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Small Christmas

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Small Christmas is three-day devotional designed to help you experience Jesus during the Christmas holiday. This is based on a sermon series produced by Kevin Simmons and Vortex Church in December of 2012. For more information visit us on the web at vortexchurch.com.
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Kevin Simmons
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Kevin Simmons

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Christmas remains America’s largest holiday. We spend more money each year on celebrating Christmas than all other regular holiday’s combined.

Not only is Christmas important to our families, as we’ve centered so much of gift-giving and family celebrations around our Christmas holidays, Christmas has proven to be vitally important to American business.

In the midst of the grandness of Christmas I’m afraid we’ve lost something, something that’s very important.

Has Christmas became routine?

I’m afraid that it has for many of us. We’re so focused on presents and parties that we’re missing something vitally important from our Christmas celebrations.

Let’s ask this one, very important, question:

“What would it take to make this the most meaningful Christmas I’ve ever experienced?”

In just a few days Christmas will be over. You’ll be done giving all the gifts you’ve worked so hard to pick out, wrap, and deliver. You’ll have unwrapped all the gifts designated for you.

When you look back a few weeks from now, will you be content with another normal Christmas?

Could this Christmas be something like you’ve never experienced before?

Meaning doesn’t come from the BIG.

There’s already a lot of meaning. If you look back, you’ll find that the most meaningful presents you’ve received were not that largest ones. The most meaningful moments were not the biggest ones.

Meaning is found in the details, in the small.

It’s easy to focus on the BIG, but for the next few days let’s focus on the small.

Like the rest of life, this Christmas Jesus will either be:



Or… Central.

Jesus isn’t an ingredient in Christmas. He is Christmas.

If you’ve never made Jesus the center of your Christmas experience, there is no better time to do it than this Christmas.

Let’s do that because He’s worth it.

Let’s make Jesus the center of our Christmas.


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Chapter 1


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Christmas is for kids.

Jesus came to earth as a child. We’re keenly aware during this season of the importance of children in our lives.

The way you integrate Jesus into your families Christmas experience will define for your children how important Jesus is to Christmas.

Let’s make Jesus central for our kids this Christmas.

Here are few suggestions to make this Christmas even more meaningful for you kids:

Spend time with them. The bible describes God’s plan for parents in Deuteronomy 6:7 “Get (this Word) inside your children. Talk about it wherever you are, sitting at home or walking in the street; talk about it from the time you get up in the morning to when you fall into bed at night”. Make sure that you don’t substitute gifts for affection, don’t replace your presence with presents.

Pick a time each day to talk about Jesus with your kids.A good friend of mine targeted bedtime with his boys as they grew up (one of the three times listed in Deut. 6:7). Every night he went to tuck them in bed with a little conversation planned. He would let them ask as many questions as possible. I remember him telling me “They thought they were escaping sleep, but I was pouring life into them.”

What matters to you, will matter to them.You are the template for you kids. If Jesus is absent, or simply present, in your Christmas experience, it will be very difficult for your children to experience anything different. Perhaps the most meaningful and important gift you can give to your children this Christmas is making Jesus central to your Christmas experience.

Your kids will care about their presents, and so do you... you went out and bought them! Make sure that you communicate with words, affections, and action that Jesus is far more important than their Christmas gifts. See to it that they see in you a deep love and affection for Him during this time of year. That would be a phenomenal gift to give them.

Make love the greatest gift in your home. The greatest gift that we’ve ever received was the grace that God gave to us through Jesus. Your kids will get a lot of gifts this Christmas, but the most important gift for them will be the gift of your love. Make that a priority.

Take time to tell them you love them with your words. Affirm them. Don’t stop with words. Demonstrate that you love them by showing them your attention. Play with them. Talk with them. Give them your affection and attention.

You’ll give them the greatest gift they could ever receive... a loving and caring home to grow up in.


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Chapter 2


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Read the following passage of scripture:Matthew 1:18-24

God starts the story of redemption through two people who could have shut it down from the very beginning. Joseph and Mary were two very unlikely candidates to begin a vast, sweeping move of redemption, but that’s exactly how God starts this whole thing.

The smallness that we see in Joseph and Mary should remind us that even if we might feel small, God has big plans for us.

As you process this passage of scripture, allow God to open your eyes to see it through a fresh perspective. This is a powerful passage, and I’m sure that you’ll benefit greatly from it.

Here are some questions to help process this passage:

1. Mary and Joseph were to be married, but Mary becomes pregnant with God’s child. What emotions do you think Mary experienced at the start of this pregnancy? How did Mary respond to God’s will for her life? How can we be more like Mary?

