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Sinter Plant Single toothed roll crusher.pdf

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  • 7/29/2019 Sinter Plant Single toothed roll crusher.pdf


    PGC1s00x2000ffiffiM#trt' ' PGC1500x2000ingleToothed-rollCrusher

    ,fHHfi,HEfiOperating nstructions


    ,/-t rr*

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    ShandongLaiwu Coal Mining Machinery Co.oLtd - :\ . \

  • 7/29/2019 Sinter Plant Single toothed roll crusher.pdf


    E l =trI >JKContents

    I H 6 . . . . . . . . . . 1I Appl ication .. . . . . . .12 6ft@+n*fr,t&rtn8W. ....12 Specificationsand parameters f the crusher ... . 13 #+EJe.rfflR4.. ......23 Configuration ndoperational rinciple... .. . ....24 +F*F{+trrlF* ......24 Manufacturing requirements of the main parts andcomponents

    5 *H., rffii*&.i.fi+.1J



    5 Installation, debugging and test6 ffi|F+,fEH

    7 ffiFtrtfr#6 Operationand use

    7 Maintenance.8 yt4yH8 Lubricatione ffiF+trwh1in&ftWnr* 6I Analysis of the failure causesand disposalmethods ......910nffiffHfrffi# , . . . . . . 7

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    1 0

    1 01 1

    l 01 11 1

    List of the wea),rffi.)fr*n

    ring parts

    Notice or order....Ff*, tsffitenfrt+dlffiKAnnex 2: Dragramof the single oothed-rollcrusher 1 1

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    ResPected ustomers'Thankyou for your choosingandbuying the

    pGc1l00 x 1860single

    toothed-ro[ crusher. n order to make the machineplay a due role' please

    readthe peration nstructionsbefore nstallationanduseof it'

    l .Application , r, . machinetoTheequipmentisinstal ledattheendofthesinterrng

    crush he sinteredore to the proper dimensionsequiredby the following

    process.Both its axreandbearing are cooledwith water andthe top of the

    crushing tooth is the removable hammer, whichis easy to change' The

    equipmenthas forms of reft and right installation,which should be stated

    when ordered'2. Specificationand parametersof the crusherPGC1500 2000Model

    The maximum dimensionsof the sinteredorebefore being crushed

    1800 2000 600

    Dimensionsof the sinteredore afterbeing crushed< 150

    o u t s i d e d i a m e t e r o f t h e t o o t h e d r o l l e r 0 1 5 0 0E f f e c t i v e l e n g t h o f t h e t o o t h e d r o t l e r 2 0 0 0 m mRow-number of the toothed roller

    . , T o o t h n u m b e r o f t h e t o o t h e d r o l l e r p e r r o w6 rows42001/hY315S-8ProcessingcaPabiliry

    Electromotor Model

  • 7/29/2019 Sinter Plant Single toothed roll crusher.pdf


    PowerRotating sPeedModelSpeed atio

    Note: The right installationrefers o facing the feed nlet and if the motor



    is on the right sideof the main machine, t is the right installation.3, Structure and working principle

    The working principle of this equipment s that the toothed rollerwith the removablehammer s driven by the motor through decelerationof the reducer,which rotates o produce mpact and shearingaction on thesintered ore to crush it and the crushedore drops under the grid sectionand henenter nto the nextprocedure.The crushingprocesss completed.

    The equipmentmainly consistsof severalpartsof a motor, a reducer'a main machine and two couplings as well as a water tank. The mainmachirre part includes toothed rollers, water-cooled bearings, frameassembryand a dustproof cover.The toothed roller has a hollow axle and

    starwhell and grid section nstalledon it. The hollow axle is cooledwithwater passingthrough it to lower the effect of the sinteredore of hightemperafure.Attention should be paid to the coaxiality with the hollowaxlewhen hewaterpipesare nstaJled,hichs[g-ql-dl't g:B-cJJh-*-n$twall of the axle and assure he expeditgwaterway with thg_watgl prelsure

    1:y", than 0.3Mpa; the water-cooledbearingand bushare sectioned nto

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    4.4.5Technical equirements f grey-cast-iron artsGB/Tg43g-19884.4.6Technical equirements f carbon-steelastsGB/T11352-1989

    5. fnstallationo ebuggingand testrun5.1Foundation5.1.1 Make it according o the drawing PGCL520L.Note that the

    drawing only shows he relative positionsof the bolts of the crusher.Thecustomershoulddesign he installation oundationaccording o the generalinstallation drawing and the local soil condition. Selectanchor bolts ofcoffesponding engthand pay attention o identifying the |eft andright fype.Generally he equipmentwill be given the layout drawingof right-type.Ifit is left-type,the foundationsof the motor and the reducershouldbe laidout symmetricallyn relation o the mainmachine;

