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So 1 il - Bachy Soletanche · is the length of the pile-supported jetty that the Soletanche ......

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Page 1: So 1 il - Bachy Soletanche · is the length of the pile-supported jetty that the Soletanche ... piles with a diameter of 2.5 metres anchored at a depth ... resourceful pile and wall

December 2013 — No. 1



BuilD oN uS

Page 2: So 1 il - Bachy Soletanche · is the length of the pile-supported jetty that the Soletanche ... piles with a diameter of 2.5 metres anchored at a depth ... resourceful pile and wall

PICTURELOUVRE MUSEUM, PaRiS, France The Department of Islamic Art is openedThe Louvre Museum opened its new Department of Islamic Art in September 2012. The new exhibition spaces have a floor area of nearly 7,000 sq. metres on two levels and house one of the world's largest collections of Islamic art.To prepare construction of the new department, infrastructure works were required along the existing museum facades.

Prior to the earthworks, which reached a depth of up to 12 metres, Soletanche Bachy underpinned the existing buildings (by means of jet grouting and grouting) and built retaining structures (shotcrete walls stabilised with active ground anchors and soil nails). Two design approaches (ultimate strength and finite element) were required to assess the necessary reinforcement and to phase the works.

Page 3: So 1 il - Bachy Soletanche · is the length of the pile-supported jetty that the Soletanche ... piles with a diameter of 2.5 metres anchored at a depth ... resourceful pile and wall

Soil Magazine — December 2013 — No. 1





Soletanche Bachy - Menard The world's most comprehensive network of geotechnical engineering contractors

•Communication Department 133 boulevard National - F- 92500 Rueil-Malmaison •Director of Publication Marine d’Anterroches •Editor in chief Agnès Baranger •Editorial board Stéphane Monleau, Stéphane Cognon •Design •Layout Clément Fusil •Translation Alto •Photo credits Ethan Rohlhoff, Hélène Peter / VINCI photo library, LegoRogers, MVB - Andras Nemeth, Happy Day, Cédric Helsly, JM Huron, Soletanche Bachy, Menard & Soletanche Freyssinet photo libraries •Cover photo Barangaroo seafront redevelopment project, Sydney - Australia


04 News

06 Interviewwith Lim Kah HockDUO project in Singapore

08 World roundupA spotlight on a numberof emblematic projects

10 ProjectsWorksite review

20 Major project LNG terminal at Dunkirk, France

22 SpecialityTunnels

23 SolutionsWind turbine foundations

24 TechnologyCit'Easy: an innovative process for urban worksitesASIRI: a national rigid inclusion project

26 Year1954

27 GroupSoletanche Freyssinet


am pleased to introduce this new magazine. its purpose is to present the combined capabilities of Soletanche Bachy and Menard, both world leaders in their respective specialities. From

design to worksite operations, the two companies join forces, integrating their design, equipment and construction resources to cover the full range of cutting-edge geotechnical works (foundations, retaining structures, strengthening and cut-off, underpinning, ground improvement, etc.) and their specific expertise (tunnels, marine works, monitoring, soil remediation, etc.). For our clients, this means that we are able to deliver the right solution, tailored to the specific features of each project and backed by the global capabilities of a large group with locations in more than 40 countries. in this magazine, we will be describing our projects and the technical challenges that our Soletanche Bachy and Menard teams have successfully tackled by applying their creative capabilities, along with a constant quest for excellence and an uncompromising safety policy.

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Soil Magazine — December 2013 — No. 1

1,400 metres


is the length of the pile-supportedjetty that the Soletanche Bachy international/Cimas and Conconcreto Joint Venture is building as part of the Puerto Brisa project in Colombia.


Prism. To mitigate environmental impact, Soletanche Bachy and Menard jointly developed the Prism life cycle assessment software tool. Prism offers a comprehensive environmental assessment for a project, from tendering through construction, making it possible to compare the environmental impact of alternative construction options.


ColombiaColombia is one of Latin America's most dynamic countries. Soletanche Bachy, which has operated in Colombia for more than 15 years, further strengthened its roots there by acquiring Geofundaciones in 2012. Soletanche Bachy Cimas and Geofundaciones are, at one and the same time, local companies and members of a large group - a dual identity that serves them well in their work on the infrastructure projects (especially port works) entrusted to them.


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Soil Magazine — December 2013 — No. 1


Second Wouri BridgeAs part of a consortium that also includes Sogea-Satom, Dodin Campenon Bernard and Sogea TPI, Soletanche Bachy is working to design and build a key structure that will improve the flow of trade in Cameroon. The 760 metre bridge over the Wouri River at Douala will have two decks – one to carry road traffic (five lanes), the other rail traffic (two tracks).



The 18th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, held in Paris, France in September 2013, drew more than 2,100 participants. Global soil specialists Soletanche Bachy and Menard were present as conference partners.



