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  • 8/11/2019 SJT 200 Questions.docx


    SJT Sample Test # 1 100Q u e s t i o n sYour supervisor has given you an important project to plan for the unit before

    the end of the month. It is different from anything you have done since coming

    to work for the organization. You have now learned that the supervisor has been

    assigned temporarily to run another unit also, and will be frequently unavailable.Response AlternativesA) Press ahead with the project on your own to show your determination B)

    Consider who you may be able to ask for help in the supervisors absence C) Go

    to the supervisor and explain where you think you will need help D) Ask the

    supervisor for a schedule of her availability E) Go to the supervisor and ask her

    to walk you through the project

    Questions 1. The most effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____2.The least effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____ You and a group of colleagues are working on anational campaign for your organization. One member of the group informs

    everyone at a meeting that he has yet to begin his part of the work because of

    serious personal problems. You learn that he has acted this way on previous


    Response Alternatives

    A) Go to your supervisor to request that the person be replaced in your group B)Go to your supervisor to get her to re-assign the persons workload to you and

    others in the group C) Attempt to help the person with his problems to enable

    him to function better on the job D) Meet the person privately and explain that

    you know about his previous behaviour, and that you expect he will perform

    better this time E) Meet with your colleagues without the individual present, anddecide how to handle the situation

    Questions 3. The most effective response to this situation would be: (1) A) _____ B) _____

    C) _____ D) _____ E) _____4.The least effective response to this situation would be: (2) A) _____ B) _____

    C) _____ D) _____ E) _____


    FSECCYour office enjoys a good atmosphere, but you think social activities have

    started to encroach on work. Your supervisor has spent time at lunch and afterwork with a small group of employees, not including you. Cliques appear to be

    developing and you believe some staff feel left out.

    Response Alternatives

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    A) Confront your supervisor and ask to be included more often B) Meet with

    colleagues you think are upset to devise a collective approach to the situation C)

    Talk to staff in both groups to make everyone aware of feelings about what is

    going on D) Speak to your supervisor informally and explain your concerns

    about productivity and inclusiveness E) Ignore the situation and hope it will passQuestions 5.The most effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____

    6.The least effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____ A co-worker and yourself are assigned by your

    supervisor to a project which has been requested by senior management. The

    time line for the work is short, and the impact of the project for the

    organizations reputation will be significant. You soon discover that your co-

    worker is not meeting deadlines, and is unavailable when you call her.

    Response Alternatives

    A) Take over the project and work on it independently to help your career B)Explain the problem to the supervisor, and request assistance to get the project

    on track C) Call your co-worker at home to discuss the situation D) Let senior

    management know about what is happening in case there is a delay in meeting

    the deadline E) Try to get other colleagues to help with the project

    Questions 7. The most effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____8.The least effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____


    FSECCYour supervisor is a stickler for detail and tends to hover over you and other

    newer employees on major projects. A financial crisis has come up, requiring

    extra work to handle it and more interaction among certain staff in the unit. The

    presence of the supervisor over everyones shoulder is causing tension anddelays in dealing with the crisis.

    Response AlternativesA) Ask to have a team meeting of those working on the crisis to facilitate all

    aspects of handling it B) Do your work off-site as much as possible C) Appeal to

    a senior staff member to speak to the supervisor D) Approach personnel for

    advice to address the supervisors behaviour E) Put the problem on the agendafor the next meeting of the unit

    Questions 9.

    The most effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)_____ D) _____ E) _____

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    The least effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____ You are facing a deadline on the annual report to

    management for your branch. Most of your team colleagues are on time with

    their work, but two individuals repeatedly produce poorly prepared material.Both seem to expect assistance from others in the group to finalize their


    Response AlternativesA) Set up a team meeting to clarify ground rules for the remainder of the work

    B) Speak to the two people directly and point out the problems they are creatingC) Ask your supervisor to intervene and ensure that the two individuals perform

    as required D) Do your own work and do not help either of the individuals if

    requested E) Talk with each of the individuals and offer assistance to get the job


    Questions 11.The most effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____

    12.The least effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____


    FSECCYour supervisor has been supportive and accessible during your first month on

    the job while familiarizing yourself with the organization. The extra attentionhas benefited you, and other staff and senior management seem pleased with

    your work. However, you now feel the desire to work more on your own and

    enjoy more personal space.

    Response AlternativesA) Wait a while before mentioning your feelings to your supervisor B) Ask a

    senior person who has seen your recent work for advice on how to address your

    concern C) Request a meeting with your supervisor to discuss your relationship

    D) Arrange to have coffee with your supervisor and explain your concerns E)

    Make yourself less available and work more independentlyQuestions 13.The most effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____

    14. The least effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____ A group of new employees in your division,including yourself, have collectively taken on the planning of a social event to

    get to know other colleagues at work. Everyone is working supportively except

    for one individual who has been late or absent from meetings, and often behindin completing his tasks. The party is next week and group members are unsure

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    employee may not be clear on what is expected of him D) Approach the

    employee and inform him about the things staff are saying E) Keep up your

    production, and fix problems in the work the employee does with you

    Questions 19

    . The most effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)_____ D) _____ E) _____


    The least effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____

    Suite 102 T: (613) 567-9229 E: [email protected]

    404 Laurier East F: (613) 567-9098 E: info@post-

    secondaryrecruitmentexamprep.com Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6R2 E:

    [email protected]


    FSECCYour supervisor is a few months from retirement, and has been away frequently

    without informing staff in advance. Your colleagues in the unit are criticizing

    his behaviour, and employees and managers outside your group know what is

    happening. You have a meeting scheduled tomorrow with the supervisor to

    discuss your work on several projects.

    Response Alternatives

    A) Explain what people are saying to your supervisor when you meet with himB) Focus on your work together and confirm when he will be available to

    discuss projects C) Tell your colleagues to stop their criticism and stick to their

    work D) Ask another supervisor for advice about dealing with your colleagues

    E) Recommend to your colleagues to select a representative to take their

    concerns to the supervisor

    Questions 21.The most effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____

    22.The least effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____ Your work in a key unit of an organization which

    prides itself on the quality of its publications. Recently several critical errors

    have been found in published documents produced by an experienced colleague.

    This is proving costly, and is delaying the fulfillment of orders to clients.

    Response AlternativesA) Make your concerns known to the employee, and explain why changes are

    needed in her performance B) Consider who needs to be informed about the

    problems so they can be fixed C) Research the cost issues, the delays, and askyour supervisor to call a unit meeting to discuss them D) Meet with your

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    supervisor to see what is happening about the problems E) Arrange for you and

    other colleagues in the unit to raise the problems at the next unit meeting

    Questions 23. The most effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____24.The least effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____


    FSECCYou have come to notice that your supervisor seems to favour some employees

    over others. During your past few months of working in the organization, the

    supervisor has spent more time with others than with you or with another new

    employee hired at the same time. Your workload is mounting and you would

    like more attention from your supervisor.

    Response AlternativesA) Get together with your co-worker and approach the supervisor to voice yourcollective concerns about feeling left out B) Ask other co-workers about the

    habits of your supervisor in the past in dealing equitably with staff C) Ignore the

    situation and seek advice elsewhere to help with your work D) Explain your

    increased workload to the supervisor, and why you want more contact E) Write

    an email to the supervisor stating your personal and job-related concerns

    Questions 25.

