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Singularity Pyramid Concept by Dec 21

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  • 8/10/2019 Singularity Pyramid Concept by Dec 21




    Vo Viet Anh, XPRIZE Vanguard,[email protected]


    This paper provides an in-depth description of the Singularity Pyramid (SP) concept for an

    extensively organized online knowledge mapping system, also a futuristic version of Wikipediawherein each unit of knowledge is associated with a probability distribution of probabilities to

    reflect the probabilistic nature of reality. Knowledge mapping wouldn't have any significance if

    not for four well-defined abstract dimensions (Conceptual, Purposeful, Scopic, and Language)

    that capture the collective body of knowledge in its entirety. With the Singularity placed at oneend of each dimension as the ultimate goal, these dimensions give you a sense of direction in

    learning/creating knowledge towards that goal.

    With knowledge mapping, the SP can provide Singularitarians with a bigger picture to realize theroadmap towards the Singularity by addressing numerous problems that impede their progress

    lack of coherent knowledge structure for academic research, lack of strategic profiling, leader

    discord, unawareness of long-term danger, negligence of macro-vulnerabilities, and languagebarrier to pure knowledge. It is also a collaborative tool for planning, decision making, risk

    management, and resource allocation. The theory of weaknessesbased on the SP has the

    potential to change your worldview forever.

    Engineering the SP is an unprecedented and formidable task which I foresee rapid advances in

    technology in the next year may fulfill. Also, the intuitive (easy to memorize, visualize, andcontribute) and functional (designed for practical use) structure of SP makes it a candidate for

    the brain of the Singularity Superintelligence (SS). Note: there is no technical detail in this paper.


    Singularity, knowledge mapping, hierarchy, probability, futuristic Wikipedia, Ray Kurzweil

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
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    The model of knowledge for the SP is the result of my lifelong attempts to make sense of all

    knowledge I had accumulated and stumbled upon. It is the ultimate culmination of all of my

    intellectual and emotional experiences to date, the answer to all of my questions[8]

    ,and the tool

    to solve every future problem.

    Four dimensions of the SP were defined for a singular purpose of reaching the Singularity:

    (1)The 1st(Conceptual) dimension shows the conceptual hierarchy of knowledge. It places

    the Singularity tentatively at the top as the goal to climb towards[11]


    (2)The 2nd

    (Purposeful) dimension draws the lines between three classes of knowledge based

    on their relevance to our ultimate goal of survival. It forces you to ask yourself What

    good is this knowledge for? when youre about to learn something, and reminds you tomaximize resource efficiency by sticking to the Core


    (3)The 3rd

    (Scopic) dimension manages groups of knowledge. It encourages you to combine

    pieces of knowledge into more substantial knowledge[10]

    such as sophisticated

    technologies, and supply all knowledge with sufficient data and facts.(4)The 4

    th(Language) dimension presents different versions of the same knowledge. It

    welcomes you to provide and translate knowledge into rawer, more machine-friendly

    forms of language (than human language).

    After mastering these dimensions, you will organize your thoughts and look at the world in

    entirely different ways[1]

    . With them, the SP seeks to address 6 mains problems:

    1. Academic research: Web users can only look at one piece of knowledge at a time (at

    Wikipedia or other Google search results) rather than the big picture containing that knowledge

    from a single source. Personally, I grew dissatisfied with what I could find during online

    research with Wikipedia[6]

    and Google[7]

    .It was not because there was too much knowledge on

    the web but because a single coherent structurefor all knowledge was nonexistent. It was easyto get lost trying to figure out all foundations of a complex multidisciplinary knowledge (e.g.

    cloud robotics) or all applications of a theory (e.g. general relativity), the highest levelconclusions of experts in a field (e.g. silicon chip density increases can be extended into the

    2020s) or the deepest technical problems they had solved (e.g. measuring Levenshtein distance

    between two strings), or which direction I should take in expanding my knowledge in order to

    ultimately create new knowledge, i.e. original research or novel technology. To address thisproblem, I envisioned a futuristic version of Wikipedia that surpasses conventional concepts of

    all knowledge-bases[24]

    in its suggestive power to make easier to navigate intellectually and come

    up with something original or simply profitable.

    2. Strategic profiling: There are too many credentialed people out there to decide who to listen to,partner with, or hire. Every person is represented by a long list of achievements, companies,

    publications, public profiles, questions and answers, social network status messages scattered

    across multiple sources on the web, which take too long to research. On the other hand, what we

    are concerned the most with when gauging someones skill depth, wisdom, and mindset/logic,are (1) his deepest technical solutions, (2) highest level conclusions, and (3) how he jumped from

    assumptions to conclusions (in an extreme case, Deepak Chopras logic was so flawed he made

    long shots to inane conclusions outside of his fields). By treating each user as an object on the 3rd

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    dimension(together with other group objects such as disciplines) comprised of pointers to all

    pieces of knowledge he has created, endorsed, or learned, and connections he has drawn between

    these pieces, the SP allows each user to maintain a singular profileon the web including themost meaningful insights about that personsmindbasically what matters most to find or be

    found by like-minded partners, employers, or benefactors.

    3. Leader discord: Its very common to find experts in the same field with glaringly contrasting


    and theres no way to verify their conclusions in order to decide which one is

    correct1. For example, Dr. Kurzweil complained in [Kurzweil 2012] about Paul Allens lack of

    point-to-point critique that preluded any constructive argument. In my experience, I often

    encountered intellectual leaders who were apparently smart and experts in their respective fields

    but somehow nave or even ignorant regarding worldly matters[22]

    .Some were too clouded bytheir ego and emotion to reason beyond their jelled assumptions, to unlearn and relearn. A

    constant question in my mind was What exactly made this person think that? Does he know a

    crucial piece of knowledge that may change my mind, or simply have ridiculous DC-esque

    logic? Where is he stuck? Since then, I had been thinking of a platform to help mitigate bias andclose the gap between subjectivity and objectivity

    [2]where they can exhaustively trace their

    current positions back to assumptionsthat constitute their fundamental differences, in order totogether reason beyond these differencesand reach a consensus.

    4. Unawareness of danger: A level of awareness high enough to perceive existential risks

    requires a high amount of the right knowledge. Since any knowledge has a price-tag, there is justnot enough resource to pursue all kinds of knowledge. However, only a limited number of people

    at this level of awareness (e.g. those at CSER2and FLI

    3) are concentrating their resources on

    acquiring the core body of scientific and technological knowledge that may help us avert these

    risks, while the majority of the world (even smart people) is ignorantly squandering resources(including their brainpower) on knowledge that doesnt directly translate to our long-term

    survival4. A series of frustration had led me to the conception of the SP: When I became

    conscious of climate change and other environmental issues, my peers in university hadnt, so Ijoined the environmental movement alone. When I became conscious of the limitations of purely

    environmental solutions and approaches, my fellow activists and scientists hadnt, so Ipursued

    multidisciplinary knowledge alone. When I became conscious of the problems beyondtechnology that hindered our progress towards the Singularity, Singularitarians didnt seem to

    heed, so Im writing this.

    5. Negligence of weaknesses: Everyone in the computer sciences knows how much damage bugs

    or deep-level technical vulnerabilities may cause to rapidly expanding information systems.

    However, very few are aware of how much threat larger scale vulnerabilities may pose to oursurvival against the odds of existential risks from the exponential technological revolution and

    Nature, which may affect our Singularity timeline. To ensure our survival and the Singularitytimeline, we must be able to identify vulnerabilities (called weaknesses in this paper) from thesmallest to the largest scaleevery bit and piece of information we miss, any possibility we fail

    to take into account in our plan/theory/algorithm (global weaknesses), or any failure to

    1 http://www.iflscience.com/health-and-medicine/how-reliable-are-tv-doctors2Centre For The Study of Existential Risk http://cser.org/about/who-we-are/3The Future of Life Institute http://thefutureoflife.org/who/4Having a bunch of best thinkers become lawyers is waste of human capital http://qr.ae/qW6rp

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    acknowledge and insulate our own biological limitations, and the very population of people that

    carry such weaknesses (local weaknesses). With a knowledge map, it would be possible to circle

    where weaknesses might be most damaging if exploited in order to contain them with layers of

    high-level security plan, or concentrate resources to eliminate them once and for all.

