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Slide: 1 Interra Induction Training Object Oriented Programming in C++ IO Streams Kolkata, July 25, 2005
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Interra Induction Training

Object Oriented Programming in C++

IO Streams

Kolkata, July 25, 2005

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• Classes in C++ Stream I/O library

• Defining custom input, output functions for user defined types

• File Input/Output

• Input/Output using String Stream

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• Stream I/O library• Type-safe• Extensible• output to “output stream” object:

• cout << “Exit program? “;• cerr << “Error encountered\n”;

• input from “input stream” object:char answer [ 10 ] ;

cin >> answer ;

• cin, cout and cerr are static objects defined in the library.

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Stream Library Classes


istream ostream



ifstream ofstreamistrstream ostrstream


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Class iosclass ios {

public :




enum io_state { goodbit=0, eofbit=1, failbit=2,

badbit=4, hardfail=0200 };

int eof () const;

int fail () const;

int bad () const;

int good () const;

int rdstate () const;

void clear (int i = 0);

operator void* ();

int operator! () cost;




enum open_mode {in=1, out=2, ate=4, app=010, trunc=020

nocreate=040, noreplace=0100 };

enum seek_dir { beg=0, cur=1, end=2 };





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class ostreamclass ostream : virtual public ios {

public :


ostream & operator<<(unsigned char c);

ostream & operator<< (const char*);

ostream & operator<< (int a);

ostream& operator<<(double);

ostream& operator<<(float);

ostream& operator<<(unsigned int a);

ostream& operator<<(void*);

ostream& operator<<(short I);


ostream& put (char c);


ostream& seekp (streampos p) ;

streampos tellp ();

ostream& flush (ostream&);


• Class ostream is defined with the operator<< to deal with built in types.

• operator<< function return a reference to the ostream it was called for. Cout<< “x==“ << x;

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Built-in Type Output: Example/* use_ostream.cpp */

#include <iostream.h>


main (int. char * [ ] )


cout << 42;

cout << “\thello world\n”;

cout << 3.1415;

double a = 4.56;

int b = 7;

cout << “\nthe sum of “ << a << “ and “ << b

<< “ is: “ << a + b << “.\n”;

if (cout.good () ) {

cout << “all I/O successful.\n”;


else {

cerr << “Some I/O operations failed.\n”;


return 0;


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class istream

class istream : virtual public ios {

public :

istream& operator>> (char*);

istream& operator>> (unsigned char*);

istream& operator>> (unsigned char& c);

istream& operator>> (char& C);

istream operator>> (short&);

istream& operator>> (int&);

istream& operator>> (unsigned short&);

isteam& operator>> (unsigned int&);

istream& operator>> (unsigned long&);

istream& operator>> (double&);


istream& get (char* , int lim, char delim+’\n’);

istream& get (char&c);

int get ();

int peek ();


istrem& seekg (streampos p);

Streampos tellg ();


• Input is similar to output.

• operator>> is overloaded in istream class to take care of built in types.

• operator>> returns a reference to the same istream object it was called for.

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Built in Types: Input#include <iostream.h>

int main (int, char * [ ] )


int i;

char buffer [ 256];

double d;

cout << “Enter an integer, a string, and a double\n”

cin >> I; // operator>> (int &);

cin >> buffer; // operator>> (char *);

cin >> d; // operator>> (double &);

// cin >> i >> buffer >> d; is equivalent to above

if (cin) {

cout << “int is: “<< i)

<< “\nstring is: “ << buffer

<< “\ndouble is: “ << d << ‘\n’;

else {

cerr << “input unsuccessful. \n”;


return 0;


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Adding I/O operations to Complex Class

class Complex{double re, im;public: friend Complex operator +

(Complex, Complex); friend Complex operator -

(Complex, Complex); …. friend ostream& operator<<

(ostream&, Complex); friend istream& operator>>

(istream&, Complex);};

ostream &operator<< (ostream &s, Complex z)

{return s<< ‘(‘ << z.re << ‘,’

<< z.im << ‘)’ ; }

/* Input Formats permitted f( f )( f , f )

*/istream &operator>> (ostream &s, Complex


double re =0, im = 0; char c = 0;s >>c;if (c == ‘(‘){

s >> re >> c;if (c == ‘,’) s >> im >> c;if (c != ‘)’) s. clear(ios::badbit);

}else {

s.putback©;s >> re;

}if (s) a = Complex (re, im);return s;


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File Stream Objects and Methods

• To store and retrieve data A file, a file stream object, a mode

• Data file Collection of data stored on a storage medium other than

computer memory

• External file name

• File stream One way transmission path between the device file and

the C++ program

• Mode Determines the data direction in the transmission stream

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File Stream Methods

• Pre-written methods

Open, close, read, append, decide if EOF

• Open

Open and establish link between the file and C++ program

External computer name = stream object name used by the program

• inFile.open(“test.data”);

• Both, ifstream and ofstream, can open an external file

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Input and Output Streams

•When an existing file is connected to an input file stream

Data is made available for input starting at the first data item in the file

•When a file is connected to an output file stream

Creates a new file and makes the file available for output

If a file exists with the same name, old file is ERASED and all data is lost

• Can be fixed by indicator modes ios::app, ios::noreplace

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Opening Status

• When a file is opened

Check if the connection is made

Otherwise, crash will follow later

ifstream inFile;




cout << “The file was not successfully opened. Check if file exists.\n”;