Safety: the S.T.O.P. card"Soletanche Bachy's and Menard's Canadian subsidiaries agra Foundations and Geopac have developed "Stop, Think, Organize and Proceed" cards that have proven effective and are currently being distributed throughout all Menard Group subsidiaries. Whenever anyone on a worksite detects an unsafe situation, he or she can hold up the card. Work is then stopped and only continues once the problem has been solved." DaviD maLTman


Soletanche Bachy is particularly responsible for the foundations (50 injected piles with a diameter of 2.5 metres anchored at a depth of nearly 70 metres) and the 1,400 linear metres of heavy jetty.

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"On the DUO project,we had a win-win partnership"


M+S initiated the ambitious DUO project comprising two high-rise buildings in the heart of Singapore's Bugis district. What are the main challenges on this project?l.K.H.: There are several issues related to the site, such as its proximity to the Bugis metro station, the presence of a large layer of marine clay and the planned construction of an underground expressway as part of Singapore's road system expansion programme. The high-rise buildings also have substantial cantilevers, which gives them their iconic shape. The designer must take account of that when engineering the structure and minimising displacements, and the contractor must coordinate with the facade company and the other building trades, especially the companies responsible for the lifts.

You called on Bachy Soletanche Singapore to provide expertise. What were the strong points in its bid?l.K.H.: First of all its state-of-the-art technical expertise. Bachy Soletanche came up with a resourceful pile and wall design by suggesting ways to significantly optimise the prefounded

columns and the diaphragm wall. These value engineering proposals generated were much appreciated as they came after Bachy Soletanche Singapore had been awarded the project. Secondly, Bachy Soletanche has a long track record in foundations. Our design office was able to build on that expertise to work out the best construction methods. We appreciated the spirit in which Bachy Soletanche Singapore worked with our consultants to achieve the objective.

Did Bachy Soletanche Singapore meet your expectations in terms of solutions, deadlines, quality and safety? l.K.H.: Both our own and our consultants' teams are completely satisfied with the work. They particularly appreciated the care with which Bachy Soletanche looked for optimum solutions and costs, the fact that they delivered on time, and their attention to quality and safety. They also appreciated the excellent working relations among the various stakeholders. And last but not least, we were impressed with Bachy Soletanche's commitment to completing the work a month ahead of schedule and to facilitate the construction of car parks for our model apartments.

By way of conclusion, how would youdescribe your relationship with Bachy Soletanche Singapore?l.K.H.: On the DUO project, we had a win-win partnership. The foundations were successfully built. We will be calling on the company in our upcoming calls for tender.

soletanche bachy in singapore. The Group's subsidiary Bachy Soletanche Singapore began operating in the city-state in the 1970s. Bachy Soletanche Singapore is familiar with the Bugis district (having built the foundations for the Bugis Junction shopping mall and the walls for the existing metro station in the 1980s) where it is now completing the new metro station as general contractor (Contract C903).



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In a nutshellDuo— Project The project consisted in building the foundations for two high-rise buildings designed by Buro Ole Sheeren for the DUO project. DUO is a SGD 3 billion (US$ 2.4 billion) high-end mixed-use project comprising offices, residences, a boutique retail gallery and a hotel.— StakeholdersBachy Soletanche Singapore carried out the foundation works for M+S, a consortium made up of Malaysian and Singaporean sovereign funds. Obayashi will carry out the civil engineering works.— Solution 23,000 sq. metres of diaphragm walls (of 1 metre thick and up to 65 metre deep) and 437 piles (with diameters of up to 2.5 metres) including 320 prefounded columns (weighing up to 1.3 tonnes per metre). Bachy Soletanche brought added value to the project by using (a first in Singapore) a higher steel grade for the prefounded columns and adapting the design of the wall in the deepest zone ("trouser leg"). — Duration 10 months of general contracting works.

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Soil Magazine — December 2013 — No. 1

WORLD ROUNDUPA few emblematic projects

DunKirK LnG TErminaL FranCE

LGv sEa FranCE

musEum oF ThEsEConD WorLD War


PorT oF LoméToGo

Wouri briDGECamEroon


souTh aFriCa

baTa sEWErEQuaToriaL GuinEa

CEva sWiTZErLanD

bbva banComEr ToWErmExiCo

muELLE C uruguay

PuErTo brisa CoLombia

PuErTo bELGrano arGEnTina


aTLanTiC briDGEPaNaMa


CoLumbia univErsiTYu.S.

vanCouvEr inTErnaTionaL airPorT


PorT oF sEPT-ÎLEsCanaDa

WoLF CrEEK nuCLEar u.S.

