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.a r oL. ; . ' .XXi^o. "ll —^gi^ERFORD NEWS. «. ^ ^~,.f tid *y Etenmg mi 49 King street . TH «« P««; YEARLY (IN ADVAKCE ) 13S * \ ST S.^; YEARLY , 17.. 4d; : ' EKT*8»°* BALEo»THE NEWS MM0 «.o—Mr. WK. KSLLT, Little GwrgoVrt. ' iroic—Mrs. KEAHNET, Confectionary pill . ,«i—Mri, F1K0BRAJ.D, Commercial Hotel, s-SiW—Mr. J. M.Mt'pruT, News Agent WH—Mr. TKOKAS BISHOP, Hotel. ¦ -Mrj W. DAWSOK , Grocer. —Mr. Gonwui . -Printar. ^ _ CHE WATERFORD NEWS" . ... . NE PRIKTIHG, PITBII8H1NO, ¦JOK-BINDING, RULING , " ¦ ' ¦M S : ' - ¦' •¦ ¦ '/ ST-BOOK MANUFACTORY 40 * 50 KINO STREET. , J&cL THE Proprietor of THk L *8 f 1 NEWS having 1 TB«di I I A\/-> . Us Printing Concerns tod ' gfgPW 8 ' ! - * itowooa-Book ; iMuv&atarji OS/ ML M ^l" 01 W &ny jn the Provinces, jEST^y ?*' by. the . introducUtp ot , new Pfeft' ' Pa&atMA.csnnKR'f, Improved ^Wj' ' ' VRissis, constant gtrpptieB of y \ •• ' ¦ the l&ust and most approved I . Stjleof . NEw TTTIS , and a Paging Machine for Account cpared to execute every specie* of •ER-PRBSS PRINTING, LAIN AND ORNAMENTAL, > that will not, feels confident ,, fail to ion, EXPEDITIOUSLY, AND ELE GANTLY. IMS used in WORKHOUSES »nd DISPEN- Prices in The News Printed List, which mij <ad oi. 'liotion. AMPHL£TS , CATALOGUES , and all other BOOK- IRK , in a manner equal to any house. Specimens may ten at the Office. LENTALS , LEASES, and all iindi of LAW FORMS. OSTING and HAND-BILLS , in BlacV or Colored IuVt. iness and Address Cards ; (Delivery and Receip t Books ; culars and Invoices ; Books and Perms for Railway itom-Houte Forms ; - and Steamship Companies : ;ter, Note, and Account Freight and Shipping Notes ; Headings ;" ' ' ' Insarance & Mercantile Forms jkers ' Weekly Circulars; Forms and Notices for Spirit wnbroktrs' Tickets; Lio oscs ; si and Bottle Labels, in an; Reports of Meeting* , Scr- :olor required ; roons, tx ; sines: 1 Announcements ; Dill-Headings and Parcel La- ictiontefs' Catalogues and bcls at prices to soit all ; Particulars of Sale ; And, in short, every descrip- eck-Boolts and Check-Tick- tion of Printing, Plain o( its of every kind ; Ornamental. Orders from neighboring towns attended to with pnnctu- ty and accuracy. IC3 " ACCOUNT B00K8, with or without printed head" , made is a superior manner, strongly bound, and Paged nsecutivelr , alternately, or in duplicate , when required. All orders with which tbe Proprietor may be favored shall performed with the utmost NEATNESS, ACCUBICT, and tSTATcn, and at prices exceedingly moderate , tbe quality ' the work considered. KING-STREET. WATERFORD. BUTLER'S CATECHISM •0 CATHOLIC CLERGY, BOOKSELLERS , ic. On Sale at The News Office , With the Recommendation of the Bishop of Waterford and Lismore , the Ri ght Rcr. Dr. O' BHIBB,) i Catechism for the Instruction of Children , BT THE llTOST Rev. Dr. JAMES BU TLER, Archbishop oi HI. Oaehel and Emly. Printed on good Paper , and in large dear Type. RECOMMENDATION. approve of this Edition of tbo Right Tier. Dr. ' a* w BOTLCR ' B Catechism , snd recommend it to the Wthfal of these Dioceses. ifc D. O'BRIEN , R.C.B. «• Waterfcrd Jnne S, 1868." ICjP Orders from any part of the Diocese , sent In ad directed, to C. REDMOND , Printer and Publisher Titerf ord New * Office , 40 King "-street , promptly al- luded to. The Trade supp lied on moderate terms. May be had Retail from every Catholic Bookseller in h* Diocese. Irish Frieze Woollen Factory, OABRICK.ON.80IB. NICHOLAS KENNY, Proprietor , pledges himsel l that no material ia used in making hit FBIEZE, rWEED, OUBLE DYE FLANNEL, SERGE BLANKETS , Ac., Ac, but PURE WOOL. Some doubts baing expressed in certain quarter* ar :o tho GENOINESS of those articles , from the low nices at which they are offered . and also as to whether hey could bo brought to the FINISH here , thereby nsinuat ' mp that they may bo Eng lish-made Goods old aa Irish, I feel called apon to state, that I SELL »o GOODS BUT xt OWN MAKE , all made and finished in my FACTORY, at MILLVALE TheWoik in the DIK -HOUSE ia carefull y attended to and all colours done in Flannel, at well aa LADIES' DRESSES, in SCABLIT, MAGENTA , Bum, BLUE, GREEN , BLACK , YELLOW, AC, &C. Millvale Mills , Carrick-on-Suir , 1867. 027- tf T " HE CHEAT REMEDY OF THE AGE HOLLO WAY'S OINTMENT. rfUtE EMXCT OF THE OlKTMENT ON THE ST8TEM.I To the very core and centre of all diseases which affect the human body, this remarkable preparation »netrates It disappears under the friction of the Band as salt disappears when rubbed upon meat. The unitucnt performs its healing errand rapidl y, safely, and twithout pain. Simple eruptions, open sores , hard amours , scrofulous developments of all kinds, abscesses , cancers old wounds , and. in fact, every spece. of in- flammation or suppuration , whether in the skin , the flesh , the glands , or among the mu»cle» , can be arrested its destructive course and permanently cured without danger! by rabbin* in this inestimable Ointment. BAD L*«, BiD BB «AITS, SORBS AND ULCERS .^ In many Hosp itals in Europe this celebiatcd remedy is iow used for the oure of old wounds, aores , and ulcers ; a Spain and Portugal , and in many parts of Ital y, the bit Physicians regularly prescribe its use. It i lOTereiitnremedy for bad breasts and bad legs ; and like- wise for all akin diseases. It is to be found in the chest of nearly every sailor ^ soldier , and emigrant. ^ ^ P ILM, FISTDX , SmiCTUKEs —Tbe above class of complaints is surel y removed by nightly fomenting the parti with warm water, and then by most effectually rubbing in this Ointment. Persona suffering from these direfal complaints should lose not a moment in ; ' arre.tiug their progress. It should be understood that it is not auffiotent merely to smear the Ointment on the affected pmrta. but it must be well rubbed in for some ' considerable time two or three times a day, that it may " be taken Into the system, whence it will remove any ' hidden lore or wound as effectually as thoug h it were palpable to the eye . Bread and wa ter poultices, after the rubbiug in oi the Ointment, w!ll do great aervice This is the only proper treatment for females in cases of cancer in the stomach, or for those who suffer from a .generalbearing dowD v o ^ ^ n _ . lurRODENciBg or YOUTH—SOHKS AND ULCERS. JMotohes, aa al so swellings , can with certainty be radi- ,call y cured if the Ointment be used freoly, and the 'Fills takes night and morning as recommended in the printed instructions. When treated in any other way these comp laints only dry up in one place to break out in another.; whereas tbia Ointm ent will remove the humour from the system , and leave the patient a vigorous and healthy being. - It will require time , aided b y the tise of the Pills, to insure a lasting cure. ) DirTKsaiA, Bkoncurris, SOHE THROATS , COOOHS , f.HD C OLDS—Any of the above rlassof diseases may be cured by well rubbing the Ointment three times a day i {?» ' 1<1<! * kl0 •"er 'ftig tbe throat , chest , and seek of \T '' iticnt The vngaenl will soon penetrate the pores ¦jV 1 * ve immediate relief. To allay the fever and lessen tam»fi»tion , eight or ten Pills should be taken night Mfmirtdag- The Ointment will produce perspiration , Ichdaiio essential far removing fevers , sore throats , ' "¦- ¦ —i»". »f <Vi 4«l which orl.B frnii. y *** tbj>K pppreamonB.ui im BH « mucu vm nm.i A^Vit , Brotvjhitia , au-) other causes. Bl>t ^% Ouitrrfent , and Pills thould be wed in tht . < ' : fgdowing catet :— \ A H^Ji - Chl«/o-foot Finula. Sore-throat . •»»'•*• •\C»ilfi»iaa-' Oout Skindi«»«« ->Baro« i ... ;»K,pntdhandi GtandularSweUlnRkScurvy •^ol«et- - . -Ca»,^ i . Pile, Turaoun > i'4H, " l4j ^SWwC » nd Rheumatism Ulcer. VI" n v " >iBtI Sc»ld « ani ' -t* y ..L p 'J'SS"'' S«" NiPp l«« Yaw. il*ftt the •EstabU rV mW)t ot professor HOLLOWAT •3>rW(hearTenrA, ^ t) T endon ; also, at Tht ¦urfHSce , 4B King strej. Wnterford . and by all res. ¦ !»/^r^KIst , 8 and De4 '«a in Medicines, throughou 'fadI world, «. the.fo\v, wjD, prices :-ls. l}d >»- tfd., Us., 12s., and33a " each Pot. - There •^ Uerabl e javinB <>» taking the larger gi.es. A-rJirections forthefujdanceof nttienUin erer? ^tii affixed to each Pot. V L I \ ¦ 4 4 I ¦ 1 ; : . : .. :;'SHTt»TN-&v - : ;j - : ^ jyj ^^rpsj) QBi) ## jju wnfff-f/Am wes, ' (..ft j j ., . VTOTICl r %e\» ' aterfotds4m(iWp «QPV^^. -*^ 'Comt r receive Goodt. ' for '&ipmeht ^KLlN3-on the rol!o ig T«m» (nIy*-^he( r»Mrv* 4Z9HX fc»th« .right t ins l*a«y, not by irticnlar VeSK>n STiberty to T< iEips and caU at MrToff i , and^iU' bo b»aocoutihrt*! Ih jtirietor losses arijtigfrtm delay, aooii ents.qj ti»5ea g^rera , Fjre ,.. t , b<> .fiDt' .^ne ^ mies ,, de . fec ive Navintton , icci4enU from any oler cause , nor (orany lostrwfalcfa.tnigU M%e«B eoiered bylsarknes , Bor for Lfe« k»g», Sreaktae , i idititn. Qnslitl. pr , At^nts . of smy Parcel or Packages , nt ipecially entered ttt ai va. itm 'PttithVfiHL "QM M it' rnnoved to be 8t4d atitbt risk andexptnu of . the£onj i»aj. .. ,. .- .:,i , f. .. . ' i , „, All Goods will be conside as subject to a dernl lien aod h ^ ldni)tAhly f*irUgh 'tts sanft , bat fotjl Arrears- of Freight. Storag« , ot j «Jhi iurrgre* .dn» by tblmpcrter , Owaer. or Uonsignees to tho impany I ' ¦ 'V7/[ T*B T OB»' ' Nir ^R'rsT 't: ' •" ' •-:• <Hwy, - or otbert iM«'Vess«V diwctT From 'WBtfertord to Brutq) : Prptn Bpsto) to \lerford.; Tnasday, Jan. 7 , ... 4 Aft Friday, Jta. 3,fit Mora Tneiday, ^ 14 , .- 10 «• Wd»y, , ,J« Mora . Toesdsy, •• 21, ... * Alt Friday, V .iU Mora Tnwl.f' » 2' * ' Jin Mfcy, , »«:i« ' 'Mor B .,... , Fj'Jayi . M . 3l >] Oi Horn ' From Waterford Bristollyrtw Bristol toklsrford , Diteot. . . . ., catliw at Pombi*Dock. Friday, Jan. 3,... loWoh SSJ , Jaa. 0 Mora Friday, ,, 17 , 10 Mon ' aesoaj, ¦ ,„ , sa 8 Uara Fridtj. 31, ... 10 Mori I . t^* Oh Earl y" Mernrog 8sKDgs , tbe Cabb Ihe Steam- ers will bej Open to receive Pa rage's arrivinEin London by the NiKht Mail Train. ' J Cabin Fare, Its. Od. ; Ser nti and Child, 10>. Od. Return do., 26s, | or with lil rty to return |m Dublin Cork, or Wcxford, 31a. 6d., S ward' s fw infed; Deck 7s. 6d. . Females attend the X lies ' Cabin 1 . J WA.TEBPORD AMD HVET00L. : Camilla , Vtitd and Z tp kfrA TEOM WATZRIOHO: TB0H IIJFOOL: Friilav , in. 3, -1 Aft'nMdar, . J.n. I .„ a Alt'n Tuiidsr, i, 7, ~lo Morn aesdaj, I B Morn Filday, 10 , _tl Mora Jriday, /-.10 Mtfrn Tuesday, „. K. .-10 Morn tejdty, I ... 1 Aft ' c Frid.r, 17, ... 1 Affn l lday, I ... 3 Affn Taeiday, - SI , —10 Moro ' lesday, I ... I Mora Pridir, . 24, ...11 Horn I Ida*, L ...10 Morn Tutsdsi, ,, 28, ...10 MornTcsdiy, ' I , ..It Noon Friday. ' ,. 31, ~ 1 Affn F Iday, 1, _. 2 Affn ' Cabin Fare, IBs. j Servants ai 1 Children,!.; Deck , 7s, 8d. ; Children. 4s. Females at od tie La« Cabin. Goods received at Clarence Drik. * I WATERFOKD ASf D , LOf ON. Aurora , Seta, Aura, or ithsi elig ihresscls. PROH WiTXttFOBD : f , ' lEOHf DOB t Thursday Jan. 3 ... '2 Afin' n IWedaoday Ja] 1, ... 8 Morn Thur.dir ' ,, » ... » Altn ' n W«In«Jay 18, „; 8 Horn Tbur.djj IS 1 ... i Afin ' n \V»d«sdij 15, ... 8 Mora Thursday 23 ... 2 Aftn ' n Wtdaaday P2 , ... 8 Morn Tbnnday .. _.O Aftrt' n 'Welatiday , 8 Mora Cabin Fare, 20s. ; Deck , 10s. [ LOADIXO BBBTna. -—London—Britisb aroretgn Steam Wharf , Lower East Smithfield , ind WlKent Wharf, Sonthwark. ] " WATERFORD AND PLiftUTH. Aura, Banger , Aurora, or other el|> Vessels. IBOH WATBHJOED: JR0 * f? 0I ' I o H J/. I. Thnrtday Jan. 2, ... I Afl»;»|J||»Way, I 2 . -• « *" » « Tharwlav 9 , ... « Afta' a TbttWay, . - » Art" r Thnrtday 16, ... 2 Aftn ' n Tburtaj, K-- -5 tlln'I I'hnrsdsr 30 , ... a *ftn ' nlTbn»d«r,J». ••• 8 "* ¦• Cabin Fa " e, 20s.; Deck. 10s. Ta\ing*fo r Falmoutb Southampton , Portsmouth, and p lases a*t. WATEBFORD AND] BfAST. ' Aura, Btta, Aurora , or othc «1*» Vessels. : nbu WATIRIO * D : . IB T * , Llf " I i «r. . Saturday. Jan. « , ... J Aftn ' nfTuesfcy, J 7, ... 5 Alto « 8«mrd*y, II ... a AUnWoesby, . - R l A i tB " Saturday. 18, ... 8 Artn' nSaes*;, PJ, «• *£ *f S»tarda*. M. - * Afln « n|roe»(ky, ]W. •¦< » «°o» Cabiu Jfare. ... 16s. . Deck, ... 7i iflCbildren, ... 4s, WATEBFORD AND 'IF ROSS FROM WATIRTOBDDaily, 8nndafi«f»d , at 8.15 r.Tt. FROM W Ross—Dail y, Sandayi «|« > at 8.30 A.M. WATEBF ORD AND Dt|ANNON. FBOM WAitMORD-Daily, Sunday, ?ted, at 3.16 P.M. FROK DOHCAHNOKDaily, Sunday ptea, at 8.15 A.H. Berths secured and every informato en by theAgents. Brittol—The General Steam Pactt >ee. Liverpool— Waterford Steam Ship Company, Brunswick-street , Washington Bnildings. London—b llI.G.RoBlir«oir, 20 Mark Lane; British and Foreijp m Whart Lower East Smith6eld , and W«t Kent WI tenthwarf ^ P/ r R. HlNDBBaox * Soss, Donegal (J LJeWMJ And at the Company ' s Office.the MJ WATSBFORD. WATERFORD AND MIlPD HAVEN ROYAL MAI L REAMERS DAILY COMMUTATION (Sundaye Excei) BETWEEN THE SOUTHF IRtLAND, SOUTH WALES ANDjQLAND Via W&terford and Milford Hafa oonnection with Eipress Trains on the Gr»t iern, Boutli Wales Waterford and Limerick , rTa*rd and Kilkenny, and other Trains in the 8ouihlreliuid. a fTIHESE Fast t/ell-appointed Steam- UllJHr era , cairyinTl if aje8ty' s Mails, Sail SSS Rj^^Daily (Sudavs eifl , . jklM jljg r ^ FBOM WAT»7I— From the Adelphi Wharf , immediatel y after the ali>f the Limerick Train st four o' clock in the AfternoojJchiDff Milford Haven (wind ind weather permitting) to enable Passengers to proceed by the 8 60 a:m. EIJ W to London , reach- ing P Pa4diog ton about 6 16 p.m d Class Passengers w.ll be forwarded by the Through -m. train to London. - PasMngersamFing at Milford n on Sunday mornings will leareper tbe 9 16 a.m. Tn . HAH From NVwMlMOBD, from Railway P.er at 7.46 a m, Sundays excepted, after tl |val of the 9 16 a.m bx. press and 8 0 a.m. Trains from 'ngton Station London, reaching Watcrford (wind and >er permit Ung-to secure th7dep !rture of the 6 0 a.m. to l,.menck Cork, and South of Ireland ; and the 11. ^" ni Dublin. Passengers by the 6 Third Class Train from Paddinuton will also bo co.ive|? these Steamers at Re- duecd iUtes. F l Class and 2nd Class Cabin. and Saloon Waterford to Padding! «8- 4°s ' Limerick to do. » «* «• * 7 '- Kilkenny to do. •• ««• ** 3 - 3rd Class and Deck, Wa< i to Undon , 24s. 6d. R BTOBN Tic«BTS~Fro iterfcrd to London Ox- ford , or Reading, 1st class M'< X«» . "»• ! 2nd Class and cabin 60. - „„„ „„„, IABBS BT SHA«» ^ ^ C a bin ^^ Waterford to Hilford...l2. •• ^. 18s. Od. ll».3d. PasingerVwith 2nd Cbu can exchange from the Cabin to the 8aloon on payn ' »•• Co. eacb. Through Ticket, allowi ng W«» to break the journey may bad atPaddington R ' st 5^ 0B ' « 1 1 !J r *J tb ?J 1 t " Class Statioasof the GrestW '«**?. " > Wa W^" ford and Limerick, and Wai ™d Kilkenny R BaJirays ; alw, at the Offices of Messr *•«» * C»-. 3« ; Cann°n- street , London, and Milford » ,^ Station or oj Mr. M. D OWHET, Quay anl b . ' . Wharf ' at e S ora - .. J uir. ill , iAj nnBi , <<UHJ ai r-- -• . - --- , RtwM Tickets, avails ' days , at a Fare and Iwo-thirds for the Double J 7> «« «asn»d at Waterford, Limerick, Tipperary, Kilki **. ' The Sea Voyage V SevmUy MUei. CatUeand Live Stock of "ids sent. by th ese Vessel s ara at Shipper ' s RUk. Qo d Cattle , ParceU, Fish, Ac , will bejeonveyed by these i » at Low Rates , which can belearied on application at ' th» Railway Stations, or to Messrq. JACKBOH & Co., K 5|o WNFY '" ' *" d Adel phi Whart , an tom-hoose Quay, Waterford STEiM PEOM LI vt 001 ^ NEW Y °BK ANDiFBOM QUEENS^ EVEBY * THURSDAY. I _^~> -ATONAL STEAM SHIP x*=|!!HP"*JfcOMPANy (LIMITED). * t i n^ laMVi/iT»^ ^!! f°" - P 0Wcre ^ British Iron FRAsi* Grace 1 HMTBHA, Catting.... ^326 TBI QOIB» Grotan. 1 PBH»s«,TAiiu 1 Lewi t..2873 EWOI T KB, Thomson..;. ! VMOMU , Prowse 2876 E«ii * HaU I 1 D»»H4Bjr., Thonipson... 2870 Will be desp atched " ftoiijWg 'jf N** Y ?tk " fol!°" « ! ERIN Wednesday, Jan. lit, 1868. FRASCE ;;; ;j« ^ >u& ^< i m- ?i h , » VIROINIA ... I.. Wednesday, Jan. loth And from Qnt" a l " B 'ollowmjr days. Tlie Saloon accoatnol on b»rd these Steamer, i. vuy superior. Bate of ptl fr«n Liverpool to New York , Eighteen Guinea.. Rl licked , Twenty-eight Guineas. There is excelleit Jmodation for 8teer.ge Passen- «rs , and a foil «upl y *>ked Provisions served op by tbe Company ' s Stewads. I _ Passengers bookd «b to Aipinwall , San Francisco , the inland towns )f », and oj the United 8tale», on favourable terms. 1 For Frei(tbt or Pu#PPly to TH» NATIO»i§« 8BI» C0MPA5T (LlMITBD), 14, The Albany, Oisf > and 23 , Water-streer, Liverpool ; To N. and J. Cmf ' and |Btoa ^ Qneen.town i to Mr. Mo«pnr. MUN1 ! Csrrick<n-Soir ; or to tbe figet for Jf -]rfJ-MICHAEL DOWNEY, Tbo UtlltT* / | _^ ELECI'BICI P LIFE. —HEALTH and MAN- HOOD pjbBED (without Medicine). Curt yourself by tH#nt Self-Abutting Curative and EUctric Belt.M * speedily and permanently nervous and p hysical ffr, lassitude , depression of spiri ts , lot. of energy /sjpetite , pains in the back and limbs, timidity, and listrust , dimness , love of solitude, groundless fetMpitation of tbe heart , noises in the head and carf lcit ' 0D > impaired sight and memory, indigestion J)ro«tratioD , which are immediately arrested andl- n 'on receipt of One 8tamp by H. J AHIS H(Medioal Electrician to the London Hospiuls) ' I House, Bedford-aquare, London. C ADTIOMI -Ji«ine «'one can never cure. N B. In proof of tf icaoy herein advocated, " the Reme- dies " can tf 1 * nd tested free of charge. Befer nee* to the Pf Pby sielaM of the day. : -' I ' .J , ' A ' N ; ;0;ART , - ., 18 88 ' ,. - ' - " - ¦¦¦ ^ ...j^ TE ' HXl'CpUMyNlCATION - ... . Betw«e i ° Qlaagow . ' cbrk, and Waterford, QvptWP ods at Through Rates to LipHpicK, TirriBABT, CARtB, JiOHIIl ^ CARBtCK-OIt-SrjIB ,. KUXJHST, AD- ' BETfcfctJ and MABTBOBQuaH. -• ' .( ¦' ..,..ij '• *• ' - •'" " ' ¦' ¦ '• ¦¦• - -1 *1 -t rflHE New and Powerful Screw •^ Vs«£^ v X ' Steamers " KJNSALE, " "SALTEE , " Vg»J _ V"8ANDA , " "TU8KAB . ".or ' .other First- ^Bfljp Sty OUn Vessels , are intended U Sail as under lunTeM prarentcd by any unforeseen circumstance), witb or wi»ho«» | PJ|of. , and' with' liberty ' to Tow Vessels , and to render Aasktanc* to Vessels in, Distress: ' -* ' FROM OllASGOW (Clyde-street Ferry, at One o'Clock.p.tn ' ¦"' iod b y Bail to Grtenock at fl p.m., each date) , to . Cork and WaUrford Friday, 27th Dec, Waterforil and Cork.;. ' Monday, 30th Cork and Waterford ' ... Friday, ' 8rd Jan. Waterford' sid Cork... iloadsy, ' 6th Waterfordjand Cork Wednesday 8th H - Ootk an< ' ?aterford... Friday, 10th Watsrfotd and Cork Monday, I3th Waterfordlsoa-Cori.. Wednesda* , 16th CarKn* 7aterford « Friday, 17th WaUrford and Cork Monday, 20th Waterfotdland Cork Wedne»day^2n4 Cork and W«t«rford... Friday, . 24th Waterlord' and Cork... ... ' ... Monday, 37th Waterford and Cork... ... ... Wednesday^9tb ¦> I FROM CORK TO' Waterforf atd Glugow. ... To«»4ay, Slsi D««, 5 p.B Glasgow (directjl ... ... Friday, 3rd Jan., 10 a.m Wsterfonl' ud QUtgow ... Taadsy, 7tb 12 n n Glasgow (direct) Friday, 10th 2 p.m Glasgow (direct) Monday, 13th, 4 p.m Watarford. and Glasgow ... Tuesday, 14th „ 4 p.m Glasgow (direct) Friday 17th 10 a.m Glasgow (direct) Monday, 20tti 12 n' u Waterford and Glasgow . ... Tuesday, 21st 12 n ' n Glasgow (Direct) ... Friday, 84th 1 p.m Glasgow (direct) ... ... Monday, 87th 3 p.m Waterforofand GJaigow ... Tuesday, S8tb 4 p.m Qlasftow (direct) ¦ Friday. 31st 6 p.m Qlasgow (direct) „. ... Monday, 3rd Feb., U a.tn " ' FROM.WATERFOR ' DTO Cork and Glasgow Wednesday, 1st Jan., lp.m Glasgow (direct) lhursday, 2nd I p.m Cork and Glasgow ... - ... Wednesday 8th 1 p.m Glasgow (direct) ... ... Thursd ay, - 6th l p.m Cork and Glasgow ... ... Friday, 10th 1 P-m Corlt and Glasgow Wednesday, 16th l p.m Glasgow (direct) Thursday, 16th 1 p.m Cork and Glasgow Friday, 17th 1 p.m Cork and Glisgow Wedaraday, 22ud 1 p,m Gla.gow (direct) Thursday, 23rd 1 p.m Coik and Glasgow Friday 24th 1 p.m Cork and Glasgow Wednesday,29th 1 p.m Blaiigow (direct) Thursday, 30th. 1 p.m Cork asd Glasgow .„ ... Friday, 31st 1 p.m FARES :- Glaigow to Waterford or Cork...Cabin, 17s. 6d. j Deck, 10s, Cork to Waterford : Cabin , 8s. Od.; Deck, 4s. Saturn Ticket! availalle for otto Month, not transferablt, Glasgow to Cork Or Watcrford...Cabiu, 25s. Od. Waterfoid to Cork ....Cabin, 12s. 6d.; Deck, 6s, ggj" Tbis is tbe Cheapest Route for Goods to Kilkenny, Killaroey, Tralee, New Rosa , Carrick-on-Suir,. Clonmel, Caber, Tipperary, Mallow, Fermoy, Clogbeen, and the South of Ireland generally. For Kates of Frei ght, &c, app ly to— COBK STEAMSHIP Co., Penrose Quay, Cork ; WATEIVFOBD and LmmcK RAILWAT 0»?IMB, LIHEBICK and KIIKENHY ; GBAHAM BBTMHBR, Greenock ; Taoxas Wnrrs, 2, O«w«ld Street , Glasgow ; or to MICUAEL DOWNEY, [a»28-tf| 91 Custom House Quay, Waterford. LIVERPOOL, SEW YORK, AND PHILADELPHIA STEAMSHIP COMPANY. XNMAN LINE. ey Carry ing the United Stales' Mails. j^^^ . fTIHE COMPANY'S fnll-powercd ^(j^^^gp^ v A. Steamers will be despatched From Ql?EEN5TOWN (CORK) to NEW YORK CITY OF LIMERICK ... Monday 23rd Dec. CITY OF WASHIN GTON... Thursday, 26th AND IVEBY TnUBBDAY AKD MONDAY. Cabin Passsgo by the Mail Steamers Sailing every Thursday, 16, 17, and 21 Guineas , according to the accom- modation. Forward Passage includes a full supply of cooked Pro- visions. Patsesgers for Canada, and the United States , booked through on very advantageous terms. For furtherparticnlarsapplyin B'lfatt to JOHN McKEE, at the Company ' . Offi°«» , 100 ViCtorl»-Slr««t | in QM»«w«<<ncn*j to C. AW. D. SEYMOUR it Co. ; and in Liverpool to WILLIAM INMAN, 32, Watot-street i or to [all6-tf.l THOMAS HARVEY. Waterford. RAIL WAY TIME TABLES FOR DEC. WATERFORD, KILKENNY , AHD MARYBOROUGH U p Trains. I HU1 XI OH WIH DAT., KDKDATI. WATE«ro»D TO rXas ' l ft 31 «1 311 2 fc3T5Xj H 43112 43 ««*«»» *"° cau. Clui.Clau. Cla... Clan Clut. CI M«. MARHOaoUOH. ^^ fM ,„ ,.M. tJ1 . P.M, r. M. ' t ra hmfara bm I bra h ra h m W»wford_rf<}> US 13 50 < JO - - I? 0 - Molllo.vat ...» «J0 110 4 40 - - 12 M - Thomulown .- »« 1 40 S M - 1 i Kilkenny - artl 10 0 J 14 « 40 1 40 Do. ' . Jtp 'MX 220860 - - ISO Abb.jK.lx '12J5 33JM - ~ I » - Mar.boro' <HTM!»40 JMJ 0 - - - Mlryboro - .-'fcp : M HM 23 3 it Duhflr. . ° ...««r. 3 >5 5 3i »» - - i 30 - Down Trains T&AIl") °* WKf.I D*>B. | •UHDAT K *""°" ™" ni JIiisiiJi**ay»*diyiai" **; .«« " ^o Cl*«. Class. Class. Cla.. . Cla». CI M.. CI. M 10 WAT«»rOKD. ^^ A .M. p .M . p. u. A . M. A.M. AM. h tt ii m bm hm hoi hm bm Dublin dtp ~ 8 J5 1 U _9 o M.ryhiiro ' artl - Id 14 a 55 II 9 Murybnro ' ... dtp 7 0 10 20 3 30 3 30 Abl.erleix 7 t) 10 40 3 So 3 80 Kilkenny ...arvl 8 B 11 30 4 4o - < 40 Do. dtp 8 I 11 45 4 50 4 50 rhotnxlown ... 8 C 12 10 3 14 5 14 - MullinaVat ...... 98 ISi - 5 55 Kilnueow 9f 10 (III 0 10 ff. terl.'rj .^arrno 0 HI | 8 FAUCFlr.t Clu Single Tick*!. III. Oil. ; .Second do., ««' leu.; Tbird do., 4>. (t. Koiutii—First Clan, 18s. OJ. ; Seconi] do , 13.., betwen Witorford nn<l Mftryborou Kl1. ~ ~ WATERFOltjiTNlTLrMEitlCK UAILWAY? " U p Trains from Waterford. I IIIIH ON Wir.I 1I>TS. 1 RUNLAti, •WATtBroao 1 I a* I 3 I ?* I 5 J 1 J* i. .. « "343I lill lk« Ifc2 ia*3Jl*3 1243 TO UMKMCi. C|aa clBB, (j,a,, c\ui. Clin. Clan. Cla... A,H I A. M. f.W. r.M. A. M A ^ tl ^ f.W. BTii h m li m li in h m b m h ro Wtttthtd..-< Up. 8 I 9 45 2 SO ... 8 30 S 30 _ Csrrlck _..¦ 6 4( 10 -JO 3 20 - 8 15 8 IS Clonmel 7 li 10 » 4 0 ... 10 0 10 0 _ Joncllon.... ^rt«/ 8 43 13 « 5 10 ... 12 0 12 0 ... DubliO.-orrieof 331 5 35 9 30 430 430 Cork.-....orr)M/ 1 0 2 0 7 50 ... 2 5 2 5 ... Lim«rick.... ari»l » 5U 1 30 6 25 1 30 1 20 ... Down Trains from Limerick. »ii». OK "til PAV.. I i mmti. „,„.,. ~T* 3 I I 4 " S 5 1 I *• UMHICK 184(1243 142 IS43 Ik2 143 142 to w>xcaroBD. C|IU cllll Clul ci^g, cisM Clu. Clau A.M. . A.K. A.M. ? 'I. f.M. A.M. rM. h m ' b m nm bra hm b m T Limerick itp 8 40 9 45 II V 4 P 10 45 10 45 ' .- JuoctioD..-.-rfV 1 35 10 85 13 0 5 6 12 0 14 0 Dublin_._...<<v 8 35 1 0 7 45 T 48 Cor», in ... ... 8 0 2 45 10 10 10 10 _ Clonmel - » 10 I ... 1 3J B 40 2 15 J 15 ... Crrick » 50 ... 1 59 7 50 2 55 S 55 ... W.teilbrtl...oWisM0 35 I ... 2 40 8 0 3 45 3 45 Mall Tr.ini marked with an •itert.k. FlEU-Flnl Cla.. Sng le Ticket , 14a M; Second do. 11 Od ; Third do, 6. Sd. Be- mrn-Plrrt 0l«.., 21« »d ; Second do . 18. 6d WATEBKOBU AND TBAMOBE RAILWAY. Wat Das Trains. i a 3 4 ^ 5 i « I 7 v T '""' m m a m p m p m p m I p rn | p m p m pjrs " h *~ m h m hit hra b m bmhm m hm WTod >8 0 10 45 12 ( «215 4 0 5 30 0 0 .„ ... T' mre 8 0 Ml 15 1 t 315 4 30 * »0 8 30 Bmday Trains e I 7 i 8 ""*• t m a m a ml J m p m p m pm p m pm ' bin bm bm hm hm bra hm bm bis Word >B I IDS 130 130 130 t 0 _. ... Tmort » 15 13 4i 2 0 4 , 0 «6 U 0 30 ...| ... Tbo.e markid tba. » are mall train.. F»MB .—First Olau Sligle Tloket, lod. , lutnrn Ticket , 1. Seeood Olin Sln.le TlcktOd. ¦ Return Ticket.9d. WATEBPOBD Ic LIMERICK RAILWAY Passenger Through Bookings between Water- ford and Dublin (da Limerick Junction, direct.) TUB Fublio am reapectfnlly informed that on and after SATURDAY, the 12th OCTOBKR , 1867, in order to lessen the inoolvenience tbey aro being pnt tc by the Waterford and Kilkenny Company withdrawing their Passenger Trains from tho New Station at Water, ford (to an unauthorised place, over one Mile diatatt therofrom), arrangements have boon made for convoy ing Passengers , Direct , between Watcrford and Dablin. as above, at the following Low F ABES: BiitoiE J OUBSEV—1st Claaa , 21s 4d j 2nd Class, 15a lOd; 3rd Class, 9s Id. RETURN JUU HSET 1st Clues, 32a ; 2nd Class, St)« Od —available for Return within two days after dito of issue. The Train Service Connexion will be as follows : UPWatcrfd Dap 1 243 Clss 142 CI M 1&2CI. 142 CK [New Sutionj ... 6.0am O.iSxm 2.60 pm / 8J0 pro Poblin Arrival ... 8 3pm 6J5pin 9.30pm ¦ 4.30<m IJow»—Dublin Dep 7.0am 8.35am 1.0pm . 7,i&mail Waterl'd Arrl, New Station 8.40pm 8.0pm 3, l£am By order, THOMAS Am8W0BT£ , SeoreUry and Superintendent Watorford Terminal , 1st Nov., 1867. (tf; 1 V i . •¦. . - ..: . .. .. .... : . .. . , -\ | . ' ' "•' ' " l *' 1 ' 1 -ll» I.|.<| !.¦ ...... >..:< ,:..>t.,\\ „.), |>, A BSTRA-CT oY rtie ACCOUNTS of tb«' WATERFORD ¦ SAVINGS* .BANK, for the Year radii* A. N OVEMBER 20th, 1867, transmitted to the Natfqnar Debt| Office , ' P' ccctn ' oer; 20th , - 1887 ;~ ¦' ¦ ^ ... . ' . ; ¦" ¦ " ¦ o ? it a a o E . 1 •¦ -i •' To Balance due on Nor. 20th; 1868, as i' s. d, per last ¦Rotnrn ;. '' ' .. ' ... 48,168 ' 12 B To CashTeceired from Depositors in the ' * year ending Nov. 20, 1867 ... 17, 950 2 10 To Interest reoeived from the Notional < Debt Offlcei' on Money inverted therein 1^48 7 4 To Interest received from the Provincial ; Bank of Ireland on Cash Balances ... 10 15 11 To Cash received for 265 Check Books... 4 8 4 'Amount Invested with Government, ai above JDo. in Provincial Bank of Ireland ; ... Amount due to 1,768 Depositors •• Do, do. 66 Charitable SociUies ¦Jotnal Amount of Assets over and ' above the Liabilities !ol the Bank ,' at November t U\r- ' 20th, 1867, exclusive of the valuo of the Bank Prcnlses and Furniture ¦ ' .. £1, 055 15 .8 ' HENRY GALLWEY , J.P.,\™ „„„. . JOHN MURPHY, SECRBTART. HENRY . DENNY. . / l BtJltl!E ' > MATTHEW WADE BIGGS , A CTUARY. C H R IS T M A S , 1867. HAZLETON , Q'D O N N E L L , & C O V SOLICIT AN EABLV INSPECTION OF THB ( FOLLOWING' GOODS, SUITABLE . FOB «3- CHRISTMAS P R E S E NT S . LADIES. , | . . . ' ' GENTLEMEN. - WORK BOXES , ALBUMS, WBIT1NG DESKS , GLOV^ BOXES, DBESSING CASES, DANDKEBOHIEP BETICDLES, BO^ES. A LARGE ASSORTMENT JCP A Lot or BLANKETS, BAIZE QTJILT8 , CHABJTAB1.E PURPOSES, HOTELS. : . DUBLIN. Commercial & Private Lodging House, 49 MABLBO . BOTJGH 5TEEET. PARTIES Visiting Dublin can bl accommodated, with or or without Board , and all tbo comforts of a home, on Moderate Terms. it [o26-tf J tEJT Situation central, oloee to Saclvillo-Btrcet. . CITY MAKTSIOWr HOTEL, 30, LOWER BRIDGE STREET, DUBLIN. AD MITTEDLY one of tbe <E8T SITUATE , CBEAPE8T, and MOST COMFORTABLE FAMILY and COMMERCIAL HOTELS the CITY. Bed , Is.1 ; Breakfast; 1B. ; Dinner (Ordinary), Is. 6d. Dining and Sitting Rooms , Bet spirt for Ladies and Families; Free of Charge. Accommodation for Seventy* Eve Persons. f jafl-Iy] ^*4 Ni ght Porter alvavB in attendance. ; PATRICK 8. CAREY, Proprietor. DUBL IN. The European Hotel, Bolton Street, THE EUROPEAN is the largett , tbe best situate , ai d most cpmfcrtabje Hotel in tbe City. All modern mprovemenfs 'BiH own raeontly Introduced , and the (entire bouae papered , palniwl irrl a^«r«t»a. Tnriiy -suites or Apartments for FamlHet. Drawing Rooms from 3s. 6d. to 5s. Sitting Kosmson the ground Boor fret of charge. / t£g~ Boup, Fish, Joints, Fowl , aid Entree, in Coffee Room, aid Restaurant, from Two to, 8oven o'clock dail y. Bed, indluding Servants, 2a. Od., 2s, and Is. Cd. fmai-jtf ,] J. MOIpNY, Proprietor. COMMERCIAL HOTEL , J SQUARE, DUNOARrAN. TUI? HOTEL, is situated in the very best part of the Town. The House is olean and airy, the Charges very Moderate, and evrry attention paid to the comfort* of Visitors. A Good 'Walter in attendance. f iS- Excellent Livery Stables are convenient to the Hotel. : (m31-tf) KELLY'S CROWN HOTEL , 1 MONCK STREET , WEXFORD. nnHIS is a Central and OmforUble Hotel , in which JL everything can be had <a the moat Moderate terms. ®" Best Dublin and wetford Spirits; also Br&ndies, Wines , Porter , Ale, So. (aul5-tf) r£y Cars on Hire at tht shortest notice. MILFORD HAVEN. THE SOUTH WALES HOTEL , ADJOINING tbe 7erminu8 of the South Wales Railway Company at New Milford, and the Land- ing Stage of theWaterfcrd Royal Moil i' i\okcts. The Public are reipcctfull y informed that the above extensive Establishment is replete with every accom- modation. Coffee, Commercial, nnd Sitting Rooms ; Billiard and Smokinj Koom« . The Booms are large , lofty and airy, beBJtifully decorated , elegantly fur- nished, and are otherwise fitted up with every regard to comfort and conven ' unce. This Hotel iBsitwted on the banks of the far-faraeu Milford Haven , and commands a moat extensive view of her Majesty ' s Dockyard , and of the romantic anJ ric- turcsque Scenery of tho nei ghbourhood. Visitors, Tourills, Commercial Gentlemen , ami «• milieB will find :his KsUblishment, for situation and comfort, combinri with Moderato Charges, surpassed by no other in !h» I' rinci paliiy. \ C JT Hot, Co 'd . and Shower Baths. All communUations should be addressed to [jy 25 tO E. WIf,LIAMS , Mnnngcr. MONEY LOANS ON CALL OR DEPOSIT SIX PER CENT. IN TEREST. rpHE DIRECTORS of the Waterford and Kilkenny I Railway, for the purpose of replacing tho 1N- STALMINTS of the GOVERNMENT LOAN and BONDS falling due, are prepared to accept L OANS at 0 per Cent ., pay able upon cither One or Three Months' Notice , or Six per Cent, upon six months' notice. They will alao accept Money on Mortgage Bonds , at 8 prr Cent., for Three, or Five Tears, and for the Debenture Stock , bearing interest at 0 per Cent, for Three Years, and S per Cent, in perpetuity afterwards. For the year ending the 29th September, 1866, the Traffi: Receipts were £23, 610 9s. 3d., the Work, ing tnd other expenses being; £11,429 7s. Od., leaving a Balance of £11,080 I5i. Od., for Interest on Loan, after the payment of whioh there is a consider- able surplus, and the opening of the New Line from Kiltenny to Maryborough, will materially increase theRecelpt*. fhey will , every half-year, send to each creditor, a stiement showing the tail particulars and amount of thl teveral Loans dne by the Company. Applications to be addressed to the undersigned at the C»mpany' s Offices , 3D, Mary-street , Waterford. By Order, WILLIAM WILLIAMS , Secretary. Weterford, Nov. 20, 1866. (jalO-tf. > MONEY TO LEND, IN SOUS of .£100 and upwards , for a Gxed term of years, at an easy raU of Interest. Apply, by letter only, in tbe first inBtanoe , to Mr. WHIT * , 10 Lambeth Road, London. (nl-13t «J NORTON , DEACON tc Co. ' s NEW YORK STORE , AND GENERAL AGENCY CONCERN 14 QUEEN SHEET, WATRRJOHD, ¦ J»/H ERE may be had a large assortment of American VT Goods in the Household Department. The p lace is also open to such of the Public ns may be desirous to dispose of their Furniture or other House- hold Effects on Commission. N. D. & Co. are prepared to Purchase for Cash all kinds of Good Old Furniture and other Household Stuff , and will Sell the same on Commission. Persons requiring Storage for Furuiture , &c , will find ample accommodation for any amount. BujrBas' AHD SELLERI ) ' NOTICE . —This is tho place to send in Goods Intended for Sale, as well BS ibe place to apbly for almost every Class of Household Goods, both New and Second Hand. ICP* Min i die Address and notice also, NORTON, DEAC ON & Co., U QUEEN STREET. [ol8-ly . ''; '] ' |; DI8;0 .S,A B, G | B. i , 1 , ...... ; By Cash paid to Depositors in the year S t . d, ' tmdlatfNov. 20th, ' 1867 ..- : .. 14 ,283 6 8 By Amount transferred to other Savings •• . •:• - ¦ . . - BanVs ' ' .. .. 188 14 11 By Expenses of; Management—Salaries ,"' "• ' Ren t . Teies , Insurance , . Repairs , Print- ing. Goal Care of Clock, Ac. . , ' .. 397 11 6 "By Amot nt invested with Government , aa per Becoipta df . 'National Debt Office , cated November--20th , 1887... 62 , 077 14 0 {By Oasb on land' with. ' Treasnrer , . per Frofrinoial BaUk ' of Ireland Ac. cbu ' tftVenaerea:,. V ' . .. ' . ' , "• ¦ 485 19 10 t . ' ' ' • • . Total ... .... I ..£67^388 6 10 .. : .. £62, 077 14 0 .. .. 406 19 10 :— * 62, 643 18 19 . " ¦ ... 48, 716 2 0 .. . .. 2,821 16 4 61.E37 18 4 WHITING ' DESKS, COLLAB BOXES, DBfiSSING CASES, GLOVH . DO., . COTJRIES BAGS, HANDKEBCHIEI ALBUMS , BOXES. " OP WAX DOLLS &c, 4c ' ' ~ : " 47 QUAY, WATERFORD and CONFEDERATE BLANKETS, suitable for at WHOLSSALE PRICES. " . 'SECOND . ' . DELIVER Y i 01 . NT3 W "WINTER GOODS i M. BOLGSB HAS received his SECOND DELIVERY of iNEW WINTER GOODS, amongst which are some very Cheap Lots , consisting of: FATJPYJDREBSES , ' GREY AND WHIM WlNCEtS ,:SKIRTtNGS, CALICOES, FLANNpLS, TOWEIiS, HOSIEKT, GLOVES SHEHTINGR, ^ GIMP, ORNAMENTS' , And TRIMMING of every descri ption. . Mrsi B0LGER hu alsb' returtwd with a Largo Assortment of NEW GOODS, the choicest and riohest of the Seixson, consisting of fcCILLINERY , V FLOWERS , 3TRAW BONNETS , . FEATHERS, ADIES' HATS, BIBBONS, LACES. Mrs. B. haa considerabl y added to bor Ladies' and Children ' s UNDERCLOTHING Departmont, which is now largely etocked. 'Tho Latest Styles in MANTLE S and WATER. PROOF CLOAKS , just received. 1ST THE MABT , 76 QUAY, WATERFORD. wo T xc a nnHB GAME on the ' following TOWNLANDS, n J L tho BARONY of. IDA, COUNTY of KILKEN. N Y, are STRICTLY PRESERVED . —- NEWTOWN, FAHY. CAPPAH, RAHILLAKEEN, BAU LSTOWN. CARRICKINNANE I BALLINCU R RAGH, UALLYHOMUCK , :BALLINAMORAHAN, BIG WOOD 13ALLYKE0 GHAN' BAUNNAGELOGE, 14 ILT0WN, BALLINCREA I IALLYKILLABOY , CHARLESTOWN, f aELVILLE, TINA'ANCOOSH, I BOANROE, BALLYMOUNTAIN, J USHOP'S HALL' BALLINAMONA. . ilso the following LANDS in the COUNTY of the cr ry of WATERFORD :— C HRISTENDOM UPPERI NEWTOWN, and AND LOWEB, | ANNEMOUNT. j Ballymountain , Dec ^ e ^ m? ^ (d6-tf). IM MEDIATE RELIEF AND EFFECTUAL CURE GUARANTEED OF C C >TH 8, Bonion8i Callosities, and CMlbLaini, .I NQBOWINQ T OE NAILS ; ALSO, ZVEKT DISOKDES. or THE 1?EET , WITUOUT ClITTINO, CAUSING THE I SLIGHTEST PAIN, BT A PROCESS SHOWN TO AND ONLt CARBIED i OUT BT MR. JOSEPH MURPHY , A natomical Professor ofVie Pathology of tht SumanFoot , 117 , C U S T O M - H O U SE QUAY. Tjadics and Gentlemen attonded at their own Residence, by appointment. Consultation Freo. JM. has tho honour to inform the Nobility, « Clergy, nnd Gentry of Waterford and its vicinity, that having, by careful study and actual practice, rendered himself maator of that branch of Surg ical Art , in which he has now been engaged for ovor Twenty Yoars , and having made most important discoveries on the disease of tho Feet , ho is enabled to give relief in Corns of the worst kind, without pain, or producing any bad effects whatevor, and to eradicate ' .nc most painful Corns or Bunions without entting. The most timid may rely on hit Bkill , and Children, liowcvor young, as well persons of maturcr yoars, will most assuredl y rccoivo immediate benefit , and enjoy exercise with more comfort than ever. TESTIMONIALS. From (lie Right Ret. Dr. O'Hrieu , K.C.D. of Watcrford and Linmore. Mr. Joseph Murpliy, 117 Custom-house Quay, Chiropodist , hns extracted from my <»et several Carat , without creating tin i sli|(l!tei.t pain. 1 suffered much for several years from these Corns , and applied to persons of high character as Cli.iropodigts, but without succara, I can now walk with irrei it easo, and feel quite comfortable ; and recommend Mr. Mui rpliy ' s method of eitraction as being most successful, t D. O'URISH, B.C.B. t ron i Very U»v, J. Spratt , D.D., Carmelite Convent , Dublin. I f eel much p leasure in bearing testimony to Mr. Joseph Murp lijr' s experience and sacomi •< a Chiropodist , sad 1 bave ' .no doubt of bis fitness to ditchnrgo the important duties 3f tba t profession with efficiency and success. Ha has been most .successful in curing me of an out-growing toe-nail , from w liicb. I have suffered for sorns years past. I can re- commend bis treatment to be enVtanl and painless. Carmelite Convent, Dnblii/ , July 17/87. Jons SPBATT, D.D. From Lieut. Morris , 76tb Regiment. Mr. Murp hy has eradica ted saveral co rns for me, and I liave no hesitation in recommending liim at a iliiliul pel' former. J. BDLLBR MOBXIS , Lieut., 76th Reset- From tbe Manaptr of tbe Bank of Ireland, Waterford. My DBAB Sin—I have received your letter, and in reply cannot hesitate to recommend you as a competent person in your profession as Chiropodist , having eiperitnM myself of your capability, and many persons here have from time to time informed me of cures yon have effected. —Yours very truly, H. D. GBAHT. Messrs . GABRIEL, THE OLD ESTABLISHED DENTISTS, 27, HARiBr-STJiKBT , OAVSNDISH. BQUABZ, and 36 , LVOOATE Hnx , LONDON S LIVEBPOOL : 134 , DUKE- STEEET ; BlBUlHOHASI 1 66, Nr.W-8TMET. GABlilELS' ROYAL TOOTH POWDER , ore pared , from a Receipt, as USED BY HER MAJESTY, >B. 6d. and 2s. 6d,P« Box. «old at the Office of this Paper , and bj nil Chemists throug hout the King-dom- ' . t . GABBIHU' A NTISIPIW TOOTH PABTI , the besl rjreparaUon extant , for WBrrEmwo the TEETH, withon lniary to tbe Enamel, 2s. 6d. and 6s. per Box. Sold at the Office of this Paper, and by all Chemists throug hout the Kingdom. _ ^ m "¦" GA»BrEts ' CK8M1CAU.T Pp.BfARED WHITB GnTTJ P EBOHA BNAKEL la the beBt stopping extant roi decayed Teeth, or Toothache, and no matter how fai Decayed , renders the injured member again sound and uatfol , and prevent* Tootbafi&e. This preparation le entirely free from any metallio substances, and, aa il name aifemifies , is specially prepared for the purpose Price Is. Od. per Box, with directions fcr use. Sold at the Office of this Paper, and by all Chemiitt throughout the Kingdom. ' GABRIELS * WHITE ENAUKL CBHENT , for Front Teeth, is an invaluable stopping, and lias acquired s world wide reputation j 6s. per Box. Sold at the Offioe of this Papeir , and by all Chemists throughout the Kingdom. . " GABRTBIS' ODOKTAMH«IT« ESSBNCB, an astringent and refreshing lotion for hardening the gums,- 6s. and 10B. 6d. per Bottle. Sold at the Office of this Paper, or by all Chemists throug hout the Kingdom. '¦'¦i.gt-y/ : I,,;,. M.^r -y. /Tyr* * _ j ] r ¦¦ ' ' 1 '• AUCTION 'OF HOBSESi. ,.„:, TKATfittrNG 1 ttACHQ«;S 1'"FABMlNO 1MPLE- 1 } Mi?STa l ,'' BTOOK , -&9> i tto;->f i... .u.i.o MR. TH, b'iLA ' r ftWAtSHIfirriexVA ' netton-6f Honrt, Travelling Vehicles ,'4 ' <i, 'i:c., l wfll take p lace- "' AT i MR . ., . XA1TREN0E : DOBBYN'S 1 . :••• •¦¦ FeUriiuiry Establishment , ' Btr ' r.sf6r£fc i Walerford , . t ON MONDAY , 6th . ;jA^Ajti' , 1 .J.. 866.; ' . . I OEDBR or. SALB : . .. " Travelling Vehicles , Harness , Game Dogs , tee. ' , at Twelyt o 'Olock precisel y. . . '[ " ' Heaters, Riding, and Family Horses, at One o'Clock Colts, Draug ht and Farm Hones immediately, after. . Jcj " Persons intending property for this Sale will be required to have it entered at Mr. DOBBIN' S , or at Mr. W. AXSR' 5 Office , 101. Custom-hcrose Quay/on .or before Nine o'Clock the morning; of Sale. 'Fee'for entry, 2s 6d. Purohasers to pay Auctioneer ' s Fees of Five per Cent. . . .THOMAS"WALSH , Auctioneer. Auctions attended .in any part of Country or Town. ' 1 The Mali, Waterford, 1867. (tf) LANDED ESTATES. COURT COUNTY , OF .WATEBFORD. In the Matter of tbaEgtate-j n^o BE SOLD by •of PATBIM HICHASI X AUCTION, in Ond ¦ O'K BETB , Owner .. and Loti - . b«fore the : Hon. Petitioner , continued in Judge LYNCH, : at tbe tho name of MICHAEL LAUDED ESTATES COURT, JOSEPH O'KstFB, Heir. IKR ' S QVJT, in. the City at-Law of tbe said P. M. ofDublin , on TUESDAY O'KBEM, Owner and the 14th day of January, petitioner. J 1B68, at Noon, all that ^Jrt of tbs Lands of NEWPORT EAST and NEV7- POai ' WEST, situate in the BARd'NY or COSHMORE^ND COSHBRIDE, ~ A.SiD COUNT!" OF WATERFORD, containing * about 141 Acres, Statute Measure , held in fee. ' The Linda aro held b y a solvent tenant , for three lives , from tho 26*fc i>f Maroli , 1825 (two of whom are supposed to be ttiI ' littng)> at the ne ' tt yearly rent of £ll7 6B. 6d., bvtt on the expiration of this lease a large increase may - bo expected. The Tenement Valua- tion is £118 a yoar. The Lands are ad' vantageonsl y situate on tbe banks of the river Blackwater, about 8ix miles distant from tho towns of Tallow ,;riismoro, Cappoqnin, andYonghal, from which latter to wn sea-sand and- other .manures can be bad at little expense , and landed on a quay ur/on tho lands from Hjj. htew. •- .;:. Dated tbis 12th December, l5°<- J. E. MA DDEN 'f° r Chief Clerk). The Lands will bo Sold liable to a cortain Jointure, Annuities and Charges as set forth in tho P ri»te'd Rontals.and Conditions i of Sale ' . For BcntalB and particnlam , app ly at the ' ^andeU EBtateB 1 Court , Inns' Quay, Dublin ; or to ., _ -WILLIAM H. PARKER and MATTHEW P. " 1 ' KER , Solicitors, having carriage of the order </ 1 Salo—Chambers, 201 Great Brunswick-street, Dublin, and Rosoville, Tallow, County Wnter- " ' ford. (d2O,27jlO) USE ONLY THE GLENFIELD STARCH. r nxt fanl3-if CASSELL'S CELEBRATED COFFEES, ; Tested by Tweaty Years ' nne.1 ASSELI/s " CELEBRATED COFFEES, Sold IV Grocers throughout Ireland. ASSELL'S CELEBRATED COFFEE. ' - No, 1 , 1>. per lb. ; No. 3, Is. id. per lb CASSELL'S CELEBRATED COFFEE No. i, Is. Bd. yerlb.; No. 6, 2*. per lb. CASSEJLL'S CELEBRATED COFFEE Ask for these Coffire s at your Grocer' s. ASSblLL'S CETJEBH S^ BD OORPEES. Snpplied by R. RTA.K, Grocer, Broad-stroct , Wa terfoia > GcoBoa CHAPMA« , 61 Quay, Waterford. Wholes. -Je by CASSETX, SMITH & Co., 80 Fonchurch-streot , Lon. ^ 0D» aad Gl DLDUAH & Co., 64 Dame-street , Dublin. LolS*? THE MEDICAL HALi\ 6 BAERONSTBAND-STBEET , WATEBFOi ^ D ' (NEAIU.T OPPOSITE TBE CATHEDRAL), McKENNA & COMPAN Y, AFOTHRCAEIES, CHEMISTS , & WHOLESALE DBUCOISTS. MB. McKENNA , who had for many years con- ducted tho Business of tho lato VL. HiSBINO- TON, returns thanks for the confidence and sup- port awarded to this Establishment since its open- ing, and begs to inform bis many friends that no effort will bo spared to render it in every departmont worthy tho patronage with whioh it has been hitherto favoured. [n8-3m Pianoforte , Harmoninm ,!& Music Warehouse , 120 , QUA Y , WA TERFORD. C: A. JONES] EXTENDS to all parts of the South of Ireland , tho THREE YEARS' SYSTEM OF HIRE , after which , and without further Payment , tho PIANO- TOBTE or H\ BMONIUM becomes the Property of the Hirer. Special terms of Hire payable quarterly, in advance. C. A. JONES Buys from the most eminent makers onl y, aa a proof of which tho increasing demand and the fact that all tho Instruments sold by him daring tbe past nine years have , in every instance , given satisfaction. C. A. JONES has just retarned from London with a large assortment of Pianofortea , including Semi-grand, Grand Squares, Grand Trichord Obli qaes , Semi-Cottage andPiccolo Piano-fortes , with all recent improvements, b y Messrs. Broadwood, Collard , Erari) , Kirkmnn , he. C. A. JONES has a large assortment »f Harmoniums —English and French mako ; Second-hand Pianofortes; English and German Concertinas, in great variety; Violins, Flutes, Cornets, &c , &c. A fino-tonod Organ , with Pedals and modern improvements, New, by Bevington, will be Sol d a Bargain. r£y New Music at half marked price. (my4-3m) MUSIC WAREHOUSE , 120 QUAY. Coffin Factory & Undertaking Establishment No. 1 , ALEXANDEK-STUEET, WATERFORD. TTJICHARD FITZGERALD begs to inform his _lAl numerous Friends , and tho Publio generall y, that he is now prepared to exocuto all Orders in the UNDEETAKIBO BUBINES8. THE SMOKER'S BON BOW . -r^FFECTUALLY removes the Taste nnd Smell of J2A Tobacco from the Mouth and Breath , and renders smoking agreeable and safe. It is pleasant , wholesome, and almost tasteless. Prepared from the original reci pe of an eminent Physician, by a patent process , by SCHOOLING & CO., Wholesale Confectioners , Bern- NAI . GREEN , LONDON. (n23-ly) Cd. and Is. per Box. Post free 7 and 14 Stamps. |Jg* Observe the Name and Trade Mark on each Box. Sold by Chemists , Tobaexuiisti , Grocers , Fancy Shopkeepers, &c, and at THE WATZBFORD N EWS Office. '•Tbe smell of the breath of btrd smokers is by no means pleasant , and tbe taste is disagreeable to the Itnoier himself, especially tli« remains of a previous night' s smoking. One of Messrs. S CBOOUKO' 3 little p ills , which they call the Smoker ' s Bon-bon, dissolved in tbe mouth, not only takes away tbe taste and smell of tbe tobacco, but it leaves nothing in its place but tbe natural breath of the smoker, a great advantage over other preparations we bare tried which merely diigniia the smell of smoke in a strong odour of ipicei almost as offen- sive. Maura. SOHOOMKQ' S iuvention is thoroughly effectirs , and so far as we eaa disover from a brief trial , in every war agreeable in use. " Dnbig hshin TtUgraph, Oct. 4 , 1886. SUFFER NO LONGER CURE yourself speedily, safely, and effectually of SPERMATORRHOEA , WASTING Dig. CHARGE8 , NERVOUS DEBILITY, STRICTURE , and UNFITNESB for MARRIAGE. Full particulars Bent free for One Stamp. Address , H: JAKU, Esq., Percy House, Bedford square , London. N.B. —Acting for the Sole Inventor and Patentee , I am compelled to caution the publio against a self>styled doctor who cop ies this Advertisement. ' ifl.6ni * ) NERV0O8 DEBILITY, and all NERVOUS AF- FE0TIONS, whether the result of earl y errors or otherwise,, are by very simple and inexpensive means quickl yo«urW'in both France and Germany. The adver- tiser, a retiliAt in this country, will be happy to send free 4 to all" applioants full particulars of the mode of treatment there adopted, on receipt of a directed enve- lope. All persons may cure themselves, and thus not run tbe lisk of being victimised. Address Mons. A, DOVAL , 13, Newmarket-street , Birmingham. HEALTH AND MANLY VIGOR. —A Medical Man of 20 years' experience in the treatment ot NERVOUS DEBILITY, 8 permatorrb(a and other af- fections which are often acquired in earl y life, and unfit sufferers for marriage , and (Other BOdaldntlei , has pub- lished a Book giving tho full benefit of bis long expe-. rience gratis, with plain directions for tbe recovery of Health and 8trengtb. A siflg l* copy sent to any ad- dress on receipt of one Stamp. - Aduess to the Secre- tary, Institute of Anatomy, Birming ham, (jl-j) %,!•, ' , i ).. - H ,\ftsh ,i..; ,Jftf i£rr i, .^ifi «l: :•;¦ ¦ , •; i«i-#ti ; .!iM.v/ ». .,,.i ,i<am. tSB O^jaOTffBBS , ; oi iMteUAJlO1? fc»" A«f ra ^ f i Bieningiit le 4O» flwsmbe^.^fti'X ] iranrVOltdL 1 •"" ' " and.wiU lx coriinuedatihe aaae hour . in Wodne^lJW^' '" lVaf hmi K^ i^,:, v.:: " ;, "' ' ^1, ' r . ,A.;!LADifes ' Cuisa , ' iO^. the , sam| .fnbject , w OT btf ' r .opened on THuisDitEvenipg, Gt^Deoember , at TBBIS ' : : o 'Olock , a^d vrHl bo . oontinuc^on itoiday* and ThnrU' -:- "' ¦days (vt the tama^ovx.t , , ' . ' , ' •: ' .- " ' . "'""" . '' , ' ' '' ! "' . FEB—6s. for the CbuMe, payable in advahdei "• •"¦ •. ' ' ¦ The; lectures . willWlllMlrated by numeronfl nnd 1 ' -••' interesting Experiments^"' ' . •' < ¦ ¦¦ ' . ¦ ' . - An Examination ' wilt Wheld b y th« Department, jn ,. . ' May, on the results of whioh Medals and Frizes mil , . be awarded according to merit. ' ,. , ' ^odel School, gSth . yor., J807. : ' " (a6-8t). ' ' COHViENT OF THE GOOD 8HEPHEBJ). ; rt\as ' . ilUNS of thV GOOD SHEPHERD xeirne* X' Ailfr solioit tbe v Charitable Public of Watorfor to. eootinne - their 'kind'•Patronage' b y sanding thel WASHING and NEEDLE-WORK to the MAGDALEN A8YLUM, the proceeds ' of which are .tht onrytmeans Df support for Seventy poor ' destitute Femalea under their care. ' ' ' ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' ..<. : -..v.i \ ,' ,..; ¦ , v " . : . ^T'AIJ who kindly aid In this great work of Charitr ,. will nnd pabtedly draw down: upon themselves 1 , the blessing of Him "who came, not to call the just , 'bttt slnnora. ' 1 ! ' [o25- PRiyjft-TE LE SSONS in FRENCH. MON& HENkl GALIBERT (French MaBter i tbe Univeraity School); )B at present FORMIN an EVENING CLASS for Young Glentlemen. A 8B 0 LECT QLAB? for LADIES in the Morning: For Terms , &c, apply at the University 8onool, or at 18 BridgeistrBet. . : ' ' (ril5-tf) j NEW IMPORTATION OF .... Pianofortes and ¦ , Harmonioma. PIANOFORTE ABD MUSIC WAREHOUSE, 93 QUAY, WATERFORD. PARTIE8 about to Purchase or Hire Pianofortes are respectfully solicited ' to inspect the NEW STOCKj just arrived, and selected personally byF. T. HOWARII at the factories of COUABD & CoUABD, BEOADWOOO, KIBKHAH , C ADBT , &C, now in his Ware- rooms, surpassing any former importations for TOUCH, TONE, | and FINISH , which will bo aold on highl y p dvantagoous terms to buyers. [js21-6m] Pianofortes and Harmoniums for Hire by tbo Week, Month,(or Year, or on the Three Years ' system. ' ' ' >A11 How Mnsio half price. Parcels received daily. Qenerkl VICTUALLING ESTABLISHMENT. ' 17 , GEORGE'S STREET. JOHN STAFFORD T>EQS to inform tho Nobility, Clergy, nnd Gentry jjyj of Watorford and snrronnding districts , that he HA^ OPENED HIS NEW VICTUALLING E8TA- B J.ISHMENT, AT ljf GEORGE'S STREET, ' where h' c offers for Sale ' the very Best description of BEBF ; MUTTON , PORK , AND VEAL. ®- AU Joints Cut . to Snit Purchasers. , J. Si , in returning thanks to his numerous suppor- ters] for the veTy largo share of patronage whioh they accorded him during the long period he has been in business , begs to assure them that in his New Esta- blishment thoy will find it their intorest to continue that sn ' pport. f^7 The Establishment will be open from Seven ia the Morning until Nina at Nig ht. OBSERVE - . —General Victualling Establishment 17 ffeoroe ' * Street. dJ2. tl JOHN STAFFORD , PBOEBIBTOB. COONEY'S BROWN MUSTARD IS Universally acknowledged to be a FIRST CLASS ARTICLE, unrivalled for STRENGTH, PURMY, ¦ ond FLAVOUR. : (mh8-«ow) r^- Sold by Grocers, Drugg ists; &c. . . Manufactory— S TEAM Mats, B ACK L AM«, DUBLIN. - Ferrybank Timber and Coal Stores. fTVHE Undersigned have at present on. SALE- a SPRUCE and PINE Tlf '^T I TV II P * n 11 ifiisi Ill^fi snimi ~* ~~ breadths. .- . : :(o6-tf) DOWLEY BROTHEBS. TO COUNTRY TEA DEALBBS TEA DEALERS in the COUNTRY, who can my ^asa'ws sssas ws SpLIED with SDGAB, at COST PRICE , and . ujo, ¦ih'icb no Profit whatever is charged, fiamples will be sent free. , and postpaid, on app lies. - E PEOPLE'S TEA> 2 B. per lb TH _:— - f!T£FHENS & CO. D T partioalar attention to the above, aa com- . .. igflHalityjjith great strength, at lowest pos- binu '^ cg^c agcommend it as a Tea tha t will Bible price, a ' wjto» to consumers , and be equal to igive every sai < ve now n aying more money, that for which tb e/, . ^^^ ^W be forwarded to any To induce a inaf , &. 4 ee on app ncation. address , gratis and post t ''PHENB & CO., SAMUEL STt and 87 SOUTH GREAT 2 , PARLIAMENT STREET T, DUBLIN. J GEORGE'S 8TREE. ^ TEA FINES T BLACK ^ letopraoBra TSSSSaS?^ ^ PER POUND , which is the choicest and molt . "^ imported, and nnmiied with anv other desoriptian. ' - {and!" 6 " ' ^uKTEPH^sTcr °D b " BALLINAKILL NURSERY. WATEBFOSD. W POWER begs to offer a large and well-grown Stock of the undernsmed TREES, &o, cheap ; LARCH, SCOTCH , SPRUCfc , SILVER , FIR ; AUSTRIAN and WEYWOUTH PINE, ALDER, BEECH, ELM , HAZEL , SYCAMORE, PRIVET, THORNS, HORSE and SPANISH CHESTNUT , LARGE EVERGREENS, CONIFERS , 4o. DWARF, PYRAMID , ^ STANDARD FRUIT TREES. al] Fine fe' eakail and Asparagus Boots. [8t SEED WAREHOUSE , 25, KING-STREET. THE NEW ROSS MAIL CAR WILL BTABT from COMMINS'S HOTEL , QUAY. WATEBFORD , at 7.0 a.m, until further Notice. [nS-tf] . Baud Ignarus Mali Miseris Buecuriore Disco mo THE NERVOUS AND XNDISCBEKK-Con. X suit Dr. H AMMOND (of ihe Lock Hospiul , fco.) F.R.A.S., F.A.S., F.S.A:, Member of the College ox PhysioianB and Surgeons, No. 11, Charlotte-street, Bed/brd aqaare , I OB &OD, V C, on all th<w« Ailment* which tend to embitter and shorten Life , and especially on Nervous , Mental , and Physical Debility. At home 9 till 2, and 6 till 8. Bundaye 10 till 13. . The " Self. Curative Guide, " port f ree, two jumps. K,E-Ler. ters , with details of cases , promptly replied to. For distinguished Qualifications vidt Di plomat. N.B. Recent cases cored in a few days. 3reiicataine4for all vko iutd <i. Bind full partwulan with i%reeted envelope and adviet Kill b* sent bt vost. JUST PUBLISHED (free to any iSdieiiT « MEDICAL GUIDE , which contalna fnll dlreo. tioos and Prescriptionj for tbo recover? of BetdOt sod Manhood , Nervous Debility, and all private diseases , can be cored with secrecy snd aafety, b y following the directions in this book.' Particulars are also given of a ipeciflo for the cure of various Female Complaint* , ud advice to females on important matters, . Addre&sMBDicus , 44 Great Cborlet-street , Birming- ham, who may be consulted daily, ia oonfidence. ' Bets* bllahed 30ye&rg. . ' (jv8-tf) IMPORTANT TO ALL—GIVEN AWAY TO NERVOUS SUFPBBBRa—B, SMITH , M.D., of the University of Jena, haa jut pub- : lishert, for the benefit of all : Iferroni ' Snfferen/ a FREE EDITION of his valuable work , THB WABNING VOI0B . TO YOTJJIO MEN (130 pages). - A Medical Work on the core of Nervous) Debility, Seminal Weakness , Dimness of Sight , Lati- tude, Indigestion , DUUke to Society, Spermatorrhoja , . Local Weakness, Muscular Relaxation , Laagotur , IisU lcsslets , Depression , &c , which , if negMeted , retnlt In Consumption , and premature Death ; ¦ with, plala direc- tions for perfect restoration to health and vi gour.;^: . ' ' " Before wasting time in seeking aid from the ' aoieelled ' remedies WITHOUT MEDICINE , read Dr^SaUTkV invaluable work , i which ii lUuitreted Trith teiesaM . contains bis hi ghly snccessfnl and only taie ttetwea^, - with plain directions 'for peifectreitorailoato . hiajtfci J : Bent post free to any addrei* , on ' .the reodrA^tiroi. , pOlftge stamps. Letters of enquiry or detaila of •*• ' ; prtoaptly antwered. - " ¦ i '' . ' . - '^i f ^^^.0 N. B. -.Addresj , 'Dr. - SMITH, '8 BMfoa.OjyjjfjtBi ^i
Page 1: snap.waterfordcoco.iesnap.waterfordcoco.ie/collections/enewspapers/WNS/... · .a roL.;.'.XXi ^o."ll —^gi^ERFORD NEWS. «. ^ ^~,.f tid*y Etenmg mi 49 King street. TH «« P««;


