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To Fulfill some of the requirements needed to earn a Bachelor’s Degree from

Faculty of Economics Jenderal Soedirman University








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Received and Validated

In Date:……………….

Advisor I Advisor II

Dra. Neni widayaningsih, MM Drs. Sukiman, MP

NIP. 19630322 198901 2 001 NIP. 19560910 198601 1 001


Head of Economics and Development Studies Department

Faculty of Economics Jenderal Soedirman University

Drs. Hary Pudjianto, M.M

NIP. 19590110 198601 1 001

Page 4: Skripsi Rifa'atul Mahmudah "Analisis Usaha Jamur Tiram"



My Signature below:

Name : Rifa’atul Mahmudah

Student Number : C1J006019

Major : International Economics and Development Studies

Faculty : Economics, Jenderal Soedirman University

I here by stated that I write the thesis entitled “Oyster Mushroom

Business Analysis In Pekuncen Subdistrict In Banyumas Regency”, it is not a

plagiarism or by others. The things related to other people’s are written in

quotation and include in bibliography.

If it is then proved that I cheat, I am ready to take the responsibilities

including the withdrawal of my academic degree.

Purwokerto, August 2011

Rifa’atul Mahmudah


Page 5: Skripsi Rifa'atul Mahmudah "Analisis Usaha Jamur Tiram"




Grace to Allah SWT, which has bestowed His grace and guidance, so that

writing a thesis titled "Oyster Mushroom Business Analysis In Pekuncen Subdistrict in

Banyumas Regency" can be resolved properly.. Writing of the writer do in order to meet

one of the requirements to achieve a Bachelor of Economics at the Faculty of Economics,

University of Jenderal Sudirman.

In preparing this essay the author got a lot of help from various parties, so 1n this

occasion I’d like to thanks to Mrs. Dra. Neni Widayaningsih, MM. as first advisor and

Drs. Sukiman, MP. as second advisor who has provided guidance and direction to the

compilation of this thesis, to Mrs. Barokatuminalloh, SE, MSc. as a thesis examiner

who is willing to provide suggestions and constructive criticism for the perfection of this

thesis. And thank you for my beloved mother, brothers and sisters who have provided

assistance and support, both morally and materially.

Finally, the writer convey an apology to the readers if there are mistakes in this

thesis and the writer hope that this thesis can be beneficial to all parties in need.

Purwokerto, August 2011


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The study is titled "Oyster Mushroom Business Analysis In Pekuncen

Subdistrict in Banyumas Regency". Purpose of this study was to determine the

amount of net income and Break event point (BEP), assess feasibility and

determine the level of business efficiency of oyster mushrooms in Pekuncen

subdistrict in Banyumas Regency. The research method used is survey method.

Samples taken are the oyster mushroom growers in Pekuncen subdistrict in

Banyumas Regency as many as 30 people. Analytical methods used were Break

event point (BEP), Return On Investment (ROI) and Return Cost ratio (R / C).

The results showed that the BEP level is above the breakeven point. The

ROI is 53 percent, higher than the interest rate that commercial banks only 7.25

percent, this suggests the oyster mushroom farms worth the effort. Then the whole

R / C ratio obtained from the oyster mushroom farms of 1.53 means that each Rp

1.00 fee that is used to generate revenue of Rp 1.53. So oyster mushroom farm in

Pekuncen subdistrict in Banyumas regency is efficient and can be developed

because farmers receiving is higher than the production costs incurred by farmers.

Based on these conclusions, it is obtained by the implication that the

oyster mushroom farm in Pekuncen Subdistrict in Banyumas regency needs to be

developed because the business is profitable, and at the proper value to be

developed and can be run efficiently. In addition there is need for development of

oyster mushroom growers and the support of BPPT Pekuncen subdistrict and

private oyster mushrooms to make the efforts more advanced, profitable and


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TITLE PAGE ................................................................................................. ii

ENDORSEMENT PAGE .............................................................................. iii

STATEMENT ................................................................................................. iv

FOREWORD .................................................................................................. v

SUMMARY .................................................................................................... vi

TABLE OF CONTENT ................................................................................. vii

LIST OF TABLE............................................................................................ ix

LIST OF FIGURES ....................................................................................... xi

LIST OF APPENDIX .................................................................................... xii

I. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................. 1

A. Background ......................................................................................... 1

B. Formulation of Research Problems ..................................................... 3

C. Research Objectives ............................................................................. 4

D. Benefits Research ................................................................................. 5


FRAMEWORK ....................................................................................... 6

A. Literature Review ................................................................................. 6

1. Oyster Mushroom Business ........................................................... 6

2. Oyster mushrooms ......................................................................... 8

3. Farm Income and Costs .................................................................. 12

4. Break Event Poin (BEP)................................................................. 14

5. Return On Investment (ROI) .......................................................... 16

6. Efficiency ...................................................................................... 16

B. Research Model and Hypothesis Formulation ..................................... 18

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1. Formulation Research Model ......................................................... 18

2. Previous Results ............................................................................. 20

3. Research Hypothesis ...................................................................... 22

III. RESEARCH METHODS AND TECHNICAL DATA ANALYSIS .............................................................................................. 23

A. Research Methods ............................................................................... 23

B. Technical Data Analysis ...................................................................... 28

IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION .............................................................. 33

A. Overview Research Areas .................................................................... 33

B. General state of Respondents ……….. ................................................ 36

C. Analysis Results and Discussion .......................................................... 38

V. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS ............................................. 53

A. Conclusion............................................................................................ 53

B. Implications .......................................................................................... 53

REFERENCES ............................................................................................... 55

APPENDIX .................................................................................................... 57

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Table page

1. Total of oyster mushroom farmers population in 2010 …………. ............ 24

2. The total area of Pekuncen subdistrict specified according to land

use situation in 2009…………................................................................... 34

3. The composition according to the livelihoods of the population in

the Pekuncen subdistrict in 2009 …………............................................... 35

4. The composition of the population by level of education in the

Pekuncen subdistrict in 2009 …………. ................................................... 36

5. Age farmer respondents in oyster mushroom farms in the district in

2011 Pekuncen ........................................................................................... 37

6. Education farmer respondents of oyster mushroom farms in

Pekuncen subdistrict in 2011…………. .................................................... 37

7. Oyster Mushroom Farm Production Costs in Pekuncen subdistrict in

October 2010 - April 2011…………. ........................................................ 42

8. Average Production Cost per farmer of Oyster Mushroom Farming

in Pekuncen subdistrict October 2010 - April 2011…………. ................ 44

9. Average Production Cost per m² of Oyster Mushroom farming in

Pekuncen subdistrict October 2010 - April 2011…………. ...................... 43

10. Results The average production per farmer of Oyster Mushroom

Farming in the Pekuncen subdistrict of October 2010 - April

2011…………. ........................................................................................... 44

11. Average Production per m² at Oyster Mushroom Farming in

Pekuncen Subdistrict October 2010 - April 2011 …………. .................... 45

12. Average income per farmer of Oyster Mushroom farming in

Pekuncen subdistrict October 2010 - April 2011…………. ...................... 45

13. Average income per m² of Oyster Mushroom farming in Pekuncen

subdistrict October 2010 - April 2011…………. ...................................... 46

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14. Average Net Income per Farmer of Oyster Mushroom farming in

Pekuncen subdistrict October 2010 - April 2011…………. ...................... 46

15. Average Net Income per m² of Oyster Mushroom farming in

Pekuncen subdistrict October 2010 - April 2011…………. ...................... 47

16. Average Break-Even Point per m² of Oyster Mushroom Farming in

Pekuncen subdistrict October 2010 - April 2011…………. ...................... 48

17. The average Return On Investment (ROI) of Oyster Mushroom

Farming in Pekuncen subdistrict October 2010 - April

2011…………. ........................................................................................... 50

18. Oyster Mushroom business Efficiency in Pekuncen subdistrict

October 2010 - April 2011 …………. ....................................................... 52

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Figures Page

1. Scheme framework Thought ...................................................................... 20

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Appendix Page

1. Mushroom Growers Identity ...................................................................... 58

2. The detail of Fixed cost of Oyster Mushroom Farms in Pekuncen

subdistrict in Oktober 2010 ........................................................................ 60

3. The detail of Variable cost of Oyster Mushroom Farms in

Pekuncen subdistrict in Oktober 2010 ....................................................... 62

4. Total cost of Oyster Mushroom Farms in Pekuncen subdistrict in

Oktober 2010 .............................................................................................. 64

5. Total Revenue, Profit, and R / C of Oyster Mushroom Farm in the

Pekuncen subdistrict in Oktober 2010 ....................................................... 66

6. Calculation of Break Even Point (BEP) of Oyster Mushroom in the

Pekuncen Subdistrict in October 2010 ....................................................... 68

7. The calculation of Return On Investment (Roi) At Oyster

Mushroom Farming in Pekuncen Subdistrict in October 2010 .................. 71

8. Questionnaire ............................................................................................ 72

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A. Background

Generally, understanding of agriculture is a human activity includes

farming, animal husbandry, fishery and forestry. Most of the people's livelihood in

Indonesia as farmers, evidenced by Indonesian’s BPS data in February 2011 that

the number of farmers in Indonesia reached 42,47 million persons or about 38,16

percent of Indonesia's population works in agriculture. So, the agricultural sector

is important for development of our country.

As an economic activity, agriculture can be viewed as a system called

agribusiness. In the frame of this mind system, the management of premises and

the selection of seeds (varieties, strains, etc.) are usually termed as the aspect of

"upstream" from the farm, while the distribution, processing, and marketing

aspects are included in "downstream". Cultivation and harvest are part of the

aspect of the production process. All aspects are important and how the

investments are directed into every aspect of a strategic consideration. The

importance of agriculture as a source of food providers and one of the sectors of

the economy builder for both the farmer and the country's economy expected to

continue to grow.

One of the activities in agriculture sector that is supporting the economic

sector development is plant cultivation. Oyster mushroom is one type of crops that

can be cultivated. Oyster mushroom is a delicious and nutritious food containing

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high protein, rich minerals, fat, calories, phosphorus, iron, calcium, and

carbohydrates. For protein content, fairly high, which is about 10.5 to 30.4%.

