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STORY You are standing in a pasture, watching a herd of brown horses in the distance. This sight is familiar to you, so you almost don’t notice the tranquil nature of the herd. Distracted, out of the corner of your eye, you catch a glimpse of a horse that is unlike the others.

A purple horse? Shocked, you watch its vibrant purple mane glisten in the sun as it gallops on its own. Aside from its color, you’re drawn in by something else. Enthralled by its unrivaled energy, it’s clear this horse is thriving. You cannot help but admire this purple horse and you relate to its unique spirit.

The brown horses begin to move into a stable. From afar, the purple horse admires the herd and begins to doubt itself, questioning why it’s so different. Fearful of not fitting in, the purple horse impulsively decides to join the herd, wanting to be just like all of the other horses.

As the purple horse attempts to conform with the herd, it is slowly drained of its once vibrant color; it lost its spirit, it lost its way. You’ve always related to its individuality and as you watch its color drain, you yearn for its former glory.

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But the true Snapple remains - our opportunity is to reclaim it.

Snapple is that bold stallion you once remember catching your eye.

Now it’s time to return to its original glory.

In marketing, many brands find it is easier to be cautious and comfortable than to take a risk; but this is not necessarily the right decision. In the past, Snapple wandered away from its roots and joined the herd, and in turn, it became just another horse. Over time, consumers lost that symbol of their unique character and grew detached from the brand. Snapple went against the grain using Wendy, quirky flavor names, and an overall unconventional style. As they moved away from this, they grew insufficiently “snapply.”

Objectives..............................2Research.................................3Competitive Analysis........10 Target Consumers..............11 Creative Concept...............14Media......................................18 Brand Activation................21 Budget...................................25ROI & Evaluation...............26

Our plan is to make Snapple the leading iced tea beverage in the market by effectively communicating its personality, connecting with consumers’ unique spirit, and ultimately motivating them to snap open a bottle.

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So we went to work:

Increase Volume Across Heartland and Non-HeartlandIncrease Purchase FrequencyIncrease Relevance

Taste Test Participants

Test CreativeFocus Groups

Card Sorts Word Associations


In-Depth Interviews


A/B TestCreative Specific


Brand Attitude Survey


SecondaryResearch Articles

SEO: 36 Keywords... leading to 3 trillion

Google Search Results


Facebook, Twitter,

Instagram & Youtube

Social Media


Simmons OneView Quaries


Google Searches



SecondaryResearch Articles

Taste TestParticipants

Test Creative Focus Groups

Card Sort Interviews Store Visits


A/B Test Participants Brand Attitude Participants

Word Associations Analyzed

SEO: 36 Keywords...leading to 3 trillion

Google Search Results

SimmonsOneView Queries

Social Media Posts AnalyzedFacebook, Twitter

Instagram & Youtube



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It is clear consumers have a generally positive attitude toward Snapple.

We asked consumers for the first words that came to mind when they

hear the word “Snapple“...

Out of 490 words, 364 were positive word associations.

This brand character is Snapple’s greatest strength and one we set forth to capitalize on in our



Overall, consumers find Snapple to be:





















Additionally, regarding Snapple products, our Brand Attitude survey found that consumers consider...

Snapple drinks refreshing (56% strongly agree/agree)

Snapple as a quality brand (57% strongly agree/agree)







bbly Cheerful


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OTHER RESEARCH REVEALED THATThis positive opinion continued.

Card Sort Interviews

Snapple is...

Fun, Creative,Spontaneous


Using various adjectives and non-alcoholic beverage brands we asked consumers to:

And answer various follow-up questions about their decisionsSort them as if they were groups of friends at a party

...in order to get a better idea of who Snapple was.

‘Quirky’ in the sensethat it is a ‘cool quirky’, someone who is confident& fun and not afraid to saysilly things or make peoplelaugh. -Jackie

Dancing, laughing,and the life of theparty. -Ben

This showed Snapple’sUnique and distinctive personality

However, We also started to hear the past tense getting thrown around when probing on the Snapple Brand.

Analyses of interviews revealed a major theme.

Snapple was personified positively, but as someonefrom the past.

