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Single-Electron Transistors 2003

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  • 7/27/2019 Single-Electron Transistors 2003


    Single Electron Transistor Instructor : Pei-Wen Li1

    Single-Electron Transistors

    Reference book:

    Single Charge Tunneling Coulomb Blockade

    Phenomena in Nanostructures

    By Hermann Grabert and Michel H. Devoret, 1992

    Referred Journal Review Papers:

    Correlated discrete transfer of single electrons in ultrasmall tunnel juntions

    By K. K. Likharev, IBM J. Res. Develop. Vol.32, p.144, 1989

    Single-Electron Devices and Their Applications

    By K. K. Likharev, Proceedings of the IEEE, vol.87, p.606, 1999

    Single-Electron Memory for Gita-to Tera Bit Storage

    By K. Yano et al., Proceedings of the IEEE, vol.87, p.633, 1999

  • 7/27/2019 Single-Electron Transistors 2003


    Single Electron Transistor Instructor : Pei-Wen Li2


    Single Electron Phenomena: A General Introduction

    Single Electron Transistor

    Fabrication and Analysis Applications

  • 7/27/2019 Single-Electron Transistors 2003


    Single Electron Transistor Instructor : Pei-Wen Li3

    Single Electron Phenomena: A General Introduction

    .Scaling prospects for various

    bit-addressable memories.

    DRAM is expected to be bottlenecked atthe generation of 64 Gbit integration (70

    nm technology) due to the problems with

    the storage capacitor scaling.

    Nonvolatile memory is going to be the

    mainstream for 64Gbit-16Tbit memory.

    SET/FET would be feasible starting from

    ~ 3 nm minimum feature sizes.

  • 7/27/2019 Single-Electron Transistors 2003

    4/46Single Electron Transistor Instructor : Pei-Wen Li4

    SET Evolution

    The manipulation of single electrons was demonstrated in the seminal

    experiments by Millikan at the very beginning of 20 century.

    Single Electron Device: in which the addition or substraction of a small number

    of electrons to/from an electrode can be controlled with one-electron precision

    using the charging effect.

    They are not interesting not only as new physical phenomena in nanostructures but also

    because they offer new operating principles for future ICs. Application: Memory, switch, Thermal meter


    Good stability: is the strong incentive to explore the possibility of the devices.

    atomic scale physical dimension ULSI possible Ultralow power operation: simply because they use very small number of electrons to

    accomplish basic operation.

    Fast operation: only a few electrons (

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    5/46Single Electron Transistor Instructor : Pei-Wen Li5

    Schematic of Single Electron Devices

    A quantum dot is weakly coupled by tunnel barriers to two electron reserviors.Oxide

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    6/46Single Electron Transistor Instructor : Pei-Wen Li6

    A General Introduction

    Recall that the motion of electrons in an infinite potential well is in a standing

    waveform. That means that the energy of the particle in the infinite potential

    well is quantized. That is, the energy of the particle can only have particular

    discrete values.






    nEE n


  • 7/27/2019 Single-Electron Transistors 2003

    7/46Single Electron Transistor Instructor : Pei-Wen Li7

    Charging Energy

    Let a small conductor (island) be initially electroneutral, i.e., have exactly as

    many (m) electrons as it has protons in its crystal lattice. In this state the island

    does not generate any appreciable electric field beyond its borders, and a weak

    external force may bring in an additional electron from outside. Now the net

    charge of the island is (-e), and the resulting E field repulses the following

    electrons which might be added.

  • 7/27/2019 Single-Electron Transistors 2003

    8/46Single Electron Transistor Instructor : Pei-Wen Li8

    Charging Energy

    The charging energy of the island isEC, where Cis the capacitance of the island:

    When the size of the island becomes comparable with the de Brogliewavelength of the electron inside the island energy quantization

    The energy scale of the charging effects is given by a more general notion, the

    electron addition energy (Ea). In most cases of interest,E

    acould be

    approximated by

    HereEk is the quantum kinetic energy of the addition electron; for a degenerate

    electron gasEk= 1/g(F)V, where Vis the island volume andg(F) is the density

    of states on the Fermi surface.




    kCa EEE +=

    ( )m









  • 7/27/2019 Single-Electron Transistors 2003


    Single Electron Transistor Instructor : Pei-Wen Li9

    Electron Transfer in an quantum dot

    The transport of electrons through the quantum dots is an interplay of resonant

    tunneling and Coulomb blockade effects.

