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Smart Data enabling Personalized Digital Health

Date post: 07-May-2015
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Talk at PARC, Oct. 30, 2013. Abstract at: http://j.mp/PARCabs [To see animations, you may need to download the file and use powerpoint.] Also see related talks on Smart Data for Smart Energy and other applications: http://wiki.knoesis.org/index.php/Smart_Data The proliferation of smartphones and sensors, the continuous monitoring of physiology and environment (personal health signals), notifications from public health sources (public health signals), and more digital access to clinical data, are resulting in massive multisensory and multimodal observational data. The technology has significant potential to improve health and well-being, through early detection, better diagnosis, effective prevention and treatment of a disease; and improved the quality of life. However, to make this personalized digital medicine a reality, it is crucial to derive actionable insights from data including heterogeneous and fine-grained observations. At Kno.e.sis, we have collaborations with clinicians in growing number of specializations (Cardiovascular, Pulmonology, Gastroenterology) to study personalized health decision making that involve the use of real-world patient data, deep background knowledge and well targeted clinical applications. For example: * For a patient discharged from hospital with Acute Decompensated Heart Failure, can we compute post hospital discharge risk factor to reduce 30-day readmissions? * For children with Asthma, can we predict an impending attack to enable actions that prevent an attack reducing the need for post-attack symptomatic relief? * For Parkinson’s Disease, can we characterize the progression to adjust medication and therapeutic changes? The above provides the context for a research agenda around what I call Smart Data, which (a) provides value from harnessing the challenges posed by volume, velocity, variety and veracity of Big Data, in-turn providing actionable information and improve decision making, and/or (b) is focused on the actionable value achieved by human involvement in data creation, processing and consumption phases for improving the Human experience. In describing Smart Data approach to above heath applications, I will cover the following technical capabilities that adds semantics to enhance or complement traditional NLP and ML centric solutions: * Semantic Sensor Web- including semantic computation infrastructure, ability to semi-automatically create domain specific background knowledge (ontology) from unstructured data (e.g., EMR), and automatically do semantic annotation of multimodal and multisensory data * Semantic perception – convert low level signals into higher level abstractions using IntellegO framework that utilizes domain knowledge and hybrid abductive/deductive reasoning * Intelligence at Edge - perform scalable and efficient semantic computation on resource constrained devices
Smart Data enabling Personalized Digital Health : Deriving Value via harnessing Volume, Variety and Velocity using semantics and Semantic Web Put Knoesis Banner Pramod Ananthar am Amit P. Sh eth Cory He nson Dr. T.K. Prasad Contributions by many, but Special Thanks to: Ohio Center of Excellence in Knowledge-enabled Computing (Kno.e.sis ) Wright State University, USA Sujan Perer Delroy Ca meron
Page 1: Smart Data enabling Personalized Digital Health

Smart Data enabling Personalized Digital Health: Deriving Value via harnessing Volume, Variety and Velocity

using semantics and Semantic Web

Put Knoesis Banner

Pramod Anantharam

Amit P. Sheth

Cory Henson

Dr. T.K. Prasad

Contributions by many, but Special Thanks to:

Ohio Center of Excellence in Knowledge-enabled Computing (Kno.e.sis) Wright State University, USA

Sujan Perera

Delroy Cameron

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A Historical Perspective on Collecting Health Observations

Diseases treated onlyby external observations

First peek beyond justexternal observations

Information overload!

Doctors relied only on external observations

Stethoscope was the first instrument to go beyond just external


Though the stethoscope has survived, it is only one among many observations

in modern medicine


2600 BC ~1815 Today


Laennec’s stethoscope

Image Credit: British Museum

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The Patient of the FutureMIT Technology Review, 2012


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Big Data in Medicine: Implications

“We should not make the mistake of seeing data as a technical issue. It’s a synthesis problem. That’s because information is not the scarce

resource. Attention is.”-- Conrad Wai, The data addiction | The Ideas Economy


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Sources of Big Data in Digital Health

Velocity Volume



Image: http://www.dr4ward.com/dr4ward/2013/04/what-is-the-power-of-the-big-data-in-healthcare-infographic.html

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Future Interoperability Challenges: 360 degree health

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Big Data in Digital Health: Can alerts work?

