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So Cal Gas Company 2012 Rebate List

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ENERGY EFFICIENCY REBATES FOR BUSINESS Helping You Save Money And Energy Effective January 2012 Rebate Guide aNd applicatioN 2010–2012 IntrdutIn The Southern Caliornia Gas Company (SoCalGas ® ) oers an array o Energy Efciency Programs as part o our commitment to exceptional custo mer service. While this guide oers inormation on several ways SoCalGas can save you money and energy, it is ocused on the Energy Efciency Rebates or Business (EERB) program. The EERB program oers rebates on qualiying energy-efcien t products and improvements or your business. It is just one o the energy-efciency programs and services at SoCalGas designed to help businesses like yours save money and energy. This document will guide you through the easy application process. Careully read the program requirements , qualifed equipment requirement s, and Terms and Conditions beore purchase to determine eligibility requirement s. Wh n ppy? Any commercial, industrial, or agricultural customer with an active, valid, and non-delinquent account can apply or a rebate under the EERB program. Whether you’re a small business or a large industrial customer, we have rebates or you. Fr re InFrtIn Visit ocalga.com (search “REBATES” ). You are encouraged to reserve unds by calling (800) 508-2348 beore you purchase and install equipment. Questions? Call us toll-ree at (800) GAS-2000 or email us at [email protected].
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Effective January 20

Rebate Guide aNd applicatioN


IntrdutInThe Southern Caliornia Gas Company (SoCalGas®)

oers an array o Energy Efciency Programs as

part o our commitment to exceptional customer

service. While this guide oers inormation on

several ways SoCalGas can save you money and

energy, it is ocused on the Energy Efciency

Rebates or Business (EERB) program.

The EERB program oers rebates on qualiying

energy-efcient products and improvements or

your business. It is just one o the energy-efciency

programs and services at SoCalGas designed to

help businesses like yours save money and energy.

This document will guide you through the easy

application process. Careully read the program

requirements, qualifed equipment requirements,

and Terms and Conditions beore purchase to

determine eligibility requirements.

Wh n ppy?Any commercial, industrial, or agricultural customer with an active, valid, and non-delinquent account can

apply or a rebate under the EERB program. Whether you’re a small business or a large industrial customer,

we have rebates or you.

Fr re InFrtInVisit ocalga.com (search “REBATES”).

You are encouraged to reserve unds by calling (800) 508-2348 beore you purchase and install equipment.

Questions? Call us toll-ree at (800) GAS-2000 or email us at [email protected] .

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tbe F ntents

Program Requirements ..............................................................3

Using a Licensed Contractor .....................................................3

Energy Efciency Benchmarking .............................................3

Rebate Payment ...........................................................................3

Disclaimer ......................................................................................3

Qualifed Equipment .................................................................. 4

• Boilers....................................................................................... 4

– Commercial (Non-Space Heating) Boiler ....................... 4

– Space Heating Boiler .......................................................... 4

– Process Heating Boiler or Manuacturing....................4

• Storage Water Heater ........................................................... 5

• Instantaneous/Tankless Water Heater ............................. 5

• Direct Contact Water Heater or Manuacturing ............ 5

• Pool/Spa Heater ..................................................................... 5

• Steam Trap .............................................................................. 5

• Pipe Insulation ........................................................................6

• Tank Insulation .......................................................................6

• Residential High Efciency Clothes Washers

or Businesses ........................................................................6

• Greenhouse Curtain ...............................................................7

• Inrared Film or Greenhouses.............................................7

• Commercial Cooking Equipment ........................................ 8

Customer Checklist .................................................................... 9

Glossary .......................................................................................10

Rebate Application ..................................................................... 11

Terms and Conditions ............................................................... 12

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pRoGRam RequiRemeNts

Gener• Customers eligible or the Energy Efciency Rebates or

Business (EERB) program are defned as active, valid, and

non-delinquent commercial, industrial, and agricultural accounts.