Composition and nutrient content per 100 grams of oyster mushrooms is

367 calories, 10.5-30.4 % protein, 56.6% carbohydrates, 1.7 to 2.2 percent fat,

0.20 mg thiamine, 4.7 - 4.9 mg of riboflavin, 77,2 mg niacin, and 314.0 mg of

calcium. Calories are 100 grams kj/100 with 72% unsaturated fat. Fiber

mushrooms are very good for digestion. The fiber reaches 7.4 to 24.6 percent

(Wikipedia, 2010). Because of the taste and nutrients of Oyster mushroom, it

causes a high enough of demand than any other of mushroom. So that it has high

economic value and can improve the economy and welfare for the mushroom


Oyster mushroom cultivation can be said to include business that still

relatively new. Oyster mushroom cultivation in Indonesia initiated and introduced

to farmers in 1988 in the village of Cisarua of Lembang subdistrict in Bandung

regency of West Java. At that time, farmers and entrepreneurs are still very

small. Around 1995, farmers in Lembang area which was originally a flower

farmers, chicken farmers and cattle farmers began to move into the oyster

mushroom farmers, though still in the household scale. During its development,

several large-scale domestic industries join to form CV and a legal entity. Then

from the Lembang subdistrict it spread to various regions in Indonesia.

One of the areas in Indonesia as the cultivation of oyster mushrooms is

Pekuncen subdistrict in Banyumas regency. Nowadays, there are 30 existing

oyster mushroom growers in Pekuncen subdistrict.

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B. Formulation of Research Problems

In carrying out the oyster mushroom farm in the aimed of increasing the

farmer’s benefit also need to consider the efficiency of the mushroom growers

because the levels of efficiency achieved reflects the success of mushroom

growers in running their farm, whether profit, loss, or just return of capital that

can be immediately taken action to improve business farming and increase

business profits. But high profits are not indicate a high efficiency. According

Lefwitch (1981) profit is the difference between revenue and costs, while business

were said to be efficient when the total income is greater than the total cost.

Levels of efficiency also can be determined by comparing the input and output.

The amount of revenue and efficiency in a farming system is strongly

influenced by the scale of its business. As for the difference in scale of course,

can make a difference in the input sused. Less precise combination of factors of

production in farming using will affect productivity and profits (earnings) of

farmers. Extensive effort in oyster mushroom farms is the vast amount

kumbung/mushroom’s house and the number of seedlings planted in baglog

mushrooms. Generally, the greater scale of production of oyster mushrooms to

be produced will be higher and cost is low. So it will increase farmer’s income

and will further affect the economic efficiency of oyster mushrooms farming.

The oyster mushrooms business conditions in the Pekuncen subdistrict in

Banyumas regency are still largely managed with simple possession of the

limited land, little capital, and it is not a core business. Usually, farmers rarely

take into account the revenues and expenses carefully whether the farm is

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profitable, loss, or just return of capital (break even), and whether or not managed

efficiently. Lack of skills and knowledges of farmers about the management

problems are the causes. As an effect, the management of oyster mushroom

cultivation does not achieve the expected results with the optimal level of income

. There are many problems based on the description:

1. Can the oyster mushroom farming bring benefits to the mushroom growers

in the Pekuncen subdistrict in Banyumas regency?

2. How is the business feasibility in relation to invested capital in oyster

mushroom farms in the Pekuncen subdistrict Banyumas regency?

3. how the oyster mushroom farm in the Pekuncen subdistrict in Banyumas

regency been efficient?

C. Research Objectives

The research purposes are:

1. To determine the amount of net income (profit) and Break Even Point

(BEP) of oyster mushroom farms in the Pekuncen subdistrict in Banyumas


2. To determine the feasibility of business connected with the capital

invested in oyster mushroom farms in the subdistrict of Pekuncen in

Banyumas regency.

3. To determine the level of efficiency of oyster mushroom farm in

subdistrict of Pekuncen Banyumas regency.

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D. Benefits Research

The benefits of research include:

1. For the farmers, the results of this research are expected to provide evident

information on cost of productions and oyster mushroom farm incomes so

the economical efficiency can be achieved and can obtain the optimal net


2. For the government, it is expected to give inputs relating to the

development of policies and measures in agriculture especially food crops.

3. This research can be used as information for other researchers in the


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A. Literature Review

1. Oyster Mushroom Business

Just like any other business ventures, venture of Oyster Mushroom is also

done with the aim of seeking maximum benefit. Oyster mushroom is one type

of mushroom which is currently a healthy alternative as a viable food consumed.

Besides the taste is delicious - even similar to the chicken - also has a

considerable beneficial nutrients, so it's been a choice for society as a viable food

consumed. Its increasing the market demand for oyster mushroom growing. The

success of Oyster Mushrooms will be more easily remember the number of

supporting factors which easily obtained of Oyster Mushroom. The following are

factors which support the oyster mushrooms into successful business, among


a. Market is very high absorption and increasing

b. A small of possibility of the market stagnation because it is the people's

daily consumption.

c. Skill needs is not so high

d. Oyster mushroom cultivation knows no season, so it can generate profits

continuously throughout the year.

e. Oyster mushrooms are a delicious alternative food, healthy and nutritious.

f. Not cause environmental pollution.

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g. Former compost growing media can be used for fish pond fertilizer, fish feed

mixture, mixed fodder, and the media maintaina worm.

In an effort of oyster mushrooms will certainly encounter obstacles or

barriers. The existence of the inhibiting factors are the cause of the onset of

problems and obstacles that require separate handling of the oyster mushroom

growers. Here are some kinds of factors that hamper business of oyster


a. Raw material shortage

The oyster mushroom growers in Pekuncen subdistrict using sawdust as a

medium of oyster mushroom cultivation, the farmers claimed to get the

sawdust is often difficult given the amount of oyster mushroom farmers a lot,

so sometimes it is a factor inhibiting business in the area of oyster mushrooms

Pekuncen subdistrict.

b. Oyster Mushroom Price Fluctuation

Although the business of oyster mushrooms enough to give hope to farmers

because the mildew of mushroom is very promising market opportunities, but

also sometimes mushroom growers is plagued by the instability in the market

price of oyster mushrooms. Fluctuations in the market price of the oyster

mushroom is also very difficult to anticipated. Although these constraints are

generally only temporary but it proved very influential on a small scale

mushroom growers and beginners.

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2. Oyster mushrooms

Mushroom consist of various types, there are adverse and there are

beneficial for human life. Harmful mushroom such as pathogenic which cause of

disease in humans, animals and plants. Among humans such as beneficial fungi:

Penicillium that produces penicillin antibiotics, mushroom that play a role in the

process of fermented foods such as soy sauce, tempeh, tape, tauco and others. In

fact, many types of musroom that can be consumed (eaten), among others,

mushroom, oyster mushroom, shiitake mushroom, Agaricus mushrooms

(campignon) and mushroom. Today the cultivation of edible mushrooms have

been a lot of people do that is using agricultural wastes as growing media.

Cultivation of edible mushrooms is one way to overcome shortages of food and

nutrition and diversify food consumption patterns of the people.

Oyster mushrooms are one of the wooden mold that has been cultivated

people. For one production period of oyster mushroom were six months, its 1-

2 months for planting time and 4 months for harvest time. Oyster mushrooms

that can already be harvested will be able to continue in the harvest every 3 days

until the mushroom growing media (baglog) has been depleted nutrients.

Growing media or substrates that are commonly used are alba sawn (sengon),

but actually any sawn can be used, certainly is not poisonous, then mixed with

other materials with specific comparisons. There are several things to consider in

the oyster mushroom cultivation efforts, including:

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a. The composting process

Before put the seeds, planting materials should be composted for 15 days with

the following stages:

1) Sawdust that has to dry completely soaked with clean water in a container for


2) Drain (until the fists do not break), then add the lime and bekatul and stir

until blended. Let the pile for 5 days.

3) Stir the stack while add the TSP fertilizer and leave for two 5 days.

4) Stirred the material and add the plaster. Allow longer stack up to 5 days,

then the composting process has been completed.

b. Packaging process

Insert the materials have been composted growing media into a plastic bag. Bent

at both ends of plastic bags into the base, then filled and compacted

plastic bags till can stand up like a bottle. Fill the plastic bags approximately

¾ parts, then bent into the ¼. To put the filled plastic bags (polybags) in the

inverted position of the bent / folded into placed under.

c. Sterilization Process

Prepare the broiler drum tools and equipment. Place the Sarangan approximately

1/3 the drum from the bottom. Fill the drum with clean water approximately

¼ of the drum. Turn on the stove, while insert the planting medium into a

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large heat-resistant plastic that protrude into the upper drum. This sterilization

process is carried out for 6-8 hours at a temperature of 90-95 C.

d. Mechanical planting (inoculation)

After the sterilization process is complete, taken the polybags from the drum and

allowed until its cool. When it is cold, the process of inoculation can be done by

entering the seed at the top, try to evenly on the upper surface of the media

in polybags. To attach the plastic to be strong, includ polybags pralon piece (ring)

to the tip then covered with pieces of newspaper and tied with rubber

bands. Inoculation should not be more than 24 hours after the sterlisation.

e. Maintenance and Incubation

Polybags that had been in inoculation placed on shelves that have been provided.

Shelves should be placed in a room that the temperature and humidity are not

affected by outside. Stable temperature and humidity to growth is 24-28 C and

humidity 80-90 %. Polybags is left for 6-8 weeks until the mycelium grows a

plastic bag so it meets a solid white color.

f. Opening polybags

After polibag colored compact pistil (age 4-6 weeks), then the polybags can be

opened by removing the rubber and paralon ring. Then open the plastic to get the

mushroom growing medium of air as much as possible.

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g. Mushroom Harvesting

After a week of opening, the mushroom will usually form the body / clump of

mushrooms and there are ready for harvest. Age mushrooms from the "whacky"

/ would mushroom to harvest about 3 days.

h. Polybags Treatment.

Each polybags that had overgrown mushroom mycelium can grow many times,

distances of harvest are 2-3 days. Harvesting can last for 3-4 months with 75% of

the total weight of dry sawdust to the substrate. In order to encourage mold many

times it is necessary maintenance. The maintenance is as follows:

1) Media polybags that had once grown mushrooms, dredged or cut of the

former from 0.5 to 1 cm. Then injected with a solution of vitamin B complex

about 30 cc (2 grains of Vit. B complex were dissolved in 1.5 liters of clean


2) Sprayed the polybags media every morning and afternoon with clean

water, do not look dry surface.

