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SMJ Special Report Bauma 2010

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  • 8/9/2019 SMJ Special Report Bauma 2010


    Soilmec Journal

    Yr 5Supplement o

    issue no. 1/2010

    May 2010

    Nw SC-65 Crwr Crn

    Nw H-8 Hydrmi

    Nw SR-30

    Nw SC-100 Crwr Crn

    Nw SM-5 & SM-3


    Nw C

    Nw SMT-500 & SDM-35

    Nw Tchngis


    1 2010







    t bauMaspci rprt sppmnt

  • 8/9/2019 SMJ Special Report Bauma 2010


    colophonSoilmec Journal Year 5, Supplement o issue No. 1/2010

    (published on May 2010)

    editri Dirctr: Simone Trevisani

    editr in Chi: Franco Cicognani

    Crdintin Dirctr: Federico Pagliacci

    Crdintin: Lisa Comandini, Sara Trevisani,

    Paolo Valzania (Communication Dept. Trevi Group)

    Crtiv Dirctr: Piergiorgio Balestra

    editri st: Sillabario srl Milano

    Pictrs: Soilmec photographic archives

    Pishd y: Communication Dept. Trevi Group

    Printd y: Litotipograa CILS Cesena Italy

    This journal is registrated at the Law Court o Forl Italy n 26/2006

    contents6 NEW PRODUCTS

    SC-65 Hydraulic Crawler CraneSC-100 Hydraulic Crawler Crane


    SR-90 TTJ Hydraulic Rotary Rig

    22 NEW TECHNOLOGIESDrilling Mate System


    26 CORPORATENew SR-100 model

  • 8/9/2019 SMJ Special Report Bauma 2010


    Simc mns innvtinBauma 2010 proved to be a real success although the problems linked

    to the air trac kept many customers at home, both across the ocean

    and in the Far East. Thats why we are really hoping to meet them soon

    at the Bauma China and at Conexpo. And, in the meantime, here you

    are the Report with all the news Soilmec has just exhibited in Germany.

    As you can see, ater so much work on the new products, new services,

    new technologies and new accessories, the time nally came to showthem all to you, dear loyal clients, who never ailed to trust us.

    There was a bit o emotion beore the Bauma exhibition, because it was

    the time where the nal synthesis o a long and demanding work o

    analysis, design, production and testing was going to be disclosed. Moreover, Bauma 2010 was

    right ater the celebration o the 40th Soilmec Anniversary and we wanted to point out our presence

    at the exhibition with the slogan is innovation. A synthesis, translated in many languages, which

    was aimed at underlining the instinctive attitude o our company to always look ahead, to explore

    new paths, to think about solutions that are more and more suitable or meeting the requirements o

    our customers. This was in the past and this will be in the uture. Since innovation doesnt exclusively

    come out rom the core o the Technical or the R&D Departments, but rom everywhere. Its a cultural

    approach, a way o being and o interpreting ones own work.

    Simone Trevisani

    Simone Trevisani, Managing Director

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  • 8/9/2019 SMJ Special Report Bauma 2010



    new productsPremiere at Bauma or the frst

    Soilmec crane with electro-hydraulic

    proportional control system that provides

    accurate and simultaneous movements

    At Bauma 2010, Soilmec has introduced the new SC-65, the latest o the heavy

    duty crawler cranes. SC-65 is the rst Soilmec crane with an ctr-hydric

    prprtin cntr systm that provides

    accurate and simultaneous movements.

    Regarding perormance, the maximum

    capacity is 65.7 tons with a working

    radius o about 3.5 m; the diesel engine

    power (403 kW) and the hoisting orce

    (240 kN) are greater than those o the

    main competitors cranes.

    Nw SC-65 Hydric Crwr Crn


    tk cntr

    Another advantage is the nw Simc c (read the

    article at page 11), very comortable or the operator and,

    especially, its innovative control panel. Finally, we have to

    highlight the dierent possible operating congurations

    (crane, hydraulic grab, cable grab, hydraulic rotary, etc.),

    which allow the SC-65 to be suitable or a large range

    o building yards.

