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Small glimpse of Linnaeus

Date post: 23-Jan-2018
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Page 1: Small glimpse of Linnaeus


Page 2: Small glimpse of Linnaeus

Linnaeus, is a crazy and insensitive section that has many “special” children that gives bad impressions to teachers. Has many talented but lazy students, much disappointment for us. It sure is a troublesome ride, but

it truly was a fantastic one.

I wonder, has things ever been so sudden that you can’t think before it already happened? I’m pretty sure

some of us bet right before everything began, that you’ll never have friends in this year same with the previous one we had.

Linnaeus, at first, I’d like to thank you for everything you’ve done and the memories that you made me experience. Back then, never actually

saw any good in our section, in fact, I thought it’s going to be a complete failure.

But, what can I say? I felt the same way with my previous section, and I’ve never felt so happy.

All I could feel right now is…gratefulness.

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Christmas PArty

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Field trip!

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Field Demo

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Sophia Genne DoctoleroIf I’ll be honest, I actually thought you were annoying, although please don’t take it

too far as offensive, nagging is actually a wake-up call for lots of us.

I actually enjoyed your speeches, they seem to be entirely lifted off of your chest. Of course, I get irritated sometimes when a couple of things are uncalled for, but I couldn’t think of anyone being far more suited in the job you are entrusted with. I am apparently scared of you, literally,

I don’t know if it’s out of respect our just plainly me having the imaginary dark aura surrounding you.

I also got scared, when you were about to leave as president and you were even offered to be transferred to another section. I was curious

why I even felt that way, we weren’t that close, and I’m certain at times you found me unnervingly annoying. But sometimes, I just do what I

want, and I sure did not regret it even if I came out as selfish.

Remember our first open forum or maybe it was the second, when we a class photo planned to be our “rebirth”? I really thought we were

going to change, but it quite took a long time to for us to be even partially united.

And always keep in mind Genne, you’re solely the reason why we have been the better Linnaeus. Ike Kaichou!!!

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Eisen Francisco

Take vitamins and put on off lotion and keep your immune System working!!!!

The student that always volunteers for work which is pretty daring, It’s hard already hard to maintain the classroom by the president’s side but you still ask for more work. Which I find quite selfless but it

really takes a toll on you. Take care of yourself, even if you’re a guy you have a fragile body.

You’re voice is nice but when you don’t louden it, I can’t understand anything. And I didn’t know you have that low voice which I should find enticing, It’s best though if you have a few join with your

singing because bass should never be alone.

Remember the time you did the Nae nae in Geometry? You were quite idiotic to show that to sir Joel, he’s quite fond with performances. Well it did make me laugh at that sleepy time so thanks.

Thank you for the times you took responsibility on your own shoulders but you should trust and depend on others more.

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Kathy Janda

You’re so cute and so… tall. Kathy you’re one of the sweetest classmates I’ve ever encountered. And

you’re so humble that I fell in love with you. Hahaha, just kidding.

Kathy, thanks for the hard work you put in our section, it’s pretty inspiring, and… we’re sorry we

couldn’t provide any markers for the board for you to use. I wonder, if I’m going to go beyond your

height next year, and most of all, I wonder if I could ever catch up with all of you.

The times we practiced together was humoring, when you and Kathlene get together it’s as expected

when best friends be put in one place, well, I do think you’re best friends considering the time you

seem to spend together. And I appreciate your compliments to everyone, they

do really make us cheer up. Thank you.

Remember the time when we were practicing for the field demo? That’s technically the reason how I

knew you. Mmm, I admit we Linnaeus did look amazing in our red and black costumes. I am meaning

to ask you, how do you manage to not make a mistake during the

performance? I certainly do want to repay you for the things you’ve done for the section I’m truly


Kathy, always keep that smile on your face and humbleness with you, you have brought and will bring

light to many.

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“Kristel Ann Catiis”Senpaiii~ I’ve known you since 7th grade and you are so fun to be with especially the times in group discussions, meetings, and group projects.

