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Slow business growth is for suckers… Here’s a be7er idea… DOUBLE YOUR BUSINESS IN 90 DAYS Let’s create more growth, sales and profit in the next 12 weeks than in the last 12 months combined! From the messy desk of Adam Urbanski This is probably the most important message I've wri7en to this list of my subscribers you're on in quite a while. That's not meant to sound like hype. It's just a fact. That's because behind this message is one of my MOST DARING UNDERTAKING. ever that can really benefit you (but I'm geOng ahead of myself.) I’m currently re-launching a new "project" that might change everything for you. This is something I have only done sporadically in the past (and - as you’ll find out in a moment - for a good reason.) When I've done similar things in the past, it always ended up creaUng massive results and momentum for my clients… People created crazy breakthroughs… >> Making an extra $8,000, $12,000 and even $18,000+ in just one to three days from a cold start (no list, no product type thing.) >> GeneraUng $14,000 to $120,000+ in just four to six weeks by shi\ing from being busy and overwhelmed to focused, REVENUE PRODUCING acUviUes. >> Ramping up a brand new service business to $75K in sales in the first six weeks!
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Slow business growth is for suckers… Here’s a be7er idea…

DOUBLE YOUR BUSINESS IN 90 DAYS Let’s create more growth, sales and profit in the next 12 weeks than in the last 12 months combined!

From the messy desk of Adam Urbanski

This is probably the most important message I've wri7en to this list of my subscribers you're on in quite a while.

That's not meant to sound like hype. It's just a fact.

That's because behind this message is one of my MOST DARING UNDERTAKING. ever that can really benefit you (but I'm geOng ahead of myself.)

I’m currently re-launching a new "project" that might change everything for you.

This is something I have only done sporadically in the past (and - as you’ll find out in a moment - for a good reason.)

When I've done similar things in the past, it always ended up creaUng massive results and momentum for my clients…

People created crazy breakthroughs…

>> Making an extra $8,000, $12,000 and even $18,000+ in just one to three days from a cold start (no list, no product type thing.)

>> GeneraUng $14,000 to $120,000+ in just four to six weeks by shi\ing from being busy and overwhelmed to focused, REVENUE PRODUCING acUviUes. >> Ramping up a brand new service business to $75K in sales in the first six weeks!

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Let’s Grow Your Business Fast!

>> Earning an addiUonal $150,000 in just 10 weeks from a low-key launch of a "Strategic Byproduct"...

>> Cranking out $250,000+ in a single 90 day period by deploying a new, more leveraged business model…

These are big claims, and you might be skep_cal - so I want to back them up immediately…

These are just a few clips from notes my clients sent me…

© 2000 - 2017. MarkeUng Mentors Inc. �2

“I booked $85,829 in new business in 90 days. In addition, there is a $25,000 initiative within days of being closed.”

~ Nancy Juetten

“I obtained my first goal of $100K in new consulting business (working just 32 hours a month) - and I did it in two weeks!”

~ Scott Gallon

“I brought in over $146,000 in less than 12 weeks with a completely new program I just put together.”

~ Mary Allen

“I was able to generate an extra $40,500 in revenue within 90 days with a much simpler business model.”

~ Jonathan Low

“I closed $90K in new business in just one month.” ~ Patti Keating

“I made $123,000 in six weeks and I started with no product and no list!”

~ Marc Weiner

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Let’s Grow Your Business Fast!

Problem is, I can’t help everyone!

As much as I love doing these kinds of programs - where I roll up my sleeves and work shoulder to shoulder with my clients - they take a lot of my Ume and energy.

That’s why I don’t do this o\en. And when I do it I only take on a few carefully selected par_cipants on the journey with me. And before I tell you what it is...

It's important for you to know WHY I'm doing it.

You see, for me personally, doing what I do was always less about teaching people marke_ng...

... and more about helping people SOLVE THEIR BIGGEST PROBLEMS and reach the DESIRED RESULTS.

Teaching markeUng is just a tool... To help people figure out HOW to turn WHAT they do into a REAL BUSINESS that's sustainable over a long Ume.

And today there's a HUGE epidemic problem…

…too much diluted, regurgitated informaUon... And not enough focused execuUon that gets results.

It's nothing new... Chances are you've been in this frustraUon, overwhelm, "nothing is working" mode before - more than once. Maybe you're in this mode now...

