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Smart Pill - GET A RAZOR-SHARP BRAIN even if you're 80 or 90

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www.belmarrahealth.com https://www.facebook.com/BelMarra Breakthrough in brain nutrients will help you GET A RAZOR-SHARP BRAIN even if you're 80 or 90. Two secret herbs combine with eight brain boosters to nourish and protect your brain and maximise its performance. You may find this hard to believe but, age has nothing to do with how powerful your brain may be...or how sharp your memory is. Yes, your doctor and others may have told you that memory problems and mental decline are the result of a brain that's getting older. But the fact of the matter is, there are other more important reasons for the decline. Now don't misunderstand me. Yes, as we age our brain ages right along with the rest of our body. But memory problems have nothing to do with how old you are. "Age-related memory loss" is a direct result of factors like: Poorly functioning arteries that carry blood, oxygen and nutrients to your brain. Foods and beverages that eat away at our precious brain cells. Toxins and prescription drugs that destroy our vital brain cells. Damage to brain cells caused by stress and free radicals. As a result and as the years go by your brain's ability to function, perform, and stay healthy and sharp gradually

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Breakthrough in brain nutrients will help you

GET A RAZOR-SHARP BRAIN even if you're 80 or 90.

Two secret herbs combine with eight brain boosters to nourish

and protect your brain and maximise its performance.

You may find this hard to believe but, age has nothing to do with how powerful your brain may be...or how sharp your

memory is. Yes, your doctor and others may have told you that memory problems and mental decline are the result of a

brain that's getting older. But the fact of the matter is, there are other more important reasons for the decline.

Now don't misunderstand me. Yes, as we age our brain ages right along with the rest of our body. But memory problems

have nothing to do with how old you are.

"Age-related memory loss" is a direct result of factors like:

Poorly functioning arteries that carry blood, oxygen and nutrients to your brain.

Foods and beverages that eat away at our precious brain cells.

Toxins and prescription drugs that destroy our vital brain cells.

Damage to brain cells caused by stress and free radicals.

As a result – and as the years go by – your brain's ability to function, perform, and stay healthy and sharp gradually

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But scientists at Harvard...Tufts...Oxford...The Mayo Clinic and other leading health research institutes have recently

discovered an amazing fact: Regardless of your age, your brain has the ability to spark "dead" brain cells back to life...and

even create brand new ones!

When you flood your brain with the right nutrients...and simultaneously eliminate what causes your brain to slow

down...you can restore brain and memory function back to what it was years ago!

In the next few minutes, you're going to discover exactly what you need to do now to help improve brain function and get a

youthful, steel-trap memory. And the exact steps you need to take to keep it healthy...and even boost brain power as you


My name is Dr. Victor Marchione. I'm a board-certified medical doctor with more than 26 years of experience in treating

patients with memory problems. I'm going to show you how to protect your brain...nourish it back to perfect health...and

boost your memory and your brain power as you get older.

In just a matter of mere days:

Feel your brain fog lift...and begin thinking clearer than you have in years!

Feel mental exhaustion and fatigue drift away – replaced with deep reservoirs of newfound mental energy and


Experience an explosion of new brain power...creativity and focus – as "dead" brain cells and broken mental pathways

are re-opened and sparked back to life!

...and in a few short months:

You can regain the steel-trap memory you used to have in your youth – as oxygen delivery to your brain is boosted...as

nutrients your thirsty brain cells crave are replenished...and as the hidden health problems that damage brain power and

memory are reversed and eliminated.

You'll realise that other health problems begin to lessen and even resolve themselves – everything from mood swings to

sleep problems and even cardiovascular-related health problems and more!

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How? With a doctor-tested, patient-proven, three-step restoration process that...

1. Protects your brain and helps keep a sharp, agile mind

2. Nourishes your brain with the exact combination of nutrients

3. Maximizes your brain power and functioning

Brain-Boosting Step One

Protect against brain destroyers

As I mentioned before, memory problems and reduced brain power have little to do with your brain getting older...but the

decline in function of the arteries, veins and capillaries that feed your brain. Without adequate blood, your brain begins to

starve. Oxygen levels plummet...delivery of vital nutrients that protect and nourish your brain is compromised...and your

brain ages faster than it should do. In addition to a lack of blood, there are other 'brain destroyers' that contribute to poor

brain functioning.