roL.;.'.XXi^o. "ll—^gi^ERFORD NEWS.«. ~,.f tid*y Etenmg mi 49 King street

. TH«« P««; YEARLY (IN ADVAKCE ) 13S* \STS. ; YEARLY, 17.. 4d; : '

E KT * 8» ° * B A L E o » T H E N E W SMM0«.o—Mr. WK. KSLLT, Little GwrgoVrt.'iroic—Mrs. KEAHNET, Confectionary pill.

,«i—Mri, F1K0BRAJ.D, Commercial Hotel,

s-SiW—Mr. J. M.Mt'pruT, News AgentWH—Mr. TKOKAS BISHOP, Hotel. ¦

-Mrj W. DAWSOK, Grocer.—Mr. Gonwui.-Printar. _



¦M S : ' - ¦' • • ¦



, J&cL THE Proprietor of THkL *8f 1 NEWS having1 TB«di

I I A\/->. Us Printing Concerns tod' gfgPW8' !-* itowooa-Book; iMuv&atarji

OS/ MLM l"01 W &ny jn the Provinces,jEST y?*' by. the .introducUtp ot ,newPfeft' 'Pa&atMA.csnnKR'f, Improved^Wj' ' ' VRissis, constant gtrpptieB ofy \ •• '¦ the l&ust and most approved

I . Stjleof . NEw TTTIS, and aPaging Machine for Account

cpared to execute every specie* of•ER-PRBSS PRINTING,LAIN AND ORNAMENTAL,> that will not, h« feels confident,, fail toion,EXPEDITIOUSLY, AND ELEGANTLY.IMS used in WORKHOUSES »nd DISPEN-Prices in The News Printed List, which mij

<ad oi. 'liotion.AMPHL£TS, CATALOGUES, and all other BOOK-

IRK, in a manner equal to any house. Specimens mayten at the Office.LENTALS, LEASES, and all iindi of LAW FORMS.

OSTING and HAND-BILLS, in BlacV or Colored IuVt.iness and Address Cards ; (Delivery and Receipt Books ;culars and Invoices ; Books and Perms for Railwayitom-Houte Forms; - and Steamship Companies :;ter, Note, and Account Freight and Shipping Notes ;Headings ;"' ' ' Insarance & Mercantile Formsjkers' Weekly Circulars; Forms and Notices for Spiritwnbroktrs'Tickets; Lio oscs ;si and Bottle Labels, in an; Reports of Meeting*, Scr-:olor required ; roons, tx ;sines:1 Announcements ; Dill-Headings and Parcel La-ictiontefs' Catalogues and bcls at prices to soit all ;Particulars of Sale ; And, in short, every descrip-eck-Boolts and Check-Tick- tion of Printing, Plain o(its of every kind ; Ornamental.Orders from neighboring towns attended to with pnnctu-ty and accuracy.IC3 " ACCOUNT B00K8, with or without printed head";», made is a superior manner, strongly bound, and Pagednsecutivelr, alternately, or in duplicate, when required.All orders with which tbe Proprietor may be favored shallperformed with the utmost NEATNESS, ACCUBICT, and

tSTATcn, and at prices exceedingly moderate, tbe quality' the work considered.



On Sale at The News Office ,With the Recommendation of the Bishop of Waterford and

Lismore, the Right Rcr. Dr. O'BHIBB,)

i Catechism for the Instruction of Children,BT THE

llTOST Rev. Dr. JAMES BUTLER, Archbishop oiHI. Oaehel and Emly.Printed on good Paper, and in large dear Type.

RECOMME NDATION.approve of this Edition of tbo Right Tier. Dr.

'a* w BOTLCR 'B Catechism, snd recommend it to theWthfal of these Dioceses.

<« ifc D. O'BRIEN, R.C.B.«• Waterfcrd Jnne S, 1868."ICjP Orders from any part of the Diocese, sent In

ad directed, to C. REDMON D, Printer and Publisher

Titerf ord New * Office , 40 King"-street, promptly al-

luded to. The Trade supplied on moderate terms.

May be had Retail from every Catholic Bookseller in

h* Diocese.

Irish Frieze Woollen Factory,OABRICK.ON.80IB.

NICHOLAS KENNY, Proprietor, pledges himsel lthat no material ia used in making hit FBIEZE,


Some doubts baing expressed in certain quarter* ar:o tho GENOINESS of those articles, from the lownices at which they are offered.and also as to whetherhey could bo brought to the FINISH here, therebynsinuat'mp that they may bo English-made Goodsold aa Irish, I feel called apon to state, that I SELL

»o GOODS BUT xt OWN MAKE, all made and finishedin my FACTORY, at MILLVALE

TheWoik in the DIK -HOUSE ia carefully attendedto and all colours done in Flannel, at well aa LADIES'DRESSES, in SCABLIT, MAGENTA , Bum, BLUE,GREEN , BLACK , YELLOW, AC, &C.

Millvale Mills, Carrick-on-Suir, 1867. 027- tf



I To the very core and centre of all diseases whichaffect the human body, this remarkable preparation»netrates It disappears under the friction of theBand as salt disappears when rubbed upon meat. Theunitucnt performs its healing errand rapidly, safely, andtwithout pain. Simple eruptions, open sores, hardamours, scrofulous developments of all kinds, abscesses,cancers old wounds, and. in fact, every spece. of in-flammation or suppuration, whether in the skin, theflesh, the glands , or among the mu»cle», can be arrested

i« its destructive course and permanently cured withoutdanger! by rabbin* in this inestimable Ointment.

BAD L*«, BiD BB«AITS, SORBS AND ULCERS.^In many Hospitals in Europe this celebiatcd remedy isiow used for the oure of old wounds, aores , and ulcers ;a Spain and Portugal, and in many parts of Italy, thebit Physicians regularly prescribe its use. It i» ilOTereiitnremedy for bad breasts and bad legs ; and like-wise for all akin diseases. It is to be found in the chestof nearly every sailor

^soldier, and emigrant.

^PILM, FISTDX*», SmiCTUKEs —Tbe above class ofcomplaints is surely removed by nightly fomenting theparti with warm water, and then by most effectuallyrubbing in this Ointment. Persona suffering fromthese direfal complaints should lose not a moment in

;'arre.tiug their progress. It should be understood thatit is not auffiotent merely to smear the Ointment on theaffected pmrta.but it must be well rubbed in for some'considerable time two or three times a day, that it may"be taken Into the system, whence it will remove any'hidden lore or wound as effectually as though it werepalpable to the eye. Bread and water poultices, afterthe rubbiug in oi the Ointment, w!ll do great aerviceThis is the only proper treatment for females in cases ofcancer in the stomach, or for those who suffer from a

.generalbearing dowDv o n _. lurRODENciBg or YOUTH—SOHK S AND ULCERS.—

JMotohes, aa also swellings, can with certainty be radi-,cally cured if the Ointment be used freoly, and the'Fills takes night and morning as recommended in theprinted instructions. When treated in any other waythese complaints only dry up in one place to break outin another.; whereas tbia Ointm ent will remove thehumour from the system, and leave the patient a vigorousand healthy being. - It will require time, aided by thetise of the Pills, to insure a lasting cure.

) DirTKsaiA, Bkoncurris, SOHE THROATS, COOOHS,

f.HD COLDS—Any of the above rlassof diseases may becured by well rubbing the Ointment three times a day

i {?» ' 1<1<! *kl0 •"er'ftig tbe throat, chest, and seek of

\T ''iticnt The vngaenl will soon penetrate the pores¦jV1* ve immediate relief. To allay the fever and lessentam»fi»tion, eight or ten Pills should be taken nightMfmirtd ag- The Ointment will produce perspiration,Ichdaiio essential far removing fevers, sore throats ,

' "¦- • ¦ —i»". »f <Vi 4«l which orl.B frnii.y *** tbj>K pppreamonB.ui im BH« mucu vm nm.i

A^Vit, Brotvjhitia,au-) other causes.Bl>t % Ouitrrfent, and Pills thould be wed in tht

. < ' : f g dowing catet :—\A H Ji - Chl«/o-foot Finula. Sore-throat

. •»»'•*• •\C»ilfi»iaa-' Oout Skindi«»««->Baro« i ... ;»K,pntdhandi Gtandula rSweUlnRkScurvy

•^ol«et-- .-Ca», i . Pile, Turaoun•> i'4H,"l4j SWwC »nd Rheumatism Ulcer.

VI" n v ">iBtI Sc»ld « y °ani '-t*y..L p'J'SS"'' S«" NiPpl«« Yaw.il*ftt the •EstabUrVmW)t ot professor HOLLOWAT•3>rW(hearTenrA, t ) Tendon ; also, at Tht¦urfHSce, 4B King strej. Wnterford. and by all res.¦ !»/ r^KIst,8 and De4'«a in Medicines, throughou

'fadI world, «.the.fo\v,wjD, prices :-ls. l}d>»- tfd., Us.,12s., and33a" each Pot.- There

•^Uerable javinB <>» taking the larger gi.es.A-rJirections forthefujdanceof nttienUin erer?tii affixed to each Pot.


I \

• ¦

4 4

I ¦


; : . :.. :;'SHTt» TN-&v -: ;j - :^j y j ^ ^r psj ) QBi) ## j j u wnf f f - f / A m wes,

'(..ftjj ., .VTOTICl r%e\»'aterfotds4m(iWp«QPV^^. -*^ 'Comt r receive Goodt.'for '&ipmeht^KLlN3-onthe rol!o ig T«m»(nIy*-^he(r»Mrv*4Z9HX fc»th«.right t ins l*a«y, not by irticnlarVeSK>n STiberty to T< iEips and caU at MrToff i ,and iU'bo b»aocoutihrt*! Ihjtirietor losses arijtigfrtmdelay, aooii ents.qj ti»5ea g^rera, Fjre,..t,b<> .fiDt'. nemies,,de.fec ive Navintton, icci4enU from any oler cause,nor (orany lostrwfalcfa.tnigU M%e«B eoiered bylsarknes,Bor for Lfe« k»g», Sreaktae, i idititn. Qnslitl. pr, At^nts. ofsmy Parcel or Packages, nt • ipecially entered ttt ai va.itm'Ptti thVfiHL "QM M it'rnnoved to be 8t4d atitbtrisk andexptnu of .the£onj i»aj. .. ,. .- . :, i , f. .. . ' i ,„, All Goods will be conside as subject to a dernl lienaodh ldni)tAhlyf*irUgh 'tts sanft,bat fotjl Arrears-of Freight. Storag«, otj«Jhi iurrgre* .dn» by tblmpcrter,Owaer. or Uonsignees to tho impany I' ¦• 'V7/[T*BTOB»' 'Nir R'rsT't:' •" • '• •-:• <Hwy,- or otbert iM«'Vess«V diwctTFrom 'WBtfertord to Brutq) : Prptn Bpsto) to \lerford.;Tnasday, Jan. 7, ... 4 Aft Friday, Jta. 3,fit MoraTneiday, 14, .- 10 «• Wd»y, , „ 1«,J« Mora .Toesdsy, •• 21, ... * Alt Friday, „ V.iU MoraTnwl.f' |» » 2' * 'Jin Mfcy, • , »«:i«''Mor B

• . , . . . , Fj'Jayi . M . 3l>] Oi Horn

' From Waterford t» Bristollyrtw Bristol toklsrford,Diteot.. . . ., catliw at Pombi*Dock.

Friday, Jan. 3,... loWoh SSJ, Jaa. 1« 0 MoraFriday, ,, 17, „ 10 Mon 'aesoaj, ¦ ,„ , sa 8 UaraFridtj. „ 31, ... 10 Mori I. t^*

Oh Early" Mernrog 8sKDgs, tbe Cabb Ihe Steam-

ers will bej Open to receive Pa rage's arrivinEin Londonby the NiKhtMail Train. ' J

Cabin Fare, Its. Od.; Ser nti and Child, 10>. Od.Return do., 26s, | or with lil rty to return |m DublinCork, or Wcxford, 31a. 6d., S ward's fw infed; Deck7s. 6d. . Females attend the X lies' Cabin1. • J

WA.TE B P O R D AMD HVET00L.: Camilla , Vtitd and ZtpkfrA

TEOM WATZRIOHO: TB0H IIJFOOL:Friilav, in. 3, -1 Aft'nMdar, . J.n. I .„ a Alt'nTuiidsr, i, 7, ~lo Morn aesdaj, „ I — B MornFilday, „ 10, _tl Mora Jriday, „ /-.10 MtfrnTuesday, „. K. .-10 Morn tejdty, „ I ... 1 Aft'cFrid.r, „ 17, ... 1 Affn l lday, „ I ... 3 AffnTaeiday, - „ SI , —10 Moro ' lesday, „ I ... I MoraPridir, . „ 24, ...11 Horn I Ida*, „ L ...10 MornTutsdsi, ,, 28, ...10 MornTcsdiy,' „ I , ..It NoonFriday. ' ,. 31, ~ 1 Affn F Iday, „ 1, _. 2 Affn' Cabin Fare, IBs. j Servants ai 1 Children,!.; Deck, 7s,8d. ; Children. 4s. Females at od tie La« Cabin.

Goods received at Clarence Drik. * IW A T E R F O K D ASf D, LOf ON.

Aurora, Seta, Aura, or ithsi eligihresscls.PROH WiTXttFOBD : f ,'lEOHf DOB t

Thursday Jan. 3 ... '2 Afin'n IWedaoday Ja] 1, ... 8 MornThur.dir' ,, » ... » Altn 'n W«In«Jay 18, „; 8 HornTbur.djj „ IS 1... i Afin'n \V»d«sdij 15, ... 8 MoraThursday „ 23 ... 2 Aftn'n Wtdaaday P2,... 8 MornTbnnday .. 3« _.O Aftrt'n 'Welatiday f », — 8 Mora

Cabin Fare, 20s. ; Deck, 10s. [LOADIXO BBBTna.-—London—Britisbaroretgn Steam

Wharf , Lower East Smithfield, ind WlKent Wharf,Sonthwark. ]" WATERF ORD AND PLiftUTH.

Aura, Banger, Aurora, or other el|> Vessels.IBOH WATBHJOED: JR0*f?0I'IoHJ/. I.

Thnrtday Jan. 2, ... I Afl»;»|J||»Way, I 2. -• « *"» «Tharwlav „ 9, ... « Afta'a TbttWay, I». - » Art" rThnrtday „ 16, ... 2 Aftn'n Tburtaj, K-- -5 tlln'II'hnrsdsr „ 30, ... a *ftn'nlTbn»d«r,J». ••• 8 "*¦•

Cabin Fa"e,20s.; Deck. 10s. Ta\ing*for FalmoutbSouthampton, Portsmouth, and plases a*t.

W A T E BF O R D AND] BfAST.' Aura, Btta, Aurora, or othc «1*» Vessels.

: nbu WATIRIO*D : . IBT*,Llf"Ii «r. .Saturday. Jan. « , ... J Aftn 'nfTuesfcy, J 7, ... 5 Alto «8«mrd*y, „ II ... a AUnWoesby, P«. - R

l AitB "Saturday. „ 18, ... 8 Artn'nSaes*;, PJ, «• • *£*fS»tarda*. „ M. - * Afln«n|roe»(ky, ]W. •¦< » «°o»Cabiu Jfare. ... 16s. . Deck, ... 7i iflCbildren, ... 4s,

W A T E B F O R D AND 'IF ROSSFROM WATIRTOBD—Daily, 8nndafi«f»d, at 8.15 r.Tt.FROM N»W Ross—Daily, Sandayi «|«> at 8.30 A.M.

W A T E B F O R D AND Dt|ANNON.FBOM WAitMORD-Daily, Sunday, ?ted, at 3.16 P.M.

FROK DOHCAHNOK—Daily, Sunday ptea, at 8.15 A.H.Berths secured and every informato en by theAgents.

Brittol—The General Steam Pactt >ee. Liverpool—Waterford Steam Ship Company, Brunswick-street,Washington Bnildings. London—b llI.G.RoBlir«oir,20 Mark Lane; British and Foreijp m Whart LowerEast Smith6eld, and W«t Kent WI tenthwarf


R. HlNDBBaox * Soss, Donegal (J LJeWMJAnd at the Company's Office.the MJ WATSBFORD.


D A I L Y C O M M U T A T I O N(Sundaye Excei)


Via W&terford and Milford Hafaoonnection withEipress Trains on the Gr»t iern, Boutli WalesWaterford and Limerick, rTa*rd and Kilkenny,and other Trains in the 8ouihlreliuid.a — fTIHESE Fast t/ell-appointed Steam-

UllJHr -¦¦ era, cairyinTl if aje8ty's Mails, SailSSSRj^^Daily (Sudavs eifl , .jklMjljgr FBOM WAT»7I—From the AdelphiWharf, immediately after the ali>f the Limerick Trainst four o'clock in the AfternoojJchiDff Milford Haven(wind ind weather permitting) |« to enable Passengersto proceed by the 8 60 a:m. EIJ W to London, reach-ing

PPa4diogton about 6 16p.m d Class Passengers w.ll

be forwarded by the Through -m. train to London.-PasMngersamFing at Milford n on Sunday morningswill leareper tbe 9 16 a.m. Tn . H A H

From NVwMlMOBD, from Railway P.er at 7.46a m, Sundays excepted, after tl |val of the 9 16 a.m bx.press and 8 0 a.m. Trains from 'ngton Station London,reaching Watcrford (wind and >er permit Ung-to secureth7dep!rture of the 6 0 a.m. to l,.menck Cork, andSouth of Ireland ; and the 11. "niDublin. Passengers by the 6 Third Class Train fromPaddinuton will also bo co.ive|? these Steamers at Re-duecd iUtes. F l Class and 2nd Class

Cabin. and SaloonWaterford to Padding! • «8- 4°s 'Limerick to do. » «*«• *7'-Kilkenny to do. •• ««• **3-

3rd Class and Deck, Wa< i to Undon, 24s. 6d.R BTOBN Tic«BTS~Fro iterfcrd to London Ox-

ford , or Reading, 1st class M'<X«». "»• ! 2nd Classand cabin 60. - „„„„„„,

IABBS BT SHA«» Cabin ^

Waterford to Hilford...l2. •• . 18s. Od. ll».3d.PasingerVwith 2nd Cbu f» can exchange from the

Cabin to the 8aloon on payn ' »•• Co. eacb.Through Ticket, allowi ng W«» to break the journey

may b« bad atPaddington R ' st5^0B'«1

1!Jr*Jtb?J 1™t"ClassStatioasof the GrestW '«**?."> Wa

W^"ford and Limerick, and Wai ™d Kilkenny

RBaJirays ;

alw, at the Offices of Messr *•«» * C»-. 3«; Cann°n-

street, London, and Milford » , Station or

ojMr. M. DOWHET, Quay anl b.'.Wharf'

™ateSora-..Juir. ill, iAj nnBi , <<UHJ ai r-- -• . - ---„ ,RtwM Tickets, avails ' 8° days, at a Fare and

Iwo-thirds for the Double J 7> «« «asn»d at Waterford,Limerick, Tipperary, Kilki **.

' The Sea Voyage V Sevm Uy MUei.CatUeand Live Stock of "ids sent. by these Vessels

ara at Shipper's RUk. Qo d Cattle, ParceU, Fish, Ac,will bejeonveyed by these i » at Low Rates, which canbelearied on application at ' th» Railway Stations, or toMessrq. JACKBOH & Co., K 5|o WNFY '"' *"d

Adelphi Whart, an tom-hoose Quay, Waterford




*tin laMVi/iT»^ !! f°"-P0Wcre British Iron

FRAsi* Grace 1 HMTBHA, Catting.... 326TBI QOIB» Grotan. 1 PBH»s«,TAiiu1Lewit..2873EWOITKB, Thomson..;.! VMOMU , Prowse 2876E«ii *HaU I 1 D»»H4Bjr.,Thonipson...2870Will be despatched" ftoiijWg'jf N** Y?tk " fol!°"« !ERIN J« Wednesday, Jan. lit, 1868.FRASCE ;;; ;j« ^

>u&< im- ?ih, »

VIROINIA ... I.. Wednesday, Jan. loth „And from Qnt"a l "B 'ollowmjr days.

Tlie Saloon accoatnol on b»rd these Steamer, i. vuysuperior. Bate of ptl fr«n Liverpool to New York ,Eighteen Guinea.. Rl licked, Twenty-eight Guineas.

There is excelleit Jmodation for 8teer.ge Passen-«rs, and a foil «uply *>ked Provisions served op by tbeCompany's Stewads. I _

Passengers bookd «b to Aipinwall , San Francisco,the inland towns )f », and oj the United 8tale», onfavourable terms. 1

For Frei(tbt or Pu#PPly toTH» NATIO»i§« 8BI» C0MPA5T (LlMITBD),

14,The Albany, Oisf > and 23, Water-streer, Liverpool ;To N. and J. Cmf 'and |Btoa Qneen.town i to •Mr. Mo«pnr. MUN1! Csrrick<n-Soir ; or to tbef i g e t f o r Jf-]rfJ-MICHAEL DOWNEY, TboUtlltT* / | _^

ELECI'BICIP LIFE.—HEALTH and MAN-HOOD pjbBED (without Medicine).—Curt

yourself by tH#nt Self-Abutting Curative andEUctric Belt.M * speedily and permanently nervousand physical ffr, lassitude, depression of spirits,lot. of energy/sjpetite, pains in the back and limbs,timidity, and listrust, dimness, love of solitude,groundless fetMpitation of tbe heart, noises in thehead and carflcit'0D > impaired sight and memory,indigestion J)ro«tratioD, which are immediatelyarrested andl- S«n 'on receipt of One 8tamp byH. JAHIS H(Medioal Electrician to the LondonHospiuls)' I House, Bedford-aquare, London.

CADTIOMI-Ji«ine «'one can never cure. N B.—In proof of tficaoy herein advocated, " the Reme-dies" can tf 1 *nd tested free of charge. Befernee* to the Pf Pby sielaM of the day.

