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Site Safety Induction Template _Spa 2.0.pptx

Date post: 04-Nov-2015
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  • 5/17/2018 Site Safety Induction Template _Spa 2.0.pptx


    Copyright 2012 APR Energy. All Rights Reserved. APR Energy, its logo, and Powering Your Progress are trademarks of APR Energy.Copyright 2012 APR Energy. All Rights Reserved. APR Energy, its logo, and Powering Your Progress are trademarks of APR Energy.


    INDUCCIN DE SEGURIDADActualizada al 7/8/15

  • 5/17/2018 Site Safety Induction Template _Spa 2.0.pptx

    2/18Copyright 2012 APR Energy. All Rights Reserved. APR Energy, its logo, and Powering Your Progress are trademarks of APR Energy.

    BienvenidosDnde nos ubicamos?

    Nuestro Cliente:

  • 5/17/2018 Site Safety Induction Template _Spa 2.0.pptx

    3/18Copyright 2012 APR Energy. All Rights Reserved. APR Energy, its logo, and Powering Your Progress are trademarks of APR Energy.

    Nuestra planta opera 24x7, para lo cual cuenta con 14

    generadores ubicados en contenedores con una capacidad de1.6 MW cada uno, x2 trans!or"adores 4#$ % & 1.# '% conuna capacidad de 4 M%()s cada uno * una subestaci+n des-itceo/ o 0-itc*ard, conectada a la red de distribuci+ndel cliente M0.


    os 3eneradores son accionados con co"bustible iesel.0e cuenta con dos tan5ues de al"acena"iento deco"bustible con una capacidad de 1#$ 3alones cadauno.

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    4/18Copyright 2012 APR Energy. All Rights Reserved. APR Energy, its logo, and Powering Your Progress are trademarks of APR Energy.



  • 5/17/2018 Site Safety Induction Template _Spa 2.0.pptx


    Copyright 2012 APR Energy. All Rights Reserved. APR Energy, its logo, and Powering Your Progress are trademarks of APR Energy.

    95uipo de raba8o

    uis (*erdi

    ;lant Manager

    Carlos 0elpers

    Walter ;aceco

    0i!t Manager

    3ianni (roce

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    @inance (d"inistrator

    Aos (rgueta


    9ric' rd+e=

    >09 Coordinator

  • 5/17/2018 Site Safety Induction Template _Spa 2.0.pptx


    Copyright 2012 APR Energy. All Rights Reserved. APR Energy, its logo, and Powering Your Progress are trademarks of APR Energy.

    Dn!or"aci+n del la ;lantaDireccinEil+"etro F6. Carretera Mata5uescuintla, 0an a!ael as @loresNmero de Te"#$ono Con%ro" Room212 16 & $$ 727

  • 5/17/2018 Site Safety Induction Template _Spa 2.0.pptx


    Copyright 2012 APR Energy. All Rights Reserved. APR Energy, its logo, and Powering Your Progress are trademarks of APR Energy.

    ;lan de evacuaci+n

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  • 5/17/2018 Site Safety Induction Template _Spa 2.0.pptx


    Copyright 2012 APR Energy. All Rights Reserved. APR Energy, its logo, and Powering Your Progress are trademarks of APR Energy.

    ;lan de evacuaci+n

  • 5/17/2018 Site Safety Induction Template _Spa 2.0.pptx


    Copyright 2012 APR Energy. All Rights Reserved. APR Energy, its logo, and Powering Your Progress are trademarks of APR Energy.

    0eguridad O Dngreso( %D0D( 9B9 RE)ORT&RSE( ( O*ICIN& &D+INISTR&TIV&& CONTRO' ROO+ 093PN (;DHG9, N9 RE,ISTR&R-N0G0

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  • 5/17/2018 Site Safety Induction Template _Spa 2.0.pptx


    Copyright 2012 APR Energy. All Rights Reserved. APR Energy, its logo, and Powering Your Progress are trademarks of APR Energy.

    95uipo de ;rotecci+n ;ersonal J9;;K

    E)) ES OB'I,&TORIO

  • 5/17/2018 Site Safety Induction Template _Spa 2.0.pptx


    Copyright 2012 APR Energy. All Rights Reserved. APR Energy, its logo, and Powering Your Progress are trademarks of APR Energy.

    95uipo de ;rotecci+n ;ersonal J9;;K


    3erencia ;ersonalperaciones


  • 5/17/2018 Site Safety Induction Template _Spa 2.0.pptx


    Copyright 2012 APR Energy. All Rights Reserved. APR Energy, its logo, and Powering Your Progress are trademarks of APR Energy.

    eglas de 0eguridad

    Coopera con la ad"inistraci+n del sitio en todo "o"entoraba8a con seguridad, teniendo consideraci+n por t? * de a5uellos5uienes pueden est

  • 5/17/2018 Site Safety Induction Template _Spa 2.0.pptx


    Copyright 2012 APR Energy. All Rights Reserved. APR Energy, its logo, and Powering Your Progress are trademarks of APR Energy.

    Hu >acer * N >acer

    .U/ 0&CER

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  • 5/17/2018 Site Safety Induction Template _Spa 2.0.pptx


    Copyright 2012 APR Energy. All Rights Reserved. APR Energy, its logo, and Powering Your Progress are trademarks of APR Energy.

    Hu >acer * N >acer

    .U/ NO 0&CER

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  • 5/17/2018 Site Safety Induction Template _Spa 2.0.pptx


    Copyright 2012 APR Energy. All Rights Reserved. APR Energy, its logo, and Powering Your Progress are trademarks of APR Energy.

    9staciones de esiduos

  • 5/17/2018 Site Safety Induction Template _Spa 2.0.pptx


    Copyright 2012 APR Energy. All Rights Reserved. APR Energy, its logo, and Powering Your Progress are trademarks of APR Energy.

    ;revenci+n de Dncendios

    9xtintores est

  • 5/17/2018 Site Safety Induction Template _Spa 2.0.pptx


    Copyright 2012 APR Energy. All Rights Reserved. APR Energy, its logo, and Powering Your Progress are trademarks of APR Energy.

    Co"unicaci+n de ;eligros

    0o1as de Se2uridad de +a%eria"es 3+SDS4a >o8a de 0eguridad de Materiales JM00K es una parte i"portante de ladocu"entaci+n de un producto J5u?"ico o peligrosoK cu*a intenci+n es proveer alos traba8adores * personal de e"ergencia los procedi"ientos de "anipulaci+n *uso de dico producto de !or"a segura. 9sta inclu*e in!or"aci+n sobre t+xicidad,e!ectos sobre la salud, pri"eros auxilios, reactividad, al"acena"iento, disposici+n

    !inal, e5uipos de protecci+n, derra"es * procedi"ientos de "anipulaci+n.

    (ba8o una lista de productos peligrosos 5ue son utili=ados en planta. as M00 seencuentran disponibles en el Control oo" si son necesitadas: iesel (ceite e!rigerante 0olventes esengrasantes

  • 5/17/2018 Site Safety Induction Template _Spa 2.0.pptx


    Copyright 2012 APR Energy. All Rights Reserved. APR Energy, its logo, and Powering Your Progress are trademarks of APR Energy.

    Ta seguridad es pri"eroU


