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SJO Opportunities to Serve

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  • 8/12/2019 SJO Opportunities to Serve


  • 8/12/2019 SJO Opportunities to Serve



    THE TWO FEET OFTo love someone is to desire that person's good and to take effective steps

    to secure it. Besides the good of the individual, there is a good that is linkedto living in society: the common good. It is the good of all of us, made upof individuals, families and intermediate groups who Together constitutesociety.

    2009 encyclical, Charity in Truth, Pope Benedict

  • 8/12/2019 SJO Opportunities to Serve


  • 8/12/2019 SJO Opportunities to Serve



    Adopt-A-Family Provides opportunities forparishioners to provide Christmas needs to familiesstruggling economically. Contact Kathy Lewis,[email protected], (602) 790-0844, or MaureenCain at [email protected] , or (480) 951-1634.

    Andre House provides between 400-700 mealsdaily. St.Patrick has a team that prepares and servesdinner the fourth Wednesday of each month.Contact Ron Meyers at 480-585-9218 or email

    [email protected].

    Behavioral Health Initiative.

    We are an interest group that keeps mentalhealth issues a priority in the faith-based community and the community-at-large.We aim to support individuals and families dealing with mental health issues inthree areas of focus: Education, Advocacy, and Direct Service. Contact SandyMeyers, (480) 998-3843 x 108 or email [email protected]

    Caf Justo Just Coffee MinistryBuying Just Coffee supports the families in Chiapasby providing a brighter future and decent life. JustCoffee provides incentives for people to remain intheir family lands. Coffee available 2nd & 4thweekend in the Narthex. Contact Jozef de Groot at

    [email protected] or 480-319-4812 .

    Cancer Support Group assists cancer patients, their families and their friends.Ministry members intervene during this difficult time to strengthen spiritualgrowth. Meetings are held the 1st Wednesday of themonth at 7:00 PM. Contact Gloria Yturralde,(480) 391-3284.

    Caregiver Support Group Offers emotional,spiritual and educational support to all caregivers the2nd and 4th Monday of the month, 9:30 11:00AM. Theparish social worker and parish nurse are available to thegroup to provide resources. This is an ongoing open support group. Contact SandyMeyers, (480) 998-3843 x 108 or email [email protected]

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    Caring Place promotes well-being forseniors, adults with special needs and theircaregivers, offering social, educational andspiritual support in a caring and healingenvironment with outreach and advocacy,spiritual guidance, resource informationand referrals to community care services.Contact Walt Morris, (480) 699-9833 [email protected] or Joni Giddings at [email protected] .

    Duet: Partners in Health and Agingpromotes health and well-being through abraod range of services to homebound adults,caregivers, faith communities andgrandparents raising grandchildren. Focus withSt. Patrick is serving the homebound eldersand adults with disabilities in the community.

    Contact Cheryl Kerivan, (480) 998-3843 x 116 or [email protected] .

    Emergency Assistance Ministry (EAM) provides financial assistance,interpersonal support, and community referrals to individuals within the parish

    boundaries who are in need of immediate support. EAM also strives to build andmaintain referral partnerships with other social service agencies throughout thecommunity so that all resources can be maximized for the clients benefit. ContactRosemary Cudzewicz, (480) 513-1762 or [email protected] .

    Employment Support Group provides support forpeople in job transition to help one another. Bi-weeklyWednesday, 7:00 PM event called Connections. The goal

    of this gathering is for all jobseekers to walk away withnew contacts and/or ideas to aid them in their jobsearch. Contact Kevin Slakey, (602) 617-7507 [email protected] .

    To live charitably means not looking out for our own interests, butcarrying the burdens of the weakest and poorest among us.

    Pope Francis

    Fair Trade ministry offers parishioners an opportunity to buy fair trade products,and participate in the economy in a fundamentally moral and just way. A Bazaar isorganized to take advantage of the Christmas shopping season featuring Gifts fromBethlehem, Caf Justo, Catholic Relief Services Fair Trade, and the WomensEmpowerment Program-Refugee Focus with Catholic Charities. [email protected] .

