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Smart crawler a two stage crawler

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SmartCrawler: A Two-stage Crawler for Efficiently Harvesting Deep-Web Interfaces Feng Zhao, Jingyu Zhou, Chang Nie, Heqing Huang, Hai Jin Abstract—As deep web grows at a very fast pace, there has been increased interest in techniques that help efficiently locate deep-web interfaces. However, due to the large volume of web resources and the dynamic nature of deep web, achieving wide coverage and high efficiency is a challenging issue. We propose a two-stage framework, namely SmartCrawler , for efficient harvesting deep web interfaces. In the first stage, SmartCrawler performs site-based searching for center pages with the help of search engines, avoiding visiting a large number of pages. To achieve more accurate results for a focused crawl, SmartCrawler ranks websites to prioritize highly relevant ones for a given topic. In the second stage, SmartCrawler achieves fast in-site searching by excavating most relevant links with an adaptive link-ranking. To eliminate bias on visiting some highly relevant links in hidden web directories, we design a link tree data structure to achieve wider coverage for a website. Our experimental results on a set of representative domains show the agility and accuracy of our proposed crawler framework, which efficiently retrieves deep-web interfaces from large-scale sites and achieves higher harvest rates than other crawlers. Index Terms—Deep web, two-stage crawler, feature selection, ranking, adaptive learning 1 I NTRODUCTION The deep (or hidden) web refers to the contents lie be- hind searchable web interfaces that cannot be indexed by searching engines. Based on extrapolations from a study done at University of California, Berkeley, it is estimated that the deep web contains approximately 91,850 terabytes and the surface web is only about 167 terabytes in 2003 [1]. More recent studies estimated that 1.9 zettabytes were reached and 0.3 zettabytes were consumed worldwide in 2007 [2], [3]. An IDC report estimates that the total of all digital data cre- ated, replicated, and consumed will reach 6 zettabytes in 2014 [4]. A significant portion of this huge amount of data is estimated to be stored as structured or relational data in web databases — deep web makes up about 96% of all the content on the Internet, which is 500-550 times larger than the surface web [5], [6]. These data contain a vast amount of valuable infor- mation and entities such as Infomine [7], Clusty [8], BooksInPrint [9] may be interested in building an index of the deep web sources in a given domain (such as book). Because these entities cannot access the proprietary web indices of search engines (e.g., Google and Baidu), there is a need for an efficient Feng Zhao, Change Nie and Hai Jin are with the Department of Computer Science and Technolgoy, HuaZhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China. E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Jingyu Zhou is with Department of Computer Science and Engineer- ing, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China. E-mail: [email protected] Heqing Huang is with Department of Computer Science and Engi- neering, The Pennsylvania State University University Park, Penn- sylvania, USA. E-mail: [email protected] crawler that is able to accurately and quickly explore the deep web databases. It is challenging to locate the deep web databases, because they are not registered with any search en- gines, are usually sparsely distributed, and keep con- stantly changing. To address this problem, previous work has proposed two types of crawlers, generic crawlers and focused crawlers. Generic crawlers [10], [11], [12], [13], [14] fetch all searchable forms and cannot focus on a specific topic. Focused crawlers such as Form-Focused Crawler (FFC) [15] and Adap- tive Crawler for Hidden-web Entries (ACHE) [16] can automatically search online databases on a specific topic. FFC is designed with link, page, and form classifiers for focused crawling of web forms, and is extended by ACHE with additional components for form filtering and adaptive link learner. The link classifiers in these crawlers play a pivotal role in achieving higher crawling efficiency than the best-first crawler [17]. However, these link classifiers are used to predict the distance to the page containing search- able forms, which is difficult to estimate, especially for the delayed benefit links (links eventually lead to pages with forms). As a result, the crawler can be inefficiently led to pages without targeted forms. Besides efficiency, quality and coverage on relevant deep web sources are also challenging. Crawler must produce a large quantity of high-quality results from the most relevant content sources [15], [16], [18], [19], [20], [21]. For assessing source quality, SourceRank ranks the results from the selected sources by com- puting the agreement between them [20], [21]. When selecting a relevant subset from the available content sources, FFC and ACHE prioritize links that bring immediate return (links directly point to pages con- IEEE Transactions on Services Computing Volume: PP Year: 2015
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SmartCrawler: A Two-stage Crawler forEfficiently Harvesting Deep-Web Interfaces

Feng Zhao, Jingyu Zhou, Chang Nie, Heqing Huang, Hai Jin

Abstract—As deep web grows at a very fast pace, there has been increased interest in techniques that help efficiently locatedeep-web interfaces. However, due to the large volume of web resources and the dynamic nature of deep web, achieving widecoverage and high efficiency is a challenging issue. We propose a two-stage framework, namely SmartCrawler , for efficientharvesting deep web interfaces. In the first stage, SmartCrawler performs site-based searching for center pages with the help ofsearch engines, avoiding visiting a large number of pages. To achieve more accurate results for a focused crawl, SmartCrawlerranks websites to prioritize highly relevant ones for a given topic. In the second stage, SmartCrawler achieves fast in-sitesearching by excavating most relevant links with an adaptive link-ranking. To eliminate bias on visiting some highly relevantlinks in hidden web directories, we design a link tree data structure to achieve wider coverage for a website. Our experimentalresults on a set of representative domains show the agility and accuracy of our proposed crawler framework, which efficientlyretrieves deep-web interfaces from large-scale sites and achieves higher harvest rates than other crawlers.

Index Terms—Deep web, two-stage crawler, feature selection, ranking, adaptive learning



The deep (or hidden) web refers to the contents lie be-hind searchable web interfaces that cannot be indexedby searching engines. Based on extrapolations from astudy done at University of California, Berkeley, it isestimated that the deep web contains approximately91,850 terabytes and the surface web is only about 167terabytes in 2003 [1]. More recent studies estimatedthat 1.9 zettabytes were reached and 0.3 zettabyteswere consumed worldwide in 2007 [2], [3]. An IDCreport estimates that the total of all digital data cre-ated, replicated, and consumed will reach 6 zettabytesin 2014 [4]. A significant portion of this huge amountof data is estimated to be stored as structured orrelational data in web databases — deep web makesup about 96% of all the content on the Internet, whichis 500-550 times larger than the surface web [5], [6].These data contain a vast amount of valuable infor-mation and entities such as Infomine [7], Clusty [8],BooksInPrint [9] may be interested in building anindex of the deep web sources in a given domain(such as book). Because these entities cannot accessthe proprietary web indices of search engines (e.g.,Google and Baidu), there is a need for an efficient

• Feng Zhao, Change Nie and Hai Jin are with the Department ofComputer Science and Technolgoy, HuaZhong University of Scienceand Technology, Wuhan, China.E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

• Jingyu Zhou is with Department of Computer Science and Engineer-ing, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China.E-mail: [email protected]

• Heqing Huang is with Department of Computer Science and Engi-neering, The Pennsylvania State University University Park, Penn-sylvania, USA.E-mail: [email protected]

crawler that is able to accurately and quickly explorethe deep web databases.

