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_OVR SO^ READttS- SCCONP CUSS MSTfcSi MW AT UOS ANCELES, CALW. n»LUNE» WEEKiy eiCePT tAST WEEK Of VUI PACIFIC CITIZEN VOL. 60 NO. 5 FftiDAY. JANUARY », 1965 CBf Ik ^octd By Lily Okura. Meun^ln PUiiw DMrid Chiirman Uke many of you, this i^bad lime of the year-file In- ome tax returns, prej»reannual' report for the Uedkal enter, prepare budget for the coming year, wait and sweat P see if your contract is renewed for another vear. meenth the Board of Trustees of the Center, etc. 1 could have ,,,d when 1 received a memo from the PC editor staling that had Been assigned an article for the end of January. In a few weeks, the NaUonal Board will be meeting in ^ Angelecs for their interim meeting and many of you may ' e wondering if it is necessaryif anything is accomplished nd if our money sboiBinie expended for such a meeting 1 one kn^- that it is vitallv important and definitely neces- V to rurTrsmooth operatog organisaUon such as the Japa- Hc American Citizens League. Haring served on the Board several years ago. as Secre- an to the NaUonal Board, 1 can from experience, make this osiUve suiemeot. Being the only female member on the tofd did not give me any special privileges. One .meeUng ept us going until 2:00 a.m. and 1 was determined not to slier and contimied taking notes. Believe you me. it was difficult to.look bright-eyed the oUowing morning, but I was reeady to continue the next UT S program. A preview of the 1965 agenda indicates that we will have wo full days and mighty important items to discuss. 7^ MounUin Plains District will participate in the ccusaon of the Anti-Miscegenation Statutes. In our neigh- cring sUte of Wyoming, this ugly Uw still exists. Bill to re- teiLthe Wyoming Anti-Miscegenation sUtute (Law of 1913) u DOW been introduced in the legislature by Sen. Richard DhiD of Natrona County (R-Casper. Wyo.) and by Rep. James ^pson of Niobrara County (Riusk, Wyo.). Min Yasui of be UUe Hi Chapter in Denver was recenUy appointed to qnseat our District in assisting our good friends in Wyo- I in the passage of this bill. Two of our fine JACL supporters. Mrs. Mary Ujifusa of lOrland. Wyo., and Tosh Suyematsu of Cheyenne have been taking very closely with Klia in this regard. (The Wyoming stale legislature has passed a bill to re al the 19IS anti-miscegenation statute and sent it to the Iwenior for signature last Tuesday, Gov. Hansen (R) has mted repeal in responding to a request from Susan Uji- 9B.WW a student at Wellesley: Miss Ujifusa became ac- oM with the Governor oii a personal basis when she and as Wyoming Girls State governor. Similar atlempte flTqteal the-statute in the 1959-61 and 1961-63 sessions f*re beaten down. Editor.) During the National Bowling Tournament in Denver. March 6-13) an interim District Board meeting is being •Uaned. .Among the items to be discussed in addition to the will be the Japanese History r T j- I' [f ^ ± i itt Wyoming legislature repeals ^ti-miscegenation statute s tearned tha-. Gov Hannan a Etiidcat at WcHei]«r CbDegc. 8 rru- acquainted wiUi the -gc (CoBboued OQ Pace. 2) . VIRGINIA ANTI-MISCEGENAIWN UW ARGUED BEFORE SPECIAL Iti. COURT IS-TEftMOt'.VrALS i^vtncl Council otliciTi^ serving left'. w.-«Ud Kuan;C- V Kijjshi SuKCtj »I Ki-abu ta uf tduhu I'all, J.\Y>. VC.: Chris KiAurh:, iS|>ecia! to U»e Pacific C.Uzon' CHEYENNEThe Wyominc ; gislaturc Tuesday pAtted a repeal the Ul) afiti-miscrcena- tion statute and seat it to Gov Clifford Haoseti (R* for signature. His approval is ezpocled. The law prevented mamages of "White persons »nd Negroes, mut- altoes, Mongolians and Malays", under penalties up to SI .000 in'fme and five. years in )aU. RICHMOND. Va A special thirc- miscigenat Wyoming now Joins Idaho. UUb fedi-ral Court beard argu- Uted the coastitu'Moal ifgbts « and Nebraska in repealing anti- meois on Wednesday. Jan M. test- the Leviagi usider the I4tb Amend- tniscegenation laws, leaving only ing the constitutionality o( that mvoi's equal praiectioo at the laws U state., u-itb such law, inrludmg Sute's law,, that make n a crime and the due proeeu of the law Indiana and 17 sUtes in the South, (or a while person to marry a prorisuss. JACLers were artivr in suupon- Negro and other noo-wbite per- -n>e defcuUnts. Mr. uM Mrs. ine repeal legisUUan in their re- gons. Richard P. loving, are Ule-loag spective sutes. But with the disso- Because Virginia and IS other residesu of Virgtfla. Lariat. XL lution of the .Northern Wyoming Sutes have siznUar laws, most of Is a big. «>ait etesUnctioe wcefear. cbap'.ur in the early USDs, repeal which also deny while persons the He is sdiite^ArtiUe his wUe. MO- of Uu- Wyoming law was coordi- nght to man? Asiatics, the JACL dred. 25. M..^«riaradpart Indian nau-d by die 'Mountain-Plains Dis- ,s observing this case wiU> great and part I If and when It Is appealed lives in Cai ine; Council, through its Denver ----- -...... ...........~ ................ .. .. - .......... .......... .. Caroline Osunty. )uai aout c ; standing Bill YaiM- jaCL office in cooperation with m the' United SUIes Supreme of Prederteksburg, until they wM Club; L«) Husoda of Idaho »,arv Utifusa of Wortand and Tosh ........................... . - . - 1964 SAKAMOTO MEMORIAL AWARD WINNERS NAMED Two Chapfon Earn * Separatn Honors in Two Cat*9oH« LONG BEACH Two JACL chap ters arc each getting two Jimmie Sakamoto Memdrial' Awards lor their outstanding examples o! chapter newsletters, Di. David Mi- ura. Pa^fic Ciluen Board chair- -- announced this week ------ REP. MATSUNAGA NAUH) TO STEBTING COMMIHEE WASHINGTON-Rcp. Spark Ma- tsunaga iD-Hawau) was named this past week .to the 2l-mcmber Defnocraltc steering committee of the House. This U the first sMtme Hawaii has bad a member on the policy-forming body, which includes the majority lead er and .whip. \ ------------- Harry Maloba, 69, ol Denver succumbs 1, i.ru Snaki ............................ IS Jr. JACL. treas. Tvrashiiiia Phjto SANJOTEJACLIN FRONT WITH 90S MEMBERS SIGNED 'Ichiban ChaptM^ ' to Install 65 Cabinet Tomorrow Night S.KN JOSESuiving early to I sure its "Icbiban Chapter" atatur- •as the largest JACL Mao- Ujilusa of Worlind and Tosh Court, as it probably will, tb.- banned from te State in Ju Suyematsu of Cheyenne. . JACL may intervene as a fnend U9B by.County Judge Lam M- Mrs. Ujifusa called attention lo of -the court. BraiUc They moved to Wanblng- Ihe Wyoming Uw when a Nisei lo\a unanimous ofafilbo last De- un with their three chiMrMu girl was denied a license U marry cemMc,Jhe V£. Supreme Court Aware of ttw Virgillia law. they Caucasian. In prey-XMis .vears, struck down a FVrida statute had been married m Wnihingteo county cleriu in Wyoming .vears, I widely , ; extra-marital eohabiu- < ignored Ibe Uw.untU recent years tion by wtiilei and x ... when with national interest focused that [articular case a Negro. It them five weeks after their t on civil rights, the 1913 slatutr aveM. however, a ruling on sUte riage was violahOD of Title M. against mixed marriages was laws against interracial marriage. Sections Si and M, cf the Virginia stricUy- enlorccdT' but the decision rabed new doubts Code, which reads: Attempt# lo repeal the law were concerning the validity of such dis- "If any white peraqn and eotond , ... .. .... unsuccessful in the past t ful in ( person shall go out of ttds State for the purpose of being Mirind But Mrs Ujifusa rallied support Court of Appeals for the Fourth and with the mtentiao of retnrelhf among church people, civic leaders Circuit and UE District Cosirt . . . they shall be punished by .and Japanese Americaiu in lh< Judges Oren R- Lewis and Jjdm eofiSpemest to the penitentiary lot state to effect repeal this year. D. Butmer. Jr., comprised the not less than one v mnee than was extremely help- special three-iudgHitmh that may five yean". consUlutioD- ' ral sUUites. W directly to atcMoat of tte CMt im- country. San Jose JACL this week repeal He U an attorney asaociat ality of stole ^rovi-aled it has already signed up «l with. Miller. SuyemaUu. Miller AppeaU may Ver 900 members.' * Duncan, .nerved as .municipal the US. Su Njic chapter It shooting for IJOC i6«e tor a term six years-ago Amerieah , vealing the 19M award winners DEWER-Thr JAa, mouroal the members, which «ems probable ! nerved with the «2nd over- attorneys BernaiB S. Cohen and j,, gtvoreen~i In the short history of this dea-h o' Harry Cmjiro Matoba, «. because of the well-planned cam- »'*» P*ulip J. Hirschk*p of Alesandna. of S390 foe petemUg n award, whivh began with the IKl- <led oo Jan. 17. an accounuM paign under direction of Wtil Ma- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------- UberUes Union ^lir^g^"'irtiho«r w ^ 62 commendatioas i .... I .JA-icij ujjuvi .uimuuu tn r utj mi- d travel agent here in the post- uumura aito Mrs. Phil "T' AJan. d per year t D.O Ne* r cilixcDshi;) ion and Na- ry'NMiy ttiralixation Service re.iecicd him bv-edtr"herause he* bad refused miltou 700 Japanese supplemenlel farm workers placed Oil 'stand-by order* in California ciai marriage_______ _ .. _ ___ the inlarmer shall have onobilf*. Ihe Lovingi pleaded guilty a n Januao' lp9. Jud tenesd each to a : Judge Braille «»- p ou.-!y throughout the state for Kika jiaign was planned in November. -Kisei Domer-the Iss?i bid tor oa- qistigated in December and in high i mralizalion privileges. gear since. JACL he applied for ciU«*sh»;) (The all-time national high wa. d IJan. in 1852, toe Immigration and Na- scored by $an FriACisoo in 1900 SACRAMENTOMore e.iroled him a total of 1^26 members of toe Japane.