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Sisters of Our Lady of ApostlesE8me%20ann%E9e%20EN… ·  · 2014-06-23led you … testing you to...

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Sisters of Our Lady of Apostles Accompaniment of Sisters in Temporary Vows - booklet 4 “Remember the long way that the Lord your God has led you… testing you to know what was in your heart…“ (Deut. 8:2)

Sisters of Our Lady of Apostles

Accompaniment of Sisters in Temporary Vows - booklet 4

“Remember the long way that the Lord your God has

led you… testing you to know what was in your heart…“

(Deut. 8:2)


Booklet 4

“You are the salt of the earth; but if salt has lost its

taste, how can its saltiness be restored?... You are

the light of the world..." (Matthew 5:13-14)


Booklet 4


Charism and Spirituality-------------------------

Community Life ------------------------------------



Life of Faith and Prayer -------------------------- 8

Apostolic Life --------------------------------------- 10

Chastity ----------------------------------------------- 12

Poverty ------------------------------------------------ 14

Obedience ------------------------------------------- 16

Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation ------ 18

My annual evaluation------------------------------ 20


Booklet 4

“However, I reassure myself that God has never forgotten mebecause He came to my help in the moment when I thought all waslost." (Fr. Planque to Sr. Simplice, Tanta 1897)

As I begin my life as a professed Sister in a new community,

what are my expectations and fears regarding:

Charism and spirituality of the Institute

Community life

Life of Faith and Prayer

Apostolic life




Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation

What facilitated my spiritual growth?

What obstacles were in the way of this growth?

What steps should I take to ensure continued growth in my

spiritual life?


Booklet 4


“Inserted in a particular church, we work with its members and leaders to

form Christian communities and help them to grow. In dialogue, in

reflection and prayer we discuss with them the signs of the times and the

response to be given to the most urgent needs of the church and the

world".(Constitutions n.17)

“lt is necessary, therefore, to be open to the interior promptings of the

Holy Spirit, who invites us to understand in depth the designs of

Providence. He calls consecrated men and women to present new answers

to the new problems of today’s world. These are divine pleas which only

souls accustomed to following God's will in everything can assimilate

faithfully and then translate courageously into choices which are

consistent with the original charism and which correspond to the demands

to the concrete historical situation." (Vita Consecrata n.73)

“What can I wish for you? I can find nothing better than that you should

live the life of God in the midst of the great variety of your works. “

(Augustine Planque 1897)

Other references

Mt 5: 13-16

James 2: 14-20

Novo Millennio Ineunte n. 50

Starting Afresh From Christ n. 19 - 33 - 34


Booklet 4

Openness to different needs

The CENACLE : the heart of my religious family1. What are the moments in my life when I have reflected deeply on

our beginnings and felt renewed?- What significance have such moments for me?- What support /encouragement do I gain from them?

2. "SIMPLICITY in its widest apostolic sense"How do I understand and live this attitude which characterisesour spirituality?Does it help me in my interpersonal relationships?

3. Have the marginalized and the poor a special place in my life?How? Do I allow myself to be evangelised by them? How?

4. Does my choice of study reflect my desire to respond to themission of the Institute?

5. 'In Mary we find a model of integrity of Life' (Constitutions n.12)Following her example how do I attain this integrity between mymission and my life?How was her journey in my accompaniment?


Booklet 4


"Each of us hears them speaking in her/his own tongue. about the marvels

God has accomplished." (Acts 2:11)

“The question of nationality has never had the least influence on me. We

should be uniquely apostles of truth and of divine charity." (A. Planque


"In keeping with its particular apostolic commitment and mindful of the

good of its members, the community decides on its own mode of life and

adapts it to time and place." (Constitutions C.14)

“Like the soldier I have changed regiment; I am in Zagazig since 11th April;

I settled down from the very first day because one finds the same spirit in

every mission and sisters who are watchful for the newly arrived. This,

nevertheless, hasn’t prevented me from experiencing a lively pain in

leaving those who were my companions for nearly two years. The word,

that you repeat so often, resounded in me at the moment of separation

and I said with my whole heart: May your will be done, O my God!”

(Sr. Gondène to Fr. Planque- Zagaziz, 12th May, 1898)

Other references

Jn. 13: 1-16

1 Cor. 9: 19-23

1 Pet. 3: 8-12

1 Pet. 4: 8-11

Constitutions: n. 10 - 45 - 48

Vita Consecrata n. 46 - 80


Booklet 4

Unity in diversity

1. What efforts do I make to know the cultures of my Sisters in


How do I appreciate and value the richness of these cultures?


2. How open am I to the following situations:

* welcoming a new Sister into the community.

* my being received into a new community.

3. What steps should I take:

* to know the other person better.

* to allow myself to be better known by the other.