    The most effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)_____ D) _____ E) _____

    26. The least effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____ You have been moved to a new office, where

    employees who have been with the organization a long time are located. A

    project you are doing with a person there is underway, but his contribution so far

    is slipshod. You raised this with him, but he avoided discussing your concerns.

    Response Alternatives

    A) Overlook the problem because of his length of service, and do your best B)List his shortcomings and have a private meeting with him to rectify the

    situation C) Document his errors and take them to your supervisor D) Document

    what is happening and write an anonymous note to your supervisor E) Ask

    another employee about your colleagues usual ability to perform

    Questions 27. The most effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____


    . The least effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)_____ D) _____ E) _____

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    FSECCFollowing an emergency at one of your organizations regional branches, your

    supervisor puts you and your colleagues on twenty-four hour alert to handlepublic inquiries. Several days have passed and activity has slowed, but is not

    back to a normal level. You need time off for a major personal event which has

    been planned for almost a year.

    Response AlternativesA) Get one of your colleagues to fill in for you during your time away B) Askseveral colleagues to assist in substituting for you in your absence C) Expect to

    get time off because you are entitled to it D) Talk to your supervisor about your

    plans E) Put together for your supervisor a reminder about your plans and a

    proposal to cover off your absence

    Questions 29. The most effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____

    30.The least effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____ You are employed by a large organization with

    flexible hours and experienced staff. One of your co-workers often works in the

    evening, and is known for productivity and for the quality of her work. Whileworking nights yourself, you become aware that she also does work on site for

    her part-time job using your organizations equipment and supplies.Response AlternativesA) Mention to her your awareness of her outside work and explain your feelings

    about it B) Inform your supervisor about this discovery C) Avoid raising the

    issue with anyone and go about your own work D) Try to find out more about

    what she is doing and why E) Ask a colleague whether others are aware of this


    Questions 31.The most effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____32The least effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____


    FSECCThe management group overseeing your organization has approved several

    projects, including a ground-breaking one providing new services across the

    country. You and colleagues in your branch developed the ideas behind theseservices over several months. A launch party for the new initiatives has been

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    announced in the internal newsletter, but you hear that only your supervisor and

    his assistant are attending the event from your branch.

    Response AlternativesA) Call the executive office and ask if you and your branch colleagues are

    invited B) Ask the supervisors assistant who is to attend from your branch C)Assume that there is a mix-up in communications and that you can attend D)

    Talk to your supervisor about the party and who is to participate E) Assume that

    the party is an event for supervisors and senior staff only

    Questions 33.The most effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____

    34. The least effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____ You are taking a package to the mailroom for

    shipping when you see two employees putting cartons into a car parked beside

    the building. The cartons contain products made by your organization, but they

    are not packed for shipment. The employees notice your presence, then driveaway.

    Response AlternativesA) Call the supervisor of the employees and explain what you have seen B)

    Inform your supervisor about the incident and ask her advice about appropriate

    action C) Speak to building security and leave your contact information for themD) Try to locate an employee who knows the two individuals and ask if he can

    explain what you saw E) Wait until you see the two employees again and askthem what was going on

    Questions 35. The most effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____

    36. The least effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____


    FSECCYou are new to the organization but have a background in the services which

    your section delivers to clients. Senior management has made it known that the

    reputation of the organization for delivering reliable service is particularly

    important in the current business climate. In a conversation initiated by a key

    client you realize that your supervisor has given out incorrect service advice.

    Response AlternativesA) Apologize to the client, correct the problem, and inform your supervisor

    immediately B) Delay advising the client correctly until you check with your

    supervisor C) Tell the client about your background, and correct the mistakenadvice provided on the spot D) Let management know about the error and take

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    the decision to correct it E) Turn the client over to a more senior colleague to


    Questions37. The most effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____

    C) _____ D) _____ E) _____ 38. The least effective response to this situationwould be: A) _____ B) _____ C) _____ D) _____ E) _____ One of the

    employees you sit beside sends emails during working hours to order products

    for his own use. This is occurring with increasing frequency while client calls

    and emails mount during the busiest time of year for the organization. Others are

    aware of the habits of this individual but have not complained.

    Response AlternativesA) Register your concerns with your supervisor on behalf of everyone in the

    office B) Tell the employee to handle his responsibilities and stop his activities

    not related to work C) Canvass other employees to speak up about what is going

    on D) Explain your observations to the employee, and tell him how you see this

    affecting the offices work E) Ask to be moved elsewhere in the office

    Questions 39. The most effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____

    40. The least effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____

    SCESEFSECCYou have been tasked by your supervisor with a new departmental initiative

    that has a high profile in the organization. The success of the initiative is

    important for your new job and ultimately for the organizations reputation. You

    have become aware that the supervisor has also delegated some aspects of the

    initiative to a co-worker without telling you.

    Response AlternativesA) Call your co-worker and explain that this is your project B) Ask colleagues

    about the supervisors usual behaviour in assigning projects C) Ask yousupervisor to meet to go over your understanding of project responsibilities D)

    Overlook the potential confusion and move ahead as you had planned E)

    Attempt to schedule a meeting with your supervisor and co-worker immediately

    Questions 41. The most effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____

    42. The least effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____ Your colleague at the next desk is experienced andconfident, but is sometimes abrupt with clients from smaller organizations.

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    Everyone in the office is carrying a large workload since positions are vacant. In

    her haste to deal with some clients, your colleague occasionally gives unclear

    advice to them.

    Response Alternatives

    A) Consider the problem stress-related and do not mention it to your colleagueB) Offer to take on some of the smaller clients she now serves C) Suggest that

    she could benefit from customer-service training D) Have a talk together about

    advising clients and how they should be treated E) Get your supervisor involved

    in the situation as soon as possible

    Questions 43. The most effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____

    44. The least effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____


    FSECCYou have noticed that your supervisor is increasingly inattentive in meetings

    and discussions with you and other staff. He reads emails and takes calls in the

    middle of interactions, often losing track of what has gone on. Your annual

    review meeting is scheduled with him for early next week, just before he leavesfor a training course.

    Response AlternativesA) Wait until the review meeting to raise this problem B) Get together with

    your co-workers to plan an approach to the supervisor C) Forget about the

    supervisors behaviour until after your review and his return from training D)

    Ask a more senior colleague to have a word with the supervisor E) Talk to your

    supervisor informally about your observations and how your interaction could


    Questions 45.The most effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____46. The least effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____ The most experienced employee in your division has

    started to undermine decisions made by a new co-worker on client service

    issues. The employee repeatedly says that mistakes are being made on orders,

    and gives conflicting advice to some clients who have been served by the newstaff member. As a result, she is getting frequent client call-backs and is

    becoming frustrated.

    Response Alternatives

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    A) Sit down with both colleagues and try to mediate the situation B) Avoid

    getting in the middle of the problem C) Ask your supervisor to call in the two

    employees to resolve their differences D) Let your supervisor know what is

    going on and what you think is the basis of the situation E) Call any clients you

    know who have been affected to correct the problemsQuestions 47. The most effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____

    48. The least effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____



    Your supervisor is a rising star in the organization, with more responsibilities

    being assigned to her by management on a regular basis. Staff losses in your

    branch have occurred over several months, and new hires have not beenplanned. Your own busy season is approaching, and morale among the people in

    the branch is declining.

