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Slattery pro comm2015_final

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Teaching Online: Analyzing Needs, Designing Learning Activities, and Managing Delivery Dr. Darina M. Slattery Technical Communication and Instructional Design University of Limerick
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Teaching Online: Analyzing Needs, Designing Learning Activities, and Managing Delivery

Dr. Darina M. Slattery

Technical Communication and Instructional Design

University of Limerick

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ProComm 2015 Tuesday, 14th July 2015 © Dr. Darina Slattery

Some Common Questions/ Challenges Faced by Online Tutors

• Confused by online learning terminology?

• Overwhelmed by the range of tools?

• Is your course is a good candidate for online delivery?

• Should you go fully online or adopt a blended approach?

• Which types of activities and assessments can be undertaken online?

• How do you align online activities/ assessments with learning outcomes?

• Which learning materials can be used online?

• How do you motivate online students and scaffold deeper learning?

• How would you evaluate the success and quality of online learning?

(Arinto, 2013; Bolliger and Wasilik, 2009; Garrison and Anderson, 2003;

Salmon, 2004) 2

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Online Teaching and Learning Terminology (Sample)


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Presentation Overview

• Part 1: Analysis and Needs Assessment

• Part 2: Planning and Design

• Part 3: Delivery


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PART 1: Analysis and Needs Assessment

• Is your course a good candidate for online delivery?…

• Should your course be fully online or blended?…


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Is your Course a Good Candidate for Online Delivery?

• Some issues to consider:

• Audience demographics

• Intended learning outcomes

• Location of learning

• Resources available

• Digital literacy levels

• Any other challenges? ▪ Time

▪ Workload

(JISC, 2014)


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Fully Online or Blended?

• “Blended learning is the thoughtful fusion of face-to-face and online learning experiences” (Garrison and Vaughan, 2008, p. 5).

• Consider:

▪ What currently works well face-to-face?

▪ What does not work well/ what could be better-facilitated in a blended environment?

• Redesign courses and use technology to maximize student interaction and engagement (ibid).


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PART 2: Planning and Design

• Planning learning pathways and materials…

• Selecting online teaching materials…

• Some initiatives to assist with conversion…

• Some recommendations for CPD of online tutors…


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Planning Learning Pathways and Materials

• What do learners need to know/ need to be able to do?

• Storyboards and learning pathways can help you:

▪ Identify the topics you are teaching

▪ Determine which topics are aligned with each learning outcome

▪ Map learning activities on to outcomes and topics

• Storyboards can be developed on paper or electronically…

▪ Electronic tools include popplet (http://popplet.com/) and lino (http://en.linoit.com/)


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Storyboard Output (Paper Sample)


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Storyboard Output (Electronic Sample)


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Module Learning Outcomes (LO’s)

1)… 2)… 3)… 4)… 5)…

WEEK 1 Name of weekly topic List of LO’s being met this week (no. 1, no. 2 etc.) Learning activities that will assess the LO (s) for this week

WEEK 2 Name of weekly topic List of LO’s being met this week Learning activities that will assess the LO (s) for this week

WEEK 3 …

Learning Pathway (Electronic Sample)


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Selecting Online Teaching Materials

• Some course materials can be transferred directly to online

• Others may need to be re-purposed or developed from scratch

• Consider using materials from learning object repositories and MOOCs…


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Learning Object Repositories

• Some well-known repositories:

▪ The Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching (MERLOT)

• http://www.merlot.org

▪ TED Talks

• http://www.ted.com/talks

▪ Carnegie Mellon’s Open Learning Initiative

• http://oli.web.cmu.edu/openlearning/

▪ MIT Open Courseware

• http://ocw.mit.edu/index.htm 14

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• Some well-known MOOCs:

▪ Coursera: https://www.coursera.org/

▪ edX: https://www.edx.org/

▪ FutureLearn: https://www.futurelearn.com/

▪ OpenLearn: http://www.open.edu/openlearn/

▪ Udacity: https://www.udacity.com/

▪ Udemy: https://www.udemy.com/ 15

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Some Initiatives to Assist with Conversion

• Salmon’s Carpe Diem Process (Salmon and Wright, 2014)

• Carroll University’s Bootcamp (Johnson et al., 2012)

