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Snapshot - Churches of Christ in Queensland

Date post: 15-Mar-2022
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Strategic Plan 2019-2024 Snapshot Bringing the light of Christ into communities

Strategic Plan 2019-2024Snapshot

Bringing the light of Christ into communities

Welcome to the Strategic Plan 2019-2024 Snapshot. Churches of Christ in Queensland has been on a very exciting journey over recent years bringing the light of Christ into communities. As we move into a new season of growth, it is important for us to strengthen what we already do. Over the next five years, we are inviting each person in the Churches of Christ community to stretch and strive to achieve all that we have set out to do.

Who we are and what we stand for as Churches of Christ in Queensland, is at the core of all that we do. As the needs of our communities are growing, so too we need to grow to meet them.

The Strategic Plan 2019-2024 aims to shape and guide our movement and organisation for our next season. This snapshot outlines our seven strategic priority areas over the next five years in light of our Identity, Vision, Mission, Values and the Churches of Christ Way (CofC Way). To view the full Strategic Plan including details of each strategic priority area, please visit www.cofc.com.au

Our identity.Our identity and purpose as an organisation is founded on the person and work of Jesus. He is not merely a person of interest to us but rather our point of reference. We seek to model all of our work off the life, teachings and example of Jesus as found in the New Testament.

Churches of Christ in Queensland currently outworks this mission in Queensland, Victoria and Vanuatu with over 200 services in more than 100 communities, touching tens of thousands of lives each year. We operate a range of missional and community services to assist families, the elderly and people in need through church communities and our care services.

Our Vision. Churches of Christ in Queensland is widely recognised as a growing, Christ-centred, collaborative faith movement, leading in:

• building supportive, integrated communities

• delivering innovative, holistic, caring services

• empowering people to live hope-filled, meaningful lives.

Our Mission. Bringing the light of Christ into communities.

Our Values. As our name implies, ‘Churches of Christ’ is founded on the teachings and values of Jesus Christ who calls on every one of us individually and collectively to be a light to the world through the expression of His love. He calls us to work together as one body in serving others, and to see this not just as something we do but as a way of life. Flowing from this understanding of who we are, and what we stand for as an organisation, we are committed to these core Values:

• Unconditional Love We accept and reach out to people whatever their circumstances.

• Continual Innovation We constantly seek new and better ways of doing things.

• Mutual Trust We relate with honesty, respect and consistency.

• Wise Stewardship We are accountable in managing our people and our resources wisely.

WelcomeWe invite people into

what we are doing

WellbeingWe help people live

life to the full

The CofC Way.The CofC Way is an overall expression of who we are as an organisation and a movement. It describes the desired outcomes of our work and what we hope our clients, residents, customers and partners will experience.

The CofC Way is made up of five key elements which reflect our Identity, our Vision, our Mission and our Values. They serve as touchstones that we align ourselves to and allow us to have a consistent message across the diversity that is Churches of Christ in Queensland.

At Churches of Christ, we truly want to be about Welcome, Wellbeing, Home, Community and Faith. We seek to embody these elements at all times, in all situations and in every location.

We see ourselves as a movement more than an organisation, and as such there is always room for people to join us and contribute. We practice warm hospitality and seek to act in love towards all people and to embrace their unique gifts, abilities and experiences.

We are in the business of helping people to live as well as they can, for as long as they can, regardless of their current situation. We see the whole person and promote wellbeing by helping them find comfort, occupation, identity, inclusion and attachment.

HomeWe help people find Home

Community We help communities

build Community

FaithWe come with Faith

We believe a fundamental aspect of being human is our need for belonging and acceptance, to be known by name and valued as we are. To find the warmth and embrace of home. Housing is only one step on the journey towards finding our way home, but it is critical in helping people find safe and secure places where they can do the very real work of their lives.