Often referred to in the context of “when I was young.”

“Snapple reminds me of my neighbors because they always had it and we would read the facts together.Very few brands can remind you of your childhood like that.” - Marie

”Back in high school I would buy it at the grocery store and drink it before going home.” - Jeremy

“It reminds me of when I would read the facts with my friends at the deli.” -Philip

Snapple resonated in people’s memories, but in their present context, it was not relevant.

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Though Snapple is in consumers' consideration set, a lack of relevance and overall engagement prevents it from being the preferred choice.

This disconnect was also apparent in recent communication.

For starters, not everyone loved the New York Campaign:


rated Snapple’s Relevance as “relevant or extremely relevant”

On a scale of:1 = Extremely Relevant, 7 = Irrelevant

38% of 556 people

Brand Consideration & Preference Data Showed:

stated Snapple as “one of many considered”

stated Snapple as “the brand I prefer”

40% 10%

And this disconnect continued online....

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Snapple Social Media Engagement Total **March 2015- March 2016

Likes, dislikes, shares, comments, retweets

% lead

% increase needed to lead the platform

*Although Snapple currently owns the Facebook platform by 52%, Honest Tea is quickly approaching.

**Amongst Tea & Juice Competitors





Lipton Brisk Iced Tea Gold Peak Honest Tea Pure Leaf Arizona Snapple

Average Search IndexSnapple was the least searched brand on Google compared to 21 other brands from January 2013 - January 2016.



4126 26


From analyzing the BIG disconnect a few things were clear:

Snapple appeared to be losing a sense of relevance with consumers.

Recent communication appeared to alienate consumers

Online, Snapple was lacking with strong engagement with its followers

We knew that our campaign would need to address this disconnect.

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Consumers have grown much more conscious to the subject of health. In the past 24 years, there has been a 3,400% increase in organic sales and, in the US alone, the natural products marketplace is currently valued at $290 billion.1

When asking consumers about the relationship between Snapple and health, their long-time slogan was put to the test.

“Made from what?” How believable is “Made from the Best Stuff on Earth?”

“If I see that statement some-where I would contradict it by finding something better than

that.” -Michelle

“When I hear ‘Made from the Best Stuff on Earth’ I immediately just look at it as marketing. I don’t

believe it.” -Diana

“I hold some skepticism to the best stuff on earth claim.”


In our SEO research, Snapple’s tagline of “Made from the Best Stuff on Earth” earned an average of 1.2 search index (out of 100) from January 2013-January 2016, showing minimal searches for the tagline of the Snapple brand. And in our Brand attitude survey, only 35% strongly agree-agree Snapple is “Made from the Best Stuff on Earth.”

Snapple users had an index of 143 when it came to their concern about low sugar in their diet36% of Snapple users are “Image Shapers”

It was clear this slogan is no longer believable to consumers. How much of a priority is health to Snapple drinkers?

Simmons OneView data showed...

Consumers are health aware but are not “health nuts;” they don’t tend to closely read labels or obsess over their diets. Snapple drinkers just want permission to feel healthy.

Health and image are allied togetherLooking good means being healthy

1 Food Safety News

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The CSD category declined $2.4 billion from 2012 to 2014.1 and units declined 14% since 2004.2

From a secondary research perspective:

From an interview perspective

And our interviews shed light on a key insight regarding health:

Snapple and Coke consumers are similar in a few ways

Consumers consider themselves: KIND, GOOD-HEARTED, WARMHEARTED, SINCERE

Consumers consider themselves: SOCIABLE, FRIENDLY, CHEERFUL, LIKEABLE

47.7% 43.5% 32.3% 35.3%

Snapple SnappleCoke Coke

The growing stigma attached to drinking soda is yielding an opportunity to source volume, based on health concerns. With this strategy in mind, we wanted to then examine the Tea & Juice category to see where we stack up.

Q: When did you first really start drinking iced tea?

Q: What kind of person drinks tea over soda?

Probably when I stopped drinking soda, because it’s still a sugar flavored drink but not as bad as soda.

A person who thinks they are purchasing a healthier option...wants to consume it because it’s ‘better’ than a soda option.

