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Smallville .Gotham City Stories

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  • 7/29/2019 Smallville .Gotham City Stories


    Smallville : Gotham

    City Stories

  • 7/29/2019 Smallville .Gotham City Stories



    A man without fear

    ..is a liar

    Truth is everybodys afraid of something, Ive successfully spent more time than money

    making certain everybodys afraid of me.

    Afraid of me .Everybodys afraid of something .What am I afraid of ?.Its not the spiders,the dark, losing


    ..or even death.

    But dreaming .

    Sometimes when I dream the gun goes Bang ,Bang..

    But he misses

    Or before the Bang ,Bang I act

    I know exactly the right bundle of nerves I need to squeeze to make him drop the gun..

    Which he does, but I keep squeezing more pressure, more pressure.. waiting for the

    nauseating pop..

    ..And when it comes I know hell never be able to hold a gun again

    And Ill be held by the arms that Ive never been held since.

    And sometimes its not a just a Bang ,Bang but a




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    And were together.

    But its just a lie

    A dream

    That wont come true.

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    Chapter 1


    A secret society that was formed to welcome the traveler. the traveler is said to bethe savior of mankind. and Veritas claimed themselves to be the savior to be..

    ..The savior of the traveler..

    Each summer four powerful families would gather and discuss their plans to welcome the

    traveler, the savior of mankind

    But before Veritas could welcome the traveler ,they all died, all but one..

    The Luthors

    Edward Teague was poisoned

    the swans were killed

    and the queens died of a plane crash leaving their son alone.

    I remember Mr. queen visiting my father every now and then .Oliver used to come too.

    he was mad about bows and arrows", never could enough of them.

    Whenever our parents were locked inside matter that were none of our concern, he

    always conned me into showing him my fathers antique collection..

    Specially the crossbows

    Unfortunately Mr. queen wasnt the only one that came to visit my father, there wassomeone else.

    It was Lionel Luthor.

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    I never liked that man. he always had this predatorial atmosphere around him.

    Alexander was okay though

    Except that he always had a warrior Angel action figure glued to his hand, that was his


    Alexander was always scared of his father, it wasnt respect like me and Ollie had for

    our, it was fear, I could see it in his eyes.

    October 1989

    In the last few hours hell broke around us. the queens died leaving Ollie all by himself.,

    and a meteor shower destroyed a small Kansas town called Smallville.

    Alexander was there

    His father was on a business trip, Alexander wondered off, he was in a range of a meteor,

    his hair was stripped of from his head making him bald..


    Iv never seen my father so freaked out .it scared me, because I thought my father to be

    the bravest man there is, he's the bravest man ive ever known ,and it scared me to see him

    like this. it scared me because this wasnt my father

    My mother was stunning, confrontational and charming. the kind of woman everyman


    I was no exception.

    My father was a very wealthy man ,at a time when wealth didnt mean celebrity, but

    responsibility. and responsibility meant his time wasnt his own, or mine

    I took exception to that ,being a boy

    I was so in awe of him. I never dared let my let my feelings be known, but he knew.

    when he could swindle a minute for me he always did, when he could .

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    Steal a night

    it was special. when he asked me if I wanted to go to the movies, I was so happy I

    didnt know what to say.

    And when his responsibility tried to rob it back.

    "Bruce you're going to have to stop carrying on, Because this just cant be helped!"

    "..But you promised"

    "I know ,but we cant go to the movies tomorrow night. we'll go next week."



    "Listen to me, Youngman. If you talk to your father like that it wont be just the moviesyou'll be missing out on.."

    And in her amazing, crystal blue eyes ,the boy saw that he couldnt do what he was tryingto do.

    Control the situation

    Force things onto being the way he wanted them to be

    So he screamed at his parents

    Screamed three words

    Three words

    ..And knowing what line he had crossed with those words, he ran

    He ran.

    - - And they followed.

    "Bruce ?"

    "Just leave me alone!"

    He was hurt ,coming second to responsibility and he wanted to punish them for it.

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    The next day he didnt say any words .not even when

    "Bruce ,We're going "

    "If you're coming with us you'd better hurry. I dont want to miss the cartoons"

    His silent , tough guy routine had worked . he got his way, But felt guilty for it. Being a

    boy he blamed his parents for that too.

    So he kept his mask on to save face. he wanted to let his mother and father of the hook,

    but it was hard, and he couldnt find the words to do it.

    - - So he was left - - alone

    - - with the last words he said to them.

    Maybe he'll spend the rest of his life trying to take those words back

    ..Or maybe he meant them.

    I made a promise on the grave of my parents to rid this city of the evil that took theirlives.By day I am Bruce Wayne, billionare philanthropist, at night criminals, a cowardly

    and superstitious lot call me


    And this is my story.

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    Chapter 2

    I remember this day like it was yesterday, I' m running after Rachel. "Let me see" I tell

    her," Finders keepers and I found it" she teases me." In my garden " I tell her with a bit of

    sarcasm in my voice.