It is challenging to locate the deep web databases,because they are not registered with any search en-gines, are usually sparsely distributed, and keep con-stantly changing. To address this problem, previouswork has proposed two types of crawlers, genericcrawlers and focused crawlers. Generic crawlers [10],[11], [12], [13], [14] fetch all searchable forms andcannot focus on a specific topic. Focused crawlerssuch as Form-Focused Crawler (FFC) [15] and Adap-tive Crawler for Hidden-web Entries (ACHE) [16] canautomatically search online databases on a specifictopic. FFC is designed with link, page, and formclassifiers for focused crawling of web forms, andis extended by ACHE with additional componentsfor form filtering and adaptive link learner. The linkclassifiers in these crawlers play a pivotal role inachieving higher crawling efficiency than the best-firstcrawler [17]. However, these link classifiers are usedto predict the distance to the page containing search-able forms, which is difficult to estimate, especiallyfor the delayed benefit links (links eventually leadto pages with forms). As a result, the crawler can beinefficiently led to pages without targeted forms.

Besides efficiency, quality and coverage on relevantdeep web sources are also challenging. Crawler mustproduce a large quantity of high-quality results fromthe most relevant content sources [15], [16], [18], [19],[20], [21]. For assessing source quality, SourceRankranks the results from the selected sources by com-puting the agreement between them [20], [21]. Whenselecting a relevant subset from the available contentsources, FFC and ACHE prioritize links that bringimmediate return (links directly point to pages con-

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taining searchable forms) and delayed benefit links.But the set of retrieved forms is very heterogeneous.For example, from a set of representative domains,on average only 16% of forms retrieved by FFC arerelevant [15], [16]. Furthermore, little work has beendone on the source selection problem when crawlingmore content sources [19], [22]. Thus it is crucial todevelop smart crawling strategies that are able toquickly discover relevant content sources from thedeep web as much as possible.

In this paper, we propose an effective deep web har-vesting framework, namely SmartCrawler, for achiev-ing both wide coverage and high efficiency for afocused crawler. Based on the observation that deepwebsites usually contain a few searchable forms andmost of them are within a depth of three [23], [10],our crawler is divided into two stages: site locating andin-site exploring. The site locating stage helps achievewide coverage of sites for a focused crawler, and thein-site exploring stage can efficiently perform searchesfor web forms within a site. Our main contributionsare:

• We propose a novel two-stage framework to ad-dress the problem of searching for hidden-webresources. Our site locating technique employs areverse searching technique (e.g., using Google’s”link:” facility to get pages pointing to a givenlink) and incremental two-level site prioritizingtechnique for unearthing relevant sites, achievingmore data sources. During the in-site exploringstage, we design a link tree for balanced linkprioritizing, eliminating bias toward webpages inpopular directories.

• We propose an adaptive learning algorithm thatperforms online feature selection and uses thesefeatures to automatically construct link rankers.In the site locating stage, high relevant sites areprioritized and the crawling is focused on atopic using the contents of the root page of sites,achieving more accurate results. During the in-site exploring stage, relevant links are prioritizedfor fast in-site searching.

We have performed an extensive performance eval-uation of SmartCrawler over real web data in 12 repre-sentative domains and compared with ACHE [16] anda site-based crawler. Our evaluation shows that ourcrawling framework is very effective, achieving sub-stantially higher harvest rates than the state-of-the-artACHE crawler. The results also show the effectivenessof the reverse searching and adaptive learning.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Westart in Section 2 by discussing related work. Section 3presents the design of our two-stage SmartCrawlerand Section 4 discusses feature selection and ranking.Section 5 reports our experimental results. Finally,Section 6 concludes the paper with future work.


To leverage the large volume information buried indeep web, previous work has proposed a number oftechniques and tools, including deep web understand-ing and integration [10], [24], [25], [26], [27], hidden-web crawlers [18], [28], [29], and deep web sam-plers [30], [31], [32]. For all these approaches, the abil-ity to crawl deep web is a key challenge. Olston andNajork systematically present that crawling deep webhas three steps: locating deep web content sources,selecting relevant sources and extracting underlyingcontent [19]. Following their statement, we discuss thetwo steps closely related to our work as below.

Locating deep web content sources. A recent studyshows that the harvest rate of deep web is low — only647,000 distinct web forms were found by sampling 25million pages from the Google index (about 2.5%) [27],[33]. Generic crawlers are mainly developed for char-acterizing deep web and directory construction ofdeep web resources, that do not limit search ona specific topic, but attempt to fetch all searchableforms [10], [11], [12], [13], [14]. The Database Crawlerin the MetaQuerier [10] is designed for automaticallydiscovering query interfaces. Database Crawler firstfinds root pages by an IP-based sampling, and thenperforms shallow crawling to crawl pages within aweb server starting from a given root page. The IP-based sampling ignores the fact that one IP addressmay have several virtual hosts [11], thus missingmany websites. To overcome the drawback of IP-based sampling in the Database Crawler, Denis etal. propose a stratified random sampling of hosts tocharacterize national deep web [13], using the Host-graph provided by the Russian search engine Yandex.I-Crawler [14] combines pre-query and post-queryapproaches for classification of searchable forms.