LEE TunnELuniTED KinGDom

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Soil Magazine — December 2013 — No. 1

Bridge EnergyIndustryRailwayOil & gas

Mine Water & sewerage




Building Dam


Marine structure

Wouri briDGECamEroon

LaKE nYos Dam CamEroon

abu Dhabi PLaZaKaZaKhsTan

jEDDah souThThErmaL PoWEr PLanT

SauDi araBia

ThE PoinTE – PaLm jumEirahu.a.E.

jEbEL aLi PorTu.a.E.

buKiT binTanG sTaTion MalaySia

naTionaL arT GaLLErY sinGaPorE

raFFLEs DrY DoCKsinGaPorE

ExPrEss raiL LinKHoNg KoNg

WYnn CoTai Casino maCao

baranGaroo ProjECT ausTraLia

iChThYs LnG ProjECT


ChrisTChurCh WasTE WaTEr TrEaTmEnT PLanT


Nuclear site

LEGo FaCTorYHuNgary

jaKarTa airPorTinDonEsia

KuTubu CEnTraL ProCEssinG FaCiLiTY PaPua nEW GuinEa

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Worksite reviewProjects

United States

PROVO TEMPLEa fire destroyed the mormon temple in Provo, Utah in December 2010, leaving only the

brick facade and the rough sandstone foundations. The Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-Day Saints decided to renovate the building. The design and build project retained the

historic building structure and included, in addition to the renovation, the creation of three underground levels. The project was entrusted to Soletanche Bachy's North American

subsidiary Nicholson Construction, which employed a wide range of geotechnical speciality techniques including post-grouted micropiles drilled with duplex and post-grouting method,

underpinning, jet grouting, dewatering, deep well groundwater lowering, Berlin solider and lagging-wall built with an ABI vibrator, wood shoring and using self-drilling anchors. During the project, Nicholson Construction used a trenching machine to build a combined cut-off

wall and retaining wall structure, a first for the company. The technically complex project was also visually impressive. During construction of the micropiles and the excavations,

the temple appeared to be floating on air.SoleTaNche bachY

United States

WaREHOUSESTwo major projects were completed in new jersey in may and june 2013. The new warehouse and corporate headquarters (totalling 57,000 sq. metres) of Goya Foods required foundation soil improvement. Menard proposed a solution of installing more than 11,000 Controlled Modulus Columns (CMCs). At the site, construction had to contend with the presence of a former landfill and flooding following Hurricane Sandy. The proposed drilling programme confirmed a highly diverse soil profile still containing large amounts of waste. Following the flooding, the Menard teams brought in up to four CMC machines to work simultaneously. Ultimately the project was handed over a month ahead of schedule. The Prologis Ports Pulaski Warehouse Project, developed by Prologis, Inc., consisted in building an 82,000 sq. metre logistics facility. Up to six drilling machines worked concurrently to improve the foundation soils for the structure by installing about 12,000 CMCs. The site, which rests on former landfill debris, was on the national list of sites requiring extensive remediation. CMCs were a good alternative to traditional pile foundations in terms of cost, efficiency and environmental impact (minimum amount of spoil using the displacement drilling method to construct the CMCs).MeNarD

Ground improvement for Goya Foods new warehouse and corporate headquarters

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In a nutshell bbva banComEr ToWEr— ProjectConstruction of the tower foundations and 6 underground parking levels— Solution Perimeter diaphragm wall, barrettes and circular piles for the foundations, top-down excavation, structural steel, capping beam, slab and base slab for the underground levels — client BBVA Bancomer, the Mexican subsidiary of Spain's BBVA bank— Duration June 2010 – March 2013




BBVA BANCOMER TOWEROn the main avenue in Mexico City, Soletanche Bachy's Mexican subsidiary Cimesa served as general contractor on the BBVA Bancomer high-rise building project. On land previously occupied by three buildings, the company built a 1 metre wide, 24,000 sq. metre perimeter diaphragm wall, barrettes (up to 50 metres deep and 1 metre wide) and 156 circular piles (1.40 metre diameter, 50 metres deep) with pre-founded steel columns. Prior to the start of works, the cisterns and some 500 driven piles of the old building foundations had to be demolished. For the underground levels, 122,000 cu. metres of earth were excavated using the top-down method to cope with the presence of very soft clays and a water table close to the surface. The underground civil engineering works notably consisted in building the 8-metre capping beam, 42,000 sq. metres of flooring and the 6,000 sq. metres of 2 metre thick raft foundation. The works were carried out in compliance with top environmental standards, earning the project LEED (Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design) Platinum certification.soletanche bachy

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Soil Magazine — December 2013 — No. 1

