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SJ-20100211152857-021-ZXWN MSCS (V3.09.21) MSC Server Performance Counter Reference (Combination...

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ZXWN MSCS MSC Server Performance Counter Ref- erence (Combination Traffic) Version 3.09.21 ZTE CORPORATION NO. 55, Hi-tech Road South, ShenZhen, P.R.China Postcode: 518057 Tel: (86) 755 26771900 Fax: (86) 755 26770801 URL: http://ensupport.zte.com.cn E-mail: [email protected]

    Performance Counter Ref-erence (Combination Traffic)

    Version 3.09.21

    ZTE CORPORATIONNO. 55, Hi-tech Road South, ShenZhen, P.R.ChinaPostcode: 518057Tel: (86) 755 26771900Fax: (86) 755 26770801URL: http://ensupport.zte.com.cnE-mail: [email protected]


    Copyright 2010 ZTE CORPORATION.

    The contents of this document are protected by copyright laws and international treaties. Any reproduction or distribution ofthis document or any portion of this document, in any form by any means, without the prior written consent of ZTE CORPO-RATION is prohibited. Additionally, the contents of this document are protected by contractual confidentiality obligations.

    All company, brand and product names are trade or service marks, or registered trade or service marks, of ZTE CORPORATIONor of their respective owners.

    This document is provided as is, and all express, implied, or statutory warranties, representations or conditions are dis-claimed, including without limitation any implied warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title or non-in-fringement. ZTE CORPORATION and its licensors shall not be liable for damages resulting from the use of or reliance on theinformation contained herein.

    ZTE CORPORATION or its licensors may have current or pending intellectual property rights or applications covering the subjectmatter of this document. Except as expressly provided in any written license between ZTE CORPORATION and its licensee,the user of this document shall not acquire any license to the subject matter herein.

    ZTE CORPORATION reserves the right to upgrade or make technical change to this product without further notice.

    Users may visit ZTE technical support website http://ensupport.zte.com.cn to inquire related information.

    The ultimate right to interpret this product resides in ZTE CORPORATION.

    Revision History

    Revision No. Revision Date Revision Reason

    R1.0 Feb. 28, 2010 First edition

    Serial Number: SJ-20100211152857-021

  • Contents

    About This Manual............................................. I

    Declaration of RoHS Compliance ....................... I

    Performance Measurement Type .......................1Global Traffic.................................................................. 1

    Signal Measurement ....................................................... 3

    Base Measurement ......................................................... 5

    Global Measurement ....................................................... 6

    Charge Measurement ...................................................... 7

    Combination Traffic ......................................................... 7

    Special Operation ........................................................... 8

    Combination Traffic .........................................13Destination Code Traffic Measurement ..............................13

    Times of Attempted Call .............................................13

    Times of Call Occupancy.............................................14

    Times of Successful Call .............................................15

    Times of Call Answer..................................................16

    Calling Occupancy Duration (s)....................................17

    Called Occupancy Duration (s).....................................17

    Through Connection Duration (s) .................................18

    Answer Duration (s)...................................................18

    Times of Subscriber Release Early................................18

    Times of Release While Ringing ...................................19

    Times of Signaling Overload........................................20

    Times of Service Overload ..........................................20

    Times of System Overload ..........................................21

    Times of OMM Traffic Control.......................................21

    Times of No Response ................................................21

    Times of Ringing With No Answer ................................22

    Times of Invalid Number Format..................................23

    Times of Unallocated Number......................................23

    Times of Inter-MGW Bear Exception .............................23

    Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION I

  • ZXWN MSCS Performance Counter Reference (Combination Traffic)

    Times of Inner-MSC Error ...........................................24

    Times of MO Call Blocked for Call Restricted ..................24

    Times of MO Call Blocked for Failure Assignment............24

    Times of MO Call Blocked for Circuit Overflow................25

    Times of MO Call Blocked for Failure Bear Setup ............25

    Times of MO Call Blocked for Radio Error ......................26

    Times of Incoming Call Blocked for Failure Circuit

    Seizure ............................................................26

    Times of Incoming Call Blocked for Failure Bear


    Times of MT Call Blocked for No Paging Response ..........27

    Times of MT Call Blocked for User Rejected ...................27

    Times of MT Call Blocked for NDUB ..............................27

    Times of MT Call Blocked for UDUB ..............................28

    Times of MT Call Blocked for Failure Assignment ............29

    Times of MT Call Blocked for Circuit Overflow ................30

    Times of MT Call Blocked for Failure Bear Setup.............30

    Times of MT Call Blocked for Radio Error.......................30

    Times of Outgoing Call Blocked for Failure Circuit

    Seizure ............................................................31

    Times of Outgoing Call Blocked for Failure Bear


    Times of Remote MSC Blocked for Unallocated


    Times of Remote MSC Blocked for Special Info

    Tone ................................................................32

    Times of Remote MSC Blocked for Invalid Number


    Times of Remote MSC Blocked for User Busy.................33

    Times of Remote MSC Blocked for No User


    Times of Remote MSC Blocked for No Answer ................34

    Times of Remote MSC Blocked for Subscriber

    Absent .............................................................35

    Times of Remote MSC Blocked for Call Rejected.............35

    Times of Remote MSC Blocked for No Route to

    Destination .......................................................36

    Times of Remote MSC Blocked for Facility Rejected .........37

    Times of Remote MSC Blocked for Normal


    II Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

  • Times of Remote MSC Blocked for Circuit

    Congestion .......................................................38

    Times of Remote MSC Blocked for Network out of


    Times of Remote MSC Blocked for Temporary

    Failure .............................................................39

    Times of Remote MSC Blocked for Switching Equipment

    Congestion .......................................................40

    Times of Remote MSC Blocked for Circuit


    Times of Remote MSC Blocked for Resource


    Times of Remote MSC Blocked for Service not

    Available ..........................................................41

    Times of Remote MSC Blocked for Service Not

    Implemented ....................................................42

    Times of Remote MSC Blocked for Invalid Message .........43

    Times of Remote MSC Blocked for Protocol Error............43

    Times of Remote MSC Blocked for Recovery on Timer

    Expiry ..............................................................44

    Times of Remote MSC Blocked for Interworking


    Times of Remote MSC Blocked for CFL Message .............45

    Times of Remote MSC Blocked for Other Reason ............46

    Times of SRI Failure for Subscriber Absent ....................46

    Times of SRI Failure for Call Barred..............................46

    Times of SRI Failure for Other Reason ..........................47

    Times of Call Blocked for Forward Violation ...................47

    Times of Call Blocked for IN Service Failure ...................47

    Times of Forward MSC-Timer Expiry before Ring ............47

    Times of Forward MSC-Timer Expiry after Ring with

    User No Answer.................................................48

    Times of Wireless System Attempted Call......................49

    Destination Area Code Group Traffic .................................49

    Destination Carrier Destcode Group Measurement..............49

    Call Code Traffic Measurement.........................................50

    Call Code Area Group Comb Measurement ........................50

    Call Code Carrier Group Measurement ..............................50

    Destcode Comb Traffic (Area->Area) ................................51

    Destcode Comb Traffic (Carrier->Carrier)..........................51

    Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION III

  • ZXWN MSCS Performance Counter Reference (Combination Traffic)