    Response AlternativesA) Go to personnel to find out when new staff will be hired B) Organize a

    meeting outside the office of staff who are disgruntled to plan what can be doneC) Forget your concerns to stay on the good side of your supervisor D) Figure

    out your impending work demands and schedule a talk with your supervisor E)Raise your concerns at the next staff meeting

    Questions 49. The most effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____

    50.The least effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____ You are concerned about the changing atmosphere in

    your branch. Two co-workers argue continually at meetings, and the team

    conducting the annual branch review has had disputes affecting you and otheremployees. You are not directly involved, but your attitude and performance are


    Response AlternativesA) Stay out of the problems and work in private as much as possible B) Tell all

    your co-workers to act more professionally C) Ask colleagues not involved in

    the disputes how to resolve them D) Appeal to the supervisor to intervene withboth groups for the good of the branch E) Bring together some colleagues to go

    to the supervisor with you and discuss the individuals causing the problems

    Questions 51

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    . The most effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____

    52. The least effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____SCESE


    Your supervisor has been selected by senior management to run a charity

    initiative taken on by the organization to raise its profile in the community. He

    has begun delegating some of the charity work to you and another colleaguewho have worked there only a short time. Your case load has been increased,

    and more personal interaction is now required of you and other staff hired for

    client service.

    Response AlternativesA) Explain to your supervisor that charity work could slow down getting your

    regular work done B) Go to your supervisor with the colleague also assigned

    charity work to state your concerns C) Ask for a case load reduction tocompensate for the extra work D) Take on everything given you without

    showing concern E) Ask others in the office to help you and your colleague with

    the increased work

    Questions 53. The most effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____

    54.The least effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____ You and two co-workers who are best friends have

    been assigned to a year-end project due soon. The two individuals always

    criticize your ideas, and have divided the work to their liking without consulting

    you. As the project deadline approaches you feel increasingly frustrated and


    Response AlternativesA) Ask your supervisor to be taken off the project B) Ask your supervisor to

    attend the next meeting about the project to see what is going on C) Ask yoursupervisor to expand the project team with two employees you know D) Tell

    both co-workers about how you view the situation and what you expect during

    the rest of your work together E) Appeal to the co-worker causing the fewest

    problems about your misgivings

    Questions 55. The most effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____


    . The least effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)_____ D) _____ E) _____

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    FSECCYou and a co-worker have an awkward relationship caused by a disagreement

    you had last year. Your new supervisor has assigned you both to develop aprogram requested by senior management. You must meet together soon, but are

    hesitant to do so because of concern about being able to work compatibly.

    Response AlternativesA) Tell your supervisor about the past difficulties and ask to be taken off the

    project B) Inform your supervisor that you want to be re-assigned in theorganization C) Wait until you are called by your co-worker or the supervisor to

    start the project D) Email your co-worker to set a date to meet E) Ask your co-

    worker to meet you to talk about the assignment

    Questions 57. The most effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____

    58.The least effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____ Your supervisor has recently experienced difficult

    family problems which have affected his performance and personality. Few

    people at work besides you know what has happened, but some staff members

    are upset with the changes in the supervisors habits. A major order has justcome in to your unit which demands a cooperative effort to fill.

    Response AlternativesA) Tell your supervisor about the impact of his behaviour B) Do extra work

    with others in the unit to get the new order done C) Inform others about your

    supervisors difficulties to encourage them to support him D) Call a meeting to

    lay the ground-work for filling the order E) Go to your supervisors manager to

    explain the situation

    Questions 59.The most effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____

    60. The least effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____


    FSECCYou and your colleagues in the office have finished moving to another building

    in a major reorganization initiative carried out during the busiest time of year.Your supervisor ordered the relocation, but was on vacation while it was carried

    out. The company newsletter has an interview profiling her, mentions her role

    in the move, but makes no reference to any other staff.Response Alternatives

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    A) Check with the newsletter editor to find out whether the story is factual B)

    Ignore the story as written, but call your supervisor to broach your feelings C)

    Inform your supervisor what the move entailed and how people are responding

    to the profile D) Complain to the supervisor about her absence during the move

    E) Solicit opinions from staff about their views on the storyQuestions 61. The most effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____

    62.The least effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____ You and an experienced co-worker have worked

    closely for weeks on a new business initiative for the organization. Following its

    completion, you are told that the co-worker is making it known that he directed

    the exercise. An email he wrote to another branch proves what has taken place.

    Response AlternativesA) Send an email to the other branch correcting the claim by your co-worker B)

    Go to your supervisor for advice on how to handle the situation C) Go to yourco-worker to discuss your perception of what is going on D) Suggest to your co-

    worker that you should do a joint interview in the organizations newsletter

    about the new initiative E) Check around about your co-workers reputation for


    Questions 63. The most effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____64. The least effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____


    FSECCYou are spending long hours on a project delegated to you by your supervisor

    who provided little guidance but heavy expectations. Others in your section are

    not busy, but many are new employees with limited experience. Your supervisor

    emails you asking about your progress and reminds you that extra effort isexpected to meet organizational needs.

    Response AlternativesA) Co-opt the new employees to work under your direction to get the project

    done for the supervisor B) Call your supervisor to request a meeting as soon as

    possible to discuss the project C) Go to the most senior member in your section

    and ask for advice in handling the problem D) Do your best on the project,but avoid working overtime until the workload in the section is redistributed E)

    Ask personnel for a transfer to another section

    Questions 65

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    . The most effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____

    66. The least effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____ You and other newer employees are experiencingdifficulty in working on a large project with other co-workers. Often,

    information you need is not forthcoming from long-serving employees, while

    some of those working on the project appear to have easy access to anything

    they request. Your month-end team meeting for the project is scheduled for later

    this week.

    Response AlternativesA) Seek advice from some of the more difficult employees on why they are

    negative about the project B) Talk to team members who are getting needed

    information about their methods C) Ask other colleagues having difficulty

    whether you can work in pairs to be more forceful D) Ask for a delay in the

    project and revise how you approach people for information E) View this as an

    initiation exercise and carry on

    Questions 67. The most effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____

    68.The least effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____


    FSECCYou just learned that you are to be part of a small team hastily put together by

    your supervisor to create a program requested by senior management. The

    supervisor has given no instructions on how to develop the program. Only a

    memorandum identifying the program topic and the names of team members has

    been circulated.

    Response Alternatives

    A) Request a special meeting with your supervisor to raise your concerns B)Call your supervisor to clarify what is happening C) Draft a plan for the program

    and give it to the supervisor to verify your interest in it D) Talk with other

    prospective team members to discuss what is going on E) Wait for further


    Questions 69. The most effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____


    . The least effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)_____ D) _____ E) _____ You are working on your first research initiative for

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    the organization. In several meetings you have organized, the staff members you

    interview are dismissive of you and the objectives of the research. Your

    confidence is being undermined, and your deadline is nearing.