    6. Language barrier: Wikipedia is written in the most human-friendly languagehumanlanguage, which is not optimal for knowledge representation. IBMs Watson and most AIs have

    to derive knowledge through crawling and parsing countless data in this language, which might

    take too long to achieve human-level intelligence. So, why is there no Wikipedia for AIs, writtenin more machine-friendly languages? Humans expect machines to understand them and yet so

    few (only programmers) can make their thoughts clear-cut enough to be understood. There are

    coding crowdsourcing websites such as Stack Overflow, TopCoder, and Kaggle but theirsolutions are disconnected and limited to very deep technical solutions, while there is an

    enormous amount of high-level knowledge that can be translated to more machine-friendly

    languages by just anyone (not just programmers). If there is platform to crowdsource systematic

    codificationof hierarchical knowledge, we can accelerate machine learning, all while teachingusers algorithmic thinking to form more logical thoughts and rigorously define actionable high-

    level knowledge, e.g. an algorithm to allocate resources and determine actions taken againstspecific populations within a time frame that guarantees existential risks lower than a threshold.

    The 4th

    dimensionof the SP is a future project to upgrade the SP into such a platform.

    At first, this model had many namesthe Pyramid of Knowledge, Symmetry, Wisdom, to name

    a few. In 2012, I learned about the Technological Singularity and realized that this model couldbecome a powerful tool to achieve it faster, if not in time. Hence the name Singularity Pyramid

    to align my goal with the Singularitarian communitys.

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    The SPs knowledge mapping system offers a wide range of applications in everyday, profit-

    driven, or high-level activities[12]


    Compared to Wikipedia, the SP also takes time to crowdsource knowledge, but it is more

    functional and thus promises benefits for contributors and ROI[16]

    for investors.

    Table of Content

    II. The rooms 5

    III. The 1stdimension 6

    IV. The 2nd

    dimension 8

    V. The 3rd

    dimension 11

    VI. Secondary dimensions 13

    VII. Terminology and abbreviation 14

    VIII. Building the pyramid 15

    IX. Application 20

    X. Theory of weaknesses 21

    XI. My next step 24

    XII. Interpretation and notes 25

    XIII. Example 32

    XIV. Reference 43

    XV. Vitae 44

    XVI. Dark 44


    A unit of knowledge mapped on the SP is not limited to academic knowledge but refers to thebroadest possible definition of knowledgeanything that can be known, which is as infinite as

    the universe. It can be anything conceivable: a qubit, a datum, a fact, an opinion, a citation, an

    object, an idea, an action, a thought, an event, a phenomenon, a theory, a plan, a conspiracy, or

    virtually any information to predict exactly anything that may happen the next moment, etc.

    Metaphorically speaking, the SP is a structure with countless rooms on each floor, each room

    representing a unit of knowledge. False knowledge doesnt exist on the SP, e.g. the US

    government is run by lizard men, but can be brought onto the SP through factualization, e.g.

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    Barack Obamasaidthe US government is run by lizard men. Lit rooms are acquired

    knowledge, and dark rooms uncharted knowledge. Once a room is lit, its globally lit, but locally

    dark to those who havent lit it. Since human knowledge is built mostly bottom up, the top of the

    SP is dark to almost everyone.

    When you try to discover new knowledge, you launch yourself into the dark. Then you eitherland into a dark room (come up with something right) or outside of the SP (come up with

    something wrong). If the room you land into is globally dark (a discovery), youre free to

    command benefit from it, and choose to let it be globally or locally lit. But if that room is locallydark (a secret), which means someone has been there before, you may be pushed out of the SP to

    death. For insights into the dark top of the Pyramid, please refer to the Dark section after going

    through this whole paper.

    Each room is associated with a probability distribution of probability values, which indicates the

    percentage of users who have rated each probability value. I decided to use the probabilitydistribution of probabilities because it reflects the probabilistic nature of reality, tells you more

    information than a probability[47]

    ,and is the closest expression to a wave function, which has

    later implications for the SP.

    III. THE 1ST


    It all started when I realized an apparent hierarchy between the conscious levels of a nave

    physicist and a wise politician (both are smart). What did the physicist know? Complex technicalconcepts in physics and engineering. What did the politician know? Economic insights and

    political secrets. What was perceived at the level of the lattersunderstanding (e.g. the unified

    axis of government and corporate power) might supersede the effects of both the formersworks

    in physics and the very physical systems the former was studying or building (e.g. by slashing

    state funding to his research). Conversely, a breakthrough in the formers field(e.g. E=mc2,atomic bomb; hydraulic franking; any disruptive/transformational technology such as

    biomanufacturing, mass production Kill Bot, robotic soldier, directed-energy weapon, andportable fusion reactor) might turn the whole political system that the later knew upside down.

    Thus they seemed to be situated at two extremities of equal importance. If the physicist was

    deep, then thepolitician should be high.

    This hierarchy reappeared during my academic research when I realized that biological processesemerge from chemical reactions, which can be derived from physical laws, which are described

    and predicted by mathematical models, which are deduced from logics and founded on proofs,

    which can be traced back to self-evident or assumed statements known as axioms. Economic

    activities, political policies, and life principles are all based on these academic concepts to somedegree, albeit unfathomably remotely. In this hierarchy of concepts, one is founded upon others.

    This is basically the same hierarchy of the brains pattern recognition modules described in[Kurzweil 2012] as functional units to recognize components of human languagesfrom

    phonemes down to frequency bands of sound (perceived as pitches), up to words, phrases,

    sentences, contexts, to abstractions such as attractiveness, irony, happiness, frustration, envy,

    sarcasm, humor, nuance, metaphors, similes, implications, secret code, and so on.

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    energy limit, a barrage of discoveries will follow, with Theory of Everything as the likely final


    6. The Higher room A is to room B, the more probable it is that room A can supersede/obsolete

    room B[52]

    .There are two notable degrees of High-ness:

    [37]a) Paradigm-High: Room A is paradigm-Higher than room B if they have no directrelationship but room A still supersede/obsolete room B. For example, technological paradigmswere characterized by these technologieselectromechanical computers, relays, vacuum tubes,

    transistors, integrated circuitsand next comes the self-configuring 3D molecular circuits (and

    then my speculated nonlocal circuits). In another example, Israel Intel shifted the computer chipparadigms twice when upgrading the 486 chips to Pentium M chips, and then to Core 2 Duo

    chips. Previous technologies dont direct prop later technologieswhich are smaller, faster,

    cheaper, more efficient, and based on whole classes of Deeper concepts (e.g. quantum

    entanglement), but they made POSSIBLE the conception of the next paradigms technologies.For example, without transistors to run a transitional generation of computers and create a wide

    range of tools to build tools, humans could never have invented integrated circuits.

    (b) Meta-High: Normally a Higher room A can supersede room B, but not for 100% of all

    possibilities. It may reach 100% (meta-High) only if room A COMPLETELY contains room


    .A High physical theory may apply to a highly energetic system, but a meta-High oneshould apply to all systems with lower energy levels. In life, a High dictator can dictate a Low

    farmer but theres a small chance the farmer canbackstab the dictator, unless the dictator is High

    enough to predict and counter ALL possibilities regarding the farmers actions (including hisinteractions with the environment). This has profound implications in the theory of



    7.Deepest rooms are the foundations for Highest rooms. A commonly observed phenomenon

    and also a knowledge acquisition strategyis the bouncing between the Deep and the High[36]


    which means discovery of High knowledge would enable discovery of Deep knowledge, and

    vice versa, and so on.

    8. A High theory is a Symmetry of one or many approximation theories (Approxes) if that theory

    unifies all the Approxes[54]

    .For example, M-theory is a theory in physics that unifies all

    consistent versions of superstring theory, which arise as special limiting cases of M-theory.

    For further understanding, please refer to an incomplete list of related topics on the 1st

    (Conceptual) dimension5.

    [32]IV. THE 2nd DIMENSION

    You are too SOFT was what my best friend told me whenever I immersed myself in romantic

    literature, popular fiction, songwriting, poem, fashion6, learned dancing, basketball, pick-up lines,

    love songs, watched dramas, football, etc. just to impress and conquer the girls who had such

    5Related topics on the 1st(Conceptual) dimension http://qr.ae/qWJCq6Almost everything to know about wearing suits http://qr.ae/q9UQn

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    interests. He didnt say so to make me less human. He said so because he knew me so well, that

    such activities would largely not serve my purposes in life, distract me and waste my time.

    But what if my actions HAD purposes? What if I KNEW that those girls were either very rich or

    somehow a specific link in my grand plan? What if I lived my life only to please everyone and

    do everything needed (even laugh and cry) for the sole purpose of long-to-infinite-term survivaland evolution? That reminds me of the notion of HARD scientists, who are the practical and not

    concerned with whether the Singularity is near or not, an AI is strong or weak, or what the

    heck consciousness is.

