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Skelmorlie & Wemyss Bay Parish Church Service at Skelmorlie & Wemyss Bay Parish Church ... sponsored...

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Skelmorlie & Wemyss Bay Parish Church The Parish Record Spring 2015

Skelmorlie & Wemyss Bay

Parish Church

The Parish Record

Spring 2015

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A Message from the Minister

As you may already know, I haven’t been my usual self for the past couple

of months, but the kind thoughts and prayers from both Inverkip and

Skelmorlie Wemyss Bay have made me feel very blessed and uplifted.

Scripture and Liz’s ministry have also been a great support and I can’t thank

everyone enough.

The prophet Isaiah was able to express it so ably in the following well

known verse, “But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their

strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not

be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.” (Isaiah 40:31)

It was Edmund Hillary who said, “It is not the mountain we conquer but ourselves”.

A kind word, by it you can lift someone’s spirits and empower them to put out the extra effort that makes all the difference. Your words have the power to heal a broken heart and mend a wounded spirit.

"And Jesus said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to the whole creation.” (Mark 16: 9-15)

I think we all remember a time when somebody praised us and exhorted us to do our best? Chances are, you responded by putting in that extra effort. That’s the power of an encouraging word. That’s the power Jesus drew upon throughout His ministry to inspire His apostles to “preach the gospel to the whole of creation.” When the apostles were gathered together in the upper room, Jesus appeared like a ray of sunshine to dispel the doom and gloom. He refused to focus on the negative and encouraged them to have faith. He thought positively. He spoke affirmatively. He instilled hope. As he still does through his people today.

May the Lord richly bless you all this Easter time.

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A Message from Liz Geddes

Dear Friends

I am writing in Archie’s absence, and hoping as you do, that he will be back at the helm before too long. I know how much he has been uplifted by your cards, well-wishes and prayers and how much he and Christine have been touched by your kindness. Between sickness and holiday leave, the ministry team has been one man or woman down more or less since the start of the year. Inevitably, there’s an interruption in visiting routines, especially involving those who live beyond parish boundaries. To my ‘regulars’, I want to say that I think of you often and look forward to catching up with you, soon. Meantime, can I say how good it is when elders and pastoral visitors bring news of how you are getting on. It seems no time since the Winter edition of the Parish Record arrived, heralding all our Christmas services and events - yet here we are, only a few weeks away from Easter. It seems sometimes that, no sooner are we celebrating the birth of Jesus, than we are anticipating his death on the cross.

This telescoping of time once upset a wee boy I knew, called Alistair, who asked his (Sunday School Teacher) Mum in some anguish….”Why are they going to kill Jesus, when he’s only just been born?” Well, it would be a while before Alistair would understand ‘timespan’ – but he already knew that he loved Jesus, identified with him and pitied him, as one human being for another, and I don’t believe he will ever, ever lose this. In time, I hope he came to understand that, because Jesus bore the sins of the world at Calvary on that day, we can still lay our burdens at the foot of his cross, any day.

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But, wherever Alistair is now, I hope he also remembers the next part of the story. Because, after all the betrayals, and lies and the flat darkness of Good Friday comes the mystery of Easter Morning, and the growing wonder of Jesus’ friends as they realise that he is alive. I hope Alistair still feels the joy of the Easter message – that, in raising Jesus from the dead, God stated that Good will always overcome Evil, and that nothing can separate us from His love, not even death; because of Easter, we can still feel Jesus’ presence through the Holy Spirit; because of Easter, we too can be raised above our struggles and sadness, to live in new hope and freedom.

But, you know, there would have been no Easter Joy without the friends of Jesus, who travelled alongside, and witnessed each step of his way. Our Holy Week Services (Mon 30 March – Fri 3 April) allow everyone to ‘drop in’ on that Journey. All services will start at 7 pm and each service will be quite different in form. On Easter Day itself, the usual outdoor ‘sunrise’ service will be held at 7am at Meigle beach, followed by breakfast at the church and a short service of Communion. Later, a Family Service will be held in the Church at the normal time of 11.30 am. Please tell friends and neighbours about these services because, at Easter, people outside our own congregation sometimes feel drawn to come to their local church.

