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Date post: 06-Jul-2018
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  • 8/18/2019 SMSRC


    Facilitating the Acceleration towardsMarketing Goal Attainment

    Through providing meaningful insight onStrategic Rxon Research

  • 8/18/2019 SMSRC


    Introducing SMSRC

    To take Prescription Research forward…to

    NE T !E"E!

  • 8/18/2019 SMSRC


    Strategic Prescription Research : SPR

    as the #rst step$ o%er in&clinic R' data representing

    Three tiers of the Market P(ramid )*r+an E'tra&ur+an$ Rural

    Three doctor segments ),pecialist

    Generalist -.P$ G(nae$ Paed$ GP/Rural Doctors wide spread co0erage of ) Metro$ Additional Metro$

    Mini Metro$ ,mall Towns E*R 1istricts

  • 8/18/2019 SMSRC


    Rural Doctors : 10%

    (Extra-urban & Rural Mar et!

    "E#ER$ S'("P ")nae Pae* CP!


    ( rban an* Extra-urbanMar et!



    SPEC $ S'


    ( rban

    Mar et!

    SPR Concept & Research DesignSPR Concept & Research Design


  • 8/18/2019 SMSRC


  • 8/18/2019 SMSRC


    Methodolog(• ME'/ D " 2 C EC' # 2 D$'$• 2e ha0e 34445 1octors in our Panel6 2e pro0ide R' Pad

    consisting of 744 R's in duplicate-car+on cop(/ to these1octors once in e0er( 8 Months6

    The 9riginal goes to the Patient : the duplicate is

    retained for us to collect +ack6Each 1octor on Panel is met si' times in a (ear6;imonthl( collection is done as ) 3$#-2E4 5 M$R-$PR 5 M$ -3 # 5 3 -$ " 5 SEP'-

    C' 5 # 6-DEC• PRESE#'$' #S :

    2e make Three Four Monthl( Presentations to our .lientson a mutuall( con0enient date6 The Three Four Monthl(Presentation periods are ) N9"&FE; < MAR&=*N < =*!&9.T

  • 8/18/2019 SMSRC


  • 8/18/2019 SMSRC



    . broa* Para7eters : Ph)sical Response

    &R' Trend +( ,PR ' ,pecialit(

    Character Response

    &R' -@/ ,tanding ' ,pecialit( &R' distri+ution @ across specialit( -;ar .hart/ & R'er ;ase : Per .apita

    Perceptual Response

    &P. Percei0ed .omplaint-P./B&what patient narrates his pro+lems6&P1 Pro0isional 1iagnosis-P1 /B&what 1octor diagnosed6

    &.o&R' :…………………………Insights : ,igni#cance

  • 8/18/2019 SMSRC


    $bout SMSRC 2h( ,M,R. ) From the Familiar .omfort Cone to a Risktaking new "enture DInspired +( Top !eading Pharma .ompanies and 1irectAssistance for #ext e8el o9 Excellence

    1ate of Foundation > Incorporation ) No0em+er 4 $ 8443

    Team ,trength ) more than 7 4 professionals

    9 ces ) H696 in olkata$ Regional 9 ces and JK Field.enters

    9perations ) India and ;angladesh> Immediate E'pansionPlan to ,outh Asia

    .ontd …

  • 8/18/2019 SMSRC


    $bout SMSRC -.ontd…/

    Ser8ices )

    Strategic Prescription Research (SPR!

    E22 R' : E 'ecuti0e 2 unctions +ased on 2 acts :rientation toward impro0ed Results through ' raining

    A specially designed management development programme for Brand and Sales Managers

    Strateg) or shop ) ,trategic Marketing .onsultanc( on ;rand andMarketing Management$ Portfolio Management$ Field Force Planning and,tructuring

    Clinical Research ) ,M,R. has setup reciprocal arrangement withMe*clin Research Pri0ate !imited L a .linical Research 9rganisation$

    since 844K6,uccessfull( conducted num+er of multi&centre$ multi&specialit( Phase) III :I" clinical research studies in India6

    facilitating scienti c evidence based strategic marketingfunctions.

  • 8/18/2019 SMSRC


    hat *oes SPR o;er <

    ;rand !ife .(cle Management

    !eading to Product Portfolio Management

    Resol0ing Therap( Management issues

    Ensuring e%ecti0e ,trategic Implementation

    9%ering ,trategic 1irection to .orporate Management

    Resulting in$

    ,trategic R' .onsolidation

    increased Rate of ,ales Growth -faster than .ompetition/

    maintaining s(nerg( +etween ,ales ) Top : ;ottom !ine

    SPR o;ers actionable Strategic Directions to achie8e

    health) 4usiness "ro=th > continuousl) in a *)na7ic7ar et

  • 8/18/2019 SMSRC


    /o= SPR e8ol8e*?

    Field operation initiated ) Fe+ruar( 8474

    1octor enrolment and research panel formation ) April 8474

    Pilot stud( conducted ) during Ma(&=une 8474

    Full&scale operation L data collection ) =ul( 8474 onwards

    At the time of our ProOect initiation$ we promised to startrepresenting our data e%ecti0e No0em+er 8474 onwards6 2ewere four months +efore schedule$ started our #rst presentationwith =ul(&9cto+er 8474 data

    Now we ha0e ?ears months data +ank

    ,PR data is accessi+le through Power Pla( software and ?

  • 8/18/2019 SMSRC


    Think Google$ Face+ook and iTunes6 Now$ think a+out $nal)tics L

    it s SPRclou*

    SPRclou* is a simple bro=ser base* application and it s wellsecured

    SPRclou* is a technologicall( enhanced 0ersion of SMSRC@s$nal)tics L one cloud will de#ne all sorts of possi+le datare resentation

    SMSRC launched the its New Anal(tics… the second critical inno0ation

    hat is SPRclou*?

  • 8/18/2019 SMSRC


    SPRclou* Ae) 2eatures

    ser-centric interacti8it) L ask (our own Questions and formulate (ourown insights in a simple straightforward wa(

    6isualise *ata in an) =a) )ou =ant L charts$ ta+les$ maps$ graphs andlist +o'es

    Clic an) =here 9or 7ore *etails L remi'$ reassem+le in new 0iews$ #lter#elds as per (our selection$ see changes of data in seconds

    Excel *o=nloa*able $ comprehensi0e information and high reportdimensionalit(

    l* $pproach o9 $nal)sisPresentation

    SPRclou* Presentation Mo*e

    !, A !, ; !,. !, 1 !, E

    Report Preparation

    Further 1i0ision wise report distri+ution

    SPRclou* Data

    $pps $ccess through 6P# (=ebbro=ser base*!

    Di;erent group accessing*i;erent anal)tics in *irect

    presentation Excel *o=nloa*9or7at

  • 8/18/2019 SMSRC


    SPRclou* : 2ront Screen6ie=

  • 8/18/2019 SMSRC


    The Plus …66o%ered +(,M,R.

    An e'tensi0e +road spectrum co0erage of1emographic 0ariation of 1octors - 34445/ $ higher of Field force across the countr(

    • *nlike other the Rural Markets are +eing co0ered• The cloud ,er0ices• A s(stemic team approach $ periodical re0iew

    meeting > Each client wise team meeting L +rainstorming

    • The unmatched talent pools $ .linician > E'perienced

    Marketing L ,ales Personnel L Training Persons alongwith +est talents of Prescription anal(sis• 1edicated whole time for 0er( !imited of clients

    per Anal(st

  • 8/18/2019 SMSRC