    So, can I be even Harder? What if I could invent all Deep mathematics, all High theories andalgorithms, build a machine to run them, dominate the world, and then merge with that machine,

    survive cosmic catastrophes, exponentially evolve, and eventually dominate the universe

    (absorbing all matter and energy and know everything that can be known in this universe and all

    parallel universes if there be). If that happened, then at some point, there would be no distinctionbetween me and the machineno human touch. Thatd bebeyond HardSUPER HARD, which

    reverberates the concept of the Singularity Superintelligence.

    Therefore, I have divided the 2nd

    dimension into three levels of purposefulnessa Soft shell, a

    Hard shell, and a Super-Hard (S-Hard) Core. Its not meaningful to divide any further.

    Skip to The 3rd


    Basic concepts

    Soft Hard S-Hard

    Knowledge for the sake ofpsychologically keeping humans

    alive by enriching our mental lifeand allowing meaningfulhuman interactions


    Knowledge for the sake ofderiving S-Hard


    Knowledge for the sake ofsurvival and evolution

    Limitless knowledge created by

    humans but not contradicting

    Hard and S-Hard knowledge

    Minimum amount of

    knowledge for humans to

    achieve Singularity

    Minimum amount of

    knowledge for a computer to

    achieve Singularity

    The practically limitless realm of

    knowledge inherent to humans;basically a collective body of

    virtually any possible randomknowledge

    [51]which humans who

    can see beauty in every trivial

    detail would create if given

    unlimited lifespan, time, and

    All knowledge a machine

    needs in the context ofhuman existence, to serve

    humans, pass the Turingtest, act like a human, gainhumans trust, so that

    humans can help the

    machine become even

    All knowledge that a machine

    needs to survive, evolve in anyenvironment, maximize the

    diversity of possible futures8

    or simply dominate theuniverse

    7Why do people care about and remember all imaginary details http://qr.ae/qWJCN8http://www.ted.com/talks/alex_wissner_gross_a_new_equation_for_intelligence

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    money in the wrong

    idea); Soft learners aredriven byjoy, happiness,

    and freedom.

    Driven by instinct, fear and hope. Often resulted in casualties.

    Consumed less physical resources and time but more humanresources (human sacrifice) because in war smart people on both

    sides died. If during peace time academics may undertake researches

    in all kinds of directions, during wartime they all had to focus mostly

    on physics and engineering.

    Soft appeal: Anything Soft always appeals more to

    humans because our biological systems are not

    optimized for continuous Hard-working. Imaginativetechnologies and science in sci-fi/superhero


    are more enjoyable to kids and

    humans in general12

    . Soft things activate our brains

    reward system, trigger positive emotions, signalingthat theres no resource constraint endangering our

    existence, making us forget all purposes. Honestly, if

    I had been born in a rich family with enough moneyto learn anything I ever wanted, I doubt I would bewriting this paper right now.

    Hard-hitting: When a technology has

    touched the boundary between Hard and

    Soft then any further development wouldonly make the technology less efficient

    due to the presence of paradigm-Higher

    technologies. Whenever this happens,

    humans have officially advanced into thenext technological paradigm. Any further

    development of older technologies would

    be for aesthetic purposes (e.g.steampunk, antiques, and pixel art) orother irrational human reasons.

    Rooms from S-Hard to Soft correspond to an increasing disorder/entropy (rooms with minor

    differences become increasingly undistinguishable), an increasing redundancy (vast amount of

    variations of the same knowledge), a decreasing density (more dark rooms as a result ofredundancy), and a decreasing resource-efficiency.

    The purposefulness of Soft and Hard knowledge can be subjective (varies from person to person)and constantly changing (depending on the context including resource availability). An otherwise

    Soft knowledge such as fashion knowledge may become Hard when you need it to approach a

    powerful person who is a fashionista. However, if theres not enough time for Soft knowledge,you might have to utilize your Hard knowledge to kidnap that person and force him to do what

    you want, all while taking huge risks.

    In times of resource crises or foreseeable disasters, humans would automatically focus on

    Hard/S-Hard knowledge for survivals sake. However, in most cases, the majority of the world

    wouldnt reachthe Conceptual level High enough to realize the crises or disasters they are facingand fail to act accordingly. Despite the seemingly more important nature of Hard/S-Hard

    knowledge, given the current mental state of humans, it is necessary to pursue all three kinds of

    knowledge simultaneously[43]

    .For more examples, please refer to the Example section[39]


    11 http://www.wired.com/2014/11/can-hulk-lift-thors-hammer/12DARPAs project to teach STEM https://www.topcoder.com/case-studies/darpa/

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    [33]V. THE 3


    The Scopic dimension is the easiest to understand because it only tells you which groups a room

    belongs to, for example arithmetic belongs to mathematics. For simplicity, it is like a supply

    chainraw numerical data supply facts; these data and facts supply disciplinary knowledge,

    which in turn supplies all kinds of group objects such as disciplines, technologies, and users


    We adopt both a fixed disciplinary taxonomy (each group called taxon, plural taxa, has a well-

    defined taxonomic rank) represented by a Taxonomic Tree, and user-generated arbitrary

    groupings (each group called scopon, plural scopa, has a floating Scopic rank) represented by aScopic Tree. A scopon may contain taxa but not vice versa. The Scopic rank of a scopon

    indicates its relative scope/scale/size (the number of rooms it contains) and the highest rank of

    the scopa it contains. The hierarchy in this dimension is very simplehigher ranked scopa

    contain lower ranked scopa. The first four ranks(1) data[41]

    ,(2) facts, (3) disciplinary

    knowledge, and (4) disciplinesare fixed while higher ranks float.

    Rank-1 rooms (data) are stored in form of a description text, coupled with numbers, arrays,matrixes or other mathematical constructs. Rank-2 rooms (facts) are stored in form of free texts,

    photos, videos, blueprints, or other forms of media. Rank-3 rooms (disciplinary knowledge) are

    stored in form of free text and LaTeX. Future development of the 4th

    (Language) dimension will

    host other versions of these rooms in rawer, machine-friendly languages.

    Each room is linked to and fro only one node on the Taxonomic Tree, but can be linked to and

    fro many nodes on the Scopic Tree. Each node on either tree stores (1) a free text, (2) a pointer to

    a definition room (e.g. Physics roomwhich stores a broad definition of physics), and (3)

    pointers to all grouped rooms (e.g. all physics-related knowledge). Each node on the Scopic Treecan be a technology, an academic paper, a solution to a problem, a submission to a competition,

    etc. linked to all of its related knowledge. For example, a 2018 Bomber Scopic node links to

    and fro a description text and all scientific knowledge employed in the Bomber such asmetamaterials, explosives, and computational algorithms. Philosophy and religion are two

    interesting group objects13


    The purpose of this dimension is to encourage users to (1) group distant knowledge to create new

    (and Higher) knowledge[40]

    or identify problems in one field that have solution in another field

    (e.g. by running a search for rooms that share a majority of props from data and facts), and (2)

    support existing knowledge and facts with numerical data in order to calibrate their probabilities.

    In other words, by mapping all knowledge on the SP, we can (1) systematically explore all of the

    overlapping boundaries between our exponentially expanding frontiers of knowledge, and (2)

    hook up experts in different industries, enable them to look beyond just their narrow discipline,juxtapose their knowledge next to each other, and identify the same concepts being described in

    different terminology. This is important because one (sub)-field may have actually solved a

    problem that another (sub)-field14

    was attempting to solve but it is not realized because these

    fields use different terminology. Similarprocesses are known in mathematics as abstraction[42]


    13http://spyramid.quora.com/Philosophy-and-religion14Problems in one field solved by solutions in another field http://qr.ae/q9BMK

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    Knowledge bases employ only ontology and/or taxonomy; Kurzweils hierarchical model of

    mind has only a Conceptual dimension; none gives you a sense of direction. Never before have

    the vague concepts of knowledge dimensions been redefined, refined and put together into a

    single coherent picture like the SP. Yet, I still want to make this picture more complete. Thereare some dimensions I want to add to or combine with the three primary onesthe 4th

    (Language) dimension, the 5th

    (Technical) dimension, the 6th

    (Applied) dimension, which are all

    slightly parallel to the 1stand 2


    1. The Language dimension:

    [73]With this dimension, I want to introduce a completely new notion of language: If human

    language is a collective of languages humans use to communicate with each other, then a

    molecular language should be a language molecules use to communicate with each other.