__________ ____ _________________________ t ***^ employed in California under Pub- low* Stole of Vtrgmla a«M belare that 1.00( i,c La* an have been removed « Japanese in the Oxnatd area, not return together or at the Aifli JACL The chapter has continuously in - wo. Elsewhere in tftc slate, foreign under provlxkin that both aecuaad thirds of toe Japanese nauonais farm labor oo standby is as tol- leave Caroltoe County and the reject (which has so much to offer Iq this area, but has not *en aplored), group insurance and the District Council leeting. which will be held in Omaha, Nebr. over the Tunksgivmg weekend. Well, my budget for the Center has been accepted and ipproved, my'contract has been renewed and my annual re- wrt has been completed and thank heavens, this article will eat the deadline' 19MI and best feature 1964t. Thfv were authored by .. tor Carol Tamura 'how Mrs. Sa- service during the first Wo^ _ __ _____________ buro Hasegawa) and Gladys Shi- on arcouni of aUeoage W'lfh JACL The chapter has continuously*in- ^he v^etoble fWds with Growers &rm Labor Assn! time ... far a period of 35 years", masala. roM>ectivelv. ssMstanc^ toe matter was sejaed creased its'membership lor the siabdby because ttomes- «l Japanese to the San Diego The Lot-ings moved to WaAtog- Tbe/Long Beach-Harbor Dutnei m toe frfcral courts with Isjci past nine^ears. tic fann Bbor is available to woi* area, with Southwest Growers too and tor Kveral year* obeyad JACW.was Cited for its youth sec- male, allow-ed toe naiuraUiation __________Albert B. Tiaburg. Di- .Assn. fte'W's olicL Tbey went home tion Sod the 25lh adversary edi- privirtges regardless of their non- iMtaDattoa Fbte EmptormenU announced 43 Japanese to the Nattooal QD visiU. but nevar at the aana tion. puMished in ikte December military service during WWl. Uveda. who was reflect, last week. 'San Diego County) area. - with tune. When they laced flnaocia] 1963. The PC board^ which deter- Mamba wi* a Mile-Hl - - ' _ - Only to Santo Maria and Ventura Assoctotw. ' a handful to eastern , mined the Sakamoto M^orlal board member and e.ssistlng w^ members of his board eounties and a handful to eastern Japanese and B FJlipiaos in Award w-inittia. regarded the 2Stb the Issci History Project at toe ,t tSe ttolufay-Tnn to Sunnyvale Riverside County are Japanese na- hnperial Valley, with Imperial Val- annivirsary edition in a separate, time of hi^^ato. He was born gi , dinner tomorrow, 6:30 p.m. tiooals sUll working Some are Farmers Assn, ------------ -- Bob Taehibana U dinner chairman, headed for Valley it was Japanese in San Luis Obt^n Dr. Pete ZlAnak of San Jo»e learned this week , County, with Arroyo Grande Farm h, ;rL5.5 w I-ldabo raUs JACL. lorol chap- evacukled to Minidoka WRA ygUonai DirectoTMas Satow .n . tCbntiaoed on 6>age 21 special 'category. PRBIDtNT'S PROFILE. . . Olympus CLer Aids Afforney General George Isoda gels Venice-Culver gavel in Okayama, came to the US. 1914 and attended school in Port- Coll,., be tt, lb, W, o, -BobW. lo ih, mt, under contract to tee grower as- . mnelbb. omar. „ei,ti,o.. O, ttne. «U b«l ... Japanese are now on standby. The 3S2 include 177 with the Ventura i to leave be i for K.vssa and later em^yed an arcounlint for the Perry Can- n.0B Co . Brigham City. UUb. His eldest son. Michiyatu. wbo was'invalided-back bproe from the Pacific in 1947. died that October NiMi ^nra hr LA. Comfy ftwd ^ UoD of,_Public Law 73 'the Bracero J Act I on I REV. MASUDA CONSECRATH) ; I expUined that PX. 414 hich foreign labor is eco- Ctynty grand jorr. LAKE erwKenneth M. Ui«- 1965 ML Olympus JACL was appointed to the ^ d Utoh Attorney General •J L Hansen on Jan. 4. He had earned in toe private prac- n d taw for tha past tour ycars. of Paa-ohaii. Hawau, he » youcgesi of a family ol diiidren: four gtrU and five His parents reside at Kanc- i bis early edu- Hisauke r catioo in Haaratt. grwduaung from Honokaa High in IBl.-He enlisted to the UB. Air Force that year and aerved until 18S5. when be came to Salt Lake far undergrad-. uate studies al toe Univ. of Utah and Utor his law degree from the Univ. of Utah College of Uw. Me 'lives at 6695 S. 1300 East •with his wife, the former Tbmiko Tamura of Murray. They have one daughter Tamara. IS months. of his death H.AWTHORNE-Bciorc its largest lamUy settle.^ crowd assembled for a Venice- He is *urvtv-ed ' ' Culver JACL installatioD alfatr. isuno. __ cloK to 190 perron* witnessed and two daughters. Mra, Mi; George T. laoda. new indent, namura and Teni Kara aito his cabinet members sworn Ind.t. in last Saturday at the Cockatoo ,• ---------------------- Restaurant here by PSW regional director laaic Matsushige. Mike H. Shimizu, outgotog presi- deoL was handed the past presi dent's pearl-studded pm. and his wife Kay was presented a gift from the chapter. Kaz Adacbi. a former chapter presidem and president of the Veni, the toBd Niaei to County Farm Ubor Assn . IK with “o «« «»mtttoe to as BISHOP IN NORTH DAKOTA «Sr^l permit the em- ■' ^uR.-agan Bishop Edwin, B. bishop'of North Dakota Pat Suzuki Mates to be a Wife in Japan r vvirt....................... ~ Coumy grtoid jury was dtacharted fields, joinmg 63 placed on stand- avadabaity of amid gtowtog praise far ^ qualified domestic farm workers to *t* *'ork from the Superior Ourt ____l!l^ MarshaU S HaS. Wte ua beaded the bench, comroeoied Bs jury foreman, Glenn Cefrge, thd date aitua- *"•'7- .Norman - *- Tvto. wife Ma- *»■ « by aetton of the Chico q to . .^a^ ^ toe tbe Rev. George 'Orange Countyt Vegetable Crow- and Orange cot^es^ f -neburg said. . now tor toe « foreign workers there. Commenting txm. Tieburg said: "Despite toe recruitment effort* of the state- ^ fnAm-s1 n..n,i«Tn«n< .K.4 f*- aCJVW JA tbeir leadjnhip in wddiag te group into an effleieu body. Mtoa- ■lubfw u s nwnmwT the San Joae Human ttetottena Oxnard boast oldest Issei-operaled store HOBOLui-iT-p., b.,N,. ST- - sei girl who * made good in show Pal *a«d. ® LOS ANGELES-fodlvidual puck- OXN.ARD-Vcniura D^D' boasts b-u*ines*. »ld In Honolulu last fall down Uughu« at »«»« stwoUs cor>rw--- the outbreak of World War ,1.) "1 of >i enough workers have been re- ^ Ndcfisiri oppofarttd PSWDC youth cially MiUuo Inouy-e the Communitj OIUIU last They'd fall down toughing at a w-ife in my transpositions and my gram-, mar. My Japanese is really very bad. ,, MUs Siiaiki said she was some- -n^ Japanese irtteomeba- ttonalJ'^ on . tnc oldest, continuously operated week. "I'd hate to be a wife in my transpositions and my gram-, in.rtrnnrtr T iriiiin^.T^i ^ Kamayaliu rod otoer TTimbm ... tt, JAcL '9 ■"« I*>". > »'■«« »„ ,r lorS, ,I M4 0«n grand ___ .________________ County Board of Superriaon tost month for "dedicated aervioe «ad I bPiXEIH M. BBATAEB LOS ANGELES Bolstering lead ership and strength to toe PSWDC yxiuto program. DC chairman Kats Arimoto this week appointed Kay Nakagiri of San Fernando VaUey JACL as district youth commis sioner. Active to scouting. Nakagiri was onetime PSWDC cbalrmnn>Bd Is Hi-Co adviser and trjiswe of the Japanese American Community Service. n*!sni^i^or**[hei>asr*to^^ ^css^ searc^ProJecl reported thU week American, wife has the free- MUs Smuki said she wra# some- -n^ Aponese and Filioino youth activities Dr light^ briefing sessions here which the Japanese counter- what irrt'jted by the "iritsome ha- ttonalsrowoo standby be ye was honored' ^ J.P«iese t^g and ,vaitoble for use to^ Southern .K Sward in ^hc Asahi Market of Oxnard that's somelhtog all of us American whispering during a performance, rall/ornii date harvest k romr y«r with the end remili that ttator was originally esUMished and is- stogie or "But 1 got that one odved." she toe' contribution, to orderly sued incorporation papers to 190< marrird rhr',<h " said "I'd stoo at the middle of v__ >_______ .... mental proceoQ and their to operate a grocery store. Several ... ... «. bo. .i™.' „a. Issci partners pooled sources to start the business but : later W the Takasugi. Hi# .............. .1 manager-today. Tbe local newspaper featured rauevs -- .. . -__ ____ George Inagaki presented special awaikla; and toe Jlev d cherish" said. "I'd stop at the middle of partment of EmofoyiMO! aito ^ proc«aa« and their evUMt ^ved here Jan 19 after «?• 'V~> too loud ud. eouxro of acSSTapproved Japan in which ahe ^ «*^'**b> the Secretory of Labor, 'neburg 'tl'^ d Sisiec atog - " said. Pnde m the cn-ie dtoy toay » to^ UtotedSUtes^^ ^^ Pat U a young woman of xnany as of l K. a lamayalsu ^an actnc Boltfa pacific citizen cut-off mar. 31 *•5:^ B6MW Membership Today! i I.W MembMwhip Chairmen MembM^ip Cards To Natianel f As Yew Receive Them. Rap. MM ossigiwd Hevse Edttctrtveii peri Patsy _______ __________________aBdoraestic ' She opened a IMay ^age- She can be haw. gay- had' ^ recruited ^ .. . rounty.'It II'generally believed that One totof .I can say lor the important part-in making toe sue- toe Asahi, is the Oldest tssei- Japaneae women." PK "a^ -ceaalul singer that she is. founded grocery to the U S. to that u ^y poueas toe fenuato- ..j America." Pat said. "1 which the founder w still aeUve 'ty the American women The elder Takaaugi recalls to thF *»'» 6nv* ' ,bout, toe t early 1900s that Isaei hereabouts AiMncan ^ea c^wte a ,^,5 , T6 OiT SrticAm BANK OF TOKYO PICKS e farm workers, mostly tly en- rather unpleasant picture of gaged m stoop labor ttiliming. hoe- US. by th.-j- ill-mannered } mg-and topping s-jgarbeeti. It was Mtai Suzuki said. tya. worst of toe wives of She's really got guU. FIRST NISEI MANAGER^ O -^RobrnNa CHANGEOF ^try frANOSCO -TR^^tNa- .... _• .1_ i-1:._____1____»rro UM m-M. - w .. ..9 the House Education and Lahar back-breaking work to which focal tot . . Committee this week, her first ^rfiite lalibr wer^ twt attrarted The American Gl'a itot»nal to Japan. ' .m\n who's supposed to SAN LORENZO - Christine Tana- she said, w-ere the wives of prsv-JULiritn Award ________ wert twt attracted nie Amerte-^-f. -------- - ------ PrOdReiltO AWOrCl choice f(W assignment to a major ,in^ jivmg in "J«'e . - -................ -.......... - - committee. Former Rep. Gill 'D- f,r„, [,bor camps control a aocUl situatfao. but aome be. senior student at San Loren*. Hawau* was a member of this, jbe Japanese Uistoty Project ^>9*^ American women I eb- High, was awarded tbe schools commirtee. toieftog sesskw a-oi be'ld Jan. 5 »«v«d to Japan just weron't up first Pro-Merito Award fcw out- Rep Spark ! MaUuMga^ 'D- *rtto Joe Grant Masaoka. project _ standing-------------* gau of toe San Francisco Head Office of toe Bank of Tokyo of Calilomia was'promotod to man ager of toe SaoU Am bran^ a historic event denoting toe first Klaei at mao- PAcntc uium AtMhUMHM Hivin', to addition to hi, assign- ^misto^. 'present w'ero:'"'^'She adm^ toat her Ja^ese and inent on toe Agriculture Commit- ubsk, atenwaki. TKnio Veto, ha- i«>*t JXitot to the world. iBhe's wtth the Al-Co Jr. JACL and tbe ment_- tee was named to toe Pont Office frui Civd Service Committne, ager. Graduated from the Univ. at totoesehobi Califotnia. NagaU joined toe also ahlve bank in 13S and served to 1 Creasy. OMif.. and daughter M 31r. nnd Mm. Harry branches betoro 1 _ period <d internment at Itanabe. . the hrod nttwe na nwflkr. served in lf»