• The total rebate limit or the EERB program is $200,000 per

customer, per year, including corporate (multiple) accounts.

equIpent requIreents• Equipment must meet the requirements as outlined in the

ollowing rebate guide. SoCalGas reserves the right to

veriy installation and deny payment or products that do

not meet the requirements.

• All equipment must be new and within the same rating

capacity o the equipment that was replaced. Used or

rebuilt equipment is not eligible. Fuel switching (changing

rom electricity to gas) does not qualiy.

• New equipment must replace older, less efcient equipment,

with the exception o commercial cooking equipment.

• Commercial cooking equipment that does not replace old

equipment may be eligible or either the EERB program

or the Energy Efciency Calculated Incentive Program

(EECIP). For more inormation, visit ocalga.com (search


• Qualifed equipment must be installed at the acility served

by the SoCalGas account listed on the application and

must be operational according to local building codes,

ordinances, and/or manuacturer’s requirements.

• I you are not sure whether the equipment qualifes,please contact a SoCalGas representative at

[email protected] .

• Equipment efciency listed ratings rom the Caliornia

Energy Commission (CEC) and/or Gas Appliance Manuacturers

Association (GAMA) prevail over all submitted technical

documentation, unless otherwise approved.

prGr IIttIns• No rebates will be paid on new equipment that replaces

equipment or which the customer has received a rebate

rom SoCalGas within the last fve (5) years.

• Customers who have received rebates, incentives, orservices or the same equipment rom other utilities, states,

or local programs unded by the Public Purpose Program

Surcharge (PPPS) are not eligible. However, customers can

apply or rebates rom water agencies i the equipment

qualifes or one.

• Residential dwellings such as single-amily attached and

detached homes, condominiums, or apartments do not qualiy

or rebates under this program but may under the Home

Energy Efciency Rebates Program. Some common areas

o multi-amily residential properties that are served under

the GN-10 rate schedule may qualiy or the EERB program.

For more inormation, visit ocalga.com (search


eNeRGy efficieNcy beNchmaRkiNGSoCalGas encourages customers to benchmark their acility’s

energy usage by using the complimentary online ENERGY

STAR® Portolio Manager benchmarking tool. Energy efciency

benchmarking is a method o comparing a acility’s level o

energy efciency with that o similar acilities nationwide.

It allows building owners and managers to track and assess

the energy perormance o their buildings over time.

Benchmarking is a key step in identiying opportunities to

increase proftability by lowering energy and operating costs.

For more inormation, visit ocalga.com (search


Rebate paymeNtQualifed customers with complete applications will receive

their rebate payment within our to six (4-6) weeks

(i verifcation is not necessary), provided that unding

is still available or you have reserved unds. The precise

rebate amount may be subject to subsequent adjustments

by SoCalGas.

disclaimeRThe selection, purchase, and ownership o equipment are

the sole responsibility o the customer. SoCalGas makes no

representation as to the saety, reliability, and/or efciencyo the equipment. SoCalGas makes no warranty, whether

expressed or implied, including warranty o merchantability

or ftness or any particular purpose, use, or application o

the equipment.

The 2010-2012 EERB program may be modifed or terminated

without prior notice. Visit the SoCalGas website at ocalga.com 

or program modifcations and updates. Please see the EERB

Policies and Procedures Customer Handbook or complete

inormation and other applicable restrictions.

For more inormation, visit ocalga.com 


usiNG a liceNsed coNtRactoRHow well your Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning

(HVAC) system perorms, and how much it costs to

operate, depend in part on the proper installation o

the system. Hiring a licensed contractor who obtainsthe required building permit and has knowledge o,

and complies with, local codes, ordinances and the

requirements o the Building Energy-Efciency Standards

(State Administrative Code, Title 24, Part 6) increases the

likelihood that your system will be properly installed and

will work efciently, quietly, and saely.

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qualified equipmeNtBeore you buy product(s), careully read the specifcations below.

bIers:Boiler rebates cannot exceed $25,000 per unit.

ommcial (no-sac haig) boil

Equipment Input Rating Required Efciency Rebate Amount

Non-Space Heating Boiler ≥75 MBtuh ≥84% $0.50/MBtuh

sac haig boil• Equipment must be used or space heating to provide human comort (as defned by CEC Titles 20 and 24 Standards).