That's why, from Ume to Ume, I muster enough courage to step up and help a few folks break through this mess...

I "rig" everything I do to 100% support your ul_mate desired end goal that's based on:

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Let’s Grow Your Business Fast!

>> crea_ng a business that serves others, and...

>> living a life of freedom (whatever that looks like for you.)

And we work on making it happen fast.

Hence this “new” project…

…the Revenue Rev Up Intensive.

In 12 weeks you accomplish more than others do in several years; you will do what others won't, so you can have what others won't.

It's the program that when we talk you won't be sure if you want to hang up on me or thank me... Here's what I mean...

A while back I purchased this fitness program called P90X from a TV commercial. (Something I normally don't do.)

Two or three months earlier I made a decision to get serious about being in shape... And the few exercises I was doing on my own just weren't cuOng it.

In the past I dropped thousands of dollars on gym memberships. But I'm not a gym kinda guy.

And, frankly, the P90X message was appealing:

"It will be the toughest workout program you'll ever do, but you'll love the results!"

I knew that the "sit on the couch, eat all the faly chips you want and get in shape while you watch TV" stuff doesn't work.

It's for lazy suckers who want something for nothing!

So I got the P90X...

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Let’s Grow Your Business Fast!

For the next 90 days "it" kicked my ass!

Tony Horton (the creator) was coaching me... He kept encouraging me... And egging me to keep going on...

All from my TV screen!

I cursed... I hated going through the workouts...


In 90 days I dropped nearly 30 pounds (I didn't know I had 30 extra pounds!) and got in the best shape of my life!


Here's my point...

If you can completely transform something as complex as a human body in just 90 days…

Imagine what you can do with your business!

You know what else?

I didn't need to buy any addiUonal "stuff"... No expensive tools... No "go learn more"...

One investment in a simple "group" coaching program was all it took. I just had to do the work!

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Let’s Grow Your Business Fast!

It was all about the execu_on!

This brings me back to the Revenue Rev Up Intensive...

>> If you want remarkable results in the next 12 weeks,

>> If you have the courage to explode your business,

>> And if you're willing to do what most others won't...

This just might be for you.

If you're the right person, you probably already want in; I'll tell you how to make it happen in a moment.

For the right person price is not an issue.

Because I want to serve those who are ready to transform their business without money being a barrier, but I also want to keep the “perpetual students” (you know the type) away…

That’s why I set the tuiUon that's very affordable for this kind of program and highly a7rac_ve to MOVERS, SHAKERS AND ACTION TAKERS, but it will instantly repel the chronic strugglers and habitual complainers!

But I'm geOng ahead of myself… Because price is not the barrier to entry.

However, I'm only leOng a few folks into this program. This is not some BS scarcity ploy; I can only support a few people at a Ume.

So I'm selecUng WHO gets in very carefully.

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Let’s Grow Your Business Fast!

Let me quickly cover who this is not for because it's easy to ar_culate...

If you're looking for tons of new informaUon so you can make yourself busy learning, pretend this is progress and feel good about yourself - this is NOT for you.

If you want to solve every potenUal problem that might, or might not occur in your business in some distant future...

... and you want a four-hour work-week having never delivered any value in the market place to earn that kind of lifestyle - this is NOT for you!


>> You want a CLEAR, SPECIFIC PLAN to reach your goals. Not a generic model. A custom business growth path designed specifically for you.

A plan that takes into account WHERE you are now and rapidly leverages all the resources you already have.

You know you can execute - you just need to know what to execute on.

>> You are ready to execute like a maniac! This isn't a place to just flap your lips, but do nothing.

Talking about something is not the same as DOING that thing. Talking is easy. Everyone does it. That's why 99% of people have shit for business. They just yap, yap, yap!

Sure, it's easy to have an opinion. Facebook groups are filled with people eager to tell you what to do - having never done themselves. What a freaking joke!

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Let’s Grow Your Business Fast!

RRI is about focusing on translaUng your ideas and goals into taking acUon on the highest priority, high-value acUviUes.

Just like the P90X for my fitness - few specific moves executed over and over again. Every day!

>> You want feedback... And proven coaching... From someone that's been there, done that... And sUll doing it today!