: -' I • '.J,'A'N;;0;ART,- .,18 88 ',. - ' - " -

¦¦¦ . .. j ^ TE 'H X l ' Cp U My N l C A T I O N - . . . .Betw«e i° Qlaagow.'cbrk, and Waterford,QvptWP ods at Through Rates to LipHpicK, TirriBABT,

CARtB, JiOHIIl CARBtCK-OIt-SrjIB,. KUXJHST, AD-' BETfcfctJ and MABTBOBQuaH. -• ' .(¦'

..,..ij '• *• '

- • ' " •" ' ¦'

¦ • ' • ¦¦• - •

-1*1 -t rflHE New and Powerful Screw• Vs«£ v X ' Steamers " KJNSALE," "SALTEE,"Vg»J _V"8ANDA," "TU8KAB .".or '.other First-Bfljp Sty OUn Vessels, are intended U Sail as under

lunTeM prarentcd by any unforeseen circumstance), witb orwi»ho«» |PJ|of., and' with' liberty' to Tow Vessels, and torender Aasktanc* to Vessels in, Distress:'-* 'FROM OllASGOW (Clyde-street Ferry, at One o'Clock.p.tn

'¦"' iod by Bail to Grtenock at fl p.m., each date), to.Cork and WaUrford Friday, 27th Dec,Waterforil and Cork.;. ' Monday, 30th „Cork and Waterford '... Friday, ' 8rd Jan.Waterford'sid Cork... iloadsy,' 6th „Waterfordjand Cork Wednesday 8th H-Ootk an< ' ?aterford... Friday, 10th „Watsrfotd and Cork Monday, I3th „Waterfordlsoa-Cori.. Wednesda*,16th „CarKn* 7aterford «• Friday, 17th „WaUrford and Cork Monday, 20th „Waterfotdland Cork Wedne»day 2n4 „Cork and W«t«rford... • Friday, . 24th „Waterlord'and Cork... ... ' ... Monday, 37th „Waterford and Cork... ... ... Wednesday^9tb „

• ¦> I FROM CORK TO'Waterforf atd Glugow. ... To«»4ay, Slsi D««, 5 p.BGlasgow (directjl ... ... Friday, 3rd Jan., 10 a.mWsterfonl' ud QUtgow ... Taadsy, 7tb „ 12 n nGlasgow (direct) Friday, 10th „ 2 p.mGlasgow (direct) Monday, 13th, „ 4 p.mWatarford. and Glasgow ... Tuesday, 14th „ 4 p.mGlasgow (direct) Friday 17th „ 10 a.mGlasgow (direct) Monday, 20tti „ 12 n'uWaterford and Glasgow . ... Tuesday, 21st „ 12 n'nGlasgow (Direct) ... Friday, 84th „ 1 p.mGlasgow (direct) ... ... Monday, 87th „ 3 p.mWaterforofandGJaigow ... Tuesday, S8tb „ 4 p.mQlasftow (direct) ¦ Friday. 31st „ 6 p.mQlasgow (direct) „. ... Monday, 3rd Feb., U a.tn

" ' FROM.WATERFOR'DTOCork and Glasgow Wednesday, 1st Jan., lp.mGlasgow (direct) lhursday, 2nd „ I p.mCork and Glasgow ... - ... Wednesday 8th „ 1 p.mGlasgow (direct) ... ... Thursday, - 6th „ l p.mCork and Glasgow ... ... Friday, 10th „ 1 P-mCorlt and Glasgow Wednesday, 16th „ l p.mGlasgow (direct) Thursday, 16th „ 1 p.mCork and Glasgow Friday, 17th „ 1 p.mCork and Glisgow Wedaraday,22ud „ 1 p,mGla.gow (direct) Thursday, 23rd „ 1 p.mCoik and Glasgow Friday 24th „ 1 p.mCork and Glasgow Wednesday,29th „ 1 p.mBlaiigow (direct) Thursday, 30th. „ 1 p.mCork asd Glasgow .„ ... Friday, 31st „ 1 p.m

FARES :-Glaigow to Waterford or Cork...Cabin, 17s.6d.j Deck, 10s,Cork to Waterford : Cabin, 8s. Od.; Deck, 4s.Saturn Ticket! availalle for otto Month, not transferablt,Glasgow to Cork Or Watcrford...Cabiu, 25s. Od.Waterfoid to Cork ....Cabin, 12s. 6d.; Deck, 6s,

ggj" Tbis is tbe Cheapest Route for Goods to Kilkenny,Killaroey, Tralee, New Rosa, Carrick-on-Suir, . Clonmel,Caber, Tipperary, Mallow, Fermoy, Clogbeen, and the Southof Ireland generally.

For Kates of Freight, &c, apply to— COBK STEAMSHIP

Co., Penrose Quay, Cork ; WATEIVFOBD and LmmcKRAILWAT 0»?IMB, LIHEBICK and KIIKENHY ; GBAHAMBBTMHBR, Greenock ; Taoxas Wnrrs, 2, O«w«ld Street,Glasgow ; or to MICUAEL DOWNEY,

[a»28-tf| 91 Custom House Quay, Waterford.


X N M A N L I N E .ey Carrying the United Stales' Mails.

j^^ . fTIHE COMPANY'S fnll-powercd

(j^ ^gp v A. Steamers

will be despatched

From Ql?EEN5TOWN (CORK) to NEW YORKCITY OF LIMERICK ... Monday 23rd Dec.CITY OF WASHIN GTON... Thursday, 26th „

AND IVEBY TnUBBDAY AKD MONDAY.Cabin Passsgo by the Mail Steamers Sailing every

Thursday, 16, 17, and 21 Guineas, according to the accom-modation.

Forward Passage includes a full supply of cooked Pro-visions.

Patsesgers for Canada, and the United States, bookedthrough on very advantageous terms.

For furtherparticnlarsapplyin B'lfatt to JOHN McKEE,at the Company'. Offi°«» , 100 ViCtorl»-Slr««t| in QM»«w«<<ncn*jto C. AW. D. SEYMOUR it Co.; and in Liverpool toWILLIAM INMAN, 32, Watot-street i or to[all6-tf.l THOMAS HARVEY. Waterford.



I HU1XI OH WIH DAT., KDKDAT I .WATE«ro»D TO rXas'l ft 31 «1 311 2 fc3T5Xj H 43112 43««*«»» *"° cau. Clui.Clau. Cla... Clan Clut. CIM«.MARHO aoUOH .

^ f M ,„

,.M. tJ1

. P.M, r.M.' t ra h m f a r a b m I bra h ra h m

W»wford_rf<}> US 13 50 < JO - - I? 0 -Molllo.vat ...» «J0 110 4 40 - - 12 M -Thomulown .- »« 1 40 S M - — 1 i —Kilkenny -artl 10 0 J 14 « 40 — — 1 40 —

Do. '. Jtp'M X 2 2 0 8 6 0 - - I S O —Abb.jK.lx '12J5 3 3 J M - ~ I » -Mar.boro' <HTM!»40 J M J 0 - - * ° -Mlryboro - .-'fcp : M HM 23 — — 3 it —Duhflr. .°...««r. 3 >5 5 3i » » - - i 30 -

Down TrainsT&AIl") °* WKf.I D*>B. | •UHDAT K

*""°"™" niJIiisiiJi**ay»*diyiai"**;.«« " o Cl*«. Class. Class. Cla... Cla». CIM.. CI.M10 WAT«»rOKD.

^^ A .M . p .M .

p.u. A .M. A.M. A M .h tt ii m b m h m hoi h m b m

Dublin dtp ~ 8 J5 1 U — _ 9 o —M.ryhiiro' artl - Id 14 a 55 — — II 9 —Murybnro' ...dtp 7 0 10 20 3 30 — — 3 30 —Abl.erleix 7 t) 10 40 3 So — — 3 80 —Kilkenny ...arvl 8 B 11 30 4 4o - — < 40 —

Do. dtp 8 I 11 45 4 50 — — 4 50 —rhotnxlown ... 8 C 12 10 3 14 — — 5 14 -MullinaVat ...... 9 8 — IS i — - 5 55 —Kilnueow 9f 1 0 (I I I — — 0 10 —ff. terl.'rj .^arrno 0 l« HI — — | 8 3» —

FAUC— Flr.t Clu Single Tick*!. III. Oil. ; .Second do., ««'leu.; Tbird do., 4>. (t. Koiutii—First Clan, 18s. OJ. ; Seconi]do , 13.., betwen Witorford nn<l Mftryborou Kl1.~ ~ WATERFOltjiTNlTLrMEitlCK UAILWAY? "

Up Trains from Waterford.I IIIIH ON Wir.I 1I>TS. 1 RUNLAti ,

•WATtBroao 1 I a* I 3 I ?* I 5 J 1 J*i. ..« "343I l i l l l k « I f c 2 i a*3 J l *3 1 2 4 3

TO UMKMCi. C|aa clBB, (j,a,, c\ui. Clin. Clan. Cla...A,H I A. M. f.W. r.M . A. M A



BTii h m li m li in h m b m h roWtttthtd..-<Up. 8 I 9 45 2 SO ... 8 30 S 30 _Csrrlck _..¦ 6 4( 10 -JO 3 20 - 8 15 8 ISClonmel 7 li 10 » 4 0 ... 10 0 10 0 _Joncllon....^rt«/ 8 43 13 « 5 10 ... 12 0 12 0 ...DubliO.-orrieof 331 5 35 9 30 .» 430 430 „Cork.-....orr)M/ 1 0 2 0 7 50 ... 2 5 2 5 ...Lim«rick....ari»l » 5U 1 30 6 25 „ 1 30 1 20 ...

Down Trains from Limerick.»ii». OK "til PAV.. I immti.

„,„.,. ~T* 3 I 2» I 4" S5 1 I *•UMHICK 184(1243 142 IS43 I k 2 143 142to w>xcaroBD. C|IU cllll Clul ci^g, cisM Clu. Clau

A.M. . A.K. A.M. ? 'I. f.M. A.M. r M .h m' b m n m bra h m b m T

Limerick itp 8 40 9 45 II V 4 P 10 45 10 45 ' .-JuoctioD..-.-rfV 1 35 10 85 13 0 5 6 12 0 14 0 „Dublin_._...<<v 8 35 1 0 7 45 T 48Cor», in ... ... 8 0 2 45 10 10 10 10 _Clonmel - » 10 I ... 1 3J B 40 2 15 J 15 ...Crrick » 50 ... 1 59 7 50 2 55 S 55 ...W.teilbrtl...oWisM0 35 I ... 2 40 8 0 3 45 3 45

Mall Tr.ini marked with an •itert.k.FlEU-Flnl Cla.. Sngle Ticket, 14a M; Second do. 11 Od ;

Third do, 6. Sd. Be-mrn-Plrrt 0l«.., 21« »d ; Second do. 18. 6d


i a 3 4 5 i « I 7 v T'""'• m m a m p m p m p m I p rn | p m p m pjrs


m h m h i t h r a b m b m h m m hmWTod >8 0 10 45 12 ( «215 4 0 5 30 0 0 .„ ...T'mre 8 0 Ml 15 1 t 315 4 30 *»0 8 30

Bmday Trainse I 7 i 8

""*• t m a m a ml J m p m p m pm p m pm' b i n bm b m hm hm bra hm bm bis

Word >B I IDS 130 130 130 t 0 _. „ ...Tmort » 15 13 4i 2 0 4, 0 «6 U 0 30 „ ...| ...

Tbo.e markid tba. » are mall train..F»MB .—First Olau Sligle Tloket, lod. , lutnrn Ticket, 1.

Seeood Olin Sln.le TlcktOd. ¦ Return Ticket.9d.


Passenger Through Bookings between Water-ford and Dublin (da Limerick Junction, direct.)

TU B Fublio am reapectfnlly informed that on andafter SATURDAY, the 12th OCTOBKR , 1867, in

order to lessen the inoolvenience tbey aro being pnt tcby the Waterford and Kilkenny Company withdrawingtheir Passenger Trains from tho New Station at Water,ford (to an unauthorised place, over one Mile diatatttherofrom), arrangements have boon made for convoyingPassengers, Direct, between Watcrford and Dablin.asabove, at the following Low

F A B E S :BiitoiE JOUBSEV—1st Claaa, 21s 4d j 2nd Class, 15a

lOd; 3rd Class, 9s Id.RETURN JUU HSET —1st Clues, 32a ; 2nd Class, St)« Od

—available for Return within two days after dito ofissue. The Train Service Connexion will be as follows :UP— Watcrfd Dap 1243 Clss 142 CIM 1&2CI. 142 CK

[New Sutionj ... 6.0am O.iSxm 2.60pm / 8J0proPoblin Arrival ... 8 3pm 6J5pin 9.30pm ¦ 4.30<mIJow»—Dublin Dep 7.0am 8.35am 1.0pm . 7,i&mail

Waterl'd Arrl, New Station 8.40pm 8.0pm 3,l£amBy order, THOMAS Am8W0BT£,

SeoreUry and SuperintendentWatorford Terminal, 1st Nov., 1867. (tf;

1 V i .• ¦ . . - ..: . .. ... . . . : . .. . , -\ | . ' ' "•' '" l

* ' 1'1 -ll» I.|.<| !.¦...... >..:< , : . .>t . ,\ \ „ . ) , |>,

A BSTRA-CT oY rtie ACCOUNTS of tb«' WATERFORD ¦SAVINGS* .BANK, for the Year radii*A. NOVEMBER 20th, 1867, transmitted to the Natfqnar Debt| Office,' P'ccctn'oer; 20th,- 1887 ;~ ¦' ¦

^. . . . ' . ; • ¦"

¦"• ¦ o? it a a o E .1 • ¦ • - i • • ' •

To Balance due on Nor. 20th; 1868, as i ' s. d,per last ¦Rotnrn ;. ' ' ' .. ' ... 48,168 ' 12 B

To CashTeceired from Depositors in the ' *year ending Nov. 20, 1867 ... 17,950 2 10

To Interest reoeived from the Notional <Debt Offlcei'on Money inverted therein 1^48 7 4

To Interest received from the Provincial ;Bank of Ireland on Cash Balances ... 10 15 11

To Cash received for 265 Check Books... 4 8 4

'Amount Invested with Government, ai aboveJDo. in Provincial Bank of Ireland ; ...

Amount due to 1,768 Depositors ••Do, do. 66 Charitable SociUies

¦Jotnal Amount of Assets over and 'above the Liabilities !ol the Bank,' at November t U\r-' 20th, 1867, exclusive of the valuo of the Bank Prcnlses and Furniture ¦ ' .. £1,055 15 .8 '



C H R IS T M A S , 1 8 6 7 .


«3- C H R I S T M A S P R E S E NT S .L A D I E S . , | . . . ' ' • G E N T L E M E N . -




H O T E L S .: . D U B L I N .

Commercial & Private Lodging House,49 M A B L B O .BOTJGH 5 T E E E T.

PARTIES Visiting Dublin can bl accommodated,with or or without Board, and all tbo comforts

of a home, on Moderate Terms. it [o26-tf JtEJT Situation central, oloee to Saclvillo-Btrcet.



FAMILY and COMMERCIAL HOTELS i» the CITY.Bed, Is.1; Breakfast; 1B. ; Dinner (Ordinary), Is. 6d.Dining and Sitting Rooms, Bet spirt for Ladies andFamilies; Free of Charge. Accommodation for Seventy*Eve Persons. fjafl-Iy]

*4 Night Porter alvavB in attendance.; PATRICK 8. CAREY, Proprietor.

D U B L I N .The European Hotel, Bolton Street,

THE EUROPEAN is the largett, tbe best situate,ai d most cpmfcrtabje Hotel in tbe City. All

modern mprovemenfs'BiH own raeontly Introduced,and the (entire bouae papered, palniwl irrl a «r«t»a.

Tnriiy-suites or Apartments for FamlHet. DrawingRooms from 3s. 6d. to 5s. Sitting Kosmson the groundBoor fret of charge. /

t£g~ Boup, Fish, Joints, Fowl, aid Entree, in CoffeeRoom, aid Restaurant, from Two to,8oven o'clock daily.Bed, indluding Servants, 2a. Od., 2s, and Is. Cd.

fmai-jtf,] J. MOIpNY, Proprietor.


TUI? HOTEL, is situated in the very best part ofthe Town. The House is olean and airy, the

Charges very Moderate, and evrry attention paid to thecomfort* of Visitors. A Good 'Walter in attendance.

f i S - Excellent Livery Stables are convenient to theHotel. : (m31-tf)


nnHIS is a Central and OmforUble Hotel , in whichJL everything can be had <a the moat Moderate terms.®" Best Dublin and wetford Spirits; also Br&ndies,

Wines, Porter, Ale, So. (aul5-tf)r£y Cars on Hire at tht shortest notice.


ADJOINING tbe 7erminu8 of the South WalesRailway Company at New Milford, and the Land-

ing Stage of theWaterfcrd Royal Moil i'i\okcts.The Public are reipcctfully informed that the above

extensive Establishment is replete with every accom-modation. Coffee, Commercial, nnd Sitting Rooms ;Billiard and Smokinj Koom«. The Booms are large ,lofty and airy, beBJtifully decorated , elegantly fur-nished, and are otherwise fitted up with every regard tocomfort and conven'unce.

This Hotel iBsitwted on the banks of the far-faraeuMilford Haven , and commands a moat extensive view ofher Majesty's Dockyard , and of the romantic anJ ric-turcsque Scenery of tho neighbourhood.

Visitors, Tourills, Commercial Gentlemen, ami «•milieB will find :his KsUblishment, for situation andcomfort, combinri with Moderato Charges, surpassedby no other in !h» I'rincipaliiy.

\CJT Hot, Co'd. and Shower Baths.All communUations should be addressed to

[jy 25 tO E. WIf ,LIAMS , Mnnngcr.



rpHE DIRECTORS of the Waterford and KilkennyI Railway, for the purpose of replacing tho 1N-

STALMINTS of the GOVERNMENT LOAN andBONDS falling due, are prepared to accept LOANSat 0 per Cent., payable upon cither One or ThreeMonths' Notice, or Six per Cent, upon six months'notice.

They will alao accept Money on Mortgage Bonds,at 8 prr Cent., for Three, or Five Tears, and for theDebenture Stock , bearing interest at 0 per Cent, forThree Years, and S per Cent, in perpetuity afterwards.

For the year ending the 29th September, 1866, theTraffi: Receipts were £23,610 9s. 3d., the Work,ing tnd other expenses being; £11,429 7s. Od.,leaving a Balance of £11,080 I5i. Od., for Interest onLoan, after the payment of whioh there is a consider-able surplus, and the opening of the New Line fromKiltenny to Maryborough, will materially increasetheRecelpt*.

fhey will , every half-year, send to each creditor, astiement showing the tail particulars and amount ofthl teveral Loans dne by the Company.

Applications to be addressed to the undersigned at theC»mpany's Offices, 3D, Mary-street, Waterford.

By Order,WILLIAM WILLIAMS, Secretary.

Weterford, Nov. 20, 1866. (jalO-tf.>

MONEY TO LEND,IN SOUS of .£100 and upwards, for a Gxed term

of years, at an easy raU of Interest.Apply, by letter only, in tbe first inBtanoe, to Mr.

WHIT*, 10 Lambeth Road, London. (nl-13t«J



¦J» / H ERE may be had a large assortment of AmericanV T Goods in the Household Department. The

place is also open to such of the Public ns may bedesirous to dispose of their Furniture or other House-hold Effects on Commission.

N. D. & Co. are prepared to Purchase for Cash allkinds of Good Old Furniture and other Household Stuff,and will Sell the same on Commission.

Persons requiring Storage for Furuiture, &c, willfind ample accommodation for any amount.

BujrBas' AHD SELLERI)' NOTICE .—This is tho placeto send in Goods Intended for Sale, as well BS ibe placeto apbly for almost every Class of Household Goods,both New and Second Hand.

ICP* Min i die Address and notice also, NORTON,DEACON & Co., U QUEEN STREET. [ol8-ly

• . ''; '] ' |; DI8;0 .S,A B, G|B. i , 1 , . . . . . . ;

By Cash paid to Depositors in the year S t . d,' tmdlatfNov. 20th,' 1867 ..- : .. 14,283 6 8By Amount transferred to other Savings •• .••:• -• ¦ . .- BanVs' '.. .. 188 14 11By Expenses of; Management—Salaries,"' "• 'Ren t.Teies, Insurance, .Repairs, Print-ing. Goal Care of Clock, Ac. . , ' .. 397 11 6

"By Amot nt invested with Government,aa per Becoipta df .'National DebtOffice, cated November--20th, 1887... 62,077 14 0

{By Oasb on land' with.' Treasnrer, s« .per Frofrinoial BaUk 'of Ireland Ac.cbu'tftVenaerea:,. V'. ..'. ', "•

¦ 485 19 10t . ' ' ' • •

. Total ... .. .. I ..£67 388 6 10

.. : .. £62,077 14 0

.. .. 406 19 10— :— *62,643 18 19

. • " ¦ ... 48,716 2 0

.. . .. 2,821 16 461.E37 18 4


OP WAX DOLLS &c, 4c ' ' ~ : "


". 'S E C O N D . ' . D E L I V E R Yi 01 .


HAS received his SECOND DELIVERY ofiNEW WINTER GOODS, amongst which


And TRIMMING of every description.. Mrsi B0LGER hu alsb'returtwd with a Largo

Assortment of NEW GOODS, the choicest andriohest of the Seixson, consisting of


Mrs. B. haa considerably added to bor Ladies'and Children's UNDERCLOTHING Departmont,which is now largely etocked.'Tho Latest Styles in MANTLES and WATER.

PROOF CLOAKS, just received.


wo T x c annHB GAME on the 'following TOWNLANDS, nJ L tho BARONY of. IDA, COUNTY of KILKEN.




AND LOWEB, | ANNEMOUNT.j Ballymountain, Dec e m?


GUARANTEED OFCC >TH8, Bonion8i Callosities, and CMlbLaini,



MR. J O S E PH M U R P H Y ,A natomical Professor ofVie Pathology of tht SumanFoot,

1 1 7 , C U S T O M - H O U SE Q U A Y .Tjadics and Gentlemen attonded at their own Residence,

by appointment. Consultation Freo.

J M . has tho honour to inform the Nobility,« Clergy, nnd Gentry of Waterford and its

vicinity, that having, by careful study and actualpractice, rendered himself maator of that branch ofSurgical Art, in which he has now been engaged forovor Twenty Yoars, and having made most importantdiscoveries on the disease of tho Feet, ho is enabled togive relief in Corns of the worst kind, without pain, orproducing any bad effects whatevor, and to eradicate'.nc most painful Corns or Bunions without entting.The most timid may rely on hit Bkill , and Children,liowcvor young, as well a« persons of maturcr yoars,will most assuredly rccoivo immediate benefit, andenjoy exercise with more comfort than ever.

TESTIMONIALS.From (lie Right Ret. Dr. O'Hrieu , K.C.D. of Watcrford and

Linmore.Mr. Joseph Murpliy, 117 Custom-house Quay, Chiropodist,

hns extracted from my <»et several Carat, without creatingtin i sli|(l!tei.t pain. 1 suffered much for several years fromthese Corns, and applied to persons of high character asCli.iropodigts, but without succara, I can now walk withirrei it easo, and feel quite comfortable ; and recommend Mr.Mui rpliy's method of eitraction as being most successful,

t D. O'URISH, B.C.B.t ron i Very U»v, J. Spratt, D.D., Carmelite Convent, Dublin.

I f eel much pleasure in bearing testimony to Mr. JosephMurp lijr's experience and sacomi •< a Chiropodist, sad 1bave '.no doubt of bis fitness to ditchnrgo the important duties3f tba t profession with efficiency and success. Ha has beenmost .successful in curing me of an out-growing toe-nail,from w liicb. I have suffered for sorns years past. I can re-commend bis treatment to be enVtanl and painless.Carmelite Convent, Dnblii/, July 17/87. Jons SPBATT, D.D.

From Lieut. Morris, 76tb Regiment.Mr. Murphy has eradicated saveral corns for me, and I

liave no hesitation in recommending liim at a iliiliul pel'former. J. BDLLBR MOBXIS, Lieut., 76th Reset-

From tbe Manaptr of tbe Bank of Ireland, Waterford.My DBAB Sin—I have received your letter, and in reply

cannot hesitate to recommend you as a competent personin your profession as Chiropodist, having eiperitnM myselfof your capability, and many persons here have from timeto time informed me of cures yon have effected.—Yours verytruly, H. D. GBAHT.



GABlilELS' ROYAL TOOTH POWDER ,ore pared, from a Receipt, as USED BY HER

MAJESTY, >B. 6d. and 2s. 6d,P« Box. «old at theOffice of this Paper, and bj nil Chemists throughoutthe King-dom- ' „ . t .

GABBIHU' ANTISIPIW TOOTH PABTI, the beslrjreparaUon extant, for WBrrEmwo the TEETH, withonlniary to tbe Enamel, 2s. 6d. and 6s. per Box. Sold atthe Office of this Paper, and by all Chemists throughoutthe Kingdom. _ m"¦"


PEBOHA BNAKEL la the beBt • stopping extant roidecayed Teeth, or Toothache, and no matter how faiDecayed, renders the injured member again sound anduatfol, and prevent* Tootbafi&e. This preparation leentirely free from any metallio substances, and, aa ilname aifemifies, is specially prepared for the purposePrice Is. Od. per Box, with directions fcr use. Soldat the Office of this Paper, and by all Chemiittthroughout the Kingdom. '

GABRIELS* W HITE ENAUKL CBHENT, for FrontTeeth, is an invaluable stopping, and lias acquired sworld wide reputation j 6s. per Box. Sold at theOffioe of this Papeir, and by all Chemists throughoutthe Kingdom. „ . "GABRTBIS' ODOKTAMH«IT« ESSBNCB, an astringentand refreshing lotion for hardening the gums,- 6s. and10B. 6d. per Bottle. Sold at the Office of this Paper, orby all Chemists throughout the Kingdom.

'¦' ¦i.gt-y/ : I,,;,. M.^r-y./Tyr* * • _ j ] r ¦¦' '


1 }Mi?STal,''BTOOK, -&9>i t t o ; - >f i . . ..u. i .o

MR. TH,b'iLA'rftWAtSHIfirriexVA'netton-6f Honrt,Travelling Vehicles,'4'<i,'i:c., lwfll take place-

"' AT i MR.., .XA1TREN0E: DOBBYN'S1 . :••• •¦¦

FeUriiuiry Establishment, 'Btr'r.sf6r£fc i Walerford ,. tON MONDAY , 6th .;jA Ajti',

1 .J..866.;'.

. — I OEDBR or. SALB :. .. •"Travelling Vehicles, Harness, Game Dogs, tee.', at

Twelyt o'Olock precisely. . . '[ " ' Heaters, Riding, and Family Horses, at One o'ClockColts, Draught and Farm Hones immediately, after.

. Jcj" Persons intending property for this Sale will berequired to have it entered at Mr. DOBBIN'S, or at Mr.W.AXSR'5 Office , 101. Custom-hcrose Quay/on .or beforeNine o'Clock the morning; of Sale. 'Fee'for entry, 2s 6d.Purohasers to pay Auctioneer's Fees of Five per Cent.

. . .THOMAS"WALSH, Auctioneer.Auctions attended .in any part of Country or Town.'

1 The Mali, Waterford, 1867. (tf)


In the Matter of tbaEgtate-j n o BE SOLD by

•of PATBIM HICHASI X AUCTION, in Ond¦ O'KBETB, Owner . . and Loti- . b«fore the: Hon.Petitioner, continued in Judge LYNCH, :at tbetho name of MICHAEL LAUDED ESTATES COURT,JOSEPH O'KstFB, Heir. IKR 'S QVJT, in. the Cityat-Law of tbe said P. M. ofDublin, on TUESDAYO'KBEM, Owner and the 14th day of January,petitioner. J 1B68, at Noon, all that

Jrt of tbs Lands of NEWPORT EAST and NEV7-

POai' WEST, situate in theBARd'NY or COSHMORE^ND COSHBRIDE,~

A.SiD COUNT!" OF WATERFORD,containing * about 141 Acres, Statute Measure, held infee. 'The Linda aro held by a solvent tenant, for threelives, from tho 26*fc i>f Maroli, 1825 (two of whom aresupposed to be ttiI' littng)> at the ne'tt yearly rent of£ll7 6B. 6d., bvtt on the expiration of this lease alarge increase may - bo expected. The Tenement Valua-tion is £118 a yoar.

The Lands are ad'vantageonsly situate on tbe banksof the river Blackwater, about 8ix miles distant fromtho towns of Tallow ,;riismoro, Cappoqnin, andYonghal,from which latter to wn sea-sand and- other .manurescan be bad at little expense, and landed on a quayur/on tho lands from Hjj.htew. • - . ;:.

Dated tbis 12th December, l5°<-J. E. MADDEN 'f°r Chief Clerk).

The Lands will bo Sold liable to a cortain Jointure,Annuities and Charges as set forth in tho Pri»te'dRontals.and Conditionsi of Sale ' .

For BcntalB and particnlam, apply at the' ^andeUEBtateB1 Court, Inns' Quay, Dublin ; or to ., _

-WILLIAM H. PARKER and MATTHEW P."1'KER , Solicitors, having carriage of the order </1Salo—Chambers, 201 Great Brunswick-street,Dublin, and Rosoville, Tallow, County Wnter-

" ' ford. (d2O,27jlO)



S T A R C H . r n x tfanl3-if

CASSELL'S CELEBRATED COFFEES,; Tested by Tweaty Years' nne.1


Sold IV Grocers throughout Ireland.

ASSELL'S CELEBRATED COFFEE.'- No, 1, 1>. per lb. ; No. 3, Is. id. per lb

CASSELL'S CELEBRATED COFFEENo. i, Is. Bd. yerlb.; No. 6, 2*. per lb.

CASSEJLL'S CELEBRATED COFFEEAsk for these Coffire s at your Grocer's.


R. RTA.K, Grocer, Broad-stroct, Wa terfoia > GcoBoa

CHAPMA« ,61 Quay, Waterford. Wholes. -Je by CASSETX,SMITH & Co., 80 Fonchurch-streot, Lon. ^0D» aad Gl

DLDUAH & Co., 64 Dame-street, Dublin. LolS*?




ducted tho Business of tho lato VL. HiSBINO-TON, returns thanks for the confidence and sup-port awarded to this Establishment since its open-ing, and begs to inform bis many friends that noeffort will bo spared to render it in every departmontworthy tho patronage with whioh it has been hithertofavoured. [n8-3m

Pianoforte, Harmoninm,!& Music Warehouse,120 , Q UA Y, WA T E R F OR D .

C: A . J O N E S ]EXTENDS to all parts of the South of Ireland,

tho THREE YEARS' SYSTEM OF HIRE,after which , and without further Payment, tho PIANO-TOBTE or H\ BMONIUM becomes the Property of theHirer. Special terms of Hire payable quarterly, inadvance. C. A. J O N E SBuys from the most eminent makers only, aa a proofof which tho increasing demand and the fact that alltho Instruments sold by him daring tbe past nine ye arshave, in every instance, given satisfaction.

C. A. JONES has just retarned from London with alarge assortment of Pianofortea, including Semi-grand,Grand Squares, Grand Trichord Obliqaes, Semi-CottageandPiccolo Piano-fortes, with all recent improvements,by Messrs. Broadwood, Collard, Erari), Kirkmnn, he.

C. A. JONES has a large assortment »f Harmoniums—English and French mako ; Second-hand Pianofortes;English and German Concertinas, in great variety;Violins, Flutes, Cornets, &c, &c. A fino-tonod Organ,with Pedals and modern improvements, New, byBevington, will be Sold a Bargain.

r£y New Music at half marked price. (my4-3m)M U S I C W A R E H O U S E , 120 Q U A Y .

Coffin Factory & Undertaking EstablishmentNo. 1, ALEXANDEK-STUEET, WATERFORD.

TTJICHARD FITZGERALD begs to inform his_lAl numerous Friends, and tho Publio generally,that he is now prepared to exocuto all Orders in theUNDEETAKIBO BUBINES8.

THE SMOKER'S BON BOW.-r^FFECTUALLY removes the Taste nnd Smell ofJ2A Tobacco from the Mouth and Breath, and renderssmoking agreeable and safe. It is pleasant, wholesome,and almost tasteless. Prepared from the original recipeof an eminent Physician, by a patent process, bySCHOOLING & CO., Wholesale Confectioners, Bern-NAI. GREEN , LONDON. (n23-ly)

Cd. and Is. per Box. Post free 7 and 14 Stamps.|Jg* Observe the Name and Trade Mark on each

Box. Sold by Chemists, Tobaexuiisti, Grocers, FancyShopkeepers, &c, and at THE WATZBFORD N EWS Office.

'•Tbe smell of the breath of btrd smokers is by no meanspleasant, and tbe taste is disagreeable to the Itnoier himself,especially tli« remains of a previous night's smoking. One ofMessrs. SCBOOUKO'3 little pills, which they call the Smoker'sBon-bon, dissolved in tbe mouth, not only takes away tbetaste and smell of tbe tobacco, but it leaves nothing in itsplace but tbe natural breath of the smoker, a great advantageover other preparations we bare tried which merely diigniiathe smell of smoke in a strong odour of ipicei almost as offen-sive. Maura. SOHOOMKQ'S iuvention is thoroughly effectirs,and so far as we eaa disover from a brief trial, in every waragreeable in use."—Dnbighshin TtUgraph, Oct. 4, 1886.

SUFFER NO LONGERCURE yourself speedily, safely, and effectually of

SPERMATORRHOEA , WASTING Dig.CHARGE8, NERVOUS DEBILITY, STRICTURE,and UNFITNESB for MARRIAGE. Full particularsBent free for One Stamp. Address, H: JAKU, Esq.,Percy House, Bedford square, London.

N.B.—Acting for the Sole Inventor and Patentee, Iam compelled to caution the publio against a self>styleddoctor who copies this Advertisement. 'ifl.6ni*)NERV0O8 DEBILITY, and all NERVOUS AF-

FE0TIONS, whether the result of early errorsor otherwise,,are by very simple and inexpensive meansquicklyo«urW'in both France and Germany. The adver-tiser, a retiliAt in this country, will be happy to sendfree4 to all"applioants full particulars of the mode oftreatment there adopted, on receipt of a directed enve-lope. All persons may cure themselves, and thus notrun tbe lisk of being victimised. Address Mons. A,DOVAL , 13, Newmarket-street, Birmingham.

HEALTH AND MANLY VIGOR.—A MedicalMan of 20 years' experience in the treatment otNERVOUS DEBILITY, 8permatorrb(a and other af-fections which are often acquired in early life, and unfitsufferers for marriage, and (Other BOdaldntlei, has pub-lished a Book giving tho full benefit of bis long expe-.rience gratis, with plain directions for tbe recovery ofHealth and 8trengtb. A siflgl* copy sent to any ad-dress on receipt of one Stamp. - Aduess to the Secre-tary, Institute of Anatomy, Birmingham, (jl-j)


i •).. -H , \ftsh ,i..;,Jftf i£rri,. ifi«l: :•;¦¦, •;i«i-#ti ;.!iM.v/ ».

.,,.i ,i<am. tSB O jaOTffBBS,; oi iMteUAJlO1? fc»"

A«f ra ^fiBieningiit le 4O» flwsmbe . fti'X ] iranrVOltdL1 •""'"and.wiUlx coriinuedatiheaaaehour.inWodne lJW ''"lVaf hmiK^i ,:, v.::" ;, "'' 1,'r

.,A.;!LADifes' Cuisa,' iO^.the ,sam| .fnbject, wOT btf ' r.opened on THuisDitEvenipg, Gt^Deoember, at TBBIS '::

o'Olock,a^dvrHlbo.oontinuc^onitoiday*and ThnrU' -:- "'¦days (vt the tama ovx.t , ,'.',' •:'.-" ' . "'""".'',' ' ''!"'. FEB—6s. for the CbuMe, payable in advahdei "• •"¦•. ' '¦ The; lectures. willWlllMlratedby numeronfl nnd1 ' -• • 'interesting Experiments^"' ' . •' ' ¦ • < ¦ ¦¦ '. ¦ ' • . -

An Examination 'wilt Wheld by th« Department, jn ,. .' May, on the results of whioh Medals and Frizes mil , .be awarded according to merit. ' ,. ,' odel School, gSth.yor., J807. : ' " (a6-8t). '


rt\as'. ilUNS of thV GOOD SHEPHERD xeirne*X' Ailfr solioit tbev Charitable Public of Watorforto. eootinne - their 'kind'•Patronage' by sanding thelWASHING and NEEDLE-WORK to the MAGDALENA8YLUM, the proceeds' of which are .tht onrytmeansDf support for Seventy poor' destitute Femalea undertheir care. ' ' ' •¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ •'• .• .< . : - . .v . i \ ,' , . . ; ¦ ,v


:. T'AIJ who kindly aid In this great work of Charitr,.will nndpabtedly draw down: upon themselves1, theblessing of Him "who came, not to call the just,'btttslnnora.'1! ' [o25-


tbe Univeraity School); )B at present FORMINan EVENING CLASS for Young Glentlemen. A 8B0LECT QLAB? for LADIES in the Morning:

For Terms, &c, apply at the University 8onool, orat 18 BridgeistrBet. . :' ' (ril5-tf)

j NEW IMPORTATION OF . . . .Pianofortes and ¦, Harmonioma.


PARTIE8 about to Purchase or Hire Pianofortesare respectfully solicited'to inspect the NEW

STOCKj just arrived, and selected personally byF. T.HOWARII at the factories of COUABD & CoUABD,BEOADWOOO, KIBKHAH, CADBT, &C, now in his Ware-rooms, surpassing any former importations for TOUCH,TONE, | and FINISH, which will bo aold on highlypdvantagoous terms to buyers. [js21-6m]

Pianofortes and Harmoniums for Hire by tbo Week,Month,(or Year, or on the Three Years' system.'' '>A11 How Mnsio half price. Parcels received daily.


J O H N S T A F F O R DT>EQS to inform tho Nobility, Clergy, nnd Gentryjjyj of Watorford and snrronnding districts, that heHA^ OPENED HIS NEW VICTUALLING E8TA-

BJ.ISHMENT, AT ljf GEORGE'S STREET, 'where h'c offers for Sale 'the very Best descriptionof BEBF; MUTTON, PORK, AND VEAL. ®- AUJoints Cut .to Snit Purchasers.

, J. Si, in returning thanks to his numerous suppor-ters] for the veTy largo share of patronage whioh theyaccorded him during the long period he has been inbusiness, begs to assure them that in his New Esta-blishment thoy will find it their intorest to continuethat sn'pport.

f 7 The Establishment will be open from Seven iathe Morning until Nina at Night.

OBSERVE -.—General Victualling Establishment17 ffeoroe'* Street.dJ2. tl JOHN STAFFORD, PBOEBIBTOB.

COONEY'S BROWN MUSTARDIS Universally acknowledged to be a FIRST CLASS

ARTICLE, unrivalled for STRENGTH, PURMY, ¦

ond FLAVOUR. : (mh8-«ow)r - Sold by Grocers, Druggists; &c. . .

Manufactory—STEAM Mats, BACK LAM«, DUBLIN.

- Ferrybank Timber and Coal Stores.fTVHE Undersigned have at present on. SALE- a

SPRUCE and PINE Tlf ' TITV I I P *n 11 ifiisi Ill^fi snimi ~* ~~

breadths. .- .: :(o6-tf)DOWLEY BROTHEBS.


TEA DEALERS in the COUNTRY, who can my

^asa'ws sssas wsSpLIED with SDGAB, at COST PRICE, and.ujo,¦ih'icb no Profit whatever is charged,

fiamples will be sent free. , and postpaid, on applies.-

E PEOPLE'S TEA> 2B. per lbTH _:— -

f ! T£ F H E N S & C O .


T partioalar attention to the above, aa com-. . . igflHalityjjith great strength, at lowest pos-binu ' cg cagcommend it as a

Tea that will

Bible price, a „ 'wjto» to consumers, and be equal toigive every sai <• ve now naying more money,that for which tb e/ ,. ^ ^W be forwarded to any

To induce a inaf, &. 4ee on appncation.address, gratis and post t ''PHENB & CO.,


FINEST BLACK letopraoBra

TSSSSaS? ^PER POUND, which is the choicest and molt. "imported, and nnmiied with anv other desoriptian. ' -{and!"6"' uKTEPH^sTcr °D b "


W POWER begs to offer a large and well-grown



QUAY. WATEBFORD, at 7.0 a.m, untilfurther Notice. [nS-tf]. Baud Ignarus Mali Miseris Buecuriore Discomo THE NERVOUS AND XNDISCBEKK-Con.X suit Dr. H AMMOND (of ihe Lock Hospiul, fco.)F.R.A.S., F.A.S., F.S.A:, Member of the College oxPhysioianB and Surgeons, No. 11, Charlotte-street,Bed/brdaqaare, IOB&OD, VC, on all th<w« Ailment*which tend to embitter and shorten Life, and especiallyon Nervous, Mental, and Physical Debility. At home9 till 2, and 6 till 8. Bundaye 10 till 13. . The " Self.Curative Guide," port f ree, two jumps. K,E-Ler.ters, with details of cases, promptly replied to. Fordistinguished Qualifications vidt Diplomat. N.B.—Recent cases cored in a few days.3reiicataine4forall vkoiutd <i. Bind f u l l p artwulan

with i%reeted envelop e and adviet Kill b* sent bt vost.JUST PUBLISHED (free to any iSdieiiT «

MEDICAL GUIDE, which contalna fnll dlreo.tioos and Prescriptionj for tbo recover? of BetdOt sodManhood, Nervous Debility, and all p r i v a t e diseases,can be cored with secrecy snd aafety, by following thedirections in this book.' Particulars are also given ofa ipeciflo for the cure of various Female Complaint*, udadvice to females on important matters, • . •

Addre&sMBDicus, 44 Great Cborlet-street, Birming-ham, who may be consulted daily, ia oonfidence.' Bets*bllahed 30ye&rg. . • ' (jv8-tf)I M P O R T A N T TO ALL—GIVEN AWAY

TO NERVOUS SUFPBBBRa—B, SMITH,M.D., of the University of Jena, haa jut pub-:lishert, for the benefit of all : Iferroni ' Snfferen/a FREE EDITION of his valuable work, THBWABNING VOI0B . TO YOTJJIO MEN (130pages). - A Medical Work on the core of Nervous)Debility, Seminal Weakness, Dimness of Sight, Lati-tude, Indigestion, DUUke to Society, Spermatorrhoja, .Local Weakness, Muscular Relaxation, Laagotur, IisUlcsslets, Depression, &c, which, if negMeted, retnlt InConsumption, and premature Death ; ¦ with, plala direc-tions for perfect restoration to health and vigour.; :.''"Before wasting time in seeking aid from the'aoieelled 'remedies WITHOUT MEDICINE, read Dr^SaUTkVinvaluable work, i which ii lUuitreted TrithteiesaM .contains bis highly snccessfnl and only taie ttetwea ,-with plain directions'for peifectreitorailoato.hiajtfci J:Bent post free to any addrei*, on'.the reodrA tiroi.,pOlftge stamps. Letters of enquiry or detaila of •*•';prtoaptly antwered. - "¦i''. '. - ' if ^^ .0N.B.-.Addresj,'Dr.- SMITH,'8 BMfoa.OjyjjfjtBii

Page 2: snap.waterfordcoco.iesnap.waterfordcoco.ie/collections/enewspapers/WNS/... · .a roL.;.'.XXi ^o."ll —^gi^ERFORD NEWS. «. ^ ^~,.f tid*y Etenmg mi 49 King street. TH «« P««;

I Mrs . KELLY ,75 , Q U A Y , W A T E R F OR D , .

| T>EGS to Announce her Return from tho Lon-

) -O don and Scotch Murk-els, with a LargeSupply of WINTER GOODS, which will bo

•found, on inspection, to omliraco all the NewestFashions, and Latest Novelties for the Season, in

Main anil Fancy Silks, Borniota and Ribbons,'.ilk and Woollen Hops , Ladies' aud Children'sYinseys and Forges, Underclothing,¦'ashmcrcs and Cobnrgs, Ladies' and Children sUnties and .Taekets, Boots and Shoes ,Ibawls and Mufflers , Fancy lined and warmWaterproof Tweeds, Slippers,mitation beal-sicin. Gentl emen's Hosiery,¦lowers and Fcathcr3 Gloves, Ties, Collars,tosiery and Gloves, I Braces, &c.,'ablo Cloth?, Colored Flannel Shirts,'able Napkins, White and colored do.,ilankets and Flannels , Ladies' and Gentlemen'siider Down Qnilts and Silk nnd Alpaca

Petticoats. Umbrellas.A well-selected Stock or JIufls, Collarelts, and

Cuffs, in Sable, Ermine, Grebo, Seal-skin, Chin-cheila , Minr, ic

Mrs. K. directs special attention to her Stockor Linens, Sheetings, grey and whito Calicoes,purchased since the Recent Reduction.

November 29. 1807. (dc - l-'

SALMON FISHERIES (IRELAND)kl.i 5(h * Cth Victoria , Chapter 10G ; 1th $ Btf i

Victoria, Chapter 108 ; 8th £ Oth Victoria , Chap,ter 108 ; Ot/i &• WM Victoria , Chapter 114 ,• IWiSc V2th Victoria , Chapter 02; \3th S, \M Victoria ,Chapter 88; and 2iiM »y 21th Victoria , Chap. 1.4.


L I S M O R E D I S T R I C T.

WTOTICB is hereby Given , that the SPECIAL COM-ll MISSIONKRS Tor Irian Fisheries will hold a:EETING at LISMOKB, in tho County or Watcrfordi the 1st J A SUAIIY , 18C3 , at the hour of ElevenClock in tho forenoon, to enquire into t!m J-Wj'"/• the STABIi , SCAKT, an.l DROMORE WEIKS,i the 1UVER HLACKWATEH , of which all Personsmccrncd are requested to take Notice.

V.. J. LANE , ) The SpecialT A H. SPKATT, > CommissionersJAMES PATKKSON, ) for Irish Fislicries.

alcd this 19th day of Doccmber, 18IS7. <u1


rO BE LETi tlic Extensive COAL YARDat NliWRAT H,

"lately in tho possession of Mrs.'IKDF.I.U, containin? an area of 1,018 Square Yards,ith TWO Spacious SHEDS, together wit h Stabhngnil Uftico accommodation.

This Yard ailjoius tho Railway Company's l'rcmisca,nd from its proximity to the river , affords peculiaricilitios Tor the discharging of CoaU from theVcBSclsirect t'iereto. . , ,The Premises can be viewed and all information had

n application to -^NSWORTH, Secretary.

' liosrd.room, Wnterlord Terminus, Oct. 27 , 1800:



CONSERVATORIES and DEMESNE of GRACE>IEU LODGIJ , the residence of the 1 to J-» M £S

INDEMOS , Esq., situated within Two Miles of Water-">rd on the New Trnmore Road. The Lands, whichDDlnin about 30 Acres Irish Plantation Measure (ex-lusive of Plantation ressrved hy the Executor), are in

i ood oiiler, and nearly nil in Grass.' Tho House, Garden , Lawn, nnd a portion of tue Land

•onld he let separately, if desired.The House contains Three Sitting Room?, Five Be;

lo-xus, Soivants' Aurirtmeu-8, Water Oloact , &c , and4 in nerfen! rciviir.

I Also, lim KAiril UOV.-i ", 0FF1-"E.<> <HII I1 I.AM)S

f DUAQli , rejoining Lho alii)*- , containing ab u; "5Icrcs. I'.M. 'ihe LuniU , which nrc of prime quality,ud all in Grass, arc in excellent heart , having hci'U inhe occuDitio" of tb '1 deceaied lor several y u\n p.ist .

1 Al-o lho FARM HOINK , OFr'ICES. aul LANDSf G U A C E D I K U WEST, dilute w thin Ii Milca ofVatciford, on the Kno:Uhou-c Koud, ccntiiniug nhout

¦ 1 Acres Irish J'hntation .Measure. This Farm has' icon "roatly improved by the late Proprietor , who had

ton his own lnuda f'ir the last 20 years .' tCH ' Proposals for the Farms of Graccdiou West

: "nd Diiash will Uo received uo W-' D«cmlw. »»«•»Hie Teti:ints will be; declared.

For further jKirttciiIars ap;ily to5-5=-. . MH. KEARNEY, Grace Dicu, Watcrford.