    Office Combine Traffic Measurement.................................51

    Office Group Traffic ........................................................52

    Office-Office Group Comb Traffic......................................52

    TMG to Office Traffic Measurement...................................52

    Times of Incoming Call Attempt...................................52

    Times of Incoming Call Establishment...........................53

    Times of Incoming Call Answer....................................53

    Incoming Call Occupied Duration(s) .............................54

    Incoming Call Establishment Duration(s) ......................54

    Incoming Call Answer Duration(s)................................54

    Times of Incoming Call Failure for User Released Before


    Times of Incoming Call Failure for User Released Before


    Times of Incoming Call Local Failure for No Answer .........56

    Times of Incoming Call Local Failure for User Busy .........57

    Times of Incoming Call Local Failure for User

    Absent .............................................................58

    Times of Incoming Call Local in Bureau Failure for

    Trunk Busy .......................................................58

    Times of Incoming Call Local out Bureau Failure for

    Trunk Busy .......................................................59

    Times of Incoming Call Remote Failure for Trunk

    Busy ................................................................59

    Times of Incoming Call Local Failure for Call


    Times of Incoming Call Remote Failure for Call


    Times of Incoming Call Failure for Local Congestion .........61

    Times of Incoming Call Failure for Remote

    Congestion .......................................................62

    Times of Incoming Call Failure for Local Protocol


    Times of Incoming Call Failure for Remote Protocol


    Times of Incoming Local Unallocated Number ................64

    Times of Incoming Remote Unallocated Number ............64

    Times of Incoming Local Invalid Number Format ............65

    Times of Incoming Remote Invalid Number Format .........66

    Times of Incoming Local Normal Unspecified .................66

    IV Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

  • Times of Incoming Remote Normal Unspecified..............67

    Times of Incoming Local Interworking Unspecified..........67

    Times of Incoming Remote Interworking


    Times of Incoming Local Timer Expiry ..........................69

    Times of Incoming Remote Timer Expiry .......................69

    Times of Incoming Call Failure for Remote No


    Times of Incoming Call Failure for Local Temp Error .........70

    Times of Incoming Call Failure for Remote Temp


    Times of Incoming Call Failure for Local Other


    Times of Incoming Call Failure for Remote Other


    Times of Incoming Call Failure Remote Dest Out of


    Times of Incoming Remote Send Special Information

    Tone ................................................................73

    Times of Incoming Call Failure for Timer Expiry before

    Ring (Forward MSC)...........................................74

    Times of Incoming Call Failure for Timer Expiry after

    Ring with User no Answer (Forward MSC) .............74

    Times of Outgoing Call Attempt ...................................75

    Times of Outgoing Call Establishment...........................75

    Times of Outgoing Call Answer ....................................76

    Outgoing Call Occupied Duration(s)..............................76

    Outgoing Call Establishment Duration(s).......................77

    Outgoing Call Answer Duration(s) ................................77

    Times of Outgoing Call Failure for User Released Before


    Times of Outgoing Call Failure for User Released Before


    Times of Outgoing Call Local Failure for No Answer .........79

    Times of Outgoing Call Local Failure for User Busy .........80

    Times of Outgoing Call Local Failure for User

    Absent .............................................................80

    Times of Outgoing Call Local out Bureau Failure for

    Trunk Busy .......................................................81

    Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION V

  • ZXWN MSCS Performance Counter Reference (Combination Traffic)

    Times of Outgoing Call Remote Failure for Trunk

    Busy ................................................................81

    Times of Outgoing Call Local Failure for Call


    Times of Outgoing Call Remote Failure for Call


    Times of Outgoing Call Failure for Local Congestion .........83

    Times of Outgoing Call Failure for Remote

    Congestion .......................................................84

    Times of Outgoing Call Failure for Local Protocol


    Times of Outgoing Call Failure for Remote Protocol


    Times of Outgoing Local Unallocated Number ................86

    Times of Outgoing Local Invalid Number Format ............86

    Times of Outgoing Local Normal Unspecified..................87

    Times of Outgoing Remote Normal Unspecified ..............88

    Times of Outgoing Local Interworking Unspecified..........88

    Times of Outgoing Remote Interworking


    Times of Outgoing Local Timer Expiry...........................89

    Times of Outgoing Remote Timer Expiry .......................90

    Times of Outgoing Call Failure for Remote No


    Times of Outgoing Call Failure for Local Temp Error .........91

    Times of Outgoing Call Failure for Remote Temp


    Times of Outgoing Call Failure for Local Other Error .........92

    Times of Outgoing Call Failure for Remote Other


    Times of Outgoing Call Failure Remote Dest Out of


    Times of Outgoing Remote Send Special Information

    Tone ................................................................94

    Times of Outgoing Call Failure for Timer Expiry before

    Ring (Forward MSC)...........................................95

    Times of Incoming Call Failure for Timer Expiry after

    Ring with User no Answer (Forward MSC) .............96

    Inter-Province Traffic Measurement..................................96

    Times of Call Attempt.................................................96

    VI Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

  • Times of Successful Call .............................................97

    Times of Call Answer..................................................97

    Occupancy Duration(s) ...............................................98

    Through Connection Duration(s) ..................................98

    Answer Duration(s)....................................................99

    Times of Subscriber Release Early................................99

    Times of Release while Ringing....................................99

    Times of no Answer ................................................. 100

    Times of User Busy .................................................. 101

    Times of Subscriber Absent....................................... 102

    Times of Call Rejected.............................................. 102

    Times of Remote MSC Blocked for Call Rejected........... 103

    Times of no Trunk Available for Incoming Call .............. 104

    Times of no Trunk Available for Outgoing Call .............. 105

    Times of Remote MSC Blocked for Trunk Busy ............. 105

    Times of Congestion ................................................ 106

    Times of Remote MSC Blocked for Congestion ............. 107

    Times of Protocol Error............................................. 107

    Times of remote MSC blocked for protocol error........... 108

    Times of Local Unallocated Nnumber .......................... 109

    Times of Remote MSC Blocked for Unallocated

    Number.......................................................... 110

    Times of Invalid Number Format................................ 110

    Times of Remote MSC Blocked for Invalid Number

    Format........................................................... 111

    Times of Normal Unspecified ..................................... 111

    Times of Remote MSC Blocked for Normal

    Unspecified..................................................... 112

    Times of Interworking Unspecified ............................. 113

    Times of Remote MSC Blocked for Interworking

    Unspecified..................................................... 113

    Times of Recovery on Timer Expiry ............................ 114

    Times of Remote MSC Blocked for Recovery on Timer

    Expiry ............................................................ 115

    Times of Remote MSC Blocked for User no

    Response........................................................ 116

    Times of Temporary Failure ....................................... 116

    Times of Remote MSC Blocked for Temporary

    Failure ........................................................... 117

    Times of Other Failure .............................................. 117

    Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION VII

  • ZXWN MSCS Performance Counter Reference (Combination Traffic)

    Times of Remote MSC Blocked for Other Failure ........... 118

    Times of Remote MSC Blocked for no Route to

    Destination ..................................................... 119

    Times of Remote MSC Blocked for Sending Special

    Signal ............................................................ 119

    Times of First Start ARR ........................................... 120

    Times of First IAM/IAI Outgoing ARR.......................... 121

    Times of Left Start ARR ............................................ 121

    Times of Left IAM/IAI Outgoing ARR........................... 122

    Times of no Route to Destination ARR ........................ 123

    Times of Normal Unspecified ARR .............................. 124

    Times of no Circuit Available ARR............................... 124

    Times of Temporary Failure ARR ................................ 125

    Times of Switching Equipment Congestion ARR............ 126

    Times of no Circuit/Channel Available ARR .................. 126

    Times of Recovery on Timer Expiry ARR...................... 127

    Times of CFL ARR .................................................... 128

    Times of Applying for Re-route Cic in Local Office Failed

    ARR............................................................... 128

    Times of MGW Establishing Re-route Bearer in Local

    Office Failed ARR ............................................. 129

    Times of Bridge Call Attempt..................................... 129

    Times of Successful Bridge Call ................................. 130

    Times of Bridge Call Answer...................................... 131

    Bridge Call Occupancy Duration(s) ............................. 131

    Bridge Call through Connection Duration (s)................ 131

    Bridge Call Answer Duration(s).................................. 132

    Times of Subscriber Release Early (Bridge call)............ 132

    Times of Release while Ringing (Bridge call) ................ 133

    Times of no Answer (Bridge call) ............................... 133

    Times of User Busy(Bridge call) ................................. 134

    Times of Subscriber Absent (Bridge call) ..................... 135

    Times of Call Rejected (Bridge call) ............................ 136

    Times of Remote MSC Blocked for Call Rejected (Bridge

    call)............................................................... 136

    Times of no Trunk Available for Incoming Call (Bridge

    call)............................................................... 137

    Times of no Trunk Available for Outgoing Call (Bridge

    call)............................................................... 138

    VIII Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

  • Times of Remote MSC Blocked for no Trunk Available

    (Bridge call).................................................... 138

    Times of Congestion (Bridge call)............................... 139

    Times of Remote MSC Blocked for Congestion (Bridge

    call)............................................................... 140

    Times of Protocol Error (Bridge call) ........................... 140

    Times of Remote MSC Blocked for Protocol Error

    (Bridge call).................................................... 141

    Times of Remote MSC Blocked for Unallocated Number

    (Bridge call).................................................... 142

    Times of Remote MSC Blocked for Invalid Number

    Format (Bridge call) ......................................... 143

    Times of Normal Unspecified (Bridge call) ................... 143

    Times of Remote MSC Blocked for Normal Unspecified

    (Bridge call).................................................... 144

    Times of Interworking Unspecified (Bridge call) ........... 145

    Times of Remote MSC Blocked for Interworking

    Unspecified (Bridge call) ................................... 145

    Times of Recovery on Timer Expiry (Bridge call) .......... 146

    Times of Remote MSC Blocked for Recovery on Timer

    Expiry (Bridge Call).......................................... 147

    Times of Remote MSC blocked for User no Response

    (Bridge call).................................................... 147

    Times of Temporary Failure (Bridge call) ..................... 148

    Times of Remote MSC Blocked for Temporary Failure

    (Bridge call).................................................... 149

    Times of other Failure (Bridge call) ............................ 149

    Times of Remote MSC Blocked for other Failure (Bridge

    call)............................................................... 150

    Times of Remote MSC Blocked for no Route to

    Destination (Bridge call) ................................... 151

    Times of Remote MSC Blocked for Sending Special

    Signal (Bridge call) .......................................... 151

    Times of Forward MSC-Timer Expiry before Ring ......... 152

    Times of Forward MSC-Timer Expiry after Ring with

    User No Answer............................................... 153

    Province to Area Traffic Measurement ............................. 153

    Province to Carrier Traffic Measurement.......................... 154

    Commix Traffic Stream Measurement ............................. 154


    Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION IX

  • ZXWN MSCS Performance Counter Reference (Combination Traffic)

    Table .............................................................163

    X Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

  • About This Manual

    Purpose At first, thank you for choosing ZXWN wireless core network sys-tem of ZTE Corporation!