”- Will

” - Alyssa

1 2


The Wall Street Journal

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Despite Snapple holding 4th place and having a 8% increase in volume, competitors such as Gold Peak (Coke) and Pure Leaf (Pepsi) have grown more than 40% annually. If Snapple does not act fast, it risks becoming 5th, 6th, or even 7th and could struggle with maintaining shelf space.


Arizona Pure Leaf BriskLipton Gold Peak

Distinct packaging Affordable

Urban marketBold packaging Value brand

Home-brewed tasteComforts of home

High-quality ingredients Real tea taste Premium pricePremium product Health-oriented

Recognizable Hot tea Affordable

What stands out from this clutter?Snapple’s brand attitude is distinctive. It is bold. It offers a unique experience that is different from the competition. By repositioning our communication and tapping into that rich “Snapply” spirit, we can motivate consumers to drink Snapple. Knowing this, we wanted to define who we were talking to...





L iptonG



Pure Leaf


Rich brand attitude/history

Unique beverage experience

High quality ingredients


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SO WHO ARE THESE CONSUMERS?Well, they’re certainly not ordinary.

Segment 1: Experiencers Segment 2 : On-The-Go Couples Segment 3: Family Focused

This adventurous couple is optimistic about saving the environment, and spends their free time experiencing everything that the world has to offer. They are spontaneous in trying new flavors of iced tea, especially Snapple. They enjoy sharing their tasting experiences through Snapchat and Instagram.

This on-the-go couple shares a love for traveling, as well as a passion for new and exotic foods. When they’re not busy jumping around the city for work or exploring new parts of the world, the couple can be found lounging on the couch, enjoying a cold Snapple and laughing at a corny sitcom.

As a New York State native, Meghan is no stranger to Snapple, and continues to share the tradition with her family. She is also conscious about pursuing a relatively healthy lifestyle for her family, particularly for the benefit of her daughter.

Heartland and Non-HeartlandCody & Haley, Age 20

Heartland and Non-Heartland HeartlandHeather & Kyle, Age 30 Meghan, Age 40

Cody & HayleyTexas A&M Class of 2017. Passionate about the environment & lunchtime adventures. Excited to take on the world!


Heather & Kyle@OnTheGoCouple

Power couple. Career-oriented. Passionate foodies. Travel enthusiasts.

We are super excited for our next adventure: 10 day Safari in South Africa! Only one week away!!

The Windy City The Big Apple! Visiting Heather’s home and family this weekend! Boarding the plane with our snacks & Snapples in hand.

This amazing Tapas lunch is the only thing that saves our busy days today!

Heather & Kyle @OnTheGoCouple

Heather & Kyle @OnTheGoCouple

Heather & Kyle @OnTheGoCouple

6 Health Benefits of Not Drinking SodaDrinking soda causes health issues that can effect everything from your weight to your heart.

I’ve decided to part ways with my guilty pleasure...SODA! Pursuing a healthy lifestyle and setting a good example for my daughter! Getting my family hooked on Snapple instead--I used to love it as a little girl! (:

Meghan Parker drinking iced tea

Meghan Parker


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Our Brand Attitude survey showed us consumers stated:

“I am an optimist“ 44% (agree/strongly agree)

“I am imaginative“ 54% (agree/strongly agree)

“I am creative“ 53% (agree/strongly agree)

And what did these consumers have to say about Snapple?

Simmons OneView Showed:

Age 18-34 years old: 84% more likely to enjoy trying new things that no one else has

Age 35-49 years old: 90% more likely to do things spur of the moment

“I see myself with Snapple because of its high-spirited nature.“ -Jon

“It’s something I always think about when I get Snapple, when you crack it, the top pops up, and the fact is there and is fun to read...it also ties into the glass bottle, because it is different to

other beverages.” -Stephen

“The fact that Snapple can hang with different crowds, people feel like they’re approachable, I am Snapple for sure!”


Heartland vs. Non-Heartland Age Rationale:

Reasearch indicated targeting 40+ consumers in Non-Heartland markets warranted based on likelihood of poor lifetime consumer value.