November 15th , 1867. (n'iMf)


i TO B E L E T ,' (For such Term at may be agreed on),1 HpriK DWET.UXO-IIOCSK OF MOUNT NEILL ,

JL silaafc wulu'ii n Mile ana .7-J inif of lliv City ofiVaterford. togetlu-r will) LAW ::, KiuivnnKRiF.a, u well-

1 Stocked Wallcd-in U» H D K K , and most Commodious, DUT-O FFI CI :*. '.. Tho lIoUSF. is in a very yiorfi'ct state of repair and

lecor.if.on, not n-quirinjj.tr styHlinjr r.uibiy, and suit-lble for the iuimediiitu teccplion of nny f.imily of ros-

. 7ecta])ilit\-. It cnnUiins a Vuir-siznil Drawing-room and> 3ining-room; n Breakfast-room , Four commodious andi liry "icil-rooma, and Drwain^-room ; Kitchen, and

iitchen Rango, of best and moat improved conBtrnu-

0 .ion; Pnntries. Sculloricf. Serraeila' Apartments, Ice.¦y The OUT-Orncxs consist of Coach-hour.e, Stalilosg How fihedn , Vi ^ocy, Fowl-house, Piycou-honse, Gar.b len-hocis,-, ntiJ Cnretal:er'» lloupc. A ncvur fui!iuxil suppl y of purest Water near Dwdliug Louse.

Cfy," Slioulil the party who may liecomo 'i enant fora -.he llovse and Premises above indicated , wish for moret) Land than thnt rontnineJ iu the Houso Quarter , la'-

.ween 20 and :J0 Acre? of rich P.isture land arijoinin ,arming part of th ip property, the Gr.izin;; or whWiias been Let uiiiil the- 1st of May next , will theu be

— tp<'n to coinp-tilion.j] For particulars a]i;«!y I" LiKURxCE BK I I N A K I I II OI I K K ,

5«q. , Clondalhin ; A KTHUK O'II ARA S, ]isq., Solicitor ,Hurcourt-Btrcet, l 'ublinjor [dlS-tf ]




J3( HRBSK. Vi'MKXT ."j KSflOXS , previous toi l'ring Assiwn, I-Sfi8 , for the purpose of t.ikinj,' in'ui ¦on i>i-J>'raii <- :t "II A |>p!i«itioiw Hir Pniilic Works, I'.iy-

" nn:it.-, «c. will !>¦-¦ held lit tl . - .- KEW CITY CitUliTI) IK)L>-K, in Oie llornii!;h of Walcrfonl , on FIIIDAY ,aj '.Oth J A N U A K Y , 1SGS, at tho hour of Ono o'Clock ,V ^n:.. . All A njilications for Prrsentineuls , &c, must be

od -c'l r.ith wnn or before l!i« 1st of J A N V A U V, 18G8,

f;, iii<riio r.p'.i'iraiti im « i l l !•« cntcrcrl on tin; Present-jj men* Sheet that is not prc]i.ircd in accordance with the... Atl of i'.irliaineiit.SU : H K N f f Y S A H O K N T ,»i ,

* iTM-lary of H'e Onuvl J«ry ol t l iefit j or Wat-'rforJ.T , City Scctftary '* O':i« , Court House.t ' lSth U x-mb. i , 1SH7- (2t)i'o DUXOAl iVAN UNIONba op ASSISTANT SCHOOLMISTRESS WANTED,

ITIHE BOAR!> "f (J1 7AROIANS will , at their .M.iet-Vr' X ing on THURSDAY , 2nd January, 1868,

CLEUT a Ciiinpetcnt 1'i-rson to fill lli» above oilice, ati i Sal.irv oi' £20 p'-r A.MIIIUI aid Rition n.J Applications, v.itli Tfstiuioniuls , to lie Inil nd with

I 31 ,. i ';l to I'mir o'Ciouk , p.m.. on the l«t JANUARY.( li y '"Jy^'.1D J ..11.K (;K |{A L D , Clerk of Union.

J I l i 'o,' (hi* l'Jth I.VwmWr, 18i '.7. (d2U- t)


TEXDKR^ wil ' be rrwivi d by t"C D'i;ir<] of Guar-dim' of the abuv« Union , :it Twelve O'CI OC'K,

fat noon , on SATURDAY , the 28:1. of D LCKMI .ER , 1887,dir 'on which day tl-'1 T- 'i.l.< 1S will In- t:ik. n into conside-

• 'r, ion) for SUPi'LYlNt: tli^ Wur'<h.»u 3u mid F«»eron H.i.Xl with the rollowinst ARTICLKS , for TIIRKK(tf MOX'l IIS, ending 31st ol M A R C H , 18i5b :—

J JiEST SU I 'KKK IN E VLOVll , per SACK ;— Do. SECOND ''«• lU'.

Do. I N D I A N MKAL. do.FT Do. OATMKAfi , per C W T .JL Do. KIC K . •|'J -

pai J,o. :- T O M : i ' > A ! S ,,,, T()N-.a l t N.j . ipiOfl lo :ico-mir-' v l in!>T, , .v!,er. - ,.r:.c! i :..bl. ;,

/ n.l I I,,. \rt j « :l<-s must I'? '" <.-v«.V <!¦"•¦• • • I 1"1 '" **'"~- ¦'? V l .l.'- :v.-- l «..!.« i« at «!«. W.rl!..-.. -.

5 ^ffe 'xrst'::1.::;;;;':::;: ;:]..::;:;: :j:r:> " • ' , - ..n • T i i M i - i t i i r - i v, ¦ ! il • ; ..¦,!•¦¦ . - i !¦- ..men .>,:,:..-! 1 r ""7,. » , ; , , . : :.• . • : . . , , . -, i | . ... ¦. . ,

¦ &:s;".ti;'i« ¦¦-?;¦ -v;:1 ;¦:;;: ;:::v;.:::s :.;;

7?fcfri»-' ¦•u« *'"f fe' (or " I.H'AI ,.KS J KXH. y ,

f5&-:2r;-.'« ^?^: M'INTOSH.


rHT FOIi O.VE NIGHT O N L Y !MONDAY, DECEMBER 30th, under the Patron-

ago of Col . THOMAS and OFFICERS of tho 67thRegiment, f r r p First Time in Waterford ofDK. LYNN'S E N C H A N T E D CANOPY,

WITH A SERIES op ART ILLUSTRATION S,Brilliantly Illuminated by the Oxyhjdrogcn Lime Light.Introducinu American aud Continental Scenery, con-sisting of Towns, CitieB , Railroads, Waterfalls, and II.lustrating Hcpworth Dickson's, Artcmus Ward's, andSimmons Lynn's Travels across tho vast Prairies ofNorth Amoricn , and sojourn in tho Grfc.it Salt LakeCity, RS the Guests of Brigham Young. Life amongtho Latterd-day Saints and Utah Morraonism, with tboRise nnd Progress of the Sect. Portraits from Ljfo orBrigham Young; His Firit and Last Wife. Snow-storm on the Rocky Mountains, togolhcr with MusicalAlbinos. De3criptivo Lectura by Dr. LINK , MusicalAccompaniments by Miss GonritET, tho wliolo formingthe most ptcaBing, instructive, and del ightful Enter-tainments ever witnessed in Waterford.

PAUT 16T.—Spirit Calculator , iind Time in a I'll—Smallby Hirers and Beautifull y I,cs»—Mysterious Di»appcar.inoonnd rc-Appearan:e Eitraordiu.iry—the Riplit Thin* in theWrong Place—the Great Traveller (via) Nonhcre—tboMmlium of Inlccrmnn , mid tha Mystfry of Paris.

PABT 2m-I)r. Lynu'i Pictorial Stotcti o( tbe Orer!«o<lTrip from Sun Francisco to New York , including bis soiourHiu the Great Suit Lake City, with lb» late AnTKMUs WARD

and H BPWOMII DICK «OK , liditor of tbo Athmmum. TlioViews are |iainlcd from I'liotugrap lis, and «re tlierefore faith-ful pictures of the place* represented :—View of tbe GoldenGale , San Frnncisco—Wullinstouia Gigantic Trees—YeomiteFulia-StiiKo i^oacli on Summit of Nevada Monntains—Vireiuia Ci(y, Xuvada-ARTiaHM WABD and !he Mine™ ofAustin—Miiin-strect . Salt Lalto City-lifsiJciicu ot BUIO-II *M YODXO — Dr. LYNN in HIIIOIIAX Yotiwos Harem—the Great Salt Lake City—Theatre—Exterior View—bx-terior of Oid Tabnro«c!o—llaplizinit in tl)K Jordan—txtenorol tbo Now T.ibcruncle, and Mounlicbt View of sarno—In-terior View nt Tiibcrnacle—liniQHAlI YOD HC s r irel andLost Wif^—Profile Kock, Groat Salt Lake, nnd BaionAUX OVHO about to Wnlk on tlia Wntei—Ulack Rock . GreatSalt Like— Hathins Incidrat-Suto House, Oreat Salt LiikeCity—R eiidKiictt of IlBBE tt K IMBEIL—Telcuraph Office,Great Salt Lnke City-Camp DOUR IM— Distant View of tb»City—Uc|Kirture of the Overlmid Mail—Meotinx a i'am otEini^rsnta , who obtain tbeir first View of the City—oleiji nUpset—Mormons nn their way to the Promised Land—fctboCannon, Wel.er River-Echo Canaon half-way through—another View of licbo dunou-Discovery of Murdered hmi.grants—Baltlv with the Sioax Indiana—Indians Graves—Sunset—Dr. LTSK pertorniinir iu presenco of Buffalo Jim,I'iutah ami Sioux Indians—Prairie on Fire—tmnsMintscrossing Ihe Miasonri Hiver nt Atcheson—Granu^ Dinnergiven nt New York to colebrato BKIQQAM YOUHOS bixty-second Birth D.iy, to which Dr. LTIM wa« invited.

S P E C I A L N O T I C E .—Grand Distributionor Christmas Presents from tho Enchanted HaU

Doors open at half-past 7, to commence at 8 o'Clock.Admission j—Reserved Scats, 3s ; Unreserved do.,

2s.j Second do., Is.; Gallery, Cd. (d20-2t)

S P E C I A L N O T I C EAGHEAT BOON to tho Pnblio has boon

achieved in the


enabling me to quote my

BEST TEA, fur general pur-|3g> 4(] ,b>pose use, at •" ••• J

VERY SUPERIOR TEA ... 2a. 8d. „




S3T N o . 6, M A L L , ^=5WATKHFORD.


BA P T Y , SEWING MACHINE MANUFAC-TURE!? , and Original Importor of the "Flo-

rence," Wheeler and Wilson ," and other Fird-classSowing Machines , supplies every description and everyrequisite for their working; including—

T IIREAULP. M ACHINES .—Florcuco, Howe, Royal ,Whenler aud Wilson , Singer, Wilcox andGibbs, Groverand Baker, Alexandra. Wnnwr. &c, <tc.

HANP M A C I I I X K S —Penelope (Lock .<titch\ Dorcas,do.; Ecli pse , do. ; Jackson's do: Crown (Chain Stitch) jCleopatra , do. ; Qnvcn. do.: Qaceu ilAl>. <*»¦ • Mwllott.Jo f Ac.

£&• Every Maelune nccurntely adjusted beforo be-ing sent out , nndcKchaucu l, if not approved. All Uindarepaired, Prusprcliis free. Carriage Frco to any St«-lion in the United Kingdom.

Also, Finest Machine Oil , Ncnllen , Silk, Cotton,Threa d, etc. Tho Rblaua Guidn (Bapty and Sayer'apatent), wil.hont triiicli no machine is complete. BeatAmerican Shears and Trimmers, for Tailors, Dress-makers, Mantle Cutter?, etc. The Washington Washer,the onl y Washer that, will wash clotheB clean withoutinjuriiiR them. Tho Jebb Tubular Chum, makes but-ter in three minutes. Tho Atmospheric Chnrn, do tenminntcH. Mincing Machines, Scales, and all kinds ofDomestic Implomimts. * [020- tj


VIEHat present used in Printing THE WATEB -rORD N EWI. Applications to bo addressed to theOfllr-p.

TIMBER FOR SALE.A BOUT 400 GROSS TREES, greater part ASHi\. nnd ELM , on Mr. THOMAS NOLAN'S FAR1I,OLD COL'IIT, K1LJJEADEN, ivitli a Qn.iy fur Load-ing. 'I hu Timber is Cut nnd piled in lots.

About 150 TREES, at KILMEADKN , of the samedescription , to be Sold in Two Lots. (d20 2t/

A pply to Mr. J OIIM UOV KNDO S , Ross.Kilmcadcn.


Vpp iy to J OHN R Y A N & SON , Builders , 2/ ^Viiljara8tirel . Walcnord. lnlll.tf)

Pncs's Patent Candle Co. (Limited),MANUFACTURE tho foilowiiii ; NIGHT LIGHTS,

which arc retailed by all Grocers , Chemists, &c :PUICK 'S Nr.w PATUNT N IGHT LiGiirs , burnt in a ghis3.Pmci.'s PATKST CH I L D 'S N IGHT Liairrs, burnt in a

saucer with a little water.This above Niyiit Lights arc known to be the bout in

flic Market , ami to those who Oo not already use them,can bo confidentl y recommended. (auIO -tf)

Ik'lraont Works, finders™ , LouJou , S.W.


for tho New Law Courts, THOMAS HOLLO-WAY'S 1'ill and Oinf:urnt Hnsim-sH will be carried onat &2T- 53:t OXFORD STREET, W.C., on and after the21th J U N E , IBliS, ultlioui;h the Auvcrtisemunf .s will ,for- lornr- time to come, bear the old Address, "214Strand." ( H O )

M. H A R l i l N G T O N S: CO.,Wholesale Druggists and Apotliec?.rie3,

(KST.MIl.lSlinil 1805),i nAnnosa i 'j c.iN U-K ViiKicv , II 'ATKKFOHD .

M i l. <fc CO. lif^' to direct attpnlion to theire IJ AKOK STOCK of I'ROPKlKTAll Y ami

I'ATEXT Mi: iJ l ; : lNKs of every doscriutiun , TOILETUEQUIS1TKS , PERFUMERY , ic., &o.

A.N T I I I I M U CS I'li.ti for KlatiiliiuH -, iiidi geotiun , (iid-¦linrRj , Sick Hcid-aciii', "nd nil disoriJern of tj,0Stomac'.i. Sold in boxes iit In. each.

FLUID ExniAi.T or SAii f .- .M'Aiui.n , prepared in va cuowhertby all tho ii*.*tliciual properties of the Dru" urcpi'CFerved in a highl y concentrated state

Woim Powoi'.ns.—An f-fTuctiial remedy for Wormsin Children. RoM in p.icketa Is. and 2t. each,

EFK BKV K SCF.XT CITCATK OF MAONISIA —A coolingand ngrrrablu apciiiul .

GK::ui Nt Con LIV K I I Oil. perfectl y pure and tns'ciess'Mcl.ls .iA UALM .—Tlio onl y remedy for Chapped

Il.in I K , lU'.lnosa nnd Roughness of tlio Skin Ono up-plication cfTt'cIn an iimncdiatc Cure. SoM in bottlesat Is. and Is. 0d. each.

CoNCISSTKATM ) Essi:NCK3 OF J. XMAtCA GlNCKR ANDPt I 'l 'KKMtNT for Flutulencr , Colic, &c. A few dropsgive immC'liati! relief.

FIMCII A HT TISCTIIBE OF MvRnn A V D D O B A X .—Theiisu ot" tIlia preparation «ji »• •*« tn the Ti'i'th a beautifullywhito ai'pOiiranc i *, strcu^tli ^ns the (itims , and removesail unp lfanaiil M' Snur n uf the Unutli , arising fromI)'!cayi!il Ti 'ith , &.:.

NuTi iiTiTr I' .M M —A new Rii 'l rlo.anl pri'par.itionfor |>ro'iiotiii f ; tin.1 (Jrcwtli ami Beaut y of the Huir.This I'omadriii n cniinmtnili-d :is |i-ism.«siny nil the pro-p rtii-s thnt irv i-ssriilial to tlio eicgint nppi'arnnci: oft'.ii' Hair; it rcnJi 'r.' it beautifull y soft nnd u'h'«sy ; itr. -iii iive .-' .-curf ami > !ui ririIt *, ^trv ti ^ihriiii tii '.* l i n i r , amiirfvenly Kj l 'lnirH.

!1li"«ici:n>:i ' am! ;:'.i!•;'»• ¦> "¦>• ' l'r-vcri |i l i i- i is and Kn.iil yl l f l i pcs earel'nll y <:or ;; ::>r.'.li!eii.

N.i ' .- I'-' Clvel'ili 1:» ; iI. e- ::- "- 't Ai "l i i . l • • l;r.ir*' our NV:ii":- l i i i A-l ' .'r - -'- ;, :'.s mi;/ ' i.t '.-i ;'!e- ' Jj.il I}:: * 'ht 'tin/t '•!' ?» i> t i */ : i •ini i l . i t !i";,:i of i,ur J = r« •• » r -t l > ¦• !!* , m i l *cli i'ur w lni l i*'.¦niiiii ' :i worl!i!o-s .ir l ie." '.1 | i> '>5.tr

Alliance Lif'j nnn Tiro AssuranceC O M I' A N Y ,

J lAI 'T M l - I . O M K W I . A .VK , 1,0X11 'V .

C.M'IT.- \ L : - F I V K M I L L I O N S S ri'. K l . I N dr.-.>>: DKKT :

Sir M *i->vs M nMTKKior. i : , l ! - i :t , :>'. l.'..'* .Jr ~"»» Prosr,"i:l i •• ¦» . I' s in of Atsi'mucc anJ I;V L'|\

U1UIVERSITV SCHOOLri lllE CLASSES will be RESUMED and HILARYX. TERM will commence on WEDNESDAY, the8th of J ANUARY . • . . . . ' . • • ;•• • - ' jNew Arrangements are being 'made to * onSiite' th(Head Master to give fnller attention to the Preparationof Students for Special Exhibitions in Logic, &o., inIhe Catholic- University, in, October, 1868. ¦ i

I®" Students intended for tho EcelesiMtioal rotateare Boarded at a reasonable chargo with the llarist'Fnthcrs iu Lceson-strcct. For Students from thoWatorford School thoro will be a SPUCIAL PKIZE for aknowledge of the Hebrew Grammar and tho First TenChapters of Genesis.


SPECIA L EXHIBITIONS FOR LOGIC, ETC. _In orJer to encourage tliu study uf Logic, of Metnphysics,

and ot Moral Philosophy, the tollon'inx Exhibitions will lieoffered in October, 1868, subject to tho General Regulations,and to the followinir

SPECIAL REOULATIOIfS :1. They are cjicn to all persona, whether Mntricnlated

Students of the University or not, who shall not, In October,1888, be of more tlmn four terms' University stundiog.

2. They tro tenable for the Session 1868-69.3. The successful CanditUt es must att«ud Lectures in

Logic, etc., and such olher Lectures iu the Faculties of Phil-csopb.v unil Letters, nnd of.Scicncr.as tbo Hector may appoiut,

i. The; cannot enjoy the ttibibitious until they shall havepunted thn Anuusl Eiamiuation for the First Year, or anExamination similar to it, in order to prove that they arcqualified to attend the Lectmes on Logic, etc.

CLABSICAL KiniDiTIosa.One Exhibition of £20, two of £16, and three of £10 each.Candidate!! for theso Exhibitions will be examined iu —

Latin and Greek Ortimmur,and Latin Prose Composition;The Elements uf Ancient Geography;The Elements of Uoinau History from the beginning ol

tbo Republic to tuu Rattle of Actiuin, and nf GreekHistoiy from the Legislation of Solon to tbe death olPhilip ;

Aud in the followina book s :—Homer, Iliai, books v., vi., vii., viii.;Demosthenes, miippiet, i., it. ; anil it Corona;.Horace, Odes, four bookt, and dt Art« Postlcd;Livy, boolis iv., v.

N.B.—Proficiency in Greek and Latin Grammar, and inLatin Composition is an inditpentib U condition qf tttccess.

X I TH F - X I T I C AL aniBtTlOVH.One Exhibition of £20, two uf £15, and three of £10 eachCaudidates for these Exhibitions nill Iw examined iti'Atith

metic; Algebra, iucludiug Quadiatic Equntions; and Euclidsix book*.


ACCOUNT BOOKS , of any size, made of best paper,and Ruled to any pattern, with or without printed

headings , can now be PAGED BI M ACHINK , from 1 to10,000, consecutively ,alternate ly, or in duplicate , at THE

N EWS ESTABLISHMENT . King-stree t , Waterford.tig***"" Receipts numbered »nd perforated , if required,

at small additional expense. (tf.)


having some years ago speculated extensivelyin Messrs. JAMESON'S WHISKEY, has on hands iuthe Qucen'B Bonding Stores, Kilkenny, a Largo Quantity in Puncheons, Hhds., and Sherry Quart Casks.

II. HEALY has OPENED a WHOLESALE SPIRITSTORE in connection with the Bonding Stores, and asthe Kxcisc allowances on this Old Whiskey is so consi-derable, he will offer it in quantities of Three Gallonsand upwards, at tho following very Reduced Prices:—Messrs. Jamieson'sWhiBkoy, 8 Yrs. Old, 17s. 6A.V 1 Gal.

Do. do. 5 do. 17a. 03. „Do. do. 3 do. l(is. Gd. ,,

Mcasra. Roe'a Fare Malt, 3 do. ICa. Gd, „So celebrated havo those Whiskeys become, that

M, H. has received large orders from London ; he hasalso been largely favoured by tlio patronage of theleading gentry in Kilkenny and Waterford, amongstthe latter may bo mentioned JOHN WABINO and WIL-LIAM FITZGERALD, Esqrs., to whom M. II. most res-pectfully makes reference. (d20-6t)


Optici an to the Royal Family, Patentee of Spe ctacles,and Manufacturer of Transparent Glasses,



BEGS to caution the public ngm'iist the use of thecommon, improper, and badly, manufactured

Glasses nnd Pebbles geuerall y sold, which ure sohighly detrimental to VUiuu , that numbers hive aerUvutly suffered frnm tbcm, and trusts that it is nowunnecessary to dwell at length on the excellence ofhis spectaolcu (so different from pebble or similar sub-••onccj- »ht.h-w nriuwr conitruciV"approveSi"nordisposes uf) uud OQ tiie advantages derivable from bisaccurate method of adapting Glasses to Defective. Sight(a matter of much deeper importunoc than is frequentlysupposed , us such us are. admirably calculated to pre-serve the Eyes uiiiturjairetl to extreme old age; the;have been used by the most distinguished Members ofthe Faculty of the Kingdom.

OBSEHVE—persons can be suited by enclosing a,pair of Spectacle], or ono of the Glasses, iu a letterstating the distance from the eje they tin read smallprint with it , and those who have not employed Spec-tacles, hy mentioning their ago ttnd describing aigbtCommunications from Wnterfoid and Vicinity to'be di-rected to Mr SOLOMON 'S Establishment ,Nn 10 NASSAUSTUEKT (Eolranco by Hall-door), within one door ofDAWSON STKEKT, DUBLIN;

• .•Repairs of nil kinds promptly attendedNEWLY INVENTED TKLEnCOPES,

As uted by the most distinguished Generals, her Ma.jesty's Coast Guards. &c , combiuing portability withextrnordluary power and clearness of yision, wliichauperse'le every other kind lor tho waistcoat pocket,Deer Stalking, Military, Sea, and all purposes, both bynight and day, and some from 3J inches will show dis-tinctly Jupiter's Satellite*, &c. Price 12s 0d, 16s, 21s,2O.«, &0.NKW DAY AND ASTRONOMICAL TELESCOPE,

1'KICE £5 COll l'LETE,With superior 3 inch schromntic object glssa, two im-proved eye pieces, sun glass , portable metal jointedatiiud. 'i'his eztruordluary insiruuieiit will cle^ilyshow tho most iuiportuut heavenly bodies, and exhibitwith distinctness the. face of any individual , or of aclock , 8hi]>s, cuttle, &c, at many mil' s distance , equal-ling in the most essential points those glasses usuallysupplied nt X'CO to £70.IMl 'ltOVED DOUBLE OPEIIA , KACE, AND FIELD

GLASSES.Price 15s an<) 21s, somu so uiiuute in size that they

slip into a watch pocket, ycl rival in uxtcut of powerthe largest mailc ; also Microscopes of great power,from us ; aud iRvitiblc Plmtugrapus ,

MAG IC LANTtKN AN1> JlStiLVlNG VJIEWS .—(.'l.-nr , brilliant, simple, though unsurpassed fur effect.Slides in great Tariely, Comic, Sconie, tj crinlural , Kdu-cutioiial , llluslratiug I HIOS , &C, at moderate priced from7s (id. A list on npp liuutiou.

ADMI ltAL F l IZROY'r f IMPROVED BAUnMI C -TEK, accurately foretelling the weatlicr , lidiidsnudymounted in nmbogany, with Thermometer, Price onlyI5i.


Correct Thermometers at Is and upwards.CAUTION I—To prevent imposition , it is necessary to

note mime nud uddrcs», and to particularly bear inmind that Mr. E. SOLOMONS OKLI Establishment in Iro-land is No. 19 NA SSAU S1UEET , DUULIN. Theentrance exclusively by the Hall Door, within OutDoor of lMwb'in-Birect—ihnt he is not connected withany person of name similar , nr other name, and that heemploys No AGENTS on TR A V K L L B B S . ' (n29-tll

%ovt ftfeto*—|)»si0K3rA It II I V E D

2Ut--I'lcl Oc^Uo . Iddoo , Ltaiie ily, co»Ii ; Waro, Frltariahlp,Husail , t.vwpuri , oaln ; llojal Kur, Matihewi , N'uiUt , coali IK.izauel!i, Juoed, Curtltlf, coa:i.

2?ail—S-iutU ot JiclauJ ;«J, Aj lw atd , Mi!fonl, g c ; Bo ur,BoiutLr , No^p-j rt, cy*la ; 2?'l»artl Joata , \V ^t>,lt , C«rdil r, ooa'i ;Ailelnlde , Saule, Strunssa , au'.a ; Uipajr (i), Uuroat nrlitol, g c ;George Elliott la}, Htaplei 1, Gabis, Doblin , wheat.

S!3:il—Jam.*ton. Iranu. Albion , Newport, o«]j ; Malcolm ,llarri", CariliB", coils ; Mary, Ojiicr, LUnellj, toili.

«lb—Sllpptr, Thoinu, Oiirn Hill , Cloelaml , Jim , J, ew C»t>,Downey CJI I HI'F CU.'I I S ; William , Moatli , cguU ¦ tUr/ Curran,i*?mt:t , caU i MalakoIT(«), Miiluid , g c ; Tu.kjr (IJ , Ulujon ,C c ; CuioilU t)) , Lirvtpoot. E C.

S A I L E D .2l>t-Jiinct , CinllKin , EJmuudt , ballalt ; Loda (a), Belfalt ,

Coicncr, g o : Mat..kotf (»), M iitoid , l'tvi\,n c ,•iiocl-S,uah, Ulouc.ltcr , Bnlsdon, oaU : Dublin (¦), Newport,

DAVift , (; 0 ; <ili < le , llnulufiae , .blaok uau ; Faon/, Kewport,Wlaf.lvr. ball ^Ht i Ui'Orge Klliuil , Uoblib, Staple*, ballait,Will—S.iulh of Inland '.sl.c-Millord, AylwarJ , g c.

11UMTINO A1>POIN'1'M£NT8.Cu»r.>nn»oKr: Fox Hot'nm. —Tue«la)r, Sl , ponlaiv ; Frl-

J.ij. Jan .3 Alulliau tal i Tutsdajr, 7, Walcrforil t'lub Uouie;Kilrla), 111, UieU Il,iu«c. — Al 1'. u'ducU sharu.

Tilt KlLKi: .\N r Ill -NT. — .Miiliilg j r , Dec. 30, j -MMe Seonr,lJub.ia loa>i i Ti.maiJiiy, J411, 2 , KiliuMi;iinnjr ; k'rirlMr, .'I,'Ili'iltultiiWn— M I >U >U J , C, I'liu <;iub lloude-vWi-duPsdit;, 6. New*maili'l— liid«y, 10, llt.bluid—baiuiil.,, II , Uj lHiical a—Muu -il.,}, >¦>, Wii.iljjp Viluze -• Wclni-riU/ , l i. Uc«rt Huu» — K/ii|</17, Ili tf ^•ai^^c- . At a (Jtlnrcr lii:lord 11 o'cluck .- Oentlcnicoli: Tiulii ,^t0t

not I*. cr,.l>, cirn Ijuldr.Tl, l l k iiv II C.VT .—Salu.dK ,, Ucf. 'JS, l'elliaril ; 'I' u 't it f, 311.

lfj:l )n,ti llf UoUA« . d4tUld*J, Jj*ll . 4 , Uuclll:sUi/ril, -At 11 ,/cluuk.O.9»UL ll'iCMK. - -Vunil.,., , J(>, .Min.'i<.!uwn : Tliuftvta/, Jan.

V, r. uinncta: MiniiU ) , 8, Tbuinc/ Bild e ; lhot>il«r, 9, Mm I-lull . Ai- .inli ,y, 1.1. fit akin t»a u; 'rtiuinlaf, lH t NicliulHstunui;.,r.llc. —Al Jl.Jli<i clvtji . - -

W KX >'OB II 1K'.*- T. - Muriila)*. ::n, KaTan:i^tr« Ui- i,..—Wciiot-f,.c / i r , I , Wiiii.' n,"!/ i'.,il ¦ ¦•lll , ,)ii) , I . K wi i kr Unt -Tnrnia r. 7,I' !,,- NUinl — 'Vt.li.f, |4)t , j, l: ,llj, i lv -Kfl.uj , in, K:,ll>^aifInVill.ii;.- . ¦ ¦ ni. l"..iVosl.

i, OCA ;- U .\ I I ,\\ A Y rZssFic"I ' m l i i" K ¦ ¦- ¦« •- !¦- - "

* 'A K i t . " , j , I) , i:i%n-.l» .'i- 'JU, '.,07.

-, U .,lr-rt « ,f, • \ ,* i iv *ilMtt. | I- I I I M :I M :U I. IIII IJ I IIUi an-i < a^ii I nni HII ,1j l.ilJ t-r-t- J, j \'i;j .^,ir,^ I I 'oj ati Jjnnia\ i , 7 i:.i l (« : (11 mik^ C-6 , r . i ^lbi l t imlqit' »;«»! . i>:>rn) <i|'C/i) Mlmn)

t h. il. . e. «. d. ( i. J. ; t i. d.I' A * .- «• n u '¦ r i , j I

1- i.i e- .-:- ,, .*¦•., t.i r; i! t i5 iu i 0') s •.•: HID 4 2i;m»!i A i - ullle , I V I I 13 «j - ! i) U K - I I H - U :] « a U

' ,¦¦¦- » - I - .r- i I..',, "i l l .'. !, us"? '


^mssssssiaSTTho Ascent will (alee place at Two o'Oloct, nhnrp

/TtORXEIt'e AND RODffEi.L'8 .FIRST STEP-TO\J THE HISTORY OF ENGLAND,' rerired tnd tmVplified, to wlijcl).ia,ni!i]ed,.n.QI(r9noloRical ,Ta.ble,,(}oi.«tioD«lor Examination , and comprehensive and succinct particiUr'tof Principal-Events, Coiitnmporar» Soverei |fn«, NoUbte Per-sona, and National Proircu, by KDWASD FABK, with, por>traits nf nil the- Monnrchi tiuco 'the CoDqacjt 'nnd'M»p.Price Ss. erl.'i Cloth, gilt. • -- -— - -.« .r .."TitrTCH. TILES, oa DEOLLERIBS.FOR A GHIM-Xy- NEY NOOK. These nrn ndroirably-oxecnted bornor-ons pictures, drawu by IBVIN WOOD, and printed in colours in* superior manner; Tin fxplan<tiou> are umiuiaR, hare «moral tendency, nud canbot tail to plsasa all readira. PrictIs., stiff illuioiaatcd cover. '



THE FLEXIBLE-IVVCED JOLLY OLD MAIT, who«ibgs " Down, Defry Dawn." .

THE FLBXIBLE-BACED MEItRY OLD DAME,Who sin^s •' Piddle.dc-de.'."—The** Faces always M-

toniah, plcnsc, and "ainusi. Each Book comprisos eight well-finished colored picturc«,ivith appropriate description!, whilethe face being elastic ma; ho mado to appear jolly or moody,long or abort, at pli-nsnre, nnd to ad'ipt iticl f to tho illustra-tion. 2s., bnU-bound boarde, illaminated covora.fTlHE SCENIC ROBINSON CUUSOE.


These Sarnie-effect Tof and Story Books ara tbe most ori-ginal nnd interesting Tuv-literatnre ever publinhed, eqnullyappreciated by boya Kim girls of all ages. In addition toaivinu the text of the ittricr, each book is so arraofied thatby Ilie movement of » tJibon n prettily colored' panoramaarises, reaembling A thesMcal set scene. 2>. 6d., haif-boond,illuminated covor, or with a musical IK>X attached, 3s. Cd.OUR DUMB AND NOISY FRIENDS AND FOES,

By J. E P. Illuitrated by T. H. J OKEI . IS.MERRY MULTIPLICATION. PTea*are and Profit

combined. By JUss COEitEa. . Splendidly illailra-M by J. V. lUiiBKf. Is, 1TUE GRAND EARTi* OF MOTHER tlUBBARD

AND HER FRIENDS. Splendidly iltnstrated by J.*V. BiBBBT. 1.. '.. ' !THE HORS E, THE DOO. ANDTHE CAT. ivitb jolly

pictarn to look nt. Is.—Tliene lour Shilling liooltsore H\n. by llio., nnd eadi are printed in Oil-cnloar andGold, forming the baudsomsst .Toy Books axtant. '. If ,on un-learable cloth, 2s.OLD NURSBRY STORIES TO PLEASE LITTLE



JINGLES-Ench vith about 100 Illustrations, 6d.each, or tbe set bound in o» Book, cloth cilt , 2s 6d.


TROT-MAN AND MAID-JAC K SPRAT AND HISWIFE—MOTHER HUBI'ARD-Hacb Book is equal toright dressed dolh, as each )inture is attired in m'lk , satinloce, or muslin ,- anil thesa jircscut a natural and effectiveappearance, Is stiff covers.CUT TO SHAPE COLOURED TOY BOOKS , Or! each

four dilTcrent-THE LITTLE OLD WOMAN whowent to market to tell her WRS, aud had her I'ctticoat cutall round about. OLD J1OTHER IIUBBARD-LITTI.BKED HIDING HOOD-AID LITTLE GOODY TWOSHOES.DEAN'S LARGE -tto lit OIL-COLOUR PICTURE

BOOKS for 1808. Ire tho cheapest ever issued.Each book contains six hiRlly-finisbed eugraviugs , printedin Oil Colours, with approprKe text. 6d in lancy wrapper,or cloth mitearable, Is. 6 Soits Ready, viz :BABIES-DITTIES, a plusaut lH»k for the Nursery,

by J. E. C. F. Eitsy words, hold type, pleasing pic-tures by J. V. Barret.TTERSES THE SIMPLEST 01? THE SIMPLE, forV the Youngest of the Yoins. ByJ. E.C. F. III UB-

trated by J. V. UABBET.TTOBBLE-DE-GEE, or BABY'S BOOK OF GEE-GEE.XX The old Nursery Rhymu newly done m very ea>yverse, by J. E. C. F, Illustrate by J V Barret.T ITTLE DARLING'S LITTLE VERSES, easy wordsXJ and bold type, wiUi luimlouin Pictures by J V Barret.AMUSING PICTURES. W Irvin Wood, which all

eood children love to loot at, with Oil Colour PicturesC^OMIC ILLUSTRATED MULTIPLICATION, with

J CO Comic Cuts by Fu< nnl lluz, 8vo. Is.SPRING PIIOJ rXTINU HOURES, or COLOURED

TOY HOOK ol THE FARMER AND HIS FA-MILY. Prinlcil in Ciiluur.f iu Ciiroinu, 2s lmir-boanil.Tin's uuvcl sty le ul Picturu uitJs u ch.irm to its Strreoscopieor Li'ii-liko iipiiiiirancr.

ILLUSTRATED ANNUALS for 1868.DEBKETTS PEERAGE, L'r. Bvo. cloth gilt , with


Or. 8vo. cloth gilt , 8) . 6J.—The aburo I wo vols. hi•-i-fcrntMnnimVltfO" O»«M »<~4!K»U, gilt edzes. 17s Cd.TVEUKETTS HOUSE OP COAIMON S, «ml Vie JV-U DICIAL BENCH. Edited by ROBERT H. lUm,Cr. 8to.. cloth, Kilt , 0). 6J. Ditto, Inlt-bouud ,, gilt edges,10J. 0u\ • L O N D O N : (d27- -)DEAN'S; SON , 65 LUDGATE HILL , E.C.

Che Jttatltet**Waterftrd) December 27, 1887.

Tbls being a holiday week , scauatj &oj deliveries from(araieis, and but little bujloMndone In l'oreign Oruln.


P R I C K .-i C U R R E N T .—i

' -¦" ~ * " " ¦-


" ' •¦¦¦ "¦ ¦-

IRISH. Ktw. i OLD .

WHKAT , n-.rlnirrcl i ) l -J J "M i» - ! s. d «. d a . i a. d— Vliite - - - 3> U io OS. O 'DI fl Oil 0_ Red • * - 38 0 -37 . 0 00 U tin 0— Shipping d >, ¦ Oil O J4, 0 00 0 00 6

BAKLEV , pur Imrrel •:• t i l l« ' I— Orimliiiit - - - 18 n 10° 0 00 n tfto U

MHlli nx - - 21 O !> UIIO (I 00 OOATS, perlia'rel nf ¦ flllm. i

— Hlnrk • - 14 n II n 'oo 0 00 0— Wliuc - • Ij 0 In O OO 1 0 UO 0_ Grey - '.<• 0 l 'r o'ou u ou o

FI.UL'lt, per Suck , ol -Ullln , |— Sii|icllir 'Ci- - - 52 fl J] OM H 00 0— InU 'tl 'iru . . - I <3 0 45 H 01* n (HI 0

O A T . M K A I ., pur Sar.li - .1 UO n (HI U 00' 0 00 (JBKAN.ner l i iT f f l . ,> l 1 Slll>». - 0 0 0 i & 0 II I)

FOJiKRi.N Fr.-e

W I I K A V , pcrlmrri- l , i>r-J- '"lli«. \y A. s. d— American , Sprin-; aii'l Winter - - 130 0 n. 33 o— AdiriniK.pl. - . . lie 0 III! 0— Donlinnski . . -:p 0 39 6— Gli irkn , Tu;inri»jj , nod O.lesd^ • '"^^ & 30 0

rtir .i l l . . , 'm o lilt UI N D I A N CORN , Yellow. O,tK*an . .<c fiii liilz , . -« « 2S .1

— ll.mli» S.'F".'(i>nian • • ,"" a :s 3— Amencnn , 27 I 27 I)

_ — Krcnch and Ameriran Whlte'O" • (J 0_ — K^yptinn , - . . . <ni fi nn 0_ — Umnascil - • . ,0'l U im »

Fl.Ol.'R , A-ni-ricnn .pcr liurrcl . nr I'inilis. . ttU " 00 o— French , per cRe 'r , «r j folna. - - u'l 0 00 o

r ND I A N M K A I . , Aiiirricnn , .irr lirl. ur IMIua, "11 "' W» 0j llomn Mnnnfaoiurc , } o» _

— - ' per »n»lr , (,r -iS<llha. j !* "RYE MKA l , , ' " gu 0 oil o

Im/ mrtf anil Export * f o r the Week eniliny Tf mrulai/ ithe 26lh iust.

IMPORTS . EX POUTS.Wheat •JSIHI Qnnrtcit. Wheat- . . Rirreli .Indian Corn -.-- <1n . Oalu . . . 2.W1J do.fiari - - - —— do- Barley - - . — — Ao.Hurley.- • iK Indian Corn - 1SS4 ,lov, ., J — Sacks. Iflour - - - 386 Sacks.Floor j B.VTOI H. OnKno.il . . Hr.Meal . . . —— Sacks. lodian moal - do.

Corrected thi * Day for the Waterford Nvws.PROVISIONS.

BACO N PinSr iier cwt ... »• ... 4*!a (M to 43* n«lOrvAi. do .- — ... 31j n.l - 3St Odgr.tr do ... - - fs 0<l — Bi OdH KAIIB do 28« n.l — 30s OdTALLOW do ... ,~ .- 43s HA — 45s Ml<AaD(cbt>Ddl«r 'r) .~ .- ... 41a Od — 42a Od

BUTCH KIIS' MKAV .Br.r.r, perlh ... 8ii to 8d I LAMS , nor i.r... n> Od to Oi

Do. cats M tJ Od I VrAL , uer Ib... nil to OnMUT VOK , purlb. td to 7d I PonK „ ... <ii to 6d

POTATOBH.Arori«o price ... ~ — 'd. to Td. pur atone

BimAl).WutTit, per 4lb .. ei tofj I HousiiLn .pr 4lh Ort loBJ J

WIIISKEV.Dom.iK .pnrgil ... I t s M ] OLD , Oork, sal , |J( Od0-)uK ,paccbeon,« Ui ti I

PISHX"rKnr.Kn ,nrc *i IBs to SOj I 1'r.tr., j. ... M to MIticamKon , pr l ir l l t < lo ilk HOL c , _ ... od to CdSAM)« K per lb...O.I to C.» lid I TcBMiT,.. ... (Id to Cd

FOWL K K t > KOG8.FOWL , par don 18i rid to 4U I Kooa , per 12*1 ... IA I ftdO«ltst, &>. to 5i. Od. corn. I Tmluijra ... ;•. OJ*to I*

WOOL AND HIDKf) .Hotiet wool .. Is •.Mtols 3d ' Illdaa ... IU to Mi ttfr fcrossWeilieri Ewe _. Is 01 „ I. 1.1 Kip« ... 5Jd „ 3.1 por Ib.SUn roo! ... 1. wl „ Is 8d '-Clf ... M * 4W wrlb.

SOAP AND CANDLES,WitiTr ,p«r cwt'-''l«. to its fid I Mour. u peril , .., Oi 7dD«ow» , do l'« C'l lo Ms I Dirr, to .„ ua 9d

TIMHIiU.Ri-.n PI N K , pox tou , 6.1^ tOs I STAVKS , per 1000 724 8?*Y KLLOW , . ' 41* to Ms I . I.JTlla.ptr do 1O» gd to III

COAIJi.OOAL (average) m 6J to lSb L'd t C'O K R , |>or toa ... *JOs

KOKDKU AND GIIKI IN CROPS .nAY , lierton , ... 7C.I - 751 i Tuaxil's, „ ISn , 1K<>Bmiw, whcatc-Q 4(is — 4l» I UIHUQT ;*, ,M 35, 30^Do,(oaten) 4iij -¦ 4b I MtxooLvs. .„ 17* IDs

.Gutter lKn .kei.Xum 'Hf n/ '/ irk i im m i l i i l if d a t I t i i 1'uhlic liulter Murki t

.f or the H 'tA- in 'li.::i t'rblag ( tl t i t day) , the 'iTth hint.No .of Sfkiin lor vtetl , i-nilirj it. - i f ". iy ...'.,..MtM i^t)I'l l iu llowmi ;....: lii|- l;.; -.| par ,. ,t., s6j _ to |(J 6s Ol)Kuller in ki-Rs OOP.-. 10 II' J.I. i.,l .Nil. ,,f !irfcii. - , u.iiTt::.p'-'liil"is we;* l«t,t jcur ; g-jPrice jKirff ivt. _ '. _ 100, in Hu

. (•'AIKS AM) M A R K K l 'S.OA I I K I C K -ON -SUUC I' IO t'Aii t, Mosmx. — BW pi-s •

lirir.~ dull nt JU 10 1-- .i r»i .' l ) U > !6AKYA N , "rnt;!i£L>.\\'. - 030 Jl^s ; llull ili tl) III J2«

ii I:WI . •WATtU V OUI t f lO ASII IIUTT J.Il \l A I:gl;T, X.IMcr.bAy.

— Suull mppl)- <il puss ; |iiinr .lull *l 12< !„ JS) rt.l. SIIIH K

Annoutununlief mrau. irvTUtutDmauT$. taek-p rB I R T H K. , _

. MpBd»r,- Hlh.lpst..at Anna >Ib««. Hoos», OhrisMOiloin. W*^UiCd, the wit*«f OaK ntcbofaa Pwleiol» d»o«ht«r.,- <:& JDecember 81, in Carlow, th. wlf* of M. P. Howlett, Baa .

M.D.,of a drartten ¦•—• •¦ ¦-—- ¦ '- .. . ; . . . .. . . . M A l t a i A . 0 K 8 . .. . . Decemlwr If, »l MirlleUm. <». Oirk, Dtnla J«ms« q'flvnn.

Esn., M.tK, AMl«laot-8urcMn, Arfn>.Mudloal SUfl, tOEXar/Klilo Jouaies^daiKhtfr of__ tlij^)atj Wv Bueknutiar, Jaq

^n tbi 19th int., »t 8t. Pint's. Toronto.br ibe R.v.P. P."

Rooney, P.P . asiisied br Hev. A. P.. FIna», of fltreettvint,Ooorira T. Moylan . brother to tb« pvoprhlor of th» C4«4* <.Freeman, to AnasiatU Acats (TaJik, s)iUr of Bllbt BOT.J.W.lah. D.D., Bishop of 8andwloh. '; '• - . ' , .. •' •¦/ - - - A V >

D R A T II .B ,. . ,_ ... • , . .Oh lha Sod" olilmo.'.t art.TliortaMtreol, Urnerle*,- Mantle*

MacnamaM, The O-Connor Kitr/. of Hermlura, «s«o»al. . ». D»o. 2". at Oiliir Abier, Leopold, fourlh son of B. Haoghton

Grabb, E»q» aaed 33>eara ¦ ' . • • \.V !December 81), at Mllw»rd^«rraoe , B'»v. In bor Wtb . jear,

Anaa'Sirah , eldest daojhter of Joabaa Pun .Em. " 'Oa Mondar, 53rd Inst.. ai h(a retiiteno*. Main-street. T«mor«,

Mr. John Hotton, an honest and straljMforwatd man, moon™ At he

'r'fatherTs resldonw, Qaij, W»tattord, M!saOraeo.: , ¦.

D*esmher 19, at his resldeiiM. 87 8»nilwith tr«et, pablin, Mr.Palriok noaiort;, agod 80 jnn. He wai for lh« U«t 40 j«>r»lh» troo confldtotlHl IrostwortliT raan.and I D the emp'ij»ni«n»of the late Sir John Howler, Her Majesir's First Barjuni atLiw. and lat« chalmmn for tbecottnir Tipperarf, .

December ii, at W»lth»m torrace, Blackro«l(,.Isabell» Vlcan,second dnnthter of th» late Thomaa Vicars, of Browosford, intbe coantr of Kllkeanr, Esq. :

In Kostoo , NoTombot 27, John Talbot, a(t«d 60 »•»« »Oa •months, a naiiVe of Olonrtel. cooot/ Tlppsrarj. A portloooltola jontli was pasted In Halltal. N.S , bot for the last 3d rex*vrm* & ri>«tilant of Boston. . ¦ . - . . ' . "


. .Number tit market: Beasts, MO; sheep and lambs, «,«0tealvei , 13; pl»; 4t>. Bed, 3s Od to <a 4d ; mutton. 3a 44 In <a.4d; vral. 3> 4d >o Ss 8d ; p >rk. 3s nd to 4i OJ. Thert waJ*aliort aupplv at market, and Monday's prices were maintained..