CBf Ik ^octdBy Lily Okura. Meun^ln PUiiw DMrid ChiirmanUke many of you, this i^bad lime of the year-file In-

ome tax returns, prej»re“annual' report for the Uedkal enter, prepare budget for the coming year, wait and sweat P see if your contract is renewed for another vear. mee‘ nth the Board of Trustees of the Center, etc. 1 could have ,,,d when 1 received a memo from the PC editor staling that had Been assigned an article for the end of January.

In a few weeks, the NaUonal Board will be meeting in ^ Angelecs for their interim meeting and many of you may ' e wondering if it is necessary—if anything is accomplished nd if our money sboiBinie expended for such a meeting 1one kn^- that it is vitallv important and definitely neces-V to rurTrsmooth operatog organisaUon such as the Japa-

Hc American Citizens League.Haring served on the Board several years ago. as Secre-

an to the NaUonal Board, 1 can from experience, make this osiUve suiemeot. Being the only female member on the tofd did not give me any special privileges. One .meeUng ept us going until 2:00 a.m. and 1 was determined not to slier and contimied taking notes.

Believe you me. it was difficult to.look bright-eyed the oUowing morning, but I was reeady to continue the next UT S program.

A preview of the 1965 agenda indicates that we will have wo full days and mighty important items to discuss.7^ MounUin Plains District will participate in the

ccusaon of the Anti-Miscegenation Statutes. In our neigh- cring sUte of Wyoming, this ugly Uw still exists. Bill to re- teiLthe Wyoming Anti-Miscegenation sUtute (Law of 1913) u DOW been introduced in the legislature by Sen. Richard DhiD of Natrona County (R-Casper. Wyo.) and by Rep. James ^pson of Niobrara County (Riusk, Wyo.). Min Yasui of be UUe Hi Chapter in Denver was recenUy appointed to qnseat our District in assisting our good friends in Wyo-

I in the passage of this bill.Two of our fine JACL supporters. Mrs. Mary Ujifusa of

lOrland. Wyo., and Tosh Suyematsu of Cheyenne have been taking very closely with Klia in this regard.

(The Wyoming stale legislature has passed a bill to re­al the 19IS anti-miscegenation statute and sent it to the Iwenior for signature last Tuesday, Gov. Hansen (R) has mted repeal in responding to a request from Susan Uji- 9B.WW a student at Wellesley: Miss Ujifusa became ac- oM with the Governor oii a personal basis when she and as Wyoming Girls State governor. Similar atlempte flTqteal the-statute in the 1959-61 and 1961-63 sessions f*re beaten down. — Editor.)

During the National Bowling Tournament in Denver. March 6-13) an interim District Board meeting is being •Uaned. .Among the items to be discussed in addition to the

will be the Japanese History

r T j- I'[f^ ± i ‘ itt

Wyoming legislature repeals ^ti-miscegenation statute

s tearned tha-. Gov Hannan a Etiidcat at WcHei]«r CbDegc. 8 rru- acquainted wiUi the -gc (CoBboued OQ Pace. 2) .


IS-TEftMOt'.VrALS i^vtnclCouncil otliciTi^ serving left'. w.-«Ud — Kuan;C- V Kijjshi SuKCtj »I Ki-abu ta uf tduhu I'all, J.\Y>. VC.: Chris KiAurh:,

iS|>ecia! to U»e Pacific C.Uzon'CHEYENNE—The Wyominc ; gislaturc Tuesday pAtted a repeal the Ul) afiti-miscrcena-

tion statute and seat it to Gov Clifford Haoseti (R* for signature.His approval is ezpocled.The law prevented mamages of

"White persons »nd Negroes, mut- altoes, Mongolians and Malays", under penalties up to SI .000 in'fmeand five. years in )aU. RICHMOND. Va —A special thirc- miscigenatWyoming now Joins Idaho. UUb fedi-ral Court beard argu- Uted the coastitu'Moal ifgbts «

and Nebraska in repealing anti- meois on Wednesday. Jan M. test- the Leviagi usider the I4tb Amend- tniscegenation laws, leaving only ing the constitutionality o( that mvoi's equal praiectioo at the laws U state., u-itb such law, inrludmg Sute's law,, that make n a crime and the due proeeu of the law Indiana and 17 sUtes in the South, (or a while person to marry a prorisuss.JACLers were artivr in suupon- Negro and other noo-wbite per- -n>e defcuUnts. Mr. uM Mrs.

ine repeal legisUUan in their re- gons. Richard P. loving, are Ule-loagspective sutes. But with the disso- Because Virginia and IS other residesu of Virgtfla. Lariat. XL lution of the .Northern Wyoming Sutes have siznUar laws, most of Is a big. «>ait etesUnctioe wcefear. cbap'.ur in the early USDs, repeal which also deny while persons the He is sdiite^ArtiUe his wUe. MO- of Uu- Wyoming law was coordi- nght to man? Asiatics, the JACL dred. 25. M..^«riarad—part Indian nau-d by die 'Mountain-Plains Dis- ,s observing this case wiU> great and part I

If and when It Is appealed lives in Caiine; Council, through its Denver----- -—...... ...........~ ................ .. .. - .......... .......... .. Caroline Osunty. )uai aoutc ; standing Bill YaiM- jaCL office in cooperation with m the' United SUIes Supreme of Prederteksburg, until they wM Club; L«) Husoda of Idaho »,arv Utifusa of Wortand and Tosh ........................... . - . -


Two Chapfon Earn * Separatn Honors in Two Cat*9oH«

LONG BEACH — Two JACL chap­ters arc each getting two Jimmie Sakamoto Memdrial' Awards lor their outstanding examples o! chapter newsletters, Di. David Mi- ura. Pa^fic Ciluen Board chair- -- announced this week ‘------

REP. MATSUNAGA NAUH) TO STEBTING COMMIHEEWASHINGTON-Rcp. Spark Ma- tsunaga iD-Hawau) was named this past week .to the 2l-mcmber Defnocraltc steering committee of the House. This U the first

sMtme Hawaii has bad a member on the policy-forming body, which includes the majority lead­er and .whip.\ -------------Harry Maloba, 69, ol Denver succumbs

1, i.ruSnaki ............................IS Jr. JACL. treas.

