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SLC Appoints I Know Your Westchester 23... · room finished attic. 2 car garage. Gas, hot water...

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•^r wm w THE BRONXVTLLE EXPORTER, BRQNXVTLLE, N..y., THURSDAY, AUGUST 21, 1552. TELEPHONE BR 2-7580 ' "'. •' : ' '" 'f * • , ' '. '""' ' •'• "-" .' '. ' . ' i i i I n I T r ii ,' ._ ii |if ——— i i nn i, ——•—•—^^ ^ f~VWT JT*% A ""•'••• ; - - • ft ' ^ ^————————.^——~—~- mil I Know Your Westchester FREMONT HOUSE in Sleepy Hollow Manor, North Tarrytown, once the home of Ge& John Charles Fremont, "The Pathfinder," stands today lonely and forgotten, its win- dows broken, its gardens chok- ed and overgrown with pines and underbrush. Scplmgs cloud the view of the Hudson River which once was a great attrac- tion from the wide veranda across the back. A ghost house, the mansion is a symbol of the HEALTHFULLY COOLED Pel ham Picture House 17g Wolfs Lane PE 8-3168 Au*., 21-33-23, Thurs.. Frt., Sat. CECIL B. DE MILLE'S "THE GREATEST SHOW- ON EARTH" In Technicolor Betty Hutton - t ornel Wilds STARTS srNDAT spencer Tracy In "PAT AND MIKE" passing of an era of the great mansions of Victorian splendor when Westchester's shores, from North Tankers to Ossining .out- shone Newport in glory and so- cial importance. Gen. Fremont lived here in the 1870's-8(ys after he had become one Of America's great heroes through bis combats with the Mexicans in the conquest of California and after he, with Kit Carson as bis guide, had blazed the Santa Fe Trail nhead of the covered wagons of the pioneers. So great was his fame that his name still clings to the house •ess RANDOLPH SCOTT W ? ^ WWW • I w wftSNtacoto $*i©wploee of in which he lived in Mount Pleasant, though he has been dead since 1890 and the house has seen many tenants since. Pokatoe Drive, which the house fates, keeps alive the name "Pokahoe," which the house was originally callod. It was built before ,1$50 by James Watson Webb, according to Er- nest Griffin, historian of Tar- ry town, and at one time be- longed to Ambrose C. Kings- land, a Mayor of New York, from whose estate on the Hud- son Kingsland's Point in Mount Pleasant got its name. James Watson Webb, diplomat and journalist, owner! the New York Morning Courier and Inquirer and as Ambassador Extraordin- ary to Brazil negotiated the withdrawal of. the French from' Mexico in 1867. His son, Alex- ander Webb, was a president of ^ie College of the City of New York in the mid-1800's and an- other son, ©r. William Seward Webb, married a daughter of William H. Vanderbilt. respite the sagging shutters and- its shattered windows, the solid stone structure of the house stands firm, a tribute to s the_ craf tsmanship of artisans of the past. There is an old world elegance to the vaulted ceil- ings, the groat fireplaces* -and* the dark polished wood finish- ings of the dim and dusky in- terior; SLC Appoints Several to I Faculty Posts (Continued from Page 1) Britain, Old Vic, and Stratford Me- morial Theatre. He hat directed and acted in - many -productions and lectured at colleges in Amer- ica arid Great Britain. Mrs. Helen Forrest Lauterer, who studied at Reed College, Car- negie Institute of Technology, Tra- phagen School of Fashion Design, and the New York Institute of Pho- tography, will also join the theatre department She has acted in New York productions with the Theatre Guild, Brock Pernberton and oth- ers. She was head of the costume department and a member of the acting company of the .Goodman Theatre in Chicago, and the Cleve- land Playhouse. Mrs. Lauterer's teaching experience includes the Traphag&n School, Bennington Col- lege, University of Oklahoma as well as Summer coaching and de- signing of productions at the Gar- den Theatre in St. Louis, North- western University, University of Michigan, University of Iowa and. Western Reserve University. She was a member of the Horn in the West Company! Designer Selected Joining the design •department will be Lawrence Peabpdy, who studied at the Rhode Island School of Design and the Royal Academy of Finer Arts m Copenhagen, where he was an instructor from' 1950 to 1951. He has since been a design- er with Selig Manufacturing Com- pany/' V Other appointments include Dr. Gerard 7 Fountain, who will serve as pediatric adviser in the Sarah Lawrence Nursery School. Dr. Fountain, who has a private prac- tice in Scarsdale, received his B.A. and M-Di. degrees from Yale Uni- versity. He was an intone, res- ident and instructor; |n m»dicine at Barnes-McMillan Hospital in St. Louis from 1943 to 1945, and a fel- low in neuropsychiatry in Bellevue Hospital from 1936 to> W*7. Miss Elizabeth C. Laney who studied at Ithaca College and re- ceived her M. A. degreelfrem New York University^ will be assistant to the director of physical educa- tion. She has headed the physical education departments at Fairfax Hall Junior College. Averette Co** lege ^Southern. Seminary. MM Lane, who also taught at Hunter College* was, for several years,; head of the department of physical therapy,; at Kei«M&H6apital, Bal- timore, and physical therapist at the New York State Rehabmtition HojsatalJShe' 'mom:, * candidate for her Ph. D. ^degree. Mrs. Robert Owen, a 1951 Sarah Lawrence graduate and wife of the Christ Church organist, will serve as hiuisie librarian. For the past year she has been an assistant at the Scarsdale Public Library. Solve Yobr hone BR««vUle 2-7580- —— LOST--*** ta&*^&^rhiMrmui around MaHerton Rd. Reward. Call Stare-, ford. Oemny; 2-8000. ^ -.^ Problems e Want Ad Result Number ^— Positions Want ad, Mali . desires In reta , t*tc. Cafl i _eeen ±ij -i. SING MAN office, afternoon*. Saturn or bustnesa 11S7-R. SB DETECTCVS AGENCY - DomeaUC criminal imrestitations. Armed guard*, hour service MOunt Vernon 8-3470. I'" IIII'II I," !• I Ml I 'JiMIMH H.'ll' ' I ii'. = = Kilp Wantod, Ftmals aaag "it i„ iu i.%'\* i "in i.""B OPERATORS Linin» makers, pocket maken. sleeve setters, section work. Union wages. 276 East 3rd -Sfcv MOunt Vatiwn 4-2886*; i ; NO - TYPIST With Westchester Real EsUte A Insur- ance Firm. 8 day week. State qualifica- tion! and WOP 520, =========== For Sals m 1 Guns missing- Guns bout and traded. Archery—Tackle. Ed Agra- monte. 