Your main characteristic that I could never forget is the goofiness. I mean, it brightens up the days of the lonely and your greetings and poses mostly has the peace sign

tagging along. I wonder if you’re going to be a treasurer again next year, and from what I saw it’s pretty stressful. Oh yeah… GOMENASAI!!! Hindi ako nakakapagbayad tapos

kadalasan nakakalimutan ko pa yung pera ko! GOMENASAI, SENPAI~!!!I love being around you, it’s comforting because I know someone’s there possibly

weirder than me… sorry. But, I never meant weird as an insult, I think of it as a compliment because someone’s gonna change the way things are in the most unique

way possible. You’re probably going to be one of them in the future… I wish.Remember the scene, “I survived!”? That is usually the reason why I suddenly laugh after

I look after a serious situation. It’s like after a rough road you still got the power of being optimistic.

I love you senpaii~, stay smart, weird, and positive!!!!

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“Nikka Nirza”Eh! Photographer! Honestly, I haven’t seen your photos before but it seems like

people are praising you for your photos. All I could say is keep up the good work.

It’s a pleasure to actually meet you, you are very funny in your own way, and quite creative might I add. You are very carefree and bold when you have an emotion.

Although, please be careful with that characteristic, it cannot always guarantee good results. I don’t know that much about you, we rarely talk and most of the time the talk was usually

about school.

You’re cool but sometimes impulsive but it doesn’t entirely that bad, sometimes being impulsive can get us through a certain circumstance. I appreciate your hard work for the class, your loud voice can catch attention. You seem very confident and I wish I am not


Remember the time we were riding a jeepney to go home from practice, we even got on the same vehicle as Genne, we were sharing some stories of our own with each

other. You were such a good listener.

Nikka, inspire lots of people with your photos, they need it.

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“Julianna Betina Pacquiao”You weird nut, how did we even become friends. You creepy knuckle head who doesn’t care

for what the world thinks of her.

I do hope you become my shadow, a shadow for a very bright light that I hope I’ll be so you’ll always be by my back and you will remain equal with me or better, stronger than me. A friend

that knows everything about me, that is so awkward. But after all, both of us are weird, occasionally overthrowing each other because of weirdness.

You’re annoying with a sadistic and masochist side that will be easily misunderstood by many people. I could see you as a twin sister and a rival in our next lives. You sadist! Take care of Mama Nae and the animals you idiot. You should know you mean a lot more than I would

ever confess.

Remember back when we were in 7th grade? Nicoline, you, and I will remain by the side of our classroom by the tree, where we tied a precious and pure white ribbon, I do hope, by the time

we are already adults with our own occupation, we would come by this tree to reminisce.

Remain your odd self for the world to experience, for the world to realize that difference is what brings us change that will make things better. Idiot.

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“Jasmine Aisha Reyes”Hey, insecure, condescending person. Okay, one of the great artists in our section that is praised by many

people, but would rather choose an insult. You’re more idiotic than Julianna.

I’ve known you since 7th grade, and I never noticed you until I saw you at the side of the lane being surrounded by students because of your drawing of a character with a wings. It probably feels good if we were one of those winged creatures, ability of going free from the world’s stare and go up in the horizon

where your silhouette will be admired.

I don’t know how else to say it but never let others affect you and don’t look down on yourself for you will look down upon others, it will result of being alone, in short… monophobia, and you seem to have that even if you deny it. And stop being close-minded, others have so much to show you, yet you don’t

notice because you’re scared.

Remember the time when you and I were alone talking about numerous amounts of things, it’s good that you’re somehow opening up to me but every time, I notice how lonely you are and how much you

underestimate yourself.The editorial cartooning is an opportunity, put your talent in drawing into good use and put some wild

imagination in it. And open your mind for new things. Gambatte~!

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Patrick Raul RomilloI honestly don’t wanna write about you here but I felt like I never thanked you properly. An incompetent Aniki I

once had, a weird one too.

Yeah, I still hate you. But childish it is of me to even elongate a one sided and one denial fight like ours. And our debates, you don’t know how many times you violated your previous statements by your new ones. And don’t

even get started with the bible or religion talk with me, and what annoys me the worst is you questioning ‘what’s the meaning of a word’. ARE YOU UNDERESTIMATING MY VOCABULARY OR SOMETHING!?