Selecting relevant sources. Existing hidden webdirectories [34], [8], [7] usually have low coveragefor relevant online databases [23], which limits theirability in satisfying data access needs [35]. Focusedcrawler is developed to visit links to pages of interestand avoid links to off-topic regions [17], [36], [15], [16].Soumen et al. describe a best-first focused crawler,which uses a page classifier to guide the search [17].The classifier learns to classify pages as topic-relevantor not and gives priority to links in topic relevantpages. However, a focused best-first crawler harvestsonly 94 movie search forms after crawling 100,000movie related pages [16]. An improvement to thebest-first crawler is proposed in [36], where insteadof following all links in relevant pages, the crawlerused an additional classifier, the apprentice, to selectthe most promising links in a relevant page. Thebaseline classifier gives its choice as feedback so thatthe apprentice can learn the features of good linksand prioritize links in the frontier. The FFC [15] andACHE [16] are focused crawlers used for searching

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interested deep web interfaces. The FFC contains threeclassifiers: a page classifier that scores the relevance ofretrieved pages with a specific topic, a link classifierthat prioritizes the links that may lead to pages withsearchable forms, and a form classifier that filters outnon-searchable forms. ACHE improves FFC with anadaptive link learner and automatic feature selection.SourceRank [20], [21] assesses the relevance of deepweb sources during retrieval. Based on an agreementgraph, SourceRank calculates the stationary visit prob-ability of a random walk to rank results.

Different from the crawling techniques and toolsmentioned above, SmartCrawler is a domain-specificcrawler for locating relevant deep web contentsources. SmartCrawler targets at deep web interfacesand employs a two-stage design, which not onlyclassifies sites in the first stage to filter out irrelevantwebsites, but also categorizes searchable forms in thesecond stage. Instead of simply classifying links asrelevant or not, SmartCrawler first ranks sites and thenprioritizes links within a site with another ranker.


3.1 Two-Stage Architecture

Stage 2: In-Site ExploringStage 1 : Site Locating



Site Ranker


Site Learner

Adaptive Link


Form Database

Site Frontier


Searching Site Database




deep web sites


searchable forms

form path

Page Fetcher

Link Frontier Link RankerSite Classifier


deep-web sites unvisited sites



Seed sites

Fig. 1: The two-stage architecture of SmartCrawler.

To efficiently and effectively discover deep webdata sources, SmartCrawler is designed with a two-stage architecture, site locating and in-site exploring, asshown in Figure 1. The first site locating stage findsthe most relevant site for a given topic, and thenthe second in-site exploring stage uncovers searchableforms from the site.

Specifically, the site locating stage starts with a seedset of sites in a site database. Seeds sites are candidatesites given for SmartCrawler to start crawling, whichbegins by following URLs from chosen seed sites toexplore other pages and other domains. When thenumber of unvisited URLs in the database is less thana threshold during the crawling process, SmartCrawlerperforms ”reverse searching” of known deep websites for center pages (highly ranked pages that havemany links to other domains) and feeds these pagesback to the site database. Site Frontier fetcheshomepage URLs from the site database, which are

ranked by Site Ranker to prioritize highly relevantsites. The Site Ranker is improved during crawlingby an Adaptive Site Learner, which adaptivelylearns from features of deep-web sites (web sitescontaining one or more searchable forms) found. Toachieve more accurate results for a focused crawl,Site Classifier categorizes URLs into relevant orirrelevant for a given topic according to the homepagecontent.

After the most relevant site is found in the firststage, the second stage performs efficient in-site ex-ploration for excavating searchable forms. Links ofa site are stored in Link Frontier and corre-sponding pages are fetched and embedded formsare classified by Form Classifier to find search-able forms. Additionally, the links in these pages areextracted into Candidate Frontier. To prioritizelinks in Candidate Frontier, SmartCrawler ranksthem with Link Ranker. Note that site locatingstage and in-site exploring stage are mutually in-tertwined. When the crawler discovers a new site,the site’s URL is inserted into the Site Database.The Link Ranker is adaptively improved by anAdaptive Link Learner, which learns from theURL path leading to relevant forms.

3.2 Site Locating

The site locating stage finds relevant sites for a giventopic, consisting of site collecting, site ranking, andsite classification.

3.2.1 Site Collecting

The traditional crawler follows all newly found links.In contrast, our SmartCrawler strives to minimize thenumber of visited URLs, and at the same time maxi-mizes the number of deep websites. To achieve thesegoals, using the links in downloaded webpages is notenough. This is because a website usually contains asmall number of links to other sites, even for somelarge sites. For instance, only 11 out of 259 links fromwebpages of aaronbooks.com pointing to other sites;amazon.com contains 54 such links out of a totalof 500 links (many of them are different languageversions, e.g., amazon.de). Thus, finding out-of-sitelinks from visited webpages may not be enough forthe Site Frontier. In fact, our experiment in Sec-tion 5.3 shows that the size of Site Frontier maydecrease to zero for some sparse domains.

To address the above problem, we propose twocrawling strategies, reverse searching and incrementaltwo-level site prioritizing, to find more sites.

• Reverse searching.The idea is to exploit existing search engines,such as Google, Baidu, Bing etc., to find centerpages of unvisited sites. This is possible becausesearch engines rank webpages of a site and center

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pages tend to have high ranking values. Algo-rithm 1 describes the process of reverse searching.A reverse search is triggered:

– When the crawler bootstraps.– When the size of site frontier decreases to a

pre-defined threshold.We randomly pick a known deep website or aseed site and use general search engine’s facilityto find center pages and other relevant sites,Such as Google’s “link:” , Bing’s “site:”, Baidu’s“domain:”. For instance, [link:www.google.com]will list web pages that have links pointing tothe Google home page. In our system, the resultpage from the search engine is first parsed toextract links. Then these pages are downloadedand analyzed to decide whether the links arerelevant or not using the following heuristic rules:

– If the page contains related searchable forms,it is relevant.

– If the number of seed sites or fetched deep-web sites in the page is larger than a user-defined threshold, the page is relevant.

Finally, the found relevant links are output. Inthis way, we keep Site Frontier with enoughsites.