2. Joseph plans to divorce Mary when he finds out about her pregnancy. He doesn’t. Why? What can we learn about Joseph from how he handles this situation? Read verse 24, how should we be more like Joseph?

* * * * *

To share this with your children, have a conversation with them around these questions:

1. God sent His son Jesus to earth as our first Christmas present. Who was Jesus’ dad?

2. Why would God send His son Jesus to earth? (reference their memory verse this month – John 3:16)

If you haven’t listened yet, take this further by listening to the sermon Pastor Kevin preached at Vortex entitled “Small People”: http://vortexchurch.com/sermons/small-people/


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Chapter 3


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Read the following passage of scripture:Matthew 2:1-12

This is remarkably mysterious passage. We know very little about the “wise men” of scripture, but one that we do know is that they worshipped Jesus when they met Him.

The worship of Jesus should be central to how we experience Christmas. Worship isn’t singing songs; it’s responding to God.

Here are some questions to help process this passage:

1. The Magi came to Jerusalem and Bethlehem in search of Jesus. There was probably great cost and sacrifice involved in this journey. What price are you paying to seek Him right now? Is God calling you to seek Him more?

2. When the Magi met Jesus “they bowed down and worshipped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts”. Is your relationship with Jesus provoking worship? What do you need to be willing to let go of to worship? What should you be giving?

* * * * *

To share this with your children, have a conversation with them around these questions:

1. The wise men meet Jesus and are very excited. Why should we be excited about Jesus?

2. When the wise men meet Jesus, they give Him gifts from their treasure. How important are gifts? How important are gifts that we give? Gifts that we receive?

3. What is the best Christmas gift we get this year?

If you haven’t listened yet, take this further by listening to the sermon Pastor Kevin preached at Vortex entitled “Small Gifts”: http://vortexchurch.com/sermons/small-gifts/


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Chapter 4


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Read the following passage of scripture:Luke 2:1-20

This passage is the classic Christmas passage. My mother read this to us each Christmas, and its words are significant to understanding what God is doing through Christmas.

For many of us there are passages of scripture that are familiar. When a passage of scripture becomes remotely familiar, it’s time to ask Jesus to open our eyes to it again.

Perhaps this Christmas you need to ask Jesus to make the remarkable story of God coming to earth new for you.

Here are some questions to help process this passage:

1. God send Joseph and Mary to a small town when the baby Jesus is close to being born. How important is our comfort as we respond to following Jesus? Have you ever refused to follow because you thought it would be too uncomfortable?

2. Angels appear to shepherds to tell them of the newborn Jesus. Being a shepherd was a pretty unpopular job in those days, but God chooses them first. Why did God choose a group of shepherds? What does the bible say that they did when the angels appeared? What did they do after? What can we do to be more like those shepherds?

* * * * *

To share this with your children, have a conversation with them around these questions:

1. Jesus was born in pretty uncomfortable place, what we would call a barn or a stable. Why would God send His Son to be born in a barn? What can we learn about Jesus from that?

2. The angels came to visit the shepherds and tell them about the baby Jesus being born. Do we have to be afraid of God? What did these shepherds do that we need to do too?

If you haven’t listened yet, take this further by listening to the sermon Pastor Kevin preached at Vortex entitled “Small Places”: http://vortexchurch.com/sermons/small-places/


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Chapter 5


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December 18, 2012

A year ago we were in the middle of taking the first steps to start Vortex. I had just resigned from my position in Columbia, SC and we were figuring out how this whole thing could work.

This year hasn’t been easy, but rarely are things worth doing going to be easy. I have learned a few things this year, and been reminded of quite a lot. The journey has brought us here…Vortex is a reality, and we’re reaching a city the desperately needs Jesus.

This year I’ve been reminded so many times that the greatest gift we’ll ever get is simply Jesus.

I didn’t move to Albemarle, give up my position at our church in South Carolina, just to start a church… I did it to chase Jesus.

He called and we answered.

He has been the greatest reward, the greatest gift.

Over the last few months Jesus has began to give shape to the vision that God dropped in my heart a few years ago.

It’s odd when you’re a part of starting a church. Some folks you’ve never met become your best friends and most important confidants in just a few months. People you’ve never earned the right to speak to start to listen. It all happens so quickly and suddenly.

I’m humbled and amazed at what God has started through Vortex. It’s just the beginning, but I’m excited to see where God takes this story as He writes it.

Thank you for giving Albemarle this gift. Vortex has the potential to be something amazing for our city. Many of you see that, and I’m humbled that you’ve leveraged your time, talents, and treasure to help make it better.

With all my heart… thank you. I love you deeply.

-Pastor Kevin Simmons

