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Small Business and Entreprenership 11

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  • 8/3/2019 Small Business and Entreprenership 11


    David Stokes

    Nicholas Wilson

    Small Business Management and Entrepreneurship

    Fifth Edition

  • 8/3/2019 Small Business and Entreprenership 11


    Lecture outline Financial needs of small businesses

    Sources of funds

    Control of financial resources

    Financial lifecycle of a firm

    Managing finance


  • 8/3/2019 Small Business and Entreprenership 11


    Financial needsA small business needs finance in a variety of areas.

    What does a small firm need money for?

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    Permanent capital equity capital

    Expansion and development

    Innovation Refinancing

    Working capital short term finance

    Debtors/creditors gap

    Seasonal fluctuations Bridging finance

    Short lived assets

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    Asset finance medium to long term finance

    Plant and machinery

    Equipment and furniture Building


    International trade finance

    Growth through international trading

  • 8/3/2019 Small Business and Entreprenership 11


    Sources of funds Internal finance

    Personal savings

    Friends and family External finance

    Debt finance /overdraft bank lending

    Personal interviews

    Evaluation of risks Financial projections/ cash flows and ratios

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    External equity finance

    Other forms


    Hire purchase

    Export finance

  • 8/3/2019 Small Business and Entreprenership 11


    Control of financial resources Market failure

    Difficulty in making appropriate assessments of riskwhen possessing limited information

    Finance gap

    Unwillingness on the part of suppliers of finance tosupply it on the terms and conditions required by smallbusinesses

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    Financial lifecycle of a firmStage Likely source of finance Financial issuesConception Personal investment Under capitalization

    lack of track record whichhinder raising finance

    Introduction Bank loans, overdraft Lack of Control of costsand information

    Development Hire purchase, leasing Over t-trading, liquiditycrises

    Growth Venture capital Equity gap, appropriateinformation systems

    Maturity All sources Weakening return oninvestment

    Decline Sale ofbusiness/liquidation

    Finance withdrawn. Taxissues if business is sold

  • 8/3/2019 Small Business and Entreprenership 11


    Managing finance Cash flow, debtors and stocks

    Debtors control

    They absorb cash and increase funding requirements The longer debt is alive, the greater the risk of bad debt

    The cost of chasing bad debt may be greater than theamount of money being pursued

    Small firm may not have control system to identifyindividual debtor problem before they become critical

  • 8/3/2019 Small Business and Entreprenership 11


    Stocks Management of stocks

    Excessive stocks represent poor investment for a smallfirms financial resources although running short ofstocks can be even more of a problem

    Stock management is therefore about balance, and theoptimization of resources

    Raw materials

    Work in progress

    Finished stock

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    Liquid assets and current liabilities

    Costs and pricing

    Fixed costs Variable costs


    Gross margin

    Break-even analysis Discounting

  • 8/3/2019 Small Business and Entreprenership 11


    Thank you guys!! Thank you for bearing me for the whole semester

    It was a pleasure teaching you this course

    I really hope you have learned from this course whatwas meant to be taught

    Wish all of you all the very best in your life andrespective professions.

    I am just a call away if you need any help or assistanceat any phase of your life.

    Good luck for your exams!!