Algorithm 1: Reverse searching for more sites.input : seed sites and harvested deep websitesoutput: relevant sites

1 while # of candidate sites less than a threshold do2 // pick a deep website3 site = getDeepWebSite(siteDatabase,

seedSites)4 resultPage = reverseSearch(site)5 links = extractLinks(resultPage)6 foreach link in links do7 page = downloadPage(link)8 relevant = classify(page)9 if relevant then

10 relevantSites =extractUnvisitedSite(page)

11 Output relevantSites12 end13 end14 end

• Incremental site prioritizing.To make crawling process resumable and achievebroad coverage on websites, an incremental siteprioritizing strategy is proposed. The idea is torecord learned patterns of deep web sites andform paths for incremental crawling. First, theprior knowledge (information obtained duringpast crawling, such as deep websites, links withsearchable forms, etc.) is used for initializingSite Ranker and Link Ranker. Then, unvis-

ited sites are assigned to Site Frontier andare prioritized by Site Ranker, and visitedsites are added to fetched site list. The detailedincremental site prioritizing process is describedin Algorithm 2.While crawling, SmartCrawler follows the out-of-site links of relevant sites. To accurately classifyout-of-site links, Site Frontier utilizes twoqueues to save unvisited sites. The high prior-ity queue is for out-of-site links that are classi-fied as relevant by Site Classifier and arejudged by Form Classifier to contain search-able forms. The low priority queue is for out-of-site links that only judged as relevant by SiteClassifier. For each level, Site Ranker as-signs relevant scores for prioritizing sites. Thelow priority queue is used to provide more candi-date sites. Once the high priority queue is empty,sites in the low priority queue are pushed into itprogressively.

Algorithm 2: Incremental Site Prioritizing.input : siteFrontieroutput: searchable forms and out-of-site links

1 HQueue=SiteFrontier.CreateQueue(HighPriority)2 LQueue=SiteFrontier.CreateQueue(LowPriority)3 while siteFrontier is not empty do4 if HQueue is empty then5 HQueue.addAll(LQueue)6 LQueue.clear()7 end8 site = HQueue.poll()9 relevant = classifySite(site)

10 if relevant then11 performInSiteExploring(site)12 Output forms and OutOfSiteLinks13 siteRanker.rank(OutOfSiteLinks)14 if forms is not empty then15 HQueue.add (OutOfSiteLinks)16 end17 else18 LQueue.add(OutOfSiteLinks)19 end20 end21 end

3.2.2 Site Ranker

Once the Site Frontier has enough sites, the chal-lenge is how to select the most relevant one forcrawling. In SmartCrawler, Site Ranker assigns ascore for each unvisited site that corresponds to itsrelevance to the already discovered deep web sites.The ranking mechanism is discussed in Section 4.3.

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3.2.3 Site ClassifierAfter ranking Site Classifier categorizes the siteas topic relevant or irrelevant for a focused crawl,which is similar to page classifiers in FFC [15] andACHE [16]. If a site is classified as topic relevant, asite crawling process is launched. Otherwise, the siteis ignored and a new site is picked from the frontier.

In SmartCrawler, we determine the topical relevanceof a site based on the contents of its homepage. Whena new site comes, the homepage content of the site isextracted and parsed by removing stop words andstemming. Then we construct a feature vector for thesite (Section 4.1) and the resulting vector is fed intoa Naıve Bayes classifier to determine if the page istopic-relevant or not.

3.3 In-Site Exploring

Once a site is regarded as topic relevant, in-site ex-ploring is performed to find searchable forms. Thegoals are to quickly harvest searchable forms and tocover web directories of the site as much as possible.To achieve these goals, in-site exploring adopts twocrawling strategies for high efficiency and coverage.Links within a site are prioritized with Link Rankerand Form Classifier classifies searchable forms.

3.3.1 Crawling StrategiesTwo crawling strategies, stop-early and balanced linkprioritizing, are proposed to improve crawling effi-ciency and coverage.

• Stop-early.Previous work [18] observed that 72% interfacesand 94% web databases are found within thedepth of three. Thus, in-site searching is per-formed in breadth-first fashion to achieve broadercoverage of web directories. Additionally, in-sitesearching employs the following stopping criteriato avoid unproductive crawling:

SC1: The maximum depth of crawling is reached.SC2: The maximum crawling pages in each depth

are reached.SC3: A predefined number of forms found for each

depth is reached.SC4: If the crawler has visited a predefined num-

ber of pages without searchable forms in onedepth, it goes to the next depth directly.

SC5: The crawler has fetched a predefined numberof pages in total without searchable forms.

SC1 limits the maximum crawling depth. Thenfor each level we set several stop criteria (SC2,SC3, SC4). A global one (SC5) restricts the totalpages of unproductive crawling.

• Balanced link prioritizing.The simple breadth-first visit of links is not ef-ficient, whose results are in omission of highlyrelevant links and incomplete directories visit,






















Fig. 2: Part of the link tree extracted from the home-page of http://www.abebooks.com, where ellipsesrepresent leaf nodes and the number in a rectangledenotes the number of leaf nodes in its decedents.

when combined with above stop-early policy. Wesolve this problem by prioritizing highly relevantlinks with link ranking. However, link rankingmay introduce bias for highly relevant links incertain directories. Our solution is to build a link-tree for a balanced link prioritizing.Figure 2 illustrates an example of a link treeconstructed from the homepage of http://www.abebooks.com. Internal nodes of the tree repre-sent directory paths. In this example, servletdirectory is for dynamic request; books directoryis for displaying different catalogs of books; anddocs directory is for showing help information.Generally each directory usually represents onetype of files on web servers and it is advanta-geous to visit links in different directories. Forlinks that only differ in the query string part, weconsider them as the same URL.Because links are often distributed unevenly inserver directories, prioritizing links by the rele-vance can potentially bias toward some directo-ries. For instance, the links under books mightbe assigned a high priority, because “book” isan important feature word in the URL. Togetherwith the fact that most links appear in the booksdirectory, it is quite possible that links in otherdirectories will not be chosen due to low rele-vance score. As a result, the crawler may misssearchable forms in those directories.To avoid such bias and cover more directories, wemerge directories with few links. Specifically, letV denote the maximum number of links that canbe visited for a site; and let N denote the numberlinks for a link tree. We compute γ = V/N . Ifγ ≥ 1, the crawler visits all links. Otherwise,for each node we compute the number of linksto be visited as C = M × γ, where M is thenumber of links of this node. Then for each levelwe merge those directories with C less than oneinto a new node. Figure 3 is the merged link treederived from the above example in Figure 2. Theleftmost nodes in the lower two levels are merged

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nodes and the number of visited links are evenlydistributed among sibling nodes. Finally, highlyrelevant links are selected from each directory forfetching.



























Fig. 3: The merged link tree of the homepage ofhttp://www.abebooks.com/, where symbol # repre-sents the merged node. The two numbers of eachinternal node represent the count of links and theactual visiting count under the node.