    Response Alternatives

    A) Assert yourself more with staff at times and impress on them the importanceof the research B) Ask more experienced colleagues doing research about the

    responses of staff they have dealt with C) Ask a more experienced colleague to

    accompany you to a few meetings D) Discuss with your supervisor getting help

    at the meetings, but still doing the report yourself E) Focus on how you can

    improve on your next assignment

    Questions 71.The most effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____

    72.The least effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____


    FSECCYou constantly experience criticism for your actions from a co-worker you deal

    with. She always challenges your ideas and tells you how things should be done.

    You will need her help frequently in a project just assigned to you.

    Response Alternatives

    A) Address the issues of her behaviour and the project when you next talk toher B) Forget the past and try to start off well together on the new project C)

    Make her aware of your experience before you came to the organization D) Ask

    your supervisor for more authority in carrying out the project E) Respond

    aggressively to her comments

    Questions 73. The most effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____


    The least effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)_____ D) _____ E) _____ You have run into a technical problem with your

    equipment that is impeding your progress in fulfilling a client order that only

    your unit can do. Your supervisor is new to the organization and how it operates,

    and is very busy learning her job. The deadline for the order has been moved

    up by the client.

    Response AlternativesA) Call the client, explain your situation and that there may be a delay B) Call

    technical services in your organization for help C) Tell your supervisor you want

    to contact technical services because of concerns about meeting the order D) Go

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    to the former supervisor for help E) Bring together others in your unit who have

    technical skills to get their advice

    Questions 75. The most effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____76.The least effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____


    FSECCYou have completed the year-end report for your branch which was assigned to

    you by your supervisor with little instruction. The work involved long hours,

    considerable research and interaction with employees throughout the branch.

    Now you have heard that the supervisor put his name on the report and has told

    management he did all the work.

    Response AlternativesA) Inform management directly about your work and your frustration with the

    supervisor B) Tell colleagues about what has happened and solicit their advice

    C) Tell your supervisor you are requesting a transfer D) Document all your time

    and effort spent on the report to bring to your supervisor E) Confirm what has

    happened with the report before taking action

    Questions 77

    . The most effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)_____ D) _____ E) _____

    78. The least effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____ At team meetings you attend you are having

    difficulty making your views heard. Others are constantly interrupting you,

    talking over you, and ignoring your suggestions. This occurs even in discussions

    of topics for which you have designated responsibility.

    Response Alternatives

    A) Accept that this is how your organization functions in meetings B) Suggestto your supervisor that staff need a course in running meetings C) Put an item

    about ground rules on the next meeting agenda to formally signal your concerns

    D) Assert your authority at meetings when your topics come up E) Talk to

    colleagues individually about your feelings

    Questions 79. The most effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____


    . The least effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)_____ D) _____ E) _____

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    FSECCYour supervisor travels extensively throughout the country on business and

    makes his own bookings. The organization has strict, but reasonable directives

    for expenses. You unintentionally overhear your supervisor in a conversationwith the travel agent discussing rebate cheques to be made payable personally to

    him, not the organization, and this sounds like a standard routine.

    Response AlternativesA) Report what you have heard to your supervisors supervisor B) Ignore what

    you have heard, as you have no hard evidence and there is no benefit for you inreporting this C) Interrupt your supervisor, and warn him about the rules and his

    conduct D) Go to another supervisor you know for advice about this incident E)

    Consider how you might find evidence to expose your supervisors misdeeds

    Questions 81.

    The most effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____

    82. The least effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____ At a meeting on site with clients, your co-worker

    provides outdated information to them in a presentation. The handout material

    distributed is correct and no one seems to have noticed the verbal discrepancy.

    You will be speaking to the client group later in the day.

    Response Alternatives

    A) Tell clients about the discrepancy during your presentation B) Give your co-worker time during your presentation to correct the mistake C) Prepare a memo

    to clients with your co-worker to explain they must adhere to the handout

    instructions D) Tell your co-worker what you have noticed in his presentation

    and ask how he wants to fix the problem E) Circulate among the clients yourself

    to correct the misinformation

    Questions 83.The most effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____

    84.The least effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____


    FSECCYour supervisor has been with the organization throughout his career, but has

    only recently been promoted to a position of authority. He is becomingincreasingly disrespectful to you and other younger employees about your style

    of dress. You have an opportunity to meet with him next week for the first time

    regarding your annual appraisal.Response Alternatives

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    A) Talk to your supervisor in private about how his remarks are perceived by

    you and others B) Overlook the comments in order not to jeopardize your

    appraisal C) Meet with others to gauge their feelings, and to plan united action if

    necessary D) Take your complaint to the organizations personnel department E)

    Take your complaint to a senior executiveQuestions 85. The most effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____

    86.The least effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____ You discover samples are missing which are needed

    by you and a co-worker to demonstrate new technology to office staff. On

    checking the records, you find that he ordered and received the material. The

    replacement cost is significant, and the effectiveness of the demonstration will

    be diminished if employees do not use the sample technology during the session.

    Response Alternatives

    A) Show the receiving record to your co-worker and inquire where the samplesare B) Ask your co-worker to distribute the samples at the demonstration C) Tell

    your supervisor you are suspicious, and explain what is happening D) Rearrange

    your demonstration to avoid mentioning the new technology and the sample E)

    Go to you co-worker and discuss how the demonstration will be delivered as


    Questions 87.

    The most effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)_____ D) _____ E) _____

    88. The least effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____


    FSECCOne of your co-workers is frequently absent on personal business when you

    need to see him. The two of you have responsibility for producing a report, and

    as the due date approaches face-to-face discussion is required. Your colleaguehas a good reputation in the organization for his work, but is known for his

    erratic schedule.

    Response AlternativesA) Tell your co-worker he must be more available during working hours B) Ask

    your supervisor to turn the whole report over to you to do C) Get you co-worker

    to commit to a fixed schedule for the balance of the work together D) Meettogether and discuss how to complete the report E) Adjust your schedule to your

    colleagues availability until the report is done

    Questions 89.

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    The most effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____

    90. The least effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____ Your unit arranges the major meetings for seniormanagement in the organization. Since new executives took over, your

    supervisor repeatedly changes her decisions, creating frustration for staff and

    additional costs. An important conference is scheduled tomorrow for you and

    some team leaders in the unit to finalize preliminary arrangements for the annual

    executive meeting.

    Response AlternativesA) Use the upcoming meeting, in part, to clarify problem issues in the operation

    of the unit as you see them B) Expect that organizational changes will always

    result in uncertainty and confusion C) Explain informally to a senior executive

    who you know the impact of the new groups appointment on your unit D)

    Invite your supervisor to the upcoming meeting and plan how to raise your

    concerns there E) Speak to you supervisor and raise the issues and costs with her

    Questions 91. The most effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____

    92. The least effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____

    SCESEFSECCYour supervisor has you and several other team members regularly reporting to

    him. It is apparent to everyone that the newest employee is receiving and

    enjoying special treatment from the supervisor. Many of your colleagues are

    annoyed with the behaviour of both individuals, and the units cohesiveness and

    productivity are beginning to suffer.