301 Warburton, YOnkers 5-7550, 9-9 A-A $COOP J : mmmm GOOD Wantid to Bay Piano wanted. Stelnway or other. Ptase mention price and age. Box B-56, this Newspaper, •-a==^m" M -M-.i ...i ^ wm ... i ipartmtntt Untornlthtd staen MT. VERNON, CHESTER Httt 2nd floor, private home, quiet refined aur- roundlngs. 3 adulU only. S110. BIO S-StSO OFFICE SPACE available lor profesrionaT man. Gnhund floor, font S65. ^ WESTCHESTER APARTMENTS S Grove St. , port Chester 5-1688 n resu- Guaranteed lowest 209 SO. Broadway YOnkers 3-SS18 •'"• m "" '•—'••——••——•« I -II II. Mim ..—I.M.I ,,.„ II .„,.. yiii ••irf»p^*Mwn.,wi« •I.J, ii,(iii i • I, i t|l T JACK'S-«th ANNIVERSARY SALE. £ &*& !*QL-****• ** « f*»*ca. S3 South Ulain S t Port Chaster ant Jc technicians. LABORATORIES t)bs Ferry 3-5800 . M. G. Fritat AUTO MECHANIC Workshop foreman who likes his work. Capable directing 5 man. Vacation. hoU- -days, insurance. TArrytown 4-2829; eves. BANG UP PI STEINW.AY used Spinet and Studio, _ Terms. GOLBRANSON. 113 WHite Pfains 8-3033. " " — i r w i n — . i , M.i-.ii. 'SALE TD. Excellent BAR-B-Q Chickens Ready >"•' ni>' •¥• to serve. A. * 8. 7-9415 Prompt deliveries. S tunes daily. Farm*, 65H 4th A%y. MoTVac BARGAINS GALORE! ^Unclaimed 9x13 rugs from 510. Large stock, all sizes. «** SACK'S. 3651 3rd Ave., Bronx (189th, 170th St»). BROADLOOM Twist 1 7 A 15'; '2.000 yds. Mutt go. $6.75 sq. yd. Grey, Green, Beige. •t go, $8.75 aq, RPET Shop. 137 New St., Yonkers •s Aiitornobile Mocbanics Chrysler products experience. Good SSIL Incentive. Vacation and insurance. Cra t r - O'Keefe, 230 So. 5th Ave- MO S- BOYS 12— I6YEARSC$B APPLY NOW S > expected route openings September 2nd. in business tor yourself working less than an hour a day. :ALL NOW * BRInxville 2-7580 ASK^FOR MISS TAYLOR , > Burroighs Bbokkeeping Macfiine Operator WhO would like to supplement his potent earnings wit% a part time position. Week- ends only (approximately 12 hrs.) Writ* stating age, phone number and hourly wage desired Box 523 WCP, this paper. ISHWASHER mo. plus full maintenance Chester ! Blonde Brunette, Red haired Dolls with Chignons. MAISON DES MINIATURES 14 Studio Arcade v BR 2-0284 Apartmants Furnithid Can, Truokt and Tralltra ••> * 1953 PONTLAC CONVERTIBLE 1951 PONTIAC 4-DOOR SEDAN 22 I^S^iJooV ION WAGO » McANDREW - JERNIGAN PONTIAC, INC. 541 Post Rd. TUckahoo 8-H00 1948 BUICK SUPER CONVERTIBLE CENTRAL AUTO SALES 825 Yonkers Ave. Opp. Yonkers Raceway 3tt ROOM Furnished Apt. living room." bedroom, full kitchen, dinette, bath. TUckahoe 8-7954. Call Wanted To Rant , [• ifj ', " , • • • ' ass UNFURNISHED 3 or 4 ROOM APT. For 2. Please write Box B-58 this news- tmpar. - Housat For Sala •' "•'" I "'• I " I B "• " ' BRONXVILLE Modern white Colonial in quiet residential section. Large living and dining rooms, power room, large streamlined kitchen. 3 matter bedrooms, 2 baths, maid's room and bath. Approximately % acre nicely landscaped grounds. Large shade trees, flowers and many extras. $47,500.' SHERWOOD F. MARVIN AGENCY 71 Pondfield Road BRonxvUie 2-3450 Fine picture framing *na trames tor artists BRONXVILLE ART and HOBBY SHOP. 122 Pondfiald Road. BRonxvlHa 3-8015. • ii i . i . ; , i ' ' • ' JJn'Mi 1.1 :' i J i I ' J ) ' i. i n . » r . •• GRAND PIANO. Mahogany, B' M" Mason A Hamlin. Fin* condition. (1200. CM NEW Rochelle 2-4869. BRYN MAWR 7 rooms, 2H baths, oil heat, large rooms. RUTH FURGEUIELE 4 Fisher Ave. $20,000 unusually SP 9-T798 OPPOSITE CRESTWOOD STATION HAMMOND organs, Hammond Chord organs. (Learn to play in 5 minutes) S year terms. GOLBRANSON. 113 E. Toat Road, WHite Plaint 8-3033. BRYN MAWR VICINITY. 2 family shin- gle, clapboard. 2-5 room aptt., plus 2 room finished attic. 2 car garage. Gas, hot water heat. 118.500. YOnkers 8-0923. J DUNWOODIE, Yonkers — 8 room house, oil heat, garage, near schools. Many ex- tras. $12,000. YOnkers 9-1526. REDUCED FOR CLEARANCE New Console Irondrt—fully automatic Bendix _ Now $175 ' Speed Queen Now $ 95 I. BURACK, INC. 550 Saw Mill River Rd. YOnkert 8-8104 109 E. UPRIGHT PIANO ONLY $28 Prospect Ave. Ml. Vernon == Coal - Wood Full Oil Live in $125 5-4420 CHEN HELPER Live in $135_month plus full maintenance Acetylene burner Permanent. Globe Repair Co., lOOl Saw Mill v,: i 'V/ if r ,| ^$ l i. , ' 1 i i .:!s.j.^" l . ii'ii-^ir.i Positions Wantad Famala W4SNIRCOLOB RADIO CITY MUSIC HALL Sir Wo'**' Scot! t "IVANHOE" l i i i r l T1TLU . ObgMtl T i M I • JIM FIITAiK • fiitrft SANIEIS EaiH ffUlUHS Color by TECHNICOLOR An *-G-M P)C(uft P/U. SPECTACULAR STAGE PRESENTATION Rotk«'tll«f Q»rtt WILD, EXCfTING LOVE ON A TROPIC STARTS TOMORROW (Far C Days) ~% At New Roehalla = ——AND—r- = Hit. Vernon ZSZ 1 Linda DARNELL HUNT ' ER ;riSLAND OF DESIRE Today Only —•» 'REO HVM"E mmmmmm^mmrAND A MASTEtf IECE Of ADVENTURE . . . RICHARD CONTE "The FIGHTER" BRONXVILLE HEALTHFULLY AIM CONDITIONED Playhouse's 'The Guardsman 9 Needs Tongue in CheekViewing witri aplomb. He is a good foil to veteran Elizabeth Watts as Mama, ; Other supporting* players, Iflt of whom stand up well, are Sharon "Mamm as Liesei, F i w ^ Flesaipg, Playhouse co-producer and tech- nical director, as V cpe^fealB, and Joyce Low, Smith College stu- denfc fs an usher. Producer Barton H. Emialt M* recteit; Betty Wiles created th» sets, and Frances Malek handled costuming. • - To wind up its season, the Playhouse next week will, present a version of "Kiss Me Kate." MOUNT KISCO— By EDITH BARBER MATHEY Audiences' will enjoy Ferenc Molnar's 'The Guardsman" at the Westchester Playhouse this week if they prepare to view it with tongue in cheek. For the benefit of those who may not remember the Lunts* version many years back, we'd better explain that the comedy is European in flavor—subtle? so- phisticated and sly. Its theme is an inversion of the eternal tri- angle, with the wronged husband left in the dilemma of being jealous of himself. EXPERIEN evtnings. Tuckahoe =t woman desires posiUtm sittinf la the vicinity ot fonxvilM. TUckahoe 3-7036. SEASONED Flrealace logs — Canndl coal and kindling. Choice of sizes. WEBSTER FUEL MW 56 Beechwood Ave. NEW 2-3*37 Patt !*=(= Suppliai .'• . = Get Your Fall poodle Haircut at THE POODLE SHOP 135 Court St. (closed Mon. | WH 8-1948 3= J_ GORGEOUS HOMES. Terrific reductions. 4 master bedrooms. 