3.3.2 Link RankerLink Ranker prioritizes links so that SmartCrawlercan quickly discover searchable forms. A high rele-vance score is given to a link that is most similarto links that directly point to pages with searchableforms (see Section 4.3).

3.3.3 Form ClassifierClassifying forms aims to keep form focused crawling,which filters out non-searchable and irrelevant forms.For instance, an airfare search is often co-located withrental car and hotel reservation in travel sites. For afocused crawler, we need to remove off-topic searchinterfaces.

SmartCrawler adopts the HIFI strategy to filter rel-evant searchable forms with a composition of sim-ple classifiers [37]. HIFI consists of two classifiers, asearchable form classifier (SFC) and a domain-specificform classifier (DSFC). SFC is a domain-independentclassifier to filter out non-searchable forms by usingthe structure feature of forms. DSFC judges whether aform is topic relevant or not based on the text featureof the form, that consists of domain-related terms.The strategy of partitioning the feature space allowsselection of more effective learning algorithms foreach feature subset. In our implementation, SFC usesdecision tree based C4.5 algorithm [15], [38] and DSFCemploys SVM [39]. The details of these classifiers areout of the scope of this paper (see [37] for details).

4 FEATURE SELECTION AND RANKINGSmartCrawler encounters a variety of webpages duringa crawling process and the key to efficiently crawlingand wide coverage is ranking different sites and prior-itizing links within a site. This section first discussesthe online feature construction of feature space andadaptive learning process of SmartCrawler, and thendescribes the ranking mechanism.

4.1 Online Construction of Feature SpaceIn SmartCrawler, patterns of links to relevant sites andsearchable forms are learned online to build both siteand link rankers. The ability of online learning isimportant for the crawler to avoid biases from initialtraining data and adapt to new patterns.

The feature space of deep web sites (FSS) is de-fined as:

FSS = {U,A, T}, (1)

where U , A, T are vectors corresponding to the featurecontext of URL, anchor, and text around URL of thedeep web sites.

The feature space of links of a site with embeddedforms (FSL) is defined as:

FSL = {P,A, T}, (2)

where A and T are the same as defined in FSS andP is the vector related to the path of the URL, sinceall links of a specific site have the same domain.

Each feature context can be represented as a vectorof terms with a specific weight. The weight w of termt can be defined as:

wt,d = 1 + log tft,d, (3)

where tft,d denotes the frequency of term t appearsin document d, and d can be U , P , A, or T . We useterm frequency (TF) as feature weight for its simplicityand our experience shows that TF works well for ourapplication.

To automatically construct FSS and FSL online,we use the following feature selection method usingtop-k features:

• When computing a feature set for P , A, andT , words are first stemmed after removing stopwords. Then the top-k most frequent terms areselected as the feature set.

• When constructing a feature set for U , a parti-tion method based on term frequency is used toprocess URLs, because URLs are not well struc-tured. Firstly, the top-level domain of URL (e.g.com, co.uk) is excluded. Secondly, after stemmingterms, the most frequent k terms are selected fromthe URL features. Thirdly, if a term in the frequentset appears as a substring of the URL, the URLis split by the frequent term. For example, “abe-books” and “carbuyer” are terms that appear inURL of the book and auto domains, as “book”and “car” are frequent terms, the URL is split into“abe”, “book” and “car”, “buyer”, respectively.

4.2 Adaptive LearningSmartCrawler has an adaptive learning strategy thatupdates and leverages information collected success-fully during crawling. As shown in Figure 1, bothSite Ranker and Link Ranker are controlled by

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site list

ordered by site similarity


new coming

site s={u, a, t}

deep-web site

s={u, a, t}


for each {p, a, t} in s loop


threshold reached

in-site links

in-site link list

ordered by link similarity

in-site form link

l={p, a, t}

contain searchable

form or not?

yes learning

threshold reached

periodically updating

periodically updating

Fig. 4: Adaptive learning process in SmartCrawler.

adaptive learners. Periodically, FSS and FSL areadaptively updated to reflect new patterns foundduring crawling. As a result, Site Ranker and LinkRanker are updated. Finally, Site Ranker re-rankssites in Site Frontier and Link Ranker updatesthe relevance of links in Link Frontier.

Figure 4 illustrates the adaptive learning processthat is invoked periodically. For instance, the crawlerhas visited a pre-defined number of deep web sitesor fetched a pre-defined number of forms. In theimplementation, the learning thresholds are 50 newdeep websites or 100 searchable forms. When a sitecrawling is completed, feature of the site is selectedfor updating FSS if the site contains relevant forms.During in-site exploring, features of links containingnew forms are extracted for updating FSL.

4.3 Ranking Mechanism4.3.1 Site RankingSmartCrawler ranks site URLs to prioritize potentialdeep sites of a given topic. To this end, two features,site similarity and site frequency, are considered forranking. Site similarity measures the topic similaritybetween a new site and known deep web sites. Sitefrequency is the frequency of a site to appear in othersites, which indicates the popularity and authority ofthe site — a high frequency site is potentially moreimportant. Because seed sites are carefully selected,relatively high scores are assigned to them.

Given the homepage URL of a new site s ={Us, As, Ts}, the site similarity to known deep websites FSS, can be defined as follows:

ST (s) = Sim(U,Us) + sim(A,As) + sim(T, Ts), (4)

where function Sim scores the similarity of the relatedfeature between s and known deep web sites. Thefunction Sim(·) is computed as the cosine similaritybetween two vectors V1 and V2:

Sim(V1, V2) =V1 · V2

|V1| × |V2|. (5)

The site frequency measures the number of times asite appears in other sites. In particular, we considerthe appearance in known deep sites to be more im-portant than other sites. The site frequency is definedas:

SF (s) =∑

known sites list

Ii, (6)

where Ii = 1 if s appeared in known deep web sites,otherwise Ii = 0.

Finally, the rank of a new coming site s is a functionof site similarity and site frequency, and we use asimple linear combination of these two features:

Rank(s) = α× ST (s) + (1− α)× log(1 + SF (s)), (7)

where 0 ≤ α ≤ 1.

4.3.2 Link RankingFor prioritizing links of a site, the link similarity iscomputed similarly to the site similarity describedabove. The difference includes: 1) link prioritizing isbased on the feature space of links with searchableforms (FSL); 2) for URL feature U , only path partis considered since all links have the same domain;and 3) the frequency of links is not considered in linkranking.