    SC-65hydraulic crawler crane

    Mx t pt 65,7 t / 144842 b

    e po 403 kw / 540 hP

    Mx p 24 t / 53953 b

    Opt t 67 t / 147708 b

    Mx boom t 51 m / 167 t

  • 8/9/2019 SMJ Special Report Bauma 2010



    new products

    The new H-8 hydrmi is applied or the rst time on

    the SC-120 with a DMS controlled ctrprprtin

    insttin. On the module displayed at the exhibition,

    mjr internal imprvmnts were carried out in order to

    rationalize the correction system, clearly improve the hydraulic

    seals pertaining to the underground portion and implement

    fotation control through the DMS system. Other min and

    clearly visible chngs can be ound on

    the nw hydraulic cylinder-based milling

    drum rinttin systm and in the

    introduction o a qick disssmy

    systm or the drum motors, designed

    with the goal o reducing replacement/

    maintenance downtime signicantly,

    while preserving the uniqueness o the

    Soilmec milling module, which must

    still be equipped with inclination plate

    or the single milling drums, a urther

    correction system in addition to the spacers. Another innovation

    concerns the reduction in the number o hydraulic hoses eeding

    the cutting module.

    H-8 hydromill on Soilmec SC-120 crawler crane

    SC-120/H-8hydraulic crawler crane w. hydrOMill

    Mx pm sto 800x3000 mm / 31.4x118.1

    Mx pm pt 60 m / 182.9 t

    Mx toq o 87 knm / 64168 bt

    Mx sp 27 pm / 27 pm

    M 376 kn / 84525 b

    Mx po 522 kw / 699.4 hP

    appox. t(crane+hydromill)

    178 t / 196 to

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    new products

    SC-100 Hydraulic Crawler Crane

    Two importants add-ons: the Cougar hydromill

    application and the SA-40 rotary attachment application

    This new model has a

    redesigned machine rm to

    limit the transportable weight

    to 50 tons and an electro-

    hydraulic system completely

    r e v i s e d o r a n c t r

    prprtin management

    controlled by the DMS system.Two dd-ns o signiicant

    importance are the Cougar

    Hydrmi a pp l i c a t i on ,

    which uses a 563 kW diesel

    engine, and the Sa-40 rotary

    attachment application, which

    eatures 400 kNm o torque.

    The machines will be equipped with the nw c completely redesigned in line

    with the latest ergonomic criteria.

    SC-100/SA-40hydraulic crawler crane w. hydraulic rig

    Mx p mt 4000 mm / 157,5

    Mx p pt 94 m / 308.4 t

    rt po 480 kw/ 643 hP

    Mx toq 413 knm / 304608 bt

    M 370 kn / 83176 b

    Sv 145 kn / 32596 b

    co o (pull up/pull down) 250 kn / 56200 b

    appox. t 134 t / 147.7 to

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    new products

    The SR-30 with the guided hydraulic

    grab (GK5) widens and completes the

    range o equipment dedicated to theexecution o diphrgm ws. The new

    series is particularly suitable or working

    in medium/easy soils where productivity,

    excavation verticality and easy handling in

    narrow spaces are the main requirements.

    These eatures are possible thanks to

    the telescopic Kelly bars made o our

    elements (one is xed while the other

    three are telescopic) and to the mast

    which can rotate by +/-45. The main

    advantage oered by the SR-30 rig is

    that it cn trnsprtd cmpt

    with th mst dd n th rig nd

    th gr rm rdy ssmd,

    SR-30 with gidd hydric gr

    SR-30/GK-5hydraulic rig

    P tkss 400-800 mm / 15.7-31.5

    P t 2000-2500 mm / 78.7-98.4

    Mx pm pt 31 m / 94.5 t

    rt po 164 kw / 220 hP

    M 135 kn / 30348 b

    diaPhragM wall

    gb t (c/w kelly) 14 t / 15.4 to

    gb tot t (c/w kelly) 14 m / 42.7 t

    appox. t (rig+grab) 40 t / 44 to

    so that, as soon as the rig arrives on the site, it is ready to lit the mast and or the

    rig to immediately start work, hence reducing the assembly time. It can carry out

    diaphragm walls with a thickness variable rom 400 to 800 mm (the optional kit or

    thicknesses o 300-600 mm is also available), width rom 2,000 to 2,500 mm and a

    max depth o 31 m (with a 5 m extension).