    ZXWN system is the 3G mobile communication system developedbased on the UMTS technology. ZXWN system boasts powerfulservice processing capability in both CS domain and PS domain,providing more abundant service contents. Comparing with theGSM, ZXWN provides telecommunication services in wider range,capable of transmitting sound, data, graphics and other multi-me-dia services. In addition, ZXWN has higher speed and resource uti-lization rate. ZXWN wireless core network system supports both2G and 3G subscriber access, and provides various services re-lated with the 3G core network.

    The ZXWN MSCS system is designed for the UMTS system at thecore network control level. It supports the GSM core network,UMTS protocols in the R99/R4/R5 stage and relevant functions atthe same time, and provides the carriers with an overall solutionto the evolution from the GSM core network to the 3GPP R99 andthen to the 3GPP R5.

    The ZXWN MSCS system completes the functions of the MobileSwitching Center Server and the Visitor Location Register (VLR)together, and provides the Service Switching Point (SSP) functionsof intelligent calls. The ZXWN MSCS system supports the MGCFfunction, and the coexistence of the MGCF and GMSCS. It also cansmoothly upgrade to the MGCF.

    ZXWN MSCS performance statistics allows to measure the perfor-mance counters and calculation items.

    This manual provides the descriptions of the counters in the perfor-mance statistics items of the operation and maintenance system.In the performance management system, the performance statis-tics item is categorized into the performance counter and the per-formance calculation index. They are described in different man-uals.

    The performance counter includes ten volumes:

    ZXWN MSCS MSC Server Performance Counter Reference(Global Traffic I)

    ZXWN MSCS MSC Server Performance Counter Reference(Global Traffic II)

    ZXWN MSCS MSC Server Performance Counter Reference (Sig-nal Measurement I)

    ZXWN MSCS MSC Server Performance Counter Reference (Sig-nal Measurement II)

    ZXWN MSCS MSC Server Performance Counter Reference(Base Measurement I)

    ZXWN MSCS MSC Server Performance Counter Reference(Base Measurement II)

    Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION I

  • ZXWN MSCS Performance Counter Reference (Combination Traffic)

    ZXWN MSCS MSC Server Performance Counter Reference (Global Measurement and Charge Statistics)

    ZXWN MSCS MSC Server Performance Counter Reference(Combination Traffic)

    ZXWN MSCS MSC Server Performance Counter Reference(Special Operation)

    ZXWN MSCS MSC Server Performance Counter Reference(Handover Operation)

    For the performance calculation item, refer to the document ZXWNMSCS MSC Server Performance Calculation Item Reference.

    This manual is the ZXWN MSCS MSC Server Performance CounterReference (Combination Traffic) in the above volumes.


    This document is intended for the following person:

    The engineer whose work relates to this equipment.

    The person who wants to know this equipment.

    Prerequisite Skilland Knowledge

    To use this document effectively, users should have a general un-derstanding of wireless telecommunications technology. Familiar-ity with the following is helpful:

    ZXWN MSCS system and its various components

    Performance management of MSCS

    What Is in ThisManual

    This manual contains the following chapters:

    Chapter Summary

    Chapter 1,PerformanceMeasurement Type

    Introduces all the performance measurementtypes of the MSCS

    Chapter 2,Combination Traffic

    Introduces the counters in the CombinationTraffic measurement object

    FCC ComplianceStatement

    This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation issubject to the following two conditions.

    1. This device may not cause harmful interference.

    2. This device must accept any interference received, includinginterference that may cause undesired operation.

    Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party re-sponsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operatethe equipment.

    Conventions ZTE documents employ the following typographical conventions.

    II Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

  • About This Manual

    Typeface Meaning

    Italics References to other Manuals and documents.

    Quotes Links on screens.

    Bold Menus, menu options, function names, input fields,radio button names, check boxes, drop-down lists,dialog box names, window names.

    CAPS Keys on the keyboard and buttons on screens andcompany name.

    Note: Provides additional information about a certaintopic.

    Checkpoint: Indicates that a particular step needs tobe checked before proceeding further.

    Tip: Indicates a suggestion or hint to make thingseasier or more productive for the reader.

    Mouse operation conventions are listed as follows:

    Typeface Meaning

    Click Refers to clicking the primary mouse button (usually theleft mouse button) once.


    Refers to quickly clicking the primary mouse button(usually the left mouse button) twice.

    Right-click Refers to clicking the secondary mouse button (usuallythe right mouse button) once.

    Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION III

  • ZXWN MSCS Performance Counter Reference (Combination Traffic)

    This page is intentionally blank.

    IV Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

  • Declaration of RoHSCompliance

    Tominimize the environmental impact and take more responsibilityto the earth we live, this document shall serve as formal declara-tion that ZXWN MSCS manufactured by ZTE CORPORATION are incompliance with the Directive 2002/95/EC of the European Parlia-ment - RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substances) with respectto the following substances:

    Lead (Pb)

    Mercury (Hg)

    Cadmium (Cd)

    Hexavalent Chromium (Cr (VI))

    PolyBrominated Biphenyls (PBBs)

    PolyBrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs)

    The ZXWN MSCS manufactured by ZTE CORPORATION meetthe requirements of EU 2002/95/EC; however, some assembliesare customized to client specifications. Addition of specialized,customer-specified materials or processes which do not meet therequirements of EU 2002/95/EC may negate RoHS compliance of theassembly. To guarantee compliance of the assembly, the need forcompliant product must be communicated to ZTE CORPORATION inwritten form. This declaration is issued based on our current levelof knowledge. Since conditions of use are outside our control, ZTECORPORATION makes no warranties, express or implied, and assumesno liability in connection with the use of this information.

    Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION I

  • ZXWN MSCS Performance Counter Reference (Combination Traffic)

    This page is intentionally blank.

    II Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

  • C h a p t e r 1

    PerformanceMeasurement Type

    Table of ContentsGlobal Traffic...................................................................... 1Signal Measurement ........................................................... 3Base Measurement ............................................................. 5Global Measurement ........................................................... 6Charge Measurement .......................................................... 7Combination Traffic............................................................. 7Special Operation ............................................................... 8

    Global TrafficThe performance measurement types included in Global Trafficare shown in Table 1.


    MeasurementObjects Measurement Types Reference

    Base TrafficMeasurement Base Traffic Measurement

    MGCF TrafficMeasurement

    MGCF TrafficMeasurement

    Office CircuitMeasurement

    Outgoing Office TrafficMeasurement

    Outgoing Call Office TrafficMeasurement

    Outgoing Office VideoTraffic Measurement

    Speech Basic TrafficOffice Outgoing CallMeasurement

    Office Traffic

    Refer to ZXWNMSCS MSC ServerPerformanceCounterReference (GlobalTraffic I)

    Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 1

  • ZXWN MSCS Performance Counter Reference (Combination Traffic)

    MeasurementObjects Measurement Types Reference

    Data Basic TrafficOffice Outgoing CallMeasurement

    Incoming Office TrafficMeasurement

    Incoming Call OfficeTraffic Measurement

    Incoming Office VideoTraffic Measurement

    Speech Basic TrafficOffice Incoming CallMeasurement

    Data Basic TrafficOffice Incoming CallMeasurement

    Virtual Base TrafficMeasurement

    Virtual Base TrafficMeasurement

    Call DroppingMeasurement

    Call DroppingMeasurement

    Virtual MSCCall DroppingMeasurement

    Virtual MSC Call DroppingMeasurement

    Extend Base TrafficMeasurement

    Extend Base TrafficMeasurement

    Virtual Extend Base TrafficMeasurement

    Switch Key KPIMeasurement

    Switch Key KPIMeasurement

    Virtual Switch Key KPIMeasurement

    Virtual Switch Key KPIMeasurement

    Incoming Trunk GroupTraffic Measurement

    Incoming Call Trunk GroupTraffic Measurement

    Outgoing Trunk GroupTraffic Measurement

    Outgoing Call Trunk GroupTraffic Measurement

    Trunk Group Traffic

    Trunk Group CircuitMeasurement

    Data OperationMeasurement Data Operation Measure

    Refer to ZXWNMSCS MSC ServerPerformanceCounterReference (GlobalTraffic II)

    2 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

  • Chapter 1 Performance Measurement Type

    MeasurementObjects Measurement Types Reference

    Virtual Data OperationMeasurement

    Virtual Data OperationMeasurement

    DDC TrafficMeasurement DDC Traffic Measurement

    MSC Pool TrafficMeasurement

    MSC Pool TrafficMeasurement

    Signal MeasurementThe performance measurement types included in Signal Measure-ment are shown in Table 2.