Wishing you every blessing this Easter,


Rev’d Liz Geddes Ordained Local Minister Inverkip l/w Skelmorlie & Wemyss Bay Parish Church 01505 612639 [email protected]

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Holy Week Diary Dates

All Holy Week Services begin at 7 pm.

Monday 30 March

*Joint Passover Meal at St Joseph’s & St Patrick’s RC Church, Wemyss Bay

Tuesday 31st March

Joint Service at Skelmorlie & Wemyss Bay Parish Church

Wednesday 1st April

Joint Service at Inverkip Church (with Worship Group)

Thursday 2nd April

Joint Maundy Thursday Service (informal Communion) at Skelmorlie & Wemyss Bay Parish Church

Friday 3rd April

Joint Good Friday Service at Inverkip Church (with Choirs)

*Please indicate in advance if you would like to attend the Passover Meal

Sunday 5th April

7am Easter ‘Sunrise Service’ at Meigle beach, then breakfast & short Communion at the Church

11.30 am Easter Family Service in Church

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Session Snippets The Annual Business Meeting of the congregation was held

following the close of morning service on Sunday 22nd March 2015.

The Roll of members of the congregation is currently 263 with the supplementary roll 65.

Action is being taken to address the requirements of legislation to comply with the terms of the Data Protection Act.

It is hoped that arrangements can be made to organise a sponsored “Erskine Bridge Cross” in support of Christian Aid Week.

As the screen installed in the Sanctuary showing praise and readings appears to have general approval, investigation is being made on options with a view to developing this feature.

All Our Yesterdays

From the very first edition of The Parish Record published May 1975

This year we have to find £827 to meet general increases, stipend and contributions to the National Church, as well as meeting our ordinary expenditure of electricity bills are the most formidable. To meet this increase, we are asking each member to increase their givings by 5 pence per week,(less than the cost of a second class stamp!) If all members contributed at this rate, we would receive an additional £1,730.

Twenty elders met on the afternoon of 27th April 1975 in the Manor Park Hotel for a conference led by The Rev. Dr J Barr of Kilmacolm Old Kirk.

Preparations for the Sunday School Picnic on Saturday 14th June are now underway and the children are looking forward to returning to Eglinton Park, Kilwinning.

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60th Wedding Anniversary

On Sunday 21st December we were all delighted to be able to join Cathy and

Alex Graham as they celebrated their 60th Wedding Anniversary by receiving

a blessing from the minister.

Cathy and Alex express their thanks and appreciation to the congregation for all

their kind wishes and cards on the occasion of their diamond wedding

celebration and also for the gift of the flower arrangement.

New Members

We are delighted to welcome three new members admitted to membership

of the congregation by Resolution at a recent meeting of the Kirk Session.

They are :-

Mrs Catriona Swaffer, daughter of the late Frank Dunnet.

Mrs Anne Organ, Cousin of Rita Carmichael

Mr Graham Harron, our Beadle

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Friday Soups

We are now coming to the end of our current

season at Friday Soups and we are pleased to

announce that an amazing £3400 has to date been

raised for Church Funds. Due to a change in

environmental health regulations we now make the soup on the premises

and thankfully this has been working well.

This is also the end of our 18th year of Friday soups and we seem to be going

from strength to strength. This is due to many factors and I would like to

thank our fantastic team of Soup Makers and also of course to the very loyal

supporters who brave the elements each week to give us their support. A

big thank you to all of you.

We have also been very fortunate to have Joanna helping us on a regular

basis. Joanna is a dedicated worker and I don’t know how we manged

before! Ina our very dependable worker, Marie for making her delicious

tablet, Irene for the egg mayonnaise, Hugh who puts the tables away and

helps us with many other tasks too numerous to mention, Tom for putting

the tables out each week and last but not least Campbell for his cheery face

and great music! I can’t tell you how much I am grateful to you all.

If you haven’t been along to Friday Soups to sample the fine soup, enjoy

good company, have a laugh and enjoy the live music may we then extend a

warm welcome to you in September when we restart after the summer.

You will be assured of a fine welcome even on the most dreich of days!

Should you wish to join our soup rota then just speak to me, Margaret

Spence or phone 522300. You are only required to make soup on one

occasion before Christmas and once more before Easter. Nothing too

onerous and I think you would enjoy the experience!