    She unfolds her palms to reveal and arrow head, like the ones Indians use.Olliver would

    have loved it. I grab it from her palms

    "Finders keepers"

    And I run with Rachel right behind, I hide behind one of the flower beds in our greenhouse. Like I had done a hundred times.

    "Bruce" she calls.

    Ollie, Jason, penny, Lex even Harvey and Tommy, we had all played hear, but this was

    Rachel's first time in the greenhouse, she didn't know that I had some hiding spots inhere, this was my territory and she was trespassing.

    And then it happens, I start to feel the ground give out beneath me, I start to feel thewooden planks getting weak under my feet, and thats when it happened.

    I fall.

    I hit the ground hard. And they fly all over me. bats all of them all around me and I see

    Rachel looking down at me.

    "Mom! Mr. Alfred!" she runs to the house screaming

    Moments later I can see my father lowering himself down towards me

    "Bruce, its okay"

    he gives me his hand and I take it ,no shame here, no need to worry, he carries me to thehouse." I'm really sorry "Rachel's mother apologizes, "Its okay" my father tells her as I

    hands Rachel her arrow head.

    Our arrowhead

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    "I already called a doctor, we'll take him to an x ray later" my father told Alfred as he

    carried me up the stairs." quite a fall wasnt it master Bruce" asks Alfred." And why dowe fall Bruce?"

    "So we can learn to pick ourselves up"

    My father looked down at me, I was on my bed, "do you know why they attacked you

    Bruce? Because they were afraid of you" he smiles at me." afraid of me" I was shocked.All creatures feel fear" he explains

    "Even the scary ones?"

    "Specially the scary ones"

    He took a small black box from his coat and opened it .it revealed a pearl white necklace.

    He handed me the necklace. " you think your mother will like it ?" it was a pearlnecklace, surely nothing for a man of my fathers wealth, but it was still beautiful, must

    have cost a fortune. I smiled as we talked about going to the movies the coming week.

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    Chapter 3





    it was Oliver .he was knocking on my door , we were in boarding .it took a moment forme to take it all in .Excelsior Academy.

    I rushed to the door to let him in ,cant let anyone find that he is up past curfew "yeah ollie

    what is it ?"I asked him.

    He looked at me like I was confused, and then it hit me. Like a bullets through a snow

    ball it all went right through my brain.

    "Oh !" I sighed

    I looked at the digital clock beside my table. the screen flashed a bright green '2.30 am'and the date was October 14, 1994 ."Oh c'mon man its late " said Oliver

    "and this is the third time this month , I know you are going through a lot but, shouldn't

    you wait till morning , I mean I am sure that Mr. Reynolds would understand "

    "and then what Bruce , I end up writing a five page essay on where I would be five years

    from now on" he was angry. There was no reasoning with him in times like this .and evenif I could , Oliver being Oliver just wouldnt listen.

    I knew what this was. I was one of the very few who understood this. I had lost my own

    parents at the age of ten while he had lost his parents at half that age. but I still think thatI am more mature than him when it comes to dealing with these things, but then again I

    had Alfred he he .. probably grew up with servants and butlers. Alfred was our

    butler but he was more than that ,he was like a second father to me, and not to mentionthat I also had Leslie Thompkins .Oliver had no one.

    Today was the anniversary of his parent's death. he was going out of control sneaking outof school and going somewhere, but to day he wanted to make it to his parents grave, he

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    wouldnt ask Terrance for permission ,saying that he will get a five page essay like lex

    does, but I knew better he was ashamed ,he had no reason to be. Terrance would grant

    him permission .but he just wouldnt dare ask for it. instead he wanted me .me of allpeople. and I wasnt one of his gang either , he had his own friends and I got mine, he

    was always hanging around , Alden and Geoffrey .I was with my childhood friends

    Harvey dent and Tommy Elliott.

    Oliver came back in to my room with a certain type of box. Like a tool box a garage man

    would use. Only this one was some what unique. This box had tools too, just not whatyou would expect an ordinary fourteen year old to have.

    The box contained things that Ollie says he would need on his "missions" which a teacher

    would he would need for rule breaking. but hey its like Ollie always said .'rules are meantto be broken'

    We walked down the dormitories. Oliver took some 'tools' from his 'tool box' and started

    to pick the lock. it was really kind of cool when you thought about. it was at that moment.but I knew that once I got this adrenaline out of my system I would be thinking like "this

    is crazy".

    The cool October air blew into my skin, it was called, and all I had was a leather jacket,

    the wind burned my skin as I tightened the jacket." I wonder where Terrance is?"

    "maybe he is patrolling the corridors" said Oliver didnt realize that I had said it out


    Terrance the terror, thats what people here called him. He is fair and tough and I respect

    him for that, I think lex feels the same way, he never actually argued with Terrance. but if

    Mr. Terrance finds us we are dead meat.

