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Date post: 08-Oct-2020
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/> THE -WATESFOBI* SSWB . " ^ ttitl«tnS4i«-< ¦ ' " . .tiSfejAMtt . '«fiE . .PUREST LlttOKBX Q^WtJLATIOS j IK TKB S6tfrB OF-^BKLAITO Pallijfed Mr* rBID^r , <t*4 Ibctmd Sdttfcm S^TPBDJT •: > 1 :¦'!¦ Vonfrfs , 1 ** »?*, -40 and SO .JHnf.artft, * i ¦ . * (orrosm T»» narxxtnu, tun). T>EICK-TWO PENCE j Tcarfy (in Adranoe), 8«. 6d. JT : : By Post<Ye»Hv),10s\ 6d. '• ™'. «w- S3" All Cheques and P. 0. Orders , taado payable td OQBNILIUt BlDMOND , »t tMl OfflcO. WTaterford Stauusuip Company (uniXD)/ ¦ •• ¦ ¦ 1NTENBED OBDEB OF BAIXING-^JAN., 1884. BTEiMEEB , EEQINALD, COMEBAOJH, LABA, ZEPHTB , GAL- TEE , CEEADEN. 1DVTINTEEN, B08A, and DAUKTLESBJ- ' ' - V •*, 1\rOTio. g. - , Tlie mtorford g'gSGTtm- ^ Htoamahip Company (Limited) ¦"M8B£»yj?\ reoeiM Qop it and I4f»Btock for Bblp- '«i^ment cm tha oondltitm* mentioned In , - Sailing; IJ«t» , An., to ba.had at their ' ¦ ¦ ¦¦ . OfflOW* ¦ ¦ ' WATEBFOBD AND BBjisTOl. r»0» WATWOaD to IBUTOt. VBOK UUTOX. tO WiTMWORD, . . . Direct i. . . . ... , Dlreoti TnMd»y, Jan. WO.morn tfadaeadar, Ju. » ... » night ,Wd«r. .> 4...13J10OO Batataa* . .. 5 . .10 airht Tooaday, 8... Satt'nooi) WtdseaOay, 9 ..11 .night Jw4w. .. I5...U nwrn , Wtdnetfy, ' T. W .- 8 afVn Wdajr, 18...1S oooa• ,. 3»tmd»j7": n .19 „.» oilbt JOMdv. 23... a «ft'nooo W^daSal y; " « ...U nljht Wd y, - 2S..; aft'wwt ^tartar . ' " ¦ « ...11 nifht BT On earlyHomingSkOb n Cabins of tbTitaaKtt will M opon to rtxxure fantnatn aniTinf .fcjr. th« Mttht , 1IA lrain . :. . ' > . ' ^ - ¦ ' / . ' ' i * . " ¦ o *are»-Oxliin . ilSiv., dcKiB«turn. viriiUMe for Ont inonth) 2S«. , do CiUdxen and 8*rruita, tnneUintTrfth Famflie* , Wa. Deck, 7«. M. i do CMldrBi, 41 .«*, 3 ;.. .. . . n .. . frATEBFflWvi JD'HVEEPOOIi. ttMnMday, Jan. «i JS4-«tt' aftdiakda* Jan . a _.1« MOB. . . yha^TiWfl (Liberal in politioa) oircnl*toi ' erl«nriT6ly aaongtt tiw ' morchAntt, tiidere and oobility, sentrr, tanning OIMMB , *o.j In Watorford t KlIkenfly. TippemT , ¦ad thtf nonth.of Iroland generallT . Th« N«^a hlg atUinod a eiionlation neror eqoaUod by: any paptr pnbluh^d in Waterford, and ia admittedly tho leadisff jonnudltt thU Ihiportant dlf, with whiohthoro la direct jtajW Qcnmnnjfiation frwn London. . . . . ¦ ^PartS pijlar attention paid to oommorcial and agrionl- ¦ ; ' iidnttiawnents reoslyed tor the Nsws by all ro»p»ct« ¦bWN»ir«pap«rABronU in tho Uni ted Kingdom. Pif UTzaantieqaiiito Irom parties not known at the oflloe. lemonade. n23 flm . , !. ' .. > ^atlwans; WATKRIO&D AND CEKTEAI. ISKUklTD ' AND ¦ * xiLEeinnr JCNCTIOK ZULTTX TB. > _ T»1JT AWT) AND ¦ ' ' " ' '*' »J'/ 1 l it "* I -. ., ' I i _ ¦ V . . , ik nielli IUl Mil 111 ifcVb';i|i|tlllU<J, /\. ll OUIYifcllLH JJ.*1>* IIJF i , JlTT-TTATIl ^ ; ' ::< ' * * 'T ' i -|» :i * «tW H r*d >CV §S&w -'f the Proprietress All roriimuuicritions to bo a'lttrcaacd.i * t^ _ m i i M * i> > i k <-\-i » i> - i * r ' StfiSennV to Dublin - "t; ,^ip- ¦ - •* ""^ ^^" ^^ '' - J Mr.. COFFKV . Great Globe Hotel , . j " (lrOm lllto lM " Ht 1^vl!- '/r- « I)niKS - I5ls1 " ' :' of jW.ltoT boroniK : 1ii A EE daily becoming raore-ippree iatfed \y the PUBJOIC. Spccinl attention is invited to the . . . I.owor ilridgo-Btrect , Dublin. : ' ., l hftvc . 1Hl .j j Jr S.U OMONS 1 Suoctiiclfi with irro Sn 6 n2£ ? On &4g ^ T - . ^J^^C, '^? >"«• ^^ =" _ No comu.un.uvt.o,, «'^? " ^_ houao ^jao^; id j-anUsJ S^^ =™f "<. ' »f ^f^ , ¦ - ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ . ' Cbod Strong Oot g^^^ii y wonotojcal) ¦ ... ... 2si Od. per Hi. Commercial and Privato Lodging Hous« - ^"^ ttaui. | w-pi^T Celebrated JTotft^ .^^fiJ^h recommended) ... ... 2s. 8d. ' 49, MARLBOROUGH STREET. j\ e '" sor '" ;1)1 . '!" ^ 0-I!:tlF . , . nis , in ,)of waterford ¦• ** , aoodi i*8 19* Ohoicest BIadtIBBbi _ t i&:-i j- *^' 1 . ' ¦ .. '/. " : ' . ... ... ... 3a. Od. P^^ h ^ r^ hoif ^d " n \i ^™ m L$j r\ ^F ™™ Most % v - ])r - c ' mw ^' L)r<1 1Jish . "P of K' 11 ' ' ' 1 ). S5* ^SSIS «8S L f«£> i *'^^-S^^^-^f tfc?i.^^^^^ffiH^6^?^- ? na '^ vo«r) •" .y . : 3 B. 4d. - ,; - . hoine^Wy St o&rtJ! 11 ' > an * °/° m Lo|6« ^ ^lomon^s 'i"^^^ 11 ^ H?— P 2 ^ - ''" Indian Tea; Br<Jteti f ^Srai* w ^'" ' ' 2s 8d ' * *T. Sitnat^ oon^l ^ cloio tojBacknU^trcaajgaB ¦ .< >a> y 4wi »iwMTi i i ijii mrn ii IIIL yiwCT^yL itff^w-^fpHrw-*-—^ S iTl^Tf: 111 * Ditto (Finest Imported) .. ' . '' ¦ . " ' . ' . ' . " .: 3s. 8d. " Waterford Arms and ^ Commercial :iotel f ^^^^:^c^^^^^ 80 Sao ¦ ¦ MALL (Corner of Colbcrk-Strecct). WATERKOKD , other KlasscH.intl publilcs ha lca.isc;(l me to imagine that « Z ; » .fg - A Caah Dtaooant of 2d,per pouud to ^ PuvchaBers of five pounds and upwards. Withiu fiic Minut ^ ' a ^ 0 " mct ^' ^ a " d StCam - ""^. " f ^Zos^^A ^ , BaUin a. » M Z 13 o ' N. M. ALLEN , P RO PRIETOU. (FiomllostJinv.Dr. U UIKIA . V , LonlBi.sliO]iof Clonfert). 35 _ l S | £S* Grocory and Wine Liata on Application. " I I"**'" to express my entire H.itisfaction with tho 0 ' - ' S 5 - . . /CHOICE Wines , Spirits , CiL'iirs , Ales , best SpecUeluH you nupp liwl , uu.l which I havo used with 10 2 IS— D rto i- n -T- /\ urnnw rr. /-^ ^v \j rinMin ..,! r,.rl, tvi.;uL-..,,o r:,n.. n..<. ^ - o .utn..» fc'reat comfort for many yeard. I han: not changed the The ahortept rent* firom ¦Witerfordand Kilkenny to DnbUn AihloneTPanooitowti ,. or Mtntih , U: W^ MarTboKmth' . j - 1 TKIIH ALTUUIOSB O? Baidiji ,. . ihe.8.0 am. Difwn, |nd 6^0 pjn. Up EionrtTon Traibi aUooitlnnM. " On weekSf^s S.Wp.m. Up Tnin dlfOontiiiood, '• ' ' ' - ' | i!o*HT8 IOB SAXB O* 1 TBE KEWB, AMD »OE '"• •' ¦'• ¦ - ¦ AorskTmiDbXTa : WATEEFOET)—Mr. W. KILLT, IaWe'Goorge' s-st. ' DDNGAEVAN— BUHAK & Co,, Deronshire Sqnaro. TBAlfOKESr-Aun ^ CLAitcr, Eofreaament Booms. OARBICK^JK-SUIE—Mf.HAW* . News Agent. ! .IVONDON-rJ. 'Q. Knra:* SoM.BeJt . Coort , Flo«t-ot. . jDmJLIN—Meairf. , W., H. 8Mrrs A 8OM, ^ljboj-jw y>0M wtmwto . ; taun«.6*. ' . wjoteojuf« is*8i * «iiJ** ,Oooai isa <ffi* CU M ' C U^ 'OI O * , (S O * i -V*?^ 1 -/., . - ! , . r ' kl .iK;j y.] £j -. Wtf,HMiAjfcBWB«m «aii> »fW IfeanaSiy. 8_ -Tini>r ' -2? ~ ' : hm h. m. 'h. m *rJ4ay, ' : v. ,, *lt JU more Friday, , ¦ ' 11 ... 9 mom TTaterford, departure 7 IS 1 0 ? 0 Monday, ,. ' H .^S aft' n MomUy. H ...11 moro Kllmacow 7 25 110 10 Wednesday, 1$ ... 3 art's Wedieiday, , 16 ...12 noon MnlliaaYrt 7 -85 •— t 80 Friday, 18 ... 3 afft Prlday, " 18 ... 2 aft' n BaUyhale .; 7 55 1 S5 Monday, ,, 21 ...A «I6' D Monday, 21 ... i «ft' n Thomaatown 8 10 I 80 * 55 Wednesday, 23 ...12 noon Wednesday, ,, 23 ... 6 morn Bennetabrldgo; 8 25 2 5 5 6 Rriday, ,. 25 ...11 DOT ) Friday ,, 25 „. 8 morn Kilkenny arrrnil 8 •15 2 20 6 25 Monday. 28 ... 3 nffn UoDday, ,, 23 ...10 mom Do- . - . departuroj 8 55 .2 30 5 35 Wednesday, SO ... S aft's Wednesday, ., 30 ...H aoro BAHyriggot......:. 8 20 2 « 0 0 ^ C»bln Fare, 15«. Od : do Betnrn, aTatlable for a month, 25». AtUnugh .: 9 85' 3 0 i 6 10 Do. SerranU (traTelling with families) and Children . 10« : Abbeylelz 9 50 8 15 6 25 Dec/; , 7i 6d j Children , 4e. ^ ' Haiyboro ' . 'J^azriTallO05 7 0 Extension of Time granted on all Beturn Ticket* on the Maryborough dep. up 10 52. 1 2 | 7 W following terms:— For a Fortnight , 3a. 6d, snd for every PortwUnjton Juno...>ill 10 i 17 : 8 7 lubaequent week , 2». Snhlln' .;. * .....:..arrl«all 1 15 | 5 40 10 0 Goods receirod and dlsobargad r " ; Clarence Book. Athlone Juno. arrlT.| 4 56 8 10 I Goods Booked through from all principal Stations on Maryboro" depi 4own lt> 30 - i 7 11 Great Northern , Idinouhire and Yorkshire , London and 'Balljbrooay ....*.,..:. 10(35 I 7 46 £?*£ 1 , We<ta , ni i London and Sonth Western, Manchester . ,go*cro» _ ., 11 34 - :8 3 Sheffield, and Lincolnshire and Midland Ballwuya to Panonstown ...... :: .... U 4 I 9. 0 Waterford. Through Bookings also to Llmerlok. Ti»pe- NeniRh.:...._ ... 12 23 I D 20 rar> , 4c. Tetoplemere , 16 8 12 Good* Booked through from all SUtlons on Waterford and Tharles arriral 1 36 8 35 CentrallrslandEaUway, Waterford , Dungarran . andLlsmore ' I ' fTBIilrtiH lal ' V HVWiB'tf iiSS k miTrn wmwsnitii _ Waterford , departure 7 15 '1- 0 * 0 13 0 Kllmacow 7 25 110 4 10 12 10 MuUinaYat 7 35 4 20 «20 Ballybale . ' . 7 55 135 4 40 12 45 Thomaatowu 8 10 I 50 4 55 10 Bennetabrldgo; 8 28 II 5 6 1 IS Kilkenny arriTal , 845 220 625 130 Do- .. departure, 8 55 2 30 5 85 140 BAnyrigTOt.... "T, 8 20 2 1.0 0 85 Attanogh .......... ' .1 9 85' 3 0 i 6 10 2 15 Abbeylelz I 9 50 8 15 1625 230 Uaryboro ' . 'J^atTiTalloaS 8 45 7 0 8 0 Uaryborongh dep. up 10 52. 4 2 7 46 3 24 PortarlinrtoB J ODO - J U 10 4 17 : 8 7 8 43 Dnhlm.. ¦ . * .... :..arrl Tal l 1 15 5 40 10 0 545 Athlone Juno. arrlT.| 4 56 8 10 I Maryboro ' depi 4ows lt> 30 . . i 7 11 Balljbrooay ....*.... :. 10(35 I 7 46 j Botcnu _ 11 34 8 3 I Parnonstown ...... j;... ' . 13 4 I 9 0| Nenlig h^. ; ... 12 23 - I D 20 I Tetoplemere , 16 8 12 Thurlea oprirxl 1 36 8 35 Prom IiirsRPOOL to N«w Your, via Queenstows,. overy WIDNISDAT . ENGLAND Wednesday, Jan. 2nd 8PAINI .:... ' ..... ..Wednesday, ' Jan . 9tb. THE QUEEN...: Wednesday. Jan. 16th From London to New York as follows : OBKECE; ...... Saturday, ' . , Deo. Bath DENMABK M.;...;We4n6ad»y, . Jan. 9th HQLLAND-u;w.,,. SatnrJ»j, , : Jan. |Wth 1 tMvoato New Xo« 10. 12, and IS Oolneu, aocora- ing to position, of'berth , all himng equal saloon privi- leges. Betnrn Tiokets $4 and 22 . gmnoaa. ' . Steerage to Naw York. ' Boston, Philadelphia , ¦ and Baltimore, at Low Bates, . Superior accommodation and ¦if 1 abundance-of fresh TixmaJoas; : ' Cheap through Bookings.to' all parts os the united »t«» and Canada - .. Special Bates to leia. - Apply to the National Steamship Company (limited) : . ' . " 23 , Water-street , LiTerpool. . . ' Or at 36 and 37, Leadenhall-stroet , London. THESE GOODS aro now to be had from most of the Respectable Drapers and Clothiers throughout p artiC8 ana visitors to Dubliu , the accommodation ie wntcr - fK.uru.i/ the Country. socond to nong in the Kingdom. K. B.O BKIE . V , D.D., Dean of Limerick , _,.„. .„ __,. -..: irrni.To *33r T TT r O Tvr <: 5 X, rn fT IMIT PH I Private Sitting and Dining Rooms , Coffee-room for ,, , ,, Nuwciijtlc . C!). Limerick. " TRAI»» w»n rara. SPITD«O. 8S" T . LXOJM b & CO. (L.IMITED), Ladies , Bad-rooms from Is. tid. to 2s. Bach. .Smokin B Arch.lcucon O'bHKA , P.P., is happy to inform Mr. 12 3'123 '14211 4 2 ' | . WHOLESALE CLOTHING MANUFACTURERS , and Billiard Rooms. fc. Solomuns tlmt the bp ctnclui supp lied to him noine Class. Class. Class. Class. 12ftS12ki on 21 22i and 23. SoUTII MAIN-S IBKBT. CORK. rol2.8t 4 l John Jameson au'l Rons ' S. -von ' voais ' oM Malt ; wn yuaw «ucc have l)eonominciii ,l y8iicccKsfulinafford- A. K. j t.u. | A. ». | >¦». Claw/ OMS. *" ' "¦• ** > """ *"' "" U1 " •*"*'" o?"«> i w«»a- L" ° J QuinncBs ' s Stout line ' s Ale. Winea , Branjioa "is him eaao and comfort , wl ich ho had not oxporionccd T iT iTTTTT fcm „„ . . . . Champagnes , Liqiicurcs , Ax. ' !r . om } ha fc'laMM auil pubblcH lie had bcun uning prc- tm nm bm hm hm pm A TTATTV HnTTXH TVEH A TTVT ~\T riTTTJ RICHARD HKAI-Y . Proprietor. jaU.ly yously. Awh.Uaco.iO'Slaal.as now enjoyment in read- ' 7 in ! _ _ _ _ A V VII'10 I H IH J IIFi A lllJI' \/l\ r « "^ "-nd wnting by. lay or night , and hia sight appears - |723J- 2 t - - VJJ/ -E- J-* -r a- < ¦*-* * * ** ¦ '- 3 - 1 -*- v ^ *->-*- SHIP and COMMERCIAI, HOTEL, to have buen strongthencl and improvud. Ho considers . -Z . JS8 - 1% - - Cheap Common . Tea-Ki* « D«« L«»« PH . » V. QVA Y ^jrATBRFORD. ^t i ^^ ^^ g^^ ¦ J J5 1 ~" ' J IS' ~ ~ f V^ which you pay duty at the rate of .£25 per Cent, and upward:!, when in any part of tho HT T r> n A -p T i> - T T> \ V \ \r TllL' Kuv- huM1) - O'J?AEHKLL , P.P., is much pleased Z l *\r U l iz E U P? - iingdo. you ca. ha.e .V PABCELS pW . ^ K v Vo^r J^I '^iSZ ^ above ^Z 1 ^^^^^™* 6 0 8 0 1 iO 930 - TT A "\TTiQ' A 17 r nV"R '\rr^ri "\r TI7 A -HL HOTEL , biys loannouncn that this Estab- aro such a striking contest to .ho pebbles and glasoea 8S[848 245 - - XL All SJiJ JXJ0 ±J2jlX±\ \J KJ± V lJu A , lishment OPE KIS D OU SATURDAY . FEU. 15, 1870. he had been previously using. Ho is only sorry ho did 8 25 10 30 3 » 11 52 (THE PERFECTION OP TEA), M. K. trusts , by strict attjntion to those who not visit Mr. SolomoiiR soorcr. —Glenmore , Waterford. Hio K JS » 4 0 Costing five-ei ghts of One Penny per Cup. Send Postul Ordor or Stamps for 23. Gd., aod try a patronise THE Sim- AND COMMBKCIAL H OTEL , to Mr *,.Sor.ojiONH ' Specbi^les havobcenuaod by eini- = . i I % |io S IS - . . ¦* » SamDi ; half-t,old. or larte a CuD for 2d. at merita continuance of their patronage. . . » , •» ^^^ti% f, A ^*X \^\t? ' S: JS . Sample half-pound, or taste a Cup for 2d. at . manta con, nuance . .icir pai.ronago. ,lading t,. ukte Chief JusUccot IrrfinXt^laU ila^ri. * « The GoWen Dragoon Tea Booms . 3^, ' King wnUam-Jit. . London Bridge, Quay, Watcrford .jcb. JU 1883. fmf of clllnti , lllt K d , UoJ , , Va f Har . 5. 10 *^>" ,, 9 ^f o » o onTTTW ir ir >J ^;rvr'Tnx T rowclon , (Jl>.ibruck. D«nbo\n^ Athlumncv his Gruco 5 20 3, CHURCH PASSAGE, GUILDHALL, AHD FOUNTAIN COURT, SOUni KENoLNMOl* tha Moat lt». Dr.M'Getti- .CArchWshop of Armagh *30 ALDERMANBUKY. Private Residential Family Club. ni* Gvaeelua Most Kev Dr McCau. % Archbishop of l)ub- 6 0 [au24.1y] . - . - ! F. ALLEl^, PKOPRIETOB. " GLENDOWER MANSION , " lin ; ¦>« Urauo the lato Moat Hov Dr Leahy , Archbishop 6 25 .. . .. ¦:¦ ¦ i j 3( 15 > 17) and 19j UAKUIN 'GTO.y HOAD , S. W. , ot Carfhel j Alust ltuv. JL>r. Leahy, Jlishop of Oroaioro 6 35 ——: j ¦ : LONDON. Moat iiov. JJr. Dorian , Hishop of Down and Connor ; 7 0 i -»-. GS. 'njir H " " *TT JZy B *"*sT"^ (The best and most corvoniont position in Town). MoatKov. Dr. Duggan , ISiahop of Clonfert ; Moat ii^v. ^^ »V. «J'. aX%LJ. r a. XX «i> "fc-^ V-*.* Qno ujinuto from Sonth 'Kensington Station ; ten Dr. Ityan , Uirthop of Killal:)u ; Jloat Rev. Dr Power , UDBU ginniu pn HTBPTTnJI HH V \ to A V 1T Q TO" " A T V R. W fl V Tt minutos to Westminster ; eit'hteon minutes to tho bishop ot Watorford ; iloat ltev. Dr. Moran , Bishop SS,j STEAH CONFECTIOaEKX 'W0BH8 , W 41 i, V. Jf 0 B.D . City-Mansion House Station ? near Parks , Gardens , of Oaaory, &c , ic. BB l-o ¦ ; ' ¦ Albert Hall , and Museums. * * Purrtoun in the country can bo supplied with ¦i and 8UQAB CONFECTIONERY, COMFITS, : GUM GOODS, SUGAR BOILING, &C. TT'OR Families wishing to avoid expense of House- Spectacles , ic , by Post. Repair* promptly atton.lod . ¦ ¦ - ' ' JJ keeping, Visitors to Town , or Gentlemen desiring tj. Improved Telescops , Uperi , liace , and Field x>T>T '7V upnfT nTTHT TW IRS-' thoadvantago of a Clab , combined with the privacy Glassoa ; also Mioroaeopus at moat moderate prices . ££;££ MvniV' pn R ir laiif and comfort of Home , at a moderate Cost. Barouictor» , Thcrmomatura , Ma-ic Lanterns , i«. mitt. MOJ U&I J , cuitri—latw. Introduction ov reference required. dl9-tf CAUTION !—In consequence of numerous attemptji n$ f rom Waterford. :—_ . : " ; . ,. , . fif AddrcsR Secretary , THE GLBNDOWER at imposition , it is neocauary to notu namo and a/ldri!8M, ».^«nrm i«i TSa? AWARD, COBBT . SEPT. 24, 1883—"This Firm shows the Best Exhibits m tins Class , and is deserving RESIDENTIAL CLUB and PRIVATE HOTEL , and to particularly boar iu mind , thut ME. E. SOLO- ' . of a Medal. " . ' : ' Harrington Koa.l , South Kennineton, S.W. MON'S Establishment is Mail , I I Mall Mall . _ ;- ¦ _ Number NINETEEN , NASSAU-STREET , DUBLIN A^n*4«»k»j g »•¦«» ii i»wAavA>%a> sj44\A a/tm^JtHJH. AAUntaJt Parcels booked throng! at loir Bates to all princi pal Sta- tions on London and North Western Railway. WATEBFOED AHD NEWPOBT. raoK WATzaroBD. rsox xzwroxT. WetUj. I Weekly. WATEEFOED , AND DUNOAEVAN. WATEEFOBD A ND " Y O tJ O HAL . A* Cargo offers. WATEEFOED AND NEW EO88 SOLS AQXNTS TOB WATX BTOBD : HAEVET. 4 SMITH, 12, Little George' s-st., ' " Wbterford ; ¦ JEREMIAH MUEPHT, Barronstrand-Btreet.: UICBAKD LAMOT, Carriok-on-Snir j ED. PHSLAN, Portlair ; WltMAH FOBSISTAL, Grooery New BOSS; PATRICK LAHOAi' . Bonmahon ; JosiPk'MBANT, Gro- cer. Dungarvan tor to N. and J. ' Caumita ana BoOs-ilneenBtown. cer , Dungarvan tor to WATEEFOED AND NEW BOSS Thnrles dep. ¦ 710 ¦ N. and J. ClXafJlIl»8anaj?B0S r1 ^lu6 8nBtown ' Fsou N»w Boos—Dail y, Snadoyi oxcepted , at 8-45 a.m. Templomoro - - 7 29 2 S - ' ' - -—— : 1—' Faon WATKxroaD-DaUr , SondaTS eicepted , at M p.m. gallj bropby - - 7 » . ?^ " BNGLAND AND SOUTH WAIiESi AND THE WATEBFOBD AND DUKCANNON. Nenagh .. . . - . «M - 1^ H.HUL.&HV ABD ouui ELAIT6 j ' ' F«OK l>orciUnfO»-»aAr, S<uiJaTi »xo»pte<t , tt a30 a.m. Pareonstown - - - |«] 120 SOUTH or LKixiAflW Faox Wir«arOBb^-DaUT , S1mdajs oxoeptod! at S-5 p.m. 5?110"* . ~ Z « ~ J *? : - ¦ —— «X>1 Nox»—Tho Waterford Steamshi p Company, Limited , Insure Marrboro ' arrl np 8 38 . 8 5 Alteiel Sertioo by GBBAT WESTEBN BAIL- all Goods Shipp ed by theae Line, of Steamer, at S«. id. per Athfone Jnnction - - - 8 15 2 30 ^Ui ^ ^ iMtaMi te&<d£l^^gss&rt SiX SSiW5Ja ;= ji \& \& Alilford HflTBnTxn-connectlon Tnth the WATER- Shi pment. Formi and all Information to be had at Marjboro 1 arrl dwn 8 25 10 30 3 » XORD 1 an^VLTKIMOK , WATEBTOBD , & ClNTKAb offipes. . OOTO IRilBB. goo OS I MaU 1, 2, 8 iMMw f -uA . WAX.BroBD. DD * OABVAN . AND . ^ths^^and SSSJ&ESSSS&^E^ JSSS. - ^ = . S J;S S iS LlSKOJUS LmBS. . . _ ¦ " ¦ 68 ,IQneen sSqaare ' ¦ Attonagh - - T- .lgW . - J J Shortttrt Boute ana Reduced Pares, ^gj^^^^^ sw-hi p compau,(Lmu ud,. so , wgjjn* -^ - |Jg »» *g _ Tr- -J^ ' £tp ren Train* and Fait Nxwroai-Thomos * Co., Doeknitreet. : B^^^^ P * rtttW| I S \o 12 IS B * « ^MMW*' - - S7BB T WBSK DAT. YoMH it7h%ffloS> " -N^^'inTDnncannon. &W* , " "I I g '}? -*f ! U U S "8 DOWN. LIATX LONDON (Paddington) at 5.45 p.m., And at the Company ' s Head OiHces . TH» MALL, Vminu MnUinaTat . 8 60 11 5 8 0 ^ ' . Sanday. «eopted, and .A3Krvx AT.WATXB- . : : K^co- . ¦ J ^ ;" » fl « •» ^3^^£ff£K?S3S?5S CLYDE SHIPPING COMPAOT . ¦ 8itW)1T . Bram , T,cm . to DcuH-rirst and a^ : tto WaterioriandlAmerick . C.ntral lroland . JANUAET, 1884. ^S ^^^i!Sl^SSS!SS ^£lSS& TJP. - We WaS?ordfa e rs , O p.».. eaoh Weok Day, . a^, Si4aw Communication between ^J^^^^S^SS ^S^IS ^^ ¦ lonArrrral W the l .S5p.m Train from .Umonok. •CB-AT'EBJ 1 nan a-nd T. O W T> O W by the M a.m and W) a-m. Down Trains on Monday. . "• ¦ - loai ftjn. Train Irom Maryborong li, and waiWOBfl autt Ii O H U V H, ^ , W..WILLIAMS.. Secretary. 8Jo a.m. Train from Liamqre , ABBIVINO in Via Southampton and London, and Sonth Western ;^^^^ r~~==~~r===i== ^-JBf^y affi 5^ tt ssK^ sffla^&iMJts«^ ^y^aaBSS^g^- ¦ apaffi^^8?^«^ «o*^ ¦¦T^siiss&sss. ^!==i North Wharf on. Snndaya at 7 a-ny: , . ; „_. . ¦ . r 3rWSSXVw< OOTTOM, CLOCH , COPELAND. wAT»»ro»n HaU ; i 1 MaU Mall A Bpe«5al 8teamor wm also «ail»rom N8w Maford to Z^^fiCMAS^ciJMBRi:. FA8TNET , BATHLIN, TO IUS UCK 1*21281831281281*812*3 W»Urford »t7».n>. pu Mondajs , on amTal of the 8.10 ^KBLLIfltJ BKKBBTTOKB, TOWABD, WICKLOW, ' ¦ Class. Class. Claas. Claas. Claas. Claaa. olnas Train from Paddirirtbn the preTloni . eTening. - . an intatided to SaU as under , weather permitting (unless pro- . A. K. A. M. >. M. | P. M. | r.». | r.u. TM Paasenwra traTBUinif by the Steamer leaTintrrVYator- Tented by " unforeseen drounutaacesj, with liberty to Tow —— . » ' n . i i^ a a <m I a <m ford^S BattrdftTS will prooeod from New Mllford by Ves^ , a^ to eaU at any Port or ^rU in any order , fa or Watjrford d™ 0 _ 0 9 a 1 Si 2 « 8 30 - 8 30 'S.V9 B0 TWon 8nnday morning. - i . ,. .: ' out of tha ea^nu^ CJOUTM, Eeoelre and Di«har(re Canro . p" 1 *^"- 8011 S S IV X n 2 7 AM I - tt No^^ B b?^^ oa _ bWiter4.80 p.m , ^?* f iB&EB£$S&-< B *i* a w. V SSfcS "4 ft/w HS = US No^rgocan bo woeiVed on board after 4.80 p.mu, « : » I »W# B ^?J5Sra!EVOlS- TO QLASaOW. - TSSE J - ^ n 'f« 1*5 . 5 . 0 U8 - }} g Monung ind Erenuig, And the stagesI willjion be T««»jaay, r 1st , Jal^, ^^Sa iwSst . I p. m. . JonotWarrl nil 8 JS u 0 0 5UUM - ibto ^o^t^ahl» th«%te»mer* to de^ )rT7WCTTTALt ! i riSgl&}: >:~; aafr. '^Si^S^irt,*Dpfjj n 1 ^n. -; DBTOfc - . ; i:.-fA- |-M « « 19 ^ 0- |ioi _ .«j ^S Sntx^N from NW HlXTOKD wili In ' .SBS' &. ' . ' . ^SCT^f S= ' gtaS=Bi ^ j « | ].} j^f. = jj ^^fwSr ABE^ of Steamer, leading Wa- W^ne^y. «h .. . * 0jrk 1 p.m. ^- .•-•• r;;;; ^ J j S S f « \l £ ¦ ¦ •- It tt -tSrf<*daUp.m. : ' .. ... - .^ 11^^ ifth " Sreit U n P ooa L toerlok .rrlrl » 8 5 12 S 8 2Q 6 5Q. 130 ¦ - 1W v- /Under TO cirenm»tan oo canPasaongor» holding Third Toeaday , !«»» .. ' »V5 eI W T1 _ M1 J"- 10- Dnm Traitu from Limeric. hlis»Tiflketab« allowed the n«e of Saloon. , : Wednesday, 16th ' ?ia Cork * DnbUn 1 p.m. , i tSAkEa-WdTSRPO RD AND WNDON , ^^^- l7ife '• I}i£orlt , i a SS; - ' . » AI »S o^ WIK OATS fidys. :S.S^flS & I! tt II —l^^l . »¦ . . . " 3rd Claw and Xoif Cabin, 83« 6d. Wednesday. 80th . Tia Cork* Dublin 1 p.m. Limerick d«p... - 7 Oil 0 I 1 35. * OftOMlOM 'VS^SS3S^^ SS ^^&^ E ^ M0NDA1t dlrot . Wto - o^ock ui p ^: gfe 1": z i3 S.! , •-«• !!« jSrbS^nUier - Important StatioM, the Tm« TUESDAYS . 8th . 15th . 22nd . snd »th Jan.. ; g^J 1 " °* p ;;; _ I a o J Sl2 80 2 « 10 * 10 « 1 r£bl*» and Tnrotah Eatet for Ooodl , *«.. oanj« rta Dublin . ... ¦ _, - ••/ ! £•"• Jnnelion " ' . ' . ' . - ' 8 85 12 , 2 25 5 85 U 23 M 23 . -^i^ -^T^si . ^^ . ^^.^^ ^ «sj :^^s^r. . . - .. TK2 IRISH BOATS, ; E,cry ™gg*^J» ,s GUtp> - w, - l ^ J^ 0 ^" - ^ ^S f^^^ s^dy. 0 - BOTK« T ^rr«D 3 JxAiMMA^ I 8«AK^^ Wed nssa ^lS^a^UCork | WATBEFO^ANlTTEAMOB^ KAttWAT . BOTA* . *»» «»» NOTICE. ^The Steamer* of thU Wedne»d»j» , Bth md«»rt .7a»^ TU Cork and aias«w. . Wt ek Day Train: _ . T r-JV l£i; take tho Lane Bootc recom- »««« V> Y .^^ ' SZ ™***? 1 ' 3 ™- **"*'¦ , 1, 2 3 ., * ,\ b , 6 |7. 8 F JS^^nJ^.Vaended byXientMAuAT j Onboth _ THUttsKff . ^SS t^ ; ... at 6 p m. tww . ' am l . am a m |Vm I p m pm pa ' pm p m , 3^Outw «jd »nd Homew»rd : PM«ages. yf &ff lzaDif B , tihrlotb . XM , * SOth Jan., direot._l pjn. ' , . hm : h m hm ,^S l ^SnownwnifloentSt8» mer»,«neon»trTirtr ... F»S« Coia- to VATMioaD , dtawt, ——h 'mih» - k »| h » . »>• , J "» h » »» J m MV fWto ian wMUyMtmd«1 c»n7nigTier?Iaje« 11 ^^ 8«rSam?ton ^tW? b ~ London and Soati ' gunaau Jratm : r~ T ' »iyth» iJnUea^tatOi Malll >- ' . " w ^^B*nwa7wl ^Bai Btatloi at Throngli Eat« . Bunaay iyqtni. •• Prom LrVBBPOOL (-• - ¦ ^ . iV«ry _ 8AT0aDA^I at * PJJ. ,_ ..;:i •> 8 |: I/I * i 5 ! 6 i 7 ! 8 . 9 : CELTIC ' ' ¦ ¦' ... ' ¦ Tnetday, . . „. Xat Jan|| , ¦ :i^ xrDOX m WATBMOiiE-Erery TPESDAT. ' ¦ IBOB am i am | > m - p m : pm j pn ! p m pm pm ; ^ Sn «* t ffi« t Kt 0WlB ' 4 ' '- - WA^^^o^Kfi ' pLn.o OTB . "^ : wfffcLIM BEAfs^Sry ^fMa^ iiirtlMANIC ^orday. .li 22nd Doc. IBrery SATjrBDATaW p.n. - . ' 'S : n '?^'~ ' 'ffi i. 8w ^ T ^w%DNe 8 DA L T:^rS? IOT !™ ' = WAT«kio»ft »tafaAt3«, <:ia«ioHB «iaiwAT lntameaiafe will be earned^ Toyajea marked wns . ThM» SUamen 'hats ' . trotllMit aooommodaUoa for Buomrasr aonra TO Coax, Ta AL*«. A»D KiLLAa»iT. "- . ¦ ¦ ¦ •¦ : ' ; '¦ ¦' K»rb £3. ¦'¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' i . -'" ¦ ' "!. '' Passenaow. ' .: ' ¦!' ' ' . ' ' " . _: '' HL ' . ' ' ¦¦ ' . ' .. ' : •:; ¦ . ' . M. ' .I •! •:¦ ¦ ' . ¦ - " ' . ¦ ' , : ' ¦ ¦ ' ' /3.11lnfot Qnoenttown, the foUowiD»; <l»T' 'j Pl «^»« ot ?- yA88A01NU0H«T. ' _ ' ' ' ' < " . no« wATtawnu.. ¦ . Ta*a«Wennld^»^BEDOCB , tb» jfASSAOiSto ¦ ' ¦ . " . " - . ¦;. '¦; , CaWa. E«tara. Deek —— ; . ¦ ¦ ;' , ^^twft p^bU> tima, - aad s4otd tO , P»awn»W* .tt>» WUiutord to Glasgow anarWlai^'.; ;>7» ,,«. . 25a. , 10 B. ' , S TATIONS. | . Week Dajs, . Snndaji «o»p»rtminta. - I : ' -; n ii^bJ ' Eetara Tktot»aTaUabtatetwo monti»^t tr«Vsral.l , carroU' s Cross -. - ,. »« 3 20 - . , - . , - S^Smo^Wd ST catajj^s ZX ? *&£2S&?&&W^S2SlSl - gp^S*" .: ::: :: iS il iiS " . = = ior 7>g» tn not taken ]** ^S} 8 - , ^Lwif fMS ^S^VtJtM to toj it^adatjU^Tot Shipment. Fonsa ^^Sfa ¦, •: .,. 11 IO 4 85 - - •nmbr cf CooWd PrOTlHoM. ' MeaiofJ W"^' '"• Sf^onn^nVb?E3.4tba <ilBo»a.7; - - , l l^?r» , ' ¦ ... arri;. U . 0 «« . - ¦ - ""M^iwW, 1 ' Btewttdettes ta" Steerage, to . ;«ttend too ^~ B a iM, ol ,x»lj ht , i*a , .«>pb ! to-j;. a T IBOWOJ. . ., : s. * W. BiOlwaj. , , . . . - . - ,. i^o^iadCnaaMn: V. .. :• ;; ¦:-, -. •• , AlSt |H»« T .J. Wlu».i> &Hvybi*>«th|.TaoKAs ^aaor, .,. dep. 11 80 5 0 ir - . - T "BSSuajgttB^* S^SIP^^ H 2 5-SitJS E E E n thoCni^8Uies«ld Caiia^ AlW.TTO»^-_ . iS^rf t5STaiaMO>^oSt^ll? , ThbhU-st Llmcricl|:» xSteiv' . 'V P" ^ ^ n »' * « » : T . ' . ~ CWIBTO T* SMITH: Lfttle Cleorge > »-«t,, Watorford i g*^" J* vV5S^S<v,»T, DBWiPmtriek' s <io.y, Cork, KJS. 7 . ' .; !N S 55 . 1 6 25 ' - - - #ltefSS»^ atf^^aSBB^ ^ s^g^g]^ - '^^S^MOTpo ito^r^tfpi^' ' ! " :; ; -- 1 lf%f^^E^^: ) ; I ' 1 ' : :i SBf^' : * ! - '' fl it : i : S S«5S«^f^ : ^»i^»; BHS^J-^ flffi f : i ^iSSSttsrs- '^r^ ' i.^S-iSL- , :iiyiTi:B,fiT.A«a*l!iA' liAOA.:i'-: l : .a: i ar: . :;i.\u,, ;.. , ;, - ' „. ..; ' ^SlS?rS»5t552?S i^^St^SS»Sa^J -t i;^teR-5 . r«^.;-rr:i;'l 3l0tclS. ' ' The Turkisl1 Baths, Waterford ; ^ T Ann ,,A mpr : *' <"• HEALTH , CLEANLINESS , and HAPPINKK f) GREAT GLOBE HOTEL, LOWEtt I5BID0KSTRKKT , DUBLIN Afr». IllCHAim COf t 'KY , Proprietress (widovi o) IMcItlC UAKD VUFt'El'J. USE THE TURKISH HATH , situate at PAKIf-KOAJ ), WATERKOKD , now (;ntircl y rt'novnt<<l nnd improved , and opon froir C a.m. to 8 p.m. each Week Day, nnd on Sunday mornings. Sing le Haths , I R. to 2s. each , nnd ono dvzon nt Bs. On Satunlny Kvenin^n , 5 to 8 p.m., Gd. Hot , Col d , and Shower li.ithn , la. - " Onn of the most rcin. -irkablu proportion of thn-p^ith 'B itM ability t>) destroy thn Hnnwi of fati«uo nuil cxliaon- totion. " —Sir. K RASMI ;H Wu.Hfw . . - . ¦ . " lln' oitunl JJathcra Hcliiom Qiki! cold, ami thoso who have got a chill , and fe^l C ktwrrh in iinmiriRnt , can al- WUYK ctititHhor t by a (food Inn '' hath. —Dr. M AUUKN . " MOST Central ; immodi;ite nei fjbbourhood of Law Courtn and Telegrap h OHiCca ; a fow doorH from Kinp 's . Uritlpo Trnmwuy Lino ; flvo to ten minntOB * drlvo to ntiy City Rniln-ay ; nowly decorated ro-furniflheefj and mipplicd with ovory modern unprovn- mont roquiSito for tho comfort of visitors , under the porHonal Huporvieion of MTH . Cor FEY und fftmily. : I' ¦¦ " ¦'. H"'-ter t Creum , anJ Vegetables from tho Farm i daily, i, u .vfthHtun(lin^ proHOTit hi^li ratoH , tcrmH aro ' most moderate. Ifreal ifjiHtK from ia. 3<i. IiefiR , frora! In. Cd. oach. ' ' - Table d'llotc dail y, thrco o' clock ; Snn- ' , dajH , fivo o' olooic. Soup, Two Joints , VogctniilcR and ¦ Cheese , ' 2n. onl y. A Night r "ort«r in attendance. All ScrvantH paid by: AND HDlSTIfl GINGER Seltzer Water , Sqdiff Water , Gringe r Beer SOLOMON'S SBECTAC1VES. '[ OifSBKVK—lit , NASSAU STREKT . DUJJLIN ROBEi^ m A. MEERY _ 1853* Grocory and Wine Liata on Application. I have to express my entire satisfaction with tho - . . /CHOICE Wines , Spirits , CiinirB , Ales , best SpeeUeluH you Hiipp liw^ and which I havo uaod with - ROBERT A MERRY X CO ^ Dublin and Cork Whinkeys , GumnesVs Stout. »reat comfort for many years. I hare not changed tho - au D c rl I IVICr^ rv T OC \ -, KJ. } NewSDaiiers dailv woll-airud Uwls terms motloratn deifrco o. power I proenn-d onsino-Ily from you. - FAMILY GROCERS AND WINE MERCHANTS . " (aul7.1yj Newspapers daily , wen aj rcd^JedM , kruis moderate. " f PATRICK DuuiiAS . Bishapo: Cloiif«rt , LonKhre B . = 5 and 6, THE MALL , WATEBFOBD , ANV DVNGABVAN. TiJTAWCrBlTHOTBt. ( F^^y^ n^l^o^^^r .,! ^ - i i . CuthoHu VniMi ; Men ' s Sod :ti(;i). » g ... •R.-P A V TVT ATIT" rT OTWTKrr mHIS Largo, Co..ifortablo , and convenientl y Hitnatcd , " l f^J I'lc'Mure in ljoarin!: tcitimony Ki the eicol- - -_——T J- H0TKL > lm3 recently been thoroughly painted JJ Sof om ^ HaVh. - had ' occasion to '"" -^"^ hem ¦ jit THE flOTJ TC DT.OTRTlVrT 'FAnTO 'R 'V " po " n GCTHe1nra t anr fanulies rO c^i t nT ^th ! >J , [ & ^ ?" . '}, "^ r ' /" . ? W" "^" L " 1 ^ f ay wi S 10 M XXLXJ UU±iJV V ^ Lrt-^O.ll> UT ^ ik^iWJ^X. legal bnsinc! , 9 i it wiU bo ,ound mttflt C0 " nTcniunt i Mns curUmty that the rcUef whiuh Uiey afford and tl je r.». "" ' mu^«p ^r>r,r,o x , , ^r 7 ~ 77Z x , » vi ^ i n n .u I, •¦ «>tnated noxt to tho Four Conrt* j and for Weddine; "• ''^"Ce which they givo are quite booiw to a reade r of rjlHESE GOODS aro now to be bad from most of the Respectable Drapers and Clothiers throug hout p artiC8 ana Visitors to Dubliu , tha accommodation ie wntcr - -*- the Country. socond to nong in the Kingdom. K. B.O BKIE . V , D.D., Dean of Limerick , Ho *33T T TT r ri ' rJ' : 5 X, rn fT IMIT PH I Private Sitting and Dining Rooms , Coffee-room for ,, , ,, Newcii;tle , C). Limerick. " ""' 8S^T. LiXOJM b & CO. (LIMITED), Ladies. B-d-rooma from la.ild. to 2. ,. M|,. Smoking Archdeacon O'bHKA , P.P., is happy to inform Mr. PRICES ON APPLICATION ±iajJ ori<VA xi.ui.ei , . _ tataunsliea OJ years). SUPPORT HOME CONFECTIONARY ! [s28.3 m ] (O ^^^S"l^S R . w L oiL) " T 0F ALL ~ ! ' ¦' - i - Tho moat central in tho City. HOLLO WAY'S PILLS . n T i d C\ I IT T\ ¦ fl TT T W i TIT A T> Til TT A TT O T, 1 /^OMPLBTRIiY remodelled and rc-fuvnislied. ~ GLASS A N D C HI IN A WARLHOU b L ^j ^rbJ^ ™'^ So "S oom > "^« "^W^. A iS SMS^ ' (OLDS8TSSTABLIBBBp HOUBE W THE' , TBA DEJ. Smok.nB-^^m. ^ inm Yd ^roo^^ Ch^rgoa ^ m^lera.to. ^ ^^ Mu .liciM« .afor f urLTyinKtbo II I.OOD ; bcin K «a.fo Qn<l in- ' ' ( ¦¦•' ¦ _ .. - J '' _. ' . . ' ._. . ' etfeotivc , thoy aro availablo for all an a Domestic und OWRN" " POWR T1 & SON'S LIMEaiCX—Th o Glentworth , iloiwehold remedy. Ineongcitiousand obHtructiona of u " •"¦¦¦' A U !I Ull i _V UVA 1 o , , .1- » i v i I ,• i ir V l the LUNOS and LIVER , thoy quickly remove the cauno of , 7, 8, AND 33, GREAT GEORGE S-ST., WATEBFORD. JJ' n™J«rt#' "! tho TZ wl it in the di 8ea«e , and in consti pation and disordered condition . TTMih Ulimtwoi th is thu n.ariBt Jl'jtU in of tho ,J OWKI.H , they act an n cleansing aporient , roinov- A .plendid CoUection of Dreade^and S«vre China, suitable for Wedding h% ^iZ^M?™ ™I «a SVu *^: JSg ^^^^^ a " d ruliev" Presents. Ho places of nmuuomcnt. 1' . K K . NNA , Proprietor 14, JU , LI OUS U KAIMCUES , NAuaKAAMDr ' ouL STOMACH , ¦ 15 L Mullb , aiontworlh-Htre ijt . Limerick. ]el« ^ LodaOf Ari-Brrr K , AND LOWNEMH OF SeiuvrB. Tho Oor STOCK of DESSERT SERVICES arc all of tbe Newest and most artistic Patterns •Pl,« "" i Rni-i ; ii <rrn'n ~R.aai -a.-nra.ni- cleansing properties of those Pills soon produco a and DcBi gnB. . M M ? . «™ ^Z irv wonderful change in tho constitution , removing all <=a- CRE8T8 AND M0NAQ&AM8 EXBCVTED ON QLAS8 . CHINA , AND IR0N8T0NE. o ,,/^ ' ' a,,,l S^l^vii ^,nc;«<>« fl ' / nner an.l ^ Suraer °?»l< I . ofllllc >!;«i " la<!ht! ; l >al PJ ' ation .P tt . i ''" af 1 tort - "' t i ; n K. 1 ""l ¦ ¦ Oyster ana bneu-eun , i/ nnctien n, j smner ami nupper ^idihnoHH. lhoy resUjro tlio apjiutitc , cluar tho cora- U- jomn . CUUUCU-LASB , ulexion , and improvo the general health. AGENTS FOR MINTONS & COPELAND'S CHINA . (next door to Hibernian Uink). Tii s MOTIIBK ' H V BIESO . —F EMALES ' Si'EciKic.1. BALLS, PABTHII , AND PICNICS, surFbiED wrri^ CUTLEBT AND ALL OTHEB EKQUISITES. T UNCIIEONS arrl Dinners , Sulip. Fiali , En- Every Mother of aFamil yBhoul .lknowthavalucoftlieHe SPKOliL ATTBKTION OIVKN TO MATCHIHOB IN ULA83 AND CHINA. B20.2y -Li trees , and joint. *, &.V., SupporK , Fieh and Meat. PUI H in romoving all accumulations and restoring BUB - .- ^ .. .. r . - ¦ . Oumo alwavH * n-a-lv. pcn.lod or porvorted Hccrotion ^j ; at varioiiH critical ' _ ' ' ' _^ ' '—' Thn BILLARI) KOOM in olo-jantly nppointort. poriodH of fomttle life thuy aro useful boyond mnainro; Tl ¥? T XT'TY T*B jT?nnTr r? ' l-Ti- lr? A : TlVr^{ C*J" I.UNC/IK'JN.S ut tho ilfgiiitl y-6tt.>d Fiah thoy can bo taken safel y by fomaluH of all agos , and aro wr I B J a m *J I 9 J_ \_ w I ft; J. M 'J 1 \J \^A JL\jjt\ 1 Jl.^l fj« Onfft/t , connii<t ol (JyHtuin , Lobotcrn , Crabn , und iuvaloablc in all r. ' iiMron ' ii uomp ' .iiutx. ' T»T^T/-I*-I "nr -IK ¦ : m^v-K-r 3 ' i > i \. T. TT TIT A v cm ji rrtTrtvTO nrmi TV Savoury Fish , ami a v*rii'tv of Moat and other S»nd- SCIATICA , LUIIDAUO , AND O JHTKUCTIONS OF THK . . . PRICE £5 158. per TON, delivered at RAILWAY STATIONS in DUBLIN. w iohe». Winon and S .i.it . -. ,,f the Ouoxt quality. K IDNEVH . - •IfthusoPilljlio takon regularl y erury niu'ht , The Cheapest Fading Bluff —Especially suited for Uie with- Pulped Turnips. JarocHon'aSovi-ii Y.-arV oil M.ilt. VU-I'- IJ llr, kn.ly. in Btriet a.«.>rdauc« ./it!, tho jirinto.]I i cc ionB the / . .. v ""-"i < " 1 ' w"*"'y ""tf . | f ' V » "y" J .... - r e ¦ 14. yoar» nlil. Ale< and Htn:it from tho >u*t rl. -:w.irie« , ino.it obiftiuato e:we<t will Hodnyieli ; tho aocreticn from .,,„„,„ , ' ' . ' _ , . . , . ,. . . . ., ., - .. ,. ,. . ' . ... ., , aiiil in perfect, con.lition. t'in.^t Hod Ban ' < Barren Uio kidneys will become clear and limp id; no function paBCVLAES, Names of Local Ajronta, and rtftrenees to Oentlemen in tii^jocality uung thia r ood, o^J.^ p Over I. IK H) HOI .-H ol »«ry old Ciipira in StoEk , of the buJy should bo inoru carefully watched ; moot V . .. ' " ' - . w j)l I J O. 6«Dt pott -1! we. pa Application. " - parchaaed by thu lutn M, -. Vnrh-m. \ trir»l »oli':itcd. curious con»oq..ence» OIIHUC from nogloct in this ro . '' . '' ' i J . " 1—; . . ''¦' ., . ¦ THOMAiS J)' . OlJItl.liHS. Fuoi'KlKTOl' .. (n22 apect. The Dublin, . Grains Company, Limited, ~' QUEEH - S HOT ^ L , J?Z£nt£^£-&& 'Z SZ3£& - . ¦¦ : , BAIN8FOED-8TEEET, 1 DUBLIN. (Opposite the Q. -niiral P.mt Office), LONDON. treated by thono PilU , wh.ch will , when combined with . t' no uffeotual UHO of tho Ointment to tho part affected, •' These drains oon«UtuU'a v>riety of food to whioh Cattle an? jfenerully partial. They aro nutritions T^OR Fmnilios and Gentlemen , Situated in the »ff°rd KUCD a measure of relief as is acarcoly credible ; ina high degree ; whqn prouerly dried they will keep unchanged for any length of time, and aro inrpar- jj ' ceutral and mo»t nirv part »t tho oity. All the joint agoncy of the two reraodius w BO i»t«nt that ticuUr distinguished; bj the relative low coit at whicn they may be puretuiMd. - .^ p./o'm. . Bedroom " (200), inH-dmg «tt..ml«nn - , 3,. Od s Privab- evoryform.daole pulmonaryaffection becomesamonabt. •' Dried Grri na^ew in good-ijotidltioTi ) for aluioat any length ot : time, and will I HI found op. ood and SitUng rooms, including «M , 5». .61. General tenff ^' .ILITATED OOSSTITOTIOVH TEBMBLIVOS AVD wholee6iirfc^r(UV% d!^ p Tion6f^ equally moderate. Smoki,^, Baadius, and Billiard JJ™ 1 ^^™" K"^'I^he, 1 . "JJ l * are unaur- ,, ¦:: ¦ ¦ : -a* »ack. hojdlng b^ CWt ob.rgefl^.^h ^xtra, it not mWr^d imu^^.tel y, (,M.tf) < £ %$%£¦ ^r^ ^Z rA ^Z ^ ^^Z T ^^^^II^^SL - ¦ ™" B B B (rah23 1»l and woaknesaua. lhoy ootsokindl jr.jrBt. > energetically ¦ ¦'• 'jtSBk ' ' •• ' ' : - ;i '' r t>' rfS -' JHr : ' "" ' . . . . ... . ; L ' J J on tho lunctioim of digoation , that the whole body U re] fi r^S ... ' . V ! KH'iJa'' ' ¦ "''" " ¦ ' "-' ' ; ' '" ' ' ' ' _ ¦ <¦- vivod , thu blood in purifiod, and tho mutcla» become ¦ i Wf WiJNSk 'B > 'B ill A-VA B'tSf o i HMH' ; IB'S!. '|S^ 1 I *!5S- |&- : ^8S BBJ I ' rtTTTSI A 7VE73 CiSH'' . firuioraud strongiT ; therofore sufforors from Nervons i Mtw-dlS&'til > 'B JX ' fi'VA 9'<£Q^ ! HUH ' -R'S «^h"!5' " /S\ - IP9) : B^Si (Tiimil A "TS'EjS T'S SH firmoraud strongiT ; therofore sufforors from Nervone : ¦ ' IT" 1 1 -B' J A'Jli 'Ai IIP' I HWB 1 I &ir 1 ; ' aM' : afjl ! H ' H f O XJLJGJ MLJITJ CS £$ JL VVoakno a»in evory form ahould give thorn a fair and . . . , X .: ;. . , |. ,. ~ ;, :: |, •-!. ' , , i ¦• f ' ' ¦ *^' " ' " ' " ' ¦ !l: - ' ••- ' ¦ ' ¦ : r' V* ^•Q" ^^'!^ Aathma kiiidd Soro Throats v URCEST MANUFACTURERSIHTHEWCIRLD ' " MOUS'K ^r S t SMJSSlo™ •: ¦ ¦ ' " T,7~ . :... .. .. . - ., .* Blotohoaou lndi gention Tio Doluoreux ij - ,.. . " 1-- - " : L " . - ,,.- _ r. _- JrnporterS Of Foreign prOdUCe. the Skin Liver Com- Ulcers " :'*Bm& . ' ' ' ¦ ' - ' ¦ ' : - . " ' ManUfeCtUTOwl and General Her- BowelCom- P«» Venereal Affections lyt T?«WAT«T*S PATENT -ANUCAPNIC ¦ <*«** " Tt oT ^ eo ^ Btt PP li ^- D S&& ™S $%££ , ?£? * .Mft ... , . Iii|U 1[T Arl O . 1 Almi 1 X \ L \ \J \JJ\ri\XK; No ' -Eetail Catalogues on appli- Dro P »y uhoumatiam whatevercau 50, i^l^Blm "' ' ¦ ' . , . * ij._ . Femalo Irregu- Betoution of Ac , Ac. ( 'HH ^ i'' ; ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ . ' " "' - ' . 'i ::. ': ; AND cation. Wio yrfno ij wMai ^ ' ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ i -* ¦ : ' " . ¦ A ' . »m r\ TOKT ^. _ The Pills and Ointmon aroSo'd at Professor HOLLO OTHK " , . .. PATENT- LQRNE , LAM PS Og liVie &' jftOO^ i 78. New < *JS ^?SS&M) u *» ,. £ V$Bt * ;- ARE SOLD 'AT IR0NM0N^RS . ;ANl> LAMP-DEALERS. ; . , ?^arren . 8 p lac0 > 00RK. . &%^rS&5?^J&Zf ^ MIKT I II 1 I I " I ¦- ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦- -i. " T? E fr n °Z Ba . k ronde™ linen ^nWully ^Wte M pA>t 5d directions aro afixod to each Box ¦l it . -*ttin! *i*Of & &»#U: f- 3, ,< LorBe , " fro. 5s. npwards. , - . S^^^^SS^ ^^Ztt ^^^ " T ^ ' l |Hp« - ' "i^«^^^^ ^ , UB ^ a. Stamped .Uh pnr- ^e Ktt ^^g^^S! ^SKS Sfi V ' i jB» v ' . ' ' i " ' " ' ' . ' ¦ '' - ¦ " : ' ¦ ¦ _. ! " ' ¦ ¦' ¦!¦ ¦ - __ ¦ : ' ¦ ^«;kfeot Drains. &o. MannfactnrciaandsolePatenteeJ.j 11 and 4, or by letter . Vi yiHLyH' ;" i ; " ' . Wbdlefliile ' bnly-THOHrAa SO WATT . ^ : SOUS, , ¦ . /i ; f^find CO;, ' by appointment to fte Militwy ™d, ,_ «FQR THE BLOtTO IS THE LIFE" - •aMKfc:-: : i^' - - -' ¦ - ¦*> ' ¦>• . ¦ . ¦gpw»www. . wHBOH..^ .wB W ir. > ;! N^-^fe^^^^^ K^oV^ ^^ l ' . —" j ¦¦ ' ¦¦ ' " ; ' -• .——-^^ . i«> •• ¦ ¦' ¦ rn-.H . ¦ ' ¦'"• ¦ _ . .___ - I l i l ^a Bfflr ¦ * «l *M *\i rK»«?iii9l - ^ -^f^lllf^f ^ ^ ^r' -ir - ¦ , I RISH F ARM ERS ' ; B OILER - ^^^^^ fel . " ¦ ¦ ;: ' ¦¦ ¦ . ¦ ¦ ; ..<%. -'^' . ¦ - ¦:!'¦« . ¦* l '' :'^ -)I*< ^'* ' * -^i i yT«.r'T^VTJ^-i' ' ' : : ' " ' 'I ' ¦ ' ""• ' -W<1«MHS hB SK ::; - ' :§7<OR CLKAN8INO and CLEABING the BLOOD ^~ ££1 ^1^&B ^ ' .V/ Mr^HBB| Bi- , » ( j^e ft &^ on th O NU : ^ J J^ i 5^#^?^^ - !:i ;: ^^ffl P U) ¦ cn": *»^a 0n the rao , i
Page 1: snap.waterfordcoco.iesnap.waterfordcoco.ie/collections/enewspapers/WNS/1883/WNS-188… · /> THE -WATES FOBI* SSWB."^ ttitl«tnS4i«-< ¦ ' ". .tiSfejAMtt . '«fiE. .PUREST

