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SITE DESIGNATIONS - LambethS...Educational Needs (SEN) secondary school incorporating community use...

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Page 1: SITE DESIGNATIONS - LambethS...Educational Needs (SEN) secondary school incorporating community use facilities including a shared school hall, classrooms and associated facilities


Page 2: SITE DESIGNATIONS - LambethS...Educational Needs (SEN) secondary school incorporating community use facilities including a shared school hall, classrooms and associated facilities

ADDRESS: 7 Lollard Street, London, SE11 6QH

Application Number: 17/03034/FUL Case Officer: Lauren Shallcross

Ward: Princes Date Received: 22.06.2017

Proposal: Demolition of the existing buildings and erection of a new two storey Special Educational Needs (SEN) secondary school incorporating community use facilities including a shared school hall, classrooms and associated facilities along with external play and teaching areas, landscaping, car and minibus parking/drop-off/pick-u area and, cycle and waste storage provision .

Drawing numbers: P4339/NV1_1100 A, P4339/NV1_1150 B, P4339/NV1_1180 E, P4339/NV1_1200 B, P4339/NV1_1201 B, P4339/NV1_1210 B, P4339/NV1_1350 B, P4339/NV1_1351 B, P4339/NV1_1400 A, P4339/NV1_1401 A, P4339/NV1_SK038, P10640-00-001-102 REV 03, P10640-00-001-103, P10640-00-001-100 REV 14, P10640-00-001-400 REV 07, P10640-00-001-401, P10640-00-001-402, P10640-00-001-101 02, CPW-16200-E-EXT-00-01 T2, TCP-CC/1599 AR2996,

Documents: Air Quality Assessment by WSP dated June 2017, BREEAM Tracker Sheet rev G by couchperrywilkes dated 22/06/17, Construction and Environmental Management Plan Issue C by Galliford Try dated 22nd June 2017, Delivery and Servicing Plan by Robert West dated June 2017, Drainage Strategy by Aksward Construction Consultants dated June 2017, Flood Risk Assessment by Aksward Construction Consultants dated January 2017, Geo-Environmental & Geotechnical Assessment (Ground Investigation) Report by Jomas dated 08th July 2016, Landscape Management Plan for Soft and Hard Landscape Works by Gillespies dated June 2017, Letter from Senior Design Manager dated 21st June 2017, Environmental Noise Report by Acoustic Consultants LTD dated 22 June 2017, Phase III Remediation Method Statement by Soils Limited dated March 2017, Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (PEA) by ecosulis dated May 2016, Site Waste Management Plan (SWMP), Statement of Community Involvement by DPP dated June 2017, Sustainability Statement for Planning by couchperrywilkes dated 04/05/2017, Tree Survey Schedule with Recommended Tree Works by David Challice dated 17th May 2016, Car Park Management Plan (CPMP) by Robert West, Construction Phase Plan Rev 2 by Galliford Try dated 08/05/17, School Travel Plan by Robert West dated August 2017, Design and Access Statement Rev B by pozzoni dated 16 June 2017, Planning Statement by DPP dated June 2017, Transport Statement by Robert West dated June 2017, Delivery and Access Strategy by Galliford Try.

RECOMMENDATION: 1. Resolve to grant conditional planning permission subject to the completion of an agreement under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 to secure the planning obligations listed in this report. 2. Agree to delegate authority of the Director of Planning and Development to:

- Finalise the recommended conditions as set out in this report; and - Negotiate, agree and finalise the planning obligations as set out in this report

pursuant to Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 3. In the event that the committee resolves to refuse planning permission and there is a subsequent appeal, delegated authority is given to officers, having regard to the heads of terms set out in the report, to negotiate and complete a document containing obligations pursuant to Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 in order to meet the requirement of the Planning Inspector. 4. Delegate authority to the Director of Planning and Development to refuse planning permission in the event that the Section 106 Agreement is not completed within 4 months of Committee (or an alternative timeframe agreed with the LPA) for

Page 3: SITE DESIGNATIONS - LambethS...Educational Needs (SEN) secondary school incorporating community use facilities including a shared school hall, classrooms and associated facilities

Relevant site designations:

Site of Local Nature Conservation Importance (SINC)

Site of Local Nature Conservation Importance (SINC 31).

Conservation Area (CA) Walcot Conservation Area (CA9) and Kennington Conservation Area (CA8)

Listed Buildings Grade II Listed Buildings


Site area 0.39 Ha

Use Class Use Description Floorspace (Gross External Area)

Existing D2 Youth Club and Gym 430 m2

Proposed D1/D2 School and Community Use

2,475 m2


Car Parking Spaces


Car Parking Spaces


Bicycle Spaces

Motorbike Spaces

Existing 0 0 0 0

Proposed 13 2 6 0


failure to enter into a section 106 agreement for the mitigating obligations identified in the report and to defend any subsequent appeal.

Applicant: Mr Galliford Try Agent: DPP Planning

Page 4: SITE DESIGNATIONS - LambethS...Educational Needs (SEN) secondary school incorporating community use facilities including a shared school hall, classrooms and associated facilities

The application site is currently occupied by a vacant part single, part two storey community centre building, accessed via Lollard Street to the south, which used to house the former Ethelred Youth Club and Gym (Class D2 use). The rest of the site is occupied by a disused portacabin building, an area of hardstanding to the north and a coppice of trees to the east along Kennington Road and to the north on Fitzalan Street. The site is bordered to the east by the Doorstep Green public park, which is designated as a Site of Local Nature Conservation Importance (SINC 31), to the north by Fitzalan Street, to the east by the A23 Kennington Road and to the south by Lollard Street.

The surrounding area is predominantly residential with residential tower blocks comprising the Ethelred Estate located opposite the site on Lollard Street and period houses beyond Fitzalan Street and to the far side of Kennington Road. The neighbouring houses at Nos. 162-166 Kennington Road are Grade II Listed Buildings. The Walcot Square Conservation Area (CA9) lies to east of the site beyond Fitzalan Street and the Kennington Conservation Area (CA8) is to the south. The site itself is not situated within a conservation area.

The proposal is to demolish the existing buildings and hardstanding and erect a 2 storey building to provide a new Special Educational Needs (SEN) school incorporating community use facilities including a shared hall, kitchen, storage and breakout areas and other spaces which will be used by the community under a Community Use Management Plan. The school will be operated by the National Autistic Society (NAS) Academies Trust (NASAT) to provide 78 places for specialist education for pupils with autism aged 11-19.The school will be occupied on a phased basis over 3 years and is expected to be fully occupied by 2021. A total of 39 members of staff will be employed when the school is fully occupied. The proposed facilities for pupils would include classrooms, therapy rooms, Library/ICT, dining and staff areas.

The proposed building would take an ‘L-shape’ configuration with the longer element located along Kennington Road to the east and the shorter element to the south on Lollard Street, where the principal frontage and main entrance to the school will be. The multi-use/shared hall is situated to the south of the site fronting Lollard Street. A designated drop-off/pick-up area with parking for 15 vehicles, including two disabled parking bays, will be provided on the main school frontage on Lollard Street. Play and outdoor learning areas have been situated on the north and northwest sides of the building adjacent to the Doorstep Green public park.

The key planning issues are summarised as:

Principle of use of the site for educational purposes;

The scale, massing, form and design of the proposed building and its impact on adjacent heritage assets

The impact on neighbouring amenity;

Transport and highway implications and;

Loss of existing trees and landscaping including replacement tree planting.

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The use of the site for both community and educational purposes is welcome and supported. The Lambeth Local Plan under the social infrastructure development policies actively supports proposals for new schools or expansion of existing schools. The need to provide 78 special secondary places in the borough via a state-funded free school is identified in Annex 2 (Infrastructure Programme and Schedule) of the Local Plan. The school will therefore meet an identified need for special educational places at a secondary school level. The new school building will include community use facilities to replace the existing disused Youth Club and therefore the proposal is consistent with Local Plan policies, which seek to maintain a flexible use of land and premises for social infrastructure purposes. The loss of the existing Youth Club/Gym building is considered acceptable in design and conservation terms as it does not make a positive contribution to the character and appearance of the area. The proposed building is of a height and mass, which responds well to the local context. There is an increase in scale, but because of the materiality and simple design of the replacement building, the new building would not dominate the streetscene in Kennington Road or Lollard Street or in views from or into the adjacent conservation areas and listed buildings. The proposal would have very limited impacts on the amenities of neighbouring residential properties. The building has been designed to ensure that its siting, height and massing would have minimal impact upon the levels of daylight and sunlight received by neighbouring properties. Given the separation distances between the proposed building and neighbouring buildings, it is considered that the proposal would not give rise to a significant loss of outlook, openness, or privacy over and above the existing situation.

The site has very good public transport accessibility (PTAL 5), however the pupils are not expected to travel independently. The proposals therefore include provision for a drop-off/pick-up facility to accommodate taxis and mini-buses that will be used for pupil transport. The proposed development will be car free except for the provision of two spaces for blue badge disabled parking and two spaces for school minibuses. Parking stress surveys were conducted and their findings support the need for on-site provision and management of drop-off/pick up facility. The constraints of the site have limited the scope for providing a larger drop-off pick area than that proposed. In order to manage the vehicular flows and reduce potential adverse impacts on the safe operation of the adjacent highways, the school will operate a schedule for dropping off and picking up pupils as part of a Parking Management Plan, which will include traffic marshals that will actively manage the use of the car parking spaces. Relevant travel, servicing and construction management plans will be secured through conditions and section 106 planning obligations. The proposal will result in the loss of all existing trees on the site, which is regrettable. However, the loss is considered necessary to facilitate the development coming forward and it is proposed to introduce new planting across the site to mitigate this loss. OFFICERS REPORT Reason for referral to PAC: The application is reported to the Planning Applications Committee in accordance with part 1 (b) of the Committee’s terms of reference as it relates to a development for the provision of more than 1000sqm of floorspace.

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1.1 The site is a broadly rectangular parcel of land located on the western side of Kennington Road (A23) between its junctions with Fitzalan Street to the north and Lollard Street to the south. The site is located within Prince’s ward, with the adjacent Bishops ward located to the north of Fitzalan Street.

1.2 The site is currently occupied by a part single, part two storey local authority built community centre, which is accessed via Lollard Street. The site also contains a single storey portacabin building. The existing building is vacant but used to house the former Ethelred Youth Club and Gym (Class D2 use). The curtilage of the buildings on the site include grassed areas with a hard-surfaced area in the centre of the site and a coppice of trees on the Kennington Road and Fitzalan Street frontages.