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We are at a critical junction and need to make an impact in the market.To do so, we must return to our “Snapply” roots and remind consumers of who they really are;

Soda is ordinary. It’s repetitive. It’s tired. It’s what people are cutting from their diet.

Other tea brands are ordinary. They do not offer a unique beverage experience. They do not look at life the way we do.

Water is ordinary… well, because it’s water.

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We all have our routines. Whether it’s the "nine to five," getting the kids (or yourself ) to school, or accomplishing the little “to do’s.” We all know the feeling of getting stuck in repetitive motions.

Snap Out of the Ordinary

Snap Out of the Ordinary

is about turning boring on its head and celebrating all the moments life has to offer

is a feeling, an emotion, a perspective of looking at life in a different, positive way

Snap Out of the Ordinaryis not just a state of mind, it is an invitation for you to break the mold that constrains your creative expression

Snapple is the catalyst. The one way ticket to live life to the beat of your own drum.Snapple stands as the symbol of your imaginatively curious spirit.


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Group of business people are walking through the airport to get to their gate. Main point of view looks around and then looks out the window and continues to walk

The walk then transitions to the main point of view handing the man at the counter his ticket for the flight

Camera pans out; zooms in on the bottle and then pans up to the man’s head as he drinks. Hear the snap of the cap; upbeat song and brand speak start

Group of business people continue to walk through the hallway to load onto the plane

Posterized color takeover starts to happen; business trip turns into an unordinary skydiving experience as the man jumps

Camera follows the man as he dives down and the parachute is pulled

End button scene with brand speak

Skydive: 30 Second Spot

Camera follows the man as he jumps out of the plane

Snap Out of the Ordinary Broken down... Each ad starts with an ordinary situation. But when the protagonist snaps open their Snapple, the world around them changes. Upbeat, lively music starts, and a posterized color effect takes over their surrounding. The once ordinary scenario has now become an unordinary, exceptional one.

AVO“With 30% less sugar than leading sodas and over 40 refreshing flavors, Snapple is the BEST way for you to snap out of the ordinary! ... Grab a Snapple today! And Snap out of the Ordinary!”

Alternate AVO“Made with real sugar and no high fructose corn syrup, Snapple is THE best way for you to snap out of the ordinary! ... Grab a Snapple today! And Snap out of the Ordinary!”

The ads depict Snapple as the spark, turning mundane moments into something special.

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SNAP OUT OF DIGITAL Social Media Music Streaming

Our digital will Snap static images Out Of The Ordinary with the use of animated GIFs.* Enhanced with a color take over experience, each photograph relates to the concept from the commercials and drives home the idea of Snapple transforming an ordinary situation into an unordinary one.

Static Images

Our users are online and regularly streaming music through various platforms. Banner ads with moving GIFs and a screen takeover, that includes one of our campaign videos, will be used to increase relevance in these platforms. By doing this, Snapple can tap into this increasingly important digital landscape and own this space.

Banners, Screen takeovers+ Audio examples

Group of friends pull into a gas station to fill up prior to their road trip

Driver puts gas nozzle into tank and starts pumping

Camera pans inside of the car to passenger zoomed in on the Snapple bottle and then pans up as she drinks. Hear the snap of the cap; brand speak starts and the upbeat music slowly fades in

The color starts to take over the ordinary situation and this road trip then turns into the group of friends in a dune buggy tearing up the dunes. Brand speak continues

Dune Buggy: 15 Second Spot

Ending button GIF with continued music

*Animated GIF and full overview of creative execution example link is located on page 22.

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CREATIVE RATIONALECopy Testing Shows Our Campaign Is Effective

“Snap Out of The Ordinary” “Born in New York”



Results from our test creative Focus Group Feedback for “Snap Out Of The Ordinary” showed:

In addition to receiving positive feedback, we received valida-tion of our message:

“It was a powerful commercial about the Snapple drink. It even made me thirsty to drink one.” -Zack“Feel good vibe, reminded me of summer.” -Ben

“Be different and break out!” -Melanie“Changing the mundane to something more exciting.” -Tommy

“Bored and a bit offended” -Caitlin“Why should I trust what New Yorkers say?” -Paul

“New Yorkers love it and it’s the best stuff on earth.” -Jane“If you live in New York you drink Snapple.” -Calvin



How likely would you be to buy Snapple the next time you were shopping for iced tea?