• om m vif, cckig ox o iga ag, a av a lic coaco.

Type o Boiler Input Rating Required Efciency Rebate AmountLarge Steam >300 MBtuh Annual Fuel Utilization Efciency


Small Water <300 MBtuh AFUE ≥82% $0.25/MButh

Large Water ≥300 MBtuh – <2,000 MBtuh Thermal Efciency ≥84% $0.25/MButh

poc haig boil fo afacig (nIs co 31-33)• Manuacturing involves the mechanical or chemical transormation o materials or substances into a new product that

is neither a structure nor any other fxed improvement.

• A ue gas analysis (FGA) measured under ull load conditions is required to document combustion efciency under ull

load conditions ater the installation is complete. SoCalGas oers ree FGAs; please call (800) GAS-2000 to set up an

appointment.• Process Boilers >2,000 MBtuh may participate in either the Energy Efciency Rebates or Business program or the

Energy Efciency Calculated Incentive Program (EECIP).

Equipment Combustion Efciency Rebate Amount

Boiler ≥82% $0.50/MBtuh

strGe Wter heter:

Storage Water Heater Size Input Rating Required Efciency Rebate Amount

Small ≤75 MBtuh Energy Factor ≥0.62 $2/MBtuh

Large >75 MBtuh Thermal Efciency ≥82% $2/MBtuh

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Instntneus/tness Wter heters:• Large tankless water heater rebates cannot exceed $25,000 per unit.

• Water heaters must meet efciency requirements based on size, as shown below.• Large water heaters >2,000 Btuh are eligible or either the Energy Efciency Rebates or Business program

or the Energy Efciency Calculated Incentive Program (EECIP).

Tankless Water Heater Size Input Rating Required Efciency Rebate Amount

Small <200MBtuh Energy Factor ≥0.63 $2/MBtuh

Large ≥200 MBtuh Thermal Efciency ≥82% $0.50/MBtuh

dIret ntt Wter heter Fr nuFturInG (nIs des 31-33):In direct contact water heater systems design, heat rom a ame comes into direct contact with small droplets o cold water

that run through a stainless steel heat exchange media. Droplets composed rom this process come into direct contact with

rising heat rom the ame and as a result the water is heated directly.

Equipment Input Rating Required Efciency Rebate Amount

Direct ContactWater Heater

≤300 MBtuh Annual Fuel Utilization Efciency(AFUE)≥88%


Direct ContactWater Heater

>300 MBtuh Thermal Efciency >90% $2/MButh

p/sp heter:Must have an “on/o” switch and have no pilot light.

Equipment Efciency Requirement Rebate Amount

Pool/Spa Heater Thermal Efciency ≥84% $2/MBtuh

ste trp:• Customer may be asked to veriy the location o the replaced steam trap(s) in steam loop.

• Equipment in service or a minimum o fve (5) years is eligible.

• Must replace one-or one, existing-ailed-open steam traps.

• Drycleaning businesses are not eligible or commercial steam trap rebates.

• Steam trap replacements or industrial customers (NAICS codes 31-33) do not qualiy or a rebate under this program,

but may qualiy under SoCalGas’ Energy Efciency Calculated Incentive Program (EECIP).

Equipment Facility Hours o Operation Rebate Amount

Steam Trap >12 hours $100/unit

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pIpe InsutIn:• Minimum qualiying pipe diameter is 1/2”.

• A minimum o 1” o pipe insulation must be added to existing a commercial or industrial steel or copper pipe.Replacing existing insulation is not eligible.

• The pipes must transer hot water, low-pressure or high-pressure steam directly rom gas-fred equipment.

• Acceptable types o insulation or hot water pipes include elastomeric oam rubber, polyethylene oam, UV-resistant

polyethylene oam, and rigid polyurethane oam.

• Acceptable types o insulation or steam pipes include silicone oam rubber, melamine oam, rigid urethane-based oam,

cellular glass, rigid fberglass, and rigid mineral wool.