In short, you want real support and accountability. Not a bunch of addiUonal informaUon, but tweaks and insights you can act on right away to get the results you want.

You know, when I was doing the P90X I didn't have access to Tony - he was just coaching me from a TV screen. I only met him in person later when he spoke at my live event...

I think it was a blessing…

Because I couldn't argue with him... I couldn't tell him that I was too Ured to do some of the exercises... or not flexible enough... or whatever my story was at a Ume!

The "TV Tony" didn't care about my excuses.

The agreement was simple: he "told me" what to do, he showed me alternaUve opUons to meet my needs, but I needed to do it.

If you get that AGREEMENT - you'd feel right at home with our small RRI group. ;)

One last thing...

>> YOU WANT RAPID GROWTH! Your starUng point doesn't maler... If you're earning $500/month now... Or $5K/month... Or even $50K/month, or more... I don't care...

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Let’s Grow Your Business Fast!

What ma7ers is that you're REALLY HUNGRY for more!

At any level there are specific acUviUes you can do.

Hacks to get results faster... Protocols and systems to guide your efforts more efficiently...

Methodologies and frameworks that can make execuUon a maler of just following simple rules...

None of this requires you to buy more informaUon products just to get forward momentum and tracUon. It's simply about using what you already have. That's what RRI is about!

Now... WHAT you get in the program...

Simple - you get what you set out to accomplish and what you put effort in to create.

>> Want to get your first (NEXT) five paid clients... And then create a system to get five more... Again and again each week?


>> Want to crank up your sales from $5,000 to $25,000 a month?


>> Want to create one Ume profit explosion and bring in a chunk of new sales and profits into your business?


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Let’s Grow Your Business Fast!

Host your first webinar... Make your current webinar work beler... Start your list... Grow your list... Build your funnel... Tweak your funnel...

As I said - you'll work on execu_ng your own custom plan.

Oh, one more thing...

If you're too f*ucking sensiUve to take real feedback...

And if my dropping an occasional f-bomb when we get excited about geOng stuff done offends you...

This ain't for you, amigo!

But if you're sUll reading this... You're probably already know this is perfect for you and you want in - like, right now! ;)

I'm geOng to this now...

Let me give you just the last few details on the format HOW we make it happen.

Step 1. Clear goals and direcUon.

Step 2. Focused acUon, a.k.a. execuUon.

Step 3. Feedback, course-correcUon and accountability.

Boom! It's about starUng and FINISHING tasks that get results. Screw the busy work. Actually get stuff done!

© 2000 - 2017. MarkeUng Mentors Inc. �10

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Let’s Grow Your Business Fast!

Have you ever wondered how some people seemingly come out of nowhere...

... and the next thing you're hearing on some interview or podcast is how they're freakin' killing it?

Smashing it out the park.

Yet (perhaps) here you sUll are, banging your head on the concrete wall of business growth for years...

With nothing significant to show for your efforts, other than blunt force trauma to the head. ;)

We'll fix it...

>> It's a 12 week program. >> It's a VERY small group. (private track is an opUon) >> We meet virtually weekly. (Twice a week actually)

--> One meeUng a week is designed for seOng your strategy - creaUng and tweaking your custom acUon plan. Just enough informaUon / educaUon so you know what you need to do.

--> The other call is to coach you through any sUcky points. The ulUmate educaUon is in implementaUon. This is where you'll have a boatload of SPECIFIC quesUons. I'll be there to answer them all!

++ We kick-start your journey with a CUSTOM STRATEGY design.

++ Then we start cranking out the necessary acUviUes unUl you develop ballisUc momentum of a speeding bullet!

++ And along the way I'll give you the right resources you need to take each step.

© 2000 - 2017. MarkeUng Mentors Inc. �11

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Let’s Grow Your Business Fast!

Bo7om line: It's about gejng stuff done.

If you want perfecUon - that's just a good excuse you give yourself to stay stuck. But if you want result - welcome home!

So... "What's the investment?" you ask?

As I menUoned, the investment is NOT an issue for the right person. I prefer to not reveal it in this email...

(...because I know there's a bunch of folks who read my emails only to copy what I do.)

What I will tell you is that it's in very affordable four figures range.

For now, let me share this about the price…

Here’s where I’m supposed to tell you a really high-number and then “do a big drop” to make the price “magically” appear smaller. Well, I won’t do that.