    Response AlternativesA) Raise your concerns at the next team meeting B) Take the new person aside,

    and explain the impact of his relationship with the supervisor on the whole unitC) Organize a series of interventions with the supervisor by team members who

    are upset D) Take the supervisor aside, and explain how you feel about his

    interaction with the new person E) Take the supervisor aside, and draw his

    attention to your perception regarding his treatment of all team members

    Questions 93. The most effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____


    The least effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)_____ D) _____ E) _____ One of your co-workers you know well has begun

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    acting strangely at the office. His appearance, manners and productivity are

    increasingly poor, and his absences are frequent. Nearly everyone has

    commented on the problem, and several staff members do not want to work with

    him any longer.

    Response AlternativesA) Try to persuade everyone on staff to be more sensitive B) Use your

    relationship with the co-worker to discuss what is going on C) Tell your co-

    worker about the results of his change in habits D) Inform your supervisor about

    the changes in your co-worker and the growing tension E) Do not act until you

    see more evidence about what is happening

    Questions 95. The most effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____

    96. The least effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____


    FSECCSince several changes in the organization have been implemented, your long-

    serving supervisor has become increasingly vocal about the shortcomings of

    mangers and executives. His criticisms now include the senior manager of your

    branch who is new, but who has made the effort to develop rapport with thestaff. Another outburst by your supervisor has just occurred in earshot of staff.

    Response AlternativesA) Get together a group of the staff to make your supervisor aware of his recent

    behaviour B) Take the view that this situation does not concern you, and may

    change over time C) Warn your supervisor about what he is doing and the likely

    impact on his reputation D) Warn the senior manager of the branch about what

    is going on E) Tell employees to ignore the supervisors behaviour as it is not

    their concern

    Questions 97. The most effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____98. The least effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____ The newest colleague in the unit is being asked by

    several staff members to carry out menial tasks for them. The unit no longer has

    any administrative personnel because of cut-backs. You see the frustration

    growing in the new person, but no one else seems aware or concerned.

    Response AlternativesA) Realize that the new person has to learn to fend for herself B) Advise her on

    how to do some of the tasks more easily C) Go to personnel to make the case foradministrative help to your section D) Go to your supervisor with your

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    observations E) Talk to the staff members giving her the work about the effect

    this is having

    Questions 99. The most effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____100. The least effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____



    Answers and Competencies Tested for Sample SJT Test #1

    Q u e s t i o n A n s w e r C o m p e t e n c y T e s t e d

    1. Most Effective C Teamwork / cooperation 2. Least Effective A Judgement 3.

    Most Effective E Teamwork / cooperation 4. Least Effective D Judgement 5.

    Most Effective D Teamwork / cooperation 6. Least Effective C Judgement 7.

    Most Effective B Teamwork / cooperation 8. Least Effective D Judgement 9.Most Effective A Teamwork / cooperation 10. Least Effective D Judgement 11.

    Most Effective A Teamwork / cooperation 12. Least Effective D Judgement 13.

    Most Effective A Interpersonal 14. Least Effective B Judgement 15. Most

    Effective D Teamwork / cooperation 16. Least Effective E Judgement 17. Most

    Effective D Interpersonal 18. Least Effective C Judgement 19. Most Effective AInterpersonal 20. Least Effective D Judgement 21. Most Effective B Teamwork

    / cooperation 22. Least Effective C Judgement 23. Most Effective D Teamwork /cooperation 24. Least Effective A Judgement



    Q u e s t i o n A n s w e r C o m p e t e n c y T e s t e d

    25. Most Effective D Teamwork / cooperation 26. Least Effective C Judgement

    27. Most Effective C Teamwork / cooperation 28. Least Effective A Judgement

    29. Most Effective E Interpersonal 30. Least Effective C Judgement 31. MostEffective A Interpersonal 32. Least Effective E Judgement 33. Most Effective D

    Teamwork / cooperation 34. Least Effective E Judgement 35. Most Effective C

    Teamwork / cooperation 36. Least Effective D Judgement 37. Most Effective A

    Teamwork / cooperation 38. Least Effective D Judgement 39. Most Effective D

    Interpersonal 40. Least Effective C Judgement 41. Most Effective C Teamwork /

    cooperation 42. Least Effective A Judgement 43. Most Effective D Interpersonal44. Least Effective C Judgement 45. Most Effective E Interpersonal 46. Least

    Effective D Judgement 47. Most Effective D Teamwork / cooperation 48. Least

    Effective E Judgement 49. Most Effective D Teamwork / cooperation 50. Least

  • 8/11/2019 SJT 200 Questions.docx


    Effective B Judgement 51. Most Effective D Teamwork / cooperation 52. Least

    Effective E Judgement


    Q u e s t i o n


    C o m p e t e n c y T e s t e d

    53. Most Effective B Interpersonal 54. Least Effective D Judgement 55. MostEffective D Teamwork / cooperation 56. Least Effective C Judgement 57. Most

    Effective E Teamwork / cooperation 58. Least Effective A Judgement 59. Most

    Effective A Teamwork / cooperation 60. Least Effective E Judgement 61. Most

    Effective C Teamwork / cooperation 62. Least Effective D Judgement 63. Most

    Effective C Teamwork / cooperation 64. Least Effective E Judgement 65. Most

    Effective B Teamwork / cooperation 66. Least Effective E Judgement 67. Most

    Effective B Interpersonal 68. Least Effective A Judgement 69. Most Effective BTeamwork / cooperation 70. Least Effective A Judgement 71. Most Effective A

    Teamwork / cooperation 72. Least Effective C Judgement 73. Most Effective B

    Interpersonal 74. Least Effective E Judgement 75. Most Effective B Teamwork /

    cooperation 76. Least Effective A Judgement



    Q u e s t i o n A n s w e r C o m p e t e n c y T e s t e d

    77. Most Effective E Teamwork / cooperation 78. Least Effective A Judgement

    79. Most Effective C Teamwork / cooperation 80. Least Effective A Judgement

    81. Most Effective A Teamwork / cooperation 82. Least Effective C Judgement

    83. Most Effective D Interpersonal 84. Least Effective E Judgement 85. Most

    Effective A Interpersonal 86. Least Effective E Judgement 87. Most Effective E

    Teamwork / cooperation 88. Least Effective D Judgement 89. Most Effective D

    Interpersonal 90. Least Effective A Judgement 91. Most Effective E Teamwork /

    cooperation 92. Least Effective C Judgement 93. Most Effective E Interpersonal94. Least Effective C Judgement 95. Most Effective B Interpersonal 96. Least

    Effective C Judgement 97. Most Effective C Interpersonal 98. Least Effective D

    Judgement 99. Most Effective E Teamwork / cooperation 100. Least Effective B




    S J T S a m p l e T e s t # 2 1 0 0 Q u e s t i o n s

    The administrator for your branch keeps irregular hours and takes sick dayswithout calling in. He has worked for the organization a long time and has

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    friends in the branch. His backlog of work includes several of your expense

    claims and requests for supplies.

    Response AlternativesA) Go to your supervisor and recommend action because of the administrators

    unreliability B) Tell the administrator your expectations regarding his work withyou C) Work with the administrator to ensure your requirements are fulfilled

    within his schedule D) Ask a friend of the administrator to talk to him about his

    habits E) Avoid complaining about the delays because of the administrators

    relationships in the branch

    Questions 1.The most effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____

    2.The least effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____ You overhear a co-worker harassing a new employee

    in private. The organization has rules against harassment, but there are no

    previous cases that you know about. The co-worker has a good reputation andlong service in the organization.

