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Smooth earth diffraction calculations for horizontal ... · Bremmer, 1960] have shown that for...

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JOURNAL OF RESEARCH of the National Bureau of Standards-D. Radio Propagation Vol. 65D, No.4, July- August 1961 Smooth Earth Diffraction Calculations for Horizontal Polarization 1. E. Vogle r 1 (December 1, 1960) Thi s paper presents a simplified m et hod of d etermining t he attenuation relative to fr ee space in the so- called far diffr act ion region for horizontally polarized radio waves diffr acte d over a smoot h sph eri cal earth. A cri te rion is given which permits use of the method not only for far b eyo nd line-of-s ight paths bu t, in many pract i cal situations, at line-of-sight or even slig ht ly Vl'ithin. Although numeri cal pro ce dur es have been de- veloped various authors for the calculation of field int ensit y arising from the diffraction of radio waves around a s mooth spherical earth [Norton, 1941; Bremmer , 1949; Norton, Rice, and Vogler, 1955], the actual computation is often laborious and time consuming. Be cause of the number of ind epe ndent param eters associated with the probl em and the m at hemati cal complexit y of the solution, many intermediat e calculations and gra ph readings are necessary for a given propagation path . How- ever, for certain parti culu, [' cases of importance a simplified m et hod , explained in this pap er , may be used to good advantage; furthermore, an improv ed criterion is given for d etermining the ranges of the dis ta nce, height s, frequency, a nd e ff ective eart h's radiu s factor, I e, for which this m ethod is applicable. In the so-called "far diffr action" region field in- tensity is determined by the fir st term of the Van del' Pol-Bremm er residue seri es [Bremmer, 1949]. This term consists of four factors containin g, essentially, the depend ences on the di stan ce, t wo antenna heights, and the electromagn etic ground constants and polarization of the transmitted wave. The residue series is st rictly valid only for th e case of a s mooth "airless" eart h of radius lea where a is the actual earth 's radius; however, recent investiga- tions [ Millington, 1958; Norton, 1959; Wait , 19 59; Bremmer , 1960] have shown that for certain models of the atmosphere, atmospheric eff ects may be satisfa ctorily included by introducing corrections to th e antenna heights and defining the factor le as: By defining the quantities : XO,I, 2= f30 0ijj';/,;dO , l, 2, (2) wh er e f30 is a fun ction of the polariz ation and ground constant , jmc denotes the radio fr equency in M c/ s, 0 0 = (4 /3le )I/3, and do, dl, d2 are indi cate d in the geom- etr y of figure 1, the attenuation r el at ive to fr ee spa ce A, (in decibels below free pa ce) may be expres ed as: (3) Th e distance depend en ce is t hus contained in the function G(xo ). The height dependences are co n- tained in F (x I) and F(X2) t hrough the relat ionship dl, 2 (mi) -J (3 lc /2) hI , 2 ( It ). In the p art icular case of horizontal polariz at ion, fLnd the further restriction that : ]{ = 0.017774 0 o j, ;;1 13 [{ e- 1 }2 + {1. 8X 104(J( mhos/m)jf mc Ft l / 4 < 0.01 (4) where e is the dielectric con stant of the g round re- fen'ed to a ir as unity and (T is the ground condu ctivity in mhos pel' meter, the term 0 1 in (3 ) is very nearly constant as is the par ameter f3 0 a pp earing in the definition of x in (2): 0 1 = 20.67 a nd (3o= 1.607 Thus where the ab ove restrictions hold, the attenu - ation relative to fr ee space is given by: le =[ l+(f!. dn) J- I ndh h=O (1) wh er e: where dn/dh is th e gradient of the refractive index, n, with respe ct to height , h, above the earth's surface. Determinations of the proper height cor- rections for various model atmospheres are contained in the above referenc es. C o = (4 /3 le)I /3, dl, 2( mi) [(3lc/2)hl, 2( ft) ]1 /2, (5a) (5 b) (5c) Radio Propagation Laboratory, National Bureau and with the conditions: (a) horizontal polarization, 397
Page 1: Smooth earth diffraction calculations for horizontal ... · Bremmer, 1960] have shown that for certain models of the atmosphere, atmospheric effects may be satisfactorily included

JOURNAL OF RESEARCH of the National Bureau of Standards-D. Radio Propagation Vol. 65D, No.4, July- August 1961

Smooth Earth Diffraction Calculations for Horizontal Polarization

1. E. Vogler 1

(December 1, 1960)

This paper presents a simplified method of determining t he attenuation relative to free space in t he so-called far diffraction region for horizontally polarized radio waves diffracted over a smooth spherical earth. A criterion is given which permits use of the method not only for far beyond line-of-sight paths but, in many practical situations, at line-of-sight or even slight ly Vl'ithin.

