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    Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2005

    ISBN 978-92-79-05073-2

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  • 7/29/2019 sme Brochure En




    SMEs have a role to play in European aeronautics

    In the European aeronautics

    sector, big players dominate,

    but alongside the well-known

    names are thousands of smal-

    ler companies, often at the

    cutting edge of innovation but

    facing serious problems ac-

    cessing and benefiting from

    pan-European research pro-


    Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) play a central role in the

    European economy. They are a major source of entrepreneurial skills, innovation and

    employment. In the enlarged European Union of 27 countries, some 23 million SMEs

    provide around 75 million jobs and represent 99% of all enterprises. However, SMEs

    are often confronted with market imperfections. They frequently have difficulties

    in obtaining capital or credit, particularly in the start-up phase. Their restricted

    resources may also reduce access to new technologies. For all of these reasons,

    targeted support for SMEs has become a major EU priority.

    Carrying out aerospace research is widely recognised as a difficult and high-risk

    endeavour, even for the sectors biggest players. The task is even greater for small

    companies with only a fraction of the financial resources of the big spenders. The payoff

    for such research often comes only after many years of effort and expenditure. Long

    lead times, high costs and the preference of big companies to deal with tried and tested

    suppliers, all tend to work against small companies and newcomers. The marked

    consolidation within the sector is another factor that can squeeze out small firms.

    Yet, in spite of all this, aeronautics SMEs are getting on with their work. This brochure

    presents just a few of Europes shining examples SMEs providing real contributions

    in the field of aeronautics. Make no mistake as key partners in major research

    initiatives or as project leaders in their own rights, SMEs are helping Europe to define

    its priorities and tackle its most pressing issues, leading the way to a new and better

    air transport future.

    Janez Potonik

    EU Research Commissioner

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    SMEs on the rise

    According to European Commission Vice-President Gnter Verheugen, SMEs are, ...the

    engine of the European economy, an essential source of jobs, create entrepreneurial spirit and

    innovation in the EU and thus are crucial for fostering competitiveness and employment.

    In the European aeronautics sector, where innovative technologies are especially

    important, SMEs can indeed play a central role. However, such firms have limited

    financial resources, and therefore their investment choices must be carefully

    scrutinised and made in accordance with strict business plans.

    Thanks to Commission support, there has been strong increase in SME participation in

    industrial research and development over successive EU Research Framework Programmes.

    Under the current Sixth Framework Programme (FP6), SMEs are contributing to European

    aeronautics R&D initiatives both as partners and as full-fledged project leaders.

    Keys to success

    According to Kevin Corti of the European Federation of High-Tech SMEs, access to

    larger firms is crucial to European SME success. Its about doing business, he says,

    and doing business, for SMEs, means linking up and partnering with big companies.

    The big companies, for their part, have to resist the temptation to keep going back to

    the same SME partners over and over. It is certainly necessary but not necessarily

    easy for big European firms to find and work with smaller partners. Doing so, he

    says, is the only way to ensure that our European industries remain dynamic and at

    the forefront of technological innovation.

    What is an SME?

    The category of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) includes

    companies that employ fewer than 250 persons and that have an annual turnover

    not exceeding 50 million euro, and/or an annual balance sheet total not exceeding

    43 million euro.



    SMEs have helped develop fixed trailing edge secondary structures for Airbus.

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    European Commission-

    funded initiatives such

    as AeroSME, ECARE and

    SCRATCH have already pro-

    vided a major positive impe-

    tus, creating opportunities

    for SMEs and larger firms

    to link up and move forward

    with important research

    actions (see page 7).

    Enlargement a positive step

    Identification of high-potential SMEs in the New European Member States is now a

    major priority and a major opportunity for European research. Franois Quentin of

    Thales has said, We are constantly looking for new ways of including more players

    who can contribute to increasing efficiency and innovation. The SMEs just as New

    European Member States are very relevant in this sense, with a lot to offer and still

    many unidentified potential partners out there. Quentin is currently serving as

    Co-Chairman of ACARE, the highly influential European Technology Platform for

    aeronautics research.