4. In my place of work or study how am I a real witness to others?


Booklet 4


“Who do you say that I am?" (Mt. 16:15)

"Without faith nothing good can be done for God and souls, for our God is

faithful and our life rests on the rock of Divine Truth."

(A. Planque - Sermon on faith)

“On Sunday, 15 March, a telegram signed Sr Aloysia announced the cruel

loss of our poor Sr. Macaire. (Gabriela Quinteros was the first Argentine an

OLA) I cannot believe it, she who was so strong, so tall, with such fine


Bassam is in quarantine; all communications are stopped, the boats do not

come near; I make it my duty to write and ask you, my Good Mother, to

pray and to ask prayers for our poor mission.

What troubles, what worry, my Good Mother; for our boarders there is

continual coming and going. What sorrows and nobody to whom to tell

them! Jesus in the Tabernacle is my only confidant. I don’t have enough

time to give you all the details”.

(Sr. Adrien to the Sup. Gen. Dabou, 18th

March, 1903)

"Living in community, we like to come together to share our faith and our

experiences of the Lord. Community prayer strengthens the bonds existing

between us, reinforces our apostolic motivation and gives support and

integration to our undertakings." (Constitutions n. 53)

Other references

Mt. 16: 13-20 / Jn. 14: 8-10 / Acts 2: 42.47 / 1 Jn. 1:1

Constitutions: n. 15

Vita Consecrata : n. 93


Booklet 4

In solidarity with all

1. Have I experienced Jesus revealing himself to me continuously in

my life? How do I sense this?

2. Does my life of faith and prayer have a positive influence on me

and on others? Give examples.

3. How do I share my faith with my Sisters and with others?

4. How am I enriched by the faith of my Sisters and that of others?

5. How do I cope with my personal prayer in Campus?


Booklet 4


"For it is not ourselves that we are preaching, but Christ Jesus, the Lord."

(2 Cor. 4:5)

"To know and love God and to make Him known and loved."

"Without the knowledge of the local language, it will always be impossible

for us to spread the blessings of the Gospel." (A. Planque)

“We allow ourselves to be challenged by the people whom we meet or

with whom we work. We use the means of social communication so that

we may understand the context of the lives of individuals and of peoples

and break down barriers..." (Constitutions n. 47)

"To evangelise all peoples is the particular grace and vocation of the

Church, her most profound identity. She exists for evangelisation."

(Evangelii Nuntiandii n. 15)

Other references

Mt. 8: 19b-22

Jn. 10: 11-18

Acts 10: 1-43

2 Cor. 4: 4-18

2 Cor. 5: 18-20

Constitutions: n. 7, 15, 16

Vita Consecrata : n. 76 - 79 - 98 - 99


Booklet 4

Being in solidarity

1. How do I live my mission within the dual movement:being sent into the world and remaining faithful to the Living


2. 'Our mission is ONE.':* Am I in solidarity with this OLA project?* How do I show interest in its development / fulfillment?* What steps am I prepared to take for the good of the


3. How do I make the OLA charism known through my apostolicactivities?

* What is the place of women in my apostolate?* What words of Hope have I the audacity to proclaim in the

student world?* What steps do I take to open up the Missionary Dimension to

the youth of today?

4. What means am I ready to put into action for the good of theInstitute?


Booklet 4


“May Christ dwell in your hearts through faith and may love be the root

and foundation of your life.” (Eph. 3:17)

"Friendship is holy, its rights are sacred. Two things make friendship solid :

affection and fidelity.." (A. Planque - Extracts from Sermon)

The authentic love of a united community helps and encourages us to be

faithful to the vow and spirit of chastity. Together we strive to create an

atmosphere of warmth and love around us that can be experienced by

(Constitutions n. 28)

Other references

Jer. 2: 2

Eph. 3: 14-21

Phil. 3: 12-16

1 Thes. 4: 1-5

Constitutions : n. 28 - 30

Vita Consecrata : n. 109


Booklet 4

Synergy between… Chastity - ObediencePoverty - Community life

1. What relationships do I perceive between chastity and povertyand between chastity and obedience?

*How do they help me integrate my life?

2. Does consecrated celibacy help me to blossom and grow inlove?

* Is my relationship with my family a help or an obstacle in mylife as a consecrated woman?

3. Are there times when I find solitude very difficult? How do Icope with this?

4. How are differences encountered in community helps orobstacles to my growth? Give examples.


Booklet 4


"... These things I used to consider gain, l have now reappraised as loss in

the light of Christ." (Ph. 3: 4)

"Alone we can do nothing. But we can do all if we simply put ourselves in

the hands of God to be the instruments that He uses to His Will."

(A. Planque - 1889)

“… The disciple is not above the Master." (Lk. 6:40). In accepting the

deprivations and difficulties of each day, we live with Christ the Paschal

Mystery of death and resurrection inseparable from ail apostolic life.