Some 10 km from the City in London, the Morgan Sindall, VINCI Construction Grands Projets and Bachy Soletanche Joint Venture is building the Lee Tunnel, a major project in terms of both its size and its environmental purpose. The project, initiated by Thames Water Utilities Limited, will enable the sewer system to better handle excess runoff during periods of heavy precipitation and ensure more efficient wastewater treatment. Completed in 2013, the 5 shafts – the largest ever built in the United Kingdom – were built using diaphragm walls. The largest of the shafts has a 1.80 metre thick wall and is 41 metres in diameter and 98 metres deep. A fibre-reinforced concrete is applied to form a lining over the diaphragm wall. A slurry pressure tunnel boring machine is currently connecting the shafts to each other. The Joint Venture is in charge of designing and installing the MEICA equipment and pumps required to manage the sewage. soletanche bachy

United Kingdom

lee tunnel

In a nutshell LEE TunnEL— Project The Lee Tunnel project is part of London’s newest sewer infrastructure and will ultimately join the Thames Tideway Tunnel. This initial infrastructure itself consists of 5 large diameter shafts with a combined capacity of 350,000 cu. metres, connected by a 7 km long tunnel— Solution Diaphragm walls built with conventional grabs for the upper superficial layers and a Hydrofraise for the deepest layers— client Thames Water Utilities Limited— Duration May 2010 – December 2015


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In a nutshell LGv sEa Tours-borDEaux— Project Foundation for a 1.2 km long embankment with a width of some 30 metres and a height of 5 to 6 metres on a section of the SEA high-speed rail line— Solution 8,400 drilled vertical drains and 8,400 driven prefabricated concrete piles— client Construction joint venture COSEA— Duration 8 months

north of the Dordogne, the south Europe atlantic high-speed rail line between Tours and bordeaux crosses a swamp over a 1.2 km section. The geotechnical cross-section includes a layer of very poor quality soil at a depth of 2 metres: a 2 to 3 metre layer of peat with a water content of 300 to 400%. To support the railway embankment, Soletanche Bachy’s subsidiary Balineau proposed a solution consisting of rigid inclusions combined with vertical drains. In an original feature, the solution uses prefabricated driven concrete piles, a technique rarely employed in France. Soletanche Bachy's Spanish subsidiary Rodio Kronsa, working with Balineau on this project, prefabricated the piles in Madrid. The 8,400 vertical drains have been installed down to the sandy substrate and the 8,400 piles, which are slightly trapezoidal in shape, are currently being driven.SoleTaNche bachY

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Soil Magazine — December 2013 — No. 1

The capacity of the region's main container port of jebel ali will be raisedto 19 million TEU by 2014. DP World initiated construction of a third terminal to accommodate the growth of shipping traffic and prepare to meet future needs. The 1,860 metre long, 17 metre draught structure will have a 70 hectare storage yard and be able to serve Post-Panamax generation container vessels. The TOA-Soletanche Bachy joint venture was selected to design, build, commission and equip the new container terminal. In addition to building 54,000 sq. metres of diaphragm walls (to a depth of up to 28 metres and with a thickness of 1.5 metres) and 530 barrettes (up to 11 metres deep and0.8 metres wide), Soletanche Bachy is responsible for soil improvement for the temporary and permanent backfill for the wall (700,000 cu. metres) and supply and installation of 1,000 anchors (with a 75 mm diameter and a length of 35 metres).SoleTaNche bachY

south of jeddah, a thermal power plant is under construction. The 2,640 MW facility, one of the largest in the Middle East, will supply a population of 2 million. Menard Vibro, the subsidiary of Menard in the Middle East, is carrying out the ground improvement works. The company is using vibro-compacted stone columns and dynamic replacement to increase the bearing capacity of the soil and limit long-term settlement. The major difficulty lies in the project's location on the banks of the Red Sea, where it rests on "sabkha", a fine soil requiring very complex improvement that extends to a depth of 7 metres at the site. The total depth of treatment can be up to 15 to 20 metres.MeNarD

Dubai, United arab emirates


Saudi arabia


In a nutshell jEbEL aLi’s TErminaL 3— Project Construction of a terminal with a 1,860 metre long, 17 metre draught quay and a 70 hectare storage yard at Jebel Ali — Solution Reinforced concrete diaphragm quay wall — client Port operator DP World— Duration 34 months, with handover scheduled in March 2015

In a nutshell jEDDah souTh ThErmaL PoWEr PLanT— Project Soil improvement over an area of 700,000 sq. metres as part of the construction of a thermal power plant — Solution Stone columns by vibro replacement and dynamic replacement— client Hyundai Heavy Industries, in charge of building the power plant for Saudi Electricity Company— Duration Completion scheduled in December 2013