— Tvrashiiiia PhjtoSANJOTEJACLIN FRONT WITH 90S MEMBERS SIGNED'Ichiban ChaptM^' to Install ‘65 Cabinet Tomorrow Night

S.KN JOSE—Suiving early to I sure its "Icbiban Chapter" atatur- •as the largest JACL

Mao- Ujilusa of Worlind and Tosh Court, as it probably will, tb.- banned from te State in JuSuyematsu of Cheyenne. . JACL may intervene as a fnend U9B by.County Judge Lam M-Mrs. Ujifusa called attention lo of -the court. BraiUc They moved to Wanblng-

Ihe Wyoming Uw when a Nisei lo\a unanimous ofafilbo last De- un with their three chiMrMu girl was denied a license U marry cemMc,Jhe V£. Supreme Court Aware of ttw Virgillia law. theyCaucasian. In prey-XMis .vears, struck down a FVrida statute had been married m Wnihingteo

county cleriu in Wyoming.vears, I widely , ; extra-marital eohabiu- <

ignored Ibe Uw.untU recent years tion by wtiilei and x ...when with national interest focused that [articular case a Negro. It them five weeks after their t on civil rights, the 1913 slatutr aveM. however, a ruling on sUte riage was violahOD of Title M. against mixed marriages was laws against interracial marriage. Sections Si and M, cf the Virginia stricUy- enlorccdT' ■ but the decision rabed new doubts Code, which reads:Attempt# lo repeal the law were concerning the validity of such dis- "If any white peraqn and eotond , ... .. ....unsuccessful in the past t

ful in (

person shall go out of ttds State for the purpose of being Mirind

But Mrs Ujifusa rallied support Court of Appeals for the Fourth and with the mtentiao of retnrelhf among church people, civic leaders Circuit and UE District Cosirt . . . they shall be punished by .and Japanese Americaiu in lh< Judges Oren R- Lewis and Jjdm eofiSpemest to the penitentiary lot state to effect repeal this year. D. Butmer. Jr., comprised the not less than one v mnee than

was extremely help- special three-iudgHitmh that may five yean".‘ consUlutioD- '

ral sUUites.W directly to atcMoat of tte CMt im-country. San Jose JACL this week repeal He U an attorney asaociat ality of stole

^rovi-aled it has already signed up «l with. Miller. SuyemaUu. Miller AppeaU may Ver 900 members.' * Duncan, .nerved as .municipal the US. SuNjic chapter It shooting for IJOC i“6«e tor a term six years-ago Amerieah ,

vealing the 19M award winners DEWER-Thr JAa, mouroal the members, which «ems probable •“! nerved with the «2nd over- attorneys BernaiB S. Cohen and j,, gtvoree” n~i In the short history of this dea’-h o' Harry Cmjiro Matoba, «. because of the well-planned cam- »'*» P*ulip J. Hirschk*p of Alesandna. of S390 foe petemUg n

award, whivh began with the IKl- <l‘ed oo Jan. 17. an accounuM paign under direction of Wtil Ma- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------

UberUes Union ^lir^g^"'‘”irtiho«r w ^

62 commendatioas i.... I .JA-icij ujjuvi .uimuuu tn r utj mi-d travel agent here in the post- uumura aito Mrs. Phil "T' AJan.

d per year t D.O Ne*

r cilixcDshi;) ion and Na-

ry'NMiy ttiralixation Service re.iecicd him bv-edtr"herause he* bad refused miltou

700 Japanese supplemenlel farm workers placed Oil 'stand-by order* in California

ciai marriage_______ _ .. _ ___the inlarmer shall have onobilf*.Ihe Lovingi pleaded guilty a n Januao' lp9. Jud tenesd each to a :Judge Braille «»-p ou.-!y throughout the state for Kika jiaign was planned in November.

-Kisei Domer-the Iss?i bid tor oa- qistigated in December and in high i mralizalion privileges. gear since.

JACL he applied for ciU«*sh»;) (The all-time national high wa.d I Jan. in 1852, toe Immigration and Na- scored by $an FriACisoo in 1900 SACRAMENTO—More

e.iroled him a total of 1^26 members ‘ of toe Japane.__________ ____ _________________________t ***‘^ employed in California under Pub- low* Stole of Vtrgmla

a«M belare that 1.00( • i,c La* an have been removed « Japanese in the Oxnatd area, not return together or at the Aifli JACL The chapter has continuously in -

wo. Elsewhere in tftc slate, foreign under provlxkin that both aecuaad thirds of toe Japanese nauonais farm labor oo standby is as tol- leave Caroltoe County and the

’reject (which has so much to offer Iq this area, but has not *en aplored), group insurance and the District Council leeting. which will be held in Omaha, Nebr. over the Tunksgivmg weekend.

Well, my budget for the Center has been accepted and ipproved, my'contract has been renewed and my annual re- wrt has been completed and thank heavens, this article will eat the deadline'

19MI and best feature 1964t. Thfv were authored by ..tor Carol Tamura 'how Mrs. Sa- service during the first Wo^ _ __ _____________buro Hasegawa) and Gladys Shi- on arcouni of aUeoage W'lfh JACL The chapter has continuously*in- ^he v^etoble fWds with Growers &rm Labor Assn! time ... far a period of 35 years",masala. roM>ectivelv. ssMstanc^ toe matter was sejaed creased its'membership lor the „ siabdby because ttomes- «l Japanese to the San Diego The Lot-ings moved to WaAtog-Tbe/Long Beach-Harbor Dutnei m toe frfcral courts with Isjci past nine^ears. tic fann Bbor is available to woi* area, with Southwest Growers too and tor Kveral year* obeyad

JACW.was Cited for its youth sec- male, allow-ed toe naiuraUiation __________Albert B. Tiaburg. Di- .Assn. fte'W's olicL Tbey went hometion Sod the 25lh adversary edi- privirtges regardless of their non- iMtaDattoa Fbte EmptormenU announced 43 Japanese to the Nattooal QD visiU. but nevar at the aanation. puMished in ikte December military service during WWl. Uveda. who was reflect, last week. 'San Diego County) area. - with tune. When they laced flnaocia]1963. The PC board^ which deter- Mamba wi* a Mile-Hl - - ' _ -Only to Santo Maria and Ventura Assoctotw.

' a handful to eastern ,mined the Sakamoto M^orlal board member and e.ssistlng w^ members of his board eounties and a handful to eastern Japanese and B FJlipiaos inAward w-inittia. regarded the 2Stb the Issci History Project at toe ,t tSe ttolufay-Tnn to Sunnyvale Riverside County are Japanese na- hnperial Valley, with Imperial Val- annivirsary edition in a separate, time of hi^^ato. He was born gi , dinner tomorrow, 6:30 p.m. tiooals sUll working Some are Farmers Assn,

------------ -- “ Bob Taehibana U dinner chairman, headed for Valley it was Japanese in San Luis Obt^nDr. Pete ZlAnak of San Jo»e learned this week , County, with Arroyo Grande Farm

h, ;r“‘L“5.5 wI-ldabo raUs JACL. lorol chap- evacukled to Minidoka WRA ygUonai DirectoTMas Satow — .n .

tCbntiaoed on 6>age 21special 'category.

PRBIDtNT'S PROFILE. . .Olympus CLer Aids Afforney General

George Isoda gels Venice-Culver gavel

in Okayama, came to the US.1914 and attended school in Port-

Coll,., be tt, „lb, W, o, -BobW. lo ih, mt,

under contract to tee grower as- . mnelbb. omar. „ei,ti,o.. O, ttne. «U b«l ...

Japanese are now on standby. The 3S2 include 177 with the Ventura

i to leave be ifor K.vssa and later em^yed an arcounlint for the Perry Can- n.0B Co . Brigham City. UUb.His eldest son. Michiyatu. wbo

was'invalided-back bproe from the Pacific in 1947. died that October

NiMi ^nra hr LA. Comfy ftwd ^

UoD of,_Public Law 73 'the Bracero J Act I on I

REV. MASUDA CONSECRATH) ; I expUined that PX. 414 hich foreign labor is eco- Ctynty grand jorr.

LAKE erw—Kenneth M. “Ui«- 1965 ML Olympus JACL

was appointed to the ^ d Utoh Attorney General •J L Hansen on Jan. 4. He had

earned in toe private prac- n d taw for tha past tour ycars.

of Paa-ohaii. Hawau, he ”» youcgesi of a family ol diiidren: four gtrU and five

His parents reside at Kanc-i bis early edu-Hisauke r

catioo in Haaratt. grwduaung from Honokaa High in IBl.-He enlisted to the UB. Air Force that year and aerved until 18S5. when be came to Salt Lake far undergrad-. uate studies al toe Univ. of Utah and Utor his law degree from the Univ. of Utah College of Uw.Me 'lives at 6695 S. 1300 East

•with his wife, the former Tbmiko Tamura of Murray. They have one daughter Tamara. IS months.

of his deathH.AWTHORNE-Bciorc its largest lamUy settle.^crowd assembled for a Venice- He is *urvtv-ed ' 'Culver JACL installatioD alfatr. isuno. __cloK to 190 perron* witnessed and two daughters. Mra, Mi; George T. laoda. new indent, namura and Teni Kara aito his cabinet members sworn Ind.t.in last Saturday at the Cockatoo ,• -----------—-----------Restaurant here by PSW regional director laaic Matsushige.Mike H. Shimizu, outgotog presi-

deoL was handed the past presi­dent's pearl-studded pm. and his wife Kay was presented a gift from the chapter. Kaz Adacbi. a former chapter presidem and president of the Veni,

the toBd Niaei toCounty Farm Ubor Assn . IK with “o «« «»mtttoe to as

BISHOP IN NORTH DAKOTA «Sr^l permit the em- ■'

^uR.-agan Bishop Edwin, B.bishop'of North Dakota

Pat Suzuki Mates to be a Wife in Japan

r vvirt’....................... ~ Coumy grtoid jury was dtachartedfields, joinmg 63 placed on stand- avadabaity of amid gtowtog praise far

^ qualified domestic farm workers to *t* *'ork from the Superior Ourt____l!l^ MarshaU S HaS. Wteua beaded the bench, comroeoied Bs

jury foreman, Glenn Cefrge, thd date aitua- *“"‘•'7- .Norman - *-

Tv to. wife Ma- *»■ '»“• « by aetton of the Chico q to ..^a^ ^ toe tbe Rev. George 'Orange Countyt Vegetable Crow- and Orange cot^es^

f -neburg said.. now tor toe « foreign workers there.Commenting

txm. Tie burg said: "Despite toerecruitment effort* of the state- ^fnAm-s1 n..n,i«Tn«n< .K.4 f*- aCJVW JA

tbeir leadjnhip in wddiag te group into an effleieu body. Mtoa-

■lubfw u s nwnmwTthe San Joae Human ttetottenaOxnard boast oldest

Issei-operaled store HOBOLui-iT-p., b.,N,. “ST• - -sei girl who * made good in show Pal *a«d. ® LOS ANGELES-fodlvidual puck-OXN.ARD-Vcniura D^D' boasts b-u*ines*. »ld In Honolulu last fall down Uughu« at »«»« stwoUs cor>—rw---

the outbreak of World War ,1.) "1 of>i enough workers have been re- ^

Ndcfisiri oppofarttd PSWDC youth e«

cially MiUuo Inouy-e the Communitj

OIUIU last They'd fall down toughing at a w-ife in my transpositions and my gram-,

mar. My Japanese is really very bad. ,,MUs Siiaiki said she was some- -n^ Japanese