1.3 The surrounding scale of development is mixed, comprising terraced properties between two and four storeys in height as well as a number of local authority housing estates that range in height between four and ten storeys. The residential tower blocks adjacent to the site to the south along Lollard Street, known as Elkington Point, Ward Point and Brittany Point, rise up to 24 storeys in height and are set within landscaped gardens. Planning permission has recently been granted for the redevelopment of Brittany Point to provide 89 residential units in buildings ranging from 1 to 16 storeys in height and to provide a replacement day nursery and external play area.

1.4 The site is bordered to the east by the Doorstep Green public park, which is designated as a Site of Local Nature Conservation Importance (SINC 31). The Walcot Square Conservation Area (CA9) lies to east of the site beyond Fitzalan Street and the Kennington Conservation Area (CA8) is to the south. The site itself is not situated within a conservation area. The neighbouring houses at Nos. 162-166 Kennington Road are Grade II Listed Buildings.

Figure 1: Existing Site Plan

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Figure 2: Aerial View of the existing site and site context

Figure 3: Aerial View of the existing buildings

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2.1 It is proposed to demolish the existing buildings and redevelop the site to provide a new Special Educational Needs (SEN) school with sports hall and community uses accommodated within a two storey building.

2.2 The proposed building would take an ‘L-shape’ configuration with the longer element located along Kennington Road to the east and the shorter element to the south on Lollard Street, where the principal frontage and main entrance to the school will be. The multi-use/shared hall is situated to the south of the site fronting Lollard Street. Play and outdoor learning areas have been situated on the north and northwest sides of the building adjacent to the Doorstep Green public park.

2.3 The building is laid out with the ground floor having the double height main hall, community store, community breakout and kitchen space, which are clustered together to allow for ease of access to these shared areas by the community outside the main school hours. There is a separate entrance for the community use of the building, which located on Lollard Street. In addition to these community use facilities, the ground floor would be occupied by the school’s general office, visitors waiting and parents’ rooms, kitchen, dining, premises manager’s officer, a variety of stores and several classrooms.

2.4 The classrooms are spread across all floors with classrooms for Key Stage 3 pupils located on the ground floor and classrooms for Key Stage 4 and post 16 pupils on the first floor. Year groups would be clustered together with each classroom having a dedicated store room and Individual Learning Rooms (ILR). Toilets have been provided throughout the building allowing ease of access to all pupils and year groups. Several rooms for specialist teaching have been provided on both floors, such as food technology and life skills rooms. In addition to the teaching spaces a number of therapy rooms are also provided.

2.5 Pedestrian access is located on Kennington Road, leading to the main entrance to the building on Lollard Street. Adjacent to the main entrance is a secure lobby, waiting area and general office. All rooms are accessible from a central corridor running along all floors within the building.

2.6 Vehicular access to the site would be from Lollard Street to the south, and in turn to the entrance to the school buildings, located in the southeast corner of the building. Pupils will mostly be transferred to and from the school by either minibus or taxi. A designated drop-off/pick-up area with parking for 15 vehicles, including two disabled parking bays will be provided on the main school frontage, on Lollard Street.

2.7 Six cycle spaces are provided in a secure store accessed via a gated pedestrian access from Kennington Road.

2.8 The refuse store fronting Lollard Street would be accessed from within the site.

2.9 The following pages contain floor plans, elevations and 3D Perspectives of the proposed new school building and associated external teaching and play areas, parking layout within the pick-up/drop-off area, landscaping including new tree planting and cycle and refuse storage arrangements.

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Figure 4: Proposed Site Plan

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Figure 5: Proposed Ground Floor Plan

Figure 6: Proposed First Floor Plan

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Figure 7: Proposed East and South Elevations

Figure 8: Proposed North and West Elevations

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Figure 9: 3D Perspectives

Figure 10: 3D Perspectives

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3.1 85/02123/PLANAP - Redevelopment by the erection of 21x3 storey houses in 4 blocks with formation of vehicular parking and servicing areas and landscaping. Application Permitted.

3.2 92/01288/PLANAP - Erection for a limited period of a temporary building for 'keep fit' activities. Application Permitted.


4.1 Statutory Consultees

4.1.1 Conservation and Design: No objections subject to conditions.

4.1.2 Transport and Highways: No objections subject to conditions and s106.

4.1.3 Transport for London (TfL): No objections subject to conditions.

4.1.4 Policy: No objections raised.

4.1.5 Education: No response received.

4.1.6 Arboricultural: No objection subject to conditions.

4.1.7 Waste: No objections raised.

4.1.8 Sustainability: No objection subject to conditions.

4.1.9 Air Quality: No objections subject to conditions.

4.1.10 Environmental Health: No objections raised subject to conditions.

4.1.11 Environment Agency: No response received

4.1.12 Flooding: No objections raised.

4.1.13 Secured by Design: No objection subject to conditions.

4.1.14 Thames Water: No response received.

4.2 Other Consultees

4.2.1 The following groups were consulted but did not provide any comment: South Bank and Waterloo Neighbours; Association of Waterloo Groups; The Vauxhall Society; Vauxhall Gardens Estate Residents and Tenants; Waterloo Community Development Group; Kennington Association Planning Forum; Kennington Oval & Vauxhall Forum; 9 Albert Embankment Residents Association; We Are Waterloo; Oval & Kennington Residents Association and Heart of Kennington Residents Association.

4.3 Adjoining owners/occupiers

4.3.1 A site notice was displayed from 14.07.2017 and the application was advertised in the local press on 14.07.2017. The formal consultation period ended on 04.08.2017. No letters of representation about the proposal from neighbours or amenity groups have been received in response to the publicity of the application.

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5.1 Section 38(6) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 requires planning decisions to be made in accordance with the development plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise.

5.2 The development plan in Lambeth is the London Plan (2016), and the Lambeth Local Plan (September 2015).

5.3 The National Planning Policy Framework was published in 2012. This document sets out the Government’s planning policies for England including the presumption in favour of sustainable development and is a material consideration in the determination of all applications.

5.4 The current planning application has been considered against all relevant national, regional and local planning policies as well as any relevant guidance. Set out below are those policies most relevant to the application, however, consideration is made against the development plan as a whole.

5.5 The London Plan (2016)

Policy 1.1: Delivering the strategic vision and objectives for London Policy 3.1: Ensuring equal life chances for all Policy 3.18: Education facilities Policy 3.19: Sports facilities Policy 5.1: Climate change mitigation Policy 5.2: Minimising carbon dioxide emissions Policy 5.3: Sustainable design and construction Policy 5.5: Decentralised energy networks Policy 5.6: Decentralised energy in development proposals Policy 5.7: Renewable energy Policy 5.12: Flood risk management Policy 5.13: Sustainable drainage Policy 6.3: Assessing effect of development on transport capacity Policy 6.9: Cycling Policy 6.10: Walking Policy 6.13: Parking Policy 7.2: An inclusive environment Policy 7.3: Designing out crime Policy 7.4: Local character Policy 7.5: Public realm Policy 7.6: Architecture Policy 7.8: Heritage assets and archaeology; Policy 7.13: Safety, security and resilience to emergency Policy 7.14: Improving air quality Policy 7.15: Reducing noise and enhancing soundscapes Policy 7.19: Biodiversity and access to nature Policy 7.21: Trees and woodlands Policy 8.2: Planning obligations Policy 8.3: Community infrastructure levy

5.6 Lambeth Local Plan (2015)

S2: New or improved community premises S3: Schools T1: Sustainable travel

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T2: Walking T3: Cycling T6: Assessing impacts of development on transport capacity T7: Parking EN1: Open space and biodiversity EN4: Sustainable Design and Construction EN7: Sustainable waste management Q1: Inclusive Environments Q2: Amenity Q3: Community safety Q5: Local distinctiveness Q6: Urban Design: Public Realm Q7: Urban Design: New Development Q8: Design Quality: Construction Detailing Q9: Landscaping Q10: Trees Q12: Refuse/recycling storage Q13: Cycle storage Q15: Boundary Treatments Q20: Listed Buildings Q22: Conservation Areas


6.1 Land Use

6.1.1 Policy 3.18 of the London Plan (2015) relates to educational facilities and states that development proposals that enhance education provision will be supported, particularly those which address the projected shortage of secondary school places. It states that proposals for new schools should be given positive consideration and should only be refused where there are demonstrable local impacts, which outweigh the desirability of establishing new schools and whose impacts could not be mitigated through appropriate conditions or obligations. The London Plan also has a presumption in favour of development proposals, which maximise the extended or multiple-use of educational facilities for community or recreational purposes. It encourages the co-location of services between schools and colleges to maximise land use, reduce cost and develop the offer, which the school or college are able to provide.

6.1.2 This policy position is similar at the local level. A key priority of the Lambeth Local Plan (2015) is to provide essential infrastructure. The Council recognises that Lambeth’s future housing growth, economic development and environmental sustainability cannot be achieved without the provision of essential supporting infrastructure such as schools and other educational facilities. Policy S3 states that ‘proposals for new primary and secondary schools or the extension or expansion of existing schools, will be supported where they help to deliver the Council’s agreed strategy for the provision of additional state-funded school places in the borough’.

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6.1.3 The supporting text to this policy describes state-funded schools as including local authority maintained schools (community, foundation and voluntary aided and controlled schools), academies and free schools. In terms of the provision of new or improved community premises, Policy S2 states that they would generally be supported where, among other criteria, buildings and facilities are designed to be flexible, adaptable and sited to maximise shared community use, where practical.

6.1.4 The application site was previously used as a Youth Club and Gym (Use Class D2). The proposal is to demolish the existing buildings and construct a new school (Use Class D1) including a facilities such as the main hall with changing rooms to be shared between school and the community and dedicated community use store, kitchen and breakout areas are included in the scheme design.

6.1.5 Policy S1 of the Local Plan protects exiting community premises but, in principle, supports the change of use between D1 and D2 in order to maintain a flexible stock of land and premises for social infrastructure. Given that the quantum of proposed D1 space significantly exceeds the quantum of existing D2 floorspace, the proposed change of use of the site for primarily educational purposes (Use Class D1) is supported in principle under Policy S1 of the Local Plan.

6.1.6 The proposed free school would be established by NAS Academies Trust (NASAT) in partnership with the London Borough of Lambeth to provide schooling for pupils with autism and learning difficulties. The Lambeth Local Plan Infrastructure Schedule, in annex 2 of the Local Plan (page 231) refers to a proposal for a new Vanguard/NAS free school in the borough, although a provisional site had yet to be identified at the time the Plan was adopted. The infrastructure identifies a need to provide 78 special secondary school places overall and 12 places in year 7. Therefore the provision of a new NAS Academies Trust free school is welcome.