"According to multiple recent studies, doctors ignore between 49–96% of all CDS alerts that EMRs give them.”1

"Clinical Decision Support systems link health observations with health knowledge to influence health choices by clinicians for improved health care".

-- Robert Hayward, Centre for Health Evidence


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Information Overload leading to Alert Fatigue

Ignoring alerts is not limited to Emergency Rooms but has also crept into EMR alerts commonly referred to as “alert fatigue”


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• What if your data volume gets so large and varied you don't know how to deal with it?

• Do you store all your data?• Do you analyze it all?• How can you find out which data points are

really important?• How can you use it to your best advantage?

Questions typically asked on Big Data


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Variety of Data Analytics Enablers

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• Prediction of the spread of flu in real time during H1N1 2009– Google tested a mammoth of 450 million different mathematical

models to test the search terms, comparing their predictions against the actual flu cases; 45 important parameters were founds

– Model was tested when H1N1 crisis struck in 2009 and gave more meaningful and valuable real time information than any public health official system [Big Data, Viktor Mayer-Schonberger and Kenneth Cukier, 2013]

• FareCast: predict the direction of air fares over different routes [Big Data, Viktor Mayer-Schonberger and Kenneth Cukier, 2013]

• NY city manholes problem [ICML Discussion, 2012]

Illustrative Big Data Applications

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• Current focus mainly to serve business intelligence and targeted analytics needs, not to serve complex individual and collective human needs (e.g., empower human in health, fitness and well-being; better disaster coordination, smart energy consumption) that is highly personalized/individualized/contextualized– Incorporate real-world complexity: multi-modal and multi-sensory nature of real-

world and human perception– Need deeper understanding of data and its role to information (e.g., skew,

coverage) – Beyond correlation -> causation :: actionable info, decisions grounded on insights

• Human involvement and guidance: Leading to actionable information, understanding and insight right in the context of human activities– Bottom-up & Top-down processing: Infusion of models and background knowledge

(data + knowledge + reasoning)

What is missing?

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Information Smart Data

Makes Sense

Actionable or help decision support/making

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Improved Analytics CREATION



Human Centric Computing

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Smart Data

Smart data makes sense out of Big data

It provides value from harnessing the challenges posed by volume, velocity, variety and veracity of big data, in-

turn providing actionable information and improve decision


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“OF human, BY human and FOR human”

Smart data is focused on the actionable value achieved by human

involvement in data creation, processing and consumption phases

for improving the human experience.

Another perspective on Smart Data

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• Focus on verticals: advertising‚ social media‚ retail‚ financial services‚ telecom‚ and healthcare

– Aggregate data, focused on transactions, limited integration (limited complexity), analytics to find (simple) patterns

– Emphasis on technologies to handle volume/scale, and to lesser extent velocity: Hadoop, NoSQL,MPP warehouse ….

– Full faith in the power of data (no hypothesis), bottom up analysis

Current Focus on Big Data

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“OF human, BY human and FOR human”

Another perspective on Smart Data

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19Petabytes of Physical(sensory)-Cyber-Social Data everyday!

More on PCS Computing: http://wiki.knoesis.org/index.php/PCS

‘OF human’ : Relevant Real-time Data Streams for Human Experience

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“OF human, BY human and FOR human”

Another perspective on Smart Data

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Use of Prior Human-created Knowledge Models


‘BY human’: Involving Crowd Intelligence in data processing workflows

Crowdsourcing and Domain-expert guided Machine Learning Modeling

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“OF human, BY human and FOR human”

Another perspective on Smart Data

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Weather Application

‘FOR human’ : Improving Human Experience

Detection of events, such as wheezing sound, indoor

temperature, humidity, dust, and CO2 level

Weather ApplicationAsthma Healthcare Application

Action in the Physical World

Close the window at home during day to avoid CO2 inflow,

to avoid asthma attacks at night

Public Health


Population Level

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Why do we care about Smart Data rather than Big Data?

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Smart Data enabling Personalized Digital Health: Deriving Value via harnessing Volume, Variety and Velocity

Amit P. Sheth, Kno.e.sis, Wright State University

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April 6, 2011


Mr. Michael Yocabet suffering from type 1 diabetes is recommended a kidney transplant at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. The

organ donor is his life partner Ms. Christina Mecannic

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May 6, 2011


The couple leaned about the botched kidney transplant making the situation of Mr. Yocabet much worse! The kidney he got from his wife

has infected him with Hepatitis C aggravating his health issues.