But there two things you need to understand when you’re making this investment in yourself and geOng access to this high level of effecUve coaching with me.

First, the only way to work with me privately is a retainer which starts at $5,000 per month and requires a six month up front commitment.

And the only way to get me to even want to engage at that level is to first do a 3-hour “Half Day MBA” (Mentoring By Adam) session - which is $7,500.

I know there are coaches out there who charge a lot less. Some of them are even good, too. But for the most part what I do is not even in the same category. I don’t have the paUence to coach for a year to “get clarity”! That’s crazy. I want to move the financial dial for my clients fast!

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Let’s Grow Your Business Fast!

Second, my other group coaching programs - like my Big Ticket Sales Machine, for example - do not include anywhere near the personal alenUon from me provided in the Revenue RevUp Intensive. And they are large groups (vs. just 12 folks in RRI) and they cost a minimum of $7,500 to get in.

So pricing RRI was a bit of a challenge…

One idea was to lower the price and limit how much we actually support each member. But that was immediately shot down because it would defeat the purpose - which it to support you at the highest level to GET THE RESULTS.

Another opUon was to charge an “insane” price; something many of my colleagues urged me to do, arguing that I can make more money with less folks.

While that’s a good point, it also didn’t resonate with my goals for this program.

This is not for “magic po_on” seekers!

At the end I decided to set the price at a very doable four figures. For the right type of business owner who is a good fit for the program. And it’s high-enough to scare the crap out from - and keep away - the perpetual “magic poUon” seekers.

OK… If price is not an issue…


As with everything else in the program we want to model for you how to keep your business elegantly simple. That’s why there are no fancy sales pages or complicated applicaUons.

so to get in...

1. You must have read this message (congrats!)

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Let’s Grow Your Business Fast!

2. Email me at [email protected] (make sure the subject line reads: RRI - I want in) and tell me you want in. In your message include this info (be brief - I don't need to know your life's story!)

a) Full Name

b) Direct Phone Number

c) Your Business (who your clients are and how to provide value to them.)

d) Your Biggest Goal you want to make happen in 2017.

e) Be available to get on the phone with me for a 15 minute qualifying call over the next two days.

This call is NOT a free consultaUon.

And if at this point you need convincing to join the RRI and transform your business in the next 90 days - don't bother.

What this call is for is to ask you very specific quesUons. Your answers will determine the final decision.

This is not to imply "we're too good for you". It's simply to make sure that if we say YES to you I know I can help you.

You will also have a chance to ask me any final quesUons.

We'll then take care of the payment and…

Your wildest ride ever starts right away!

Now you have all the info... What will you do next?

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Let’s Grow Your Business Fast!

The way I see it, you’ve got two op_ons…

First, do nothing. Go on with your life and business as usual.

(Just don’t blame me for those sleepless nights in the future where you’ll be thinking about this leGer and my invitaIon wishing you’d taken me up on it!)

And - obviously - don’t expect any big breakthroughs in your current results. As I said - you’ll conUnue with business as is. And if that’s OK with you - great.

Second, you’re going to say “Screw business as usual!

Slow growth is for suckers!

I want to rev up my revenues fast - so gimme some of that Adam poUon!” ;)

All jokes aside - the second choice is to email me, let me know you want in. If it’s a fit, let’s secure your spot and let’s GROW YOUR BUSINESS FAST!

Which of the two opUons are more appealing to you?

Will you say YES to this rare opportunity? I sure hope so.

Hopefully I’ll be seeing you inside RRI. UnUl then…

Here’s to your success… Cheers!

Adam Urbanski Founder and CEO, The MarkeUng Mentors®

© 2000 - 2017. MarkeUng Mentors Inc. �15

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Let’s Grow Your Business Fast!

P.S. If you skipped to this point just to see what this is all about - well, it's about completely changing things for you and your business in the next 90 days.

But if you aren't willing to take a moment to read through it, that's probably a good sign it's not for you.

Not being mean, just what is... ;)

P.P.S. I’m including a few comments from a few of recent Revenue RevUp Intensive parUcipants. They had a lot to share about this program and their shares will probably give you a lot of insight what it’s like to grow your business that fast.