6.1.7 The community centre facility will be re-provided on site within the footprint of the new school premises. This will include a sports hall that is to be shared with the school. Policy S3 (d) states that proposals for the shared use of schools for wider community use will be supported provided that the nature and scale of the proposal does not unacceptably harm the amenity of the area. Therefore the proposed community use of part of the school premises is supported in principle. As noted above the multiple-use of educational facilities for community or recreational purposes is also encouraged under Policy 3.8 of the London Plan

6.1.8 The cabinet report “Sale of Land at Lollard Street – Former Ethelred Youth Centre Site” dated 24th March 2015 states that “this free school NAS Vanguard will be built on Lollard Street in Kennington on a site currently occupied by the Ethelred Youth Centre (EYC). The school will include a 250sqm hall, which will be available, free of charge, to the EYC and other community groups for up to 25 hours a week”. It was also agreed to transfer the Council’s freehold interest in the land and premises at Lollard Street to the Education Funding and Skills Agency (EFSA) formerly the Education Funding Agency (EFA) for the purpose of developing the site as a 78 place Special Educational Needs (SEN) school catering for pupils up to the age of 18 years. The Council chose to forgo any capital receipt for the land so that an enlarged multi-use hall and ancillary rooms could be provided for the community within the new development, for use during out of school hours. The need for a free SEN school and community facilities is not contested and as such the proposal is considered acceptable in land use terms.

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6.1.9 In view of the above it is considered that the proposed redevelopment of the site for a new SEN school and community facilities is supported and acceptable in principle subject to compliance with other policies of the Local Plan such as transport, design and amenity.

Proposed Community Use of School Facilities

6.1.10 The Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) agreed to purchase a peppercorn Lease from the LBL on a 125 years lease for the provision of the NAS Vanguard School. Integral to the lease, is a requirement for the provision of community use of the new facility as set out below. The Procuring agent (ESFA) will re-provide a community centre facility within the footprint of the new school premises to include the following:

• Not less than 240 square metres of shared hall space between the (Community Use and the School) and a kitchen area of not less than 15 square metres;

• A break out area of not less than 30 square metres; • Exclusive storage space of not less than 10 square metres; • A community access point separate from the school; • Amendments to the above areas can be made with the agreement of both parties and; • The premises (except for the store room) are to be available for use by London Borough of Lambeth community groups for no more than 25 hours per week, outside of normal school hours (but including weekends). At all other times the premises are to be available for use by the school.

6.1.11 It is accepted that the proposed buildings should be available for use by the wider community outside core school hours, but this should be managed to ensure that no adverse impacts on residents’ amenity occurs, having regard to the provision of the relevant local plan policies (Policies S2(a) and S3(c),refers).

6.1.12 There are no specific details of community use of the proposed school buildings at this stage, however it is intended that the hall be made available for community groups. It has specifically been designed so it would be able to operate independently from the rest of the school and can be accessed via a separate entrance from Lollard Street.

6.1.13 It will be necessary to agree access arrangements to enable local residents and community groups to benefit from the proposed facilities. It will also be necessary to ensure that appropriate hours of operation are agreed to ensure that such use does not adversely affect the amenity of nearby residents. In the circumstances, it is recommended a community use management plan be secured as a condition of consent and also as a planning obligation via a section 106 agreement.

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6.2 Design and Conservation

6.2.1 This section of the report describes the relevant policy constraints and assesses the scale and layout of the development as a whole in the context of surrounding buildings; the appearance of the proposed development resulting from its detailed design and materiality and considers the impact of the development on the setting of the adjacent conservation areas and the adjacent listed terrace having regard to the legislative and national policy context for the assessment of the impact of the development proposals on the neighbouring heritage assets.

6.2.2 Policy Q5 of the Local Plan states that Lambeth’s local distinctiveness should be sustained and reinforced through new development. It states that proposals will be supported if the design of a new development responds to positive aspects of the local context [and historic character] including urban block and grain; built form and roofscapes; siting, orientation and layout; materials; and quality and architectural detailing. It seeks to achieve visually interesting, well detailed/proportioned design schemes.

6.2.3 Policy Q6 supports development that provides inter alia: (i) the most effective use the site in the context of the proposed use; (iii) a building line that maintains or improves upon the prevailing building line with forward encroachment of established building lines being supported only where no harm to amenity or local character will occur; (v) new or enhanced open space (including gaps between buildings) and landscaping/trees; (ix) retains and enhances the heritage value of existing spaces, in terms of spatial form, function, connection and relationship with surrounding buildings.

6.2.4 Policy Q7 deals specifically with new development and states that new development will be supported if it is of quality; has a bulk and scale/mass, siting, building line and orientation, which preserves or enhances the prevailing local character. Policy Q8 of the Local Plan relates to detailed design and seeks to ensure that proposed building designs and details are buildable and visually attractive.

6.2.5 In respect of development affecting statutory listed buildings, Policy Q20 of the Local Plan supports only those proposals that would preserve and not cause harm to the significance or setting of the listed building. In conservation areas, it is the stated objective of Policy Q22 of the Local Plan to ensure that new development preserves or enhances the character or appearance of the area and its setting.

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Scale Layout and Mass

6.2.6 The proposal is to demolish the existing part single, part two storey community use building, portacabin and hardstanding area and, to remove all existing trees on the site to provide a new school for autistic children with a sports hall and community uses on the site, in a two storey building.

6.2.7 The design approach to the building layout seeks to reinstate the historical pattern of development in the area, which comprises 18th Century terrace properties with strong front building lines, set back from broad pavements with mature street trees giving a ‘boulevard’ quality to the street. By re-establishing a front building line to Kennington Road with a set back from the pavement and an avenue of purpose-planted trees along this street frontage , the proposal would make a positive contribution to the character and appearance of the streetscene and local area in accordance with Policies Q5 Q7 and Q22 of the Local Plan.

6.2.8 The foot print of the proposed building would cover a significantly larger area of the site than the existing building. The proposed plot coverage extends over the south eastern corner of the site and over a large extent of the eastern frontage of the site. With trees replanted and with the new alignment of the building to the Kennington Road frontage, the new building would not appear out of keeping with the scale of development in this part of Kennington Road. The new line of trees on the Kennington Road frontage and around the site and the retained trees on Fitzalan Street as well as the existing street trees, would ensure that the existing verdant character of the area is maintained as much as possible without compromising the scale and layout of the development required for the new school.

6.2.9 The new building would be significantly lower in scale and mass than the group of tower blocks located at the corner of Lollard Street and Kennington Road to the South. The two storey height of the proposed building reflects the lower and more domestic scale of the Grade II listed terrace at 162 to 166 (Montgomery House) Kennington Road to the north and purpose-built residential blocks to the east. As such it is considered that the scale, layout and mass of the proposed development would not unduly affect the setting of the adjacent designated heritage assets. The legislative considerations and policy context relied upon in assessing the impact on the neighbouring heritage assets is set out in the next section of this report.

6.2.10 By applying a combination of horizontal and vertical mounted textured fibre cement cladding panels to the building facades, the elevational treatment is broken up visually. This is particularly helpful on the longest elevation fronting Kennington Road as it would ensure that the building sits comfortably within the streetscene. In addition a slight variation to the height of the building helps to breakup an otherwise monolithic elevation and, emphasises the glazed break in the middle of the building façade. Rainscreen cladding is innovatively applied to create zones of varying texture and/or colour to create visual interest and reduce the visual length/mass of the building.

6.2.11 The modest scale of the building and the gaps between trees would ensure that the open character of the site, when viewed from the park, is maintained. The scale and massing of the building would be mitigated by the strategically positioned new trees along the Kennington Road frontage, which will provide glimpses of the building from the park and the adjacent streets. As such key views along Kennington Road from the north and south would celebrate the transitional scale and massing of the building through the gaps between the tree-lined streets. Overall officers are satisfied with and support the layout, scale and massing of the building.

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Architectural Quality: Appearance and Materials

6.2.12 The proposed building has a contemporary architectural design aesthetic with a defined yellow stock brick base, which reflects the predominant use of brick in the area. The upper floor is articulated by the use of a combination of horizontal and vertically mounted grey textured fibre cement cladding. The decorative perforated metal screen panels within the brick base elevations would have a creative design, based on the tree lined streets of Kennington, which would add relief and interest to the elevations at ground level and complement the use of brick and fibre cement cladding.

6.2.13 The elevations are punctuated by regular portrait window openings, which are set back from the face of the cladding to create deep (green) fibre cement reveals. These draw reference from and reflect the punched fenestration patterns of the surrounding late 18th and early 19th Century period buildings along Kennington Road. The muted grey tones of the cladding would respond positively to the weathered darker tones of the brickwork elevations of buildings along Kennington Road, which have taken on a more muted yellow/grey appearance overtime. The playful injection of colour within the window recesses and first floor bays within the playground elevations reinforces the verdant character of the street and animates the building’s elevations and, also acts to provide a good contrast to the grey rainscreen cladding.

6.2.14 The servicing equipment and plant on the roof top is set back from the building edge and screened behind Marley corrugated fibre cladding. This design approach is inspired by ‘brutalist’ architecture, and works well in this context by innovatively providing screening to the servicing equipment and plant as part of the overall form and massing of the building. The form and massing of the servicing plant housing represents a specific functional zone within the architecture, which in turn adds to the rich textured architecture of the building. Cut out lettering has been added to the blank upper level of the south façade. This design feature helps to provide visual interest to the building whilst acting as signage for the school.

6.2.15 Some of the external materials have been reviewed and assessed, the brick palette needs to be provided on site for officers to assess it against the existing development in order to ensure that the selected brick palette is appropriate. This will be secured as a condition of consent. With regards to detailed construction matters such as window types and opening, copings, brickwork/ cladding, rain water goods, refuse etc. these too will be reserved by condition so they can be give further and careful consideration. These further reviews of the proposed elevational treatment will ensure that the completed development is of high quality in compliance with Policy Q8 of the Local Plan.

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Hard/soft landscaping and car parking

6.2.16 It is noted that a number of trees within the south east corner of the site will be removed to make room for car parking on the building’s frontage along Lollard Street. The design proposals integrate grassed areas, some new tree planting and vertical planting against the building’s facades to help soften the appearance of the development and mitigate against the loss of any trees along this edge of the site. Full details of the soft and hard landscaping are reserved as a condition of consent to ensure this design approach is delivered successfully. The parking area and pedestrian routes are clearly delineated by using appropriate surface treatments, which would also ensure that these areas are safe to navigate by all users of the site.

