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Skeletal System · Foramens rotundum, ovale, lacerum & spinosum Other: anterior, middle and...

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Bio 230 – Skeletal System Page 1 of 25 Skeletal System Osseous Tissue Obtain a histological slide of bone tissue, sketch and label the microscopic features both Spongy Bone & Compact Bone Spongy Bone Compact Bone Gross Anatomy of a Typical Bone: Label the structures indicated on the illustration below.
Page 1: Skeletal System · Foramens rotundum, ovale, lacerum & spinosum Other: anterior, middle and posterior cranial fossa . Bio 230 – Skeletal System Page 5 of 25 Facial Bones Zygomatic

Bio 230 – Skeletal System Page 1 of 25

Skeletal System Osseous Tissue Obtain a histological slide of bone tissue, sketch and label the microscopic features both Spongy Bone & Compact Bone

Spongy Bone Compact Bone Gross Anatomy of a Typical Bone: Label the structures indicated on the illustration below.

Page 2: Skeletal System · Foramens rotundum, ovale, lacerum & spinosum Other: anterior, middle and posterior cranial fossa . Bio 230 – Skeletal System Page 5 of 25 Facial Bones Zygomatic

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Bone Classification Bones may be classified by their shape, give an example of each shape classification. Long Short Irregular Flat Other: What are wormian and sesamoid bones? Can you give an example? Axial vs. Appendicular Skeleton: List the bones of each division of the skeletal system Axial Appendicular

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Bone Surface Anatomy: Define the following terms & give a real bone example. Head


















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Bone Identification: Using text, diagrams and models, identify the following bones and bone structures. Cranial Bones & Structures Frontal Bone

superciliary arch (supra-orbital margin) supraorbital foramen glabella

Parietal Bones Sagittal suture Coronal suture

Occipital Bone Lambdoidal suture Occipital condyles Foramen magnum External occipital protuberance

Temporal Bones Squamosal suture Squamous portion Zygomatic process Zygomatic arch Mandibular fossa External auditory meatus Internal acoustic meatus Mastoid process Styloid process Carotid canal Jugular foramen

Ethmoid Bone Perpendicular plate Cribriform plate Olfactory foramina Crista galli

Sphenoid Bone Greater & lesser wings Superior orbital fissure Sella turcica Optic canal Pterygoid processes Optic canal Foramens rotundum, ovale, lacerum & spinosum Other: anterior, middle and posterior cranial fossa

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Facial Bones Zygomatic bones Temporal process

Lacrimal bones Lacrimal fossa

Nasal bones

Inferior nasal conchae (pronounced Kon-kee)


Maxillae Inferior orbital fissure Alveolar process Palatine processes Incisive canal (fossa)

Palatine Bones Horizontal plates

Mandible Condylar process Coronoid process Mandibular foramen Alveolar process Mental foramen Mandibular angle

Hyoid Bone Greater and lesser cornu (horns) Fetal skull – learn the fontanels, frontal suture and mandibular symphysis Vertebrae (cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacrum, coccyx) Structures to know on all:

spinous process, transverse processes, body, vertebral arch, vertebral foramen, superior and inferior articular processes, intervertebral foramina

Cervical Vertebrae Transverse foramen Bifurcated spinous process Differentiate

Atlas (C1) with no body or vertebral arch, but has posterior and anterior arches (inner surface is a facet for the dens)

Axis (C2) with the dens Thoracic Vertebrae Superior and inferior demifacets (costal facets) on body Transverse costal facet on transverse process

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Lumbar Vertebrae Sacrum Median sacral crest Sacral canal and hiatus Auricular surfaces Ribs – general structures: head, neck, tubercle, body & costal groove True ribs False ribs Floating ribs Sternum Manubrium with jugular notch Body (gladiolus) Xiphoid process Sternal angle

Scapula Scapular spine Acromion process Coracoid process Glenoid cavity Infraspinous fossa Supraspinous fossa Subscapular fossa Lateral (axillary border) Medial (vertebral) border Inferior angle Superior angle