    Meanwhile, Axel Krein, Airbus Senior Vice-President for Strategic Developments has

    commented on his companys ongoing collaboration with Eastern European players,

    including Russia and the New Member States, saying, We now have considerable

    experience in partnerships with their excellent research institutes, but we can do a lot

    more in terms of identifying and working with their SMEs.

    Technician riveting part of the pressure bulkhead of an Airbus aircraft. Photographed at Deutsche Aerospace(DASA), Bavaria, Germany.

    Kevin Corti (left) stresses business sense for high-tech SMEs.

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    SMEs in FP7

    Some 400 SMEs are already participating in FP6 aeronautics research projects.

    Under the final FP6 call for proposals, SME garnered almost 12% of EC funding.

    In a December 2006 decision(1), the EU Competitiveness Council urged the European

    Commission and Member States to ensure that small companies can benefit from the

    Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (FP7)

    and the Competitiveness and Innovation Programme (CIP).

    The European Parliament

    and the Council reaffirmed

    the importance of SMEs

    for Europes economy and

    stressed that particular

    attention should be paid to

    the adequate participation

    of SMEs, in particular


    SMEs in transnational co-


    The decision also called for the reintroduction of the 15% threshold for SME

    participation in co-operative research programmes, sending what many believe to be

    the right message to small firms.

    To stimulate SME participation, the Commission has now raised the funding rate for

    SMEs from 50% under FP6 to 75% under FP7.

    For an overview of funding opportunities available to European SMEs, consult the

    following internet page:


    FP7 responds in the affi rmative

    Liam Breslin, the European Commissions Head of Aeronautics Research, has

    remarked that, under the Framework Programmes, the Union has already committed

    itself to increase SME participation in aeronautics.

    The effect of this commitment, he says, is demonstrated by the steady increase in

    participation of SMEs since the Fifth Framework Programme; while the number of

    participating SMEs was 40 for the first call of FP5, it reached 150 for the last call of

    FP6. Over the same period, the budget share for SMEs increased from 4.8% to 9.8%.

    SME participation in EU-funded research takes two forms:

    As key partners in major industrial research initiatives;

    As project leaders in their own rights.

    1 Decision n 1982/2006/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2006




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    SME participation in aeronautics(Retained proposals before negotiation)

    The SMEs participation has doubled in FP6 compared to FP5

    This doubling results from:

    the actions undertaken by the Commission to promote SMEs participation

    and the increasing support from the b ig industry players (IMG4)

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    Under FP7 (2007-2013), says Liam

    Breslin, EU commitment to SMEs

    will only increase. The Union

    will continue to work towards

    more SME involvement in critical

    research initiatives, FP7 will

    seek to stimulate the ongoing

    restructuring of the aeronautics

    industry, including the integration

    of the supply chain and, in

    particular, SMEs.

    Call for proposals

    The total EC grant available for collaborative research in aeronautics over FP7 (2007-

    2013) is on the order of 1 billion. This opens a vast number of opportunities for SMEs.

    The first FP7 call for proposals was issued on 22 December 2006. Research in the

    field of aeronautics is addressing greening, time efficiency, customer satisfaction

    and safety, cost efficiency, protection of aircraft and passengers, and pioneering airtransport systems of the future.

    Topics for Level 1 projects, i.e. projects oriented towards upstream research with an EC grant

    typically below8 million, include production, maintenance and repair, design systems and

    tools, systems and equipments, flight physics, aero structures, propulsion and avionics.

    Level 2 projects, also open to SME participation, involve development to a higher

    technological readiness and with a high level of integration. Here, EC grants typically

    range between 8 million and 60 million. Topics will vary from one call to another.

    Additional opportunities should be available under the Clean Sky Joint Technology

    Initiative (JTI), which has set aside 12% of the EC contribution for SMEs.

    How to Participate

    For up-to-date information on calls, participation rules, guidelines for proposals, etc.

    see the Cordis website:


    How to get involved in Aeronautics research

    Stay informed about running projects that are of interest to you:http://ec.europa.eu/research/transport/transport_modes/aeronautics_en.html

    Find out if a continuation of a project is planned

    Explain to coordinators what you can bring to their project

    Be ready to act

    Critical opportunities: how FP7 can help

    SMEs deliver state-of-the-art CFD methods.