6.2.17 The need for car parking on the site to enable pupils to be safely dropped off and picked up within a safe environment has dictated the high level of hard surfacing and parking on the Lollard Street frontage. As mentioned above, the surface treatment applied to delineate car parking bays and pedestrian routes will need to be carefully considered to ensure this space works successfully.

6.2.18 The existing trees along Kennington Road frontage and on Fitzalan Street are to be removed to make way for the development. These will be replaced as part of a landscape scheme for the site. An indicative plan has been submitted that identifies replacement trees and areas of new planting. The report has been reviewed by the Council’s Arboricultural Officer. Whilst the loss of trees is regrettable, it is considered that subject to the provision of replacement tree planting the loss of the existing trees will be adequately mitigated. Although an indicative planting plan has been provided, it is recommended that a condition be imposed to secure further details of all planting so that appropriate species and mature of trees are selected.

Refuse and Cycle Storage

6.2.19 The refuse store would be located on the Lollard Street frontage and would be accessed from within the site. The cycle store would be accessed via a gated pedestrian access from Kennington Road. Further information regarding the detailed design of the proposed cycle and refuse stores will need to be provided; this matter can be handled via condition.

Boundary Treatments

6.2.20 There is no detailed information regarding the design or appearance of boundary treatments. Further information is required regarding proposed changes to boundary treatments on the site, which will be critical to the appearance of the street. A condition to secure this information is recommended.

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Legislative and national policy considerations

6.2.21 It is the local planning authorities statutory duty when considering development that affects a listed building and/or its setting to pay special regard to the desirability of preserving the building or its setting or any features of special architectural or historic interest it possesses. It is also the local authority’s statutory duty when considering any development that affects a conservation area to pay special attention to the desirability of preserving or enhancing the character or appearance of that area or its setting.

6.2.22 This section sets out the legislative and national policy context for the Officer assessment of the impact of the development proposal on the historic environment and its heritage assets.

Legislative Framework

6.2.23 Section 66(1) of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 (“PLBCAA”) provides that in considering whether to grant planning permission for development which affects a listed building or its setting, the local planning authority shall have special regard to the desirability of preserving the building or its setting or any features of special architectural or historic interest which it possesses.

6.2.24 Section 72(1) PLBCAA provides that in the exercise, with respect to any buildings or

other land in a conservation area, of any functions under or by virtue of (amongst others) the planning Acts, special attention shall be paid to the desirability of preserving or enhancing the character or appearance of the conservation area.

6.2.25 The South Lakeland District Council v Secretary of State for the Environment case and the Barnwell Manor case (East Northamptonshire DC v SSCLG) establish that “preserving” in both s.66 and s.72 means “doing no harm’.

National Policy

6.2.26 Paragraph 17 of the NPPF sets out 12 “core planning principles” that should underpin both plan-making and decision-taking. Those principles include the following requirement: “Planning should always seek to secure high quality design and should conserve heritage assets in a manner appropriate to their significance so that they can be enjoyed for their contribution to the quality of life of this and future generation”.

6.2.27 The NPPF defines a “heritage asset” as: “A building, monument, site place, area or landscape identified as having a degree of significance meriting consideration in planning decisions, because of its heritage interest”.

6.2.28 The definition includes both designated heritage assets (of which, Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas are relevant here) and assets identified by the local planning authority (including local listing).

6.2.29 “Significance” is defined within the NPPF as being:

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“the value of a heritage asset to this and future generations because of its heritage interest. That interest may be archaeological, architectural, artistic or historic. Significance derives from a heritage asset’s physical presence, but also from its “setting”.

6.2.30 Paragraph 129 of the NPPF requires local planning authorities to identify and assess the particular significance of any heritage asset that may be affected by a proposal (including by development affecting its setting), taking account of the available evidence and any necessary expertise. That assessment should then be taken into account when considering the impact of the proposal on the heritage asset, to avoid or minimise conflict between the heritage asset’s conservation and any aspect of the proposal.

6.2.31 Paragraphs 131 and 132 of the NPPF provide as follows: 131. In determining planning applications, local planning authorities should take account of:

the desirability of sustaining and enhancing the significance of heritage assets and putting them to viable uses consistent with their conservation;

the positive contribution that conservation of heritage assets can make to sustainable communities including their economic vitality; and

the desirability of new development making a positive contribution to local character and distinctiveness.

132. When considering the impact of a proposed development on the significance of a designated heritage asset, great weight should be given to the asset’s conservation. The more important the asset, the greater the weight should be. Significance can be harmed or lost through alteration or destruction of the heritage asset or development within its setting. As heritage assets are irreplaceable, any harm or loss should require clear and convincing justification. Substantial harm to or loss of a grade II listed building, park or garden should be exceptional. Substantial harm to or loss of designated heritage assets of the highest significance, notably scheduled monuments, protected wreck sites, battlefields, grade I and II* listed buildings, grade I and II* registered parks and gardens, and World Heritage Sites, should be wholly exceptional.

6.2.32 Paragraph 133 of the NPPF deals with substantial harm to or total loss of significance of significance of a designated heritage asset.

6.2.33 Paragraph 134 of the NPPF provides that where a development proposal will lead to less than substantial harm to the significance of the designated heritage asset, this harm should be weighed against the public benefits of the proposal, including securing its optimum viable use.

6.2.34 Paragraph 135 of the NPPF deals with non-designated heritage assets as follows: 135. The effect of an application on the significance of a non-designated heritage asset should be taken into account in determining the application. In weighing applications that affect directly or indirectly non designated heritage assets, a balanced judgement will be required having regard to the scale of any harm or loss and the significance of the heritage asset.

6.2.35 Paragraphs 137 and 138 of the NPPF are as follows:

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137. Local planning authorities should look for opportunities for new development within Conservation Areas and World Heritage Sites and within the setting of heritage assets to enhance or better reveal their significance. Proposals that preserve those elements of the setting that make a positive contribution to or better reveal the significance of the asset should be treated favourably. 138. Not all elements of a World Heritage Site or Conservation Area will necessarily contribute to its significance. Loss of a building (or other element) which makes a positive contribution to the significance of the Conservation Area or World Heritage Site should be treated either as substantial harm under paragraph 133 or less than substantial harm under paragraph 134, as appropriate, taking into account the relative significance of the element affected and its contribution to the significance of the Conservation Area or World Heritage Site as a whole.

6.2.36 Officers have also had regard to the Planning Practice Guidance in respect of conserving and enhancing the historic environment. Approach required

6.2.37 Turning to consider the application of the legislative and policy requirements set out above, the first step is for the decision-maker to consider each of the designated heritage assets which would be affected by the proposed development in turn and assess whether the proposed development would result in any harm to the significance of the designated heritage asset.

6.2.38 The decision of the Court of Appeal in Barnwell Manor confirms that the assessment of the degree of harm to the heritage asset is a matter for the planning judgement of the decision-maker. However, where the decision-maker concludes that there would be some harm to the heritage asset, in deciding whether that harm would be outweighed by the advantages of the proposed development (in the course of undertaking the analysis required by s.38(6) PCPA 2004) the decision-maker is not free to give the harm such weight as the decision-maker thinks appropriate. Rather, Barnwell Manor establishes that a finding of harm to a heritage asset is a consideration to which the decision maker must give considerable importance and weight in carrying out the balancing exercise.

6.2.39 There is therefore a “strong presumption” against granting planning permission for development which would harm a heritage asset. In the Forge Field case the High Court explained that the presumption is a statutory one. It is not irrebuttable. It can be outweighed by material considerations powerful enough to do so. But a local planning authority can only properly strike the balance between harm to a heritage asset on the one hand and planning benefits on the other if it is conscious of the statutory presumption in favour of preservation and if it demonstrably applies that presumption to the proposal it is considering.

6.2.40 The case-law also establishes that even where the harm identified is less than substantial (i.e. falls within paragraph 134 of the NPPF), that harm must still be given considerable importance and weight.

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6.2.41 Where more than one heritage asset would be harmed by the proposed development, the decision-maker also needs to ensure that when the balancing exercise in undertaken, the cumulative effect of those several harms to individual assets is properly considered. In their response, Historic England has not suggested that the cumulative effect of the individual instances of harm identified amounts to substantial harm and Officers do not consider that the total harm (i.e. the cumulative effect of the several instances of harm identified) amounts to substantial harm in this case. Looking at the position as a whole, there are a number of adverse impacts on heritage features which individually and cumulatively result in less than substantial harm. However, less than substantial harm does not mean insignificant harm. Considerable importance and weight must be attached to each of the harms identified and to their cumulative effect.

Impact on Conservation Areas

6.2.42 The site is located adjacent to the Walcot Conservation Area to the north and east and Kennington Conservation Area to the south.

Walcot Conservation Area

6.2.43 Given the distance of 18m from the development to this conservation area, the modest scale of the building and the new trees along Fitzalan Street, officers consider that no harm would be caused to the setting of this conservation area.

Kennington Conservation Area

6.2.44 Given the distance of 40m from the development to this conservation area, the modest scale of the building and the new trees along the frontage of Kennington Road, officers consider that no harm would be caused to the setting of this conservation area.

Impact on Statutory Listed Buildings

6.2.45 As per the national policy and Policy Q20 of the Local Plan, development should conserve and not harm the significance/special interest of statutory listed buildings and should not harm the significance of their setting (including views to and from). Nos. 162-166 Kennington Road are statutorily listed buildings, which stand to be affected by the proposal.

6.2.46 Similar to the assessment made on the neighbouring conservation areas, it is also considered that the setting and historical significance of the surrounding statutory listed buildings would be preserved with no harm being caused to them by the proposed development. The two storey height of the proposed building reflects the lower and domestic scale of the Grade II listed terrace at 162 to 166 (Montgomery House) Kennington Road to the north and purpose-built residential blocks to the east. As such it is considered that the scale, and layout and mass of the proposals proposed development would not harm the setting of the adjacent designated heritage assets.

6.3 Amenity

6.3.1 Policy Q2 of the Local Plan seeks to ensure that the new development does not unacceptably harm the amenity of neighbouring occupiers in terms of daylight, sunlight, outlook, privacy and noise. These issues are examined in the following paragraphs.

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Daylight and Sunlight

6.3.2 Policy Q2 (iv) states that development will be supported if it would not have an unacceptable impact on levels of daylight and sunlight received at adjoining properties.