    But something tells me that Terrance has a grudge against lex. I got to admit that people

    treat him differently, mostly because of his hair, he has to wear a hat all the time. his onlyfriend is Duncan Allenmeyer, and lets just say that having some one like Duncan as your

    best friend isnt really good. Special due to Oliver's unstable upbringing , Oliver and his

    friends dont actually get along with lex Duncan. at lease thats one way to put it.

    We headed for the gate , I don't how Oliver planned to do this .but I just wished that he

    had something planned because I didn't. the last two times we got lucky .on our first day

    the guard was fast asleep, on the second day he was gone , probably taking a break orsomething, but today he was wide awake.

    Ollie signaled me to go back the other way ,I followed him. Finally we came to a spotwhere we wont be seen by any one. Oliver opened the box. and he took out a crossbow.

    he has bows and arrows for different types of ' missions'." each arrow has its own unique

    history" I remember him telling me that once. he has all these bow made just for him ,he

    brings the best of the from all over the world and sets them up himself.

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    The arrow he used on this 'mission' was like a grappling hook with a long cable attached

    to it. Hmm may be I should get one of those I thought. Ollie shot an arrow straight into torope. the hook go trapped on some rain gutters, he pulled the rope once more to make

    sure that it was strong enough. he then pressed a button on his bow and it the cable began

    to reel itself up. When he got to the highest point he reached the gutter and climbed on tothe roof. He pressed the button again lowered the bow towards me. I took his tool box

    and held on the bow. I pressed the button just like he had done, instantly I was reeling

    upwards. I did the same acrobatics he did and soon we were on the roof .Ollie unhookedthe bow as it shine brightly in the moon light. if the guard was back then he would only

    need to look up and we would get caught.

    "Now what?" I asked him ,"jumping on rooftops ?". Oliver didnt say anything he justgrinned. I didnt like that grin .it never meant anything good.

    Jumping off roof tops, this was the last thing on my mind, and yet thats what Ollie

    wanted me to do. I ran. Jumping from school building to school building, we were liketwo superheroes jump through the rooftops going after a common enemy to save


    We were soon at the edge of the school, the coast was clear .we could see the walls of

    Excelsior academy right beneath us. it was a bit of a long jump. But if we could make it.


    "You got anything in there that might help us in these situations??"I asked him." no, weare going to have to jump, I was working on something but it won't be ready till a couple

    of months". Oliver took a bit of running distance and jumped, by skill or luck he landed

    right on top of the wall, he signaled me to jump .Oliver did a sort of sprint and landedoutside the grounds of excelsior academy with a soft thud. But he forgot his box. Besides

    there was no way he couldn't have taken that with him anyway. I hope that Oliver would

    be able to catch this I thought. I took his box and threw it beyond the walls. I heard thesound of metal against flesh and flesh against the ground. Yes! He had caught it. Now it

    was my turn to jump. I wonder how superheroes do this; I mean carry their gadgets and

    jump off rooftops. I took a long running distance and ran.

    There was no turning back now, I just had to get to the edge and jump. Closer, only a

    little bit more.

    I jumped

    This was just like a few years back, back when we were kids, before my parents died,before anyone's parents died. Our parents took me and Tommy to metropolis, they and

    told us to stay in the hotel. But Tommy and I we didnt listen. We snuck out. I just hope

    this time will be better than that. I just hope that this time it will be different

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    Chapter 4

    I landed on the grounds outside excelsior with a small thud. My feet hurt a bit .I lookedup at Oliver; he had the box in his hand. "Nice job, you caught it!" I congratulated him.

    He looked at me with his 'I told you so' look. He had a black eye.


    "Sorry" I whined. "So where to?" I asked him."your place" he told me.i should haveknown.the last time we had gone on 'missions' he just wanted stroll around the woods and

    just be by himself.i was just his body guard, he wanted to be safe.i was just there to warn


    "your place"

    I had a safe house a couple of blocks from excelsior.i had mention it to ollie on severaloccasions.but I never expected to take him there.i just go there with tommy and Harvey

    whenever I get time.i had some vehicles and other equipment stored there.ollie knew all

    of this.it was just a half and hour walk from excelsior.

    "ok" I told him.

    We kept walking. None of us said anything.there was nothing to say. I wasnt in his usualcrowd.despite the past we shared, the past we all shared.in reality I we total strangers to

    each other.bit by bit there grass lands gaveaway to a bit of a populated area.

    Okay so it wasnt originally a safe house.it was more of a warehouse.when wayne

    industries decided to abandon it .alfred decided that I should keep it .he said it would

    come in handy.i have a safe house at every gotham , metropolis, star city, edge city and alot of others,all of these warehouses contain just what I would need incase of an

    imeregency , a few vehicles for transportation , shelter and food. Though I gues the food

    is probably expired by now.

    All except this one. Only a few wayne industries officials know about these, Alfred

    makes sure theres always someone in this one to make sure that its well maintained.

    I could see the place right ahead of me. "there it is " I showed him.ollie broke in to a run.i

    followed.how ami ever gonna explain this.

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