3) For media that has been growing mushrooms polybag ssecond, third and so

on are treated the same as point 1 and 2, only the amount of injected

vitamin B complex which decrease sproportional to the media reduced the

cut / removed.

i. Disease Eradication

If the sterilization process flawlessly and used equipment clean and sterile, then

there is no contamination on the substrate. If there polibag contaminated /affected

by the disease, polybags should be thrown away in order to not spread and cause a

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decline in production. The equipment used at the time of planting (inoculation)

must be observed and maintained to keep them clean and sterile. Equipment for

sterile, heated/dyed with boiling water and then spread with 70% alcohol.

Sterilization equipment must be maintained during the inoculation so the media

polibag not contaminated. Planting seeds of cultivated mushrooms are also closed

and sterile place. Then, when mixing the ingredients planting medium should be

wear a mask so steam reaction products of these materials are not inhaled into

the lungs.

3. Farm Income and Costs

a. Understanding Income of Oyster Mushroom Farming

A business is run in order to obtain the results of production and profits.

Rural communities’ main business is farming, and then to increase their income,

farmers should be able to carry out farming well. by Hernanto, F. (1996) farmers'

income level is strongly influenced by the amount of production costs incurred, in

addition to the vast arable farmer-managed will affect the level of farming

efficiency which in turn will affect the level of income.

Oyster mushroom farm income is income earned by organizing activities

mushroom farming. The amount depends on income levels of the products

obtained and the sale price. A business will be profitable if the total revenue

greater than its total costs. Total revenue is total revenue from the sale of farm

output. Revenues obtained from the calculation of the amount of product

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produced multiplied by the price per unit of product. The total income of farmers

can be formulated as follows (Boediono, 2002):

TR = Q x P


TR = Total Revenue

Q = Number of production generated

P = price of unit output

From these functions means the increasing of revenue affected by high and

low prices in addition to the output (ceteris paribus). High production is

technically describes a successful business but not necessarily economically

beneficial because it must be related to costs incurred and revenues earned.

Any attempt to gain new revenue economically rational can be said if the

profit obtained in the form of net income. Oyster mushroom farm net income from

the difference between total revenues with total costs that can be formulated as

follows (Boediono, 2002):

π = TR - TC


π = profit

TR = Total Revenue

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TC = total cost

b. Oyster mushroom farming costs

Cost is the amount of money that was decided for the purchase or payment

of goods inputs (production factors) used in the production process. Generally,

production costs can be defined as all expenditures made by the company to

obtain the factors of production and raw materials to be used to create goods and

services (Sukirno, 2005). In the short term there is a fixed factor and variable

inputs, so that its production cost caused by the production process that also

involves fixed costs and variable costs. Fixed costs are costs incurred to finance

the production of production factors that are fixed and not changed even though

the amount produced varies, such as depreciation and building rental costs. On the

other hand, variable costs are costs incurred by the company to hold the factors of

production which varies in character depending on the amount of product

produced, for example purchases cost of raw materials, wages, transportation

costs, (Suparmoko, 1998).

4. Break Event Point (BEP)

Ahyari (1992) states that the break event point or principal home state is

value where revenue equals the cost of production. Thus at the time of oyster

mushroom farmers no profit and no loss. If this revenue is given the symbol TR

(total revenue or equal to total revenue receipts) while the cost to be borne by the

farmer is given the symbol TC (total cost or equal to the total cost), then the

principal home state is achieved when the TR - TC.

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In BEP determines there are some things that should be known that the

cost or capital (whether fixed or variable capital), sales price and production

levels. Or capital costs must be separated into fixed costs and variable costs. The

amount of variable costs in totality will vary according to changes in production

volume, while the amount of fixed costs in totality does not change even if there

are changes in production volume (Rahardi, 2000). Furthermore, the BEP can be

calculated using the following equation:

a. BEP for acceptance (Rahardi, 2000);

BEP Rupiah =

b. BEP production volume (Ahyari, 1992)

BEP occurs when TR = TC

P. Q =

Q =


TR = total revenue on average

TC = total average cost

TFC= total fixed cost average

P = the average selling price

Q = average number of production

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5. Return On Investment (ROI)

Return On Investment (ROI) is the value of the benefits obtained from any

amount of money invested in a certain period. This ROI analysis is an analytical

technique used to measure the effectiveness of the overall company operations.

Generally the size of the ROI is determined by:

a. The ability of entrepreneurs in generating profits.

b. The ability of entrepreneurs in the return of capital.

c. The use of outside capital to enlarge the company.

Enhance business ROI by increasing the profit margin (the amount of

operating profit expressed as a percentage and net sales) is associated with efforts

to enhance efficiency in the sector of production, sale and use of working capital.

Enhance the business turnover of assets used in operations is the wisdom of

investing funds in various asset both current assets and fixed assets.

The size of ROI can be determined by the formula (Rahardi, 2000)


6. Efficiency

The main purpose of a business other than making a profit is also trying to

achieve high efficiency because a large profit is not necessarily efficient. An

attempt has high efficiency when the business has a substantial net income and

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reflects the ratio (comparison) is good from the value of total revenue and total

cost. Business efficiency is the ratio between net incomes or earnings to capital or

the entire cost of which is used to generate revenue. The higher level of efficiency

means more efficient use of capital business.

The amount of business efficiency can be calculated by comparing the

receipts and expenditures. Return Cost Ratio or R / C can be known by calculating

how much revenue earned by the end of business, then proceed to calculate the

costs incurred. If the ratio between revenues and costs of greater than 1 (one)it

meant the business is profitable. Mathematically, R / C can be formulated as

follows, (Soekartawi, 2002):

a = R / C

R = Py.y

C = FC + VC

a = {(Py.y) / (FC + VC)}


a = R / C

R = revenue

C = cost

FC = fixed costs

Page 30: Skripsi Rifa'atul Mahmudah "Analisis Usaha Jamur Tiram"


VC = variable cost

Py = price of output

y = output

In relation to the efficient introduction of the concept of technical

efficiency (technical efficiency), efficiency of the price (price efficiency), and

economic efficiency (economic efficiency). Economic efficiency is achieved if

farmers are able to allocate factors of production such that high production can be

achieved. If farmers can benefit greatly from the results of farming such as the

influence of price, the farmers are said to allocate production factors in the

efficiency of the price. This way can be taken for example by buying the factors

of production at a cheap price, sell at high prices. Furthermore, if farmers can

increase production with the price of production factors which can be pressed but

sell the product at high prices, then the farmer has been doing technical efficiency

and efficiency at the same price. Such a situation often referred to as economic

efficiency (Soekartawi, 1987).

B. Research Model and Hypothesis Formulation

1. Formulation Research Model

In the operations, farmers are always trying to allocate resources

optimally, so that revenue can be maximized. The maximum income will affect

the achievement of the efficiency of oyster mushroom farming. Farmers' income

Page 31: Skripsi Rifa'atul Mahmudah "Analisis Usaha Jamur Tiram"


is determined by the value of production produced, while the production value is

determined depending on the size of the production cost which consists of two

factors namely input variables consist of labor costs, the cost of composting, the

cost of maintenance and others who may be called as well as variable costs oyster

mushroom farming as well as fixed inputs consisting of large kumbung and

equipment that can be called the fixed costs of the oyster mushroom farming.

Mushroom farmer's income derived from production gross receipts that is

by counting the number of oyster mushrooms are sold, this is a gross income of

oyster mushroom farmers. further to determine the total income from farming

oyster mushrooms, farmers must calculate all the costs included in cost of

production. From these calculations can know the total income from oyster

mushroom farmers, so that breeders can know whether the state wins, losses or

capital behind it, and can be known also whether the oyster mushroom farming

worth conducting and whether the oyster mushroom farming is an efficient


The efficiency of oyster mushrooms farming can be found by doing a

comparison between total revenue and costs of production during the production

process. From these calculations can know the level of the ratio between the value

of revenues and expenses. By Soekartawi (1989) a business said to be efficient if

the value of the ratio between total revenues with greater cost 1 (R / C> 1) and is

said not efficient when the ratio between revenues and costs less than 1 (R / C

<1). The higher the level of business efficiency, the greater the benefits. The

schematic framework of this study is described as follows:

Page 32: Skripsi Rifa'atul Mahmudah "Analisis Usaha Jamur Tiram"


Figure 1. Scheme framework Thought

2. Previous Results

In this section will describe some results of previous studies which is a

reference in this study. Some results of previous studies related to this research


a. Rina Pratiwi (2005)

Her research titled "Analisis Usaha Pembenihan Ikan Gurami Pada Usaha

Perikanan Daran Di Desa Beji, Kecamatan Kedungbanteng Kabupaten

Banyumas." The research concluded that hatchery fish carp farming is done in

Beji village advantageous because it is through volume production and acceptance

at the time of the BEP and the farm is worth conducting because it has the ROI is

higher than bank interest that is equal to 0.59 or 59 percent, while the level bank

interest only at 6 percent. Overall R / C ratio obtained from farming carp hatchery

Variable cost

Fixed cost



Input Output Total



efficiency profit

Page 33: Skripsi Rifa'atul Mahmudah "Analisis Usaha Jamur Tiram"


at 1.59. This means that each Rp 1.00 fee that is used will generate revenue of

USD 1.59. So carp hatchery farm in the village of Beji is efficient and can be

developed for farmers receiving more than the production costs incurred by


b. Nunung Harsono (2008)

Her research titled "Efisiensi Ekonomi Usaha Ternak Ayam Ras Pedaging

Pola Kemitraan Dan Mandiri Di Kecamatan Kesugihan Dan Maos Kabupaten

Cilacap”. The research concluded that there are differences in income between

broiler breeder business partnership and self-sufficient in the Kesugihan and Maos

subdistrict in Cilacap regency. Efficiency of broiler business in the Kesugihan and

Maos subdistrict that use a partnership more efficient than using independent

pattern. Broiler businesses that use a partnership to obtain the average economic

efficiency of the three strata of 1.74 while the broiler business that uses

independent pattern of the average economic efficiency of the three strata are


c. Agusta Rizqi kurniawan (2011)

His research titled "Analisis Usaha Ternak Ayam Petelur Di Kabupaten

Banyumas." The results showed that the business of laying chicken farms in

Banyumas already economically efficient because of the economic efficiency of

the analysis obtained by the R / C is greater 1. Contribution of income from

farming of laying hens on total family income is relatively large (more than 50

percent). This indicates that most respondents' family income derived from

Page 34: Skripsi Rifa'atul Mahmudah "Analisis Usaha Jamur Tiram"


farming of laying hens. Secaara general per capita income of farmers meet the

standards of KHL in Banyumas regency.