The invasion of free radicals. One of the single biggest side effects of reduced oxygen delivery is free radicals. Free

radicals thrive in a poorly-oxygenated environment...and are absolute murder on your brain cells. They literally starve your

brain by destroying mitochondria – the tiny energy "power plants" in your brain cells that power thinking and memory. As a

result, your brain can't make enough energy to perform at its peak efficiency.

Free radicals can take a heavy toll on your brain and memory. They kill off important nerve and brain cells. They destroy

essential nutrients and neurotransmitters that assist thinking and memory. And they can cause dangerous amyloid plaques to

form in your brain. These plaques are the culprits behind many cognitive issues.

The body chemical that steals your memory. Hidden inside your body is one of the biggest culprits behind reduced brain

power and a poor memory – a non-protein amino acid called homocysteine. As you may already know, homocysteine has

been implicated in scores of different health problems, most notably heart disease. But it's also one of the biggest culprits

behind brain and memory problems. In a study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology, researchers found that

the higher your levels of homocysteine, the greater your memory problems.

Your brain is on fire from inflammation! Inflammation can have an almost devastating effect on the hippocampus part of

the brain that's responsible for the storage and retrieval of memories. The biggest cause of brain inflammation is C-reactive

Protein (CRP). And that the higher your levels of this inflammatory marker, the worse your memory becomes. In a study at

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the University of California,researchers found that people with the higher CRP levels had greater memory loss and recalled

fewer words than patients with normal CRP levels!

Vitamin deficiencies. Every year, literally thousands of people are diagnosed with dementia. But did you know that in

many cases, patients the culprit is not dementia at all...but a simple, vitamin B-12 deficiency?

Vitamin B12 is absolutely essential for proper brain function. It helps boost oxygen delivery to all of the trillions of cells in

your brain. And it's absolutely essential for producing myelin – the white matter that protects the nerves in your brain. If

your myelin "sheath" wears out, it can interrupt messages that travel along your nerves to individual brain cells. As a result,

you can get scrambled signals and messages don't transmit as well – and memory problems are the result.

Neurotransmitter imbalances. To function properly and maintain proper brain health, you need a delicate balance of

important neurotransmitters like dopamine...acetylcholine... epinephrine... and serotonin. These important neurotransmitters

help your brain cells communicate with each other and help with memory storage and retrieval. Thus, it's essential to

maintain a correct balance of them to keep your brain strong and your memory sharp.

Well, the good news is, protecting yourself from these common memory destroyers

is easy. And in the next few minutes, I'm going to show you exactly how you can do

just that...and protect your brain for LIFE!

But giving your brain better protection is only ONE part. In order to really bring

your mental sharpness back and restore your memory, you also need to give your

brain exactly what it needs to function optimally and stay sharp and alert for years to


During the course of my medical practice, I've discovered some truly outstanding natural remedies that can help you do all

of that and much more. These nutrients help keep the hidden memory-loss triggers at bay, they fight the devastating effects

of these triggers on your brain and your memory, and they can help revitalize every one of the trillions of cells in your brain

that power thinking and memory.

Getting these nutrients is very important in our brain boosting process. So let's move on to...

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Brain-Boosting Step Two

Nourish Your Brain with the exact nutrients

Picture your brain as a laptop computer that runs on a battery or a power supply. Just as your computer's performance is

negatively affected when the battery runs out, a short supply of the vital ingredients leads to a poorly functioning brain.

When this happens to your computer, you experience a sluggish ride and other problems. When this happens in your brain

you experience things like...

Fuzzy thinking

A poor memory

Poor concentration levels

Lack of focus

Mental fatigue

Mood swings

And much, much more!

So as you can see, your brain needs a constant supply of different ingredients to help it perform at its maximum and keep it

healthy and sharp.

Support And Revitalize Your Brain...

And bring Your Memory Roaring Back – In A Matter Of Mere Days!

In order to protect your memory and boost mental acuity, it's absolutely essential to nourish your brain – and your brain

cells – with a wide variety of critical nutrients. To boost your memory back to its former glory – and protect it now and into

the future -- you need a total solution that works at multiple levels to provide your brain with all the vitamins, nutrients and

important neurotransmitters it needs to function optimally and keep you healthy.