4H baths. Ideal. BARROW-MONCRTEFF RYe 7-1460 IMS PONTIAC Sta. Wagon, hydramatie 1950 BUICK Special 2 door DynaflOw 1950 Pontiac Chieftain, 4 door hydramatH RUCKLE PONTIAC CO. 333 South Broadway YO 3-7710 Monday - Friday 8:30 A.M. to 9 P.M. Saturday 8:30 A.M. to 1 P.Mr 1951 PLYMOUTH "CRANBROOK" ALFRED H. GATTO 234 Hamilton Ave. WHite Plains 8-4818 Wantad Cart and Truck. USED CARS WANTED. '40 TO 'S3 COUNTY CENTER MOTORS 384 Central Avenue WHite Plains Auto Jccessorits Sarvlaa SALES A SERVICE ON ALL Foreign & Domestic Cars SCHUMACHER AUTO PARTS 575 Yonkers Ave. YOnkers 5-UTT Boats - Service Accessories CORRECT CRAFT CRUISERS On display for immediate delivery. Luxurious 36' sedan cruiser 2—115 H.P. Grays, shower, sleeps 21' express cruiser, 80 H.P. Gray. Some selected MTNNEFORD YACHT 139 City Island Ave. YARD A MARINA City Island 8-1800 Business Directory MT. VERNON — 3 family frame. Immed- aite possession. Good income. Price 815,500. Southside Broker, MOunt Vernon 4-5385. PLEASANTVILLE—8% room. Suitable 2 family. Also 1 room cotttage. 55x188, low taxes, garage. PLeasantville 2-1369-M. RANCH TYPE, 5 rooms, bath, garage. Artesian well. Acre. 812,500 or 16 acres. 820,000. Bethel. Conn. Sale—exchange. Mt. Vernon or vicinity. Owner Write Box 518 WCP. this Newspaper. AWNINGS. SHADES, VENETIAN BLINDS BERA AWNING A SHADE CO. 139 Elm Street YOnkers 5-0088 COW MANURE, shredded humus and soil. Delivered. JULIUS WESTFALL, Florence S t , MAmaroneck 9-1023. 3 ECONOMICAL, immediate TV call by fac- tory trained technicians in your home, only 83 Antennas installed, low cost serv- ice contracts. "PRESTIGE" APPLIANCE NEw Rochelle 2-7720 MO Vernon 8-3711 RIVERSIDE—Beautiful 3 bedroom house, VA baths; convenient. 826,500. Mrs. James Murphy. DLd Greenwich 7-0896. 85.000 DOWN« balance On terms for charm- ing community house near Bronxvllle school. 7 rooms. 2 baths. WM. MULLER JR. MOunt Vernon 8-1957. Lata, Farms, Acreage WantedtoBuy afcc ALFRED COOPER. furniture, an- tique*, ehlna. silver. Jewelry, pianos, rugs. Ave., YOnkers 5-4075. ANTIQUES. Bric-a-brac, Silver, Jewelry, Plane*, Rati. Furrttur*. Unem. Estates. ttt. D. OSCHAROFF, Appraisers 134 Boston Post Rd. LArcntoont 2-1473 84000—Buys lovely level plot on dead end atreet within village limits. 10.000 s<j. ft. Wm. Muller Jr. MOunt Vermm 8-1857 Business Opportunities FURNITURE dry cleaned. Made to look new. Modern cleaning methods. Reason- able rates. Estimates without obUgattan. B. Towbis A Son. BRonxvllle 3-5127. GILBERT E. SUSEBACH ROOFING - LEADERS - GUTTERS MO. 7-6118 HOME FURNACES, CHTMNEYS CLEANED — SCRAPED — VACUUMED POHL A MUIR, Inc. WH 8-4387 JOHN NIGRO MASON CONTRACTOR Sidewalks, Driveways. Flagstone T< MOunt Vernon 7-7806 Bronco Round-Up Frl.s Sat., Sun.. Mon. "PAT and Spencer Tracy Aug. 22-23-24-25 I! Katharine Hepburn Tues., Wed. Aug. 26-27 "KING KONG" Bruce Cabot Robert Armstrong IH 19 Frf.f Sat. > Aug. 28-29-30 BY NIGHT" Paul Douglas »»^»R*************************************** rf Special Children's Show Wednesday at 1:30 P. M. "CLASH Barbara Stanwyck t Miss McFarlaitd Beautiful In tht part of the actress, Nan McFarland is beautiful in a series of gorgeous costumes. Contrasted with the strident voice and ag- gressive mariner she had to em- ploy in last week's "On Approval," her current rqle allows her to use a delicate shading of voice and gesture, which makes for more al- lure. Despite his second billing, John Heldabrand has fart greater scope for his talents. As the actor whose plot against his wife's fidelity backfires, he has a dual role with obvious opportunity for versatility. Under his real name of Bernard Malek, Heldabrand is a product of the Bronxville School and later worked in the dance with Martha Graham. His terpsichorean train- ing stands him in good stead in the present vehicle. Critic Played with Aplomb Ralph Bunker interprets the role of the critic, Dr. Bernhard * ^™**!*"^l»- *** Um Lv. Playland Rye for Bridgeport—12 Noon L*. Poland Ry» for NYC-11:30 a,m. # Wkd«y Rd. Tr. Fare—Ad.fl.M, Chil. V— Surtday Rd. Tr. Pare—Ad. 81.85, ChU. 1— •ESECK LINE i U f f ^ & & ^ ' V"" ! * " ' * " m • " mm "" lp " '" '' ••' - ' eeK-end; f > \MT TO / C^U of ft Venga' May Lure Pup From 'Roman' Habla Usted Esjumol? If you do, keep your? weather eye open Sot* a lost honey-oolored cocker Span- iel, with a slightly shorter-than- usual tail, who,, "speaks" nothing but Spanish. The, dog, who answers to "Pup- py Dog," if you use a strong Span- ish accent, took a "nose-dive" out of the car window last week as his mistress, Mrs. Norton Grubb of Briar Brae Road, Stamford, Conn, was driving on Pondfield Road on her way to visit a sick friend* at Lawrence Hospital Puppy Dog was acquired in El Salvador, Central America,: white his master, Mr. Brubb, was sta- tioned there with the Standard Oil Co. of New Jersey. The pup has been too busy since he "immigra- ted" to this country a few months ago, to pick up much English. His two young masters, Norton Jr., and Page, are away and so far have not been informed Of his loss. If you see Puppy Dog, call "Venga," and maybe he will come. If he does, give him a piece of candy and notify bis owners. More Golfers Every Day . Golf has come a long way since the days when the Scots used to bat around small elastic balls of leather stuffed with feathers. Of course, if it had not been for King James IV otJ§co$!nj& t&«"el^wM be no golf game today. Seems that a bunch of loafers were playing a silly game and wasting their time, and the government.in,M91,,was about to bin the gamd by law, when the golf bug bit oW James him- self and from that day on golf took a boom. ^ Mary, Queen of Soots was the first woman goMer. If she ' didn't set any course records she was the first to call the lad, who carried the bag, the "cadet." That's how the word caddie originated. Probably Francis Ouimet, a Boston caddy, gave the game of golf the lift It needed in America when, back in 191S, he beat the great Harry Vardon and Edward Bay of England for the-17. S. Open championship. Golf took a boom after World War I with the great Walter Hagen winning the PGA in 1921, 24, 25, 26 and 1927. Then came the greatest golfer of them all—the one and only "grand slammer Bobby JOnts. He won them all in 1930. Then Sarazen, Nelson and Hogan brought the game up to date. <• The filpt official golf course in America with any records to sub- stantiate the claim was built in the 1880*8 by John G. Reid, "Father of American Golf." This course was built.in Yonkers and was called St. Andrews. •• * . * SELLING? — BUYING? ALL TYPES OF BUSINESSES BERMAN BROKERS . Wisconsin 7-6459 Mortfaft Loans investment! $2.000—2nd Mortgages, 6% Interest. WiU buy existing mortgages In any amount. Civic Investors, MOunt Vernon 8-6137. 