    Examples of languages in order of decreasing human-friendliness are human language (between

    humans), programming language (between humans and machines), machine language (the lowest

    level programming language with op codes and operand numbers), electronic/digital/binary

    language (between electrons and electronic components), neuronal/electrochemical language(language of though between neurons or the hypothetical neocortical patterns


    DNA/molecular language (between molecules), and the futuristic computronium/quantum

    language (between computronium)[44]


    Languages can exist in any arbitrary form depending on the structure and substrate of thecommunicating entities. For example, whenever a genetic algorithm (GA) successfully generates

    a set of parameters which constitute a solution that can magically solve all problems at hand

    perfectly (e.g. speech recognition), these parameters embody High and Deep knowledge in an

    entirely new language, which is incomprehensible to humans, has to be studied to translate into

    whatever secrets they are holding regarding perfect speech recognition. The number and physicalrelationships of these parameters are dependent of the substrate of the hardware. As exotic

    computing architecture with smaller substrates or substrates with more accessible states becomeavailable, down to a maximum at quantum level, rawer forms of language will be invented by the

    GA, embodying Higher and Deeper knowledge acquired through the interaction between the

    machine and its environment. Eventually, following this pattern, the SS will invent the rawest

    possible form of language that only it can understand.

    When this dimension is introduced, users will be compelled to translate knowledge into more

    machine-friendly languages (programming code, pseudo-code, or mathematical symbols) and, in

    that process, identify inconsistencies in their own thinking. With this dimension, I also want to

    raise an issue that humans instinctual attachment to human language might turn out to be abarrier to pure knowledge or true understandingof knowledge, which is largely formless and

    not intuitive. In fact, my neurons have their own language that only they can understand.

    Evidently, even though my ideas for the SP are so fluid in my mind, Im having a hard time

    trying to put them down in this paper.

    2. The Insightful-Technical dimension: is important for new learners who want to start learningthe most readable, insightful texts of a concept before diving into less comprehensible, more

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    technical details. When studying a theory, you will be able to choose between reading texts

    explaining it in an insightful manner and those explaining it in technical details.

    3. The Theoretical-Applied (or Global-Local) dimension: Knowledge should also be arranged

    according to the degree of relevance to the environment of the users.

    4. Correlation with the 1stand 2nddimensions: The closer to the Core and the bottom, the moredisciplines become more computational (e.g. computational social sciences), more quantitative,Deeper, more universal or global, harder to express in human language and easier to express in

    rawer languages.

    Skip to Building the Pyramid[65]


    1. Dimension: can be understood as one of the three axes of the triaxial spectrum of knowledge

    in the SP.

    2. Room: a unit of knowledge, which can be anything that can be knowna qubit, a datum, a

    fact, an opinion, a citation, an object, an idea, an action, a thought, an event, a phenomenon, a

    theory, a plan, a conspiracy, or virtually any information to predict exactly anything that may

    happen the next moment, etc.

    3. Low-prob and high-prob: short for low probability (=70%).

    4. Conceptual floor or floor: a level in the 1stdimension.

    5. Hard shell and Soft shell: two outermost levels in the 2nd


    6.[9]Super-Hard Core, S-Hard Core or Core: the innermost level in the 2nddimension. The Coreis not called the Core for nothing. Its filled up with the least possible amount of knowledge

    required to reach the top. In other words, its the shortest path to the top.

    7. Scope rank or rank: a level in the 3rd


    8. SP: Singularity Pyramid.

    9. SS: Singularity Superintelligence.

    10. Hints: provide suboptimal yet effective solutions (e.g. brain-inspired computer architecture)

    from which principles to develop optimal solutions can be derived. Fields that study or take

    advantage of Hints include biomimetics, bionics, swarm technologies and communications, bio-inspired computing, human-inspired Big Data Access Strategies, etc.

    11. Insight: a High, usually low-prob, room lit based on a large amount of Low rooms. In otherwords, an Insight is a loosely founded speculative knowledge which, if turning out to be correct,

    can be refined and developed into a complete theory. Very smart people have a propensity for

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    very High low-prob fringe scientific theory15

    . Insights and Hints together often led to very

    popular but scientifically unfounded theories and concepts, e.g. Feng Shui, Chakra, Ki, Yin Yang,

    Chinese/papal/shamanic exoteric knowledge, parapsychology, and alternative medicine.


    Consciousness: is defined, in this paper, as the brains equivalent of a computers random

    access memory. It doesnt colloquially refer to self-consciousness, metacognition, the ability tothink about ones own thinking or other misleading, unfounded, and pseudoscientific notions of

    consciousness.Knowing how oft-abused the word consciousness is, please strip your mind

    of all definitions you have ever come across until now.

    13. A persons consciousness: a subset of onesown knowledge (as humans cannot recalleverything we know at once and thats why we often make thesame mistakesall over gain);

    ones perspective is a chosen subset of her consciousness (e.g. Lets take a perspective of a

    mathematician and then that of a computer scientist to approach thisproblem.).

    14. Conscious level: is the level of the Highest room of a persons consciousness. A High person

    is someone with relatively High conscious level.

    15. Symmetry: a High theory that unifies several approximation theories (Approxes).

    16. Approx (short of approximation): is one of the approximation theories of a Symmetry, oftena theory that is only accurate and useful within certain boundaries. For example, the Albert-and-

    Rex model of the brain16

    is a fun inspirational read (the most upvoted Quora post) and can besomehow applied in everyday activities until you can acquire a degree in neuroscience to

    develop more accurate theories.

    17. Cred (short for credentials): indicates the weight of a users rating for a taxon. A High cred in

    one field doesnt correspond to aHigh cred in another field. High-profile people may havecredentials in certain areas but not in other areas. For example, Deepak Chopra can have a great

    voice in heart surgery matters, but be banned from any conference on philosophy or physics.

    18. Logic-set: If you prospective employers/lovers check out your Pyrofile, they will be most

    concerned with not only your Highest and Deepest rooms but how you connect rooms. Eachprop/backprop you draw between rooms reflects your unique logic. In the future, ones logic-set

    (in form of a webgraph) may matter much more than ones mindset or skillset.

    19. Mini-SP with respect to room A: is a subset of the SP with room A as its local top. It includes

    all rooms upon which the top is founded.




    [Suh 2009] has observed that Wikipedia growth has essentially plateaued, hence unsolicited

    contributions from human volunteers may yield a limited amount of knowledge going forward.

    15 https://www.quora.com/What-is-it-like-to-have-an-extremely-high-IQ/answers/848522316 http://www.quora.com/How-do-I-get-over-my-bad-habit-of-procrastinating/answer/Oliver-Emberton

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    However, I believe that such a limit was largely attributable to the two words unsolicited and

    volunteer. What if wepresent contributors with a mission and benefits? Itd be very likely that

    we can harness the full human potential.

    The Mission is to push the frontiers of knowledge towards the Singularity in each dimension;

    benefits are the SPs applications, along with access to crowdsourced and licensed tools, e.g.suggestions of prop/backprop as you type/click on a room, and analytic/predictive tools

    described later in this paper. I wish we could rely on machine learning to rush up the Core but

    have to admit that we still dont have what it takes go full S-Hard and thus still have to depend

    much on human curation.

    The SPs initial objective is NOT to amass information (like most knowledge bases did) but to

    encourage people to first post their Insights[46]

    (assumptions, pearls of wisdom)and then

    exhaustively and logically validate them (the way most people in logical professions such

    lawyers, scientists, and engineers do on a regular basis) by gathering all information andknowledge to support them. That way, they will light all the rooms they have skipped on their

    way rushing up, in order to get rid of unfounded thoughts, make unexpected discoveries, expand

    their Insights into full theories, and create a strong foundation to go even Higher than where theyare standing.

    [2]Most people don't have the resolution to verify their own assumptions, which are usually High

    Insights derived from disparate memories throughout their life and suddenly put together

    precariously through a mysterious process inside your brain often called the intuition.It's

    troublesome to dig out the specific memories that led to these assumptions. Even when they havesuccessfully dug them out, these memories may turn out to be so remotely/vaguely connected to

    the assumptions at hand that they would feel too embarrassed to admit. Its important to

    overcome this mental inertia in order to accelerate towards the Singularity.

    Skip to Application[48]

    Data types and visualization

    The main information in each room is stored in form of free text (for the most part of the SP),

    mathematical symbols, programming code and, in the future, other data types to accommodateeven rawer languages which I have not imagined yet. In addition, each room is associated with a

    probability distribution of integer probabilities and a representative probability in percentage.

    Since the SPs focus is different from that of most knowledge bases (Wikipedia, Freebase,

    Knowledge Grapth, DBpedia, Knowledge Vault, etc.), facts such as Obamas birthplace, music

    albums, or anything not in English are the LEAST of our concern. Rooms on rank 1 and 2 (dataand facts) should be filled up with mostly statistics, measurements, or free texts describing

    events, e.g. On December 21, 2012, Barack Obama walked into a bar.