/> THE -WATESFOBI* SSWB." ttitl«tnS4 i«-<

¦ ' ". .tiSfejAMtt . '«fiE . .PUREST

LlttOKBX Q^WtJLATIOSj IK TKB S6tfrB OF-^BKLAITOPallijfed Mr* rBID r, <t*4 Ibctmd Sdttfcm e» S^TPBDJT•: > 1 •:¦'!¦ Vonfrfs,1** »?*,-40 and SO.JHnf.artft, *i ¦ • . * (orrosm T»» narxxtnu, tun).T>EICK-TWO PENCE j Tcarfy (in Adranoe), 8«. 6d.JT : : By Post<Ye»Hv),10s\6d. • '• ™'.«w-S3" All Cheques and P. 0. Orders, taado payable

td OQBNILIUt BlDMOND, »t tMl OfflcO.

WTaterford Stauusuip Company(uniXD)/

¦ • • • • ¦ ¦


DAUKTLESBJ- ''-V •*, 1\rOTio.g.-,Tlie mtorford

g'gSGTtm- Htoamahip Company (Limited)¦"M8B£»yj?\ reoeiM Qop it and I4f»Btock for Bblp-'«i^ment cm tha oondltitm* mentioned In

• , - Sailing; IJ«t», An., to ba.had at their'¦ ¦ ¦¦ . OfflOW* ¦ • ¦ '

W A T E B F O B D A N D BBj isTOl.r»0» WATWOaD to IBUTOt. VBOK UUTOX. tO WiTMWORD,. . . Direct i. . . • . ... , DlreotiTnMd»y, Jan. WO.morn tfadaeadar,Ju. » ... » night,Wd«r. .> 4...13J10OO Batataa*. .. „ 5 . .10 airhtTooaday, 8... Satt'nooi) WtdseaOay, „ 9 ..11 .nightJw4w. .. I5...U nwrn , Wtdnetfy,' T. W .- 8 afVnWdajr, „ 18...1S oooa•,. 3»tmd»j7":n .19 „.» oilbtJOMdv. „ 23... a «ft'nooo W daSaly; " « ...U nljhtWdy, -„ 2S..; • aft'wwt tartar . ' "¦ « ...11 nifht

BT On earlyHomingSkObn Cabins of tbTitaaKtt willM opon to rtxxure fantnatn aniTinf .fcjr. th« Mttht , 1IAlrain . :. "¦ .' > . '

-¦' / . ' ' i * . "¦

o *are»-Oxliin.ilSiv., dcKiB«turn. viriiUMefor Ontinonth)2S«. , do CiUdxen and 8*rruita, tnneUintTrfth Famflie*, Wa.Deck, 7«. M. i do CMldrBi, 41 .«*, 3 ; . . . . . . n.. . frATEBFflWvi JD'HVEEPOOIi.

ttMnMday, Jan. «iJS4-«tt' aftdiakda* Jan . a _.1« MOB .

.. yha^TiWfl (Liberal in politioa) oircnl*toi' erl«nriT6lyaaongtt tiw 'morchAntt, tiidere and oobility, sentrr,tanning OIMMB, *o.j In WatorfordtKlIkenfly.TippemT,¦ad thtf nonth.of Iroland generallT. Th« N«^a hlgatUinod a eiionlation neror eqoaUod by: any paptrpnbluh^d in Waterford, and ia admittedly tho leadisffjonnudltt thU Ihiportant dlf , with whiohthoro la directjtajW Qcnmnnjfiation frwn London. . . . . ¦PartSpijlar attention paid to oommorcial and agrionl-¦;' iidnttiawnents reoslyed tor the Nsws by all ro»p»ct«¦bWN»ir«pap«rABronU intho United Kingdom. PifUTzaantieqaiiito Irom parties not known at the oflloe.

lemonade.n23 flm

. , !.'..•> atlwans;WATKRIO&D AND CEKTEAI. ISKUklTD ' AND¦ * • xiLEeinnr JCNCTIOK ZULTTXTB. > _

T»1JT AWT) AND ¦ ' ' "' '*' »J'/ 1 lit "* I -. ., ' I i _ ¦ V .. , ik nielli I Ul Mil 111 ifcVb';i|i|tlllU<J, /\.ll OUIY ifc llLH JJ.* 1>* IIJF i ,

JlTT-TTATIl ; ' ::< '**'T'i -|»:i*«tW H r*d • >CV §S&w -•'f • • • the Proprietress All roriimuuicritions to bo a'lttrcaacd.i * t ^ _ m i i M * i> > i k <- \ - i » i> - i * r '

StfiSennV to Dublin - "t;, ip- ¦

-•*• "" ^ " ^ ''- J Mr.. COFFKV . Great Globe Hotel , . j " (lrOm lllto lM"Ht 1 vl!- '/r- « I) niKS - I5ls1"':' of

jW.ltoTboroniK : 1i i A EE daily becoming raore-ippreeiatfed \y the PUBJOIC. Spccinl attention is invited to the . . . I.owor ilridgo-Btrect , Dublin. : • ' ., l hftvc. 1Hl .j jJr S.U OMONS 1 Suoctiiclfi with irroSn6n2£?On&4g T -. J^^C,' ? >"«• ^ =" • _ No comu.un.uvt.o,, «' ?" _ houao jao ; idj-anUsJ S^

=™f "<.' »f f^,¦ - '¦ ¦ ¦' ¦ . ' Cbod Strong Ootg^^ iiy wonotojcal) ¦ ... ... 2si Od. per Hi. Commercial and Privato Lodging Hous« - "ttaui.| w-pi^T Celebrated JTotft .^ fiJ h recommended) ... ... 2s. 8d. „ ' 49, MARLBOROUGH STREET. j\ e'"sor '";1)1.'!"

„ 0-I!:tlF .,. nis , in,)of waterford ¦•

**,aoodi i*8 19* Ohoicest BIadtIBBbi_ti&:-ij-* '1. '¦ ..'/." : ' . ... ... ... 3a. Od. „ P^ h r hoif d" ™n\i ™mr°L$j r\ F ™™ Most %v- ])r- c'

mw'L)r<1 1Jish."P of K'11'''1).

S5* SSIS «8SL f«£> i *' -S^^ - ftfc?i. ^^ ffiH 6 ? - ?na' vo«r) •" .y . : 3B. 4d. - ,; - . hoine^WySto&rtJ!11' > an * °/°mLo|6« lomon s'i" ^ 11^

H?— P2 - ' ' " Indian Tea; Br<Jtetif Srai*w^ ' " ' ' 2s 8d ' **T. Sitnat^oon lcloio tojBacknU trcaajgaB ¦. < >a>y4wi»iwMTi i i ijii mrn ii IIIL yiwCT yLitff^w- fpHrw-*-—^

S iTl^Tf:111* Ditto (Finest Imported) ..

'. ' ' •

¦." '


".: 3s. 8d. " Waterford Arms and Commercial :iotel f ^^^ : c^^^^

80 — Sao — ¦ ¦ M ALL (Corner of Colbcrk-Strecct). WATERKOKD , other KlasscH.intlpublilcs ha lca.isc;(l me to imagine that« Z ; » .fg - A Caah Dtaooant of 2d,per pouud to

^PuvchaBers of five pounds and upwards. Withiu fiic Minut

^'a 0"mct ' a"d StCam- "" ." f Zos^ A , BaUin a.»

M Z 13 o ' — N. M. ALLEN , PRO PRIETO U. (Fiomllo stJinv.Dr. U U IKI A .V , LonlBi.sliO]iof Clonfert).35 _ l S — |£S* Grocory and Wine Liata on Application. " I I"**'" to express my entire H.itisfaction with tho0 '- ' S 5 - . . /CHOICE Wines , Spirits , CiL'iirs, Ales , best SpecUeluH you nuppliwl , uu.l which I havo used with

10 — 2 I S — D r to i- n -T- /\ u r n n w rr. /-^ v \j rinMin ..,! r,.rl, tvi. ;uL-..,,o r:,n.. n ..<. ^ -o .utn..» fc'reat comfort for many yeard. I han: not changed the

The ahortept rent* firom ¦Witerfordand Kilkenny to DnbUnAihloneTPanooitowti,. or Mtntih, U: W^ MarTboKmth'. j- 1

TKIIH ALTUUIOSB—O?Baidiji,..ihe.8.0 am.Difwn, |nd6 0 pjn. Up EionrtTon Traibi aUooitlnnM." On weekSf^sS.Wp.m. Up TnindlfOontiiiood, '• '• ' ' -'


• '"• •' ¦ '• ¦- ¦ AorskTmiDbXTa : • •WATEEFOET)—Mr. W. KILLT, IaWe'Goorge's-st. 'DDNGAEVAN—BUHAK & Co,, Deronshire Sqnaro.TBAlfOKESr-Aun^ CLAitcr, EofreaamentBooms.OARBICK^JK-SUIE—Mf.HAW*. News Agent. !.IVONDON-rJ.'Q. Knra:* SoM.BeJt.Coort, Flo«t-ot. .jDmJLIN—Meairf.,,W., H. 8Mrrs A 8OM, ljboj-jw

y>0M wtmwto.; taun«.6*.'.wjoteojuf«

is*8i * «iiJ**,Oooai isa<ffi* CUM'CU 'OIO*, (SO*i -V*? 1- / . , . - !,

. r'kl .iK;j y .] £j -.Wtf,HMiAjfcBWB«m«aii>»fW IfeanaSiy. „ 8_ -Tini>r ' -2? ~' : hm h. m.'h. m*rJ4ay,':v. ,,*lt JU more Friday, , ¦ '„ 11 ... 9 mom TTaterford, departure 7 IS 1 • 0 ? 0Monday, ,. ' H .^S aft'n MomUy. „ H ...11 moro Kllmacow 7 25 110 • 10Wednesday, „ 1$ ... 3 art's Wedieiday, , 16 ...12 noon MnlliaaYrt 7 -85 • — t 80Friday, „ 18 ... 3 afft Prlday, " 18 ... 2 aft'n BaUyhale .; 7 55 1 S5 *«Monday, ,, 21 ...A «I6'D Monday, „ 21 ... i «ft'n Thomaatown 8 10 I 80 * 55Wednesday, „ 23 ...12 noon Wednesday, ,, 23 ... 6 morn Bennetabrldgo; 8 25 2 5 5 6Rriday, ,. 25 ...11 DOT) Friday ,, 25 „. 8 morn Kilkenny arrrnil 8 •15 2 20 6 25Monday. „ 28 ... 3 nffn UoDday, ,, 23 ...10 mom Do-.-. departuroj 8 55 .2 30 5 35Wednesday, „ SO ... S aft's Wednesday, ., 30 ...H aoro BAHyriggot......:. 8 20 2 « 0 0^

C»bln Fare, 15«. Od : do Betnrn, aTatlable for a month, 25». AtUnugh .: 9 85' 3 0 i 6 10Do. SerranU (traTelling with families) and Children. 10« : Abbeylelz 9 50 8 15 6 25Dec/;, 7i 6d j Children,4e. ' Haiyboro'.'J^azriTallO05 8« 7 0

Extension of Time granted on all Beturn Ticket* on the Maryborough dep. up 10 52. 1 2 | 7 Wfollowing terms:— For a Fortnight, 3a. 6d, snd for every PortwUnjton Juno...>ill 10 i 17 : 8 7lubaequent week, 2». Snhlln'.;.*.....:..arrl«all 1 15 | 5 40 10 0

Goods receirod and dlsobargad r"; Clarence Book. Athlone Juno. arrlT.| 4 56 8 10 I —Goods Booked through from all principal Stations on Maryboro" depi 4own lt> 30 - — i 7 11

Great Northern, Idinouhire and Yorkshire, London and 'Balljbrooay ....*.,..:. 10(35 — I 7 46£?*£1,We<ta,nii London and Sonth Western, Manchester. ,go*cro» _ ., 11 34 - :8 3Sheffield, and Lincolnshire and Midland Ballwuya to Panonstown ......::.... U 4 — I 9. 0Waterford. Through Bookings also to Llmerlok. Ti»pe- NeniRh.:...._ ... 12 23 — I D 20rar>, 4c. Tetoplemere , 1 6 — 8 12

Good* Booked through from all SUtlons on Waterford and Tharles arriral 1 36 — 8 35CentrallrslandEaUway, Waterford, Dungarran.andLlsmore ' I '

fTBIilrtiHlal'V HVWiB 'tf iiSSkmiTrn wmwsnitii— _Waterford, departure 7 15 '1- 0 * 0 — 13 0Kllmacow 7 25 110 4 10 — 12 10MuUinaYat 7 35 — 4 20 — « 2 0Ballybale .'. 7 55 135 4 40 — 12 45Thomaatowu 8 10 I 50 4 55 — 1 0Bennetabrldgo; 8 28 I I 5 6 — 1 ISKilkenny arriTal, 845 2 2 0 625 — 130

Do- .. departure, 8 55 2 30 5 85 — 140BAnyrigTOt...."T, 8 20 2 1 . 0 0 — 8 5Attanogh ..........' .1 9 85' 3 0 i 6 10 — 2 15Abbeylelz I 9 50 8 15 1 6 2 5 — 230Uaryboro'.'J^atTiTalloaS 8 45 7 0 — 8 0Uaryborongh dep. up 10 52. 4 2 7 46 — 3 24PortarlinrtoB JODO-JU 10 4 17 : 8 7 — 8 43Dnhlm..¦.*....:..arrlTall 1 15 5 40 10 0 — 545Athlone Juno. arrlT.| 4 56 8 10 I — — —Maryboro' depi 4ows lt> 30 ..— i 7 11 — —Balljbrooay ....*....:. 10(35 — I 7 46 j — —Botcnu _ 11 34 — 8 3 I — —Parnonstown ...... j;...'. 13 4 — I 9 0 | — —Nenligh . ; ... 12 23 - I D 20 I — —Tetoplemere , 1 6 — 8 12 — —Thurlea oprirxl 1 36 — 8 35 — —

Prom IiirsRPOOL to N«w Your, via Queenstows,.overy WIDNISDAT.

ENGLAND Wednesday, Jan. 2nd8PAINI .:...'..... ..Wednesday, ' Jan. 9tb.THE QUEEN...: Wednesday. Jan. 16th

From London to New York as follows :OBKECE;...... Saturday, ' ., Deo. BathDENMABK M .;...;We4n6ad»y, . Jan. 9thHQLLAND-u;w.,,.SatnrJ»j, , : Jan. |Wth

1 tMvoato New Xo« 10. 12, and IS Oolneu, aocora-ing to position, of'berth, all himng equal saloon privi-leges. Betnrn Tiokets $4 and 22. gmnoaa. '.

Steerage to Naw York.' Boston, Philadelphia, ¦ andBaltimore,at Low Bates, . Superior accommodation and¦if1 abundance-of fresh TixmaJoas; : '

Cheap through Bookings.to' all parts os the united»t«» and Canada- .. Special Bates to leia. -Apply to the National Steamship Company (limited)

: . '. " 23, Water-street, LiTerpool.. . ' Or at 36 and 37, Leadenhall-stroet, London.

THESE GOODS aro now to be had from most of the Respectable Drapers and Clothiers throughout partiC8 ana visitors to Dubliu , the accommodation ie wntcr -*» fK.uru.i/ the Country. socond to nong in the Kingdom. K. B.O BKIE .V , D.D., Dean of Limerick ,_,.„. .„ __,. -..: irrni.To *33r T T T r O Tvr <:5 X, r n fT IMIT PHI Private Sitting and Dining Rooms , Coffee-room for ,, , , , Nuwciij tlc . C!). Limerick. "TRAI»» o» w»n rara. SPITD«O. 8S" T . L X O J M b & C O . (L.IMITED), Ladies, Bad-rooms from Is. tid. to 2s. Bach. .SmokinB „ Arch.lcucon O'bHKA , P.P., is happy to inform Mr.12 3 ' 1 2 3 '14211 4 2 ' | . W H O L E S A L E C L O T H I N G M A N U F A C T U R E R S , and Billiard Rooms. fc. Solomuns tlmt the bp ctnclui supplied to him noineClass. Class.Class. Class. 12ftS12k i on 21 22i and 23. SoUTII MAIN-S IBKBT. CORK. rol2.8t4l John Jameson au'l Rons ' S.-von ' voais' oM Malt ; wn yuaw «ucc have l)eonominciii ,l y8iicccKsfulinafford-A.K. j t.u. | A.». | >¦». Claw/OMS. *"' "¦• **> """ *"' ""U1" •*"*'" o?"«>i w«»a- L" ° J QuinncBs's Stout line's Ale. Winea , Branjioa "is him eaao and comfort , wl ich ho had not oxporionccdT iT iTTTTT f c m „„ . . . . Champagnes, Liqiicurcs , Ax. ' !r.om } ha fc'laMM auil pubblcH lie had bcun uning prc-tm n m b m hm hm pm

A TTATTV HnTTXH TVEH A TTVT ~\T riTTTJ RICHARD HKAI -Y . Proprietor. jaU.ly yously. Awh.Uaco.iO'Slaal.as now enjoyment in read-' 7 in ! _ _ _ _ A V V I I ' 1 0 I H IHJ I I F i A l l l J I' \ / l \ r « " "-nd wnting by. lay or night , and hia sight appears

- | 7 2 3 J - 2 t - - VJJ/ -E-J-*-ra-< ¦*-* * * ** ¦ '-3-1 -*- v *->-*- • SHIP and COMMERCIAI, HOTEL, to have buen strongthencl and improvud. Ho considers

.-Z . JS8 - 1% - - Cheap Common. Tea-Ki* « D«« T«L«»«PH .» V. QVA Y j rATBRFORD. ti ^ ^ g^¦ — J J5 1 ~" ' J IS' ~ ~ f V^ which you pay duty at the rate of .£25 per Cent, and upward:!, when in any part of tho HT T r> n A -p T i>- T T> \V \ \r TllL' Kuv- huM1) - O'J?AEHKLL , P.P., is much pleased

Z l*\rU l iz E U P ? - iingdo.you ca. ha.e.VPABCELS pW. ^KvVo^rJ^I ' iSZ above ^Z 1

^^^^^™*6 0 8 0 1 iO — 930 - TT A "\TTiQ' A 17rnV"R '\rr^ri"\r TI7 A -HL HOTEL , biys loannouncn that this Estab- aro such a striking contest to .ho pebbles and glasoea— 8 S [ 8 4 8 245 - - XL All SJiJ JX J0 ±J2j lX±\ \J KJ± V lJuA , lishment OPE KIS D OU SATURDAY . FEU. 15, 1870. he had been previously using. Ho is only sorry ho did— 8 25 10 30 3 » — 11 52 (THE PERFECTION OP TEA), M. K. trusts, by strict attjntion to those who not visit Mr. SolomoiiR soorcr. —Glenmore , Waterford.HioK J S» — 4 0 Costing five-eights of One Penny per Cup. Send Postul Ordor or Stamps for 23. Gd., aod try a patronise THE Sim- AND COMMBKCIAL H OTEL , to Mr *,.Sor.oj iONH ' Specbi^les havobcenuaod by eini-= . i I % |io S IS -.. ¦* » SamDi; half-t,old. or larte a CuD for 2d. at merita continuance of their patronage.

. .

»,•» ^ ti%f ,A^*X\ \t?'S:J S . Sample half-pound, or taste a Cup for 2d. at . manta con, nuance . .icir pai.ronago. ,ladingt,.ukte Chief JusUccot IrrfinXt^laU ila^ri.* « The GoWen Dragoon Tea Booms. 3 , 'King wnUam-Jit.. London Bridge, Quay, Watcrford.jcb. JU 1883. fmf of clllnti , lllt K d , UoJ , , Va f Har.5. 10 * >" ,, 9 f o » o onTTTW ir ir >J ^;rvr'TnxT rowclon , (Jl>.ibruck. D«nbo\n^ Athlumncv his Gruco5 20 3, CHURCH PASSAGE, GUILDHALL, AHD FOUNTAIN COURT, SOUni KENoLNMOl* tha Moat lt» . Dr.M 'Getti-.CArchWshop of Armagh*30 ALDERMANBUKY. Private Residential Family Club. ni* Gvaeelua Most Kev Dr McCau. % Archbishop of l)ub-6 0 [au24.1y] . - . - • ! F. ALLEl^, PKOPRIETOB. " GLENDOWER MANSION ," lin ; ¦>« Urauo the lato Moat Hov Dr Leahy , Archbishop6 25 .. . . . ¦:¦• ¦ i j3( 15> 17) and 19j UAKUIN 'GTO.y HOAD , S. W., ot Carfhel j Alust ltuv. JL>r. Leahy, Jlishop of Oroaioro6 35 ——: j

¦ • : LONDON. Moat iiov. JJr. Dorian , Hishop of Down and Connor ;7 0 a» i -»-. GS.'njir H " " *TT JZy B*"*sT" (The best and most corvoniont position in Town). MoatKov. Dr. Duggan , ISiahop of Clonfert ; Moat ii v.

^^ » V . «J'. aX%LJ.ra. XX «i> "fc- V-*.* Qno ujinuto from Sonth 'Kensington Station ; ten Dr. Ityan, Uirthop of Killal:)u ; Jloat Rev. Dr Power ,U DBU g i n n i u pn H T B P T T n J I H H V \ to A V 1T Q TO""A T V R. W fl V Tt minutos to Westminster ; eit'hteon minutes to tho bishop ot Watorford ; iloat ltev. Dr. Moran, BishopSS,j S T E A H C O N F E C TI O a E KX 'W 0 B H 8 , W 41 i, V. Jf 0 B.D . City-Mansion House Station ? near Parks, Gardens , of Oaaory, &c , ic.BB l-o — ¦ ; '¦ Albert Hall , and Museums. *•* Purrtoun in the country can bo supplied with¦i and 8UQAB CONFECTIONERY, COMFITS, : GUM GOODS, SUGAR BOILING, &C. TT'OR Families wishing to avoid expense of House- Spectacles , ic, by Post. Repair* promptly atton.lod

.¦ ¦ - '' JJ keeping, Visitors to Town , or Gentlemen desiring tj. Improved Telescops , Uperi , liace, and Field• x>T>T '7V upnfT nTTHT TW IRS- ' thoadvantago of a Clab , combined with the privacy Glassoa ; also Mioroaeopus at moat moderate prices

. • ££;££ MvniV ' pn R ir laiif and comfort of Home, at a moderate Cost. Barouictor» , Thcrmomatura , Ma-ic Lanterns, i«.mitt. M OJ U&I J , cuitri—latw. Introduction ov reference required. dl9-tf CAUTION !—In consequence of numerous attemptjin$ f r o m Waterford. :—_ . : " ; . , . , . fif AddrcsR Secretary, THE GLBNDOWER at imposition, it is neocauary to notu namo and a/ldri!8M ,». «nrm i«i TSa? AWARD, COBBT. SEPT. 24, 1883—"This Firm shows the Best Exhibits m tins Class , and is deserving RESIDENTIAL CLUB and PRIVATE HOTEL, and to particularly boar iu mind, thut ME. E. SOLO-

'. of a Medal." . ' : ' Harrington Koa.l , South Kennineton, S.W. MON'S Establishment isMail , • I I Mall Mall . _ ;- ¦ _ Number NINETEEN, NASSAU-STREET , DUBLIN

A^n*4«»k»j g »•¦«» ii i»wAavA>%a> sj44\A a/tm^JtHJH. AAUntaJtParcels booked throng! at loir Bates to all principal Sta-

tions on London and North Western Railway.WATEBFOED AHD NEWPOBT.

raoK WATzaroBD. rsox xzwroxT.WetUj. I Weekly.

W A T E E F O E D , A N D D U N O A E V A N .W A T E E F O B D A ND "Y O tJ O H A L .

A* Cargo offers.W A T E E F O E D A N D NEW E O 8 8


' " Wbterford ;¦JEREMIAH MUEPHT, Barronstrand-Btreet.:

UICBAKD LAMOT, Carriok-on-Snir j ED. PHSLAN,Portlair ; WltMAH FOBSISTAL, Grooery New BOSS;PATRICK LAHOAi'.Bonmahon ; JosiPk'MBANT, Gro-cer. Dungarvan tor to •

N. and J.'Caumita ana BoOs-ilneenBtown.cer, Dungarvan tor to • W A T E E F O E D AND NEW BO SS Thnrles dep. — ¦ 710 ¦ — —N. andJ. ClXafJlIl»8anaj?B0Sr1 lu68nBtown' Fsou N»w Boos—Daily, Snadoyi oxcepted, at 8-45 a.m. Templomoro - - — 7 29 — 2 S

- ' ' --—— : 1—' Faon WATKxroaD-DaUr, SondaTS eicepted, at M p.m. galljbropby - - — 7 ». — ?^" BNGLAND AND SOUTH WAIiESi AND THE W A T E B F O B D A N D D U K C A N N O N . Nenagh . . . .- . « M - 1^H.HUL.&H V ABD ouui ELAIT6 j' ' F«OK l>orciUnfO»-»aAr,S<uiJaTi »xo»pte<t, tt a30a.m. Pareonstown - - - |«] 120

SOUTH or LKixiAflW Faox Wir«arOBb -DaUT, S1mdajs oxoeptod!at S-5 p.m. 5?110"* . • • ~ Z « ~ J *?:- ¦ —— «X>1 Nox»—Tho Waterford Steamship Company, Limited, Insure Marrboro' arrl np — 8 38 . — 8 5Alteiel Sertioo by GBBAT WESTEBN BAIL- all Goods Shipped by theae Line, of Steamer, at S«. id. per Athfone Jnnction - - - 8 15 2 30^Ui^^iMtaMi te&<d£l^ gss&rtSiX SSiW5Ja ;= j i \& \&

Alilford HflTBnTxn-connectlon Tnth the WATER- Shipment. Formi and all Information to be had at Marjboro1 arrl dwn — 8 25 10 30 3 »XORD1 an^VLTKIMOK, WATEBTOBD , & ClNTKAb offipes. . OOTO IRilBB. goo OS I MaU 1, 2, 8

iMMwf - u A .WAX.BroBD. DD*OABVAN. AND . ths^ andSSSJ&ESSSS&^E ^ JSSS. - = . S J;SS iSLlSKOJUS LmBS. . . • _ ¦ "•

¦ 68,IQneen sSqaare ' ¦ Attonagh - - T- . l g W .- J JShortttrt Boute ana Reduced Pares, gj^ ^ ^ sw-hip compau,(Lmuud,. so, wgjjn* - - |J g

»» *g

_ Tr--J^' £tp ren Train* and Fait Nxwroai-Thomos * Co., Doeknitreet. : B^ ^ P*


I S \o 12 IS B *«

^MMW*' - - S7BB T WBSK DAT. YoMHit7h%ffloS>"-N^ 'inTDnncannon. &W*, " "I I g '}? -*f !U U S "8DOWN.—LIATX LONDON (Paddington) at 5.45 p.m., And at the Company's Head OiHces. TH» MALL, Vminu MnUinaTat. • • 8 60 11 5 — 8 0 '. Sanday. «eopted, and .A3Krvx AT.WATXB- . : : K co- . ¦

J • ;" »

fl « •»

3^^£ff£K?S3S?5S CLYDE


8itW)1T .Bram, T,cm. to DcuH-rirst and a^: tto WaterioriandlAmerick. C.ntrallroland. JANUAET, 1884. S^^ i!Sl SSS!SS £lSS&TJP.-We WaS?ordfa

ers,O p.».. eaoh Weok Day, . a , • Si4aw Communication between J^ ^ S SS S IS ^• ¦ lonArrrralW the l.S5p.m Train from .Umonok. •CB-AT'EBJ1 nan a-nd T. O W T> O W by the M a.m and W) a-m. Down Trains on Monday.