    MeasurementObjects Measurement Types Reference

    ISUP Office Measurement

    ISUP Protocol FaultMeasurement

    TUP Office Measurement

    TUP Protocol Fault Measurement

    ISUP Trunk Group Measurement

    TUP Trunk Group Measurement

    BICC Measurement

    BICC Protocol FaultMeasurement

    H248 Measurement

    Call SignalMeasurement

    SIP Measurement

    SSM FLUX Measurement

    SSM Fault Measurement

    SCTP Link Measurements

    SCTP Protocol StackMeasurements

    SCTP Link Flow Measurements

    IUA MGC ASSOC Measurement

    M2UA SCTP Measurement


    Refer toZXWN MSCSMSC ServerPerformanceCounterReference(SignalMeasurementI)

    Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 3

  • ZXWN MSCS Performance Counter Reference (Combination Traffic)

    MeasurementObjects Measurement Types Reference

    M3UA SCTP Measurement

    M2UA Link TransmissionMeasurements

    M3UA Measurements

    M3UA AS Measurements

    M3UA Failure Code Measurement

    M3UA Link Set Measurement

    M3UA Signalling RouteMeasurement

    M3UA Office Measurement

    SUA Link Measurements

    SG MeasurementOther SignalMeasurement Office Link Status Measurement

    MTP2 Singaling LinkMeasurement

    MTP3 Singaling LinkMeasurement

    MTP3 Singaling Link SetMeasurement

    MTP3 Office Measurement

    MTP3B Singaling LinkMeasurement

    MTP3B Singaling Link SetMeasurement

    SSCS Measurement

    M2PA MTP3 Singaling LinkMeasurement

    M2PA MTP3 Singaling Link SetMeasurement

    SCCP Measurement

    SCCP Error Measurement

    TC Utilization Measurement

    TC Fault Measurement

    SP Status Measurement

    N7 Measurement

    Refer toZXWN MSCSMSC ServerPerformanceCounterReference(SignalMeasurementII)

    4 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

  • Chapter 1 Performance Measurement Type

    MeasurementObjects Measurement Types Reference

    MTP3 Signalling RouteMeasurement

    SCCP Office Measurement

    BSSAP Control Measurement

    BSSAP Wireless Side InstigateMeasurement

    RANAP Control Measurement

    InterfaceIu/A SignalMeasurement

    RANAP Wireless Side InstigateMeasurement

    Base MeasurementThe performance measurement types included in Base Measure-ment are shown in Table 3.


    Measurement Types Reference

    QoS Measurements

    Traffic Signal Measurement

    Location Area Measurement

    Roaming Subscriber Location Update Statisticsin Location Area

    Home Subscriber Location Update Statistics inLocation Area

    Page Flow Control Measurement

    SRI Measurement

    Security Measurement

    Transferable Measurement

    Virtual Traffic Signal Measurement

    Virtual Location Area Measurement

    Virtual Page Flow Control Measurement

    Virtual MSC SRI Measurement

    Virtual Security Measurement

    Virtual MSC Transferable Measurement

    Refer to ZXWNMSCS MSC ServerPerformanceCounter Reference(Base MeasurementI)

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  • ZXWN MSCS Performance Counter Reference (Combination Traffic)

    Measurement Types Reference

    VLR Base Measurement

    Paging Measurement

    Message Measurement

    SMS Office Traffic Measurement

    Virtual VLR Base Measurement

    Virtual MSC Paging Measurement

    Virtual MSC Message Measurement

    MSC Pool Load Redistribution Measurement

    MSC Pool MAP Message Been InterceptedMeasurement

    Switch Key KPI LAI Measurement

    CGI Traffic Distribution Measurement

    SAI Traffic Distribution Measurement

    ZXWN MSCS MSCServer PerformanceCounter Reference(Base MeasurementII)

    Global MeasurementThe performance measurement types included in Global Measure-ment are shown in Table 4.


    Measurement Types Reference

    LAC VLR User Measurement

    VLR User Measurement

    MAC Port Flow Measure

    ATM PVC Use Measure

    Trunk Port Measurement

    Resource Load Measurement

    SAR Cell Measurement

    IP Port Measurement

    PVC Cell Measurement

    MscServer Load Measurements

    Multi-MGW Owned by Single MscServerMeasurement

    Refer to ZXWNMSCS MSC ServerPerformanceCounterReference (GlobalMeasurementand ChargeMeasurement)

    6 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

  • Chapter 1 Performance Measurement Type

    Measurement Types Reference

    MSRN HO Number Source Measurement

    Virtual MSC MSRN-HO Number SourceMeasurement

    Inter-MGW Circuit Measurement

    Trunk Measurement

    TRUNKSET Measurement

    Unauthenticated Service Measurement forRoaming User

    PPP Measurement

    IPE1 Measurement

    HDLC Measurement

    BCM5325/5328 Measurement

    FE And GE Port Measurement

    PEB22554E1 Measurement

    Charge MeasurementThe performance measurement types included in Charge Mea-surement are shown in Table 5.


    Measurement Types Reference

    MscServer Billing Measure-ment

    FR Offline ChargeMeasurement

    Refer to ZXWN MSCS MSC ServerPerformance Counter Reference(Global Measurement and ChargeMeasurement)

    Combination TrafficThe performance measurement types included in CombinationTraffic are shown in Table 6.

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  • ZXWN MSCS Performance Counter Reference (Combination Traffic)


    Measurement Types Reference

    Destination Code Traffic Measurement

    Destination Area Code Group Traffic

    Destination Carrier Destcode GroupMeasurement

    Call Code Traffic Measurement

    Call Code Area Group Comb Measurement

    Call Code Carrier Group Measurement

    Destcode Comb Traffic (Area->Area)

    Destcode Comb Traffic (Carrier->Carrier)

    Office Combine Traffic Measurement

    Office Group Traffic

    Office-Office Group Comb Traffic

    TMG to Office Traffic Measurement

    Inter-Province Traffic Measurement

    Province to Area Traffic Measurement

    Province to Carrier Traffic Measurement

    Commix Traffic Stream Measurement

    Refer to ZXWNMSCS MSC ServerPerformance CounterReference (CombinationTraffic)

    Special OperationThe performance measurement types included in Special Opera-tion are shown in Table 7.


    MeasurementObjects Measurement Types Reference

    Camel Traffic Measurement

    Camel Operation Measurement

    CAMEL SSF ResourceMeasurement

    Virtual Camel Traffic Measurement


    Refer toZXWN MSCSMSC ServerPerformanceCounterReference(SpecialOperation)

    8 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

  • Chapter 1 Performance Measurement Type

    MeasurementObjects Measurement Types Reference

    Virtual Camel OperationMeasurement

    Virtual CAMEL SSF ResourceMeasurement

    Color Ring Back ToneMeasurement

    Color Ring Traffic Measurement

    Virtual Color Ring Back ToneMeasurement

    Virtual Color Ring TrafficMeasurement

    Color Ring Office TrafficMeasurement

    Color RingService

    Color Ring Trunk Group TrafficMeasurement

    Supplementary ServiceMeasurementSupplementary

    Service Virtual MSC SupplementaryService Measurement

    ARR MeasurementAutomaticRerouting MSCS ARR Measurement

    Access NetworkChannelAllocating

    Access Network ChannelAllocating Measurement

    LCS Operation VLR LCS Measurement

    NITZ MeasurementNITZ Operation

    Virtual NITZ Measurement

    USSD MeasurementUSSD Operation

    Virtual USSD Measurement


    BICC Codec InterrogationMeasurements

    Multimedia Ring Back ToneMeasurement

    MultiMedia Ring Back ToneMeasurement Per Office

    MultimediaColor RingService

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  • ZXWN MSCS Performance Counter Reference (Combination Traffic)

    MeasurementObjects Measurement Types Reference

    MultiMedia Ring Back ToneMeasurement Per Trunk Group

    Virtual MSC Multimedia Ring BackTone Measurement

    Cheat User Service RestrictPrevent CheatMeasurement Virtual Cheat User Service Restrict