• Insulation required by Title 24 and OSHA or the replacement o damaged (existing) insulation is not eligible or a rebate.

• The manuacturer’s specifcation sheet must be submitted with the application.

• Insulation or straight pipes are eligible: insulation or elbows and valves between pipes is not eligible.

Type o Pipe Pipe Size Rebate Amount

Hot Water <1" $2/linear t.

Hot Water ≥1" $2/linear t.

Steam <15 psig <1" $3/linear t.

Steam <15 psig ≥1" $3/linear t.

Steam ≥15 psig <1" $3/linear t.

Steam ≥15 psig ≥1" $3/linear t.

tn InsutIn:• 1” or 2” o fber glass or oam insulation must be added to existing a liquid storage or transer tanks that are coupled

to gas-fred commercial or industrial equipment that transers heat to the liquid or solution. Replacing existing insulationis not eligible.

• Insulation required by Title 24 and OSHA or the replacement o damaged (existing) insulation is not eligible or a rebate.

• The manuacturer’s specifcation sheet must be submitted with the application.

Insulation Thickness Tank Temperature Requirement Rebate Amount

1" Low temperature application: 120-170 degrees F solution $2/square t.

1" High temperature application: 170-200 degrees F solution $3/square t.

2" Low temperature application: 120-170 degrees F solution $3/square t.

2" High temperature application: 170-200 degrees F solution $4/square t.

resIdentI hIGh eFFIIeny thes Wshers Fr busInesses:• Must be used in a business and not be coin operated.

• Must be Tier 2 or 3 and listed on Consortium or Energy Efciency (CEE) website: c1.og/com/cw/cwc.f.

Equipment Efciency Requirement Rebate Amount

CEE Tier 2 Modifed Energy Factor ≥ 2.2Water Factor ≥ 4.5


CEE Tier 3 Modifed Energy Factor ≥ 2.4Water Factor ≥ 4.0


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Greenhuse urtIn:• Curtain must be new or replace curtains that are at least fve (5) years old.

• Curtain must be located so that the gas heat source provides hot air to a conditioned spacebounded by the curtain.

• Must be designed by the manuacturer to be a heat curtain and the installation must have the ability to move the curtain

automatically or manually into place.

• The total rebate cannot be more than the lesser o:

– $50,000 per account per year, or

– 50 percent o the account’s preceding 12-month gas consumption (therms) X $0.80 (average prorated i less than

12 months usage is available).

• Rebate amount cannot exceed the cost o purchasing and proessionally installing curtains or the square ootage o the

greenhouse. Overhang and overlap curtain material cannot be included in the square ootage calculation.

• All greenhouse curtain installations are inspected beore the rebate application is approved.

• The manuacturer’s specifcation sheet must be submitted with the application.

Equipment Energy Efciency Requirement Rebate

Greenhouse Curtain ≥40% $0.20/square t.

InFrred FI (Fr Greenhuses):• Film must be a single sheet o inrared anti-condensate polyethylene plastic or heat retention in an existing, heated greenhouse.

• The manuacturer’s specifcation sheet must be submitted with the application.

Equipment Energy Efciency Requirement Rebate

Inrared Film (or Greenhouses) Single sheet,minimum thickness o six mil

$0.05/square t.

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erI InG equIpentAll cooking equipment eligible or the EERB program is based on the American Society or Testing and Materials (ASTM)

standards listed on the Fishnick website: ick.com/avg/a/. The Fishnick website is subject to change, please

check or updates on eligible equipment. All gas equipment listed on the Fishnick website is qualifed or the EERB program.