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PORT OF LOMÉas the countries of the hinterland increasingly use the Port of Lomé, the port is undergoing major upgrade works. A third quay is being built to serve container ships with a capacity of up to 7,000 TEU. Togo Terminal awarded the project to a consortium made up of Soletanche Bachy (leader), Sogea-Satom and EMCC. It consists in building a 450 metre quay wall as well as the turning circle and the entry channel. The combi-wall quay combines large-diameter (1,412 mm) piles with a length of more than 30 metres with pairs of sheet piling. This metal retaining structure was stabilised with passive tie rods anchored in a sheet piling anchor wall. Overall, nearly 4,000 tonnes of steel were installed. The entrance channel was deepened to a depth of 15 metres and the turning circle created by dredging 1,900,000 cu. metres of materials.The project, now nearing completion, will ultimately require a total of more than one million hours of work. One of its main features was the very strong involvement of the Togolese and African workers and supervisors, notably in safety (to date, zero lost time accidents).SoleTaNche bachY



In a nutshell ThirD QuaY in ThE PorT oF Lomé— Project Modernisation and extension of the container terminal in the Port of Lomé, with construction of a third quay with a length of 450 metres and a depth of 15 metres— Solution Combi-wall of alternating steel tubes and sheet piling— clientThe concessionaire, Togo Terminal, a subsidiary of Bolloré Africa Logistics— Duration 18 months, with handover scheduled in November 2013

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Soil Magazine — December 2013 — No. 1

in september 2012, the PT adhi Karya (Persero) Tbk company awarded to Menard Asia the soil improvement works for Phase 2 ofthe Terminal 3 apron extension projectat So ekarno Hatta International Airportin Jakarta. The project was designedto reinforce a surface area of about345,000 sq. metres by installing Controlled Modulus Columns. Menard had previously carried out Phase 1, covering 67,000 sq. metres, in 2011. Once development works have been completed, the apron will be able to accommodate Bo eing 747 aircraft.Phase 2 of the project was completed by the end of September 2013 and other extension phases are in the loop.MeNarD

IndonesiaiNTERNaTiONaL aiRPORT iN JaKaRTa

In a nutshell TErminaL 3 aT soEKarno haTTa inTErnaTionaL airPorT in jaKarTa— Project Extension of the terminal apron — Solution Improvement of 345,000 sq. metres of soil using the CMC technique— client PT Adhi Karya (Persero) Tbk— Duration 10 months


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Soil Magazine — December 2013 — No. 1



hong Kong

EXPRESS RaiL LiNK (XRL)in 2015, a high-speed rail line will connect hong Kong and Guangzhou to reduce the travelling time between the two cities from 90 to 48 minutes. Soletanche Bachy's local subsidiary Bachy Soletanche Group Limited is part of the integrated consortium which was awarded Contract 811 A. The scope of works comprises the construction of a 300 metre long cut-and-cover tunnel in a dense urban environment. During the first phase, advanced utility and traffic diversion works were completed. In particular, a viaduct was completely dismantled and rebuilt at a different location. In the second phase, the geotechnical works which comprised, a temporary diaphragm wall and the excavation of a 240,000 cu. metre "box", were carried out. The third and last phase, currently under way,

consists in building the permanent reinforced concrete underground structure and a building to accommodate the mechanical and electrical rooms. The main technical difficulty of the project lies with the crossing of the existing metro line. This imposes a very specific sequence of works and limits the allowable settlement and displacements. The existing line being founded on barrettes socketed into the rock, BSGL has proposed to re-use them to support the newly built structure. The load transfer from the old to the new structure – a very delicate operation – will be carried out in cooperation with Soletanche Bachy's sister company Freyssinet Hong Kong. SoleTaNche bachY

In a nutshellxrL 811a— Project As part of the Express Rail Link project, construction of a 300 metre long cut-and-cover tunnel— Solution Use of the existing barrettes to support the new structure. Transfer of loads from the old to the new structure in cooperation with Freyssinet— client Mass Transit Railway (MTR), the operator of Hong Kong's public transport system — Duration Four and a half years, with most of the works completed in 2014

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Soil Magazine — December 2013 — No. 1

Designed to display 19th and 20th century southeast asian visual art, the National Art Gallery in Singapore will open to the public in 2015. The 60,000 sq. metre project calls for the renovation of two adjacent structures with national heritage status: the City Hall and the former Supreme Court buildings. The local Soletanche Bachy subsidiary, Bachy Soletanche Singapore, took part in the project as a specialised foundation works subcontractor. It has just completed the diaphragm wall for the 1 to 3 underground levels. The project had to contend with two major challenges. First it had to conserve the two building facades that the diaphragm wall crosses perpendicularly at

4 locations. The bridging technique, also used under underground utilities, was employed to excavate and pour concrete beneath obstacles. Second, a highly reinforced section of wall had to be built under existing beams with a clearance of 5.30 metres. A very short crane boom was designed and the method used to install the reinforcement cages was modified. The teams manually installed the 50 mm bars and couplers to assemble cages to a depth of 28.5 metres. In some panels, the reinforcement density reached 420 kg/cu. metres.soLETanChE baChY