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    SMEs Getting in the game

    AROSATEC improving turbine engine maintenance

    The EU-funded AROSATEC project (Automated Repair and OverhaulSystem for Aero Turbine Engine Components), composed largely ofSMEs, has developed new processes for the automated repair andoverhaul of aeroengine blades, discs and blisks (bladed discs).

    Today, maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) of aero engine components involves

    a chain of processes, including inspection, de-coating/coating, welding, milling and

    polishing. Most of these processes are still carried out manually, and while the supply

    industry is developing improved and automated machining equipment, the individual

    steps remain separate and unconnected.

    Improving and integrating

    Our first objective was to improve existing repair methods for aero-engine

    components, explains Thomas Kosche of BCT GmbH. This was to be achieved through

    adaptive machining technologies to compensate for part-to-part variation in complex

    turbine components.

    The second goal, he says, was to develop a new data management system which

    would constitute the core of a fully automated overhaul process, integrating individual

    steps into a comprehensive automated repair chain.

    To achieve its objectives, AROSATEC coordinator BCT GmbH enlisted several

    international SME partners, including BCT GmbH itself.

    Targeting key technologies

    Research on scanning technologies was one of the main focuses of the project.

    Reliable scanning results for engine components serve as the basis for inspection

    and for subsequent adaptive laser welding and milling processes. Kosche says the

    AROSATEC project improved optical scanning methods so that even shiny materials

    can now be assessed easily and automatically.

    The integration of systems was another important issue addressed by the project.

    All of the new processes are equipped with interfaces for communicating with a

    database, explains Kosche.

    Demonstrated success

    The final AROSATEC meeting took place in Leuven in 2006. BCT GmbH PresidentClaus Bremer says, Our company has generated two business collaborations with

    two AROSATEC partners, we are now planning a new proposal for FP7 and we may

    join a larger project. In summary, AROSATEC is a big success for our company.


    Seven partners Coordinator: BCT GmbH


    Duration: 33 months

    Total Cost: 2.3 million EU funding: 1.1 million


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    Participating in EU Collaborative Research Project is a challenge, says Rmy Dnos,

    Project Officer in charge of SMEs at DG RTDs Aeronautics unit. If we want to promote the

    participation of SMEs, we need to provide them with specific support. With this in mind,

    we are funding several complementary support actions to tackle different issues.

    Specific information for SMEs, including latest information events and workshops can

    be found at the AEROSME Helpdesk ( http://www.aerosme.com).

    ECARE can help SMEs to establish contacts at regional level, including liaison with

    nearest regional associations.

    Coordinators looking for qualified SMEs to participate in collaborative projects can

    contact AEROSME for Level 1 projects or ECARE for Level 2 projects.

    The SCRATCH consortium is providing free support to potential participants looking to

    set up projects with an SME dimension under future calls for proposals. This includes

    developing a partnership, calculating costs and durations that an SME or SMEs can

    reasonably handle. Note that the AROSATEC and LIGHTNING projects described in

    this booklet were incubated by SCRATCH.

    Finally, the Don Q Air project is now providing specific support to a small group of

    countries where R&D investment in aeronautics is particularly low Poland, Romania

    and Turkey.


    Informing SMEs about Possibilities

    Coordinators of small Collaborative Projects can find SMEs here



    Clustering Aeronautics RegionsCoordinators of large collaborative projects can find SMEs here



    Setting-up collaborative research projects led by SMEs


    Don Q Air

    Promoting SMEs from Poland, Romania and Turkey

    contact: [email protected]

    Helping SMEs participate in EU research

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    More project success

    Tenacious SME forges ahead

    Our major difficulty has been getting people to invest in our business, says Angus

    Flemming of the UKs Aviation Enterprises Ltd. Todays investors want a quick return,

    to double or triple their money in a year. Basically, theyre out of touch with reality.

    Aviation Enterprises is a specialist design, development and manufacturing

    organisation specialising in the light aviation industry and the application of lightweight

    and high performance composite materials. The company is now playing a critical

    role as coordinator of the EU-funded LIGHTNING project (Lightning protection for

    structures and systems on aircraft utilising lightweight composites).