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    Family Promise Ministry collaborates withFamily Promise of Greater Phoenix to reduce familyhomelessness in the area by providing shelter, casemanagement, assistance and life-skills training sofamilies can gain self-sufficiency. The ministry at St.Patrick hosts 4-6 families who are transitioning out ofhomelessness, arranging for guests to spend a weekwith us in the Fenlon Hospitality Center, andcoordinating parish groups to offer meals/snacks,gather donations, or serve as overnight hosts. ContactJozef deGroot, (480) 319-4812, [email protected] , orSuzanne Gilbert, (480) 922-2733 [email protected] .

    Like family life, economic life is one of the chief areas where we liveout our faith, love our neighbor, confront temptation, fulfill God'screative design, and achieve holiness. Our economic activity in

    factory, field, office, or shop feeds our families or feeds ouranxieties. It exercises our talents or wastes them. It raises ourhopes or crushes them. It brings us into cooperation with others

    or sets us at odds. Economic Justice for All, U.S. Catholic Bishops, #6 (1986)

    Weekly Food Collection - Food is collected at eachMass in the green bins in front of the Church. The food isdistributed weekly to Vista del Camino, and St. Vincentde Paul. Contact John Nichols at 480-860-5758 or

    [email protected]

    Friends of Circle the City offers support to Circlethe City, a medical respite center providing homelessindividuals and families with health care, healing andhope through short-term medical care, socialservices and more. Ministers serve on Wednesdays.

    Contact Amy Bonner, (480) 694-1237 [email protected] .

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    Giving Trees is an annual ministry thatassists community agencies to meetidentified needs of families and individuals atChristmas time. Needs that are identified areplaced on Christmas ornaments that adornthe tree in our Narthex. Preparation periodbegins in October and ends the week beforeChristmas Day. Commitment is flexible.Contact Natalie Scott, (480) 451-9363.

    You tell us that to love God and neighbor is not something abstract, but profoundly concrete: it means seeing in every person the face ofthe Lord to be served, to serve him concretely. And you are, dear

    brothers and sisters, the face of Jesus. Pope Francis

    Grief Support Group is an ongoing, Christ-centered faith sharing group for those who needconsolation and support after losing a loved one. Days& times vary. Contact Sandy Meyers at (480) 998-3843 x 108 or [email protected]

    Habitat for Humanity provides affordablehousing for families giving their own sweatequity to the construction of the home.Carpentry, roofing, siding, painting, andproviding lunch for the workers is needed.Join us for Saturday build days throughout theyear. Contact Brian at [email protected] or(602) 617-7994

    Helping Hands Ministry reaches out to assist parishioners and those within theparish boundaries with serious and immediate small household repairs. ContactLeonard Rimbey at (480) 998-3843 x 215 or [email protected] .

    Hike for the Homeless supports St.Joseph the Worker, which helps peopleachieve self-sufficiency through qualityemployment. Hikers are needed once ayear to join St. Patrick Hike for theHomeless Team. Contact Kathleen Kelly at(480) 699-6784 or email [email protected] .

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    Parish Nurse Ministry assists and supportsmembers of the community with their physical,emotional and spiritual well-being throughcompassionate care, health education, healthadvocacy and by serving as a liaison to communityservices. Contact Sandy Meyers at (480) 998-3843, x 108 or [email protected]

    Paz de Cristo provides over 250 evening meals dailyand provides 1300 food boxes a month to those in need.St. Patrick has a team that prepares and serves dinner thesecond Monday of each month. Contact Alex orRosemary at 480-513-1762 or [email protected]

    Refugee Ministry coordinates with CatholicCharities and Welcome to America Project tosupport people who flee to America becausetheir lives are at risk in war-torn countries.

    Contact Bashar Shammas, (602) 284-8666, [email protected] or Anne Canella,(480) 363-7988 or email [email protected] .

    The ultimate injustice is for a person or group to be treated activelyor abandoned passively as if they were nonmembers of the humanrace.

