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Skl.I - dimapurgovtcollege.indimapurgovtcollege.in/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/B.A_6thSem_Hon... ·...

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( 4 I Ba/El Eng-602 (BI 3. Write an essay on anyone of the following 2016 tOplCS ; 14 6th Semester (a) The salient features of Indian English writing ELECTIVE ENGLISH (b) The use of English unadulterated by Indian words in Indian English writing Paper No. ; EI Eng--602 (b) ( IndJan Writing In EngUsh (Poeby, Short Stories .*. and Lanpge Skl.I.111 Full Marks; 70 Pass Marks; 45% Time; 3 hours The figures in the margin indioote full mnrk.s for the questions 1. Answer the following questions : lOx 4=40 (a) Give a critical appreciation of Nis sim Ezekiel's poem, A Poem of Dedication. Or How does the cemetery become a symbolic link between the bygone past for new generation in The Abandoned British Cemetery at Ba iasore, by Jayanta Mahapatra? Ll6-600{SIO Ba/El Eng-602 (B) Ll 6 /S10 ( Tum Oller")
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( 4 I Ba/El Eng-602 (BI

3. Write an essay on anyone of the following 2016 tOplCS ; 14 6th Semester

(a) The salient features of Indian English writing ELECTIVE ENGLISH

(b) The use of English unadulterated by Indian words in Indian English writing Paper No. ; EI Eng--602 (b)

( IndJan Writing In EngUsh (Poeby, Short Stories.*. and Lanpge Skl.I.111

Full Marks; 70 Pass Marks; 45%

Time; 3 hours

The figures in the margin indioote full mnrk.s for the questions

1. Answer the following questions : lOx4=40

(a) Give a critical appreciation of Nis sim Ezekiel's poem, A Poem of Dedication.


How does the cemetery become a symbolic link between the bygone past for new generation in The Abandoned British Cemetery at Baiasore, by Jayanta Mahapatra?

Ll6-600{SIO Ba/El Eng-602 (B) Ll 6 /S10 ( Tum Oller")

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I 2 ) ( 3 )

(b) The Railway Station by Amn Kolatkar is divided into 6 sections. What are their significance?


Keki N. Daruwalla's Wolf is a perfect blend of reality and imagination. Give examples.

(c) Comment on the theme of alienation or estrangement experienced by the aged father in the poem, Father Returning Home by Dilip Chitre.


How is the poem, Land's End by Adil J u ssawalla a referen ce to Christian faith?

(d) Discuss on the quest for identity in Jhumpa Lahiri's Unaccustomed Earth.


How does Jhumpa Lahiri present the gap between traditional India and America in Hell Heaven?

1.16/510 ( Continued)

2. Answer all the questions 2x8c 16

(a) What does the Ime "a word dropped from a long sentence" mean in the poem, Father Returning Home?

(b) Describe the image of the wolf as presented by Keki N. Daruwalla.

Ie) What does the phrase "My endless ancestors' timeless ennui" mean in The Abandoned British Cemetery at Balasore?

(d) How did Arun Kolatkar make use of irony in The Railway Station?

(e) What is the poem, A Poem of Dedication about?

(f) Why did Adil Jussawalla say, "God has fmished his work on earth"?

(g) What is the relationship between the narrator and Pranab Chakraborty m Hell Heaven?

(h) Why did Ruma's father decline the offer when she suggests he move in with her family in the story Unaccustomed Earlh?

1.16/510 (Tum Ouer)

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( 6th Semester )


( Honours)

Paper No. : POIr.602

I Indian Administration)

FUll Marks ; 70 Pass Marks : 45%

TIme ; 3 hours

The figures in the margin indicate full mo.rks for the questions

1. Discuss the evolution of Indian Administration since the Regulating Act of 1773. 14


What is Development Administration? Evalua te the administration in India from the colonial to welfare administration . 5+9- 14

L16/534 (Tum Over)

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I 2 ) ( 3 )

2. "The Cabinet Secretariat which replaced the 5. What are the issues and challenges before Secretariat of the Governor-General's the Indian Administration for the reforms Executive Council in August 1947. ... • and removal of corruption? 14

In the light of the above statement, discuss Or the role and function of the Cabinet

Discuss the role of the Lokpal to curbSecretariat. 14 corruption in the administrative setup in

Or India. 1

Discuss the composition and the changing role of the Prime Minister's Office since 1977. 14

*** 3. What is the role of the Governor as the head

of the State and as the agent of the Central Government? 14


Critically examine the role of the Chief Minister in relation to his secretariat . 14

4. Explain the composition and role of the UPSC. Assess the role and su ggestions of the Administrative Reforms Commission Report (1967) for ensu ing independence and competence in the members of the Public Service Commission. 14


What are the compositions, powers and functions of the State Public Service Commission? l'I

1..16/534 ( Continued ) LI6-1800/ 534 Ba/Pol- 602

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( 6th Semester )


( Honours )

Paper No. : SOC- 603

( Indian Sociological Thinkers I

Fun Marks : 70 Pass Marks : 45%

Time : 3 hours

The figures in the margin indicate fit!! marks for the questions

1. "Caste started with race.' Explain in detail the relationship between the two, according to G. s. Ghurye. 14


Critically examine the indological perspective of sociology according to G. S. Ghurye. 14

2. Discuss in detail Radhakamal Mukherj i's theory of social values. 14 .

L16/540 ( Turn Over )

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( 2 )


What is social ecology? Bring out the relationship between ecology and society.