And that's where the problems can begin. You see, most nutritional supplements on the market today are woefully

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inadequate. Now don't get me wrong, there are some terrific remedies out there. And they can be a great benefit to anyone

with memory problems. But there isn't a single solution out there that provides the variety of natural ingredients your brain

needs...and at the potency levels that have been proven most effective in studies. Until now! I'm glad to report that the team

at Bel Marra Health, have been able to meet all my requirements and have come up with a breakthrough new formula that

fights hidden memory destroyers that work in...

10 Different Ways to help Protect, Nourish and Maximize Brain Power!

This breakthrough new solution is called The Smart Pill.

It's a result of decades' worth of real-world research on real patients. All that research is now combined into one unique

super formula that drenches your brain with the important life-giving nutrients it needs at optimum levels.

Indeed, just take one capsule in the morning with your breakfast...and another before going to bed at night. That's all there is

to it.

In my opinion The Smart Pill is the single best solution to help re-energize your brain's cells, boost your mental alertness

and supercharge & protect your memory.

As The Smart Pill begins to work, nutrient and oxygen-rich blood will speed to all the trillions of cells in your brain, and

you'll feel your brain fog lift...and experience greater mental clarity and alertness.

And this is still just the beginning. As the days and weeks go by, things will just get better and better. Your mood will get

better. Your concentration levels will get better. Your memory will get sharper and sharper over time. Confusion flees as

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communication between brains cells is normalized. Your level of focus improves. And much, much more!

I could go on and on about all of the incredible benefits you'll get from The Smart Pill. This powerful new remedy contains

10 of the most powerful, research-proven natural ingredients available. And it all starts with...

Brain Nourisher #1

Ancient Chinese Remedy Boosts Memory

For hundreds of years, people in China have been using a little-known herb to help keep memory problems at bay. It's

called Huperzine-A, or HupA, for short... and it's extracted from Chinese club moss.

Studies show that HupA is one of the most promising herbs for memory loss and loss of focus. In fact, when researchers

tested HupA against traditional cures, it not only worked better, but the effects were stronger... it worked faster...and

remained active in the patients' brains for much longer!

Boosts Blood Flow...Destroys Memory-Robbing Free Radicals... Blocks Formation of Plaques in brain!

Since its discovery as a potent brain and memory booster, huperzine has been subjected to the rigours of modern medicine.

Dozens of clinical studies have proven huperzine's ability to fight memory problems...

It dramatically boosts blood flow to your brain.

Fights free radicals.

Helps balance neurotransmitters.

Huperzine has shown truly remarkable benefits in treating poor memory, reduced brain function and mental fatigue. You get

a clinically tested dose (200 mcg) of huperzine in The Smart Pill. And this is only the beginning. Here's...

Brain Nourisher #2

4,000-Year-Old Secret To A Better, More Powerful Memory...

The next brain and memory-booster in The Smart Pill is one of the most studied, widely-used remedies for improving

memory and mental acuity - Gingko Biloba!

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Used in Asia for more than 4,000 years, gingko has been proven to work in more than 1,000 published medical studies.

Doctor's in Europe routinely prescribe it to their patients as a tonic for memory problems.

Gingko is also known as a powerful circulation booster. And this is where it excels as an aid to improve your memory and

promote greater mental clarity. That's because it not only thins your blood and boosts blood flow to your brain...it

dramatically increases oxygen delivery to your brain cells.

In one study performed at Harvard Medical School, researchers gave 202 participants with age related memory loss, 120mg

of gingko daily or a placebo for one year. 64% of the patients taking gingko, showed significant improvement in their

symptoms. Conversely, those in the placebo group actually got worse!

In another double-blind crossover study, patients taking 600 mg of gingko experienced significant improvements in short-

term memory in just one hour! That's right, just 60 minutes after taking it, the memory-boosting effects were clear to see.

These studies were performed using ordinary gingko. But in The Smart Pill, you get a special standardized form of gingko.

This special type guarantees that each capsule contains powerful phytochemicals that boost blood and oxygen delivery

better than ordinary gingko. That means a better brain boost and greater benefits to your memory.

You get a full 240 mg of this special standardized form of gingko biloba in The Smart Pill.

Brain Nourisher #3

Aging Brains Rejuvenated And Revitalized!

Our next ingredient in The Smart Pill is a true super nutrient and brain and memory revitalizer. It can help "de-age" your

brain and wipes years off your mental age. The super compound I'm talking about is Alpha Lipoic Acid – or ALA for short.