Equipment Required Efciency Idle Energy Rate Rebate Amount

Combination Oven Steam mode ≥38% andconvection mode ≥44%

Diers based on model,see Fishnick website


Commercial Fryer ≥50% Diers based on model,see Fishnick website


Commercial Griddle Heavy load cookingenergy efciency ≥38%

≤2,650 Btuh per t2 o cooking surace


Convection Oven ≥44% ≤13,000 Btuh $500/oven

Double-Rack Oven ≥50% Diers based on model,

see Fishnick website


Large Conveyor Oven(≥25” wide)

≥42% ≤57,000 Btuh $750/oven deck

Large Vat Fryer ≥50% Diers based on model,see Fishnick website


Pressureless Steamer ≥38% Diers based on model,see Fishnick website


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customeR checklistYou are encouraged to reserve unds by calling (800) 508-2348 beore you purchase and install equipment. Payment will

be delayed i applications are incomplete. Beore submitting your application, make sure you have completed the ollowing:

scio 1cco IfomaioDid you provide the ollowing?

q SoCalGas account number

q Taxpayer ID or Social Security Number

q Customer name, as it appears on your SoCalGas bill

q Installation and mailing address

q Contact inormation

q Checks marks on the boxes that apply

scio 2ra eim IfomaioDid you provide the ollowing?

q Installation date (must be beore application is signed)

q Manuacturer name, model number, and serial number

(i applicable)

q Equipment type, quantity, input rating (i applicable),

rebate per unit, and rebate total. Please use pages 4-8

o this rebate guide or the correct rebate amount.

q For insulation, note whether you purchased it or pipesor tanks, hot water or steam, and size.

scio 3po & plac o rciv ckDid you provide the ollowing?

q Person authorizing payment.

q Signature o person authorizing payment.

q Payee’s name and address.

q Payee tax status & ID number

I you are releasing your rebate check to a vendor,they must have a signed agreement with SoCalGas.

scio 4om sigaq Checked box confrming the use o a licensed contractor

or space heating boiler rebates.

q Accepted the “Terms and Conditions”

by dating and signing.

ac docmDid you provide/attach the ollowing?

q Copy o paid itemized invoice that clearly indicates zero

balance or that it has been paid in ull. Invoices should

clearly state the cost o the equipment, installation, and

tax. I your invoice is not itemized, please contact your

vendor or the breakdown.

q Product manuacturer specifcation sheet, or a print out

rom the Fishnick website veriying that the oodservice

equipment qualifes or a rebate.Submit the completed application orm and other

required documentation with proo o purchase(s)

by mail, ax, or email:

  so alifoia Ga oma

: /I eg efcic ra

fo bi

bX 513249 28h2

o gl, 90051

Fax: 213-244-8252

email: [email protected]

q Kept a copy o the completed application orm

and all required documentation, such as receipts,

and invoices or my records.

For more inormation, visit ocalga.com (search “REBATES”) 

or email us at [email protected] .

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eeRb Guide GlossaRy• Fue - al Fl uilizaio efcic- The AFUE is a measure o annual efciency o boilers and urnaces.

It takes into account the cyclic on/o operation and associated energy losses o the heating unit as it responds to

changes in the load.

• alifoia eg ommiio (e)- The CEC is the state’s primary energy policy and planning agency.

• alifoia plic uilii ommiio (pu)- The CPUC regulates privately owned electric, natural gas,

telecommunications, water, railroad, rail transit, and passenger transportation companies.

• eg efcic bcmakig- Benchmarking is a method o comparing a acility’s level o energy efciency with

that o similar acilities nationwide.

• eg efcic alcla Iciv pogam (eeIp)- EECIP is a SoCalGas program or business customers that oers

fnancial incentives and recognition awards or a variety o qualiying energy-efciency improvements not covered

by the Energy Efciency Rebates or Business (EERB) Program. The incentive payment or qualiying projects amounts

to the ollowing (whichever is less), subject to caps o $1 million per project and $2 million per premise per year:

• $1.00 per therm saved annually, or

• 50 percent o the project cost (excluding taxes and internal labor).

• eg efcic ra fo bi (eerb) pogam- EERB is a SoCalGas program that gives rebates to business

customers who buy qualiying energy-efcient gas equipment and improvements.

• eg Faco- The energy actor is an efciency rating or water heaters. It is the ratio o useul energy output to the

total amount o energy used.