LONDON BUTTER MARKET— MOITCAT.There la little Inqoiry now lor aoyihlaK except tho best frisk

butter, which Is verv scarce. Prices—Dorset , fioe, 112s to 110*per cwt. Deioa. 100a to IO4a: freth, 12a to 16a per,dozen lbs.

nlANCHESTBR COliS-YxmBSiH.Ihe market to.day wna raoderalalr atlendsd. Whett ui

flour fill? at the full currency or this day week, but only llmlled.bniln'll'. Oali and ontmeal the turn lower. Iu beans andIndian corn no material change observable. ' ' '

nUULlN MARKETS-YmBHDAT.The supply ol cattle today much amaller than liat waek,

beinK more than was expected. Oood cattle advanced lOt ¦head, but sherp remain unaltered. Prices—Beer, 44s to 60i toSlli , lop Bit 8d per cwt ; raolton, 54 lo od to 6Jd; veal ealvM, 7dlo lOd perlh.¦ At SinithSeld Market to lay the attendance yras qolle ol aholiday nature. No alteration to notice. Prices—8piln|tercows, from £12 to £24 eapa t . three jeir old, £12 to £l«! tworear old, £7 to Jtlt, nnd ooa'year iild. £8 to £13: yoonjj calve>,10s tu 30s: weanlings. 4l!s to «0s ; bacon plgsr40s to 43s; store,0«. BACOIT -S4S to 57a pel rwt : middles. 37s to S8j ; rams. Sisnd : cheeks, 4l)s to 42a ,- Aiseffean, Us to Ms. . HAMS -\TIckIow,SOs to flOs : long fine, 70s to 76s. Btaddered lard , 03>. Balip—First quality, lod; iecond, 9d; third, 8jd per 411i loaf.

OAKLT AND CO'B CISCUliR.Cattlf Market , Ye«t«rdny.

Beasts in market , 90S : ilieep 0,n72; vesl calves, 4. Thesupply bcinj sinstt, lho demand was lair for home consumption ,and an esrly clearance was effected at prices rinsing from Msto 00s per cwt for prime ox and heifer beef , and 5)d to Ail per Ib,for well finished ewe and.wether mutton : veal 8jd per Ib; botthe absence uf the English dealers, in consequence of it beingSt Stephen'* Day, eauied a want of lie usnal competition lorexport.

MOON'S CHANGES.FirBtQoartcr ... Friday, January 3rd... 3.33 a.roFull Moon ... Thursday, „ 9tli ...10.38 p.aLast Quncter ... Tlmrsdnr, „ 18lli ... 4.39 p.reNow iMonn ... Friday, ;, 24tb ... 6.63 p.in

THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE.Tho commencement of a new year ia a most oppor-

tune time for oor friends to get enrolled on the snb-scribera' list of THE NEWS, and thereby show that theyappreciate tho labors we make, with onr best ability,in snstainment of the Liberal and Catholio cause inour locality. This year offers an additional induce-ment, as, in order to prove bow we appreciate the largesupport oxtonded to us, 'and to maintain in a becomingmanner the foremost position in which public eatima-mation has placed THE News, we have proenred fromthe omincnt firm of Messrs. V, and J. FioaiNS, of Fer-ringdon Riad, London, an entire new suite of type, inwhioh we intend to appear on the first publication inthe new yc-ir, Friday, tha OrJ of January next.


Tha .Slock Exchange an J Stock brokers' Offices werecloned yesterday.

PARIS, DKCF.M D K R 28.—Tbo Bourse hn< liocn dull.Rentes clnseil nt 68.10, or 65c lower than Tuesday. TbeDirmfor/i of lh« Hunk of France lmv« fired tbeir eecouJ half.yearly division of 1867 at 49 francs per share.

LONDON STOCK EXCHANGE—TUJUDAT.¦ Noiw- Pimwi CananU . fin-Money, Oaj ij ; Contoisfor Account, 92|; New 3 per Ceuts. 92jj.

CLOSISO PWCEB .—Consols for Mon»y, 923t; Consoljfor Account, 92gi ; New llirecs, 92J1.

^Tll5Lllj ^r6ck">,Xcir (VK^-Tu2.snA»7~Pil. Cn»ti. Acct.

3 per CciitConnols 82} —civ .1 per Cen. Slock 91JJ —

Nationrl Hank 30 01 60} —Bank of I-ebnd 10O 233 —HiberniJii liu-k •!& 36}38rd —Provincial Daw); 3S — —National of Live; ^njl (limited) 16 Hi —Union ll.mli (limited) 23 17 —Mining Co. of Ireland 7 — —City of Dublin Stmim Company 100 — • —Alliance anil Consumers'Gin 6, B — —RAILWAT8.Orent Sootlieru anil Western 100 — —Watcrford ntiJ Limerick 5 per cent,

rpilpfiinnlile 50 —• —

Win Wmuxtota m^si"BE JOST, A N D FEAR NOT ."




Senate , the Home Committee nn Foreign Affairs areconsidering the propriety of reporting a losolutionto the followin g effect :— " First , this governmentdoc* not nnd nill nut rrcognise tlie dnctri ie of nat-ural ulles innce. Second—Thnt a person of foreignbirth naturalized according tn our laws acquires nilthe rights nnd privilege* of s native bod citizen ,except sued as ure denied by the Cnnjlkution inprescribing the qualification !! for PresidentBtid Vice-President. Third—The United Slates loves thename protection to its naturalized citizen as to tbenntive bnrn. " :

A lurpe n.cetmg of foreign b'irn citizen wns heldin St. Louis, Mo., on tlir 7tli , tn discuss ihe rightsof nnlur,rliziM| ciliz>-iis in fnrrign cuunlrici Resolu-tions coiiil , ihimtory ol'the doctrine of perpetual nlle-ginnce v fcr - 1 udopK (I by the mcelinp. The S^cre-r-irj- :ii State mid Foreign Minister were he subject!of iprcinl untHiHilvirsntioii , on account ol their non-interffrencc mi behalf of the Mancheiter Fenitnprisoners. :

Ono nf tin- lurpcM meetings that h* ever con-v.-iied ;tt Ft ii .ruil Hnt l , Dostim , wnj helil thereS^inrdny evenmc, to give exprNiions-ln regard isihe tieutuicni uf m!o»ted citizens by Great Britain ,and to demand their ri uhta from our fiovernrueut.K very large procession lormrd on tie Cominon,and headed by rt- .nilitary company '«ith music,marched lo (he Hull , which w.is filled before the/irrived there , but a portion of Ihe crowd managedlo get in. A neries ut resolution s was adoptedqillin; on Congrcm to demnnd immediate And un-conditional surtender uf all Americaif citiseoi nowhild in custody bv ihe British Government.

(Mr. Sumner (Rep., Masr.) offered¦ the followingresolution , which was adopted :—

•\ Resolved —That in aniwdringthe rotolution of theSfjatr , of tlie 14lb inst., calling for correspondencerelltive tn clniins uguinst Grent Briiain , the Presi-dent of the United States be rcqueiietj , if compatiblewith the public i.iterfst , tu furnish a copy of all tbecornspondence and other(papers not hitherto pub-lishwl in this country, touching the recognition ofbelli gerent rights by t.hot power at the beg inning ofihs r icllion ; nnd alarVioueh'ing the depredations of*lb*''ci|nmeree of Ih 'c Viiited"' Slates fa'y the Alah»mi*bd u^icr vf s»«ln , built , arhird , nnd'equi pped, utidmnnnul in Great Urimin ; and that i convenient hecnuse rtin Secr.-tnry of State lo prepare nn i/idi- x In•II thu'i cnrrcspondf.nce and documents on thesesubject*"

The i' ur York Herald say«:—We recoemxe inthe wluiV- condition of society in Great Britainsymptom* of dUorgnniz.iliiin and deinnrnlizatinu inthe sprcmlnf thia feeling, which is culleil Feiiinnism ,but whifli i.«, in reality, rerolmion, We wouldjthi'rcfi;ro, iilvise Mr. Disraeli nnd Lord Stanley tolose ti'i linr ^ in titling thn Alabama claims and/(inkini; ofltt Camilla. If llioy do not—u,,i l ihis isiiu ti.'iiu iu UMe iibuut the subj ret—nc should not brsurprised witluu Imlf a iluzcu ymirs lo soc the wholeBritish i^inndsj iurg iiig in i!ie full liJo i>( revo lution •and then nhatVould hfcnme of Cnn.id^ ! .. '

In the Housi t.f j lcprr ni- iiialives ,V]r. l^uks an-Qotincpd tlinl \\v ScciiTi'iry of Stale ij prepnriu,.papers lo sulj tiiit ^ci Coi:gri'ss ,rclmivc lo ihV t i;i| :,,id.j iipriMi|i;it ( ui uf jniuraucd vl''*1''" i» Orcat Hrluin;."I'liu •/ (>l l i» in>J \V!,iirirn;hl' "iiuni-aiud in tli« . AV»

pe^re^l^flW» rrcwii'- inf tVroVOgFmtbefors Mi-cf#ilnV»' republican bull! arft who ,on New Ye'lilVnir. i 1867, could bareforetold for

signal tuian'ytVk winff -vonAtal e fces of

noteKaVtAeR^etfri^^additidnaf ¦ttminiu'.lD.iDe iemiiDinT^or'ijpjis ofoldcconsm^4;ijairope,,and.war. bsl p^y-{Beenstayed byjthjTVoiaerfal iagacity andlfdn -band ofne" Enrop^*if>l.n«lj»,':': .At/bome'.we'i sl ikijroiidijf

tVi caoopjr of ( wrilw ; ibevjrear 186|«a» us hiredinto us'whb all, tbl mournful! signs '* coming de^presiioir, Bnd the iue bai not belieMhe promise.Does thr new yearlrihg as any hope flr the better?Will 186^ iinpro»#lie htirloom left bjthe/now ex-piring reir, tbrouri which we bavnieat ljr'gone 1Will it bnnrj tu neuire, new energy 1 .Will jn giveus any;'sign' of priperiiy;-of «ny;, iJang«f for thebetter 11 iWe sincedy .pray thai it Lay, , but be.yor.d lhat warm anii btartfett aspinlln we feel wecannot go one sten The new yean comes to usbearing within its woib many things mwhich no eon-eeption can be formj • I8'i ut' hope Met bi they forweal or.bie kbeV for tie, w'e mk 'y behepared to ac-cept them in the tra&iritof CatbolfAy and respect.If the departing ye4 howiver,1 harteeo noted formaay regretfal fadnno doubt it'lill leave somepleasing retninlfeenci behind ; Ib* firmation of dearsocial ties, never to Ksundered safj by death, can,with joy,' be dated frta it; good acl of many kindsmay alia be fixed ic.the tame wo/, and 1867, inthis respeot, at leajt ,»ill not lea» a darker namebehind than BUT of | predecesioi. Then let us,as weVeiso often doijj befofe, gr4t the new year,with alljoj- and hope.|w!th joy, tlat Wo have bemvouchsafed to see antjer, and wth a fervent hopethat our new friend fll be found, to be one to im-prove . upon acquaintace. , On Ij'ew Year's Day,the citizens of Waterffd wiD be ejlled upon to takepart in a moat gratefutyuty, the inaugurating of theman of their choice, ad the man of their principles,into the high and horirsble office of tbeir Mayor,and chief magistrate. Let us take that event as ahappy augury for oarinciett «ity for the comingyear, and let us feel -cofident tiat as we have im-proved in one respect, )f which advance that cere-monial will be an incqtrovenible fact, that so wewill improve in others, Qd that the end of 1868 willsee us far progressed'ift the 'road to the goal ofsocial and. political pros<rity.' Buoyed up with thishope, and influenced bjthe kindly feelings alwaysgenerated at this fes'liveiason;we unfeignedl y wishall our friends—A . H AI» Ner YEAR .


It would be difficult L ovff-estimate tbe import-ance of the recommendaten il President JOHNSON 'Sspeech to the Amerioaii jfcngress on the 5th, to theeffect that Ihe naluraliialoa ff a foreigner absolveshim from all further all*J«nte to the sovereign ofhis native country. Alkou i the point has beendisputed between the Untad States and Continentalpowers—especiall y wtlli'PJuisia and Austria—respecting their claims l^act military servitudeIrom naturalised Ameri^tel but former subjectswho temporaril y returned icre can be little doubtthat tbe recommendation! bich .the Congress wil'uo doubt at .once adopt;! intended to meet theoases of those - Irish-Ass, cans who have beenarrested aorj-'delained W }| without any specificcharge being preferred Jgi t them, and those whomay be brought to trioj X demand the right o ftrial by a mixed jury. Oq of the most importantmeetings perlinpn ever hid New York, accordingto the papers of that eity.iej held on the 23rd nit.,in the Cooper Institute , s\df most influential depu-tation was appointed to [ I on the President tobring the matter under liajotice. There can belittle doubt about the fact bit the result of thatmeeting is to be found is ,hi President '* recom-mendation. j> |

The recent trials in DublilolCol. J OHN WARKEKand A UOUSTINE E. CosTBtwwere considered tohave the question brought |li issue. It will beremembered that they formelSiportion of tbe ere*of the extraordinary briganfr JactemeU Packet,vhich landed a quarter of a idred of unarmedmen at Dungarvan, on the 29t \ June las!. Theywere all . Irish-Americans, jor Bericani who hadserved in the Federal army dot |the war, from therank of Lieutenant to that o ttigadier General.They embarked in April lattjitlie Bay nf NewYork , in the Jachnell , which flj re-christened onEasier Sunday morning, in tlietfiBntic ocean, withsalvos of cannon , " Erin's lltx' According tothe evidence of the informer, tlijpbjcct was to landon the const of Sligo, and if rjjthere, anywhereavailable , it cargo of 5,000 itiinjfjarms and sevcramillion irounds nf ammunition. |t object of theimission having been found imdrablr, and provi.sions betng run out , they resold to abandon theenterprise , and hence their landHat.DuHgarvan.

Moat of the prisoners , if udjl, being eithernaturalised or bom citizens of* American Re-public, believed that as >hey W committed noillegal net , as they thought, inHp country, andbeing without either weapons or jftions docmnentswhen they landed , they might' An to the UnitedStates unmolested ; but in thiSelgation they wereraiitaken, ai the proceedinjrs 'at irecent commis-sion in Dublin prove. Col. ftttii , who wasarrested on Youghal bridge within. NAOLE, andsubsequentl y conveyed into the oSbf this city onthe night the unoffending DENIS |pu vuf killed,was convicted without hesitation M conscientiousjury and has been sent off for tJfr years' prnolssrvitude. For ihe first time In fi Fenian trials ,the American Government appHo have takennotion nn behalf of those prisofi NAOLE amiWARKEII had been- influential meofiie Stales, andtheir cane was brought before the SlBry of SiHie ,Mr . SEV TAKD, and by >iim hnndedWhe AmericunMinister in London, Mr. A DAMS . Btwo prisonersabove named demanded their relewn thegruuudof there being no charge against tHnnd aa aliensnot subject to the provisions of thftbta^CoqniJ,Act. To this the British'autliorilieBiaa uist trj«jshould wait at least five months.;. jfeAmerlciridemand became so iinporlun^tr)' iBh'gHned bythe persevering request, the story ¦Dublin, thatihe Crown resolved to. put them Bbeir (rial, .loshow thnt they would not .be bullH Under tb*provisiom of that extraordinary laEnown as the" Treason Felony Act ," pelted te'sj tn':meet thecases of

^JOHN MITCHSLL anil otm the Crownprosecutors succeeded in. convfcllng«Rat)i. Forn conviction under this Act, we bclieSs necessarylhat there should be evidence oft Mi overt aots"by two witnesses, or one overt-teft'ed by twoindependent wiine»»rs. ( The' prft» of thebrigantine on the shore n't SIigd,^

whBammunic«^'lion was. held with a person named aVl.on (bore,and whore a pilot named GALtAHtAttU at WMsworn not to speak of what he harSiV**1 dc-postd iu by BUCKLBT, andXwa s takSiffne overtact . I'his being insufficient ," lhe"i!v.taWCo?$^M'was produced, nnd in the inoal eoufuJW contra-dictory manner which b« had showr^«l«orB thnthe knew WA»«S as an American ofel and thathe was n member nf the Fenian BrotheW in I860.As the Treason Felony Act holds, lioll otJierM»jesty's subjects proved to-be memb*. iidersof a irensonnblo cuuspirney mny be hejlalnntablefur uny acts commilied hy any othtrbirln of i(adherents. W ARH EN , who WNS in NeiJY« « <hetime,1 »as , on this evidence nf Coarocli, W l«: heguilty of parlici palinn f,, tne risinjj i,, Istfi ofM,,r«h Ust , and thus ihe second pr«l!Vet» 'e»ts -.'blWiid to th« natisfactiui, of l!in jury.T\ 'Fn|ui''M-Jion ,;«< shall suppo.e the f rratoh Filbnr ¦'" b?¦II puer-uon MI Hume, where .uo such;inie'nllrg"timtruwonl txuig, .,,a ,|lllt uie, pr.inec.-e> \«,. wi"V

h ¦ "' "^'Kland's nubility ,.«wr,t fouaH,\Hi the;suiptctoo. olm,i1c,«T.,' w.rrv,ut,Up

g0i ,;a,U,(nI Wiiui a be c»mn«l*.,i f™.,...' n„....-. . . ¦' irm - J.:-

¦B ', m

V rw8EF w^aonintjiMiMeifef nave •n8Wn;:3HlSRJvWWpSm&riMfo Mtbfied but reidyl^b<<pwn their liv^itrfls defence. On this evldeneei^Mg ¦eonliiig to the practice as applied in WABBEH 'S^^^isll those noble sympathisers, and aiders and ii ^Ltori with words and money, should be convictcik'Ja'sMrl«-cci wnm iiiui. Ai f^udui.^ «f ih> smfto liy.him, and had lhe recommendation'of PmC~-r^dent JoBNioit been IhtrJ iiforMdOty tbe C/naett,1)i tW*»RM would be tiOm t6'b«-'trie'd' bf-sfkirtiUU'n — - H f j ,r k f-^ ,,, B|I|J uiuif .rrwi.;H*: ; -would neyer have eoavjekd'hlm.' The iudeelr ;however, held that thi m&&KU$W ,i et

ofHer- MDJe^y< l t fcr. agji uml,e,;:*of li h* ttee, and tbatiwaMhB Mwergmn.by ^th» fingi i* press t« th* PreiWew1

* wtommeudatiou.. ,,•*;:Q%?&. Tongr,eii ailoP''"*(»- wavtiont of the A'Pmfde fi and England persist io her ideas of *,allfg&ncel ibfch' srll oilmeris of Ai United States / irenoanee by. oath, the matter. w«ulU:be«one at ones

w woipc r*T** in, >H«*| . •• . M«.*.««M »MVJI Wi^War, (KstVCCu mm.the two'eiuotries. But already there are sisn'i that ' :W

that , backsliding diplomacy which has'b'en the ' Jigreat attpf Briiish statesmen isjikely to be resorted ' mto .fa.Mbli ih'stanoe, for a writer in the T5he»"of • - ' -S*1last week declares'that' the position! of'EnglanrUn' i:-*|lthe ". matt ir is " untenable," and the- eatrw pap>r /, :-.|tiSealfp ttaUf remarks "that it tuna/ good wasoo. why..,;,- SJ" ll)e British Government should decline any - '-JK""friendly overtures that may be mutt Ijy ihe' Untied" '¦?}"..States with:vT»iew '.. :(o.' It. . WeifBtn^nj." ; Thf K4Squestion affects so large •«. pojlionTTtailKens, itv niiiy; S.be truly kaid—of the United States, that ii is the ' V iliduty of toe Governmaot more thon: the; people-rtmpii • ,. .' -. or*selves to have it brought to an issue at once, at it ' J*was apparent they intended to do by ihe wi'tebful cjinterest which -they directed on their ,behalf in^he• ¦' ?frecent triola of H AH-IW, W*aniN, snfl CoiTBUff. ' ~; f»

'¦-I- - . ' iA '\ ibTHE FANNING'S INSTITUTE. - . . ¦V j'i

Little did James Fanning imagine, when bt iSft ?'J|bis splendid fortune to Ibis institute, 'that a comedy 4 ''Ifwould be annually displayed in ifc.. . At the annual j Wmeeting, a« uiuil, the laughable farce of electing the I %commiitte by ballot was enacted. Out of ioint.:_ . *•-thirty or forty rote* tbew »« but .orte. gainit tbtij-rr -Wold committee, so the old committee tu elected f*unanimously, but for this one ; however, for th» - .., Ssake of variety, it w«> well to have one I It wal " ¦ jPrather amusing to behold the two Josephs, Richard-.^ ' j|son and Fi«her, trying to look gravo, with Mri jlHassard, who Inughed at the joke , sitting down at '¦¦¦¦ '¦ ¦J:the table counting votes , whilst they, as every one" '. 'I*else in the room, knew the result before-hand, Tbe , "Jfjjvenerable Bisbop in the chair, old as he was, teemed • ¦'¦•'Winclined to smile, suggesting that it was time to ;v-iT tcount . up ihe votes almost before the appointed '¦' :rhour. Mr. Richardson said " no" ;. Mr. Hatwrd' y $" yes," and Mr. Fisher was silent for the first time "S fc,in his life. Another Joseph (Clampett) said, " oh, §sure we all know the result ;" whilst Mr. Redmond Ii:ejaculated, "stop the sham, gentlemen I" Ob, :|Pshade of James Fanning, what a scene it was within jjrthe walls of an institution whioh you, in your dying . jl"moments, intended not for a parly, but for the ' npeople of Waterford. This ridiculous sham of cptn- . i'mittee-making is so transparent, that tbe Catholic j °,members of the inslitute, as a body, do not think j vit worth their while on the dur of election to attend. . ., bOn the princi ple set down in ibis establishment, no - - innew blood, except in case of death, can ever bs iff- '}fused into the committee. The last vacancy , eanwrd fby the demise of Aid. Ryan , wa* promptly filled up - Lby the hig h-spirited P. K. Reid,, whose aid must be'very valuable. Such men us Aid. Slaiiey, Mr.Henry Gallwey , Aid. Keil/, and a host of otherintelligent and ¦ popular eitixeos , nould never Xf-\swer. The dominant parly had a little leaning to*wards Mr. John Hudson ; but , ufter mature coiiii- ',) ideration, it wns found that on " Popish questionsJohn was very crank y and noisy." In fact he was : . .i. .not the kind uf man that wonld suit the committee, ;Hence he does not make su appearance on ths , isham-day. As regards Ihe admiasiou of 'persons5 -"'}for money . exclusively, as is now practically ths) i\case, it is open to grave objections. *»ln the flrst"'|jplace, it was never contemplated by the will ' of' VJames Fanning, and in the next, it holds out a"'1'!boon to members to make up funds lo quarter tbeir 1old servants or dependents in the eiUhJiihfMDf. 't«* •'-the exclusion of reduced but deserving bod«°«k'*s^>^^fers and ratepayers, who mny not ije abie to'cbflecV' ' ' 'money. In fact they do not usually stek admiwoa v/ ,,till all tbeir financial resources bart d'iid up. Fir [belter, we think that only 50 peridot 'should gain ;-?admission by fair, open competiiloi, 'than that aff :'j' ishould be excluded—as is now t5«!c«ie— who baw } 'inot £30 or more. This sysiem ; rtnnvt coolinu*,1 :'«;-|for we know it is already condtouitdj by tho great . jbulk of tbe people outside. Wbst easier way to setrid of troublesome relatives than t» gif them a M«—'pounds to put them, till death, lefto ffurting's Vg '-j '£bo ise. Recently one of bn MsjcMjfepttsioners,having £10 a year, was admitted. What ant t Weconfess that £19 a year is not half WffleJdltW sup-port tbe man ; but why did not g»vtm*tnt.giv« ¦'him more t U tbe Fanning'! Inttiiutr WWton- >,verted into a Greenwich Hospital, for'thl'lUf^rt T

of broken down soldiers or sailors T ¦*'.!"i ;"



\The Marquis of Waterford has arrived $p;Lbn»

don at Carngbaiore, where bs parposn rtnuinisf (br.tbw*months. His lordsbip drove into town on Tasna taa pro-ended to Monnt Neill with tbs Cnrngnawr* bosjsfc,wbkB Igave a capital day's spoit to their followers. . J/&- [

HILL AT DUSOAKTAX.—OD tbe 18th last; CstKKtbtrd ;:\and Hr Bnry, 7tst Higblinders, gave a bill[ 'it liarejoarten, ','Dnngarvun, to tba gentry of the locality. TSs baU-rooo l>was very tostcfally decorated with cTcrrnwc' nrordstabid ¦ ''bayoDds, and hid a very pleasing appunaer. .Tbsnppst ' lnnd otber refresboeots wen sapplied lo s/lmiriWe ityto bf y 'JMiss Bishop of Danzarvnn, obtaininrweH-6>»ene4o»iltfor-'V?!her superior extitine. Dancing oramrncedst ten o dock to jltnthe strains of tbe band of tbe regiment,- w 'wJttJMJD^;; terral for supper, wu kept op with crKksj^ spirit tuToTf


o'clock next morning. Amongst those present Wsre—wrf'V'/i; !aud Lsdy ilastiogs, and tbe Ladies f iutittn&r W&m¦" j - ,and Lady MuAr»ve,Sir Nugent, Lady, JlrSnditsBomUf i '- < <Mr nad Mrs rftteits, Coehiflgonr; Miss'MototsjWsiirforifi ; |cOlBceis o( tbe71st, Sir OSell , Mrs Pitt»«nH%asslMis» • \ QOdell , Me«sr» AMridjts aoa Atkini, 71tt Hi»kUs*ra,:F»r- _i xmay ; Mr anJ Miss Hnnt, Miss Hunt, aod Min.ParsW. j ,Oungarraa ; Mr ood Mrs Kei!/, Mr ao4 JJB.Cwsby, «M 1 aMiss Barron, ditto ; Mr H fiUjerild, 8o»is», W« ;»r J p¦M'L'ermuU, &c. ;... . . . .. . . . • • , .. r

L I T E R A T VtL B., ¦_>"•"' •

TMe Popular Sducator. hmiwiGu/ atL,^ *' ]GALPIK. Thoso emlnmt and euterptWif1 |W)iaWR.*j"' ,now issuing, ia weekly and monthly. CBmijni' i jWa ,,' ABdueator, a work coaUini"* intrinito BWisM '*?Sf rf ^. jKfcertain to ensors fof.il a my exteasinMlUe PJwSirtprafcTUe pages of tbe Sdteator wiU bf cbla,<fcvoUawl>§*K^iscience, and laagUAJts, mid, to Jodf* ftWB' f a 'y &gBStti 'before u.,tbo» will U placed In tbeir nrioos fortSs W&WMureaders in such a manner u to reader them fntiWftWRW^A^

iue pages ot wo Aaaowr wm -T rnisay oovnTTi IB nitraigifi IJIscience, and laagUAJts, mid, to Jodf* ftWB' f a 'y &gBStti 'before us.tbose will U placed In tbeir nrioos fortSs •M*® 'readers in such a manner u to render them fnlirtiMraCSLffi™permaaeot. ' Its low price will place it within HaiiWlWrV:^one.' ; " '• ' • • ••¦¦ipaSsiK*1?™"

NiW Mnsic-A set of piano music, MiiffW0'|^?JJ Ieminent composer, Csil Veley, bss .beenyjM^W'niill IUtmi. Cramer and Co, music a»lluiit) JHfllglf^ j? "Loudobo-.8«vaa btantifol piscw wo»pfu».tW fajWw>aj>.i '»'¦,' !'abl#. ooUertion ; they ara n»pactil»lr,s |»f«d.W<*5l'» 'A ,adapted for bringing oat . tie pB*snpf,ttojMMfjftft9»:>»it.- i:witbal , powcrfal instrnment, ui,«f HPMtJmWBBtiiI * >to delight the ••!J«tiw ieat.^ sj*ffi aWfe3ffif«(,{(i i „¦ MersBaid'a Song" aud ' W lS ffi2ffiSGS8 .!-V4S1? T*" !"!."• -rul1 WsSmBBBMafah 4•U*pa tbem » production. o(b&&( '*****?£!?*; , ,j j Llsast doubt bot tbat this '•wWN W$£!SgWii6fkvorite in tbo drawint-rooo,"!' «P>««nt^»*j fiIJJf

'" "XiDtriusic meril, an additioruil qaslnVstkn g atmtmtptm,- ¦ - •' *>«.ru u/ jviiof Mtiior, mac m vxaaBaaBiwiiayvii , r-v ' '• •¦¦: -

' ., i sj r '|-|>" ' AJ '' ',>-. s-h'- '-l: • WATEHPORD^MABK^WrifWtefc'^.^i,'' Lit le battfr 'sit maiket Ihb w^:»|pl«|?«i;*5"'.jiMk/lq £6; Very prim* lets, «5 l6V?«a|,#'9* ^VVbett en striw.-b.; TaMw l&<toV*m *£&£>Mbeinx <o good,rwior to-tbe mitamit »»'J"«*srji »;Mj

pricts ot prorensier ara ks«jt:sW«.hH«/<l1 ««tw»**^ban ianl; wathwi. frot tto wiatylsaCTcTi K »iig^|it must IM over in three nwntlu it &&»£,.TCtoWpTO|Ip8s i-dinks, do, U 84 , i; . . . . . . in .. . .; ^i^ v,h-. i$m

airrrosED iBfUKAj, .«ACBiB«.-r*H»n-y«n»aawjafi«rno»n,- tbe receiver .of. Cbareii4*MM*>4*MfiDub in.WM obferred to be illaain^br tW^mUicsj neUrial r»emblhi» ¦phmfiofr^fiMNIi^aHbtin,; removed; the rttti In <Kari*<n«ypig|MRpaeslaces; the siii of prn ^oit^MSMKlBK^aW^'toj m imbers or the Viceregal COMIWHR1''''Commissiontr of Polioe, i°S **ff l3ff i!MK2o '"1;«}>¦ Deuciive Force, mil fSBHr iposx^ge . . {amps MM .cSitWBKg S ^M, .i.b; olhers, was called to^ KBSi "iffiie«lt d packages , •h^^^W^TpaAllgtfttlhis hands were "verfly.FuSj fSflr X°pXi«lwere subsequfnil y conWJjMHB^ i M

Page 3: snap.waterfordcoco.iesnap.waterfordcoco.ie/collections/enewspapers/WNS/... · .a roL.;.'.XXi ^o."ll —^gi^ERFORD NEWS. «. ^ ^~,.f tid*y Etenmg mi 49 King street. TH «« P««;




to* TUE 0FFESC8. ff

t-cUemcnt UK crciteu >n Womastow n on

nst bvW fttrcst of an ««»«,«,, named" %$ £*&***}»sltl°*f that town , on» Of being concerned >" U*J,hol esale sheep

khicn havo for somo l"» "fire, years J>MI

hittedin that nei(thl >rli.wi*nij whick have

LficO. detection, for the simnjjrWson, it is now

Vint the depreda'ws we* pittics tanking

loao to be the toast suspend. It appears tint.

fc«p a public houso olojf to tbo police barrack

owi, and in addition hjld considerable tracts

twins ii/Sip'OrfJfasaed in the rank of¦JPP~* • 'J- r»d is Mr. Marsh , Spun*.

,.. .. mnty, to itlintn theTob'tns

for rent ami money lulvahCtB. On Mr. Marsh

bis sum, he was to'.d by the fulling that wbeo

anme sheep tlion on hands the money would

weapon Mr. Marsh wroto tint as lie wanted

lid buy (hem at the market price, nnd 30 (beep,

pJiitd from the Tohins iilo Ilia hands. Mr.

to Sir John Tower, who itcre the last victiro«itorynsitnl Mr. .Marsh's firm at Sprinftmount,nd identified the sheep sotrninferred ns his pro-

'lr_. Marsh delivered thin over, and they were

Kilfane. Mr. Mursli , Ihe Kilk enny Moderatoran information as to tic facts, and James nnrl

"¦¦• nrrc«tpd. will two nephews and

man" No napicion ' /•»« JJ*™*?{

n ,,i«es the .lauglKcrs ot hia brothc • nnd feJamw-lwd been a>ays M .fi" "$£a and reputable tioiiuh not weaU '1 ' nd¦cr'n rain and Mf. &.'iR>>''* rnm »»«»

* farm on Friday norninR last.nftcr ho ( rea er«her sl.ecp had te«u .oil o Murpbj , «Tho

¦alter, nnd dUpoid of to Slr. M*r»h in liru oreld two farms-..*' at West Jcrpoint . adjoin-y viaduct , and another known as the M»""of which MI* .t lh« stolen sheep were found,be lillio doubt but 'he rotten.* wera perpo-

,1. altered, until disno-cl ol. In addition to

!,1« found irith Mr. Marsh, in the Queen's

nd with a lutcher in Thomostown , Jiimesseven which had remained on Tobin'& land ,beep havo bem traced :—Of tbose stolen f.otn

i M»y, ltntaoo tbe lands of Captain Duller,well M four ikcrt , partially identified as beinjrlock stolen fem I-ord C.\rrick in March lostjars, lolil thre lots of sheep to Captain liutle;: first wera kfled hy decrees ; the other two lobire bought, <ie in April and the other iu Ma/ibtep etoicnfrora Mr. Franks, in Septorutifdiscovered unongat the others found wj»

| Tbom.vtoip victualler, who bousht sornojfDing in liHposse.«sion from Tobin, in Octoh",i Novomberlast. The skint of three of tVse>ir John 1'oTcr, nnd one of those utoleu Bmin the /"snobbery, were found with a bulbcr»T. in Gijgue, who had bought tbem fome fair ol iBnnclt's-uridc.e last week, andhadthe animal for tbe Christina* market, pbiorcn sheep" (be last fair of Kilkenny t Mr.e-dealer, I Watfrford, which are supped to


of MrEoipne's. Mr. Seinne lost , »ll*i»«r,ccovered h wb l»t 17 inoru of his nre aoluutedin Poweiost 26, nnd has recovered i. with

Tlie filial count of tho total nipber offrom U! 6r«t rohhery in 18G4, inJ'ive, is

s total number accounted lor is (• Thebi. wa« o the night of the loth of Vbruary,fSO sbfq disappeareil tiom the farm.' Mr. 11.pppagli and the final cjoipa'Kn v 'he R^X

night J the lllh October Us^when Mr.ted nnrfier visitation , but hart tliif time tor a»i inistrtuiip Sir John Power, RartAhe formericr ilorhf 11, and the latter 26 tl'ep from tliehili atCilfsne. Mr. Jlnrah. oii Sturday. pro-lotnnsKo, to see to (tilting i,om*iiiK elso forl a-b 'a rent, as lie had given V> thp she»p jjund vcrytbing saleablo h.id btn cleared offu. Iis stated that relatives »«i servants oflie £/und of clnimo for wuges lid debts, htdn etrything Available to pay lieroselvcs, ar.dlltU c.iille to Iieuuetsbridce fir, on Saturday[ disjbsrci of it. i

5EJ0F CHARITY'S ANNUAL BAZAAR.*1 haar for the relief of tkepoor of this city,

it* the Sisters of Charity, Ummenccd to-dnyrtl.lHooms, Town Hall. A hr<o and fashiou--«bf the rank and wealU lof both city audprlng many long and weVknnwn supportershie institution , have beet present to almostotur goins to prew, and iave ennwd n Iral.v

»,K>th by their contribntius nnd efforts K*II -

itibule to the success of tip uraud object to boJj bazaar. During the d 1 the rooms appc.wdi advantage, caused brthe taste with whichicked with cverereenn. loremest, of course,

n beins tho mistletoe, bijlj, and ivy ; by the[profusely und arlisticaly covered xiili various»ble priies, around wliiu wore congregated intun; of both cues, and /veil the old, and by the>>ances ono everywhere n>et of tho^e who, re-|e wauls of tbe poor, nre actuated but by onelining of the means Arhereby to relieve them•tile. As u«ual tho tiblca nro presided over byiho. themselves the t/P« of cbarily in ita teiypi invaluable aiWocxvs lor tbe orpbnn and thecb appeul made fron eloquent lips, springingleartj , met with realy res|»nscs, and the resultlie efforts U ttut th, bazaar of to-day is provinguews. The senile actors in this labor of

k at the stMW are :—IM Feely, pole sccen; M^rs* Jrtmes Dobbyn,kast kiid Miss Brrinan, ornamental clock , &c.;kMnrphy, M rs. I1. PhelsR ar.d Miw Pbclan ,(; Hiss felancy aid &Iis* Mnbcr, tnirror ; Mrs.igencral lmiaur Itble ; Mrs. E. Uy«n and thef)>y, bath chair, ciforctt e stand and box of cigar» ;¦oiins, a Christinn hamper ; Mis. C. Kedinond,loaf of .«ogar, &c; Mrs. Maber, Bcritford-streW,tnp and doll; Mils Cookr, butter copier and ten-1 Power, M»nor, vases and concertiuA ; MissfiI doll aud rich phra cake; Mrs. Connolly, Glen,nny, confectiouiry. In addition to the ladies,ling reudtrs invaluable services at the lotterysrdthip our venerated Bishop, attended by Ibcmini, tvits ureseut during the day.

;o>en,'wbo tok the active psrt they always aoreJingj, fureim.'.t umonest whom being thatof the poor, Aid. M. Slancy, J.P., contributela the gfncral success, ami are rminently di.-

Ihe warmest thanks. It Was very Rrstif jiuuve nln.ij s do on tlx»e wcd8iou5, anny of ourjote&tant fellow citizens joining heartily iuton of the noble woik , one tetding to thet so much human misery , and the creation

U individual und gm?ritl good. Vith hi« ac-:ourt>-.y, Captiiiu Warim (IluVb, Adjutantieiford Artillery, in'si willingly pcrmittrd tbeuf the eicrlh nt slafl b^nil r.t tlte regiment nn>l ,Duua^enient

of their nl'lf lender , Sfc. \Vm. Tillin,miderahly to the pleasure of the day, by the' cjf the following choice prosmmne:—

. , IrUh Airs, Kivire ; polka , KuUn , D'Albfrt ;.j Oudl'rey : sclretion , Lurlinr , Vallscc ; quail-

vsl lrtl uidr>i«, Kiviie; galop, P:inre linpciial ,<, Fluwer Girl , Uoilfrev; inczurki , Cupd's lj,itt,Iccion, Luisi Miller , Vfrdi j valse.Soldiitfnleidtr,nairillet, Wedding, D'AIU'rt ; |ilup, KuUr-in.<rneaarrill rc-opcu this ovciiing lit six o'clock , ;e-

' o utlil niue. During tbat perul the artillerypluy the following programme t—Polkn , Ma>-

| urent ; vnlfe , Hilda , Godfrey ; wl-ctinn, Martbu ,¦uadrilrs , Colleen Haw n,Ca«sidy ;gilop, Valentine ,slli ; XilfC, Claribel, Coote ; insuika, lliroudvlla ,

1* I RaVip, Saucy Kale, J. A. Crew.I » /.IRISTMAS AT THE W0KEH0U8E.

/ ' rlaiux rrith tbe hnmane and auiiderate cuitoin,

, it now roproperly obtained the f<TCJ of law , tlie in-' jknrworVkOuse were regaled on (jbtutross Day withv kit Ua Itakfatl >nd mrnl dinner. Kvery possible1 n |made hylh" inaslir nnd inatien, Mr. nnd Mm.'"li the tin officers under then, to make this goodyJWCfptableli possible to the inrlrs , nnd it it no.

• justice to htB !»»» , »« usosi, u.o« cnoeavonrs wrrrt successfii The soup for dinin, mails from 1,51 iLo beaf , ftpplied by theconlricl.r, Mr. M.FI yui. ,

-i» very bes quality, nnd such »*to do credit to the¦f a fi *t-rle hotel , a very pnlitable proof to the

To tasted V of the care Wstoir'd upon iti prepara-• COM havindt in charge, by w meana n duty, of .' :!T c

"n«d«ig the U':e nun.le- of KOtats to piYtakeI £ ,be enilt> through the larduess of a geuerou tH doeanot ifcire her name l» be mtiitioued , theI ito th« uum»r of nbout 120. vero rrB.aled wah teai C-cnke, auj it wax a most iiiinatme sc-ne to wit-1 1 1 = tie creatuu whilst enjoys the gratefu l icpsst.• L several excefcnt songs we» sung, and the happy• fi,nt wound P with inerrfrtcer. for |1)« piriiiiii,K lady andreotleman wlo IO kindly toutnbul^d

'Laerjl enjojw*. for tbe uasier and matron , who' U LoceasinS » their att.V.m to all, and the other' JiQ «oJplaUJeach other .'nm morn till nijht at-'itTon tlui foorjntDatcs ol "II elM.«s. Umin* tb.S. wa- tisild by »CTrtl of the public, jnclu.lmg

• I- smpctt . PUSMi. Cox.RO, Rer. W. X 'VonW .Ji 'Slico. PLO.c.

• ii 'l**"a. J*S|IUTK.W0II Cbri*lm!i3 Uay the inL ,ni« iDstiUtioincarly !3)in numWr, in aerordacce

V liberal dirrctidor theKg bt ltev. Dr. Daly, Ilialiop

t\t\ "e" sapplid wltti v\ rxccllent diuorr of nm>tJ | pl«n puddin t his Kpeuse. Tho kerf sopplird¦ loo**'0" *';> ' 'he piimr«t description, and (lie^JTpnddnf

o( \f irit-c\i '.* churnctcr , wheil down

*. ul aqua fo nta. file matron, iMrs. Archdckin ,Ittr, >:U« il n^b Archdetin , nnd Miss Eli»iV»«tni>umatr( superinbndtd the manipubitionll- elii»r, wbi was grateluily partaken or, with

I llgUfto, by i larger nntrtor of tbe renpientiIs I- nnty.

'•• ' SEASO.VAiE 0ESE10S1TY.9 *BE BDlrOtt 1 IIIK W4II RF0RD 5EWS-Slk—The JtlhstLnv* Its b ackuiml.;rlg,- bavins"

for dittribulion I Cliristinai mi abundant mpplytiona.e<!>l ,tnd bJtoi fifty ptor families in P:i«azeorn • l*|it. l> \\ lenan, of .Sehn uiit. T'«i IIIIK II

¦' ,oi>..t U g"u,,, to Ls Rool . i:!Hri!<We srnl!. -ii«n inK i.-vhif "• iii.uv lunicril *ufl«rinu |'"T »f llrs'. ' At wi carlv liix.ri Tuewl^* ininruj , tbp Mi«n

* 11. tl.r *r<ui.i'ix il° il,e Jl ii-. KailuT I'hi'lan , vnrhijtbly istfj iiird tJatts nf Pj.«:i;i', rlis'riliit 'd the:r., t.« lie poor. ti)Jlar.ifitL Jti which U'-t F^lhi-rjciteivid from Mrs V I'o«nv, \Vcoll.ni.ls. It «;• *f .in the liiiilirst rjlrie to J:cir l |)r relieved nnnnl /rrvoitly ami lict rriy to del to liL*ii lli'ir

I F l»«fli.cUirii , and tibrant Ilirm and Ihalr (aoiilif-C'l"wtriM i« and maofiappy new years. 1 aw quite

, t , Mr. Editor, tbat Iu will give this uotice a plan*' widrl/ circoUling til"', as I think it would bo u

illow auch ieoerotUjttogonnrccorded, and belirvc. troly joon, <\ M Kte Wizsx,,.

THE FENUI CtUISER.J Htlieo» and i?*in:A (wbich left Qwer.i-INiMaUv moniWi in »onuit of a Fenian

TUE DRY DOCK FOR WATERFORD.Tlio public mve observed with' stiifuction thai

the U..rbor UoJi , nf tcr n sligRt abow of opposition,adopied uuanini>u-.ly the site at Cromwell's Rock,for the construction of a dry dock—a work of thegreatest imporinco to the advancement of the beltinterests of tbVport. Tie weight of evidence, fromthoBobest entUcrl to form. a judgment on the motter,was in fnvorcf the. tite now selected as the bestsuited for thsVnrk itself, and the final report of Mr,Cuodc, C.E.^as

of so decided a character, tlitit un-

less the bonrf had no confidence in hia judgmentjthey could ft do otherwise than act on liis reeom-JmendationVso the faint opposition vanished. Thestimated «st nf the Cromwell's Rock lite bcin£7,000 unjer tlint of Joyce's field \* another atronrecommeriatiou, bcsidci the public advantage jbe derive/from having itconotructed out of tho jujiadiction ji the bridge toll* imposition. The b|authoriiife >ta construction has been introduced IParliamJt , and there will probably be no oppoiitijto its ptf ing in tlie next session. The prtamlettimaU the coj l at £40,000 ; the title ia <" Wate/ord Dry Dock Act , 1868," having incfporatefrith it tbe U'aterford Harbor Act, the LAClause/Consolidation Act, 1845 , and the Harbi,Docka^ad Piera Act, 1847. Tbe other clnuiesieas follftv :— I

6 Cutuissionera to iiave power to construct works lifeon debited plsns,and may enter upon and take and uiolcriportirji of lands shown thereon as may he requisite, 1

6 Iseription of works authorised :—First, u dry if onthe nitb-Mst bank or foreshore of the river Snir, at clearCroqrell'a Hock, partly on land situate ou south-east fc ofRocfiads House, and lying between tbe river and tlfoadleirlg from Ferrylvink to Annemoont Ilonse, said ll.be-lonAig to Robert R. Kea, Esq, and occupied by VVrrFitz-gtjld, Esq, of llocklnndsi Jas. Dohtrty, of Ncvitnwncuie,CUitendom, and DeDtt Keefle, ofCbrittcndoro. Tbo rk toeminence 535 yards from the Ferry Slip, near tbibbfyQircli, and to twruinaU 133 yards theuco in a southerlyiKction , at a fie.'d in possession of James Doherty. rcond,(Toad lending to the dock, which road wilt coniuice on/• pnblic road leading to tlie Ferry Slip trhereie saidiad terminates at such slip, thence soing in isouth-nsterly direction to the commencement of tbe dec!1 7 Powers of deviation. I

8 Power to borrow not exceeding £13,000- I9 Not less than ojte-fortifth part ot the eura k be set

apart yearly for a sinking fund. '10 Public Works Loan Commissiouera mayfnd tbe

monev. I11 Power to re-borrow any monryj repaid beyo/ Binount

of sinking fund. I12 For appointment nf receiver on default of fc'ment of

principal or interest. £4,500 most be duo or » receivernot to be Bppoiutod. I

13 All moneys raised under the act (ball bt |)hed onlyfor the purpooej of tbe act . f

14 Powir for compulsory purchase of landsfnll not b»exercised aftir five years. /16 Works to be completed within ten yenrar power tomake them not to be exercised. '

16 Rates for u>o of dry dock. /17 Provision as to general acts for nlttratiot f rates.18 Rights of Public Works Loan CoramissirJrs not to le

affected by this act. /19 Saving tbe existing powers of the Watford hnrbour

commissioners. IZO Saving rights of the Crowo. /21 Colts of tho act to be paid by the WnHord harbour

commissioners from funds under Harbonrlct, or fromfunds to arise under this net. I


TO TllE EDITOR OF THE WATEHFCP N«W8.DEAR SIR —Education belongs to th#arcnt , guidec"

by the churob, for the chnrch is a pow/establishcd bjGod to direct the consciences of mnnpd. The Stat:has no right to tike the cdncat'on of » Jp'o under iBcontrol j for it might be in the hands* .gans, infidelf,or Mormons, and, as such, it would/ disposed, if thad the power, to force tlie consoicrJ of H« subjeosinto subservience to ita own views, f batever br tiereligion of the State, whether Calholfr not. >' lias »authority to teach ; and if it should^urp that ] iwrr,there is an end to both civil and dgious liberty, ortho government could prevent the <"en>inatioa of Jllknowledge and learning opposed tf 13 own interats.If the State should be oorrupt andpgodly, as it olenis, it would corrupt and deraoraP tbe schools,mdthero woul d be an end to free tho»>t and free edict-tton, as well as f) the vaunted w of private jidg-ment. Mixed e.lucation is unjustowards all \4cioconscientious convictions are oppoi t° ¦'• for the/ arccompelled to pay taxes for thenpport of a swtemvpliicli they rjndemn, or will oot/e. Ihe denonina-tionol system alone is free, for it«ves all free toeelectthat which nppears 'i be best ; f its chief adnutagoconsists in the full scope wbioh feives to reli gius in-structiou , without which all edJTion is morelypagun.The denominational system qedpcatiou hn beenidopteil in almost nil Catholic cptries, while he r»n-Cmtbolio aro poriinl i«>.^ Mp odlcee mUndichools ;lut it is cheering to find that may Protestoofc in Iro-Und are in lavo r of free educ-w; they acthooorably ;ticy ilon't wish to interl'er^iith others, nor to beneddlcd with in the care of yuh.