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Life Threatening Implications!


Mr. Yocabet was a disabled former truck driver and he has diabetes type 1. Treatment for the liver may harm his kidney even cause organ failure and death!

“Because he’s on anti-rejection drugs, the hepatitis C will be a lot worse in him,” -- Ms. Christina Mecannic

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Cause of the Problem: Official Investigation

http://www.post-gazette.com/stories/local/breaking/upmc-sued-over-botched-kidney-transplant-315580/ http://www.nbcnews.com/id/44599555/#.UmMHMWRDszQ

• Jan 26: Ms. Mecannic gets her blood work positive for Hepatitis C virus.

• March 29: Second attempt to test for Hepatitis C virus in Ms. Mecannic.

• Several meetings of the transplant team -- they fail to notice the problem. (alert fatigue?)

• April 6: Transplant day!• May 6: Couple learned about botched


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"Between 2007 and 2010, the CDC conducted 200 investigations into potential transmission of HIV and hepatitis B and C due to organ transplants.”

Can we Prevent such life threatening incidents?


Over 28,000 organs of all types are transplanted every year in United States alone

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How could Smart Data help?

Value: Healthcare Provider Context

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Clinical Decision Making is Complex!

“Health professionals are required to make decisions with multiple foci (e.g. diagnosis, intervention, interaction and evaluation), in dynamic contexts, using a

diverse knowledge base (including an increasing body of evidence-based literature), with multiple variables and individuals involved.”


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Stakes are high for both doctors and patients!


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Multimodal, Multisensory, and Multi-organizational Observations

Population health record

Personal health recordExpert opinion Clinical research

What is the overall health of the person?What are the vulnerabilities for organ transplant?

Clinical decision support


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Patient Health Score (diagnostic)

Semantic Perception and risk assessment algorithms can transform raw data (hard to comprehend) to abstractions (e.g., Patient Health is 3 on a scale of 5) that

is intuitively understandable and valuable for decision makers.

Having health score for various patients will allow efficient utilization of a decision maker’s precious attention

Risk assessment model

Semantic Perception

Population health record

Personal health record

Expert opinion

Clinical research

Clinical decision support

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Patient Vulnerability Score (prognostic)

The Clinical Decision Support systems such as EMR alert system in its current state follows the high recall philosophy by reporting every

possible alert!

Doctors need actionable information and not a deluge of alerts to make timely and important decisions. Providing a vulnerability score would

facilitate right use of Doctor’s time to investigate further on vulnerabilities.

Risk assessment model

Semantic Perception

Population health record

Personal health record

Expert opinion

Clinical research

Clinical decision support

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Value: Patient Context

How could Smart Data help?

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3.4 billion people will have smartphones or tablets by 2017 -- Research2Guidance

“Intelligence at the Edges” of Digital Health


m-health app market is predicted to reach $26 billion in 2017 -- Research2Guidance

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Data Overload for Patients/health aficionados

Providing actionable information in a timely manner is crucial to avoid information overload or fatigue

Sleep dataCommunity data

Personal Schedule Activity data

Personal health records

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Optimizing Cost, Benefit, and Preferences

Algorithms on the patient side should consider all the health signals and provide actionable and timely information for informed decision making

What are the reasons for my increasing weight?What should I consider before I get a kidney transplant?

Semantic Perception

Personalized optimization

Personalized recommendation

Img: http://marloncarvallovillae.blogspot.com/2011_02_01_archive.html http://www.1800timeclocks.com/icon-time-systems/icon-time-upgrades/icon-time-advanced-pack-upgrade-sb100-pro/

Sleep data

Community data

Personal Schedule

Activity data

Personal health records

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Annotation of sensor data





at the Edge

Interpretation of sensor data

Efficient execution onresource-constrained devices1 2 3

3 Primary Issues to be addressed

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How are machines supposed to integrate and interpret sensor data?

Semantic Sensor Networks (SSN)

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W3C Semantic Sensor Network Ontology

Lefort, L., Henson, C., Taylor, K., Barnaghi, P., Compton, M., Corcho, O., Garcia-Castro, R., Graybeal, J., Herzog, A., Janowicz, K., Neuhaus, H., Nikolov, A., and Page, K.: Semantic Sensor Network XG Final Report, W3C Incubator Group Report (2011).