‘irtteomeba- ttonalJ'^ on .

tnc oldest, continuously operated week. "I'd hate to be a wife in my transpositions and my gram-, in.rtrnnrtr T iriiiin^.T^i ^ Kamayaliu rod otoer TTimbm... tt, JAcL ““'9 ■"« I*>". “> ■ »'■«« »„ ,r lorS, ,I U» M4 u» 0«ngrand ___ .________________

County Board of Superriaon tost month for "dedicated aervioe «ad


LOS ANGELES — Bolstering lead­ership and strength to toe PSWDC yxiuto program. DC chairman Kats Arimoto this week appointed Kay Nakagiri of San Fernando VaUey JACL as district youth commis­sioner.Active to scouting. Nakagiri was

onetime PSWDC cbalrmnn>Bd Is Hi-Co adviser and trjiswe of the Japanese American Community Service.

n*!sni^i^or**[hei>asr*to^^ ^css^ searc^ProJecl reported thU week American, wife has the free- MUs Smuki said she wra# some- -n^ Aponese and Filioinoyouth activities Dr “ light^ briefing sessions here which the Japanese counter- what irrt'jted by the "iritsome ha- ttonalsrowoo standby beye was honored' ^ J.P«iese t^g and ,vaitoble for use to^ Southern .K

Sward in ^hc Asahi Market of Oxnard that's somelhtog all of us American whispering during a performance, rall/ornii date harvest k romr y«r with the end remili that ttator was originally esUMished and is- stogie or "But 1 got that one odved." she toe' contribution, to orderlysued incorporation papers to 190< marrird rhr',<h " said "I'd stoo at the middle of v__ >_______ .... mental proceoQ and theirto operate a grocery store. Several ...

... «. bo. .i™.' „a.Issci partners pooled sources to start the business but

: later W the Takasugi. Hi#

.............. .1 manager-today.Tbe local newspaper featured

rauevs -- .. . -__ ____George Inagaki presented

special awaikla; and toe Jlev

d cherish" said. "I'd stop at the middle of partment of EmofoyiMO! aito ^ proc«aa« and their evUMt^ved here Jan 19 after • «?• 'V~> too loud ud. eouxro of acSSTapproved

Japan in which ahe ^ «*^'**“ b> the Secretory of Labor, 'neburg 'tl'^d Sisiec atog - " said. Pnde m the cn-ie dtoy toay »to^ UtotedSUtes^^ ^^ Pat U a young woman of xnany as of J«l K. a lamayalsu ^an actnc Boltfa

pacific citizen cut-off mar. 31*•5:^

B6MW Membership Today! iI.W MembMwhip Chairmen

MembM^ip Cards To Natianelf As Yew Receive Them.

Rap. MM ossigiwd t» Hevse Edttctrtveii peri


_______ __________________aBdoraestic 'She opened a IMay ^age- She can be haw. gay- had' ^ recruited ^ .. .

rounty.'It II'generally believed that “One totof .I can say lor the important part-in making toe sue- toe Asahi, is the Oldest tssei- Japaneae women." PK "a^ -ceaalul singer that she is.founded grocery to the U S. to that u ^y poueas toe fenuato- ..j America." Pat said. "1 which the founder w still aeUve 'ty the American womenThe elder Takaaugi recalls to thF *»'» 6nv* ' ,bout, toe t

early 1900s that Isaei hereabouts AiMncan ^ea c^wte a ,^,5 ,


e farm workers, mostlytly en- rather unpleasant picture of gaged m stoop labor ttiliming. hoe- US. by th.-j- ill-mannered

} mg-and topping s-jgarbeeti. It was Mtai Suzuki said. tya. worst of

toe wives ofShe's really got guU.



^try frANOSCO -TR^^tNa-.... _• .1_ i-— 1:._____ 1____»rro UM

m-M. - „ w .. ..9the House Education and Lahar back-breaking work to which focal tot . .Committee this week, her first ^rfiite lalibr wer^ twt attrarted The American Gl'a itot»nal to Japan.

' • • .m\n who's supposed to SAN LORENZO - Christine Tana-she said, w-ere the wives of prsv-JULiritn Award

________ wert twt attracted nie Amerte-^-f. —-------- - ------ PrOdReiltO AWOrClchoice f(W assignment to a major ,in^ jivmg in "J«'e . - -................ -..........- -committee. Former Rep. Gill 'D- f,r„, [,bor camps control a aocUl situatfao. but aome be. senior student at San Loren*.Hawau* was a member of this, jbe Japanese Uistoty Project ^>9*^ American women I eb- High, was awarded tbe school’s commirtee. toieftog sesskw a-oi be'ld Jan. 5 »«v«d to Japan just weron't up first Pro-Merito Award fcw out-Rep Spark ! MaUuMga^ 'D- *rtto Joe Grant Masaoka. project _ standing-------------—‘*

gau of toe San Francisco Head Office of toe Bank of Tokyo of Calilomia was'promotod to man­ager of toe SaoU Am bran^ a historic event denoting toe first

Klaei at mao-

PAcntc uiumAtMhUMHM

Hivin', to addition to hi, assign- ^misto^. 'present w'ero:'"'^'” She adm^ toat her Ja^ese andinent on toe Agriculture Commit- ubsk, atenwaki. TKnio Veto, ha- i«>*t JXitot to the world. iBhe's wtth the Al-Co Jr. JACL and tbement_— -tee was named to toe Pont Office frui Civd Service Committne,

ager.Graduated from the Univ. at

totoesehobi Califotnia. NagaU joined toe also ahlve bank in 13S and served to 1

Creasy. OMif.. and daughter M 31r. nnd Mm. Harry branches betoro 1 _ period <d internment at Itanabe. . the hrod nttwe na nwflkr.

served in lf»


US WcOrt lU Rbs 3*Z. Lnt ABVk> C«1U. »WU. »»« itwmAnnwnm- i«S Po« »- S»n rrmix-uc®

:> >l> ■ Uih St N-«', V A. Ctilf. 1 » BC-

Sulmptkn iuir. (RSt It J*CX

n *Dd «ptaicrtu (xpmMi Sr nfWt dACL SBUty. t|wr*bl* « .

Ptrine Cnbcn BeaM

----E0IT0RI*t OF THE PACIFIC OTIZEH----- /Tribute to Sir Winston Churchill

We pause—*itli the rest of the free world—to piy humble tribute to the memor>- of Sir Winston Churchill, who ~fmM away eaiiy this Sunday morning, January 24. g. As radio and television sketch hiS incredible life that ^spanned 90 years and the great event of our limes that slretdies from the Mclorian epoch to the age of the atom and of space, whether we realize it or not, the lives of e»ei7 Japanese American have been touched—and for the better—by the inspired career of ibis bulldog personifica- ikm of British democracy, this giant “Man of the Century "

The eloquence of his w’ords and the wisdom of his ac­tions have all contributed to the age in wbich we live.

Unfortunately, few Japanese Americans were privi-^, leged to have m« him. But some veterans of the 100th In- f.lilD- Battalion and the «2nd Regimental Combat Team may remember when, near Rome, this courageous and articuUte World War II leader visited them. At the time, the Nbel troops were operating on the flank of the British 8fh Army.

Whenever free men, or our nation, or our group, again face great tragedy, adversity, or travail, perhaps the Ihring memory of Winston ChurchOl in bis finest hours will serve to give us courage and hope.—H.M.

High Scorer

po Walhington Newiltiter: by MHEr lSltaftfci’ ___

ObligationsUW MSw! r^v b«eo fiven -

^ in tbd aS rwtrrf IrtWunan tefifUtorv so_____ __ their ekettoo. the an­

te_______________________ " kBtererJ_ _ _'where mote Uum ■ quarter of « Tabeniaclc Choir tet tans ceotur? carher Ltradao Johaus the Isaucural Addreat. bad be*«h his career of puNic “ *■- ~ *“

after .Majority iteder.ProbeWy te mo« hMwred Jape- friends m the

io. ^SSSmlaistetioii .a* wa» Detroit arehitect Mlnont Ya- thU **“XTT^isrsociety.besm hU

te architectand ended on _ ............when he wa* taken to te Betbeeda Uonal

______ macazme______ tie K«. lait week a worthy teammateSirtetW in Seenle U.

teU^tebed AmerlcMu’who were Coodreewnaa ^U«b^. Tbis kconcern Niael of the'Biennium

■ • ■ Uonal JACL G«ov«t»ai- - -Naval HorjiUl with a pommon- in ISK. He wai amenf te few teoter^ that many bundwdi of' tor Medal of rreedom wi^ ^ ajhortj^ won te edmlratJOT Japanese Amerlcsna had received other leeden in the "«Jd of tte a^InvItatJoos to te teufural arU and te Jrtt*« at te Oeiwfe- h»ve te two i-----------

tS^bT.tt^^ tow tote Ot Roier Steven*, te toioe. to-wi«rve telr Stat, a^e^ of poUUMT^eptabU- ” ^ ^ 0«im*.it>- on te part of te Niael in the Art*. Invlled ^ t America. And. throufhoui te hlmaelf. Nobel and P

r eentne to te five Inaucurai Mesieo, Nlseidom-* only lie- uut |day evtsisf to te five Inaufural : ^Ball* on Wednesday nilht Many <=« ftayed over too until te wetted .•'« ““'TL “•lUig .™™i ,< U« St.» S» “““ "1

Medal of Honor

. bon Nefro operrcic star.BOOK REVIEW:PC Writer Has Novel Published

<u**T turtle, flilt, ers6. water bW. fwai- moBT. and N^ .isftA rm* flower*, and various popular Duncan and TVreaa Ooleman,“to* riweion.. M animals. **

America. And. throufhoui u,r ------- --------w-a'-,'week, at all of te major and most wbwct wtp amon* te Medal ©I too*re**woman *m*. - >*—- of te minor acUvitie*. we saw Freedom awardees present. peoeration dau*hter of te newest

Unfortunate, we uad«t^ site. is,la her sUddhirties. She has ao many "firsts'' to ber credit that if* dUflcutt to list them *H.