6.3.3 A BRE assessment was not undertaken as part of this application. This was due to the separation distances to neighbouring properties and the modest scale of the proposed development at two storeys. In addition, the new building would be situated further north than the existing buildings in relation to neighbouring properties.

6.3.4 The proposed building has been designed to ensure that its siting, height and massing would have minimal impact upon the levels of daylight and sunlight received by neighbouring properties. Given the extent of the separation distances to the nearest neighbouring properties (25m to Brittany Point and 40m to Rupert House) it is considered that the new building would not give rise to diminution in sunlight and daylight received by these properties.

Outlook, Sense of Enclosure and Privacy

6.3.5 Policy Q2 (iii) states that development would be supported if adequate outlooks are provided avoiding wherever possible any undue sense of enclosure or unacceptable levels of overlooking (or perceived overlooking). Policy Q2 (ii) and (iii) require the privacy of neighbouring occupiers to be protected.

6.3.6 Given the extent of the separation distances to the nearest neighbouring properties adjacent noted above, it is not considered that there would be any significant impact on the outlook, openness or privacy of neighbouring occupiers posed by the proposed development over and above the existing situation.


6.3.7 Policy Q2 (v) relates to noise and requires development to minimise the adverse impacts of noise through attenuation, screening, distance, or internal layout/orientation.

6.3.8 The applicant commissioned Acoustic Consultants Limited to carry out an environmental noise assessment in June 2017. The report has identified that parts of the development will be exposed to high levels of environmental noise. The impact arising from external noise has been assessed and recommended materials and insulation solutions are proposed to achieve compliance with noise regulations in order to create indoor spaces which are fit for purpose. Building service noise has been assessed to ensure that noise generated by plant is controlled to acceptable levels.

6.3.9 The assessment has determined that the internal spaces comply with the required noise levels as set out in BB93. As set out in the Environmental Noise Report, noise from plant will be suitably controlled to ensure that the plant does not exceed the permitted noise limits set out in BS4142:2014 as well as Local Authority noise limits, which are based on the measured background noise. The report was reviewed by the Council’s independent consultant who made the following observations.

6.3.10 Appropriate noise targets in accordance with the relevant acoustic design guidance for schools are proposed together with the recommended construction details required to ensure that these targets are achieved. A condition is recommended to ensure the measures and targets detailed in these reports are implemented.

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6.3.11 A provision for outdoor learning is detailed in the Design and Access Statement but this is not considered in the Environmental Noise Report. The Institute of Acoustics publication “Acoustics of Schools: a design guide” recommends that “at least one area suitable for outdoor teaching activities where noise levels are below 50 dB LAeq,30min” should be included in the scheme design for new schools. The environmental noise measurements detailed in the report indicate that this will not be achievable without the use of additional acoustic screening. This is due to the prevailing ambient noise level at the site.

6.3.12 The proposed building is to be mechanically ventilated and so noise and vibration from the building services plant requires assessment. The report notes that no details were available at the time of its preparation and so a condition is recommended to ensure that any building services equipment or plant does not adversely impact the amenity of the school and neighbouring residential properties.

6.3.13 It is common for school premises to be used outside of the school day, to host community uses or other activities. These uses can lead to conflicts with adjoining occupiers if not managed appropriately. It is recommended that the community use management plan includes measures to minimise impacts associated with the community use of the site on the living conditions of neighbouring residents.

6.3.14 The development site is located adjacent to existing multi-storey residential developments and accordingly, it is considered that there is a high likelihood of adverse noise and dust impacts during the construction phase.

6.3.15 The Construction and Environmental Management Plan prepared by Galliford Try; June 2017 and the Construction Phase Dust Mitigation Measures detailed in the Air Quality Assessment prepared by WSP together contain appropriate measures to control noise, vibration and dust during the construction phase. The recommended measures are outlined below:

Noise and Vibration

Tool Box Talks In accordance with BS5228 will be provided to operatives on noise and vibration to ensure the whole workforce is aware of best practice for reducing noise and vibration.

Within task specific method statements, noise advisory levels and noise action levels will be identified to ensure safe control over the works.

Plant and equipment will be powered down when not in use to avoid unnecessary noise and vibration.

All noise and vibration monitoring data will be retained to ensure compliance with agreed standard. Where acceptable levels of noise and vibration are exceeded, an action plan will be put in place

All plant and equipment will be properly maintained in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions.

Plant will be selected with the task in mind to ensure appropriate size plant and equipment is used in accordance with task requirements. Noisy operations will only be carried out during our designated working hours.

Air Quality, Dust and Emissions

A Dust Management Plan will be produced, including plans for local stakeholder engagement

A Galliford Try Manager will be assigned to monitor dust generation and suppression on site. Where necessary, they will be responsible for implementing enhanced monitoring, suppression and, where necessary, the suspension of works

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Contact details for with the person(s) on site and regional offices will be available at the site boundary

When possible materials will be ordered so as they do not require cutting on site to eliminate the need for cutting operations, this is particularly important due to limited space available on site.

Cutting activities will be damped down with water at all times

No burning of materials or bonfires will be permitted on the site at any time

All plant to conform with the NRMM stage 3B of EU directive 97/68/EC

All loads entering and leaving site will be covered, as practically possible

All stockpiles will be cover, as practically possible

Any temporary site roads stoned up areas will be damped down during dry periods to prevent dust from spreading

The requirements for dust suppression generally will be monitored daily and called in as and when required.

All site plant will be required to comply with the NRMM standards

6.3.16 These reports and recommendations were reviewed by the Council’s independent consultant who concluded that the reports were sound and identified the risks and proposed appropriate mitigation measures to mitigate the potential adverse impacts on the environment during the construction phase. A condition is recommended to ensure the measures detailed in these reports are implemented.

Deliveries and Servicing

6.3.17 The Delivery and Servicing Plan submitted with the application proposes that all deliveries will take place during the school day. This is unlikely to give rise to any adverse impacts on neighbouring residents and a condition is proposed to ensure that the plan is complied with during the construction phase.

6.4 Transport

6.4.1 Policy T1 of the Lambeth Local Plan requires development proposals to be planned on the basis of maximising the use of sustainable modes of transport, reducing reliance on private motor vehicles and encouraging walking and cycling. Policy T1 (c) states that developments that are likely to generate a significant number of trips should be located in areas with a good public transport accessibility level (PTAL) rating where public transport capacity can accommodate the increase in trips, or the capacity can be increased to an appropriate level through section 106 obligations.

6.4.2 Policy T6 seeks to ensure that development has a limited impact on the highway network in terms of performance and safety. It states that where adverse impacts are likely, proposals should contribute towards improving transport capacity and infrastructure and/or include measures to improve safety.

6.4.3 The application site is located at the north-west corner junction of Lollard Street (Local Road)/A23 Kennington Road (Borough Road). There are bus lanes in each direction along Kennington Road.

6.4.4 The proposed development is for a SEN School for 78 students aged between 11-19 years. It is envisaged to have 39 staff and 240sqm of community use floorspace. The development is expected to be fully occupied by 2021. There is no general provision for car parking for staff or community use.

6.4.5 The proposals include provision for a drop-off/pick-up facility to accommodate taxis and mini-buses that will be used for pupil transport.

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6.4.6 The site has very good public transport accessibility (PTAL 5) and is located within a Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) area/Congestion Charging Zone. However, pupils are not expected to travel independently.

Traffic Generation

6.4.7 Traffic generation has been assessed using data from comparable NAS sites and for worst case assumption of 4 pupils per minibus and 1 pupil per taxi. This indicates that 35 vehicles per hour (veh/hr) (15 Minibuses and 20 private hire vehicles) would arrive/leave the site in the morning (START) and again during mid-afternoon (FINISH) periods.

Parking Stress

6.4.8 The proposed development will be car free except for the provision of two spaces for blue badge disabled parking and two spaces for school minibuses. Parking stress surveys were conducted for the morning and afternoon school peak periods. The results indicate 557 parking spaces within the study area and high levels of stress (>80%) were observed along Lollard Street, Fitzalan Street, Gilbert Street, Reedworth Street, Kempsfords Road, Renfrew Road and Chester Road. This supports the need for on-site provision and management of a drop off/pick up facility.

Car Park Management Plan

6.4.9 The constraint of available space has limited the capacity of the drop-off pick up facility to 15 spaces (including disabled bays). In order to manage the vehicular flows and reduce the impact on adjacent highways, the school will operate a schedule with three arrival/departures slots for each period between 07.50-08.45 and 15.30-16.25, respectively. In addition 2-3 traffic marshals will manage the use of the 15 parking spaces for mini vans and cars within the drop-off/pick-up area from where staff will escort pupils into the building. Entry to the drop off/pickup will be from the western side of Lollard Street with the exit from the eastern side of Lollard Street. Vehicle swept paths have demonstrated that the layout will allow for independent use of all parking spaces. Construction and Environmental Management Plan

6.4.10 A construction programme of 56 weeks is envisaged. Construction activities will take place during Monday to Friday between 08.00-18.00hrs and 0.800-13.00hrs on Saturdays. Two construction accesses are proposed, with the main access via Fitzalan Street and a secondary access via Lollard Street. This will reduce potential overlaps with construction traffic from adjacent development site at Lollard Street. Wheel washing facilities will be provided at both access gates. No car parking will be provided for construction staff. Construction traffic of 200-300 vehicles/month (3295 total) is forecast. Construction traffic will be routed via Kennington Road. A condition is recommended to ensure that the CEMP is complied with during the construction phase.

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Travel Plan

6.4.11 A travel plan has been submitted. Due to the specific needs of pupils, there will be an on-going reliance for travel by cars/taxis and mini buses. Consequently, no targets for changes in mode shares have been proposed and this corresponds with limiting initiative to promote sustainable travel that will achieve Bronze level accreditation under TfL’s STAR scheme. The details set out in the travel plan will be secured as a planning obligation by way of a section 106 legal agreement.

Pedestrian Access

6.4.12 A separate pedestrian access from Kennington Road will be available for visitors, staff and users of the community facilities.

Community Use

6.4.13 No assessment has been undertaken of the Community Use. Given that this facility will not be available during traffic peak hours and that local people are envisaged to walk to the facility, the impacts are unlikely to be significant.

Cycle Parking

6.4.14 Policy T3 of the Local Plan requires development likely to generate additional cycle trips to provide appropriate, secure and covered cycle parking in accordance with minimum standards set out in the London Plan. Development for education uses are expected to include provision for showers, changing facilities and lockers consummate with the number of cycle parking spaces provided.