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W3C Semantic Sensor Network Ontology

Lefort, L., Henson, C., Taylor, K., Barnaghi, P., Compton, M., Corcho, O., Garcia-Castro, R., Graybeal, J., Herzog, A., Janowicz, K., Neuhaus, H., Nikolov, A., and Page, K.: Semantic Sensor Network XG Final Report, W3C Incubator Group Report (2011).

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W3C Semantic Sensor Network Ontology

Lefort, L., Henson, C., Taylor, K., Barnaghi, P., Compton, M., Corcho, O., Garcia-Castro, R., Graybeal, J., Herzog, A., Janowicz, K., Neuhaus, H., Nikolov, A., and Page, K.: Semantic Sensor Network XG Final Report, W3C Incubator Group Report (2011).

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Semantic Annotation of SWE

Lefort, L., Henson, C., Taylor, K., Barnaghi, P., Compton, M., Corcho, O., Garcia-Castro, R., Graybeal, J., Herzog, A., Janowicz, K., Neuhaus, H., Nikolov, A., and Page, K.: Semantic Sensor Network XG Final Report, W3C Incubator Group Report (2011).

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To gain new insight in

patient care &

early indications of


Smart Data in Healthcare

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… and do it efficiently and at scale

What if we could automate this sense making ability?

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Making sense of sensor data with

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People are good at making sense of sensory input

What can we learn from cognitive models of perception?• The key ingredient is prior knowledge

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52* based on Neisser’s cognitive model of perception







Perception Cycle*

Translating low-level signals into high-level knowledge

Focusing attention on those aspects of the environment that provide useful information

Prior Knowledge

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To enable machine perception,

Semantic Web technology is used to integrate sensor data with prior knowledge on the Web

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Prior knowledge on the Web

W3C Semantic Sensor Network (SSN) Ontology Bi-partite Graph

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Prior knowledge on the Web

W3C Semantic Sensor Network (SSN) Ontology Bi-partite Graph

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Inference to the best explanation• In general, explanation is an abductive problem; and

hard to compute

Finding the sweet spot between abduction and OWL• Simulation of Parsimonious Covering Theory in OWL-

DL (using the single-feature assumption*)

* An explanation must be a single feature which accounts forall observed properties

Explanation is the act of choosing the objects or events that best account for a set of observations; often referred to as hypothesis building

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Explanatory Feature: a feature that explains the set of observed properties

ExplanatoryFeature ≡ ssn:isPropertyOf∃ —.{p1} … ssn:isPropertyOf⊓ ⊓ ∃ —.{pn}

elevated blood pressure

clammy skin




Pulmonary Edema

Observed Property Explanatory Feature

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Discrimination is the act of finding those properties that, if observed, would help distinguish between multiple explanatory features





Focusing attention on those aspects of the environment that provide useful information


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Universe of observable properties

To determine which possible observations are most informative, find those observable properties that can discriminate between the set of hypotheses.





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Expected Property: would be explained by every explanatory feature

ExpectedProperty ≡ ssn:isPropertyOf.{f∃ 1} … ssn:isPropertyOf.{f⊓ ⊓ ∃ n}

elevated blood pressure

clammy skin




Pulmonary Edema

Expected Property Explanatory Feature

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Not Applicable Property: would not be explained by any explanatory feature

NotApplicableProperty ≡ ¬ ssn:isPropertyOf.{f∃ 1} … ¬ ssn:isPropertyOf.{f⊓ ⊓ ∃ n}

elevated blood pressure

clammy skin




Pulmonary Edema

Not Applicable Property Explanatory Feature

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Discriminating Property: is neither expected nor not-applicable

DiscriminatingProperty ≡ ¬ExpectedProperty ¬NotApplicableProperty⊓

elevated blood pressure

clammy skin




Pulmonary Edema

Discriminating Property Explanatory Feature

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Resource savings of abstracting sensor data

Orders of magnitude resource savings for generating and storing relevant abstractions vs. raw observations.

Relevant abstractions

Raw observations

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The Decisions are as Good as the Underlying Coded Knowledge

• How do we know whether we have all possible relationships?

• How do we know which relationships are missing?• How can we efficiently fill the missing relationships?