    Response AlternativesA) Interrupt the encounter and tell your co-worker to stop the harassment B)

    Tell the new employee afterwards about what you heard and the organizations

    policy against harassment C) Tell your co-worker later about what you heardand mention the organizations policy against harassment D) Go to the

    organizations ombudsperson and explain what you heard and who was involvedE) Go to your supervisor and explain what you heard and who was involved

    Questions 3.The most effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____

    4.The least effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____

    Suite 102 T: (613) 567-9229 E: [email protected]

    138404 Laurier East F: (613) 567-9098 E: info@post-

    secondaryrecruitmentexamprep.com Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6R2 E:

    [email protected]


    FSECCYou learn that a co-worker has received free tickets to an event from a supplier

    of products to your office. No one in the organization is allowed to take

    complimentary gifts to do with the job. The co-worker invites you to attend theevent with him and two other colleagues from the office.

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    Response Alternatives

    A) Accept the invitation because the co-worker is sharing the benefits B)

    Recommend to your co-worker to return the tickets C) Tell the supplier the

    organizations rules, for future reference D) Tell you supervisor what is going

    on E) Turn down the invitation and ignore the situationQuestions 5. The most effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____

    6.The least effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____ Two of your co-workers on a quality improvement

    team developed a way to save the organization money in delivering its services.

    The team leader has informed management about the idea. You learn that the

    information sent to management cited the whole team for the idea and did not

    mention the two co-workers specifically.

    Response Alternatives

    A) Advise the two individuals to let management know it was their idea B)Accept the need to report team success over individual achievement C) Write

    management an unsigned note mentioning who came up with the idea D) Tell

    the team leader you disagree with his approach E) Suggest to the team leader

    that she should give credit to the two individuals

    Questions 7.The most effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____8. The least effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____

    Suite 102 T: (613) 567-9229 E: [email protected]


    404 Laurier East F: (613) 567-9098 E: info@post-

    secondaryrecruitmentexamprep.com Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6R2 E:

    [email protected]


    FSECCYour unit has upgraded its computers to handle more complex reporting.

    Several co-workers continue to use the old equipment and are slower in

    finishing work because of this. A new executive group has taken over the

    organization and the demand for timely information is growing.

    Response Alternatives

    A) Approach one of the new executives and recommend computer training for

    selected staff to meet increasing workloads B) Propose a mentoring system at aunit meeting to get staff operating new equipment paired with individuals using

  • 8/11/2019 SJT 200 Questions.docx


    old equipment C) Explain the situation in your unit to the organizations

    technology supervisor D) Meet with your supervisor to inform her about what is

    happening E) Help where necessary when staff using old computers slow down

    work involving you

    Questions 9. The most effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____

    10. The least effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____ A group of staff gather every morning and talk loudlyabout social activities. The sound carries across the office, but no one seems to

    have complained. Your work in dealing with clients over the telephone is

    problematic because of the noise.

    Response Alternatives

    A) Ask to be re-located to a quieter place B) Speak to your supervisor about the

    problem and ask her to address it C) Apologize to clients on the telephone and

    carry on serving them despite the noise D) Join the next staff conversation andtell people how the groups behaviour is affecting others E) Ask colleagues in

    the office to join you in broaching the noise issue with your supervisor

    Questions 11. The most effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____


    . The least effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)_____ D) _____ E) _____

    Suite 102 T: (613) 567-9229 E: [email protected]


    404 Laurier East F: (613) 567-9098 E: info@post-

    secondaryrecruitmentexamprep.com Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6R2 E:

    [email protected]


    FSECCA colleague you frequently must share tasks with is difficult to keep focused on

    the job. He jokes with you, and talks about issues having nothing to do with

    your work together. You are frustrated and your work is suffering as a result.

    Response AlternativesA) Go to your supervisor about the situation B) Do your best with your

    responsibilities in the shared tasks C) Avoid responding to your co-workerscomments and stick to discussing work D) Get your supervisor to join your next

    encounter with co-worker E) Tell you co-worker how you feel and ask him the

    reasons he avoids discussing work mattersQuestions 13

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    . The most effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____

    14.The least effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____ You and a co-worker are cooperating on anassignment given by your supervisor. The co-worker is missing agreed deadlines

    because of an increase in his regular workload, and because he is helping a

    friend in another unit on a project. Your monthly report on the assignment is due

    next week.

    Response AlternativesA) Help the co-worker with his extra workload so he can make time to do the

    assignment B) Speak to the co-workers friend and ask him to stop requesting

    help C) Tell your supervisor you may miss the monthly report deadline D) Tell

    your co-worker your concerns about what is happening with the assignment E)

    Ask your supervisor for additional help to do the assignment

    Questions 15. The most effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____

    16.The least effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____

    Suite 102 T: (613) 567-9229 E: [email protected]

    404 Laurier East F: (613) 567-9098 E: [email protected] Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6R2 E:

    [email protected]


    FSECCOne of your co-workers has a hygiene problem that seems to be worsening.

    Staff are ridiculing the person behind his back, and no one associates with him

    in the office. The co-worker happens to complain to you about the cold

    atmosphere and asks your opinion about the cause.Response AlternativesA) Tell him you and a friend feel as he does, and suggest you all get together to

    discuss the situation B) Inform him that he may be creating his own isolation C)

    Tell him in private what you think is the problem D) Tell him what others are

    saying for his own good E) Tell him you are satisfied with the atmosphere and

    avoid the subject

    Questions 17. The most effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____18

  • 8/11/2019 SJT 200 Questions.docx


    . The least effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____ Your supervisor selects you to represent the section

    in negotiations with representatives from other sections about next years budget

    for the organization. At the first meeting your supervisor accompanies you and

    interjects during remarks by you and others. Your position is undermined andyour confidence is damaged.

    Response Alternatives

    A) Ask your supervisor to be replaced in the negotiations B) Take your

    supervisor aside at a break in the meeting and explain your feelings and the

    impact of his behaviour C) Assert yourself at the meeting in unison with yoursupervisor D) Assert yourself at the meeting when other representatives speak to

    demonstrate your authority E) Plan to talk to your supervisor about what took

    place before the next budget meeting

    Questions 19. The most effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____

    20. The least effective response to this situation would be: A)_____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____

    Suite 102 T: (613) 567-9229 E: [email protected]


    404 Laurier East F: (613) 567-9098 E: [email protected] Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6R2 E:

    [email protected]



    You hear a co-worker ask your supervisor to hire his daughter for a summer

    job. As everyone knows, regulations do not permit family members to work

    together. The co-worker requests a decision tomorrow from the supervisor.

    Response AlternativesA) Tell the supervisor and co-worker individually to avoid violating the

    regulations B) Go to your co-worker and explain your views on his request C)Get a group of co-workers to speak to the supervisor with you about upholding

    regulations D) Ask for a meeting with the supervisor and co-worker to remind

    them of the regulations E) Overlook the issue as it is only about summer


    Questions 21. The most effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____


    The least effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)_____ D) _____ E) _____ At a presentation to senior executives your supervisor

  • 8/11/2019 SJT 200 Questions.docx


    mixes up his notes and becomes flustered. Turning to you he asks for a piece of

    missing information. The audience is growing restless and your units credibility

    is on the line.