6.4.15 The proposals include provision for six cycle parking spaces, which complies with London Plan standards. Cycle hire facilities are available in the vicinity of the site.

Servicing and Delivery Management Plan

6.4.16 Servicing and delivery will be scheduled outside of school opening and closing hours. Consequently, LGVs/7.5 tonne box vans will be able to use the drop off/pick up area, entering and exiting from the site in forward gear. Provision for refuse storage meets Lambeth standards. Weekly refuse collection will take place from Lollard Street.

Traffic Impacts

6.4.17 Traffic flows were undertaken to consider the existing conditions and to assess the traffic impacts of proposals, at the junction of Lollard Street/Kennington Road, for the morning and afternoon school peak periods. Officer have reviewed the traffic modelling and consider the results to be sound and therefore support the proposal in terms of transport and highway implication subject to conditions requiring compliance with details of the CEMP and SDMP as well as the travel plan.

6.5 Trees and Landscaping

6.5.1 Policy Q9 and Policy Q10 of the Local Plan relate specifically to landscaping and trees, respectively. Policy Q9 (ii) states that development will be supported where landscaping “retains and enhances existing planting landscaping feature of value and protects them during construction”. Policy Q10 (II) has a presumption against development that would result in loss of trees of significant amenity, historic or ecological/habitat conservation value. Such trees should be retained and protected during the construction process and should be integrated into the new development.

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6.5.2 A tree survey plan was submitted with the application. The report identifies that all trees within the site are to be removed to make way for the development. These will be replaced as part of the new landscape scheme for the site. An indicative plan has been submitted that identifies replacement trees and areas of new planting. The report has been reviewed by the Council’s Arboricultural Officer. Whilst the loss of all the trees is regrettable it is considered that subject to the provision of replacement tree planting, the loss of the existing trees will be adequately mitigated. It is recommended that a condition be imposed to secure further details of all planting to ensure that appropriate species and mature trees are selected. .

6.6 Ecology and Biodiversity

6.6.1 Policy EN1 relates to open space requirements within the borough and in relation to new development it seeks to ensure the protection of valuable existing habitats and to maximise opportunities for creating or adding to biodiversity.

6.6.2 The application was referred to the Council’s Parks Project Officer, who advises on biodiversity issues. The officer raised no objection to the proposal and recommended a condition to secure further detail in respect of the proposed external hard and soft landscaping. This would ensure that replacement trees are appropriate and sustainable in terms of species, their location and add ecological benefit and visual amenity.

6.6.3 It is recommended than an informative be added to any consent advising that landscaping schedules should endeavour to include, within reason, measures to promote biodiversity including features attractive to bats and/or wild birds, and the use of native species typical of locality and ground conditions or naturalised areas. The applicant should act on good practice to maximise the site’s landscape, visual and horticultural quality, ease of maintenance and to provide long-term environmental benefit.

6.7 Land Contamination, Flood Risk and Surface Water Drainage

6.7.1 The site is located within Flood Zone 3 as defined in the Lambeth Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA). Policy EN5 (c) of the Local Plan requires all major development proposals to be accompanied by a flood risk assessment (FRA), which should be proportionate to the degree of flood risk posed to and by the development. Policy EN5 (d) requires FRA to consider the risk of flooding to and from all sources including surface run-off, groundwater, ordinary watercourses, sewer and reservoirs.

6.7.2 Policy EN6 relates to sustainable drainage systems and water management and states that development should seek to ensure that the layout and design of development does not have a detrimental impact on floodwater flow across the site. It advises that in order to ensure a net decrease in both volume and rate of run-off leaving the site, development should incorporate sustainable drainage systems (SUDS) consistent with the London Plan drainage hierarchy and National SUDS Standards. It also requires that the local water supply and public sewage networks have adequate capacity to serve the development and that any necessary improvements are carried out before occupation of the development.

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6.7.3 The application is accompanied by a Ground Investigation Report drafted by Jomas (dated 8th July 2016) and Phase III Remediation Method Statement drafted by Soils Limited (dated March 2017). These reports were reviewed by the Council’s independent Environmental Health consultants who recommended that further investigation work be carried out after demolition to establish the level of soft cover that will be required as part of a remediation strategy. This will be secured as a condition of consent.

6.7.4 The Council’s Flood risk officer reviewed the Flood Risk Assessment, prepared by Aksward Construction Consultants (dated January 2017) and Drainage Strategy drafted by Aksward Construction Consultants (dated June 2017). The officer considers the assessment to be competent and is satisfied that the site can be developed without increasing the risk of flooding to the surrounding area. Conditions are recommended to ensure that the water environment of the development is well managed and the impact on flood risk, water quality, habitats and amenity value is appropriately mitigated. Whilst it would be desirable to include a green roof within the scheme as a measure to minimise floor risk, the applicant has indicated that due to lack of funding and because of associated maintenance requirements, a green roof could not be incorporated into the scheme. Notwithstanding the absence of a green roof within the scheme, the proposed drainage systems and strategy would comply with London Plan Policies 5.12-5.15 and Local Plan Policies EN5 and EN6.

6.8 Sustainability

6.8.1 Policy EN4 of the Local Plan requires all development to meet high standards of sustainable design and construction, having regard to the scale, nature and form of the development proposal. Proposals are required to demonstrate that these standards are integral to the design, construction and operation of the development. Non-residential developments are required to show how the development would meet the British Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Methodology (BREEAM) target credit rating “Excellent”. The London Plan Policy 5.2 seeks to ensure that proposals make the fullest contribution towards minimising carbon dioxide emissions in accordance with the energy hierarchy of energy efficiency, decentralized energy and renewable energy technologies. Policy EN3 of the Local Plan requires that all major development should connect to existing decentralised energy networks in the vicinity of the site. Where such networks do not exist development should be future proofed to allow for connection to future networks.

6.8.2 The application is accompanied by a BREEAM pre-assessment. The BREEAM tool provides national recognised standards, which comprise a framework for promoting sustainable design, incorporating categories such as energy, water, materials, transport, waste, pollution, health, wellbeing, management, land use and ecology. These categories are scored to provide a credit to be achieved and how it would be achieved. The BREEAM pre-assessment demonstrates that the development is targeting a score of 66.9%. This score does not equate to an Excellent rating but falls within the target credit rating of “Very Good”.

6.8.3 A statement by the applicant’s agents has provided justification for why Excellent cannot be achieved – this mainly due to funding pressures from the client. The proffered justification is considered acceptable having regard to Policy EN4 of the Local Plan. This provides that if it is demonstrated that it is not technically feasible or viable to meet the BREEAM Excellent, proposals should demonstrate a Very Good rating with a minimum score of 63%. A full Design Stage BREEAM assessment will be required prior to commencement of above ground works showing how Very Good (with a minimum of 63%) will be achieved in practice. Conditions to secure these policy requirements are recommended.

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6.8.4 A sustainability statement prepared by Couchperrywilkes has been submitted as part of the application. The statement has been prepared using the standard methodology set out in the London Plan. The London Plan requires a 35% reduction in CO2 emissions against those required by the Part L of the 2013 Building Regulations. The submitted sustainability statement shows that the building would improve on the CO2 emission reduction targets and achieve a 39.74% reduction over Part L of the 2013 regulations. The above reductions have been achieved through fabric and building service efficiencies complemented by a Combined Heat and Power Unit (CHP) and the use of a Photovoltaic system. It is recommended that prior to occupation of the building, “As-Built” energy calculations be submitted to show how the building achieves the energy performance in practice.

6.8.5 The sustainability strategy has also been developed in accordance with the energy hierarchy ‘Lean, Clean, Green’ and GLA guidance on preparing energy assessments. The building has achieved reduced CO2 via building design means, following the Be Lean principles utilising effective window design, insulation of walls, roof and ground level. The building follows the Be Clean principles by incorporating a CHP unit. Provision has also been made for future connection to district heating network, should this become available. With further reference to Be Clean demand for cooling has been reduced by minimising heat gains, reducing solar gains and using high efficiency heat recovery from the required mechanical ventilation system. Some cooling of occupied areas is required, peak lop cooling has been recommended. The Be Green aspect is proposed to be met utilising 30kWp of solar photovoltaic panels.

6.8.6 The council’s independent energy and sustainability consultant are satisfied with the measures and CO2 reductions proposed in the development, subject to the conditions referred to above.

Air Quality

6.8.7 An air quality assessment (AQA) prepared by WSP has been submitted as part of the application. The proposed development is a major development located in the Lambeth-side Air Quality Management Area in the vicinity of Vauxhall, Kennington and Waterloo Focus areas. The proposed development will be air quality neutral for both building and transport emissions. The council’s sustainability consultant has reviewed the assessment and is satisfied with its findings, subject to conditions to ensure the emissions from the energy plant meet the requirements of the GLA’s Sustainable Design and Construction SPG.

6.9 Community Safety/Designing out Crime

6.9.1 Policy Q3 requires development to be designed in a manner that does not engender opportunities for crime or anti-social behaviour or create a hostile environment that would produce fear of crime. Therefore development should not be permitted where opportunities for crime are created or where it results in an increased risk of public disorder. This requirement is contained within Section 17 of The Crime and Disorder Act 1998 which imposes an obligation on the Local Planning Authority to consider crime and disorder reduction in the assessment of a planning application.

6.9.2 The Design out Crime Officer has recommended that a condition be imposed requiring the development to comply with Secured by Design – Schools 2015 minimum standards for physical protection.

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6.10 Planning Obligations and CIL

6.10.1 Policy D4 of the Local Plan identifies circumstances in which the Council can seek S106 planning obligations to mitigate the impact of a development on the local infrastructure or secure additional facilities that are required as a result of the development coming forward. In this instance, the following site specific planning obligations are considered necessary to make the school development acceptable.

Highway Improvement Works

Highway works associated with construction of new vehicular accesses and reinstatement of any redundant crossovers pursuant to a s278 agreement.

Travel Plan

Revised Travel Plan including car park management plan

Travel plan monitoring fee of £3,000

Local Labour in Construction

An Employment and Skills Plan

Notification of vacancies

Trainee/apprenticeship placements (one trainee/apprentice per 10 construction workers on site)

Financial contribution for support coordination, identification and preparation of local labour in construction initiatives prior to commencement of development (£2, 500 per £1m of capital construction costs)

Accredited training

Community Use Management Plan The Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) have agreed to purchase a peppercorn Lease from the LBL on a 125 years lease for the provision of the NAS Vanguard School. Integral to the lease, is a requirement for the provision of community use of the new facility as set out below. The Procuring agent (ESFA) will re-provide a community centre facility within the footprint of the new school premises to include the following:

Not less than 240 square metres of shared hall space between the (Community Use and the School) and a kitchen area of not less than 15 square metres

A break out area of not less than 30 square metres

Exclusive storage space of not less than 10 square metres.