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Sujan Perera, Cory Henson, Krishnaprasad Thirunarayan, Amit Sheth, Suhas Nair, 'Semantics Driven Approach for Knowledge Acquisition from EMRs', Special Issue on Data Mining in Bioinformatics, Biomedicine and Healthcare Informatics, Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (To Appear)

Knowledge is built by abstracting real world facts, once built it should be able to explain the real world

Semantics Driven Approach for Knowledge Acquisition from EMRs

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Explanation Module




FilteringHypothesis Generation

Hypothesis with High






Patient Notes

Semantics Driven Approach for Knowledge Acquisition from EMRs


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1. Annotate the EMR documents with given knowledgebase2. Find unexplained symptoms3. Generate hypothesis for unexplained symptoms

1. All disorders in document becomes candidates4. Filter out candidate disorder with high confidence

1. Get disorders which has relationship with unexplained symptom in given knowledgebase

2. Collect the “neighborhood” of the disorders3. Get the intersection of “neighborhood” and candidate


The Algorithm

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D5Candidate Disease

Is symptom of


Candidate Filtering Step

Intuition: “similar disorders manifest similar symptoms”

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Precision = number of suggested correct relationshipsTotal number of suggested

= 73.09%

Recall = correct relationships found all correct relationships – known correct relationships

= 66.67%

If we do not perform the semantic filtering step, the precision would be 30%. High precision is important since it is hard to find domain experts to validate the generated hypothesis.

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Through physical monitoring and analysis, our cellphones could act as an early warning system to detect serious health conditions, and provide actionable information

canary in a coal mine


knowledge-enabled healthcare

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kHealth to Manage ADHF (Acute Decompensated Heart Failure)

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Qualities-High BP-Increased Weight



Machine Sensors

Personal Input


Comorbidity risk score e.g., Charlson Index

Longitudinal studies of cardiovascular risks

- Find correlations- Validation - domain knowledge - domain expert

Parameterize the model

Risk Assessment Model

Current Observations-Physical-Physiological-History

Risk Score(Actionable Information)

Model CreationValidate correlations

Historical observations of each patient

Risk Score: from Data to Abstraction and Actionable Information

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1http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/health-topics/topics/asthma/2http://www.lung.org/lung-disease/asthma/resources/facts-and-figures/asthma-in-adults.html 3Akinbami et al. (2009). Status of childhood asthma in the United States, 1980–2007. Pediatrics,123(Supplement 3), S131-S145.

25 million

300 million

$50 billion



People in the U.S. are diagnosed with asthma (7 million are children)1.

People suffering from asthma worldwide2.

Spent on asthma alone in a year2

Hospital admissions in 20063

Emergency department visits in 20063


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Asthma is a multifactorial disease with health signals spanning personal, public health, and population levels.

Real-time health signals from personal level (e.g., Wheezometer, NO in breath, accelerometer, microphone), public health (e.g., CDC, Hospital EMR), and population level (e.g., pollen level, CO2) arriving continuously in fine grained samples potentially with missing information and uneven sampling frequencies.

Variety Volume



Can we detect the asthma severity level?Can we characterize asthma control level?What risk factors influence asthma control?What is the contribution of each risk factor?



s Understanding relationships betweenhealth signals and asthma attacksfor providing actionable information

WHY Big Data to Smart Data: Healthcare example

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Population Level


Public Health

Variety: Health signals span heterogeneous sourcesVolume: Health signals are fine grainedVelocity: Real-time change in situationsVeracity: Reliability of health signals may be compromised

Value: Can I reduce my asthma attacks at night?

Decision support to doctorsby providing them with

deeper insights into patientasthma care

Asthma: Demonstration of Value

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Sensordrone – for monitoring environmental air quality

Wheezometer – for monitoringwheezing sounds

Can I reduce my asthma attacks at night?

What are the triggers?

What is the wheezing level?

What is the propensity toward asthma?

What is the exposure level over a day?

What is the air quality indoors?