3. Research Hypothesis

The hypothesis of this research are:

a. Oyster mushrooms business in Pekuncen subdistrict in Banyumas regency

could be benefit for the farmers.

b. Oyster mushrooms business in Pekuncen subdistrict in Banyumas regency

feasible to be developed.

c. Oyster mushrooms business in Pekuncen subdistrict in Banyumas regency

has been efficient.

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A. Research Methods

1. Type of research

This research is a survey research. Survey research is research conducted on

large populations and small, who studied data taken from this population in

order to discover the events relative, distribution and relationship between

variables, sociological and psychological (Mr. I Made Wirartha, 2006).

2. Research Sites

This research has been conducted in Pekuncen subdistrict in Banyumas


3. Time Frame Research

Research has been conducted on the production period October 2010 – April


4. Research Object

The object of this research is the oyster mushroom farmers in Pekuncen

Subdistrict in Banyumas regency.

5. Population and Sample

In a study, population and study sample is needed. The population is composed

of the generality of objects or subjects that have a quantity or subject that has

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the quantity and specific characteristic that is determined by investigators to be

studied and drawn conclusions. While the sample is in part from the number

and characteristics possessed by this population. The total of population

mushroom farmer who has taken are 30 people, divided into three stratum. The

division of strata has been done by BPPT (Badan Pertahanan Pangan dan

Pertanian). The criteria for determining the broad strata is based on the size of

kumbung. The distribution of strata are:

Stratum I : Broad of kumbung <20 m²

Stratum II : Broad of kumbung 20 m² - 30 m²

Stratum III : Broad of kumbung > 30 m²

In detail, the total population of oyster mushroom farmers in Pekuncen

Subdistrict in 2010 is shown in the following table:

Table 1. Total of oyster mushroom farmers population in 2010

Strata Population Percentage (%)

I 18 60,00

II 7 23,34

III 5 16,66

Total 30 100,00

Source: BPPT of Pekuncen subdistrict

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6. Source of Data

The data required in this research consist of:

a. Primary data, the data obtained from interviews with respondents of

mushroom farmers by using questionnaires that have been prepared.

b. Secondary data, the data obtained from the literature such as books and


7. Data Collection Techniques

Data collection techniques in this research are by interview, questionnaire and


8. Conceptual definition

In this study there are four variables, namely income, production costs

production and economic efficiency. Following definition:

a. Income

Receipts from the sale of goods and services.

b. Production costs

The cost to produce that consists of direct materials, direct wages and

indirect costs.

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1). Fixed costs

Expenses incurred during the production process that magnitude does not

depend on the size of the production.

2). Variable costs

Expenses incurred during the production process the amount of which

dependson the size of the production

c. Production

The process of producing or manufacturing the goods in great quantities,

generally using a machine, either in the form of finished products or semi-

finished products.

d. Economical efficiency

Method of production of each output with the cheapest cost.

9. Operational Definition

Operational definition is needed to limit the parameters or indicators are in

want of researchers in the study so that any study variables are used, then

everything just came from the concept (Bungin, 2001). Research on the

feasibility analysis of oyster mushrooms in Pekuncen subdistrict in Banyumas

regency consists of four variables: revenue, production costs, production and

economic efficiency.

Page 39: Skripsi Rifa'atul Mahmudah "Analisis Usaha Jamur Tiram"


a. Income

Oyster mushroom farmer’s income is calculated based on the results of

production multiplied by price per kilogram oyster mushrooms that are

stated in rupiah (Rp)

b. Production costs

It is all costs incurred in the oyster mushroom farm, consisting of:

1) Fixed costs

Are the costs incurred during the production process. It does not depend

on the size of production, the land rented, taxes, equipments and

kumbung contraction, which assessed in rupiah (Rp)

2) Variable costs

Are the costs incurred during the production process. It depends on the

size of production, the labor costs, oyster mushroom seeds, fertilizer,

sawdust, and stated in rupiah (Rp).

c. Production

The definition of production in this research is the amount of production of

oyster mushrooms.

d. Economic efficiency is by comparing the costs and revenue earned.

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B. Technical Data Analysis

1. To know the profits of oyster mushrooms business, the following calculation is

used (Boediono, 2002):

Л = TR – TC


Л = profit

TR = total revenue

TC = total cost

Test Criteria:

If TR > TC: oyster mushroom profitable

If TR < TC: oyster mushroom losses

2. To calculate the revenue of oyster mushrooms, sale the following formula is

used (Boediono, 2002):

TR = P x Q


TR = total revenue

P = price of unit output

Q = total production

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3. To find out the cost of farming oyster mushrooms, the following formula is

used (Boediono, 2002):

TC = FC + VC


TC = total cost

FC = fixed costs

VC = variable cost

4. To know the breakeven point (BEP), the following formula is used:

BEP for acceptance (Rahardi, 2000)

BEP rupiah =

BEP production volume (Ahyari, 1992)

BEP occurs when TR = TC

P. Q = T T


TR = total revenue on average

TC = total average cost

TFC = total fixed cost average

Page 42: Skripsi Rifa'atul Mahmudah "Analisis Usaha Jamur Tiram"


TVC = variable cost average fixed

P = selling price

Q = average number of production

Test Criteria:

If the revenue from the sale of oyster mushroom > revenue of BEP, the oyster

mushroom business was profitable.

If the revenue from sale of oyster mushrooms < revenue of BEP, the oyster

mushroom business was not profitable.

5. The feasibility of business in connection with the capital used, can be

formulated as follows (Rahardi, 2000)


Test Criteria:

ROI Value > interest rate of commercial banks, oyster mushroom business was

feasible to be developed

ROI Value < interest rate of commercial banks, the oyster mushroom business

was not feasible to be developed

6. To find out how much the level of efficiency of oyster mushrooms business,

the following formula is used (Soekartawi, 2002):

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a = R / C

R = Py.y

C = FC + VC

a = {(Py.y) / (FC + VC)}


a = business efficiency

R = revenue

C = cost

FC = fixed costs

VC = variable cost

Py = price of output

y = output

Test Criteria:

If the R / C < 1, it means oyster mushroom business is not profitable so that

efficiency needs to be improved

If the R / C = 1, it means oyster mushroom business is breakeven (equal,


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If the R / C> 1, it means oyster mushroom business has been efficient and


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A. Overview of Research Areas

1. Geographic Location

Pekuncen subdistrict consists of soil and terrain with rain fall more or

less 3907mm/year. Judging from the topography including soil plains with an

altitude of approximately 280 m above sea level. While the boundaries of

Pekuncen subdistrict are as follows:

a. North : Brebes Regency

b. South : Ajibarang Subdistrict

c. East : Cilongok Subdistrict

d. West : Gumelar Subdistrict

2. Regional Area and Land Use

The total area of all Pekuncen subdistrict are 92.70 km², consisting of:

a. Area of paddy land : 1856.441

b. Area of dry soil / land : 7413.370

To see the areas of Pekuncen Subdistrict according to land use, more details

can be seen in table 2 below:

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Table 2. The total area of Pekuncen subdistrict specified according to land use

situation in 2009

Land Use Large (ha) Percentage (%)

1. Rice Land

a. irrigation Technical

b. Technical ½ Pengairain

c. Irrigation Non-PU

d. Irrigation Rainfed

2. Dry Land

a. Yard / Building

b. Tegal / garden

c. Padang Shepherd

d. State Forest

e. plantation People

f. Other
























Total 18539.592 100

Source: Pekuncen Subdistrict Monograph

Overall area is 18,539,592 hectares. Most of the dry land forest, reaching

20.7 percent of State or an area of 3834,710 hectares. Dry land plantation on

the second largest position is 9.39 percent, or an area of 1741,245 hectares,

while the smallest is on a paddy soil irrigation ½ technically only reached 0.37

percent, or an area of 70,015 hectares.

3. Population state

The population of Pekuncen subdistrict according to recent records,

numbering 65,886 souls which consists of 32,927 men and 32,959 women.

Thus the male population than female population is relatively balanced.

a. The composition of the population by livelihood

Descriptions of the population according to livelihoods in Pekuncen

Subdistrict briefly can be seen in Table 3. From Table 3 below shows

that most residents in the Pekuncen subdistrict in Banyumas

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regency livelihood as farm laborers who absorb 33.90 percent of the

existing force or as many as 11,894 in habitants. Farmers own ranks second

at 33.10 percent or as many as 11,701 people, while the lowest position

occupied by the employee / BUMN only by 0.05 percent or as many as

21 people. More detail can be seen in the following table.

Table 3. The composition according to the livelihoods of the population in the

Pekuncen subdistrict in 2009

Number. Livelihoods Frequency (soul) Percentage (%)













farmers own



industrial workers

construction worker



PNS / Armed Forces

Employee / BUMN /




























Total 35.317 100,00

Source: Pekuncen Subdistrict Monograph

b. Population by Education

Level of education is one factor that determines the quality of the

population, the higher the education level of a person's expected the higher

the productivity of farming.

In Table 4 below can be seen that the majority of the population due

to poorly educated Pekuncen subdistrict residents who complete primary

school occupies the largest percentage when compared with the population as

a whole Pekuncen subdistrict, amounting to 51.40 percent or as many

Page 48: Skripsi Rifa'atul Mahmudah "Analisis Usaha Jamur Tiram"


as 30,769 people. Population has not finished primary school which was in

second place at 12.50 percent oras many as 7471 people. Then sequentially

educated population that graduated from junior high, do not complete primary

school, graduated high school, no school and year of AK / PT. level of

education achieved Pekuncen subdistrict community will influence how to

utilize existing resources to improve farm productivity and ultimately improve

the standard of living. Data Pekuncen subdistrict resident for more details can

be seen in the following table.