ALA is one of the most powerful nutrients for your brain. Dozens of research studies show that ALA works in a number of

different ways to protect your brain and keep it razor sharp.

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Revitalizes your brain – ALA boosts levels of important brain enzymes that help protect

and support aging brain cells.

Boosts glutathione levels – ALA helps boost levels of glutathione, which helps protect

vital neurons necessary for memory and brain power.

Recycles brain-protecting nutrients – ALA is a powerful antioxidant in its own right.

But studies show that it also recycles other important antioxidants like vitamins C and E... for

even greater brain protection.

Potent free radical scavenger – ALA has the unique ability to penetrate into both water

and fat soluble cells. This helps it cross the blood-brain barrier and destroy free radicals in your brain cells that other

antioxidants cannot reach.

As you can see, Alpha Lipoic Acid is absolutely essential if you want to have a healthy brain and a powerful memory.

That's why you get 50 mg of ALA in The Smart Pill.

Brain Nourisher #4

Keep Brain Cells Intact... Boost Brain Power And Memory

Do you often suffer with memory loss...difficulty problem solving...poor concentration levels...confusion...and

communication problems? If so, our next brain and memory booster will be an absolute god-send to you.

It's Vinpocetine – an extract from the periwinkle plant. And study after study shows that by creating a super-oxygenated

environment in your brain, vinpocetine can help fight memory problems...reduces brain cell death...sharpen your mind and

boost alertness...and much more!

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In a study published in the European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, researchers tested vinpocetine on patients with

moderate cognitive impairment. Result: Almost every patient who took vinpocetine got significant improvements memory

and intellectual performance.

Vinpocetine improves memory and mental performance by creating a super-oxygenated environment in your brain. It helps

speed blood flow to your brain. And it boosts levels of the energy molecule ATP in your brain.

That's why we have included this important brain nutrient in The Smart Pill.

Brain Nourisher #5

A natural extract that will speed up your memory in as little as 6 hours

Scientists are now uncovering how rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) sharpens mental faculties. Researchers found that the

concentration of 1.8-cineole (a rosemary component) in the blood is directly proportional to an individual's cognitive

performance. While speed and accuracy increased, the researchers also noted that memory started improving in as little as

six hours.

In the brain, rosemary has been shown to help improve speed, enhance accuracy, improve mood, relieve stress, and aid


It is believed that rosemary inhibits certain enzymes that break down acetylcholine. Acetylcholine is the principal

neurotransmitter in the brain, so when the enzymes that breaks it down are inhibited, there's more acetylcholine to help

those synapses fire.

The Smart Pill gives you 750mg of rosemary a day. This is the same amount proven to be very effective in 28 older adults

whose memory speed increased in around 6 hours after taking rosemary.

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Brain Nourisher #6

Keeps the brain active and calm at the same time

There is one nutrient has been used in the Indian medical system of Ayurveda since the 6th century A.D as the classic nerve

and brain tonic - Bacopa monnieri. Bacopa supports healthy brain functions like mental clarity, intellect, consciousness,

attention span.

Bacopa has the unique ability to invigorate mental processes while reducing the effects of stress and nervous anxiety. That's

because bacopa also supports healthy serotonin (the brain chemical that promotes relaxation) levels.

In double blind placebo controlled clinical studies, 300 mg of bacopa significantly improved verbal learning, memory

acquisition, and delayed recall.

The Smart Pill gives you the same extract of bacopa that was used in clinical studies.

Brain Nourisher #7

Helps reduce homocysteine levels and "De-Age" Your Brain...

The Smart Pill contains an all-natural nutrient that slashes homocysteine levels to the bone - folic acid!

According to researchers at the world-famous Mayo Clinic, folic acid neutralizes homocysteine's devastating effects on the

brain and helps support healthy memory.

One study done at Oxford University showed that people with severe memory loss had high levels of homocysteine and low

levels of folic acid.

In another study involving 818 older adults, participants were given either folic acid or a placebo for three years. Results

showed that the people in the folate group had memories equivalent to those who were 5 years younger than the placebo

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group! It's pretty remarkable that an ordinary nutrient can give you a memory equal to that of someone 5 years younger!

That's why you get 400 mcg of folic acid in The Smart Pill.

Brain Nourisher #8

Better Mental Stamina, Focus And Concentration...

Every second of the day, your brain is firing messages to other cells in your brain and your body. And because of its

constant activity, your brain has an insatiable appetite for energy. The more energy you can give it, the better it works and

keeps fatigue at bay.

