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Sitecore experience platform session 1

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Sitecore Experience Platform Basics – Part 1 WITH ANITHA HARRY S i t e c o r e U s e r G r o u p B a n g a l o r e # s u g b l r
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Sitecore User Group Bangalore #sugblr

Sitecore Experience Platform Basics – Part 1


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Agenda Sitecore Analytics

How Analytics works in Sitecore 8.2  MongoDB and SQL  Installation of Mongo DB, set up of Analytics  Demo of flow of data from Mongo DB to SQL

WFFM (Web form for marketer’s) Configuring WFFM Creating forms (Default and Custom forms)  Flow of data from Mongo DB to SQL  WFFM Reports

EXM (Email experience manager) Configuration of EXM  Demo

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How Analytics Works

Mongo DB NoSQL database - abandons RBMS concept of tables and rows for

collections and documents Think of a collection as a table Think of a document as a JSON object Each entry has a complete picture of the data instead of being

spread across multiple tables Use the fiddler tool to view the data

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Sitecore Analytics Set Up – Mongo DB

Manual set up Manual set up with configuration Automated set up with powershell script

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Manual SetUp for Mongo DB Download MongoDB set up from http://www.mongodb.org/downloads Check for 32 bit or 64 bit set up file Create a folder for the DB named ‘MongoDB’ Inside the ‘MongoDB’folder create two folders ‘datadb’ and ‘logs’ Open the command prompt in administrator mode Navigate to the location where the Mongo DB .exe is downloaded in

the command prompt Run the below command

mongod.exe --dbpath “[yourfilepath]” -- logpath “[yourlogfilepath]” -- install -- serviceName “[servicename]” –serviceDisplayName [service displayname]

Start the service with the below command net start MongoDB

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Manual SetUp for Mongo DB using config file Download MongoDB set up from http://www.mongodb.org/downloads Check for 32 bit or 64 bit set up file Create a folder for the DB named ‘MongoDB’ in any location Inside the ‘MongoDB’folder create two folders ‘datadb’ and ‘logs’ Create a normal text file with the name ‘mongo.config’ and make entries

as below dbpath=D:\mongodb\data logpath=D:\mongodb\log\mongo.log Open the command prompt in administrator mode and run the below

command mongod.exe --config “[yourconfigfilepath]”

Start the service with the below command net start MongoDB

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Automated SetUp for Mongo DB using a powershell script Run the below powershell script


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Mongo DB Management Tools

RoboMongo Mongo VUE MongoHub RockMongo

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Verification of connection to MongoDB the collection database Open MongoDB and make a visit to your website Change the session end timeout in the ‘web.config’ file <sessionState mode="InProc" cookieless="false" timeout="1">

Check Mongo DB for documents Verify the Fact_ tables contain data in the reporting database In case of any issues Rebuid the reporting database Use Fiddler tool to view this data

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Web Form for Marketers (WFFM) WFFM is used to create simple web forms that record and report

information provided by visitors to your website Distributed as a sitecore package https://


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Installation of WFFM (8.2 Initial Release) Installation guide from sitecore Download the package for WFFM from the link belowhttps://dev.sitecore.net/Downloads/Web_Forms_For_Marketers.aspx Pre requisites

Sitecore XP 8.2 Package for WFFM

Installation process Use the installation wizard and install the package

Post Installation steps In the ‘Restricting placeholders’ wizard define the list of placeholders that allow the forms to be

included Publish the content In the reporting database run the ‘WFFM_Analytics.sql’ Based on the IIS you use make changes to the ‘Web.config’ file to include : <add name="CaptchaImage" verb="*" path="CaptchaImage.axd" type="Sitecore.Form.Core.Pipeline.RequestProcessor.CaptchaResolver, Sitecore.Forms.Core" /> <add name="CaptchaAudio" verb="*" path="CaptchaAudio.axd" type="Sitecore.Form.Core.Pipeline.RequestProcessor.CaptchaResolver, Sitecore.Forms.Core" />

Adobe Acrobat Document

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Demo of WFFM

Restricting placeholder wizard Create a new form Edit an existing form Create a page with a form View the Form Reports Use the fiddler tool to view the data moving Note: ‘FormData’ collection takes around 30 minutes to be build the

first time In the web.config the following change can be made to lower this time

<forms name=".ASPXAUTH" cookieless="UseCookies" timeout="2" />

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Email Experience Manager (EXM)

Create tailored email campaigns for specific segments and make them both personal and relevant to your customers .

Distributed as a sitecore package https://dev.sitecore.net/Downloads/Email_Experience_Manager.aspx

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Installation of EXM (3.3 Initial Release) Installation guide from sitecore Download the package for EXM from the link below https://dev.sitecore.net/Downloads/Email_Experience_Manager.aspx Pre requisites

Sitecore XP 8.1 update 3 In the ‘\App_Config\ConnectionStrings.config’ add the below connection strings

<add name="exm.master" connectionString="" /> <add name="exm.web" connectionString="" /> <add name="EXM.CryptographicKey" connectionString=

"E040C938FC9E4EBC3E93330B0F7837F284207B8180DB64CB5B6ABEB1AFBF6F5B" /> <add name="EXM.AuthenticationKey" connectionString=

"9D80B4E56AEE694058567BD89C936FB88F2DB1272A4E88F419B6501919E0BB25" />

Installation process Use the installation wizard and install the package

Post Installation steps Attach the ‘Sitecore.EXM’ and the ‘Sitecore.EXM_Web’ databases found in ‘/Website/temp/ECM’ folder Update the ‘ConnectionStrings.config’ with the values Depending on whether you will be using a Custom MTA or Sitecore Ap Center enable/disable the config files and update the values In the App_Config\Include\Sitecore.Analytics.Tracking.Sitecore.config , enter the value for the Analytics.ClusterName Use Smart Publish to publish your site Create a manager root in the EXM default settings Test the connection to the SMTP server

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Adobe Acrobat Document

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Demo of EXM

Test the connection to the SMTP server Create a new list Create a new email

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Question and Answers
