infused us with their dreams and visions for a better tomorrow,

not only for their own children but for all Parsees. Their struggle through the depths of poverty into moderate success never changed their values, their honesty, their kindness to others nor their inner drive to come to the aid of anyone in need. Sometimes with nothing more to offer than friendship and caring. Oh... and always a heart warming welcome and meal :)

The point is, without the advantage of being a part of a large community, without the advantage of being able to visit an Agiary or Atash Behram,without the advantage of being surrounded by Parsees and their Parsi panu, they still managed to inculcate in their children a sense of identity, faith and drove in the values that we as Parsees have been recognized for, such as Truthfulness, keeping one’s word or promise, honor, faith and commitment to our religion and Prophet. And though we all try to become financially and materially better off, they never put greater value on financial success, glamour, fame and fortune, over the development of virtues.

If they could do it without any deep knowledge about religion or history... you can do it! With the internet, all the information is a mere click away... you just need desire and will. But first you yourself have to want to live, eat, walk and talk like a Parsee.

If you fall short of having your own stories, our history is full of inspiring stories, or rather true events.

If you can’t help being a t t rac t ed to glamour, fame and fortune.... there is a story for that!

If you want to inspire courage and strength to battle for truth, kin and kingdom.... there is a story for that!

If you want to inspire honour, truth and patience.... there is a story for that too!

If you want to talk about strange yet divine creatures that help mankind.... Yup! There is a story for that too!

If you want to fill your children’s hearts and inspire their dreams and ambitions, select a story from our history... from the Shah Nameh... let them be filled with pride, inspiration and awe. Let them get in touch with their own roots and be inspired to follow.

October2017Simply Din


Individual Spiritual Alchemy

A Marriage Made in Heaven!

Our topic in this issue is aboutone of the most important andbeautiful stages of spiritualdevelopment and advancementtowards the final goal offrashogard or “oneness” withAhuraMazda.Thatstagehasaname and it is “Khaetvadatha”.Before an individual soul likeours can merge into Ahura, itgoes through other stages of“merging” and “oneness” inorder to make the fragmentedsoulwholeagain.

Why and how did the soul getfragmented? Fragmentationor rather, decimation is animportant stage towardsalchemy,removingandreducingthe druj attached to the soulwhichisrenderingitimperfect.

How the fragmentation ordecimation occurs is the veryessence or process of creationitself. An extremely long anddetailed topicwhichwe simplycannotdoanyjustice toon thisplatform. However, we canlookatjustoneortwostagesinanoverlysimplifiedmanner.Atonepointinthemanystagesofcreation,within the7 realmsofHasti,theAmeshaspandsandYazads create chithra or seedsor(forourpurpose)souls.Eachsoul,iscategorizedintoJhirumsdepending on its attributes andthe planetary heaven underwhose influence it remains.Thatis,eachsoulatthetimeofitsindividualcreation/formationhasapre-determinedpath... i.e.religious path. It is not untilmuch later in the process ofcreation that the “whole soul”is further bifurcated into male

and female counterparts. After which itbecomes furtherdecimated into the lowerAnimal,VegetableandMineralKingdoms.

The fragmented souls that have reachedthe earth and which are cycling throughthe karma of life, death and rebirth aredoing so due to the ignorance of DivineTruth. This deficiency of knowledge canonlyberecognizedandlaterdestroyedbythepracticeofTarikatonthepathofAsha.Destroying our own deficiencies (aka-theopposite ofAsha) is the true meaning ofbeinga“spiritualwarrior”orRathaeshtar.But one cannot become a spiritualwarriorwithoutfirst reaching thestageofHutokhshsi or “selfless server” and alsoVastryoshior“spiritualagriculturalist”.