A community access point separate from the school.

Amendments to the above areas can be made with the agreement of both parties.

The premises (except for the store room) are to be available for use by London Borough of Lambeth community groups for no more than 25 hours per week, outside of normal school hours (but including weekends). At all other times the premises are to be available for use by the school


Monitoring cost capped at 5% of the total value of the above financial obligations

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6.10.2 If the application is approved and the development is implemented, a liability to pay the Lambeth Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) will arise. However, the Lambeth CIL contribution would not be payable because of the proposed use of the site as an educational facility. The London Mayoral CIL would be nil.


7.1 Having regard to the above assessment it is considered that subject to the conditions set out below and S106 obligations, the proposed development would comply with the relevant policies of the development plan, accordingly the application is considered appropriate and acceptable for the reasons in this report and therefore is recommended for approval.


8.1 In line with the Public Sector Equality Duty the council must have due regard to the

need to eliminate discrimination and advance equality of opportunity, as set out in section 149 of the Equality Act 2010. In making this recommendation, regard has been given to the Public Sector Equality Duty and the relevant protected characteristics (age, disability, gender reassignment, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, and sexual orientation).

8.2 In line with the Human Rights Act 1998, it is unlawful for a public authority to act in a

way which is incompatible with a Convention right, as per the European Convention on Human Rights. The human rights impact have been considered, with particular reference to Article 1 of the First Protocol (Protection of property), Article 8 (Right to respect for private and family life) and Article 14 (Prohibition of discrimination) of the Convention.

8.3 The Human Rights Act 1998 does not impair the right of the state to make decisions

and enforce laws as deemed necessary in the public interest. The recommendation is considered appropriate in upholding the council's adopted and emerging policies and is not outweighed by any engaged rights.


9.1 Resolve to grant conditional planning permission.

9.2 Agree to delegate authority to the Director of Planning and Development to:

1. Finalise the recommended conditions as set out in this report

2. Negotiate, agree and finalise the planning obligations pursuant to section 106

of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990; and

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9.3 In the event that the committee resolves to refuse planning permission and there is a subsequent appeal, delegated authority is given to officers, having regard to the heads of terms set out in the report, to negotiate and complete a Section 106 agreement in order to meet the requirements of the Planning Inspector.

9.4 Delegate authority to the Director of Planning and Development to refuse planning permission in the event that the Section 106 Agreement is not completed within 4 months of Committee (or an alternative timeframe agreed with the LPA) for failure to enter into a section 106 agreement for the mitigating obligations identified in the report and to defend any subsequent appeal.

Conditions(s) and Reasons(s) 1. The development to which this permission relates must be begun no later than three

years from the date of this decision notice.

Reason: To comply with the provisions of Section 91(1) (a) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended by Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.)

2. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the

approved plans and drawings listed in this decision notice, other than where those details are altered pursuant to the conditions for this planning permission.

Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning.

3. The development shall be constructed and thereafter operated so as to achieve

‘Secured by Design Schools 2015’ accreditation (or such equivalent national measure of sustainability which replaces that scheme). Evidence of such shall be submitted within 6 months from the commencement of use of any of the development hereby approved, or within any other timetable agreed by the Local Planning Authority, and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

Reason: To reduce opportunities for crime as far as is reasonable in accordance with Policy Q3 of the Lambeth Local Plan

4. Prior to the commencement of development beyond the superstructure and

notwithstanding the details shown on the drawings hereby approved, detailed construction drawings of all external elevations (at scale 1:10) including the following items shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The development shall not be carried out other than in accordance with the approved unless otherwise agreed in writing by the local planning authority.

a) Details of windows (including technical details, elevations, reveal depths, plans and cross sections) b) Details of entrances, canopies and doors (including technical details, elevations, surrounds, reveal depths, plans and sections) c) Details of roof treatments, cills and parapets d) Details of rainwater goods (including locations and fixings) e) Samples of external materials (to be specified) f) Detailed elevations (including cladding fixings and signage scale 1:10) g) Boundary treatments and gates (including fixings and furniture)

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Reason: To ensure a high quality standard of development and to safeguard and enhance the setting of the adjoining listed terrace and conservation areas and the visual amenities of the locality in general in accordance with Policies Q5, Q7, Q8, Q20 and 22 of the Lambeth Local Plan.

5. Any works of demolition and/or construction shall be undertaken in accordance with

the Construction and Environmental Management Plan Issue – C (Final Issue for Planning Submission) dated 22nd June 2017 prepared by Galliford Try and the Construction Phase Dust Mitigation Measures detailed in the Air Quality Assessment prepared by WSP. The works shall be carried out in accordance with these measures unless the written consent of the Local Planning Authority is granted for any variation.

Reason: To avoid hazard and obstruction being caused to users of the public highway and to safeguard residential amenity during the whole of the construction period. (Policies T6 and Q2 of the Lambeth Local Plan (2015)).

6. Prior to the commencement of the use hereby permitted, a scheme of sound insulation

and vibration isolation to protect the educational use shall be fully installed. As a minimum, the scheme shall meet the noise targets recommended in the Environmental Noise Report prepared by Acoustic Consultants Limited reference: 6372/PP/pw and dated June 2017. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the recommendations detailed in the Environmental Noise Report unless the written consent of the Local Planning Authority is received for any variation.

Reason: To ensure the development is suitable for the intended use and to protect the amenities of future residential occupiers and the surrounding area (Policy Q2 of the Lambeth Local Plan (2015)).

7. Within 3 months of the date of commencement of the use a noise and vibration

assessment shall be carried out to confirm the noise and vibration targets in the Environmental Noise Report prepared by Acoustic Consultants Limited reference: 6372/PP/pw and dated June 2017 have been met. Any additional steps required to mitigate noise shall be detailed and implemented, as necessary. The post installation assessment shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The details as approved shall thereafter be permanently retained.

Reason: To ensure the development is suitable for the intended use and to protect the amenities of future residential occupiers and the surrounding area (Policy Q2 of the Lambeth Local Plan (2015)).

8. Noise from any mechanical equipment or building services plant shall not exceed

10dB below background noise level when measured outside the window of the nearest noise sensitive or residential premises, when measured as a L90 dB(A) 1 hour. Within 3 months of the date of commissioning all equipment and plant a noise assessment shall be carried out to confirm the noise target has been met for both day and night time operation. Any additional steps required to mitigate noise shall be detailed and implemented, as necessary. The post installation noise assessment shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The details as approved shall thereafter be permanently retained.

Reason: To protect the amenities of future residential occupiers and the surrounding area (Policy Q2 of the Lambeth Local Plan (2015)).

9. There shall be no amplified sound, speech or music used in connection with the

educational and community use of the premises hereby approved which is audible

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above background noise levels when measured outside the nearest residential property.

Reason: To protect the amenities of future residential occupiers and the surrounding area (Policy Q2 of the Lambeth Local Plan (2015)).

10. All deliveries and servicing shall be undertaken only in accordance with the Delivery

and Servicing Plan prepared by Robert West Consulting Limited reference 4479/006/R03B and dated June 2017. The measures approved in the Plan shall be shall be maintained for the duration of the relevant uses unless the written consent of the Local Planning Authority is received for any variation.

Reason: To ensure that the delivery arrangements to the building as a whole are appropriate and to limit the effects of the increase in travel movements (Policy T8 of the Lambeth Local Plan 2015)

11. Unless otherwise agreed in writing by the local planning authority no development

other than demolition shall commence until the following components of a scheme to deal with the risks associated with contamination of the site have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority

i) A site investigation scheme, based on previous findings to provide information for a detailed assessment of the risk to all receptors that may be affected, including those off-site; ii) The site investigation results and the detailed risk assessment resulting from i); iii) An options appraisal and remediation strategy giving full details of the remediation measures required and how they are to be undertaken; iv) A verification plan providing details of the data that will be collected in order to demonstrate that the works set out in (iii) are complete and identifying any requirements for longer-term monitoring of pollutant linkages, maintenance and arrangements for contingency action.

The development shall thereafter be implemented in accordance with the details and measures approved.

Reason: Development other than demolition must not commence before this condition is discharged to safeguard future users or occupiers of this site and the wider environment from irreversible risks associated with the contaminants which are present by ensuring that the contaminated land is properly treated and made safe before development. Depending on the outcome of any ground investigation and subsequent risk assessment, it may be necessary for remediation to be carried out. If this is the case, it will be necessary to demonstrate that any work has been carried out effectively and the environmental risks have been satisfactorily managed (policies 5.21 of the London Plan (2015) and EN4 of the Lambeth Local Plan (2015)).

12. Prior to occupation of any part of the development, a verification report demonstrating

completion of the works set out in the approved remediation strategy and the effectiveness of the remediation shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The report shall include results of sampling and monitoring carried out in accordance with the approved verification plan to demonstrate that the site remediation criteria have been met. It shall also include any plan (a “long-term monitoring and maintenance plan”) for longer-term monitoring of pollutant linkages, maintenance and arrangements for contingency action, as identified in the verification plan, and for the reporting of this to the local planning authority.

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Reason: Occupation of the site must not commence before this condition is discharged to safeguard future users or occupiers of this site and the wider environment from irreversible risks associated with the contaminants which are present by ensuring that the contaminated land is properly treated and made safe before development. Depending on the outcome of any ground investigation and subsequent risk assessment, it may be necessary for remediation to be carried out. If this is the case, it will be necessary to demonstrate that any work has been carried out effectively and the environmental risks have been satisfactorily managed (policies 5.21 of the London Plan (2015) and EN4 of the Lambeth Local Plan (2015)).

13. If, during development, contamination not previously identified is found to be present

at the site then no further development shall be carried out until the developer has submitted, and obtained written approval from the Local Planning Authority for, an amendment to the remediation strategy detailing how this unsuspected contamination will be dealt with.

Reason: To ensure that the development does not impact unacceptably upon existing ground conditions, geology, hydrology and hydrogeology of the site and surrounding area (Policies 5.14 and 5.21 of the London Plan (2016)).