  • 8/9/2019 SMJ Special Report Bauma 2010



    new productsSoilmec completes its microdrilling line

    by expanding its product range to the feld

    o renovation and limited space consolidations

    Thanks to the newSM-3andSM-5microdrilling rigs, the Group has now the capability

    of meeting the needs of subsoil engineering with machines sized between three and

    thirty two tons.

    The new SM-5 is a compact drill rig weighting 5.5 tons, available both with a

    cmind kinmtic mchnism that includes a telescopic arm, a +/- 90 side

    tilting and a slewing ring on mast (standard version) and, in the G vrsin, a xed

    kinematic mechanism and coring rotary, or soil-investigation.

    The signicant installed power, 72 kW, allows achieves high perormance despite

    small dimensions, thanks to a wide rotary selection with torque values ranging

    between 690 daNm and 2100 daNm.

    Nw SM-5 & SM-3 Micrdriing Rigs

    Sm siz

    high prrmnc

    The new SM-5 microdrilling rig.

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    new products

    SM-5MicrOdrilling rig

    SM-3MicrOdrilling rig

    e po (s opto) 72 kw / hP 96.8 75 kw (85) / hP 100.5 (114)


    F stok 1400-1900-2500 mm / 3.28-4.9-6.56 t 1.400-1.900-2.500 mm / 3.28-4.9-6.56 t

    Mx o 40 kn / 9000 bs 40 kn / 9000 b


    Mx toq 972 nm@49 pm / 7174 t.b@49 pm 900 nm@45 pm / 6642 t.b@45 pm

    Mx sp 862 pm 430 pm

    claMP & BreaKer dmt 50-220 mm / 1.96-8.66 50-220 mm / 1.96-8.66

    JeT grOuTing VerSiOnMx ttmt pt 8 m / 26,24 t 7,3 m / 24 t

    Opt t (ppox.) 5,6 t / 12346 b 3,5+1,5 t / 7,716+3300 b

    The new SM-3 microdrilling rig.

    SM-3 is a new micro drilling rig specially designed to satisy those customers who

    need to have high-rng prrmnc vn in nrrw nd cnstrind

    spcs. The main unit shows up expandable crawlers (780 mm-1130 mm), outriggers,

    telescopic zoom, mast tilting +/- 15 and slew ring or working area +/- 180. The

    SM-3 can be equipped with a wide range o rotary heads (up to 900 daNm) to meetdierent drilling works requirements. Its modular mast oer the chance to have thr

    dirnt strks or 1, 1,5 and 2 m long rods and is complete with a hydraulic-

    motor-crowd-system (also a cylinder-crowd-system is available). The main unit comes

    with a separated 2.5 ton weight power pack (75 kW ctric or 85 kW dis or 115

    kW diesel) equipped with expandable crawlers as well (800-1150 mm).

    The versatility o the micro rig is even proved by the possibility o installing a

    special mast light extension given way to the Jet Grouting technology and able to

    use JG rods up to 90 mm diameter.

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    new productsSoilmec presents the new SMT-500

    and SDM-35, mud treatment system

    and sludge treatment plant with

    an innovative design

    In decades o activity, the know-how acquired by the Trevi Group with regard to theexecution o diaphragm walls by means o hydromill, as well as the direct experience in

    the oil eld, have allowed the Groups R&D to develop a new Md Trtmnt Systm

    (SMT-500) which covers the most updated and advanced technical solutions, in order to

    oer a dedicated company unit to be used as alternative to the conventional ones. Th

    prm inkd t th spc viiity in mtrpitn sits is a recurrent reality

    and, or this reason, our experience has allowed the execution o a unit which covers the

    system o tanks and mud stirring in order to rdc s mch s pssi th vr

    dimnsins n th mp nd gin vrtic spc. The unit is assembled on

    the top o the tanks and it is conceived in such a way as to be compact and

    unctional with regard to the operators activities. The innovative design o

    the mud treatment unit, which is characterised by the remarkable height

    at which separated solids are unloaded, has also allowed to develop the

    project Detritus Management (SDM) where the excavation debris are

    destined to be piled up. This unit is schematically characterized by

    SMT-500 & SDM-35

    Simc Md Trtmnt& Dtrits Mngmnt

    a hopper provided with a controlled unloading system through

    a screw conveyor placed on the bottom. The installation in the

    doorway allows to transit behind the hopper

    o the vehicles in order to make automation

    possible during the loading phase. The

    debris storage capacity is sucient to

    guarantee the unit activity: the exhibited

    version shows a storing capacity o 35mc.