Table 4. The composition of the population by level of education in the

Pekuncen subdistrict in 2009

Number. Level of education Frequency

(soul) Percentage (%)








Year AK / PT

graduated high school

graduated junior High School

primary school

Not complete primary school

Not yet complete primary


no school















Total 59.850 100,00

Pekuncen Subdistrict Monograph

B. General state of Respondents

1. Age Farmers Respondents

Age level of respondents affects the physical ability to manage their

business, meaning that the higher the age the ability to work will decrease.

Table 5 below shows that the faction of the age of farmers in farming oyster

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mushrooms in Pekuncen subdistrict mostly aged 41-50 years as many as 13

people. Lowest occupied by respondents with ages 30-40 as many as 6 people,

while those aged more than 51 years as many as 11 people. Thus it can be

concluded that the seen from the age group, some respondents were of

reproductive age. Age composition of the respondent farmers in detail can be

seen in the following table.

Table 5. Age farmer respondents in oyster mushroom farms in the district in

2011 Pekuncen

Number. Age (years) Frequency (soul) Percentage (%)




30 – 40

41 – 50

> 51







Total 30 100

Sources: Primary data was processed

2. Respondent education

Education level of respondents ranged from elementary school through

graduateschool. More data can be seen in table 6 below:

Table 6. Education farmer respondents of oyster mushroom farms in Pekuncen

subdistrict in 2011

Number. Level of education Frequency

(soul) Percentage (%)




primary school

graduated junior High School

graduated high school







Total 30 100,00

Sources: Primary data was processed

The level of education have an influence on farmers in adapting

technologies and skills in managing their business. This means that the higher

the educationlevel of farmers, the sooner in adapting a new technology and is

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expected to be more rational. From the above table that the level of

education show oyster mushroom farmers on average are the primary and

secondary school that is alike 46.66 percent or as many as 14 people, while the

rest are farmers with high school education level of 6.66 percent or as much

as 2 people.

C. Analysis Results and Dsicussion

1. Oyster Mushroom Farming in Sub Pekuncen

Oyster mushroom farming in Pekuncen Subdistrict in Banyumas

regency generally still managed with a simple business scale as well.

generally, mushroom growers in pekuncen subdistrict make kumbung /

mushroom houses inside the house, the farmer simply adding shelves in the

room which is used as mushroom house asa place to put baglog. But there

are farmers who deliberately makes kumbung /mushroom houses outside the

farm house. Starting from an oyster mushroom cultivation training held by

village officials who cooperate with an entrepreneur mushrooms in 2004,

residents invited to attend the training. Until that time about 80 Pekuncen

subdistrict residents were mushroom growers. But in 2006 the number of

mushroom growers began to decrease, by reason of the higher production

costs along with rising kerosene prices are increasingly scarce as media

sterilization oyster mushrooms.

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In 2009 the dwindling oyster mushroom growers, farmers had to use

firewood as a substitute for kerosene as mushroom growers in other

regions, but after the conversion of kerosene to gas, people end up using gas

instead of kerosene and mushroom farmers were intending to return producing

oyster mushrooms. Until now there were 30 oyster farmers who have started

production again.

2. Oyster mushroom Farming Profit

One of the goals of farmers in farming mushrooms is to earn an income

greater than the costs incurred for the oyster mushroom farming activities in

order to obtain the net income or earnings. Oyster mushroom farm profit is the

difference between total revenue (Total Revenue) with a total cost (Total Cost).

Total revenue is the product between the unit price by the number of

production. Total cost is the sum of all expenses incurred during the

production process. To determine whether the oystermushroom farming can

benefit or not the farmer then must know the cost, revenue and the BEP

obtained in these farms.

a. Oyster Mushroom Farming Costs

Production costs in oyster mushroom farms covering all expenses

incurred during the production process that includes fixed costs and variable

costs. Fixed costs on the farm include the cost of the oyster mushroom

kumbung depreciation, equipment depreciation and wages make baglog. While

the variable costs which include the cost of purchasing seedlings, fine bran,

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sawdust, gas, plastic bags, limestone, gypsum, fertilizers TSP, calcium,

paralon, plastic 15x30 kg and labor. Breakdown of production costs to be

incurred by mushroom growers are as follows:

1) Cost of seedlings

Price of oyster mushroom’s seed is Rp 8.000,00 per vial.

2) The cost of fine bran

The price is Rp 1.600,00 fine bran per kilogram.

3) Cost of sawdust

Price sawdust is Rp 250,00 per kg.

4) The cost of gas

The gas used is refilled with the gas price of Rp 15.000,00

5) The cost of plastic bags

Plastics are used there are two kinds of plastic, plastic with the size of 15x30

to make baglog and plastic with the size of 0.5 x 20 mm with a length of 40

cm to the sterilization process. The price of plastic at the time of the study

are as follows:

(a) Plastic baglog : Rp 23.500,00 per pack

(b) Plastic sterilization : Rp 21.000,00 per pack

6) The cost of lime

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Lime price was Rp 5.000,00 per kg

7) The cost of gypsum

Price gypsum is Rp 3.500,00 per kg

8) The cost of fertilizer or vitamin

Fertilizer or vitamins used is TSP fertilizer and calcium, while the price of

TSP fertilizer and calcium at the time of the study are as follows:

(a) TSP Fertilizer : Rp 750,00 per kg

(b) Calcium : Rp 3.000,00 per kg

9) Cost paralon

Paralon price is Rp 14.000,00

10) Cost of labor

Labor costs accounted for either from family or wage labor, labor in use

during maintenance and harvesting, while the amount of wages is Rp

15.000,00 per day.

11) The cost of equipment depreciation

This calculation is based on the depreciation of production equipment

used. Production tools include shovels, hoes, drums, gas stove, kaburator

stoves and gas cylinders.

12) Depreciation kumbung mushrooms

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These calculations are based on depreciation kumbung mushrooms per

production or per 6 months.

13) The cost of making baglog

The wage of making baglog is given to make baglog. Wage is Rp 75,00

per baglog.

Each farmer has a different broad of kumbung, the amount of

production costs incurred by each farmer is different. To determine the costs

incurred in the District of oyster mushroom farmers Pekuncen can be seen in

Table 7. While the calculations can be seen in appendix 2, 3 and 4.

Table 7. Oyster Mushroom Farm Production Costs in Pekuncen subdistrict in

October 2010 - April 2011

Type of cost Stratum I



per m²

Stratum II



per m²

Stratum III


per m²

1. Variable (Rp)

a. Wage labor

b. seed

c. Fine bran

d. Sawdust

e. Gas

f. Plastic


g. Lime

h. Gypsum

i. Tsp fertilizer

j. Calcium

k. Paralon (PVC)

l. Plastic baglog

m. Wage make


2. Fixed Costs





















































































Total 22.265.191 49.588 15.035.543 66.824 13.099.905 58.222

Sources: Primary data was processed

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From Table 7 above is known that production costs in farming oyster

mushrooms for strata I was Rp 22,265,191 to Rp 15,035,543 stratum II,

whereas for the stratum III of Rp 13,099,905. The biggest cost allocation is to

wage laborcosts. Baglog plastic costs on the next sequence, then followed by

the cost ofplastic sterilization, wages make baglog, fixed costs, plastic gutter,

gas, fine bran, sawdust, seeds, lime, gypsum, calcium, and TSP fertilizer

Table 8. Average Production Cost per farmer of Oyster Mushroom Farming

in Pekuncen subdistrict October 2010 - April 2011

Sources: Primary data was processed

From Table 8 above can be seen that the average total production cost

incurred by each mushrooms farmer in the Pekuncen subdistrict in oyster

mushroom farms in one time period for stratum I was Rp 1,236,955 and in

stratum II Rp 2,147,935, while for stratum III was Rp 2,619,981

Table 9. Average Production Cost per m² of Oyster Mushroom farming in

Pekuncen subdistrict October 2010 - April 2011

Strata Total cost (Rp) Broad of kumbung
















Rata-rata 16.800.213 309 55.579,03

Sources: Primary data was processed

Strata Total cost


Frequency of

respondents (person)

Average (Rp/person)













Average 16.800.213 30 2.001.623

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Based on table 9 above can be known magnitude of the average

production cost per m² for stratum I reached Rp 49588.40, while the Rp

66824.64 stratum II and stratum III Rp 58221.80.

b. Acceptance Oyster Mushroom Farming

The aim of a farm is to obtain income that can improve the living

standard of farmers. The amount of output per farmer for a single production

process can be seen in the table below

Table 10. Results The average production per farmer of Oyster Mushroom

Farming in the Pekuncen subdistrict of October 2010 - April 2011

Strata Production result


Frequency of

respondents (person)

Average (Rp/














Average 3.439 309 393,849

Sources: Primary data was processed

From Table 10 above can be seen that the magnitude of the average

production per farmer for a one-time production period in stratum I as much as

276.833 pounds. In stratum II as much as 404.714 pounds and in stratum III as

much as 500 pounds.

To know the size of the average production per m² on each stratum,

can be seen in the following table.

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Table 11. Average Production per m² at Oyster Mushroom Farming in

Pekuncen Subdistrict October 2010 - April 2011

Strata Production Result


Broad of Kumbung

(m²) Average (kg/ m²)













Average 3.438 309 11,106

Sources: Primary data was processed

From the table above it could be seen the average production for

stratum I was 11.098 kilogram per m². For stratum II was 11.109 kilogram per

m², and for stratum III was 11.111 kilogram per m².

After knowing the size of production, so the revenue of oyster

mushrooms farmer is knowable. Revenue of oyster mushroom farming is a

multiplication between price and production results. From the following table

12 it could be seen that the average income per respondent for stratum I was

Rp 2,076,250, for stratum II was Rp 3,035,357 and for stratum III was Rp


Table 12. Average income per farmer of Oyster Mushroom farming in

Pekuncen subdistrict October 2010 - April 2011

Strata Income


Frequency of

Respondent (person) Average (Rp/person)













Average 26.206.666 10 3.037.202

Sources: Primary data was processed

To know the size of the oyster mushroom farm receipts in the

Pekuncen subdistrict per m² it could be seen in the table below

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Table 13. Average income per m² of Oyster Mushroom farming in Pekuncen

subdistrict October 2010 - April 2011

Strata Income


Broad of

Kumbung (m²) Average (Rp/m²)













Average 26.206.666,67 309,67 85.149,128

Sources: Primary data was processed

From the table above, it could be seen that the highest income was

stratum III with Rp 88888.889. It is because the price of oyster mushroom in

stratum III was Rp 8000. Different from stratum I and stratum II, the price

were Rp 7500. It is because farmers in stratum III sold their harvest directly to

the seller, while the oyster mushroom farmers in stratum I and II sols their

harvest at the collectors which gave the price of Rp 7500.

c. Oyster Mushroom Farming Profit

Proft (net income) is the difference between total income by total cost.