Commute to Work


Public Health

Population Level

Closing the window at homein the morning and taking analternate route to office may

lead to reduced asthma attacks

Actionable Information

Asthma: Actionable Information for Asthma Patients

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Personal, Public Health, and Population Level Signals for Monitoring Asthma

ICS= inhaled corticosteroid, LABA = inhaled long-acting beta2-agonist, SABA= inhaled short-acting beta2-agonist ; *consider referral to specialist

Asthma Control and Actionable Information

Sensors and their observations for understanding asthma

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Personal Level Signals

Societal Level Signals

(Personal Level Signals)

(Personalized Societal Level Signal)

(Societal Level Signals)Societal Level Signals

Relevant to the Personal Level

Personal Level Sensors

(kHealth**) (EventShop*)

Qualify QuantifyAction


What are the features influencing my asthma?What is the contribution of each of these features?

How controlled is my asthma? (risk score)What will be my action plan to manage asthma?


Societal Level Sensors

Asthma Early Warning Model (AEWM)

Query AEWM

Verify & augmentdomain knowledge

Recommended Action

Action Justification

Asthma Early Warning Model

*http://www.slideshare.net/jain49/eventshop-120721, ** http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=btnRi64hJp4

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Population Level


Wheeze – YesDo you have tightness of chest? –Yes

Observations Physical-Cyber-Social System Health Signal Extraction Health Signal Understanding

<Wheezing=Yes, time, location>

<ChectTightness=Yes, time, location>

<PollenLevel=Medium, time, location>

<Pollution=Yes, time, location>

<Activity=High, time, location>












<PollenLevel, ChectTightness, Pollution,Activity, Wheezing, RiskCategory><2, 1, 1,3, 1, RiskCategory><2, 1, 1,3, 1, RiskCategory><2, 1, 1,3, 1, RiskCategory><2, 1, 1,3, 1, RiskCategory>




Expert Knowledge

Background Knowledge

tweet reporting pollution level and asthma attacks

Acceleration readings fromon-phone sensors

Sensor and personal observations

Signals from personal, personal spaces, and community spaces

Risk Category assigned by doctors




Outdoor pollen and pollution

Public Health

Health Signal Extraction to Understanding

Well Controlled - continueNot Well Controlled – contact nursePoor Controlled – contact doctor

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Personal Health Score and Vulnerability Score

At Discharge

Health Score Non-compliance Poor economic status

No living assistance

Vulnerability Score

Well Controlled Low

Well Controlled Very low

Not Well Controlled


Not Well Controlled


Poor Controlled Very High

Poor Controlled High

Estimation of readmission vulnerability based on the personal health score

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Health Signal Extraction Challenges

Social streams has been used to extract many near real-time events

Twitter provides access to rich signals but is noisy, informal, uncontrolled capitalization, redundant,

and lacks context

We formalize the event extraction from tweets as a sequence labeling problem

How do we know the event phrases and who creates the training set? (manual creation is ruled out)

Now you know why you’re miserable! Very High Alert for B-ALLERGEN Ragweed I-ALLERGEN pollen. B-FACILITY Oklahoma I-FACILITY Allergy I-FACILITY Clinic says it’s an extreme exposure situation

Idea: Background knowledge used to create the training set e.g., typing information becomes the label for a concept

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Health Signal Understanding Challenges

Formalized as a problem of structure extraction of a Bayesian Network

Find the structure that maximize the scoring function Where k indexes over all

possible graph structures

Ehsan Nazerfard, Bayesian Networks: Structure Learning, Topics in Machine Learning, 2011.

Where n is the number of nodesin the network

Huge exponential search space with n

Different structures may result in the same structure score (I-Map)

We use declarative knowledge to choose

between Gi and Gj , and to guide the search

Where Xi represents eachobservation

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How do we implement machine perception efficiently on aresource-constrained device?

Use of OWL reasoner is resource intensive (especially on resource-constrained devices), in terms of both memory and time

• Runs out of resources with prior knowledge >> 15 nodes• Asymptotic complexity: O(n3)

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intelligence at the edge

Approach 1: Send all sensor observations to the cloud for processing

Approach 2: downscale semantic processing so that each device is capable of machine perception

Henson et al. 'An Efficient Bit Vector Approach to Semantics-based Machine Perception in Resource-Constrained Devices, ISWC 2012.