."• ¦ - loai ftjn. Train Irom Maryborongli, and waiWOBfl autt Ii O H U V H ,

, W..WILLIAMS.. Secretary.8Jo a.m. Train from Liamqre, ABBIVINO in Via Southampton and London, and Sonth Western ; ^ ^ r~~==~~r===i==

^-JBf^yaffi 5 ttssK^sffla^&iMJts«^ ^y^aaBSS^g^-¦apaffi^^8?^« «o* ¦¦T siiss&sss. ^!==iNorth Wharf on. Snndaya at 7 a-ny: , . ; •„_. .¦. r3rWSSXVw< • OOTTOM, C L O C H , COPELAND. wAT»»ro»n HaU ; • i 1 MaU Mall

A Bpe«5al 8teamor wm also «ail»rom N8w Maford to Z^ fiCMAS^ciJMBRi:. FA8TNET, BATHLIN, TO IUSUCK 1 * 2 1 2 8 1 8 3 1 2 8 1 2 8 1 * 8 1 2 * 3W»Urford»t7».n>. pu Mondajs, on amTal of the 8.10 ^KBLLIfltJ BKKBBTTOKB, TOWABD, WICKLOW, '¦ Class. Class. Claas. Claas. Claas. Claaa. olnasTrain from Paddirirtbn the preTloni.eTening. - • . an intatided to SaU as under, weather permitting (unless pro- . A.K. A.M. >.M. | P.M. | r.». | r.u. TM

Paasenwra traTBUinif by the Steamer leaTintrrVYator- Tented by" unforeseen drounutaacesj, with liberty to Tow —— . » ' .« n . i i^a a <m I a <mford^S BattrdftTS will prooeod from New Mllford by

Ves , a to eaU at any Port or rU in any order, fa or Watjrford d™ 0 _ 0 9 a 1 Si 2 « 8 30 - 8 30

'S.V9 B0 TWon 8nnday morning. - i . , . . : ' out of tha ea nu CJOUTM, t» Eeoelre and Di«har(re Canro. p"1* "-8011 S S IV Xn 2 7

A M I -ttNo^^Bb?^^oa _bWiter4.80p.m, ^?*f iB&EB£$S&-<B*i*aw. V SSfcS " 4 ft/w H S = USNo^rgocan bo woeiVed on board after 4.80 p.mu, «:»I»W#B ?J5Sra!EVOlS-TO QLASaOW. - TSSEJ-™ n 'f« 1*5. 5 . 0 U 8 - }} g

Monung ind Erenuig, And the stagesI willjion be T««»jaay, r 1st , Jal , Sa iwSst . • • I p.m. . JonotWarrl nil 8 JS u 0 0 5 U U M - ibtoo t ahl»th«%te»mer*to de )rT7WCTTTALt!i riSgl&}:>:~; aafr.' Si^S irt,*Dpfjjn 1 n. -; DBTOfc-.;i:.-fA- |-M « « *£ 19

^0- |ioi _ .«j

SSntx^N fromNWHlXTOKDwili In' .SBS' &. '.'. SCT f S= ' gtaS=Bi j « | ].} j^f. = jj^ fwSr

ABE of Steamer, leading Wa- W^ne y. «h .. . *0jrk 1 p.m. -.•-••r;;;; J jS '§ S f « \l £

¦¦•- It tt-tSrf<*daUp.m. : • ' . . ... -.^ 11^ ifth " Sreit U nPooa Ltoerlok .rrlrl » 85 12 S 8 2Q 6 5Q. 130 ¦ - 1Wv- /Under TO cirenm»tanoocanPasaongor» holding Third Toeaday, !«»» .. ' • »V5eIW T1_ M1 J " - 10- Dnm Traitu from Limeric.hlis»Tiflketab« allowed the n«e of Saloon. , : Wednesday, 16th „ ' ?ia Cork * DnbUn 1 p.m. , i

tSAkEa-WdTSRP ORD AND WNDON , ^ ^- l7ife

'• I}i£orlt, ia SS; - ' . »AI»S o WIK OATS fidys.:S.S flS & I! tt II —l^^l. »¦ . . . " 3rd Claw and Xoif Cabin, 83« 6d. Wednesday. 80th . „ Tia Cork* Dublin 1 p.m. Limerick d«p... - 7 Oil 0 I 1 35. * O f t O M l O M

'VS SS3S^ SS^^& EM0NDA1tdlrot . Wto-o ockuip : gfe 1": z i3 S . ! ,•- « • • !!« |»

jSrbS^nUier- Important StatioM, the Tm« TUESDAYS. 8th. 15th. 22nd. snd »th Jan.. ; g J1" °*p;;; _ I a o J Sl2 80 2 « 10* 10 «

1r£bl*» and Tnrotah Eatet for Ooodl, *«.. oanj« rta Dublin . ... ¦ _ , -„ • ••/ „!£•"• Jnnelion " '.'.'. - ' 8 85 12 1« , 2 25 5 85 U 23 M 23

.-^i^-^T^si. ^^.^ . ^^ «sj : ^s r.

. . - . . TK2 IRISH BOATS, ; E,cry ™gg* J» ,s GUtp>-w, -l J^0^"- ^ Sf^^ s dy.0-



I8«AK^ • Wednssa lS a UCork | WATBEFO^ANlTTEAMOB^ KAttWAT.

BOTA*. *»» «»» NOTICE.— The Steamer* of thU Wedne»d»j», Bth md«»rt .7a»^TU Cork and aias«w. . Wtek Day Train: •

_ .Tr-JV l£i; take tho Lane Bootc recom- »««« V> Y.^ 'SZ™***?1'3™- **"*'¦ , 1, 2 3 ., * , \ b , 6 | 7 . 8 F

JS^^nJ .VaendedbyXientMAuATj Onboth _ THUttsKff. SSt ™ ; ... at 6 p m. tww .'am l .a m a m |Vm I p m pm pa ' pm p m,3^Outw «jd»ndHomew»rd:PM«ages. y f &f f lz a D if B, tihrlotb. XM , * SOth Jan., direot._l pjn. — ' , . hm : h m h m, S

l SnownwnifloentSt8»mer»,«neon»trTirtr . . . F»S« Coia-to VATMioaD, dtawt, ——h 'mi h » - k » | h » . >» »>•, J"» h » » » J


MVfWtoianwMUyMtmd«1c»n7nigTier?Iaje« 11 ^ 8«rSam?ton tW? b~ London and Soati ' gunaau Jratm : r~T'

»iyth»iJnUea tatOiMalll >- ' . " w ^B*nwa7wl ^Bai Btatloi at ThrongliEat«. Bunaay iyqtni. • •• Prom LrVBBPOOL (-• - ¦

. iV«ry_8AT0aDA I at * PJJ. ,_ . . ;: i • > 8 |: I / I * i 5 ! 6 i 7 ! 8 . 9

: CELTIC ' •' ¦ ¦' ...'¦ Tnetday, . . „. Xat Jan|| , ¦ • :i xrDOX m WATBMOiiE-Erery TPESDAT. ' ¦ IBOB am i am | > m - p m : pm j pn ! p m pm pm


Sn«*tffi« tKt0WlB'4''- - WA^^^o^Kfi'pLn.oOTB. " : wfffcLIM BEAfs^Sry^fMa^iiirtlMANIC orday. .li 22nd Doc. IBrerySATjrBDATaWp.n. - • . ''S : n'?^'~' 'ffi i. 8w T w%DNe8DALT: rS?

IOT!™' = WAT«kio»ft »tafaAt3«,<:ia«ioHB «iaiwAT

lntameaiafe will be earned Toyajea marked wns . ThM» SUamen •'hats '.trotllMit aooommodaUoa for Buomrasr aonra TO Coax, TaAL*«. A»D KiLLAa»iT."-. •

¦ ¦ ¦•¦ : '¦ ';'¦ ¦' K»rb £3. ¦'¦ '¦¦ ' i .- ' "¦ ':¦ " ! . ' ' Passenaow. '.:

'¦!' ' '.' ' " . _:

'' HL ' .

' ' ¦¦ ' .' ..

' : • : ; ¦. ' . M.

' .I •! • : ¦ ¦' . ¦- " • '. ¦ ' •, :'¦¦

'' /3.11lnfot Qnoenttown, the foUowiD»;<l»T' 'j Pl« »«

ot?- yA88A01NU0H«T. • ' _ ' ' ' ' < " . no« wATtawnu.. ¦ •

. Ta*a«Wennld »^BEDOCB,tb» jfASSAOiSto ¦ ' ¦ . " . • " • -. ¦ ; . ' ¦ ; , CaWa. E«tara. Deek —— ; . ¦¦ ; ' ,^ twft

p^bU>tima,-aads4otdtO ,P»awn»W*.tt>» WUiutord to Glasgow anarWlai '.; ;>7»,,«. . 25a. , 10B. ' , STATIONS. | . Week Dajs, . Snndaji

«o»p»rtminta.- I • : ' - ; • n ii^bJ ' EetaraTktot»aTaUabtatetwomonti» t tr«Vsral.l , carroU's Cross -. - ,. »« 3 20 - . , - . ,-

S Smo^WdSTcatajj s ZX ?*&£2S&?&&W S2SlSl- gp S*".: • ::: :: iS il iiS " .= =ior 7>g» tn not taken]** S}8- , Lwif fMS S VtJtM to tojit adatjU Tot Shipment. Fonsa ^ Sfa ¦,•:.,. 11 IO 4 85 - — -•nmbr cf CooWd PrOTlHoM.' MeaiofJ W" ' '"• Sf onn^nVb?E3.4tba<ilBo»a.7; - - , l l ?r», ' ¦ ... arri;. U . 0 «« — . - ¦ -

""M iwW,1 ' Btewttdettes ta" Steerage, to. ;«ttend too ~ BaiM,ol ,x»ljht,i*a,.«>pb!to-j;. aTIBOWOJ. . ., : s. * W. BiOlwaj. „ • , , ...- .- • • , . •i^o iadCnaaMn: V. . . •:• : ¦ ;; ¦:-, - . •• , AlSt |H» «T .J. Wlu».i> &Hvybi*>«th|.TaoKAs aaor, .,. dep. 11 80 5 0 ir- . - T

"BSSuajgttB * S^SIP^ H2 5-SitJS E E EnthoCni^8Uies«ld Caiia^ AlW.TTO»^-_ . iS rf t5STaiaMO> oSt ll?, ThbhU-st Llmcricl|:» xSteiv' .'V P" n A£ »' * « » : T. '. — ~CWIBTOT* SMITH: Lfttle Cleorge>»-«t,, Watorford i g*^"J*vV5S^S<v,»T, DBWiPmtriek's<io.y, Cork, KJS. 7 . ' .; !N S 55 .16 25 '- - -

#ltefSS» atf^^aSBB^^ s g g]

- ' S MOTpoito^r tfpi ' ' ! •":;; -- 1lf%f^ E^ :) ;I

'1 ' : :iSBf^': *! • •-'' fl it :i: SS«5S« f : »i »; BHS^J-^

flffif :i

iSSSttsrs- ' r 'i.^S-iSL- ,:iiyiTi:B,fiT.A«a*l!iA'liAOA.:i '- :l :.a:iar:.:;i.\u,, ;.. ,;, - '„. ..;' ^SlS?rS»5t552?S i ^St^SS»Sa^J-t i; teR-5.r«^.;-rr:i;'l

3l0tclS. ' ' The Turkisl1 Baths, Waterford;^T Ann ,,Ampr : *'<"• HEALTH , CLEANLINESS , and H A P P I N K K f )GREAT GLOBE HOTEL,

LOWEtt I5BID0KSTRKKT , D U B L I NAfr». IllCHAi m COf t 'KY , Proprietress (widovi o)



WATERKOKD , now (;ntircl y rt'novnt<<l nndimproved, and opon froir C a.m. to 8 p.m. eachWeek Day, nnd on Sunday mornings.

Single Haths, IR. to 2s. each, nnd ono dvzon ntBs. On Satunlny Kvenin^n , 5 to 8 p.m., Gd.• Hot , Cold, and Shower li.ithn, la.- " Onn of the most rcin.-irkablu proportion of thn-p^ith

'B itM ability t>) destroy thn Hnnw i of fati«uo nuil cxliaon-totion. "—Sir. K RASMI ;H Wu.Hfw . . -. ¦

." lln'oitunl JJathcra Hcli iom Qiki! cold, ami thoso whohave got a chill , and fe^l C ktwrrh in iinmi riRnt , can al-WUYK ct ititHhor t by a (food Inn '' hath. —Dr. M A U U K N ."

MOST Central ; immodi;ite neifjbbourhoodof Law Courtn and Telegraph OHiCca ; a fow

doorH from Kinp's.Uritlpo Trnmwuy Lino ; flvo to tenminntOB * drlvo to ntiy City Rniln-ay ; nowly decoratedro-furniflheefj and mipplicd with ovory modern unprovn-mont roquiSito for tho comfort of visitors , under theporHonal Huporvieion of M TH . Cor FEY und fftmily. :

I' ¦¦"•¦'. H"'-ter t Creum , anJ Vegetables from tho Farm idaily, i, u .vfthHtun(lin^ proHOTit hi^li ratoH , tcrmH aro 'most moderate. Ifreal ifj iHtK from ia. 3<i. IiefiR , frora!In. Cd. oach. ''- Table d'llotc daily, thrco o'clock ; Snn- ',dajH , fivo o'olooic. Soup, Two Joints , VogctniilcR and ¦Cheese , '2n. only.

A Night r"ort«r in attendance. All ScrvantH paid by:


HDlSTIfl GINGERSeltzer Water, Sqdiff Water, Gringer Beer


_ 1853* Grocory and Wine Liata on Application. I have to express my entire satisfaction with tho- . . /CHOICE Wines , Spirits , CiinirB , Ales , best SpeeUeluH you Hiipp liw^ and which I havo uaod with- R O B E R T A M E R R Y X CO Dublin and Cork Whinkeys , GumnesVs Stout. »reat comfort for many years. I hare not changed tho- au D c rl I "¦ I V I C r^ rv T OC \-, K J . } NewSDaiiers dailv • woll-airud Uwls • terms motloratn deifrco o. power I proenn-d onsino-Ily from you.- FAMILY GROCERS AND WINE MERCHANTS ." (aul7.1yj Newspapers daily , wen aj rcd^JedM , kruis moderate. " f PATRICK DuuiiAS .Bishapo: Cloiif«rt ,LonKhre B .

= 5 and 6, THE MALL, WATEBFOBD , ANV DVNGABVAN. TiJTAWCrBlTHOTBt. ( F^^y n l o^ r.,! ^

- i i . CuthoHu VniM i ; Men's Sod :ti(;i).» g ... •R.-P A T»V TVT ATIT" rT OTWTKrr mHIS Largo, Co..ifortablo , and convenientl y Hitnatcd , " l f^J I'lc'Mure

in ljoarin!: tcitimony Ki the eicol-

- -_——T J- H0TKL > lm3 recently been thoroughly painted JJ

™ Sofom HaVh. - had 'occasion to'""-^"^ hem¦j i t THE flOTJ TC DT.OTRTlVrT 'FAnTO'R 'V "po"nGCTHe1nra

tanr fanulies

rOc i

tnT th !>J,[ &

?".'}, " r' /". ? W"" "L"1

f ay wi



UT ^ik^iWJ^X. legal bnsinc!,9i it wiU bo ,ound mttflt C0"nTcniunt i Mns curUmty that the rcUef whiuh Uiey afford and tlje r.».

• "" ' mu^«p ^r>r,r,o x , , ^ r 7~77Z—x, » vi i n n • .u I, •¦ «>tnated noxt to tho Four Conrt* j and for Weddine; "•'' "Ce which they givo are quite booiw to

a reader ofrj lHESE GOODS aro now to be bad from most of the Respectable Drapers and Clothiers throughout partiC8 ana Visitors to Dubliu , tha accommodation ie wntcr --*- the Country. socond to nong in the Kingdom. K. B.O BKIE .V , D.D., Dean of Limerick ,

Ho *33T T T T r ri 'r J ':5 X, r n fT IMIT PHI Private Sitting and Dining Rooms , Coffee-room for ,, , , , Newcii ;tle , C) . Limerick. """' 8S^T. L i X O J M b & C O . (LIMITED), Ladies. B-d-rooma from la.ild. to 2. ,.M|,. Smoking Archdeacon O'bHKA , P.P., is happy to inform Mr.

P R I C E S ON A P P L I C A T I O N ±iajJ ori<VA xi.ui.ei, . _ tataunsliea OJ years) .


LoiL) "

T™ 0F ALL ~!' ¦' -i- Tho moat central in tho City. H O L L O W A Y ' S P I L L S .

n T i d C\ I IT T\ ¦ fl TT T W i TIT A T> Til TT A TT O T,1 /^OMPLBTRIiY remodelled and rc-fuvnislied. ~ GLASS A N D C HI IN A W A R L H O U b L j ^rbJ^ ™' So"Soom > *» " « " W^.AiS SMS^

' (OLDS8TSSTABLIBBBp HOUBE W THE', TBA DEJ. Smok.nB-^^m.^inmYd roo^ Ch^rgoa

^m lera.to.

^ ^ Mu .liciM« .afor f urLTyinKtbo III.OOD ; bcin K «a.fo Qn<l in-' • • '( ¦ ¦ • ' ¦ _ • .. -J '' _ . '' . . ' ._ . . ' etfeotivc , thoy aro availablo for all an a Domestic und

OWRN" " POWR T1 & SON'S LIMEaiCX—Tho Glentworth, iloiwehold remedy. Ineongcitiousand obHtructiona ofu " •"¦¦¦' A U !I Ull i_V UVA 1 o, , .1- » i v i I ,• i ir V l the LUNOS and LIVER , thoy quickly remove the cauno of

, 7, 8, AND 33, GREAT GEORGE S-ST., WATEBFORD. JJ'™ n™J«rt#'"! tho TZwl it in the di8ea«e, and in consti pation and disordered condition. TTMih Ulimtwoi th is thu n.ariBt Jl 'j tU in of tho ,J OWKI.H , they act an n cleansing aporient , roinov-

A .plendid CoUection of Dreade^and S«vre China, suitable for Wedding h% iZ M?™™I «a SVu* : JS g ^ ^ a"d ruliev"

Presents. Ho places of nmuuomcnt. 1'. K K .NNA , Proprietor 14, JU ,LI OUS U KAIMCUES , NAuaKAAMDr 'ouL STOMACH ,— ¦ 15LMullb, aiontworlh-Htre ijt . Limerick. ]el«

LodaOf Ari-Brrr K , A N D LOWNEM H OF SeiuvrB. — ThoOor STOCK of DESSERT SERVICES arc all of tbe Newest and most artistic Patterns •Pl,«

""iRni-i ;ii <rrn'n ~R.aai-a.-nra.ni- cleansing properties of those Pills soon produco aand DcBignB. .M M? . «™ Z irv wonderful change in tho constitution , removing all <=a-

CRE8T8 AND M0NAQ&AM8 EXBCVTED ON QLAS8 . CHINA , AND IR0N8T0NE. o ,,/ ''a,,,l S l vii ,nc;«<>« fl '/nner an.l ^Suraer °?»l<I .ofllllc >!;«i"la<!ht!; l>al PJ'ation .P tt.i ''"af1tort-"'ti;nK. 1""l¦ ¦ Oyster ana bneu-eun , i/ nnctien n, j smner ami nupper idihnoHH. lhoy resUjro tlio apjiutitc , cluar tho cora-— U- j om n . CUUUCU-LASB , ulexion , and improvo the general health.

AGENTS FOR MINTONS & COPELAND'S CHINA. (next door to Hibe rnian Uink). Tiis M OTIIBK 'H V BIESO . —F EMALES ' Si'EciKic.1.—BALLS, PABTHII, AND PICNICS, surFbiED wrri^ CUTLEBT AND ALL OTHEB EKQUISITES. T UNCIIEONS arrl Dinners , Sulip. Fiali , En- Every Mother of aFamil yBhoul .lknowthavalucoftlieHe

SPKOliL ATTBKTION OIVKN TO MATCHIHOB IN ULA83 AND CHINA. B20.2y -Li trees , and joint.*, &.V., SupporK , Fieh and Meat. PUIH in romoving all accumulations and restoring BUB -.- .. .. r . - ¦ • . Oumo alwavH * n-a-lv. pcn.lod or porvorted Hccrotion ^j ; at varioiiH critical

' _ • ' ' ' _ ' '—' Thn BILLARI ) KOOM in olo-jantly nppointort. poriodH of fomttle life thuy aro useful boyond mnainro;Tl ¥? T XT'TY T*B jT?nnTr r?' l-Ti- lr? A:TlVr^{ C*J" I.UNC/ I K 'JN.S ut tho ilfgiiitl y-6tt.>d Fiah thoy can bo taken safely by fomaluH of all agos , and arowr I B J a m *J I 9 J_ \_w I ft; J. M ' J 1 \J \ A JL\j j t \ 1 Jl. l fj« Onfft/t , connii<t ol (JyHtuin , Lobotcrn , Crabn , und iuvaloablc in all r.'iiMron 'ii uomp'.iiutx.

' T»T^T/-I*-I "nr -IK ¦ : m v-K-r 3 ' i > i \. T. • TT TIT A v cm ji rrtTrtvTO • nrmi TV Savoury Fish, ami a v*rii'tv of Moat and other S»nd- SCIATICA , LUIIDAUO , AND O JH T K U C TI O N S OF THK. . . PRICE £5 158. per TON, delivered at RAILWAY STATIONS in DUBLIN. w iohe». Winon and S .i.it .-. ,,f the Ouoxt quality. K I D N E V H . - •Ifth usoPill j lio takon regularly erury niu'ht,

The Cheapest Fading Bluff —Especially suited for Uie with- Pulped Turnips. JarocHon'aSovi- ii Y.-arV oil M.ilt. M« V U-I'- IJ llr,kn.ly. in Btriet a.«.>rdauc« ./it!, tho jirinto.]I i cc ionB the/ . . . v""-"i<"1' *¦ w"*"'y ""tf . | f ' V » "y" J . . . . - r e ¦ 14. yoar» nlil. Ale < and Htn:it from tho >u*t rl.-:w.irie«, ino.it obiftiuato e:we<t will Hodnyiel i ; tho aocreticn from

.,,„„,„ ,' „ ' . ' _ , . . , . ,. .. . ., ., -• . . ,. ,. . ' . . . . ., , aiiil in perfect, con.lition. t'in.^t Hod Ban'< Barren Uio kidneys will become clear and limpid; no functionpaBCVLAES, Names of Local Ajronta, and rtftrenees to Oentlemen in tii jocality uung thia r ood, o J.

p Over I.IK H) HOI .-H ol »«ry old Ciipira in StoEk , of the buJy should bo inoru carefully watched ; moot

V . .. ' •" ' - . w j)l IJ O. 6«Dt pot t -1! we. pa Application. " - parchaaed by thu lutn M, -. Vnrh-m. \ trir»l »oli':itcd. curious con»oq..ence» OIIHUC from nogloct in this ro.''. '' ' i J ." 1—; —— ..

' ' ¦ ' . , . ¦

THOMAiS J)'. OlJItl. l iHS. Fuoi'KlKTOl'.. (n22 apect.

The Dublin,. Grains Company, Limited, ~ ' QUEEH -S HOT^L, J?Z£nt£^£-&& 'ZSZ3£&-. ¦¦: , • BAIN8FOED-8TEEET,1 DUBLIN. (Opposite the Q.-niiral P.mt Office), LONDON. treated by thono PilU , wh.ch will , when combined with

. t'no uffeotual UH O of tho Ointment to tho part affected,•' These drains oon«UtuU'a v>riety of food to whioh Cattle an? jfenerully partial. They aro nutritions T^OR Fmnilios and Gentlemen , Situated in the »ff°rd KUCD a measure of relief as is acarcoly credible ;

ina high degree ; whqn prouerly dried they will keep unchanged for any length of time, and aro inrpar- jj ' ceutral and mo»t nirv part »t tho oity. All the joint agoncy of the two reraodius w BO i»t«nt thatticuUr distinguished; bj the relative low coit at whicn they may be puretuiMd.-. p./o'm. . Bedroom" (200), inH-dmg «tt..ml«nn -, 3,. Od s Privab- evoryform.daole pulmonaryaffection becomesamonabt.

•' Dried Grrina ew in good-ijotidltioTi) for aluioat any length ot : time, and will I HI found o p .ood and SitUng rooms, including «M , 5». .61. General tenff ^' .ILITATED OOSSTITOTIOVH TEBMBLIVO S AVDwholee6iirfc^r(UV%d! pTion6f equally moderate. Smoki,^, Baadius, and Billiard JJ™

1 ^™"K" 'I he,

1."JJl* are unaur-,, ¦:: ¦ ¦ : -a* »ack. hojdlngb CWt ob.rgefl .^h xtra, it not mWr^d imu^ .tely, (,M.tf) %£<£%$%£¦ r^Z rA Z ^ Z T^ ^ II^ SL- ¦ ™"B B B (rah23 1»l and woaknesaua. lhoy ootsokindljr.jrBt. > energetically

¦ ¦'• ' jtSBk'' • • ' • ' : - ' ¦ ; i '' rt> ' rfS -' JHr : ' "" ' . . . . . . . . ; L ' J J on tho lunctioim of digoation , that the whole body U re]fir S . . . '. V ! KH'iJa'' '¦"''" " ¦' • "- ' ' ; ' '" '' ' ' _¦ <¦- vivod , thu blood in purifiod, and tho mutcla» become

¦ i Wf W iJN S k 'B >'B ill A-VA B'tSf o i HMH';IB'S!.'|S 1I *!5S- |&-: 8S BBJI ' rtTTTSI A 7VE73 CiSH''. firuioraud strongiT ; therofore sufforors from Nervonsi Mt w-dlS& 'til >'B JX ' fi'VA 9'<£Q^ ! HUH'-R'S «^h"!5'" /S\- IP9): B^Si (Tiimil A "TS'EjS T'S

SH firmoraud strongiT ; therofore sufforors from Nervone: ¦ ' IT"1 1 -B'J A'Jli'Ai IIP' I HWB 1 I &ir 1 ;'aM': afjl! H 'H

f O XJLJGJ ML J I TJCS £$ JL VVoakno a»in evory form ahould give thorn a fair and

. . . ,X

.: ; . . , |. ,.~

;,:: |, • - !. ' , , i ¦• f ' ' ¦ * ' "' " • ' " '¦ • ! l : -' • • - ' ¦• '¦ : r'V* •Q"^ '!

Aathma kiiidd

Soro Throats

v URCEST MANUFACTURERSIHTHEWCIRLD ' " MOUS'K r St SMJSSlo™• • : • • ¦ • ¦'" T,7~ . : . . . • . . . . . • - . , .*• Blotohoaou lndigention Tio Doluoreux

ij -, . . . " , ¦ 1-- - " : L " . - ,,.- _ — r. _- JrnporterS Of Foreign prOdUCe. the Skin Liver Com- Ulcers" :'*Bm& . ' ' '¦ '- ' ¦' : - . " ' ManUfeCtUTOwl and General Her- BowelCom- P«» Venereal Affections

lyt T?«WAT«T*S PATENT -ANUCAPNIC ¦<*«**" TtoT^eo^

BttPPli^ - DS&& ™S $%££,?£?*

.Mft ... , . Iii|U1[T Arl O . 1 Almi 1 X\L\ \J \JJ\ri \XK; No' -Eetail Catalogues on appli- DroP»y uhoumatiam whatevercau50,i l Blm " ' ' ¦ ' • . , . • * ij._ . Femalo Irregu- Betoution of Ac , Ac.

('HH ^ i'' ; ¦ ¦¦¦ .'" "'-'. ' i : : . ': ; AND cation. Wio yrfnoijwMai '¦'¦' ¦ ' ¦• ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦• i -*¦ : ' •".

¦ A '. »m • r\ TOKT . _ The Pills and Ointmon aroSo'd at Professor HOLLO

OTHK" :¦ , . . . PATENT- LQRNE , LAM PS OgliVie &' jftOO i 78. New < *JS ^?SS&M) u *»,.£V$Bt*;- ARE SOLD 'AT IR0NM0N RS.;ANl> LAMP-DEALERS. ; ., ? arren.8 plac0> 00RK. . &% rS&5? J&Zf ^

MIKTI II 1 I I " I ¦- ¦• ¦ •¦¦- -i . " T?E?« frn°ZBa. k ronde™ linen nWully^Wte M pA>t 5d directions aro afixod to each Box

¦li t . - *ttin!*i *Of & &»#U: f- 3, ,< LorBe," fro. 5s. npwards. , -. S ^^^ SS^ ^ Ztt ^^ " T 'l|Hp«-'"i «^ ^ ,UB

a. Stamped .Uh pnr- e Ktt ^ g^ S! SKS Sfi

V'ijB»v ' . '' • i "'" ' • • ' . ' ¦' ' - ¦" • : '¦ ¦ _.! " '¦ ¦ ' ¦!¦ ¦ - __ ¦ : ' ¦ «;kfeot Drains. &o. MannfactnrciaandsolePatenteeJ.j 11 and 4, or by letter .

ViyiHLyH' ;" i; "'.Wbdlefliile ' bnly-THOHrAa SO WATT . : SOUS, , ¦ . / i ; f find CO;,'by appointment to fte Militwy ™d, ,_ «FQR THE BLOtTO IS THE LIFE"-•aMKfc:-: :i '- -- ' •¦ • • - ¦*> ' ¦> •• .• ¦•.•¦gpw»www. . wHBOH..^ .wBWir. >;! N - fe^ ^ K oV^^ l '

. —"j ¦¦ ' ¦¦ ' " ; ' - • .——-^ . i«> • •¦¦' ¦ • rn-.H .¦'¦'"•¦ • • _ . .___ "® - I lil a Bfflr ¦* «l *M *\i rK»«?iii9l

-^- f lllf f^ r '-ir - ¦ , IRISH FARMERS'; BOILER -^ ^ ^ fel•. " ¦•¦;: ' ¦¦ ¦ .

¦¦ ; ..<%.-'^' .¦-¦:!'¦« . ¦*l'':' -)I*< '*'*- iiyT«.r'T^VTJ -i' ' ' : :'"' 'I ' ¦ • '""•' -W<1«MHShB SK ::;- ' :§7<OR CLKAN8INO and CLEABING the BLOOD

^~££1 1^&B ' .V/ Mr^HBB|Bi- , »(j eft& on thO NU: JJ^i5^#^?^^ -!:i;: ^ffl PU) ¦ cn":*» a0n the rao,i

Page 2: snap.waterfordcoco.iesnap.waterfordcoco.ie/collections/enewspapers/WNS/1883/WNS-188… · /> THE -WATES FOBI* SSWB."^ ttitl«tnS4i«-< ¦ ' ". .tiSfejAMtt . '«fiE. .PUREST

X -. ,¦: ; 'JSaUg. ^


¦• - !. .An Oli-EstabliBhod XEasio Basinets.

*. T. H O W A R D & CO.BEING about to retire from Business, now offer

{or Sale their INTEREST and GOOD-¦QHWl_iB..tbe HUSIC - B.U8QIS8S carried onat No.-OT. QUAY. WATJ-TBFORb.

T.ola\B,«UjeW is'which .an independence ,bn«been re lif?d,',WM 1 e»t«bli?bod. oter 40 years ago,and is now in full operation. There 1B a largeP'pofrBPfl-Hnrooiiu'P-Hiring connection. - — -•

gSEJThaontire- STOCK-IW>T.B.AI>JB of PIANOS,HARKONICMS/Sjilil, IB'STSUICBMTS, SBEITMIIB.C,*C4i'.C»P;bd had at,a -ValnaHon. - ¦

Full particulars to be obtained on tbe Premises,or from ; ; : ;< ; • .-.

'¦ :• ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦

:. ' . . - . JOSEPH W. HOWABD. SoHuto-..: . . . . .: • . . . .. .- ¦ , .. . Tbo £»d'l, Wate.-fo.J.

- ., . WEEKLY AUCTIONS' • ) '• ,,. ., (• ', ,-AT TH» ; ¦

K1KG-6TREET AUCTION MAET. on every.SATUBDAT, of Furniture. Oil Painting

*od EnffT*Tinge,' Plated , Ware. Delpb, Glass, andevery description of Property. Sola at 12 to'dock... < ¦-• . ¦•-. . : • ; ?.:., , . ' •: JOHN ) PENDEE, AucUonoer.

' Auations'are held at tbe Hone, Carriage, andFurniture Repository,- Morgan-street, Waterford,.on th6\flrtVM0NpAY

;in every'Month (the FairDcy'a); - 'of • Horses,' Cattle, and every- kind ofProperty. Money advanced on Property tent forabsolute Sole. Horeea, Housce, Land, and everykind of Property, bonght and enld on Commission,dailyi''Persons bariPK Property of any kind for

^8al9,w01'.flnd tbia Agoncy detirable. aa a promptvd«ih aotUomont ia made immediately after Sale.'All liwds'ot Property valued for Probate and tbeDifld Ooum.ir. i ¦ ¦ • - p . - - . ¦ ' • 8l

.(.• '•J;|,: . .: .:- .,;¦ JOHN PJBNDEB, Auctioneer.


.#' BE SUD Bt PRIVA TE TREATY, AA LICKN9KD HOUSE, dtaate in tbe beat partof'the City, of Waterford, and la which a large bml-

.BewiiM been carried on for a number of year*.o '-TUe 'tkbove Premise*;'which are at present in full¦'Working .order,' are bold under a Lease renewablelfor:e'Ter/at the nominal rent of £15.

Pditicdkr* on application to•:• ¦'-• ••¦' SAMUEL C.'ALLINQHAM, Solicitor,n It . , . , . 8, 'King-itreflt, Waterfotd.


ffV) BE 80LD BY PRIVATE TEEATY, thei-Jb " 'INTEREST in the LEASE of the HOUSE,aS^BAREONSTRAND-ST. (Drapery Establish-Wn'tji'of wbtch'about '2i year* hare yet to lun*.FoejpaHionkra applyAt tbe Premise*.1 Watfrfogl, Decwiber 88th. 1883. d28,tt


V&luablo Farm for Sals by Auction,rAKM'BTOOK,- B0R8E3, WPLKMBNTB , PAO.'¦ ¦ ¦ntJGB.'Bp UBEKOLD TO&inTUBB, <$•«.VjiTltLlAil SMITHS SON Ure received in.vf .Th. •traction* from Mr. W.M. HOLDBN to BELLby AUCTION, on tbe> Landi, - '-" a- PRIDAY/ 'JANUARY 4th, 1884,

^'Hid 'INTfiBEBT' in' the flnirclaw FARM of''.'r*.:\3Z 11''- ^

'C^AHEBN,. ¦

•WiftiiaMTeu milwii of Dungarran, and one mile of.(r-Darrbw Station, oa the. Waterford, Cungarran,-i, 'and4>ismore Railway. ' ¦ ¦¦-:<Th*'Fmn eonUin* 80 IrUh Aerra; wlthlStatoto'Aora of Tarbarf 'attaohiud («a(IIoi«ntto be worked for•tiM next 100 Ye*»).< hold »t tbo Judicial Bant of £92««;'OiJ.'per Annum > 'Q jvernmtat Valoatlon, £88 Oi. Od.,Tha JUnds kn>- woll f«no«d and thultered, with a«j>lehatdi«oppljrnf iprfny w*Ur; and : tM »aitable fortttJne'Dtiry gr'.TUUg* parpo««», *nd known to b« oneof UM ixWt fanaa ttwnlU»»round. 'All Rent ia paid nptotbo£9tho< S*pt«mbwlaalii Th«w li» comfortabliX«!o toriedDwoUIar Hou»», wlth eoitahle Oat-offloes.JtonhiHkt«ipOt«nrioa will ba tiwali' i I ' ; ¦' ." .i Imtbadlaielr. */t«r»wS; bo Sold th» ; SVrtn Stock,Hor»M, Produoo, Fnrnltnro, 4o., cojDpriilaf i - ' '

jL'liPi hk '&tCKjK.—a la-Calf Oow«, yonos and T»rr goodimUkoni;i 2Pat.Cowi j 18 Yeatliej Calrei | 7 Shaap ;</SB*ioiu * ,¦¦'

¦ >,H- . . - :¦¦} ¦¦ •. . /i ¦¦¦ '•¦

', .• '¦ ¦• .,'.

J >EoJWBa.-T-No.l,Blao« Mare, stinted to Lord RasUn,INo. 2pB»rM»re.. «tint9d to Monaroa. No. 0. Gr»yiHawa/aaltohla, for farm .or barneu work. <Ho. A,ICfcltnnf mfy iZ year»6Url6J head* (by S«llm). • NA.•6vQl*y.*iU7i'165b*nd8, 8 jc»rrfold, (by Seliffl/daaby BJr»H»«7);j a-.tnort iplsadid'fcnliaja. No. 6, ACK«»p>«ttY»ttlin* KIl/i-(byi:8eTlm, dam:No. I.) 8TJsofulJP«iaHort»«.':"); / }-.:,.•. .„.- .-j^'i - -'TSODTJCS.—2 and arhalf Acrea of finMlasa TofniM,

100 Bftrrals, of Tftblo Pot»We»,'10Tehs bf Uansolds.S Too* tW«i>;3(lToMQ4tea S U*w,tf Xoaa,:Prim»

rUplandiHay. 3 XarcefHtdpa of Muinro, Ptonshi,tposWyandSinglyHarrowiJ Swings, .OartaandTaek.L'JJOBi.PWI Cutter, with; * virjetJ of other Varmint lavLjjlcmanur,'. Dairy 0tanaUi.'Hoaseli'jId Barnltore, 4o, -.;J,Ta»1(8*Uu'uU- eoaunsnw.with, too'.Intore«i'Btfl3lo?Clook.;8h>tpj;,thoHor««a, Cttttl*. &o., immsdiaWyva^SO fottrth. M;th4Pttwb4«TMpa»y1.to.!» paid;pa PatchMfTbjelng dedartd j tho balaaoo upon posset-.•|TO ttjjJjw ijvi;] ^:. .,4i O -j : : ¦ ¦., .\. *:i>-r-;,.,t b wn to_paT5i)e*oent Anotion Fee8.- ' - '^ '; :WIJ(»L5rAMrtMI)tHr&,SON, Aoctionoew, 4c., -t Miobael-etreeb and Udy-Une, Waterford, .. .r.Vi- >'t;rl>ecemter-8Mh;U)83.i ¦¦: ¦ • ¦ ¦

- '. It!4lHANKILl.iOASTLB,»WJHrrEHAI,L. COUNTYil.. '.yMV^*a l?KttKBNN,r.:,• ;:¦. .-. :..;¦ .'¦• •.ti- 'l '.')¦';'.«;r .! '; ¦ ' I , i i ' —i ; ..¦•• ¦. ¦

'\ '¦ Important Saw.;«C Bhorthorns v fto*

'- ]](SEtt! tAU.OT|pIt»t,8HAlIKlLIi XIASTLB,I :K3., tbreA^m}ta-,from vBtgaalttown, eight mile*ifromKilkeony, and ten uilM.from C*rlow,/ ._

; ¦ , ; On TUJBSOAy^Wh JAKUABT-,-18Wrr*.: y& J iBMA Pore-Bwd Cbw»; HeffiM nod BolU ; also

: ^; •Vfe'Ktifh&th'rtd' epring Heifert/aod •' ¦v :¦ ¦; . BesdJKid»F»VCMUe/rnllx'finl«h*O, and prime

'-.'¦¦.:. .t-TBOjlIerd of Sborthoma was fonnded tweaty-five

:;- . /<Stt»iag&l)jhjHircha»e« from ibo SightHosu- Earl.. f.tJ'aiWaiaT&i'SiH.^1 l^'tea topOirt fwm^EaglitoBi edenTlncladlog

r;;:- ic:r>torpFp*SiMdnrinJ'«traTn»'/-.'< - ;i "^- -i/^r -; ,vr "¦\.'X-jW' JStwflt ai.lWff bteg fiiTflonibly' kobirtv Bd- i ' #ib l feW ;d lvtb« qasUttet'detirod- . ' yby rStock.'ownertjvJEailng good mUking qoallttei,•^ fe J'Wi; i «fej>TSe»br.- <:. goo* i qoalit/, "withiy;^. ;»^WiM.wnjtU tfaisi/l!-i,v/,;' ••'/ . : i J ; i ' , v ¦.- .y ,/: ,^- . ,*;: . ' 4ffi^HeifcM i«uT«ty;titomUlotf,'aad desert* par-

. • ¦; ', \iiM&ito y $f th *ZAtt t tyf :.$ ' *i ij i ^i . ."J i* .•:.; :vo'1« ,for Bee6 iU'iio'clock;nboti.J '' ' ¦'' .''

¦- ¦-°S*^XKHdcSae« .wlfspli&t^a'Jta Mr> JdtiiT;' Shan*.¦ ': %ill C^&'Whifeh»lj ii hny1 be '.^r'" '

' •* •¦*• .* > :&.¦ v *¦; ti ~ RftlAsm&n. fii 'PfniitaMrMrt: HtiKUii

> ->:, lea ;ft)rImferfordUC??> ¦*iT J^ r. ^^. . . V'i I&na;:Y» m(MVhe t«all/ aUiiate(V,:coiiitimadia a

./ ''-Bj^htoHoM^ tainiinrawln 'roosi.-PatkOT.ftn^;^/.- i*afi <iJ^ -B',BM«)Ouijiv;Sitca«fl;-P»otHe*r

v - w uifl^ crQ TWBiWosniowatvetaoMmngisttSte

3Jasiiie55 JHoticcc.


I bog to announce tbe return of my Buj ira fromitbe home and Englub Markets with a 'iety '

T ARQE STOCK OF NEW GOODS, suitableJLJ for tbe present SetasoL.

• In my MILLINEEY and MANTLE departmentswill be 'ound a caref'^ly-selecttid assortment ofmost F««hionable Good*.

My CALICO and FLANNEL STOCKS are es-ceptioneily large,and are the best vr uo ever offeredfor 8ale.

Ever}' Department will he fourd folly blocked,aad all Goods marked most reascnao'y.


B. MAHOITT & CO.BF.G to inform their Frienda and tbe Public

that they are nor in possession of tbeMILLS worked by the kto Mr. WILLIAMCBIBBT.

Same will ba son OPEN f or PUBLIC GRINDINGA Supply of MEAL will bo always kept in

Stock.All Orders promptly executed. '

aplS.tf R. MAHONY & CO.




Jobbing promptly attended to. al7.1y

WHOLESALE AND RETAILFish, Game., Poultry, and loe Stores,


THE attention of the Gentry and Publicis oallod to this Establishment.

CIOODB or Tnc CHOICEST QOALITT.Country orders onrefully attended to.

W. STREET, PaoPBMTOK.loll ICJI 1 1 Ioi ! -A luxury for hot weather, so-

onraly puked for oonvoyanno by rail, Ao. Terms entpplieation. mvi-ly


GENERAL VICTUALLER,BEQ3 to inform his Frienda and tbe Public,

¦ that his Establishment continues to bo sup-plied, oi usual, with every description of MEATwhich the Season can afford, including OX andHEIFER BEEF, MUTTON, PORK, and LAMB,&c., &c. f 3 " Terms most moderate. - d7.3t*


BEG to announce that they have acquired theVictualling Establishment formerly occupied

by Mr. JOHN STATTOBD. 17, GEORGE'8-ST.FLTBH BBOTIIIES desire to inform tbe Nobility,

Gontrj, and Clergy that tbo Establishment willnlways bo found to bo anpplied with every descrip-tion of MEAT of tbe best quality tbe Season canafford—lit. i Ox and Heifer Beef; Mutton, Voal,Pork, and Lamb.

f g T Host moderate Terms. The gonoral Publicwill be liberally dealt witb.