The fall of Adam has entai t on mankind a« awfulptopenslty to what is bad, sin , r\i mea» ; bit thereis no one ao mean as he who ianot perceive it Tbevoluuluvy slave is mean in ( seating to his own de-gradation, and the tyrant is 'an »hcn he oppressesihi weak ; that man is mear vho ibandon» principleforlucrc, as well as be who js lira for his perfidy.As our eternal aod temi <f happincss-our moralpriicaplcs—our notions of Itb, justice, and honourchUflv depend on our educa o, tha\ at least, shouldbe .'ree from meanness nnd justice.' The Sato Hintallocates the funds, and tho« *bo rceive them, shoulddo ai on just and honourabln rms. The grr ;t majorityof Catholic?, both clergy andfity, He disiatisfled withthe n-iiional system ; thegsbops-who are cbieflybouid to guard their flcckfrom janger-have oftenremmstrated with the goveinent.and demanded thedenoninationil system for j. Softr they have donethcirduty, but the laity haviot folbwed their example;we have made scarcely an%ndDi»rs to support their»;<,». . nn, mrann.u th^ri<fle. 1*9 etdent ; Wu OCqUie:CSin ont own degradation , «nd tftly ateoit to lusult and iu-justice. It is true that edueilo ii ft 3 to Catholics in tbodiocesan, conventual , and Cliri Jn icbolo.and pre-eoiinenllyso in tbe Catholic University : ut ir*V for it; wo pay Tortwo syitcms ol religious worn i, an*wo systems of educa-tion ; »e take very little p s to isht our wrongs, thusprovinj that we are mean, co rdWud nnptincipleil.

The .lave is de-picablr-tb tya>i '» contemptib e. Allpolitiwl and religions ascendty ia fposed to the Christianprinci ple, and is ba^ed on bo n orle aud folly. Jt is verylo» , while it imagines itself **re»- high. Uthohc educa-tion wns formerly illcgi'l i*ebn«; the »cboolnia»tcr vir thunted like a wild beast, i oiflder that rather savaKenow. So our political Nio -dshfre pullri up a bit , nndthey affcet H patrouising sir Utility I They are not nowmercilessly sivngc-thcy ai oi.y Unjust j thty force na topay for a syst.m which U th milisult , nu injury, nod aninjust ice ; but they wou't s "<r « don l "."' "* """ness.

Civilis.d society has, for "» protection, agreed uponcertain conventional rules o5 iw .ollfJ et iquette , nnd thweare maintained with great ictiule. It is one of. its undn.mental laws that no one, !l o«* or mtiude binweH mtusociety a« nu unwelcome u st: the perjou who docs so lowscaste, stands dishouor. d, i hi aeanness arouses a JUB I in-dignation. Let us try tb idwrfea of uiixcd education bythis law . They would fo nin-Catholics as intruders intothe society of Catbolie., 1 icewta. Tbnt,, an insultand an injury, Catl.obr bjet to the intrusion , because itiinp.Jcs tbe freedom of igius teaching nuil devotion; itnurtures religions rancor tie iiinds of tbo young, unlesswbeu religious teaching «to|elher ebminnted Irom thesebcol ; and also because e; consider that the conduct andlanguage of non-Catholi iianjthiug but edifying. Mor-monism or the divorce co t «e oot pitronised by tatnoliujnor do they wish to « t eir children tang bt under theauspices of state-men wl wiuld legislate for bigamy. OldI'almerilon, of pagan oc >r, lfgielakd for divoi ce, and fairRobert Peel, hia bully ai bs tool, attempted to bolster upa Godless system ot ed Son in Itelaud. His insolence,ignorance, aud mcauueu about on a par.

Statesmen nre sometionjut onlymean, bnt maJ. C«CBI

Stat vult ptrdcri p r i t uf i e nf t . Tbey take much paiisto weaken tbe fiiilb in I hub people, >nd to withdrawtbem from clerical infiie-that is to (ay, they wouldsooner tee us ull iufidtU I Itepulilicans than loyal Catlio.lies. They «ein to be xf to risk their own temporal andeternal bappimsr, to ruifir'. Uebold tbe enemies that wehave to coutend with—nr inopled state-ctaft , aod tbe evilsreaulling Irom it! Thepgy and people of Inland aro «pposed to both. Tbe bai of tlie faith , and of Ireland'stuluro frrvatuess, glory,7 liapi/sesi, is to be foogbt in tbeschools—Cutholicity, pjjti^m.andpeace, against msterial-iiui, infidelity, aud rerolon. Jons CASSOLL.

* Xarhratb, Victmlxrj, 1867;

CATHLIC CH URCH.R EQUIEM Mu.i-iTlnirjlay,28tb Nov., a Hiih Maw

of H 4ni.r0 of the sevjb day altw df.-MW, waa offered upin the Gat-) of Henfeimrth, South Bojton, lor tho reposeof Mr. Jeremiah Sallfc, fattier of Rev. J. Sullivan , pa-torof the church. Tie/ebrjnt, Pr. Emiliano Gerbi .O.P.f ,w; s r.-,»i,tc.l by l l n f . Moraw , of the Cathedral , ns dcacm,and Rev. Fr. O'rfin ai sub^leacon. lUv. W. Kyine,C'lianc-jllor of tlie iJwe, olficiitcd as muster of cereajonii's.The late Mr. Snllli was bom eighty ycsis ago in tbecounty Walorford , |laud, but at an early n:t h« remotrdto Kerry. He »mitud t J Uwtou in 1827, and soon settledin South UOJIOU , ifili wai then J desolate wild weste. Hewas the lather of *2n children , one of whom, Christiu« , ita rcligieusc in tlicj<y Nunnery, Montreal , ond anuthtr, thezi-aious pattnr oflite of Heaven Church, Moulli Uoi'on.imBoiiom Vx loU I

SIX l'j|KSO«s CEIVED ISTO TnE CUOBCII. — ThelUr. J . J. O'Coii rr»ri»p(l into tbe church , at An.iernon ,fi. C, on the Kra f the Prcjf ntntioil ot the lllevwd Virgin,Lirut. C. Jcscph earn, of the U. 8. Aimy | alao his lady,Mrs. Spear;, wi their Itvu children. Mrs. Mary AnnSimmon, p re»p< tie lady rrsiding at fjnioovilli', wu« re-ceived, iu like m '?'• into the communion of the climeh,by the snipe m <>d g'titleman, on the 13th inntaut. Asnort tinn: nine ¦'¦ther OTConne'l »l»o nwivrd III* pro.|p-sir,ii ot fj ilb i Villi.im Ii. Leary, E«|., nf UiemviHo;r-»lii 'hly rrlm-Hti d utleiiian , null the qiiuurluin tutor 0> I'm.liuluil K. J, .r, ii the i!ay "f tlieir lU iptinn into th" on"fi I!, I In- IMII 'I

'I uide the'r fust ('um" union. —I7ior 'e»ri/H


kTIIUI. I C U.VIVER SI 'IV.I) . K. lSin -kV '¦"••1>. l!- A . "¦eJicjl piixt-i«<a\W 1 rx.nc!iol-ir

ill M'ieiiei*. .itnl .I' liian in lit rratwi! ami ini .Jrin '-i>i. u.min Ihet iu .i-hs ntvri.i'y, hai b. i. appointi 1 *e:.jnd m:>si.r

in r.tii ". ami ir «:"»...l. W- ..n.l. -.>l»«.l I bat the .(..ITof

ajrutaiit- ini- l ' »> •» '»• l»r.-e.y iiirrni* d. 1 ho \\ nt.'ifotd»tu.ln.l.» in ll {^Ihnlic University

am «t prrwnt in tin-

tni'-ymein nl hl.ili..i.« to ibr value ol .«13S » y«r. Il ia

school lias lit i (fli-.f'l '"» I'1'1" '" "18 l-'o!l.-j{« <¦' UulyCro«» fliin!1/ r lh.' Hi i l i - d i . ,t«e nt Dublin j tit the Mi«-

•iouarvC.ilJ • Al1 »--ill«»'» i '" vaci-m- iiuriin 'i-i «( H IK

greal Kiwi"/ 'I'". «»'' »' ""r l lii:1C1-" »' hl"UJ

and Scotland. _

Father Iml •">• «»ken »» Mtion ««»il111 lh« •Da'f*'- - • I n— ¦.:„ . •¦ «nnaarratad tnffian.''

IATERFOISD H0AUD of GUAUDIANS-M ONDAY/Owing to Christmai Day failing- on Wednesday ,feu.ual weekly meelinjr

^of the bonrd was held o'ttBonday. I lie followitij; were prcatnl : —Capt Powcu. D.V.C, in tb., chair first. ,..«.! anWqucnllyli«f i l l . -' '¦ (!•¦ "'• - <"''"""'1" nf "¦" "'»<">• AKo

II 7u v u' ? rSSrJ; J- Ul *'»t<-n , M. oyhea, l-..ptuinIU, J.P, J , H udsou, P. G. UluomfieUI, J.P., and Wnlter

/ Tt. r,, C<"!TETANCB OP III B IICK./ ITie Clerk reported to tlie board that Mr. Dovle ,tho relieving officer at Trmnorc, charged !0s 6d as'cost of -sondingiin n fever patient front Trnmorc—He found the charge entered in his bill , signed byMr. fjrubb, buttai he thought it w«s an exorbitantamount he mentioned it now to ihe bonrd. TheChairman asked Mr. Doyle was it possible h; couldlint get the work done Jess ? Mr. Doyle repliedth.it tho man who was doing this duty for the pasttwenty year* hadjnot now a horse of . his own j be(Mr.'l).) was obliged to hire s man to drive anotherhone to bring i i the patienu The Chairman :Could you not ge more hones to do it than one ?—Mr. Doylo adid tl u tho men who had horses wouldnot give them for he purpose, and would not comenear them them eWes. Chairman : I think, heought to .end in be the van. Ctpt. Power : Hecould not get the an, as it is not in the Tramoredistrict. The tnai er then dropped.

„ OBt RILIEP.Mr. Rooney, cl y R.O., brought up a number of

applicants for on relief for renewal , which wereapproved. A few New cases were granted.

C HREJP0ND ENCE.fne corresponde ce read was of A trifling' nature,

and did not give «; to a'ny discussion. There wnsuothiug from the c mmiisiohers.

f , t l Lt QA L 1 JCH4ROE OF A PAUPER,Mr.. Carroll , K.O of the Kilmacavogue district,

brought up a woma , pregnant, who gave her nameas Margare t Cashen from Rosbercon, who allegedthat whilst an irima i of the Ro«s workhousB lately,ale had been broti ht" before a board meeting of(kit union, dischwg 1 by order of the board, andordered by them to roceed to the uhion of Water-for,d. On being exs lined by the board, she stated•li e applied for and < itained . admittance in Ross onWednesday week lai ; she remained in that houseas on inmate unli ast Thursday, when she wasdrought before that ard and ordered by'the chair-man to leave the hot t and return to the Waterfordunion. For the pn three years she had been inlervice in the divisioi of Kllbride. Mr. Carrol l ex-plained to the board t at this division, of which thewoman spoke,, was i the Glenmore dispensarydistrict, and part < that district was in thoRoss union. No dot t the Ross guardians , know-ing that part of Gletnore belonged to Waterford,believed that the won n belonged to this union,and so discharged he] ; but they seemed to forgetthat part of tbe same district also formet* part oftheir own union. The lonrd was very particular inascertaining fr in tlie woman whether or not shewas beforo ihe bonrd Ross when discharged, andher reply was , that whn . admitted she wus beforethe board, the same i she now was, and she wasdischarged in lite sarv way. She was turned outon last Thursday. Tc Clerk took a note of thewoman's statement, tc be forwarded to the com-missioners. |

FEVER IN IILMACAVOGU E.Mr. D. Carroll , R.O.-reported the prevnlcnct of

fever in this district , asl asked for ten barrels oflime to whitewash the houses of the poor. Theboard granted tbe cppliAtion.

ANOTHER SH .L DIFPERENCC.The Clerk submitted he accounts ot' vegetable!

•old off the farm lor tlie ast half year, in obedienceto a resolution agreed t upon the motion of Mr.Hudson at a previous b ard, for tho purpose of as-cortaining in what post on stood the recei pts ofpayments for vegetablci sold off the farm by themaster, and his lodgmci s of Bame in the bank tothe credit of tbe union The debits and creditswere found to be salisfstory, and the sum in thehands of the master to lh| credit of the union, afterthe six months', wns siceHained to be 2) . lljd.

Mr. Hudson said that heae accounts appeared tobe satisfactory, but what )c required was that theseaccounts should be setted monthly, and that allmoney received by the mister, on foot of the farm,should be lod ged by hini,,at least , At the same time.

The Master explained ,that very often the boardwas indebted to him fondvances made ,on their be-half, for the purchase of sraw and other such things,and that fact uccounted fir some of the money re-maining on hands. Withii the past couple of weekshe had a hill before the bard for £4 for such ad;vances by him, which anounl was not passed uponthat day. -—¦

Mr. Hudson observed that he objected to thepractice of the master leing allowed to make ad-vances on the part of theboard for anything. Sucha thing should not be albwed.

Theboard ruled that thi accounts were satisfactory.fn connection with th* subject,The Clerk said he haj a letter to lay before the

board , but as it was on| which he did not considerofficial , he did not kniw that he should read itpublicly. The fact vns a guardian , then in theroom, hud mentioned i certain statement made bytheir late assistant.mas^r, Mr. Mack. :y, which hailbeen conveyed to him,find at his request he (clerk)had written to Mr. Ma|key upon the subject. Hehad received an answej from Mr. Mackey, but anhe did not consider it p be an official document , hedid not conceive he wu called upon to read it . Hewould now place it bepre the chairman.

Sir. R. i'nul look tit letter , read it to himself.andthen said—I think lha| that letter should be read forthe board. i

Mr. Hudson said le nnd no hesitation in sayingthat he was the guatlian who had requested Mr.Hcnnessy to write thr letter. A atntcinent hud beenmude to him thnt ijcjr late assistant-master, Mr.Mackey, had declare) that , some time before he left ,he had putcliuMCil sime potatoes from the innstcr ,nnd , desirous of tunning if an entry in the farm ac-count had hcL-ii miidi of that sole and its payment ,he had requested tin clerk to examine the accounts ,and to sec if nu ''nit/ had been made of them. He(Mr. H.) had exainhcd the accounts, but could notfind any such entr;. So far he had acted in thematter.

The Cletk , receiing the letter from the hands ofthe chairman , read the document , which purportedto be a reply from Mr. Mackey to a letter from theclerk , asking him iflie had purchased potatoes fromthe master, if he hail paid for them , and , if so, whatamount. Mr. Maikey 's letter mated that , at onetime when the officers had got suit meat instead ofthrir rations of fredi , he (Mr. Mnckey ) incidentall ystated to the mnsttr , whilst on duty in the office,thnt he (Mr. M.) would have to send to town forpotatoes , «s lie cojld not use bread with salt meat.The master told liin there were some potatoes of hisIn tbe store, of which he could have share ; he (Mr.M.) got a couple (f atone of those potatoes for whichhe paid , but at wbat rate be could not state.

'Ihe Master, inreply to an interrogatory from thechairman, said h< had a report to read , in reply tothat of the clerk.

Chairman— Has it nny reference to the report ofthe clerk , made list board doy f

Mailer—No. it .Chairman—Vtry well , proceed.The Master proceeded to read his report , which

commenced— " Owing to the strange conduct of theclerk towards pe, particularly since last board-day " i

Chairman—H>w atop. You must confine your-self to Ihe matter before us. I'll uot re-open the questionoT the special mce<ng.

' Tbe Muste r ther read that part of his report having refer-mo, solely, to tilt question. It stated that he (master)bad written f> Mi JltcVey opon the snbjixt, Jind had re-ceived from him a topy of Mr. Uinorssy's letter to him(Mr. Meskoy), ancj Mr. Mucker 's reply to him. KesJin?tbr.:a lettarr, it apjeaixJ that Mr. Henne.-isy inquire 1 fromMr. Marfcey il hi (Mr. M.) hod purchased any "acod"•o'atjM from tho imtrr, and in reply Mr. Mnckey wmtethat he had nrvrr lonu anything of tbo kind. The master,verbally, coroplrinll that in the letter Io Mr. M^rliry, nread Irr the clerk , fbtre wus a total nbscnco of the word" irrd" ; where.-.", D lira copy fornislu i by Mr. Macki-y, thesole question was lit "it the pnrcl'a-n ot sen! potatoes, 1 hemaster then explained tbat at the time alluded to ho (matter)liouilit thrcj barret rive atone of potatoM from Mr. Carroll ,potato merchant ; two of tin sa hamli were to aow thepotMoc (trouud ou the workliouic /.inn, for uliicli nmounttbs bonrd psid.-uid.i.o doubl , Mr. Hennc-ty held the receiptfrom Mr. Ctrioll. ,Ihe remninioir barrel nnd fire stoni: he(tho inanh-r) puieWtel for liitntrll , «nd out nf them ho d«v«a portiou to Mr. Mkrkfy. ll« (master) doubted vtry muchthat he ever got pltl lor them, lor paymuit was wlial hencvi r tboucht of ii tlie tramaciiou.

TheClcrk s.iiil , in amwer to .in observation made by ngunidian near him, that be would not put either Irttt ir orreport on the mimics. The letter wns not an official one,aud fie di'J not conider cither il or the report should be in-sert; d upon tlirin; :

Til' Chairman t>t.»erved that he could not .i?reo in thatslHlrim'iit. The ileik nei d not to have mentioned themailer at all , hut li'.iviiijc . diu« so, aud lintimr. ril.icr.it th-letter In-frn: t i e limit', that art tvai an ulKi ial one on hi*part , ami hi- w,.i biiind by it.

The Cletk s."d he »» < <a >ltJ upon by A gu.irJun fn dowhat he did in the matter. IU fttt be was bound to Ixi in>r.iur.'i'"'" M be ciuld to my and rveiy guanliin i:nn;-. ' tuhim cfficiflly, aud IJM J IT tliat it-liue he had HC I. - I : - re-queit' i by Mr. I: ud?»n . As tu nnt putting that letterlielore tbe loarl , lie could only »»)' that if he did not do »ihe mixht be Attuckrd by Mr. Hudson hereafter for supprr JS .iof what hoMgkt tj have pat before the Runrdini'.

The Mister hind-1 in bii report and said be clsimtJ Ihoprotntion of the board.

Tbe Clerk again said be would not inscit cithir it or tl)oletter upon tbe miimtx.

The Chairman luiJ he would perform bin duly hy umrlc-\ug the Utter as read, lie did so, and then laid it ou tin:table near to the cieik. Ho then said he wr.t lure that inthis matttt Mr.KudtoD did wbat be considered liijbt but ,'without meaninft the slightest offence to Mr.' Hudson, bu(ciis'iuisn) sbouiil itkte it us liU opioion this was a littletoo much lib Msiins for erid»D«, of which itbe bond

contd notapprovo. ¦;: ' . .. I 'Mr. O'.Shra wna about movinit a rcsolntiou, whichjropo.

aition Mr. ClHinpuit i?ns soiii * to Mcond, coillhg I thoboard to dirrct tho clerk to insert thoso docuiiicntsfc theminnle.i, when itwaj BUj?t;csted to thosu guardians t/iwaitMM icrling of thnso uj inuti- .s next (lay, nnd if the*honldcinsidiT them M he defectitv, they then could mot uponthorn. I • -: Clcrlv—1'11 nut put them upon tho miuutes, ail I now

I ticny bringing any charge «(tninst tbo ranst»r in Us mat-rlu n not do ""'* ag a charge auainst tlie mssfr.Aid. Cnx —What elso w/is itdoue for P IChairmiji (to cleik .nnd smilinz)—I think you Ive only

B°j lnf « i, Hltlo hit of i hobble in this matter. ' /Mr.Obliea observed that they ought to be inslted uponthe nnnutrs. ¦ ¦

\\Mr. Clsmpett—O!i J there's on animus io the /iolo busi-

ness. IMr. Hnjsnn said bahnd an animus to protect tU interests

ortho rntcpayors, and nopnrtiinn would preveil him frombringing forward anything ho could conceive be/cnlculntedto promote that object. / ¦' '

Mr. O'Shefi—If the word Died by Mr. Hod'tjof" pnrti-*_an ts meant to refer to me fslici'it sympto/s of confo-lioni, tut repressed by ths chairmuu) . /Mr. Hndsoa-It is not meant for yon, buut Is for Mr.islampett. • / 'Mr. Clnrnpett (warmly)—You aro quite wrot in> using itto ui», and you have no right to do so. You live acted tbeP»rf'*1n yourself for tlio post two or t hreo ye4 here. .¦ Uerlc—I know I'll never do such a thing arfu.

The subject then dropped. . ; T¦m u " '' 1BTER H08PIIAI. 1EDDIKO. I• 1U» Msster reported tbut tb« matron of tDfever hospital

Had iriven over.to him some articles of beddiurffrom the hos-pital unfit for use. Tlie master proposed to Itnigato them,and hove them sold as old rai?s. IMr. Bloom6eld objected 'that tbe selling If such thingsmight spread fever tbrouchont the poor. HJbolieved there:was an order of the board that ench articles cJninir from tbelever uospitnl should be burned, and ho tbons/t tbat was thocourse they ought to follow. \

Capt. Power said they ought not to do afc eudi thin?,They quarrelled a whilo sao about n fow atcfes of potatoesW

u ~.'i not be!0DK *° thon'i and now tb<f wero going toburn bedd:ug which they had not sceu nt j. Tb»y oughtnot U> do anything of tbo kind. J_ Mr. Hudson observed tliot a portion olcacb of tbesablankets might make good floor clotbs. |Mr. Hally—Mr. Chairinan.wo have consticted a fumigat-ing house, at much cost to tbe ratepayers, Ind why shouldwo not uio it in fnmigatini{ those clothes I Yoa might aswoll east every avticle of clothing tbat. cefces before jou ifyou determine to burn these things and nd fumUato them,and if yoa baru them wlut check can you live on the doth-ing or bedding coming from this hospital dear, hear) P Ifyrm bnru them you will throw all the relonsibility of her* £z opon ll?e "natron of tbe hospital (he», hear).

The stnto of this particular portioa of stri was referred totbe fever hospital committee. T

¦ COXPLIMEItTOo IDE CH1I UAH.Mr. Ilally—Ab , Sir Robert , I'm very | ad yon were here

to-day. You prevented another row- to-dr , and but for youboing our ejiairman, Mr. HloomfieW migl, have somo chanceof getting vice-Ruardians for us. If we a tnke your advice,air Robert, wo'll do well here ; wji'll bavo one of this squab-bling ; the poor aod the ratepayers will I properly mindedand «red for. I now wish you. Sir Robe , I ho complimentsO' «>« season, and many a happy Cbristi is (hear, hear).

Sir Robert Paul returned his warm th iks to Mr. Hallyfor his kind aud flittering obsorvalions.- Mourned.

CAnKICK.ON.SUm UNIONI-SATORDAT.Colonel STUABI, D.L., in the ul IH ir: .'Also nrosent-TlioLarl or Bejsborougli, Messrs. 0. O'Cnllnflnin , T. H. Wilson,J.I'., J. Bicliardaon, D.V.C, G, Jflooro lid J. Hickey.

. . ""TO or ins nonas.I«o in boueo at last report, 499 • do iJmittcd, 74 j do dis-charged, 30 j died, 1; remaining iu bourf, 512 j corresponding

week last year, 479 j increuse, 03; numjer in house hospital ,166 ; do fever hospital , 0 ; number on eit.door relief, 60: re-ceiv«d during the week, £432 7s Oil ; pTd. £105 4s 6d; costof provisions and necessaries received £76 03 01; do con-sumed, £73 18s 113d; general avorngocost, 2s 8:]d ;.in infir-mary, 3) 3Jd ; fcvci- hospital, 3s *}4 ; cst of out-door relief,£. 2s 7d. Collectiou-No. 1 district-Wro. M.wr , collected,£2,818 18s 8J; uncollfctcd , l!130 1* Si. No. 2 do, Mr.Martin Carroll, collected, £1,288 6s 06; uncollected; 10* 9d.No. 3 Jo, Mr. .lames IC Moore, colectcd, £2,487 Is lid :uncollected, £330 13j 9.1. Total coUedcd, £6,694 6s'4d : nn-collected, 4>J08 OJ lid. '

FEMALE EMPLOYMENT. —A letter was read fromthe commissioners with respect iu the proposed em-ployment of able bodied womeij in the workhouse,at stone-broaking ; and in reference there to, thecommissioners desire to stale tint they regard suchemployment as too severe a, discipline to be main-tained in an establishment intended as an asy lumf\r the relief of the destitute poor. They did nottltnk it dcsirahlo tbat a really dr^tituto female should be• £ ln "I™ 1*"'!? f°r relief l»> the fear of being sub-jeaed to a species of work nsually 'confined lomen. Theycorijiderth. it a more initnble labtr test could be found inoatom pickinc, sjininiii; or wesvi ig, nnd they noiiest theOoaU ot guardmus will be good o dough to rc-coneidcr theirrcsobtion on the snbji'ct.

Auitasioxs, &c.—Some parties,chiefly females, were ai.mitt« , nml in n (K w cat<M out-relurf'wns granted.lNhvTEB OP TUB Hocsg.—Tlwicjmmifsioneri fnrwardnd

a fonnlo be filled up showing tho number of persons iu re-ceipt osrelief on tb» l»t Saturday of Jnnunry, nml the 1*1Salurd,T of July, J807, with the riqapst that it be filled up,MiJ retijned as soon us possible. -Ordered.

MAitiBR MBHT op TnB HOOSE; —The comnii.-sionors in-formed l|o uoaid that they hail rnrt • -- ¦ ' .u-^ _—....Ur, w. VAinnum;"- nis tall-yearly report relating to theonion, in Vhich ho states tbat nil /classes of tbe workhouseinmates wj-c well Attended to in ererj respect ; tbat of latetbero havebcen improvements in the atnte of the workhouse,and that oi the occasion of his recent inspection of it , hewas please) with everything ho saw. The inspector alsnstated that is fair progress as can bo exj-iccted has been tam Uin both SL-I IC IS, and that tic iudustriul training of the ehil.dren is well ittendcd to.—Adjourned.

THE CATHOLIC YOUNG MBN'S SOCIETYOn Friary evening last , at eight o'clock , the

Walcrford (atholic Young Moil 's Society hnld theirfirst liternry debate for the session in their hall ,Reresford-str« t , under the presidency of their deep l)respected spi'itunl ndviaer, the Rev. Geo. COIIMIN .I,C.C., nnd hef«e a well filled Tiouse. The questionproposed for tie deb-ite was , "' Cheap literature ; itsadvantages , aid disadvantages. " The speakers onbehalf of chey literature were , Messrs. RobertCampbell , A.B.princi pnl of tlie Cntholic UnivertityHigh School , Stip lien-slreet , nod C. Redtnond, T.C.,and those on tli\ contra aide were , Dr. Scott andMr. Thomas Srxon.

The Rev. Chi'tman , having- exp lained' that theobjects of those lebates were the improvement ofyouth in tlieir mo(p of expressing their opinions inpublic , and commfig ling their tduas with their com-panions, pivirtp tlun it certain nmount nf self-reli-ance, tempered by courtesy, nect-ssnry for workingtheir way through lfe , and <I\M> t» generate mid tofoster a habit ot scllcnnsidcraliop equally essentialto the same end , left the qufs' ion to be debated bythe gentlemen who liirl so kindl y consented to comeforward nu the prcsi.-it ucensinn , nnd the i%k\ie withthe nuilicnce he hnd tic pleasure- of addressing.

Mr. Camp bell , who* was most warmly received ,opened the ileli.ito, by duelling upon the spread ofirreligious tends, proi)iilg£ti;d from the earliestages by those who, litiing no religious feeling oftheir own , s'Hv i't to mate others as contuininnteilns theiifieivi^ ; :IM I I Inn , t4th czcpedinir furie, pointurl outhow t!i:s t irrn-i .f inli-lrlity was mom nml by the uheiip andexcp'leri' iv i - : - i-»uwl 1'y thejesuitn. Notliinp ciml<l with-stand :l«'ir ca-'il aiviiinonistontaiiied in thoto works , andtheir h"ii(l'i '.s -M-ii. ^pri'ad far a^d neiv , hy tho facility, fromtheir chfapiTy> , .viiii which thw couin into the hands of thepeople. Kilucatinii iv.is promiled hy che-.ip literature, fornow the schools nliirh licretofon, cliargf d i.'18 a year, couldbe availed of for £8 a year, und even a lesser fiiture(bear, hear). School books, in u,|. sanm «-av, wero reducedto n very low price, nnd did no\ all thrau fuctn prnvn tbi tcheap literature Ijcneflttnl tho pvblic? He hml mi heaita-tiou in siiyintt that it. did , and Iu fearlessly left tbe issuewith the public (cheers). V

Dr. Scott replied. The quest ion ,before them u-.n, not thecheapnea of tbe woiks being iasud to the pnblir, but tlionature of the literature put for thVor public support. Ti;echeap literature of tbe present day. w.u nothing more tlmnthe speculation of cortaiu liiDitcd liability companies formalting inouey, aud the cheap figure at which these works«<>ro issued wn» no teat of their Merits or otherwise. HeCondemned this cheap l'terature as a'rnntt nosious feature ofthe present dny, and expressed his confidence that the well-informed portion of tho public woull concur in that view(applnune}. .

Jlr. Urdmoud , reply ing to Dr. Scot, hold that if in thetime of the yo-callvd Hcfonnation tbejhad a chpop prrsa ,exercising its legitimate influeucc, tin barbarities nf thntepoch—as well an those of Henry the Vtll, and Kliznbetb—never canld httvo occnrreJ , as then there wooli) havo beou nexistenco a sound public opinion , whici wonlil never havotolerated such things, and »z«iust whilii no individual , nomatter how hiih or nowerfnl, would bavo dared to ruucounter (h'.ar, benr). If they bad had i cheap, intuenti.ilprrss in their own diy in the dreadfa| penal times, theCatholics of Watrrford would uever hiye l>een obliged topetition the then Corporation for leave to bivu Divine mrehip{n a lane sutrounded by filth , as <\-r.i the qif aome 170 yearaajo (hcar). Nor would they, ho belietvl , have lost Iboir,nativo parliament, if the Iri li press w:it then what it ia.now (bear). No doubt cheap literature) had its deficts,but it bad iti many pood feature* to counterbalance thosedefects ; it formed the mind of the young ; it creuted hahilsof thinking ; il pioinotcd education ; it foattrcd knowledge,and therefore bhouM , and did benefit tm whole human

¦ race (bear, hear, nnd cheers). ,j Mr. '.Seiton ably sostaiued thn arzumoita of his col-1 lengne, Dr. Scolt , and (oundid Ins decision niiinit cheap lit —eratare, opon (he nxuiiiptiun that it was th< cheap pro*i ofItaly which l^d urndo tbe Italians revolutions to Christ-

. ianity (nppinute). . \| The Rev. Chairman having taken n brief stuimary of the1 views expressed on both sidrs, '

On motion of Mr. A. 1'. Maher , seconded by Mr. JohnKelly (presideut), a vote of thanks was unanitiously passi Jto tka debaters, and tho proceedings termiuatcl.

TltB DLOOD — "Tho lifn nf tbo flesh."—HjeaEC alwaysmanifests il«elf when llin blo"r! hecfimes impiira Hence thecomplexion lo.ses the frrsh ruddy rue nf liealtb ,'aud hecomieof a sombre, sickly valor. Indigestion hem iu xitb its thou-sand .tilrneuts, tbe body lanzuUbis, :md t'.ie iriud forbodesthe ivor<t. "Tun UI.OOB I'V R I P I K R ," Titir. (4,0 DOCTORJ ACOB Towxsb.iD 's SAifiAPABiu ,A ,r,in he. tnkii mu't hope-fully. It mnrvi llonsly minglrs «.lli thr vitiate!Mood , puri-fying it, and imparting ti it tint nd particles it bad lost.The cl»ar, lustrous complexion returns , the feeble, einaciittdbody regains its strength mid f!.-«li , and llio niiirl brcorcsbopeful and cbcerl'ul. Caution- (>et 1)1.¦ ml .inl bluo wrap-per, with the old Doctor's lu ad in tbe centre; no othergeuuiuc. Sold by Mr. Gr.oitou WnlTn , Tlipmas-street,Watwford. I • [ta-ly l

PBOCESJION IN Witunrniiu.—A prwvssionmtende* tob* beld in Wnterford on ^-<t SuniJiiy tv.ia, jof coarte,abandoned. The police »ol huM of mis au-cn plntard, aod asif they never saw a 1 og in VU .I IIR. i lul , they tried to make• mountain out of it. '. . ,' Niw' Ross Uxit'i—!!'-. lir.nvn bn« IKIII usaaimonsb/tHll ei 1ne1lic.1l ii:cer n' '¦:. Mnll'ii 's i'ii|icurary district, inliu room ot Vu ii; iweHi rcsi ^uu'.

OT,?ATI ICK;8.tfM PE 16( i0)*8i8i 1«i*.:iiciore oiesira. Ji. u. Hmara u. 1; UOoliJ.'-KiM.i attd (tor

a time),R,' \y:'Morri«." '¦••' '«' '""'i- w"''? h ;^ J:s ::iy¦. : PAY Tiitrii 'P'OCTOR.—Trio*>aj( Keoghan wSs sued

by Dr: OAcltiKnnV'Waterfo'rd' Uperisary'surgeoo,upon H Umn 'whs, for £1'19i.' lld/'coit of medical at-tcudnnco on 'liis 'ioti ' and oertifyingt'him in lunatic,upon which certiflcate'he : was'made an. inmate ofthe lunntie 'Ruylttm.-"; Defendant is a farmer at Rosn-m'oie. Mr.' John Pallia,who appeared aa'a witne» forthe plaintiff, deposed that he was aware 6f:Dr.'Jack-man having professionally attended tho defendant'sson, wbo.in Novem'bur List, was charged ivi'th drinkingsuch n quantity of spirits as to make'him furious,-and whilst in that state-. *i(b ossnulting-tlio polioe.He was found then to -be out of--his mindyand de-,fendnnt called upon witness to ace and gat him intothe Iiinntic osylum.to which request he acceded;: Ho.reported the enso' to Dr.'Jackinan, who viiited him,-and.dn inspecting his c6ndi(io'n,the complainant gavea certificate on''which he wn'admitted into the.lu-natic asylum. ¦ • He 'wns • put 'lnto the asylum in thaiordinary way. Mr. HaiirahWn, teleric of the'eourtfexplained to the btnch, that Keoghan,: juuior, wpsarrested for disorderl y conduct, and remanded byAlk. Keily for eight days; be was . again remandedupoh a further hearing of tiw'charge against hirh.hndfinally put into the osylnra.' Drr, Jackirian said he,was tho only certifying doctor in iho case. Keoghnnhad, at 'lhis time, broken all Mr. Wyse's windows.MrV'Sirnngc, solr. for the defence, submitted thatthe Small . Debts' Act, under which statute : thisaummona was brought , did not include a demundfor medical advice 'under the class of li quidated de-mands, nnd therefore ihe summons was not: euBtoin-oble. Besides that, there 'should be an expresscontract ,' of which agreement there was no 'evidence , •and he contended the cats tens out of court. Mr.Hnsjnrd (consulting with his brother justices) : Ido nnt think we have, jurisdiction to hear this e*ne ;it is one for another court. Dr. Jackmati : Verywell , air; .I con , only say that . a man likd the de-fendant, who has money to pay ati attorney to defendhim, ought to have money to pay 'toe doctor. MtiStrnnge : The .defendant paid Mr. Pallis for : hisadvice. How much did he pay you , Mr. Pallis!Witness : Ho paid me five shillings. Mr. Strange :And the poor man thought that that was ali he hadto pay. Case dismissod for want of jurisdiction.

A CANNON-STREET ROW.—Mrs. Alice Morris, aveteran of sixty certain , prayed the court to rentierMrs. Honorn Colman, a peaceable character , by thatoperation of law , known as binding to the peace,frequently found, however,. to have anything, as thethe doctors would say, but the desired effect. It ap-peared that Alley and Nnrry are both residents ofthat warlike locality, well known to justice as Cannon-street, and arc both noted for the hi/rli position tbeyoccupy amongst the elite I of society there fortheir readiness at initendo , repartee , nnd tracingof pedigrees, showing a wonderfu l acquaintancewith , not alone the bar dexter but the bar sinister ,of the different tribes around them, nut to npcuk , atnil , of the bti r public, wherein is found the Hotircc ofoil this wonderful genealog ical knowled ge- WereSir Bernard Burke, that great master of heraldry,aware of the existence of (Itose proficient amateursin his wondrous art, he would rest easy nt ni ght ,conscious that , if occasion should ever require it , hisemblazoned (aburd need never he hung up fur wantof a worth y wearer whilst Norry and Alley nndtheir scverul professional sisters exist in ourancient city, For some time back , it would appear,Alley and Norty have had n kind of a runningquarrel in Cannon-street , just of a stamp to keeptheir tongues in practice , and to afford n little gentleexcitement to the Cntinoiicsses of the locality,varied by a- slight sejour in the jug, wherein Mrs.Colman resided for seven dnyi on n recent.occasion.On regaining free action Norry quietli told Alleyshe would quaff her heart 's blood , and on Wednes-day headed a party, consisting of three females andone male, to visit Mrs. Morris , for the express pur-pose of gobbling her up. Arrived at the door ,Norry took the latch in her hind to open it to enter ,but Alley held it firm against her and resisted ,successfully, nil her efforts to pel in ; rinding thatthe fortress could not ' be entered the aide-de-campcried out to know where was the " " fusingon? of the household words of Cannon-street) thatput you, Norry, to jail ?" However the assaultwas a failure , but one effect of it was to enable Mrs.Morris to aivenr she was in fear of her life of Mrs.Colman. On a subsequent day Norry met Alleynnd, without the sli ghtest iipulogy, requested to beinformed where Alley K"' 'ho money top.iy for thnsiiminoin.Such unheard of ioipudcuo ! Of course tho question winunanswered , nod now it was fervently prayed tli.it tlitirworshi ps would spilte the Cannon. Air. Strange, for thoflionW^pSfiTfcol^not Rivcu to call tho law into force, and their worships con-curring, thnro wns no binding over, and the parties weresent home, Mrs, Column beiug strongly advised io mind hermanners for the future.

SqUARISO ACCOUNTS.— Patrick Dunne, mid PatrickNavin, described as farmer's boy's—ono liny bciog adornedwith n grey head, and full y sixty, tlio other juvenile ! notmuch under that age, and both in the employment of Mr.flArtrt* , of Kilbarry—appeared before the bench,, tho first a»coinplaiuant , tlie latter as defendant , in an alleged case ofassault. On Monday last tho boy Navin disported himsel fat the Castlelown rnces, whilst the 1>ny Dunne reraaiucd athome, on culture bint , ploughing his master's land. Iu theevening Danuo w:i4 iloiug up his wearied horse* for thenight in their stable*; and as ho finished the old boy Navinmade hi* uppenrituce on tbo aceno, in a todding condition,evidentl y On mischief bent. Ho demanded nt or.co IromDunne a statemcut of whether ho (Dunne) owed him any-thing in the way of spite , and Dunne repliod to tho effectthat he didn't know of any sneb account standing betweenthem, and ankrd him if he (Navin) was indebted to liij l iuthat particular way. Nnvin anid be wna, und settla-i thefancied obligation by bleeding Uunns'a proboscis with tbeedge of a mitcadamiser, two pounds weight. lUunue, how-ever, was not to bu done that way ; h« collared the old boy,they tussled, they fell, and, whilst down, struggled hard,Dunne keeping Nuviti between him and the road. At thismoircnt ono of Mr. Hartry 'a sons c-.imo out , and separatedIho two boys, nnd Klleu Sullivan , a 6oe, bouncing fellow-servant , of a cnlibre woll alii* to thrush tbe two lads I if soinclined , ran up and relieved Naviu of tho bruiser, which hestill retained, and so ended this uuvi-l and very rough wayof squurj ii^ accounts. Mr. llartry gave Navin un ex-cellent diameter for honesty, but thuir worships said theyconsidered his act a very t reacherous oue, and ordored him topay a (inn of ten shillings , or coin jail lor fourteen days .Mr. K.T. Power, solr., prosecuted and Mr Strange defendedthe old boy, wh'i got to next court day to pay.

CuiLD IJKStKTloir.—Margaret Oarthy, a rather well-look,in; auil ymithliil ivoin.m of tlie labouring class, was put for-ward in custody of Coustabio James Burns, of llontnabon,under n clw^e of deserting her new-born infant on Iho othof December, having also concealed the birth of said chtUI .To cxpUin tlm ca*e, it inuat bo prelaced tb.1t about thisdalo a iievv.born infant was found deserted ill the entrance- ofthe roadway lending to the luin*oof Mr. Hnrtry, mentionedin tlm prior ens ', hy 11 litlli > liny nlio took it to bis mother,employed in Mr. Hartrj V, who cun-d it. for the - flight , receiv-ing every mrans to do so Irom Mr. and Mrs. llartry, and uexlmorning, in company with one of the Butlerstown police, atwhich station the case had been at once reported, lbe inUntwas pbicrd in the workhomo. About the sumo lime Cuu-Gtahle Burns received prvute information tliat a womannamed C'srthy (U>i; prMimer), wlm lived in Uillrlnneen, abouttwo miles from IJonmahon , had previously shown signs ofbeing in the famil y-way ; tlmt xlu! bud left the village for ashort time, nnd bad Ilien returned, looking as if she hadbeen confined, but without any infant. Acting upon thisinformation , hut then wholly nnawarc of the fact oftho hirth and daserlion , the offietr, excrcisiug tbatpromptitude aud energy for which qualities be xt os remarkablefor the many years ho was stationed in this city, arrested thewoman , telling her abo was charged with concealing the birthof a child, and at the anme time enntiouinz her as to mul'ingany statement. She flatly donied anything of the kind ,whereon tbo constable took her befnre two of tbo local magis-trates , who ordered her to be transmitted to VVntcrforiL Shethen took another thought , told the ronslablo sbe would telleverything ; sbe received nnotlier caution from him, and thinmade a cleau breast of the whole matter. The Hutlrrstownpolice wero communicoted »itli by Constable Buvna upon tbusubject, and the following witnesses wera now forthcoming :— .fames CosUOIoc, an intelligent little boy, nine yeara of age,who sworo bo found the iafnut , and gave it tb his mother,and Mr*. Bridget Costelloe, who deposed khe lodged tbe infantin tho workhouse. Constable- liunis swore to hit arrest oftho prisoner, and her statement , part of her confession com-prising a detail of tho clotbiuar of the infant wbea deserted ;and Sub-constable Couioy, who saw it placed in tbe work-house, sworo ho tnolt a list of tbo clothing, which ho luj d incourt, »nrl, Ihey exactly corresponded with those mentionedby Constable Burns.) Tlie prisoner, who appeared to beundergoing much mental suffering, laid nothing, And ibc wasfully committed for child desertion to the quarter sessions fortbo cnonty, on the Itli of Jauuary. At the iu?«e«tion ofMr, Morris , thn . couscubli: in eli.vrgo of tbo escort to the jailwas directed to draw the attention of tbo matron to tlie stateof the vmouer, with a view to see il she wus ill. Adjourned,

TBE W ATER WORKS. — Althoug h the springshave not ,, properly speaking, opened yet , still ireare glad to observe H large mid continuous streamof vtatur from tlio now fountain in Lisduggau. Itis now all but covered in, which will have the effectof ketrpirg the water free from all impurities! Theminers are, however , yet at work making still fur-ther excavations in the rock from which moresupplies are sure to come. Even if the presentsupply was conveyed into the pipes, it would be H

very large addition, and from the hig h elevation ofthe fountain , no doubt tbe pressure down town—-es-pecially about the Quay, Mall , and Uercsford-st. —would reach the top of the highest heme 3 in thoselocalities. Tin: corporation have now commencedtbe wn ier vorkr , nnd vru arc convinced they wiilnot stop tluir hands til! they muke a good job ofthem.

». Klt!*ACino*A5 Usiojf .— '1 lie .locouuts of this union, up

to tho 29th Sept. last , havo been anditi/d and simi. don tho 12th i»«t., by Win. M'Dermolt , K*q , tin- auditor ,who expressed himself thoroughly plwistd wiili the .j ti.i.'i.c-tory milliner in which the books wcro kept by tbe n.iii istiiki rganil efficient clerk , Mr. Win. Hun t , as well as I I ICSB of themaster nnd other olficiiil-t of that lmrim>uinu*!y uorW destablishment. . . _ , •- , ,

Tua ROTAI. AttTlLLHlli'^-Surgi'iiii Thnnm .I11I111 Mm.pby iyouuge*t son of Aid. .Murphy, of \\ atetford), ;unl who

'lias been for somo years on service in India , latterly nt ih, .Both, has been tippnititnl Mirireun iu tbu Itnyiil Arlil^i y iuthat country, vice Surgeon Major \Y. U.Tiouidell, iipi'-oiutcdto tht ittft

:i ilT ' 1 CI'ITr:PJ£OT»!S.£$#9^R»4WX <t!)2j * .j (Bfihn the.AIsyor, ajosrs. Jattb.aodJ36qlft'U.BT.)'?' '.'„ -iM roRTANT in SEA«Ej( 'rae,,.caiie ;:ofJ^VV{lHBhi)Strik>,.Etq., folleetM,of;cVlUm«V3»iMwiMfWwM-of Pasiage,.for/goit'ig^to,|ie^'jn"',fflS «W*,"i¥biir;7Dublin, OH .a mateV certjficatefbelonging ii> Vde- ',cqased;roqiu^nam'ed ..Jolip;.Powei-'a'IJju^\\Ml ,*eek ,.'f :&mo ion ~:ioi tujr\htr,tiM ^^.$.trarrgr,: on. behalf of bis''vcfifpt/'pleaidid cUSHy 'ltrorder to save (rouble and expense, to' the cVortn', and '•hoped .the.hencli: wo.uld ;deal\renTentl/wit)i*defeni;ldant.. .Tlio bench stated Ili ey corisj'dered the offenceV'periop'atiog another man ou going^io'sca ,' was'a'vpry

jerious one. Mr. Strange said iho ' case .was ad-journed last day for the .proddc/jOO/ Of the ' shipping'

: master at Dublin ; but in the .niean'time he'had com-,municated with Mr. Delandr^., and,, to .save troubleand cxpcnsc,arranged to plead guilty. M r. 'D ef m j i n'.said he wasn 't instructed to press for an extreme peri-alty ; but he asked for such none as would deter par-

. ties from fraudulent tue. of certificates, ai\d thu< givevBomeprotectiun aguinst frauds on insurance Co's und'.owners, and protection to property and life. The de-fendunt, he understood , was a well-quolifie 'd man, ofgood character, but still some penalty was required ,and Ihe certificate should bo returned to be canccllod.The Mayor said though the man was n qualified sea-man,' he improperly possessed himself of the certifi-cate. ; The extreme penalty was £100, ors'yc months'imprisonment, by the 40th section , under whichthey proceeded ; but as Mr. Delandre did not pressfor the extreme penalty, the bench wocld act leni-ently. The sentence was a fine of £10 and costs, orthree months ' imprisonment. Mr. Strange said thecertificate having beeu passed before the late act,which raised the punishment from £50, or three months, to£100 or six months, ho considered tho bench had ftonu to thehighest penalty, although tlm defendant had pleaded guilty ;and under these circumstances, iio asked for time to memorialfor mitigation. .Mr. Jacob : Tbe penalty having been raisedto illCO, the bench havo not gone to the highest penalty inrrduciug ihe fine from £1C) to £10 for such a serious offence.Mayor : Will you give secarity for the payment of thepenalty or tbo production of your died? Mr. JamesDoherty siihl tbo dofendnnr wns three and a half years inhis employment , ai«t was of excellent character, and lie wouldguarantee the payment of the fine if the memorial shouldnot succeed. The bench then granted time for forwarding amoinorial to mitigate tbe ponally and to receive the reply.