■.J... ^ - In. eddttkin « beiar te firttte wttkai wtoncr. was unabk to aUend te wamaa to be elected to te Con-

_ _ te Stat* So. Medal of Honor dinner. crest fn»ro Hawaii, she U aiio teci*^ dinners and frWofcfben. tirst woman of Japane* ancestorNot only were more Japanese ' * to win ttt* »re.l honor in UtU

Americans In attetoaace than ever OOWOllUmnif HINK country Sb* was te first woownbetore. but so too were other ml- Ooe <d te Bto« pteMt prece- J»P«»«e ancestry lo wln/elec- norfty Americans, and especially deoU cstabUsbsd byteWaatuns- »*» to the Hawaiian D^KIkture. NcfK Americans. Nepops have 'tan DC JACL Is to in- •* **** ■* the flr|t woman^s«« at BepohUttHto Dem- “<W prs«te5>towocrstic fuBcttoo* before, tart never « the United States Cbiicress to Stale. She ms te first presl* in te numbers that ttey were at ,t our myr.n.tv.. dent of te Young Democrat inthis pest Inaugural. dlnner-dances In te past, these HreaB. and she was the firstMis* Laontyne Prlt*. Mississippi- h,ee been the first opportuniUes post.

rentelabiaIMkM. Arl«M

e for chOCren ^toP

Natk^vice-Presi.Cere- “ “ defil of te Young Democrat*. She

This cuiten was begun was te first of htf ancestry tooan, ac. to im when now Senator Daniel J? ^ i I, stok K tnouye wu elected to te Na- Young ^l^e«l '-------- titoal House ' - ----------®**‘* ■Bepresentalives

A contemporary story of whitit is Ukc to tire through the vio- wcstonmwst btsttoo of te United wril as the Nattonal Syitteony Congressman Spark — leni disruption of Communist con- sutea. Plifl Carano. coaditor. Chebestra. at te Inaugural Can- ,* »•», dectod two year* ago to ortZtehy quest MjtowArlene Fukei's first to«rh>« at the College of Guam cert. succeed Congmssmae Inouye wtocn Kranedynovel. “East of Freedom", tolls of and did tnbA ct te re*.Tar<h in At the Inaugural Ballf. President be »aj elected to te Senate two a teen-ager. MeHin. betrothed te preperatwn of this study. Dr. Pedro Johnson was seen dancing witti at year* ago. be also was te chsp-

Lewders Confet. Paris, and tbe first of ber

ancestry to be selectad among teBert te te firtt time is a com- trtlsta as tear Stern, te vtoUnlrt. ,flar tbe deserring Ibriltary of «««ry to be setec^ preb^ve history of Guam—tbe »hd Van Olbum. the pianl^ as Hawau became a SUie. Then, when ’** ouuundlng Americi westernmost bastion of te Unltod as te Nattonal SyntSSooj Congrewman Spark M. MaUuta- “

te civli rights plank of the Dezno- ‘ 30. rntie NAtoBat QiiTtwetton in I.oc

onrs lora anmi'erH-^bv

- chapter installattoo^^iaO j. ,n«> SnitelJ01 be hekjrwtrwaid to h^r

BT hUSAO W. SAItW gies through.te i tension before she own mind about Un Mrs. Pukel it no new regime, of Guam

r LOCAL BBOOesmONS We arc pleased t

1M4. tere wi _ need

with te historicalte Cameron S histone.Alexandria.

a greri vaal of tbe Great We are forward t■ * ^ of tbe TVrriUrtal Leg

r sggmtiI human

HoMw Ho i. CumaiW sSSViC'RiklJt UUhusband. Bodd. now wita te Seat- and te ctmathori h»vt done wel' much in evidence in the niog ’ .' cause*, such as educ*.

9^” tie Poit-lBteUlgencer. has 4l» in meeting this cheDenge. Whfle and warmth extetdad mS^only to ^Qte and altbodiBi *'***‘®*' for•< not . deOnltive blst^ te Negro Americans but ail other she has Just ben swore in this ^ Mink .

...... ..........been recommendsd for American*, including tboae of -Ja- oast Jan 4 te hs< airwert* .ni. TT^ , . . .te the students of Guam for there i* panese anewtry. Indeed, as we a reoiutinn .moo#

f taking advantage of their In- ,„iQen for te'PC. Mr*. Fukei stalUttosis to publicly rcco^ise ,«VBd as a teacher and medical volume has been recommendsd

. those members who have -*— usly of their timerelations

chv. It should be noted that theecu U an oulgrowth,cf a group ^ coi^g to power in ik. readable account of te ttny w,toh«I parttolpintt move on to league* as an able. articuUle ___.1 X’ T ■T" . P4... .. ih. c... .yH.,,.. s,. .I, „■

t the return of . "YW» Is l» ktoHy fflu-

ve giva worker dnrlng the years r and ef- OjmmunisW' coming t ady won *ist-hyij

late, and Owetakcame togeter fi pose or fseiliui ,0 '™“ p-wn « Uv. n..*. up a.1. bom,. U, S.. Fr.„n.p. Tb. * c.nUlci. MPbm» ,T^ u.. b.» ot u» cbpp '".S ■"was broadened in te realizalion tet tere were other mihoni

Japanese Statesmanl•aku>a*4 kr . «f CalHetnu Vtm

BMkrlry-te Aa*ela mgs have Ite city who needed understand- author. Dr^iltg and assistance in finding homes pame of Chapter. „ the Long B

strttod Inlrodocttoin to a IradlCfJiBi ns essential tachniqurs.

pbotogrsphs and d-**a-. been included by co­

nn^ ofart of JaMO—fencing, h oatu;».«ild its .basic i Ovet 100 pbotogrsphs

. khe has • tees^gc daughter Owcodolya.BMsua* of ber background, sbe *h^ be a .ehampioe for Presi- deff JtteBQC's Great Society pro- gram*. Abd. a* she is qttoted in tow "lAto" msgarine article, sbe looks fararard to te day when she w-111 be considered not as a Jape-

.............. but simplyd Jobs commensurate «dth booom. and his

skffis. fid Kow*den. n.i*> v.,ucj u, ui;- .CbKbcbi. F.U Eapb,,™.. Pn..- » I-»” ticci CommUsion wsi CCU's first Executive DrecSor. J.^O. pledge. |gg} aewMSHiwiiiqn Its continued support and - coui>- eration San Jose ChapteCBS DOCUMENTAKY

Noittnrest Picture: by Elmer OgiWB*

Alien land Law Campaign in 1966 Sighted'1 name of Chapter. v—-—the Long Beach Stote-Coaege fs-Pacific'NortbMst UC efforts to repeal te lasri U'w.b.. iri;.s?rSbr.'“b;

the lead toifard retaining iU ZStoten to equipment and basic role* gre de- Iten Chapter" rating of last i,-a^ ^u* a tong-riandlng FuBdamanttl proodures ^ out m* a

toiua. report of g«2 ^ WesteT'hlrto^ Sth^i ̂o?seekin*_ tbe answer* te key ques- alien land U*.

Chief of th- wntflS^hon* to'te Chapter and p„ • to Japanese Americans to be fiUkd

mmittee. was Foregoing U to show^ts no aasy aolutte to .

gtons Viryinid-(Onttnoed Imm rvou Page!law. There w«n*t be a Utel left

te day here in the Sute Washlngtoo. to see "te DajR H we tell for diffiCuWe* is MB. they 'wraie tbM

tertal and coniacl rvaourcc* CBS 'hip cards reqoestal byonebblR ™ pUb«b. • db~. ■ •“

“t7ry"“ Benito r>es te dtsUnc “<STZ", t>ce r^ it the .^nasterful-pre-to» lU U. ^ »*“>« ^ Ch»ptef-ihis hi, ii„a,ct „ j,p*B g foreign and .ived »i»c isrf >''®r to surpass latt year. <fome*£c uoUcies and bis oUce in glossary is preaentad in both ««*teBd areand rtparts and ... --------------------------------

Matwh We hop. the addltlooai member. Japanese and EagUah text* ments of Waahtagton's four chaf^ eoitstttatlofta] rovislon. Attorney General Robert Kennedy,March tn helping to .«rmble^ ^ ^ w«kl tet^. To movie goer, who Jlke te *«* «»hOugh te PNWDC includes ^ Eaf,*..di» “ rettS^

number of the Chapfera is a good nu-.' no* ________ i.V^bW____ ' chambar*". this book is btsic. chapters, whicb were , ■»f«»i"ii u,eir uUve State, Mr. Kennedymemarv on tnc postwar progre.s ^ ^ *“ of history at bS CoB^. Lk ------------------- ^------------^ atzreble rt^ Tbe JACL machioery to have *'* *“**'*P tov'te*.of lb. N«e-i. but became espenaUv ■"*» have been !o«. Mirada. Calif., rogapis Okubo as ... . . attotaer ■ gp - at immed^ im ^mtcrtsied in the evacuation .too nNA.NTES ““ ■ man to te nghi poai- WVnminn - "l»l telate Ism rt«htsand fell tet this should be tall tkm at te right tune as far(a. ,!jy !® _ _ deUmei*^tart5^cooalitution- has tLw!T“ 5“**”to an Amertean*. We bor* CB? NaUonal- JACVt Endowment Japan was cooeereed'.' \. 'Oonlmued from Front Page) three or fejnr started u» move. Tbey have avedded public co.will teltow up some da.v wilh lU Fund irtnroed ft.TM 24 tn the final fa essence, te author belictes bot on a nenenal bashi wh« she ^ , To recap te litMUon. tMcfatea newspaper pubherty.original plan .ts a pr.ctlc.1 demon- -lu.rter «sd ».m.(^or te year. Okubo aymboUatal the cocePS JAtt'aCtecto.stratlon of how democracy work. A preliminary check indicates Japanese nationalism more «>»«« Girl* Stole Tbe aeventor has fat Tbe W iu» scb . ■ VaBty. Whito River aad