Tbe Entablishment will be OPENED on tbe 15thDECEMBER. nSO.tf

Bay Whore you oan Buy Ohoapest.8INGLK PAIRS AT WHOLESALE PRICE8 IJOSEPH BOYD respectfully begt to call atten-

tion to his NEW ARRIVALS of BOOTSund SHOES, all specially selected for presentSeeion, Co be Said at tho Lowest WHOLESALECASH PRICES. 'LADIXB* But and KID WIVTIB Boors—Button,

Laced, and Elastic.


and 132, TOLLOW-3T., CAELOW. [n9.6u>


'_ _ _ FO& TH» CB> OFClAMILIES and INVALIDS, infinitely superioiH ¦ to any other offered to the Pablio.


May be obtained of. ell Grocers and Wine. : Morchanta throughout- the Count.-?,

And Wholesale (in Wood and Bottle) from thei^* Maaofaotmen.





¦ ¦• by all the great Makers,For; Stile, l£ire, or the- Throe Yean' Byetom,

^" S3T At rery Lowest Prices.

An Itfrrxoriotr SOI, I O I T K P

MUSIC at an enormous reductioa. Old Pianostaken in exchange ; Eemotcd, Packed,

Stored, 4c. Pianos, &c, Tuned and Bepontd.




so, P A T B I C K -8 TB ;E E T, COEK• : . '-. ' - . :-. AWACBXD .'.-;


FOR PURE DBUG8, CHEMICALS,• [Own Manufactnre],

- Atd'SUfiGICAL INSTRUMENTS.V i " ... • . '

¦ ;. .- f ciUW.-: • ¦ ¦ ¦• •

¦ „»; '."/, Vran.tod-^Wih Pearls.A CKWD PBICfi will tegWe* for Irish Pearl*

eCa»?ir£ieud;to,TB9»tA8 W»IB, Goldsmiths' HaU.'8, WWilow-Street, Dublin.. Cash will be eent to*allart6 1e« ai>prov«dof. - ¦' \' ^aiSt ;Vv ; ;t};.j .v.aj| >r-o !xra'A-H'. ¦:- ': !JMsUMJJEB. BRASS SOimBKB; GA8-FITSKS; r '"-'-.± 'f LEAD-MEBOHAliT, 4c., ^i <- :i i

, J, hITTIiS QBO&QB'ay8TBEBTj ;:X j•;•¦¦

••¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ '

• r~:;-^; r ¦; ¦ ¦ ¦ r vrATs&F toa>. \

fiaTJng purchMe4:tt8lnt«rert(i -Plant"at ttk US*^¦^i^xBi^^M^irT^Bf^ , i

fJatJBlti m» to eiaXmta all Ordtra entrmrt ta> BS. naiTDLUHBEU; BEASa FOUNDER,! and QA*«T-X^ lKRl." .Hea±lwr>(iGiWi-hnaje», Ckoama-toriet, itt4 rnbUotflnil&nW a* tta.' tnsrt .improiodpttoolpjt.by dr laUonor.hrt watei; .•i .'Ti r, t; jfcJffoMrf:tmif i1Upr) Wa ff } Wlf 't»JiBttihaVI *Ji *»4f troil! 'to& *,Pvan^Bmttit0f roUtn.QQ*Jf ail

lB^mv8SRrANmuR^mT^Y-di^cs.'i'\K^S'U t-.w.n-:—,", ,;vn";. . ;; . / *; . '»:>'i:W, ,'^~, -.<. J/••maj.'ftViiV5 1'lOS 9P- WALCTS' OFFSCB/remtiTed fcooi L*4y•iSa. Use -to:.Ho._a;>lB AX:K.% V.l>>K C if j .will, oj tuaaL-reoeive prbsfptiind carehu atienbtm.

3^atrtStto*tl*J3tfnwiT»p[oaatoE«r,«3ltttlnB11> tam.it*'QQoi&m *ty *i~S ' *-£?i t ,>\*:;:\';- '- < ¦•; ' T"*f'8aff no. 8»rno| jr8cc«wnen4»d; WoniSui:strictflti¦jtroA f'l«;|t|Q ,r*»Jrto^ch»ra«4wi.: Jt«« m »t







They are offering these Goods at very small Profits, as their Terms arestrictly Cash.

JAMES HEAENE & CO. (late Eoberfc Locke & Co.),63 AND 64, QUAY, WATERFORD. r

THE MI88E8Have p leasure in announcing their

.A.isntTTT^.uii :X:M:.&J3 SHOW Ior NOVELTIES IN


Xma» Toyt, Games, &e. ; Illuminated Texts) Gfff Books , andPictures ; Christmas and New Year Cards ,


1 and 2. THE :


prtstiiyj to .Buy.


Z>ismore Gas, Coke, and Coal Company.

THE Half-Yearly General MKTIHO of tbo Sbure -holders will be held at the Caatlo, Liamore,

on FRIDAY, the 4th JAN., 1884, at one o'clock.W. H. BALDWIN, Hon. 8-3.

Lismore. December, 1888. It

JSLCTSNTH YXAB. NOW BIADT.Mason's Abaaaaofor Zreland for 1884.XT contains the following new features—A Direc-J- . tory. of. Officials of Towns and Counties olIreland ; Populations of all English, Irish, andScotch Towns and Counties ; Historical Sketch olIrish Railway System. 4c,

Price Is. j half-bound. Is. 6d.It DUBLIN—W. H. SMITH & SON.


TOWLE'S PENNYROYAL AND STEELFILLS for FEMALES quickly correot all irregu-

larities, and relieve the distressing; symptoms so preva*lontw^htha eex. . Borer lv US. and 2s. 9d., of allCbeml*>. Sent tny whore on reoeipt of 15 or 84 sta-npsby the Makei-, E. T. Towu, Chemist, NoitinsuAm-

;. . • • ¦ : - . ; mbSOy


CATHERINE-ST., V/ATERFORD,BEGS to inform his Friends and the Mus'cai

' Publio generally, that be has Bevoved totbe above address, where all Orders will, as usualreceive prompt attention.


By noted Makers, can be hired by the Month orYear, with the option 'to purchase ; also, on the

TWO and THREE YEAR SYSTEM.A liberal Discount on the prompt Cash' payment.

Old Instruments taken in Exchange. Piano-fortes and Harmoniums Tuned, Repaired, Packed,Storied, or Removed on reasonable terms.

Musio procured by retam post at half markedprice. Oraerato' ; - • ¦ "¦¦ - •' ¦ • -^ ''

C. A. JONES, Pianoforte and Music Depdt,m2<3 ' ' Catherine-Street, Watetford.

(8 and 4 William 4, e. 68, «. 2 j 17 arid 18 Vic.,, e.. 89, .«. .9). ,

To JOHM RTAIT and DATID Knrr, Esgrs., Justieeaof the Peace for tbe City of Waterford ; W. J.DCHMBHT, Eeq., Clerk of . tlie Peace for the Cityof Waterfocd, aod; Otmn Mnuwo; Esq.,' Bub-Inspector of the Royal Irish Constabulary of tbeDistrict of Waterford.

I: MARY SWEET, of No. 7, Ballybricken, in9 • , the City of Waterford, do horeby glre notice,

that it is my intention to apply at the Hilary Quar-ter Soesions, to be held at toe City Court House,Waterford, oa tbeSSidday of January next owning,for tbe Magiitnitos'a Ortificato for a Seven Days'Lieeese,- to- Sell Wine,-Beer.-Cider, Porter, Ale,Bpirite, Ac, by Retail, to tM comnoied on the Pre-mise*, at my HOUM and Pretaises, situate at Ho. 1,BallybriotMi iaf. lhp Purish'fli; rrinity Without, intbe saidW f p tfiiutttoid. \: '< K j ' ¦ '¦ ' ': ,

Given toiir«>jr'l|aBd this M2ad day of Deo.; 1883.ti 1 LG* M-WY ;IIWEET»>Applicant.:

DAO( J JDUHK)RI),{l}olicitor fpr.ipplicant,It Zi.lung'-Street; Waterford.--

Waterfted and jj kr B lwgy.,'¦CONCERT UI-AID OF THn -BUILDING FOND\J of.tbe NKW CATHOLIC CHURCH of PIL-TOWN..on TUESDAY, 1st JAN., 188*., . . . . , ,; A 8peciilffrain wUl leave Waterford forFlddoWnat B p.m. on above day, returning after'torminatioaof Concert, and stoppinif at Grange on up and downjourneys. ' Return Tickets "ill be. issuea'at SingleFares from WatertordtoFiddonn and baok.- FromOrange ordinary Betutn 'Farei will-be bbarged:

;;•: JOHN .ROBERTS, Tmfflo Manager.,Trafflo Manager'a Offlce,'Limerick Terminus,

V(T ,,„.„., , December, 188?.,. , , - , . . . . ."ITTiATING'S COTJQH LOZKNQE8.-An ever inIV creasing aala ot over 60 yean.r niSa B PQ VQBJUDliXai- aSTr fne BeV« sadJ C Ls i lr tt, Remedy T, for COUGHS, A8IHUA,T r PHL«fclM, aafTICKXUia fa the Th<o*i. '

EATma* COUGH,, LpZ.BN.aB8.-CoovoniM¦ to ke«yMndjln thapookot. ¦' ¦ > • / . i.-.o.t . :


M XOZBKfGES an universal¦jST--'w*?®™!!^ Jj'.*!*'*MI>I!SF'.«*""'- T " -

liavs luuuU iitwnit fn testlqria|f *' to liailFbeainoUl ttt&f ts inOuen o(- li>cis *ot Counnptioii, dtthau, aod .Bzosebbl:aS«oti<ms.:'So(ood» inediebMOBtliito te kaowniotbt ap- 'BcseUted. IbavtpttaoiUi«S.UUmSr withtb* tost rSofu.1toM^kj r- 'i ij^ ^imOj^ .¦ ¦'. ¦¦.¦ ¦- ¦ ;

JL j ssnrirSriSia^wi. 6FiwUw&h *k >"in*ii-viBii-o *»»»-w H y^.'iji™ou'"'11 •» toy



< in



Euquuing WINTEB MANTU Warc requested to call and ace

i before deciding. 02T No



The Manager bas the honour to announce thatUS. OSCAR WILDE




ON RIB PIOSONAL IMFBKSSIONS or AMERICA.An Address upon topics suggested by a year's

travel in tho United States and Canada.PBIOEB or ADMISSION—Reserved Chairs (num-

bered), 8e. ; Front 8eats, 2s. ; 8econd Seats, Is.Booking Office at WALBH & POWEB/S, Quay (next

General Post Office). d*

TH« Aj>DBH6S (Personal Impressions of America)will include many topics suggested by bia personalexperiences ; the methods, advantages, and annoy-ances of railway travelling ; the varied phases olAmerican life and character, aa seen under all sortsof conditions, pleasant and 'otherwise ; tbe d!ai nc-tivo architecture and public works of the count.y ;the position, development, and prospects of art ;.nall its various forms ; tbe itatus, eaucatioj, .idtraittingof women; their influence and their theoriesof dress; the journalism of tbe United Utate3, withincidental remarks upon the peculiar method of in-terviewing, as applied to himself j a eketca of dis-tinctive classes and communities—tbe iiicera ofColorado, the Mormons of Salt Lake, the Chinese ofSaa Franoisco, and tbe Negroes of the 8outh ; iueamusements of tbe people, tbe theatres and actors,and the athletic sports ; tbe Bummer life of theAmerican people, as seen at tho various wateringplaces, &c.


zroTios.THE COMMITTEE of tbe United Tradee

'Association of Waterfoid beg to give Noticeto Builders, Contractors, and Employers in General,tbnt they are prepared to supply tbem with Skilledhands of every Trade.

The Committee of the above also give Notice toTradesmen who have not joined tbe Association,that they should do so before lat JANUARY, as,after tbat date, a heavy entrance fee will bo im-p*ied. • ¦ • ¦ ¦- . •

LAURENCE CANTWELL, Hon. Sec.United Trades' Club, 21 Mull. r22.tf


O. "W. ZBESQO-,TjlISH and ICE MERCHANT to his ExcellencyX1- ••- EAB& 8r»ifO«B,


FISH, OYSTER8, and ICE carefully packedani tent to any part of • Ireland in large or smallqnarititie* _ \- r .. \ A ( l t i • oul7.8ui

: BiUlard Tabla fbr BalaXby Karris).12 by 6, Metal Sides and Bed, in perfect order.

-.- 1 • • • -^Qasalier,- Bdlhi, and Cues.Apply to JOHN PENDER, Auctioneer,

olO.tf Waterford.

• TEA I XEA1! •SZh.W¦ • - - QA3B V.'CREDIT. , . ''. , -nnSE LONDON AND CHINA TEA, ICOM-JL PANT'S Celebrated BLENDED TEAS, from Is.mir ;lb. Qqalitr suoh aa cannot bo:sold on-eredit.Bnmples pout free. Apply, statiog priooTeqpired, toW. N. 80OTT, 8, Oeoiye-Stroet, Mioorios, London,E.C.

¦• - • V ; ¦ ', (s21'18t)

WATERFORD & LIMERICK RAILWAY CO.• : ":'',"Hotlo« ; !¦ '¦ 'Hereby 0lwa»-f:{ '

rpHAT.tlM. Book* for tbe Registration of .TraBs--V."fers rxtt t^mp«tay>Del>enruro Otock. viinbs'CiOBM) from thq 18thI to the 81et laitV, Inclusive,pneparatoiy'W'the 'pdyment of the '-Jl&lf-yearlyInterest on tbtf l«t prox.—By order, ,:.t:. V ,•' - •

¦'SS?.*JOflH J. MURPHY.'ISecrdtary.

. Head Office*, Waterford-TermlnuiV. ':..^..; :, .; ;- v :Srd December, 1883. f

iS^^^O^OXiiMs-B: 41 PILLS"tiF UjWuwB^twa'cpM WCieharsasfibmthoUrinarOiri iai^ .aMnuiMor.eMiiititntisnal.aTave'oCTtaTmtmiSe BfcA. , .Soli-Jo'V1"*8 *••' 6d. each, ofatlfjbefliiiisanj Patent Medioin* Vendor* j o??enibyany a4<^1iXcT.6DBta»psJ>ythf,Jftao<}ln*od tt'cU.nd^ oiS^

D/af O Wyj!il^hiii«haieill« Asentij

fno*io tb*BaalqrOravs],lAmVwo, BboumoUim, UoatM^aowofUviKldMrt^BUdder.ikrioiuro, 4o. '

i't ! ;BC<J8^MPOUS»'BB L PILLSHMI *** Oe



1VlIttrmiiaamSd11* S°S* "?*

t&S&siB^&TJrb^Onraas stastaUr/Foaacetl toBicmgsu&Smm^


PKINTING ! VniNIIJS ia 1Kffoctivo arrangements exiat at THK NBWB Office

for PUINTINO of every description, includingPO8TERS, Bill-heade, Circulars, Note Heading,

Pamphlets, Shop-bills, Hand-bills, Invoices,Moinorandume, Kent Receipts, Kental», Coursing,Hunt , 'Kace, and Invitation Curds, and all tbeForms usod in I'ooi- Law Uuions.

J2T ETK-LKT IJ ABKLB bo any sizo or pattern ;Machine-Ruling, Book-Binding, and, in fact, everything that can bo done in a first-class l'rintingEntablishtnent.




Production for the firat timo in Waterford,of the famous Cotuic Opera ,

" B I L L E E T A Y L O R ,"By II. P. Stephens and Edward Solorusin, playedfor over Five Uuudred Nighta, with ecurinouu suc-cess, at tbo Imperial and (Jaiety Theatres, London,und over One Thousand Nights ia the 1'rovincca.

Period—1805. Tho old characteristic Dresseu byA ugusto et Ck'.from the original desi^m by Pilotell.

To concludo with an Original Furce, by Fred.Solomnn, entitled,

" THE UNREHEARSED REHEARSAL. "Particulars in futuro issucB. d23

Mr. B. W. PEEEMAN,RESIDENT SURGEON DENTIST,(Licentiate Royal Colleg e of Surgeons),

SON AND SUCCESSOR OVrPHE LATK ALD ST. OEO. FREEMAN , J.I',JL may bo consulted on all branches of hi» profoeeioa at (f23)

7 and 8, BKBESI-OBD -ST., WATEnrouD.


THE Celebrated BELFAST TEA, in 51b Tins,2a. Gd. per lb., seat post free for 12s. Cd.

OPINION Of THE PRE8H." It is a Baving of Od. in tho lb."—ISelfat t Nt wa

Lttlcr cf Ot,h October, 1880.It speaks foritself ; buy itonce and you will want



nulM.13t GEO. O'NEILL, Manager.


COOPER COOPER & CO."VMAlLL send, post free, through the medium

V T of tho I'arcols " Post, PockageB contaiaing 41ba.,51ba., or Gibs, of any of their choioo variotios of TEAto any Postal Addross in Ireland on receipt of a remit-tance for Tliroo Ponco, in Addition to tho iirico of thoTea. Thus, 41bH of Two Shilling Tea will bo nont inciohango for 8ci. 3d., or 51ba. of Half-Crown Ten for12a. 9d., or Olba of Thrco Shilling Tea for 18i. ,'M., toany Towu, Villago, or Hamlet , wnoru thoro is a I'oatOlfioo. All letters to bo addressed to

COOPEK COOPER 4 CO'S. Chief K«tabliHhment ,50, King William-Street, London , K.C.



PATRICK KEILY & SONSA RE now paying particular attention to the

.«. Manufacture of ALJi for private family 01housekecpera'B use. Tbe Ale at 10a. Gd. p<-r NineGallon Cask is sound, sparkling, und well HOPPED,without the alcoholic properties Ijciug too high tolulmit of ita freu use at table. Its keeping properties uro guaranteed, having been succesHfully testedduring the past aeaaons, which wero very trying.

They respectfully request the favor of a trial.Subjoined is u List of their A leu and Stouts :

ALl)!'a- of 9 QO II B." Sampson" Alo [XXX] Sweet 15a. 0<l.India Tale, Bitter 13s. Cd.Strong XX, Mild 12s. Od.Tho Half-Guiuea Family Ale 10s. Cd.

STOUTS.Sampson Stout [XXX] 15s. Od.

[especially recommended for invalids].Export Double Stout 12B. Od.Medium [Family Stout] 10s. Gd.The above can also be obtained in Casks of 18,

30. and 54 Gallons.Delivered at all Railway Stations for Cush.




WILL next visit NEW ROSS at BRIDGiHOTEL on THUBBDAT, the 13th InBtant

nnd WATERFORD, at COMMINS' H O T E LQUAY, FBIDAT, 14th Instant. Moderate charges



"VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the nn-JJi dersigned is about competing for a share olthe City Traffic , and begs to solicit support.

gjgr HORSES and FLOATS will shortly be pro-pared to carry out all orders with which he may beentrusted.

dl4-tf WM. MURPHY , Mary-Street.


7 and 18, HIGH STREET, WATERFORD,BEOS to inform the Trade that be bus in stock a

largo supply of ostra heavy WINE PIPESTAVES (red dot), also best English Hoops, coiledund straight; Truss Hoops,and best French FirkinTwigs.

Ho also wishes to infoini Farment in tbe vicinityof Waterford tbat he is prepared to supply themwith the bent description of Firkins, Tuba, Caaj,&c. All description of Brewery Casks modo on thopromises.

Bond Store Orders and repairs done at tbo shortestnotice, and in tbe best style. d7.tf


P O R T R A I T 8TAKEN DAILY by Mr. WINTER, and Fini»h«jd

in the best sty le of ART, at hit approvedPHOTOOIUPHIO STUDIO I



A G E N T S of respectability and influenceWANTBD in loading 80a Port*. Manufacturing

Town*, and Commercial Centres, and throughout thoUnited Kingdom, for SALfi of LANDS of tho FLORIDALAND and MORTOAOK COMPANY , Limited, and toassist in ' Emigration. The Estates or the Companycomprise soma of the choicest Lands in Florida, andare upwards of 8,600 square miles in extent, mostly inoloae communication with Bail, Boad, and Steamboattransportation, and will be Sold ia small or largeblocks. Easy terms a* to payment. Applications forAgencies must be aocompanied by highest referencos.For Maps, Pamphlets, Ac., apply to the Sooretirj, atthe Offices of the Company, 7, WHITEHALL PLACB ,LONDON, S.W. ' dl4.2t



to all parts of the World on reoeipt of Two Stamps, toprepay postage. 84* pajeu. ;• ¦..,, . . . ¦. , -

The Booz ov POSITIVE BamDias stves som* extra-ordinary Cores of Diseatas of the .Urinary Organs.—Weakness; Gravel, Backache, and- Diechargea. Alto,of Nervous Debility. Tbo Name of the Medictr.o givenin English whioh was used in each case. The PositiveMedicines that were used by Dr. 8MJTS for over ThirtyTears art* now patented. Pall instructions are givenwith'eaoh Medicine, to enable the Invalid to select tbeMedicine and Cure himself, without consulting .tt'Hedi-oal Mao., Sent direct from the Laboratory.

H. SMITH A Co., 26 Southampton Bow, London,¦'¦¦ ; ¦<} • W.O. n3.U

•|«ori!RVOUS AND. PHYSjCAi. DEBiLV.rr.•J lu-A-jccpyemenj -hnfin .We* in tain eveiy,tri». Ba will be happr to l8r*ara1fie1fe»3B3I j "lo tarVofj ".«r c> reoe'.ok o( a stinistd : ind ilreeiM aa tlom,iJiddtttsi J. T. Unvau, Etq,, Biook VU)i, Hrm»«jtiaitLI«t-do-i. ¦¦ ¦¦ ¦. . . - ..¦ »8..1y •'

*lalSHljJJJ()aMEKt0/!:F flSl/BESi &c.jThe fi)lowM » t> f offthls joaobry:>eok fedin^

Deo.^d, a s\lppB^'to%V^8tQbViM6reant;i9;Offloo», 42, Gre»ha«-«trtet, London, and 1, College-istrest, Pubu>,;ooBipU |rom theb? Wukly Ocadlt ,—

joajfjoOTts^Vcted wreX roalpj CM>. 22nd, " jTotal Jodj*WBife5»SS3 .this rrlr to d»v«, . . .¦. aod oorii»jo)|dlog- p#i'p< ..- „.

:.;. \!. ... 4J79 .i. 7889 '; BUta; of E»* AS<>a »eek\ eadlBif itui <:To *iWj *«W »wm*«d this, j i tr j.o _ '; - ¦ : •'

^Wt j ^OVia£"to £'t?iiSiV.fi . 8M *m!!S^^^^M;vi^Ahr, *'• •.- nK.

Waterford JHarhctsWalerford , December 281A, l«»i:j .

We liavo no cli-ingo to report in prices of any article , 0.1

then: htm IK.-CII Hcarccly any utmincBH doing for tlio pant week'

J. &. S. l'UKl.AN.

I> it I (J K S G U II II K N T .1 K I S 1 I . O 1 '

1 N«w .

WHEAT, !><;r barrel of iM'Uba. H . il. S. it • il . r. d— WJi i f i - - - (m U in in. .¦¦:! 0 1., ^i 1,— Km! ¦ - - - 00 « <m " : " J< 11— Shipping ilo - - UD 11 u n '., n 1:1 11

BAULK Y , j ,t.r liiirr,:! of Jilll,«.— tj r ini lm^ - - ¦ (?) 0 'I*' 1 1- (l l.t '1— Multii iK - - I" " "" ' ''' '¦ 17 'i

OATH , i«tr liurrt sl uf 1'JOIU— 1»...:K . - W ¦• Hi) ii .'I <> I') 2— Orvy, . . WJ / 11 h i- ' in i)

P1,OUU , J.c-r H.i.:k , .,t JH' .'1I,«.— Kx-Sup iirituiM - - 33 0 ::ij 0 i-l i n ii— 1'iiicn - . . - :il u :;i i) n— ^rJ« - ^4 u s> 0'- J ') ()•» u

OATMKAI , , ]n;.- Hack . . "M 0 I ) • ¦ ¦, iiBUA N, purUwi. - . . . 1, 1 ii i ' . 11I 'UUl .Mi lJ il ii . . 7 Ii 1 ¦¦ ¦' ¦ »

K 'JUKIGN. Km: .. .WIIKAT . i,i!r lnilT i !l< >t M>li ,«. ¦ -I . » .1

— Aniiiriciti H]n 111 - , " ci ^.r, <;— )(oil Win te r , N,:w • • ¦ ¦' ¦ > < • l«i .1— Uuil HpriiiK • - - ' -"¦ i M V— Aziina ' '* "' ¦'— Aubtra t ian » ') i)i) o

I N D I A N UOkN , Yullow " i I il I H , „— — Il i r-.nl uis.l Kiiicu iiili • ' 1 'I 111 1.— — Amuriciu i New -

¦ '•'i U l.r, 0

— — Do. Nuu • ¦ ¦( I I I I D li— — (Jalutl - • ¦ l'i 'J 11, ()— — Salonica - - - ¦'/ •/ (/ ti I tt

FLOUK , Aiiicriaiii , per lutrrul of lUiill .s. - -' • > <i — t'ruuuli , peraacl:, of iftiUl ljH. - - '") ') i i ' li

INDIAN M K A L , Anioricun , per Back . - 'l -l I) I ».I (|_ I i lumo Miuiufuj liirr , pi :- i .» ,. . .~ t Hack , of vUJUlliM. i ' ' lH "

Imports and Exjmrtt f u r week endiny TUnnd- i i/ , \L7lhlMl'OUTH. KXl'OKT.S.'

Indian Corn.... — '^inn-tore. Indian Corn —ynarl .-r»Whoat va, Jy. Wl'eut — ll.mvli.O*U — ,1,,. | OutB !,\M .1,,. .Barley — Suck* lUrloy 5) <1< I

Flour I. '"1 •'"• Flour- S .S...:U.I — Itirrclb. Oatmoui — do

Mool SO Sack.. liidinmnuil ... — ilu

(Corrected i/iis day for the Walcrjvrd H z wi ) .ritoVISIONH.

Jl«cow I'IUK , per nirt. — — ¦><«. M . ( O ON. ' ¦:HrKAKH llil. — Iri II ljl| I)KKKT «J O. — 1" 'I M| l(H K A I *, d', — — —» II ii' i II

IIA :U> (ehaiiill' .-r 'Hj — — "7 n Ol I I

H U T i J I I K I W MKAT.I l K E r . |«:r 11,. — — Oi . 1 >¦ ! t ' j (i ( . 0- :WUTTU.V. p.:r Hi . — — l> J'l I i|LIMB, per '|r. — — 7 H i| nV K A I ., iM ir lu . — — I ' il II l|1'ouK , per Hi. — — II :<1 'i 0

POTATO KM.iVice j Kir htoH'; (wholenale) — (w. H. to I >H . Ih]

Uo. do. (rotuil) — l) 1 l| uH U K A I K

W I IITK . j»;r Him. —!IuonKitot .t> , iKj r do. —

'.VH1HKKYDcm.lw , per frallon —Couw. nuuchuun —

OH. Ij pl . t '» ( i ^ . il. lU u I) li

Dc^i.rw , per j ral lon — — HIM . ()•!. l.i JIM . II.1COUK , puiichuun — — 1U IJ ]¦; i;

F I H H.S i:\f roumiuiiiu CoilDnh. j ior c-wt. — £) H. <!•}. I D MI . Ml lKitui H DH , Uound Norwefr ian, por liarrul Ul f i 'i1' '>

1>O. Split Labrador — — ttl I) i f ) liSA L M O N , pur lb. (wholesale) •- u >l n i>1'K A L , jrtj r do. — — 0 0 o <iHoi.*, i*r do. — — (1 0 ii IITU IMIUT, iwrdo — — 0 0 0 0

VOVil, AN1> KWiH.Cjf l CKKHfj . CUCIi — —Coek Turkeyu , do. — —lion do. do. — —DUCK, do. — _UriuiK , do. — —fcmia , ;«:¦• 101 — —Fowl. ~ lur.h — —HOAI1 A N D CANDLESW IIITK, jKir r.wl. • —ftuown , jKj r do. — —Mout .li, jrtj r duion lbs. — —IJ UT, jier do. — —

i!«. "I. U, Z,M '10 O 11 I)

l> 'I II II:i 4 :i HII I) 0 I,a o a i,2 li I) II

>H t . Oil lo :ili . II .17 « :2 IIi a o <>i >i i :>

WOOL AND IIIDKHilO(fK»t Wool, por lb. — — 0». Ul . lo (J) . (l | .Wothur aud fwo, do. — — 00 8 W D}Skin Wool , do. — — 00 (I 00 aHlliK», pvrewt. — — 'il 0 Jli I)Kirn , per ewt. — — "M 0 '.'ii 0CAi.r. per dozon — — W U ¦£) «

TIAIIiKU.U KU Vine por ton, — — 70a. Oil. tu W.-i. 0<lV KLUIW P I M K p«r do. — — HO 0 W ilBTAVKB , por 1000 — — 70 0 if ) .1LATIIH, por do. — — 1:J 0 15 u

C O A L S .CoAUf , ner ton (at qnayn) — 17-f. 61 to 00 . . 0 1

Do. dolircrod — — — III II Ijl 0G'OKK , ,K;r Co. — — I S O no J

i'ODDKU ANI ) ORKEN CKOl'.S.IlAt . iicr ton — — 7'M. 0d. lu f< 'K (,'lbTRAW , whuatcn , jior Jo. — — 5'i 0 .v> 'i

Do., Oaten , — — .10 0 :« I)Toiintra, per do. — — 17 0 18 dMANIIOMW , per do. — — 21 0 ' l liCAKKOM , )Mir dn. — — 31 0 01 il

¦VVATEliFOKD BuTTEU JIAIiKKl .Number of / irkint weiyned oi £.' ? Public Uutlc- Afi.it-.;

for week ending Friday (t, i* 'Uxy J, cn< \**.8aturdny, — 16 — IV. . W. to 1 . W.Monday, — 1 - i!/) , Dd. » I I . OilTuesday. — 0 — C( ' . W. »o ' 0 . IJ .1.Wednc»<lay — 0 — C.» . Cd. o 0 0 . 01.Thuni(Uy. — 8 — * . 0:1. .o ¦ '.i. od.Friday, — I' — CO . Od. .o 0>.' IK'.No. of Pii 'ilnj corro»i'ouding v ¦) - kt ycr 12Prico porcwt 1 . Od. « (. . ) • . Od.

3Htths, JfflattfaflM, nnd p ti\ttu>.Xnnouncemeniso/fitrth tfarrtayeijandDealHxitrust jepre.paicl

B 1 K T II SDecember 28, at Dairsoa-atroet, Dnblin, tbo wif« uf Mr

John Drowner, formerly of New Itou, of a SOD.On the 20th inBt., at 3. Alexandra FUco, Cork, the wifo ol

Jamea Lambkin, Esq., of a SOD.OD 18th inBt., the wifo of James G. Barry, Esq., Sandvillo

co. Limerick, of a oon.December ii , "t Johnstown, Waterford , the wifo of Mr

John O'Neill , of r son.OD tbo 23ni last., at Salmon Fool Lodge, Co. Dublin , the

wife of Uobert Worthlngton, J.P., of a sou.Oa the Slut in*t., at 21, Todworth-sqtmro, Cuclaei , the wifu

of Joho Woalfe Flanay-un, of a daughter.

M A R R I A G E S .On tho 12th inBt., at St. James's Church, Piccadilly. Lon-

don, by the K«t. J. E. Kompe, M.A., Walter Qylos , Barrist«r-ot-Law, to Augusta, daoght^rot Nicholas Alfred Power, Esq.,J.P., of bellerue Uouw), Waterford .

Deo. ' 2, at LoughKotre Charoh, Thomas H. B. ButledKO,onlrsoa of Bobsrt Batladge, Eaq., of BloomQeld, co. Mayo,to Florence Boso, daofrhter of John Trant, Ksq., Dorca, co.Tipperary.

At St. Helen'«, Holri'ood, co. Down, Mivrtin Burke, Esq.,BarrUter-at-Lnw, eluont and only larTiTioir ion of JamesMllo Burke, ESQ., J.P., Qneenstown Cattle, Dalkey, co. Dub-lin, to EUaabeth Barroa Stanton, only daaghtor ot WilliamL'srron Staotno, lute Cnptaln 91«t Bcgimoot.

Deotmber 18, at Kockttew, Kildormry, co. Cork , J. Ahorn ,M.D., Uatb|{ormack, V«rmoy, to Mary Ellon. only daughUrof tliu late Cliarlcs O'Kearuej, Esq., Bookrlow, Kildorrery.

Dsoember 'M , at St. Peter's Church, Dublin, HuationiMoira Wolnriglif . un of the late Capt. WaiDright. Int Bat-talion Boyal Innixkillen FatLUen, to Jane, widow of tho lateA. Waogb, K«<|., of Dublin.

D E A T H S .On tbe 23th taut., ivt bla reaidenco, Uenneuy's Itoid,

Bobert FltigibboD, a«ed 73 yean.—U.I.KOn St. Stephen'* LVr, In Bailey'a New-Btnet, after •

tedious illneaf, which be bore with tbe moat Chrlatiau ro-sljrnation, Mr. Jameri Walab, printer, lat« foreman Mr.Uurrey'a EitublUhmeit. Quay, and formerly ot tho NEHSOffice, a truly upright oittteo.—May he re«t in peace.

Dec. 2S. at ber ton'* Ttsfcleaoe, WleUow, In the 91«t year o(her age, .Ellubeth, widow ;o( Bobert A. L'Eatrunite. Ev| ,aolicltor, late of », H>rooart.temce, and 40, William-street,Dublin.

December 21. Helena Mary, in religion Sister Mary JaneFrances (Siitcr of Cbirity), MiUtown, oo. DttbUn, ngad 31, olcongeition of the lnngs, result of serero cold, eldest daugh-ter ot P. M. and A. M. Puroell, Lincoln Place. Dublin.

Doo. 20, it tbe PnaenUtlon Content, ThorLea, Margarot(io religion Sinter Mar/ Joho), daughter or the UU EiclunlKyau, Eao,., of Oola HilU, oo: Llmerlok, ia tb» 99th year olber age, and 30th of bar religious proleaiion.—B.LP.

Decembor IS, at tho Presentation Content, Mldloion, co.Cork, Catherine Flood, ia rol Woo Bister Mary Gabrlel.dangh-Mr of John Flood, formerly of OrUtown, oo. Heath.

December 22, at Moa'v, Isabella, widow of Tbomis Clibboi J ,Eaq. of Hall, Moate, co. Wettmeatn.

December 24, «t 23, Clyde-rood. Dnblin, the Oar. WilliamBoberts, Sontor Fellow of Trinity College, Dablln, agedoVyears.

December 8, at BriaVotown, co. Cork, Mary Teresa, widowof John Clatcy, Esq.

December t\ at Cfthedral-plaoe, Limerick, Mary, onlydaagbter of the late Michael Smyth, ag«d il yean.

$ott Jilews—^assnae.A R R I V E U .

2Jnd—Cumbrae, s. 01a»gow, g oj_8arjpOTne. s, Qlasgow,Port Bald, empty i LI aerie k, 0, Mfltord., go i Cloch, t. Ply.mouth and Soathatpi tQo jj: oj.OaiMs; s, Newport, ooals •Cere», Cardiff, ballast i AUca Hoinor. Belfast, Cork, sand.

2ard—ZephjT, a, LITsrpooL roj Pembroke, a. Milford, g c.2ttb-Comengh, *,UT]f#o6|, ia i Tynewood. Porthcawl,

eoojs i Frlsnf*. CaKttl. eoato "iiPi •»'• Newport, coals jLara, a, Briitol.f O) MiUord. s, Mi l /ord*« oi W. J. Com!rnina, Newport, Boss, ooals i Toward, m, Glasgow, a; «.~. Mth—Boatb, a, Newport, ooals j Limerick, s, Milford, g c;Triad, Cardiff, Cork, toals. ~ .

26ta-Carshook, «, Soliaa, natu \ Thiatlr, Cardiff, Boo,ooals.

27th-Ballycotton, s, Olaagow, g o.

— '¦¦¦ ¦ ¦ B A I L Kl> .•23nd-MlUoH.a,Milford.goj Cambrao. s, O'JMJOW, go

Clooh, s, OlMgw, 11) Rose, Hewport, Umber.23rd-Llmmflek, t, 1 JUfoid, g o.21th-Peinlm>ka, a, Kilford, go.

/ 25th-8»raneu'<»,Port8ald.f?«M5l5ll5»^&lii5t»K5*i^? l °«


»> «•• Newport

•:' ' • - ; L'ISALTRAlLWiT" TRAi '7('~~~• Trajte-Jfac-JRifMio* tiidinj DBOBMiJSa tr.t, u:3.1 : " Wa-e co , Atb»ury -. . . • Kf toi— •¦

.: / ¦.. • ¦ • v,oua. . , . : »»* . •' Waie/Tor, J ancU uaLiuienck £nnis and Sit- itaJIwAy

(1« milta (:w miles, kenny iSl fAjlui-ooiwi). - Qp«n),j-.- iaJe»open) -o|M:f

. ; : • ¦ • ¦ •• ¦ -¦¦¦£ s. 0. I .. '* s. d. ;.. £ a. .d Z;.a. d.

Panene«n. ¦ : •• ' ¦¦ ' ¦- .• •

¦ ,. • '[ ¦¦ ¦ ¦¦'¦¦¦: . , . , . '- .Paroel«, Ao, j . , &5 13. 0 13V 8 6

0«ods,Vnttle v . ., ; !:.. .;. . .. - ,; !. .*«*:7 8 7a '3 3; Total.:.¦;..'.'.3KS- i 0 ' |7V 0 :0.'¦'¦«) g;8 'OS 8 »

;S ?Siik»?aw -;9_ ?¦ M i/ wk&rt'j i - rn-is aWA'TEBroBD;1 ivsQx&Visl 'Mrihtsadus..

, .. . - • ¦ : .{ . ¦¦ («l 10lM;1-V. .V(.'- « >"i'.v.'4-,- . .-::: '¦ • ' .

• »S»4f«i«'«aau.({ FaiO4r.»«J«atBKB,;SU«, 1883. !Paatsnitraiiutosl*,• ilUU»/*3.»3 :Mi !s. ''.l - v*l«>» •¦« "'lhwd»,Co.0j), »aA laltl*-':!1 -.). .;).- .;;;-,v { .,,,.\ .JS^.ftV 0

Cpry»tK.B «! ^ M^ lilM 3 v

to b9>iiii>nl«»witk^beco!.5rtii9<rfAe^T^^(Jr«6Fce.¦Her'supi f'oJ !fli« uIi*iod;*CfloAl» ttwlotptfyary


'..' :- ."' \>-

¦ '*"''¦' ~* '¦ - *'"•' ''

:".' ¦ i 'v -^'i »*.'¦•

¦' v.'-i ' . ';:i+i ': ¦£ •.[ t"/';.*'' ' >"»> - ¦'¦¦'''

. ' *- ' >¦ v'i '.-*

1 v ¦ ¦- . ' . '. ; *• . • - '. .

'- - • ~ : ' '::* ' . ' ¦¦¦:-,. .i-.fl- '•

"¦• ' '¦•'.. '• •¦ '¦' '.:¦ - '..

'<. "• .,

<SL-^ (Loktcrfm -ii |tes.*' f.K J U S T , A N D K K A K . NOT ."

r-'JUOA V M V K i V l N O, DKC. 28 , 18H ;t


It is rrjiorlcil ill a ( J i i i i . i <l i _-sj>iit<;li n:c<:iv<:il at['i i i i . H l ' 'iit tin.' M ;ilnli iH advancing on Khar-toum , ninl is CXJ II - I:L I :I 1 L- i readi tliat jil ;icc in ten•lays . Tin' ni i t l io i - i l i i .'K :it Cairo , liowovcr , B' itotliai l ln -y l i i iv i - no iiifo. iiialion confinniii}; thon: |)i i i l . A 'liniritl J l c w i L l , with tbe BritishHijii:uli-nii . is at hJouaWiin, and has made nrc-|iar;it ims fur its drfriici; . O'tiimral 8artonu« ,in a Hui'ti i- , lia:i uap ln i - -d a j iumWr of cumc:U(.-at l lr , and Hln - i- p , tu^'cUicr v.ith two unRoni-rH .

A Ki:iili:r 'x l i : i i - ^iain from (Juiro , underycntfr-day'H i l.-i tij . Klatc n that , accoi-dinij to tin: latestint' .- l l i ({i;ii«:i: n:i:i-ivi: it in tlir; Kgyptiau capitaltin: Mi i l id i was H t i l l al. VA Ol.i .-id.

• 1 ' I IK A T V I T I J I ) !- : OK T l I K RKIiiaS.Ai , t : . \A>-|ii:ii , TM I . KSOA V .— Inti:l l i yi:nci: if.-

i:i:ivi:i{ d.- iv finm Suiiakirn (u Uiu iH t h instantHlaLi . s I hat t i n - I - C ;I II :1 H were. Uin-aU'llinj; IUwivycli ,a l. 'iwn Kit i iat ' :d to tin: noi - l l i of KouuL - ini, aboutoni! thu- il of tin ; d iH l a n r i : ln:lwri - n that place andKol;u:ir , and that (J <>lomd Sai-torins has B-nt ani'iXyht.iun ;,'ii!il)nuL to \:i\n : ,,11 On: ^ai-ri-iijii amiinhali itants.

O l i A N C K A M ) C A T U ' l L l C KIOTS I N N K W -KOI J'N O I . A M ) — I, (>SS OK I , I K K .

.Sv. .J OH .V '.S, N KWVOCMW.A .VI ) , \VKD S K H U A Y .—A riot has oi.i:uni-d at. J la i l i o i i r (jracc Ix.-twf.i-uOrangemen and Catholics , in which three per-H O I I K w«rf; ki l lo d iiinl iicvi-nil inj i irnl . A det;itch-tnont of t.nyijw )n vi 1M :V I I *i?ni , to Un: nne r,f U,o<iiKtiirba.ri r.-t; .

T l I K l - ( ) i ; I N . M A N C I I K S T K K .W A I I U - .i , l:."lu T l I K C A N A L — K X i . T I I N U l. 'J KKr : —T.vo

i -K ' i r i .K I IK ',-.V .N ::K.I l l l r in ;; yi 'Hl. i -n l . ij 'ii f'>^ nt .M;ni i : i i i -«t i -r, it lj onl 'i

p.m. four wol l; in-opli- , lut iiiimijj alunj; tl,i- canulut . laiUwnrlli from Uirir work , f^ll <,r <Tiilki-<l ur.i r i -il ci i ta l l y into tin: watpr. A Klniw l i : for lifi> cnsifd ,:in<) ov i :n l i i . i l l y t w o J D I I I IJ pf .-r.soiiH, Kl ix Miv t l i l l ; i r> l y.iml Jmiii -H Walkir r , wi:n: ilrf j wni'd.

OIJTRACKOIJS CONDUCT I1Y M I L I T A R Y .L:iHt ni lit , tli n. i; Imnilri .'il cowardl y Ho ldii- rn broki:

into Cily Arms pnl i l ic - l io i iH r , Cnnt<:rl,iiry, dr.ink upli quor , HiimRl x- il furniture , -. iwl i:oui pli't< l y wrvcki . ltin; ])i.;iiii(i o». 'J'hi! d i i i t i i i lw ni .-i ; la«|i:il t i l ) pa):l t w ein tin; morning, tin: ]):itrol l,i-jn^ unable lo i;nj|i;with tin .- rioti .TU. Tin- I H I U K I : of tin: alL-u :k w:ia m,n-ri:i:<; i pL of ;i h i l vc r w:i!i;h won hy l.ln:ir sin;; in;;party .