PETTY SESSIONS-Tnis DAY.The Mayor, Captain Johnson, Mr. Jacob and Aid. Reid,

presided. Mr. I*. A. Power, T.C., mayor-elect, also occu-pied a scat on tbo bench.

VOTE 01 TIUHK3 TO THB JfATOB.Shortly after tlio cjturaeiicemoat of business tbs Mayor

was moved from the chair, and it was taken by Mr. Jacob.Ciptaiu Johnson then moved, in laudatory terms, tbo

following vote of tbnnks to tbe Right Worshipful , on bisretirement from tha oITico of mayor, on Wednesday next—>" Resolved—That the warmest thanks of this bench, midthe legnl practioners and officers of the court nre due, andaro hereby given , to AMenn;tQ Sir I). Morris, D.L, tnayor,for his dignified conduct , as mayor ot Waterford and Chair*man of this bench , for the year ending 31st of the pteacntmonth." . '

AU. Re'ul seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.Tho Mayor returned tlninks, and in doing so, expressed

his acknowledgments to IIIB brother magistrates for tbo aidthey had nffonlixl him on all occasion? during his tenure ofofGce, to the |irnctitiuiieis of the court for their courtesy, tothe clerk of the court for the. admirable manner in which heperformed his dury, .iml to the constabulary for their leal andeffkieocy.

Tbu busiucss was then resumed.

POLICE OFFICEMoKUAT. —Defore the Mayor nnd Aid. Ucid. A Xumber

of Curiosities.—The toy shop in l'clei'-succt wns full tooverflowing this inorniu^, a lar^c cotistonnenc havingorrivcJ overnight to the. proprietor , .Mr. W:i!sh. Thcagcnttof the proprietor of tlte curiosity shop displayed great energyia providing the rarest specimens for exhibition , und fullwell did they ducliarice that duty, impelled thcietu, no doubt,by the consciousness that this is, par excellence , the se:i-.onof toys and (wtirities. The work of selection urn! pricingthe various articles cointuenccil at eleven o'clock , and pro-ceeded as follows—Four cubs of the monkey tribe werecaught squalling about the streets 011 .Sunday night, audimitating tbo jintics of certain bum.iin ivhcn mown) .They were each In belled sixpence, mid disappea red. AlbertWall, netted in Jnbu-street , for tlie same, was equally valuedas the former, and put by. Jubu Howard , a little cornbuivegenius found by the 'police pugilisiug tlio air, in Stephen-street, with his coat off, was turned away, it appearing bysome process of renoiiinx not very clear, that he was tlioreceiver of .1 blniv tlio smile night a short time before.Thonios Murp hy was taw-td to li.ivc act<:d in the Muuor.on Saturday night , iu tbe s.iiue way us did 1 lin niucotnpcop,who tried to drive tho Kun 'a turn out und nearlyset the world iu a blaze, fur which audacity andincoiupeteucy he got himself polled up by HighConstable Jupiter, and bound over to tho pence by herworshi p Minerva , fur Turn eat off in hk cli.niot iu a band-g.illn i>, (tun) his lo.t-vij iteil imblic, nml r.111 clean iulo abrewer 's fliat , cnmiug plraldtii; luwauli him esc.iiiing,wnntlerrull y to relate, ivith simply siiK^hiug tlie. shutts ot*his o.vii vehicle, CouBtablo O'Urndy .ICI IH I the part ofJnpiler tonans on this occasion ; ho took Tuin, and put himunder care of .Mr. Walsh, who let him out next morning 011hit promise to appear this luortiiu , which amlcvlA 'wg hoa b';d ¥,nrje'tov«l8f'in»i.*?'wttiial Jaajk'U^LL1.15, !iiia bad sup in his own head which be couldn't stand, andalthoug h ho ahnated like a madman wl.en be BB W thncollision going to tako place, he could not stop, and tbosuiaih occurred. Ilnlf-a-crowu to tho revenue, aud sixpencefor fcririnory, were handed over by Mr. Murphy, and lie re-tired. JJill y Magrath had tho impudence to allow himself tobe found drunk ou Saturday ni^bt, in no less a place thantlie ri|;bt worship ful thoroug hfare running from governmentboa*e on the Hill , at one end, to Netrgutcntrcet nt lbeother (wluit suitublo termini ?), but got off on paying six-pence. Thomas Walsh uud Kichard D.irmody, iwo Chi.n-p^nzeeSj wlio wont into a public hon>e iu Michael-street , onSunday, to drink, and ho-i mr tuken in 11 considerablequantity, proceeded to thresh '.t nnt of each, firstassaulting tue lauillord. CousUblo O'Uraii; »«Ak Torn andDick nml chapcroucii them to mart. Thvy subsenu^ 4,.eucli towards the expeiniu of the Abyssinian expedition , andsix pcuco each ai law costs, and retired with two pence eachfor beer. John Stokes \na next iu turn, und his offence wasmaking a breach iu tbe ukull of hi» bosom friend , I'at Power,iu a bou9e near l'allybrickcn, in which both resided. Thosefriendly individuals resolving to spend Suudny enjoying thebent ot' their conKcn inl tastes, sent out fur beer, which bever-ugu they got in in * hulf gallon, procured a veteran pack, re-plenished their dliudbi:cus , and with all imaginable gustoproceeded to enjoy an—At home. Somehow or another,hiiwcver , things bc .in to po wrong about nig htfall , and altertbn half-gallon had gone out empty and returned lull verymany times, indeed , Jack nud lJat tumbled down the candb,nnd tumbled into one another. Ibey wore so eng.igcd forA abort timu whru up came Cousluble Thompson, whu separ-ated tin: Irieuils, put Stokes under luck und key for the ni-'M ,and hiiil I'm'* upper story repaired as quickly in pos«ible.Power, who presented liimscll beloro the . beneh with a longaiivak of sticking ph»ter rannioi,'lnr0 "•'"' nl! on bis li^'Uir-hcad, with a very stuuning effect , i;.dtcJ , now de-clined to prosecute, confessing in a whining tone he be-lieved that he was just as lud as his friend Stokes ,nnd ho diJn 't- wish to prosecute him at all. Indr.-dbe tlmu^lit Iio (1'uwer) in.iJo a kind of attempt to ftrik.:Hi kes first ; ho got the worst ol it , null was rosily to putup witu what hu pit. Constable. Thimipsun explained lh.ita good doil of l'al'.s hloml had been exlracteil hy the fnr-cibleiipp liratioiiof 'he exterior rim of lh« publican's measureto the outer co.il in:,' of the enput , cauaiim nn iucision tlur. inof a lengthened nature , thiou^h whkb Ibc eiKauguiu.'dfluid nf exi'teuco exuded in ,m extensive vulunn', ami ileiiKin-slr.lli d thiil the lile. ol I'.itritk l'uwer wns, by tins contactof tin till the ond side, an.l itkin , IK.O *>, nnd blood on Iheother, in a surgical point ol view , plnr'ed in jeopardy, I'.tt ,however , would uot prnsecutc , 1101* even allow himself to liesworn , nnd thn only course open to the bench was to fine.Stoke! gixpenen mid cnsln , vvliieh was p-iid. Uich.ird HiclcvyWIIS found so fali|.'ued from i):iutii:,', on 6*.i(uniaf nif ht ,that ho had to lie down ou the fl.i^d in King.street to cometo. A constable passing by called a car iu the shape of atrmk , iilnl , yokitii ; .1 juvenile into the shalte, rolled him tohit lulcing in the lock-up. Dick <vas called upou to hxlgutwo sliilliims ns H peucr-nlf'.'ring to enraged temperance, uudto pay sixt>enc« truck f.ire, with which order he complieil ,and retired. Tliomis llnrley paid sixpence fur being drunkin John-street , Thomas O'Neill it shilling fur being drunkiu Uairai-k-.stieet, .Iames Ueddy hnlf acrown for being drunkin Manor-street , Liurencn Hoba n sixpence for being druukin King-street , and Whiter Whelan nsbilliug for being druukin liHil y-laiie , all ou Saturday night.

TPBSBAT.—The Muyor held his court nt the Usual hourtllia looming, but uo cuurtiurs presented themselves. Tliegeutloinan usher, the guarls , &e., were iu wailing, but therewan nn ouu to lie presented. His worshi p expressed hisgratification at the (net.

FATAL A CCIDBH T-— On Christmas evo the schooner Vig i-lant , tho property of Mr. Thos. Angel, of Hauovcr-strcet ,Davis rooBler, arrived opposite the Graving-bank , and justbefore being moored two of tbo hands, youths, wero centaloft to furl the tnpsail. One named Timothy Cullen, be-longing to Checkpoint , went np on ihe port side, the other,Kurrell , on the larboard side-, the captain and rest ol tbe ci ewitrina cntaif J getting in tbo mainsail. In the space of aboutten or fifteen minute!', from some cause, not. well ascertained ,but supposed to ariso from the sli pping of his bond* as hewas passing a gasket in the executum of hii duty, lie fell totho deck on his back smashing in bin skull. Tho master.Ctpt. Joseph Davis, lost no time in a^ndinri Inr a doctor undCatholic i:lcrnyronii ,« duty kindly undertaken ond dijehnnrrdby Mr. Joh n 'Mullen of the Quay, who happened to be athand at tbe moment. Dr. Carroll attended almost imiocdi-itlely, bnt 011 seeing tho pour buy he pronounced bis statehopeless, and wiot o nut an order for hia ailiaissi'011 to tlieIrtpcr Hospital , The priest also attended ar.d ndmiuUti rodthose reli gious rites which tho poor boy's insensible statepermitted. lie died in tbo course of an liour alter odmiisioato hospitiil. 0" yesterday, Dr. Gore bcM an inquest on tbebsdy IH a houto in Wntor-strect , in the vicinity of whereponrOullen w»s waking. • dipt , D.ivis stated tbe abovo Uetawhereupon tho jury reinrnnl a verdict of " AccidentalDeath." Coiiilahlc KlutlU'iii Kiug-strect , bad chsrgo of tboprocecditigs.

Du. IJT.NK IN WAT KU F OKD .— On Monday night next , ]and for that night only, Uio rciinwni'il Dr. Lynn , ininicun.traveller anil Uctu irr, will op«n his " Enclnmted Canopy,"Inr the flnl time in tlitii city, »t tlm Town Hall , onrJer Ihepatronise of Cnlnnel Tliomus and officer* of the UTih Uegt.Dr. Lynn h.i- lnni sinca rained 11 wnrld-wiil e reputation intbe wririTii! I rj iicln s ol his pru!f.->inu , I'.ud in tbat fad , sive .au undoubted uu;vr ,inUn lint any intcrtaitnnent in whiu'.i beproi)O-''.« 10 iip)>en r will he. found to he of a high order, nndwe have no heiitulinu iu aimrdiui; tint clur.icti-r to thefnrthcniniiifr. one nl Monday night. Tlie 'Enclr.intid Cmopy 'will hnn thc fint ponimi.il the ei.trrt»ii)in ent , tbe seeouilwill be demt.d to an interisiini; pictnral jkctch of thu 01 er-'Und tri p fro-n S:ni Kr.iucisni !o New York , inclpding nisojourn iu ihn «rrat Salt Like City, the' vicivs brilliantlyilluminated with i<xy hyilrii;eii lime liitht . We .ire confidentthat Dr. Lynn will h« i«' t on Mondny night by a crowdedand appreciative .mdieiuv, ve uly to grunt him that svarmpraise which his ability sn well deserves.

HA LLOOK AscgST.—In coiisequoncc of the tube for fil ling¦ the biilluoii with an* bciu,- too sumll, l|io ascent coalil not bomade yesterday ; but all will bo right,'we an assur'ei1, 011

,'next Wednesday, when the tiaceut will posltivrty'Ule place/ At iiro o'clock. ¦ -

¦. . . . . . /i£.Vv •' . i " ~-J*T?


ajajjJgjjajggwawaMawaBaj^Mia aiM^Bi«MMaWMa<aaawa a»>awa aaaial * i';"V^

rno.ii of iha iowa aTtiAt ep ^Mp Udiy^'iiSf ftCne ' . •—•.'ifiloefcJ to teceive' th'ii; W SaS? )?!' 1 .,- '-UPp'ojrttid Hit tlie * previous ' mtating,. 'afld'r - i' % •-^•fflMn thereon. ' . : . . -,•»#! ttiw'ili-M a/fi)' .f ^aif.'-jiVy^ «-,:IV7

n.V 'tlie thoir . wns occupied .'by.Mhei>igjit: 'wotihipfur. . ' ...the'Mayer, Aid. Sir B./.M PBBIS, D >l>ii,,'.:,l •c;;,>..! ::.;, ;/..There weie al«o present—Mr. ;F.rA.>Poirer>.T,C.,-D].-i/()'r.7elect ; Uo B Rbt floii.tha Kirh-of ,B«sb,rou^U,1M*i»r.a,1 T'..,/.Xilor; TiL., Cr;.7g HOOM ; S. H. Jono*, Oloamor* lion,iei;fljirfr'Ii. Sanent, E. Canrlwi;, P. PI10I.111,•J. >Cljin>t>fc , , -¦Joliu Hicli 'iriloiii , Uj lline; Tii i.ii .iV Wwer/SliVliAduuei'M,''''Obeiuity 'W. Hally, V.L.QJ ,'J.' Pisliof. ifail .- ' 'Brophy,'' .„P.L.G., Old Court. Ac., &i*"?'\l\ ' . •• .'; v?;n l .• • !">!.Vr*. .«.|i!ii - M r . .S. H. Jones having ''read the rt!srj!trtfSir's'adopted by the committee , ' ' : '> •¦ . ¦ . - - r .v, ,-¦'¦•. :;,'.¦;, Mr. jClampett proposed that • tlie/ ' proeejd ' to>=adopt the resolutions. . ' ' ' ,. '''. ' " , , '; '. '"'/. ?''¦

v The JEarl of Bjsahoroug'ti, iti moving'. the" first 're-solution, said he was no:'a member of the ccrmrnittee, '"but, from what he could ,uudcr5tand r these Hsolni .lions were founded upon iho.practico. adopted in fha 'Kilkenny niarkpt , which, he believed , was givjngsatisfaction to all parties'concerned, botlrbuy(;r!»nd- "seller. ' It was very uiiforfuria'to that Mr. EJUolt, ..their secretary, was not present, as ha would be ableto enforce, hy argument, the. reasons of the commit-tee for having etime to theao concluiions. Me(spaaker) was ignorant of these, arguments, but, :n ..the secretary 's ab.setice , he begged leave to propose^that the first rcsolutiou be received and adopted bythe meeting.

Mr. E. Courtenay seconded th? motion.Mr. Hal ly snid the farmers had not received dua

notice of the meeting; it was only by. chance liecame to attend. ' ". . '¦

Mr. Thomas Power, Shannclune, said that thocommittee meeting wns a small one, nnd they agrdedto bring tlm matter cunder the notice of a publicmeeting. Having done so, he thought they shouldhave published the notice. ', .

Mr. Courtenay—It was in the newspapers. 'Mr. Fisher and Mr. R. Power, Waterford Citizen,

said the notice had not been sent to those papers.A gentleman present said it did not appear in the

Watcrf ord Newt either.Mr. Hally—It is the most shameful thing in the

world. The question to be considered here is, that ofour only staple trade, and there is not a dozen menpresent to arrango the matter. Why did it not op-pear in the newspapers ? ,

Mr. Courtenay—The man who printed the bills,got orders tn send it to nil the newspapers. I wentdown myself about them. ' is *. . .

Mr. Choiisty—-You can 't expect the farmers to bohere, when they got no notice (hear).

Mr. Courtenay—These resolution's were printer!and circulated in Waterford, Kilkenny, and severalother counties.

Mr.Hall y—They should have been put in the localnewspapers, and then we would all have seen them(hear). . '

Mr. Lnlor— There was a very full committee ap-pointed , and they did not attend (lie ; meeting. Theyshould all have been there. This meeting is onlycalled for the purpose of considering and, if theythin k proper, accepting the decision come to by thecommittee. The people at the committee meetingfully canvns3ed the subjects brought before themand if any one has not some good roa3on to ad.vance ngaimt these resolutions I think' you oughtto nccept them. . '"

Mr. Fisher thoug ht that, ns fur.as they went, tberesolutions were very well adapted, but it wouldbe a pity that the committee should dissolve with-out passing a 1 .'solution—which they could do with-out anv expense—and that would go much fartherand benefit the trade in general. The question.wnsnot confined to them , it was of much wider signifKcance as regarded tho country nt large. It would',be a pity, tfhen they had the body constituted , llmtit should dissolve itself after coming to resolutions!nf a temporary character, which depended upon thovoluntary notion of the parlies concerned. They,might find all their efforts to benefit the butter mar-ket nullified bv some persons refusing to be boundby tbptn, and ivho misht tv.int to net in a different innnner(heir, henr). He thought they lia.il it in their power of get-tin ,?, not only t hi-ir own mnrkct, hut every one in Ireland puton n sounder hasi?, by applying to tho government for a bill ,'?ivinr all bolie.", corporation- , or others , bavin;; the rightto appoint a buttor taster, powers to make hye-laws for tbobenrfit of the market, sulyect to tho approval of the LordI.fcnton.int ami Privy Council. He thought they -yould findl.nnl Mnvn ami the present government deltght?'l to co-operate witji a com inittce of such a body.

Mr. Thomas Pmver moved pn amendment to tbo resolu-tion. It appeared that the resolution uiiidoil bind'n;on J'1pnrtii-i, irbethrr they liked it or not, to pot tlieir bailor ta«t-din the market, ond tlieir tares settled thero also. This ho wrsadver«o to; lie thoujrht fhe'farmei'sbonld be allowed to settle(bosi! milters an best snited hiuisett (hear*, hear). He, tliere-.MdeVtlw r^ofSirortton who wished to got hi* buttor tested, or have bis taressettled in tbe market , could do so, but if he. would aettlathem with tbe buyor, it should also be left open for him todo so.

Mr. .Tones— That is tho way it is now.Mr. Clampott fully azreed with all Mr. Fisher had slid, '

but ha tlionjlit it would arm the parties who would go for : 'the bill , to bo able to refer to those resolutions t!wv bad-, ,'passed, in tbeir endeavors to benefit the market ; he would. •move that they bo supported (hear, hear). Mr. Power's '.jBinpiidmrnt had not been seconded. . • • " ' ' ¦

Mr. Cheasty—I second tbo amendment, • •'" • • 'Mr. Power—I have uo objection a tnster 'abouTd be ap- "

pointed, but I have every objection to being bound by theappointmenc (hear, hear). ¦ - • ' ,. : , , : . -.; *

"'• n«inrtpnay—-I don't know what to say to tm».T^T< ______has been repui.vi »i.»t the farmers were ready to.join witb . .tho merchants, and we n., »-v.n a part in this trnosac- , 'tion with Iho view of trivine fair play to *fc.ih: aiilos a.nd.sileuclnit falsehood, hy shewing that we are Willins'to UaVe a'-'public Usltr, and abide by hit deci'ions, and yet tbe farnrerihave defratrd our efforts (hear, heir). I-. uk.yrin conkl ,there be anvtliin^ fMrrr than these resolutions? f say no..Ihonest runn can refuse them. Lnrd liessborough and thc>»oilier quit lemon havi; taken much trouble nud devoted rfiiich'lime to the interest of tho farmar , and yet they are the Very *men who now attmd in Iho way of their own bsnefit—for itwould he tlioirs as well AS ours to put tbe markot on a moresatisfactory footitifr (heur, hear). . ¦

Mr. Clampctt »upporte<l Mr. Courtenay in what he hodsnid. He was glad to tbii.k the f.ii-mcr-4 bad such coufideocein the huyers as to be bound by their tasting. '" .

Mr. Cnnrtoiwy—Any one opp.tsin^ these resolutions is nota friend to I he farmer, ¦ .

Lord llrssboron jh naid it appeared tn him nseleis to pro-pose any of tlio otfier resolutions. From all lie had bceii . ^able t.i iiscortain , ho believed Iho piopnvil w.-.s tunde by thecommittee ns mv. tn tho advantage nf buyer nud seller, bnt:<is- it bml W11 defeated tlieic wan nr> use in com? on with 1the others. If any of the farsnTS •iift>red bv it, tliey ahotaldnr.Iy blame themselves for not attending the meeting. Ho.tliooiht tlie proposal made hy Mr. Fisher was n veiy proptvone, anil if the resolutions hnd hcim passed be thought itmiillit have l«rn ndvisuhle for tbe committee to .have. piittheinselvi-s in ennuniiniciilinu with Iwr.1 Erne and other^-Mit 'crnmi ti'lin h.i'l l.i!<,>n nn inlwMt in tlio butter quratiori,and tl'.ev could have enne ns n ilrpntntioh to, or (rot intoi-nininnnicntion vvi 'li tlm cnvoriiinont , tind try to Bet lorac-Ihinir like what Mr. Fisher proposed. But imtead of tUeicracetioa IliAt dny bcinx A help, it was Ibc other way, bjCjUjseil would bo s.iUl the question nf bavin; a butter tastor ap^p.-iinted was defeated nt tbnt ineetiuf. lie t'hongh,* thalrprnccedinKS wouM ralier go og«m»t their oblt'm'wR »oeh abill. ' • :1

Mr Clampett moved thnt a deputation cnnsntingof Meurs.Power, Fisher, Hally, and Cbcusty bs>appointed' to. wait 09the Corporation at their next meeting to ask them to appointa constaWo to tttteod in the mirtet. , '

A Farmer—What do you want with a constable ?Mr. Courtenny—To keep fellows from stcnlinR yoor butter,

nnd to remove persons out of thi market who havo no busi-ness there.

Sir. Climpett said a farmer had lately lost a firkin intho market, and some boy* who were always there wero intlie habit of (iraEKUi? their fiugers across the t«R, bf thebutter and disfijntinR it. . ' • ¦ • ' :

Mr. T.'Purceli snirl he did not think the CorporatTon wonldpay £30 a yenr for a .mnn nt the market when they pitnothing out of it He thought it would be the duty, of- apoliceman, nnd not a boronRh constable: , I > '.:¦¦'] !

The rrsolution, hovinj been seconded, was put,apd.cameo.Mr. Fitlier then moved that the cbmroittea, appointrd.at

tlic Init mectine ho continnc.4, nnd that they be. requested toapply to the Chief Secretary to have a law'pn'ssid »ivlngall corporations or persons having the right to anpoinb hottertasters, ipowcn to make bye lawa, and take tocb , other stepsas tbey may consider necessary for the fortberaace of thiiobject. . . . . . ¦• , \ , - ,

The motion wns accondrd by Mr. Labr and carried. ¦Mr. Power complnincd.of the expressions rised'.by "Mr.

Cnurtenay alwnt lbe opposition Riven to the reiolutions,and asked tho chairman to call on Mr. Conrtenny to re-tract thrm. ' . . l .. : .,,- ,. , ;.

Mr. Comtenny said ha never intended to Apply |ho vorosto Mr. Power, and withdrew them.

Tlio Hirl of Britsboroneli wna then called to th« s«ondohnir, nnr] 11 rr.irm vote of ttranls passed to the mayorfWpresiding al tho proa-iding!.'— The meeting then separated.

SHIP NEWSWpF.CK OK THE SAHMS.—The ichojner'3lflirf» Q*""!

Capt, Fierceson, struck nt 'the esit'srn end .'of 'lhe 8alteoIslands on Saturday evcnlr g last, nbout ' «even o'cloct, indIns- bceorne a total wreck. . Sho was!owtifJ By1 MVisrs.Hattnn, Cookson, nnd Co., I.ivtrtwli unit wiiti bwind forithorepublic of Liberia, Sonth Africa, witb n-s»rirral Aitgtiton-sistinR of rouslets, suuponder, tobscro, brandy, dc|ft,ftiooltenand cotton fabrics, hirrhrare, inlt , A:. Tbn ciew, tbirtee Bin number, look to the boal i, and, pot off teawfrdt. OnSunday morning they found themnolvo" aHofit six railrs from tnthe ship. They then put iu.for thaJ shore,' and buide'i'liearKi'more, whe.e n number of . the 'mnsfct». aavcrj frbhf'thaship, were nlm> Innn^ht. ¦ Wrnnir rrrkoiiin;' of the schooner'sspeed is the cinno t'> whir'u the Ins* i« attrthbtable.- v.n *<

Saturday oiirlit. duiiu^ l"r. lh« br:(r Pi inet . Lf p p 'oli, otand for Wntetford, fruin Canl'ff, co.il Imlen, »vnt .ij>liore isSt. Patrick's Uay, near Hook Tower, conuty .Wex'orij'crew•aved. _

' ' ' r\ . . • ; . . • ' •' ¦'";;:. '• . - - ,

¦ . j • ( ^ : j .,-.( .;) i t

WatiATixs). — From"renni-acrauntt it woull | apt ear 'thatn pr.rly nf frcelmoi'r* have fisjBiied'.'on tlfat part Q{ the :..Watrrford mid Danmore roi-i) , 11'nr MrVKifla's'ttatei'tft make- .. !attacks npon pViwf-bye. Ono f Vehhii; last woik a;;rWpect- %/,able nnd Inree -farmer, ' nwidinj? iiuthW loiUHtjfj 'cnnln'rjrty'/.vihorap; wa« so severely be.iten l>y . ;a patty inftlmV. Wf-*RP''.'#-that, when he PSCH I PI I liihir cliitclief, a/ter ty 'inty tfut$??.*;£?:available about , liim , he .. haJ - to^ [iikit tn' his ,'ji|jly?iinil r,ybM' :reoiniried thcro.'.a'nci- iu irreiitrp^iui ^On SMnraafJ^^^¦t*ii1War;o.i«,of-Sfr'-JMiVrtP«u&>MJf» ® jg| to^WS(H<W; ww imllarly t»r<trt,' tf^M»JBWTO b

Page 4: snap.waterfordcoco.iesnap.waterfordcoco.ie/collections/enewspapers/WNS/... · .a roL.;.'.XXi ^o."ll —^gi^ERFORD NEWS. «. ^ ^~,.f tid*y Etenmg mi 49 King street. TH «« P««;

•* ¦¦- ,».

• ¦ r . ,- ¦ , -. . ¦ ¦¦: . . . ..

•. . ££>

M>gifoctfli/.i fteetyJBVrV-..,'L'.U""'• IX iJ$#rUi£c>*ok:'' K •• . - - '

Hijti^Wvl^rChKiiiiaJStHei! "'' • • ' '- '•ftWroSrntfffi u&yttr?* * l-i %)

.1*-"i " ' :i ;

When every hurt beats high with joy, i, . . -™

4t*j .wee/iia«t-«ltais.: K-;: ..-,- ¦ ¦. . is.

When holly decke the1 ofa errdrcn Walls • • • •• . i ¦;' . •Wltlr1ifrrfee-b.rlght *oi reo" ;¦ ¦• ! • „ . / '.' .

An«B'each home fhe taisttetoe ••; ¦>¦ • , ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦'

Htai»chMte^o^rbsao\ •'• '• . ¦;¦ ; '• ' ¦ ¦

AUdiecord.strjfe.'snd snvying.

' "".' "

tfhi^hoobthelapd imuteealo; . ¦¦ . '

' Tbujojoua Christmas time proclaims . . , ' " '.

"'SwSfiH.w«^ ffiP*8?" . * ' " "••All sorrow, jrrief, and misery .. • - . . -. • i . ¦ • •

Each boflu most fptaiMy, ;And only thankful love prevail

This dawning Christmas Day.

"Goodwill to men." the sngels saogFrom oat tbeir home of glory, .

When to the shepherds loot agoTbej told tbeir woadrous story.

" And pesca on earth"—more lond and tweetSwelled forth tbe angels lay,

" To yon is born tbe Prince of Peace,This bright, glad Christmas Day 1"

Then hail with songs this happy timeThat celebrates ssch joy,

And let each heart (nil measure takeOf bliss without alloy.

Bint? onr, ring out, glad Cbristmas bells !ThjB Etc is well-nigh gone ;

Clash iron tongues from every fane,And ring in Cbriitmu morn.

N"E W Y E A RAnother year has quickly passed

Upon time's rapid wings;Future around her veil has cast.

Her cloud of fate she flings.Swiftly tbe golden time has fled,—

The minutes, they are gone,—For eighteen eixty<seTen is dead,

And this year lires to mourn!Yet not to mourn, bat to rejoice—

Though last year U no more,So let ns welcome, with glad voice,

Tbe Future, far btfore.New Year I Mew Year I oh, joyou» sound I

Which rings throughout tbe nir;Tbe heart of each one doth rebound.

And happiness declare.Permit me, then, oh, friends most dear 1

My ardent wish to give.That you may pass a happy year,

And peacefully may lire.


Brighter than seraphim, more glorious farTban th» cherubic hosts, who stand tbe throneBefore ; above ttiem all, Mother of.God,Art thou extoll'd. In tbee the mystio typesOf tbe old law tbeir full completion find—That paradise which the new Adam held,Tbe ark iu whom the world's salvation lay.Who contains all, was all contain'd "by tbev,Storehonae and inexhaustible abyssOf heavenly gifts, eflnfeent morning star.Fair qneen of infinite delights and roseDeprived of every thorn, tli" unspotted spouse,Replete with grace, leaning on her beloved ;Sole daughter, not of deatb, but heavenly life,Than virgin Eve more innocent alwaysTJncorrnpt; who never to the serpentLent an ear, nor yet with breath of ainTby purity emtain'd: exempt from spotEarth virginal, nnblemieh'd undefiled,Sweet paradise of innocence, plantedAt God's right hand, waterM with crystal streamsFrom Virtue's fopnt, and fenced from snares malign 1Toe-tree of life with fairest fruit eodow'd01 knowledge good, withoattbe evil cursed.What flowers of praise a garland shall enwieatheFor tbee, Man-, branch sprung from Itai's stem,Thyself tbe princess of a royal line.And worthy Mother of the King offings ?In thee Eden, restored, fresh bloom* again,With spiriting beanlies crown'd, Tbe lilv's bellMeekly thy innocence dieplaya or shrinksThe vale witbin, where sweet simplicityMost loves to dwell • for tbee, the Virgin roseHolds its perennial feast of joyous love ;Where'er tby footsteps tend, on fragrant wingThe odonr of thy virtues up to heavenIt gently wafts, a richer perfume tbanIts golden chives e'er breathed; camellia chasteTby chastity portrays, whilst cletnntin,With graceful filteU midst ambrosia tnined.Celestial wisdom's nect'rous dews distils;Tbe CIOWD imperial, sbowy bulb, enwreathedWith fadetesa amaranth, with gems and goldEmbou'd, weaves thy imperial diadem.A crown illustrious and as heaven etern,That royal birth and queenly state becomes.Each Boral beauty decks thy gorgeous train,Semblautof tbee; anrato or urgent, - . . . -Ature, white, carnation, fragrant or fair,Orange and hyacinth perfumed, pansy.With damask white and red, enamell'd o'er;All odoun aweet, tby sanctity embalm.

—wew rear 't Llay again 1 But what hare we (jotto say about it f It has been so often written about,¦ung of, and spoken of, that the aubjeet has beenworn almost threadbRre.for every poet has at sometime or other made it the burden of his lay, andprose writers have written of it until the Englishlanguage fails to supply them with new words to pu tforth their idem in. Still it is a subject which , likePenelope'a web, ii endless. It is very difficult towrite anything sentimental about it , (or with ageneral atnse of numbness pervading your fingers,sentiment does not often take its aerial place in yourbrain, and amidst the fragrant vapour of plum--r uomgy'afid (he onromantic odour of roa«»-*ceri(two tbinga customary to tbft- »»-'on7i >t departsaltogether irj uitWo msgust ! Amidst tbe bustlcaof this" festive time, and the mazy exuberance ofholly branches, old lixty-ieven has taken his de-parlure like some old guest, who, seeing that all ispreparation for a' new comer, considers himself anintruder and makea a hasty retreat. Poor old sixty-eeven 1 now tod then be, will return to our minds,like at when turning over s fathionable wardrobe,we come upon some olden garment worn and prize<on some gone-by gala day ; and prized still , althoughjt lacks the cut and fashion of the present hour. Andit has come to ns again, the auspicious era of NewYear's Duy ! That day that brings in to us by themorning's post, the glossiest of cream-colouredenveloped, enclosing the glossiest of enamelled cards,upon which is painted the immortal and intenselygreen holly branch, adorned with impossibly redberries, and supporting a robin of doubtful propdr-tiona, who is supuo«cd to be picking at invisiblecrurrbs, and*the whole "bounded on the south" (ilwe may IO iprak) by the compliments of the season 1Paterfamilias, glancing across the breakfast tnbleat hit morning communications, has an 'uneasy•uspicion that the yellow envelope: on the top, doesnot bear to him a like token of friendship; and hehas a dark foreboding that it contains a very bluecommunication in the way of a bill from ¦¦ Messrs.S— & Co., Tendon of gloves, at the lowestprices and lightest profits,'.' and he remembers howmaterfamilias declares w^ata small glove she takes"only seven and a quarter, my dear;" and he*silently invokes pity on the head of him whosebetter half only taten seven and a quarter) It is aday on which ivery thing good is, or ought to bebegun. A day of intense propriety ; so at leastthinks tbe eldest hope of the houie, who, theevening before, bad been heard declaring to somekindred convivial spirit*, that ho would not "gohome 'till morning/' and who now stands a pictureof meekness!, whilst the parental index finger israised in tbe air, with the solemn declaration that hemust tarn over a new leaf! And paterfamiliasbeing bidden to a bachelors' party, goes, and afterdinner, it being understood, as a matter of coursethat all should drink the host's health , and manyhappy returns, &c, tie., he rises, and begins doubt-fully :— " Ladies and gentlemen"— ond thea ob.serving the total absence of the ladies, he dropsconfusedly into his seat, frilling his host's best oldport over his best waistcoat I nnd. wishing ferventlythat old sixty-seven had not deported , thereby im-posing upon him so many try ing duties i But the;must come to us, all those NewOf ear's Uays, whenpur bills come in, and oar rhoney gors our. When«s we walk briskly tliroup h the frosty streets, we areduly wished the season 's wishes , by our passingiriendi , nnd duly half-jostled into the channel at thesame time; and duly reminded as we give our miteto the solicitors of our charity, Hint it is New Year'sDay, thereby politely getting the hint that we are todouble our donations in conseqnence. Yes, thoseems must come to us all , and «e feel as each yearglides after ils predecessor into the great abyss oflime, that we have lost another old friend I An oldfriend wlio , if we could have him back againamongM us, we would value and appreciate, andprize |he worth of bis presence far mure than manysf m» have done. .'Mount Nugent, 1867.

An old gentleman who has riabblrd oil his lifp instatistics, says he never heard nf but one womanwho insured her life. He accounts for this by the

- singular faet of one of the questions being, " What A worthy Cunongate Bailie, in days of yore, itis your age?" yi eeid t0 l> nTe granted a wairant to search a soldier't

' There wns something exquisite in an American's knapsack for a ctirt wheel..' reply to the European travel ler, when lie asked him Queer thing is on insurance policy. If I can't

if lie had just crossed the Al pr. " Wul , now ynn sell it , I can-eel i t ; and if I can-eel it , I can'tcall my attention to lite fact," said he, "I guess I sell it.did pail riiin' ground," All the monks nt l'alcrmu hnvr been ordered to

". The following descri ption is an n picture of discontinue wearing the monastic linbit witho ut. , f Perseus and Audromedo ,'' for mlt in Berniondfey delay. , . ;¦ ¦¦¦' •tttet }r- ' Tfiis yemif; lad y w»s exposed .to be lie- The directors nf the Atlantic Telegraph Company' ;'Vonr«4.bv lbe unfeeling wretch nt; her feet,, but the hive reduced the tariff of short messages on their

iy i 'ctit'ou 'tne.lniaRinaiy nnimule up in the corner ris- line t'rom £2Qito £10. . _.'¦ Vf f f tf a 'i i i d piiirried Her for 35s." . . -i ¦ ¦'.: The manufacture of porcelain buttons ii carried

• M: 4f r -f f i *WVki*'a'?ArTCR '~A lr<"»!'m •»'<* fn a police- ' on to a larpe fx'ent in France, one manufactory!&f &M&7&toB)hf t, 'lay, thiit before .marrisgii lier S'ui- ! alone employing no less than 700 hands.1 ¦


T Tti"'~ «'uo* «'tlih«r;but»ow * It 1sv believed that Garibaldi's fighting day* are

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REMINISCEJ«.ES <>F !A^QUBNAMSTi '', :- \ Wti^W.ff i& Jff iWS f iOl ] f i tf M' ' I ;,'"MAX«f or 't4it'W«liiftl*"'3t V v '•'¦' : ,'iiMfrig aecount of a preaenU ion

p»?r.icti too>,;R%, Mim-p

Brenoahri nWVe p| C«n«k-9b^uH-ir!nimMfl?"fc™8 jrpoSll»iiJS.^an4Jw1ib, .'. «' -.«»'ttef•tud.nU,..b*a betnyepM^ tte L y .Si,- ftltatffcn

.Id7red%Pref»eljt* «imfefe>i- ¦tWnttW;tn™fiD» *-iC.pWJa,-8»j|rt, »B.. 1 ;. „,., .. . "• W^KJ ' ! ,irattier UceblrjOn some ftiiHidllart, >bd>.»•* Mr, \Vr,ittnp1n»pre t.ng.th..«gW .-«4 r.. , 'i etiSfo Ai f t^^^U^ith> clp*rf«. B?.*«V«ri;wBA':«Jiai» 'wh«nI lit was' -. Sisrt. 6f,«Biofc-Som. yaar»»g«jriflK'jn W , '•p ^^JJl ^hSSSmmSMMIdm 'pttffiel y;ft «^V.mM, hii eccenWc5tles ptt.' totttd .cf; opr Af.iB.'New Orlewi«eam.b,i«, t •«•,. .g J .rf^SCTMwBMwiW'.

took*rath>ra Xrcided type; His compolitioni, 1 *rostr.Ud «t »hrt port with •s6«w,aWy*pf),^whetrrer in poe'liy or prose, were decidedly method- . fwr 'j-Bnd; though'I had maDy. .friendo.rtere, hacj;. ,aal,,0r=T>itMtto%lthh-«Mlt»\.. , iii:rV'i; ^''-t- ;ous, arid, if 1 doi' -nol mistake, he was highly com- it not beerr for the tender care and skilful, nursina. . ,.?A».«^gbt be atclpated.Itbe ieeurwnoy iM OOOV,blimented by Thomas' Moore on more than one of thet Sisten of Charity, I have no J4ea that I ; , tloati conddtiablsloltemeoti •nd,.th«.pubJlp »t jKW.bfbs effusions: but that on which be built his fame Aould have survived the attaok. During ourlote, *,, .twtjri and terted b, the novelty ;apd aBdaoityrf

was "The Grave of the Outcast." The subject of fearfnl and bloody war, the devotwn of: your noble J*h^?««JpA*.'-;Tl\i«oralng 4c«aa »;«WjWi.

and whose .one.y ,,ut not entire ly ueg.Led burial -«^i^-A^: J^^^S£' -JgBfil SOlSS SA'SSSS^piace auract. the attention of the poet, who i. .up- of yWs.ct.. Certainly, no K,ld«r,of «b..Cnm«n


_u pou™«

-5 71^losed to visit tbe locality of tbt poem after a long army wUL*over ignore the kind, oare and, gentle ,• T tfca A fcr tt, *£$%,,• 0( tin Vj i

absence.ia by no means unknown to poetry, and may nursing}* the Sutert of Chanty; : ;. . ,;/ ¦ . . . ... tbeOtmard ateamerflhorighl lt acfvlsiol* to daBat th«"

have suggested its.:l f more tban once in the experi- Kacb hospital throughout ow land :couM count them by.tb« : For«rgn.Offioe,' and t»k»m fro»,Lord'Btanlqr,, if poa*,ence of.a medical man like Brennan ; but it is not • • ' scorj, ¦ l ' • • • " • ¦< ¦¦ •;; • ¦> - ¦¦ •• 1 .,-V__ :r . sible, the view entered by tlHfBriUil» Q»Ttxnmeateveryone thatcouM write verses like the following:- .^ t?" "';"" b°f SuKwi ' u toAfmrtV***!"*." - -> - ¦; -<- * «>*«

/ • ,=. OBAv. o,To,,cU,. ff i gszsi te^ .. ' £ rt«atCtbitT^STrVlio sleeps in yonder simple grave, TO. mother calls a blessing down on her who nuned hsr son, a&d, anticipated any bieryatioM that I'i '"*yjB? j.w

On wh h « wiia .riug flow'rel. bloom, AidXksXoundSlSroe. prove how well hsr work HU made »!«tbe.occnrwfc of th. Pi ioj tfjertjjg*Where still tbj cypress seems to wave * dons>" . .saving that be presunW that I W golnrfHw"

More sad tlian o'er each noighh'ring tomb— T WOIBU1hood baa ever prov'd aelf sacrificine;, brave- ' .. him that, in view of tblatro'eloM ctoraeter'of thB'bftU\\ bere not a lrad is seen to press .t at the dear RedeemerS cross, and earliest at His grave, cage; tlwas not likelyliat the President: would Jnterest

fct^neNilia dTould bring The citizen, of Cleveland may well be co^rijtu. ^ J afe MS^ S1Her peace demoted offering t lated on the possession of this noble Institution. . Jl°. ™ 1

I. 1 %^ %'?^ «f 5'1SlSnt

?S-K^«WW gircoidTtb the fender nnrsin,It JM O^f &S ^I ^ ^ Rn *wm ytte h.oomo. year,, # ? "fnevolent ... terhood, •* wUtw many ,tt^ M to my fnt|e condaflt.._ ft thl. connexion

I saw her spirit steal away of tbe ills that flesh is beir to, and restore to many j 9/iiei I was alwkonvtaeed tbat the disregard ofLike music o'er the silent ses, a grateful sufferer tbe God-given, pricelass boou or roj previotu unoffldal rfaonatranees agilnst the exeeu-I aair ber fa>3e upon my sight health. A s a small token of grateful recollection, tion of the Manchester Irisoaers had cftiued a rery un-Like miit below the morning's light.I twined her in fond memory's chain,

Like some sweet flower of heavenly hue,Upon whose beama no darker stain -

Was ever seen than tears of dew.'Twas said for truth the bark that bore

The lady, aent forth armed men,Who cast ber rndely^d the shore,

Tben tnrnsd away, oor came again ;That she had passed her years of primoIn the dark paths of female crime,Till every heaven-devoted MyOf innocence had waned away.When evil stars began to BingTheir deepest shades of sorrowing,'Twas said her kinsman's deadly bateHad left ber thus disconsolate,In the vain hope at once to bidsThe memory of bis wonnded pride.at • • • • •'Twas Hut for those who bsd not seen

¦ .-Haricliasing bjur of bright terenoTo-ibisi or say tbat ever sheWas other than she seemed to be.For wbo conld dream that guilt could e'erInvade a form so passing fair,Or to that heaven-devoted heartThe slightest shade of sin impart !To me she always seemed to beA prototype of pnrity,Far Stter for yon calm blue sky' Than for this earth , where tempests lower,So oft tbat man miy well descry

His fate in every rnin'd Sower.A REMARKABLE MURDER—CURIOUS DETECTIONConstantine Maguire, of Upper Toureen, near

Cahir, who was murdered many years since, was abad landlord—an exterminator. Const. Maguirecleared off the people from the towniands calledBrown Bog and Ltsgibbon, and so intense was thehatred of the people for him that they frequentlyattempted his life, and he escaped so often that anotion got amongst those who sought his life that" powder would not burn him." It was owing tothis notion that It was resolved to stone him todeath. Two men named Power, brothers—victimsof his clearance system—resolved to kill him thuswith stones. There was a privy in the shrubberyat one side of the house in Touree'n, approachedfrom the front. These men watched bis goingthere one morning—rushed in on him, and attackedhim with stones. Maguire was a most powerfuland determined man—grapp led with both his assail-ants—and it is believed he would have choked both,or at least disabled and captured them, but he wasspancilled or fettered by his trousers which felldown about his heels. When tbe murder was eom-pleted, a runner, who was passing through theshrubbery, saw Maguira itr«Uh«d. on-hit bMfe, »»ointoTtSi hou««, and told the learfut news. Mrs.Maguire, on hearing it, flew to the shrubbery, flunghersel f on the prostrate warm body of ber husband,clapped her lips to a wound on his breast throughwhich the blood was welling np,and,as tbe bystanders

TbirVay MrTlIaguire didr not mix with hiineighbors. His neighbors certainly did not mixwith him : and, I don't now remember wbatit is, but I certainly heard something at thattime that accounted for this want of neighborship!These men (Power) were tried, or attempted to betried, twice for Maguire's murder, but eacb time un-successfully. Doctor Fitigerald, R.M., then livingin Cashel , an active man-of business, but one of themost determined men that" ever sat on tbe bench,being made aware by some one tb«« the only personwho could connect t*>« Fo«ers with the murderwas a servo"' gM In Mrs. Maguire 's house, wbo wasnntti'ug out clothes to dry upon a spreading-hedge,between tbe bouse and the shrubbery, the morningof the murder, made several effort, to pump thiscountry dame, but she proved too much for thedoctor. He then took into hi. council (wo cleveipolicemen quartered in Cashel, and the three ar-ranged the following plan :—Doctor Fitcgerald re.commended Mrs. Maguire to apply to the Castle fortwo policemen, to atop at Toureen during tbe winter.She applied—the permission came, and tben thedoctor sent those two policemen out to Mrs. Ma-guire's place. - Nothing could exceed the attentionthey showed to tbis servant maid—attention deep-ened to attachment — by-and-bye marriage waiproposed, and in some one of these confidentialconversations the secret crept out so that both heardIt. She was at once arrested—the Powers tried ,convicted and hanged—whereupon a sister of theirswho lived for fourteen years at Marlhill , at Mr.O'Meagher 's, and another who lived for the sametime at Mr. Heating 's of Gorranlea , emigratedto America without delay.—Limerick Reporter.