Although numerical procedures have been de­veloped b~T vario us authors for the calculation of field intensity arising from the diffraction of radio waves around a smooth spherical earth [Norton, 1941; Bremmer, 1949; Norton, Rice, and Vogler , 1955], the actual computation is often laborious and time consuming. Because of the number of independent parameters associated with the problem and the mathematical complexity of the solution, many intermediate calculations and graph r eadings are necessary for a given propagation path. How­ever, for certain particulu,[' cases of importance a simplified method, explained in this paper , may be used to good advantage; furthermore, an improved criterion is given for determining the ranges of the dis tance, heights, frequency, and effective earth's radius factor , Ie, for which this method is applicable.

In the so-called "far diffraction" region field in­tensity is determined by the first term of the Van del' Pol-Bremmer residue series [Bremmer , 1949]. This term consists of four factors containing, essentially, the dependences on the distance, two antenna heights, and th e electromagnetic ground constants and polarization of the transmitted wave. The residue series is strictly valid only for the case of a smooth "airless" earth of radius lea where a is the actual earth 's radius; however, recent investiga­tions [Millington, 1958; Norton, 1959 ; Wait, 1959; Bremmer , 1960] have shown that for certain models of the atmosphere, atmospheric effects may be satisfactorily included by introducing corrections to th e antenna heights and defining the factor le as:

By defining the quantities:

XO,I, 2= f300ijj';/,;dO,l, 2, (2)

where f30 is a function of the polarization and ground constant , jmc denotes the radio frequency in M c/s, 00= (4 /3le )I/3, and do, dl , d2 are indicated in the geom­etry of figure 1, the attenuation relative to free space A, (in decibels below free pace) may be expres ed as:


The distance dependence is t hus contained in the function G(xo) . The height dependences are con­tained in F (x I) and F(X2) through the relationship dl , 2 (mi) ~ -J (3 lc /2) hI , 2 (It) .

In the particular case of horizontal polarization, fLnd the further restriction that :

]{= 0.017774 0 oj,;;113 [{ e- 1}2

+ {1.8X 104(J(mhos/m)jf mc Ft l / 4< 0.01 (4)

where e is the dielectric constant of the ground re­fen'ed to air as unity and (T is the ground conductivity in mhos pel' meter, the term 01 in (3) is very nearly constant as is the parameter f30 appearing in the definition of x in (2): 0 1 = 20.67 and (3o= 1.607 Thus where the above restrictions hold , the attenu­ation relative to free space is given by:

le= [ l+(f!. dn) J-I

ndh h=O (1) where:

where dn/dh is the gradient of the refractive index, n, with respect to height, h, above th e earth's surface. D eterminations of the proper height cor­rections for various model atmospheres are contained in the above references.

Co= (4/3le)I /3,

dl , 2(mi) ~ [(3lc/2)hl , 2(ft) ]1/2,




Or'S?~J~~~~~iB~~~~~,c6gl~.al Radio Propagation Laboratory, National Bureau and with the conditions: (a) horizontal polarization,


Page 2: Smooth earth diffraction calculations for horizontal ... · Bremmer, 1960] have shown that for certain models of the atmosphere, atmospheric effects may be satisfactorily included


F I PI .I . I I. 1 or HOrizontal 0 anzatlon and K <0.01 : 0

I 0

K=0017774 C f-1/3[(€-1)2+(18XI04o-lf )2]-1/4 . 0 Me . Me --+/1-----1-----1---1

A(db)=-20.67 +G (Xo) - F( X I) - F(x 2) _ 2 V3 .