IH ;A' 1'/ I OK A k < : H i ; ! N i ! o r I ' Wi r. K i . i , .Ai-;hbii;! op l' iiri:i:ll , of <Jiin:iiinulii , Ohio t; H j-,

i lea-l . ' '

I O N . I ON COliN— Tins DA Y.Scarcel y an/ l iuHiin -n - i done n.1. .Mark l . : i in :. Mar

ki:l vory d i l l f ir nil k iu- iK of j ^rnin.l,i VEIiTOOI- COk.V. THIS 1) . \Y.

Sirinll allendmiij i:. Whi- i it , I d . |r, -.v>-r. Coin , O.-il . 1 ,I 'lour and Mi:n. l dul l .

T J I K T R A M W A Y S ' ( I R K I . A . VD J AH ".

Thin Act—one of tin: fi-w I,< - II I .TH -.I:I 1 I I I<: : IHIII ' I - H

pilHBcd in tin: lant iSeniiion of tin- I1nperi.1lParliament—Hcein n not to l;<; nnd'.-inlood verywell by thoBu who are attempting to put ilu u«u-ful proviuionH ir to oiieiation—in fact it is ofmich a character aH an excellent :iutlioriSy, theRailway Time*, witli full i-xpi-rirnee whichattended rai hvuy proji.-c iH in the p;int , (l<:;j<;ribi .-H ,fefcrring to the manner in wliich it liaii beenclutched at in this country, an the " exuberance" of spiritH with which the Irinh people have" accepted and acted upon the tramway measure" of last session is but the natural conni. <(uenr:e" of that which ha» gone l)efuie ; hut il in to" be hoped that an a nation they will not be led," as 80 many individuals are, by single HUC -" cesses into leckleBii and oftentimes ruinooa" Bpcculations. " Wo refer now U> this matterprincipally because we have read a very sensibleand practical letter on the subject from Mr.VINCENT SCULLY, Golden, Cashel, from whichtown it is proposed to construct a tramway onco the Watei-ford and Limerick railway, webope, and of which Mr. SCULLY writes .—

" We have had a. rough survey made by anengineer of several routes, and in order to haveiinple time to ascertain tho best route and our bestway of getting a line on that route, we have d«-cided to defe r our application to the grand juryuntil summer. When we have Bettled as to thehost route we shall have the line laid Out (with allnecessary plans, <tc.), by our own engineer, whowill alBO give ua an estimate of the probable cost,and our own solicitor will see to all the necessarynotices, advertisements, ic. For tlie reHt wr hopeto do our own work ourBelvcn , and we do not ex-pect to lose by tuking this trouble. Wo proposeto j;et up a Limited Liability Company (say£30,000 to 40,000 capitnl) in .81 shares, at a cost ofabout JB10 for registration uud £7 for the necessaryseven shares in tbo mcuioiandum of association.We shall probably issue no more than those Bevenshares until vn have got the haroniul guarantee,and then we can offer in tho market , our 30,000shares, with guaranteed interest , in exchange fortheir equivalent in cuah. After (jetting tho moneywe can advertise for lenders to construct the line(for cash), according to our engineer 's plnnn, Ac.,and the contractor will build the line umler t!iocheck of our engineer und our solicitor. "

The danger to tho ratepayeiH of plnngim.;headlong into the variotm HcheuicB proposed iaobvious, and ought to be levi m-d cautiously.Our experienced authority on mich nubjccts,the Railway Times, ia of the H.ime opinion ,and wisely counsels discretion. " The fearB wehave expreased," writea our coteuiporary, " soon" after the pugBing of the Act , have been more" tbiin realised, and now while the Act is iicircelj" three months old , we find that, it has resulted" in bringing before the world no ICBB that 300" Bcbeuies, and still they come, leading ua to" believe that in tin: reBult the i-emedy may" possibly prove woree than the ilisiiasebyopen'" ing up a field from which ii -responsible pro-" fcssional promotci'H may reap a harvest and" bring down odium upon good intentions. The" Irish papei-B of the puflt two or three weeks" have recorded an amount of zeal on the part" of ratepayers and governing authorities which ," although crediUble as showing an earnest" desire- to accept the proffered aid aud help" thomselveB, must from its very magnitude be" fraught with danger. Heuce those upon" whom will fall the burden of loss in all cases" where unprofitable lines are laid down should" not allow their enthusiasm to dilute their" calmer judgment. We trust while there ia'" yet time, before they stand committed to an" injudicious outlay, they will look at the matter" from a practical standpoint , in order to sec in" each instance whether the game is really worth" the candle, and if no, to wateh with a jealous" eye against the possibility of the strength of" their position being reduced, if not entirely" destroyed, by extravagance during the period" of incubation either in construction oreqnip*" ment."

NEW LAND ACT—AGKICULTUKEWe wish to-draw attention to Mr. Thomas

Power a letter on this subject in another column.Mr. Power i learly undcratauds the question onwhich he writes. With a chaujjed climate, nighprice of lubor, increasing Nixutioo , and downwardprices, the outlook for furmerK is nut encouraging.Owing to tho vnormous quantities of foreign pro-duce in KngUnd last wetk, oui Liverpool corres-pondent informs us that home pigs were almostunsaleable ut very low prices.

RESULT OF CHEAP FAEES.The Dungarvau llailwuy Company give retc- n

tickets from Kilmeudon to Waterford every Batur-day for tixpmct , the distance being about six miles ;tbitt is, at the rate of one balf-penoy per mil*,including return journey. Tbe result is, that theinhtbituntis of PortUw, Fiddown, and tbat part °*the 8urrbundin!{ country, all come this waj uow« tothe very aerious pecuniary loan to tbe Waterfordbridge. . Last Saturday, and every 8»tunlajr, jtneroad trom tue Dunj ^arvun terminus to WAferM™is crowded with people, all com in j; from the traiD.,

GovERNUKtrf AUDITS.—At a meeting of .'^hjIiiverpViiI S.;loctVeatry,on Turisd ty, it wu-'J decid™that an appeal be uidd« to the HigbCuurt of Jorticeto decide the legality of piyiog the. Mlf'iig 0'*Oit'Jolic ctwplain for the wurkbouse ootof .tbe -Tit w.The:.VPitty..:ha»* U-en pnyiog o . prfijsf,' 4t;d _ tb«Tfalryman wbo Binned the cbi-quu tor toe I-«V p»J*mert bi« been snrebargrd. .: .;. '. > . '; ' : ;ii\ 8ii; ]pr': ?osTAar STA3SP3.—It'iis .U-Vievad, Butpo6tBi{Bt8taoipa will e-mcily (>e tillowalitu bd *M*n"bojiH us.^weH .ia:'piist i .'fi f ./I'-.1.'* *'" ** *areit puLlic couVtfiiitiqe 1, aVpiMpte of i«& nii «l>ort

Page 3: snap.waterfordcoco.iesnap.waterfordcoco.ie/collections/enewspapers/WNS/1883/WNS-188… · /> THE -WATES FOBI* SSWB."^ ttitl«tnS4i«-< ¦ ' ". .tiSfejAMtt . '«fiE. .PUREST


THE CHBISTMA8 BAZAAR.The annual Baxaar, in aid of the poor relieved by

the Sistert of Chsrity, was held in toe Large Boom,Town Hall, jMterday, and notwitbBtanding tbofact that of late nany similar call* have been madeon the charitable public the.attendanee was up totha-aTeraKe.'and the amount realised was fairlygatisfactory. This fact in in a great measure attribu-tablo to the energy displayed by Bej. W. P.Power, C.C., and the teal of the ladies whoundartook the onerous teak of presiding at thestalls, and gave not alone their services, but hand-some priies to tempt the public to try their luck.The room, as is usual, presented a very animatedappearance, the deooralions being both profnbe andtastefully arranged. A string bind, stationed on thefillery, played a selection of music during the day.

he'foUowing are the names of the ladies who pre-Bided at the stalls, with the priwa and the prisewinners i—

Fane? Fair—Mrs. and Miss Feely.Christ Two-Mrs, and the Missw Seolt. _ ..Mrs. and Miss Commina—A Table, won by Fe.ther

O'Biordan, and an Epergne.MM Brenuanand Mrs. Williams—A Mirror, won by

Mr J. J. Phelan ; a Mosical Court Scene, won by Mr.tt. Hegaky, Cork, and a Book of Irish Scenes, won byMiss Brennao, Tramore.

Kw. Fowler—A Bible, won by Ut. 3. AHinghatn,'¦MaTOMleet, and Threo Volumes of Sermons, won byMfM Affi»m , aridaI)oU, won b, MUj GaUwe,.

Mrs. DeW, Mrs. *• Smrron, Miss Connolly, and"Miss Jackson—Terra Cotta Set, won by Mr. DavidmfttieTaLamp, by Mr. M. Tiernev ; Indian GoldTVatS'by MrT l>. K«gh. T.C. ; Golcfchain. by Eev.n! Plwe?. Adm. ; Hanil-painted Terra Cotto Plotts,Wfby &1.W. P. PowerVcVC. ; CigarStand, by MuwK Oooney and the Pipe, by Miss E. Power.

llta TeoSlA ShipT'wou by Miss Cltoa , a Fer-nerr bv Mr. B. Manning ; Album, by Hn. W.

MOTBCT.'Dr. Power , Tlurd. Mr. B. Phi-, and a

*££ SSSJfSS 'iSrb tt« O-Mcara-AStolSm ClXWon by Mr!! Phelan ; Ia* of Va**,,

'•C' DottDMis. Fleming, and tbo Mis.cs

Po -IrVnBedTtlad, won by Mr. iobn Kelly ; Otto-M

Mr7 Edney*SndItheX.e. Moran-Morning and

^S JSmSSuSm^Sv* Btond. on'tySMr*':£&g£X&& SSffiS by tho MissesK

T&LoKerr was presided over by Bar. YT. P. Power,assisted by Messrs. W. Egan, W. Hearne, Q. Ke y,H Hearne, W. Keogb, L. Stafford, and Master Kelly.

ThrSIyor and the Mayor-elept and eeveral ofthe Clergy visited the room 4anog Uo day, andMr. David Keogb. T.C, who was present at alltimes, rendered -valuable assistance.

CHBISTMAS AT FANNING'S INSTITUTE.At the Fanning everything on Christmas Day

was obserred with solemnity and pleasure. . "e.poor inmates, 74 in number, hal a good bread, but-fe, and tea breakfast, and an excellent^abstanl'aldinner of roast beef and plum podding. Theyeppeared right weU pleased, and erioyed the repastwith evidtnt fatisfacUon. The Very Bey. DeanMorgan and Mr. Bundell were in attendance for aconsWerable time: Of eot-rse all the arrangementswere made and carried out under the «uP«nn<«n-dence of Miss Duokett. B lady of great ability,conrtesy, and superior intelligence.

CHBISTMAS DAY AT THE WORKHOUSE.CbristmaB day came oft Tery eatisfactonly at the

Waterford workhouse. The poor ""nates, of w hichthere are 1.038 in the house, got the usual teaIreakfast and meat dinner. The children lookedweU, and were remarkably neat and clean, and allthe inmate. were very orderly. The officersm at-tendance were i Mr. Beidy, the yery efficient mas-ter and Sister Catherine O'Brien, tba equally effi-cient and most attentive matron. Also present,Mr. Hennewy, assistant-master ; Mr. Healy, por-ter - Mr. O'Neill. assistant do. ; Mr. Moss, MissO'Conuell, ard Miss' Abearn, teachers, 4c. Aid.Bedmond and Mr. B.-Morrissy, D.V.C., were inattendance. The dinners occupied from 12.3'Jo'clock, to nearly 2 p.m.

COMPLIMENT TO THE MATOB,At the Petty Sessions, this morning, Mr. J.

Slattery said as this was the ltst day their worthyChief Magistrate would preside, hetthiogbt it wastheir duty to pass a Tote of thanks to him for theefficient and kindly manner in which be had per-formed his duties. It was unnecessary for him tosar more tlwn that he performed these duties tothe satisfaction of all parties, for he possessed auoHR kindly nature that he could not say no to any!body, or punish those who deserted it. In coneWl«on, he proposed a vote of thanks suoh as he bd]jnenUonid. Mr. John Byan had.moob pleasure*seconding the motion. i*T^Ald/L. A. Byan, who bad been moved to .f tchair, in putting the proposition, said he nteasarcely say that he agreed.with everything MrSlatUty bad said ol the efficient manner in wMtttthe Mayor had conducted the business for the |Mtwar. He had been most attentive to his dunesbnt Jthey wem all lUbleJo. «rr in the course .ottteiU»L. and ff t£a Mayor erred-ftti«ll it.t»as.«V»<side of mercy—the proper.slde be thought M errA'letter had been reoeired from Dr. Scott, reijet-ting his inability to attend, through iUneoa, toftap-pott the Tota of rthanks to his worship. The mkic*was carried unaninwnsly. . . . i l' *.'.

The MATOB said—I thank you ?ery much, gfjtlejmen, for the Tote of thanks you were kind eowgto eire me. I will only say that T shall gr*t allsremember it. Mr. John A, BUke, one of the lesjof my predecessors in this obsir, told me thi Btbdmost be felt in bis mayoralty was to be«K inlicalled on to preside her* orer gentlemen eriear waJbis superiors. I replied that I had no such to agitbe tl* gentleoieu wh«r now-composedl U»fc»~fofStfpstrdtM were so affftble and.inteUig-rtabJtljeVgaw me- erery saisUnoei and ¦nopthfcf atpatb£> eTery.#ayr. Iaisocould-biTeiolcLhUilb#thejwi«nttaa«i»tcat« who now fills the'offid jt»aTisprteotis'gontleineB,and 'ono who wat asfbjoPbe7i&u->6ou&b**h and'most.*ntU>us ,t»'tf«:!•d»*ryrinfptin»tioa.1;J Ba,T8 o«orf"to aj, icitt-rflepj.WiWcr.tiiank yq« for the higb, honor j | Wedanf aja (hear, hear).. . ,. -¦ .-,:..¦ nV- f. a - /

ffSMLATION OF THE' MATOB; FMT.At the meetlng_of the Town Council; «rif**i«y

neat .-tha flrsTbaainert't.-awactod wlll^blhe in-adSilcoofitbe Mayor-elect for tbe ensuft year,SSoiTrtesam*bcaision,' theooigotngJB»r willbe ihstatoii tViBoeto«-fl?er|t/iIb.erji>rte»«ralimportant recomroendationsfrom theFina* Com-mittee to be considered. • [1

L O C A L I T E M S . \\LAIIO Coionssios is KXLKSMMT.—In flly to *

ktter of Mr. E. Mulhallen Marum, w»en onseeing the suggestion of Mr. Th'ooJa* »fer, of•Wftterferd. Mr. Denis Godley, secretary to|e InshL»nd CommUsioo, writing f rom DuUin, Bceinoer18 states that •' the nert sitting of a 8b-Com.nteaioa at Kilkenny b to extend from theft to the28t*» J«n., and the Commissioners hope twdonngthat time s,U tbe cases andleposeJ of in »¦ countywiU be beard. The Commissioners are |MMf tJJ•Uot* longer aitiing to KUkenny than thtgweeks/rThis information, we are sure, will Ae fowl satis-factory to the many applicants for •eqpK '***rests. • '¦ ¦ ¦ < .¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' «¦ • . ;

•DisoBicxiTJi. COKDOCT or 8otDrtB«.-» iracas. Mrred

on 81. Stephen's night bttw&'. ioiMsoldier* «nd cirBians, wblch was rtr&eu a*-sumlng most seriou* oonsoqaencet. whicHt wouldhiVe were it not for tbe tfcd/appesrajHbf thee. It appears that kt iio *l.b *U&* nln«

Jn tSe night in question somo soldiers, ibo . wereT«fly »ader the influence of drink, **&™°?g 'E£Vp Micbad-street, calltog out, "Podwith tb»b—T Irish," and nsingr many sueb,ofg«»f «rnSjomv 'Their conduct bad the effect! collect*SPTcrtwd, who seemed f»dfa'ed> »j*t..!UtowlW »Bcred by tb« soldienr, and a flit seemedimmltiiat, whoa the police »me,o»o' lit scene,and Tnsrt between tbe two parti«s.aTB »?Idicrs,wbo *<*• forced to tttir * in th* dfod *<*tUbarrackt, oommenced to throw tttma ill ? Pwic*.and on* of them, ConsUble .MMlcton erfwd *»er» vz\f Wo* on tbe chin, which hurt bi»J»*»w«jr<Ko axwsts w6f« made, sothstwe. irni pro .««»«

weok. prices baring risen to 7s. peri ijJJJV *«k- pigs were so& in Enffln4.at 48 «£**/:«0 *ew shipped from ouVqwy to /;.! - *. M!

i hsdslw large numbers of H»«iflc k. ;-; . _ :thJ

•'Veekjut the Mlowior price./Coc>r. Mf J^^J eaehlr hans,: fifci -acese/efc^cb.^pi j*- *

••etft'i' T>e- business in tb« trjde Ust.w :.*» =V *j': t«

;rfotd «'i8ei>orn>oot.i ¦¦ : ¦ » ¦ y'' ' ii"' iii

' ',Kd

r.-jeSuichcs'in .Xhtt ciSwere'te I '.f f ^A Stbi::'wii.ceM lo»Jp;ffl«i« «M

^*r?. %&&i ).*mah«t.ot.eommuB||«t«,ta " W ?_*£•«lb»i rtndast d.thWgresA nia of m,PW$g£t' htortbj «*»«! intsjoper-nc .whlcB PfjOTj? f


Last week, we had the;plei sure of chroniclingthe gratifying proceedings <atftndant on the triatrip of the new eteamur BKai rod, Oapt. Peartt,buiU at Dundee, by Messrs. P 4rce( fur oor gn twprising townsmen, Meenrs.' Allingham & Co., andthis week.; we deeply rugret U bare to record thetotal loss of the same vessel, J S stated in our last,she armed this day we«k in | 'ublin, on fier firstvoyage, and on Monday left 6i her return trip forNewport; Mon., there to load jr this port, whereshe was expected to-morrow r Sunday ; but itappears tbat whilst making for ao Bristol Channel,weather Tery thick, she went a jore in VVeat DaleBay, near St. Ann's Heid, in Wdente fog, at 4.80,Cbiistmss morning. Tbe capbin and ciew weretaken off by uparBing sleaverlbout one p.m. sameday. The steamer is fust on ho i«.;ka : at hightide her deck is level wi i the water, andon yesterday, tho toots nm n y through herbows, and ber cbanqes of salv fe are now next tonil. ' Tbe .vessel beiog fully, i mred, the agents ofthe underwriters took poeaessi i.jand the sea beingsmooth, lighters and stimmer went close by, anieverything movable wiu to' dir . The Shamrockwas 210 M 31, with 14 tett delu of hoW. She wasImilt up to the highest reqifeaienta of Lloyd s,'and fitted throughout an' a 'njt<lus vessel. • Herengines were 26 in. and fiO in.{Eamoler, with 36 in.stroke, and she attained a sped of 11 knots by log02 her trial trip. Tbe m'eaUl By apathy and re-gret are expressed and d&eplwelt at this untoward«rent. ¦ I *» Loss oi THB " Sotpa * IRIOAND."—Newtfrom Weymoutu reports thai on Christmas Day,the Great Western Companls etesjner South o/Ireland, Capt Pearn, tiadinlbetween Weymontb"and Cherbourg, ran ascoro hr St. Alban's Heid.The crew brought intelliAce to Weymouth,whence assistance was d(:8pa«ed. The steamer vta total wrecic. The So a W» o/Jfonl iJ,^ well knownhere on tbe Waterford; aodl[<If«rc line, nntil re-placed by the new Btoaoiboal sidceWhich she badbeen successfully tradinf tp fance.

EIWAED roa .6xi,LAXV,^Tjpxsi—In our lost,«re-trrtefly notioed thaU(»tOKSAdo irableiiumanaInstilution, the Shipwr) Sd FShei; lea and Man.ner»' Society, hod awat ( a j)um ol £20 to Capt.John Coffoy and his cr r of the stOinsbip Come-ragh, of this port, for. I t uttlserricM rendered insaving tbe lives of th c ew bf a link'ng vessel,and ws now have mucl p anaa in'publisbiiig thereport of Capt Coffey,' a de ol the'occaiiion to theWateHord Steamship alpanV, whjoh shows follytbe great danger.encott <ued h the noble missionof saving human I<fe ! * ( ¦ ! ) ¦

" Saturday, Sept. 2, I to, frost Limpool to Water-ford-(-B<?ffioi wit& who! [«!«, Wfi,W. ta 8.W., verybighiiTu, heavy rain at t ins. ' AI I0J5 a.m., Toskarliji-booBO bore N.W .bontttieo intles ; kept thoeonio W. by 8. for Con btg l-glt-ahij). At 11 a.m.,sigKad a schooner, deeTUden, iiu<her eosijn unionAitp in her rigging j jh» was ldoaring heavily! theEtufeways and bolw»ti» on starUud side gone, allhefsails flying about |h« appa-ttly in a Ud way,thVwater washinf ov< her. Baild, and spoke her ;Ihi captain and;'crew U nil foafeeople, crying outthir vessel was/sinkii fAtbeir onlfboat was:broken,hi nothing to/cat, a a eihweUJfrom vnmni if. Ioaered both ataTboarqand port qoner pinnaces lo bokl ready forunnchia|,\«aa attsr bms manuaviicg,Igot.close to windmd of the S4oonor, and hovetfcm sevetat lines, aating tbem vlmake themselvest&t^nd.tbty would beibamodonboil; this they were{raid U do, exoeptiar'oiily a little by, who was sac*issfuBr baaled throtgh tho water. [The ohief offloer,Ir. 8i/nott, and fon .ottha crew,pbly volunteered,fad lowering the pott pinnanoe, ¦ Wed the , captainInd hii two remiinlcg m«a. Great false is dae to theirayjhey handled their: boat, in tu heavy sea, andtettilg her safe on board n-rain. Tcir names are asFoltya :—NiohoUsBinnott, chief ofter (Waterford) ;Johi Walsh, quuter-mastot: (PassaA ; Wo, Hutotra.sonJqoarUr-nuuter (Watotford) ; .Btk. Lannon, A.B.(Wi«rford), end John O'flnra, A.BlWaterford). Thetowoner was called MMay, ot'Swisea, Captain. P.Cwstopher, front Cardiff to Dnngifvan, with .cargonfioali. I could sea tha tehoonanklf a.n honr after

(ssfiog tho men. I pruooeiied to Wtorford, and ar-Jrifed at SJ31 p.m. Toskar light-hdie bore E.N.E.lannt five miles.V ' :¦ IIpKBEiaLi SmmBiKaF. AT Sil—The barque\Ulen Knlayion, o! TTOOD, Captffiaker, arrivedIt Queonstown on Saturday evetng from NanBork,with a cargo of petroleum forrork. The cap-lin reports that on, the (ith ioit.l lat. 39 18 N.,Ind lorg. 51 W., be , picked off a r* in a, most ex-jpaudtcd state Capt. Baine and fivaeamun of thefehip Befinn, of Ynrmoatli, Nova &>tia. CapUinIBaine,. when fully oboBcioas, gavathe followingaccount of the catastrophe:—He said fiou Phila-delphia on' the 15th alt., laden witlpatroleam forLondon. Tne vessel w»s at that pio in perfectcondition, and carried 18 men, allJold. ' A- short[timp, however, afier leaving port, tip encountereda aucc<!Ssion of terriflu hurricanes Wth completelydisabled the ship, carrying away lists, and si<b-merged her to the poop. This cala ty forced, thecrew on to toe poop, where a counc iras held, andit was decided to abandon the chip.' Accordingly araft was constractvtt, on which WHS koed a'smatlfaarnd of blsenit* fend sane wate .' d on tbift andin one of the boats che oipUin W.'t ten men got6rtbe lsi?inst;i5a,:ja It4aV>»«W;* )ntl; lUug "28West, the.remaiajngtsevsn mei i tying ° .oi . thepoop of the vessel;' Tbej were ynl « short dU-t-nec from tbo ship wbe.i - tbe boutfcapsiied, and^he eveupunts swam to the raft, 'Uph which theygot ; but this number wns too man for tbe raft,Whi'Ji was thereby'upwt, and five of le men swamback to the ship. Tho captaia and'ie men, how-ever, regained the raft when it .rigfcd. and werefor five d»ys drifting about; withouffood, exceptthe ciabt which >,they ett off the la weed theypioted up, but this sddid to their Iffsrings bycre*ting n great thirst! Capt. B»in4tet the dayafter patting the vessel he saw at ft fetance whatappiaredtoTiioi ft portioa of the pol of a vesselupon which were- (two or thiee men.1 However, betbinks that without a miracle of Pifdenc*. theremainder of the crew mnst be lost, hb day pre-vious io his being taken off by the KcB Pinloyion,a large ubip, name unknown, seeing k aignals ofCi8tiess, hove to at some short, distail from him,but launohed no boat, probably thinttg that theraft was a boat and could row ta ha and aftersome time the vettel proceeded on herburso w'.th-out making any attempt to rescne lem. TheHelen Finiayon experienced severej w«her on thevoyage, and lost some sails and bul art.

L I T B & A T U R 1 .EASON'S AufAkAO yos 1884.—\ e 1 re received

a copy of this excellent oloiansc fo 1( k. It is tou*eful and practical, end contains « ach infor-mation, that no person iibould be wj out it. Itcontains a directory of thu principt o: ialsof thecounties and chief -towns of Irelai I > opulationsof idl English, Irish/ anS Scotch ' m and coon-ties, and of the chief torn* of tb< V ted.Statesand Canadaj,tb» rsilwa,7s of the TJ x& JBUtesand Canada t the development of t «* LsH riUlwsysystem; remarks, and taUet of th d « of open-inff of ell linesl)f-*ailw«y, and t i l l ¦ financier,invaluable statiatjes. It i« poblU id y tba emi-nent firm of Mesfcrs. W. II. Smith ,8< . Dublin.

WOBJCS WjASt Tt W LVTHl*.—f » J*e «»ce]*<«three smiU but tery interesting bo a * the We ofMartin Luther, poblishetl by the i lentflrm . ofBunui and Oatev Londoo. As tl * scribe thisapostate priort & hi* true cbaiac it, iven by bisowa sayings an4i dotogsn 'as nlso ij '» . eotem-poraries, they ar« weU woi th reo lin f bis strangethat though be -manufactured a ni * ligioa him-eelftosoit bis oWa depraved tast« M bad bablU.be'recoutmended'hls poor aflicted'h her not toJoin it, bot to stick to tb# old tutn.^;

'¦.'. .¦'. f A B B l O N J Ln i 'B X lf & ' • • '•'"

¦•'¦•¦' John Allinttl sin^

>BBq;-i;M*y'>r-efai bw issued

tawt»tb^^23»b«<^ 'fr ".cow,,,.^ for a baociSTon tie evening . th» 1st of'j SurSiBv*rwvpI'« *m* w:-***tl^^lSSS&i^-A • ¦*« gp| ^Ut| j JRij g :^^f^B^ri i

JBatt* ncyPosiliers,

'.JrS rt S &ive arriv* at Sali»l*, oo» .vWtQSKS IUI / WV«EVI w|i:, . ,, , i J. w *.. KJ .

i i j - e t.--. J i J . '. ht-ii .. ' . . . . -*'.. . . .. ¦p- i f - ,:- ¦¦?<\&

r*m: **&f r&W$$K* •¦¦


v ;

;Bfc?C«Wc*}SJ*«H»/* byrtbrn BlKI ofs Oatory.

A«ijSb«P'fO«wy,.:i Mb<Jri,fe4l<il><P't:;it ''1«'.

jmS^S^r»:gffi^^»1 Wm^^mf mmKm^mS^mm mS^^mwi mm^m^

'^'W iv f f kmSmSSm

C A T H O L I C C H U R C HCiTHOMCJTT IN ULST*B.—Although the notion

is somewhere prevalent that Ulster is an almostex dnsively Protestant province, this has often beenshown to be a delusion, and it can hardly bo deniedtbi.t Mr. J. A. Fox, in bis communication to tbePcM Mall Gatetle, has done, as he himself puts it," u service to tbe politics of common senso" byexposing tbe fallacy once more. The following isthe summary—compiled from the census return of1881—which be .gives of tho population of thenorthern province, showing the numerical strengthof its three great religious bodies.—Catholics, 833,.666 ; Presbyterians, 451,629 ; Episcopalians, 879,-402.

BtJstnNo or A CATHOLIC CHUBOH.—Tbe CatholicChurch of St. Peter, at Leamington, England* baabees, totally destroyed by fire. The Very Eev.Canon Longman, the priest in charge, was at thetimo absent from the Presbytery, whioh adjoins thoChurch ; but tbe Eev. Father Moore, who was athome, hastened iDto the building, and, finding thealarm well founded, removed tbe Blessed Sacramentfrom the High Altar. Tiie rooms adjoining thechutch were stripped of thoir furniture, and thehose brought to play upon the fire. Happily theseefforts were successful, and those parts of tbe build-ing were saved. : The roof continued to burnbnglltly, ' and shortly after six o'clock it fell in,bringing down with it the large metal Latin croasover tht> High Altar, and wnich weighed abotitthrw-qaarters of a ton. Of tbe origin of tbecataiitropbe nothing is known, save that it began titthe vest end of the church. Tbe church, whichwas erected at a, coat, of JBI O.OC) some eighteenyeari ago, was a fibe example of tba ByzantineOideir. The walls and vaulted roof were richlydecoiated with ooloured diaper and frescoed point-ings, and it is said tbat nearly JB1.00C were expendedin tii.-ise'sitistlc decorations. Tho High Altar, atthe east end of the Church, was a very costly ono,whu<i at tho west end there was a fine organ, tbeorigiial cost of which WOB about J67C >.

The Bev J. A. Wheeler, O.P., has arrived inDublin from Borne.- A :3xsuop's WILL.—The will (dated Aug. 3, 1883)

of the Bight Ber. Franois Kerrit Atnherat, BomanCath»lie -Bishop of Sozrsa, sometime Bishop ofNorthampton, late of Fieldgate House, Xenil worth,who died on Aug.' 21 last, was proved on the 16thult» liy Sir.Francis Fortescue TurviUe, K.Q.M.G.,and lUiss Harriet Anne Am herst, the sister, theexect.tors, the value of the personal estate exceeding£9,8C0. The tentator bequeaths,, among otherlegacies, '£1,600 to his brother, the Bev. WillianiJoseph! Amheret ; £200 to the Bx>man CatholicBishcp of Birmingham, for the permanent benefitof the Kenilworth mission. The: residue of tbepereoialty he giveo 'to hi* said-sister. A piece offreehold land at Kehilworth, on which a RomanCatbclio church, priest's bouse, and schools, with nburial, ground attached, he leaves to tbe BomanCatholic Bishop of Birmingham ; and the remainderof. hit freehold land at Eenilworth to bis sister, forrife,- then to his brother, for life, and then to theBoman. Catholio Bishop of Northampton.—ittui-iratti London News. '

The; new Catholio church at Council Bluffs is justcompleted, and is said to be tbe finest edifice in tbaState, The Ber. Father MoMenomy, the inde-fatigable pastor, deserves tbe greatest praise for biaeffortd in erecting this church.; ABCBDIOCISE or BTDHKI.—The clergy of thinexteoiiive and important diocese' have unanimouslysigned a memorial, which has been presented to tbaPope,' praying, that the Very Bev. Dr. Wslsb, Pre-sident of Maynooth College, should be named Arch-bishop of Sydney, iu tbe room of the Most Bev.Dr. v'aughan, deceased, and wbo was an English-man. It appears that the memorialists are anxiousthat an Irishman should be appointed to the wantsee. di the' Roman Catholics residing in the colonyare born Irishmen. ' Even it is said that the re-venue attached to the arohiepiscopate of Sydney isfully £7,000 a year. It is generally believed indericil circles that the Pope will accede to tboprayer of tbe memorial, which has been forwardedto hm personally, and direct from the clergy ofSydney.

\ / •> ' ¦

/ \ BACES AT , KN0CKB0Y.Snmii:BS-M«Mr». T. Widgm-, A. Dobbyn,T.8., P. O'lfein,

P. HminebeiiT, T. A. Slinn e, 8. O'Connor, \T, J. Mai-nlnj, W. J. Uunnehy, P.. E. Dii.«a, 1C. J. Mllitn, W.Coiixnai, J. WWisr. HOJ . 8oo. aad Tre iare.1 .• Mr. T.

' A. Stranie. Hor.Jadje i ,d Clerk o< tb« Cooiie : li.-.M.J. Miriin. Hon. ojur t: Ik.-. A. Dobbyj, V.S.These races were the only inducement held oat

to attract the attendance of tbe holiday folk onSU Stephen's Day. , The meeting was organised bya few local sportsmen, wbo did everything in theirpower to mako it a success. The attendance wnsabout the largest wo have ever seen at a gatheringof the kind, notwithstanding the fact that in themorniig the weather looked dull and threatening,and that previous to racing a drizzling rain com-menced to descend, but happily it cleared off- soonafter, and remained fine, until tbo closing eventhad been decided. The course, which is the pro-perty of Mr. P. Power, Faithless, is situated atCnocl boy, aad from a fairly, comfortable stand

erectel, a beautiful view of the river could be bad.The nicing was, iiTefery ease, over ."hordles, and asusual, at such srcall'meetings, the class of horsesrepreaented was1 of a mediocra description. Forthe first'.event- the ;Fariners'. Bace—five sportedailk, of whom Lizzie commanded most attention.Three out of tbe five starters failed to jump tbefirst bardie, and after LittU Billy had refused morethan once, he easily, defeated Sly Fox at tbe finish.£xcit<ment ran high' when tbe uevon entered forthe Stewards' Plate went to the post. Most bf tberiders are well known in the city, and it was fearedthat one or two of them at least would get a nasty

. full. Happily these anticipations were not fulfilled)SB all the competitors succeeded in negotiating thevoriots obstacles, and after a good set-to, Mr.Stephen Merry succeeded in following up hissuccess in the previous event, by steering Liberatorhome to victory. The Faithlegg PUte, whioh wasthe nnct event on tbe tapis, secured five starters,and alter a really exciting race, Liisrie obtained tbeverdict. The Town Plate was secured easily byPuizlu, a result which" was contributed to in a greatmeasure by Mr. M. Widger, who rode My Girl,thinking he had another round to go, whan thenice was over. However,-be made some amends by¦securing'the Consolation Bace, with tbe aid of toyGirl, with which event the sports concluded.DelaiU :— ' " : ' 'FABICIEBS' PLATC of 10 sots.' A hurdle race ; weight

fomge ; atxjht2'nrles, over 8 flight* of hurdles.Mr. Cfloney'* little Billy, by Assassin, 5yrs.,llst.

41b. I MrT'Merry) :" ; ¦ ¦ :.. ' ... ' ... 1M- p/.»<i ftl» Pmr. 5 vn.. list. 41b. (Owner) - ... 2Mr. H.«rne'» Vail Mall, 3 yr«., 10«t.' (carried lOit.

21b.) (Mr. N. Pi Ilearne) '..'.- - . ... ' ... 0Mr, Mlrpbj's Iiiwle, 5yrs., list. 4tb. (On aer) ... 0Mr) Bane's/Nationalist, 5yrs., list. 41b. (Mr. Hill) 0

Pall Mall made the ''running fur less taan a mile,when.he gave way to Little Billy, anol thougbsbortlj1 afterwards, the 'last-named lost ' a , lot ofKro'uiKl by refusing, ,be ,was quickly righted, andgoing on,' won by ten! lengths, Tbe other two didnot jump tbe first! hurdle, i at wbioh Mr. Hill wasthrown, and received « good shaking.8TXT7J UDB' PLATB! A private sweepstakes, 18 stone¦ • each ; H miles.Mr. Widger's Liberator, by Oauboat (Mr. Merry). 1Mr. M; J. Murphy's Ciiar(Owner) .;. . ... 2Mr. T.A.8tranf«>*Undertak«r4O#ner) ... 3Mr. A'. Dobbyn'a Soots Grey (Owner) ... ... 0ar. f;O'Meara's DoobeM(Owner) . ... ... 0ilr.M. Coonoy's Kttle Billy (Mr. W. Corcoran) ... 0Hr. W. Mannlnj's J. J. (Owoer) .,. ... 0

Littie Billy uod Dn<t«rt4k«r made play, attendedby Litemtor and Cigar,' till peising.tbe stand theBooo6d tiaiei when Littlo Billy rah out, and Libera-tor going to tb« h«ad of affairs , carried on tbe run-ning to the accent of ; th« hill, where he wua joinedby Cigtr, but tbe Litter was done.with directly thefinish name, and Liberator was left to win easily bya leogi handa hulf. • . . : .- .- . - . ¦ - , . ; . - .THB BUTJIMKKJ ! PLATC of 19 sort. About 2J miles,• brer 10 flighla of hoMlos \ wciflit .oc *ge , with oer-

- ';tain | «naltyattd oxoliulon; J !>< i" j . > .: '. - . ¦ . , -Mr. Milrphr.^UMio (l«digr«»=iuikaowu), f yrs.,< lUtJi-oicrW Win W»t». (M>; M. Widgtrl , . ... IMr. A. Dobbyo's CScaretio, * yrs.V V>*t. lUb. (Mf ;,,I' f O'D<«inell-'' "Mi} V»T .y;.-. ;;) .A :¦;.. i ,j ;., 2Mr. »«'• Waxy-foUy, 4 yr*.,, »«*. 7lb., carried

Mr." HmrnoVp»U H»U, S jts., 9»f . • , 7)b.i carrted:Mft^S^ ^p%); -S- Uutting-ivftuiiBl LUiiDf & tu I *t»\ Waxy, Poily,'A to'l'tMt'QiMJ^'V. ' .-5ivI iO'3f .i*.y- ' - .i']l .>> 'i- /'/ •".;/ ' : .''

¦• ¦¦, . .

V W«iy 'PiilJly n'sld^^*: cofflmind tUlipasiloK thejtMd-!»ii';'»«»W- UoMJrfVW iW«%!*.«4» ' *»»t 'iofront/ and tnoajjn vy««y Polly,.<u«ilWojj«ta *!*#•oasly on entiriug t,b» »ttuii{ht,- »ut> nevur:«wald;tf non ttcrirs with L^inw, wl.yVwon;l^rt htf|d;:in »,«aa>Ur by iipvor»I>'«ii;fc/'*»' «r«(t>it;«a(Mog..tbe pull-in/, UD oft- Wsjtv foUlr • J«uittt for , K&Vud P UUM. 'Toirir PLAT» 0 T J 3 SOTS; J C«rtata p«aaliiy »ad«iola.. ste*:- ABort tW-«tU*«!»y*«lateiBiliu-o|iterdie»; ..Mr; .Yj;'"pb l *' *" ^. ^™' ?!*-/^';kr?!w;fe»y^ jr.^i^£^-(M^' Wldjeri -.¦i- l !'"-'i,.U"<!ti >',n;. '2<'.i!^u;:^r: u;. •¦•, -...' , 8

»t« i !Ssr»r«M(-M "Wri • .WtiWnW'i r v.on. »o ,rwq-::»i)StKj i » k ;iT»:«h fww( w?iMy<*js*VOottattsio* >8s iih*.»*M«i<«tg?.» »i» *1W ,U>¦Hf. WU V y:Cirl,Xh*MS{-?tfP9Dtw,f yr«.<;;

LAND LAW 0P.ELAND) ACT, 188135, King-jtreot, Waterford, Doo. 19lh, 1883.

StB,—In tho Freeman Journal of the 3rd ult.,Professor Baldwin wrote to say, that at tho land Com-mission in Kilkenny, he asked tbe farmers to give himsome evidence to prove that the climate of Ireland waspermanently changed. If they could do so, the rentewhich the commissioner!] fixed would never be paid.I answered this question in yonr paper as for boek as*the 14th Marsh. Tt has been proved that in 1870, webad 112 days rain ; that the average rainfall iu 1882was 38jinohes, making a weight of 3,800 tons of wateron every Irish acre. Tho number of wet days in 1882hiring inoreasod to 256 wet days, and the wettestmonth WM August, the pressure of wind that monthbeing 81b. to tho square foot, the viscissitndos ofclimato of late years have deteriorated bogs and crldclay soils to such a state as tbat it is a matter of in-difference [to tbem how warm the olimate may get.They are gone back to their prairie value. No laterthan last wook I classod £0 acres waste on a farm of a100 Irish acres, and 20 semi-waste, and 40 very in-different, and this farm was once a splendid one, nponwhioh 7,000 perches of drains were made with verywell exeonted canals. I would like to know how willsunshine make a bog better which is covered with arotten bod sonr gra&s and fibreyroshesP Tho Professormay rest satisfied that the majority of jadioial rentsAre too high to be paid, and that some land cannot gotworse, and that it will remain so at the presont rate ofwages. 1 would snggeat to the government; thonecessity of appointing e, commission in Dublin , notLondon, to enquire into the trao state of affairs inIreland. The futuro prospects of the Irish tenantfarmer look gloomy. The price of bacon pigs inWaterford this week woo from 38s. to 40a. per owt.Batter is a drag in tbe market, and more of it sold thiswoek under 90s. per cwt. than over it. No wheat in thecountry, and oats from 10s. to 10s. Id. Potatoes from3d. to id. per stone. I uir the last ton of an acre ofpotatoes sold in market this day at £2 6s. 8d. per ton ;the gross produce was 10 tons per acre, which did notamount.to .£24, although the coat of prodncing tho tentons cost £35, which left tho margins for the rent atthe wrong side. With each a climate, high wages, andincreasing taxation, you will naturallj oak what is tobecome of the people. The tenants on Colonel Tighe'sostate. in the centra of tho county Kilkenny, beg ofme, through yonr columns, to bring thoir position, asregards the Land Court, under the notice of Mr.Mnlhallam Marum, their senior member of parliament.There are about 124 of those waiting out in the cold,for their turn to state their casq to tho sub-com-missioners. They would not be allowod to go beforethe Connty Conrt Chairman, than whom;th«ro neverwas a fairer man, nor hotter judge in a Land Conrt.Their anxiety for being relieved from their present un-happy positions may bo guessed, when some of thornaro 600 feet above tho lord of tbe sea, with three years'rent staring them in tho face ; with anipe grass growingbehind the house, and five years' old rushes beforo thedoor—a happy prospect in aChristbu country. Query :Whero is tbo difference between them and thoemigrants whioh wo hoar so muoh about ? Tboy ex-pent Mr. Marnta will go before the Chief Commissioners,and shew thorn how matters stand ia tho county Kil-kenny. The Snb-Commission which sat on the 28th oflast month, heard only nine cases out of 112 listed, asthey had to finish an arrear of work in tho countyTipperary, caused by bad weather. As the Com-missioners cleared the listed sheet in Clonmel andDungarvan, it would bo only doing simple justice togive a six weeks' sitting betweon Kilkenny union,Thomnstown, and that portion of Waterford union inthe county Kilkenny, which comprises 10 electoraldivisions Th&t portion of the New Boss union in theooanty Kilkenny has boon also badly treated, I amsure unintentionally. Mr. Uogan, of Ballymagill ,and Mr. Mooney, of Qarrou, wero listed on twooccasions for hearing, but strange to say, were notentered on lost list, although thoir neighbour, BiohardForrist&l, of Listerhn, who was never on before, turnedup this timo. Tbe Chief Commissioners aro not treat-ing the* county Kilkenny fairly. Limerick should notbo added to No. 15 circuit ; and the only atonementwhich can be made is to commence a eix weeks' sittingimmediately after Christmas vacation, ia the unionsalready named. This will be only fair as, besides thabaUnoo of 100 cases nnhcard on la&r list, and thoso Inamed, there aro tho tenants of the SnowhiU ostate andseveral .others I am certain Mr. Marum has enly tobring the matter under tho notice of the Commissioner J ,when thoy will be sure to rectify it. There is anothermatter, which would bo of groat importance to thotenants, is to give them at least one month's notice oftheir cases being listed. I did not get tho list for Kil-kenny until the 13th, for trial on tho 28th ; in themeantime, Clonmel and Dungarvan Courts wero comingon, where I had to attend. As some tenants are tryingto stave off the expense nntil they are listed, it com-pelled mo to work on vary bad wet days (no plaasentjob on tho bad bogs and their dirty gaps), due notioecould be given. As no name appeared on tho list,wbioh was not in tho Dublin olnoo for at least sixmonths, I mnst say tbat the secretary it most oonrtoousin sending me lists whon I require them, bat hu haofailed to send me lisi of cases to bo heard before JudgeO'Higan in Waterford. I havj to complain of Jettingbat three days' notice to attend as witness in a laudoase from count/ Kilkenny, to -o heard in Dublin ,whioh I consider ought to bo beard in Wutetfordamongst other cases, Waterford being the most con-venient plaoo to both landlord and tenant. This isanothor hardship, wbioh I am suru Judge O'Hagan willset right. If Mahomed doej not come to the mountain,the mountain must go to Muhomod.— Yours truly,

THOMAS POWEB .P.S.—Since writing the above, I got tbe Couit of

Appeal list, containing 126 uatnes to be heard by JudgeO Hagan, at Watorford, on the 7th of next month.The number is not so largo, considering that it includesthe nnionsof Clogbeen, Dungarvan , Clonmel, Carriok-ou-Suir, Kilmactbomas, Wexford, Now Koon andWaterford. 23 of the number are tenants' appeals.