Reaching the stage of Hutokhsh andVastryosh on the path of Asha, thefragmented soul gains Khaetva for itself.Thatis,independencefromdrujorpassionslatentinthebodyandfinerelements.AlsothesoulgainsKhaetvaforthosefragmentsofitsownsoulintheanimal,vegetableandmineral kingdoms. When the soul raisesitselftobeRathaeshtaritgainsKhaetvaforhiscounterpartsoul.Thatis..forthemaleorfemalecounterpartsoul...i.e.one’strue“spiritual”soulmate.Thusforming...afterlonglast...wholenessofthesoulasitwasin thebeginningof creationbut in awaythat is now perfected! The attraction ofthesesouls, likeamagnethascontinuallypulled these souls, life after life, intoperfectionsothetwocanultimatelymerge.ItissaidtheZarthoshtPaigamberhimselfperforms this final “wedding” or “union”where each counterpart surrenders all totheother. Ofcourseall thisoccursinthespiritualrealmonlyaftertheemancipationofeachcounterpartsoul.

As the male and female souls travel thepathofashoiandtarikat,theyprogressivelyattain higher levels of spiritual stagesleading to first the merging of theirfragmentsoulsinthelowerkingdoms,thentowards the merging of their counterpartsoul and it will continue to merge withhigher elementsof soul fragmentsuntil itbecomes worthy of merging into AhuraMazda.

Thoughtoday’shumansoulsarehardlyofthe spiritual caliber to find their spiritualcounterpart in thisvery life,ourmarriageceremonyisstillbasedonthismostbeautifulconceptof“soulsurrender”, givingone’s

self up for the other, creating a singleunit...commongoals,onenessofdevotion,onenessoffaith,onenessineveryaspectofthisunionandmostly,selflessnesstowardsthespiritualbettermentoftheother.Hence,even in our death ceremonies, should thehusband pass away first, the ceremony isdone as “Jodi” or pair, acknowledgingtheonenessof thefemalecounterpartandkeepingthem“tied”hereeverafter.Whatcould be more romantic, more beautifulthanthisconceptof“surrenderingoneselfentirely and eternally”. Not only “tilldeathdouspart”.

IfyouhavebeenreadingSimplyDinfromthe first issue, you’ll know that there isnothing “simple” about our Din. It is asvastasitisintricate,itisasbeautifulasitisprofound,itisasintenseanddifficultasitissimpleandmanageable,itisasperfectandroundedasitiskindandforgiving.Itvibrates with more knowledge and truththanwecaneverhopetoattaininasinglelife.

Ourmarriageceremonyisasacrament.Amoment when the once fragmented soulbecomes whole again. That one soul’sJhirum or religious path was determinedfar before it’s further bifurcation anddecimation. The religious prohibitionon inter-religious marriage is not aboutprejudice. It is not about being betterorworse. It ismerely about the truth ofone’s existence and the purpose of one’sexistence.Itisaboutthesalvationofeachindividualsouluponitspath,improvingandmergingwithitsfragmentsorcounterparts.

Nooneforcesanyonetostayonthispathof truth.However, it isourmoralduty tospeak the truthand toprotect thesanctityof the institutions that not only hold upthesetruthsbutarevehiclesorcatalystsforspiritualprogressandthefinalsalvationofallmankind.JustbecausesomeonemaynotbelieveinGod,itdoesn’tmeanHedoesn’texist.Similarly,justbecausesomeonemaynot believe in any one part of religion, itdoesn’t mean that the truths don’t exist.Religionisawhole.Itisnotmeanttobedissected,keepingwhatonelikesorwhatisconvenientandthrowingawaytherest.ItisaTruthonlyinitsentirety.

Whatdoesacourtof lawknowabout theLawsofTruthinourDin?Andfurther,dotheyreallycare?Isitofutmostimportanceto them? It is a very sad day for our



Simply Din community when Religioustruths are challenged in court.WemayhaveforgottenthestoryofourownProphetintheKings’scourt but who has forgottenthe most recent story of thepersecution and crucifixion ofJesustheChrist?WhattheydidtotheirownLordJesusiswhatanaliencourtsystemwilldotoourDin. Maybenot today,nottomorrow...butdefinitely, thereis no future for any religion ifweare to surrender it tocourtsandscience.

Though Simply Din is not apolitical periodical, the recentallegationsmadethroughsocialandnewsmediaagainstourDin,make it incumbent uponme tospeakafewwordsindefenceofourDinandthosewhofollowit.

We all have intermarriedcouples in our relations orfriends.Dealingwiththeissuesisdifficult andheartwrenchingfor all. No one can or shouldunderminethedifficultiesfacedby both sides. However, thearguments raised were leadingnowhere.