• University of Limerick’s DUO Workshop…


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UL DUO: Workshop Content (1/2)

• Part 1: Learning outcomes, objectives, and assessment alignment

▪ Bloom’s three domains of learning and taxonomy of educational objectives

▪ Gagné’s five learning outcomes and events of instruction

▪ Writing objectives using learning outcomes

▪ Performance assessment

▪ Learning objects for teaching and learning

▪ Effective practice planning for e-learning


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UL DUO: Workshop Content (2/2)

• Part 2: E-moderating, e-tivities, and storyboarding

▪ E-moderating

▪ Salmon’s five-stage model of teaching and learning online

▪ Salmon’s e-tivities

▪ Storyboarding for lesson design

• Part 3: Prototype implementation

▪ Present storyboards/ feedback

▪ Design onto platform

▪ Perform mini critical review of e-tivities

▪ Plan for further development


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UL DUO: Advantages for Participants

• Small group sizes

• Clear purpose/ agenda/ structure

• Overview of pedagogy and technology

• Relevant discussions/ active engagement

• Focused time and space

• Expert feedback


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Some Recommendations for CPD of Online Tutors

• Involve all relevant parties in the process

• Discuss pedagogical theory

• Describe and demo tools

• Provide adequate time for storyboarding

• Provide follow-up sessions/ support

• Offer recognition for participation?


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PART 3: Delivery

• Teaching and delivering online…

• Considerations when choosing tools for interaction…

• Some considerations when devising (e)-assessments…

• Evaluating online teaching and learning…


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Teaching and Delivering Online (1/2)

• Some considerations:

▪ Information design

• Typography

• Color

• Graphics

• Accessibility

▪ Instructional design

• Learning outcomes

• Events of instruction

• Minimizing information overload

• Facilitating knowledge construction and understanding… 22

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Teaching and Delivering Online (2/2)

• Facilitation/ delivery:

• Online induction

• Salmon’s five-stage model…

▪ E-moderating

• Interaction activities

• Choosing tools…


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Salmon’s Five-Stage Model of Teaching and Learning Online

(© Salmon, 2004) 24

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Choosing Tools for Interaction

(© Dolence and Associates, 2015) 25

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Considerations when Choosing Tools for Interaction

• Target learning outcome(s)

• Level of interaction required

• Synchronous or asynchronous?

• Level of skill required

• Technological infrastructure

Adapted from Pappas (2014)


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Useful Categories of Tools

• Blogging

• E-portfolios

• Brainstorming/ mind-mapping

• Photo- and video- sharing

• Podcasting

• Presentations/ animations

• Quizzes

• Screen-casting/ screen-sharing

• Social media

• Video- and web- conferencing

• VLE platforms

• Forums, chat rooms, assignment uploading, etc.

• Wikis/ collaborative authoring

See also Slattery (2015) for a list of relevant tools under each category 27

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Some Considerations when Devising E-Assessments

• Which learning outcomes must be assessed?

• How should we assess the learning outcomes?

• Can technology help, and if so how?

• When will we assess?

• Can we provide formative feedback?

▪ If so, who, when and how?


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Common Types of E-Assessment Activities

• Web-based tests and quizzes

• Reflective blogs

• E-portfolios

• Problem-based learning (PBL) scenarios

• E-tivities…

• Some considerations when planning online activities:

▪ Assess individual- and/ or group- work?

▪ How to assess online participation:

• Quantitative and qualitative measures

(Garrison and Anderson, 2003; Horton, 2011; JISC, 2014)


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Salmon’s E-tivities: Key Features

• A small piece of information, a stimulus, or challenge (known as the ‘spark’)

• Undertaken online (usually in a forum)

• Interactive

• E-moderator provides feedback

• Includes detailed instructions (the ‘invitation’)

(Salmon, 2002)


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Key Principles and Considerations for Building E-tivities

• Decide what you want the student to do (task).

▪ Ensure student knows what you want them to do.

• Align e-tivities with learning outcomes, teaching methods, and other assessments.

• Create meaningful e-tivities (purpose).

• Use five-stage model to build appropriate e-tivities.

• Ensure there is collaboration (respond).

• Consider timing and pacing.

• Provide adequate e-moderating assistance.