    In the absence of charging effect, a conductance peak due to resonant tunneling

    occurs when the Fermi energyEF in the source lines up with one of the energy

    levels in the dot.

    However, this condition is modified by the charging effect. The energy levelis renormalized by the charging effect

    That is, the renormalized level spacing is enhanced above the

    bare level spacing by the charging energy.



    *nnN E

    CeNEE +



    eEE +=

    levelenergybaretheiswhere,2 2






  • 7/27/2019 Single-Electron Transistors 2003


    Single Electron Transistor Instructor : Pei-Wen Li10

    Single-electron tunneling through a quantum dot

    The energy levels, EN, are modified by the charging effect. That is the

    charging energy regulatesthe level spacing.

    The spin degeneracy is lifted by the charging energy.


    2* +=

    Bare Energy level

    Normalized Energy level

  • 7/27/2019 Single-Electron Transistors 2003


    Single Electron Transistor Instructor : Pei-Wen Li11

    Single-electron tunneling through a quantum dot

    (a) , with N referring to the lowest unoccupied level in

    the dot.

    (b) An electron has tunneled into the dot,



    +=+ NeEC

    eE FN




    eE FN +=

  • 7/27/2019 Single-Electron Transistors 2003


    Single Electron Transistor Instructor : Pei-Wen Li12

    Addition Energy, Kinetic Energy

    For 100-nm-scale devices,Ea is dominatedby the charging energyEc and is of theorder of 1 meV (~10 K). Since the thermalfluctuations suppress most single-electroneffects unless

    these device have to be operated in the

    sub-1-K range. Unpractical! If the island size is below ~ 10 nm,Ea

    approaches 100 meV, and some singleelectron effects become visible at RT.

    However, digital SE devices requireeven higher values ofEa to avoid thermallyinduced random tunneling events, so thatminimum feature size of SET has to besmaller than ~ 1nm. RT operation

    Ea =EC+ E

    TkE Ba 10

  • 7/27/2019 Single-Electron Transistors 2003


    Single Electron Transistor Instructor : Pei-Wen Li13

    Single Electron Transistor

    The resulting SET device is reminiscent of a usual MOSFET, but with a small

    conducting island embedded between two tunnel barriers, instead of the usual inversion


    The expression of the electrostatic energy W of this SET is

    n1 and n2 are the number of electrons passed through the tunnel barriers one and two,

    respectively, so that n = n1- n2, while the total island capacitance Ctotal is now a sum of

    C0, C1, C2, and whatever stray capacitance the island may have. The external charge Qe

    = C0Vg is just a convenient way to present the effect of the gate voltage Vg.

    [ ] constCCnCneVCQneWtotaltotale

    ++= /2/)(1221



  • 7/27/2019 Single-Electron Transistors 2003


    Single Electron Transistor Instructor : Pei-Wen Li14

    Single Electron Transistor (SET)

    Operation principle:

  • 7/27/2019 Single-Electron Transistors 2003


    Single Electron Transistor Instructor : Pei-Wen Li15


    Id-Vd is a function ofVg.

    Coulomb Blockade Threshold Voltage Vth.

    Coulomb gap

  • 7/27/2019 Single-Electron Transistors 2003


    Single Electron Transistor Instructor : Pei-Wen Li16

    Coulomb Gap

    Large bias (Vds)Id-Vds measurements

    generally probe the excitation

    spectrum of the dot. The conductance

    peaks are associated with the excitedelectron states in the QD, appearing

    whenever such an excitation is aligned

    with the Fermi level of one of the S/D


    The Coulomb-blockade gap is

    manifested by the flat region of theId-

    Vds curve spanning Vds ~ 0V. At theedge of the gap, the large peak in

    differential conductance on either side

    marks the threshold voltage above

    which electrons can tunnel into the dot.

    ( dds




  • 7/27/2019 Single-Electron Transistors 2003


    Single Electron Transistor Instructor : Pei-Wen Li17

    Coulomb Staircase

    Unlike the Coulomb suppression of current in the neighborhood ofVds = 0 V

    (Coulomb gap), the staircase is not a universal feature of the Coulomb blockade.