1st—2nd Mortgages Bought—Sold—Placed INVESTORS FUNDING CORP. MUrray Hill 7-5384 i pi I " Gars, Trades and Trailers \VW PACKARD CONVERTIBLE — 8995 H. V. HACKERT MOTORS 268 WeslcTiester Ave. WHite Plains 8-5700 JOHN ENEA, Contractor. YOnkers 5-5771 Driveways. Terraces, Walks. Walls Estimates for landscaping. SP. 8-2968-W. NOBLE VAN * STORAGE CO. Local nation wide moving. Packing and ship- ping. Dally trips to N.Y.C., Long Island, New Jersey. BRoaxvUla 2-4044. ONLY OVERHEAD DOOR COMPANY makes the "OVERHEAD DOOR" Salea- Servlce. Call WHite Plains 9-5606. , ' Roof Leaks Stopped All Types Roofing, Carpentry. 3. Rehm, 481 Palisade Ave. YO 5-2788 THE NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO. ONLY WESTCHESTER COUNTY OFFICE SALES—SERVICE NEW—REBUILT 246 So. Broadway YOnkers 3-2360 l is WILDWOOD TREE SURGEONS Tree removal, pruning, free estimates. TUckahoe 3-8636 Joe Butler of Siwanoy • '• • • PLAYLAND PICNIC OROVES AMUSEMWTSMOVIEACH Fireworks™ 1 ! LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Trustees of the Village of Bronx. compliance with Section A rich heritage belongs to Joe Butler Over at the Siwanoy Golf Club. Everybody knows and likes the affable Joe, who for over SO years has been the greens keener at Siwanoy and it the daddy of them all when It comes to keeping a club in good shape. Before Joe came to Siwanoy he was in charge of the St. Andrews course. Bis golf heritage is that his father was the first green* keeper when St. Andrews was built. Are thare still members over at Siwanoy who remember the great Vardon and Ray playing exhibitions at Siwanoy? When the Kerrigan brothers came to Siwanoy? The sensational tournament play of Tom Kerrigan? Caddies over at Siwanoy like Gene Sarazen, John FarreJi, Tom Creavy, Jim Farrell, Wee Creavy and a flock of others who made golf history? Siwanoy hat made her contribution to the golf game. Why Is Golf SoPopular? The encyclopedia tells us that golf is the most popular outdoor sport in the united States—that 2,500,000 players employ about 500,- 000 caddies, use 2,800 private club courses, 1,200 daily-fee courses and 700 public-owned courses every year. A chap walks close .to three miles when he tours a course, but, of course, that has a lot to do with the ability of the player. When 3,000 spectators follow a golfer they are tht greatest sympathetic spectator audience of any sport. Every spectator hits every shot, suffers every blow, talks every shot for a month after. Let the golfer take 100 blows but Just make one of them a 20- foot down-hill putt that goes in and what a round! It's a Jekyll- Hyde impersonation on every green. The guy you are playing for the caddy fie blows a three-footer which hangs on the lip and au- tomatically you spout, "Sorry, tough," when you feel something else. You put all the pressure you can on your opponent in this game of gentlemen. You swear and pray.In one breath. You cry and laugh. There is always the Impulse to cheat.' You, waste a whole day to play the game. You hurry up and wait at all times. In spite of it all the game has a fascination greater than any sport ••*••» - a - * ' * * Everybody in town looks to our WANT ADS for FAST ACTION! THROUGH THE FOLLOWING WESTCHESTER GROUP NEWSPAPERS DAILIES: YONKERS . . . . *ft VERNON . . . NEW ROCHELLE . . MAMARONECK . . . PORT CHESTER * . WHITE PLAINS . . TARRYTOWN . . . , OSSINING . . . . PEEKSKILL . . . . WEEKLIES: MT. KISCO . . . CHAPPAQUA . . . . HARRISON . . . . URCHMONT BRONXVILLE X (Tuesday and Thursday) - Harsld Statesman Daily Argus * Standard-Star - Dally Times . . Daily Itsm Reporter Dispatch - Dally Naws Citiian Register Evening Star (Affil.) No. Westchester Ttm«< New Castle Tribune Citiien Observer • y • • - Tims* Reporter YOUR AD WILL ENTER OVER 130,000 HOMES CALL TODAY! DON'T DELAY! This Combination SsrWet C M I t Tein it T l t t t Lew Rates! Rates are based on a 3-iine ad wiuch a the »H»I-»^ H « . ~ reouiremtnt. use weeklies are floured lor one insertion in the 1, a, and 6 time rates. 3 lines for 6 consecutive) insertions $27.60 ADD $•.*> FOR EACH LINE OVER THE 3 LfNE MINIMUM Artie icte JV. 10, 1, ot ~. W w« ^.. of Ordinance/ Jfcftnbcr the General Ordinances in effect May 1, 3849. wJU hold a public hearing ta the Village Hall at 200 PondfWld Road. Bronx- ville. Hew York, on the 8th day of Sep- tember, 1952. at 8 P.M. to consider the a ^ ^ u a ^ ^ ^ u ? MSS8. tor the V*y °ggtonll"g January 1. 1953 upon tha recommendation of that the same number of be issued for the year 1963 as were issued for the previous year with. th« exception of one additional license to Thomas I. therefor on or before January I, ^953. RI< L. BLACK. 8/21, 28. T-3 All Around the T«wn Coach Jack Rosensteto has had a good Robin baseball dob this yeartothe Hudson Valley League. Last Sunday at Bsst- - Chester, h i hadtoface she lookers Pioneers, who were league leaders. If he took both games the Robins would be one-half game in the I t s * Split and nothing would be gained. Lose them both sad they would be out of contention. With the pressure on in the first, the thundering bats of Gallo, Fcrri and Kreutser did the Job. Ferrl hit S Ruthlan blasttotie the game in the 9th. Gallo hit twicetorthe reoSd circuit Rrentoer blasted out three timely hits, the third in the eleventh, which spelled victory. This club , is made up of Bronxville, Eastchester and Tuckahoe players who graduated from our schools and Reareation Leagues and it is proving one of the best in the business Joe Buderwitz, Bronxville play-ground supervisor, will go back early to Holy Cross to report on Sept. 2 for the football club . . . Larry Travels, star at Stepinaty will report to Holy Cross for the Fr£sh club . i* Fred Wright won the Leewood golf. ch|b championship fo# the seventh time in the past quarter of a century , . . Nice way to'celebrate s silver jubilee . . . Joe Pittore and Pat Maseffi of SH|anoy firUshed third in the Westchester Pro-Am tourney out of 4 * BiM Of 1 H P n l ^i^iiV'iBstaWrT"* 1 ^ s ""'•'• i Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com
Page 1: SLC Appoints I Know Your Westchester 23... · room finished attic. 2 car garage. Gas, hot water heat. 118.500. YOnkers 8-0923. J DUNWOODIE, Yonkers — 8 room house, oil heat, garage,