How likely would you be to consider buying Snapple vs. a car-bonated soda?

20% (Extremely likely)

36% (Extremely likely)

Fun: 67%Motivating: 48%

14% (Extremely likely)

14% (Extremely likely)

Fun: 47%Motivating: 25%

Slogan * Slogan **

43% increase in Snapple consideration

89% increase in likelihood to buy Snapple vs. a carbonated soda (CSD)

Of those Extremely Likely to buy Snapple on their next shopping trip, 62% were also Extremely Likely to

substitute Snapple for a CSD.

4 Focus Groups100 Copy Test Survey Respondents

* Snap Out of the Ordinary** Made from the Best Stuff on Earth

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THE BIG PICTUREGuiding Research:

Our focus is to be interruptive and reflect how our consumers interact with media.

Objective: Translate top of mind awareness to consideration set.

Geography:The campaign is national in scope with supplemental support in major non-heartland cities.

Strategy:Our strategy consists of :

Decrease spending on traditional mediaSignificant shift to digital and social platformsCapture micro-moments

Target Audience:Heartland Market 18-49Non-Heartland Market 18-35

WHAT ARE “MICRO-MOMENTS”?Micro-moments occur when people reflexively turn to a device—increasingly a smartphone—to act on a need to learn something, do something, discover something, watch something, or buy something. 1


MAKING LUNCH OURSTo make Snapple top-of-mind during lunchtime micro-moments, we will use social media advertising during 10 am to 1 pm. We will use various social media platforms, like Instagram, to share meals that have been paired with Snapple using the hashtag #SnapYourLunch.

GasBuddy helps users find gas stations in their area by price and distance. It has won numerous awards, including Time Magazine's 50 Best Apps in 2014. Targeting this micro-moment of going to the gas station will increase the frequency of seeing our campaign and increase the impressions for Snapple.




Las Vegas Denver









Gas StationsBillboards

Pop-Up Shops


1 Trend with Google

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Online Radio

TELEVISIONThrough TV advertising, we will get the Snap Out Of The Ordinary message across to a broad audience. 80%2 of those who drank Snapple in the last 6 months watch TV every week. Each channel was chosen based on demographics of the viewers, the personality of the channel, the content of current programs, and current commercial advertisers. 30 second advertising spots will be utilized to allow for our audiences to understand what it means to Snap Out of the Ordinary. Television drives all other advertising outlets, holding a consistent and integrated message.

Collected from MRI+, percentages below show product based data for those that drank Snapple in the last six months.




24%26% 21%




Using a variety of digital outlets, we will disseminate content throughout the nation by using video, audio, and image advertisements on:

Going beyond film, television, and literature, music can be streamed while doing a variety of activities. Approximately ⅓ of the American population tunes into online radio every single day, and with more people streaming and tuning in through their mobile devices, we see this as a time to own that landscape.1 We determined that Spotify and Pandora would be the perfect outlets for the sponsor content and advertisements.





Gas Buddy

Google AdWordsWithin these station individual shows were identified in which the 30 second commercial advertisements will air. The commercials will run on both new seasons as well as syndicated TV shows: What Would You Do?, Modern Family, The Goldbergs, Scandal, The Big Bang Theory, Suits, Royal Pains, Chopped , Diners, Drives, and Dive-Ins, New Girl, Sleepy Hollow, Parenthood, Parks and Recreation, Two and A Half Men, and Two Broke Girls.

* Data Not Available

1Civic Science2 MRI +

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We’ll use out of home advertising in major non-heartland cities to drive broad reach and frequency and significantly boost Snapple’s profile in these critical areas. We’ll air ads on gas pump TV for two months in 12 cities (10 stations per city) with an average impressions of 8,000 views per day. 1 We’ll also place billboards in five major cities for 8-12 weeks per city, for a total of 30 million impressions. 2



Social media is a cost-efficient way for Snapple to create higher brand awareness due to its wide reach across multiple platforms. Approximately ¾ of the US population currently uses social media. 90% of 18-29 year olds and 77% of 30-49 year olds in America currently use social media.3 We will utilize social media to drive impressions throughout the year. Social media posts will be primarily scheduled for lunchtime hours (10am-1pm).