Protestor Baldwin deserves thanks for tha -mannerin whioh he draw attention to vicissitudes of climate.No. 15 Snb-Uommission, comprising Messrs. B. O.MaoDevitt, T. Walpole, i\ U. Griffin^P. M. Carroll ,with William MacQeagb, deputy Begutrar, will sit inWaterford on the 7th, same day as head commissioners.Judge Waters will hold Land Court hero on the 25th ofJanuary, and Judge DeMoleyns at Thomaotown oa thn16ih. T. P. °

WATEEFOBD UNION— WIDKKSDAT.Mr. BICUABD Mosctssr, D.Y.C., ia taj clmir.

Also present i Aid. Clampett, Aid. Kcdmoud, HighSJeriff ; Capt. Powor, C. Rogers, J.P., Hon. D. b\Fortescue, J.P., James Loamy, T.C.

A letter was read fruui the Local GovernmentBoard, sanctioning tbe pension of JB6C 13a. 4d. peryear, which tbe nuardians p;is«pd to the old andhighly respected Dr. Burkitt , wbo filled the officeof medical officer to the union sinco it was opened,42 years ago. .( CATTLB DlBEABB IK WATXBFOBD AND KILKENNY.—Mri Arthur Dobbyu, V.?., reported tbat swinefevai- exifcts in Gruiguenakill, Glen mo re, countyKilkenny. He also reported four cases of foot andmouth - disease in tbe townland of Eathnure, nearCarney Bay, close to tbv river Suir, eouaty Kil-kenny. Mr. Dobbyn likewise reported foot undmouth disease at liallynkmintra, near Dunmore,county Waterford. The Cletk, Mr. Mackvy, saidthe effect of the?e reports will be tbe stoppage ofat least the next Wateiford fair, as also to stop tbetransit «f cattle In. tbe districts affroted. .

WlUWLBABEOW, PlUJtS, AND 8BOVJU8.—Mr.Doyl«, £.0., applied for a wheelbarrow, and sometools foi work-sen ia Tminore, in order to havethem always at hand to clean sewers, und do othernecestary stniUry w»rk. Mr. Rogers recommendedthat they be given, us workmen could not get theseceoeisary articles. Aid. Uedinoad moved, and Mr.Leamy seconder*., tbat they be obtained, at a coat ofaboot 26a. «r c J. Passed. .' THE MASTIB'B BEFOB?.—Mr. Beidy, master, re-ported tbe absence of Mrs. Mileu, tbe industrialtrainer, who is to be reprimanded. He ulso re-ported the absence ol Mr,' Dray, tiio juniornfssitunt toucher, who left tbe boose withou t bis(master's) leave. Oa motion of Aid. Clampett,seconded by Aid. Bedmocd, Dray is to be censured.Passed. Tbe master reported that Aid. Clampettpresented the boys of the workhouse with an ex-cellont football, for which thanks were passed totbe Aldermen. .

Mr. Boohe, B O., wan directed to eetnl a. writtenreply to the letter of Ov. Wbitty. M.O., chargingbim (relieving offlcer},with using offensive language,and inattention to tbe poor. ' '

, 'JIKOIM '.Ao0Err«D.—Bhoei t Tenders wereaccepted from Joiin Kennedy. MicHiiel-street , forshoesj bis beiojr the lowes t teojer. Bread i White,pfd. per 41b. loaf, Uutuurington and |Kavanagb.Bmni . 6td. and 4{d., Hanraban. .Bee/1.46s.' porcwt, Flynn. ¦ • ¦ ' • ' .¦ ' . : ' ¦.. 'Bnitit * p».THE .H0D8B.—RemairJrjff «t list report,1,037 i^dmittsd during week, 84 j born, 0 | dlsoharjged,61 i died. 2; remaining, 1,0381 ob«t ofi'provlsiona re-celved,' ;J|151 fis. 9d. ; do. ooniomed, ili2 18 Oil. ;rt'joral average cost, 2». 8Jd- 1 in Inflrmary, 8<. 1J J. if eve.' hospital, 7s. id. | dining hall.U. DJd I No. on out-door niUtf, 1,109; last year, . 1,1& | oost'.ddring week,4119s.' Od. { oorrespandioit week test year, JZCJ 8a. 4d.

' ' ' .WATE""fD iD WiiEKBT rSViEW, '> Mn t*k«u in »nU eooluntd, out orer whioh too public' : "'¦¦¦ ¦' :. ioi Tr • ojfltt«NT WJ IK - ' ' «l»*y« passed.' i Mr. How ell was affirmed, and sUted" ElcfV .-.-K »• *. ktSot'xir C ' ei Br.oon WoAs, -P»* of Had b*an paying «at for tais para« aUr pi.-c« of.oucU. Wale-fo.<l B;oo* ai52s.%6li., uea.and slow! f rn vO iM.mum .»as Ma,r audd out for him.jHaabtp.', 82a. .to6U. ;demtjidquiet.:Plgs.47«.perowt. ttho^prrjte''' '" ^ *TT!.'-V-'. -I- v^isoov CATTM-MOMDAT.-AS to-day's njai!. ' '*¦«" f* W h3-- ' Acx.-JumesCaaielyas>Bkd,k«t ™hBC i» hoUdVi' elwntttsr.^^ theVstnaU soppS, of •* *9 i»«««"« o»- .Jiybiw «opd, for 20s., the <*»Lo*

' *0ffl»' BorT« i M\»M---TV«PAT. W : AT. *• "»«• ' ?l


Ted-*nat.sn«jsold:tU. t«ri.

^ w) £ *™W *i& rw*&J&lWd. keys: to. Daniel, and. wi^pprMboratod by;»wthorKraii. « ,/nVkid^Bar«ta?M: S!raS7iiB«l»»Upi .W»Wt. »,^pip»ttumApf b?rs. , 1 .Tbe,e^oh- gs,VB,«»

Soai^n7»^V;9ra4. '''» ) * ': a£4!a !«»'- . Kt fc. .iVr"' . ¦¦HirttoiZsW *¦*>*&ear^ oii'iBMa:lJ» ;InvioiwW»-U8.-«Ai»»J:'i '¦; r ";:.Vfi»WrmA«i»4'ltt»tiiifi i ft4btrS*


JI'P rtVt. wera yes'dM!Vr,.flnw mm&M:M.V>1 :i I^»TMnm«« f7»




Chairman ; Colonel Stuart, Messrs. William Mercer,Thomas Kockctt, £. Walsh, J. Hearuc, J. Shea,Miobael Flynn, P. Egan, E. Hearno, P. Phalan , M.Terry, and B. Phelan. Dr. O'Byan, M.O., alsoattended.

THE ATTEACTION 8 OP THE HonSE.—Thoro weroseveral applications by able-bodied mon for admissionto tho house. They Bt&ted that they wero unablo toget work. Mr. Bockett : Because yon aro not -willingto work. Chairman : Wo are entirely opposod toadmitting able-bodied men, who can get wo/k if thoyare willing to do it. Tho applicants were refused.

THS LABOURERS ' ACT.—A communication wasreceived from Bclioving-ofiicer Michael Powor, statingtbat he hod visited on an avoraga 312 houaos of poreonawhoso names appeared on tho representations forlabourers' cottages in his district, which ranged overseven electoral divisions. Ho spont nino days doingso ; also two days serving notices, and attended onoday at a special mooting- of the board. Ho asked theboard to allow him 6d. por hoaeo as remuneration forhis services, £7 lGs. ; car.hire for fire days, £1 lUd. ;total, £6 108. A similar coramunic.it. J . > •-. ¦• .uceivedfrom Iluliovinx-offlcL-r Philip Daltou. uu .A^cctnd asremuneration 10 b"!>. 31r. Quirko, rolievine-olBc ur ,wrote, asking for £5 lfti. as remuneration fo.- a likopnrpoao. Mr. P. Cremmins, ochoolmastor in the work-honso. wioto , asking for some rpmnneration for histrouble ia connection with tho Labourers' Act, inmaking copies of the ordnance maps and marking thosites for cottages on the lands. Ho was engaged forthirty days and a. great part of the night. Col. Stuartmoved, and Mr. Bockett necouded, that the schoolmas-ter be allowed £16 for his trouble, and to cover allexpenses. Passed unanimously.

It was ther: proposed and seconded , that £15 bodivided botirocn the thrc o relioving-oHicers , for theirshare respectively of tho additional work which thoLabourers' Act imposed upon them. As an amend-ment to this, it was proposed to divide -C13 10a. bc-twoen them. A poll was taken, and tbo originalmotion was declared ct.-ricd by soven votes to three.Mr. Hearno handed in a notice of motion , stating thathe would move on that day fortnight, that liolioving-officer Power should bo allowed A7 instead of £5 anremuneration under tho Labourers' Act. Adjourned.

PETTY SESSIONS—THURSDAY .llagistratcs on the bench—Capt. V/eloh, E.M. (in

the chair), Thomas Lalo;-, V.L., T. 1). Wilson , K: ' *rdO'Dounoll , and J. H. Power. District InspectorRaleigh occupied a scat on tho benoh.

CnABOE UNDER THE CoNgPiBAcr ACT.—Two yoangmon, named Jnmcs Fahcy and John Lonergan, shoe-makers , wore ohavgod by Mr. Michael Conway, masterbooc s nd shoemakor, with threatening Franoia Donovan ,boot and shoemaker, on tho night of tho 16th of Dec ,with intent to provont him from working for MichaelConway, son., and subsequently did use intimidationtowards tho said Michaol Conway to abstain fromkooping tho said Francis Donovan in his omploymont.lir. J. M. O'SulIivan appeared for tho prosecution,and Mr. Davin i:,r tho defence.

•Mr. O'Sullivan said that sinco tho informations hadbeen sworn in this caso by Mr. Conway, his son, andDonovan, the former had been called upon by themother of the young mnn Fahey, who was her solosupport, and not wishing thut ho should bo preventedfor a time from earning his livelihood, Mr. Conwayasked to havo that young man and Louorgan dealtwith as leniently as possible, and merely compelled togivo bail for thoir futuro (food behaviour. His cliont ,Mr. (Jonway, employed, as a bootmaker, FrancisDonovan, and there was a trade society in tho town ,which, ho hoped, was for tha public good and that ofits members ; but they rhoald be made to know tbatthoy conld not prcTont any employer of skilled labourfrom taking into bis employment the beat workmen hecould get, and that whoever interfered with him toprovont him from exercising his lawful rights wouldrender themselves liable, to heavy penalties. Mr.Davin wished io have tho oaso fully gono into, and letit bo dealt with as it ought to bo dealt with on thoinorita ; but his client* (lid not coma there with anypoor mouth, to accept of the bitter crumb offered tothem lit the othor side.. Tho case was thou gono iuto, whon tUo informationof Michael Conway, jun., was read, and in whioh hoswore that on the ni^ht of . tho 16th of December, howas walking in company tTith Francis Donovan , abouteight o olook , through tho Main-street , Carriole, whontbo defendants, Fahey and Lonorgan, who aro brogue-makeis, passed by ; Fahey elbowed witness as theypasHcd , and than the two defendants wheeled round ;ITahey said to Donovan, " Will you tako his (de-ponent's) part/" at tho name timo stri king him anjknocking off his liat ; Lonergau atrnck deponent overthe eye ; Falioy followed that with anothor on hidIhroat, and wliilo deponent was trying to pick upDonovan's hat off tho ground ho was kictsod by oae oftho defendants , and Donovan was also kiuked ; both ofthem »,'« tu Cuuk-Une , whero deponent's fatbur rc-Mdes , and when himself and Donovan got insidoLonorgan wan hoird to declaro ho would hang for hisfather mid for Donovan , whom ho omployod j fromwhat had occurred , and from wh.it he nail h«ti-d, hofeared tho defendants vrouU do bimseir aud his lauiily .as well as Donovan , bodily injury ; ho gave no provo-cation to either of tho difendanU to assault iiiui. Inreply to Mr. O'Sullivan , nitiieM said tho accused hadtold bis fathor that ;ho utea ia his employ wcr<i ob-jootcd to, and Fahey called us both " colts" j therewas anothor working shoemaker with him, who aj id ," thoro Is anothor colt ," pointing to JDonova i. t'rauoiaDonovan gave corroborative evidence. Mr. Daviu :How long aro you in Cariick-on-Suir ? About threomonths. And during tbat timo did any ono interferewith yon? No. Whon did you eomo f.'jin Edinburgh ?—wero you ever in a rotormat.iry ? Novor. Mr.O'Sullivan did not RCO what this had to do with thucase. Mr. Davin j Hive jon been in the habit of joat-liug any mon of your ti-adu iu Cook-lanu? 1 don 'tknow any of them. Did you put youMc-'f forward ai a,bit of a bully f Never. Did you at all UK-ddle wiihthese two mea ? Never.

Michael Conway, jnu., deposed thit on tho night iaquestion, ho heard u knocking at his door, utter his suuan'I Douovan hiul ontoivd, and ho heard Louer«-a:i sayhe would have bis Ufa neit mui-niiig, aud would Dohanged for him aud Donovan ; he knew no cauio forsuch couduot exoept tbat he employed Donovan , wUowas nnt a member of tie trade society ; the rule of thointior was that he, us na oinployor, was tiuod 10s. foeejiployiiig a oon-sooiuty tana, uui a aiunUr fi iu wasiroponod on him for taking in no upproiitiita w.tiiouttheir approval. Ho uaked tbo court nut to dea s iver. -lywith the defendants , na lie dosirjd uut to havo tno.annaisUed, but aiure.y buund over l> keop tun pe<iui).Mr. Davla addressed the magistratos on buliulf ot thedefendants, and said he would plead juilty ou theirbehalf to a common aisanlt.

Capt. Welob, in delireridg judgment, SAI 1 thore wasan ai^euipt at inUmidatio a ; jut tba m 1,,'ntriilvjH tailihut takiag into uwiouut tlio oironmsta JUH S ot' thi <M <»thdy would be justiiied in noting up yj l.neo <UJ n mn-tlou of tho principal pr jnocutuf , a i l O.-J JI- fjc dufuu-dauis t» give bail , theumol vi's iu XiO , aad two suretiesof i!10 eaoh, with tho alporuati vu of a rajuth's iaipri-•onment. The aconsed wore allowed to pi-oonrj Uuil.Ou the applicntiou of Mr. O'Sulliv«a, dufuulautd woreordered to pny 2Ua. upeoul <ioats.

A.-bSOK utNOUOA OHMEN -rONPUBUCPBOPKUTT. —Tho uearing of the (uljonrood sumuious at tna suit oftho Town Commissiojurn a^aiast Mr. ThuuiiM U.Howell , proprietor of the C irrick-jn-siuir S»« Mil,*,for encroncbiog oa and euolojing a pas<<a;e, which t.idpnblio ha 1 a right of way over, was r^dumtid. Mr.iC-Oiiy, solr., appeared for tho Town Uomuiinaionors,and Mr. O'Bollivan for th« der«iid»cit. Tn« eviduncowad gono iuto and compWljd the last ojm-tdaj , whenmaps and other ey iJonod iruru pr^0uoe<i to shew thattha publio had H nght of way over tho ul«w, ttw am,-ject of tha summons, and thj aJj mriiniuut too* pUootj h»vo it proved wtwtu :r tiij o iuvt nml jurnJiotion totry tile case or not. Ihovo wax, tw rvuuaUd, uoaeces«i:y for any docuincntary ovldonco if tjis woroa mere street obstruction oiimjjlai'iwl of , lor f a manobn».-uotod the Maiu-itroot of U.trrick-ou-ij lir, whyiho right aad aui>iu;-ity uf tho oom uissijuera overtho Muin«si:r<:st wei-u ooiiciided, uu I it did not requireducuuuntary evideuoo to pruVo the authorityof the ooinraiuiou<]r« over it. . Uut it thudocument iry evidmioo. w>\s necessary to prdvn thuirtitle w this Mttlo spot in a particular plaoi-, thoir titl«to thu place then was iu question , aad th i ui iitratcshod no power to hcor a.id duteraiinu tho caw, wniohwas for » court of au^vil ir .jur,<ili«tion. He qioU-dfrom Mr. Humphrey's work to shew that whuruver aoolourablo titla wan sot u;i, and tin- eriJojc.i shewed acolonrable title on tbo purs ol tK.i i) TSOU act'.iiitf it up,t.io tnajiaira'cs bud uo pbwur t.i tlup MI of tho cas».-

Mr. Keuoy taid thut a* tho q icmcio i uf titlu wasruia^d he waj bound t^fhiw whulapuo,ioni;btof wayand usor wan. i{,> cnu-i qnotvil fiuui Mr. A idjraou'*work on " '.- 6rt>C. xhun-iug tunl if Hay |'ur»uu uianusor opens up » passage or roadway, so as to be open atboth ends, and does not mark it by chain, post, orother means, to enable blm'to' arsert hls'ownershtpover, tiio pkco, it ia undtrstoad, after tho lapse, of aca.-tnin toror, to be absolutely r'.evotsd to the use andbeaeSi of .hit public, and lannot be again converted toprivate uses, al-hough it may: have o -igioall/v beauintended for .private comenlenoe. ' In this cusu theenjoymeat by thu pub iu uf tho ground iq qu itionmust bo tho ohuricter of ibo UM tor whioh it was iu-teddeii i ui)d iho VpUce bi-camo as mnoi publio pro-perty as »ny of tDe s»,-e<rts 'of tho tow.i. i'his piuoeoriginally was t» pasiiay along the short), 'waion 'hudb^cu takuu in antl eouluntd, but orer whioh too public

Kr. J. M. O'Sullivan , solr., for complainant, and Mr.T. F. Strange, solr., defended. Mr. O'Sullivan statedthat ho brought tho summons for the purpose of ascor-taining ivhotbor tho defoudant was owner of th9 farmon which complainant had worked , or w hether defen-dant's son, M'.chael , by whom complainant bad beonhired , bnt who sinco had left the country, was tenant ;ho could not othcrwiso ascertain this information , whichho wan '«d :or tbo purpose of issuing a writ out ofjurisdiction. After somo conversation betweon Mr.Strango and Mr. O'Sullivan , tho latter said ho knewhow to proceed.

LA SCENT.—Margaret Dillon was charged by SergeantCahalan with 8U:alinB a quauiity of timber oa 17thDecember, from PaUick Ki.-wan , of Grai ava'la, andThomas Pholan wai charged with receiving same know-ing i'o io bo Btolcn. Mr. O'Sullivan , for defendant,asked for an adjournment , us ThomaB Phelfn got sucha fright when summoned chat he was confined to bedsinoo. Sergeant CVmlan as!.cd that tho caso againstMargarot Dillon should be heard, and tho court couldthen decido as to whether they would hear Phelan'staee or not. The constablu'is iofovmaUon stilted >.hatho called at Phelan 's and found somo tu'.bcr, -,vhi«hwas identified as tho piope.-ty of Mr. Kirwan. Mr.Kirwan waa sworn ,ind said KdwardLore. -gan informedhim that timber haj been t^'cen from him, and he wentto Phclau 's with Surgcaut Cnha'ati and s:iw tho timberwhich he identii 'cil us his. He. O'Sullivan said thisprosecution w;:s biuught under tho 2',th and 2oth Vic ,aud must fail , as i!iat act was con6ned io proporty at-luched Io the t'reehold. The court decided aguinst Mr.O' iallivan. Mr. O'Sullivan : She is hoosckeeper to ftgentleman in the locality, and there has never been acharge neainst her honesty. The court inflicted a fineof lo.i., ¦ .- !¦ • di'.'ault , soven days' imprisonment. Ser-gvnnt Caliid.iii : I u^k that t'je caso against Ptielan bnsent for triul to the Qmirlor Sessions. It cannot bodisposed of summaril y. Mr. O'cjullivan -. This w.imnnhas been convicted ot l;irc«ny. What if I prove thatshe is his wile ? Serjeant Cahalan : I thiulc you willfind it rather difficult to provo that (Unghtcr). JK-.O'Sullivan : She \v;is murried in a reg istry office. Ser-geant Cuhalun : uh, that's all very fine. The casowas adjourned niuil next sessions.

'j'BKSTASS .—Count DJ la Poor snmmotitd two far-mers, named liol.md , foi trespass on his land lit Uoolc3 -hill. Mr. Ijuvin for defendants , and Mr . Kenny lorCount De la Pour. ill-. D.ivi.: baid that Cooli'dhiU wusnot in the Carrickbig P.S. District , ajd it was accord-ing ly dismissed without prejudice.

SUPPOSED MUKDK14 AT C^HBICK -ON-SUIKLast week , uvu men, named nackctt , Qimn, 1'ower ,

Mulcihy, and Doyle , all of Ciir'-ick-ou-Suir , were ar-rested by District Inspector Balcife h, H-.'ad-constabloWard and party, of Inu satno town, on suspicion ofbeing conmcte'd with the alleged murder of JohnConnolly, whoso dead body was tound in the river nearCurrick , somo duys previousl y, lying ou hia laco , withmarks on his face und head , as if hu hud been subjectto foul [ilay. Tlie live mtn were broug ht beforo Caut.Welch, li.M., on Wednesday evening, and were re-manded for seven days. Ono of tho accused , PatrickDoyle ,, was allowed out OJ ba'l. Tho remaining fourprisoners were conveyed to Clonmel Gao l under ap-)!icu ctcoit; subdtiquuiuly, Malcahy was conveyed toCavrick-on-Suir from Clonmi'l , unii having been broug htbeioro CupLain Welch , he was discharged from custodythero being no evidence against him. On ThursdayMr. Eoyd , Sessional Crown Solictor , proceeded toCarvicl.-on-Suir , and acting under instructions receivedfrom the Attorney Geneial , hold a private inquiry iu '.othe whole case, examining alprge number ot pursonswho had been Riinnno.icu to givo evidence. Tho inquiryiasied Iho entire day. Tho men ia custody wero con-voyed from Clonmel to Cuuick-on-Suir thnt morningin charge of a police escort, under Sergeant McDowell ,Irishtown St-tion , and wero subsequently brought be-fore Captain Welch , B.M., who held a private investi-gation iuto tho caso ::i the courthouse , at which Mr.Bovd. C.S., attended , Mr. Bavin and Mr. Kenny ap-pearing for tho accr.sed. Ou tho application of Mr. J.W. B.ileigh, District Inspector of Constabulary,Hackcit was remanded in custody for eight dayu, audQuan was also renu.idod , butadmitted to bailtoattondat tho next investigation. Tho other parties , Doyloand Power , wero discharged , as theru was no evidenceto imulicato them in nny way.

MiW UOSS 0 .MON-WEDNESDAT .E. A. BritNE , J.P., iu tho chair. Also present ;

Messrs . J. Cheevei-s . It. Forriatal , A. Stephens , Wui.Gorman, B. Tyndall , J.P., D. A. ililward , J.l\ , Wui.H. Uolger , J.P., F. Hogan , T. Mullins , P. Hunt ,V, in. K^hoe , P. D. O'Gorman , J. Keating, J. Colfer ,T. Gallavan , It. Kent , Capt. B.irre.t , K. Joyce , J.Kolly, J. Acheson , J.I' ., J. K. Gallavan , J.P., M. W.Knox , J.P., Wui. M. Gibbon. J.P., J. Hjwlett , J.I' .,J. E. Dean Drake , J.P., Major Harman , J.?., F. A.Leigh, J.P., E. Kavunngh , S. Colfer, P. R. llarron ,W. M. Glascott , J.P., F. Kutledge , J.P., J. Mcehau ,and P. llvan.

.SrATE OF VUE HOUSE .—Numbnr in house , 31»7 ;admitted during tho wtok , 5U ; dis 1, 1 ; lodged wit lili-uasonir, X:ij!8 ; dno to bank , Jb'HU IU J . (id. ; out-doorl-elitf , Xul) 6a. ; required foe next woek for outdoorrelief. 4t)0 10a.

Vhe oleclion of clerk took pkco ; thrco c;indi-di'tes presented theujselv«8, Messrs. SleehuD , Jfopi-,and Cucr. On the firat poll for Meehnn , 11 ; Pope,11 ; Cavr, 12. Ssi-ond poll for Meeban, 19 ; Tope,12. Mcehau wag dcc-krcl elected. The legiilityof bis election waa questioned , and it id for tbeLoc»l (jove iumuut B,i.uJ to decido. The groundsof inforunlitjr- iue— .'i.'it, he beiDg a gunrdinn audvoting for himself ; secondly, tho Local Govern-ment Board fcnd not notified to tbe board of guur-dv.ins bis vesi ({uutiou as goardian for the electoraluivision of New Koss. 61. W. Kuox 's notice ofmotion , us to sjrantiu'; Mr. Carr, late clerk, upenciou , was considered. Mr. Lt"igh Eccouded Mr.Knox 's piopoiiiion. Ai r. Kyun proposed, and Mr.Kelly bt't-oiiilcd, lUv followin g amendment : " Tbntthe consideri.tiou of it be deferred for six months. "On a poll bein^ taken there voted for the ninend-uieut , 'Si ; for the notice of motion , 3 ; four de-cliued to vnte , consequently tho notice of motionwas shelved. Afmr signing the officers ' checks, tbobourd ti.en udjuiu-ned.

CITY PETTY SESSIONS—TH.S DAT.(Ik- fo.e the Mayor , Dr. G. I. Mfttkesy, J. Eyan,

Aid. L. A. liyau , J. sl.uery.)A KOWDT .—Fium-i* Cii iil i , « ho bad been up eight

times Uis yiMi- , W.:K sent to gaol for a weeii forbeing drunk last ui^nt , and resisting the policewheu arrested:

DEEAZINQ U LA BB .—James Roche, K.O., sum-moned KlU'ii S.,ei l"r tu eaking gla^s in bin housein Peter-xti-ect ou iut-t Saturday. Tue couiplaioantsaid at tbe tiu-v ti,e detupduut broke tbe glass shew s under the iufluenciTof il "ibk ; she was abkingfor a ticket for tin; 1.1,11^-, w. icn be could not legallygive lier. Serjeant Oi^le e:cnl Mr. Knotie broughttu'.* wniuau to t ic lock-tip un ibe occasion in ques-tion ; a e w.is net under to, - iullueuce of drink attbe time ; if sue 'MIS ij nink it »'HU fro m hunger.Mr. Koctie : She wns iliuuk. Serye.int Di-y le : IBuy sue w.is 11 it , and 1 on0' ,t bu a better judgethan you (lnr,'hu-r). OL-tVudunt : I only brokeone p.iuu uf glaxs. J' . i- cate was disuiissed, taedefi-ndiiot beiiij c.uitioi.ed Dot to break Mr. Roche'swiudowd HL Min.

J OOKKT 1'icsiKO. —-John Power was cbargtd l>yCoubtithle Jtv ynoK.H mtu Imving tuken a tnutuvrfrom Sub-Ii ^p>utor Jouis ' pocket at the Wuterfwrdund Liuierick i.u lnay ulutiou ywjteiday. Tbe de-fondant pleaded guilty, saying tuat he did notkao wt- Imt. I e W .IK (luiiig, but a* lie was convicted threetimes previousl y i t ' larceny, be was sent to gaol fotthree mouths.

A LLIOKD A OUAULT .—John Ryan sammoned JohnPower for hsviug couimitUd an assault on him last•Sunday in Higri-dtieet. Complainant said thnt onthe duy in question he was called over to Mr.i'owei s iiouuc aud went in there and asked irbathe wan wauled t'.ir. Capt. Po>'er, the defendant,used one cf his i'.iukee tx^rossions and caught himliy t.io throui ; 10 show ttiat he went iu wit a nouggrtB.ive npiri , tie b.ini^nt over Patrick Powernod giive him in dinner. Ky Mr. Strange : Capt.Power.did nut, tell me to leavu the bouse und notfouieut a quarrel between two Irotners ; Pat.i'uwer said to UK- tbut Cupt. Power was going tokick bin) , «nil 1 mid, " Coiue away witu me; bewon't kk-k y»u whi le 1 am here."

lillun Klyuu w.ia present on this occ:isi in andgavu>o> >o l>o .'a(ivccvidencc. To Mr. Suuuge : Mr.Kyan may have said, " I won't let him kick you."Mr. 81attery said it was a pity to bring this familyaffair into court. Mr. Feely t It wus a' fuaiilyaffair between tbo Powers, but it is not betweenMr. Ryan uud t le captain. 'Patrick Power |[uv«evidence in corroboratlon of that K trendy deposedto. To Mr. Strange : When Mr.' Byan was iwkeiito go out, I- understood him to My that be wouldnot 0. Mr. Sti-ange : And henm a trespanser,as tn>* bouse is tbe property of Cupt. i'ower. Ifyou thiofe Mieie is anytbing ic tbecoss, I will askyou to postpone it , at two witnessi s that ivereauiuaioueU i>y us did not attend. Mayor : We oustdismiss the UMHC, and we bopo they will be RCodfriends 11 ud Beigbbours again., 'I'BMPASS—Thomas Waters, carman, was ebai-gedby tbo Wstertord and Limerick'Ball way. Companywith ¦trespassing on their platform at NewraUi on

•tba' 13tb inst; :Mr. V. W. Kellv appeared for the^Company, *nd Mr-.'iAlIingbain for toe defendinl.IMr.-ifiiut'liir proved' tbe trespass, anotcaid that allJbe eoiapony wanted-wa.^ta keep ibeso';men o«f; , '. .' DUNGABVAN

' UNION-yE3T«BBAT. . "

¦!SEft ^:'Z lB* 'i;5? ' : ¦¦ la the cuait~M. WALSH. Others present « P.pa d.¦before- sicte ths tder won; asned.• ; Mr.. .,Wa|,n:aBa,Dr. >Mww». ' .' No. .in the house, iBiO i

.Udy.wS wantrf 'sWanlthat-&£ the" >; * ^!Sw5lS1 -w« te^ pltewent pp. Fined lsj and ^htf yrt 'th tt .; n"spSt^ TpVo dSittai ufflS

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:IS - I wEradsot a%-? :. W | lip


The correspondent of the Weekly Reg iiUr ,writing from Rome, Bays :—" It had been assertedtbat the Prince would go to tho Vaticnn privately,but tbe visit was, in fact, strictly one of State. ThoRoyal carriages were not used, for good taste di-rected that rather than tako the Italian liverica totbo gates cf the Popes, the Priuco should use ahired carriage from a stable ; but otherwise everydetail of ceremonial was observed both by thevisitor and the Vatican authorities. The Princewus attended by Dr. von Schlozor and by his aides-de-c.iiup, all in full uniform, and wore the uniformof a German general officer , with the Grand Crossof the Ulack Eagle and other decorations. At tbocarriage gate of the Zecca tho Swiss Guards, injramie tenxte , were drawn up, and within tbe Courtof Sun Dainaso were ranged tbo l'ortifical Gen-darmes i at tbo foot of tho great str.ircase Mgr.Cataldi received the Prince and ascend-d with him ,t'<e buisola nti and palaf renicri going before in theirred costumes, and the Swisa Guards marching ntthe side. At the dcor of tbe great Sala Clementina ,the I'rince was met by the Magg iordomo of hisHoliness , Monsignor Teoiloli , together with tbechief ecclesiastical and civil di j ;nit»rio8 of tbeI'onlific nl Court io tbe costumes worn on occasionsof grand State formality, and by them b>! wns con-ducted into the first antechambers , whence thePope's Maestro di Camera, Monsi gnor Macchi , wbowaa iu waiting there, introduced the Prince intotbe l'outifieal apartments. His Holiness ajvnncedinto oue of the onter rooms to meet him , und thePiince made throe loiv inclinations to his augusthost. Onl y ;i few words passed in public, tbe l'opeexpressing his pleasure at seeing tbe Prince againnfter the thirty years which have passed since hisfiist visit. His Holiness th«n led bis visitor into hispiivate apartineut. There the Pope und the Piin cerema i ned alone together for forty-seven minutes ,"'oeir conversation ended , tbe dooi- was opened, aodthe 1'iincn presented the members of his siute.Leaving the Pontifical presence with the sameform , the Prince paid a visit to Cardinal Jacobini.where he was received with all tbe ceremony due tolloyal pei sonages. With the Cardinal he remainedin cunve. Sulion for twenty minutes , and tbeu , ac-companied by Uis Eminence , walked through thelibrary, the Sunze of Raphael , and tue SiatinnChapel. Immediately afterward * he w;iy conductedby tbe private staircase whicli leads into St. i'eter 'stbron^b a door into Iho great Chapel of the llleajudSacruiucnt , the gates of the Uisilica beiog cluscd ,feat ing the crowd now assembled in the Piazrnshould swarm iuto the church aud iuconvenieneebis Imperial Highness. Tbe German Prince, whimhe left the private apartments of the Pope, showedin his face signs of emotion and of sensibility notto be mistaken. He hud evidentl y taken to heart ,for the fiist tiuic , the profoundly impressive per-Bonalit y uf tbe aged pastor whose words go f:ir andme. read by all , but who6e benignant fuce and gentlepresence must be sought in one palace of a singlecity. It is said that the Pope considered tbe con-veiS ution so important thnt immediatel y upon hisvisitor 's departure be dictated noted of wtat badpassed."

ROME , SUNDAY —The Fanfv.lla declares tbat theVatican bus sent a note to the N'uncios abroad con-ceruiu;^ the interview of tbe Pope with the CrownPrim e of Germany, in which the interview in ques-tion is ri'pic:enteu ue a triumph of Vatican diplo-macy , and a tacit recognition of the rights of thePapacy.


OARVAN.We extract tlic following from United Ireland.

It needs no couiuiuii t from us :—" We are driven to say that the unconditional

Tory ism of Jlr. O'Donnell is just as obnoxious andodious to tbe prole of Ireland as the undilutedWbi g^ery of Mr. O'Connor I'ower, and that thepubln: are as little prepared to tolerate oue as theother. If the Member for Dungarvan desires toestimate t ' e manner in which his conduct is uppre-ci:iti-(l l,y his 1 ountiymen , and to test tbeir feehngain le^-ud 1,1 him , it is not through the newspapersliut l'm:e to l ice lie sbould address them. We donut kiiuw anyune wbo has been treated for so long At mo witb SHC I I great consideration. But there is alimit to patience. Mr. P. J. Smyth and Mr.O'Connor Power began in just the same way, andwe know where they have ended. The moment thepeople began to understand tbat it was not merehonest if cranky cleverness, cr the waywardness ofgenius that dictated thuir politics , but deliberateiji-Uiehuets or calculated treason, tbeir attempts toundermine tbe National leader , and their desertionof the National Party, procured for them their justdeserts. Mr. O'Donnell rega rds his Lite colleaguesapparently us tbe dissentient ju-01' did "those elevenobhtinate mi:n"and arrogates tohiiosclf more wisdompie-acii-nce , aud knowled ge tuan the whole of themput togetber.but until tbe contrary is proved we shallcontinue to believe that Ireland ia more willing totrust in tbe united councils of such men BB Parnell,McCarth y, Sullivan , Scxion , or O'Connor, ratherthan to the hail-brained tp. ¦dilution and airy tbeo-ri.-s of Mr. F. H. O'Donueil. It is for the consti-tuency of Dungarvan to say whether it prefers thatits representative should reuiain a kind of un-attached skirmisher for the Tories, or a member ofa united and independent Iri3h Party. In spite ofthe great abilities undoubtedly possessed by Mr.O'Donnell, his conduct irresistibly impels one tothe eoncluBion tha; his political vices are incuruble.His consumiug vanity ueutiiil isca bia capacity forusefulness , aud I,is iibsuid jealousy and diBlike ofMr. Paruell Seems to render it impossible for himto work williuj rl y iu tue character of a follower. Ifthere were room for a second Irish party witb Mr.O'Donnell as a leader, he would no doubt in thatcapacity do admirable service, but s.3 the country isobliged to choose between the tuo uber for Dungur-van and tbe member for Cork, we apprehend tnatut present it will not alter its arraugements. Att.ie end of centuries of bitter experience the Irishpeople have cotue to prize union ulmoat above anyother quality, Sive imoesty, iu a political party.Mi *. O Douueii Hppeais to uuve become po&scstielhj t.ie spirit or d.etcne-orj, and unless be can changebis nature , 01 become nimself the elected leader ofa party (a still more unlikely contingency), hiapresence io Parliauieut as an Irish NationaliHt caauave ia it few elements of public usefulness.Sneering, snarlijg, carping, misrepresenting, beappears to us ut present tbe very model of all anInsu publio man cugnt not t-.i le."

BLACKWATEtt NAVIGATION COMPANYAt a lu-suling of the shareholders ot this company,

henl at Yuug lmi 0:1 Thnraday, there were present 1 —Sir li. Jb\ Kva.ie , JB.irt. : T. Foley, j.P. ; S. J, Merriok,T.(J. ; K. i'ok-y, Jl. Kennedy, T.O. ; Rov. VY. B. Mor-riok , U. F. rueUii , T.C. ; E. folty, W. N. Dasher,and W. J. Verlin, Ac.

Sir R. F. Koiuo, tho Chairman, stated the result ofhis recent visit ro London with tbe Messrs. foley toinspect the steamer whioh the company proposed topurchase. Tbe Ms&mer was one well suited to ths re-quirements of the company ; but it m found on hertrial trip that she did not oome up to the speed requiredril., eleven miles per hour, her speed at present beingonly nine miles per hour ; but by rt-plocnig the en-finesthis could be rectified.

A oommunioatiou was read from Jlr. VUUers Stuart,M.P. , giving his views as to the class ot steamer re-quired, and suKgesting that for the pnrpoee of givinglocal employment, thu hull of tho vessel should bo oftimbet, and, if possible, thatsho be built on the Black-WBUJT,- and that the engines be obtained elsewhore.Th» meeting, however, though favourable to the en-oonragoroent of local maunfacture, (lid not considerthat in this iantaauo it wonld be prant-'cable to carry itout, aad that tho arrangomont ooaie to for tho parohiuoof the steamer iu London, was the belt that oould bearrived at. ' '' Mri Vorlia , solicitor, stated that he had as directed,

applied to tha Harboar Board for permission to erect atimber jetty ofi the Mall, which had been granted.

After tbe trsnsooticn of somo formal business, themeeting adjourned.- . .

NEW DEHNTTIONSHypocrisy, ¦ it. A quality wh'oh distinguishes tho

human race from the brutes.Hysterics; n. A disease peculiar to women, whioh

may nsually be* considered a sign that the system re-quires » new bonnet.

Idea, n. " A species of lightning, nhioh occasionallystrikes people, but seldom does much damage, unlessa person's brain'ls soft. ¦ -. '

Xdioloy, '-n • Bnylng ten shares of Tuicorom, andtutaog uuyour broKur's doorstep tu wait for a dividend.

Idol, n.-.Ao obj-'ot of .worship that varies aooord-ing to age. In iutauoy the atoauoh—candy, , Youth,tha heart—pnllbooks. Daring the remainder of !'fe ,tbe pooket,. , . ¦ ' ,;'' ¦ Ulejalj adj '. Doing wrong things whoa yon. haven'tthe money.-''- ' !: .' - - :

Inoorruutb'.e, adj. An -ofBsal wbo has been offeredmore mouuy by somebody elso; • ;

Page 4: snap.waterfordcoco.iesnap.waterfordcoco.ie/collections/enewspapers/WNS/1883/WNS-188… · /> THE -WATES FOBI* SSWB."^ ttitl«tnS4i«-< ¦ ' ". .tiSfejAMtt . '«fiE. .PUREST

{ ^ SiS vXE Y,:,' ,..„ ¦

¦•'¦ '¦' ¦¦ - 'S*vUi.'tt»«w<«l u bSI.»rttl»Utht,. t . . ¦: ¦

< .' ' ¦7;o 'WithhlnJ<UAJwus'aoUi»Mpc».r.<: » ; - 3 , . , ;. . . -

• ¦ . „ ". - ¦WitV»n*l'Vl«>k ****** *o t»r, '\Vl y "TUB Tirol*** Is tot good that mj : . '¦ ¦ ¦ ¦

. • I /i(.Tho»ao >t« rt»«Ul»iitrtitot<e,: ¦ - i . ¦

. ". " % Whiathe prophetic t*»r of tHIo«/. . ' •-> . . I - 'i 'tnort tonmrntJnj lMietfel brWr*,: ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ''-> •-¦¦ : '. More fall oLnoultornunUirg-nil,.)»a- I '.Thaftdlnetnlitclilef «i>,U«ufl.,; , '. . .;• TBntiWi i;taif«bi/.t. 'ia#titalM my »l|it, .«-' : ¦ • • M«ttrt Informed br ol*n*rUfht, " v ' • ,-• ¦• *"' . -I Diiiiernsiewnesswtatkrttbnrir. >. . k..Th»t *ir«ontivtat M*mQ<l i>ataow. .¦ ¦ Jli» ro>LT««lUoe'ma»«llowOl«U«te,' ; ' 'Andfrown'npoirth«10i tb»f» pait ) -• ¦• ¦•'. ' Brt wUob'thUrHV lootalielssf.- •. . . • ¦ AntfitnUes apfln tb» new W>ni Vear.

- .. Hoh»«.100, rrorAk pIuo* »oklgb,. ,ThBTear ltei opeirtohi» <7«J- '¦Abd aU (be n>oneDl« o]>«o «« ¦

. . . . . • TotbeAxactdtecotem, -• .. . • .irtmoTBiodmowho raUM upcii

' ¦ ' L .Tbe; tuiipr revolution. , '¦ J ¦ •WhjshoaVl**, then, liupect or fear

-.. •' , TbniaSat etott-tmtl - . . !.. 8oimil«» ui>oim* tha4rtt morn,

' And •peaUui good SO icon U born;Plmra* on't! the hit m* ill enough,Thl« cu> but m*k« » tetter proof ; '

. Or, »t the wor»t, »» ir« knitted through' ¦' Theliurt . wbj «o.w»tanj thii too i'' '; And tbon the next la reoion shoold

, i : ¦ Tottbawont U/ M (wedtllr» *<>),,tfa»e»i> (n«>»«j>en>otulty¦'•". ¦"• ¦n>»'o tl>« l*«t fortune* th».t do tall :

-• ¦•; '.' Which ato briica*wherewithali. . <- . ¦ .U>B««tWr b«Gwto«opport. j, * Th«»tho«o Uo ol th»o(n«r»ort;'¦¦' : Aadwhb bu» on« good rear la tkreo,

r..Amljt!(re!4»c»»tdettlnjr, 1 . ;¦ i Appe»r»nn«f»eWuUu the cot«, 1 •

. " .". AiidJiieriU not tho good h«bo«I" ' ' ' Thod l»t n» w«lcom« the Haw Guest'• ¦• ¦ .! •Wtth lasty brirtiMJ'S or tba tert i

¦ MirtU alMJSBUouia Good tfortiroejneet,. ',, , .And rondcrt e'en-JJlsairtOTSSwttrt i • ,¦ '• • "• ¦• - Aad' though tbe Print***' turn her back; /¦"'• •• ¦• : f£ettuiUUeourtBltei>mh««ck( ' ¦"

, • ¦. > 1 f < We better ahall by Ut kold out,I .„. 1. ,.?nU,t e ao^3f«<ur.»ln.fuq»«boot. , t .

