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Skeletal System of Frog

Date post: 24-May-2015
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Axial SystemChase Calapis

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The skull of frog is somewhat triangular and ventrally flattened. In tadpole stage, the skull is made up of only cartilage and hence is called chondrocranium, but in the adult frog most of these cartilagenous components are transformed into bones. Some other bones arising from the dermal tissue are added in the skull of frog. These bones are known as membrane bones or investing bones.

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Most frogs are characterized by long hind legs, a short body, webbed digits (fingers or toes), protruding eyes and the absence of a tail. Most frogs have

a semi-aquatic lifestyle, but move easily on land by jumping or climbing.

They typically lay their eggs in puddles, ponds or lakes, and their

larvae, called tadpoles, have gills and develop in water. Adult frogs follow a

carnivorous diet, mostly of arthropods, annelids and gastropods.

Frogs are most noticeable by their call, which can be widely heard during

the night or day, mainly in their mating season.

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Vertebral ColumnGrace Carolino

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The vertebral column of frog is located in the mid-dorsal region behind the skull and forms the endoskeleton along the

longitudinal axis of the body. It consists of 9 signet ring like vertebrae and a long urostyle. Of the nine vertebrae the 2nd

to 7th vertebrae are complete and more or less similar and hence are called typical vertebrae, while the other vertebrae differ from the typical vertebrae as well as from each other.

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Hindlimb of the FrogGrace carolino

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Humerus: - is the bone of Brachium(upper arm) region.-It is long and cylindrical.  -It is more or less straight 'S' shaped bone.-It is hollow and filled with bone marrow.-Its proximal head is partially covered by calcified cartilage and articulates with the glenoid cavity forming a ball and socket joint. The distal head possesses a condyl.

There is a narrow deltoid ridge along the inner margin of the proximal end of the shaft which provides additional surface for muscle attachment.The proximal end of radioulna is concave and articulates with the condyle of humerus forming a hinge joint.Radioulna: -is formed of a radius and an ulna fused

together along their entire length and form the bone of antebrachium (fore arrm) region. The radius is on the inner side in the line of first finger, while the ulna is on the outer side. A l ongitudinal groove marks the fusion of these two bones. The ulna is somewhat longer and forms an olecranon(elbow) process proximally. The proximal end of radioulna is concave and articulates with the condyle of humerus forming a hinge joint.

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Carpals: -the wrist bones are called carpals. They are six in number arranged in two rows of three bones each. The proximal row consists of a radiale, an intermediale and an ulnare, while the distal row consists of a trapezium, a taprezoid and a capitatohametum. The row consists five carpals during the early stage of development but later on the three bones at the outer end fuse together to form a single capitatohametum. All these bones are small, loosely articulated and more or less irregular in shape.Metacarpals: -there are five metacarpals in the palm region. The innermost (first) metacarpals is very small and located along along the line of radiale and trapezium. It is called pollex having no phalanges attached to it. All the metacarpals except one are slender and long rod shaped bones. The fourth metacarpal is the longest.Phalanges(Fore limb): -the fingers or digits have small bones called phalanges. The number of phalanges attached to the distal end of metacarpals is 0,2,2,3 and 3 respectively.

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Forelimb of the FrogHannah Cayado

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PHALANGES - are the bones of the toes

- 14 bones (2x)

METACARPALS - are the bones in the sole

- 5 bones (2x)

FEMUR - a long bone of the thigh- it consist of SHAFT ( the elongated part), HEAD and TROCHLEA

TIBIO-FIBULA- bone of the shank

- in humans TIBIA at FIBULA are separate bones but in frog it is fused in the middle

TARSALS - the bones of the ankle, consisting of two rows.ASTAGALUS - is sometimes called TIBIALE- the inner boneCALCANEUM - is sometimes called FIBULARE-the outer bone

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Appendicular SystemKC Cruz

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PECTORAL GIRDLE- A flat structure of cartilage and bone embedded in the chest region.SCAPULA- A small irregular bone, its distal end connected to the suprascapula.Coracoid- A plate of cartilage and bone shaped like an

hourglass.Clavicle- A thin dermal bone investing the lateral parts of the pre-coracoid cartilage.Epicoracoidea- A median strip of cartilage.Omosternum- Short bone with a broad base resting on the clavicles.Xiphisternum- Short bone similar in shape to the Omosternum.Glenoid Fossa- Articulates with the head of Humerus.

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Ilium- Elongated bone, most dorsal in position.

Ischium- Large Fan-shaped pair of bones posterior to the iliumPubis- Small bone ventral to the posterior end of the ilium.Post Pubic Cartilage- Most ventral element, triangular in shape, bordered in front by the two pubes and behind the 2 ischia.