X O,I,2-1.607Co f Me dO,I,2(ml)

d 1,2 (mi ) ~ [( 3 k/ 2) h',2 (fI.)]'I2, Co = (413 k )'/3

Field Strength=E=102 .79-2010gdo(mi)-A ~ BasIc Ti ansml sSlon rSS = Lb 136 58+10 log fMe do(ml )+b1l+----I-----1--~

I I J For large x : ~ ~O'. F(x)-G(x) -1. 356

I-- hi ~\ do < h2 +jJ-I+- -I-G (X) =0.092554x-1010g x -


~ 3960K (mi) - --lH---+--+----+-----j




4 0



~ '" 10


0: 0

~o 0


II '"



-20 I .0





7 /

/ 0 .8

0 .S ~



0 .4 <l

v ~v / F~~~-K-=0-.0-0-5 ~--+---~~--+---~--~----~--~ 0. /,:0 /V

-W~~ ____ ~~~~ __ ~ __ ~ __ ~ __ -L~O 10 20 50 100 200 500 1,000 2.000 5.000 10.000


F IGURE 1. Curves for the calculalwn of A, the attenuation Tela/we to free space.

and (b) K< O.Ol; see (4) . Curves of the functions G(xo) and F (Xj, 2) are plotted versus x in figure 1. Note that F(x) + 1.356 is asymptotically equal to G(x) = 0 .092554x - 1 0 log x for large values of x. It might be mentioned that a brief study of the param­eter K will show that only for unusual combinations of k,jme, ~ and (]' will K ever exceed 0.01.

ond term, T2, to the first term , T I , of the series Thus, if we require the error in A to be less than some given value, say 0, we have:

Since (5) is based upon only the first term of the residue series, a fairly good indication of its range of validity may be gained from the ratio of the sec-

20 log 11+ T2/Tj I::; 20 log[1+I T2/Tdl::;o

This is the procedure used to obtain the L1 (xJ 2) curve shown in the lower right hand corner of figure 1. ~or A to be accurate to within 1 db (approximately) It may be shown that :

Xo-X1L1 (x j) -X2L1(X2) > 200 mi. (6)


Page 3: Smooth earth diffraction calculations for horizontal ... · Bremmer, 1960] have shown that for certain models of the atmosphere, atmospheric effects may be satisfactorily included

Notice that in certain cases (5) is valid (at least to within 1 db) even for just within line-of-sight paths as lon g as the condition (6) holds. For instance, with k = 4/3, jmc=100, do= 65.38 mi, and 71,2= 32. 1 ft, then for an 71,1 = 1640.42 H, which would correspond to a radio line-of-sight path, (6) becomes:

487.67 -427 .25(0.65) - 60.42(0) = 210> 200 mi

and from eq (5)

A = G(487 .67) - F(427 .25) - F(60.42) - 20.67

= 18.3 - 7.8 + 36 .2 - 20.67 = 26.0

The value of A as read from the C.C.I.R. Atlas {Atlas, 1955] (assuming horizontal polarization and for either "sea" or "land") is approximately 27 .3 .

It may be seen from (6) that the first term of the Van der Pol-Bremmer residue series is applicable not only far beyond the horizon bu t even in some oa,ses at the horizon; (in this regard it is of interest to note that the lower limit of (6 ) appears to be ap­proximately the point at which the C.C.I.R. curves depart from linearity). Furthermore, the ease with which the attenuation may be calculated using (5) is apparent from the above example. Curves for the calculation of A by this method for vertical polarization arc now being prepared for publication in the near future. Since A is defined as attenuation relative to free space, its relationship to E, the field

strength expressed in db above 1 J1.v/m for 1 kw E.R.P. from a half-wave dipole, is simply:

E = 102 .79 - 20 log do (mi)-A (7)

In terms of basic transmission loss, Lb:



At las of ground-wave propagat ion cu rves for frequencies between 30 M c/s and 300 Mc/s (P ublished by the Inter­nation al Teleco mmuni cations Un ion , Geneva, 1955).

Bremmer, II. , T errestrial radio waves (Elsevi er Publishing Co., Amsterda m, 1949) . See especially ch. VI.

Bremm er, II ., On the t heor y of wave propagation through a concent rically strati fi ed troposphere with a s mooth profile, J . R esearch N BS G<lD, 467 (J 960) .

Millington, G., Propagation at g reat heights in t he atmos­phere, Ma rconi Rev. 21, 143 (1958) .

No rton, K.A., Gro und-wave fi eld intensity, Proc . IRE 29, 623 (19M ).

No rton , K. A., P. L . Rice, an d L . E. Vogler, The use of angu la r di stance in estimatin g t rans mission loss an d fading range for propagat ion th r·ough a t urbulent at mosphere over irregular te rrain, Proc. IRE <13,14 0 (1955). See appendix l.

Norton, K . A. , System loss in r adio wave propagation, J. R esearch NBS 63D, 53 (1959) .

Wait, J . R , On t he propagation of radio waves in an in­homogeneous atmosphere, NBS Tech. Note 2<1 (1959).

(Paper 65D4- 144)