So naturally, if it isn't getting all the energy it needs, it can't function optimally. As a result, you get memory

problems...fuzzy thinking...and brain fog.

Well, the good news is, The Smart Pill caters to your brain's demand for energy by giving you vitamin B12. B12 has been

nicknamed the "energy vitamin" because of its ability to transport reservoirs of new energy to your brain.

Conversely, a lack of B12 has been proven to adversely affect memory. In fact, there's been literally thousands of cases of

vitamin B12 deficiencies being diagnosed as Alzheimer's disease! It's true. And once B12 levels are boosted, memory

comes roaring back.

In addition to its ability to boost brain energy, B12 also helps create myelin, the protective insulation that covers your nerve

endings. Myelin helps your brain cells "talk" to each other without getting crossed signals.

This means your brain can send messages easier so you feel quicker on your feet and with a sharper, clearer mind and


That's why we've included 30 mcg of vitamin B12 in The Smart Pill.

Brain Nourisher #9 & 10

Better Brain Cell Communication

Have you ever forgotten someone's name? Or forgotten to pick something up at the supermarket? These things don't just

slip your mind...they're caused by a breakdown in brain cell communication.

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Unfortunately, as we age, acetylcholine levels begin to fall...as do levels of epinephrine, dopamine, and serotonin.

Deficiencies and imbalances in these important neurotransmitters are one of the major causes behind memory problems,

poor thinking, and mood swings.

That's why we have included pyridoxine – also known as vitamin B6. Vitamin B6 and vitamin C (also included in The

Smart Pill) help produce these important neurotransmitters in your brain.

In clinical studies, vitamin B6 has proven very effective for memory problems. In a recent double-blind study, 38 healthy

men aged between 70 and 79 years were given either vitamin B6 or a placebo. At the end of the study, researchers tested

them for memory and brain function.

And in every case, patients who took B6 had better memory function...especially information storage and long-term

memory. That means a better memory, better brain function and greater recall of information.

Brain-Boosting Step Three

Maximize Your Brain Power!

You've seen how crucial it is to protect your brain from the common mind and memory stealers. You've seen the importance

of feeding your brain the right kind of nutrients it needs to not only protect your mind now and in the future, but also how to

give your brain a "super boost" of nutrients that can speed up your thinking, blow away mental cobwebs and dramatically

boost your memory and brain power.

Now, using the unique combination of nutrients found in The Smart Pill, you're not only going to protect your brain for life

and keep it sharp as a tack, but as the days and weeks go by, things are only going to get better!

As The Smart Pill begins coursing throughout your brain, your mind and memory will improve day-by-day, week-by-week.

But as you feel your mind getting clearer and your memory returning to normal, you'll begin to observe a number of very

different side effects from The Smart Pill – amazing ones!

As a medical doctor for over 26 years, I've seen it with my own eyes: When you put The Smart Pill to work for you, the

incredible health benefits begin in a matter of mere days...

Health problems that have plagued you for years may begin to improve and even vanish.

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As homocysteine levels drop, the threat of heart and brain problems begins to dwindle...

As oxygen-rich blood starts speeding through your body, you'll find that fatigue is replaced with reservoirs of new


As inflammatory fires are extinguished, you'll find that other problems – like joint pain and more – begin to ease and

even go away completely...

As free radicals are wiped out, you'll experience the benefits throughout your entire body – in your joints, your brain,

your eyes, your muscles, your heart and your circulatory system...

And more...and more...and more!

But you don't have to take just my word for it. Here's a quick peek at what real users of The Smart Pillhave to say...

The health of your brain vs. a cup of coffee

As you can see, The Smart Pill contains 10 of the most powerful and most important nutrients to help support your brain

and keep your memory sharp regardless of your age. And you get the full research-proven doses of each nutrient for the

absolute best results.

Think about this for a moment. If you had to get all these ingredients individually, not only would it cost you a lot of

money, it would be highly inconvenient. But thanks to The Smart Pill you can get the perfect ingredients that will protect,

nourish and maximise your brain power for less than a dollar a day. That's less than you would spend on a cup of coffee that

does nothing for you.

The Smart Pill gives you the simplest, most effective way I know of to boost the health of your brain... re-energize your

brain cells...destroy health and memory-robbing toxins...reduce dangerous levels of inflammation and homocysteine...and

beat everything from mental fatigue to brain fog, poor memory, anxiety...and keep your brain running at peak performance.