We see ourselves as active members of existing communities. We do not fundamentally see ourselves as solo actors or as an end in ourselves. Our unique contribution is one of partnering with a wide array of faith-based and community groups to see whole communities and neighbourhoods flourish. We belong to, benefit from and contribute to the communities in which we are a part.

We believe that God is the source of all good things and that He is constantly bringing His light into communities. He works in us, through us and sometimes in spite of us to restore and build lives, homes and communities. We bring the best of our own efforts whilst also having faith that God works alongside us. We are not alone in our mission and this timeless mystery challenges, shapes, informs and directs all of our efforts.

Strategic Priorities How Outcome

Build the Kingdom of God

Use action learning processes in regions to engage churches, services and local communities to build the Kingdom of God together. Support and empower churches to be healthy, vibrant and committed to our Mission. Encourage and resource leaders to rejuvenate existing churches and plant new ones. Embed chaplaincy and spiritual support as foundational across all of our services.

People are coming to Christ, churches are growing, and individuals are growing spiritually.

Lead in serving the community

Be a leader in the community services sector, providing innovative, holistic models of care for vulnerable people.

CofCQ is one of the state’s top three providers of community services in Seniors Care and Supported Living, Children Youth and Families and Housing Services.

Innovate and improve Partner with churches, other care service providers, researchers and stakeholders to continually improve and innovate in all aspects of our Mission.

All mission and service teams engage in continual improvement and innovation.

Build our culture Foster an organisational culture that reflects diversity and effectively embeds and communicates our Mission and Values.

Workplace culture is positive and employee satisfaction levels are consistently high.

Develop our peopleDevelop and build the capability of our people, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and people from diverse backgrounds, to provide collective leadership, engage in our Mission and care for communities.

Workforce capacity and capability is optimised. People are competent and committed to our Values.

Provide the right support Support the provision of services with reliable and appropriate business systems and processes. Effective processes and systems are delivering efficiency and reliability.

Manage well Manage our resources responsibly, through efficient delivery of services and effective stewardship of assets.

Responsible stewardship of funding and assets are delivering an acceptable return on investment and missional support.

OUR STRATEGIC PRIORITIES FOR 2019-2024.As Churches of Christ in Queensland (CofCQ) moves forward our focus is on becoming as organisationally healthy as possible. We are committed to working together in an integrated way with our affiliated churches, care services and support areas to address the changing needs of our communities. We have developed seven strategic priorities that will frame our work in the next season.

Strategic Priorities How Outcome

Build the Kingdom of God

Use action learning processes in regions to engage churches, services and local communities to build the Kingdom of God together. Support and empower churches to be healthy, vibrant and committed to our Mission. Encourage and resource leaders to rejuvenate existing churches and plant new ones. Embed chaplaincy and spiritual support as foundational across all of our services.

People are coming to Christ, churches are growing, and individuals are growing spiritually.

Lead in serving the community

Be a leader in the community services sector, providing innovative, holistic models of care for vulnerable people.

CofCQ is one of the state’s top three providers of community services in Seniors Care and Supported Living, Children Youth and Families and Housing Services.

Innovate and improve Partner with churches, other care service providers, researchers and stakeholders to continually improve and innovate in all aspects of our Mission.

All mission and service teams engage in continual improvement and innovation.

Build our culture Foster an organisational culture that reflects diversity and effectively embeds and communicates our Mission and Values.

Workplace culture is positive and employee satisfaction levels are consistently high.

Develop our peopleDevelop and build the capability of our people, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and people from diverse backgrounds, to provide collective leadership, engage in our Mission and care for communities.

Workforce capacity and capability is optimised. People are competent and committed to our Values.

Provide the right support Support the provision of services with reliable and appropriate business systems and processes. Effective processes and systems are delivering efficiency and reliability.

Manage well Manage our resources responsibly, through efficient delivery of services and effective stewardship of assets.

Responsible stewardship of funding and assets are delivering an acceptable return on investment and missional support.
