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SMA Jan '14 Newsletter

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  • 8/13/2019 SMA Jan '14 Newsletter


    RISE ABOVE BULLYING. FREE KIDS SEMINAR THIS After all those holidays, its time to get back to work! We wanted to start off the new year right with a seminaron how to deal with the physical and emotional threats of bullying. Help us reduce bullying in 2014!


    Jan 10/Feb 7 Bring a Buddy Day Jan 18 Masters Seminar: NunchucksJan 18 Rise Above Bullying Seminar


    Student of the Month

    Nathan Tan is an extremelygood listener, and a hardworker. Thank you Nathan for

    being a great role model foryour fellow students!

    PAGE 2-Last months events

    -What does Tae Geuk mean?

    PAGES 3 & 4-Rise Above Bullying Seminar

    -Masters Sem: Nunchucks

    -Meet Your Instructors: Mr. Silva

    -Instructor Schedule

    PAGE 7 & 8-Photos from Beach Training Day

    PGS 5 & 6

    - Word Scramble - Word Search - Recess Tips - Maze Craze

  • 8/13/2019 SMA Jan '14 Newsletter


    Last Month

    Belt TestingCongratulations to all of our testers!

    We were very proud to see how hardyou have been working in class, and weare excited to see what you have instore for us this year!

    Holiday Party We had a great time this year...from

    noodle ghts, to dodgeball, to the gutbusting Santa relay race. If you missedout, we hope to see you next year!

    TAE GEUK is the name given to the red and blue circle on the Korean ag (Taegukki). TaeGeuk represents the unity of opposites that composes the cosmos. Its characteristics areoften described as pacism, unity, creative spirit, future spirit, eternity, and Um and Yang ( Yin and Yang in Chinese). Um (earth, female - the blue lower half of the circle) and Yang (heaven,male - the red upper half) are themselves opposites in delicate balance. Remember that each is dependent upon theother: without ugliness there is no beauty; without night there is no day; without cold there is no hot; without winter thereis no summer. By maintaining the balance and harmony of these opposing forces, characteristics and elements ineveryday life, we experience the Do (or Tao in Chinese) that is at the heart of our chosen martial art: Taekwondo.

    There are eight Tae Geuk Poomse , or forms (perhaps better known under their Japanese name of Kata ), and each isrepresented by a different Gwe , or theory (which explains the derivation of the term Palgwe , meaning eight theories,which was the name for the original Taekwondo poomse). In addition to its Gwe , every poomse also has an associatedChinese trigram drawn from the I Ching (the Chinese Book of Changes). In the trigrams, the straight lines representYang , or male, and the broken lines represent Um , or female.


    These classes are a chancefor you to share Tae Kwon Dowith your friends, family, andco workers. Invite them tojump on the mats with us andhave some fun!

    Kids 5:00-6:00 Adults 6:00-7:30

    Check out ourFacebook page each

    month for news,photos, & more!



    Whats on our FB Page?

    -News, Photos, Videos

    FREE Self

    Defense Days! 1st Friday every month!


  • 8/13/2019 SMA Jan '14 Newsletter


    Events in January 2013

    Bullying can be verydamaging, and it is importantfor kids to understand it. Thisfree seminar is for everychild whether they are astudent at SMA or not.Team Building Exercises

    To ght bullying, we rstneed to understand eacho t h e r . Te a m b u i l d i n gexercises will help studentslearn to connect with others,and unify against bullying asa team.Group Discussions

    We will discuss bullying tounderstand what it is, and

    why it hurts us. Bullying isnot just physical, it is alsoemotional, but many kidsforget that.Taking Action

    I n e x t r e m e c a s e s ,physical self defense may benecessary. However, mostbullying requires emotionalself defense.

    We will cover strategiesfor dealing with emotional,and physical bullying. Andw e w i l l d i s c u s s w h a treactions to bullying areappropriate, and which makethe situation worse.

    Bully SeminarPlease help us

    reach as many kids aspossible. Everychild should havetools to help preventthemselves and theirpeers from being


    Saturday, Jan 18 4 to 6 PM

    The damage frombullying can stick

    with you for alifetime, so it isimportant to deal

    with it now.


    Masters SeminarMr. Hurst 2 - 3:30 PM 1/18

    Mr. Hurst will be leading as e m i n a r o n t h e b a s i cmovements and strikes ofnunchaku. For experiencedstudents, there will also betime for practicing some moreadvanced movements. If youhave your own nunchaku,please bring them.

    Please RSVP to: [email protected]

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/13/2019 SMA Jan '14 Newsletter


    Mr. Silva grew up in the Azores in Portugual, and was excited about martial

    arts because of Bruce Leeand Chuck Norris. At thetime, he really wanted totry martial arts, but wasnot able to start becauseof the cost. His parentspromised that when they

    moved to America they would sign him up at a studio.