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Efficient execution of machine perception

Use bit vector encodings and their operations to encode prior knowledge and execute semantic reasoning


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O(n3) < x < O(n4) O(n)

Efficiency Improvement

• Problem size increased from 10’s to 1000’s of nodes• Time reduced from minutes to milliseconds• Complexity growth reduced from polynomial to


Evaluation on a mobile device

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2 Prior knowledge is the key to perceptionUsing SW technologies, machine perception can be formalized and integrated with prior knowledge on the Web

3 Intelligence at the edgeBy downscaling semantic inference, machine perception can

execute efficiently on resource-constrained devices

Semantic Perception for smarter analytics: 3 ideas to takeaway

1 Translate low-level data to high-level knowledgeMachine perception can be used to convert low-level sensory signals into high-level knowledge useful for decision making

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D. Cameron, G. A. Smith, R. Daniulaityte, A. P. Sheth, D. Dave, L. Chen, G. Anand, R. Carlson, K. Z. Watkins, R. Falck. PREDOSE: A Semantic Web Platform for Drug Abuse Epidemiology using Social Media. Journal of Biomedical Informatics. July 2013 (in press)

Kno.e.sis - Ohio Center of Excellence in Knowledge-enabled ComputingCITAR - Center for Interventions Treatment and Addictions Research


PREDOSE: Prescription Drug abuse Online-Surveillance and Epidemiology

Bridging the gap between researcher and policy makers

Early identification of emerging patterns and trends in abuse

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In 2008, there were 14,800 prescription painkiller deaths*


PREDOSE: Prescription Drug abuse Online-Surveillance and Epidemiology

• Drug Overdose Problem in US• 100 people die everyday from drug overdoses• 36,000 drug overdose deaths in 2008• Close to half were due to prescription drugs

Gil KerlikowskeDirector, ONDCP

Launched May 2011

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PREDOSE: Bringing Epidemiologists and Computer Scientists together

Early Identification and Detection of Trends

Access hard-to-reach Populations

Large Data Sample Sizes

Group Therapy: http://www.thefix.com/content/treatment-options-prison90683


Online Surveys

Automatic Data Collection

Not Scalable

Manual Effort

Sample Biases


Qualitative Coding


Computer Scientist

Automate Information Extraction & Content Analysis

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Page 92: Smart Data enabling Personalized Digital Health

I was sent home with 5 x 2 mg Suboxones. I also got a bunch of phenobarbital (I took all 180 mg and it didn't do shit except make me a walking zombie for 2 days). I waited 24 hours after my last 2 mg dose of Suboxone and tried injecting 4 mg of the bupe. It gave me a bad headache, for hours, and I almost vomited. I could feel the bupe working but overall the experience sucked.

Of course, junkie that I am, I decided to repeat the experiment. Today, after waiting 48 hours after my last bunk 4 mg injection, I injected 2 mg. There wasn't really any rush to speak of, but after 5 minutes I started to feel pretty damn good. So I injected another 1 mg. That was about half an hour ago. I feel great now.

Codes Triples (subject-predicate-object)

Suboxone used by injection, negative experience Suboxone injection-causes-Cephalalgia

Suboxone used by injection, amount Suboxone injection-dosage amount-2mg

Suboxone used by injection, positive experience Suboxone injection-has_side_effect-Euphoria

experience sucked

feel pretty damn good

didn’t do shit

feel great

Sentiment Extraction

bad headache





INTERVAL Route of Admin.




I was sent home with 5 x 2 mg Suboxones. I also got a bunch of phenobarbital (I took all 180 mg and it didn't do shit except make me a walking zombie for 2 days). I waited 24 hours after my last 2 mg dose of Suboxone and tried injecting 4 mg of the bupe. It gave me a bad headache, for hours, and I almost vomited. I could feel the bupe working but overall the experience sucked.

Of course, junkie that I am, I decided to repeat the experiment. Today, after waiting 48 hours after my last bunk 4 mg injection, I injected 2 mg. There wasn't really any rush to speak of, but after 5 minutes I started to feel pretty damn good. So I injected another 1 mg. That was about half an hour ago. I feel great now.

I was sent home with 5 x 2 mg Suboxones. I also got a bunch of phenobarbital (I took all 180 mg and it didn't do shit except make me a walking zombie for 2 days). I waited 24 hours after my last 2 mg dose of Suboxone and tried injecting 4 mg of the bupe. It gave me a bad headache, for hours, and I almost vomited. I could feel the bupe working but overall the experience sucked.