    Rather, it is a special result of having very different tunneling rates through the

    two tunneling barriers.Coulomb staircase

  • 7/27/2019 Single-Electron Transistors 2003


    Single Electron Transistor Instructor : Pei-Wen Li18

    Coulomb Staircase

    Increasing Vds, the quasi-fermi

    level on Source lead is raised by

    the bias potential; initially no

    current flows because electrons atthe quasi-fermi level do not yet

    have enough energy to overcome

    the charging energy of the QD.

    Eventually, Vds reaches the point

    at which an electron can tunnel

    from the Source lead onto theQD. current flow and a peakin G is observed.

    h f C l b S

  • 7/27/2019 Single-Electron Transistors 2003


    Single Electron Transistor Instructor : Pei-Wen Li19

    Physics of Coulomb Staircase

    Increasing gate voltage Vgattracts more and more electrons to the island. The

    discreteness of electron transfer through low-transparency barriers necessarily

    makes this increase step like.

    When one tunnel barrier is significantly more transmitting than the other tunnel

    barrier, theI-Vbehavior of the dot can exhibit the namely Coulomb staircase

    behavior, that is a stepwise curve.

    What is surprising is that even such a simple device allows a reliableaddition/subtractionof single electrons to/from an island with an enormous

    (and unknown) number of background electrons, of the order of one million in

    typical low-temperature experiments with 100-nm-scale aluminum islands.

    Id-V Characteristics

  • 7/27/2019 Single-Electron Transistors 2003


    Single Electron Transistor Instructor : Pei-Wen Li20

    Id VgCharacteristics

    Coulomb-Blockade Oscillation inId-Vgand conductance-Vg, where conductance




    IG =

    C d P i i

  • 7/27/2019 Single-Electron Transistors 2003


    Single Electron Transistor Instructor : Pei-Wen Li21

    Conductance Positions

    The gate-voltageposition of the conductance peaks, corresponding to charge-

    degeneracy points, are determined at very low temperatures by the conditions

    E(N) =E(N+1), which leads to eN+1

    = (N+1/2)e2/C+ N+1.

    (Recall that ,

    where i represents the energy of the ith eigenstate relative to the Fermi level in

    the QD and the summation is over the set of occupied states.) The spacing between conductance peaks ,

    whereEa is the single-electron addition energy,

    is the Coulomb charging energy andis the quantized level separation.

    The gate-voltage position of the conductance peaks contains information aboutthe single-particle energies. (addition energy, charging energy, and quantized

    level separation)

    ( )+=N
















    C d t P iti

  • 7/27/2019 Single-Electron Transistors 2003


    Single Electron Transistor Instructor : Pei-Wen Li22

    Conductance Positions

    In principle, unless the single-particle levels Iare equally spaced, the

    conductance peaks are not exactly periodic in Vg. This is true as long as kT

  • 7/27/2019 Single-Electron Transistors 2003


    Single Electron Transistor Instructor : Pei-Wen Li23

    Temperature Behavior of Conductance Peaks

    At low temperatures, the heights of successive peaks in Vgvary non-monotonically and

    adjacent peaks are separated by broad minima.

    when kT

  • 7/27/2019 Single-Electron Transistors 2003


    Single Electron Transistor Instructor : Pei-Wen Li24

    p f ff


    G< 0



    S1 Vg/ Vd=Cd/Cg S2 Vg/ Vd=Cs/Cg

    Device Parameters Extracted from the Rhombus Shapes

  • 7/27/2019 Single-Electron Transistors 2003


    Single Electron Transistor Instructor : Pei-Wen Li25

    Device Parameters Extracted from the Rhombus Shapes

    The electronic structure in the QD could be extracted from the contour plot of

    the differential conductance as a function ofVgand Vd.

    The ratio of the gate-dot (Cg), drain-dot (Cd), and source-dot (Cs) capacitances

    can be calculated from the slope S1 and S2.

    Cg: Cd: Cs = 1: S1 : S2

    Then the gain modulation Cg /Ctotal, Ctotal= Cg+ Cd+ Cs The addition energyEa = Vg.