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Burns Supper January 2015

On the evening of 22nd January the Gentlemen of the Men's Fellowship held their Annual Burns Supper.

As usual, I was made to feel very welcome by Ken Thomson, President and his Committee.

Besides myself three other ladies were present; Mairi Smyth, Barbara Dunn and Sionna Leitch, who always plays the piano for the group

The guest speaker was Jimmy Law who entertained us throughout the evening with a selection of poems and a very interesting talk on where Burn's family originally came from and how they eventually ended up in Alloway. His last two poems were hilarious, one was about a Cockerel and one about a Hen (nothing to do with Rabbie Burns) he had headgear to suit both poems and all the actions of the two birds, needless to say we all had a good laugh.

Eddie Yde, Alan Grant, Iain MacAskill, Jim Armour and Bob Smyth were the other speakers, these gentlemen either read or recited poems or told us interesting facts about Burns.

In between times we sang Burns' songs, accompanied by Sionna and of course we had a very nice supper.

It was a very pleasant and entertaining evening and I would like to thank the gentlemen for their hospitality.

I would also recommend any members of the congregation, male or female, to come along next year and support the Men's Fellowship.

Isabel Lightbody

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Poets Corner

"The Storm"

Inspired by the stained glass window where Gloria sits. If you haven’t

already do take a closer look at the window - it is beautiful.

Quiet and still and in a deep slumber Jesus slept, no knowledge of thunder Or waves crashing over the top of the boat The men onboard said "it will not float" The lightning flashed the fear on their faces It crackled and charged the air with traces Of unbelief, they thought they would drown The wind was so strong it blew the sails down. From under the blanket The Lord Jesus woke To screaming and shrieking The mast it lay broke "Please save us, please save us, or else we will drown" Jesus said quite calmly "will you please sit down" They lifted their heads And looked to Lord Jesus Still shaken and trembling They had no excuses Their trust in The Lord Whom they held so dear Was gone in a moment,

A moment of fear. The Lord gently lifted his head and his arm, Commanded the waves and the wind to be calm. Obeying his orders The sea turned to glass The wind was a whisper, The storm it had passed. Amazed and bewildered The men in the boat No longer felt fear In their hearts or their throat. The lesson they learned - If ever a storm Should rock you or shake you - you cannot go on Just trust in The Lord He'll answer your prayer He will never leave you He'll always be there. He'll calm the rough waters Of life's ups and downs He'll love you and save you He won't let you drown - In pain or in sorrow

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Gloria MacDonald

Bruce Barrie

That hurts you so deep That keeps you awake And won't let you sleep.

In life's tapestry Joy or sorrow may sow But Jesus our Lord will not let you go He won't let you fall Or drown in your pain He came back to life

His spirit remains. Just like those poor men So crippled with fear Do not lose your faith For Jesus is near. No storm is so great That he cannot quell Have faith in Lord Jesus And all will be well.

Never give up

When things go wrong as they sometimes will

When the road you're trudging seems all uphill

When the funds are low and the debts are high

I do you want to smile but you have to say

Life is queer with its twists and turns

As everyone of us sometimes learns

Don't give up though the piss seems slow you may succeed with another blow

Success is failure turned inside out

The silver tint of the cloud of doubt

And you know

And you never can tell how close you are

It may be nearer when it seems far

So stick to the fete when you're hardest-hit

It's when things seem worst

You must not quit

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Scripture Readers

Outlined below are the dates for the for reader’s diaries. Please make your way

to the lectern during the final verse of the Hymn before the lesson. If at any

time you are unable to be present, please change dates with another reader.

April July 5th Graham Harron 5th John Nugent

12th Morag Macintosh 12th Frances Nicol

19th Bill Wright 19th Gladys Black

26rd Bruce Barry 26th John Scott

May August

3rd Alan Grant 2nd Graham Harron

10th Janice Barbour 9th Morag Macintosh

17th Bill Wright 16th Bill Wright

24th Lesley Gurton 23rd Bruce Barry

31st Jacquie Beaumont 30th Alan Grant


7th Tom Owens September

14th Caroline Scott 6th Janice Barbour

21st Roddy McAskill 13th Bill Wright

28th Eddie Yde 20th Lesley Gurton

27th Jacquie Beaumont

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News and Events

Treasurers Update

Annual Accounts

The Annual Accounts are now available and as previously reported in the winter

magazine the accounts for 2014 are showing a deficit. The principal income is

Offerings, which are considerably down on last year. Income in 2013 from

Offerings was £75981 and 2014 this was down to £68134.

