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simulation of manet

Date post: 08-Apr-2018
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  • 8/7/2019 simulation of manet


    Team members:T.PratyushaN.Y.Raju

    D.Priyanka ReddyP.Swayam PrabhaL.Vinoj Kumar J.Sateesh

    Under the guidance of:P. Ramya sruthi

  • 8/7/2019 simulation of manet


    What Is a MANET?

    A Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) consists of wireless mobilehosts forming a temporary network without the aid of anyestablished infrastructure or centralized network administration .

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    Understanding the working and transfer data packet between two nodes is

    very difficult. To understand easily a software simulation is necessary. So this is an

    effort to make a simulation of the MANET Routing Algorithm for A Mobile Ad-hoc


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    To build a software that will simulate the MANET Routing Algorithm to transfer data

    packets between the mobile hosts in A Mobile Ad-hoc Network by using extended Zone

    Routing Protocol[XZRP].The extended features of this project is multicasting and


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    The first implementation of wireless ad-hoc networks with mobile nodes was PRNETby DARPA lacks in the areas of network scalability, security, processing capability,and energy management.

    Later Survivable Radio Networks (SURANs) were deployed by DARPA in 1983 toaddress the above issues but it was for non-military applications.

    Existing wireless infrastructure is expensive and inconvenient to use.

    Simple wireless networks require the existence of access points or static base

    stations, which are responsible for routing messages to and from mobile nodes withinthe specified transmission area.

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    ` Self-organizing and self healing .Do not require pre-existing architecture.

    ` Used in military , security -sensitive operations and also for commercialapplications.

    ` Efficiently updates the topological changes with minimal overhead

    ` Routing techniques appropriate for mobile environment

    ` supports network and resource management, addressing, security, and qualityof service.

    ` MANET comprises a special subset of wireless networks since they do notrequire the existence of a centralized message-passing device.

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    In this simulation of Mobile Ad-hoc Networks four modules arepresented. They are:

    ` Simulator

    ` Zone divider

    ` Controller

    ` Message Communicator

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    ` The underlying purpose of simulation is to shed light on theunderlying mechanisms that control the behavior of a system.

    ` In this project mainly we use the AWT concepts. It is an AP I that provides a set of classes and interfaces to create GU I programs. It is implemented in java.awt.package.

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    ` It divides the whole area into number of Zones. In this project zonesare dividing in the hexagon shape.

    ` Hexagon has the maximum area given the maximum distancebetween two points in adjacent zones is fixed .

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    ` The Controller can controls the Zone divider and also the messagecommunicator.

    ` The Zone discover for the protocol is simple, elegant andcomprehensive.

    ` Any node can perform Zone discovery on any other node at any pointof time. Since we have a static zonal topology, all the source needs isthe current Zone ID of destination.

    ` Given the start zone and target zone and the hexagonal mesh,finding shortest route(s) is trivial

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    The duty of the Message Communicator is to communicate the

    messages from source to destination by using the messagenetwork.

    In this Message communicator four points are important:

    ` Request

    ` Response

    ` Sending of data

    ` Acknowledgment

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  • 8/7/2019 simulation of manet


    This project need windows environment, it improves the systemefficiency we used pc based on Pentium processor with adequateextended memory support.

    Pentium III processor @783MHz

    64 M B RAM or greater

    10 G B HDD or greater

    1.44M B F DD

    200W SMPS.

  • 8/7/2019 simulation of manet


    This project needs any language which contains graphics packagesmust run on L INUX system. We will use the language in JAVA.


    Redhat Linux Platform(7.2 or above)

    ` Java Development Kit (1.4 or Later)

  • 8/7/2019 simulation of manet


    ` Tactical networks->Military communication and operations->Automated battlefields

    ` Em ergency services->Search and rescue operations->Disaster recovery-> Replacement of fixed infrastructure in case

    of environmental disasters

    ->Policing and fire fighting->Supporting doctors and nurses in hospitals

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    ` C omm ercial and civilian environ m ents->E-commerce: electronic payments anytime and anywhere->B usiness: dynamic database access, mobile offices->Vehicular services: road or accident guidance, transmission of road and

    weather conditions, taxi cab network, inter-vehicle networks->Sports stadiums, trade fairs, shopping malls->Networks of visitors at airports

    ` H om e and enterprise networking->Home/office wireless networking-> Conferences, meeting rooms->Personal area networks (PAN), Personal networks (PN)->Networks at construction sites

    ` E ducation->U niversities and campus settings->Virtual classrooms->Ad hoc communications during meetings or lectures

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    E ntertain m ent->Multi-user games

    ->Wireless P2P networking

    ->Outdoor Internet access->Robotic pets->Theme parks

    S ensor Networks->Home applications: smart sensors and actuators embedded inconsumer electronics->Data tracking of environmental conditions, animal movements,chemical/biological detection

    C ontext aware services

    ->F ollow-on services: call-forwarding, mobile workspace->Information services: location specific services, time

    dependent services->Infotainment: touristic information

    C overage extension->Extending cellular network access->Linking up with the Internet, intranets, etc.

  • 8/7/2019 simulation of manet


    Ad hoc networks can be implemented using various techniques like B luetooth or

    WLAN for example. Ad Hoc networks need very specialized security methods. There is no

    approach fitting all networks, because the nodes can be any devices. The computer security

    in the nodes depends on the type of node, and no assumptions on security can be However,

    it can be used with relatively small networks and potentially some very nice applications

    can be realized. Although some peer-to-peer type of solutions work nicely already today, it

    would be nice to see that some new and innovative solutions would be seen in the arena of

    ad hoc networks since it is not hard for one to imagine a countless number of nice ad hoc

    based applications that would make the world at least a bit better place.

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