    Load Control MSCS Load Control Measurement

    MSCS China LIC X3 InterfaceMeasurement

    MSCS China LIC IF1 InterfaceMeasurement

    MSCS China LIC IF2 InterfaceMeasurement

    MSCS China LIC IF3 InterfaceMeasurement

    MSCS SORM LIC X1 InterfaceMeasurement

    MSCS SORM LIC X2 InterfaceMeasurement

    MSCS SORM LIC X3 InterfaceMeasurement

    MSCS ETSI LIC H1 InterfaceMeasurement

    MSCS ETSI LIC H2 InterfaceMeasurement


    MSCS ETSI LIC H3 InterfaceMeasurement

    X3 Interface Measurement ofLICVMSC

    IF1 Interface Measurement ofLICVMSC

    IF2 Interface Measurement ofLICVMSC

    IF3 Interface Measurement ofLICVMSC

    H1 Interface Measurement ofLICVMSC

    H2 Interface Measurement ofLICVMSC


    10 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

  • Chapter 1 Performance Measurement Type

    MeasurementObjects Measurement Types Reference

    H3 Interface Measurement ofLICVMSC

    IST MeasurementISTMeasurement Virtual MSC IST Measurement

    Videophone FallbackMeasurementVideophone

    Operation Virtual MSC Videophone FallbackMeasurement

    Inter and Inter Network BaseTraffic Measurement

    Special Service TrafficMeasurement

    Roaming Traffic Measurement

    Virtual Special Service TrafficMeasurement

    Special TrafficStat.

    Virtual Roaming TrafficMeasurement

    CCBS CCBS Function Statistics

    Handover Measurement

    Virtual Handover Measurement

    Border MSC HandoverMeasurement

    Virtual Border MSC HandoverMeasurement

    In-HO Office Traffic Measurement

    Out-HO Office TrafficMeasurement

    In-HO Trunk Group TrafficMeasurement

    Out-HO Trunk Group TrafficMeasurement

    2G Handover Measurement

    3G Handover Measurement


    MSC Pool Handover Measurement

    Refer toZXWN MSCSMSC ServerPerformanceCounterReference(HandoverOperation)

    Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 11

  • ZXWN MSCS Performance Counter Reference (Combination Traffic)

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    12 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

  • C h a p t e r 2

    Combination Traffic

    Table of ContentsDestination Code Traffic Measurement ..................................13Destination Area Code Group Traffic .....................................49Destination Carrier Destcode Group Measurement..................49Call Code Traffic Measurement.............................................50Call Code Area Group Comb Measurement ............................50Call Code Carrier Group Measurement ..................................50Destcode Comb Traffic (Area->Area) ....................................51Destcode Comb Traffic (Carrier->Carrier)..............................51Office Combine Traffic Measurement.....................................51Office Group Traffic ............................................................52Office-Office Group Comb Traffic..........................................52TMG to Office Traffic Measurement.......................................52Inter-Province Traffic Measurement......................................96Province to Area Traffic Measurement................................. 153Province to Carrier Traffic Measurement.............................. 154Commix Traffic Stream Measurement ................................. 154

    Destination Code TrafficMeasurementThis section describes the measurement items of DestinationCode Traffic Measurement.

    Times of Attempted Call

    Counter Name Times of attempted call

    Meaning Count of call attempts to the destination code.

    MeasurementTriggering Point

    The counter adds one under the following conditions:

    1. This counter adds one at point A when the MSC Server receivesa SETUP message from the BSC/RNC, as shown in Figure 1.

    2. This counter adds one at point B when the MSC Server receivesan inter-office IAM or IAI message, as shown in Figure 2.

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  • ZXWN MSCS Performance Counter Reference (Combination Traffic)



    Times of Call Occupancy

    Counter Name Times of call occupancy

    Meaning Times to successful call occupancy to the destination code.

    MeasurementTriggering Point

    The counter adds one under the following conditions:

    1. This counter adds one at point A when the MSCS receives aSETUP message from the BSC/RNC, as shown inFigure 3.

    2. This counter adds one at point B when the MSCS receives aninter-office IAM or IAI message, as shown inFigure 4.

    14 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

  • Chapter 2 Combination Traffic



    Times of Successful Call

    Counter Name Times of successful call

    Meaning Times of successful call to the destination code.

    MeasurementTriggering Point

    The counter adds one under the following conditions:

    1. This counter adds one at point A when the MSCS receives anALERTING message from the BSC/RNC, as shown inFigure 5.

    2. This counter adds one at point B when the MSCS receives aninter-office ACM message, as shown inFigure 6.

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  • ZXWN MSCS Performance Counter Reference (Combination Traffic)



    Times of Call Answer

    Counter Name Times of call answer

    Meaning Times of the called party answering the call .

    MeasurementTriggering Point

    The counter adds one under the following conditions:

    1. This counter adds one at point A when the MSCS receives aCONNECT message from the BSC/RNC, as shown in Figure 7.

    2. This counter adds one at point B when the MSCS receives aninter-office ANM/ANN message, as shown in Figure 8.

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  • Chapter 2 Combination Traffic



    Calling Occupancy Duration (s)

    Counter Name Calling occupancy duration (s)

    Meaning Duration from the calling party being occupied to call release.

    MeasurementTriggering Point

    The counter adds one under the following conditions:

    1. This counter counts the interval between the SETUP messageand the corresponding CLEAR COMMAND message.

    2. This counter counts the interval between the IAM/IAI mes-sage and the corresponding REL message.

    Called Occupancy Duration (s)

    Counter Name Called occupancy duration (s)

    Meaning Duration from the called party being occupied to call release.

    MeasurementTriggering Point

    The counter adds one under the following conditions:

    1. This counter counts the interval between the SETUP messageand the corresponding CLEAR COMMAND message.

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  • ZXWN MSCS Performance Counter Reference (Combination Traffic)

    2. This counter counts the interval between the IAM/IAI mes-sage and the corresponding REL message.

    Through Connection Duration (s)

    Counter Name Through connection duration (s)

    Meaning Duration from call connection to call release.

    MeasurementTriggering Point

    The counter adds one under the following conditions:

    1. This counter counts the interval between the ALERTING mes-sage and the corresponding CLEAR COMMAND message.

    2. This counter counts the interval between the ACM messageand the corresponding REL message.

    Answer Duration (s)

    Counter Name Answer duration (s)

    Meaning Duration from the called party answering the call to call release.

    MeasurementTriggering Point

    The counter adds one under the following conditions:

    1. This counter counts the interval between the CONNECT mes-sage and the corresponding CLEAR COMMAND message.

    2. This counter counts the interval between the ANM/ANN mes-sage and the corresponding REL message.

    Times of Subscriber Release Early

    Counter Name Times of subscriber release early

    Meaning Times of call failure because the calling party actively hangs upbefore the called party rings.

    MeasurementTriggering Point

    The counter adds one under the following conditions:

    1. This counter adds one at point A when the MSCS receivesa DISCONNECT message (carrying Causevalue 16: NORMALCALL CLEAR) from the calling party before sending an ALERT-ING message to the calling party, as shown in Figure 9.

    2. This counter adds one at point B when the MSCS receives a RELmessage (carrying Causevalue 16: NORMAL CALL CLEAR) be-fore sending an ACM message to the forward office, as shownin Figure 10.

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  • Chapter 2 Combination Traffic



    Times of Release While Ringing

    Counter Name Times of Release While Ringing

    Meaning Times of the calling party actively hangs up after the called partyrings and before the called party answers the call .

    MeasurementTriggering Point

    The counter adds one under the following conditions:

    1. This counter adds one at point A when the MSCS receivesa DISCONNECT message (carrying Causevalue 16: NORMALCALL CLEAR) from the calling party after sending an ALERTINGmessage to the calling party and before sending a CONNECTmessage, as shown in Figure 11.

    2. This counter adds one at point B when the MSCS receives aREL message (carrying Causevalue 16: NORMAL CALL CLEAR)before receiving the CONNECT message and after receiving anACM message from the forward office, as shown in Figure 12.

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  • ZXWN MSCS Performance Counter Reference (Combination Traffic)



    Times of Signaling Overload

    Counter Name Times of Signaling Overload

    Meaning Times of call failure because the outgoing links are overloaded dur-ing outgoing calls.

    MeasurementTriggering Point

    This counter adds one when the outgoing link load control causescall failure.

    Times of Service Overload

    Counter Name Times of service overload

    Meaning Times of call failure because of service load control of the localoffice.

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  • Chapter 2 Combination Traffic

    MeasurementTriggering Point

    This counter adds one when the local-office service load controlcauses call failure.