Given a new link l = {Pl, Al, Tl}, the link similarityto the feature space of known links with searchableforms FSL is defined as:

LT (l) = Sim(P, Pl) + sim(A,Al) + sim(T, Tl), (8)

where function Sim(·) (Equation 5) scores the simi-larity of the related feature between l and the knownin-site links with forms.

Finally, we use the link similarity for ranking dif-ferent links.


We have performed an extensive performance evalu-ation of our crawling framework over real web datain 12 representative domains. Our goals include:

• evaluating the efficiency of SmartCrawler in ob-taining relevant deep websites and searchableforms,

• analyzing the effectiveness of site collecting, and• assessing the performance of adaptive learning.

5.1 Experimental SetupWe have implemented SmartCrawler in Java and eval-uated our approach over 12 different domains de-scribed in Table 1.

To evaluate the performance of our crawlingframework, we compare SmartCrawler to the SCDI(site-based crawler for deep web interfaces) andACHE [16]:

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TABLE 1: Twelve domains for experiments.

Domain DescriptionAirfare airfare searchAuto used cars searchBook books searchHotel hotel search

Job job searchMovie movie titles and DVDs searchMusic music CDs searchRental car rental search

Apartment apartment searchRoute map and airline search

Product household product searchPeople sports stars search

• ACHE. We implemented the ACHE, which isan adaptive crawler for harvesting hidden-webentries with offline-online learning to train linkclassifiers. We adapt the similar stopping criteriaas SmartCrawler, i.e., the maximum visiting pagesand a predefined number of forms for each site.

• SCDI. We designed an experimental system sim-ilar to SmartCrawler, named SCDI, which sharesthe same stopping criteria with SmartCrawler.Different from SmartCrawler, SCDI follows theout-of-site links of relevant sites by site classifierwithout employing incremental site prioritizingstrategy. It also does not employ reverse search-ing for collecting sites and use the adaptive linkprioritizing strategy for sites and links.

• SmartCrawler. SmartCrawler is our proposedcrawler for harvesting deep web interfaces. Simi-lar to ACHE, SmartCrawler uses an offline-onlinelearning strategy, with the difference that Smart-Crawler leverages learning results for site rankingand link ranking. During in-site searching, morestop criteria are specified to avoid unproductivecrawling in SmartCrawler.

In our implementation of SmartCrawler, SiteClassifier uses the Naıve Bayes classifier fromWeka [40], which is trained with samples from thetopic taxonomy of the Dmoz directory [41]. FormClassifier is trained with dataset extended fromTEL-8 dataset of the UIUC repository [42]. The TEL-8dataset contains 447 deep web sources with 477 queryinterfaces, because a source may contain multiple in-terfaces. We construct our dataset by collecting 216 ac-tively searchable forms from the UIUC repository [42],and manually gathering 473 non-searchable forms forthe negative examples. Our final dataset includes 689query forms covering 12 domains shown in Table 1.

5.2 Crawler EfficiencyIn this experiment, we compare the efficiency ofACHE, SCDI, and SmartCrawler for fetching 100,000pages from different domains. The results of the num-bers of retrieved relevant deep websites and search-able forms are illustrated in Figure 5 and Figure 6,

Fig. 5: The numbers of relevant deep websites har-vested by ACHE, SCDI and SmartCrawler.

Fig. 6: The numbers of relevant forms harvested byACHE, SCDI and SmartCrawler.

respectively.Figure 5 shows that SmartCrawler finds more rel-

evant deep websites than ACHE and SCDI for alldomains. Figure 6 illustrates that SmartCrawler consis-tently harvests more relevant forms than both ACHEand SCDI. SCDI is significantly better than ACHEbecause our two-stage framework can quickly dis-cover relevant sites rather than being trapped byirrelevant sites. By prioritizing sites and in-site links,SmartCrawler harvests more deep websites than SCDI,because potential deep websites are visited earlier andunproductive links in in-site searching are avoided.Most of bars present a similar trend in Figure 5and Figure 6, because the harvested sites are oftenproportional to harvested searchable forms.

To better understand the efficiency of threecrawlers, Figure 7 illustrates the number of relevantforms harvested during the crawling process. Wecan observe that SmartCrawler and SCDI consistentlyharvest more relevant forms than ACHE, because ourtwo-stage approach prioritizes more relevant sites,avoiding visiting many pages of irrelevant sites. Ad-ditionally, SmartCrawler and SCDI use more stoppingcriteria such that they can visit less pages for asite. With the increase of visited pages, SmartCrawlerkeeps a higher crawling rate of relevant forms thanSCDI, mainly due to site ranking and link ranking for

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(a) Job (b) Book (c) Hotel (d) Route

(e) Apartment (f) Movie (g) Airfare (h) People

(i) Music (j) Product (k) Auto (l) Rental

Fig. 7: The comparison of harvest rate of forms during the crawl for three crawlers.

quickly visiting relevant pages. We further comparethe running time and achieved searchable forms ontwelve online database domains. Table 2 illustrates theeffectiveness of proposed strategy in terms of search-able forms obtained for ACHE and SmartCrawler.With the proposed strategies, SmartCrawler can avoidspending too much time crawling unproductive sites.Using the saved time, SmartCrawler can visit morerelevant web directories and get many more relevantsearchable forms.

We also compared the number of forms harvestedby SmartCrawler, ACHE and SCDI under commonsites (the sites that both SCDI and SmartCrawler orboth ACHE and SmartCrawler accessed during crawl-ing). The results of the number of common sites andsearchable forms found in these common sites areshowed in Figure 8. Since SCDI, ACHE and Smart-Crawler shares the same 100 seed sites, the formsfetched in the same sites can reflect the effectivenessof proposed crawling strategies. Furthermore, SCDIand SmartCrawler shares the same stop criteria and

TABLE 2: The comparison of running time and num-ber of searchable forms found for ACHE and Smart-Crawler.