To know the size of the oyster mushroom income per farmer in Pekuncen

subdistrict, it could be seen in table 14 below.

Table 14. Average Net Income per Farmer of Oyster Mushroom farming in

Pekuncen subdistrict October 2010 - April 2011

Strata Total Revenue (Rp) Total Cost (Rp) Net Income














Average 3.037.202 2.000.697 1.242.932

Sources: Primary data was processed

Page 59: Skripsi Rifa'atul Mahmudah "Analisis Usaha Jamur Tiram"


From the results of these calculations, it could be known the average

of net income (profit) of oyster mushrooms business per farmer in Pekuncen

subdistrict for stratum I was Rp 842.072, followed by stratum II with Rp

887.422. And stratum III with the highest net income of Rp 1.999.302.

Table 15. Average Net Income per m² of Oyster Mushroom farming in

Pekuncen subdistrict October 2010 - April 2011

Strata Total Revenue (Rp) Total cost (Rp) Net income














Average 85.149,128 40.698,58 29.595,210

Sources: Primary data was processed

Based on table 15, the average net income (profit) per m² oyster

mushroom business in Pekuncen subdistrict for stratum I was Rp 33.757,926

for stratum II was Rp 24.360,615 and for stratum III was Rp 30.667,089

d. Break Even Point (BEP)

BEP or break-even point can be interpreted as a point or state where

the company in its operations did not benefit and did not losses. In other words,

the state's gain or loss equal to zero. This can happen when a company in its

operations using fixed costs, and sales volume is only sufficient to cover fixed

costs and variable costs. If the sale is only sufficient to cover variable costs and

some fixed costs, then the company suffers losses, and vice versa would

benefit, if sales exceed the variable costs and fixed costs that must be issued.

Break even analysis can generally provide information on how the pattern of

Page 60: Skripsi Rifa'atul Mahmudah "Analisis Usaha Jamur Tiram"


the relationship between sales volume, cost / cost, and level of benefits to be

gained at certain sales levels.

Actually, the oyster mushroom business had been feasible and even

should be increase because it was still and also farmer's incomes were still

above the breakeven point (BEP) in both stratum I, II, and III.

Table 16. Average Break-Even Point per m² of Oyster Mushroom

Farming in Pekuncen subdistrict October 2010 - April 2011

Number. Analysis Stratum I Stratum II Stratum III







Fixed cost (Rp)

Variable cost (Rp)

Production Volume (kg)

Selling Price (Rp/kg)

Acceptance (Rp)

Break Even Point

a. Production Volume (kg)

b. Acceptance (Rp)






















Sources: Primary data was processed

The average BEP of oyster mushroom business, in stratum I the volume

production as much as 6.576 kilograms per m², while the average volume

production produce by oyster mushroom farmers had reached 11.097 kilograms

per m². In stratum II the average of BEP as much as 7.861 kilograms per m²,

while the average volume production produced by oyster mushroom farmers

had reached 11.109 kilograms per m², and for stratum III the average BEP of

the oyster mushroom farmer as much as 7.728 kilograms per m², while the

average volume production produced by oyster mushroom farmers had reached

11.111 kilograms per m².

Page 61: Skripsi Rifa'atul Mahmudah "Analisis Usaha Jamur Tiram"


Income from selling product at BEP for stratum I was Rp 16.094,000

per m². For stratum II was Rp 4.163,170 per m². And for stratum III was Rp

41.880,510 per m². Because of the income of each farmer either in stratum I, II,

and III are greater than the value of income at BEP, it meant oyster mushroom

business was profitable. Accordingly the hypothesis that oyster mushroom

business in Pekuncen benefit for farmers was accepted.

Based on Table 16 above shows that the oyster mushroom farm in

Pekuncen subdistrict was able to provide a return for mushroom farmers, thus

increasing their family incomes. Although capable of delivering a profit but the

profit levels achieved by farmers is still low perceived. This happens because

the following factors:

1) The sale price is fluctuating oyster mushrooms on the market are sometimes

detrimental to mushroom farmers when selling their crops. This is because

sometimes people prefer to buy chicken instead of mushroom because of the


2) Lack of marketing breadth of oyster mushrooms. So far, the oyster

mushroom growers in Pekuncen subdistrict only sell their crops to markets

around the course, the reason is when there is a buyer from outside the area

who order in large quantities, oyster mushroom growers in Pekuncen

subdistrict subdistrict can not fill orders because most farmers produce their

own mushrooms and not in a larger scale.

Page 62: Skripsi Rifa'atul Mahmudah "Analisis Usaha Jamur Tiram"


3. Oyster Mushroom Business Feasibility

The main purpose of a business is to obtain financial gain or profit.

Therefore the determination of appropriateness of a business that is planned

and will be implemented or whether a business is determined by the possibility

of financial benefit to be gained. ROI is an analysis tool to determine the

operating profit earned in relation to capital employed. To know the size of the

ROI can be seen in the table below.

Table 17. The average Return On Investment (ROI) of Oyster Mushroom

Farming in Pekuncen subdistrict October 2010 - April 2011

Strata Profit (Rp) Capital (Rp) ROI













Total 88.785,64 166.661,75 1,61

Average 29.595,21 55.553,917 0,53

Sources: Primary data was processed

From the ROI calculation in table 12 above, it could be seen that the

ROI was 0.53. This suggested that the ability of the overall capital in

generating profits amounted to 0.53 which meant of every Rp 1.00 capital

invested would result in a profit of Rp 0.53.

To determine that ROI has been efficient or not, the ROI must be

compared with interest rate of commercial banks. If the ROI is greater than

interest rate it meant oyster mushroom business shows a fairly good prospect

and feasible to be cultivated, otherwise if the ROI less than interest rate it

meant oyster mushroom business shows a lack of good prospects and not

feasible to cultivated. From the above table, the ROI was greater than the

Page 63: Skripsi Rifa'atul Mahmudah "Analisis Usaha Jamur Tiram"


interest rate of commercial banks that 7.25 percent which in this case is a

reasonable interest rate denominated in rupiah deposits at commercial banks

(LPS May 14, 2011). Accordingly the hypothesis that oyster mushroom

business in Pekuncen subdistrict feasible to be developed was accepted.

4. The efficiency of oyster mushroom Farming

Income or a big pay off is no guarantee that the effort undertaken to

provide profit because it could be obtained with a greater expenditure.

Therefore, in conducting a business, in order to obtain optimal benefits need to

pay attention to the level of economic efficiency effort undertaken.

Economical efficiency of oyster mushroom farming is a comparison

between the total revenue to total cost. High degree of efficiency illustrates that

the total income earned is greater than the total cost. The greater of the total

earned income than the total costs incurred, the more efficient farms also

carried out so that expected profits from the optimum. To determine whether a

business has been efficient or not can be measured using cost return ratio


Based on the calculations can be known the level of efficiency in the

oyster mushroom farm in Pekuncen subdistrict for stratum I was 1.68 for

stratum II was 1.41 and for stratum III was 1.52. This is because the oyster

mushroom growers in stratum I have kumbung mushrooms indoors, meaning

growers in strata I did not specifically make kumbung / mushroom house, the

Page 64: Skripsi Rifa'atul Mahmudah "Analisis Usaha Jamur Tiram"


farmer only makes the shelf as a place to put baglogs in their house so not too

much cost. While partly the mushroom growers in stratum II make their

kumbung in their homes and some have specifically made kumbung

mushrooms out of their homes. In contrast to of all mushroom growers in

stratum III have kumbung mushrooms outside the home, which means farmers

are specifically made kumbung mushrooms, so that farmers in stratum III

spending more cost and so the efficiency of the stratum III was smaller than

stratum I. More detail can be seen in the following table

Table 18. Oyster Mushroom business Efficiency in Pekuncen subdistrict

October 2010 - April 2011

Strata Total revenue (Rp) Total cost (Rp) Efficiency













Total 85.149,128 55.553,92 4,61

Average 28.383,043 18.517,97 1,53

Sources: Primary data was processed

Based on the calculation of cost return ratio (R / C) overall, oyster

mushroom business in Pekuncen was already efficient indicated by the value of

R / C greater than 1 that was equal to 1.53. R / C 1.53; it meant every

expenditure of Rp 1.00 earned revenue amounting to Rp 1.53. Accordingly the

hypothesis that oyster mushroom business in Pekuncen had been efficient was


Page 65: Skripsi Rifa'atul Mahmudah "Analisis Usaha Jamur Tiram"



A. Conclusion

1. Oyster mushroom business in Pekuncen subdistrict had been profitable

because it had been passed the volume of production and income at the Break

Even Point (BEP).

2. Farming done by mushroom farmer in Pekuncen subdistrict had been said

feasible because it the ROI value was higher than banks interest rate that was

equal to 0.53 or 53 percent, while the banks interest rate was only 7.25


3. Overall obtained of R / C ratio from oyster mushroom business were 1,53. It

meant that each Rp 1.00 of cost was used to gain acceptance Rp 1.53. So the

oyster mushroom business in Pekuncen subdistrict was efficient and could be

developed for farmers income more than the production costs.

B. Implications

1. Oyster mushroom farmers could be more pressing on production costs so

obtained higher profit for example by replacing one of the costs of

production, eg changing the gas with woods that cheaper and easier in getting

in the Pekuncen subdistrict.

2. Oyster mushroom farmers were expected to have a concerted effort in raising

capital and income, for example by forming farmer groups, so it will be easier

in getting informations needed by mushrooms farmers.

Page 66: Skripsi Rifa'atul Mahmudah "Analisis Usaha Jamur Tiram"


3. Given Oyster Mushroom farming is prospective to be developed and there are

still requiring capital, so necessary support from the government (BPPT of

Pekuncen subdistrict) or financial institutions, especially in terms of credit so

farmers could further develop the business and increase revenue.