    Response Alternatives

    A) Ask your supervisor to announce a short break until you find all theinformation he needs B) Tell the audience to take a break until you find the

    information C) Step up and present the information to the audience D)

    Apologize to the audience for the confusion and delay E) Tell your supervisor

    you need to see his notes to find the information

    Questions 23.The most effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____

    24. The least effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____

    Suite 102 T: (613) 567-9229 E: [email protected]

    143404 Laurier East F: (613) 567-9098 E: info@post-

    secondaryrecruitmentexamprep.com Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6R2 E:

    [email protected]



    You and others from different departments have been put on a team to work onan initiative affecting the whole organization. Each person seems to be

    concerned only with the interests of their department. The initiative is stalled

    and arguments dominate the meetings.

    Response AlternativesA) Defend your departments interests vigorously until there is agreement B)

    Talk to team members individually to attempt to break the impasse C) Tell the

    team that an outside chairperson should be brought in to run meetings D) Ask

    your supervisor to attend a meeting with you E) Suggest that the team be

    disbanded and a new group put in placeQuestions 25.The most effective response to this situation would be: (3) A) _____ B) _____

    C) _____ D) _____ E) _____

    26.The least effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____ You and several colleagues are collecting donationsfor the charitable cause supported annually by your organization. You become

    aware that one of your colleagues is pocketing some cash contributions made by

    co-workers. No one else appears to know what is happening.Response Alternatives

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    A) Suggest that all solicitations be carried out by employees working in pairs B)

    Tell people who you believe have been duped what is happening C) Tell the

    employee what you suspect he is doing D) Tell others soliciting donations of

    your findings E) Inform his supervisor about what you know

    Questions 27. The most effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____

    28.The least effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____Suite 102 T: (613) 567-9229 E: [email protected]


    404 Laurier East F: (613) 567-9098 E: info@post-

    secondaryrecruitmentexamprep.com Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6R2 E:

    [email protected]


    FSECCYou object to some material you have heard is to be used in a national

    promotion for your organization. Others working on the promotion have voiced

    similar concerns privately but apparently have said nothing at meetings.

    Tomorrow is the final meeting of the promotion group with executives wherethe decision on content will be taken.

    Response AlternativesA) Forget about interceding as it is not your place to do so B) Call one of the

    executives to raise your concerns C) Speak to the project leader about your

    concerns D) Ask some promotion group members to speak out E) Ask for an

    opportunity to speak at the meeting

    Questions 29.The most effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____


    . The least effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)_____ D) _____ E) _____ Your supervisor asks you and two colleagues to carry

    out a research project. You have done similar work before but neither of the

    others has experience of this type. One of them brings a plan for dividing the

    research responsibilities to your first meeting.

    Response AlternativesA) State your experience and express your desire to lead the project B) Proposethat the three of you draft a work plan and take it to the supervisor C) Propose

    that the three of you draft a work plan and use it to proceed D) Decide to ask the

    supervisor to put you in charge of the project E) Consider the project a chance toteach your colleagues how to do research

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    Questions 31. The most effective response to this situation would be: (4) A) _____ B) _____

    C) _____ D) _____ E) _____


    . The least effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)_____ D) _____ E) _____

    Suite 102 T: (613) 567-9229 E: [email protected]


    404 Laurier East F: (613) 567-9098 E: info@post-

    secondaryrecruitmentexamprep.com Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6R2 E:[email protected]



    You have been transferred to a new unit created because of an internal

    reorganization by management. Few of the employees know each other, and

    there are conflicting attitudes and work styles. An assignment is given to youand several others to carry out by your supervisor.

    Response AlternativesA) Contact the others and set up a team meeting B) Wait for clarification of

    who is to be in charge in the assigned group C) Contact co-workers you know in

    the assigned group to plan project ground rules together D) Take charge of thegroup from the outset E) Plan how to best do your part based on your experience

    Questions 33. The most effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____

    34. The least effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____ Your organization has guidelines on the use of

    vehicles it owns. A colleague with access to a vehicle for work purposes is

    known to use it occasionally on personal business. She is planning to take the

    vehicle on a trip with her family on a long weekend and mentions this to you.

    Response AlternativesA) Report the information to your supervisor B) Ignore your colleagues actions

    C) Tell your colleague you will report her to the supervisor if she takes the trip

    using the vehicle D) Tell the transportation supervisor about your colleagues

    habits E) Tell your colleague of the risk she is taking because of her planned


    Questions 35. The most effective response to this situation would be: (5) A) _____ B) _____

    C) _____ D) _____ E) _____


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    . The least effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____

    Suite 102 T: (613) 567-9229 E: [email protected]


    404 Laurier East F: (613) 567-9098 E: [email protected] Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6R2 E:

    [email protected]


    FSECCIn reviewing reports provided to you by a contracting company hired by

    management, you find the work sub-standard. The contracting company has

    been working for some time with your organization. The next report and invoice

    have come to you for approval.

    Response AlternativesA) Leave it to management to address the shortcomings B) Approach

    management with details on your concerns, and withhold approval on thecurrent report and payment C) Tell the contracting company about your

    concerns and request appropriate revisions to the current report D) Ask a senior

    co-worker for advice on dealing with management and the contracting company

    E) Inform the contracting company of questions about their work in a

    memorandum copied to management

    Questions 37.

    The most effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)_____ D) _____ E) _____

    38.The least effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____ You have seen several instances where your

    supervisor has taken work time and used the organizations services to support a

    business set up by his spouse. The organization has policies on staff conduct and

    activities, but they are rarely enforced. The time your supervisor is taking to

    engage in these pursuits is significant and evident to other staff.

    Response AlternativesA) Tell your supervisor that you are aware of his actions, express concern and

    raise the possible repercussions B) Tell everyone to overlook what is happening

    based on the lax enforcement pattern in the organization C) Tell your supervisor

    to stop what he is doing, or you and others will have to report him D) Write an

    email to your supervisors director commenting on what you know E) Call the

    supervisors spouse about what is going on and how staff are perceiving it

    Questions 39.The most effective response to this situation would be: (6) A) _____ B) _____

    C) _____ D) _____ E) _____40.

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    The least effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____

    Suite 102 T: (613) 567-9229 E: [email protected]


    404 Laurier East F: (613) 567-9098 E: [email protected] Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6R2 E:

    [email protected]


    FSECCYou have a few co-workers who ignore workplace safety rules and mock staff

    who comply. An orientation for new staff is to include safety instructions and a

    demonstration of appropriate behaviour for emergencies. Your supervisor asks

    you to lead the orientation.

    Response AlternativesA) Plan to take new staff through the orientation and ask cooperation from

    everyone in advance B) Tell your supervisor you will do the orientation if hefirst tells staff who have ridiculed safety measures to cooperate C) Warn new

    staff members at the start of the orientation that not all employees consider

    safety important D) Suggest that the supervisor task one of the critics to work

    with you to set an example E) Hold a meeting with the critics before the

    orientation to make a case for safety

    Questions 41

    . The most effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)_____ D) _____ E) _____

    42. The least effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____ You keep hearing from people in your section that

    they are burned out and that the organization is overly demanding. Your

    supervisor is under pressure and has started shifting work from those who

    complain to others. Your workload is sizeable. but now you have been asked to

    do more.