I actually forgave you a long time ago, I just wanted to see how far a liar and manipulator like you would go. I wouldn’t say you have confidence, I would just say you hide it with a false façade and possibly exaggeration. You have a funny side that manages to make my serious face twitch either by irritation or a laugh trying to go up to

my vocal chords.

Remember the time when I threw a small notebook almost nailing you where you could be hit to get on your knees? That was a time I almost forgot to breathe because of laughing uncontrollably, just a few more


Thank you for all the time you wasted for me and sorry for not reaching the expectations of a younger sister. I may renounce this, but I treasure the times we spent together especially with the group.

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“Luke Cajandab”Is a boy (I think so) who is great in singing, playing the guitar, dancing and even got in the top 10!!! I hate you

for that.

I think you’re awesome, but get working on getting your cheek muscles to go down, it’s the first time I’ve heard of it but smiling gets you in trouble. I didn’t expect you being a seatmate, and I got scared of you in

second grading so I never thought I’ll be relying on you to laugh.

I’m still waiting for my ship to sail of Luke and Han, should I give up? Nah, I’ll be patient, but be reminded that he’s also having a love triangle with Ralf.

Remember, the time when we were partnered for the egg project? I broke the egg and you were probably screaming through the chat you have with Ashlyn, I really got scared because based on the description a

couple of Gustilions gave when you were frustrated, it’s not a good picture when I imagined. When I got to school I was nervous and when you called out you seemed to have a resigned look but still has a disappointed

grin (I think).

Well, with so many gifts granted to you may you bring fun to lots of people because of your silliness, and I’m pretty sure it will be easier for you to achieve success. Gambatte!

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“Jhulia Rain Candia”Another one…great in dancing, singing, playing the guitar, and also in the top 10. Seriously, and you’re


I actually thought you’re hard to get along with before, but so far you’re one of the people that I really enjoy to be with. You’re responsible, you proved that to me since 1st quarter in Research and in certain times you

even get to tell jokes that lightens the mood.

I had a hard time catching up with all of you in Research, you seem to be in the level of understanding what you’re saying to others, I’m sorry if I’m kind of dense when it comes to discussions.

Remember the time when we were performing for riceponsible, thank God you were in the middle, you pulled it off! Sorry, I was forgetting some lyrics and steps.

Jhulia, I’m sorry if I was a big trouble sometimes, sometimes you shoulder all the problems in the group, I honestly don’t know if you like me but I don’t care, I think you’re kinder than anyone could ever imagine. I

thank you for all those times.

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“Gabrielle Romero”You’re kind, pretty, and responsible. Of course you have a secret side, a weird side, you call me homo-sapien

and a bozo…which totally makes sense.

You have stage fright yet you still manage yourself in front, you’re not that fluent in Filipino… but oddly I find it cute when you sometimes struggle in pronunciation. I’m sorry!!! I apologize when I borrow too much things,

I know you don’t like that, it’s very unfair to you, I’m sorry.

I’m grateful for you checking a test paper that I should check myself when I was doing something because I was cramming. You are the one telling me to do things at home to be easier, and the time you pointed out

that you’ve always seen me do my Amsci in school, I was so motivated to prove you wrong and I even bragged about it to you. As if it’s a big thing. Hahaha!

Remember one science time when Ms. Sarto scolded us? That’s the first time I saw you cried, and I found it disturbing, I don’t like seeing you cry. I feel like you already went through too much/

Gabby, please save the tears for the time of joy, I don’t want you to shed any more for sadness. Oh, the future is uncertain, but with you, I think anything is possible. P.S. Don’t be bothered because that guy seen zoned


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“Zacharie Sebial”

Don’t take it offensively, but you’re like a cute teddy bear I’d like to be cuddled with every night.

I found you odd at first, I was quietly observing everyone in my first days as an 8th grader, and you were quite talkative and friendly. And when I was chosen as a leader in Science, I didn’t realize close you already are with

Raelene and Sophia, and at first I thought of you as naïve.

You are very kind and you befriended everyone, almost everyone. But I’m pretty sure you had your own taste of friends, Raelene, Jhulia, Sophia seemed to have reached those expectations. I appreciated every oreo cookie you

gave me, you didn’t forget giving me, I was happy. Thank you for every effort you put into someone like me.