If file does not exist, open failsinFile.fail() returns “1”

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Mode Indicators

If file exists, open for output filesios::noreplace

If file does not exist, open failsios::nocreate

Delete file contents if it existsios::trunc

Open in binary mode (default text)ios::binary

Go to the end of the opened fileios::ate

Open in append modeios::app

Open in output modeios::out

Open in input modeios::in

Methods/functions under ios class

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Another way to open

• When a file is opened

Check if the connection is made

Otherwise, crash will follow later

fstream inFile;

inFile.open(“test.dat”, ios::in | ios::nocreate);



cout << “The file was not successfully opened. Check if file exists.\n”;



Use fstream class

Requires indicator arguments

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fstream Methods

Skip next n charsignore(n)

If end of fileeof()

Push char back to input stream


Put char in out streamput(char-expression)

Retrieve char without extracting


Extract charsgetline(string-var,n,’\n’)

Extract next charget(char-var)


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Reading From a File: Example

#include <fstream.h>

#include <iomanip.h>

void main() {

char filename[MAXLENGTH] = “test.dat”;

char descrip[MAXCHARS];

int ch; float price; ifstream inFile;

inFile.open(filename, ios::nocreate);

if (inFile.fail())

{ cout << “\n The file was not successfully opened\n”; exit(1); }

cout << setiosflags(ios::fixed) << setiosflags(ios::showpoint) << setprecision(2);

while ( ( ch = inFile.peek()) != EOF) // check next character

inFile >> descrip >> price;



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Random File Access

• File organization

The way data is stored in a file

• Sequential organization

Characters are stored in a sequential manner

• File access

The way data is retrieved from the file

Storing sequentially does not mean accessing sequentially

• Random access

Any character can be read directly without having to read all the characters ahead of it

Each ifstream object uses a position marker

Keeps track of the offset of the next character from the beginning of the file

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File Position Marker Functions

End of the fileios:: end

Current positionios:: cur

Beginningios:: beg

Output, return current offsettellp(void)

Input, return current offsettellg(void)

Output, move to the offsetseekp(offset, mode)

Input, move to the offsetseekg(offset, mode)


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• OffsetPositive offset means move forward in the file

Negative offset means move backward in the file

• inFile.seekg(4L,ios::beg)

// go to 5th character in the input file (starts from 0 as // the first character)

• outFile.seekp(4L,ios::beg)

• inFile.seekg(4L,ios::cur)

• outFile.seekp(4L,ios::cur)

• inFile.tellg()

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Program#include <fstream.h>

Void main() {

long offset, last; char ch;

ifstream inFile(“test.dat”);

if(inFile.fail()) { // Report error and exit }

inFile.seekg(0L,ios::end); // move to the end of file (mark the offset)

last = inFile.tellg();

// save the offset of the last char (return current offset)

for ( offset = 1L; offset < last; offset++) {

inFile.seekg(-offset, ios::end); // reverse access

ch = inFile.get();

cout << ch << “:”;




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File Streams as Function Arguments

• File stream objects can be passed as function arguments

• Formal parameter should be a reference to the appropriate stream

• ifstream& or ofstream&

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Program#include <fstream.h>

const int MAXLENGTH = 31;

char filename[MAXLENGTH] = “test.dat”;

void inOut(ofstream&); // function prototype

void main()


ofstream outFile;


if(outFile.fail()) { // Report error and exit }

inOut(outFile); // call the function


Pass the object reference

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Programvoid inOut(ofstream& fileOut)


const int LINELEN = 80;

const int NUMLINES = 5;

int count; char line[LINELEN];

cout << “Please enter five lines of text:” << endl;

for(count = 0; count < NUMLINES; count++)


cin.getline(line, LINELEN, ‘\n’);

fileOut << line << endl;




Write on the outFile Stream file passed as reference

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Program#include <fstream.h>

int getOpen(ofstream&);

void inOut(ofstream&);

void main()


ofstream outFile;

getOpen(outFile); // open the file

inOut(outFile); // call the function


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Programint getOpen(ofstream& fileOut)


const int MAXCHARS = 13;

char name[MAXCHARS];

cout << “Enter a file name : “;


fileOut.open(name); // open the file

if(fileOut.fail()) {

cout << “The file was not opened successfully” << endl;



return 0;


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Writing to a String Stream

#include <string>#include <strstream>#include <iostream>using namespace std;

void WriteHTMLPage(ostream & stream) { stream << "<HTML>" << endl; stream << " <HEAD>" << endl; stream << " <TITLE>CS 240</TITLE>" << endl; stream << " </HEAD>" << endl; stream << " <BODY>" << endl; stream << " <H1>Welcome to CS 240!</H1>" << endl; stream << " </BODY>" << endl; stream << "</HTML>" << endl;}

int main() { ostrstream stream; WriteHTMLPage(stream); stream << ends; // writes '\0' to the stream cout << stream.str();}

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Reading Words From a String Stream

#include <string>#include <strstream>#include <iostream>

int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {istrstream stream(argv[1]);int count = 0;while (true){

string word;stream >> word;if (stream)


break;}cout << count << " words" << endl;return 0;