4+10- 14

3. Discuss the development and ongm of westernization in India. What are its major ch~cteristics? 7+7- 14


Explain in detail Srinivas' studies on villages based on his fieldworks. 14

4. Discuss A. R. Desai's concept of Indian society based on Marxist Approach. 14


Examine the social transfonnation of Indian society based on agrarian economy. 14

5. What was Yogendra Singh's view about tradition and modernity? List down the problems of modernization. 7+7- 14


Explain in detail Yogendra Singh's concept on the relevance of social science in India. 14

* **

Ll6-300/540 '. Ba/Soc-603

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( 6th Semester)


( Honours )

Paper No. : POlr605

( lnteruatfonal Law I

Full Marks : 70 Pass Marks : 45%

Time : 3 houl"S

The figures in the margin indicate fuU marks fOT the questions

1. Discuss the nature and scope of International Law. Is International Law vanislUng point of jurisprudence? 7+7a 14


'International Law is a law by courtesy.· (Holland) Discuss critically. 14

2. What are the essentials of a State? Do you agree with the view thal States are the only subjects of International Law? 4+10=14

L16/537 (Tum Ouer )

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I 2 )


Distinguish between the following : 7x2;14

(a) Vassal States and Protectorate States

(b) Neutral States and Neutralized States

3. How far an individual a subject of International law? Discuss with special reference to some of the war crimes trial.



What are the conditions necessary for extradition? Is there a difference between extradition of foreigner and citizens? 8+6=14

4. Explain the rules of International Law regarding jurisdiction over ou teT space. J4


Write a note on international seabed as common heritage of mankind with special reference to UNCLOS. 1982. 6+8=14

5. What is arbitration? What are the various means of settling international disputes?



Discuss the role of UNSC. Give arguments for and against the veto power of UNSC. 4+10- 14


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Ba/His-603 (B)


( 6th Semester )


( Honours)

Paper No •• HI8-Q03 (h)

, Introduction to Archaeology )

Pull Marks ; 70 Pass Marks ; 45%

Time : 3 hours

The questions are ofequal value

1. (a) Attempt a short essay on the definition and scope of archaeology.


(b) Examine the development of the three-age system and the contribution made by C. J . Thomsen .

2. (a) Discuss the Importance of stratigraphy in the study of archaeology.

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( 2 I


(b) Comment on the basic concepts of archaeology. How are they useful for understanding the basic nature of the archaeological records?

3 . {a} Give a critical account of the methods of archaeological explorations.


(b) Explain the horizontal and vertical methods of excavations.

4. (a) In what ways does ethnographic evidence help in understanding the archaeological data?


(b) What are the experimental techniques used in the field of archaeoiogy?

5. (a) What is relative dating in archaeology? Give an accoun t of the main methods of relative dating employed in archaeology.


(b) Discuss on the absolute dating method highlighting the radio-carbon and thermoluminescence dating methods.

** * Ll6-700 /532 8a/His-603 (8)

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( 6th Semester )


( Honours)

Paper No. : EDN-{;04

( Curriculum Oevelopment and Construction)

FuU Marks ; 70 Pass Marks : 45%

Time: 3 hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions

1. Discuss the meaning and importance of curriculum. Explain Ihe various aims and objectives of curriculum. 4+41-6- 14


What are core-curriculum and cocurricular activities? Explain the importance of cocurricular activities in schools. 3+3+8~14

2. Examine the principles of curriculum construction. Explain the significance of the construction of a balanced curriculum. 7t7- 14

L16/527 ( Tum OuerJ

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I 2 )


Discu ss the process of curriculum transaction. Discuss the curriculum framework a t different levels of edu cation.


3. Discuss the different steps in curriculum development and the models of curriculum development. 7 +7;14


What is evaluation of curriculum? Explam the need and aspects in evaluation . 4+5+5 - 14

4 . Discuss traditional type of curriculum and bring ou t its merits and demerits. 4+5+5- 14


Discuss acuvlty type of curriculum and experience-centred type of curriculum. 7+7~ 14

5. Discuss the reforms of curriculum with reference to the Indian Education Commission, 1966 14


Discuss the salient features of the National Curriculum Framework, 2005. 14


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Ba/Eng (H)-606 (A)


( 6th Semester )


( Honours )

Paper No. : ENG (H}--606 (al

[ AmericaD Literature (Fiction and Drama) )

Full Marks: 70 Pass Marks : 45%

Time : 3 hours

The questions are of equal value

1. Write an essay on naturalism and r ealism in lhe modem American novel.

2 . (a) Discuss the devastating effects of racism as reflected in The Bluest Eye.


(b) "Morrison's novel forces us to confront our own ideas of what counts as beautiful" Elucidate.