    5.I -2 In order to keep the normal running of the equipmenton thefoundation, the foundation should be maintained for 7 to 14 days beforeinstallationandmake he pre-pressureest for about70 hourswith weight of1.5 imesof theequipmento seewhether here s any settlement;

    5.1.3 It is preferred o position the bolts by secondgrouting. In thefirst grouting you leave the holes for the anchor bolts, then adopt thesecondgrouting after the installation and debugging o position of theequipment.Assure the quality of the grouting layer without defectsofcracks,peak holes and surfacevoids etc. The grouting should be doneunder properenvitonment emperatureand completedwithin 24 hours.

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    5.2 Installations5.2.1 Understand the content of the operation introduction' the

    structure of the equipment and the relative general knowledge forequipment installation. prepare tools, materials and safety protectionequipments or installation;

    5.2.2Check the fasteners f the main machineand otherpartsto seewhether there is loosening, whether the clearancebetween the hammerand grid section is even and whether the motor and the reducer are ingoodorder;

    5.z.3put the equipmenton the foundation o assureeachpart is level'Adjust the couplings at fhe end of the motor and the main machine to

    assure he coaxiality of the both end axlesof eachcoupling and satisff

    the radial and angle displacement equirementsof eachcoupling (refer tovolume 2 ofthe designmanualof the chemicalversion);

    5.2.4 Tighten eachbolt and grout the anchor bolts for the secondtime. check fully eachpart in goodorder. dle run can be doneafter about

    15 days after he installation-5.3 Idle trial run5.3.1 Fully check each part to see whether it is in good order'

    whetherthere is any sundries n the fastenersor in the clearancebetweenhammer and grid sectionsor in the crushing cavity,whether the electriccircuit is normal, whether the safetymeasuresare n position and whether

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    the quantity of the greasen the bearingand the oil in the reducersatisfiesthe requirements;

    5.3.2 Instantly switch on to check whether there is abnormalityfirstly, and start continuous running after confirmation of being normal.Make sure the rotating direction is right, each part nrns normallY,$9,temperatureof the bearingsatisfies he requiry_ggts(no higher than 55"C)?ndjhe ryrter-coolingsJ-s19gl*il-lttjg9d"-qldgl When the machine stops,checkwhetherthere s impressionon the tooth surfaceof the reducerandthe circular tooth contact atio is in accordancewith the specification;

    5.4 Loadtrial runDuring load trial run, note that the material shouldbe evenly fed in

    proper sequenceand gradually from less to more. If there is materialpiling, the machineshouldbe stopped mmediately o check he causeandgo on running after it resumesnoffnality. The load trial run shouldsatitffthe following requirements

    5.4.1 Continuously un for 2to 4 hoursundersemi-loadcondition;

    5 4.2 C;ontinuouslyxr foroneday 8to24houn)rmderull-loadcondition;5 4.3 The emperatureisingofthe bearing houldbenohigher han55C;5 4.4 Thercshould enoviolentnoise ndvibration includinghe educer);5.4.sThereshouldbe no materialpiling;5.'4.6The dimensionof the sinteredore after being crushedshould

    satisff the requirements;

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    5.4.7 Measurethe motor power and working cuffent to satisff the

    requiroments.6. Operation and use

    6.1 The operatormust be familiar with the operating instructions,

    master the working principle, structureand propertiesof the equipment

    before using this equipment and operate t according to the requirements

    of the instructions'6.2Material feeding of this equipmentshould be continuousand

    even. Try your best to make the material distribute evenly along the

    effective length of the toothed roller to exert its maximum production

    capability and avoid the prematureabrasion of the hammer and grid

    sectioninthemiddleofthetoothedroller.6.3 Begin to feedmaterialafter the equipment uns normally'6.4 when the equipmentstopsworking, stopfeedingmaterialfirst, then

    stopthemachineafterall thecrushedmaterialdischaryedrom themachine'

    7. Maihtenance7.1 The installation condition of the equipment should be in

    accordancewith the requirementsn the installationpart mentionedabove;7 2 check whether the fastenersare l00sening or not before start

    usually, whether the electric circuit is in good order, the oil quantity of

    the bearing and reducer and so on. The reducer should refer to the

    instruction of its company.check whether the oil pointer is in good

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    order, whether there is noise and vibration when it runs. Periodicallycheck whether there is impression on the tooth surface contact. Thecontact ratio of the tooth surface should be in accordance with thespecifications no less han 40%alongthe heightof the tooth and no lessthan 50% along the length of the tooth) and the cleatanceof the teethandcleaningof the oil shouldalsobe noticed;