    His family moved when Mr. Silva was 12, but

    six months later Mr.Silva still hadnt beenable to join a studioyet. He had started to

    work with a friend onSaturdays (gardening),and used the money tostart TKD classes.

    He tried his firstclass with his brother,Paul, and a friend whohad previously trained in

    martial arts. They foundMaster Suhs studio, and

    tried a free class. After theclass Master Suh asked Mr. Silva

    why he wanted to train in TaeKwon Do, and Mr. Silva said thathe wanted to become an instructorand open his own studio at somepoint. Master Suh wrote on theback of a business card, May 2nd1987...Where there is a willthere is a way! and signed it.Mr. Silva still has the card tothis day.

    Starting up his own studio wasa little nerve wracking at firstbecause there were very few non-Korean instructors at the time.

    Mr. Silva started out by rentinga two hundred square foot room ina dance studio from a friend ofhis, and with a class schedule ofsix days per week. A fewstudents followed him from hisoriginal studio including ShellyOtaguro, his first black belt.

    Everything worked out wellfrom there because of Mr. Silvasgood reputation with other

    schools through tournaments andthe TKD community.


    PAGE 2 (SMA community)BBC Trip - Goland

    Self Defense Day

    Belt TestingTageuk E Jang

    PAGE 3

    Tournament information

    PAGE 4 (updates)

    Instructor Weekly ScheduleMeet the Staff

    - Mr. Silva

    PAGE 5

    Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

    Mr. TorresMr. EscaladaMr. Avila LinnMr. Agcaoili

    Mr. HurstMr. AgcaoiliMr. Torres

    Mr. HurstMr. EscaladaMr. Avila LinnMr. AgcaoiliMrs. Morgan

    Mr. HurstMr. EscaladaMr. Avila LinnMr. Agcaoili

    Mr. TorresMr. EscaladaMr. Avila LinnMr. AgcaoiliMrs. Morgan

    Mr. TorresMr. EscaladaMr. Agcaoili

    ALL CLASSES TINY TIGERS EARLY CLASSES BLACK BELT CLASS This schedule is subject to change.


  • 8/13/2019 SMA Jan '14 Newsletter


    braod _ _ _ _ _ hdeagaer _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ kkci _ _ _ _ pnchinug _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

    ANSWER: I dont know, they just keep _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ them!

    (Use the letters in the red circles!)

    How many Martial Artistsdoes it take to change alight bulb?

    Use your recess

    Recess time is a great break inthe middle of a school day! Itstime to let out your energy,and play with friends.

    Playing games with yourfriends at recess isnt just fun,

    and healthy...its also good foryour schoolwork. If you getout all your energy at recess,it is much easier to focus onclass afterwards.

    So make sure you play goodand hard at recess. Dont sitdown and relax, get out thereand play tag or kick some ballsaround the yard. Youll havemore fun with friends, and itwill be easier to learn in class!

    -Mr. Hurst

    Health Tips4 Kids!





  • 8/13/2019 SMA Jan '14 Newsletter



    To contact the newsletter with pictures, comments,

    articles, or advertisingrequests, contact Mr.Hurst!

    [email protected]

    Submit photosIf you havephotos of SMAevents toshare, pleasesend them tous!

    Submit ideas Any questions,

    comments, orsuggestions?Please contactus!

    Submit articlesFeel free tosubmit anarticle to thenewsletter, and

    we may add itnext month.

    AdvertiseIf you wouldlike toadvertise for anevent or familybusiness, pleasecontact us.

    SILVA MARTIAL ARTS41 Washington StSanta Clara, CA 95050

    Contact our instructors:[email protected]@[email protected]

    Contact the newsletter:[email protected]

    Kicking Bagfor Home

    Ask us about gettingyour own kicking bag forhome practice! Greatfor indoors, outdoors,or the garage.



    Forpracticeat home!

    Solve the maze,and jump your wayto the goal medal!

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/13/2019 SMA Jan '14 Newsletter


    Cl oc k w i s e f r o m t op l e f t : Ki ds

    V S A du l t s ; Mr . Si l va s b r i c k

    b r e a k ; Sa n t a r e l a y ; Mor e Sa n t a r e l a y ; N ood l e f i g h t s ;

    J u m p i ng l i k e a r e i nde e r

    Holiday Party 2013

  • 8/13/2019 SMA Jan '14 Newsletter


    Color Belt


    Cl oc k w i s e f r o m t o p l e f t : Ma r c u s s ho w s h i s one s t e ps ; j udge s

    e n j oy i ng t h e t e s t i ng ; h i gh fi ve s ;

    Dy l a n w i t h m o r e o ne s t e p s ; Wi l l i a m

    dodge s a k i c k ; A bh i a nd A a r nov

    s pa r ; A du l t g r oup t e s t i ng p ic t u r e