    The initial value of each roomsprobability needs to be set by deep evidence-based probability

    rating algorithms, with reference to Watsons Deep Q&A.This initial rating is multiplied with a

    cred of 100% in the equation of the rooms representative probability, which at first will

    overshadow most users ratings.

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    A data visualization tool can be built with Three.js, a comprehensive WebGL library. Only three

    primary dimensions are visualized in form of a 3D pyramid. The user interface (which resembles

    Google Earth) includes basic operations like add, edit, remove, prop, backprop, endorse, suggestedit, search, etc. on the top and advanced, licensed analytic/predictive tools at the bottom. Rooms

    can be opened in multiple resizable, movable windows for reading or editing.

    Human involvement

    1. Question attachment: Users can attach questions or links to questions at Q&A sites, such as

    Quora and Stack Overflow, to and fro a room in order to facilitate knowledge validation (down),

    exploration of same-level knowledge (horizontal), to development of Higher theories (up)[4]

    .Forexample, lists of unsolved problems in mathematics

    17and computer science

    18represent locked

    doors to access the Deepest floors (and, next, the Highest floors).

    2. Conflict flagging: For each theories/facts/events, there always exist several conflicting

    counterparts. By flagging these rooms in conflict, we can draw other usersattention to resolve

    the conflict, by proving that most, if not all, of them are low-prob, or by coming up with a

    unifying theory/Insight if all of them are high-prob. Dr. Kurzweil did it too[49]


    3. SP backup: Only one state of the SP needs to be backed up because users can add or adjustcontent but cannot remove anything. If you think a room has something wrong, repost that room

    with the wrong thing omitted and suggest users related to the original room to endorse the new

    room. Rapid changes of rooms related to topics on the news can be recorded with considerably

    more temporal resolution for research purposes.

    4. Actions: The role of the SP is to help you or a machine know what actions to perform, not to

    sit idly thinking forever. Therefore, the knowledge in each room is prioritized to present a part of

    or this whole sequence: conditionsconceptsdefinitionsactionsresults. At

    programming language level, they should be in form offunctions or procedures.

    5. Users have to avoid and improve absolute, incomplete, or excessive statements. For example,The less government intervention the betterand To succeed, you mustbe mercilessare

    absolute and incomplete. You should improve and replace them with In fast growing markets or

    where leaders are incompetent, the less government intervention the better; otherwise,government tend toplay in important role and To succeed, when mercy is valued by people

    who are valuable to you more than your gain from being merciless, be merciful; otherwise, be

    merciless. The more what-ifs and details, the better. You may add statistics, thresholds,mathematical models, etc. but they have to relate to the core point of the room; otherwise it will

    become excessive and needs to be divided.


    1. Pyrofile and credentials (cred): Youre rooms19

    ; everything is just rooms.

    17http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Millennium_Prize_Problems18http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_unsolved_problems_in_computer_science19How many rooms are you? http://qr.ae/qSkVI

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    In the SP, you are your knowledge, either self-sourced or externally-sourced. Cred is a measure

    of your credentials for a taxon (not scopon) in percentage (0% to 100%). It is calculated as the

    averageof all of your learn-rates (also in percentage) for each accounted room in that taxon. Ausers learn-rate for a room is accounted in the calculation of that users cred for alltaxa that

    contain that room. For example, someone who has learned 90% of everything there is in

    theoretical physics can have a cred in physics as high as 75%.

    There are three ways you can raise your cred for a taxon (tentatively equally disttributed): (1)

    earn learn-rate for any room in that taxon or the whole taxon by taking courses of SP-affiliateinstitutions or by submitting evidence of your knowledge, (2) be endorsed by high-cred users, or

    (3) have your contributed content endorsed by high-cred users.

    Cred(user X, taxon Y) =

    Learnpoint: user Xs learn-rate for each room in taxon Y, in %

    Roomcount1: the number of accounted rooms in taxon Y

    EndorserY: the endorsers cred under taxon Y, in % EndorsedY (input): the value of cred endorsed by that endorser for taxon Y, in %

    RP: the representative probability of each room in taxon Y, in %

    Roomcount2: the number of accounted rooms submitted by user X in taxon Y

    When a user earns a cred value of x% for a taxon X from another user, the learn-rates of all

    rooms under taxon X are set to the highest value between their current values and x%.

    Accounted rooms of user X are rooms with a representative probability that exceeds a certain

    threshold (tentatively 70%). Only the learn-rates of accounted rooms of user X will be accounted

    in that users cred for all taxa containing those rooms.

    2. Room and representative probability (RP):

    Each room is represented by a probability distribution of integer probability values from 0 to 100

    (telling you the percentage of users who rated each value) and an RP. The RP of a room isincreased in two ways (tentatively, 50-50)direct probability voting (users input a percentage

    for the rooms probability) and weighted probabilities transferred from (back)propping rooms

    (users input a percentage for how much they think room A is important/relevant to room B).

    RP(room A) =

    Userprob (input): the probability rated by a user X for room A, in %

    Usercred: the cred of a user X for the nearest taxon of room A, in % RP(room B): the representative probability of a (back)propping room B, in %

    Userweight (input): the user-rated importance of a (back)propping room B to room A, in %

    Cred1, cred2: the cred(s) of a user X for the nearest taxon of room A and the nearest taxon of

    room B, respectively, in %

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    3. Order of computation:

    There are many objects (rooms, users, taxa, scopa) and the values (RP, learn-rate,cred)

    associated with these objects are highly interconnected. They are computed using a simple

    iterative algorithm. Each iteration calculates the next set of values based on the resulting set of

    values of the last iteration. To avoid a feedback loop, this continues until the values converge.

    If aRPexceeds a certain threshold, its room becomes an accounted room, and the RP will be

    accounted in the computation of all related roomsRPs and all related users learn-rates.

    Only learn-ratesare stored in the database; creds are not. A cred of user X for taxon Y will be

    computed when user X endorses a room, user, or prop/backprop a room in that taxon.

    Therefore, the order is as follows:

    Each roomsRPis computed fromRPsof all accounted rooms related to it, and the credsofthe nearest taxa of all related raters.

    A credof user X for taxon Y, when called, will be computed from the learn-ratesof all

    accounted rooms user X has in in taxon Y.

    4. Cost factor: The path to the Singularity is not smooth. Its not to choose simply the most

    obvious routes but routes we can afford. Thats why we have to keep a good check on alternateroutes resource consumption in order to allocate resources accordingly. Thus Im looking into

    how to associate a cost factor with each room.

    [13]And then come the AIs

    In the future, AIs must be heavily developed to learn from humans interaction with the SP to

    perform a variety of complicated tasks.

    1. Translating AI: translates knowledge along the Language dimension from human language tomore machine-friendly languages, at least programming language.

    2. Validating AI: automatically prop or backprop knowledge to calibrate its probability.

    3. Critical-thinking AI: performs a continual background scan of all of the existing rooms,

    flagging those in conflict.

    4. Leveling-up AI: Upon identifying contradicting rooms, this AI would chain them together, andattempt to create a room at a Higher floor that resolves the apparent contradiction by providing a

    perspective that explains both ideas.

    5. Questioning AI: If the AI failed to create a unifying room, it would generate open questionsover the chained rooms, or search for current questions on Q&A websites such as Quora and

    Stack Overflow. Humans would then attempt to answer these questions or extract knowledge

    from current answers on Q&A websites.

    6. Crossing AI: An AI will identify open questions in every discipline and search for solutions in

    other disparate areas of knowledge, or provide an Insight from an apparently disconnected field.

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    7. Stitching AI: Most of the time, users would prefer reading knowledge in Wikipedia-article

    style rather than browsing rooms endlessly in a 3D pyramid. They need a software to stitch

    knowledge together in meaningfulways according to a wide range of criteria (e.g. probability >=

    70%, within 10 floors of room A, Hard & S-Hard, rank 3) into well-organized 2D articles.

    8. Analytic/predictive AI: This will be the main source of revenue. Refer to Application section.

    For more understanding about the role of AIs20

    to the SP, and their implications for the SS21


    please refer to the footnote links.


    a. Phase 1: Prototype

    (1) A comprehensive hierarchical knowledge map to supportsystematic academic research.

    (2) A platform to validate problem statements, explore existing solutions to similar problems,map all knowledge required to solve the problems, predict and map must-have features of thesolution, generate hypotheses, gather academic materials or experimental data to support each

    hypothesis, etc. inpreparing academic paper, project proposal, or solution to grand challenges.