    Electronic Structure extracted from I V

  • 7/27/2019 Single-Electron Transistors 2003


    Single Electron Transistor Instructor : Pei-Wen Li26

    Electronic Structure extracted from I-V

    Addition Energy

    Charging Energy

    Energy level spacing

    Dot diameter

    Minimum tunneling resistance for single-electron

  • 7/27/2019 Single-Electron Transistors 2003


    Single Electron Transistor Instructor : Pei-Wen Li27


    Implicit in the formulation of the Coulomb-blockade model is the condition that the

    number of electrons localized in the dot island,N, is a well-defined integer. This is to say,

    well defined in the classical sense, as opposed to a quantum definition which describesN

    in terms of an average value , which is not necessarily an integer, and time-averagedfluctuations .

    The Coulomb-blockade model requires that

  • 7/27/2019 Single-Electron Transistors 2003


    Single Electron Transistor Instructor : Pei-Wen Li28


    Even if the minimum resistance criterion is met and single-electron chargingeffects are manifested, small quantum fluctuations, or uncertainties, inNare notentirely ruled out. In the classical Coulomb-blockade model there is then a fixed

    number of electronsNon the QD and at T= 0 the charge on the QD does notfluctuate.

    However, the fact that very small quantum fluctuation inNmay be presentcorresponds to electrons momentarily tunneling onto the QD, with an energy

    deficit on the scale of the classical Coulomb charging energy. Essentially, the tunneling electron resides on the QD in a virtual charge state for

    a sufficiently brief interval such that the energy uncertainty of this state is largerthan its classical energy deficit, subsequently tunneling out. This process has

    been referred to as co-tunneling or macroscopic quantum tunneling of charge. The rational behind is that the total charge of the system (a macroscopic

    variable) undergoes a transition through a classically forbidden intermediatestate, in apparent violation of the Coulomb blockade.

    Elastic co-tunneling

  • 7/27/2019 Single-Electron Transistors 2003


    Single Electron Transistor Instructor : Pei-Wen Li29

    Elastic co-tunneling

    The tunneling of an electron into a certain energy state and the tunneling of an

    electron from thesame state out of the dot. The end result of the two tunneling

    events is that the state of the QD is unchanged, and as such, this is referred to as

    elastic co-tunneling, which contributes a linear term to the I-V curve.

    where is the average energy separation between eigenstates in the QD andE1(E

    2) is the charging energy associated with adding (removing) a single electron

    to (from) the dot. Note, in particular, that the resulting conductance scales

    roughly as the ratio between the level spacing and the Coulomb gap U e2/C. The case of elastic co-tunneling depends, in principle, on the geometry of the

    QD. This is because the electron involved has to couple to both leads; thus in a

    sense it must traverse the dot in a virtual state.






    21 11


    Inelastic co-tunneling

  • 7/27/2019 Single-Electron Transistors 2003


    Single Electron Transistor Instructor : Pei-Wen Li30

    Inelastic co tunneling

    It corresponds to an electron tunnels into a certain state in the dot and a second

    electron, from a different state, tunnels out of the dot. The state of the dot is

    modified, leaving an electron-hole excitation. The resulting current is nonlinear

    in Vds and temperature-dependent. The case of inelastic co-tunneling gives thefollowing well-known form

    ( ) VeV













  • 7/27/2019 Single-Electron Transistors 2003


    Single Electron Transistor Instructor : Pei-Wen Li31


    The distinction is made between these two processes because their relative

    contributions to the total net cotunneling current depend on the density of states

    in the QD.

    In metal QDs, in which the density of states is large, the elastic component of

    co-tunneling is usually overwhelmed by the inelastic component.

    In semiconductor QDs, in which the density of states is much smaller than in

    metals, both elastic and inelastic terms can contribute to the co-tunnelingcurrent.

    In practice, co-tunneling is expected to modify the classical picture of single-electron charging in the form ofexcess current in the region of the Coulomb-

    blockade gap, in the case ofI-Vds measurements, or excess tunneling current

    between conductance peaks in low-bias measurements.


  • 7/27/2019 Single-Electron Transistors 2003


    Single Electron Transistor Instructor : Pei-Wen Li32


    To apply SETs for low power ICs, (i) room-temp operation; (ii) uniformity and

    (iii) compatible with the LSI processes are required.