On the face of it we are showing an Excess of £6715 however in 2014 a legacy of

£10000 was received which helped our situation; this is not a regular source of

income. In addition an amount of £1689 was understated in last year’s accounts

and overstated in this year’s accounts.

The adjusted figure would therefore be a deficit of £4974. If this situation

continues year on year the reserves will soon be depleted.

So what happens when we place £10 in the offering plate on Sunday?

£4.20 is kept by the local church

£5.00 pays for our minister

80p support the mission of the Church

I would most sincerely ask everyone to review the donations that they so

generously give. There are small ways that everyone could help.

If you are a taxpayer –complete a Gift Aid declaration.

If you give your donation through envelopes – consider setting up a standing


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The generous support of individuals like you makes it possible for our Church to

exist and to make the community a great place to live.

Sunday Club

Since Christmas the club have been looking at the teachings of Jesus.

We have been reading and had many interesting discussions on the different

parables taught by Jesus. We also love crafting and try to make time each

week for some type of art and craft activity.

Now as we have entered into the period when we celebrate Easter over

the next few weeks we will be looking at the Easter story.

The Sunday club wish you all a happy and peaceful Easter season.

Smartie Challenge Below you will find an extract from an update we received from Barbara

Edmondson of Vision Ministries who is currently in Kenya.

Water Guard

The program is so well received. I was able to join the team as they

distributed Water Guard to the area surrounding the church. Water Guard

chlorinates the contaminated water making it fit to drink and for use in

cooking. Few, if any homes, have toilets, kitchens, or running water.

There is still much to do by the government to ensure that uncontaminated

water is available for all, it will undoubtedly take years to bring into

effect. So in the meantime we continue to assist with the distribution of

Water Guard effectively reducing serious sickness, water born disease and

tummy bugs.

The project is - Making a Change and Making a Difference

(Check out our Facebook site to see pictures, and please ‘friend’ with us)

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To date we have sent £1950 – we are nearly at the £2000 mark. We are

helping to make this change and making a difference. Isn’t it wonderful to

know that? Please, please, keep on filling those tubes!!

God is able to do a lot with a very small amount. Whatever you give to God, he


February, 2015

Choir practice

Choir practice is on Thursday evenings at 7pm in the main hall. New members are

always welcome!

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I am delighted that John and David have joined the team and already have done

a great deal including joinery and two urgent electrical repairs.

Church: a system for access to the lights has been made up and spares ordered.

Outside: a floodlight has been fitted at the North end.

Hall: lamps and heating elements have been replaced.

Toilets: A new hand dryer has been fitted in the Ladies – please try it! The

special plasterwork in all 3 toilets has been done and dried out; many thanks to

new volunteers Bill Brydon and Jack Grant who are about to start

redecorating. We will then replace the flooring.

Kitchen: We are working towards installing a commercial dishwasher.

Car park: contractors being unavailable, we have repaired the worst of the

potholes. A good deal of knotweed has been cut down and will be burned. A

vehicle height restrictor is planned.

Manse: Roof repairs were done, and additional sockets will be installed.

Volunteers still wanted! Many hands make light work ... if you could do a little

gardening or any sort of DIY please get in touch! I’m on 520095, or speak to

your elder.

And... please keep your property maintenance contributions coming in. Better

still do it by Standing order instead of envelopes. We promise to make very

good use of it.

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SOUND AND SCREEN: The new team members Ian, Roddy and Ros are now

almost old hands. We’d still love one or two more computer-handy folk – young

or old – to take a turn every few weeks at preparing what is shown on the

screen, and/or running it during the service. I’m on 520095 - Bill W.


The Data Protection Acts require us to take some actions, one of which us to ask

each member to consent to their name and address being held on the Roll and

used for normal church purposes. It may sound unnecessary but we have to do

this. It will be explained more fully on a few Sundays please help us by signing a

consent form when asked. WRW

Pastoral Care Group

The aim of the pastoral care group is to work alongside the minister and

elders offering support or befriending any member of the congregation

who is unable to attend church on a regular basis or who is in need of

extra support at a difficult time in their lives - for example during bereavement.