•shat Chapters rrmittfd no9jS2.l4 amrother single leader u the w«t *... hasfbl- The re i*ee Jm IS) reported Sftofeaiic. were Inatrected to vote “nt* Wufiiagloo JAO. Office e»-We trost many JACLrrs wil! ,c,in,t te quota .rf Sll$.«D0 cwly Mriji pSrtod hriped te nur- !!!,« ,Jd wSriteo ■ »t the Dec, » meeting to tet JAO. tes . ^»ciaiOTtnimicaie their aj^nalton tri ■nurtywright chapters will be re- ture In teri si u te Japan in - if had calte for a eoeventioD Seritle. which was atM^ by ebneere regaffflag thesesrth St, New York 1*: and to formance. bore-and terefore. a valuable tuv i, a«. liTiteMarm^. « Ch"®" »•» here again on becauta of tbe basic prind^ at

student of -------- ' ” « . .......................^ .

contmiinirair t 5 'Tatetiet a St.. NewsdentiBl Lile Insnrwnce Co . Bos -----------

«, Newark, NJ OHOl .For our Califemi.v'Western Nevada Dis- Japteese hutory. ow-r record-s and loin to Chap- tncl Council IWO Club Chairman, “ 'tors subsequently. Headquarters i» we thinkma^ arrangements to purchase Uf* Membership problem under sevching te laaei contribo'tioat ?.. '* ™T)y“ of this telecast, comrol so that Chaptcrt may con- American agriculture iW* note Prodcnttal Life has al- timie to -be cned.tod for iheir Ufe ...ready listed this program .among Members definitely

___cil IWO aub Chairman, sDr. IwaU U also assUting te eo'-:ra;T;«"to 'in.“s5?^ *•“ »»c.

'•l^^ppiwviaiQB as one of te Jan. 94 *e«ms to adieate that Na- «•>«* but ate bMwo*c»*ur’a^; irchaic provisions tet must go. ti,^ „ vitally totoreried. ber* and ote*. <g Japa«»« «.

■■■ peraonaBy involved. 1*1« against talerra-

_____________ cial nmriagH are te U Statesregard u starttog another r*. of te Old ConfadCMey and bonfer:t sword I

Sakamoto Awards •iContinued from Front Page)

Uw Anivl'* Csill. *Mt4 I'ainlef A\.... Whittier.Roy II I'nc. sao* Su

An^ oqif

Eo$t-We$t cultureew

ta. \v ite VWkya

Aa reported in this Scate*.<d Itolmd. West Virgfcua. veeki ago. te blggot Kentucky.-lliaaouri. aad t A file m«MUMis in te. and Indiana. Wyoming anf

ltar«7 Kumuugu. »i: S 'o« Antelet. Cslir son*ailty ricetche* i«s

S-Orange County JACL. general '•?**«?*"* appearMce ifor te tfalnl csnaecu- p7^J (teto nve yean ,4-Poo.KUo JAO. k.™: -T.i'SSa.'tSi 1Hreorabte mcntlon-Sattaas Val

*> B»i*>*ll. Pgymoe'a Tt>»' w'^^derttil»» SS2 " F. “I”-*"«• 'SSiSs?X'SS,lS,"£sEa;; AF. cSi!;;?5jr.'.rSfiSL''¥S.“?

A CMipMe Hlftury .rt Guam. 4K

;S'.ssi?^^'SS»ts:tr,£ ■»"«“ p.,1 a, nStAS"!;'' i; SAU..i'S'ISSS* PwMMaal iriMthi •_____' column lour weeks ago. te blggot Kentuckysnj auet. maro^w mSPbe teJSS temUtoS in and Indiana. Wyoming!

.rt «^Nican Governor Evans h*, te two valley du^ was te I>«l*w«re.t prejwteraotly Demoeretlc vnterraiemeal of making a third At recent WgOonat JAQ,

Senate and even a hooaeta-boos* canraxt for fsads. yentions. reaohrtfani ha*-, been SSI tert.4r%5"or°atg*?. SJ uret^nt gnvereor So tod^Puyatep Vafley agreed -^opiod that JACL attempt to hav<dAwvMiaa of the «wrt which giaii At te present time, te entire »o fo along. Whitt River VoOev ibese taws daclaitd iinitiiistTTii

_!!!!:______________ ***!*_ ^?^^ I* *» » !““*« for though a tat oooier. said esstauaV ‘“»»1 and. where ponitAc re-red^eting ana only a freak split Ij te aame thin, .dth the eUml- l*ried by the State Legtalatarej

«T. OLYMPUS TO HOST ___ - ■IOC QUARTERLY MEET ^ P.«ing_.i the ^>>i,

San Fvwlsco JACL. ABndelphis JACL and Portland JACL.The PC faeUtutad te awardv

program in menory of Jinur.x- Saksnoto. tonner National JACL }s««ldeai and edttor ta te Japn- aeae American Courier, of Seattle.Chapters which have

Monte S> _______hMUnun

IOC QUARTERLY MEET l«tlooment from passing at the Fokoi. was detagated to ghe .Bushetl tolrodures te Wonderful ^ \ ^SSL’S; S isa .?r sr

metal and other mateial that JHsWrt time ahd Gov. Evan* say* that be evre fe Sooka»»)“ “ever, w.ll^rertcd J.ppnete wor* ^^,Xe fa li? R- Frankat te sash of ktmoDO for some telrmaa Klfo- this to ask the JACL “«hal. said that hT^ars-atit^be-te^. t what CM be mtected to *Und te rehaetahwTbto- were pendants to tobacco * »«Wll Ote Mr, R'l plan to change

Judge*, pontes or purees suspended by 1'™ ■'*he Bnddhlit Churrh «nd the >Aai.M.,.KA.Ti wpS^otawedm *• Phge 8youUUDding example for a par- . cord feom the oW. roounM Sunday, • am. a; thy vfoa|BiUy by te D xrotmlt wrti » ......... .. ■ ■ ---------------”

tieulac category it not nAmitted. BusbeB describes a 100 pieces I"« i n^ a two-thlrds*^ of boathat category will and. adds an wbaortaing commen- -------------------------------- tO^use a ' “ '



■i'a'SSSS, . .UM o< r,W»™ 31L 'SSL' I

,, :,.n»»pkAo< ..d. A... 01 '“4 “™'“- -------------------------------- «nou« •«, s™l0 io Uu.

ooy. u f~.-o.iaco.,

JHLe Mi E urn teter nrerDWfcrt are te of the aefiotstovn storirt <tWeas o—__- AAe *^™>*e*f Wtttfs toafits cuhfribut. West to add delight

Law ABgrir. c»j« smt ' tog to tepter strength. Objects for Ongami mci ide 'he dent.

fVgWTVa*...... IT. UL U


DC. Along with te d by Origami are rt of But arid


oOwm mJ Ae'ui,

Ua imn. -Mm.- —A 8«.M<IAaAfTa-B*Ki, oiM

iBd T.F. Mo (toond u. iM

^ ‘**°' ’""I'iiyiTiiL ‘T™’* •• 1'” “•cMhii c.morr.iA a<«*rc«„-n' *“ HA AAOTl

•Kl^ncf UKKtMCreator Ltto Aneala.

noMr View fltrteDS rtaj laol n Wen*™ As* to. 464-7IJ;Art hi wteMK te ifeM w*a«« W«™ etel to L*> AateiaSM.i^Sl.

* 391-2782 -i-^SEsSten A iteteM. tom. Free Biy 8a

lao E 1st St afi w b-sai jla HlgtM. Bet. Mgr-

TAiUTO TWm ■ORUU312 E in^. LA , 12) WA 4.8021


■rr“S'™SoMtIo, Wesl?

Imperial Laneg zm - 22M Aft. So.. EAa S-ZS8 aw litef — Fita Tataat ito.Einomoto Travel Sente

Fraik r. lOeaite sr. Hah Sr. lU 2.15ZZWashinoton, D.C




-4.!5%-—Saw By Ual)-

taufs Rotaye fmnmni• Current Rato

Paid Quartorly• Inaored Sgvtnga 200 CommenwaarniFuIlaHon, CaHf. TRajan t-4244

perMstartetstofthe' •mmtk. Savinas depositei hfOalOtkeflhsmcnA mrmfnmiimlsU



AKD LOAar AX&K.20 X innt StTMt, LA. IS

Phon. H* 4-70 Hours: 10 suL-to 5 pjn. 410 SttorJijs: 10 rm. to ir* riM.esrt*

i_ritcint ciTinw »—

By >ni Hosokowa

Prom the Frying Pon

Denver. Colo. ^CHANCE MfBTmC—The four of us had just CuMied

]g]]cb—during wirtch we had done more talking than eating_tfd were pa our ^ont of the resUurant when we ran irto Ibiry. It wa^*T»lince nieeeting that turned out to be pole- ninUy timely. “We" were Shig Wakamatsu: who stoppM is Denver en route from Chicago to an IssefStorv executive toanrittee meeting in Los Angeles; Min Yasui and T^k T^ra- nld of Denver, and I. There were some details of the his- tsfjr project, a matter that has filled most of Wakamatsu’s rtHng hours, that he wanted to discus^. And so we had done

vrtth only minor attention bdng paid to the food.Harry was Harry G. Matoba, uncommonly vohible for

SB Bad, a thoroughly likable man of many parts who had town named^g the local JACL chapter to work on the his- B.J. So Hury shook hsods with Watamalso, smilrt his

happy snule, and allowed as he'd do what be could T»o days later, (Jan. 17) Harry Matoba was dead of a

b«ft attack. •The work that Matoba had intended to do for the project,

such as raisiilg funds and getting people stirred up pbont tt to they’d jdtcHto and help, can be done by others. But what •IS lost lormr when Harry died was his oari story—the trials and the frustrations and pleasures, the tiroesof liughter aid the times of tears, of this articulate Issd.