In a nutshell ThE naTionaL arT GaLLErY, sinGaPorE— Project Creation of 1 to 3 underground levels under heritage buildings by means of a diaphragm wall — Solution Wall made with a short grab and bridging technique to conserve the heritage buildings— client Takenaka Corporation – Singapore Piling Joint Venture— Duration 24 months (completion in September 2013)


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Soil Magazine — December 2013 — No. 1


19To deal with damage to the Christchurch sewer system as a result of the February 2011 earthquake, the city awarded rehabilitation and soil improvement works to March Construction, a New Zealand subsidiary of Menard Bachy. The goal was to reconstruct the levee banks of the oxidation ponds and treat the soils in place to prevent liquefaction under seismic loads. This was accomplished by the vibrocompaction technique. The project also included construction of 51,000 linear metres of access roads and 3 hydraulic structures to transfer water between the ponds and the estuary.MeNarD


In a nutshell oxiDaTion PonDs aT ThE ChrisTChurCh WasTEWaTEr TrEaTmEnT PLanT — Project Rehabilitation of the banks and soil stabilisation to prevent liquefaction — Solution Soil treatment by vibrocompaction— client Christchurch City Council— Duration 17 months (handover of works in March 2013)

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Soil Magazine — December 2013 — No. 1

DUNKIrK - FraNce


— Dunkerque lNG, a 65% EDF, 25% Fluxys and 10% Total subsidiary, for the LNG terminal— Grand Port Maritime de Dunkerque, for port development


Major project

Menard’s and Soletanche bachy’s stakeholders— Menard for soil improvement under the platform on which port infrastructure are to be built— Soletanche bachy Pieux for soil improvement under the 3 LNG tanks and under the regasification station— cSM beSSac for the excavation of a tunnel between the Gravelines nuclear plant and the LNG terminal site— Soletanche bachy France for the construction of the TBM launching shaft and the pumping station

liquefied natural gas (LNG) storage tanks are to be built. The operationwas needed to avert the risk of loose silty sand liquefaction and to compensate for the heterogeneous composition of the hydraulic backfill. The soil was vibrocompacted and ballast was added. The soil under the future regasification station was also improved.

Excavating the Flanders clayIn 2011, Dunkerque LNG entrusted a tunnel boring project to a consortium led by CSM BESSAC that included Soletanche Bachy France. The 5 km long structure with an interior diameter of 3 metres built at a depthof 45 metres will channel warm water from the Gravelines nuclear power plant to the LNG terminal, where it will be used in the regasification process. Before starting the operation, the tunnel boring machine spent several months at the CSM BESSAC workshops, where it underwent the required adaptations. A new cutting wheel was designed to bore through Flanders clay and installed on the earth pressure balance TBM. Also prior to tunnelling operations, Soletanche Bachy France built the launching shaft (diaphragm walls at a depth of 65 metres) and the pumping station.

At the end of 201 , an LNG terminal with an annual regasification capacity of 13 billion cu. metres will be opened in the Port of Dunkirk. The project (the second largest currently under way in France) includes the construction of a platform and marine structures, the LNG terminal itself and connecting structures.Menard and Soletanche Bachy were involved in various phases of the project in 2011, 2012 and 2013.

Soil stabilisationIn early 2012, the Port of Dunkirk awarded the port development works to a consortium that included Menard. The project consisted in building the dock to receive the tankers, filling and consolidating the platform on which the port infrastructure was to be built, and building the related external breakwaters. As part of this contract, Menard reinforced the soils below the underwater batters to a depth of 30 metres. The purpose of this operation was to stabilise the sand and silt to prevent them from liquefying in an earthquake and ensure platform would be available for emptying the storage tanks several months after a seismic event. To carry out the work, Menard used onshore and offshore treatment methods. The acceptance of the stone columns required geophysical testing to determine the shear modulus under small strain of the treated materials as well as the stone used for the columns.In late 2012 and early 2013, Soletanche Bachy Pieux improved the soil under the areas where the three

of stone were used to build 100,000 linear metres of stone columns.

"The resources and equipment were modified to work offshore, with continuous operation of the machines and a long Telebelt to distribute the stone."

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Menard's operations on the project Construction of the TBM launching shaft



"The resources and equipment were modified to work offshore, with continuous operation of the machines and a long Telebelt to distribute the stone."