    Response AlternativesA) Accept the increased responsibilities as others have done B) Take up the

    situation with your supervisors manager because you disagree how things are

    being handled C) Gather the people who have received extra work to inquire

    about their feelings concerning what is going on D) Go to your supervisor to

    resist the increase in your workload E) Meet with your supervisor to raise your

    concerns about staff attitudes and explore how to improve things

    Questions 43.The most effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____44.

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    The least effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____

    Suite 102 T: (613) 567-9229 E: [email protected]


    404 Laurier East F: (613) 567-9098 E: [email protected] Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6R2 E:

    [email protected]


    FSECCAn employee new to your division is having difficulty figuring out a project

    that was assigned to her by the supervisor. She calls to ask your help urgently as

    the supervisor is away and the work is due when he returns tomorrow. Your

    workload is heavy and the timing is awkward for you.

    Response AlternativesA) Question why the employee waited until now to ask for help B) Tell her to

    bring the work over later in the day when your schedule permits C) Suggest shefind someone to help her who is less busy than you D) Say she should track

    down the supervisor to get help E) Drop your work, help her and be sure to let

    the supervisor know what you did

    Questions 45. The most effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____

    46. The least effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____ Information coming to you and your colleagues from

    another department is poorly prepared and sometimes late. Some colleagues

    have complained to the originating department but no improvements have

    occurred. You need the next batch of information from the other department for

    a quarterly report to management.

    Response AlternativesA) Go to the other departments supervisor and make your case to her B) Get

    your supervisor to intervene with the other departments supervisor and requestimprovements C) Because your colleagues had no impact when broaching

    problems before, forget about trying to improve things and work with what you

    receive D) Go to the people making the errors on your own, and urge them to

    improve E) Organize a team meeting between both departments to discuss the


    Questions 47. The most effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____


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  • 8/11/2019 SJT 200 Questions.docx


    The least effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____

    Suite 102 T: (613) 567-9229 E: [email protected]


    404 Laurier East F: (613) 567-9098 E: [email protected] Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6R2 E:

    [email protected]


    FSECCA staff member in your office is recruiting a sports team to compete against

    teams from other parts of the organization. Staff in the office vary greatly in age

    and the gender mix is approximately even. Your colleague putting the team

    together is asking only younger people to participate, all from the same gender.

    Response AlternativesA) Let the person assembling the team be responsible for who to include B) Put

    an item about team demographics on the agenda of the next office meeting C)Talk to other employees about their feelings concerning the team D) Ask the

    person assembling the team if you can co-direct it to ensure inclusiveness E)

    Recommend to the person assembling the team that anyone in the office should

    be allowed to participate

    Questions 53. The most effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____54. The least effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____ You are organizing a holiday celebration for your

    branch. It is an annual event and money is collected from everyone to pay for

    food and entertainment. Two staff members do not want to participate, which

    has never happened before.

    Response AlternativesA) Make contributing mandatory as everyone is invited to attend B) Ask

    colleagues to talk with the two individuals and urge them to join in C)Recognize that attending should be optional now that the issue has come up D)

    Make an extra effort yourself to persuade the two staff members to participate

    E) Tell the two staff members they are letting people down by not coming to the


    Questions 55.

    The most effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)_____ D) _____ E) _____


    The least effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)_____ D) _____ E) _____

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    Suite 102 T: (613) 567-9229 E: [email protected]


    404 Laurier East F: (613) 567-9098 E: info@post-

    secondaryrecruitmentexamprep.com Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6R2 E:

    [email protected]


    FSECCAn employee in your section who works for the supervisor has access to staff

    records. Policy requires that the information be kept confidential. You learn thatthe employee has mentioned details about a staff members personal problems to

    others in the section.

    Response AlternativesA) Go to your supervisor about what you have found out B) Avoid the situation

    as it does not concern you C) Tell the employee who works for the supervisor to

    keep your records confidential D) Tell the employee about whom information

    was divulged what has happened E) See how widespread the information isbefore deciding what to do

    Questions 57. The most effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____

    58.The least effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____ Your supervisor is required to conduct a quarterlyreview with every employee in the unit. This is a time-consuming process to

    prepare for and carry out, and reviews are often delayed because of his overall

    work responsibilities. The last review for you and other employees is overdue

    and people are unhappy.

    Response AlternativesA) Talk to other supervisors yourself about how they manage the review

    process B) Go to your supervisor and ask to set a date for your review C) Meet

    with an executive you know to request that the review policy be enforced D)

    Canvass other employees to discuss what can be done E) Await your review andkeep working, as you are no worse off than others

    Questions 59. The most effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____

    60. The least effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____

    Suite 102 T: (613) 567-9229 E: [email protected]


  • 8/11/2019 SJT 200 Questions.docx


    404 Laurier East F: (613) 567-9098 E: info@post-

    secondaryrecruitmentexamprep.com Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6R2 E:

    [email protected]

    SCESEFSECCYour organization has agreed to relax standards of dress one day a week. The

    advisory memorandum requests staff to dress in a business casual style.

    Several employees in your office have started to wear jeans and running shoes

    on these days, and clients who visit see them in this attire.

    Response AlternativesA) Tell your supervisor that the term business casual needs to be defined and

    promoted B) Suggest to employees who may be seen by customers that they

    should dress better C) Set a good example yourself to prompt others to follow

    D) Recommend to the supervisor that clients not be invited to visit on casual

    dress days E) Put the issue on the agenda for the next office meeting, and draft a

    dress code to present there

    Questions 61.The most effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____

    62. The least effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____ A co-worker you cooperate with on projects is a

    capable researcher but continually adds new information right before deadlines.Your work together has received good responses from supervisors and

    management, though you find her style of operating unsettling. A new project

    has just been assigned to the two of you.

    Response AlternativesA) Ask your supervisor to be reassigned to develop professionally by working

    with others B) Ask your supervisor to reassign your co-worker and bring in

    someone you are more compatible with C) Use the new project to discuss with

    your co-worker mutual changes to improve your cooperation D) Set up a

    meeting with your supervisor and co-worker to set rules governing project workE) Inform your co-worker that she needs to finish her research earlier on

    projects you do jointly

    Questions 63. The most effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____

    64.The least effective response to this situation would be: A) _____ B) _____ C)

    _____ D) _____ E) _____

    Suite 102 T: (613) 567-9229 E: [email protected]

  • 8/11/2019 SJT 200 Questions.docx


    404 Laurier East F: (613) 567-9098 E: info@post-

    secondaryrecruitmentexamprep.com Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6R2 E:

    [email protected]

    SCESEFSECCYou work in a small office where staff have personal workstations. On several

    occasions you have noticed one staff member at the computer in cubicles other

    than her own. When she sees you she always leaves where she is and returns to

    her own location.

    Response AlternativesA) Ask other employees whether anyone has been tampering with their

    computer B) Tell the employee that you have seen