Quick IMPORTANT Note: I think I’m required to tell you to not mistake the following comments from my past clients as any kind of promise that you’ll generate the same results. These guys and gals worked hard to follow my advice, might have made addiIonal investment to work with me or other coaches, and worked their rear ends off to make stuff happen. What I do works - when you work it. Sadly, an average person doesn’t do Jack - they don’t implement - so the average person also gets zero results. Now, YOU’re smart - you understand this. But I needed to make it abundantly clear for that one dimwit reading this that sIll believes in making millions with a 4-hour work week.

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Let’s Grow Your Business Fast!

Revenue RevUp Intensive Par_cipants Speak Up

© 2000 - 2017. MarkeUng Mentors Inc. �17

“I thought I wasn’t ready for this level of coaching… Then I brought

in $40,500 revenue in 90 days!”

Jonathan Low Online Marketing Consultant Christchurch, New Zealand

At first I wasn't going to apply for Adam's Revenue RevUp Intensive because I didn't think I was ready for that level of focused attention on my business and the idea of being a participant in group activities scared me. But I changed my mind and that turned out to be a great decision.

I went from “too complicated” to clarity and cash…

Adam helped me see all the barriers I was putting in my own way, I was making things way too complicated. By committing to the program and taking action I was able to generate an extra $40,500 in revenue within 90 days with a much simpler business model.

The way I was encouraged to take action and build momentum was awesome. I definitely accomplished more in those 90 days than in the previous 9 months and I'm not slowing down.

When the 90 days was up I had so much more clarity about my business, an actionable plan and a whole new appreciation of just how quickly 90 days goes by (and just how much you can get done in that time if you get busy and implement).

Continued on next page…

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Let’s Grow Your Business Fast!

© 2000 - 2017. MarkeUng Mentors Inc. �18

Prior to RRI I honestly though of giving up…

Honestly, prior to joining RRI I was struggling. The daily grind was taking its toll on me and some days I felt like giving up.

The Revenue RevUp Intensive not only helped me get a very welcome injection of cash, it also helped me fall in love again with my market, my clients and my business.

Now I'm revived with more energy, renewed hope and I'm back on track with what really matters…helping my clients grow their businesses. And I'm having way too much fun for being this busy.

You’ll be pushed, but in a caring way…

Adam genuinely cares about you and your results and like anyone who really cares he will push you to be that entrepreneur you know you can be.

Getting support from, and supporting, other like-minded entrepreneurs was a great experience and I didn't expect to enjoy sharing the highs and lows with the group as much as I did.

I’ll give you two good reasons to join RRI…

If you need an injection of revenue or a little more focused attention on what really matters in your business then I wholeheartedly recommend you jump at the opportunity to join the Revenue RevUp Intensive without delay.


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Let’s Grow Your Business Fast!

© 2000 - 2017. MarkeUng Mentors Inc. �19

“I was juggling multiple projects and wasn’t sure I could focus on this…”

George C. Huang, M.D Creator of Smart Business Money Habits Mill Creek, WA, USA

My main concern about joining the Revenue RevUp Intensive was that I knew I was juggling multiple balls, bouncing from one area of business focus to another.

But I believed that having a short-term structure of accountability and support would help me focus, simplify my business development strategy, and take consistent action on things I knew I needed to do and wasn't getting done. So I joined the RRI and set a 90 day goal of generating $85,000 in additional revenue.

Sometimes I hated the weekly calls, but I showed up anyway…

The feature of the program that I liked the most was the weekly live "round robin" calls during which Adam asked each participant what they were working on and what they had accomplished. It was similar to private laser coaching.

While I got the most value out of these weekly live "round robin" calls, sometimes I felt like I didn't want to show up because I wasn't making progress or producing spectacular results like some of the other participants.

But I showed up anyhow.

Continued on next page…

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Let’s Grow Your Business Fast!

© 2000 - 2017. MarkeUng Mentors Inc. �20

I felt validated and got fresh ideas…

Hearing the struggles, challenges, and wins from others gave me the sense that I was not the only person in the history of humankind to feel stuck, face self-doubts, and be tempted to change business directions and jump to work on other half-baked ideas.

While I didn't adopt the approaches that others took, it was creatively stimulating to hear ideas from others. It catalyzed my thinking about what I was working on. In some cases, hearing what others were doing helped me rule out those ideas for myself.