14. Prior to first occupation of any part of the new building hereby approved a

Community Use Management Plan (including the spaces available, hours of use and potential users, management responsibilities during all operating hours, measures to control noise and disturbance, playing of music or other amplified sound and minimising the effects of patrons coming and going from the site) shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The Community Use Management Plan should also include the following requirements:

• Not less than 240 square metres of shared hall space between the (Community Use and the School) and a kitchen area of not less than 15 square metres

• A break out area of not less than 30 square metres

• Exclusive storage space of not less than 10 square metres.

• A community access point separate from the school.

• Amendments to the above areas can be made with the agreement of both parties.

• The premises (except for the store room) are to be available for use by London Borough of Lambeth community groups for no more than 25 hours per week, outside of normal school hours (but including weekends). At all other times the premises are to be available for use by the school

The community use of the site shall thereafter only occur in accordance with the approved Community Use Management Plan.

Reason: To ensure that appropriate community access to the school facilities is provided and to protect the amenity of neighbouring properties, to prevent conditions prejudicial to the function and safety of the highway network and to ensure the security of the site in accordance with Policies S2, S3 T6 and Q2 of the Lambeth Local Plan (2015)

15. Notwithstanding the approved drawings prior to commencement of development

beyond the superstructure details including the layout, siting and elevations of the

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refuse and recycling stores for the development hereby approved (at a scale of not less than 1:20) shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The provision for waste storage and recycling shall be made in accordance with the requirements of the London Borough of Lambeth’s ‘Waste and Recycling Storage and Collection Requirements: Guidance for Architects and Developers’ (October 2013). The development shall thereafter be completed in accordance with the approved details and permanently maintained and retained thereafter.

Reason: To ensure the adequate provision is made for the storage of refuse and recycling on the site, in the interests of the amenities of the area and to ensure satisfactory appearance of the completed development in accordance with Policies Q2, Q7, Q12 and EN7 of the Lambeth Local Plan (2015).

16. Notwithstanding the approved plans, prior to commencement of development beyond

the superstructure detailed drawings of the cycle stores and stands including their layout, elevations and manufacturers’ specifications shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Secure provision shall be provided for a minimum of 6 cycle parking spaces unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority. The development shall thereafter be carried out solely in accordance with the approved details prior to first use of the buildings and retained as such for the duration of the use.

Reason: To ensure that adequate cycle parking is available on site, to promote sustainable modes of transport and in the interest of the visual amenities of the area in accordance with Policies Q2, Q7, Q13, Q22, T1 and T3 of the Lambeth Local Plan (2015).

17. Prior to its usage on site, all non-road mobile machinery (NRMM) shall be registered

on the NRMM register (or any superseding register). All registered NRMM shall be compliant with the NRMM Low Emission Zone requirements.

Reason: To ensure that air quality is not adversely affected by the development in line with London Plan policy 7.14 and the Mayor’s SPG: The Control of Dust and Emissions during Construction and Demolition.

18. Prior to installation, the proposed Combined Heat and Power (CHP) plant must meet

the emission standards set out in the GLA’s Sustainable Design and Construction Supplementary Planning Guidance 2014 (or its later versions). Full details of the proposed CHP plant must be submitted to the Council for approval using Combined Heat and Power System information request form.

Reason: To ensure that air quality is not adversely affected by the development in line with the GLA’s Sustainable Design and Construction Supplementary Planning Guidance 2014

19. Within three months of work starting on site a BREEAM Design Stage certificate and

summary score sheet (or such equivalent standard that replaces this) must be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority to show that an “Very Good” rating will be achieved.

Prior to first occupation of the building(s) a BREEAM Post Construction Review certificate and summary score sheet (or such equivalent standard that replaces this) must be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority to show that an Very Good rating has been achieved.

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Reason: To ensure that the proposed development meets sustainable design and construction requirements and to facilitate a reduction of Co2 through the use of renewables in accordance with Policy 5.2 of the London Plan (2015) and Policy EN4 of the Lambeth Local Plan (September 2015).

20. No development beyond the superstructure shall take place until details of hard and

soft landscaping (including replacement tree planting and other measures to enhance biodiversity) showing the treatment of all other parts of the site not covered by the new building including external lighting (whether fixed to the building or free standing) shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

o The specification shall include details of the quantity, size, species, position and the proposed time of planting of all trees and shrubs to be planted, together with an indication of how they integrate with the proposal in the long term with regard to their mature size and anticipated routine maintenance and protection. In addition all shrubs and hedges to be planted that are intended to achieve a significant size and presence in the landscape shall be similarly specified. All tree, shrub and hedge planting included within the above specification shall accord with BS3936:1992, BS4043:1989 and BS4428:1989 and current Arboricultural best practice.

Details should include new paving and tarmac materials as well as a routine maintenance and protection plan to ensure appropriate landscaping in the long term.

o The external lighting scheme shall include a specification of the proposed light fittings, lux levels, light spillage and details of shielding to neighbouring properties.

All hard landscaping and external lighting as may be approved shall be carried out solely in accordance with the approved details before the first occupation of the development and shall be permanently maintained and retained as such thereafter.

Reason: To ensure that the development achieves a high quality of landscaping, which contributes to the visual amenity and to character and appearance of the area and to ensure the safety and security of future occupiers of the site and of adjoining properties in accordance with Policies EN1, Q2, Q3, Q6, Q7, Q9, Q10 and Q11 of the Lambeth Local Plan (September 2015).

21. All planting, seeding or turfing comprised in the approved details of landscaping

(condition 20) shall be carried out in the first planting and seeding season following the occupation of the development hereby permitted or the substantial completion of the development, whichever is the sooner. Any trees, hedgerows or shrubs forming part of the approved landscaping scheme which within a period of five years from the occupation or substantial completion of the development die, are removed or become seriously damaged or diseased shall be replaced in the next planting season with others of similar size and species, unless the Local Planning Authority gives written consent to any variation.

Reason: To ensure that the development achieves a high quality of landscaping which contributes to the visual amenity and to character and appearance of the Conservation Area in accordance with policies Q2, Q10 and Q11 of the Lambeth Local Plan (2015).

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1. This decision letter does not convey an approval or consent which may be required under any enactment, by-law, order or regulation, other than Section 57 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

2. Your attention is drawn to the provisions of the Building Regulations, and related

legislation which must be complied with to the satisfaction of the Council's Building Control Officer.

3. Your attention is drawn to the need to comply with the requirements of the Control of

Pollution Act 1974 concerning construction site noise and in this respect you are advised to contact the Council's Environmental Health Division.

4. You are advised of the necessity to consult the Council’s Highways team prior to the

commencement of construction at [email protected] in order to obtain necessary approvals and licences prior to undertaking any works within the Public Highway including Scaffolding, Temporary/Permanent Crossovers, Oversailing/Undersailing of the Highway, Drainage/Sewer Connections, Hoarding, Excavations (including adjacent to the highway such as basements, etc), Temporary Full/Part Road Closures, Craneage Licences etc.

5. You are advised that this permission does not authorise the display of

advertisements at the premises and separate consent may be required from the Local Planning Authority under the Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisements) Regulations 1992.

6. You are advised that landscaping schedules should endeavour to include, within

reason, measures to promote biodiversity including features attractive to bats and/or wild birds, and the use of native species typical of locality and ground conditions or naturalised areas. The applicant should act on good practice to maximise the site’s landscape, visual and horticultural quality, ease of maintenance and to provide long term environmental benefit.

7. Guidance on preparing Community Use Agreements is available from Sport England

www.sportengland.org. 8. Contaminated soil that is, or must be, disposed of is waste, therefore its handling,

transport and disposal is subject to waste management legislation including:

• Duty of Care Regulations 1991; • Hazardous Waste (England & Wales) Regulations 2005; • Environmental Permitting (England & Wales) Regulations 2010; • Waste (England & Wales) Regulations 2011.

Developers should ensure that all contaminated materials are adequately characterised, both chemically and physically, in line with BS EN 14899 (2005): characterisation of waste; sampling of waste materials; framework for the preparation and application of a sampling plan” and that the permitting status of any proposed treatment or disposal activity is clear. If in doubt, please contact the Environment Agency for advice at an early stage, in order to avoid delays and to discuss the issues likely to be raised. Applicants should be aware that any permit may not be granted. Please visit the relevant section of the national government website for further environmental permitting guidance.

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Please note that, if the total quantity of waste material to be produced or taken off site is hazardous waste, and is 500 kilograms (kg) or greater in any 12 month period, the developer will need to register with the Environment Agency as a hazardous waste producer.

9. As soon as building work starts on the development, you must contact the Street

Naming and Numbering Officer if you need to do the following: - name a new or existing building - apply new street numbers to a new or existing building - register new flats or new buildings with Royal Mail

This will ensure that any changes are agreed with Lambeth Council before use, in accordance with the London Buildings Acts (Amendment) Act 1939 and the Local Government Act 1985.

The correct street number or number and name must be displayed prominently on the premises in accordance with regulations made under Section 12 of the London Building Acts (Amendment) Act 1939.

Contact details are listed below.

E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 020 7926 2283 Fax: 020 7926 9104

10. You are advised of the necessity to consult Transport for London via email

([email protected]), prior to the commencement of construction in order to obtain necessary approvals and licences prior to undertaking any works within the adjacent public highway including scaffolding, temporary/permanent crossovers, oversailing/undersailing of the highway, drainage/sewer connections, hoarding, excavations (including adjacent to the highway such as basements, etc), temporary full/part road closures, craneage licences etc.

11. In relation to surface water management the applicant is encouraged to reduce

surface water run-off rates to Greenfield rates, manage surface water run-off as close to its source as possible, in line with a given drainage hierarchy, and to utilise Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) wherever practical, as required by the Greater London Authority’s London Plan (Policy 5.13) and the relevant ‘priorities’ within the associated Sustainable Design and Construction Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) (Section 3.4).

12. The latest Sustainable Design and Construction SPG can be found on the GLA’s

website https://www.london.gov.uk/what-we-do/planning/implementing-london-plan/supplementary-planning-guidance. The Combined Heat and Power System information request from can be found in the Downloads section of Lambeth Air Quality Guide www.lambeth.gov.uk/AirQuality

13. You are advised that all conditions which require further details to be submitted to

and approved by the Local Planning Authority need to be accompanied by an application form and a fee. The application form and fee schedule can be found at www.lambeth.gov.uk/planning.

Background documents – Case file (this can be accessed via the planning Advice Desk, Telephone 020 7 926 1180).

Page 44: SITE DESIGNATIONS - LambethS...Educational Needs (SEN) secondary school incorporating community use facilities including a shared school hall, classrooms and associated facilities

For advice on how to make further written submissions or to register to speak on this item, please contact Democratic Services, 020 796 2170 or email.