For our group to work effectively we need your help! Do you know anyone who

could do with that little bit of extra support, anyone who would benefit from a

visit and a chat with one of our team. We are a small group of people who have

been through, or are going through, the same ups and downs of life we all

experience at one time or another and we would love to hear from you if you

know of anyone who would like our support. There are forms at the back of the

hall which can be completed with the person’s details or you can phone Brian

Spence on 522300 or speak to any member of our team. (Jackie Beaumont,

Gwen Mackenzie, Hugh Steele, Morag Macintosh and Nancy Jackson)

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Door Duty & Offertory Rota

Door Duty and Offertory rota for January to June 2015

Please be at the door no later than 11.00 am


July 5th J Barbour, C Sangster 5th R Carmichael, B Spence

12th T Ovens, J Beaumont 12th J Barbour, C Sangster

19th E Wright, A Craig 19th T Ovens, J Beaumont

26rd M O’May, N Jackson 26th E Wright, A Craig

May August 3rd A Haig, G Black 2nd M O’May, N Jackson

10th J Nugent, M Macintosh 9th A Haig, G Black

17th T Craig, A Beattie 16th J Nugent, M Macintosh

24th C Scott, E Yde 23rd T Craig, A Beattie

31st F Nicol, I Jarvie 30th C Scott, E Yde

June September

7th I Lightbody, Ann Grant 6th F Nicol, I Jarvie

14th R Carmichael, B Spence 13th I Lightbody, Ann Grant

21st J McAnna, A Doull 20th R Carmichael, B Spence

28th E Bichard, H Steel 27th J McAnna, A Doull

Please bring a partner. If you are not available for duty on the date specified, please make an alternative arrangement with someone else on the rota. Do not

assume that someone will stand in for you!

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Edwin Curran

Church Flowers We are indebted to all who donate flowers for the beautification of the Sanctuary throughout the year. If you wish to donate flowers on any of the free dates, please contact Ann Grant Tel: 520987.

April August 5th Miss R Carmichael 2nd Mrs J McAnna

12th Mrs N Jackson 9th Miss M Cunningham

19th Mrs Sloss 16th Mrs H Waterson

26th Miss G Hunter 23rd Mrs H Nicolson

30th Mrs J Malcolm

May September 3rd Mrs M O’May 6th Mrs J Cantley

10th Mrs G McKenzie 13th COMMUNION

17th Mrs M Mackinstosh 20th Mrs M Macintosh

24th Mrs M Lamb 27th Mrs M Stewart

31st Mr J Crighton

June October

7th Mrs A Organ 4th Mrs I Lightbody

14th COMMUNION 11th Mrs C Scott

21st Mrs E Ovens 18th Mrs F McAdam

28th Mrs R Barnes 25th Mrs J Barbour

July November

5th Mrs L Gurton 1st Mrs M Spence

12th Mrs F Nicol 8th REMEMBERANCE

19th Mrs G Black 15th Miss S Kerr

26th Mrs J Beaumont 22nd Mrs C Swaffer

29th Mrs M MacLean

“Flowers are the music of the ground!

From Earth’s lips spoken without sound”

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One Liners

Don't let your worries get the best of you; Remember, Moses started

out as a basket case.


People are funny; they want the front of the bus,

Middle of the road,

And back of the church.


Opportunity may knock once,

But temptation bangs on the front door forever.


Quit griping about your church;

If it was perfect, you couldn't belong.


Some minds are like concrete

Thoroughly mixed up and permanently set!


If God is your co-pilot, swap seats!


The best mathematical equation I have seen:

1 cross + 3 nails = 4 given.


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A Children’s story – THE EASTER STORY!

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If you use any of these advertisements to purchase goods or service please make sure you tell the advertiser

you saw them listed in THE PARISH RECORD

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McCaskie’s @ The Seaview

Now serving Sunday lunches Opening hours

From 12pm – 4pm Mon – Thurs 8am – 4pm

(roast of the day available) Fri & Sat 8am – 6pm

Sun 9am – 4pm


To advertise in this publication please e-mail [email protected]

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And finally …….You Say! God SAYS!!