It was also encouraging to hear from others, on the live calls, and in the Facebook group, that they were inspired by the approach I was taking to land ultra high-ticket projects with clients. (This was in contrast to others who were working on selling programs starting at lower price points.)

My big win didn’t come the way I was expecting it…

Of all the revenue-generation activities I worked on, ultimately, the activity I least expected to come through, actually did come to fruition:

One of my clients signed on for a marketing project priced at $30,500 per quarter .

(My client volunteered that he expected to renew the project quarterly, as long as it was producing acceptable results, so it’s a $120,000 annualized project).

George continues on next page…

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Let’s Grow Your Business Fast!

© 2000 - 2017. MarkeUng Mentors Inc. �21

I even surprised myself how much I can accomplish with the right support structure and meaningful feedback…

Typically, as a creative entrepreneur, I have too many ideas to implement; so I used the Revenue RevUp Intensive as a support structure to help me focus on what makes a meaningful difference in my business today and tomorrow.

That’s why I recommend the RRI as an affordable means of building momentum, getting feedback on ideas, having others look out for your blindspots, and connecting with entrepreneurs who share similar values and aspirations to provide meaningful services, products, and programs.

You don't have to implement everything perfectly.

If you're like me, you probably think you have your pathway to success worked out. Or at least you struggle to find that pathway. My results during the Revenue RevUp Intensive demonstrate that to achieve success, you don't have to implement everything perfectly.

You don't need to have crystal clarity on your next five steps; you only need to be clear about your next step. After taking that step, other steps will become clearer.

With the support in RRI I succeeded in spite of myself!

So as you can see, in spite of myself, I was able to make a significant leap toward my big goal that I set for myself at the start of the Revenue RevUp Intensive. I even surprised myself!


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Let’s Grow Your Business Fast!

© 2000 - 2017. MarkeUng Mentors Inc. �22

“As a previous client in a different program I was IN at

‘hello’! And I booked $85,829 in new business in 90 days!”

Nancy Juetten The Get Visible To Get Paid Mentor Bellevue, WA, USA

When I saw the Revenue RevUp Intensive I was already a member of Adam's Webinar Cash Machine program where he delivers extraordinary and practical value during every Action Coaching Call.

That’s why I wasn't concerned about the value, or the experience ahead - I already had a good taste of it. And I was looking forward to having more expert access and welcoming even stronger results in my business. Adam's invitation to join RRI was irresistible and he delivered on every promise.

I’m an action taker and loved the focus on implementation.

I loved the focus on IMPLEMENTATION. It wasn't about learning a new system, blueprint, or template. It was about taking smart, inspired action to create big results.

Even though I’m a quick action taker, I found it motivating to be accountable for reporting results to the group every week. It kept my eye on taking inspired action to create revenue results every day.

My goal in the Revenue Rev Up program was to book $100,000 in new business in 90 days. I actually booked $85,829 during the program. In addition, there is a $25000 initiative within days of being closed.

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Let’s Grow Your Business Fast!

© 2000 - 2017. MarkeUng Mentors Inc. �23

I got a big payoff from a project I dreaded for a year…

In addition to my big sales I upgraded one of my marketing funnels that is now bringing in 5 sales a month when it was not working at all before.

More importantly, Adam challenged me to lead a webinar to finish the year strong. I was reluctant to step up because of a disappointing result from a prior effort earlier in the year. But I decided to move forward anyway.

And Adam lent incredible support - above and beyond what I expected - so I could promote, deliver, and follow up like a pro.

That single initiative delivered a boost in my revenue and the additional benefit of receiving ten more invitations to share the same message in highly leveraged ways over the coming months with perfect audiences.

Plus I got unexpected perks…

As a result of participating in the RRI I learned to get a lot more comfortable making offers, finding out what was landing, and making quick pivots to stay on the path toward achieving my goals. Plus, an unexpected perk - one of the participants in the RRI became a joint venture partner and a client.

RRI was delivered just the way I like to learn…

Today I would recommend the RRI without hesitation! Adam is a smart, strategic, and generous marketing mentor and guide.

If you set a goal and really want to achieve it, you'll get the inspiration, support, and accountability to make it real in this program.

Bottom line - Adam Urbanski leads and teaches in a way that is a great match for how I learn. I am honored to be continuing my work with him in the Masters Forum.