We are going to take one of the most ordinary routines of our lives and drive a strong connection with Snapple. Our consumers are known to be on-the-go and by advertising on the GasBuddy App and at the station itself with banners/Gifs/and pump videos, Snapple will own the gas station micro-moment. This not only delivers on our BIG Idea, but it is a BIG way of increasing awareness and potential volume.

Filling up?

1 Blue Line Media 2 Clear Channel Outdoor 3Statista

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TO ACTIVATE THE BRANDWe will engage with consumers in Out of the Ordinary ways...

Snap Out of the Ordinary is a feeling, emotion, and perspective of looking at life in a different, positive way. Our In-Shop virtual reality experience provides the opportunity to manifest this feeling and emotion. This will incorporate our virtual reality goggles and various props to make the VR environment both visually and physically stimulating for the consumer, allowing the option to choose from three different Out of the Ordinary activities. Free t-shirts and other merchandise will be provided to participants at the conclusion of their experience.

The Pop-Up Shops will also offer a pairing option with local deli’s in the area. Customers can take advantage of free sandwich and Snapple samples as a way to drive connection between the Snapple brand and the lunch micro-moment.

Six Pack With Your Snack:

Customers will be given a rating card for the opportunity to rank the top six flavor choices and receive a customized Snapple Six Pack to take home and continue to enjoy at a later time, offer as a gift, or share with friends.


Experience Options AvailableSky Diving Dune BuggyWave Takeover

Pop-Up Shops (New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Atlanta)

These fun, unique experiences will engage consumers in ways that snap them out of their daily routine and bring the Out of the Ordinary spirit to life. The Pop-Up Shops also aim to take advantage of the natural connection between Snapple and lunch time.


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Augmented Reality BottlesWe also bring the new campaign perspective to the shelves with our augmented reality bottles. Snapple bottles will become Out of the Ordinary by utilizing the modern technology of augmented reality labels. Snapple bottle labels become interactable via smartphone or tablet using augmented reality apps to bring over 1,000 Snapple facts to life.

...And to Space...

Snap Out of this WorldEnter the Snap out of the Ordinary Sweepstakes for a chance to Snap out of This World! In order to improve purchase frequency during the summer of 2017, Snapple consumers will have the opportunity to win an Out of the Ordinary experience when popping open a special fact under their caps. Winners will be offered a free unordinary experience.Prizes can be redeemed by entering their winning code on the website.

The Prizes Trip aboard Virgin Galactic Shuttle II (2) $500 experience (1000) $250 experience (2000) 5 Pack 40% off Snapple 16oz (196,867) Buy One Get One Coupons

Discounts on Next Purchase

In-Store PromotionSnapple will carry out in-store initiatives to draw attention to the brand and ultimately encourage customers to choose Snapple over other competitors with:

Shelving Banners: Designed to draw attention to Snapple products, regardless of the beverage's shelf placement in various stores.

Eye Catching End Cap Displays: Designed to attract potential customers, create an awareness and desire to purchase Snapple.

* Follow this link to view creative & brand activation execution examples.

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THROUGH PARTNERSHIP & SPONSORSHIPWe will continue to bring the Out of the Ordinary campaign to our consumers' lives.

Music is still the soundtrack to our target market’s lives. In fact, 93% of the US population listens to music for over 25 hours each week. Also, 32 million people attended a music festival in 2014 alone. It is an excellent avenue to engage with our target market in ways that resonate with the fun, creative, and playful characteristics of the brand. Through partnerships with targeted music events, the Out of the Ordinary campaign will better reach our unique consumers through the most common form of engagement with creative expressionism.

On November 3, 2017, Snapple will sponsor the YouTube Music Awards by offering a new music video award category entitled, “Most Out of the Ordinary Music Video.” This new category will award creative and unordinary music videos in the music industry.

Snapple and YouTube will curate a list of 6 deserving artists from the 2016 award show.