!THB .PASADdX^F^IilE.'» t : .*- ¦¦¦ . . .TT-T : . TT J > . - ~ <r. , ,* :«. .'.:., • • .; Time go«»,>oo.KvT- Ah noJ ;, /-.*

•," " ' Alan, Time «Uys, «• go j •, . .• ' ¦OriUo.-irere thlt Dot so.v' '/• )• ¦: ¦ . Wi*t need toehsintbe boon, ;j . . . . , ¦ Tor Xo th were t\nf*Of n t

s ' ' ' .¦ yime p>e», JOB ia/,fr »U no I '

V v. .. -j JDor» i tho «y«a'Asoelt' '. /.¦ ' • Of ttOT-whwe flj inj leet 'L - I I- J - J I ; Lard Ujroogl »o»f Uniieapelflw j»v ! ;l r.r 1, • We paw, «d tbinK w» »eeI. . «. , . . . Tj»» BBrtll>fao#'»Brf»o»iIe«-, . ', ;. ' A.1«J Tipne •]«»,--»« go 1 .', : l ,'" \ Qw«r>n the,*G»()I old, • ' . .

Your loctawerecorling gold, ,: •¦] •. . Ad ajrfi iiff 'ttajijedtDe croir.!'3- - . i Qloiivtntbewlt-saaieetege, - .¦.i;i '. . . - : . -We>.T*W*°h»<'.th««B»«« Bl»i ' ¦

..:vi "i: H,W9S?! .jr<ia"y/;?t'.no1 1 '¦ ¦ ¦•-c" ' ..i-Qp4 %"iben'n>y fae w«*rtroiig, . ¦¦ . / U l

: i . . .fiUnl .the ,•wood* wtth,iopg. . . . , . , ;>' "'"Jf'To rnlM joar. -'ro»e" and "snow j" . '¦

J i : i :,Jw bird, tb iaBg;»» dead ; ¦• "• ' . . ¦.. '»¦ V WoerB»rajoorro»e»flod r . . ¦. .;<;<[

b , y ,&, . . ; Mu..yt int,*Uj*. -:-mtJSOj .. , • ; .: v ,.;; ;

-:i/^l'" Be*, In what fa»rened WBX». ,- . j ¦

' ' > V«/Co .. ,-WHi» tockww^FjUi deUj. .. , . ., - ; , ¦ ./ ' •' Tbo7i<iptirwe(n»»d tokiM>w i . . - ., . ..

.-•V.i). HAk,-wkerk tho»eTaB!»h«d flM» l ! • ¦; • ; - 1 • ¦ J :-i

;'jj j£l*. .aTi5iMBO«e,jou;«»yr-T»b..npl > , ;, r. N . . . , .;i

How f«r, how far, 0 Sweet,! '! . , . . j . . ^Thffi""l '*'"'< "n* '**t ' . ' * * : ' '¦¦> IJe« ln th» eT«n.-gloi» l . ri

J ' i .". , . .-. ."•.'jNow< W tholotwird'wiorr'^ l!" '; <• ¦;: '• ' • - '

¦ V\. Ala», Tinie«t«jri£T«jio l :

.•^)jpBE'j 8UAiA'E:<SPsTHB': OllD 'TEAR- ¦¦¦:; / Bfbwiriiiai a'ndBoweriiorii'*'' "' .K^!(il>ntokroeft>m<jk> th«ra*dlaf tboru," ' ; ' 'I.r.a\ /=Artri^^mta«td^^*4?wWta. i . ¦ . . , - .

jicf-t- ij .Tp be,*uiTmpoleBt.lo«Tt.- -* , "¦ . • . ¦

"V" •t »Biettaie»U»*rW.#nibr»ee wpowarn,...» ,'yt.'VtbothiwiiMtWdtftoperform; ' -:.• . inMSb'(W«tM»««taak'on.trMt -''t

:.^ .V. -fBiitioo.o.he atjmoodtbtotlathodart. .'¦WI«S'« f.J^ iiluSihiitrnth -to t»lL^ I 'R TM

bidn aU DDt treanweU.'' :

. ' .i J-.WiimryBtoV)'bx»tnKret | >k >,f,.:a ..*>-f i&iSBwetoeitf'toowe'bid j jet ¦/, im'v ( ',r*rtl*I»-Htb*i«J« a «x>fc»withla t '

^;f1 « S # . ¦ • :V V lM -»v.£,at&mitVS»iw»iiU;tinklnai ':

¦¦ • -. ;V; i-: ¦•i;MHe *»«notr««nT.»o.b»tto*«ot« ' ¦ ' ;

t>. ... ;-»ir j j $j j ;cimlnjr'of^tprln )M«fair. [ '

'«:«•!! i V>'! cottpWn«Tfet»jS5Ai!« ibiU oeaw.'ir.-.ifV' •-"•-TheySjr tbooiftiiO't wboll> id y • ¦

'"¦¦ /-iWit Jn-tWW W«ct« thQa «xt not 4t*£ ¦/r;;j J i ,535ptboaoaoati.t£Iw» ,.,

;• ;j aa^»ii^^!WX»io8 .*OE ..'vATEEipbBbr.!ft'n ioi.'iOT'!liteH'< lto:Tkn'i7jii!o«HTCkT.1 - : ::

? | :">"(Bi';#wi .%«;'frni iK«i4)7;.; '¦

U . V •¦? (CojtmuwlglVo^ o»r Iprti).' , ,-. .jv'jR^a ryJxeiV.itiejMer^atMiitlyof KU-Jtmi to^la^at.wpiflUi^metabWAssemUed,.yp^^ tyi^boM,-BD<JjlWr *prt. i J»t«;t4»t?|ol«il ijoe teUJ ,j><^;rm;<»aiiMtS«ra,irl«)

-;bc iT(^^B«j»<»*,ffoo»!jih«»lw 08 8fc j0sn}oe>6B(tbat^uiij!i <iVi-; (>°o'5C»rrrt:wtAtiid oni/(one'.aaifij^H^Wt igmye ljeneath jU»: l»olr..i»of.'.'>JYl^D jS«WWpnt»;flr.«re.tlien,drawii}op with,». Ttewt^"#^r^'tnIViUbertjri.of>:c«McteiJCft ia. lrv'kod.(Tb^J^rtOpjOpiWiripcat-ta Lonclon on

tbi 2Stb

-5Jnljyji .*6a,B««*5«l*>;>Francc^Qi be&ocd tbat\t»«pj^W if?:«swl'i1«Medl •*»-.WijMraW>. Inchi*t^ D TJ .W«trttwIjr/aU tb l&rtteMn th.th«

-,WWftMJM4« i#Wtn lvia,liitejnber,-: IM7.¦;5 «i jiWMrjj<wrfl«>)jr-;eiltert»ia<d,.in!C«Bb«l,

. c-ft }?vtt«Lmtidyiitb«..'Ti«U,of.fl}8 J'eutot.tbeuKnlt^wMimSm^Ctin,be^»i5»ted by;taitort,jceBonaJiU W«ji Vid<iM««i3«!.UB)»df tboroagblyii» iMsJw>,*i«|i>;JKI*!! )Wid-|iw«k'i'P«*5«.'.> .jli^Wnftltyjaa^ ft&tvtte vfte jC«thedrml, into+wfc^ii)&.o liM.5t wd,«toe» bat! fled for protec-¦i^ -t^ ' thiaUc» jwefq

MttfdtT' d,_*» weto also

iftl^^W!W^^MEn ')Otv« '<3)o«M«auv;^wo

,»k« .^bfc»rcaicpitcoi>»I..niitre an JJU o*c bead,tai yfeiaflWqwAfe fc"J5rWi*wM<i»t Jflt .iMoaiter,

;'¦ tion of. lirgoeaa? of;,moB<!y;b«»iTe«tl(to.«tophU•; -work <rf <le«UoaUoor»iod.ibu».?<.«M tbe ancient

*;7' -,•¦/"* M-.o'f'lJV*t)iiJ"'i'' l y 'U'rffiUnJ'• ¦'i<j 'V;!i^-.jcejni waJ.ft greatMmirai^ BubopCohier-'

. -fi 1of;.WaterfQrd>Md.fIrt«more, ri3'*pBut*ar«r»ipmcftti« ia:WBiedoTaJ»itb'tbfr feo(>a.pteUte.:To

-; -thft Konolo,,'.1 Wat«riord,-»itb-iu!r«Jl«k)5» bbApi,« ?^BW»aflr 'ba»ejJiii*,wi4SWiBlrib^ irtUMtaiti; wuW

.- -as y.wM^^owjuiW :et |« «f TDDIIOUMWO.

.' iCig!M,!K,#n»f *wf «wujyw<rer,3»^<M3»u:M«iraBoeJ th»tJ»li(wn'jC<liu4fn j'arjbo1-»l?i)ll»id«ttcojod In' tlreUwt »»'*?»? vwtplaww* Jswd'byia ortho-'>doacMtrii ." ': ."'*%-*.^',- ';-> '-v, :"tP-? ^^J:-''* -v .'' i 1 '

« '- Ti'&Sepr^uib1 nin'«tim 6^^1ih<Jp'CoiBer-'" -ftra t^TeSoflit&tt''with";!blm-i>a!'b*«er*itfjj'.the: VinM^^Vt'telrrf to

g '/:la ti»Jitter of tl)«'¦. .Cd9tejr,yj^iDy,*3^ *;p)Jtoni yA Ljiicb,' tMd.%J.C)if, .Oeratd,PenwUi Jh»hn S?«l«b, »od.JafriekBti«i» (al nisao* pf Ormond flreread 1

•¦ W ,We.'tbexerorftunplota jroti -.to['tobt>fr«n'itMir;Vtolint prootedia|(i•«ad 'tO'»ic»Te ix<S«;. jpridplt-frto'¦ hcttw'ito <be:Wbxnr)li««,V'wbichT'V«»;nollatod'lfll

> (im'Mj^ .^W^Bgiilaj'pNlgatfon of ywjrr>rfl*'ib»Jw4'.P1<''te*% "nicb w<ere,i*«f««d iieru Jnr^b«¦ - '. meNi* Catholic:tim4».".: At «Si.li»4.Qsajwod-w

; j -ofW*:iTTOi^Ktb«^Ui ««Urob«rTO tbe


tbtls hugmeatli>jt .ih«4>Olst«r.force«. ArcbbUbopWk!«b or Casiiew Aichblibop Batke of Tnam, andfive otbeobuibopr revolted from tho Nuncio, atA\S ¦iso'n&ftjAf <<}>«' FrU™, the Carmelites, andJesuit*.',The V&alhitani Hi Capnohlna held firmrHH ' tKe^ntcJoriJJlilitip. Comerford and 10 othetbl».hbbi»pv!;3itf jM;Sjot'bB, f.0e8ory,Tcfdied to jibutthe onurpt,e« jnjKfifennyriiut Arcbbbhop Fle iDgof DubUn WKitsBown jtMortiDg him tQ.obfly tbsiaierdiet 1 -BcitbV&iU .Tainted, and in Anguit heinformed the Supreme Council in a long docunenttbat ' the eja»mcin»nIcatJon• was- null ,'and Toid.Bishop Dense pfvM»ath w4a ol«o Tery'dttenolnedin bUoppoeilioiifd^tbe'Nancio, and it it not rar-prising tbat Efcociint: ib onld har« wished " thatMeath be.trajialated to Heaven, abng with Os»ory,"tbtn ,in bis (jologo. «n<jt so/feafile tbat he conldhardlj. leare 'blfl' chAtubcr. Buhop Comorford 0!Watertord'dfdiall ,ia-hi»y£cmor to ophold theauthority Of Hb'«f Kunel^y Tbe Onoondielt pto-claiined O'Neill and srreated Dean Massari, wbomthey oidered to l ato b'p country.

. rfX«'>,**' ConrinuedJ

B-B ^HLEHEMDwelling—»o odfeforHe»—

, . ''£»rtt fc«*h nolowlior iYet why Bo Mjol»»DrrouQd it to-night PWhy 1B that cmoall cncirolcd with light?Karth bath'j*o poorer bomb,

' ¦ ''; j -'.Hwhfttli it holier.EiqnidtaiianaoniQS, .. • w' : ThrilflBirand tender,Soana on the vigbviie y rocUam'mg the birthOf the Infant Metftah, descended on earth—Oome not to dwell imld .

' Siohet or splendour.Join in tht " Qldria"

Angela ting o'er Him ;Fear Dot to enter tte.ojcerleea abodeBy cold-hoartod Betblemitta on Him bftitowed ;Draw neai1 Bli straw; oouoh—

. . Bend lowly before Him.Warm His Infant limbs,

Gua on those features.Drink in the iweetneu whioh breathes from them now,Mercy and tendernesa sbtna on His brow,rhongh belplcis a* even

Eis weakest of ereatnres.Gaxo on that IJothor'g heart— -

lorinff, adoring !Now she embraces His infantine form,Shielding Him now from the oold winter's storm,Kestlo beside her— ¦ • - '

ill graces imploring. '•8tj Joseph is jroatrale . . . .-« : ¦.? • ¦< - In ferront derotion— .'•' - . .

JaToored St. Joseph ! how blest thy reward IThe.one obosen guardian to watnh o/or thy Lord,Thy.pure heai-t yields now ; • - ;. .•:• i¦¦ -,..s i ::. To eaoh tend'rett emotion;btnp and 'aolT-ease find ' '. ¦ '!. ' .y ~, : ' To footing bsside tbe ,'; ,

Bride keeks an cntranoo, bnt vainly It Book?;Everything hero bnt of lowliness ineaks,8tooo earth'a poorest oomforta ,. , ;;.'. '. .' ; ; • ifaeron dented tnem;.','.:, *Tet Hearon bestow on them : •¦- ¦ '<• ¦¦ '¦ ¦¦•- . ¦ . • 111 its best TMMBPS\^ :- •¦ .

My «onl-i-ent«ir in—there i» nothifcjt tbfoar.'All than need ?st and leeksstthou maj'et find henThen let thy iMjne«U:koow^>' - •> •¦• : • ' •.•i ".- ¦¦ ¦ • • Kct limit nor meaanre. ¦• • :.- 'Unlike the hard Bethlemites,.

' ;. . ' . ,;' - ',1 ' ' , Who wonld reieot Him, "^

' . . . VTOl Him, my BOO I, thon wilt love Him ii» more—A-tho.tuand times better than tbon did'st hefore,And from the cold world , ' . . ', ..¦* ;' .. . ° Shalt shield and protect Him.

HER FIRST ANNIVERSARY. In days and'wgsks tbat aomehoirpaised

Did Wintsr, Spring, and Summer fUde,And now wilh Antninn's fall at last

> Comvs rbind again the day she died.J Again October broezes blow, . • : , ¦. . And withered leaves bestrew the sod : . 'jiWith ns han'passsd a yeat of woe, '•s*' With her a year of joy with God. .

Till now, w!}'en sad remembrance woke,; ^

Ae seasota came, and feasts drew near, '•We stUlsorld say, '• 'Twaa thns *ha spoke,

. Ihnssotrd, looked, thU time last year." :• First Ohrisl ias, Easter, natal day. , - ¦

Her Joting greeting was denied ;. First bnddiog spring, first golden May4 __ Dimmed br her absence from out iide. ¦ ¦

Bnt noif re ioTed a farther space, : • '.We tvead the seasons round «noir, ¦

With memories of that raoant olaoe, ¦¦¦v 'Witbnsen*«/of loss no longer new.. ° '

, BolentUw line I Behold the breach.- . . - Between na widened by a year 1 ;, No: ch(*tir» word> of hnman speech - : •, • We bare bnt drawn twelre monthn mors nearThose widow'4years of lagging time, '

Mad»npof d«y«andbon«of peio, ': Are lengthened steps by which we climb

To presa her.in onr arms again— Wo caanot see from first to last, •

, Or span the rood that lies before,"But o'er tho ground we this' year passed''_ ". :We'll never bare to trarel more IVWlileahe/ar iip the«teep ascent ¦¦¦¦. ¦ la oowpaufd ronnd with light sublime,

,. Future and fast together, blent:¦ -In God's own wondrous P/esent time j. xnOiorrow'-sn her'radi»nt brow, .¦' '-She weep*-not Veu our tears to aee,- 7o¥ present) to hetvision now

' .?'I» the glid meetioff that shall be.''ihe^welbone'bethiapartingday,

" More welcome M the days go by—¦ ;As earthly .lbadmra meltrmway,-. . .':' And heavenly jmmmita dawn on hhth ;• ¦And far frera monrniog that TimeVtiie

<!' J "• Diridet t» from tae lored on«i igone,We'U joy that closer to their side*

ij . ; Wo'rsdtiwing as tho years flow on t¦t l^ TiKEj iiAlDBJl AND THE MITTEN. ;The twU'gh^shadowi east their «Iory o'er the-soene, '.-The yoang.ptan helithBgato—bia love and bun atween.K» loTy •w s eomothUy.(pEth, it.was 10 sweetly new.utThe.maideaTair madonp her mind.hii inoome wouldn't¦'"' ''do.'-' "'?, '' ' ¦ti' ' '¦ ."' .' ' . • ¦ ¦ • - .1 t" I prithee jit me hare aa'keopsake thy dear gloro VtWhen 1 am far a*Vi sweet, 'twill 'mind ma of myv ¦ ;<.J OT»." .v) ' " ' .:•';':¦:•¦ .- • • ¦ ' ¦: •¦ ¦ '

She smilod ,'irith coornf ol mien upon the young man. imitteflf ; . .

'"&•¦ -1 ¦ ¦.: ¦ . • ¦¦

jWhen be deiartod trpm th6 seene-h» carried off the, mitten,^v . ¦. - .- v- -.. . - . • .,

¦. •V-s-. -- \UVBf WSQfSS- -O 'F LOVE.;t<\%I> this ..whireljbbej ;«dit F" "Yet, ma'am,"ropHpd,thei"iDr«o.reporter as be. looked np and dis-p tTtroi ajtttol^'bttjlt:yonnjr lad/ standing in the*«*•¦»/> . *"Tbi«. is;tbe *xact spot where Bight,«S0ronf4fl e»^'»!de»by InteUa5t, deals tellingl>WW;««ai(i»V.Wjrong. and lnjostioe, clad thoughberM* tbegarnjeuJB of Might and Opprewion.rme4' wit>:,jti|i?'Jlai»es of .Thought tbat • glisten

Wghtly iB; tbw.siinliffbt^or.Eeajoo, the editor«t»nda eyer:readj».-1r,l)elmeted knight in tbe bolt.caqje«t;J»«tiw;:fuH;panoplied; and with weaponin eoach»at pouw. - ' : • - • .¦•• ¦ . , • . ; : i iir '^Tbatntso't.it tJj.wbat'I wanted to find outabout,'.'osilthfljooogUdy. " Inn goiDif to mate,» «a»y-a<?£.t< »h<ljB5ieima said tbat an editor'couldprohaJ/l^^ lj^ JJijiibont.i'," and a: bewitching•mileiillwiitat tM featnrtJ of the fair vbitor.« OPS iPaane be t frtjedUor/'.«*l the bora* re-porter f ..not j! }i .pirea«nt.lM»d th»is»tof nsnstor J scBiwhjsJt diffident abobt intrnding,upon,tbild)m«iB tiailt» wbicb *re sofferiog from.^mporfti-jjabeni^aowf niind aad -pillow-shamspqnwrnifja -whorSiitoenUl condition, tbero'ls no.dflqb*.JS ?! I- ljstdhr/tWnk yon understand, sir,**,qon«nne*,.. \bV3ti })pX ^&.«nijUinn.t> Un'i• fe .-v^W*nV J»«i-binbW-tt- i« ^«ia»»lfcalled: so l«ca.ni«i ii i<nad0- of -silk of iifferent'

,eo]ov^ it; prestititoa;.«iitr* appeiraoee." .'• Pre-:.»«nt»::a;!j»aat^?Sy«..A,nv«m<M . appearance—look*rathe atai>ge,,.$ ka9<';,,.»0i»,¦'¦j tt: j ; sort.of¦¦4*^ ok'««r;J»*jni 'wi»"'T>>rt- .'preb«Wjr.'«x-presaMiht idea, sfiv altbojwh noC perbins taivtbe•cboiovstlangnaGey I sboqldjbe Tory gb«C thooirb;JLyon::cooW;8S» tne.w lnfptmaUoa'aboatVthttIffl^SfP^^&«!;I«e »15r. klshoutttiegiB^^ort(^^%'Jv^' . :-..-..;;.: s 'T>?;M . i«ri ivd«ueota4'>;i(jaat'> fte. '-jraiin«Uf>!»JjITp,:pii,Tf tb»t.w,iiofc.i|xa6tJ//5.i-)d ft/fifid'MwhifW^i^f 1&H WM««to«wi,r,» Bot I wantM *mp 'Ujw&wm^^*Mw^i btctj m

WF&&Mi **7&:l$&k 3T9P>» »fol4aad mo*,' mMMMmMsm c i^


iho knows only: that 'a.great happiness.and h'o\jlont-cnt enshroud ier beiDg. Charley thon kiBsedroa. warmly abont an inch below your nose, andirok e himself' the; next day buying an engagementring. He calk at the house evory.night now, andwhen he says to you : ' Myrtle,, do you love me asknnob this evening as you did last Thnreday after-noon ?'• you looked at -'1 ¦ • •I " He doesn't call me Myrtle at all," interruptedthe young bdy. ( *' My name Is Edith." " It's thebame thing. . A'rose by try' name would have asmany thorns. Whea he asks you if yon love himns much as yon did last Thursday, you climb up alittle higher on his neck and want to know how hecan ever doubt you. It's all right,' though. Be atruo and loving wife, and perhaps some day Charleygill give yon a quarter to spend without requiringan itemized account, sworn to. before a liotary , ae towhere such a vast sum has gone. Cherish his loveoa you would a tender plant that the rude blasts ofwinter would destroy. Mnke your whole life a. con-stant endeavour to promote bis welfare, but do notfinish that quilt.' " Why not, rit ?" " Because,"was the reply, " it would recall to him the happypast."—Chicago !TVikun«.

THE WILL OP SIQNOE MA&IO.The will left by Signor Mario was not completely

executed. He was unable to sign it, and thereforeit is not a legally binding document ; nevertheless,no doubt 'the intentions of tbe testator will becarried, out. I have seen a copy of it. Mdrio leavesbis house in Cagliari to his nephew, Stefano diCandia, who is now residing there, subject to tbecondition tbat the testator's sister shall contiuue (olivo in . it. The will inentione that.the . bt-queBtoftbe property in Cugliari to tbe nephow is becausethe daughter is otherwise provided for. It may notbe generally known that about ten years ago thegreat tenor toado^H division of all tbe property hethen possessed Among bis three daughters. TbeBam . amounted to about tnelte thousand pound!cacb. The benefit concert in London, to which theQueen and the Prince of Wales largely contributed,realized a fond for tbe purchase of an.annuity onwhich Mario subsisted during tbe last year of hislife. Some of his latest works Were expressive ofaffection and gratitude of the English public, andof bis dovoted respect to the Queen and BoyalFamily. Tbe body will probably be conveyed toCagliari in nccordanco with the wish of the deceased,but tbe funeral cannot take place yet. Meanwhiletbe remains lie in a zinc coffin.at the Cemetery olSt. Lorenzo.. Mario's wish at firtt was for crema-tion ; but when it was observed to him that it mighthurt certain susceptilities he at once yielded, say-ing, ." True, true ; you are right." Mario receivedthe scrameate, - and died in tbe Catholic faith inwhich he was - educated. Some erroneous state-ments : bav6 been made respecting tbe place anddate of his birth. Mario was born at Cagliari in1810.'; His valuable ,collection of manuscripts andautographs',U; left, to his daughter Clelia—Mrs.VniighanV. Mario's intimate ; friend, Prince Odea-caleu, undertook, at his request, the task*of. exami-ning his pdpers and/ letters, destroying some andkeeping whatever be thought desirable to preserve.

THE FATE OF . THE APOSTLES.All of the Apostles were insulted by the enemies

of their Master, . They were called to seal theirdootrinea.with their blood,- and nobly did tbey beartbeir trials. ~ Schumacher says t—' tit. Matthew suffered martyrdom by boing slain with

a sword at a' distant oily of Ethiopia.¦ (it. Mark expired at'Alexandria, aftor being orhellydragged through the streets of that city.

• St. Lake was hanged npou'an olive tree in the olASsioland of Qreeoe. i; ¦ ¦ • ¦

fit. John •wan put in a cauldron of boiling oil, butescaped death in a miraonlons manner, and was after-wards banished to Patmos.¦ Bt. Peter was orueified'at Bomo with his head down-wards." 7- ¦' ' .' • • ¦'• >

: ¦. ' ¦ • • '•

1 Bu James the Greater .was beheaded at Jerusalem.lit.- James the less was thrown from a lofty pinnacle

of the templo, and then-beaten to death with a fuller'sclab. :> - ¦¦¦•¦ ' '"" ¦¦•' :¦. ¦>- ¦ :< • • : • • ¦ .. -

at BarthoJ6mew was flayed alive.•• Bt.' Andrew Was bound to a cross, whenco ho preaohedto his'persecntoM antil b'e diod. ' '

- Bt. 'Thomas was ran thrbagh the body with a lance,at Coromandol, in the B»»t ladies;.' Bt/Janewaa-sh'ot to death'with arrows.v Bt. 'Mathias'was' first stoned and than beheaded.

Bt. Barnabas of tho Gentiles was stoned to death bythojow» at Sakmica. '¦>¦» ¦ 'Us :'— " ' L- Bt Pan], after various tortures and persecutions, wasat length beheaded at Home by the Emporor JSfero.

> Booh was thfl fato: of: the Apostles, according totraditional statements.' - -

THE LAND ACT—LEASEHOLDEES' It appears.'that there are about 160,000 lease-holders in Ireland, and moet.of them are very die-satiated at their position, as compared with thenon-leaseholders, who, they • say, nave a most nn-fair radvantage over. them. -A farmor who gets areduction- in'his rent, and security for ever, is in avery different position from the leaseholder who getsno redaction. In fact the.lAtter in paying s rook-rent, the .'new kw giving' bim'qo relief whatever.Tlie' Irish Party, /should" press on ..this question inthe next'(session without- any delay. Toe ruinousabsentee. drain,- which no other country on earthwould submit to, and the waste land question, shouldalnocome.to the front.' ;' ¦ ' '' . •" ." ' ' ';.- . ¦.-.;!,. i kin '¦>¦: ¦ " ' »

' ' '::/- " ¦ ' '-'• '

. Sis* >OT> IMTILLIOISCB.—In the'deliberation olhep'glfto/'Natare'appears' to have notod on the lawof'compensation ; Those, flowers' that.'exhale themost 'fragrant perfumes rarely present to the eyetbe most.brilliant' colours; and (be greatest mindsdo' not always dwell in ; the: most peifect bodies.-Eiop,, Pope, Oberkampt, Marshal Luxembomg,were banohbaoks ; Tyetaeus, -SbakeBpeare,': Byron,Walter Scott, Tamerlane, Benjamin'Constant, werelane; lastly, 8caxrbn compared) bis*deformed bodyto the letter Z. It is a matterof'dally observationtbat hnnobhaoks are rerely stnpld. A 'all , timesro^n of stunted growth' Jiave been the most .bigblygifted '.with, intellectual- power.. Victor Hugo,spVakiog of Charlemagne,, says that be was one ofthose very, rare talLmen.who are at the same timegreat men.i .The PrussianQoade published in 1786at Gretiswaldco, n cUiloaswork on tLis subject,'en;titled, "D» vitit tta.t *ra~j>a rviiet erudition* mag';n{i'' (on men who are small in atitu're and great inlearning).' "The list 'of. persons'6 sbort staturewho achieved celebrity'.in one way or another is along one.; We wiH only-oaention the obiefof them 1David, the slayer of Goliah ; -Alexander the Great jAttila, the scourge of God ; Malone, tbe actor, whoused to sleep in a cat^kin, strung up as a bam mock ;Alypius, tbo pbitosophefofAlexandrio; who thankedGoov'that He'bad not'burdened bis . «bpl with alarger mass 'of' corruptible matter j ' Gregory ofTours ) Pepin, tbe Short jiPbilip Augustus j Albertthe Great, whom t ha Pope oaked.repeatedly to rise.bnlieving him to be still, kneeling- at. bis feet j tbeKingof JPolaad, Vladiolas, sornauied-"Lokiekek"Jno bigger .than an eel) r Erasmus ; Cojas1 j. Pop*obn XXILij i. Prince Kugene : Maria' Thereas j

Hoffmann >• tho Italian Apostoll j envoy of tho Eo-publk-of:San-Marino to the French , Republic ;who jj-ot- into a rage every' itme howa* told.that bewas" about the 'same.> ls«e'as". his country ;• lastly,KapoteonI,«ridl)i3hi»torJAn.Tbiers.—fyiJiouuH.' EIOHT HOUDBID Wrr»8:WAirtnD.—There seemst o- b e , abundant opportunities in ..tbe colonies forrospectablei young women.' matrimonially inclined.No sooner; have - a-number' of fcmola 'emigrantslanded IB Australia oVNew Zealand" than they areengaged' byemployers/rinxibus to 'secure, tbeir ser.vices in various: occopatlonk, and "tbia '; 'engage-ment"; Us •speedily, followed.by anflthe'r. wbioh end*Wthettqnitang,tbeir t'feniployBj«nt, and takingiUielr'jjlaco as the wjvesof spoonsful fat mers andythers,- wbo^baving^ronghed it .for afuw years,Tiave, themselves aj'comfortable home,<wbioh they«onld never hate .expected! to ( tealirt In the OldCountry. Tbe young men who, 'in tbe' ardour ofbop*; go, sJone Win twosanU.threes ioto an un-sjtt .c«nntry >jidaey6to.gK*;:wlwTe energies toJ,*e- [ow lonof ,a sm}linjr,rlm».:jiot \ol the virgin•j»^»j»^"ii"ite"i;i.«,ijr«»^^t.'4two of -.irtboBr,. tothi»«l,maBajgtbeir iew. born* oomplete by taking

e*W*ilB*aattb«. glrlt itheynpft snlnd"ibesS' toohare in ?a«lr lot. - But , itr of ten' tmppens. that ant ortBnfcte'.'yojlfcbs, not *»tjHflr;.6eSii ?a r" free

| W ttej*cjcw6od« or.tSS tjmsh/i* under the.

4Wjn -WW|*iJW«P«w%Jong . Jliine be-

jaaB»P8r «to» tkat be/awf 56:>retent no fewefctbjUtfagb^boDdrodTbiuhelora^under

the p>re .of' a

^ re ^ ^ T^ im'iw 'cclibates..

<yi^WilW?W«W"iP«aiti«»'o<;tlK» m«tdnii*- wbomH&9 ttie Iff #»I|tr«llbi»ar*s Itftbi|[b' a«4 dry <id thefls cliJlT*Wer-pxrMric^,'wWlil»t(a'VS;liihff since


.BOABD OF QUABDUNS-THUBSDAT..Guardionn in attendance—Messrs. K. J. USEAER ,

J.T., (in tha ohair) i H. A. Fitzgerald, J.P.. V.C, M.Walflh, Anthony Power, Thos. Landers, P. Walsh, andM. A.rAnthony, D.V.C. ' . .

CUILDEKN AT NDKSE.—Mri M. Walsh asked Mr.Mahony, H.O., to hove a report at next mooting abouttho children that were sent out to narso lately—now farthey are from tbe flohool and chapel , and whether theyaro attending school p Dr. Mcany : That is a voryImportart thing. Mr. Anthony : I think if thoro bo achango there at all, the children aro better with tbowoman tbaj are gone to than a woman yon had causeof oomplaint against. Mr. M. Walsh : That is notbeforo tho chair. Mr. Anthony : I bring it beforo thechair. Mr. M. Walsh : A guardian should not comohore to do a job and givo these children to two of hUtenants. Mr. Anthony 1 I know nothing of jobs hore.Tho matter dropped.

.THE LAUI JBKRB' AOT.—Thoro was a matter of thogreatett importance about tho working of tho LabourersAoH. It appeared, from a letter from thoir solicitorlaid beforo tnom that day woek,;that thoro were sotioosdifficDlticB iu the way of working tho Act this yoar, andnudor theso oirenmstancos it would bo woll to htt-vo thomattor immediately disoossed. -Mr. ' WaUh 1 I wasspeaking to Mr. Smart on Monday, on tho labourers'cottages, and he holds that Mr. flattery's letter is moatuntimely. Wo will have an inspector from tho Govern-ment to seo whether our schemes aro proper, and it willbo fall titno then for our solicitor to say wo havo notdone right. Mr, Anthony said it would bo too late torectify an error when tho inspector came ronnd. Mr.Keane Raid the objection wu fftUl , on tho grounds thattbe olork did not make the necessary affidavit. Mr.Keane read that part of the aot bearing ou tho point,and adJod that Air. Slattory in his Inttor advises thocourse tbat ought bo taken by tho sanitary authority.

t After some farther discussion,' tho following reso-lution was proposed by Mr. P. Walsh, seconded by Mr.M. Walsh, and unanimously adopted :—" Resolved :That Mr. Slattcry bo requested to submit to tho LocalGovernoiont Board a statoment bt tho grounds ofobjections to thn proceedings of tha sanitary authorityunder tho Labourers Act, mentioned in hia lcttor ofthe 27th ult., and to request their opinion as to whethersoch objoctiona aro fatal to tho carrying out of thosohemes this year, or whothor the Local GovernmnntBoard can suggest a course for obviating it. If Mr.Slattery thinks from the reply of the Local GovernmentBoard that there is a.reasonable prospect of carryingoat the Act this season, ho is hereby authorised to taketho necessary steps to havo notices prepared and served ,and other necessary things dono in. connection with thoschomoa." The board soon after adjourned.DEO. 20.—Mr. MATTHEW WALSH , and subsequently

HENRY A. FITZGERALD, and K. J. USSUBB , Esqrs., intho chair ; M. A. Antfiony, E. Curran, B. Greune, P.Walsh, John M'Carth?, and James Coughlan.

BEMONXBATJON.—The relieving officers applied forremuneration for verifying tho reprcsontatioua undertho Labourers' Aot. A sum. of £2 10*. each wasallowed, anbject to the approval of tho Local Govern-ment Board. ':

EVICT ION NOTICE.—Bolieving Officer Doo reportedthat bo bad received an oviction notice, at suit of SirBichard Musgravo, against Anno Connors, of Coolnas-mear, and others. .

TENDEU8—IJWOETANT POIN T.—The board of guar-dians directed tho dork to write- to tho Local Govern-ment Board for information nnder the following cirenm-stancoa : It appears, that tendors wore before tho boardfor leather and othor matters, and tho board, althonghdisposod to accept the lowest tender, by mistakoanother tender at a. higher figure was accepted. ThoLocal Government Board wore oakod to inform thoguardians whether . they" could rescind tho contractnnd give it to. the lowest tenderer. The following wasread from the Local Government Board on the subject :

, , .. . "Dublin, 19th Docember, 1883." SIR ,—Adverting to your letter of the 8th inst., in

reference to tenders accepted by tho board of guardiansof tho Duugarv^n onion for the anpply of clothing andleather to the iworkhooac, I am dlreoted by tho LocalGovernmont.Board for , Ireland to state that under thecircnmstancei they , are of opinion, that as the con-tractors have not perfected their bonds it is competentfor the caardjiins to .rescind, aftor due notice, theirresolution accopUng.the tenders referred to, and to adrvortino anain inviting freah tenders for tha articles inquestion.—By order of the board,

" W. D. WODSWOETH. "This course was ordered to be adopted.THE LABOUBERS' AOT—F ATAL MISTAKES.—Mr.

Denis F. Slattery, solioitor to tho board, wrote, on-cloaing a letter, he had written to tho Local Govern-ment Board in. relation to thoir proceedings under thaLabourers' Aot. .;'fjte ;reoeivod no reply, but he hadcalled on tbe..secretary of the Local GovernmentBoard, and ho-afceed with him. that the papers worobod, bnt be boliflTCd that tho thing could be set rightwhen tho Loral Government Board Inspector wouldhold the inqury lfitbe.rcprosontations comply with thelaw. In Mr. 81atte!»U letter to the Local GovernmentBoard ho aeked %B%aiation on the.followiug points 1—1st t The Boheaie was not oqmplotod when the ad-vertisemunt were.inserted in the newspapers. In tboBocond plaoe, most, of the representations woro bad—Borne of the signatures to thorn not being by the porsonsthemselves, but by others. The Dungarvau and Cloncarepresentations' were all bad. It would bo a pity tohave tho poor suffer, as the cottages weromuoh needed,through the negleot of any matter of detail in tho Aot,and ho trusted . thA the Local Goyommon*. Boardwould tot tbe. matter right on inquiry. Chairman :The guardians took a great deal of trouble about thisAct, and it is a picy that their labour should now gofor nothing. I do not - know whether oar representa-tions will bold good till next.year. Mr. P. Walsh :It was the resolution sending out the relioving oificsrsthat up»et the whole of it. Chairman : Tho mistakeyou made was in not employing a- solicitor from thefirst. Tbe matter then dropped.

BATBJQS LlVBLT.—Mr. . M. Walsh s Beforo thominutes are read, I will ask the olork bow a sum of£1 lls. 7d. was expended .on election expenses whonthere waj no contest P Mr, Anthony : The auditor haipassed tia account. Cleric *!The expenses of soToradother matters are charged . nndor that head. Mr.Walsh 1 I asked you to produce those items, and I gavoyon eight days for it. Now', do you refuse to givo tbeitems ? Clerk : I do not.- JOhairmon : The clerk isnot bound to make out an abstract ef any account atthe reqaeat of a guardian, unless the board directshim . to do so. Mr. Walsh : I asked for it, and horefuses to give it. I move that the serious attentionof the. Local Government Board, be called to tho re-fusal of the clerk to supoly the information. Mr.P«- Walsh : I second tbat./'Mr. Anthony proposed anamendment that tho olerk's explanation is quite satis-factory, wbioh was seconded by Mr. E. Curran. Mr.Walsh : There - is £i lls. 7d. charged to my division,and am I not to know how. it is eipendod ? Give m«that minate book P Mr. Conghlau : You are alwaysattaokioc the officers of this houao, and you forget thatyou woro once an officer yourself: ' Mr. .Walsh : Holdjonr tongue, you insulting puppy .1, Chairman : Thiscondnot is ontragoous. I' cannot go on with tho busi-bess. The amendment was put and carried, the votingbeing 7 to 5. Mr. Walsh, said ho would send on bisresolution to the Loual Government Board.—Adjourned.

TOWN COMMISSIONERS— FBIDAT.A special meeting of this board was held oa Friday

at eloroii o'clock, for tho pnrpose of considoring thoadvisability of memorialising the Local GovernmentBoard to hold an inquiry respecting tho jnstico ofgranting a provisional order to. empower the oommia-sioners *i> levy eqoal tales on houses and lands for roadpurposes?* At presont' the commissioners can lovy onlyone-fourth the roadrate on lands ; and the meeting nowheld wan on,4 requisition, signed, by six or seven mom-ben.

Tboro/irere present—Messrs. M. A. Anthony (chair-man), Thomas M'Cartby, Cautain Curran, EdwardKeohan, Maurice Flynn, Johu . Carran, T. Williams,Thomaa O'KVill , Captain Kirby,1 .John' E. Mahony, B.B.' Brennn, and John Soanlan'. '-¦ Mr. M'Carthy said, as one of thoio who had movedin this matter before, he wished to say that he con-sidered it a very great hardship on th» ratepayers oftbe town to bn endeavouring ,tO/kcep in proper con-dition, the roads approaching, the town withoat thoneigbbonrinff farmers contributing their fair propor-tion of the cost. . He ironld like to hear tho argumentsagainst ii. He wou'd be Very sorry to inflict a hardshipi>n anybody ; bnt tbo hardship was on the ratepayers ofthe town in ondoavonrin'g to maintain their roads, whiohwere costing about 5s. a porch. '• In answer to Mr. Flyuo, Mr. Beary said he had madoa calculation,'and tbe rural, portion of tho townshipwas.on ly , paying .£27 a year road ratoi. . They costabont J315O a year, wbioh was about 2s. a perch.