" PAT POWER OF DARAQLE."—The followinganecdote is told of " Pat Power of Daragle," in thecounty of Waterford , one of the most resolute anddetermined gentlemen of his day, and celebrated asa^uellist:—He was partial to the Irish escul ent, andknowing (li e small quantity of potatoes which wsiserved up at dinner in England , and that they werebrought to the table peeled , or divested of theirouter coating, in ordering dinner at a hotel in Lon-don, he directed the waiter to provide dinner for oneperson, potatoes for two, and to serve up the latterin their "jackets." So outre an order was quicklybuzzed around, and on reaching the ears of a partyof gentlemen , tliev resolved on perpetrating a jokeat the expense of the Irishman. But the " expense "as will be seen from the sequel , was theirs. One ofthem drew irom his " fob" a splendid gold watch ,chain and seals, ond handing it to the waiter desiredhim to take it to " Paddy " and ask him wbat o'clockit was. He did so. Power looked at it a moment,and, seizing one of his pistols , he shouted— " Whodesired you to act in this manner—answer me in amoment!" Tremblingly the waiter replied : "Anumber of gentlemen at present in the receptionparlor." "Very well ," was curtly ejaculated.Lifting up a small tray, ho placed the watch andpistol on it, and, ordering the waiter to carry themdown to the parlor, he followed, holding anotherpistol in his hand. On entering, he observed aloud,"Some scoundrel has transmitted me an offensiveorder with thir watch. I desire to know wbo he is, sothat I may return it with my complimcnii to him."All were appalled nt the formidable proportions andfierce manner of Power. Surmising what wouldfollow , in the event of acknowled ged ownership,they remained perfectl y mule. " Well," he re-marked, " as it has no owner , I will make a presentof il to my servant." He did so, to the loss andannoyance of the proprietor , and the great amuse-ment of his companions, who considered the jokerather an expensive one.

A belli gerent wight threatened to kick a drycharacter who had offended him. " If you under-take it," answered the chnllenged, " you will findyourself a man more shinned against than shin-ning."

A Paris paper says there was very little indigna.tlon in London when the Zouave barrack* wereblown up in Rome.

Some Brazilian preserved beef lias been importedinto Paris, and was declared to be very good bysome French gentlemen who met at a dinner to teitits quality and flavour.

PiMP'tliAv fitiifi '/VfeAW.^4 •;>i*i."n 11.- 1-:/'i-Vi1

I MillixWi:ili-.".(

SszKgtff iSmmmm

of toy nurses at New Orleans, I beg to present tothe Sisters of Charity Hospital, tbii engraving, oneof the proof sheets, copied from tbe beautirul paint-ing of Constant Mayer/entitled " Consolation," endwith it tbe following poem, which I hove taken greatpleasure in writing for them, deicriptire of thescene to admirably portrayed by tho accompli.hedartist :

favorable impression at[Stanley to tbf passage ilIng to the nataraliz»tidStates, I expressed toyattonof the Executive'and that . consequentlyhereafter against oatnStates, who would be liand obligations to the oresented by the AmeriA Union soldier, in bis tent,

Weak, wounded, and despairing lay ;Tbe hectic flushes came and went,

As rose the din of battle fray.Tbe Army of the Cumberland

Saw him, witk} eager, Bathiag tjt ,In its front rank undaunted sttnd,

Resolved to conquer or to die.Sodden as lightning's vivid glare,,

A sbrill shell burst abore bis boad ;A fragment laid his boiom bare,

And stretched him, wounded, nith tbeBack to tbe reBr tbe soldiers bore.

taliation on our part. IIgumeots whioh I have a|tually employed to denattempting to pacify Ire]organisation ; and I polfast approaohlng when thlwith tbe Emperor of Ru-refrain from interfering tand oppressive •trostmenjesty'a subjects. I quote-pendenoe the statement (asked Lord Stanley uponthe severity of the neasufortunate patriots."£" Lord Stanley, whoremarks with, an impatiehis usual frigidity of ma

Tbeir wonnded comrade, faint nnd weai:His "army blue" was stained with gore,

And Death's pale seal was on his cheek.A tnrgeon dressed the ghastly wound,

And counselled qniet and repose, .Then sought again tbe battle ground,-

Now thickly streiTQ witb friends and foes,Left to himself, the wonnded man

Bethought him of his early life,Ench wayward act, and vicious plan,

Each worldly and unholy strife.And ns he weaker grew, be thought

Of bis dear borne, far, fsr away;What would he give—could it bu bought—

For power to be there but a day.

To close his dying eyes where firstHis infant lips had learned to pray-

To kiss tbe mother wbo bad nariad—Tbe sister who bad shared bia play ?

diEOuasing this question withad no offioisl communicateof my Government. Whcjimake any such commuicatwknown through Mr, FordlGovernment. In the meadtbat neither he nor any msbe in the slightest degredupon this subjeof by any oilas could fairly bo brought IWith this unsatisfactory decview. ., - .

¦ •"I anxiousl y await tho i

cutive may determiuc uponnew phase of tho Ionian dyour obedient servantHo mnrmured, " Ob, for one aweet

Of voices loved, in days gone by IDear mother, sister—Ob, for one

To gently close my dying eye I"

He ceased; a face of radiant tightWas in bis tent and by bis side,

CRANBORNE'S FARETon're sitting on th« |encb, Dizzy,

Where we aat aide |y side,On ths'opeuing nigbtlprepared to stem

Tbe democratie b'di :My faith in you was fash and green,

Your tone was firmjand bigb,I approved wbat fell from yonr lip, Dizzy,

And tbe end you hajl iu your eye.

The p lace is little obnged, Djur,We've Bright as wj had then,

Gladstone's orations eaana our ears,And Wballey drones tagain.' -

Bat I talu cotuUteaef in roar erewJ,Though you still pmerve your cheek.

And I can't help wondering nt the wordsTbat now you diire Ip speak.

Each feature purified and bright,Free from all trace of human pride.

She points him to a heavenly home—A bouse of joy, not made witb bands—

To the Redeemer calling. " Come I"Who at tbe portal beckoning stands.

Tben she nndaipa the book of prayer.Its oft turned b»v«t wen soiled and worn,

For she bad made ber constant care,Oar wounded soldiers, night and mom.

From tbose dimm'd pages she essayedTo whisper to the wounded " Peace I"

Hor g«ntls tones bis fears allayed,You've hardly got to take a step_ The Leagas and'Beals* to near,™" W bich " Wal'pole turf'fcTkrt—2'But there's a gulf 'twkt you. and me |

Yonvt hoodwinked all tbe rest,—And I contemn them heartily

For doing your behnU

And bade his soul's despairing cease.<l »>lr.TrfluVu(fLW'IMiB Uu«, t; .For here, by my poor pallet side,

Thou'rt one with them in bind and btart" Oh I hear me, and though poor and weak,

If I survive, I'll bold bar dear,Wbo Kintl) bathed my fevered cheek.

And brought me ConsoUtion here.I m ratber lonely now, Dizzy,

Tis bard to make new friends;I've only Peel, and little Karle,

(His love to yon be seodfj.Tis all tbe tail I have, Diny, .

And no great cause for pride;There's little left to cars for aow

Since Toryism died.I thought you'd a braver heart, Dizzy,

Tbat you'd go fighting on,Till you'd rooted all the Radicals,

And doubled op Gladstone.But there was treachery on your lip,

Concesiioo on yonr brow ; .Bad luck betide you for that same, '

You've smashed the Party now. ;

It now remains for me only ts tender you thishumble testimonial of my regard and my heartywishes for the fullest prosperity of Charity Hospitaland the temporal and eternal welfare of the Sister-hood.


citizens' money be retained unless nn equal number ofCatholics nnd Frotestapts be appointed to these inititntiombeforo tbe next presenting sraaiona. Tbis may be consideredan ungenerous and banb proceeding, especially to the* poor,but nntil equality be established, it is eaiy for the fair institu-tions to receive tbe excluded patients, la tbe Edinburghgreat hospital, where tbe Irish Catholics were educated whento become so was penal, a physician or aurgeon has at firstfor three years to be a supernumerary, daring sevoa follow-ing, permanent and afterwards consaltiug. This mode givesevery man a chance of appointment. Tbe permaoency ofcite appointments in Dublin debars many a clever man Irompushing bia way. If tbe governors won't admit a fair shareof Catholics yon have it in your power by your pen andeloquence to break down tbe barrlsr of ascendancy by stop-ping tbe supplies.—I am, sir, As M. D.

In my nut I will give an account of ail the Catholics andProtostant* attached to the charitable inatitutions of Dublin.


—England endeavours to make the world believethat the Irishmen she put to death in Manchester


sin )drunke



defaces brtthe blood, ill

weakens the))into walkin

internal, extwounds. It ia

a tbief to tbe pi¦oul ; the beggar*

wero " murderers and not political offenders. Ifthat be so, those accomplice, who escaped to Americacould be brought back under the extradition treaty ;and an " American Fenian," whose letters in Lon-don publications have attracted very considerable

and children'sa beast and ¦to others ga

self of his jof tbe evilworld an<

tcrrow; makes DID becomei</f.murderer; who drinks/& health, and robs him-/wn. Wbon we thinkb of tbis tree in tbisthe next, ws most sayTbe root of •all evil IsBOKXBSHHna.

attention, proposes to have the question tested inthat way. Tbis writer say. :—" The ManchesterSplice have the name, of .everol of the rescuers of

>lly and Deasey who were concerned in the figh tand have eicaptd to America. One of them .ay.tbat he fired the sbot that killed Brett , and be isno» in New York boaiting of his crime. Let theBritish Government demand these men under tbeextradition treaty. Their ease will tben come beforethe United States district judges, wbo bold tbeiroffices for life; who are quite independent of popularprejudices and passions, and who rank in learningand integrity witb the best Fnglish justices. Theycare nothing about Fenianisin, as they cared nothingabout the excitement against the Fugitive SlaveLaw or the feeling as to the prizes cases during therebellion. ' They will decide by the law alone. Ifthey declare the Manchester rescuers to be murder-ers,, and surrender them, as'Multar was surrendered,everybody will be satisfied—even the Fenians. Itis the duty of the British government, from yourpoint of view , to demand the accomplices'of Allen

among tbe most unpleasant peo-|d to rub shoulders with on life'*f class whoit minds take bold ofong end foremoit . They are usu.>s perverse, 'and the false infsrtn-


pie one ia compel!highway, are thJeverything the wfally as obstinate^

/m misapprehended premise, (heypjf were gospel truths. One knowswith such incorrigiklei. Good bu-they are as likely as not to mistaket, kind wordn for flattery, endea-

ces they draw fradhere to as if tnot how to dealmoqr'ed rallyitiffor studied insjvors to instruct! and convince for airs of superiority,

j ut may do or say with a view of be-| for insidious attempts to get on tbeirrheir field of moral vision is filled

suspicion wbicb distort* everything ;iin td reason with them, for you canlray nith tbeirabnurd impressions than 'out ' graven letters with a sponge.—;poie, is to them what truth is to rightand women, ami . they cling to it be-

and whatevernefittlng thenblind side. 'with a mist oiand it is in vno more do 'rjvyou can wipiError, we supbended metcause they lei

tnbution, £100 to the fund for the relief of the! FACT. WOMB RKMEMBF.RI>:O.- A- correspondent meetine separated; I don't know wbn was eo««i.i"' ! "'A' "' Vi " . Aj . ' v v" ''¦':''! •'Oaribaldian. in Ital y, but nothing to ,b«i f.miHe. of give, the Sllo.ing factor* remembring rtB rSj ^O ihl , lMS&!:} Jj &fteW&uEr1 ?»h^T "" Tthe Zouave, who were blown up in the' fort near , worth whlll for all farmers everywhere to remember Cavanagh's j the foHowing Tueed* I ",nt ta-k' llHT>h ' "u #°- H'.* 'TlJI"l1" 0.Rom. by the Garibaldian. The'***, a Legi«-' that tboroU culture i, better than three mortgage, public-house in JohLtr.lt, oX.. qu.r, 1Dd 'J?. ftl , JlAS "*^M W.mist organ of Paris, publuhe. the on dit , but it on th.ir^rms. That au

offensive war agVn,, Timothy Desmond with me; I ' ¦£ t^h^M ?No 7.^^ ^ T PiT^P»U -

naively remarks, " we do not bear of the Prince of weed, is five times lei. expensive than a defensive there exceDt William Desmond-Timotr.« n.. *x "?l •"o'lhrfoflwuHf' fflO.haTefeeeived, mt;-Wale, giving anything to the families of tbe tap* o«e. Thit good fenc..-alw

Pay, pay better than law Z Ttolo 1¦ Ibi ¦?• Ssoned Feman.. Surely they deierve » more than the nut. witti neighbours. Tb.f hay i. a great de,l night; I under.tood the Bos. to »e£ the beaAoir! iri A?, '"'"if M'1 '1.'* ] ik''l*T * " —Genbaldians." cheaper rlnde in the summer than purchased in the tre who was to come from ManchlTe , k. MA I I E y "'. ?U »' ° ' «olour. < I ; ...An old Irishman, who war o.nvicted of on. of 'winter. >bat a horse who lav. bi, ear. back Wd come ; w^w nt b«w en half'pSt iven abdWhL J

D"1 "j"8 *° 1 UX mW W0IlM ' b<

those agrarian outage, that constantl y distract the looh.liglfning when any one'approache. him, p and waited up ihVre t"lsf f iZ Vh DilLt * ' '°° fcW'

»«fej -jf.t. ,, i \ .sister isle, having been sentenced to fourteen years' ticioi." Don't buy him. That scrimping ,he fted M Uww^ S \W } ^nS&. ' TFl

i"1«-ft«"» J ««W-l 'J SMW,rtransportation , bowed most profoundly :to the bench, of f.ttehiig hog. is a waste pf itajn. • That over-fed eeWed a memie fro« th. B lllS ilSl" ™f .?Slefl'^»PW»»net.':l Vr- V i: t- » <"!¦ 1 1 ¦ , -- v. «¦» •«.'and tbanked hi. lordshi p; '• for, fndtide," U!d U«, ;fo»la w'oK lar tggi . .ThA"5d*ekifa^rrf|Uritf 6 r S^ i^ S SP *M Jo^ .nt ,t«>^« aw.ll^of hifir.t w.te V"Id id not tbin fc I had .a long to jive, fill yer Jora: O0D«r. lit atfonf 8 hundred j r i e'ent! Tba'S tinted and .aid bStl SffltS : I*«M"W %Uf $ Z & f r \\\ :ffi-V-?*,***.i^touid


/ • ¦:¦&•¦:;¦¦

' *ww

^Seorn not tby neighbour's burden as, a trifle till '.thap Win lounging .bout eoUotry taverns/.j lW .MuHaor-aod Bnalisb It, hid kW aSJ f iaiivf-A^S?! M&Wt MvWr&Zmthou hut tried to bear it. . , . . . _ . ¦;. ..•;; , . MWribcVd be milked'regul.rl,!«,d 'cleaw^mii: ;Sffi !Ei£.rMSWE*! ife i Wmf MmXwff lm


SIB—I beg leajre to bring nndar your notice a crying in-justice to tbe Catholic medical men of Dublin, and to enlistthe aid of your powerful pen in remedying it in your paper,and calling to your aid the Corporation of Dublin in puttingan end to religious ascendancy and exclusiveness. Io thecity of Dublin tbe following hospitals are receiving throughtbe Corporation large aums of money! for tbe aupport audmaintenance of patient*) aud to brio; into notoriety tliephysicians and surgeons attached to tbemi—Tlie City ofDublin, Mercer's, tbe Meatb, Stephen's, 8ir Patrick Dun's,tbeCoombe..

I bate yon for tho fawning smile, jAnd tbe line you med to take, /

When yon saw tbe House, in spite ofall,Was sometimes wide awBte. j

1 bate you most for swallowing /All you rcfuied before : /

And sbon't I crow, witb joy, DiziwWhen you're iu power no more,

I bade Farewell to a Cabinet ;

In the above, as will be seen by tbe following—" No Catbolio need apply."In the*a hoipitals tbe Catholic and Protestant

men are as follow :—medical

Catholic. ProUstaotNono ... 10Nono ... 7None ... 8Ono ... 0None ... 2OUB ... 4

beg leave to suggest tbatCorporation out of tlie

Tbal could be led by you;For I can't throw over principle.

And to my creed I'm troe. /They say there is excuse for all/

Tliat your excuse wan fair; /But all you cared fur w«s to iay

Ou tlie right of tbo Speakers chairHow often , ia that crowded f oaae,

1'ffl listened witb surprise:To all your plausibilities ;

And furr.ifjo of lies. /The knot that humid me (tijou all

Is now, tbanli God ! ui/ed ;And nevi-r room DIIUU tlmllicucb

Will I sit liy yuur sideJEchoe * f rom, tho Clu4j. /

City of Dublin Mercer's Mcath Stephen's Dun's Coombc

To remedy tbe above exclnsiveueastbe moneys now granted by the

i: bufotw Sii ThWamaH«nry,,*s*»M ohMg?.«).WHj

"Plr;<?Poi.rxd, ,in.ttaetet|" bf "*« «*l ***MtolbeaiuVy, :oarW«ocT »ne prtieootioni'dii WBhaHW-fctfi

vibuily ir iiiiotj oa Sat ar -aahtrwaf tag.posed thJt n« 1.*W''e,oneeriSdi'Iri 'th* tattaok *> ••Hooiie of Wt^«to6'«'CiAlBrf«lfcM<Hei wMfcg'dUc$arg«d:j;rJut, Wwitbstaa*ngthatiarMMrfM»;waa Wgbt HgTit to^bate WeaMapr derl/it**-and ban al !W»rdinglr liken1 »l«h *•'•*?***!••'wmld.ki p'roBably neeeiMry >io ' bMlnd* ettteoVJ" »» •cbar/re/btit'at allwebta.ha .hod

¦j 2ti$» * rMby!!eailed1;».nUutnm, i»ndi tniwre.tae spfRw ' flKr'Febiin brMberkoodi -

: O S*tg.i nf CbKaa C: LM» : Bight' arranplaced 5t n<y b?afids for tbe apprehentioavt \

'iliciik Che Bar ;•• and about ten' Ualeifht,'to 'iU L: strand'French' Horn jwHio-honieji'ihriet ; it is'ke|)t by a'plrwn kgp A**""^tjagh; Ii had known the home Wfore <• I Wall tbe pHconers at tbat boose anani time*, |

.with! mJ;-1. aair. Mullany on t,b« form jgW.wa. atanldiag op and Bunca took.bold'pflEngh.haod,'.aid; "I hold a warrant, jig.qed.bjr 8i/TboiDaaHenry, 'of^w.rire^ %i J«!« frrfflfe |;,treason lelooy ;'.' he pot him.elf Jn .a ,rt«t,»««,5.I said, " I tell you we are pqljee. sergeanl, Tpu vano excu'tej con.table< ate .ID ,.uniform odside; l stouched iMullanj, and told tiirajl had a wjrrant forbis apprehension alto ; he said •< I &ox?, . 1*****:•tana you ;" Laid, » you are charged will .treaaop-felony, and you mu.t go witb me." ,EngIJb becamerery violont, and bad to b*>ken frtfrii hei ( bouse,by force ; when be wa. ontside ha tbfa becamamore violent; eomebody eot hold of.Bune bebma :English eaid, " now, my lioys, for the tvolyera }after eome difficulty we got them to tbrttation ; Xwent afterwards to Cross treet, Regent-s|eet, where

iVa»hingtoa 1 referred Lordthe President's message relat-

i of foreignem in the UnitedbnvioUon that the reeommead-kuld he adopted by Congress;Lny harsh proceedings takenklized citljenj of the United(ally relieved of all allegianceintry of their birth, would bein people, ani would evoke re-flhen went over all the old ar-iVeady w often and so ineffee-laanatrate tho hopelewnesa ofelod . and suppress the Feniansited oat that tbe moment washi United State., in oonjnnotioaifi a, would be unable longer tot) put ea end to tbe scandalousniof five millions of Her Ma-edfromthe Dcclanilon of Inde-ol the equality of man ; and I

n rhat principle he could justifyilia adopted against these un-

Desmond live.; he is a boot-maker ; I hid to Des-mond, " I hold a warrant for your apprmen.ionror,treason-felooy ;" he .aid, " 1 will go anjwhere withyou, Mr. Cole; there is no reason why1 . <>";D"-mond should be bad tbat I .hould.be Kid j" in hi.room I found an ordinary volunteer rifl/ and bayo-net ; I took him to the nation ; I «ear«S«d him andfound nothing on him j I went to 10, Smith -court,Great William-.treet, with Bunce ; I Booked at thedoor for tome time ; «ome one in thj room put afoot against the door ; I found O'Kjeffe lying inbed ; Sergeant Bunce spoke to him, aid said, ¦< getup, Jack ;" he looked at me and aaidf what do youwant now f this rqan," pointing to Sc geant Bunce," took me on Saturday night; I go turned up forthat, and I shall' soon get turned u for this." Itold him tbat wbaV I took him for no was a differ-ent thing altogethef ; he went quietl y o the station ;I searched bjm ond found nothing'on him ; lastMonday a person named James Vaijban called onme at my residence ; he gave me sole information.

Desmond aaid the evidence of jCqe was correctbut in one vord. He did not say, "jf one Desmondis bad," but " if one Desmond getsfnto trouble. '

.l.mpi Vau(?han. 1. Houeh's-Dlaie. Carnaby-st.,

d listened) to my concludinge strangely at variance wither, replied that he dociineah me; more especially as 1on to make to him on behalfevrr I might be charged toin, he added, he would makethe views of Her Majesty's[ time I might rest assuredinber of the Cabinet wouldJinflaeoeod in their policylcr considerations tban web^rward by a Foreign Power,dilation tie closed tbe inter.

Golden-so|iare—I have been workijg for Davis andGoodinuri, Oxford-street; I knowTinothy Desmond,a man n»w in custody, but not herejto-day ; be is a._:!_.. . r l-ana Irnnarn Kim Atfn WPart* YlAf i knOWli thfl

tructionB which tbe Eie lOl lv l 5 I U V > * C Bkllll Vf II ajlili «4 V W W W ^ 2 l > B* | *a«A ^K4w *-*v « H ^

prisoner, William Desmond, aboufeighteen year. ;Englias four or five years, and O'teeffe about two

O'teeffe—Please to look at m<! I don't thinkyou'eo know me. '

Witness—Perfectly ; I don't knoV where he live. ;I befieve he is a shoemaker; I haie knoarn Mollanjraboit eighteen months. j

nullany—I never spoke to you.Witness continued—I am a tneober of the Fenian

Botherhood ; I joined in 1855J the oath wa. ad:ministered to me by Timothy Eumond, tbe other

ending me in view of thiaficulty.—Very respettully,

" a F. ADAMS."


itisoner ; the oath was, " I pro iise by the divinewill oi God to do all in n| powe> to . obey the law.6f tbe Society of F. B. (meanin Fenian Brother-hood), and to free Ireland from the yoke of Eng-land ;" wben tbe oath was administered I kissed thebook ; Timothy Desmond repnaud the words «f theoatb to me ; he used tbe expression short, " F. B.;"we were the only persom pnsmt wbeb I .took theoath ; that was at a place called Oack-Iane, Edward*street , Sobo ; not in any house, but in the open air ;the practice is that there are nejer more than twotogetRer "when fhe'oaln II takm ;jone wbo it already.worn can swear another; if a njan swear, in a cer-tain number of men he is raised f t I have been in thehebit ot frequenting Mrs. Cavanteh's, tbe Lion andFrench Horn, in Pollen-streetJRejrent-itreet; Ihave met all tbe prisoners there,\on different occa-sions, and believe tbem to be members of the FenianBrotherhood ; 1 was at a Fenian meeting aboutthree months back ; Timothy Deshond had spokento me three days previously; be Did me there wasgoing to be a meeting held at Ca anagh's; tie saidtbe natch raffle was getting too itale; they were


it would not do to have a mectijg like that at apublic house, with Father O'Connor]and they mighthave visitors they would not care to receive • themeeting »a> to have token place at Covanagh's ;there were 150 of us there, or mori; the meetingwas supposed to be for tbe purpoie of building achurch in Ireland ; I saw no printel bills or adver-tisemeuts ; I believe they had car* printed, but Idid not see them ; I never saw Rther O'Connor


before or since ; on the platformO'Connor, the chairman (a man nabelieve), Mullany, and tbe other perlmentioned a warrant was out agaiiEnglish were at the door till all the pthen Keefe came in; English wa.but at different time, came into theplatform ; I did not see William" Imeeting; the hall was full ; Keefe anat the door, to see that no person tbabe a constable or detective should citheir giving us the tip; the ehairmattbe meeting, but be seerned confusedall knew we bad come there for a ehand that Father O'Connor would adi

meisfc.ison ,»mory,strength,the body

bty, ' corrupt!lames tbe liver,rsiq, turns men

J hospitals, causespal, >nd incurableh witch 16 the senses,cket, and a devil to thecompanion 1 a wife's woe,

log ; Father O'Connor said he wa. rgive a lecture, but he woqld .peak Ion Ireland ; they all knew what he <—to build a high church ' in ' Irelilaughed, and they all , •lapped, whichlieve that they all knew what we earnttvas a mistake for anybody to; suiclergy were against the people—tHnot;.! suppoie he. rntajjt the Cal

How aboI waa hi

Timothy Desmond said, "Father O'Connor aaid, "that , but I' will tell you {take an oath, they take it

althou«Wbe clergymen ,to be Io

the Church, and tben to their couceeded further, and the prisoner Keefyou are not like Father Moriariy ;'the speeeb he said, " You think Ijdead ; bat believe me she has cot J

| at tbe end ofeland i. qlm'o.tkick left, andf Xohn Bull ;"and cheering ;t round on one

ithat kick . will go through the belly'tbis was received witb great clsppina collection was made; Mullsny we

going to try a meeting f or the CI arch, and see ilthat would do better ; he said " Mck" had got theroom, and he told me to try am get down earlybefore the strikers came in ; I h d contributed toseveral rnfflrs ; they were not ge uine raffle. ; thelame raffle was held week after we k for the purposeof buy ing arma; Desmond told i e that this meet-ing wa. for the same purpose—tha of buying arm. ;he said they were "wanted d—d bad ;" I haveattended some of tbe rhffles myself I saw Timothyagain on tbe Saturday ; he said a number of tbepeople would be led to believe tlat It wa. for theChurch, and we should all try to bj there, as FatherO'Connor was going to give a good lecture ; I sawEnglish, Mullany, and Keeffe at that meeting ; wewere sitting together in the same room ; tbs con-versation was whispered to Desmond by a partythat there is a warrant out agdn.it; Desmondcalled on me the next day, and «c went to Cava-nagh's, where we saw English , MullKiy, and Keeffe ;Eng lish was very bu»y j Father jO'Cortnor andanother man were in the parlor ; it wis then laid thatthe meeting would be held at the Temperance Hall ,

mmmmf mIik^1>orl»ttW.p* j»P«#» .f>^^

hntw'MiM m^mSSmk *ok»^^wm\t**mst &uo*a^i™Z^AM»yM•¦«. . ¦---. ,- a Xiwi>£JH :m *U-M **lil&ia&if ii * nidiDisaisritl

lt^|^ ithW#ihatflljrtt;i'Tkt<I,if,f«Mf:ii. «M7'l)IK

¦whsHkiil bs dj rtffnld. come-iEagltih aa^

> s aWnsr.ioi To««d«rw 10th I. op trJ.tkk«ts[f(Frtd.*-,,ha1f,p.it4oor and

L wara.haioMMl[l.«lenl,P«1lts>fCara.veseefl-nd theyC,«M

hy ;I&»Tid>.pame, to me,,)ietweeu

lWiuad<UiAlitr',..Ee sala,.',', ',avbga lSttle drop? idling that

4,Aflr.-tn«amlhat moxninf: be askedTi^bav i ydbutl bave Whi. son hid'g(imr wlfe Jf'ih

S6fSWad seen bU wife.t ahiWd.V'No;;"

t'raean tonTyottr wife ha.bookeds\a%y Tei, tti9hu, and by the God« .hall neTer lie oeddf me again ;"Oon'i bsjiootjiti;''/lii' wul " Gpbd ,I iher^ and-iaaid.he wasigoiflfc tor'he' thea whispered, to me thatIUB done ' betweto- half-past'1 threefi. 'jqitiee. had'found but the righttonarj.to exerciie in the Vord /]Ib t dona}1.'« Mid, '« Wb>t !1V HoPtb« Hoots.ot. Dstantion. WbeoXara

thai bad ) nutl

b^'anFliiH"lukt.r sj jttrjjthe trick: »boufand.ifouriM.AiUthM ifoti Iho'-l¦hrM t 'UasaaTh-olwow-fl¦yo QiHfrlib.1i«ttkeJwiUb.

reipeat yoo wilt see me any DOT*, or ifate! or ill I*t off and am arrested, tber gaUew* or HiUbank.. Keeffe wiU doDetmond, for Massey, Corrdon, andbye, and cray. for, me .w&an I am DustedItn squoMed my band veu hard, andirjio Jostiee baa foaad oot tbe tiae by[dinner; be said I was. not to give, anyU to give it to English, and if be wasit togiva.it to no one bat his daughter;

Jbe, tick, with Bilbevsjiv. Uem.goolinto lrratv»5 bekIsielisejbe nid JgOTBglbWltbtWmooeT,to bis wife, 1ooVtp pome down fomy wile did not beawhlsi*. thooffh shemy «iie did not beaifhat he said to me, as it was all in awhl»wr, though (be Is on the board; Eoglisb came tomeon Friht night, «nfaid, ¦'For God's sake, Jemmy,givens S3 «ath as you ci as I want all tbe money I eu get tosend taat effto'Hrto/, I asked him¦« Wbot" and he said," WH i«« roa not heard f"; be said, "The Home ofDete ttoa is blown blidy bug ap l"; I asked him did hesee Destriand, and be su, " He promised to see me in aboutan bom''l I asked hink be thought h* should see him tbatnight, and be said, "Ni l don't expect I shall",; I then gavshim 8s:I said I coulilnot give him' any more, as I wasratbw alack; he aaid, 'lemmy, for. God's sake get as muchU you can for me," su left; I ,_«aiv bim oezt ooraing(Saturdiy) in Tyler-stri; I went into'a shop there to buya newspaper; I saw Eaiib in tbe street outside the shopwhen I tame out with |e piper ; I said, "Good motning,Nidi"; ke then seemedfery much excited, and said aloud,reading Irom the placards' Diabolical I we will burn all Lon-don yet.and that will bejorediabolical".; I asked bim if bebad wen Desmond yet f fte said, " No," and left; the samedey'I ame to Bow-stni, about ball-part twelve; I sawKeeffa attbe corner of Bystreet and.Rnssell-street ; whenhe ESW ma he Ian over tshe and asked if I had seen EDK-lisb; I nid, " Tes, abotieleven b'slock, and left him iuCarnaby-itreat"; he aaid.to—* it, I had an appointmentwith bim'; he went on Utalk about the explosion ; severalpersons joined in the feversation : I said it was abad. job about tbe am t-of damage tbat was donsas reftar* life ; I saij it.wu bonible to think -ofit .; EJeefe said a thingjke that could , not be . donawithout aincriflc* ; Wi)liau)e«mond then came to me, andaaid," Blloa, J«mmy, wbido you think of that -: ' ¦fool ? 8hi baa come roand nne accusing me of saying thatbe was a award"; I asked hUbo f; h» said, " Ted's wife.Yoo neverbeard me saying Mid you f ; by Ted, b* meantTirouthjrjye usri genrrsllfc eaU bin <« Ted"; I ttid itwit a bad bb « William Desski said, u It etrved him -~-wsll right,\e had no bosinehto be then at aU. Wa senthim back aid told him to |4ome and have a sleep for anbonr"; tbo William: Engtt came h| Deamond thenaihed toe tver igaia if I 4r beard bim call. Ted acoward; Kniluh .aid they ba)eot Timothy back, sod didnot want bin th«r»;I unde*d "there" to mean at tbeexplosion | os, Sunday I went ¦fcavaoagh's; I saw WilliamDjsaond, Klglub, and.MullJ there; I was in the fronther; Bnglisb\was dronk) be sU Desmond to go oat, andasked if he wVuU'go down wi» m'j bo said, "Te»;fc waall went onUile—me,Waiiam 1 xwod, and the otbtr man |I asked WiMao Desmond whetie was going ; hi said Uwvwars going to tj. Boss, to take 1ha said the Boa was io Hoooer¦then said ba rn»uld go over tbethen said, "Tit next thing nDtrby, StaahryJaod Hardy; ttbooght by tbe sahlie ofdwnatilot >Afr i"we tea IS^ogtBM wtSTroi-nk* D)JWJabbot balf-ptit eM*° Vdeek^loft 8nnd»y ni«Vr j Jart Hood.ilwhom I nave born for many Vka was a police sesksMt, 1""1 ?*tion earned sMe kaowmsnt ia ItomakeastatanMat. ¦

: ao answer to a message;et,Weatmiaster; Englisht moroinjr, by six, and head. better do is to settlei would not be so much

ck/ar them so over thei Jlu Iu tL6 Jiieul,'**kuilit bis own door; it wuwe so parted; ¦ it w oniattoNa 8*rgaantCote,asa neighbor; I knew

•tjsria it (tilaobserva.); I told Col. I wanted

Saturday, Irelan d will reVi>mb| eternally. Nowadmire, I pray you, thejbgicif these tragedies.The question was to frigb(tr no] of the Fepiau. as,like Allen, Larkin, and Gpild, sight be tetnrJted torescue the prisoner, from I lepolfe. . Yea, the greatthing was to frighten then .\ Wf, then, the excel-lence of that proceeding las sobighly. thought ofthat nnheatd of precautiora Verejaien. The prcofthat the authorities did no nprtend any attemptat rescue—the proof that tlej we) certain to inspirefear by hanging thwe nrenlvasfiieir filling Man-cheater with troop.; that a rejervlof cavnlry, readyto charge the crowd at tbej iVat Ignal, nas postedbehind the prison; thai they, ttoiftver, armed 3,000consubles ; that they k«rrioajedJll the opproaobe.

were Fatherled Mattin, I)n tbal I havet; Keefe andople came in;¦ the'passage,all facing tbeismond at theEnglrsh werethey knew tone in without-tried to~»perihe said they

Itabh objwr,

io the scaffold; tbat tlspace which It comrawere prepared to'defe

wftb artJIHrr+ftJie-:w0rt ,'-)K ;|%'5tan' wllb USnW

T «ont^ded - iiUhi-h.

. '< ' Ahl joaantled order u.-mam

rselv«*-iwbj«'.ar»ryl tn umr <tHjulre to protectw who kill reason'

these three men to bey.iothers.;-, vVrureak, it!iiafraid. ' Infantry, eavaess the meet-

t prepared tothem a little

ime there forid; he thenled me to be>

ill for ; he uldlipoie that tbt»t they . wereibolio clergy;i Maynootht"( prepared for

eonstableK-thi. it. ifh.t .'youCalcraft, who pr«(eeU,ys;o. * Fvery badly it »e*m*S'. - - 'A t ,

ts^od vii tho sonjf.a/eutfer ; Ter-

bo»k«nrri; Co,I and < Veaverlet b» a pastryIn ola. brewer ||riv.ner{.Csrdi-

OBIOIH O» Ga«AT PEIof a amail farmer ; p.pirence of a .lave » Homerthe son of a porter ; Horlumbus was the wn of-ihimself ; Claude .^Lotalnicook; Oliver.. Crbmwallbis secretary, Milton, of a

¦M-Ieof, S««avJ


a butnal Wolsey WM, tbo.aon.on of a' woo) .ria'pTeif,'; jlthe kitchen at'Exeter. Cqley Shovel; rear-admiral

[i Shakspesren> worked inLySirClouda-o« W W jMJr.tard. a cabin-.(eher{LacianriBotf 'aoidierr|ikdr;. Robertp(!rii»;i«T*.'-bnojeon'. pa.P&jglisb w.I Was tf»i',»oo-

al to God andtry ;" he pro-said ''Bravo I

leie, Oj;'oi Knj

prentice to a shoemaker, '.nd, «iboy ; Daniel Defoe waiUieionof.of a .tatuary'; Cer*ante»'-wW W'eMoliere wa.: the son, of a' tapestryBurns was:a ploagbroaii; Thoqiaibard,1 was the son of a'tradctBMn;rent, were neitharrich norUobK'^

Desmond pat a number, el oat wrtant qaestioos to thenitosss, and uppsled perjury to b . He wu Wormed bytbe magistrate that this wu not s time to make observa-tions, bat be saoalA hivsettry op rtunity o{ doing so at aproper stage* ; ' ' ' :

In answer to EniEsb, tie witneskwd tbat Father O'Con-nor's meeting sppesred to'be a prills one. • ¦ • '

Ib reply.to OrKetfe, bssaid thai ie tailors were on strikent tbe time ot Father O'Connor's feting. The bouse wufall of tailors—as, 'indeed) it wat m when there was nootrike. • ¦ ¦ - ' -. ¦ - \

O*Keefe asisd bia if ba htm of k reward before be gaveinformation. . The witness »*id be I L .

O'Keafe t Aod the amoud • \fy tu No, I don't knowlbs aroonnt. . • . . | '¦ _ 1 ¦

O'Ksefe : Too hire forgotten P itness: Tbtre are twonorts of reward. 1

O'Eetfe 11 am onder a gut disa ratage; I wu arrestedbefore, and discharged,' aadpow I > in again ou the lamecbarg*. Sir Thomas Htnri No, ondantand not oo thesame charge. O'Keefet Cm I ba aom» fcod I I haveeaten nothing to-da'rV Sir lamas Isnry ; Ctrtaiol;. Tbigaoler will see to that.- I - 2 '

Tbay were then remandedbstil $nday, wbn IVingbas,the informer, again gave elbe admitted that he was a djand tbat be was now snpppolice. After some fortberwere remanded, and Desuxwith wilful murder, in conjmAllen, and Anne J rutice. and

ce^ On cro««-«x«minalionir km trn 68tb Regiment,> I the oommiaiionera ofme O'K»ef& and UalUtnyinaUSn«lisb.;were xbargidn #b Timothy Desmond,ly I sy were also remanded.

KxaLouis BLANC ON IHJBlanc, in his letter to theManchester execution. :•Official England draws band Gould—obscure namlivion , but whose liamn',

Tioxt,—M. Lonisthus write, of the

aat, all is saved!i. Allen, Larkin,;ing to . eternal ob-o the execution of


wmm^ ¦Hl

mm: # 5at 8kuMJj|ft55S.an*'W^n Srf-. 'gcSnjfk . tri; ih ' IMlWCtBU j

Ufr'that«innotbe.H0^eWmr blSfX rfclOfike^^i 'orbumWjWter'tlkit^^^-IJ s f iScIJTO^ WIM i ojene.Jjind.tr 4- aufliti'iiW-s ™":?

VA.'SBbi ribtr,« MMO-HoV,m«iiP"i,rififf*lit of > IHrettedjinaniire •atoW-I-t«f«i2'24 r t f . I i ira£ in data' last -wW (reSJ-erorlv.

.Vmui Would yon advite Ibme/fiino •$*,*¥ » -the ieed( and how muohfk—-We don't Wth\ nt- nU "oryoor eart. aoUo.Weubm „w»««ni re no Irish acre for any root crop, 'jttfcbov. qnanuty of manure, wi<b 3 «wi. ofsWrelvian gaano, will suffice for as. IrUh aere;™ •n-T*?; F«DI"0'—! -«ntend puiing two eo-iMtel, fehe about 9 year, ojet and the «,1GivlnM p¥rticnlars as to tbeir trohneat ,h~.tT«.U heither of them have nlnrJuT'IS"1 krrGiVe tarn'P» >» modcrrte duBtitv1»h«y k sed to them, and then iurrtstSiLday. (Mhree fcedt, and hay betwetn timts.^ra»e «»:lbf.;s jrjaje!__^ . ™7*

i fS*''*0*-* "?0"" w«a A 6T9aB;"taflttiWil remedy for a hors?,1 Mcough .-i-GiVe him 6 drone areeni&a in < i;water etry night for a week, thenglveXa,qnantitjbf brfoaia : both are bomoHMtms vt,ations. LUo give mashes of equal jarti b£.•limed dal daily. ' • •"!

Risoi * * BULL.—Lash him by thtneci fi»lto a .tro lfcree, and pierce tho carrUg,^.the no. rit "with a red hot iron ; tb'ntrill.ring, an I ib the part with butter. It v^dangero i. i fciten him up in the .tall iv ti, fj,a *.u,, S""*?6 wonW a«t likely & tbe riout of the rite, and then you could *t rW iagain. \ ., "»«

I«sEc r8 F^PORATIMO WOODWORK. —'Beatle'Th« .be ve.

a closet of mine are bein^eth0,

by a small, bjwn beetle : give a remedy! ,with; dilute iloride of lime, and furnnta tjchjprinej gas, J

^de by pouring vitriol on-dt.'.JIshould be repeted; and keeping up in trtlottt•trong odor of ktrphor acts a. n prevent?!; ff,,ing with a solufyi ,of corrosive tuhlimat't,'gatingjibe shelve with ignited charcoal ar if awill be pf servicl Infected wood will inei gibnqod near it. i

DEJTROTINQ Stoi.—The besi remedy Ho^pick them at nigl with the aid of d lamp-Sl,ing a Itttl e fine; dt lime over the land evi ni,will destroy numbrs of them.

CotdaiNO LIMEUSH A little lampblac ' «little sea coal slacK mixed more or less a«rdito- taatij, will give it V gray color. We woulmia little; yellow oebrl or common yello w eld,misc with the whitewash ; a yellowish tint wildwarmer looking thanlbegray, bnt a little 'bowonldjbe best : it wodd produce a fann eoloi.

:Tae Tusker.—Thj young of the torkeyiCeoiitbirjrara amongst tie tenderest of birds, aloiin then-natural foreststtiey are capable of encria Canadian winter of sk mbnths>'dilratton,:in nstate they ate larger anrmoreheawlrul Jhsn itldomesiie captivity. Wi have kept the NorfolcCambridge, the Americlo'.and the white bieec!iwe nni the black Norfok the best, the C«mbnest, the American tbitj,«nd tuj whiitar^worst.' In rearing our nuag torker#',ir#. ir«r«fun.abcessfal until we hat our rearing-bwue Jbat since then have fould it eorapann'nly iWhep the air i. cold they-will sit and *rj;rtjetfood; but when a ptbperyemperatde ft pWrithev soon become conMntai. aai OiiluH r~ :a lest. We give them tbi amnafcod si the y oiebbkins. keeping then a tittle- wiasur,- and ¦iSfjb as man j. onion top*, jjihopped;iaj lOr yoonipns, M we'ean .pare ; rdlk cards th«v •m\fond of; they are very teuorf_j|f !«spa4td 14 4ior cold, until they acquire UAtj ii toWftifeirith* head. After that all t%,f«TO»p&nt]food and good range of grou&^:TJ«>«r»tosuranging In the park for 'beW:|Ms,iidoT>r,acorn.; we also take tbem . b'MAtkbkricand give them, barley whor^ :j6|ir*'eo(ni*;ll»We find the best time to hnti tin ' li'Jmlihd with good feeding till Gbri»tia«vo»H Ibird* neighlDg ' 17'' lb. 'each, at. bm bttii faeach, and upward*. . We do'noltsifenr*ak»jto cram them with' food to htua bm \TUx anwith barley paste end werf >» !d>r«o«_tlajand lelds until -we :wanUd:. (ft/kl \\\ti£zjli «find second broods pay, ktriBf '.pi) i.'«&sapce«|$d^them' in rix -eam oat of .enjoy . i-wa.' <an6ot. ¦second brood by tlrbT tte* ,(JnJy), it TID pay bsttthe turkey site ou geitaa tnrlb «P feoVefgv, ffiher a good'mbtker. ¦> Wksve tbc IttstcM one eaoar itock. '.We db.W'ofldbWttiwai'waile bjtbefr egga, bat allow tbaa-wiitewjie-sitri*wni«hi» giieMy.underrsirnbW'tree; we KthU and take.oat'iha •£# without Wring a nestwbiiih| altbtughi 900S, 'rt#y. w»D oof f«esike to ,another neeb VlkeB they want te sjt, we give :their eggs at'onr koM or rearing tow, on the gror floor, wittra litle loose hiy «S« a.coop to itbeir nest with. (They da better mating theii owrupon tbe grotnaVvln plenty of room, thuwittnest we oouH pjotide. We take them off to «thav trill nnV mrm nK -rithaat. nt aometimes flW**^T **» ^4

MVV VVUW f1* vw 9^ W ^

they will not leavi the nail ft* days. We girt;from 13 to 15 tggs <o sifibpon, wWCB rerrclmonth to hatch. When nnt Lueheiwe allow thirenlain with the detter fcr »» honw befcre wetbem, unless they web very sktwly, in which entake some away aMwrap then in flannel, plaoinr,before a fire fbrwjrmth, to. pritent tbe notheifqiieeiing them wUle alttiag ea the remaining uned eggj, but take ftWbtck to he*a» soon as wvitenfeV We then We away all tbeemptj e&Jthat the sharp e&FmlgW *$ hart/tbe bxrdu I,nesL' The tuWT»: fond'<>< tooiaig npoa o«|reduire. care in hrhging homebr stfety; wbic^be attended to earliia tha.3ift«f|»op,' we havflBWa-cat in our DODITT jard,wWctwe find *«!

m cif^^TocKl will kill any «wll i

come within Sto rta4k>./br!t>.w» hw» «»»«]«to (destroy one he5bf^poiiK»3r.' ¦'•*«:lriM55* ohiokens to ptokber vJotaaUrfroo her n*aha U eattaji akssW^* year, wJ_»«;*»MjcLg tokJrs o. Mtlbe«tk*efor.tlr« Unf aa iWrrathWlaV'ttoM far three quUgn< or, aod sfo g*49tr»ly sleeprj in tho nadNg{btsjht,:t6 Vif taite fcm tho oorn, toi, «g;,..[>.¦) -;v - I ' —-rmr lfeuasro OK 4a4ssi«ia.—Sir irYmgffi"p iblfcred a letter, as a commsntary orJMwtl t 'EaUon Timrt, bnd.r the abovcWgj¦thloh the Eogliih aikhoriry eonbastsjWgi 2,000,00 .terUa^ M »be; ttim*KS(&w|ith the physical cpnlifion.of the WgSspecta iu drainage, aid declares thafflRgsjierit, even in an otsteoesaful attsmf jt^gif to the imrronndinf lpets Ibe' twwtjjgdfrown. half the soil »ffr»lond, wonlp BSf etory than the inhvtoten eged jyjfffile.". : 8ir WUliarn WyK take* thittjfflP%t EriiHsh 7h»«i ash. text,; a #««R?t iat £2,600,0Jto tpfsulr cffeetfaii nd,reclaiming tbe piaibew rf.-Ii*ivinf employment to Ue ubonnth.t'emijrratlQn whlcii hr sevw

*rejnfn«'ir«land.eSt»staJsfaery kone'and sicreVWifee'eountlaent of "justice," let u\ have -.1U. means, but we fear W\ wilt bJoagcf before the; Toryi gjt;«rriralrtUon!to anything niefuiRto. \xmlOttld bejo»twbatIrel«n\U:d#nbntbi' by ibm hndJeljial I

ft bf market i 'teMSrtX' bmiiirtf TO tiisp oLM-AX tbjjjtbe inpcrtwtiprc^wsy.Me^btg fljUBM/CM fi>moc.arld;9inTMr<w«^HItherefcte r iala caffTS-erJtB^MMnto the OvmauhSxjxa uc^ MmgK

-fSSIH'liedsb for,it« »*Mf^ia&»»tt*IKWwmm