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Let’s Grow Your Business Fast!

© 2000 - 2017. MarkeUng Mentors Inc. �24

“My main concern was whether I would recoup my investment…”

Katie De Souza Co-Founder, DeSouza Dojo Bournemouth, United Kingdom

When thinking about joining the Revenue RevUp Intensive my main concern was whether I would recoup the investment. Although I knew the program was incredible value and worth the money, being in my first year of business I was worried about investing any amount of money.

I ended up making 10 times my investment…

By the end of RRI I had made ten times my investment and left the program with knowledge and know how to increase that much further.

In the program I learnt how to package and sell my very first high end program and enrolled my first high end client for just under 5 figures (in the Jujitsu training field).

It was the personalized support that made the difference…

One my favorite parts was the small group coaching where Adam helped me directly 1 to 1 with my marketing message and enrollment skills.

For me, I was just working in my business and very close to it and it was much easier for someone from the outside, like Adam, to look in and see new solutions for me and get me on the quickest route to success.

Katie continues on next page…

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Let’s Grow Your Business Fast!

OK, one more story on the following page… This is one of my favorites…

© 2000 - 2017. MarkeUng Mentors Inc. �25

The group support and accountability is what I needed…

In addition, it’s a small group so you get a lot of personal attention to help you to move forward in your business. You benefit from Adam’s expertise as well as learn from others in the group.

It is great to work with other like minded business owners.

There’s also a component of the program where you get a lot of built-in accountability - and that really kept me on track.

A nice surprise - it was fun!

Adam is great to work with, to the point, knows what he’s saying as he actually does what he teaches and has a great sense of humour which makes it all fun.

I wouldn’t do anything unless I knew it would be fun, and this was certainly fun with serious results.

Adam is definitely a black belt in marketing.


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Let’s Grow Your Business Fast!

© 2000 - 2017. MarkeUng Mentors Inc. �26

“As an ex CEO of a $300 million company I thought I knew it all and didn’t need this coaching”

Marc Weiner Business and Sales Coach Oakland, NJ, USA

I first saw Adam at a speaking event. And I thought his stuff was too much fluff. I thought that I needed more nitty-gritty, more mechanical and tactical training. But the truth was that my approach wasn’t getting me anywhere.

I was “successful” and stuck!

I was making over $100 in my coaching business. But I was working all the time - even the weekends. I just couldn’t grow any more - I was maxed out.

But I was somewhat embarrassed to ask for help. Here I was - an ex CEO of a $300 million company; I was used to riding in limousines and flying private jets. And I got stuck at low six figures in my own business.

When the opportunity opened up I decided to give it a shot.

When I saw an invitation from Adam to join a short term, high-intensity business growth training program I gave in and signed up!

And then he really pissed me off!

This guy had the audacity to tell me that I was thinking too small! (Remember, ex CEO of a $300M company - and I’m thinking too small?

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Let’s Grow Your Business Fast!

P.S. If you just skipped to the end… Well, there’s no short way to sum up this report. You just need to go page to page 1 and read through it. It’s actually a quick read - you’ll be done in 10 minutes or less if you read fast. I just might be what you need right now to rev-up your business and elevate your life. ;)

© 2000 - 2017. MarkeUng Mentors Inc. �27

“Once I got out of my own way things changed. I brought an additional $123,000 in six weeks.”

But Adam was right. I was thinking too small.

So changed my approach and launched a new program. I sold a group program which wasn’t even mine. I got a license to use it and sell it and it got me out of working with people one-on-one.

And I sold it using a template sales letter Adam gave me which I actually didn’t even do a good job customizing. Still - the results were crazy.

In about 72 hours I brought in around $12,000 to $14,000. And in six weeks - when some of the early customers upgraded to a larger program - the total sales were $123,000.

The real kicker - are you ready for this - I launched it to a “list” of 52 people whose cards I collected attending networking meetings in the prior six months. And I didn’t even have a website!

Just get out of your own way.

I have to admit that when it came to thinking what’s possible to accomplish with my resources in a short amount of time - yes, I was thinking too small.

And the big lesson for me was to just take action. Where you hire a guy like Adam and he tells you to do something, just get out of your own way. an do it - it will most likely surprise you how much you can achieve.