    This solution has the merit o avoiding the

    construction o storing tanks during the

    works, but, especially, o urther reducing

    the overall encumbrance within the site

    and its increased cleaning requirement.

    Moreover, the adoption o the SDM

    allows imintin rig (excavator

    or bucket) and relevant operator, hence

    cutting site costs. For both exhibited units,

    the olding solution allows the maximum

    ptimiztin vm nd trnsprt

    gistics, but without compromising the

    sy nd qick st-p n th sit.

    SMT-500Mud TreaTMenT PlanT FOr hydrOMill

    nom o t 500 m3/ / 294.29 t3/m

    Mx st 1,25 t/m3 / 78.03 b/t3

    ist po 207,6 kw / 278.40 hP

    Sp s 3.68 m2 / 39.61 t2

    dt s 3,1 m2 / 33.37 t2

    1st st oos 2x380 mm / 2x15

    ct pot d50

    60 m

    2 st oos 15x100 mm / 15x4

    ct pot d50

    20 m

    Sto tks pt

    (extended type)2x112 m3 / 2x3955.25 t3

    M tto sstm tt

    Tspot ofto 2x30 hc op top ot

    appox. t 45 t / 49.60 to

    SDM-35deTriTuS ManageMenT POrTal FOlding

    Sto pt 35 m3

    / 1236.01 t3

    ist po 39,6 kw / 53.10 hP

    ds o t 240 m3/ / 141.26 t3/m

    S ov sp 17.9 pm

    SMT-500 So poto moto

    ds tomt o m stt

    ds t stt

    ds oto tomt

    d sstm tt

    Tspot ofto 1x20 op top ot

    appox. t (rig+grab) 18 t / 19.84 to

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    new products

    Nw CThe wide cab oers outstanding operator comort and condence.

    The large seat and the joystick consoles are adjustable. The new

    ergonomic electro-proportional joysticks with day/

    night illuminated push buttons provide

    ast, sae and productive operation. A

    capacitive sensor, i activated, avoiding to

    push continuously the dead man button. The

    elegant and wide cab is more than a working

    post. The instruments and controls are

    ergonomically located to ensure unbeatable

    comort and saety. The new large size

    DMS mnitr ensures the complete

    operational control. All the working

    area is under control with the new high

    resolution 7 LCD colour camera monitor.

    With our video inputs, it can be split in

    our quad at the same time.

    The new cab oers a very

    comortable working space.

    The new large size DMS monitor.

  • 8/9/2019 SMJ Special Report Bauma 2010



    new products

    SM-18 JG Microdrilling Rig

    Soilmec SM-18 multipurpose drilling rig was developed rom the usion o Trevi Group

    jobsite experience and Soilmec technological research, thus perectly responding tothe needs o proessionals worldwide. This rig oers highr prrmncs: greater

    drilling depths due to higher hoist orce (more than 11 tons), and engine power totally

    transmitted to the tool through a rotary with a power capacity o 160 HP. Soilmec

    SM-18 is aster: load-sensing control system on hydraulic power; over 500 l/min

    oil fow given by twin piston pumps; higher speed on any drilling movements.

    Last but not least, Simc SM-18 is sr: the control o all operations is hydraulic

    and proportional; remote control board or each unction to nd the best working

    position in any condition; noise reduction thanks to engine speed set to only 1,900

    rpm; innovative emergency stop or drilling unctions, saety light or active drilling

    mode, telescopic counterweight and telescopic stabilizers or increased stability, easier

    maintenance c/w aster ault checks.

    SM-18hydraulic drilling rig

    e po 176 kw / hP 239


    F stok 4.400-5.700-7.000-9.800 mm / 14.44-18.7-22.97-32,15 t

    Mx o 113 kn / 25,392 bs

    rOTaryMx toq 3.700 nm@32 pm / 27,290 bt@32 pm

    Mx sp 300 pm / 300 pm

    claMP & BreaKer dmt (opto) 50-315 (60-415) mm / 1.96-12.4 (2.36-16,34)

    JeT grOuTing VerSiOn

    Mx ttmt pt 20,4 m / 66.93 t

    Opt t (ppox.) 21 t / 46,300 bs

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    The layout o the containerized cement mixer is

    a classic design, built taking into account site

    maintenance and operational needs. In terms

    o controls, the plant is available in several

    congurations ranging rom the simplest one,

    which allows monitoring onlythe plant, up to the most

    sophisticated with touch-

    screen controls that allow a

    more intuitive management o

    the plant and the equipment

    (pumps and drilling machines)

    interaced with it. The most

    advanced versions include

    the Soilmec DMS. The

    conguration shown at theexhibition also displays a pair o high capacity silos (up to 58 m 3)

    eaturing a 61% increase compared to previous models, greatly

    boosts product management fexibility and optimizes the logistic

    supply o materials.