Domain Running Time — Searchable FormsACHE SmartCrawler ACHE SmartCrawler

Airfare 7h59min 6h59min 1705 3087Auto 8h11min 6h32min 1453 3536Book 8h21min 7h32min 599 2838Job 8h50min 8h8min 1048 4058Hotel 8h37min 6h54min 2203 4459Movie 10h9min 6h26min 677 1449Music 7h59min 6h29min 776 1347Rental 8h1min 6h38min 1149 2538Product 7h50min 6h29min 386 571Apartment 8h7min 6h7min 1844 3958Route 8h0min 6h36min 1061 3471People 8h3min 6h43min 232 677

form classifier, the forms fetched in the same sites canreflect the effectiveness of the balanced link prioritiz-ing strategy. Figure 8 shows SmartCrawler can retrievemore searchable forms than ACHE and SCDI when

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(a) The Comparison of SCDI and SmartCrawler (b) The Comparison of ACHE and SmartCrawler

Fig. 8: The number of common sites and forms in the common sites harvested by SCDI, ACHE andSmartCrawler.

searching the same set of sites in almost all domains.

TABLE 3: The accuracy of site classification, formclassification and searchable forms classification inSmartCrawler.

Domain Site Clas-sification

Form Clas-sification

Searchable FormsClassification

Airfare 92.08% 94.79% 95.25%Auto 92.93% 97.52% 94.48%Book 92.42% 97.27% 98.46%Hotel 98.00% 90.25% 97.82%Job 97.47% 93.30% 93.92%Movie 90.91% 91.71% 97.86%Music 93.07% 90.20% 98.47%Rental 97.00% 90.07% 97.88%Apartment 92.82% 88.43% 97.86%Route 91.13% 90.18% 97.62%Product 97.07% 93.54% 95.19%People 97.07% 93.54% 95.19%

Moreover, to validate the effectiveness of SiteClassifier and Form Classifier, we train ourclassifier with expanded TEL-8 dataset that coveringtwelve online database domains. The 10-fold crossvalidation is used to evaluate the accuracy of siteclassifier and C4.5 algorithm is used for filtering non-searchable forms. After filtering out non-searchableforms, DSFC of HIFI is used to judge whether theform is topic relevant or not. Both the text amongthe form tags and default values of textbox, radiocontrol and checkbox are considered as basis for clas-sification. Furthermore, we also write an additionalscript program to verify whether the discovered formsare searchable or not, which queries the form foranswers. The accuracy of site classification, form clas-sification and accuracy of searchable form are shownin Table 3. We also compared the accuracy of SFCfor ACHE and SmartCrawler under the same seedsites and the same training dataset, SmartCrawler canachieve higher accuracy on finding searchable formsin total twelve domains. The average accuracy ofSmartCrawler is 93.17%, while ACHE is 90.24%. Thisis because SmartCrawler avoids crawling unproductive


5.3 Effectiveness of Site CollectingThis experiment studies the effectiveness of the sitecollecting mechanism in our SmartCrawler. A primefact for harvesting searchable forms is that the Smart-Crawler fetch links from the high priority queue ofSite Frontier.

The proposed crawling strategy can mitigate thedraining of Site Frontier for twelve online do-mains. Figure 9 compares the high priority queuesizes in Site Frontier of SmartCrawler (crawleremploys all these strategies) and the approach comb-ing SCDI with different strategies, such as reversesearching, adaptive learning, and incremental site pri-oritizing. Figure 9 shows that SCDI achieves the leastqueue size because it has not used any optimizedstrategies. When combined with a crawling strategy,the site numbers in high priority queue of SiteFrontier increased. SmartCrawler is the aggrega-tion of SCDI and all proposed strategies, achievingthe maximum site sizes. For ”job”, ”book”, ”hotel”,”route”, ”apartment”, ”movie” and ”music” domains,the sizes keep increasing. For ”airfare”, ”people”,”product”, ”auto” and ”rental” domains, the queuesize of SCDI initially increases and then gradually fallsoff because it does not have adequate sites for crawl-ing. The reverse searching strategy, incremental siteprioritizing strategy and adaptive learning strategycan separately increase the sites in working queue,so SCDI+reverse searching, SCDI+incremental site pri-oritizing and SCDI+adaptive learning are higher thanSCDI. However, even combined with a single strategy,site numbers in high priority queue still fall off in”airfare”, ”people” domain. In contrast, SmartCrawlerin these five domains keeps above zero and obtainsthe largest site sizes in twelve domains.

Take reverse searching strategy in Figure 9 as aspecial example, Table 4 illustrates the effectiveness ofreverse searching in terms of center pages collected ina crawl. Reverse searching will be triggered when the

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(a) Job (b) Book (c) Hotel (d) Route

(e) Apartment (f) Movie (g) Music (h) Airfare

(i) People (j) Product (k) Auto (l) Rental

Fig. 9: The Comparison of site frontier’s high priority queue sizes during crawling with different strategies.

size of the Site Frontier is below the threshold,where a reverse searching thread will add sites in thecenter pages to the Site Frontier. Table 4 showsthat reverse searching strategy is triggered many moretimes and gets more center pages in SmartCrawlerthan SCDI+reverse searching, because SmartCrawler canpreferably utilize reverse searching strategy under thejoint efforts of other proposed strategies.

5.4 Effectiveness of Adaptive LearningThe adaptive learning in SmartCrawler is critical forfinding relevant sites and links during the crawl.To illustrate the effectiveness of our adaptive learn-ing mechanism, Table 5 shows the top features ofdeep websites (FSS) and links with embedded forms(FSL) for the book domain. The table shows theresults for initial 25 learning iterations.

Table 5 shows that after 10 learning iterations, im-portant new terms related to library and universitysites (e.g., ”lib”, ”librari”, ”colleg” and ”univers”) areintroduced to site features. After 25 iterations, the

TABLE 4: The comparison of the number of triggeredtimes and center pages found for reverse searching.

Domain Times — Center PagesSCDI+RS SmartCrawler SCDI+RS SmartCrawler

Airfare 14 29 45 81Auto 24 28 64 82Book 1 3 1 0Job 2 2 11 11Hotel 2 40 2 153Movie 1 21 4 34Music 1 18 4 32Rental 9 13 23 24Product 35 22 20 18Apartment 29 39 3 34Route 2 7 2 18People 6 9 10 15

new terms such as ”librari”, ”colleg”, ”univers” havethe highest frequency and another new term ”jour-nal” is introduced. Because no library and universitysites are provided in the seed set, this experimentdemonstrates that our SmartCrawler can quickly learn

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TABLE 5: The top features of deep websites and links with forms in the book domain. 25 iterations of learningare shown and the number in bracket denotes term frequency. The highlighted terms are important newfeatures learnt during the crawling process.