Through our own participation in human suffering sanctified by the Cross

of Christ..." (Constitutions n. 11)

Other references

Mt. 25: 14-30

Mk. 1: 40-45

1 Pet. 4: 10-11

James 2: 1-8

Constitutions : n. 34

Vita Consecrata : n. 82


Booklet 4

The path of judiciousness and solidarity

1. How does my lifestyle give witness in the area where my

community is located ?

2. What motivates my service? For whom am I really working?

3. What choices do I make so as to live in solidarity with the poor?

4. If a student: How is my lifestyle a witness to the people with

whom I am living and studying? How does my budget reflect this?


Booklet 4


“ I have come to do your will. O God!" (Heb. 10:7)

"To sanctify oneself is to be conformed to the Will of God and the Will of

God is the Truth." (A. Planque 26/12/1897)

"God manifests his will to us through Scripture, through the Church and

through the lnstitute.

We recognise it also as it is revealed to us through other channels: persons,

the needs of the community and of the world. the events of daily life. ln so

far as they seem to indicate God's will for us, we welcome the many

demands and challenges that confront us.

…we all. Superiors and Sisters alike, seek to discern together how best to

respond to them, white remaining faithful to our own special apostolic


This process of discernment presupposes our readiness to dialogue in

mutual trust, in availability, and with true regard for the common good.

The final decision belongs to the Superior. We accept in a spirit of faith,

ready to co-operate in its implementation with a loyalty that is generous

and sincere." (Constitutions n. 41)

Other references

Mk. 3: 31-35 / Rm. 12:1-2 /Heb. 10: 5-7

1 Thes. 5: 12-13

Constitutions: n. 9- 4

Vita Consecrata n. 92


Booklet 4

The path of the Pascal Mysteryof death and resurrection

1. Considering Constitutions N° 41, how disposed am I to dialogue

in the interest of the common good? Give examples.

2. If during a dialogue, my opinion is not accepted, how do I react?

3. How do I differentiate between a decision taken after dialogue

and mere information?

If a student : how does this challenge me?

4. Christ obeyed God in giving his whole life. Following his


How does obedience help me to give my whole life in love?


Booklet 4


COMPENDIUM OF THE SOCIAL DOCTRINE OF THE CHURCHc. Social doctrine, evangelization and human promotion67. The Church's social doctrine “is itself a valid instrument of evangelization”.This is not a marginal interest or activity, or one that is tacked on to theChurch's mission, rather it is at the very heart of the Church's ministry ofservice: with her social doctrine the Church “proclaims God and his mystery ofsalvation in Christ to every human being, and for that very reason reveals manto himself”. This is a ministry that stems not only from proclamation but alsofrom witness.


12. The Church has a responsibility towards creation, and she considers it herduty to exercise that responsibility in public life, in order to protect earth,water and air as gifts of God the Creator meant for everyone, and above all tosave mankind from the danger of self-destruction. The degradation of natureis closely linked to the cultural models shaping human coexistence:consequently, “when ‘human ecology’ is respected within society,environmental ecology also benefits”. Young people cannot be asked torespect the environment if they are not helped, within families and society asa whole, to respect themselves.


We commit ourselves to doing all in our power to:1. TAKE CONCRETE STEPS for advocacy – in the defence of rights and the

promotion of life, that is:- to speak out against unjust actions and structures,- to speak out against whatever deprives the earth and creation of its

life, beauty and natural resources,- to be coherent in our lifestyle, that is, in our daily choices and actions.

PLENARY COUNCIL 2011 - JPIC (p. 16)Guidelines for our Communities:

Review our life-style, our personal and community budgets keeping inmind the minimum wage in the countries in which we are living.

Be attentive to continue collecting and recycling out of respect for theenvironment.

WORD OF THE LORD Is 11:1-10 / Apoc. 21:1-5


Booklet 4

Daily living

1. What documents of the Social Doctrine of the Church do

I know?

How do they affect my prayer, my decisions and my


2. What steps do I take to ensure peace in myself, in my

community, in my place of work and studies?

3. To what extent does concern for Creation enter into my

prayer life and relationships with God and neighbour?

4. In what ways am I aware of the problems of ecology?


Booklet 4


Based on the worksheet I make a self assessment regarding:

1. My general objective at the beginning of the year.

2. My attachment to Christ.

3. My ability to live in community.

4. My love of the charism and the Institute.

5. My commitment to live Chastity, Poverty, and Obedience.

6. My commitment to live Justice, Peace and Respect of


Take notice of areas where there have been some growth

What steps should I take and what decisions should I make

to enable me continue on the way to growth?

Can I better recognise my personal vocation and the signs of the

Holy spirit who directs my life ?

Each month after reflection and prayer I note briefly:

what calls me to question, or

what am I aware of, or

what step must I take to continue in my personal growth?