    7T-600J High Prssr PmpThe 7T-600J high-pressure grouting pump with sprt id-nd

    is the result o the long experience gained by Soilmec in this eld. The 2

    spd grx, developed in cooperation with Drillmec in order to meet

    the site requirements, oers a simple product which can cover all load and

    pressure needs set orth by the various technologies in just two speeds and

    without having recourse to more complex automotive commercial gears

    that are usually employed. The automotive gears make

    use o 8 or 19 speeds in order to cover the same ranges,

    involving higher risks or the operator when choosing the

    proper speed. The engine with a maximum power o 600

    HP achieves a maximum fow o 500 l/min with the Soilmec

    gear (also available with ZF ASTRONIC gear maximum

    capacity 772 l/min), and a maximum pressure o 650 bar.

    The upgraded version will include the 3 spd grx

    or higher perormances. Another innovation in this sector is

    the introduction o an interactive display where the operator

    sets the delivery and pressure values required by the project

    and then obtains the selection o the gear and the diesel

    engine rotation speed. The equipment can be provided with

    a rmt cntr and also with a DMS system.

    SGM-45 Grting Mixing unit

    7T-600Jhigh PreSSure PuMP 3 gear raTiO

    ist po 447 kw / 600 hP

    Mx v 802 /m / 212 us /m

    Mx s pss 65 MP / 9427 ps

    P mt 3 1/2 - 4 - 4 1/2

    Stok 7

    n Som 3 to

    appox. t 15,5 t / 17 to

    SGM-45cOnTaineriZed grOuT MiXing uniT

    Mx pt (@ c/w=1) 45 m3/ / 26.49 t3/m

    Bt vom 2 m3 / 70.63 t3

    St pt 4,5 m3 / 158.92 t3

    c pmp tt o st

    upp sos pt 2x27 m3 / 2x953.50 t3

    ist po 66 kw / 88.51 hP

    Tspot ofto1x20 ot (mx t)

    2x20 ot (sos)

    appox. t 16 t / 17.64 to

  • 8/9/2019 SMJ Special Report Bauma 2010



    new products

    The Drillmec HH-102 is a y hydric driing & wrkvr

    rig, semi-trailer mounted and able to handle either range 3 or

    range 2 drill pipes,with a maximum static hook load capacity

    o 100 mtric tns. The HH-102 has been manuactured ully

    in compliance with eC rules and related aTeX crtifctins

    nd aPI Spcifctins. The main innovations o this hydraulic

    drilling rig are aimed to enhance sty, prrmnc nd

    nvirnmnt sstiniity, to improve the ratio o actual

    drilling time vs. moving and rig up down time, to increase the rig

    eciency and to reduce the cost o drilling. The operator works

    rom a comortable and ergonomic drilling console. Most o

    the routine operations are completely automatic. The hoisting

    system is based on a single hydraulic cylinder telescopic mast

    with an integrated hydraulic top drive. The HH-102 is equipped

    with an innvtiv vrtic rcking systm, made o two

    bins mounted on low bed trailer, which contain all the drill pipes

    and drill collars. The vertical pipe racking system contributes to

    qick rig p nd rig dwn and reduces the rig ootprint

    allowing to work in small locations. The two pipe bins can be

    transported and handled ull o tubular. The rig is also equipped

    with an hydraulic power tong, automatic power slips and an

    hydraulic power wrench, which speed up the tripping time.