No. Deep Website Features — Link FeaturesURL Anchor Text Path Anchor Text







(home,1)(search,1) (titl,1)(book,1)









(book,401)(lib,6) (librari,5)(search,3)(biblio,2)(alibri,2)







(book,588)(lib,6) (librari,5)(search,4) (ua,4)(rare,3)(biblio,2)







(book,642)(lib,6) (search,5)(librari,5) (ua,4)(store,3)







(book,774)(search,7) (lib,6)(catalog,5)(librari,5)(store,4)






to prioritize related sites all by itself. In comparison,ACHE is only able to learn the library sites for thesame number of visited pages. From Table 5, we cansee that the top features tend to be stable, especiallyfor the links. For example, the terms such as ”book”,”search”, ”advanc”, and ”shop” keep being frequentfeatures in the URL feature set of links. In contrast,the URL feature set of deep websites changes morefrequently, because domains in URLs have more vari-ability.

Table 6 shows the final features of deep websites(FSS) after visiting 1966 deep websites for the autodomain. Table 6 illustrates that SmartCrawler can learnnot only the common patterns (e.g. , ”auto”, ”car”,”vhicl”), but also auto brand terms (e.g., ”ford”, ”nis-san”, ”honda”). Since no auto brand terms were ini-tialized as features of deep websites, this experimentshows that SmartCrawler can effectively learn newpatterns by itself.

Figure 10 illustrates the features of form links overdifferent learning iterations in the hotel domain. From

the figure, we can see that SmartCrawler can identifyrelevant features (e.g., “hotel” and “book” in URLs,anchors, and texts around links) from the initial it-eration and the frequency of these terms maintain astable increment over iterations. On the other hand,new features such as ”reserv” in anchors and ”destin”in around texts are adaptively learned after a fewiterations.


In this paper, we propose an effective harvestingframework for deep-web interfaces, namely Smart-Crawler. We have shown that our approach achievesboth wide coverage for deep web interfaces andmaintains highly efficient crawling. SmartCrawler is afocused crawler consisting of two stages: efficient sitelocating and balanced in-site exploring. SmartCrawlerperforms site-based locating by reversely searchingthe known deep web sites for center pages, whichcan effectively find many data sources for sparse

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TABLE 6: The top features of deep websites in auto domain after visiting 1966 deep websites

Attribute Deep Website Features

URL(auto,358) (car,196) (ford,83) (nissan,73) (acura,67) (honda,51) (toy-ota,49) (motor,47) (warranti,38) (kopen,35) (forum,23) (benz,16) (onlin,16)(van,15) (vw,15) (mitsubishi,14) (kia,12) (truck,11)

Anchor(warranti,263) (websit,215) (view,188) (dealer,184) (car,162) (auto,126)(extend,79) (world,77) (camp,75) (part,75) (sale,62) (ford,56) (acura,52)(rv,51) (nissan,50) (servic,46) (forum,46) (kopen,40) (special,37)

Text(auto,260) (dealer,238) (vehicl,231) (car,225) (warranti,223) (part,188)(view,174) (sale,149) (servic,108) (acura,104) (special,103) (world,99) (ex-tend,99) (camp,94) (kopen,85) (toyota,79) (forum,78) (honda,74) (rv,73)

hotel search reserv room offer suit0










iteration 1 iteration 10 iteration 20 iteration 30 iteration 40

(a) Path

hotel direct reserv book airport park0













iteration 1 iteration 10 iteration 20 iteration 30 iteration 40

(b) Anchor

hotel room book suit contact service0










iteration 1 iteration 10 iteration 20 iteration 30 iteration 40

(c) Text

Fig. 10: Features of links with embedded forms (FSL) extracted in different iterations of adaptive learning inthe hotel domain.

domains. By ranking collected sites and by focus-ing the crawling on a topic, SmartCrawler achievesmore accurate results. The in-site exploring stage usesadaptive link-ranking to search within a site; andwe design a link tree for eliminating bias towardcertain directories of a website for wider coverageof web directories. Our experimental results on arepresentative set of domains show the effectivenessof the proposed two-stage crawler, which achieveshigher harvest rates than other crawlers. In futurework, we plan to combine pre-query and post-queryapproaches for classifying deep-web forms to furtherimprove the accuracy of the form classifier.


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Feng Zhao received his M.S. and Ph.D de-grees in Computer Science from HuazhongUniversity of Science and Technology in2003 and 2006. He is currently an associateprofessor of College of Computer Scienceand Technology, Huazhong University of Sci-ence and Technology, China. He is the vicedean of innovation institute of the same uni-versity. His research interests include infor-mation retrieval, data mining, security anddistributed computing.

Jingyu Zhou received the B.S. degree inComputer Science from Zhejiang University,China, in 1999. He received the M.S. andPh.D. degrees in Computer Science fromUniversity of California at Santa Barbara in2003 and 2006. He is currently an associateprofessor at Shanghai Jiao Tong Univer-sity. He is generally interested in distributedsystems, information retrieval, and security.He has published more than 30 papers atvarious conferences and journals, including

WWW, INFOCOM, ICS, TPDS, DSN, FSE, CIKM, and IPDPS. Hehas served as PC members for more than 20 international confer-ences.

Chang Nie received the B.S. degree in Soft-ware Engineer from Northeastern University,China, in 2011. He received his M.S. degreein computer science from Huazhong Uni-versity of Science and Technology in 2014.His research interests include information re-trieval and web crawling.

Heqing Huang received the B.S. degree inComputer Science from Huazhong Univer-sity of Science and Technology, China, in2010. He is currently a Ph.D candiate ofdepartment of Computer Science and Engi-neering at the Pennsylvania State University,University Park. His research interests in-clude information retrieval, data mining, soft-ware security, mobile system security andrisk analysis.

Hai Jin received his M.S. and Ph.D degreesin computer science from Huazhong Univer-sity of Science and Technology in 1991 and1994. He is currently a professor of Col-lege of Computer Science and Technology,Huazhong University of Science and Tech-nology, China. He is the Dean of Collegeof Computer Science and Technology of thesame university. His current research inter-ests include cloud computing, virtual comput-ing and computer architecture. He has pub-

lished more than 200 papers at various conferences and journals,including VLDB, WWW, ICDCS, SC, TC, TKDE, TPDS and TSC.

IEEE Transactions on Services Computing Volume: PP Year: 2015