Remember the time I hugged you hard when we all thought you were gone, Japan’s a good country but I always remind myself how far it is. And I felt like I didn’t even thank you and sent you off to a good farewell. I planned

to do just that, but I feel like a bother you.

Keep that wide grin plastered and if you were to go to Japan, keep in mind, that I’ve thought of you as a friend who’ll I’ll be meeting once again

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“Gabrielle Astudillo”I’ve known you since last year because of our sisters, and I found you completely annoying to no end. I don’t

know if you’re joking or not, I don’t if you’re in the mood or not. Seriously, make yourself identifiable.

I think you have one of the weakest immune systems in our section, I mean come on, I think you’re one of the people that has the most absents within a year…besides Eisen of course. I am concerned sometimes, I always

seemed troubled whether you’re gonna catch up or not. You better.

I think you have a great artistic side, I liked your painting back when we were grade 7…and I felt insecure when I saw yours so I had a difficult time contemplating if I’ll show you mine or not.

Remember the time when my sister and I went to your house because ate Danielle’s birthday? I never knew you were absent so I was shocked when I saw you. While we were eating you looked so drowsy and red you

looked weirder than you already are.

It’s alright to share your thoughts all the time but remind yourself that not all will take consideration, sometimes it’s either you prove them wrong or sulk in by an imaginary corner. Anyway, keep yourself healthy

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“Sophia Sarao”You are always there for the class, trying to fill up the gap we have in the room.

Always ready, sometimes I envision you as a girl scout every time someone is need of something you are there for them! I am concerned sometimes because you seem to hurt most of the time in the body, and sometimes

your throat seems to hurt or strained.

When you were in my group, you are very reliable who I can depend on, and the three of you next to me can be very amusing that I can’t help but laugh along sometimes, thanks for those times. Even if you weren’t aware you

partly made my day.

Remember the time when you were asking me to help you in math about proving. When I was teaching I was nervous because I’m known to be difficult in teaching, but when you got it you smiled and made a comment of

you solving it.

The theme “Laging Handa!” really suits you, Peace. Don’t shout too much so that you won’t lose your voice, you’ve been losing it for a lot of times.

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Matt BeringAt first I thought you were the quiet type, but then I realize you were the prankster and the joker of the class

(no offense Bering).

I enjoyed some of your jokes but other times I despised it, like for example the classic “nandyan na si Miss!” I had lots of things to do and you’re just pressuring me in your comedic actions.

I did happen to love your jokes about your pimples. Like how it hurts and how big it was and what you did to make it hurt a lot. I remember that one time wherein you really wanted to shout “Ang sakit ng pimple ko!”

Remember the time you were performing in front for music, you were amazing in the pen tapping, actually you’re good in beats, I was wondering if you’ll be a DJ as hobby but who knows.

Don’t worry, even if you’re usually the subject of teasing because of your skin tone and you’re partnership with Ralf, it’s gonna be alright. Bering I feel you will find solace in most teenagers, I mean who am I kidding we’re

on the same boat here! Enjoying the ride of life.

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Oxana HernandezMy first outlook about you is that you’re a sassy student; I didn’t know how right I was when I got to know about

you in the past months.

You sass me, like there’s no tomorrow. I feel like you enjoy it and I’m starting to think you are a bit sadistic. Sorry about that. Though I have to say that is you’re charming point, making the serious statement a bit light to have

a good laugh.

I do happen to despise you when you make pulling lines (“Hugot lines”) like when out of nowhere you began to say those statements as if you actually experienced them. And I hate that some of them are actually true.

Remember the time in Intramurals, we were by the railings in front of our room with Kristel, we were sharing our own hugot lines… and your laugh is somehow annoying but at the same time pleasing. But really most of them

are true, you somehow remind me of that meme I read once.

I’m sorry for all the trouble you went through, I didn’t get to help that much. You hid these feelings and sometimes you end up breaking down. I don’t like you crying, it doesn’t look right, I want the sassy female, ok?!

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Han GallegosThe annoying and smarty student of Linnaeus that you may hate and love for his girly comebacks. I have to say I

am one of the people who hates your sarcasm and still love it at the same time.

It’s already unbearable that you make remarks about me, the thing that ticks me off is you taking pictures all of a sudden. There’s no photoshoot for you to do that!