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Soil Magazine — December 2013 — No. 1

TUNNelS COMPREHENSiVE COVERaGE OF UNDERGROUND CONSTRUCTiONaND REHaBiLiTaTiON PROJECTSThrough its specialised subsidiaries CSM BESSAC and Soletanche Bachy Tunnels, the Soletanche Bachy Group is able to deliver suitable, optimised and safe underground works solutions. Building on its wide range of expertise and resources, the Group acts as specialised works integrator on both construction and rehabilitation projects. It covers all types of structures: transport infrastructure (metro and light rail, road and motorway tunnels), as well as technical, hydraulic, sewer and mining tunnels.The Group's design and build services include underground excavation and lining (using TBM or conventional methods) as well as related special works. The latter

includes reinforcement, site investigation drilling, soil nails, compensation grouting and soil treatment. In rehabilitation and repair works, the Group offers safety upgrades, maintenance, reinforcement, widening and deconstruction services.By integrating different techniques, the Group can optimise structures and rapidly devise and implement appropriate solutions in response to geotechnical contingencies.

a few project referencesThe Group’s dual expertise including that of its subsidiaries - that is to say the underground works themselves and the associated monitoring special works - are highly valuable assets for the delicate tasks of complex tunnel construction and rehabilitation works.

· Port of Miami Tunnel, United States· Túnel Emisor Oriente, Mexico· Interceptor Fucha Tunjuelo, Colombia· Crossrail, United Kingdom· T6 Châtillon–Vélizy–Viroflay light rail, France· Toulouse metro (line B), France· Toulon South Tunnel (between the A50 and the A57 motorways), France· T33, Monaco· Sea outfall tunnel, Morocco· C903 Bugis Station, Singapore· West Island Line, Hong Kong


AN uNpreceDeNTeD TechNIcAL chALLeNGe: The TDMTunnel construction company CSM BESSAC also builds tunnel boring machines, micro-TBMs and related equipment. To meet the expectations of operator Mass Transit Railway, CSM BESSAC designed and built the TDM (Tunnel Dismantling Machine). This unprecedented technical innovation used to dismantle tunnels operated underground in Hong Kong on the West Island Line metro extension project (shown above).

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WIND TUrbINeS iMPROViNG THE SOiL TO SUPPORT WiND TURBiNE FOUNDaTiONS Designing solutions commensurate with the requirements of the present and the future – this is the spirit in which Menard has adapted its range of soil reinforcement services to the specific features of wind farm projects. Two major subsoil challenges must be met when installing wind turbines: reducing settlement and increasing the bearing capacity of the foundation.

For the past 7 years, Menard has regularly reinforced such soils in France and abroad. Working to the differential settlement below3 mm/m and absolute settlement below40 mm criteria, the Group designs and implements soil reinforcement to meet the manufacturer's specifications. The advantages of this solution are low cost, accelerated construction scheduling and risk mitigation.

Menard has already applied its solution on more than 60 projects and in the process has become a leader in wind farm soil reinforcement works. The treatment can be carried out to depths of 20 to 30 metres on a regular basis, but exceeded 60 metres on a vibroflotation project for eNercON in Germany.Soletanche Bachy develops similar technical solutions for similar wind turbine foundations, notably in central europe (15 projects completed), rounding out the two Groups' geographical coverage.



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Cit’Easy an innovative processfor urban works


ChallengeConstant adaptation. To meet the special requirements of diaphragm wall construction in urban areas, Soletanche Bachy revisited the conventional method used to build such structures. In devising these solutions, its focus was on working in confined spaces, optimising tool performance and minimising disruption due to the works.

solutionsoletanche bachy developed the Cit'Easy.A special Hydrofraise machine, the Hydrofraise XS, was developed for urban diaphragm walls, whichas a rule have moderate thicknesses and depths. Requiring less space and consuming less energy than the conventional Hydrofraise, the XS nevertheless offers equivalent or superior drilling efficiency. A new-generation mud plant is used in conjunction with this machine. It has three shipping container-sized modules that can be stacked and highly simplified connections between the elements. The plant has a small footprint and takes very little time to set up. The Cit'Easy process is not limited to a single high-performance machine set. New methods and a new production organisation have been designed to accommodate further tool development.


Construction of a diaphragm wall using the Cit'Easy process as part of the RER A light rail line cover project in Nanterre, France

— results·The Hydrofraise XS was started up three days after it arrived at the site (compared to one week's set-up time for a conventional Hydrofraise)·The machine can operate from an 8 metre wide platform, reducing the volume of the platform to be provided·Optimised production compared to design, with 3.60 metre wide unit passes·30% increase in instantaneous excavating efficiency

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Soil Magazine — December 2013 — No. 1



ASiri: a national research and design project on rigid inclusionsrigid inclusionsRigid inclusion soil reinforcement consists in transferring the load of a structure to be built over a soft soil to a stronger soil layer. This is achieved by building a regularly spaced grid of rigid columns and installing a granular mattress between the reinforced soil and the structure.

an increasingly widespread techniqueThe technique has been coming into increasingly widespread use for the past 15 years. It provides a good technical and economic solution for configurations in which conventional flexible inclusions (such as stone columns) cease to be effective. Because no technical guidelines were available for the rigid inclusion technique, the various industry stakeholders (companies, design offices, academics, inspection bodies, insurers and even clients) worked with the French Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development, Transport and Housing to launch the ASIRI rigid inclusion soil improvement project at the IREX experimental research institute and draw up suitable specific rules.

a set of recommendationsBetween 2005 and 2011, some 40 partners joined forces to design, conduct, interpret experiments and model the process to gain a better understanding of the mechanism and devise reliable design methods. The project, which had an overall budget of€2.7 million, culminated in the publication of a set of recommendations in 2012.