    DrillmecHH-102 Drilling Rig

    HH-102hydraulic hOiST

    impt po 575 kw / hP 780

    Stt hook lo cpt 100 m to / 220000 bs

    Mx P do 20 m to / 44000 bs

    Mx t om o v 26.4 m / 86.8 t

    c t om rT v 16 m / 52.5 t

    rT t pt 100 m to / 220000 bs

    Top dv


    cp.t 100 m to / 220000 bs

    pm mx n 154

    mx toq 3584 nm / 26435 t bs

    d l


    l n 2

    nom. dm. 34 mm

    Bk Stt 112 m to / n 247430 bs

    Vt Pprk cp.t

    dP 3 1/2 2900 m / 9500 t

    dP 5 1800 m / 5900 t

    dc 110 m / 360 t

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    ew applications

    Soilmec SR-90 hydraulic rotary rig

    in TTJ conguration.

    Following the positive global market eedback, Soilmec proposes the

    SR-90 in a new conguration: the TTJ Twin Turbojet. This new solution

    or soil mixing consists o d TJ string mounted on the same rig

    designed or best breaking-up and mixing o the soil and or maintaining

    the vertical direction o the treated panel. Th scnd gr cn

    rng rm: 126 kNm @ 16,7 rpm t 36 kNm @ 58 rpm. The

    depth o the rig will reach 24.5 m using two 1,600 mm diameter tools.

    The distance between the two drilling axis is adjustable rom 1,200

    mm to 2,000 mm. An important innovation introduced on this new

    model is the DMS mnitring systm combined with an innovative

    GPS positioning system or drilling works. Further more, the SR-90 TTJ

    is provided with a system suitable or dialoguing by radio in order to

    operate the controls rear-action o the high pressure Soilmec pump.

    SR-90 TTJ Hydric Rtry Rig

    Twin Trjt

    r si mixing SR-90 TTJhydraulic rOTary rig

    Mx p mt 1600 mm / 63

    Mx p pt 24,4 m / 80 t

    rt po 400 kw/ 536 hP

    Mx toq 179 knm / 132021 bt

    extto o 940 kn / 211317 b

    eXTernal POwer PacK(optional)

    rt po 560 kw / 750 hP

    appox. t 117 t / 129 to

  • 8/9/2019 SMJ Special Report Bauma 2010



    new applications

    The versatile SR-80 drilling machine used both with telescopic bars and

    Continuous Flight Auger (CFA) is here on display in its d rtry

    version or Csd agrd Pis (CaP). This technology maintains the

    typical speed o auger drilling while adding the privilege o the casing

    protecting and driving the hole, which makes the machine particularly

    suited to perorm csd scnt pis (CSP). Ultimately this technology

    is proposed in some cases as a winning alternative to the traditional bored

    pile. The lower rotary eaturing a large passageway allowing the separate

    extraction o the auger whenever required, leaving the casing in place.

    Finally, in order to ensure jobsite saety, the SR-80 is equipped with a

    spi ccting nd cnvying systm. This system is characterized

    by its simplicity and the act that it does not hinder the drilling stroke,

    which can still reach the maximum depth aorded by the machine.

    SR-80 CaP Hydric Rtry Rig

    D rtry

    r csd grd pis

    Soilmec SR-80 drilling rigin CAP version.

    SR-80 CSPhydraulic rOTary rigMx p mt 800 mm / 31.5

    Mx p pt 23,5 m / 77.1 t

    Mx s pt 17,5 m / 57.4 t

    rt po 330 kw / 448 hP

    Mx toq 291 knm / 214626 bt

    cs xtto o 370 kn / 83188 b

    cs ot toq 189 knm / 119483 bt

    rtv movmt bt ots 18860 mm / 742.5

    appox. t 99 t / 109.5 to

  • 8/9/2019 SMJ Special Report Bauma 2010



    ew applications

    GC-11 Cable Grab

    Soilmec, in line with its past policies, introduces

    the use o the crwd winch system also on

    the SR-30. The application incorporates new

    eatures present on top o the line products

    in terms o quick LDP / CFA conversion, as

    well as the innovations

    introduced on pull down

    rope tensioning. It is also

    possible to rmv th

    wr prtin th mst while maintaining the pull down ropes

    in position, so that it becomes possible to drill diameters that are

    greater than the below mast centre-to-centre distance. The mast with

    its oldable lower and upper portions allows limiting overall dimensions

    or transportation purposes. O particular interest are the jib which

    positions by gravity, as well as some rotary locking solutions

    perormed through pins. The old-down lower and upper mast portions

    allow limiting overall dimensions or transportation purposes. The new

    mast design allowed implementing the pull down d cnnctin

    in the crwd cyindr version so to increase the clearance in case o

    casing driving, at the loss o the rotary stroke.