• ^ r — • — — — • wm • w

THE BRONXVTLLE EXPORTER, BRQNXVTLLE, N..y., THURSDAY, AUGUST 21, 1552. TELEPHONE BR 2-7580 ' " ' . •' : ' '" 'f * • , ' ' . ' " " ' ' •'• " - " . ' ' . ' « ' . ' i i i I n I T r ii , ' ._ i i | i f

— — — i i nn i, — — • — • — ^ ^ ^ f~VWT JT*% A ""•'••• ;- - • f t ' ^ ^ — — — — — — — — . ^ — — ~ — ~ - mil

I Know Your Westchester

FREMONT HOUSE in Sleepy Hollow Manor, North Tarrytown, once the home of Ge& John Charles Fremont, "The Pathfinder," stands today lonely and forgotten, its win­dows broken, its gardens chok­ed and overgrown with pines and underbrush. Scplmgs cloud the view of the Hudson River which once was a great attrac­tion from the wide veranda across the back. A ghost house, the mansion is a symbol of the


Pel ham Picture House

17g Wolfs Lane PE 8-3168 Au*., 21-33-23, Thurs.. Frt., Sat.


ON EARTH" In Technicolor

Betty Hutton - t ornel Wilds STARTS s r N D A T spencer Tracy In


passing of an era of the great mansions of Victorian splendor when Westchester's shores, from North Tankers to Ossining .out­shone Newport in glory and so­cial importance. Gen. Fremont lived here in the 1870's-8(ys after he had become one Of America's great heroes through bis combats with the Mexicans in the conquest of California and after he, with Kit Carson as bis guide, had blazed the Santa Fe Trail nhead of the covered wagons of the pioneers. So great was his fame that his name still clings to the house


SCOTT W ? ^ WWW • I w wftSNtacoto

$*i©wploee of

in which he lived in Mount Pleasant, though he has been dead since 1890 and the house has seen many tenants since. Pokatoe Drive, which the house fates, keeps alive the name "Pokahoe," which the house was originally callod. It was built before ,1$50 by James Watson Webb, according to Er­nest Griffin, historian of Tar­ry town, and at one time be­longed to Ambrose C. Kings-land, a Mayor of New York, from whose estate on the Hud­son Kingsland's Point in Mount Pleasant got its name. James Watson Webb, diplomat and journalist, owner! the New York Morning Courier and Inquirer and as Ambassador Extraordin­ary to Brazil negotiated the withdrawal of. the French from' Mexico in 1867. His son, Alex­ander Webb, was a president of ^ie College of the City of New York in the mid-1800's and an­other son, ©r. William Seward Webb, married a daughter of William H. Vanderbilt. respite the sagging shutters and- its shattered windows, the solid stone structure of the house stands firm, a tribute to sthe_ craf tsmanship of artisans of the past. There is an old world elegance to the vaulted ceil­ings, the groat fireplaces* -and* the dark polished wood finish­ings of the dim and dusky in­terior;

SLC Appoints Several to I Faculty Posts

(Continued from Page 1)

Britain, Old Vic, and Stratford Me­morial Theatre. He hat directed and acted in - many -productions and lectured at colleges in Amer­ica arid Great Britain.

Mrs. Helen Forrest Lauterer, who studied at Reed College, Car­negie Institute of Technology, Tra-phagen School of Fashion Design, and the New York Institute of Pho­tography, will also join the theatre department She has acted in New York productions with the Theatre Guild, Brock Pernberton and oth­ers. She was head of the costume department and a member of the acting company of the .Goodman Theatre in Chicago, and the Cleve­land Playhouse. Mrs. Lauterer's teaching experience includes the Traphag&n School, Bennington Col­lege, University of Oklahoma as well as Summer coaching and de­signing of productions at the Gar­den Theatre in St. Louis, North­western University, University of Michigan, University of Iowa and. Western Reserve University. She was a member of the Horn in the West Company!

Designer Selected Joining the design •department

will be Lawrence Peabpdy, who studied at the Rhode Island School of Design and the Royal Academy of Finer Arts m Copenhagen, where he was an instructor from' 1950 to 1951. He has since been a design­er with Selig Manufacturing Com­pany/ ' V

Other appointments include Dr. Gerard7 Fountain, who will serve as pediatric adviser in the Sarah Lawrence Nursery School. Dr. Fountain, who has a private prac­tice in Scarsdale, received his B.A. and M-Di. degrees from Yale Uni­versity. He was an intone, res­ident and instructor; |n m»dicine at Barnes-McMillan Hospital in St. Louis from 1943 to 1945, and a fel­low in neuropsychiatry in Bellevue Hospital from 1936 to> W*7.

Miss Elizabeth C. Laney who studied at Ithaca College and re­ceived her M. A. degreelfrem New York University^ will be assistant to the director of physical educa­tion. She has headed the physical education departments at Fairfax Hall Junior College. Averette Co** lege ^ S o u t h e r n . Seminary. M M Lane, who also taught at Hunter College* was, for several years,; head of the department of physical therapy,; at Kei«M&H6apital, Bal­timore, and physical therapist at the New York State Rehabmtition HojsatalJShe' 'mom:, * candidate for her Ph. D. ^degree.

Mrs. Robert Owen, a 1951 Sarah Lawrence graduate and wife of the Christ Church organist, will serve as hiuisie librarian. For the past year she has been an assistant at the Scarsdale Public Library.

Solve Yobr hone BR««vUle 2-7580-

— —

LOST--*** ta&*^&^rhiMrmui around MaHerton Rd. Reward. Call Stare-, ford. Oemny; 2-8000.

^ - . ^

Problems e Want Ad Result Number

^ — Positions Want ad, M a l i .

desires In reta

, t*tc. Cafl i _eeen ±ij - i .


office, afternoon*. Saturn

or bustnesa 11S7-R.


DETECTCVS AGENCY - DomeaUC criminal imrestitations. Armed guard*, hour service MOunt Vernon 8-3470.