Remember that time you pretended to be a girl in place of Gabby? Man that was so hilarious.I can’t forget it, forever that picture is printed in my mind, and I’m also a bit sure that you were dying of

embarrassment when you did that act, but still that moment is priceless!

I admire your confidences in many things Han, sometimes you are overflowing with it so much that I want to take a sample and try to find out where it came from. I sometimes hope that you can….. fix your laziness, though it helps

your bring out your confidence it still makes you a sloth.

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Mikaela CalabazaronThe hugot queen of Linnaeus, probably from the experience you received in life. What experiences? I’ll never

know. What I do know is that you are both the loud and quiet girl of the class.

You keep your mouth shut when it needs to be but releases the kraken when it needs to be. You vsn be loud from time to time but, hey, that makes you a fun person to converse with.

I mean where do get all the hugot liners you create in just a simple thought and statements? Like I just said one sentence and you’re already on your third hugot. Seriously?!?

Remember the time when you were explaining to me what the tone is for certain Filipino songs, and the times you cheered for me(I think you did)? I don’t knopw how to repay you, but when you perform expect to hear my

voice cheering alright?

One day maybe you’ll get over the phase of being the hugot queen, maybe you’ll get over your experiences, but for me once you made hugot, you’ll never stop making them.

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Kaye Anghag

I hate that sometimes you hide that talent of yours in singing. I happen to love that you always know where to go in class projects, like you know where your calling is.

I believe that you need to boost your confidence, your voice is too awesome too be even hidden from the world!!! When you get assigned as a leader I’m pretty sure it’s hard. When you get assigned as a leader it usually

ends up great, the problem sometimes is just the cooperation of your members.

Remember the time you sang openly for the first time? I was shocked with your voice, I didn’t know you were that good in fact I thought you were the athletic type because you seemed tomboyish. You also seem to get

along with everyone, but of course you get irritated sometimes, yeah sorry about that.

Keep up the good work Kaye I’m counting on your skills and abilities in the future of Linnaeus.

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Tracey Ortigas

Sometimes your shyness gets in the way of things but you always took great care about other people’s feelings that’s why you don’t say so much about other people’s fault.

You also have some humor especially if you like you the people around you but be careful, don’t let people abuse you because of your kindness and don’t restrain yourself/

I like your care for other people but if possible please speak up a bit more loudly; I want your opinion to be heard throughout the class if possible. I honestly think you’re one of the quiet people with lots of hidden

talents, I know I don’t know much about you but it’s quite obvious that you’re hiding a talent.

Believe in yourself Tracey, if you believe you’ll be able to speak up and let other people hear you.

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“Kathlene Dacanay”The swag female in Linnaeus, you like K-pop and you’re one of the best dancers, you also carry your group

amazingly in science, sure, sometimes there’s struggle but you got through it.

Your tall and funny, just like Kristel whom you nicknamed as ‘lola’, in the first days of school, I was pretty intimidated… I don’t know why, please don’t ask me. My impression of you back then was a ‘siga’ type of girl,

there are times you are like that but you were just acting.

I admire your generosity, and I’ve never seen you angry and I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t want to witness that. In dancing, you’re technically the choreographer and I must say you make the steps snappy but at the same time

easy to understand, probably when you grow up you’ll make it a hobby to teach children or choreograph.

Remember when you were doing the Declamation in front of many people on stage? I’m pretty sure you were nervous, a couple of grade 7 laughed when you stumbled on stage when you started, but throughout your

performance you did it amazingly. You do deserve your title, keep it up.

Never be shy about your talent, in fact, spread it all over the world and have some people to stand up as well. You’ll do well in the future. Haeng-un-eul


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Justin FabricanteYou condescending bastard, consider what others feel to! Just because you’re big and know lots of facts about

this world doesn’t mean you should brag.

You’re too big that sometimes I imagined you saying to me ‘puny human!’, don’t blame me, I admit that I’m weird but it doesn’t mean I couldn’t punch you hard for your insults and for annoying me!

I’m positive that you have a good side, we all do. But the problem is… YOU’RE NOT SHOWING IT! More like we don’t notice it, it’s being overthrown by how much you seem so violent!