    (3) A platform to verify intellectual leaders insights, and for intellectual point-to-point critique

    where each opponent can lay out assumptions, counter the others assumptions, back ownassumptions with further assumptions or facts or data, trace these assumptions to the deepestlevel possible, and so on. Opponents may adjust their assumptions according to new information

    provided be each other, split the difference, and resolve the argument; or arrive at assumptions

    which either side cannot or refuse to reason beyond for subjective reasons. This platform can beused to resolve any argumentbetween you and your opponents simply by using a tool to overlap

    your Pyrofile and theirs to see where they meet.

    b. Phase 2: Full version

    (4) An educational hubfor users to map knowledge, keep track of their learning, follow SP-

    derived principles to produce original knowledge, acquire certified knowledge from SP-affiliateeducation partners and build their comprehensive online credentials (Pyrofile). A selective Board

    of Experts will rate (assign a cred value of x% to each taxon covered by) massive open online

    courses (provided by Coursera, Udacity, edX, etc.), programs of educational institutions or

    organizations. When a user graduates, her learn-rate for all rooms in each covered and ratedtaxon will be set to the higher value between their current values and x% times the users grade

    in percentage, e.g 100% for A, 80% for B, 0% for F and so on. This will be a major applicationbecause, in no time, all of education will be online[15]


    (5) A tool to verify and address long-term danger/existential risks to regulate knowledge

    acquisition(e.g. encourage people to study engineering rather than literature).

    20Roles of AIs to the SP http://qr.ae/qeQcw21From the SP to the SS http://qr.ae/qeQ6r

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    (6) Provider of a distributed platform (Home SP) to privately organize personal knowledge;

    crowdsource/groupsourcepersonal, military, or political planningassistance; identify

    weaknesses and plan courses of actions to contain these weaknesses. For example, you can postI should work for Google and I should work for Facebook and have your friends prop these

    two options with their knowledge. In military, we can map weapons, countermeasures, counter-

    countermeasures, human resources, psychological weakness, geographical advantages, publicignorance, etc. (our own weaknesses and the enemies).

    (7) A platform to crowdsourcesystematic codification of hierarchical knowledge. Users can postknowledge in rawer, more machine-friendly languages than human language, such as

    mathematical language, pseudo-code, programming language, or even rawer forms. These

    versions of knowledge are used to accelerate machine learning.

    (8) In the face of the a paralyzing speed of academic publications worldwide (5 publications per

    minute by 2013), the SP can serve as a template for academic publicationsso that we easilyidentify the relationships between ideas, terminology, and data within a publication, between

    different publications, and verify even the most technical details in these publications ourselves.

    I also envision a similar template for

    solution submissionto science competitions, so that voterscan visually investigate and compare technical advantages between solutions rather than watch

    videos that tell nothing and depend heavily on production values22


    (9) Aplatform for AI experiments[13]

    on hierarchical and machine-friendly knowledge, which

    opens the door to profitable analytic/predictive tools; also a source of problems for competitive

    programming sites such as TopCoder and Kaggle. For example, a tool can monitor the collectiveknowledge of a market to identify market gaps; if there is a gap between the standard of

    appreciation for food, hygiene, movie, etc. of Vietnam and that of the rest of the world, you can

    provide products atjust above their current standardsand charge as much as you want; in my

    country, people love paying for crap. That tool can be applied to the business of art23

    . At some

    point, the SP will spawn a new breed of ultra-high-tech analysts called Paralysts.

    (10) A complete understanding of the SP opens your mind to a wide range of everyday mental




    The SP is scary, because there are countless rooms to light. If someone lights a room you havent,

    it becomes your relative weakness to that person.No matter how High you are, you cant always

    rely on your Highest knowledge which supersede most Lower knowledge to solve every Lowerproblem. You plan/tool based on such knowledge may help you succeed most of time but, in

    some cases, bugs (analogous to a literal bug in a High-tech computer) will appear and you may

    fail. Even the most advanced systems these days have to be regularly debugged lest being


    .You can be considered invincible if you own the only gun in the town, but anyone can

    defeat you with as easy as a kick in the crotch unless you have expected that and trained properly.

    22Nokia Sensing XChallenge Finalists https://www.nokiasensingxchallengevoting.org/23The business of art http://qr.ae/qefSR24A list of random everyday applications http://qr.ae/qZ7nW

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    Theoretically, a weakness has the potential to affect ALL rooms above it. In other words, it can

    cause damage to all people who have lit any room above it. The relatively Deeper the weakness

    is, the more damage it may cause, e.g. the Heartbleed bug that unfolded early this year25

    . The onewho lit the room has the option to share it for little recognition and reward, or exploit it for more.

    Its easiest to think of weaknesses as vulnerabilities in computer sciences, which are most

    documented. In the future, weaknesses in life sciences


    will be much more debilitating.

    Exclusively-lit relatively-Deep room, bug, hole, loophole, gap, vulnerability, shortcoming, blind

    spot, weaknessthe lingo is endless, but the concept is universal. Lets call it weakness.

    Weaknesses everywhere

    Weaknesses are mostly exposed for exploitation/fixing under extreme/life-or-death conditions

    such as war[61]

    .Nevertheless, they can be every bit and piece of informationyou miss when youlet your guard down.

    [62]If you overestimated your security and didn't buy a good door, a thief

    can break in. If you miss a piece of news about the company whose stocks you own due to lack

    of connections, you lose money. If you find a hole in the law system, exploit it and make sure not

    to be discovered, you can beat the system and get rich. If your neighbor is good at electricalengineering, he can steal your electricity. If you don't check your children's DNA, you may end

    up raising someone else's kids. If your IT system is imperfect, a hacker will find and exploit it or

    extort you. If you are not good-looking and careless about your appearance, you can lose a job orbe bullied. If a person hates you and you dont know, when a situation arises, he will do

    everything within his abilities to harm you. If you depend on someone, your dependence is a

    weakness. When I was an environmentalist, whenever one of my fellows vandalized or sworebefore the press camera like an illiterate dropout, I would look worse in the public eyes. Such

    person was my weakness. Every time a Vietnamese steals from a local grocery in a foreign

    country, I would look worse in that country so they count as my weakness. If one of your

    teammates is not good enough, greedy, emotional, has a habit, someone to die for, or any

    weakness, that persons weaknessesbecome your weaknesses that other teams will exploit.

    The State of Israel is a perfect example of a brilliant people having their weaknessesexposed

    continuouslyand having what it takes tofix them all. [Senor 2011] has all the examples. The

    Yom Kippur war that happened on Yom Kippur, the holiest day in Judaism, reminded Israelis ofwhats more important to survival than praying, and led to the institution of the Talpiot program

    to recruit the best of the best humans in all faculties in Israel to defend the nation and more. They

    fixed their weaknesses (the holy day); their scientific and technological breakthroughs achievedwhile Hard-rushing (in war) fluidly found their way into the global markets since no country

    could have all conditions met to get that High. With those breakthroughs, their alumni and those

    of Unit 8200another Israeli miraclefound leading companies in the world such as NICE and

    Check Point. US Army recently bought the Iron Dome from Israel27a technology that only a

    country showered with rockets on a daily basis could develop. Besides war, it used to be a matterof life-or-death for this nation to grow food on dessert. Now one of their leading companies

    Netafim is exporting their agricultural technology to the whole world, their wastewater recycling

    rate of 72% being the highest in the world.

    25Heartbleed https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heartbleed26Hacking DNA http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2012/11/hacking-the-presidents-dna/309147/27US Army bought Iron Dome http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/186951

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    Inherent weaknesses

    However, how about inherent weaknesses? What if Im smart and rich, but short and weak? Just

    knowing that doesnt improve anything. Doesnt that mean theresa permanent, no matter how

    small, chance that one day I can be toyed around and killed in humiliation by a brainless brawny

    thug? In order to ensure my absolute survival, I must become meta-Highmastering allknowledge on all floors below my conscious levelto be smart and rich enough to make myself

    big and strong. However, the meta-High concept should always be regarded as a goal rather than

    a realistic description of any entity that may exist at all. Turning into an elite fighter capable ofdodging bullets or warding off whoever attempts on my life is not inefficient, considering how

    limited my resources are and how many floors I have to master to be truly meta-High.

    However, theres no need to be desperate. Most powerful elites in world raise enough layers of

    High protection around themselves toseal off their weaknesswhich is their fragile biology. To

    defeat them and survive, attackers must also master High floors to break away from the grasp oftheir High protection, which diminished the attackers incentives to perform the attack at all. In

    case of network vulnerabilities, the one to exploit weaknesses of the systems must be High

    enough to succeed while maintain his anonymity. However, the High people in the society havecontained the risks of these potential weaknesses so well with their High knowledge that no one

    who had the relatively Deep skills to exploit the weakness also had the High skills to escapejustice. There were countless instances of hackers, including members of the Anonymous


    , getting caught for their miscalculations.