    The European Aviation Industry has been quick to use lightweight composite materials,

    especially carbon fibre, for primary structures and flight control surfaces, explains

    Flemming. Composites are lightweight, stiff, and provide smooth, aerodynamically

    efficient surfaces. Carbon fibre is particularly attractive because it has good corrosion

    and fatigue properties. This results in enhanced efficiency and performance and a

    significant weight reduction.

    Developing lightning protection for small aircraft

    However, lightning protection is difficult to incorporate into a composite aircraftcompared to conventional aluminium ones. Composite airframes also provide less

    electromagnetic shielding compared to aluminium, making it more difficult to protect

    avionic systems. Both of these problems are exacerbated in light aircraft by their

    small size and low weight.

    The LIGHTNING project is addressing the need to optimise lightning protection systems

    for aircraft with lightweight composite structures. It will allow manufacturers to make

    safe use of the performance advantage provided by such materials, says Flemming.

    This kind of work requires time, foresight, and a huge amount of effort and, of course, long-

    term funding. Although we came up with the idea for the LIGHTNING project, as a small

    company we could not have carried out the work on our own. We identified potential partners

    like Airbus Spain and Diamond Aircraft Industries in Austria and were able to convince them

    to help us, but it wasnt easy. As an SME, you need to be bold, you need to have a clearmessage, and, in some cases, you need luck on your side. But you can succeed.

    Flemming says the LIGHTNING project aims to reduce by 50% the current 1.5% to

    2.5% weight penalty for adding lightning protection to an empty aircraft.

    For more information:

    LIGHTNING project:


    Aviation Enterprises: www.aviationenterprises.co.uk/avent/

    Unconventional composite aircraft need special lightening protection systems.


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    Large Collaborative Projects are

    among the main EU instruments for

    co-operative industrial R&D. They are

    aimed at addressing major societal

    needs by mobilising a critical mass of

    research and technological develop-

    ment resources and competences. With

    clearly defined strategic research ob-

    jectives they focus on obtaining specific

    applicable results.

    SMEs can play an important role in large

    Collaborative research Projects bringing

    specialised skills and knowledge, new

    blood and new ideas. What it really

    comes down to is individuals, says

    Martin Worsfold of Smiths Aerospace.

    Whether youre big or small, if your

    people have something to contribute,

    then youre worth bringing on board.

    Smiths Aerospace is a leading global provider of technologies and systems to builders

    and operators of military and civil aircraft and engines and is coordinator of the EU

    funded TATEM project.

    New vision

    TATEM (Technologies and techniques for new maintenance concepts) is developing

    and validating philosophies, technologies and techniques that can turn unscheduled

    aircraft maintenance into scheduled maintenance, aiming to deliver a 20% reduction

    in airline operating costs within ten years and a 50% reduction over 20 years.

    The TATEM project includes quite a number of SMEs, all contributing to the project

    and some of which are really quite outstanding, says Worsfold. I would cite Oration

    S.A. as just one example.

    Oration is an Athens-based SME providing speech-enabled interactive voice response

    (IVR) applications that allow the automation of contact centre functions. The company

    offers solutions to a wide range of vertical markets, from voice banking to retail and

    healthcare speech applications.

    Although they dont have a lot of experience in the aeronautics sector per se, Oration

    and other small groups like it have been a valuable asset to our project, says

    Worsfold. In a way, our project is quite basic in nature; we are looking for new ideas

    and solutions and SMEs such as Oration can sometimes find new and fresh ways to

    look at things.

    Another important aspect of this this kind of large project is the way it brings together

    partners from all corners of Europe. It forces us to learn and expand, both in technical

    terms but also in cultural terms.

    For more information:

    Smiths Aerospace: www.smiths-aerospace.com/

    TATEM project: www.tatemproject.com/

    Oration S.A.: www.oration.gr/

    SMEs broadening horizons

    SMEs bring specialised people with specialisedskills.



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    How to Participate

    Calls for proposals in aeronautics are published on


    under Find a call, FP7-AAT (AAT: Aeronautics and Air Transport)


    L. Breslin

    R. Dnos

    Directorate-General for Research

    Directorate H:Transport

    Unit H3: Aeronautics

    1049 Brussels

    Tel: +32 2 298 64 81