Remember the time when we were doing our performance in Biotech? You practically strangled and shook Luke hard that I thought it wasn’t acting anymore. I’m still aware it’s acting, I meant make it look believable not

through being literal!

I know it’s probably already in your nature to be…difficult. But you need to come out of your shell and be nice. I know you want to be a businessman someday and it means you need to practice proper greetings!

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Ashlyn Omega

Konnichiwa kawaii onnanoko!!! The girl that tells me I’m cute but turns down the cute compliment even though she is.

Ashlyn, praise your kindness and beautiful voice, it’s angelic. I’m so happy you’re an otaku because if you weren’t I don’t know how else I would be approaching someone like you. I do hope you somehow

learned something from the book I lent you even if it’s only for a short time.

You’re quite imaginative, you’re just not using it all the time. There are certain things that will really fuel up your interest which is not that surprising. Even everyone no matter how unlikely, some spread

throughout sheets and become lazy only going to get up when it’s needed or something interesting.

Remember the chant you had in EsP once, it truly is for a church choir, your voice stood noticeably even if sometimes it’s very soft.

I hope to hear more from you in the future, shall people be enchanted.

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“Raiven Reyes”Oddly, I hated you from the start, probably because of the history you had with someone I care about. I heard

you were a heartthrob back in Del Mundo, I don’t about now though.

You’re very smart, I’ll give you that, but it’s not noticeable because of your silliness and laziness. I know it’s typical for all students but I resented you when you got in the top 10 of the first quarter, I thought it was all girls

and I stated in my mind by then that you are gay.

Going on, I still hate you for laughing about a confession, and I wanted you to kiss the world bye-bye but I will be brought to jail. To be honest, I thought you were cute, but it was a turn off when I got to know about your

silliness especially in Research. You’re good with a guitar and quite good in handwriting.

Remember, in sir Joel’s time you were being asked to ask a request that is very respectful. You looked quite helpless, I wanted to help you but I somehow can’t because I believe I’ll make things worse, thank goodness Carl

helped though.

Stop blaming me so suddenly about something I didn’t know, I’m aware it’s just a joke but I feel bad! Stop being shy about things. You’re tall, granted with a cute face and you have the ‘siga’ attitude sometimes but you act

like an insecure dwarf… stop that!!!

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“Keith Rosete”

You’re weird and has difficulty in explaining sometimes but know that we’re here to listen to your problems no matter what.

May it be problems in school, home, friends etc. We’re here to understand the things you can’t explain, tell us how you feel and think.

Don’t get angered when we can’t hear you or understand you, I know you are trying to be heard but also understand that we are trying to decipher your thoughts and ideas.

I hope to hear more from you Keith, Keep up the good work in expressing yourself.

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Andrea Guzman

You’ve always kept to yourself, I would sometimes think that you find solace in your solitude. I know that statement may be true and not true and that sometimes you may seek companionship to your peers.

I’ve also been through that stage, I’m sure everyone has been through. With our class that feeling must have been like fire choking you from inside out, and when you try to put it out by satisfying your needs, it would only

grow stronger making you feel more caged and lonely.

Remember that even we may seem not like it, some of us are there for you to give your companionship that you may need. There are a lot of them here and I know you know them since you always talk to them. Remember

Andrea Sophia no man is an Island.

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Ralf Anastacio

I would like to thank your cooperation in the Filipino month, even I would not be able to do that, walking in front of people with your chest bare and your knees getting wobbly from all the attention you are receiving.

I would like take notice of your lack of opinion to what’s happening around you, sometimes you don’t really feel what’s in your surroundings. But that is in my opinion, I’m sure there are times where you really care and

help in class and those times are probably the ones I never saw.

If it would be possible can you make yourself a bit more known? not literally.

I mean be seen or heard in class, sure you recite and give suggestions but can you take a stand for it in times of being questioned? and that’s what I meant by being known.

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Carl LafigueraYou’re a bit…….selfish, sorry for my perspective but sometimes your too inconsiderate of other people’s feelings

and I hate it when you do that.

Lessen your nosy self as well please, don’t poke your nose in places you shouldn’t place in. I like how you protect your friends when their being confronted, but you should refrain from that because that fight is theirs to battle.