Of course, junkie that I am, I decided to repeat the experiment. Today, after waiting 48 hours after my last bunk 4 mg injection, I injected 2 mg. There wasn't really any rush to speak of, but after 5 minutes I started to feel pretty damn good. So I injected another 1 mg. That was about half an hour ago. I feel great now.




Entity Identification






Drug Abuse Ontology (DAO)83 Classes37 Properties

33:1 Buprenorphine24:1 Loperamide

Page 93: Smart Data enabling Personalized Digital Health

Ontology Lexicon Lexico-ontology Rule-based Grammar








Suboxone, Kratom, Herion, Suboxone-CAUSE-Cephalalgia

disgusted, amazed, irritatedmore than, a, few of

I, me, mine, myIm glad, turn out bad, weird

ointment, tablet, pill, filmsmoke, inject, snort, sniffItching, blisters, flushing, shaking hands, difficulty


DOSAGE: <AMT><UNIT> (e.g. 5mg, 2-3 tabs)

FREQ: <AMT><FREQ_IND><PERIOD> (e.g. 5 times a week)

INTERVAL: <PERIOD_IND><PERIOD> (e.g. several years)

PREDOSE: Smarter Data through Shared Context and Data Integration

Page 94: Smart Data enabling Personalized Digital Health

Data Type Semantic Web Technique Limitations of Other Approaches

Entity Ontology-driven Identification & Normalization


Requires Labeled Data

Unpredictable term frequencies

Triple Schema-drivenDifficult to

develop language model

Requires entity disambiguation

Sentiment Ontology-assisted Target Entity Resolution

Inconsistent data for Parse Trees or


Diverse simple & complex slang

terms & phrases

PREDOSE: Role of Semantic Web & Ontologies

Page 95: Smart Data enabling Personalized Digital Health


Loperamide-Withdrawal Discovery

Loperamide is used to self-medicate to from Opioid Withdrawal symptoms

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Big Data from Healthcare Smart Data for Healthcare

Red, yellow, and green indicate high, medium, and low risk allowing decision

makers to focus on red & yellow variables

Big Data vs. Smart Data in Digital Health (Healthcare provider)

Population health record

Personal health record

Expert opinion

Clinical research

Clinical decision support

What is the overall health of the person?What are the vulnerabilities for organ transplant?

Ms. Mecannic’s blood test not yet complete

Page 97: Smart Data enabling Personalized Digital Health


Red, yellow, and green indicating high, medium, and

low risk factors

Recommendation algorithms will analyze data deluge with

domain knowledge

Big Data vs. Smart Data in Digital Health (Healthcare consumer)

Big Data from Healthcare Smart Data for Healthcare

What are the reasons for my increasing weight?What should I consider before I get a kidney transplant?

Sleep data

Community data

Personal Schedule

Personal health records

Activity data


Ms. Mecannic: Your blood work is

incomplete. Please finish this before organ donation!

Page 98: Smart Data enabling Personalized Digital Health


• Real Time Feature Streams: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ews4w_eCpg

• kHealth: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=btnRi64hJp4

• PREDOSE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gCFPzMgEPQM


Page 99: Smart Data enabling Personalized Digital Health


Take Away

• Data processing for personalized healthcare is lot more than a Big Data processing problem

• It is all about the human – not computing, not device: help them make better decisions, give actionable information– Computing for human experience

• Whatever we do in Smart Data, focus on human-in-the-loop (empowering machine computing!):– Of Human, By Human, For Human– But in serving human needs, there is a lot more than what

current big data analytics handle – variety, contextual, personalized, subjective, spanning data and knowledge across P-C-S dimensions

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• Kno.e.sis team• Funds: NSF, NIH, AFRL, Industry…

• Note:• For images and sources, if not on slides, please see slide notes• Some images were taken from the Web Search results and all such images belong

to their respective owners, we are grateful to the owners for usefulness of these images in our context.

Page 101: Smart Data enabling Personalized Digital Health


• OpenSource: http://knoesis.org/opensource• Showcase: http://knoesis.org/showcase • Vision: http://knoesis.org/vision • Publications: http://knoesis.org/library

References and Further Readings

Page 103: Smart Data enabling Personalized Digital Health


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Kno.e.sis – Ohio Center of Excellence in Knowledge-enabled ComputingWright State University, Dayton, Ohio, USA

Smart Data