Mr. M'Cartby said he shonld be very glad to hear thoobjections to the project they proposed. Ha had noanimosity against hia rural friendd ; he would be tholaet poreon at the board to do an injastlce to any one(hemr,-hoar) ; bot he thought that this oondition ofrood rat'Dg ahonld be corrected in a'omo way , :and themoat feaiible project that could be carried out he wouldbe most happjfcif support. •; Mr. Fljfou—lay,valuation Is' pearly £1.00, and I will

raf ter tu t" txv& .extent, by<-tho-chao'g8 > bot.X Would 'not oon«l*jt thatXWould be doing my dot/ to the rate-]jayors ui .j ruaf *?w *nii i. o/pposeu me mouon in any

way. Capt,- Ciirjtttt.i.'My towa rating U forin excess ofwhat my Undf1 art "«bftrSed, and ih.oprioking this, I amun<y wotktn'g;'Hmnpi'mywlf;j bat still\oppose,Itoaprincipled'1 say'thjtt itTi * injustice th*t' thi>- farmersivlng in the rnrarjpora6n"bt thq townnbip should payfor ligbl* arid flagiprfg.''-^They do not ojme in bn theeveningi* for tt'pUaiantwalk undor tho gas lamps, batthey ore ia»bbm« rrtMpto'dry their1>roguer.- ' >'.Mr.' Ilyn'n^m'factirf the'matterU that tne iwds

havo bent itfiilcMwrttfetaM of -decay, and,thoy wUIrcqnlre ilpiporatef slnorHps.¦-.-:-¦ ¦: •¦ - Tbe CiBiriaTfj^ke^Mf. 'MoCarthy ' would he bo foripe dlnir MtO-j bafoiiktor. which-they woro paid,onlyiZ?!? '.irA?MflG«lpS';lr endow what you (tor ret-pectlofr tho'lojurtii«<*;the qaestion, but I oerUlblywonld bj rorkeopijistte road* in proper'mpair.;' Oapt.Cprrau H! holtiJwS-Wre are miles and mites of'thorur^roiio thrt&wSlltteshovelof stones. - - ':'- ' ,'-Tb« Cbalra» i|fi*laiii

«itoMrvHunt > iiolr.>»wlro

bad last eofSBfJflS Wof the moetfrf*¦ '»< ¦¦ ¦ ' - - •<;£S$5fS53S« ajHk trottf


thr£e.anr «iiiSi Mfcbbtlal « the Looat Goterri-BenfiBflirtVe 'inSfote to^daJf/ BntthUinqiriryB« fR>o1r^ P «tf,tbT ri the; Privy!ow£tt iaurb«Siiir« ffiKptWodaliOrtlsr. Jbotln'thA

.uoyal ii70/,:Ho«plulj. . Bold lo tiD oU b/ atlohemlata. tne p*wntt>b»;,tItftBo» nearly two Wear* SIDCO this, HojLi^W^V's OINTMENT AND PILLS.—AB the took puce, anUy*«(t aaffiCTi»iau*lomt?h1^beeiJTwo*!"fati»btVeajhge,' ttj«" oltautlo ~ variation* -warn us all to be laxinthaioUWn4<nMtein«r tln<e^««rniCEextrapiiTotrsftl/iriotl M]«ei*lly ls.lt lnoumb>.t..on the a , proae 'or orer-wotklwhfch^fclstkli to perform!' Of oourte e•to brosohhijaltaoks,ootw.int nlocr»U«ustaoasimj>J>raaMll- norer,b(uJ orjM«M^*t ¦pMt: ib»,hf» :i*\tra» supposed,tatiiif .diNidan,. t»-baT« them ramOTed, or worn co.ise- Too polptUtlottJ! AUr i J* loi'asthqa wire mere symp.qnanov wUl fpllow, Tbew remedlw'aratbeirsbeotiuohon 1 tomsof IM Toi mm ifS^WaM 'ifaptMhiJoiiaaigatam,fin

•tn tt!¦po^rt»»U mJr'coa^< «ntly rti'J.'- The Ulwnfs.it.'not fnrwhiobJvihst«a^r<^%ia«|»l )aaWt4.' Thote whomplj' mts tbeir sores oat of sight, bat axtir ttea the «ourco wi»n.t<) oewiiuacMflli f&JWi iottas; 11141 ouT write to him

ot minf tMj extne U'tbt wrrodlna jx-tio.1, ¦tad uUruituit* at tbaaboVoidfsrtC-a'jdWwlI vonehf5_tioeorcUTO tro-'ftatanitolllluptlw aloer wlto «onnO,.heiltby gnutolatiou, pertle*of ftulnoftsfrvK; IdiAileUtbttabotsd thlsalinosttb«e»-UJ:»bia«throngij ltfo. ,aad«r.tala.tnatmai|t oa ltg* ;eu^ouloa«Q^^ (otfdwtiiitlett«rtibpma'ob«alst.who•oon t *oonw soaot,so 'rbotlo skins bast off tbe|r soilea, abd thoii«httb«fu!i^i5i»M.t*jot}fl knowuij-f Junes PTAMUWrbfotoas aprfSJceaM to annoy, 8uch boue for tM dtensed 9a r -,»4b ija«, v.-poatyK«>1r.a*i<J;twei)ty«wu mlkWai>f«>mer.<JAj*:.-.i, < ; • ', ' ' . : ; ' ..";-;' *T*?Z i ,i j> sitt>v _ttt^m£k

B«teto»fWb6tK*«* gp»!-»tf tW'inatteri th». Privy :.Aiinaivta :SAxH»aa.l -Axe' y oo. broVerr in trtt y <^3mY *W*f aMb *t&j tax *Vb *&u>Hln^i Mm^^m M^fei^%2!^ 2ffii?-m^ l£ii»^M2ir »k ¦¦M«fe?iaun'«BiiWji.'>lt'fa porfeotly harmless-and -^*»l»raS* l ft'* SB«»4!%«?iWdel

'e'sSMtft^isEs^^woWito^f^hVr!5M:- P'a»«*t:tetasWl»-frOdn'oes a nator»i,quje»«loo>by ^^^^B^Sl^^ff^^^Sf*ia ^ .ss te^sffli 31 fe

any chan«o in Dungaryon when so many towns aro 1"a similar position'. If tho Commissioners did not suc-ceed they would have to pay all th« ooatn. Mr. "I.Slattery, who- acted for tbo commissioners , got thoopinion of1 ominont coupneLontho ooae of tor.the-ihiCisionof tho Connty Court Judg« )fUa given ,and ho coinoidodwith thai, decision. Chairman.: I beg to say that thoopinion that Mr. Thomac Slattery got from tho law llr.Heron wns an after dinnor opinion Uond ones of oh ,oh.") CnpUiri' Curran : I say that Is vory ungentle-miinly and aisgracefnl. Chairnlan 1 Call it whit youliko , sir.

Mr. 'Bronan— Mr. Horon'B opinion wan above sos-pioion.- Ho was sorry his brother mombern in tho coun-cil should think it neoeiisary to bring tho matter o*oqaaliBaiion of tho rotos forward ; bat when thoyspoko of equal ratca , thoy should look at tho farmerssido o» woll as tho shopkeeper, and if they wonld theyshould acknowledge that thoy bore tqual burdens latho strn<?glo of lifo. Lot them look at tho auditor sreport, i»nd did it not show tho worse than folly—theincompet«ncy of this incompetent board that w«* nowgoing to-regOHorato ovorvthing, and going to crushthe overtaxed. farmers. Chairman : Oh, no ! Mr..Bronon i " Ho , no." I nay that with all dao respectHow can tho farmers afford to pay Xi an aero withtoxos ? Captain Cnrran : It is oror that.

Mr. Brxoaa—Tho commissioneru now want to taxtho farDiore, bccauBO from their want of businesscapacity, thoy had to rnn into dobt ; but if any pnvatoindividual kept liis accounts »S tho commissionem' ao-counts *ver--. kept, ho wonld havo himself in tho Courtof Bankruptcy. Mr. Flynn : I hope you don't boldtho present board responsible for tnat. Mr. Bronan :It will soon bo scon who is responsible) for it.

A poll was taken as to whothtr tho momorial wouldbo adopted or not, with tho following result : For—Messrs . Keohan , McCarthy, M. Flynn , Kirby, Scanlan ,O'Neill , and tho Chairman—7. Af juinst— Messrs.Williams , Mahony, Capt. Cnrran, Breoan , and J .Curran —5. Tho memorial was , thereforo , adopted.

Biv. M B. HALLOWES AND THE COMMIBBIONEBS .—Kov. B. C. Hallowos , the Vicarago, wroto stating thatowing to tho large quantity of looao stonos on thobridge (some of them weighing 2 lbs.) his horan ran offwhen driving to church on Sunday. No serious injury ,hownver, resulted, but tho harness was broken andpact of tho car damaged. Ho had sont them to bo re-paired, and would expoct paymont from tho board , astho accident was caused by tho neKligonco of tho Her-vants of tho Commissioners. Tho letter was marked" read."

LOAN FOR FLAOOINO.—An order was made for thopaymont of £20 instalment of tho loan for flagg ingappliod for by tho Board of Public Worka.

THK BIGHTS OP THE PUBLIC—Captain Curranmoved tbat tho resolution passed a fortnig ht oincogranting Mr. Bnddol and Bov. Mr. Gentleman per-mission to Qitond the wall of a cottago at Abbeyside ,bo rosoinded. Captain Curran held that th« board hadno power to interfere with tho publio rights, and thispiece of ground, which was propoaod to bo taken away ,belonged to the publio from timo immomorial . Mr.Mahony seconded Captain Curran'a resolution, whichwaa carried by a njajority ot sovon to threo votes.

A resolution.' proposed by Mr. McCarthy, directingthe solicitor of the board to take legal proceedingsagainat all" porsonB who bad encroached on publioproperty for recovery of sanio,|anloss it was restorod ,was agseed to, and the board adjourned.

PETTY SESSIONS—SATORDAT.(Bafpre Sir NujoutiHnmblo, Bart, and Mr. II. A.

Fitzgerald).DBUNK ON LICBNSED PBEMIBE8.—Constablo Bond

charged Lauronoo Moariaaey with being drunk on tholicensed promises of Thomas Higgins , Abboyside. TheConstable said he was nearly falling on tho ground ;H was MR fifth offenoe within twolvo months. Thorowaa another charge againat the publican for supplyingdrink to defendant while ho was in a state of drunken,ness. . Peredaqt denied that ho was drank, and calledai a wi tae'BS Mrs. Higfjin8 , who deposed that sho gavea bottli of portor to Morrissy, bnt ho was not drunk,He is excitable, and people would imagine he was drunkwhen ho was not ; he only took ono botHo of porter inher honso. for an hour and a hall. Complainant: Didyou say not to be bard on yon in this case ? No, but Ispoko to yourself , and tola you not to be > hard on thaman. Uary Terry deposed that defendant put up a halfbarrel of porter with her ati half-past five. Complain-ant : It was seven o'clock when I-arreated him. Thebench being divided, thero was no rulo. Adjourned.

DUNGARVAN LAND STJB-COMMISSIONIn delivering judgments in tho Dungarvan land

cases, Mr. Sub-Commiaaioner Boarden said—In manyof the csaes beard at Dnngarvan by my colleagues andmyself, wo havo. found it necessary to make vory con-siderable reductions , as a largo proportion of tho land,which has been visited , is of an inferior quality, and isof the class whioh has been effected more, than anyothor by tho succession of wet seasons. Somo of thorents, 'however,' >wo seo no reason to change. Thejudicial rents aro aS follows :—¦Estate of H. P. Ouarnlcy.

Tenant. Present Rent. Judicial Rent.. . . " . " . Ji a. d. ' £ B . d.

Alioo Hroderick ... l&l 0 0 C7 0 0Michaol McGrath ... 51 0 0 45 0 0Thomrj Kenno ... 75 0- 0 C8 0 0Patrick Coffey ... 41 0 0 34 0 0

~ - Estate of J. D. Hargreavcs.Ttnanl. Present lleiU. Judic ial Rent.

Ji s. d. £ a. d.John Caroy ... 31 18 4 23 0 0M. Keating ... 52 0 0 47 0 0Wm. Daggau ... 61 8 2 01 8 2JohnJ-'lynn ... 30 17 2 25 0 0Maurice Hiokey ... G-l 2 2 ' 29 10 0Minbasl Daly ... 19 6 8 10 0 0Wm. Fitzgerald ... 21 19 2 15 0 0Edmund Healoy ... 05 14 C 80 0 0Wm.-Downing ... 11 3 6 10 0 0John Osborno ... 30 0 0 30 0 0Mary Bransfiold ... 78 3 3 59 0 0Jamee Bannon ... 61 5 0 53 0 0

In tha abovo estato we hold over for tbe presont thojudgment in tho oaao of William Barry until no ascer-tain whether the landlord and tenant agree to the areaon which .wo fix tbe rent.

Duke of Devonshire's Estate.Tenant, Hanora Frahor ; present rent, .£10 Us. Sd. ;

judicial ront, £13.£»fa(e of H. V. Stiart.

Tenant. Present 2{eni. Judicial Rent.£ s. d. X s. d.

Mary Qninn ... 192 1 8 154 0 0Pie'rco Hallihan ... Ill 19 7 96 0 0Miohsel Cnrroon ... 16 17 1 14 0 0Thouws Hickoy ... 24 2 0 20 0 0John Galavan ... 47 9 10 40 0 0George Kennedy ... 91 10 0 94 10 0WUlism Mahony ... 18 9 0 16 10 0Patrick Flavin ... 88 7 6 53 0 0Patrick Tobin ... 19 6 10 18 0 0Biohard Anthony ... 64 3 2 49 0 0John Wbilan ... C 17 C 3 10 0Maurice Griffin. ... 6 7 8 4 10 0Patrick Griffin ... 11 15 0 7 10 0Patrick Torry ... 7 11 3 5 15 0Miohaol Keane ... ' 6 7 2 5 5 0

Estate of Odells Minors.Tenant, Thos. Whelan ; present rout, £2 10a. ; judi-

cial ront, .£1 108.Thomat Hartij , landlord ; John Power, tenant.—

Present rout, £8 ; judicial ront, £$.MTF. Cahill , landlord ; Michael Cottin , tenant.—

Proaent rent, .£43 ; judicial ront, .813.Patrick Power, landlord ; TJIOJ. Landers, tenant.—

Present rent,' J245 10s. ; jndioinl rent, .£37.Bir H. P. T. Barr'on, landlord ; Catherine Hourtjan,

Jenan'.—Present rent, £85 : judioial ront, 78.Estate of . J. B. Burke-Roche and others.

Tenant. Present Rent. Judicial Rent.£ s. d. ' £ s. d.

E. P. Carran ... 91 10 2 67 0 0Jame/iCarrau (John)... 42 4 0 35 0 0Thomas Keily ... 49 16 8 39 10 0Willium Harty ... 7 6 8 6 5 0Laurono) Walsh ... 6 11 .0 , >5 10 0Patrink Cnrran (Patriok) 40 1 1 41 0 0Jeremiah MoGrath ... 3 0 0 1 10 0Jamen Curran (Edward) 42 4 0 . '37 . 0 . 0Man rice Keily ... 28' 0 0 22 0 0Mioht.el P. Carran ... 55 0 0 49 fr • 0Biohard Carey ... 47 19 6 '- , !S7 "0 0

EPPS'S COCOA.—UBATEPUI, AND CoMPOa'r-iNd.—" By a thorough knowlodfre of the natural Jawswhich govern tho operations of. digestion apd natri.tion, und by a careful application of the fine propertiesof well-selected Cocoa;- Mr. Epps has provided outbreakfast tables with . a delicately flavoured, beverage,which may save ns many heavy doctors' bills., It ts bytho judicious use of such articlos of diet that aflbnslitu-tion may be gradually built up until strong'enbugh lqTorist every tendenoy to di«ease.; Hundreds of subtlemaladies are floating around us, ready to attack where-evur there is a weak point. We may escape many afatal -ihaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pureblood and a properly nourished frame."—Civil ServiceQatelte.—Made simply with boiling watur or , milk.8old only in Packets labelled—" JAHIS EPFS 4. Co.,Hommopathio(ChumisU.i London.'1:' . Also .makers ofEpp»'« Chocolate1 Essence. - . • •. '. -¦ - ..- . :i ". , . -•¦'¦¦

Bpscirio Acxrow ON THE SiciH.'?- -Oatot th* many Tollot Soap* now .beforo the pnblia tho only onarncogtilaed by. the medloal profanlon at :bavioi; a zeollrinMoilo *n-l b«Defloia| ntlaii upon tfce •Un..i*, tl>« AttlouMilk und Salphsr Boip, the milk giving sottoen, tmooth-DOM. iind olaaraa* 1 the (alphur pariflcaUon. ¦ Br tbe DM ofthis But the 8kla will b« kept ia ¦ s- perfect condition. -It itmost' «ult*Wff<ttr ohlldreo, «nd 1» %iu pnrettjand moatdarab'S ot: all'Sows. BaiuUtollr «rhita.. . rjelloatebr par-faraed.v.Uewl tho fpUqwJng i-:',' For. 30 >eors,I bare tried¦11 tho varkAu Soaps tbat have bean' rooommooded. aod. I

Ulii- .. . .V.tikk Alkl^U Wlll_ '_ ...l Dal.k— D.... l.*m «_

NOW READYPrinted on Good Paper, and in largo clear Type ,



On Sale at The h'ewt Office ,With tlio Jtccommondition of tho Bishop of Watcrford

and Linmorc , Q10 Itight Bov. Dr. POWER

A Catechism for the Instruction of Children'BT THE

MOST Ucv. Dr. JAMKS BUTLEK , Arch-biBhop t! Canhcl and Emly.

KKCIMMKKrMTION :" Iujipi JVC of of thU Kdition of tho Right licv Dr.

J A M K H iiuiXKK 'H Cat<chiHm , and recommend it to theFuithfu! of UIC KO DioctHOH.

i> " JOHN POWEU , li.C.B." Watorford , Sept. 15th, 1881."O K I'KI'B from any j*rt of tho DIOCOHO , Bent in and

directed to C IIKDI/JND , Printer and Publisher,Walarford Wews Ofiici, 49 King-Btrcet , promptly at-tended to. Tho Tradoiupplied on moderate terms.

May bo had Retail fiom ovory Catholic Uookaeller intho dioccHO.


GENERA L QUA11TEX HEHHI ONS and MTT1XGSof Utc VOUXTY VOUll T , f o r the I 'car 188-4.

HIL IRT SESHIONS.Civil. Iiu siKKHH. —Vaterford, Monday, 21nt Jan.,

]8&t ; Dnnfjarviin , Mcadny, 2Bth Janu.iry ; i.ismoro ,Friday, 1st Fubruary, 188-1.

CKOWN U UKINEB S .— Waterford , Tuesday , 'ilindJanuary ; Wutcrford City, Wednesday , 2:inl J;in. ;Dunrarvan , Tuesday, Sth January ; Linmorc , Friday,1st icbruiiry.

LAND B UHIN KSB —Witcrford , Friday, 25th January ;Dungarvan , Weilnesdy, 30th January ; Liumorc ,Saturday, 'Jnd February 1881.

EA8TU1 HEB8ION8.CIVIL BUSINESS .— Wterford , 21st April ; Dunfar-

van , Monday , 28th Apil ; Liamorc , Friday , 2nd May ;CKOWN Bum NEBS .-Watcrford , Tuesday , 22nd

April ; Watertord City.Wcdneaday, 23rd A pril ; Uun-garvan , Tuenday, 29th April ; Liemoro, Friday , 2ndMay.

> LAND BuaiNESs.—Witerford , Friday, 25th April ;Dungarvan , Wednesday 30th April ; Listnorc , Satur-day , 3rd May, 183-1. ' J_ ^


CIVIL B CSIMESS .—Wateford, Wodnoaday , 18thJuno ; Dungarran, Tuesdaj, 2-lth Juno ; Liamure,Friday, 27th J uno.

CUOWK BUJINESS.—Afattrford , Thur3day , 19thJuno ; Watcrford City, Flidiy, 20th Juno ; Dnngur-van, Wednesday, 25th Jnbo ; Lismorc, Friday, 27thJune. '

LAND B DBINZSS .—Watcrfo.v), Monday, 23rd Juno ;Dungarvan, Thurada/, 2Cth?9no ; Lininore, Saturday,28th June , 1831. )

MICBIELMA S; SESSIONS.CIVIL BUSINBSS.— Watorfod , Monday, 22nd Stpt. ;

Duuuarvnn, Monday, 23th S'-'pUtnber ; Litsmore , Fri-day , 3rd Octooor.

CKOWH BU8INKS8. —WatJiford , Tuesday, 23rdSeptomber ; WaterfiJrd.City, Vodneaday, 2Hn Sejt. ;Dungarvan, Tueadajr,' 30th Soxtcmber ; Lismoi'c, Fri-day, 3rd October. '

LAND BUSINESS.—Waterford,Thursday, 23th Sept. ;Dnngarvikn, Wednetday, 1st Oct. ; Liamorc, Saturday4th Octobor, 1884. ;DIVISIONS.-»I7a<er/ord: The 13aronic3 of

Kilcalliheen/Middlcthird, Gaultipr, and Uppir-third, and that patt of tho Ba»ny of Decies WithoutDrum, consisting tf tho Parishes of Bo3»miro, K.l -barrymeadoa and Monksland, and that part of ticParish of NowcosSe, 1 consisting of tho Townland ofLishane, and of tie County of the City of Witerfor4Dungarvan : The Baronies of Decies Within Drum,Glenaheiry, and Docios Without Drum, Bavo s« muckthereof as is iaol«d«d in tbo Division of Waterford,and also Bavo so qnoh thereof as is comprised withinthe Parish of Aff*e. Lismore : Tho Barony of Cosh-moro and Coshbriie,' and tho Parish of Affanc , a theBarony of Decios Without Drncn.

OKOWN BOSINSB.—Tho Grand and Petit J\rorswill bo called at Twclvo nt Lismoro on tho firstday of each Scaaiun, and at Twclvo at WutorfordandDungarvan on thi Second d»j of each SQ.iaioiia. VhoGrand and Petit- Jurors of the City of Watcrford villbe called-at Tun on tho First day of each Scnsicns.Jurors aro roqniroll to bo punctual in attondaucc, asthe Court will bocompcllcd to impost) Fines of not lisathan Two Poundl on such persons as fail to answer totheir names. 'Applications for Spirit LiccnaCH will Wheard after the Brand Jury havo been sworn. Everynotice of application for a License served on the Clcrtof tho Peaco nUBt bear a Five-Shilling County Cour.Stamp ; applicttion for Transfers should state thiname of tho penon from whom auch transfer ia sought;and application! for Confirmations should state theprevious Session at which the License was obtained.

ECJDITT BusDtESs. n-ill be taken up in Wuterford ontho days fixed f<r tho City Quartor Sessions, upon thuconclusion of bto Crown business. At Dungarvan itwill bo taken u| on thu Second day, and at LLsuiore ontho First day, icon tbo tcrmiuution "f tho Crown busi-ness. Tbo Dcjendatit in every Equity cu.10 shall , ontho day previo«B to tho first day of the ordinary Srs-sions for each division, lod(?u with tho Clerk of thoPeace, in duplrate, u notico of defencu, and a copy ofany defenco lie relics upon, undor Kales 32 and 33 ofCounty Court lulea, 1877.

LAND BUSIHSS.— Solicitors nro roqueated to insertin Orignating foticcs and A grct-munto tho Division iuwhich the Lan$ aro sitnato.

CIVIL BUSHBSS-—Tho Court will ait on tho FirstDay in each Division at Ten a.m. Civil Bills and De-fences must lx lodged with the Clork of tho Poaco, orwith such pnr&ca u bo shall appoint ;n cnoh ScsssionnTown (arrange! In alphabetical ordor , distinguishiniEjectments , R*pU)vinB , ttnd Legacy Cases, from ordi-nary Civil Billl), at or before Thrco in tho afternoon oftbo day previais to the First Day of each Sessions.Lists of Dofeites must be made out ulphabotically onfoolscap papci Tho List will be called in alphabeticalordor at the siting of tlifl Court, and all purlieu mustthen bo in r»dinps3. Ejectmcuta will be called nextsfter tbo Crom Business.

SOLICITOR! aro reqnired to Register Licenses atHilary Seasios, when tho same commenco after Gthday 01 Jannay, otherwiso at Easter Sessions. Solici-tors from otbr Counties must product) their Licensee .Solioitora arijeqaired to send in Civil Bills, Dufoncus,Decroos, andDismisses , in al phabetical order.

CLEBK8 o' PETTY SESSIONS are directed to lodgoInformation!! Eccognizancea , aud Appeals , in tbe PeaceOffice, Watcford, within ei-ven days after thoy shallhavo receive! same, undor a penalty of J!5 for neglect.

PBOCESS )FFICEBS.—Process Officers aro directedto attend in mch Sessions Tonn , at Twelve on the dayfor ontcringJivil Bills, to deliver Processes to tho per-sons who h/vo employed them. They aro required tolodge their Hooks with tho Clerk of tho Poace on theday aftor tb lust day for ftprvico in each Division.

PDBLICAIS.—Each Poblican , or Retailer of Spirits ,Boer, or Ci«r, u required , in BIX days aftor ho shal lhavo paid h» License in every year, to rogister sumowith the Clck of tho Peace, pursuant to the provisionsof the Licnuing Acts ; in default of doing so ho be-comes liabltto a pcniilty of .810, which will bo strictlyenforced. ,

NAHES ot PjiOCj-ss OF F I C E R S —Division of Liimore—Michael (nrieen , Lismoro ; John Hartnett, Lismoro -,John Ryan fa ow. Division ef Dunyarvan : PatrickKeane, Dosgi rvan ; JameB Coohiano, Leamybrien ;John Deaon, Ardmoro ; Martin MoOrath, Ballyma-carbery, Clmr ol; Miobaal Collius, Ballinaparka, Cap-poquin. Mv i ion 0/ IKaJor/ord—Michael Corcoran,Waterford 1 K chd. Phelan, Passage East, Watorford ;James MtiSU Citrrickbeg, Carriok-on-Suir ; JohnQninlan, Tam ro ; Thoina.i Lenihan , Kiljnaothomas ;Owon Kellr,- Jldbridgo, C2onmel ; Denis MoGrath,High-street VV iterford.

W LLUM JOHN DENNEHY,Clerk a! tl 1 Poace, County and City of Watirford

Peace Once Watcrford. ,.


pool, Hoomiutl bire. Ho w now tweDty*three years of age,living with Us uother, a widow. Some eleven jean ago,then a moro loy he went to w^rk io tbo *coa).pit*AS a miner,ia ordtfr to tt*i his mother I D rearing her tamily ot littleoblldrtm. Son, however, the little fellow broke down inhealth ; bat the neceuitiea of tbe family seemed to reqninIt, and he coti nod to toil in the mines, sufferiug all thetimo from ttt c [eota of indigestion, an agonising symptomteio; uthnu 14 such a troublesome form.that tbe boj waiunable to UaB bod. Working through tba day, and restingus best he cfldju an armchair duriug the aural, naturalljundermlnod Us oooBtltution. Yoar by yearlua trtnlth grewirorao aod WrM, until at latt rbeamatiam OOUM witb all iudreadful agojr,-One Joiut at:or auotaer beoame iwollen cadinflamed, 10 if at he was obliyjd tO Btop work. In tbismdplight tbe no* )-6u»g m»Q wu< confined to the house for twolong yean, pfleriop all tbat mortal could endure. Onephjsloiau uftr knotbox waa cillod opon-io treat bia ton-ufaint, but <4hno benefit, formrpoor ftllow cuntinued togrow worse M fconw. Uoplajr to nod tome meaus of relief,H consaltatloijof doctors was htld, when It was decided thatan organic dwn* of the heart ftxlited in an lncnnbls form,and that ntedfiltld could not c Sori raliet. He was given uptodl«. Ibee&iun of azp«nal<ra medical treatment had ex.hapsted theBU^ sariogs of tbs mother, aadtbay Jiad oomono/ Ut bu&WSbraaeBtUf .tiot lifo.': Bat a fond mothernever give* i*l< de*]>alr.' Thtte was'one *park of hope left.Someone baooU' beV 0? si ren.odr that had osrfld *o manycaaon-r»na «u4'M boj«Ie»»^i«tit«on« wMmed to be-andthe'jsotber'|lo;«|irtaV.6atlf«r hordtar boy. Bat howtaget the medleSemt tseqaptica:" Their money wai entlnlvroue.. Tbs gy bdancw^MJr Ot trousers tbat he bad beontoo 111 to weK »5iti!»jto<ftb»*-*e*aonea»tth hetielf ,-•• I,the-bojr i» t4i*h*;f 1flt5a<rt need them, so I. uay as wepledgo thom»r;m«dlsU*wlt]ian efforttto uve bla llXe."¥n?P13A*? •»*l» fc*t!Wes« nedlcine procured1»tho- ODomttfishw -te-,fWrpcol wlti th» money obtained.from tna pa*brpk*r<iw««a neare-Jn'tki* boselea case,mhlcb baa b^goair^WujaoiirsHo.

But ltVonlr Jnat

^_WAb" fe^S»%* iko<Hr0t1he wanU ot'tho

pKi- i 'KU 'K ( . i n.N -i .M-: Iinil l ] U j S T( NI ( , —,,,,d M«K C ..l 1.r.Svhu!m ; im,u.. ,i,.. kn ti 'ZZ X lnrou X )ily rii .-rii iu the (ruu'.-r.il l,.,li |y ),.:U'|i u.Vl V, ',?, '|.r»|...-r \V! -Ml , y ,:ui.<litluiioi th.; N..,-V,, , ,H U.I . I )- i, . » , .. /¦";"" "

UuttlcB uui i t u i i i jnK-'iii maiJiiirui i .I OB ln v| ' K "In the J,r..-j/antioii of tlii8 'I '.uji: tl,./ KT

'. U-KI . .-.n- in ,.,,. ,

ci" i • J1'"," 'oithful compound of Un innii :, in.- :„¦!.¦,„. , ;'

cij ilciior Yellow Cinchoun, or J'cri ivLn, X.irk , I,J..,, ,|,.,| :,.:,; .rcllncO tnwtworthy pniunitiou of Iron , i,ro.|ii.-i-.l ,1, j . t. LwhichLtlie ux^ritnee

of muiiy. i-u-in. Im, j.rov./.i Ui

,; J*riiiB. Tome ofto rn 1 re.-uiy III ..-UIN of gaining u,.: Mr.-,.,!), n, jnt hnr lA,,.oflt« i.ir.. 1,lc,l ))y ^,,i,,i,,o . 1 lr,,,, wui-u i ' !-

^t>f ill COtmuqUtllC..-!., >U) itH COIIII .UBitlOll IU tli.lt lll,,,,,,v ...l ,thu urcat iiinjority ol mrdicul niai tiiro.iitn' .iii t|i- ¦'¦/,/, iPEi'i'KlCS H U I S I S K ui.,1 I l i O S rij S i r Z

I:CU1<;H coNUfiiui K :; iiuy-umrvl ¦\IK -.X . In 'A ¦( ,", 1treatment will rcmovo Iii'lii;,.,!,,,,, J- l-it i>J.-,,.. i '-, \"il ':Heartburn , Wvuk iiu fcH of t|,,; hi.,,,,,,,,.), Hinkw. / »'.'•« '/,'.'""

'"¦tnat (Jryun , Xuim'n , Ac. - 'I' lift wiiol.- .'lii- .- niv. - i,,.' ,.'!,, "'"lK<wiirfuHy uj mintc.J l»y (j uiniun I U,I| i r., . ' '"* ""pivPi-lvK' .S QUIMM- : ;ai.l l l i ', S T O S I c -

JL Qaininu uii'l Iron lor/u II, .. mo-,L i:lfii.:i i«,. tl .u l l ','ull>:oii i | . ] i i i i i ln. i r iKii i K lr0iii •I> .'nui^ i ' i i i - r l< ,( i;,.. ',- ,.,„ '• ' : "'l«m. In tli <: HI '..-.). w.::ik.i«<:.| hl.-.ti. of til.: .V-r-.i-i ,. ,•,'„,'' ¦' ",(Jilinim: u:,.| Iron is inr.; lo l«,.i.|j t .\^n.- H.', Itnsi V" '"II 'MI. of tl,.: I. IM I I M, i ro-itmUon, Jti,..-i,,i L.,,t I'a'ralyn

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"••f »»;.-'.t . H, t .,!.,,,.»... / - ..„,, ,,.. 1V.,:;, ,,., .si,o.;i.jen;. ivl"AplMXll . , , l u l l -..,..• ,.,,, , A-I' l l T , ||, ¦„! ,,.)„. |I,., r ||,,, r ,, , ,Lill Oil,.,,- Hy,,,|.to:,,s of l»:s,,,-:i. . ' .; I J - .; '


rr\\ IA .VA ;I;.M lt foouj- n VI , L I N , :I Hlillllll .iut.nTlk-l"., I "V''r-A I 1'"""" >l . i n .:. i.u.ti,,,, ,, „„,„.irti u • I T """ ':"1"1 '""" 'r "' '•''¦"¦ "•¦'"¦¦WM.cnt . .nor.

Ii.utli:ul:irly wln.-ii arising Irom ^li»l,l , omj.-htion ilv m-iitlv

J. I' K i'l'h l t, l,oii.lr.n ," in,,,L I,.. „,, ,;„_. ),.,-,,,.|.

DVAAA li' .S CORN I ' l.AST K K. —IS™

"* ^Tiri

;iwl U. :i,l. Tin: i .'orn I'l:ist. .-r.s ;ir.::i .:.:rt.ini mru fnrUnnl or Solt ,on,.-. t lwy cinip l.^ol y .Iry .,,. ;.„.! ..-r^licitt ,min-fl11 W ¦ the- IJ,,,,,,,,, n.,,,, ..-., a ,,,-,,0,1 ,,:,,..,ly for H, lni ,,, a

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C-<iiAci:uK'i"s A I:I ;CA N U T TUU TII PASTE1 H 7

l!-> " si "« ,lki i Ar"""ti': i^"'»'i'-., , lli u .:,,:in,,,i of tho

U.-.,tli Incomes wli i lu , ao-m.l , ,,n .| j .ul ihl i -.-,! l iko ivory. U isCXKOC 'lMiKly fr.«r:u,l. :l ,,.l s,,.,.i.,n y ^,,,,,1 .,,r rulI1( in

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l-"1- -"1 '¦¦""'• s"1 '1 1 "u -lHIh. i c^ .H , L^ . ii;i'I _.s. f^i. u i r l i , HJ .- *. ' r.v.roi'Jui.

LocK \ i.i ;-s s b- L i ' i i f i : H A I R KK STOKEKI will .l:irk.- :i < i ,vy Il.ilr . :,„.! i,, in a tow ,l:,y 8 r,,a toroco,np lL.t.:l> -ll,, .,u,tm- .,l ,-o .,,,r. tt-|.i!., k.:...1,i, ltf tl .t ll,l ir i tBliroper colour , 11 is n,.:ful f.,r r..-movin L- s.Mir f . I.o<-k ycr'a 1' c-atorer l,:,s pow.-rful .:lc:.:i«ini: pr,, l .,;r ii.-s , r.:ii.|..ri,,- it u .iesir-

llble Hiilr Fluid. l.:i r.-u J loitU -s . Is. M .LOCKYKR'.S «i;f,l'IIUR H A I R RKSTOKEE

will . li irko-.i , to th i - foni ivr s,h:i.|.- , l l . i i r thiit ia ul,jo .lululy white , in ;.l.<ju t i..ii .t.iys ; bin wlmri; -^n iyiM -ss ia coinmencin:; .a tin: front :> M.| tcmi.lw . l/n- f j i i l l . l iur U'j sli nroini .t-ly colours, rcii 'lcriii'.- i t nn.li.il i , , i.- iiiHli.il , l , : fro m that whichhas not channel. Lnru-'.' l:ottl..s Is 1,1 ..-oh ,, .,, '

l .OCKYKl i'S S U L l ' l l b'R H A I R R U S T O KK K .

Wonderful for tlie Hair.DOES VOb 'R H A I R l- 'A L I ^ ^ K F , OR TUK.V

Ci K Ii V , i.:. ? If .so, usi- ROSALIE COU-l'KU.K'b C l I lNU T I t l A l ; , nutivl iill over tin: ivnrM or itsmiraculous i.roi.erlii'S , im. lii s llm o n l y rumu.l y tliiit cm, lx)dciioli.io<|-"u ii(,ii. I t is -.;'uir;int<v:il to ji ro -iu cc wl i i b k o r H ,moiiHt;ichioH .,'ii:., in a f.,w wuuki , , :i:»l w i l l \,<: fouml cini-oeut lyHiiccc-iSfnl in iioiirisiliing, c i i r lwig, :iml l iuaut i fying thqha i r ; '' lieckini; i,-r .:yii':ss,.st.n.-n i ,- t l iu n i i i L- wi- ;ik hair.l 'revcntin^ts fa l l ing oil , uii 'l r . :stoririK it in 1I;I1 .1IIUH.S from whaterorcmsc LTp wiipls of 10»iihy.sicMns tavc rccoinmcn.Jtil it inthe nursery, for promoting a lin ..1, lii.-;ilthy hoiulof hnir , audivert i n li.il .liiL-.sb in u f t o r years. In b 'j t tk 'H price ^3. ear '" 1 wua Intld n ine yoars, but I liii'I u e w h . i i r eotitin ra-

pidly.—J. liono. " ' Tlmiiks to your .st nil, I linvc an ex-ccl lent iuoi lKti ivl iu ami wh i sk t rn . — -Mujor Urowni; ." " I hadlost my ha i r n i .atehes, but it I .I IB rostor'.-d i t .—MiasHowi t t ." " A Tt e r -J'J ye.irs baldm-HS , i t liiis noted luiracn-oua ly.—II . Mo ir."

oa* .Sold ut .Tin: News Oii'i t i : W;Lt» :riord.


TAIH.I: L IKK i' ll.l.H. —All siiJl'erers fro m general ncr-V)uHnesa ;ui<l morbid fi :elin n's, low spi r i t H O r hiira.snini,*dreaniH,ulnccCKSiiry fears, m-uiUil i r r i tub i l i ty , fuiluro of the inentn,aul bodily i>owerH , weakness of t he ner ves , headache, noweainthc he:id , KidditieSH , indi^eation , uud other symptoms ofchronic din ea-Hc, wil l hail with joy t h e discovery of Dr. Orliaoa' lAtc L 'MH , which m*n*Uly ntid uhnoat um^icaliy rtrnove]Hh and disease-, of whatever tu iturc ; re»tore cheerlulness totlenpiritH, vigour to the bedy, and HtreiiL-thon till the orynnaon vhich life and dcntli de[K.-nd. They >io not eontiiin a par-tid< of mercury, but art* purely vegetable, and for affection-lof the lircr, Iliitulcncy, bile , n ick headache, dizziness, loas oftPBrtitc, lowne»» of Hpirit-j , KCiiKitiouu otfulnni<-i at the pit ottno Btomach , fain between tho Klioulders , and tho (liatrcsn»ri«fn|f from mdi>-ciition and xmicm! debility, thoy will bo[olU'l of uliexani]) le<l etlieacy ; ami it Ui no Mini\ll rvlvanUvs^tluittbey can I K: taken -it any time without danger either(rotiwet or cold , or necessity for rest mint from buuineBs orpleasure. They act mildly on tbe lioweln , wi thou t jmin or|rri|iiif. impart fctrenKth to the Btoinairh , provide a. healthyoctni of the li ver, thua prevcntiiij <, or when present , curiujftho iauudi.:e and dropsy, cleausini,- the akin , rcmovint -Ball»>iiC8H and pimples, purifyinu the Mood, linc- nj - thoncrtei, and marvellously iu viKomtinK the whole Kystem.Feaales of all ages will lind them iuva luaWc, aud uhouldnov^rbc without them. Price Is. Hd., -». UJ.. 4s. tkj.,aud.* . per )»oz.

W SoldntTHK Nl:ws OrrlCK . Walorford.

WIMSBIncluding Port, Sherry, Olaret,Malaga, Madeira, Sauteme, Oliam-pagne, Hock, Burmindy, Moselle,Brandy, Whisky, Gin, Old Tom, inBond or Duty paid. Also GingerWine, Raspberry, Peppermint,Cidery &c, &c. The Trade onlyBujplied. .

Ogilvie & Moora5Warren's Place. CORK. "

" A1VICE TO DYSPEPTICS. '"—Symptomsof Dysppsirv aud Indigestion , with rfiH'cial ndvietl as toDiet. —*niH litUo punplilet apj>c;i!d f 'CH l 'j to thoeo whohave tUk^cU the palate to deciilo everything for them , andh.lTO i«i tho inevitable penalty 01 tii.ir folly."—GM<.Sont forme hump. J. SI. itlCIIAKI'S , l'ublisber , <Ji, OrrutBnsatl] tr..-ct, London.

EnclEiXu's lio*i: SOAP.—The best for the Toilet .IF TOU ARE I NTERESTED in tbo search

for a Cre for Khcum.iti.sm and Nuuml^c Pains , you arohereby drect«d to obtain of any chemist POWKLL 'S U IIKI -XiTic EnnocATlox. Its extraordinary efficacy has been nt-tasted bjEurl Clarendon , Lady WuMerfnve. the Countess elKadnor, ienenil Wood, and ina-iy other cmiuent persons. Itin for ejtrna! a;iolio.ition only. Sold ii: bottles , at Is. ilJand 28. 91 by all Clic-iuists.

" F« ASTHMA , HAY FEVER , A N D CX TAKKHHt UBd's CORE H\IS employed under the InVhest modkal

sanctiouto the caao of the lut e Earl ol UcaeouMlleld. Thamedicin4f °nl which his lonUhip found most comfort andrjlief wjHimrod'a Powder. The Iiiuii 's are inhaled by thepitiout P *^ a' once ufford relief. " I\-r "i'i.i I*. iyiiaj We Frtc.J M EtllAHUS. fU aui lO I , Ureat Russell Street , Londou.


—Tho • IOLSIXS PAD ' has a national reputation through itawjuderM olncacy in all ailmeutu tli.it have their origin in atoroitl liir or disease.! kidneyn. and i^f endorsed by thousand!Of came* inUsllignnt witnesses, who will tell you that the• HoticnF*D' is a onre for thcae diseases. Keul tbejvimp b'let outitW ' Nature's Laws,' sent free to nuy addro.i»H )linau M Co.' 92, Great Uoascll Street, London." Pricoof Holma f a i. I'1*.

11 Gff A BOTTLE TO-DAV OK PEKEY DAVIS 'PAIR KIIS"-—It instantly reliercs and cures BCvcrc scolds,bnnui »u»ins, brnisoa, toothache, hc-ubche, iiains in thoside, joint. »»<1 Kmbs, all ncuralb-io nud rheumatic paiub.Taken £ntf.'n»Hr cores nt onoo conghR , suddeu colds, crampin Btonut. colio, dlirrhooj, aud cholera infauiuui . TAIK

KlLLBSiltho greut household1 mediciue. and baa utuod thotaatof Sffoaw. Aoy chemiit can uupply it at Is. l { and i.9d "

BBE» IU TOB ISTOMDS.—DKLACRE'B EXTRACT or BEF.I' istho b««t tr betf toi. souys, Kr.ivies, stock , il.ivo.iriii !,- and(teiicral of aid has been adojitcU by the Hed Cross Aiwocia-tion and luJleal Board of tho Kagli-ih Army . Iu absolutoparity ci' b/ l>rof - A»fl«"t. ot tl)u llhj p- *>c- J"stronith nafl' to Uoible quantity of other Ex racts of Boof.w.yoSriiiincdala amrdop. Simples J i r by Parcels Post onri'Jttlpt ,|l»- <J<1- Bi^ot :3, Ureit Kussell Street, London.¦¦' THB«iT APFESTIONS AND HOARSENESS .—AllsafforiLI from irritotion of tho throat and hoarseness,will bo ajtccablysu riscd at tho almost immediate roliefaffordeufby &° nlKof "Brown'e Bronchial Troches.TCheaVfimons "loiongos " are now sold by most re«'spoot»b> ChomlBts'in this oonntry at Is. ljd. per bo^•Peqpl«tf°nbled'witla'haokingoough/a' slightcold,or brorftial affeotbns , cannot' y thorn too soon, ft*¦tailor doubles, if lildwed to progresa roanlt in serioosPalmoi*ry md AsMiitio atfectionB. Soo that the.irOTda'Prown'» BrowriiS,Troohe3,'are on the Qorern-¦ tUat. s>mP around CACHSJOI . Preparod by Join 1;Brown i Son*, Bosbn, TJnitod Stntes. European DepotroraWei) to 33, Furrhgdoa Boad, London. d24.l7¦ ; ;Fl iSiiJiil3.—RB THE TEETH and BBEATH."-•A'ief drorjn'6f theliqnid F<ort(in«,8prioldod on & iret'tooti'tjtMH.produoeBpleagantlathor.-whiohthoroBgnJyele&w* tna Tooth Vom all parasiteB or imporiues,utfflWi itne :tum», 'prevents tartar, stopB'decay, ntes

to flwjTetlh a pconli* pearly wbitenoss.and a dellghttnlirsgr ieoto tiebr©»6. It removeaan unpleasant odourarfouigrfrora.d.Qo»yed»ethortobiioco smoke. The Fro#(»»|?Jorflin«, belsgMmpos&fpaitof honeysnd sweet

Mhs^fa. doliciopj & ri\8 taste aad the greatest ToiletyaUioTery of tlfeage.lPribo 2a. 6<1, of all Chemists »saperfamers. .Wholosalf depot removod to 83,FarrinfdsAJoia

^loiiaofe." *"- t ¦¦¦• • ¦ : • ¦ , , ,?:. ..¦ : . - d39.iy

' 'X^^W S 'l exlBteaMi V8!isaid to Ixyfl-W*mix. *b bqini tifi :tx»yrntBg." 'It 'evidently beldagatoJSRJ. eaiclJF-dttieij.i .,:ui. ,.i_ j:. '¦'•¦ ¦ '¦ ' '"' ' •

iTirurc«D( r—^Oi dpbUshodby'piJWfsB-^ntFHjj^ BjirjuwUt fki:Wd.«rf isdr aewi. Oo r

W%?JZ$#I fe^^P?^*'V:<;4 ¦"¦¦• ¦ &)&pfi^gilp:

¦;.;:• . ... . . ' :.} r _ : ¦: .ffili|ll:€- ;W-^^ ;. -

¦• ¦ : ' M-l ^immm^w mm