Theprevailingissuewasthatofequality of gender. However,when the pointwas raised thatit is the Indian Judiciary thatcreated this gender bias andthat the religion itself does notaccept interfaith marriages ofZoroastrian males or females,it was laughed off and calledextreme.Thenitwasarguedfervently that a woman doesnotchangeherreligionthroughmarriage. Ok .... so then whywere we forced into acceptinga male who marries a non-Zoroastrian?Arewetalkingincircles?

Itwasalsocontendedthattherewas no scientific basis for notaccepting interfaith marriages.Really?Sciencedoesn’tacceptthe concept of Divinity itself!!Acompletelyinvalidargument.Later, on social media andnews media posts traditionals

havebeenequatedwith racistsandcalledprejudiced.Butto“prejudge”somethingistomakeadecisionwithoutknowingallthefacts.Ifanything,Iimaginethetraditionalshave spent a great deal of time trying tounderstandthefactsastheyareinreligion.Itseemstomethatthosewhoarewantingchangearenotonly“prejudging”butdoingsowhilstquitewillfullyignoringthefacts.

Bothsidescancontinuetotryandoutsmartand out think the other. But regardlessofwhowins in court... we all losewhenreligionitselfisquestioned.

As we have seen in the first part of thissection, religious laws are based on theprinciple of soul alchemy leading toKhaetvadatha, the continuous merging ofthesoulwithitsfragments,itscounterpartand continuing to merge with its highermoreadvancepartsuntilitreachesitsfinaldestination.


But my friends if I could peek into theheavenswithyou... I fear I’d see amuchdifferentview.....

“Equality”wouldnotbeawordthatcarriesmuch weight in Heaven... it is FAITHAND DEVOTION that opens the Gates–allSeven! OBEDIENCEandPURITY,SELFLESSNESS and HUMILITY...theseare thesteps inFaith foryouandme. Inthatweareallequal...allhumanity. Butmarching to heaven ringing the bells of“equality” will not open The Gates...notevenoneoftheSevenyousee.

There, we will be forced to stand andcontemplatewhythegatesremainshutforbothyouandme.Andwewillbeforcedtowonderifthereareanylimitsorboundariestoourcherishedconceptof“equality”.ForthoughAhuraMazdalovesusEQUALLY,itisnotourRIGHTtobeinHeaven,forwearenotHisequalnorareweworthytobeinevenoneoftheSeven,neitheryounorme.

ItisnotamatteruponwhichyouorIcandecide. That’s why on this earth, dowereside.


Humility and acceptance of His DivineWillisthefirststeptoourprogressupthatmightyHill.WithHumilityandSelflessnessa unique Courage and Strength will takehold to help us endurewhatwemust forHisDivineWorktounfold.Intheseveryfirst steps of Humility and Courage, youand I have both failed miserably....foryoulackthehumilitytoobeytherulesofourAgiaries; andwe lack the courage tocorrectyouduetoourmisplacedhumility.

So, in these first two steps we are bothequalyouandI.Forwebothhavefailed....Andso,withawinkofmyeye,IglanceduptoHeaven,andimaginedwhatwemightseeaswejourneyedintooneoftheSeven...takingmynewfriendsalongwithme.


Woe! WOEis thisdayforme! ....Foreachofthemcryatearforwhattheysee.

One’s heart is aching for His childrenwho cannot feel the love He showers onthem from heaven onto this sinfulworld.Theother isunhappyforwehavebrokenthe trust which he has endowed on myforefathersandnowonus.Heisdisgustedat thewayweflaunt theTRUTHShehasentrusteduponthiscommunity...temptingtheheartsandfaithsofothercommunitiesawayfromtheirownProphetswhoworkedso laboriously and sacrificed all so thatpeoplewouldfollowthemfaithfully.

Woe! Woe is this day for we all havefaultedbyleadingmanandchildastray....


for this thing called “equality” is just the devil’s disguise for heart ache and disharmony in all the Seven Heavens in the sky.

In the struggle of good over evil we have all become deliriously weak... for we just cannot see the few simple truths that are glaring in the face of all humanity.

Each religion is a beautiful path to drench your heart in selfless devotion. Your khetvadath soul awaits your return and love’s “selfless surrender”.