(Salmon, 2002)


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Evaluating Online Teaching and Learning


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Presentation Summary

In this presentation, I discussed:

• Some common questions/ challenges faced by online tutors.

• Some considerations when determining if your course is a good candidate for online delivery.

• How to plan learning pathways and materials for online. • Some initiatives to help online tutors convert their programs.

• Some considerations when teaching and delivering online. • Some considerations when choosing tools for interaction.

• Some considerations when devising e-assessments. • Common types of e-assessment activities.

• Some considerations when evaluating online teaching and learning. 33

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References (1/3)

• Arinto, P. B. (2013) A Framework for Developing Competencies in Open and Distance Learning, The International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 14(1), 167-185.

• Bolliger, D. and Wasilik, O. (2009) Factors Influencing Faculty Satisfaction with Online Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, Distance Education, 30(1), 103-116.

• Dolence, M. G. and Associates (2015) Top 100 Tools for Learning 2015 [online], available: http://mgdolence.com/2015/01/09/top-100-tools-for-learning-2014/

• Garrison, D. R. and Anderson, T. (2003), E-learning in the 21st Century, London: RoutledgeFalmer.

• Garrison, D. R. and Vaughan, N. D. (2008) Blended Learning in Higher Education: Framework, Principles, and Guidelines, San Francisco, CA: John Wiley & Sons.


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References (2/3)

• JISC (2014) Effective Practice Planner [online], available: http://www.webarchive.org.uk/wayback/archive/20140616083354/http://www.jisc.ac.uk/uploaded_documents/Effective%20practice%20planner.doc

• Johnson, T., Wisniewski, M. A., Kuhlemeyer, G., Isaacs, G., and Kryzkowski, J. (2012) Technology Adoption in Higher Education: Overcoming Anxiety Through Faculty Bootcamp, Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks, 16(2), 63-72.

• Pappas, C. (2014) 11 Tips to Choose the Best eLearning Authoring Tool [online], available: http://elearningindustry.com/11-tips-to-choose-the-best-elearning-authoring-tool

• Salmon, G. and Wright, P. (2014) Transforming Future Teaching through a ‘Carpe Diem’ Learning Design, Educational Sciences, 4, 52-63.

• Salmon, G. (2004), E-Moderating, 2nd edn., London: Taylor & Francis.


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References (3/3)

• Salmon, G. (2002, 2013) E-tivities. London: Kogan Page. • Sims, R., Dobbs, G., and Hand, T. (2002) Enhancing Quality in Online

Learning: Scaffolding Planning and Design Through Proactive Evaluation [online], available http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/0158791022000009169#.VZ6Yjl9VhBc

• Slattery, D. (2015) Useful Technology-Enhanced Learning Tools and Resources [online], available: http://www.staff.ul.ie/slatteryd/resources.html


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Other Interesting Resources (1/2)

• Hart, J. (2014) Best of Breed (Top 100 Tools for Learning 2014) [online], available: http://c4lpt.co.uk/top100tools/best-of-breed/

• Legault, N. (2012) The Ultimate E-learning Design and Development Checklist [online], available: http://nlegault.ca/2012/03/18/the-ultimate-e-learning-design-and-development-checklist/

• Smith Budhai, Stephanie (2014) Maximize In-Class Time by Moving Student Presentations Online [online], available: http://www.facultyfocus.com/articles/teaching-with-technology-articles/maximize-class-time-moving-student-presentations-online/


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Other Interesting Resources (2/2)

• The Future of State Universities (2011) Research on the Effectiveness of Online Learning: A Compilation of Research [online], available: http://www.schoolguru.in/pdf/Effectiveness_of_Online_Learning.pdf

• The National Center for Academic Transformation (NCAT) (2005) Five Principles of Successful Course Redesign [online], available: http://www.thencat.org/R2R/R2R%20PDFs/SuccCrsRed.pdf

• University of Leicester (2011) Carpe Diem Workshop Design for Learning Planner [online], available: https://www2.le.ac.uk/projects/oer/oers/beyond-distance-research-alliance/Carpe-Diem-Guide-June2011-final.docx [date last accessed: 5th May 2015].


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Feel free to ask now… or later!

Email: [email protected]

Web: http://www.staff.ul.ie/slatteryd

Twitter: @pmrdms