Clavicle Acromial & sternal ends Conoid tubercle

Humerus Head Anatomical neck Greater & Lesser tubercles Intertubercular groove Deltoid tuberosity Capitulum Trochlea Lateral epicondyle Medial epicondyle Coronoid fossa Olecranon fossa Radial fossa

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Coronoid process Olecranon process Trochlear notch Radial notch Interosseous margin Styloid process

Radius Head Radial tuberosity Interosseous margin for ligament (membrane) Styloid process Ulnar notch

Carpals (eight bones) scaphoid, lunate, triangular (triquetrium), pisiform, trapezium, trapezoid, capitate,


Metacarpals (5 bones numbered 1-5)

Phalanges (14 bones) Index, middle, ring, pinkie all have distal, medial and proximal phalanges

(phalanx = singular) Thumb (Pollex has only distal and medial

Coxal Bones

Ilium, Ischium, and pubis True pelvis False pelvis Pelvic inlet Pubic angle

Ilium Anterior inferior iliac spine Anterior superior iliac spine Auricular surface Greater sciatic notch Iliac crest Iliac fossa Posterior inferior iliac spine Posterior superior iliac spine

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Ischium Acetabulum (made up of portions of all three coxal bones) Ramus of Ischium Ischial tuberosity Ischial spine Lesser sciatic notch Obturator foramen (made from the shape of the ischium and pubis bones)

Pubis Inferior ramus of pubis Pubic symphysis Superior ramus of pubis

Femur Head Fovea capitis Neck (anatomiclal & surgical)

Greater trochanter Lesser trochanter Intertrochanteric crest Intertrochanteric line Linea aspera Intercondylar fossa Lateral & Medial condyles Lateral & Medial epicondyles Patellar surface Popliteal surface


Apex Lateral facet Medial facet

Tibia Lateral & Medial condyles Intercondylar eminence Tibial tuberosity Anterior crest Medial malleolus

Fibula Head Lateral malleolus

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Tarsal Bones (7 bones) Talus Calcaneus Cuboid Navicular Medial, intermediate & lateral cuneiform bones

Metatarsals (5 bones, numbered 1-5)

Phalanges (14 bones) Proximal, Medial and Distal Phalanges Medial is absent on the Hallux (big toe) Label the indicated bones & surface markings:

Page 10: Skeletal System · Foramens rotundum, ovale, lacerum & spinosum Other: anterior, middle and posterior cranial fossa . Bio 230 – Skeletal System Page 5 of 25 Facial Bones Zygomatic

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Vertebra Name: _______________

Vertebra Name: _____________

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Vertebral Type: ____________________

Vertebral Type: ____________________

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Vertebral Type: ____________________

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Page 17: Skeletal System · Foramens rotundum, ovale, lacerum & spinosum Other: anterior, middle and posterior cranial fossa . Bio 230 – Skeletal System Page 5 of 25 Facial Bones Zygomatic

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Page 18: Skeletal System · Foramens rotundum, ovale, lacerum & spinosum Other: anterior, middle and posterior cranial fossa . Bio 230 – Skeletal System Page 5 of 25 Facial Bones Zygomatic

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Page 19: Skeletal System · Foramens rotundum, ovale, lacerum & spinosum Other: anterior, middle and posterior cranial fossa . Bio 230 – Skeletal System Page 5 of 25 Facial Bones Zygomatic

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Page 21: Skeletal System · Foramens rotundum, ovale, lacerum & spinosum Other: anterior, middle and posterior cranial fossa . Bio 230 – Skeletal System Page 5 of 25 Facial Bones Zygomatic

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Page 22: Skeletal System · Foramens rotundum, ovale, lacerum & spinosum Other: anterior, middle and posterior cranial fossa . Bio 230 – Skeletal System Page 5 of 25 Facial Bones Zygomatic

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Page 23: Skeletal System · Foramens rotundum, ovale, lacerum & spinosum Other: anterior, middle and posterior cranial fossa . Bio 230 – Skeletal System Page 5 of 25 Facial Bones Zygomatic

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