Page 67: Skripsi Rifa'atul Mahmudah "Analisis Usaha Jamur Tiram"



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Page 69: Skripsi Rifa'atul Mahmudah "Analisis Usaha Jamur Tiram"



Page 70: Skripsi Rifa'atul Mahmudah "Analisis Usaha Jamur Tiram"


Appendix 1. Mushroom Growers Identity

strata Number Name Age Education Broad of


Stratum I

1 Sudiyah 51 SD 21

2 Soni 43 SMP 21

3 Yeni 37 SMP 24

4 Supriyadi 42 SD 25

5 Suhadi 52 SD 21

6 Daldiri 49 SD 24

7 Endriah 35 SMP 30

8 Yono 39 SMP 24

9 Rudin 42 SD 25

10 Sahidi 51 SD 25

11 Sa'diyah 43 SMP 25

12 Suwarto 48 SMP 21

13 Kusriadi 49 SD 24

14 Mawardi 52 SMP 30

15 Slamet 44 SMP 30

16 Samsu 38 SMA 24

17 Budi 33 SMA 30

18 Kasirah 54 SD 25



Page 71: Skripsi Rifa'atul Mahmudah "Analisis Usaha Jamur Tiram"


Continuation of appendix 1

strata Number Name Age Education Broad of


Stratum II

1 Sarip 56 SMP 36

2 Tasirin 48 SMP 32

3 Puji 38 SMP 36

4 Sayuti 43 SD 35

5 Sularsih 43 SD 40

6 Kasturi 52 SD 36

7 Tiwan 55 SD 40

Total 255

strata Number Name Age Education Broad of


Stratum III

1 Darsun 56 SD 45

2 Darsono 54 SMP 45

3 Saefudin 48 SMP 48

4 Kusman 45 SMP 42

5 Slamet 51 SD 45

Total 225

Page 72: Skripsi Rifa'atul Mahmudah "Analisis Usaha Jamur Tiram"


Appendix 2. The detail of Fixed cost of Oyster Mushroom Farms in Pekuncen

subdistrict in Oktober 2010

Strata No.

Broad of



Shrinkage of







TFC (Rp)

Stratum I

1 21 36250 21500 57750

2 21 36250 21500 57750

3 24 93750 21500 115250

4 25 97656 21500 119156

5 21 36250 21500 57750

6 24 93750 21500 115250

7 30 117187 21500 138687

8 24 43750 21500 65250

9 25 97656 21500 119156

10 25 43750 21500 65250

11 25 97656 21500 119156

12 21 36250 21500 57750

13 24 43750 21500 65250

14 30 117187 21500 138687

15 30 117187 21500 138687

16 24 43750 21500 65250

17 30 117187 21500 138687

18 25 93750 21500 115250

Total 449 1362966 387000 1749966

Page 73: Skripsi Rifa'atul Mahmudah "Analisis Usaha Jamur Tiram"


Continuation of appendix 2

Strata No. Broad of kumbung


Shrinkage of kumbung


Shrinkage of equipments


TFC (Rp)



1 36 140625 592000 732625

2 32 125000 592000 717000

3 36 140625 592000 732625

4 35 136718 592000 728718

5 40 156250 592000 748250

6 36 140625 592000 732625

7 40 156250 592000 748250

Jumlah 255 996093 4144000 5140093

Strata No.

Broad of



Shrinkage of



Shrinkage of



TFC (Rp)



1 45 175781 820500 996281

2 45 175781 820500 996281

3 48 187500 1049000 1236500

4 42 164062 820500 984562

5 45 175781 820500 996281

Total 225 878905 4331000 5209905

Page 74: Skripsi Rifa'atul Mahmudah "Analisis Usaha Jamur Tiram"


Appendix 3. The detail of Variable cost of Oyster Mushroom Farms in Pekuncen subdistrict in Oktober 2010

Strata No

Wage Labor (Rp) seed (Rp)

Fine bran (Rp)

sawdust (Rp)

gas (Rp)

Plastic steriliza

tion (Rp)

Lime (Rp)



TSP fertiliz

er (Rp)



Paralon (PVC) (Rp)

Plastic 15x30 kg (Rp)

Wage make

baglog (Rp)

TVC (Rp) maintenance period

Harvest period

Stratum I

1 30000 675000 12000 12800 12500 30000 63000 10000 3500 750 3000 56000 94000 87525 1090075

2 30000 675000 12000 12800 12500 30000 63000 10000 3500 750 3000 56000 94000 87525 1090075

3 30000 675000 12000 14400 15000 30000 63000 12500 5250 750 3000 56000 117500 100050 1134450

4 30000 675000 12000 14400 15000 30000 63000 12500 5250 750 3000 56000 117500 104175 1138575

5 30000 675000 12000 12800 12500 30000 63000 10000 3500 750 3000 56000 94000 87525 1090075

6 30000 675000 12000 14400 15000 30000 63000 12500 5250 750 3000 56000 117500 100050 1134450

7 30000 675000 16000 20800 18000 30000 63000 15000 7000 750 3000 56000 141000 125025 1200575

8 30000 675000 12000 14400 15000 30000 63000 12500 5250 750 3000 56000 117500 100050 1134450

9 30000 675000 12000 14400 15000 30000 63000 12500 5250 750 3000 56000 117500 104175 1138575

10 30000 675000 12000 14400 15000 30000 63000 12500 5250 750 3000 56000 117500 104175 1138575

11 30000 675000 12000 14400 15000 30000 63000 12500 5250 750 3000 56000 117500 104175 1138575

12 30000 675000 12000 12800 12500 30000 63000 10000 3500 750 3000 56000 94000 87525 1090075

13 30000 675000 12000 14400 15000 30000 63000 12500 5250 750 3000 56000 117500 100050 1134450

14 30000 675000 16000 20800 18000 30000 63000 15000 7000 750 3000 56000 141000 125025 1200575

15 30000 675000 16000 20800 18000 30000 63000 15000 7000 750 3000 56000 141000 125025 1200575

16 30000 675000 12000 14400 15000 30000 63000 12500 5250 750 3000 56000 117500 100050 1134450

17 30000 675000 12000 20800 18000 30000 63000 10000 3500 750 3000 56000 141000 125025 1188075

18 30000 675000 12000 14400 15000 30000 63000 12500 5250 750 3000 56000 117500 104175 1138575

Total 540000 1215000

0 228000 278400 272000 540000


0 220000 91000 13500 54000









Page 75: Skripsi Rifa'atul Mahmudah "Analisis Usaha Jamur Tiram"


Continuation of appendix 3

Strata No

Wage Labor (Rp) seed (Rp)

Fine bran (Rp)

sawdust (Rp)

gas (Rp)

Plastic steriliza

tion (Rp)

Lime (Rp)



TSP fertiliz

er (Rp)



Paralon (PVC) (Rp)

Plastic 15x30 kg


Wage make

baglog (Rp)

TVC (Rp) maintenance period

Harvest period

Stratum II

1 40000 675000 16000 24000 20000 60000 126000 20000 7000 1500 6000 98000 164500 150000 1408000

2 40000 675000 16000 20800 18000 60000 126000 15000 7000 1500 6000 98000 141000 133350 1357650

3 40000 675000 16000 24000 20000 60000 126000 20000 7000 1500 6000 98000 164500 150000 1408000

4 40000 675000 16000 24000 20000 60000 126000 20000 7000 1500 6000 98000 164500 145800 1403800

5 40000 675000 20000 25600 23750 60000 147000 20000 7000 1500 6000 98000 164500 166650 1455000

6 40000 675000 16000 24000 20000 60000 126000 20000 7000 1500 6000 98000 164500 150000 1408000

7 40000 675000 20000 25600 23750 60000 147000 20000 7000 1500 6000 98000 164500 166650 1455000

Total 280000 4725000 120000 168000 145500 420000 924000 135000 49000 10500 42000 686000 1128000 1062450 9895450

Strata No

Wage Labor (Rp)

seed (Rp)

Fine bran (Rp)

sawdust (Rp)

gas (Rp)

Plastic steriliza

tion (Rp)

Lime (Rp)



TSP fertiliz

er (Rp)



Paralon (PVC) (Rp)

Plastic 15x30 kg (Rp)

Wage make

baglog (Rp)

TVC (Rp) maintenance period

Harvest period

Stratum III

1 40000 675000 20000 28800 25000 75000 168000 25000 10500 1500 6000 112000 188000 187500 1562300

2 40000 675000 20000 28800 25000 75000 168000 25000 10500 1500 6000 112000 188000 187500 1562300

3 40000 675000 20000 30400 26750 90000 189000 30000 10500 1500 6000 126000 211500 200025 1656675

4 40000 675000 20000 27200 23250 75000 168000 25000 10500 1500 6000 112000 188000 174975 1546425

5 40000 675000 20000 28800 25000 75000 168000 25000 10500 1500 6000 112000 188000 187500 1562300

Total 200000 3375000 100000 144000 125000 390000 861000 130000 52500 7500 30000 574000 963500 937500 7890000

Page 76: Skripsi Rifa'atul Mahmudah "Analisis Usaha Jamur Tiram"


Appendix 4. Total cost of Oyster Mushroom Farms in Pekuncen subdistrict in

Oktober 2010

Strata No

Broad of



TFC (Rp) TVC (Rp) TC (Rp)

Stratum I

1 21 57750 1090075 1147825

2 21 57750 1090075 1147825

3 24 115250 1134450 1249700

4 25 119156 1138575 1257731

5 21 57750 1090075 1147825

6 24 115250 1134450 1249700

7 30 138687 1200575 1339262

8 24 65250 1134450 1199700

9 25 119156 1138575 1257731

10 25 65250 1138575 1203825

11 25 119156 1138575 1257731

12 21 57750 1090075 1147825

13 24 65250 1134450 1199700

14 30 138687 1200575 1339262

15 30 138687 1200575 1339262

16 24 65250 1134450 1199700

17 30 138687 1188075 1326762

18 25 115250 1138575 1253825

Total 449 1749966 20515225 22265191

Page 77: Skripsi Rifa'atul Mahmudah "Analisis Usaha Jamur Tiram"


Continuation of appendix 4

Strata No

Broad of



TFC (Rp) TVC (Rp) TC (Rp)



1 36 732625 1408000 2140625

2 32 717000 1357650 2074650

3 36 732625 1408000 2140625

4 35 728718 1403800 2132518

5 40 748250 1455000 2203250

6 36 732625 1408000 2140625

7 40 748250 1455000 2203250

Total 255 5140093 9895450 15035543

Strata No

Broad of



TFC (Rp) TVC (Rp) TC (Rp)