• Fl Ga ali (FG)- FGA measures the uel/air ratio and combustion pollutants in the ue gases o combustion

equipment. It is used or optimizing combustion efciency.

• Il eg ra- An appliance’s idle energy rate is its rate o energy consumption while it is holding or maintaining

a stabilized operating condition or temperature.

• I raig- The input rating measures the gas-burning capacity o an appliance in Btu per hour as specifed

by the manuacturer.

• b- Thousand British thermal units

• b- Thousand British thermal units per hour

• ig- Pounds per square inch, a unit o measure or pressure

• tmal efcic- Thermal efciency is an energy-efciency measure o combustion equipment. For boilers

it is the percentage o energy consumed that converts to heat or the water or steam.

© 2011 Southern Caliornia Gas Company. All copyright and trademark rights reserved. N1140016 1111

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2010-2012 ENERGY EFFICIENCY REBATE APPLICATIONHelping You Save Money And Energy

Effective January 2012

sectioN 1 accouNt iNfoRmatioN

x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x ____________________________________

SoCalGas® Account Number  Facility Square Footage

Tx Stts:  q Corporation q Partnershipq Individual/Sole Proprietor q Exempt (Tax exempt, non-prot)

Tx ID Nm:  q EIN q Federal Tax ID q SSN_________________________


Name as it Appears on Your SoCalGas Bill


Address Where Item(s) Installed Unit/Suite Number


City State Zip


Mailing Address (If different from installation address)


City State Zip


Contact Name Contact Title

x____x____x____x - x____x____x____x - x____x____x____x____x  x____x____x____x - x____x____x____x - x____x____x____x____x

Contact Telephone Number Fax Number

x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____xE-Mail Address

x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____xReservation Number (optional)

sectioN 2 Rebate equipmeNt iNfoRmatioN

Not all equipment qualies. Please refer to the requirements listed on pages 4-8.

pleaSe ceck all TaT apply

q Primary language spoken is other than English q Lease building

q Less than 10 employees q Received a SoCalGas Energy Analysis

Submit the completed application form and other required documentation with proof of purchase(s) by mail, fax, or email:

 IInstall Date Equipment Type Manufacturer Model # Serial # Input Rating Quantity Rebate/Unit Rebate To (mm/day/yr)  (if applicable)  (if applicable)

5/27/11 WaterHeater SmithsCo. L-K4-OS 6300056 190MBtuh 1 $2/MBtuh $380

6/1/11 PipeInsulation<1"  JonesCo. N/A N/A N/A 3,238ft. $2/ln.ft. $6476 hotwater

TTal rebaTe Due:






Sothn cioni Gs comnattn: c/I eng efin rts o bsinssbX 513249 Ml 282

los angs, ca 90051

Fx: 213-244-8252emi: [email protected]




AE Name: ____________________Employee ID: _________________

CST/IST Name: ________________

Employee ID: _________________

Assistance Provided: ___________



NAICS Code: __________________

Rate Schedule: ________________

Fr cuSTMer prGraMS:

Customer BP#: ________________

Date Received: ________________Total Cost o Equipment

(w/o labor, tax, or shipping):


Product Code Quantity






Fr uTIlITy uSe Nly





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sectioN 4 customeR siGNatuRe

teRms aNd coNditioNs

• As a qualied SoCalGas customer, I certify that I purchased andinstalled the indicated energy saving products between January 1,

2010 and December 31, 2012 for use in my business facility and not forresale. I have attached documents establishing paid proof of purchasefor the items applied for on this rebate form.

• I will allow, if requested, a representative from SoCalGas, theCalifornia Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), or any authorized thirdparty reasonable access to my property to verify the installed productbefore a rebate is paid. I understand that a rebate will not be paid ifI refuse to participate in any required verication. I understand thatSoCalGas may contact the qualifying product vendor and/or installerto verify purchase and/or installation and may provide my name and/or address to complete this verication.