I'" IIII'II I," !• I Ml I ' J iMIMH H.'ll' ' I ii'. = = Kilp Wantod, Ftmals

aaag "it i„ iu i.%'\* i "in i.""B

OPERATORS Linin» makers, pocket maken. sleeve setters, section work. Union wages. 276 East 3rd -Sfcv MOunt Vatiwn 4-2886*; i ;

N O - TYPIST With Westchester Real EsUte A Insur­ance Firm. 8 day week. State qualifica­tion! and WOP 520,


For Sals

m 1 Guns missing- Guns bout and traded. Archery—Tackle. Ed Agra-monte. 301 Warburton, YOnkers 5-7550, 9-9


J: mmmm


Wantid to Bay Piano wanted. Stelnway or other.

P t a s e mention price and age. Box B-56, this Newspaper, • - a = = ^ m " M -M-.i ...i ^ wm ... i

ipar tmtnt t Untornlthtd staen

MT. VERNON, CHESTER H t t t — 2nd floor, private home, quiet refined aur-roundlngs. 3 adulU only. S110. BIO S-StSO OFFICE SPACE available lor profesrionaT man. Gnhund floor, font S65.

WESTCHESTER APARTMENTS S Grove St. , port Chester 5-1688

n resu-Guaranteed lowest

209 SO. Broadway YOnkers 3-SS18 • ' " • m " " ' • — ' • • — — • • — — • « I • - I I I I . Mim . . — I . M . I , , . „ II . „ , . . y i i i ••irf»p^*Mwn.,wi« • I . J , ii,(iii i • I, i n»t|l

T JACK'S-«th ANNIVERSARY SALE. £ &*& !*QL-****• ** « f*»*ca.

S3 South Ulain S t Port Chaster

ant Jc technicians. LABORATORIES

t)bs Ferry 3-5800 . M. G. Fritat

AUTO MECHANIC Workshop foreman who likes his work. Capable directing 5 man. Vacation. hoU--days, insurance. TArrytown 4-2829; eves.


used Spinet and Studio, _ Terms. GOLBRANSON. 113 WHite Pfains 8-3033. " • " — — — — i r w i n — . i , M . i - . i i .

'SALE TD. Excellent

BAR-B-Q Chickens Ready > " • ' n i> ' •¥•

to serve. A. * 8.

7-9415 Prompt deliveries. S tunes daily. Farm*, 65H 4th A%y. MoTVac

BARGAINS GALORE! ^Unclaimed 9 x 1 3 rugs from 510. Large stock, all sizes.

«** SACK'S. 3651 3rd Ave., Bronx (189th, 170th St»).

BROADLOOM Twist 1 7 A 15'; '2.000 yds. Mutt go. $6.75 sq. yd. Grey, Green, Beige. • t go, $8.75 aq,

RPET Shop. 137 New St., Yonkers

•s Aiitornobile Mocbanics Chrysler products experience. Good SSIL Incentive. Vacation and insurance. Cra t r - O'Keefe, 230 So. 5th Ave- MO S-



S> expected route openings September 2nd. in business tor yourself working less

than an hour a day.

:ALL NOW * BRInxville 2-7580


Burroighs Bbokkeeping Macfiine Operator

WhO would like to supplement his potent earnings wit% a part time position. Week-ends only (approximately 12 hrs.) Writ* stating age, phone number and hourly wage desired Box 523 WCP, this paper.

ISHWASHER mo. plus full maintenance Chester !

Blonde Brunette, Red haired Dolls with Chignons. MAISON DES MINIATURES 14 Studio Arcade v BR 2-0284

Apartmants Furnithid

Can, Truokt and Tralltra • • • ••> • *



PONTIAC, INC. 541 Post Rd. TUckahoo 8-H00


825 Yonkers Ave. Opp. Yonkers Raceway

3tt ROOM Furnished Apt. living room." bedroom, full kitchen, dinette, bath. TUckahoe 8-7954.


Wanted To Rant , [• i f j ', " , • • • ' a s s

UNFURNISHED 3 or 4 ROOM APT. For 2. Please write Box B-58 this news-tmpar. - •

Housat For Sala •' "•'" I "'• I " I B "• " '

BRONXVILLE Modern white Colonial in quiet residential section. Large living and dining rooms, power room, large streamlined kitchen. 3 matter bedrooms, 2 baths, maid's room and bath. Approximately % acre nicely landscaped grounds. Large shade trees, flowers and many extras. $47,500.'

SHERWOOD F. MARVIN AGENCY 71 Pondfield Road BRonxvUie 2-3450

Fine picture framing *na trames tor artists BRONXVILLE ART and HOBBY SHOP.

122 Pondfiald Road. BRonxvlHa 3-8015. • ii i . i . ; , i ' ' • ' JJn'Mi 1.1 :' i J i I ' J ) ' i. i n . » r . ••

GRAND PIANO. Mahogany, B' M" Mason A Hamlin. Fin* condition. (1200. CM NEW Rochelle 2-4869.

BRYN MAWR 7 rooms, 2H baths, oil heat, large rooms.


$20,000 unusually


HAMMOND organs, Hammond Chord organs. (Learn to play in 5 minutes) S year terms. GOLBRANSON. 113 E. Toat Road, WHite Plaint 8-3033.

BRYN MAWR VICINITY. 2 family shin­gle, clapboard. 2 - 5 room aptt., plus 2 room finished attic. 2 car garage. Gas, hot water heat. 118.500. YOnkers 8-0923.

J DUNWOODIE, Yonkers — 8 room house, oil heat, garage, near schools. Many ex­tras. $12,000. YOnkers 9-1526.

REDUCED FOR CLEARANCE New Console Irondrt—fully automatic

Bendix _ Now $175 ' Speed Queen Now $ 95

I. BURACK, INC. 550 Saw Mill River Rd. YOnkert 8-8104

109 E.


Prospect Ave. Ml. Vernon = =

Coal - Wood • Full Oil

Live in $125 5-4420

CHEN HELPER Live in $135_month plus full maintenance

Acetylene burner Permanent. Globe

Repair Co., lOOl Saw Mill

v,:i'V/ifr,|^$li.,'1ii.:!s.j.^"l . ii'ii-^ir.i

Positions Wantad Famala



l i i i r l T1TLU . ObgMtl T i M I • J IM FIITAiK • fiitrft SANIEIS EaiH ffUlUHS • Color by TECHNICOLOR • An *-G-M P)C(uft


Rotk«'tll«f Q»rtt



At New Roehalla = ——AND—r- = Hit. Vernon ZSZ


Today Only —•»

'REO H V M " E

mmmmmm^mmrAND A MASTEtf IECE Of ADVENTURE . . .



Playhouse's 'The Guardsman9

Needs Tongue in CheekViewing witri aplomb. He is a good foil to veteran Elizabeth W a t t s as Mama, ;

Other supporting* players, Iflt of whom stand up well, are Sharon "Mamm as Liesei, F i w ^ Flesaipg, Playhouse co-producer and tech­nical director, as V cpe fealB, and Joyce Low, Smith College stu-denfc f s an usher.

Producer Barton H. Emialt M* recteit; Betty Wiles created th» sets, and Frances Malek handled costuming. • -

To wind up its season, the Playhouse next week will, present a version of "Kiss Me Kate."


Audiences' will enjoy Ferenc Molnar's 'The Guardsman" at the Westchester Playhouse this week if they prepare to view it with tongue in cheek.