    Times of System Overload

    Counter Name Times of System Overload

    Meaning Times of incoming call failure because the switch system of thelocal office is overload.

    MeasurementTriggering Point

    This counter adds one when the call fails because the switchsystem of the local office is overload after receiving an incomingIAM/IAI/SA message.

    Times of OMM Traffic Control

    Counter Name Times of OMM Traffic Control

    Meaning Times of outgoing call failure because of traffic control.

    MeasurementTriggering Point

    This counter adds one when the outgoing call fails because of traf-fic control.

    Times of No Response

    Counter Name Times of No Response

    Meaning Times of timeout when the local-office subscriber waits for the re-sponse from the called party.

    MeasurementTriggering Point

    The counter adds one under the following conditions:

    1. This counter adds one at point A upon timeout when the MSCSwaits for the ALERTING message from the called party aftersending a setup message to the called RNC/BSC, as shown inFigure 13.

    2. This counter adds one at point B upon timeout when the lo-cal-office subscriber waits for the ACM message from the calledparty after the MSCS where the local-office subscriber is lo-cated sends an ACM message to the MSCS where the calledparty is located, as shown in Figure 14.

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  • ZXWN MSCS Performance Counter Reference (Combination Traffic)



    Times of Ringing With No Answer

    Counter Name Times of Ringing With No Answer

    Meaning Times of local-office-terminated call failure because the calledparty does not answer the call after the called party rings, andthe switch release the call due to timeout.

    MeasurementTriggering Point

    This counter adds one when MSCS sends a DISCONNECT message(carrying Cause value 19: No answer from user) to the BSC/RNCupon timeout when waiting for the response from the called party,after receiving an ALERT message during local-office-terminatedcalls, as shown inFigure 15.

    22 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

  • Chapter 2 Combination Traffic


    Times of Invalid Number Format

    Counter Name Times of invalid number format

    Meaning Times of the called number not existing.

    MeasurementTriggering Point

    This counter adds one when the MSCS sends a CC Disconnectmessage or receives a REL message from other MSCSs (Carryingcause value 28: Unassigned (unallocated) number).

    Times of Unallocated Number

    Counter Name Times of Unallocated Number

    Meaning Times of wrong number or the number not existing through theMSCS digit analysis.

    MeasurementTriggering Point

    This counter adds one when the MSCS sends a CC Disconnectmessage or receives a REL message from other MSCSs (Carryingcause value 01: Unassigned (unallocated) number).

    Times of Inter-MGW Bear Exception

    Counter Name Times of Inter-MGW Bear Exception

    Meaning Times of the switch releasing the call because of inter-MGW bearerestablishment failure.

    MeasurementTriggering Point

    This counter adds one when the MSCS fails to establish the inter-MGW bearer.

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  • ZXWN MSCS Performance Counter Reference (Combination Traffic)

    Times of Inner-MSC Error

    Counter Name Times of Inner-MSC Error

    Meaning Times of call failure because of congestion in the switch resources,which means that the switch fails to apply for the internal controltable, memory, and buffer.

    MeasurementTriggering Point

    This counter adds one when the MSCS clears the call.

    Times of MO Call Blocked for CallRestricted

    Counter Name Times of MO Call Blocked for Call Restricted

    Meaning Times of MO call failure because the mobile subscriber has no origi-nating capability or subscribes the supplementary service outgoingcall restriction.

    MeasurementTriggering Point

    This counter adds one when there is an outgoing call whose callingparty is set with attendant outgoing call restriction or supplemen-tary service outgoing call restriction at the HLR agent.

    Times of MO Call Blocked for FailureAssignment

    Counter Name Times of MO Call Blocked for Failure Assignment

    Meaning Times of MO call failure for radio resource assignment failure dur-ing local-office-originated calls.

    MeasurementTriggering Point

    The counter adds one under the following conditions:

    1. This counter adds one at point A when the MSCS receives aCircuit assignment fail message from the BSC or in case oftimeout when the MSCS waits for the assignment responsefrom the BSC, as shown in Figure 16.

    2. This counter adds one at point B when the MSCS receives aRAB assignment fail message from the RNC or in case of time-out when the MSCS waits for the assignment response from theRNC, as shown in Figure 17.

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  • Chapter 2 Combination Traffic



    Times of MO Call Blocked for CircuitOverflow

    Counter Name Times of MO Call Blocked for Circuit Overflow

    Meaning Times of 2G MO call failure because the calling party fails to getthe terrestrial circuit.

    MeasurementTriggering Point

    This counter adds one when the A interface returns failure afterthe mobile calling party applies for the terrestrial circuit.

    Times of MO Call Blocked for FailureBear Setup

    Counter Name Times of MO Call Blocked for Failure Bear Setup

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  • ZXWN MSCS Performance Counter Reference (Combination Traffic)

    Meaning Times of MO call failure because the calling party fails to get thebearer establishment resource from the gateway.

    MeasurementTriggering Point

    This counter adds one when the gateway returns failure after themobile calling party applies to the gateway for the bearer setupresource.

    Times of MO Call Blocked for RadioError

    Counter Name Times of MO Call Blocked for Radio Error

    Meaning Times of MO call failure for errors in the radio side.

    MeasurementTriggering Point

    This counter adds one when the MO switch releases the call forerrors in radio channel.

    Times of Incoming Call Blocked forFailure Circuit Seizure

    Counter Name Times of Incoming Call Blocked for Failure Circuit Seizure

    Meaning Times of incoming call failure for failure to apply to the databasefor a circuit.

    MeasurementTriggering Point

    This counter adds one when the call fails because the MSCS failsto apply to the database for a circuit after receiving an incomingIAM/IAI/SA message.

    Times of Incoming Call Blocked forFailure Bear Setup

    Counter Name Times of Incoming Call Blocked for Failure Bear Setup

    Meaning Times of BICC incoming call failure because of incoming bearerestablishment failure or because the timer times out before thebearer establishment success response is received.

    MeasurementTriggering Point

    The counter adds one under the following conditions:

    1. This counter adds one when the bearer establishment failureresponse is received from the gateway

    2. This counter adds one when the timer times out before anybearer establishment response is received from the gateway.

    26 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

  • Chapter 2 Combination Traffic

    Times of MT Call Blocked for NoPaging Response

    Counter Name Times of MT Call Blocked for No Paging Response

    Meaning Times of MT Call Blocked for No Paging Response.

    MeasurementTriggering Point

    The counter adds one under the following conditions:

    1. This counter adds one when the MSCS receives the acknowl-edgment to the MAP_SEND_ROUTING_INFORMATION fromthe HLR in the case of the called mobile phone being poweredoff, carrying User error whose value is Absent Subscriber(there is no response to paging the subscriber)

    2. This counter adds one at when the VLR returns failure for nopaging response, after the MSCS sends an incoming call re-quest to the VLR according the MSRN in the SETUP messagereceived from the local office or the incoming IAM message.

    Times of MT Call Blocked for UserRejected

    Counter Name Times of MT Call Blocked for User Rejected

    Meaning Times of MT call blocked for user rejected.

    MeasurementTriggering Point

    This counter adds one at point A when the MSCS receives a DIS-CONNECT message (carrying Causevalue = 21: "CALL REJECT")from the BSC/RNC, as shown in Figure 18.


    Times of MT Call Blocked for NDUB

    Counter Name Times of MT Call Blocked for NDUB

    Meaning Times of MT call failure for Network Determined User Busy (NDUB).

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  • ZXWN MSCS Performance Counter Reference (Combination Traffic)

    MeasurementTriggering Point

    This counter adds one at point A when the VLR returns the failurecause the called party is busy and no call forwarding is set afterthe MSCS sends an incoming call request to the VLR according theMSRN in the SETUP message received from the local office or theincoming IAM message, as shown in Figure 19.


    Times of MT Call Blocked for UDUB

    Counter Name Times of MT Call Blocked for UDUB

    Meaning Times of MT call failure for User Determined User Busy (UDUB).

    MeasurementTriggering Point

    This counter adds one at point A when the MSCS receives a DIS-CONNECT message (carrying Causevalue = 17: "USER BUSY")from the BSC/RNC, as shown in Figure 20.


    28 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

  • Chapter 2 Combination Traffic

    Times of MT Call Blocked for FailureAssignment

    Counter Name Times of MT Call Blocked for Failure Assignment

    Meaning Times of the call failures because of the called number prefix con-taining destination code, local office terminating the call or radioresource assignment failure .

    MeasurementTriggering Point

    1. This counter adds one at point A when the MSC Server re-ceives a Circuit assignment fail message from the BSC or thetimer timeout occurs when the MSC Server waits for the BSCresponse to the assignment, as shown in Figure 21.