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Real People...Real Problems...


As mentioned previously, The Smart Pill is helping real people...with real problems...just like you. And they're getting

spectacular results (you can, too!).

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This kind of feedback is very inspiring. People with poor memories are now telling us that their memory has never been

better. That their mental fatigue has been replaced with reservoirs of new energy and a clearer mind. They've blown away

brain fog...boosted their powers of focus and concentration...and much more!

You too can change your life around as The Smart Pill can give you...

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A sharper memory and a clearer mind...

Improved mental energy and stamina...

Better concentration levels...and laser beam focus...

Improved mood and less stress...

Protection from free radicals, reduced blood flow and oxygen depletion and all of the other brain and memory


And much, much more...

Brain & Memory Problems – Now YOU Have A Choice!

The fact of the matter is, two very different paths now lay ahead of you. The first path is the one you've been travelling

along for months or maybe even years. A path where brain and memory problems leave you frustrated, embarrassed and

even fearful of what might be just around the corner.

The second path is the path of freedom. Freedom from forgetfulness and other brain problems. Freedom from mental

fatigue. Freedom from other health problems triggered by a poorly functioning brain!

And if you are still indecisive, here's something that will help you make the right decision.

Take The Smart Pill Challenge For The

Next 30 Days – FREE!

Well, I've told you all about the terrific brain and memory-boosting benefits you can get from The Smart Pill. You've read

about the 10 unique ingredients that make it work...You've even read what real people with crippling mental problems have

to say about The Smart Pill ...and how it increased function and clarity in their thinking and memory.

Ultimately, The Smart Pill means nothing to you until you put it to a definitive test on yourself. Can it really give you all

the exciting benefits I've mentioned so far? Can it give you all of these benefits in a day...a week...or a month?

The answer is a definitive YES! But...I don't expect you to just take my word for it. So try it for yourself...FREE!

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You see, you're NEVER AT RISK when you try The Smart Pill. Because you're always covered by our...

100% Iron Clad Risk-Free GUARANTEE!

Give The Smart Pill a 30-day "test-drive." If, after 30 short days, your brain and memory problems haven't improved...if it

isn't the best remedy that you have ever used...then you can ask for a refund. We'll immediately and cheerfully refund ever

single cent of your money without questions or hassles.

I think you'll agree, that's a pretty bold guarantee. But that's how confident we are that The Smart Pill will be the last brain

and memory-restoring remedy that you'll ever use... to help nourish, protect and maximise your mind and your

memory...and keep it razor sharp well into your 60s...70s... 80s...and beyond!

How Quickly Will You See Results From The Smart Pill?

That's a good question. And in truth, every person is different...and everyone's problems are different. Some only have slight

brain and memory problems. While others have more severe problems. However, most people begin noticing the benefits

after just a few days, sometimes the first day. But the best results come when you make The Smart Pill a regular part of

your life.

Look: The fact is, if any drug company had a patented product that offered so many benefits, they'd charge you an absolute

fortune for it. But for less than a dollar per day, The Smart Pill may be the biggest bargain of your life. With The Smart

Pill, you can protect and nourish your brain and maximize its performance and feel the incredible health benefits of a

healthy brain.

Literally thousands of people just like you have done just that with The Smart Pill. And you can too. And remember, you're

never at risk, thanks to the GUARANTEE of satisfaction.

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If you want you brain, your memory and your entire health to be at peak levels, your first step is to ORDER NOW.

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The statements made in this presentation have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. If you are currently taking prescription medication or have any specific medical condition, consult your healthcare practitioner prior to use. While clinical research supports the effectiveness of THE SMART PILL, individual results may differ from those in the study. You should carefully read all product packaging and labels.

Copyright © 2015. The information contained herein is not to be construed as medical advice or instruction. On any matter relating to your health or well-being, please check with an appropriate health professional. Information herein, while believed to be correct by the author, is not guaranteed as accurate or appropriate for all persons. Testimonials are from real users of THE SMART PILL. To protect our customers privacy, stock photos have been used for all customer testimonials. No statement herein is to be construed as a diagnosis,

treatment, preventive, or cure for any disease, disorder, or abnormal physical state. Statements herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Dr. Victor Marchione is compensated by Bel Marra Health for his work in formulating and endorsing this product.

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