For the benefit of those who may not remember the Lunts* version many years back, we'd better explain that the comedy is European in flavor—subtle? so­phisticated and sly. Its theme is an inversion of the eternal tri­angle, with the wronged husband left in the dilemma of being jealous of himself.

EXPERIEN evtnings. Tuckahoe

= t woman desires posiUtm

sittinf la the vicinity ot fonxvilM. TUckahoe 3-7036.

SEASONED Flrealace logs — Canndl coal and kindling. Choice of sizes.

WEBSTER FUEL MW 56 Beechwood Ave. NEW 2-3*37

Patt !*=(=

Suppliai . ' • . =

Get Your Fall poodle Haircut at THE POODLE SHOP

135 Court St. (closed Mon. | WH 8-1948 3 =

J _

GORGEOUS HOMES. Terrific reductions. 4 master bedrooms. 4H baths. Ideal. BARROW-MONCRTEFF RYe 7-1460

IMS PONTIAC Sta. Wagon, hydramatie 1950 BUICK Special 2 door DynaflOw 1950 Pontiac Chieftain, 4 door hydramatH

RUCKLE P O N T I A C C O . 333 South Broadway YO 3-7710

Monday - Friday 8:30 A.M. to 9 P.M. Saturday 8:30 A.M. to 1 P.Mr


234 Hamilton Ave. WHite Plains 8-4818

Wantad Cart and Truck. USED CARS WANTED. '40 TO 'S3

COUNTY CENTER MOTORS 384 Central Avenue WHite Plains

Auto Jccessorits Sarvlaa SALES A SERVICE ON ALL

Foreign & Domestic Cars SCHUMACHER AUTO PARTS

575 Yonkers Ave. YOnkers 5-UTT

Boats - Service Accessories CORRECT CRAFT CRUISERS

On display for immediate delivery. Luxurious 36' sedan cruiser

2—115 H.P. Grays, shower, sleeps • 21' express cruiser, 80 H.P. Gray.

Some selected MTNNEFORD YACHT 139 City Island Ave.

YARD A MARINA City Island 8-1800

Business Directory

MT. VERNON — 3 family frame. Immed-aite possession. Good income. Price 815,500. Southside Broker, MOunt Vernon 4-5385. P L E A S A N T V I L L E — 8 % room. Suitable 2 family. Also 1 room cotttage. 55x188, low taxes, garage. PLeasantville 2-1369-M. RANCH TYPE, 5 rooms, bath, garage. Artesian well. Acre. 812,500 or 16 acres. 820,000. Bethel. Conn. Sale—exchange. Mt. Vernon or vicinity. Owner Write Box 518 WCP. this Newspaper.


139 Elm Street YOnkers 5-0088 COW MANURE, shredded humus and soil. Delivered. JULIUS WESTFALL, Florence S t , MAmaroneck 9-1023.

3 ECONOMICAL, immediate TV call by fac­tory trained technicians in your home, only 8 3 Antennas installed, low cost serv­ice contracts.

"PRESTIGE" APPLIANCE NEw Rochelle 2-7720 MO Vernon 8-3711

RIVERSIDE—Beautiful 3 bedroom house, VA baths; convenient. 826,500. Mrs. James Murphy. DLd Greenwich 7-0896. 85.000 DOWN« balance On terms for charm­ing community house near Bronxvllle school. 7 rooms. 2 baths. WM. MULLER JR. MOunt Vernon 8-1957.

Lata, Farms, Acreage

Wanted to Buy afcc

ALFRED COOPER. furniture, an­tique*, ehlna. silver. Jewelry, pianos, rugs.

Ave., YOnkers 5-4075. ANTIQUES. Bric-a-brac, Silver, Jewelry, Plane*, Rati . Furrttur*. Unem. Estates. ttt. D. OSCHAROFF, Appraisers 134 Boston Post Rd. LArcntoont 2-1473

84000—Buys lovely level plot on dead end atreet within village limits. 10.000 s<j. ft. Wm. Muller Jr. MOunt Vermm 8-1857

Business Opportunities

FURNITURE dry cleaned. Made to look new. Modern cleaning methods. Reason­able rates. Estimates without obUgattan. B. Towbis A Son. BRonxvllle 3-5127.


MO. 7-6118



Sidewalks, Driveways. Flagstone T< MOunt Vernon 7-7806

Bronco Round-Up • •

Frl.s Sat., Sun.. Mon.

"PAT and Spencer Tracy

Aug. 22-23-24-25


Katharine Hepburn

Tues. , Wed . Aug. 26-27

"KING KONG" Bruce Cabot Robert Armstrong


19 Frf . f Sa t . > Aug. 28-29-30

BY NIGHT" Paul Douglas

» » ^ » R * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * r f

Special Children's Show Wednesday at 1:30 P. M.

"CLASH Barbara Stanwyck

t Miss McFarlaitd Beautiful

In tht part of the actress, Nan McFarland is beautiful in a series of gorgeous costumes. Contrasted with the strident voice and ag­gressive mariner she had to em­ploy in last week's "On Approval," her current rqle allows her to use a delicate shading of voice and gesture, which makes for more al­lure.

Despite his second billing, John Heldabrand has fart greater scope for his talents. As the actor whose plot against his wife's fidelity backfires, he has a dual role with obvious opportunity for versatility.

Under his real name of Bernard Malek, Heldabrand is a product of the Bronxville School and later worked in the dance with Martha Graham. His terpsichorean train­ing stands him in good stead in the present vehicle.

Critic Played with Aplomb Ralph Bunker interprets the

role of the critic, Dr. Bernhard

* ^™**!*"^l»-

*** Um •

Lv. Playland Rye for Bridgeport—12 Noon L*. P o l a n d Ry» for NYC-11:30 a,m.#

Wkd«y Rd. Tr. Fare—Ad.fl.M, Chil. V— Surtday Rd. Tr. Pare—Ad. 81.85, ChU. 1—

•ESECK LINE i U f f ^ & & ^ ' V " " ! * " ' * " m • "mm " " l p " ' " '' '» • • ' " » • - '

eeK-end; f > \ M T T O


C U of ftVenga' May Lure Pup From 'Roman'

Habla Usted Esjumol? If you do, keep your? weather eye open Sot* a lost honey-oolored cocker Span­iel, with a slightly shorter-than-usual tail, who,, "speaks" nothing but Spanish.

The, dog, who answers to "Pup­py Dog," if you use a strong Span­ish accent, took a "nose-dive" out of the car window last week as his mistress, Mrs. Norton Grubb of Briar Brae Road, Stamford, Conn, was driving on Pondfield Road on her way to visit a sick friend* at Lawrence Hospital

Puppy Dog was acquired in El Salvador, Central America,: white his master, Mr. Brubb, was sta­tioned there with the Standard Oil Co. of New Jersey. The pup has been too busy since he "immigra­ted" to this country a few months ago, to pick up much English. His two young masters, Norton Jr., and Page, are away and so far have not been informed Of his loss.

If you see Puppy Dog, call "Venga," and maybe he will come. If he does, give him a piece of candy and notify bis owners.