• Additionally, I understand that this project may be selected forevaluation studies and/or program measurement by externalcontractors appointed by the CPUC. These studies are used to

analyze and improve program performance. I agree to participate byresponding to inquiries from these external contractors.• I certify that the information on this rebate form is true and correct,

and that the tax ID provided is accurate. I understand that rebatepayments are based on related energy benets over the life of theproduct. I agree to:

n  Provide SoCalGas with 100% of the related energy benetsspecied in the rebate form for the life of the product orfor a period of ve (5) years from receipt of rebate, whicheveris less, and

  n  Continue to be a customer of SoCalGas during said time period.•  I th ov ss to th s, I sh nd otd

mont o t dos to SocGs sd on th t iodo tim o whih I ovidd th td ng nfts s

stom o SocGs. I ndstnd tht this ogm m modifd o tmintd withot io noti.

• I understand that this rebate form and the paid itemized invoice must bereceived at SoCalGas’s Central Processing Center or postmarked no later

than December 31, 2012. I acknowledge that I would not have undertakenan energy-efciency equipment upgrade at this time if SoCalGas had notoffered a monetary rebate.

• In the event that I choose to participate in the On-Bill Financing Program(OBF) offered by SoCalGas to obtain nancing for the products listed onthis form, I understand that the OBF terms and conditions will control(including, without limitation, the rebate amount for the products listedhere) if there is any conict between the EERB terms and conditions and OBF.

• In no s wi th tiit mo thn 100% o th ths i o th itms to td o th mximmown nit. phs i inds mtis ost sinsttion o o i instion, tn instion, gnhosht tin, gnhos ind fm, nd stm ts. lohgs to vndos on. cstoms who s-inst m

not hg insttion o. Ss txs nd ight (shiing) not indd in th itm’s hs is.• This program has a limited budget. If no reservation has been made,

rebate forms will be accepted on a rst-come, rst-served basis, untilallocated funds are no longer available, or by December 31, 2012.

• I agree that I have not received rebates, incentives, or services for thesame equipment from other utilities, states, or local programs funded bythe Public Purpose Program Surcharge (PPPS). However, I understand thatwater utilities are not funded by the PPPS and I may apply for their rebates.

• I understand rebates are taxable, if greater than $600 for businesscustomers, and will be reported to the IRS on Form 1099 unless I haveidentied myself as a corporation or exempt. I am urged to consult my taxadvisor concerning the taxability of rebates. SoCalGas is not responsiblefor any taxes that may be imposed on me or my business as a result of

receipt of this rebate.

sectioN 3 peRsoN & place to Receive check



Authorized By (please print) Signature of Authorized Date

Checks should be made payable and sent to:

x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x  x____x____x____x - x____x____x____x - x____x____x____x____xPayee Business Name/Individual Telephone Number

x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____xPayee Mailing Address City State Zip

p Tx Stts:  q Corporation q Partnership q Individual/Sole Proprietor q Exempt (Tax exempt, non-prot)

p Tx ID Nm:  q EIN q Federal Tax ID q SSN _________________________________________________________

IrS Tx roting: SoCalGas will report this payment made to another party on IRS form 1099 as “Other Income” to you (the customer receiving the benet of the EERB rebate payment)unless the payment is less than $600, or you have identied yourself as a corporation or exempt. SoCalGas is not responsible for any taxes that may be imposed on you as a result of thisincentive/rebate.

/ /x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x____x

I have read and understand the program requirements and terms and conditions set forth in this rebate form and I agree to abide by those requirements.Furthermore, I concur that I must meet all eligibility criteria in order to be paid under this program.

For more information, visit sogs.om (search “REBATES” ).

This program is unded by Caliornia utility customers and administered by the state’s

investor-owned utilities, under the auspices o the Caliornia Public Utilities Commission.

© 2011 S th C li i G C All i ht d t d k i ht d

E Printed on recycled paper, 30% post-consu

waste, with soy-based

9047 REV 8/2011 N1140016

q b hing this ox, I onfm tht I hv sd insd ontto, s oit, nd oowd i mitting

qimnts o this insttion.

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Customer Signature (s sign in o in)  Customer Name (s int) Date

pleaSe Make a cpy F TIS DcuMeNT Fr yur recrDS