1..16/514 (TurnOver )

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I 2 )

3. fa) Evaluate A Farewell to Anns as a tragedy.


(b) Explore the significance of the title . A Farewell to Anns.

4. fa) Justify the theme of alienation in The Har.ry Ape.


(b) Comment on O'Neill's usc of expressionistic techniques in The Hairy Ape.

5. (a) ''Willy's blind faith in his version of the American dream leads to his rapid psychological decline. n Discuss.


(b) Describe how Miller has used the technique of juxtaposing the past and the present in Death of a Salesman.


L16---1200/514 Ba/Eng (H)-606 (AI

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Ba/Eng (H)-60S

201 6

( 6th Semester)


( Honours )

Pap<."r No. : ENG (H)-60S

I Literary Tbeory I

i'ul! Marks: 70 Pass Marks . 45°'0

Time : 3 hours

The questions arc of equal villue

1. (al Write a brit'l note on modePlism. Discuss the specific features signified by modernism.


(b) What are the new literary sh ifts proposed in modernism

2. (a) Accoun t for the celebration of multiplicity of meanings in poslmodemism .


(b) Distinguish between modernism and postmodernism.

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( 2 I

3. (a) Define the strategies of structuralism.


(b) What is structuralism? What lIngual fac tors were described by Ferdinand de Saussun:?

4. (a) Examine the impact of post ·structuralist theory on literary studies.


(b) What is post-structuralism? Briefly explain its features shared by diverse types of post­structural thought and criticism.

5. (a) Discuss the indetennmacy of deconstruction.


(b) Explain the term 'deconstruction' as applied in the criticism of literature. What factors regarding lext <.U"C involved m deconstruction?


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201 6

6th Semester


( Honours)

Paper No. : HI8-602

t Political History of the Nagas )

Full Marks : 70 Pass Marks : 45%

Time: 3 hours

The figures in Ihe margin indicate filII marks for the questions

1. DIscuss the functions of the pre·Colonial Village Council. 14


Write an t.:sfiay on the ChIeftainship of the Naga tribes. 14

2 . Critically allalyze diffecL,t stages of tI,e Anglo-Naga relationship tiU its annexation 14


Give an accounL of the British relation with Angami-Nagas . 14

L16/530 (Tum Over)

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( 2 )

3. Examine the Dobashi under the British rule .

System introduced 14


Discuss how the colonial administered in Naga Hills.

policies were 14

4 . Bring out the factors responsible for the fonnation of the NNC. 14


Critically examine the role of A. Z. Phizo in the Naga National Movement. 14

5. Give an account of the Naga Resistance Movement from 1951-1953. ]4


Trace the history of the State formation of NagaJand . 14

** *


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( 6th Semester )


( Honours )

Paper No. ; SOC-602

I Urban Sociology I

Full Marks ; 70 Pass Marks : 45%

Time : 3 hours

The figures in. the margin. indirote full marks Jor the questions

1. DlScuss the significance and scope of urban sociology. 7+7g 14


Discuss variou s factors leading to urbanization in India. 14

2. Explain the Western model of growth of cities. 14


Explain the Indian model of growth of citics . J4

1.16/539 ( Tum Over )

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( 2 I

3. Describe the characteristics of urban social structure. 14


Bring out a clear conceptual understanding in relation to the study of rural-urban continuum. 14

4. Analyse the working system and importance of various CIVIC bodies in a modem metropolitan city. 14


Discuss the role of municipal cogovernance of urban commuspecial reference to Nagaland .

nities uncils i

with n the


5. Examine various welfare schemes taken up by the government for the urban societies. 14


Write short notes on any two of the following: 7~2~14

(a) Development of urban sociology

(b) Urbanism

(e) Problems of urban congestion and pollution

(d) Emerging issues and challenges in urban centres


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( 6th Semester )


( Honours)

Paper No. ; EDN-602

( Guidance and Counselling In Education I

Full Marks : 10 Pass Marks : 45%

1Yme : 3 hours

The figy.res in the margin indicate fuCl marks . for the questions

1. &xplain the concept and scope of guidance. Highlight the principles of guidance. 14


Bring out the sociological and psychological bases of guidance. 14

2. Explain the meaning. need 'and importance of educational guidance. 4+10=14


ExpiaUl the basic data necessary for educational guidance relating to pupil's aptitudes, interest and attitudes.

L16/525 (Tum Oller)


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( 2 )

3 . Explain the meaning and objective of vocational guidance. Discuss the importance of vocational guidance at secondary stage.

6+8- 14


Explain job analysis and job satisfaction. 7+7=14

4 . Explain the meaning of counselling. Bring out the various steps and techniques of counselling. 2+ 12~ 14


Bring out the relationship between guidance and counselling. What are the important qualities of a good counsellor? 7+7= 14

5. Write short notes on any two of the following 7x2- 14

(a) Types of counselling

(b) Principles of educational guidance

(e) Meaning of career counselling and career counselling with college students

(d) Approaches in organizing career guidance and counselling relating to career talk and career conference

** *

1000/525 BaJEdn- 602