    7.3 Material feedingshouldbe evenandcontinuous o preventmaterialpiling when t is fastandenergy esourceswastingwhen t is slow;

    7 4 Make surethat the cooling water system o be expeditewithoutleakageand the water pressure ower than 0.3Mpa with the water qualitybeing near neutral and clean without impurity which should be

    eliminated mmediatelyafter stopping he machinewhen it isblocked;

    7.5 Check the abrasion condition of the hammer frequently andreplace t timely when t's worn by Il2-213'

    7.6 Check the abrasion condition of the grid section frequently,remove it and use another side if it is worn seriously. Remove thedustproofcover and toothedroller when change o anothersideand fullycheckotherPartsat the same ime;

    7 7 Check heconditionof the water-cooledbearing requently,suchastheoilquan_t-lty,$po-ilcl-9p-T-s^*md,Lqng9-{3*I9"gglg

    *F4 4 4 d

    7.8 During the normal operation of the equipment, stop itimmediately if there s any abnormality.Restart he machineafter find out

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    the cause and eliminate it. Maintenance is not permitted during theoperationof the equipment.Fully check and maintain the machine afterone-yearcontinuoususe.S.Lubrication

    8.1 The two water-cooledbearingsof this equipmentare lubricatedtLrypg:4ig:!_gSlgflliytsptoll-n--bapp-dy*/I'lhium-base-dgrsa.t9The daily greaseaddition is about60-80 grams.Cleanand replace he oilevery hatf year (It is related o the working conditions, he customershouldoften observeand record when start to use it and adjust the proper periodof oil cleaningandreplacingaftergetting he regularity).

    8.2 After the equipmentworks for half a month,replacewith new oil forthe reducer.Thoroughlyclean andreplace he oil everyhalf yearsince hen.

    9. Analysis of the failure causes nd disposalmethodsFailure Analysisof the cause Disposalmethod

    Oil can't be filled intothe water-cooledbearing

    Oil filling hole s obstructed Dredge he oil filling hole

    dn" water-cooledbearing s damaged l) Lubrication is not in time or there iscontaminantn thegrease.2) There s abnormalityn the coolingwater


    l) Replacewith new bearing2) Resume the cooling watersystem o be normal

    The hammer s ruptured 1) There s castingdefectsn thehammermatrix2) Meet trebulkmaterial interedo be over-hard

    1) Replacewith new hammer2) Take he bulk material out

    Teeth rupture of thereducergear

    Meet the bulk material sintered to beover-hard

    Take the bulk material out andstrengthenhe check of the material

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    10.Wearing parts listSN Designation Name Material Quantity Remark1 PGC2400-0s-02Lower bush ZQSnl0-1 22 PGC2400-05-04Upperbush ZQSn10-1 2aJ PGC2400-07-08ACrown ZGMnl3 244 PGC2400-07-09 Screw 485 PGC2400-07-06,4Starwhell 2G270-500 66 PGC2400-06-07AGrid section Cr26Ni5Si2Mo 71L.Notice for order

    11.1The equipmenthas two types, the right-type and the left-Upe.Facing the feed inlet if the motor and the reducerare on the right sideofthe main machine, the equipment is right-type. On the contrary it isleft-type. Customers an select t according o the actualconditionon spotand note in the order contract.The right-type will be delivered f there isno indication n the contract.

    lI.2 Generallythe common motor will be selected. f the customerhas special requirements for the motor, (such as flameproof andwaterproofetc.) t canbe indicated n the orderingcontract.The customercan also give coffespondingrequirementson the magnitude of the motorpower based on the difficulty level of the crushed matefial so as tospeciallydesign t.

    11 3.Wearingpartsshouldbe orderedseparately.

    l 0

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  • 7/29/2019 Sinter Plant Single toothed roll crusher.pdf



    I-!8, il6#ftfiF1fi8f.ffi szg, Add:329FengchengWestStreet,LaiwuCity,shandongProvince

    frBffiz 7rr00P.C.:271100Hif;, (063a) 6199800Tel:0086-634-6199800iEH $63a) 6199867Fax:0086-634-6199800

    ' Fl!l' httP: //www.lwmj'com- http: //www.lwmj.com' HAF.ffi, xinehua@Jwmi'com

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