    2. This counter adds one at point B when the MSC Server receivesa RAB assignment fail message from the RNC or the timer time-out occurs when the MSC Server waits for the RNC responseto the assignment, as shown in Figure 22.


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  • ZXWN MSCS Performance Counter Reference (Combination Traffic)


    Times of MT Call Blocked for CircuitOverflow

    Counter Name Times of MT Call Blocked for Circuit Overflow

    Meaning Times of 2G MT call failure because the called party fails to get theterrestrial circuit.

    MeasurementTriggering Point

    This counter adds one when the A interface returns failure afterthe mobile called party applies for the terrestrial circuit.

    Times of MT Call Blocked for FailureBear Setup

    Counter Name Times of MT Call Blocked for Failure Bear Setup

    Meaning Times of MT call failure because the called party fails to get thebearer establishment resource from the gateway.

    MeasurementTriggering Point

    This counter adds one when the gateway returns failure after themobile called party applies to the gateway for the bearer estab-lishment resource.

    Times of MT Call Blocked for RadioError

    Counter Name Times of MT Call Blocked for Radio Error

    Meaning Times of MT call failure for errors in the radio side.

    30 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

  • Chapter 2 Combination Traffic

    MeasurementTriggering Point

    This counter adds one when the MT switch releases the call forerrors in radio channel.

    Times of Outgoing Call Blocked forFailure Circuit Seizure

    Counter Name Times of Outgoing Call Blocked for Failure Circuit Seizure

    Meaning Times of outgoing call failure because the MSCS fails to get theoutgoing trunk.

    MeasurementTriggering Point

    This counter adds one when the MSCS clears the call.

    Times of Outgoing Call Blocked forFailure Bear Setup

    Counter Name Times of Outgoing Call Blocked for Failure Bear Setup

    Meaning Times of SIP outgoing call failure for failure to establish or config-ure the outgoing bearer.

    MeasurementTriggering Point

    This counter adds one when the MSCS releases the SIP outgoingcall after receiving the bearer establishment or configuration fail-ure response from the gateway.

    Times of Remote MSC Blocked forUnallocated Number

    Counter Name Times of Remote MSC Blocked for Unallocated Number

    Meaning Times of the MSCS receiving a REL message from the peer-endoffice, carrying the failure cause as Unallocated Number.

    MeasurementTriggering Point

    This counter adds one at point A when the MSCS receives a RELmessage from the peer-end office, carrying the failure cause as(0x01) Unallocated Number, as shown in Figure 23.

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  • ZXWN MSCS Performance Counter Reference (Combination Traffic)


    Times of Remote MSC Blocked forSpecial Info Tone

    Counter Name Times of Remote MSC Blocked For Special Info Tone

    Meaning Times of the MSCS receiving a REL message from the peer-endoffice, carrying the failure cause as Sending Special InformationTone.

    MeasurementTriggering Point

    This counter adds one at point A when the MSCS receives a RELmessage from the peer-end office, carrying the failure cause as(0x04) Sending Special Information Tone, as shown in Figure24.


    Times of Remote MSC Blocked forInvalid Number Format

    Counter Name Times of remote MSC blocked for invalid number format

    32 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

  • Chapter 2 Combination Traffic

    Meaning Times of the MSCS receiving a REL message from the peer-endoffice, carrying the failure cause as Invalid Number Format.

    MeasurementTriggering Point

    This counter adds one at point A when the MSCS receives a RELmessage from the peer-end office, carrying the failure cause as(0x1c) Invalid Number Format, as shown in Figure 25.


    Times of Remote MSC Blocked forUser Busy

    Counter Name Times of remote MSC blocked for user busy

    Meaning Times of the MSCS receiving a REL message from the peer-endoffice, carrying the failure cause as User Busy.

    MeasurementTriggering Point

    This counter adds one at point A when the MSCS receives a RELmessage from the peer-end office, carrying the failure cause as(0x11) User Busy, as shown in Figure 26.


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  • ZXWN MSCS Performance Counter Reference (Combination Traffic)

    Times of Remote MSC Blocked forNo User Responding

    Counter Name Times of remote MSC blocked for no user responding

    Meaning Times of the MSCS receiving a REL message from the peer-endoffice, carrying the failure cause as No User Response.

    MeasurementTriggering Point

    This counter adds one at point A when the MSCS receives a RELmessage from the peer-end office, carrying the failure cause as(0x12) No User Response, as shown in Figure 27.


    Times of Remote MSC Blocked forNo Answer

    Counter Name Times of Remote MSC Blocked for No Answer

    Meaning Times of the MSCS receiving a REL message from the peer-endoffice, carrying the failure cause as No Answer.

    MeasurementTriggering Point

    This counter adds one at point A when the MSCS receives a RELmessage from the peer-end office, carrying the failure cause as(0x13) No Answer, as shown in Figure 28.

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  • Chapter 2 Combination Traffic


    Times of Remote MSC Blocked forSubscriber Absent

    Counter Name Times of remote MSC blocked for subscriber absent

    Meaning Times of the MSCS receiving a REL message from the peer-endoffice, carrying the failure cause as Subscriber Absent.

    MeasurementTriggering Point

    This counter adds one at point A when the MSCS receives a RELmessage from the peer-end office, carrying the failure cause as(0x14) Subscriber Absent, as shown in Figure 29.


    Times of Remote MSC Blocked forCall Rejected

    Counter Name Times of remote MSC blocked for call rejected

    Meaning Times of the MSCS receiving a REL message from the peer-endoffice, carrying the failure cause as Call Rejected.

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  • ZXWN MSCS Performance Counter Reference (Combination Traffic)

    MeasurementTriggering Point

    This counter adds one at point A when the MSCS receives a RELmessage from the peer-end office, carrying the failure cause as(0x15) Call Rejected, as shown in Figure 30.


    Times of Remote MSC Blocked forNo Route to Destination

    Counter Name Times of Remote MSC Blocked for No Route to Destination

    Meaning Times of the MSCS receiving a REL message from the peer-endoffice, carrying the failure cause as No Route to Destination.

    MeasurementTriggering Point

    This counter adds one at point A when the MSCS receives a RELmessage from the peer-end office, carrying the failure cause as(0x1b) No Route to Destination, as shown in Figure 31.


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  • Chapter 2 Combination Traffic

    Times of Remote MSC Blocked forFacility Rejected

    Counter Name Times of Remote MSC Blocked for Facility Rejected

    Meaning Times of the MSCS receiving a REL message from the peer-endoffice, carrying the failure cause as Facility Rejected.

    MeasurementTriggering Point

    This counter adds one at point A when the MSCS receives a RELmessage from the peer-end office, carrying the failure cause as(0x1d) Facility Rejected, as shown in Figure 32.


    Times of Remote MSC Blocked forNormal Unspecified

    Counter Name Times of Remote MSC Blocked for Normal Unspecified

    Meaning TTimes of the MSCS receiving a REL message from the peer-endoffice, carrying the failure cause as Normal Unspecified.

    MeasurementTriggering Point

    This counter adds one at point A when the MSCS receives a RELmessage from the peer-end office, carrying the failure cause as(0x1f) Normal Unspecified, as shown in Figure 33.

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  • ZXWN MSCS Performance Counter Reference (Combination Traffic)


    Times of Remote MSC Blocked forCircuit Congestion

    Counter Name Times of Remote MSC Blocked for Circuit Congestion

    Meaning Times of the MSCS receiving a REL message from the peer-endoffice, carrying the failure cause as Circuit Congestion.

    MeasurementTriggering Point

    This counter adds one at point A when the MSCS receives a RELmessage from the peer-end office, carrying the failure cause as(0x22) Circuit Congestion, as shown in Figure 34.


    Times of Remote MSC Blocked forNetwork out of Order

    Counter Name Times of Remote MSC Blocked for Network out of Order

    Meaning Times of the MSCS receiving a REL message from the peer-endoffice , carrying the failure cause as Network out of Order.

    38 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

  • Chapter 2 Combination Traffic

    MeasurementTriggering Point

    This counter adds one at point A when the MSCS receives a RELmessage from the peer-end office, carrying the failure cause as(0x26) Network out of Order, as shown in Figure 35.


    Times of Remote MSC Blocked forTemporary Failure

    Counter Name Times of Remote MSC Blocked for Temporary Failure

    Meaning Times of the MSCS receiving a REL message from the peer-endoffice, carrying the failure cause as Temporary Failure.

    MeasurementTriggering Point

    This counter adds one at point A when the MSCS receives a RELmessage from the peer-end office, carrying the failure cause as(0x29) Temporary Failure, as shown in Figure 36.


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  • ZXWN MSCS Performance Counter Reference (Combination Traffic)

    Times of Remote MSC Blocked forSwitching Equipment Congestion

    Counter Name Times of Remote MSC Blocked for Switching Equipment Congestion

    Meaning Times of the MSCS receiving a REL message from the peer-endoffice, carrying the failure cause as Switching Equipment Con-gestion.