    U.S. Catholic Bishops, Economic Justice for All, 1986Response Team reaches out to support parishioners and those within parishboundaries with serious and immediate non-financial needs by connecting them tovarious appropriate ministries and referrals to outside resources. Contact GerriShaw at [email protected]

    Senior Ministry provides, supports andenriches the spiritual educational and socialfacets in the lives of our Seniors whilestrengthening the bonds within ourcommunity. We provide resource informationto help address the concerns of SeniorCitizens. Contact Jennifer Beichner, (480)205-0446 or [email protected]

    , or KarenGambino, (602) 828-9375, [email protected].

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    St. Matthew Catholic Schoolprovides parishioners the opportunity totutor students at St. Matthew School ona weekly basis. Contact Cathy Gomez,(602) 774-1871, [email protected].

    Valley Interfaith Project - As a member ofValley Interfaith Project, St. Patrick engages in

    active ministry focused on community organizationto effect the social teachings of the Church. Theministry organizes and develops relationships withlocal leaders to address community issues andneeds. Members are engaged with strategicefforts to impact local and legislative decisionsaffecting poor and vulnerable people, as well aslarger community needs. Time commitment varies with interest and desire to acton efforts on the agenda. Contact John or Susan Wanat, (480) 661-0106 or

    [email protected] or [email protected] .

    Water Hydration Drive provides water for thehomeless, elderly and disabled through the HeatRelief Networks hydrations stations throughoutthe Valley. Ministers help before and after Massesduring May and June. Contact Peg Bohnert, (480)

    451-6472 or [email protected] or Lynn Watson [email protected] .

    When we are generous in welcoming people and sharing somethingwith them some food, a place in our homes, our time not only do

    we no longer remain poor: we are enriched. I am well aware thatwhen someone needing food knocks at your door, you always find a

    way of sharing food; as the proverb says, one can always add morewater to the beans! Is it possible to add more water to the

    beans?Always?And you do so with love, demonstrating that trueriches consist not in materials things, but in the heart!

    . Pope Francis

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    Welcome to America Project is anonprofit organization that createscommunity connections and builds bridgesof neighborly understanding by providingfurniture, basic necessities, education andadditional resources to newly arrivingrefugees. Contact Alex Cudzewicz, (480)513-1762 or [email protected].

    Themes from Catholic Social Teaching

    Life and Dignity of the Human Person.

    Call to Family, Community, and Participation.

    Rights and Responsibilities.

    Option for the Poor and Vulnerable.

    The Dignity of Work and the Rights of Workers.

    Solidarity.Care for Gods Creation

    Source: USCCB

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    What Can I do?Become involved in one of our Social Justice and Outreach

    Ministries. Whether your interest is Advocacy and seeking legislativechange on Social Justice issues, swinging a hammer to help build one of ourHabitat for Humanity homes, or working with the elderly in our communitythrough our Senior Ministry, were sure to have something that will satisfyyour calling to serve. Just contact the minister identified in this guide for theministry youre interested in and tell us how youd like to help.

    Provide Financial Support to our various ministries throughout theyear. From our 5 th Sunday Collection for the Poor, food donations to feedthe hungry (or our busy Ministers working on long projects), to seasonalfunding drives, watch the Parish Bulletin for news on our current projectsand needs.

    Attend Come and See and other informational meetings. Throughout the year, our various ministries hold sessions so that othersmay learn about the important work they are doing in their ministry and getinformation on how you can help.

    Review the Social Justice page on the Parishs website. Informationon current ministry happenings, organizations and causes supported,teaching Statements, Letters, and Encyclicals are regularly updated and agreat source of helpful information.

    Learn more about the rich tradition of Catholic Social Teaching. Weoffer various programs throughout the year, including our comprehensiveJustFaith experiential program which breaks open many of the challenges ofliving in todays complex and difficult world using the prism of CatholicSocial Teaching.

    For more informationContact the Social Justice and Outreach Ministry

    [email protected] www.Stpatcc.org

    Revised: 03/24/2014

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