Let them take their own steps.

Also I’ve seen the way you stare at other people, as if you’re judging them with upsetting statements. Don’t do that stare please, you give off this feeling that you already knew what’s wrong with person even if you don’t.

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John Paul Rosario I hate your slouching, I’m sorry but I really despise it. It makes you look bored and uninterested in what’s

happening. I can’t exactly force you my ideals in life that you should always face everything head on.

You shouldn’t slouch cause its bad for your back and it’s disrespectful to the person in front. You are a student in Lpscie and students from this school shouldn’t act like that.

We are educated people and should know about rights, proper etiquettes, and respect in life. Do not act like an ordinary student because we are extraordinary children capable of pushing through the limits. I agree that we are only students needing relaxation and rest but think about it, we are the hope of the future. We brighter

than most and we must polish it to help light the path of our country.

Do you know the verse in Desidarata? “There will always be greater and lesser persons than yourself,” Keep that in mind.

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John Derryk AlvaradoSometimes your too rough and you past our private circle and that’s what you should stop. There’s a limit

to something JD don’t forget that.

What I do like about you is your bluntness in things; hey at least you know how to speak of the truth in times of need for criticism.

Please stop being too rough about something’s, it really invades the privacy of a person , at least try to know if you have made the person upset in your actions.

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Erik NuallaOne of the quiet types who hides their talents, that’s what I think of you. No one believed me when I said

something about you when in reality I witnessed it and can say for sure it is true.

Have little backbone Erik! Don’t be scared of everything! try to face new things than being in the same routine in your life. Trust life will be boring if you don’t ever try something new.

Isn’t that the point of life? trying something new and then getting hurt and then learning new stuff? so why not do it now?

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Jasher OlarveGood in sports and art. Extremely creative and if I were to peek inside your mind I would probably see a

stream of colors that flows inside your mind. You are one of the people in the class who are very imaginative and resourceful.

I admire your works in arts that I first observed in our class project for math. The painting of the bamboos in front of the first building, the stroke of your painting was very elegant.

In the next duties that the class was given with, I continued to see your mind overflowing with ideas that I may have never came up with. I would love to see more of your works Jasher, Continue in making your

creativity overflow with colors and light.

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Raelene Tamayo

I feel like you are one of the people taken for granted, you are always there for the group and try to support it by every means possible but no can really take notice of your efforts.

Some may know of it but they would take advantage of it and leave all the work to you. You are a good person and other people will want that to have credits that they never worked for.

Stand your ground Raelene, don’t be easily swept away by the wind that cannot touch you. If they want to get something they have to work for it like you did. NO one deserves a carrot if they didn’t experienced being


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Jericho Dolendo

Your easy-going character is one of your greatest characteristics, I just ask you to do something and you always agree with this playful manner. IN fact I’ve never seen you

angry as well, irritated may be but never angry.

what do you do to contain all that negative emotions Jericho? Do you send them to the pits of hell or do you swallow it and control?

For me containing all that emotions would be hard so I’m wondering what you do it?

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Danica ManungsongI kind of already knew that you would be the tomboyish girl in the class, and I wish to know you a bit more. You look like a fun person to be with since every time you talk

with other people they seem to laugh together with you.

I love your permanent smile that’s plastered on your face. I wish I could have a little bit of your happiness that doesn’t exist in certain situations. At first you looked like you smoked weeds when you smiled but I gradually learned that this is a natural thing to


Your smile is very infectious Danica, every time you try to be serious it would always be an epic fail, but hey I like that part, you ease the tension in the class. Keep it up Danica!

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JV Calderas

I’ve always asked myself this again and again. WHY ARE YOU SO FRIGGIN TALL!!! what did you use to make yourself grow taller! I envy your skills in math but that’s not the icing of the cupcake here dude. The fact that you’re younger than me and I’m actually older but still you’re taller than

me is the icing on the cupcake of my envy!

What did you do to make yourself good in math and grow into a giant?!!!! Maybe because of the genes, or maybe because of vitamins or maybe you don’t know that reason of your growth spurt.

Maybe I’ll remain my height for the years to come, JV show the well of tallness so I may too drink from it and grow soon!

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