    For room temperature operation, the quantum dot diameter should be less than 10

    nm, which corresponds to the total capacitance about 1 aF.

    E-beam lithography:

    High cost and the following etching process is not easy to control Scanning probe microscopy (SPM) to place Au atoms in nanostructure.

    Only applicable in specific substrate

    Metal/Superconductor SET

    Semiconductor SET

    Epitaxial growth quantum dots (self-assembled) or 2DEG with side gate (depletion)

    E-beam + dry etching


  • 7/27/2019 Single-Electron Transistors 2003


    Single Electron Transistor Instructor : Pei-Wen Li33


    In addition to advanced e-beam lithography technology, matured and

    controllable fabrication processes are needed to form small quantum dots (

  • 7/27/2019 Single-Electron Transistors 2003


    Single Electron Transistor Instructor : Pei-Wen Li34

    f g g g ( )

    Si quantum dot formed by 2D oxidation

  • 7/27/2019 Single-Electron Transistors 2003


    Single Electron Transistor Instructor : Pei-Wen Li35

    q f y

    Double-dot charge transport in SET/SHT

  • 7/27/2019 Single-Electron Transistors 2003


    Single Electron Transistor Instructor : Pei-Wen Li36

    g p

    Ge implantation/Ge Segregation

  • 7/27/2019 Single-Electron Transistors 2003


    Single Electron Transistor Instructor : Pei-Wen Li37

    p g g


  • 7/27/2019 Single-Electron Transistors 2003


    Single Electron Transistor Instructor : Pei-Wen Li38


    Major application fields: Memory


    Precision Measurement

    Memory >> Logic We can use SE devices only in a memory cell, whereas keep using conventional

    CMOS technology in the peripheral circuitry.

    Memory cell technology has continuously changed, including the emergence offlash memory technology and ferroelectric-film memory technology.

    The way of storing information is rapidly changing from the old regime, relying onpapers and other analog electronic means, to the digital regime in the multimedia era.

    New needs of storing information are different from the older specifications inbandwidth, storage capacity, power consumption.

    Fundamental difficulty in a logic functional unit since SE devices generally havepoor current-drive capability.

    Application-Data Storage System

  • 7/27/2019 Single-Electron Transistors 2003


    Single Electron Transistor Instructor : Pei-Wen Li39

    Quantum Information- Qubit

  • 7/27/2019 Single-Electron Transistors 2003


    Single Electron Transistor Instructor : Pei-Wen Li40

    Developing a quantum computer is a basic endeavor in science

    and technology.

    The advantage of Si-based quantum computer is

    Low cost

    Large scale integration

    Contrast to classical bits, |0> or|1> , a quantum computer consistsof Qubits, which could be represented by a superposition of|0>or|1> , i.e.,

    |0> + |1> (where 2 + 2 =1)This huge parallelism makes it possible to solve some of the most

    difficult problems, such as integer factorization.

    Quantum Computer Roadmap: development status

  • 7/27/2019 Single-Electron Transistors 2003


    Single Electron Transistor Instructor : Pei-Wen Li41

    After NTT Technical Review, June 2003

    Roadmap of Quantum Computer

  • 7/27/2019 Single-Electron Transistors 2003


    Single Electron Transistor Instructor : Pei-Wen Li42

    status of solid-state QC

  • 7/27/2019 Single-Electron Transistors 2003


    Single Electron Transistor Instructor : Pei-Wen Li43

    Si-based Key Devices for QC

  • 7/27/2019 Single-Electron Transistors 2003


    Single Electron Transistor Instructor : Pei-Wen Li44

    Source DrainIsland


    Figure 1. Schematic diagram for a single electron transistor and a

    coupled quantum dots.

    (singlet) |0> |1>

    |0> |1>

    (quantum bit).

  • 7/27/2019 Single-Electron Transistors 2003


    Room-Temperature Characterization of Ge SETs

  • 7/27/2019 Single-Electron Transistors 2003


    Single Electron Transistor Instructor : Pei-Wen Li46

    Peak-to-valley current ratio (PVCR) of

    1.92 is observed at room temperature

    Clear offsets and plateaus are seen for

    gate voltages corresponding to the drain

    current valleys, while linear relations are

    obtained for gate voltages correspondingto the drain current peaks.