Stratum III

1 45 996281 1562300 2558581

2 45 996281 1562300 2558581

3 48 1236500 1656675 2893175

4 42 984562 1546425 2530987

5 45 996281 1562300 2558581

Total 225 5209905 7890000 13099905

Page 78: Skripsi Rifa'atul Mahmudah "Analisis Usaha Jamur Tiram"


Appendix 5. Total Revenue, Profit, and R / C of Oyster Mushroom Farm in the Pekuncen subdistrict in Oktober 2010

strata No Broad of

kumbung (m²)


baglog Q (kg)

P / kg

(Rp) TR (Rp) TC (Rp) Profit (Rp) R/C

Stratum I

1 21 1167 233 7500 1747500 1147825 599675 1.52244462

2 21 1167 223 7500 1672500 1147825 524675 1.45710365

3 24 1334 267 7500 2002500 1249700 752800 1.60238457

4 25 1389 278 7500 2085000 1257731 827269 1.65774717

5 21 1167 233 7500 1747500 1147825 599675 1.52244462

6 24 1334 267 7500 2002500 1249700 752800 1.60238457

7 30 1667 334 7500 2505000 1339262 1165738 1.87043312

8 24 1334 267 7500 2002500 1149700 852800 1.74175872

9 25 1389 278 7500 2085000 1257731 827269 1.65774717

10 25 1389 278 7500 2085000 1203825 881175 1.73197932

11 25 1389 278 7500 2085000 1257731 827269 1.65774717

12 21 1167 233 7500 1747500 1147825 599675 1.52244462

13 24 1334 267 7500 2002500 1199700 802800 1.66916729

14 30 1667 334 7500 2505000 1339262 1165738 1.87043312

15 30 1667 334 7500 2505000 1339262 1165738 1.87043312

16 24 1334 267 7500 2002500 1199700 802800 1.66916729

17 30 1667 334 7500 2505000 1326762 1178238 1.88805528

18 25 1389 278 7500 2085000 1253825 831175 1.66291149

Total 449 24951 4983 7500 37372500 22215191 15157309 1.68229479

Page 79: Skripsi Rifa'atul Mahmudah "Analisis Usaha Jamur Tiram"


Continuation of appendix 5

Strata No Broad of

kumbung (m²) Total baglog Q (kg)

P / kg

(Rp) TR (Rp) TC (Rp) Profit (Rp) R/C



1 36 2000 400 7500 3000000 2140625 859375 1.40145985

2 32 1778 356 7500 2670000 2074650 595350 1.28696407

3 36 2000 400 7500 3000000 2140625 859375 1.40145985

4 35 1945 389 7500 2917500 2132518 784982 1.368101

5 40 2222 444 7500 3330000 2203250 1126750 1.51140361

6 36 2000 400 7500 3000000 2140625 859375 1.40145985

7 40 2222 444 7500 3330000 2203250 1126750 1.51140361

Total 255 14167 2833 7500 21247500 15035543 6211957 1.41315149

Strata No Broad of

kumbung (m²) Total baglog Q (kg)

P / kg

(Rp) TR (Rp) TC (Rp) Profit (Rp) R/C



1 45 2500 500 8000 4000000 2558581 1441419 1.56336657

2 45 2500 500 8000 4000000 2558581 1441419 1.56336657

3 48 2667 533 8000 4264000 2893175 1370825 1.47381337

4 42 2333 467 8000 3736000 2530987 1205013 1.47610399

5 45 2500 500 8000 4000000 2558581 1441419 1.56336657

Total 225 12500 2500 8000 20000000 13099905 6900095 1.52672863

Page 80: Skripsi Rifa'atul Mahmudah "Analisis Usaha Jamur Tiram"


Annex 6. Calculation of Break Even Point (BEP) of Oyster Mushroom in the

Pekuncen Subdistrict in October 2010

To know the circumstances of a business analysis is used BEP can be calculated

using the following formula:

a) The BEP based on the volume of production

BEP occurs when TR = TC

P. Q = T T

b) Calculation of the BEP based on the acceptance

BEP rupiah =

BEP calculation of Stratum I

a. The BEP based on the volume of production



7500.Q = 79477,04

Q = 79477,04


= 6,597

Page 81: Skripsi Rifa'atul Mahmudah "Analisis Usaha Jamur Tiram"


b. Calculation of the BEP based on the acceptance

= 8065,236

1- 41523,6


= 16094

BEP calculation of Stratum II

a. The BEP based on the volume of production


P.Q = TC

7500.Q = 58962,91

Q = 58962,91


= 7,861

b. Calculation of the BEP based on the acceptance

= 24323,7

1- 34639,22


= 41630,17

BEP calculation of Stratum III

a. The BEP based on the volume of production


P.Q = TC

Page 82: Skripsi Rifa'atul Mahmudah "Analisis Usaha Jamur Tiram"


8000.Q = 58221,8

Q = 58221,8


= 7,278

b. Calculation of the BEP based on the acceptance

= 27321,8

1- 30900


= 41880,51

Page 83: Skripsi Rifa'atul Mahmudah "Analisis Usaha Jamur Tiram"


Appendix 7. The calculation of Return On Investment (Roi) At Oyster Mushroom

Farming in Pekuncen Subdistrict in October 2010

To determine the feasibility of the business in relation to capital employed, use

ROI analysis that is formulated as follows:


ROI Calculation of Stratum I

= 33757,93


= 0,682

ROI Calculation of Stratum II

= 2436062


= 0,413

ROI Calculation of Stratum III

= 30667,09


= 0,526

Page 84: Skripsi Rifa'atul Mahmudah "Analisis Usaha Jamur Tiram"


Appendix 8. Questionnaire










1. Nama :

2. Alamat :

3. Umur :

4. Pendidikan

a. Tidak tamat SD

b. SD

c. SMP

d. SMA

e. Akademi/PT

5. Jumlah tanggungan keluarga :

6. Jumlah anggota keluarga dalam satu rumah :

7. Apakah usahatani jamur tiram merupakan pekerjaan pokok?

a. Jika ya, apakah memiliki pekerjaan selain usahatani jamur tiram?

(Sebutkan) ………..

b. Jika tidak, apakah pekerjaan utamanya? (Sebutkan) ………..

8. Luas kumbung yang dimiliki =....................m²

Page 85: Skripsi Rifa'atul Mahmudah "Analisis Usaha Jamur Tiram"


9. Status tanah yang diusahakan pada pertanyaan 7 adalah :

a. Milik sendiri

b. Menyewa

10. Jika menyewa, biaya sewa sebesar : Rp ...........

11. Besarnya pajak : Rp ...............

12. Modal yang digunakan :

a. Modal sendiri

b. Modal pinjaman

1) Bank

2) Koperasi

3) Pribadi

4) Lainnya (sebutkan)………..

13. Pelaksanaan panenan

a. Gotong royong

b. Sendiri

c. Buruh harian

d. Lain-lain (sebutkan)...............

14. Lamanya masa panen: …………. Bulan

15. bagaimana sistem penjualannya?

a. Dijual sendiri

b. Pada pengepul

c. Pada koperasi

d. Lain-lain (sebutkan).................


1. Kumbung

a. Membuat kumbung

1) Jumlah hari kerja = ...................... hari

2) Jumlah tenaga kerja = ...................... orang

3) Upah tenaga kerja = Rp ......................

Page 86: Skripsi Rifa'atul Mahmudah "Analisis Usaha Jamur Tiram"


2. Sekop : ………… buah

Harga @ Rp………………

Jumlah :………………

3. Cangkul : ………… buah

Harga @ Rp ……………..

Jumlah : ………………

4. Drum : ………… buah

Harga @ Rp………………

Jumlah : ……………….

5. Kompor : ………… buah

Harga @ Rp ……………..

Jumlah : ………………

6. Kaburator kompor : … buah

Harga @ Rp ……………..

Jumlah : ………………

7. Tabung gas : ………… buah

Harga @ Rp……………….

Jumlah : ……………….


1. Bibit : ………… kantong

Harga @ Rp………………

Jumlah : ……………..

Page 87: Skripsi Rifa'atul Mahmudah "Analisis Usaha Jamur Tiram"


2. Dedak halus: ………… kg

Harga @ Rp ……………..

Jumlah : ………………

3. Serbuk gergaji: ………. kg

Harga @ Rp………………

Jumlah : ………………

4. Gas : ………… buah

Harga @ Rp ……………..

Jumlah : ………………

5. Kantong plastik: ……… bks

Harga @ Rp………………

Jumlah : ………………..

6. Kapur : ………… kg

Harga @ Rp ……………..

Jumlah : ………………

7. Gips : ……….... kg

Harga @ Rp………………

Jumlah : …………..

8. Pupuk TSP: ………… kg

Harga @ Rp ……………..

Jumlah : ………………

9. Kalsium : ………… kg

Harga @ Rp………………

Jumlah : ………………

Page 88: Skripsi Rifa'atul Mahmudah "Analisis Usaha Jamur Tiram"


10. Paralon : ………… meter

Harga @ Rp ……………..

Jumlah ; ………………

11. Plastik 1,5kg: ……….... buah

Harga @ Rp………………

Jumlah : ………………

12. ……………

Harga @ Rp ……………..

Jumlah : ………………

13. . …………...

Harga @ Rp ……………..

Jumlah : ………………


1. Masa pemeliharaan

1) Jumlah hari kerja = ……….. hari

2) Jumlah tenaga kerja = ………..

3) Upah tenaga kerja/hari = Rp ………..

4) Jumlah upah tenaga kerja = Rp ……….

2. Masa panen

1) Jumlah hari kerja = ……….. hari

2) Jumlah tenaga kerja = ………..

3) Upah tenaga kerja/hari = Rp ………..

4) Jumlah upah tenaga kerja = Rp ………...

Page 89: Skripsi Rifa'atul Mahmudah "Analisis Usaha Jamur Tiram"



1. Hasil produksi satu periode : ………. Kg

2. Harga jamur tiram/kg : Rp……….


1. Aset yang dimiliki

a. Rumah (dengan kondisi: sudah ditembok/belum ditembok)

b. Kendaraan (sepeda, sepeda motor, mobil)

c. Lainnya (sebutkan) …………..

2. Status kepemilikan

a. Milik sendiri

b. Menyewa