    The last mechanical (cable) grab created at Soilmec

    allows producing diaphragm walls with a thickness

    ranging rom a minimum o 600 mm to a maximum

    o 1,200 mm, and a width rom a minimum o

    2,500 mm to a maximum o 3,000 mm. The grab

    body can be extended by 3 meters, by inserting

    an ptin xtnsin. Additionally, extra

    counterweights to increase the weight will also

    be available. The equipment has a weight ranging

    between 10.5 tons and 18 tons depending on

    its conguration. The 30 mm diameters handling

    rope allows closing

    the jaws through a

    5-in p (there

    are 6 sheaves).

    SR-30 Crwd Winch Rtry Rig

    SC-65/GC-11hydraulic crawler crane w. Mechanical graB

    diaPhragM wall

    gb t (1800x2800) 14,5 t / 16 to

    gb tot t (c/w ext) 11,2 m / 34.13 t

    appox. t (crane+grab) 82 t / 90.3 to

    SR-30 WCShydraulic rOTary rig

    Mx p mt 1500 mm / 59

    Mx p pt 50 m / 164 t

    rt po 164 kw / 220 hP

    Mx toq 130 kn / 95881 bt

    M 135 kn / 30349 b

    Sv 65 kn / 14612 b

    co o (pull up/pull down) 200 kn / 44961 b

    appox. t (c/w 4x11 kelly bar, w/o tool) 39,5 t / 43.5 to

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    new applications

    Soilmec DMS will increase your business.

    > 24/7 worldwide Soilmec monitoring> Short-time spare parts recovery> No delay, more income> Customizable automatic reports> Better plannings> Enhanced equipments performance and life> Safer work

    Drilling Mate Systemis the exclusive Soilmec devicethat monitors equipmentperformance, operationand conditions,reporting informationin real time via GPRS.


    DMSyou will never work alone

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    ew technologiesIn the mid 90s Soilmec was the frst Company in its

    sector that began implementing the electro-proportional

    control o drill rigs using the CAN-OPEN protocol

    DMS is mainly aimed at reducing/avoiding rig and production standstill. The

    operator can achieve useul hints by using all potentialities oered by the system,

    such as:

    Remote control (via GSM/GPRS and, as alternative, by satellite data transmission)

    Failure detection

    Details of rig and engine alarms

    Maintenance management

    DMSDriing Mt Systmnw dvpmnts

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    new technologies

    DMS (especially in combination with the DMS Manager) allows increasing the

    qualitative standard o the perormed work because:

    It reduces/avoids the standstill time of the equipment and allows interpretation of the

    sent signals (DMS Manager)

    It monitors, in real time, the status of the rig and the functional parameters of the

    perormed work (DMS Manager)

    It allows a fast consignment of the production report to the customer and to control

    the site production (DMS PC)

    DMS STaNDaRD This tool stands alone on the rig. Interacing with

    the power pack o the diesel engine, alarm ling, ailure detection and

    maintenance management.

    DMS PC Sotware

    or processing site

    data, daily production

    reports and (latest

    innovation) it oers the

    possibility o drawing

    3D graphs which show

    more piles/panels in

    order to check the

    work progress.

    DMS MaNaGeR

    Alarm display and recording, event ling, remote control and real time


    ovr th pst tw yrs Simc hs xtndd th DMS mthd t

    driing tchngis. amng ths: Trjt, CSP, bckt nd Jt Grting.

    DMS or Turbjet (left) andDMS or Bucket (right).

  • 8/9/2019 SMJ Special Report Bauma 2010



    innovationSoilmec at Bauma 2010 has introduced at its exhibition

    booth an Innovation area dedicated to the presentation

    o their newly developed technological innovations

    The innovation historical itinerary will display a section dedicated to a variety o

    Soilmec patents that since 1983 are a synonym o the Groups constant attention to

    research and technological development. Over the course o the event a series o tools

    developed and tested in 2008/2009, dedicated to specic technological applications,

    will be introduced; the elds o the applications are:




    TCT (Tnsining Cmpctin Tchngy) - A TCT Soilmec dispcmnt piing

    systm (DP) provides improved soil strength and load transer to the surrounding

    ground. The TCT tool penetrates in the ground as a simple continuous fight auger

    tool, with a minimum power requirement to achieve the drilling rate. During the

    extracting phase, a counter rotation closes the bottom o the tool and the conical

    shape moves out the surrounding soil. As the TCT tool is extracted, the granular soils

    are displaced resulting in a localized increased relative density and strength around the

    pile, depending upon soil conditions. Minimal soil quantity comes to the surace.