More Golfers Every Day . Golf has come a long way since the days when the Scots used

to bat around small elastic balls of leather stuffed with feathers. Of course, if it had not been for King James IV otJ§co$!nj& t&«"el^wM be no golf game today. Seems that a bunch of loafers were playing a silly game and wasting their time, and the government.in,M91,,was about to bin the gamd by law, when the golf bug bit oW James him­self and from that day on golf took a boom. ^

Mary, Queen of Soots was the first woman goMer. If she ' didn't set any course records she was the first to call the lad,

who carried the bag, the "cadet." That's how the word caddie originated. Probably Francis Ouimet, a Boston caddy, gave the game of golf the lift It needed in America when, back in 191S, he beat the great Harry Vardon and Edward Bay of England for the-17. S. Open championship.

Golf took a boom after World War I with the great Walter Hagen winning the PGA in 1921, 24, 25, 26 and 1927. Then came the greatest golfer of them all—the one and only "grand slammer Bobby JOnts. He won them all in 1930. Then Sarazen, Nelson and Hogan brought the game up to date. <•

The filpt official golf course in America with any records to sub­stantiate the claim was built in the 1880*8 by John G. Reid, "Father of American Golf." This course was built.in Yonkers and was called St. Andrews.

• • • * . *


BERMAN BROKERS . Wisconsin 7-6459

Mor t fa f t Loans investment! $2.000—2nd Mortgages, 6% Interest. WiU buy existing mortgages In any amount. Civic Investors, MOunt Vernon 8-6137. 1st—2nd Mortgages Bought—Sold—Placed


i p i I "

Gars, Trades and Trailers \VW PACKARD CONVERTIBLE — 8995

H. V. HACKERT MOTORS 268 WeslcTiester Ave. WHite Plains 8-5700

JOHN ENEA, Contractor. YOnkers 5-5771 Driveways. Terraces, Walks. Walls

Estimates for landscaping. SP. 8-2968-W. NOBLE VAN * STORAGE CO.

Local nation wide moving. Packing and ship­ping. Dally trips to N.Y.C., Long Island, New Jersey. BRoaxvUla 2-4044.

ONLY OVERHEAD DOOR COMPANY makes the "OVERHEAD DOOR" Salea-Servlce. Call WHite Plains 9-5606. , '

Roof Leaks Stopped All Types Roofing, Carpentry.

3. Rehm, 481 Palisade Ave. YO 5-2788 THE NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO.



WILDWOOD TREE SURGEONS Tree removal, pruning, free estimates.

TUckahoe 3-8636

Joe Butler of Siwanoy • ' • •

• • •





Board of Trustees of the Village of Bronx. compliance with Section

A rich heritage belongs to Joe Butler Over at the Siwanoy Golf Club. Everybody knows and likes the affable Joe, who for over SO years has been the greens keener at Siwanoy and it the daddy of them all when It comes to keeping a club in good shape. Before Joe came to Siwanoy he was in charge of the St. Andrews course. Bis golf heritage is that his father was the first green* keeper when St. Andrews was built.

Are thare still members over at Siwanoy who remember the great Vardon and Ray playing exhibitions at Siwanoy? When the Kerrigan brothers came to Siwanoy? The sensational tournament play of Tom Kerrigan? Caddies over at Siwanoy like Gene Sarazen, John FarreJi, Tom Creavy, Jim Farrell, Wee Creavy and a flock of others who made golf history? Siwanoy hat made her contribution to the golf game.

Why Is Golf SoPopular? The encyclopedia tells us that golf is the most popular outdoor

sport in the united States—that 2,500,000 players employ about 500,-000 caddies, use 2,800 private club courses, 1,200 daily-fee courses and 700 public-owned courses every year. A chap walks close .to three miles when he tours a course, but, of course, that has a lot to do with the ability of the player. When 3,000 spectators follow a golfer they are tht greatest sympathetic spectator audience of any sport. Every spectator hits every shot, suffers every blow, talks every shot for a month after.

Let the golfer take 100 blows but Just make one of them a 20-foot down-hill putt that goes in and what a round! It's a Jekyll-Hyde impersonation on every green. The guy you are playing for the caddy fie blows a three-footer which hangs on the lip and au­tomatically you spout, "Sorry, tough," when you feel something else. You put all the pressure you can on your opponent in this game of gentlemen. You swear and pray.In one breath. You cry and laugh. There is always the Impulse to cheat.' You, waste a whole day to play the game. You hurry up and wait at all times. In spite of i t all the game has a fascination greater than any sport

• • * • • » - a - * ' * *

Everybody in town looks to our





(Tuesday and Thursday)

- Harsld Statesman

• • Daily Argus

• * Standard-Star

- • Dally Times

• . . Daily Itsm

Reporter Dispatch

• - Dally Naws

Citiian Register

Evening Star (Affil.)

No. Westchester Ttm«<

New Castle Tribune

Citiien Observer

• y • • - Tims* Reporter


130,000 HOMES CALL TODAY! DON'T DELAY! This Combination SsrWet C M I t Tein it Tlttt Lew Rates!

Rates are based on a 3-iine ad wiuch a the » H » I - » ^ H « . ~ reouiremtnt.

use weeklies are floured lor one insertion in the 1, a, and 6 time rates.

3 lines for 6 consecutive) insertions $27 .60 ADD $•.*> FOR EACH LINE OVER THE 3 LfNE MINIMUM

Artie icte JV. 10,

1, ot ~.Ww« ^.. of Ordinance/ Jfcftnbcr the General Ordinances in effect May 1, 3849. wJU hold a public hearing ta the Village Hall at 200 PondfWld Road. Bronx-ville. Hew York, on the 8th day of Sep­tember, 1952. at 8 P.M. to consider the

a ^ ^ u a ^ ^ ^ u ? M S S 8 . t o r t h e V*y °ggtonll"g January 1. 1953 upon tha recommendation of that the same number of be issued for the year 1963 as were issued for the previous year with. th« exception of one additional license to Thomas I.

therefor on or before January I, ^953 .


8/21, 28. T-3

All Around the T«wn Coach Jack Rosensteto has had a good Robin baseball dob

this year to the Hudson Valley League. Last Sunday at Bsst-- Chester, h i had to face she lookers Pioneers, who were league

leaders. If he took both games the Robins would be one-half game in the I t s * Split and nothing would be gained. Lose them both sad they would be out of contention. With the pressure on in the first, the thundering bats of Gallo, Fcrri and Kreutser did the Job. Ferrl hit S Ruthlan blast to tie the game in the 9th. Gallo hit twice tor the reoSd circuit Rrentoer blasted out three timely hits, the third in the eleventh, which spelled victory. This club

, is made up of Bronxville, Eastchester and Tuckahoe players who graduated from our schools and Reareation Leagues and it is proving one of the best in the business

Joe Buderwitz, Bronxville play-ground supervisor, will go back early to Holy Cross to report on Sept. 2 for the football club . . . Larry Travels, star at Stepinaty will report to Holy Cross for the Fr£sh club . i * Fred Wright won the Leewood golf. ch|b championship fo# the seventh time in the past quarter of a century , . . Nice way to'celebrate s silver jubilee . . . Joe Pittore and Pat Maseffi of SH|anoy firUshed third in the Westchester Pro-Am tourney out of

4 * BiM Of1 H P n l i iiV'iBstaWrT"*1 s • ""'•'•

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