Menard, which operates at the cutting edge of the rigid inclusion technique (notably with its very successful Controlled Modulus Columns), played an active part in the project during the experimental phase, the development of design methods and the drafting of the recommendations. The main method used to design slabs over rigid inclusions was developed with the support of the Group's design office. To enable French companies such as Menard to export their expertise and to facilitate the use of the technique in the international market, an English language version of the recommendation booklet was also produced.

Within the Soletanche Bachy Group, Sol Environment specialises in soil and groundwater remediation. Current projects include treatment of two sites, one of which was polluted with chlorinated solvents, the other with arsenic. In the first case, iron micro particles were used to break down the pollutants by chemical reduction. In the second case, a particularly innovative solution was used to convert an industrial site, in which grouting produced an insoluble iron arsenate.


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Soil Magazine — December 2013 — No. 1

1954 Invention of the pressuremeter1 a student at the École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées in Paris set himself the goal of devising a single test to measure the ultimate pressure of the soil and its deformation modulus in order to calculate its bearing capacity and settlement. The year was 1954, and Louis Ménard was only 23 years old when he developed and filed a patent for the device that was to revolutionise geotechnical work: the pressuremeter. in 1957, he set up the "Les Pressiomètres Ménard" company to market his invention, which rapidly and successfully came into use in France, Belgium, Sweden, Canada, Brazil, Japan, and elsewhere.



... the serre-Ponçon dam was being built2

The dam was built across the Durance river to create France's largest reservoir (1,270 million cu. metres). The foundation soils were a thick (110 metre) layer of permeable granular alluvial materials. To treat them, Solétanche developed the innovative "tube-à-manchettes" grouting method in 1952.

1 2

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in isTanbuL, ThE haLiç briDGE, the fourth crossing over the Golden Horn estuary is made up of two access viaducts, a cable-stayed bridge and a swing bridge. Freyssinet produced and installed the stay cables, prestressing and bearings and erected the segments. The structure, built on a historic site, extends a metro line to help relieve heavy traffic congestion. The 919 metre long bridge creates a link between two metro tunnels on either side of the estuary. Metro Line M2 now continues beyond the Yenikapy terminal to Taksim Square; and capacity has been increased from 200,000 to about 750,000 passengers per day.

REiNFORCED EaRTH® TURNS 50henri vidal filed a patent for reinforced Earth® in 1963, initiating a 50-year period of successful innovation and international expansion. The technique has been adapted to a very large number of applications and Reinforced Earth® walls have now been built all over the world.

Fort Lauderdale, United States


19,000 employees

80 countries

5 companies

COVER OVER THE PTR TaNKS aT THE FESSENHEiM NUCLEaR POWER PLaNT To provide containment for the PTR tanks at Fessenheim, Nuvia, working for eDF, built a combined reinforced concrete – structural steel building cantilevered over the nuclear buildings, which are subject to strong seismic and climatic loads. To cope with the small foundation area available, Soletanche Bachy drilled micropiles to a depth of 25 metres within a narrow space.


as leader in soil technologies, Soletanche Bachy and Menard belong to a group that is also a benchmark in structural and nuclear works. Soletanche Freyssinet, comprising Soletanche Bachy and Menard (soils), Freyssinet and Terre armée (structures) and Nuvia (nuclear), brings together an unrivalled array of specialised civil engineering expertise.

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The SoilTeam: together, Soletanche Bachy and Menard form the world's most comprehensive network of geotechnical engineering contractors. www.soletanche-bachy.com www.menard-web.com




GEoTEChniCaL ExPErTisE & rEmEDiaTion


Monitoring Soilinvestigation






DEEP FounDaTions

Driven piles

Displacement piles Bored piles

Barrettes Stanchions

sTrEnGThEninG & CuT-oFF

Cut-off walls

Soil mixingGrouting


Trenchmix Jet grouting

Small diameter drilling


rETaininG WaLLs

Sheet piles

Berlin-type walls

Secant piles Diaphragm walls


Geomix Anchors

Tie backs

Marine works





Deep soil mixing


Rapid impactcompaction


Vacuum consolidation


Stone columns



Find out moreabout our vision of geotechnical engineering