    To further understand inherent weaknesses, refer to the Robocop (2014) case study29


    The Inevitable

    What we have discussed above is not to zero in on apparent solutions, but to encourage you to

    acknowledge and accept natural laws of knowledge and the inevitable future resulting from them.

    Any knowledge/technology WILL be weaponized and put in bad use30

    by criminals, terrorists,and hackers as long as the weaknesses inherent to us as a species (emerging from both our brains

    and biological bodies) exist as targets for entities with fewer weaknesses to exploit and benefit

    from. It is ineffective to encourage people to develop technologies responsibly.31

    Exponential technologies will entail exponential weaknesses as they guarantee exponentiallywidening gaps and holes in our knowledge for criminals to exploit, just like a fast growing IT

    system harboring more and more vulnerabilities for hackers to exploit32

    . Developing Higher

    power (authority, money), technology (Internet of Things, synbio), and conscious level

    (realization of profit from destruction) will only add more dark floors belowweaknesses.

    28Arrests of the Anonymous https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anonymous_(group)#Arrests_and_trials29Robocop (2014) case study http://qr.ae/qZ8e730Exponential crime http://www.ted.com/talks/marc_goodman_a_vision_of_crimes_in_the_future31Build the future responsibly http://singularityhub.com/2014/11/20/summit-europe-artificial-intelligence-

    evolving-from-disappointing-to-disruptive/32Massive bank attack http://money.cnn.com/2014/08/28/technology/security/bank-hack/index.html

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    Only with a powerful information tool such as the SP can we ascend High enough to come up

    with not just strategies to address each threat separately, but even much Higher plan to seal off

    our weaknesses completely.

    The SP as a game

    Why do I have to play the SP? Cant I just learn instead of competing? Its up to you. However,over time, the SP will resemble a virtual realityrather than an online knowledge mapping

    system. Like in any reality, competition is inevitable, as implied above.

    The bottom line is: inside the SP, itcontains an incomplete theory about itself.33

    So, if you use

    the SP but there're still things you do not know about it, they will become your weaknesses. This

    will remind you forever that you reek of weaknesses and had better hurry up get High!

    The Higher you get, the more you will feel like playing a game with your everything at stakes.

    You interactions with knowledge at such levels will bring about enormous consequences. Andyour Pyrofile will be one of your primary weapons when we introduce a feature that lets you set

    the conditional visibility of separate parts of your Pyrofile. It means only users who meet

    certain conditions can see the parts you want to hide.

    Also, its worth noting that the moment High dark rooms (dark secret of the government,military, and corporations) are open to you and the public, their first explorersthe Highest

    masterminds will have moved up to the next floors. So it is an endless race.

    But dont worry! My goal in proposing the SP is to leverage the power of knowing and empower

    you, giving you another tool to close the gap between yourself and those near the top. So the

    bottom line is the SP will provide a paradigm-High knowledge service and learning experience

    compared to Wikipedia. The chance is for everyone, but the reward is not.


    Honestly, right now I do not have enough technical expertise to build the SP. I have startedlearning to code again but I still need your help. I believe if the SP concept is powerful enough

    and its implications profound enough, people with complementary skills will join me. My plan is

    to seek feedback on the concept, gather like-minded fellows, seek technical advices andendorsement, apply to certain incubators (which I have chosen since 2012), acquire must-have

    technical skills and knowledge as fast as possible through MOOCs and programming books

    (which I have bought since last year), go to an incubator next year, meet technical partners and

    work on this project full-time with the intention of a building startup in mind.

    I have envisaged a prototype for when I can go to my dream incubator, where I will ask all

    project teams to put their projects on the SPmap their Insights to find like-minded partners,verify their problem statements with facts and data, their Insights about possible solutions, lay

    out all knowledge required for their solutions (neuroscience, nanotech, synbio, AI, etc.),predict

    Higher problems to solve next so that the effects of their current solutions will not be soon

    33The consciousness of the SP http://qr.ae/qSmOI

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    obsolete, identify which parallel efforts are needed, how the processes and outputs of all projects

    incubated there overlap, etc. This would be a win-win for both me and those teams.

    This project and another one are my life. Except for technical knowledge, I have a firm grasp of

    the concept, its implications, and its real plan for the futurethe future that I want to live in. If

    not for that, I wouldnt live another second. To borrow Eric Schmidts and Jonathan Rosenbergswords in How Google Works, I want to bet on an unimaginable future, because such big bets

    can sometimes be easier to achieve than small ones, since they attract the best people.


    [6]Limitations of Wikipedia: users ratings are equally weighted;information is linearly sorted

    with no meaningful order; has semantic structures but presents no big picture. Solutions: take

    user credentials into account, and add three dimensions.

    [7]Limitations of Google: ratings are based on the pages quality rather than the knowledges

    probability; information is linearly sorted with no meaningful order; has the Knowledge Graph

    but no big picture. Solutions: add three dimensions.

    [11]The Singularity is expected to be near the Top, but not literally at the Top. The Theory of

    Everything should be comparatively closer to the Top. I doubt humans will survive to witness

    what lies at the Top.

    [15]Opportunities in education:

    Over the next five years or so, all of educationK-12, college, and graduate schoolwill be

    online, in every major language. Companies like Google and others are working to bring verylow cost, or no cost, Internet to everyone in the world. In the future, we will see very high quality

    education, both in terms of online education with human thinkers, as well as computer-assisted

    instruction by artificial intelligence, thus providing higher quality education to everyone. There

    will need an educational hut to arrange that huge amount of high quality education in one place

    so that users can record and share their life of learning in a single place34


    [8]An incomplete list of my questions in life in four main sets:

    1. The structure of knowledge: How can I put all knowledge in the same picture? The wholepicture comprises of all fields. People are going up and down without anticipating where to

    meet halfway in order to hold hands and walk up to the Top together. Why didnt high school

    34A Q&A with Ray Kurzweil http://roi.ted.com/2014/10/15/singularity-university-the-future-of-education-and-the-


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    teachers teach mathematics, physics, chemistry, and biology as a seamless body of science

    where biology emerges from chemistry, which in turn emerges from physics, while

    mathematics is the seed of science that describes everything? In theoretical physics, whydidnt scientists from two camps (string theorists who go bottom up and model builders who

    go top down) work hand in hand trying to meet somewhere in the middle? If scattered in the

    body of religious knowledge to date are tiny pearls of truth/real knowledge then how shouldthey be positioned compared to scientific knowledge? Should scientists take leaps of faith forunlikely breakthroughs? What does it take to draw a roadmap to the Singularity?

    2. The map of a humans consciousness:[3]

    Why cant big minds agree on everything with eachother? Why are some of the most intelligent people I know in their fields so nave and

    ignorant in worldly matters, and not conscious at all of the hidden danger threatening our

    lives every second? How can I convince very intelligent people who have huge ego to sit

    down and point out their elusive deficiencies in order to work out real solutions together?How can I convince people who love or hate Hitler or other monstrous historical figures that

    they were inevitable existence born out of the context of history rather than good or bad

    people? How can I prove the relative and probabilistic nature of the reality (nothing isabsolutely true and everything is governed by a probabilistic distribution)? Do levels of

    consciousness exist (People of higher level of consciousness are exposed to certain

    knowledge that enables them to realize things closer to truth or on a larger physical scale.)

    and how can I visualize someones consciousness? How can I really put myself in someonesshoes to understand why that persons view is so glaringly contrasting to mine?

    3. The reason for variety: Why are people still enjoying 2D games (Flappy Bird) while there areso many awesome 3D games? Why not create the best thing but the best things? Why cant I

    have a one-size-fits-all all-time strategy? Why do people suddenly fall in love with retro-

    styled music or fashion? Why do we still have martial arts while we have weapons? What

    exactly do the arts of gardening, dancing, gourmet cooking, fine dining, fashion, photography,poetry, etc. contribute to the humans progress towards the Singularity? Why are there

    always people who over-appreciate particular inane forms of art (Mark Rothkos black-on-

    blackabstract expressionismor Kasimir Malevichs white-on-whitesuprematism) andjunk teen bestsellers (Beth ReeklessThe Kissing Booth and Maya Van WagenensVintage

    Wisdom for a Modern Geek)? Why did junk teen novelists like Beth Reekles and Maya Van

    Wagenen become two among The 16 Most Influential Teens of 2013? How could NikitaSingh become such a best-selling Indian novelist if her best known works were named

    Love@Facebook(2011), Accidentally in LoveWith Him? Again?(2011), If It's Not

    Forever...It's Not Love (2012), The Promise (2012), Someone Like You (2013), The

    Unreasonable Fellows (2013), Right Here Right Now (2014)?