    TJ (TrJt) - The Turbojet is a Dp Mixing Mthd (DM) realized through the

    combination o mechanical mixing and jet grouting techniques with the target to increase

    the daily production rate o mixed soil and to guarantee the column diameter. During the

    down stroke phase, the cement-based grout is ejected at high pressure through nozzles

    TCT Soilmec displacement piling


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    to desegregate the soil which is blended by the specially designed tool. The cmn

    dimtrs vry rm 600 t 2,400 mm, the max depth is over 30 mtrs, and both

    cohesive and loose soil can be successully treated. A special tscpic xtnsin (TKTJ)

    has been designed to increase the consolidation depth without modication o the standard

    rig. The relevant advantages are: higher drilling depth, lighter rig or deeper hole, continuous

    jetting during handling time, greater depth specially in low headroom works. When reering

    to the to SR- 90 the depth is increased rom 24.5 m up to 32 m using the TKTJ.

    eJG (eiptic Jt Grting) - This innovative Jet Grouting process enables the

    execution o thin diaphragm walls guaranteeing reduced construction time, less cement

    consumption and reduced spoil. A theoretical reduction o 50% in number o columns

    executed with elliptical jet with respect to the initial projects where cylindrical columns

    were oreseen can give a total reduction o the time execution work over than 40%.

    Easier connection and control with the new DMS-Jet monitoring control.

    eTJ (enhncd Trvi Jt) - ETJ is the new generation o enhanced jet grouting

    monitor. ETJ has been developed by Trevi Group experience, in order to increase the

    jetting eciency in terms o perormed diameter or power requirement at the high

    pressure pump. Benets are: Mn-id - diameter variation 25-50%, treated volume

    60-100%; bi-id - diameter variation 15-20%; treated volume 25-40%.

    VD Hd (Virdriing Rtry) - The VD head is assembled by combining one

    conventional rotary to a Vibrator unit: Rotation & Vibration reduce the riction in

    cohesiveness soils ensuring an high drilling rate, comparable to top hammer or DTHperormances. The reduction in the skin riction between soil and tools, produced by the

    action o the combined vibration and rotation, allow reduction o the needed torque

    and avoid the string getting stuck in the hole.

    Vir tchngy r gthrm driing - Vibrodrilling technology can be easily

    adapted or Geothermal drilling. VD-212 can perorm a geothermal hole using a

    simpler tube, with lost bit, displacing the surrounding soil. A lost bit allows to insert the

    geothermal heat exchanger loop beore retrieving the casing. I compared to traditional

    system, the reduction o the drilling time is around one hal.

    DPS (Driing Psitining Systm) - As other innovative technologies, also DPS, has

    been developed by joint collaboration between Trevi and Soilmec. DPS can control the

    drilling deviation o the hole, specially or ground improvement works, bottom plugs,

    and or any jet-grouting application.

    DPS is an innnovative systemto control the drilling deviation

    o the hole.

    EJG is an innovativeJet Grouting process.

    Vibrodrilling technologycan be easily adaptedor Geothermal drilling.

  • 8/9/2019 SMJ Special Report Bauma 2010


    Soilmec new corporate website is on-line,

    with new layout and graphics, complete product

    catalogues and technical inormation, worldwide contacts

    and on-line service or ater sales and spare parts

    Nw yt nd grphics, according to the new corporate identity guidelines

    New ctg

    Technical sheets covering all the ranges and congurations

    3D models

    Visual product search in homepage, with a preview of main information

    New wrdwid oces archive

    New network les with all information, according to Soilmec Directory project

    Direct link to atr Ss srvics nd SPol (Spr Prts onin Cntr)

    Simc nw wsit


    Yr wrd in r hmpg



  • 8/9/2019 SMJ Special Report Bauma 2010


    New SR-100 modelCAP Version

    A new model for Soilmec collection

    is available. It is the exact reproduction

    of SR-100 in CAP version 27



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