Winning artist gets a $50,000 investment from Snapple for a new music video which debuts on Snapple’s YouTube page.

Fans can vote on the Snapple webpage during the months leading to the event.Voting also enters fans to win 2 tickets to the awards show at Pier 36 in partnership with Vibe Magazine.

YouTube Music Awards


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THROUGH OUR WEBSITE & OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA INITIATIVES...We will drive engagement with our consumers in Out of the Ordinary ways.

Notable website features include:A featured “Our Fans” fanpageAn option to customize your own 6-pack with your favorite flavorsA trivia game based on Real FactsA location pinpointer of restaurants that carry Snapple in your areaOpportunities to print Snapple product coupons to be used in stores

DIGITAL:Welcome Home... To bring the campaign to life online, the website will be refreshed into a new interactive platform with more engaging consumer-based content. The homepage of the site is dynamic with mouse-responsive segments that Snap Out of the Ordinary and change to the campaign colors.

A special Snapple fan will be featured monthly via Snapple social media. These posts will showcase the fan and their Out of the Ordinary personality. Fans can submit their stories and photos online via the website. All posts will be archived in the “Our Fans Page” of the website. Also, through our various channels of social media, we will continue to offer discounts and coupons as a trial mechanism to encourage multiple purchases.

Social Media Integration

* Follow this link to view the redesigned website homepage

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Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Budget Impressions

National TV

A&E $1,594,861 45,306,000

ABC $4,068,701 198,210,000

CBS $2,507,472 122,200,000

Food Network $355,775 10,107,000

FOX $3,851,730 90,200,000

FX $823,312 280,000

MTV $243,527 6,918,000

NBC $1,082,690 48,200,000

TBS $3,103,443 162,000,000

USA $975,517 27,712,000


Various Outlets $ 5,244,000 994,515,151

Digital TV

Hulu $ 784,000 22,400,000


Facebook $ 300,000 208,000,000

Instagram $ 850,000 34,000,000

Snapchat $ 800,000 40,000,000

Twitter $ 600,000 73,547,500

Tumblr $ 500,000 30,000,000


Gas Pump TV $ 334,800 57,600,000

Billboards $ 4,387,121 1,010,945,144

Brand Activation

Pop-up Shops $4,290,000 4,449,400

In Store Displays $530,000 353,333,333

Augmented Reality Caps $2,000,000 430,000,000

Snap Out of This World Sweepstakes $2,976,500 400,000,000

YouTube Music Awards $200,000 18,300,000

Additonal Promotional Material

T-Shirts (5,000) $3,000 N/A

Stickers (10k) $500 N/A


Production Cost $2,500,000

FeesMedia and Agency Fees $5,000,000

Contingency Plan $93,051

Total Budget $50,000,000

Total Impressions 4,388,223,528

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In order to evaluate the media use and brand activation events, pre- and post- surveys will measure change in attitude, tracking reach will measure attendance, tracking engagement pre and post campaign on social media will measure change in behavior, and tracking pre and post campaign media coverage will measure newsworthiness. Monitoring the following activity will ensure the efficiency and accuracy of this campaign:

Copy testing indicated a 43% increase in top box consideration for our campaign vs. the New York campaign. Past research, however, indicates actual purchase indexes at 50% purchase intent. We used an even more conservative measure of a 25 index, which netted the potential sales increase due solely to stronger advertising creative to 11%. Additionally, our change in media strategy from past Snapple campaigns, shifting a large portion of dollars to digital, away from TV, resulted in a very large increase in impressions. These two factors combined to yield a 31% increase in sales versus prior year.

Reference Page


Snapple salesUnique visitors to the Snapple website

Snapple sales due to gas TV

Extraordinary experiences with the augmented reality capSnap Out of this World sweepstakes participation

Media attention: journalistic and informal (bloggers)Measure engagement during and after YouTube awards

Measure engagement on social before, during, and after the campaign

Follow link between social media and Snapple’s website (to and from)

Follow link between on-click ads from GasBuddy to Snapple’s website

Snapple Pop-up-shop attendance and participation


* Follow this link to our full reference page of sources.