    The nature of war and peace: Why does war exist? Does absolute peace exist? Why do

    people fight? Are all kinds of violence and crime (robbery, murder, protest, IT hacking, etc.)

    during peace time just another manifestation of war? Why do we need red team exercises incomputer science and life sciences? As long as there is profit in war, can there really be no

    more war? Why were there many scientific breakthroughs in war that lead to the invention of

    the computer and the Internet? What are the benefits of war? What exactly did warscontribute to the collective sum of human knowledge? How did the process of developing

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    knowledge creation is guided. If Google's mission is to organize the world's information, the

    SPs mission is to organize the collective body of knowledge.

    [26]The Deeper, the scarier:

    American scientist Herbert A. Simon, in describing an AI program called EPAM, wrote in 1973

    that to understand the mysterious EPAM program, he would provide us with three versions of the

    explanation. One would be the form in which it was actually written (programming language)with its whole structure of routines and subroutines. Alternatively, he could provide us with a

    machine-language version of EPAM after the whole translation had been carried out. The third

    would be the electromagnetic equations and boundary conditions that the computer, viewed as a

    physical system, would have to obey while behaving as EPAM. That would be an acme of

    reduction and incomprehensibility. [Kurzweil 2012]

    [29]The expert manager was itself a software program that was programmed to learn the strengthsand weaknesses of these different systems by examining their performance in real-world

    situations. It was based on the notion that these strengths were orthogonal; that is, one systemwould tend to be strong where another was weak. Indeed, the overall performance of the

    combined systems with the trained expert manager in charge was far better than any of the

    individual systems.

    [36]Bouncing between the Deep and the High:

    High applications of mathematics in engineering and theoretical physics have driven much

    development in Deep mathematics. Conversely, a Deep achievement36in mathematics, logic, oralgorithm can usher a cascade of High technological wonders. In fact, the Highest theoriesmostly depended on invention of more mathematics

    37and more mathematics is always needed to

    develop Higher theories38

    . Computer scientists regularly bounce between developing Deep

    algorithms (for the software) and building faster computers/networks based on High technologies(for the hardware). In far future, the development of Deep computronium language will optimize

    calculations of High ToE equations.

    One of my favorite bounce happened when I learned about the probabilistic nature of reality

    through the equations of wave functions and Schrdinger's equation (Deep). Thereafter, I only

    describe things as probable rather than accurate. I also realized that if wave functions really

    never collapse then the reality that we perceive is merely the interference between all the wave ofevery quantum in our brain and body with that of every quantum in the universe. I found an

    allegory in Youngs double-lid experiment with photons, where the visible light bands are the

    reality while the waves of the photons are always present but invisible. That means everything is

    36Take over the world after proving P=NP http://qr.ae/qSLiG37Inventing mathematics http://qr.ae/qSLJe38Need more mathematics http://qr.ae/qS0NW

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    predetermined, which resonates Einsteins quote God doesnt play dice. Yes, he doesnt play

    dice because he has known the dices wave function and all of its possibilities! Hence my

    original expansion of Einsteins quote God doesnt play dice, because He sees all sides at once

    and the huge dice showing three sides with a dark top on the 1stpage of this paper.

    [42]Abstraction in mathematics is the process of extracting the underlying essence of a

    mathematical concept, removing any dependence on real world objects with which it might

    originally have been connected, and generalizing it so that it has wider applications or matching

    among other abstract descriptions of equivalent phenomena. Two of the most highly abstractareas of modern mathematics are category theory and model theory. One of the advantages of

    abstraction is: It reveals deep connections between different areas of mathematics. Known results

    in one area can suggest conjectures in a related area. Techniques and methods from one area can

    be applied to prove results in a related area.

    [43]Why we need Soft, Hard, and S-Hard while S-Hard is all we needs to reach the top?

    If a perfect AI magically sprang into existence, in no presence of humans, it would gather only

    knowledge at the Core, which is all it needsto reach the top of the pyramid. Unfortunately, it has

    to be created by humans, so it needs Hard knowledge to co-exist with humans. On the other hand,humans are living organisms so, in order to stay alive and productive, we need all sorts of Soft

    knowledgeentertainment, tasty food, fun, joy, love, fashion, touch, art, photography, fiction,sex, reward, music, flower, bar, club, firework, emotion, party, movies/books that elaborate

    trivial life philosophies (Mr. Nobody39

    , Cloud Atlas40

    ), etc. As a result, humans have to fill up

    Soft, Hard, and S-Hard knowledge simultaneously until the Core has filled up enough for an AI

    to use it to fill up the rest of the Core.


    According to the law of accelerating returns, by the end of this century we will be able to createcomputation at the limits of what is possible, based on the laws of physics as applied to

    computation. We call matter and every organized in this way computronium, which is vastly

    more powerful pound per pound than the human brain. It will not just be raw computation but

    will be infused with intelligent algorithms. The potential of matter to compute is also governed

    by a very small number, Plancks constant 6.6x10-34

    joule-seconds. This is the smallest scale atwhich we can apply energy for computation. We obtain the theoretical limit of an object to

    perform computation by dividing the total energy by Plancks constant. Lloyd shows how thepotential computing capacity of a kilogram of matter equals pi times energy divided by Plancksconstant. Since the energy is such a large number and Plancks constant is so small, this equation

    generates an extremely large number: about 5x1050

    operations per second. [Kurzweil 2012]

    39Mr. Nobody http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0485947/40Cloud Atlas http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1371111/

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    [45]Quotes on the language of thought:

    I very rarely think words at all. A thought comes, and I may try to express it in words

    afterwards. Albert Einstein.

    As we experience our own thoughts and memories, we know what they mean, but they do not

    exist as readily explainable thoughts and recollections. If we want to share them with others, weneed to translate them in to language. [Kurzweil 2012]

    [47]Why a probability distribution of probabilities (PDP) but not simply a probability distribution

    or probability or just a Boolean value of true and false?

    Its simpleto provide more information. We could have used a probability distribution ofprobability distributions of probability distributions of Unfortunately, I dont think most

    people would find such level of complexity meaningful and useful. If a room has a tentative

    representative probability of 50%, a PDP would suffice to help you distinguish between these

    different cases: (1) everyone has the some opinions, e.g. everyone rated 50%, (2) everyone has adifferent opinion, e.g. ratings are evenly distributed from 0% to 100%, and (3) there are two

    opposite camps, e.g. half of the ratings are 0% and half 100%.

    [59]Why are all Conceptual levels needed (not just the Highest)?

    It would be extremely difficult to interpret what these higher level patterns meant without

    actually copying all of the information at every levelinto our own cortex. Thus each pattern in

    our neocortex is meaningful only in light of all the information carried in the levels belowit. ifwe were able to detect the pattern activations in someones neocortex, we would still have little

    idea what those pattern activations meant without also having access to the entire hierarchy ofpatterns below each activated pattern. That would pretty much require access to that persons

    entire neocortex. [Kurzweil 2012]

    [61]Those who can't fix their weaknesses in war either perish or have to compensate for them with

    more strengths. There are three common types of war:

    1. Violent war: armed conflict between countries, colloquially referred to as "war".[70]

    All kindsof weaknesses in strategy, intelligence, discipline, mental toughness, technologies, risk

    management, etc. are exposed on the battlefield. If you can't defend against just a single type ofprojectile, it's a weakness. If your bullets can't pierce through enemy's walls, it's a weakness.

    They are exploited by one side and fixed by the other. That's how warfare knowledge evolves.But this type of war is the most costly and thus the last resort a country has to employ after all

    other types of war have failed.

    This may sound ridiculous but have you ever imagined what happens if we are attacked by aliens,

    literally? That's when we need flawless "weapons" and flawless "armors." And the only way to

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    I countered every answer from him with a question and finally arrived at our fundamental

    differences. First, he had the wishful thinking that the government HAS TO do good for their

    people because they has the authority, money, manpower, and are voted by the people for thepeople. When I asked Why do they have to? he could only say Because they have to.

    Likewise, he had a jelled assumption that the fault always belonged to the government rather

    than the people. It's like blaming movie directors and actors for making junk movies instead ofthe audience who paid for junk like that in the first place and did nothing to change that. As Iattempted to change the topic by saying WWII was bad thing, but would we still have

    computers and the Internet today if it hadnt happened? he precluded our intellectual discussion

    with his emotional account, saying Absolutely nothing good came out of war because I lost my

    best friends in the war.

    Its not because they are not smart and logical enough to reason beyond their own assumptions

    but because they may have been too focused in their fields of specialization, not open to new

    streams of information, got used to a tunnel narrow view, too emotionally traumatized or clouded

    by their ego to logically accept certain conclusions. Most awakened elites hide