    MeasurementTriggering Point

    This counter adds one at point A when the MSCS receives a RELmessage from the peer-end office, carrying the failure cause as(0x2a) Switching Equipment Congestion, as shown in Figure 37.


    Times of Remote MSC Blocked forCircuit Unavailable

    Counter Name Times of Remote MSC Blocked for Circuit Unavailable

    Meaning Times of the MSCS receiving a REL message from the peer-endoffice, carrying the failure cause as Circuit Unavailable.

    MeasurementTriggering Point

    This counter adds one at point A when the MSCS receives a RELmessage from the peer-end office, carrying the failure cause as(0x29) Circuit Unavailable, as shown in Figure 38.

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  • Chapter 2 Combination Traffic


    Times of Remote MSC Blocked forResource Unavailable

    Counter Name Times of Remote MSC Blocked for Resource Unavailable

    Meaning Times of the MSCS receiving a REL message from the peer-endoffice, carrying the failure cause as Resource Unavailable.

    MeasurementTriggering Point

    This counter adds one at point A when the MSCS receives a RELmessage from the peer-end office, carrying the failure cause as(0x2f) Resource Unavailable, as shown in Figure 39.


    Times of Remote MSC Blocked forService not Available

    Counter Name Times of Remote MSC Blocked for Service not Available

    Meaning Times of the MSCS receiving a REL message from the peer-endoffice, carrying the failure cause as Service not Available.

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  • ZXWN MSCS Performance Counter Reference (Combination Traffic)

    MeasurementTriggering Point

    This counter adds one at point A when the MSCS receives a RELmessage from the peer-end office, carrying the failure cause as(0x30) Service not Available, as shown in Figure 40.


    Times of Remote MSC Blocked forService Not Implemented

    Counter Name Times of Remote MSC Blocked for Service Not Implemented

    Meaning Times of the MSCS receiving a REL message from the peer-endoffice, carrying the failure cause as Service Not Implemented.

    MeasurementTriggering Point

    This counter adds one at point A when the MSCS receives a RELmessage from the peer-end office, carrying the failure cause as(0x45) Service Not Implemented, as shown in Figure 41.


    42 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

  • Chapter 2 Combination Traffic

    Times of Remote MSC Blocked forInvalid Message

    Counter Name Times of Remote MSC Blocked for Invalid Message

    Meaning Times of the MSCS receiving a REL message from the peer-endoffice, carrying the failure cause as Invalid Message.

    MeasurementTriggering Point

    This counter adds one at point A when the MSCS receives a RELmessage from the peer-end office, carrying the failure cause as(0x58) Invalid Message, as shown in Figure 42.


    Times of Remote MSC Blocked forProtocol Error

    Counter Name Times of Remote MSC Blocked for Protocol Error

    Meaning Times of the MSCS receiving a REL message from the peer-endoffice, carrying the failure cause as Protocol Error.

    MeasurementTriggering Point

    This counter adds one at point A when the MSCS receives a RELmessage from the peer-end office, carrying the failure cause as(0x6f) Protocol Error, as shown in Figure 43.

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  • ZXWN MSCS Performance Counter Reference (Combination Traffic)


    Times of Remote MSC Blocked forRecovery on Timer Expiry

    Counter Name Times of Remote MSC Blocked for Recovery on Timer Expiry

    Meaning Times of the MSCS receiving a REL message from the peer-endoffice, carrying the failure cause as Recovery on Timer Expiry.

    MeasurementTriggering Point

    This counter adds one at point A when the MSCS receives a RELmessage from the peer-end office, carrying the failure cause as(0x66) Recovery on Timer Expiry, as shown in Figure 44.


    Times of Remote MSC Blocked forInterworking Unspecified

    Counter Name Times of Remote MSC Blocked for Interworking Unspecified

    Meaning Times of the MSCS receiving a REL message from the peer-endoffice, carrying the failure cause as Interworking Unspecified.

    44 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

  • Chapter 2 Combination Traffic

    MeasurementTriggering Point

    This counter adds one at point A when the MSCS receives a RELmessage from the peer-end office, carrying the failure cause as(0x7f) Interworking Unspecified, as shown in Figure 45.


    Times of Remote MSC Blocked forCFL Message

    Counter Name Times of Remote MSC Blocked for CFL Message

    Meaning Times of the MSCS receiving a REL message from the peer-endoffice, carrying the failure cause as Normal Unspecified whenthe TUP is used between offices.

    MeasurementTriggering Point

    This counter adds one at point A when the MSCS receives a CFL(TUP signaling) message from the peer-end office during outgoingcalls, as shown in Figure 46.


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  • ZXWN MSCS Performance Counter Reference (Combination Traffic)

    Times of Remote MSC Blocked forOther Reason

    Counter Name Times of Remote MSC Blocked for Other Reason

    Meaning Times of the MSCS receiving a REL message from the peer-endoffice, carrying the failure cause as Other Reason.

    MeasurementTriggering Point

    This counter adds one at point A when the MSCS receives a RELmessage from the peer-end office, carrying the failure cause asOther Reason, as shown in Figure 47.


    Times of SRI Failure for SubscriberAbsent

    Counter Name Times of SRI Failure for Subscriber Absent

    Meaning Times of the MSCS receiving the failure response from the HLR forsubscriber absent after sending a routing request to the HLR.

    MeasurementTriggering Point

    The counter adds one when the MSCS Server receives the failurefrom HLR

    Times of SRI Failure for Call Barred

    Counter Name Times of SRI Failure for Call Barred

    Meaning Times of the MSCS receiving the failure response from the HLRfor call barred because the called party subscribes ODB and otherservices, after sending a routing request to the HLR.

    MeasurementTriggering Point

    The counter adds one when the MSCS Server receives the failurefrom HLR.

    46 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

  • Chapter 2 Combination Traffic

    Times of SRI Failure for OtherReason

    Counter Name Times of SRI Failure for Other Reason

    Meaning Times of the MSCS receiving the failure response from the HLR forother reason after sending a routing request to the HLR..

    MeasurementTriggering Point

    The counter adds one when the MSCS Server receives the failurefrom HLR.

    Times of Call Blocked for ForwardViolation

    Counter Name Times of Call Blocked for Forward Violation

    Meaning Times of call failure for user prefix unallowed or the forwardingtimes exceeding the restricted times.

    MeasurementTriggering Point

    This counter adds one when the MSCS receives a failure responsefrom the HLR.

    Times of Call Blocked for IN ServiceFailure

    Counter Name Times of Call Blocked for IN Service Failure

    Meaning Times of call failure for intelligent service failure.

    MeasurementTriggering Point

    This counter adds one when the MSCS receives the intelligent ser-vice failure response.

    Times of Forward MSC-Timer Expirybefore Ring

    Counter Name Times of Forward MSC-Timer Expiry before Ring

    Meaning Times of forward MSC-Timer expiry caused by call failures, withthe cause of the call abandonment performed by the calling partyand protocol errs (timer timeout) before the terminal of the calledparty rings.

    MeasurementTriggering Point

    The counter adds one at point B, when the MSC Server receivesa REL message (the Causevalue is equal to 102RECOVERY ONTIMER EXPIRY) from the peer-end office during the period be-

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  • ZXWN MSCS Performance Counter Reference (Combination Traffic)

    tween receiving an IAM message and sending an ACM message,as shown in Figure 48.


    Times of Forward MSC-Timer Expiryafter Ring with User No Answer

    Counter Times of Forward MSC-Timer Expiry after Ring with User No An-swer

    Meaning Number of times of call failure of the called party for the callingparty release (protocol error-timer expiry).

    MeasurementTriggering Point

    The counter adds one at the point B when MSC Server receives aREL message (Causevalue is equal to 16 'NORMAL CALL CLEAR')after it receives an IAM message and sends an ACM message, asshown in Figure 49.


    48 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

  • Chapter 2 Combination Traffic

    Times of Wireless System AttemptedCall

    Counter Name Times of Wireless System Attempted Call

    Meaning Times of the attempted call of the wireless system

    MeasurementTriggering Point

    The counter adds one in the two cases: for the attempted calls ofthe wireless system at the calling side: receive a CmServiceReqmessage; for the attempted calls of the wireless system at thecalled side: send a Paging message. (For the preset paging andthe CW, the Paging principle is returned by the VLR.)

    Destination Area CodeGroup TrafficThe Destination Area Code Group Traffic measurement is a basicmeasurement where the traffic measurement is performed accord-ing to the area planning of the prefix of the called number. Thismeasurement type classifies the destination code according to thearea in order to implement the classification statist