J have no Way to knowing whether Harry had a place in the scientific CTOSs-seetion,of Issei to be chosen by the scbol- in for intensive intenrlewing in their search for facts. But Harry had a story only he could tell, and ineviUblv the His­tory will be tb^poorer for its absence.

Harry Matoba was young as Issei go, only 6B. but his pii^ from the scene underscores once more the necessity of recording the story the Issei have to tell before it is too late. As a ma^ of fact, it is already too late by a good ten cr twenty yea^ and it behooves us to cheri^ and utilize quickly the resources that remain.

AT THE OTHER END -w Another Harry. Dr. Harry Ki- m» of UCLA, was a visitor here last week. His concern is sith the other.end of tb« Japanese American spectrum—the SiasMln the Los Angeles area who by some misfortune haveV, become entangled with the law. He has made intensive stu- dts of 30 such delinquents and their families, and compared them with 30 Other Sansci in similar social and dmimkances who were not in trouble. *

His imtBediete findings may not startle many knowledge- tbie people (his mother asked why it 'was necessary legend $100,000 to.firid out what she thought everyone bee), but there is a great deal he picked up which may help-- Nad and Sansei understand why they act the way they do.If these findings apply to me and my youngsters, and Tm sure they do at leaA an part, I want to know the details.

Dr. Kitano is m the process of writing a book about study. It is, be going to be well loaded with the . goo that sociologists use. for sociology has a language of_ on Just like tlie other sciences. But he promised to make it at easy to read as possible, and I'm looking forward to sce- iag it The interesting thing about us as an American minor­ity h that for a variety of reasons we don’t fall into the eon-

WRA cbmmunlly management head, J. Provinse, dies

WAffltXCTON-Jtfco H. Piovia»«. es. dlrpctor of eoRununity manaae- m«nl programs for'tbe War Rek>- catwD Autlior:t.v (WRA) in WorJd War II. .died of a-caroDaiy tfarwm-of Uie WRA w-ho, utaler the dtrec- U«hi? of DiHQo S. Myer. ad- nilnktered the ten ‘ relocation camp* in World War n- to •■hiefa »om* ue.OOO evacuee* of Japaneae aneestrj- were teat from their Wett Coan bomei and aatoeiations by the,.Xnnj In the spring ol 1*42.


Aft store Veneer en Grant Ave. once war correspondent


Ogawa—<Coaiin-j«<i fram 1

baebelor-t. roaster’s.He began his carter In 192* research among the Saing Dyaks of Ceatiai Borneo and later ioiped

■edbis OB. MY ACHIV BACK!—Harold.Samuel* <lcf:> pan retentmg CPS-Blue Shield, and Masan Satow. Ntuonal Jnn witness Ed^o -Uno itn bod witb-spJlai disloci

vhes taeol with an ardmt AM • ffon Bm. lu- addod if we OBl*

decisian to go. be dbn Ml t to sees rdoelnt pteftm- •.. With three «f

___ ____ _ raady to m

TOKVO-S.I Trmm h.d mu., W . M. ..ri7the war and It provided roanv -atsd HHBA; it wa.s iroder- wlvad.young Nisc; a fob opportunity. cU-- the misagement Is peesen-- ^ lO’-rresl to the amspdtu the depn.-»fi-;ui in the early ja^ w-i tXO The HNBA j Na’-'ioal Board meets inIW.’mr-Mattuoka store OB Grant Acmpr-jod of eight .N.sei leagurt rubryiary in Uu Anfek-s as to Ave. wi» one of .-Jutoi. boeling av HoUdav ^ ***** Natipaal Orgaabattoa'Atou Mattuoka. «. Dow residuig - ---------------- ,—^------5- ‘an a»*ja us fxaadalljP and olhar-

at^iagayw Ward of Tok>-o. cr ^ ^ |»»i«)cying-good health insrsle of his rniWelplMa JAU S j„ the nwaaUme. we have toadvance u»- He wa.v among ;.V. party hoRcd bM ii tb, hopper to mcc.

...«■. - •early-day ntwspoper- sc of bit

group insuranrt comjnlttee chainman Because of hi. -abmty- to ^.p^kShfluaSr..heterved'^ T’*

a war co^cspondeni in tuc

G Giron. rej>- . - J.ACL director.

•aOom.'Cal-Neva J.ACL ____■f' IMAOS B...W.pS^

rh-.Ud.!;*ia JACL LGS AJfGELES—Tw Mfatd Am. i-.-c.nUy. des,-.;t.o; Snutbera Caiao.-nia wiU tnstaO

_____ .enveloped cvoaI .'.m Va-nashita (Co. I> at IJMand worVrf cloi^a-ilk Bii^ IZ Valley a^a,. • banquet to be heldKrcgclstem German' corrc.pond- 'por- Jan. 30. 6.39 p.m.. a: Oukn IKart

a^ &-nS™Srg^or^e *>•'’ BgWeH. a R«laur«.-.. Glenn Sunhy. «ecw-DiUr Te:cgrai*i * wker of par.y emcee Eugene Hvc deertor of the AroericM Phy-

L Of SAV FRANCISCO - EdiSM Uw. plan. After almcwt a yesr Of study Aftor me w-ar. he wem to Bhang- 5^'liign- chairman of the -Croup Inturance and comparison, the Committoe hal to engage in foreici trade. He «J-'’-v-bu.^ die uyr adulj w-1 .pe-t on J»f Olyi^

Committee for the are. J.jMwse untmmouSy . the came to fcattie ,n 1908.NC-WNDC Blue Shield enrollment push onthe lacuhy of the Vniv. of Ariaooa.

Me served at a' spedali« in ruraldevelopment with the DepC ol SAN FRANCISCO — Edison Uw. plan. After almtwt a year of study After the war. he went to Bhatig-

!. opened lhe*id«t t ved poUuck tup-^V.-Provinte eras named Assistaat American Citizens league, signed basic plan of CPS-Blue Shield for an an good store at the S.i3 D>oge ^Cbmmissiooer of Indian Aflalrt in from his bed at the Unlv. of Cali- toe area JACL. Fair w 1915-16 and toen permanent- ' . , j_. .w e •’ fcharge of community services. In tenia Hospital a contract with <rf- Tne committee’s report and rec- ly tellled in San Francis o to »1J. ^ter,ainm«l toSJadM w han- . that post, be beaded the Navajo ficiaU of CPS-piue Shield, putting ommA-ndalton were subsequently tearing in 19.D and retunuag to ^ iK-rfomiicg the Oiy-mptcttepe^ency studies which were into operation a group pls'n tor. IIS unammoutly adopted by the DU- J^pan w-ito hit fa.-nily. ,the basis for leguiation passed in member* in nortoem California trjet Council at its final quartortj HU .«m Yo#h» is now wHh the <’-‘r-*tog un i.-m comm.,19S0 for rebaWUtian of Na- and wTstera Nevada. Unohat been meeting of the year. Nov. 1 at Hawaiian Sti^ar Ftanter* Aun. di- »«o

I-.1 .’'jne Kaik*«. 0«r .Bn.!Yui. KlU fu.d». J».-k Hun-

ItM’sAsia of the Poiat fbur foreign aid w^Haft>lTLmwls. .^|

id lair becaizM director ggerprogram and hittocatioa. Mateo chaired the study comrnft- Issei pioneersCPS-Blue t“ - usually uU the most intorciT:

AA..nueIs..group man- Be.side* Uno. chairman of the expertcaces—and wc hope to pat*and G- Giron. asaUtant di- Group Health Administpation Owi- them on from- ume b.

JtOA-WcB fsr s S Tn Tsis

. —------------ aSCl, AJAA W- AAUWil, ,AA- -

Of the social research center of r„tor of sale*. Also wrtnessmg Ote «n“t«e.----- ---------- r

members will burry and enroll be- Chapter commissioners and com- series of in---tnicUM in Japanese fore they are in my- position." Seri- mittej* will be donsred in local .ipealtmg. reading nd

ly be added. ‘'Dii* is ea ex- chapter* to 6nrc« JACy-eart. he directed the International Voluntary- Services. Inc., an inler- denomiiuUooal church group. -

added. ‘‘This is aa ex- chaptm to 6nrc^ JACLers and all levels of advancemen'. ceUent plan and our JAO/ mem- put the plan into effect. Inform.- Feb 11 ai the Japenev Institute, bers-should'take fun advantage of boa about the plan may be ob- i91S..Parduc Ave. <GR 9-1379'. this opportunity to participate in tained through any at the above a comprefeenave group health ofTiMu-s or local rtiapter .officer* plan.''


contributoruoo ffl tte Jipan^ gov-et^enl, committee wat created last vear S.A.N FR.ANCISCO-Nattonal JACL

Tarumt^i. Hc^l-piaru-rs acknowledged $30 Mtonio Mortmoto. 30. BrazU-bom u,jo nC-WNDC chairman, to study- lor tJie Japanese Hislen- Project r'uto'to'r^^**^ recommend a grcKi;. hralB, f.-,-. Paul Maruyama. St Lou.',Morimoto saM that there are

are quite a few Brazilian Nisei who are bolding gov'crmneot posi­tions—deputies in the Braiiliari legislature and legislatan in the Bao Paulo Bute got-emroenu Hu Nara^m parents emigrated to BrazB S years ago.JCC elects Gordemui

r Gardena wat i

—Only NiuiNiMi-^ned Can>et Spneiatty <

Wright CarpetSales and Installation of Qualitv Carpeting

5657 Santa Monica Blvd., Los'Angotts ArrHiuTAMA ' HO 3-8I3B mich wamura

elected 1965 pretident of the So. Calif. Japanese Chafhber of Com­merce at a recen’>diLertor’* meet-

asnonneed by Ftank executive secretary. He

succeeds Katsuma Hukaeda.The new officer* will be honored

Feb. 2. 6:90 p.m.. at U»e Kawafufcu Restaurant.Fujil, an aeUve tiqiporter of

J.ACL and^pardena Sister City pro­gram, operates toe Gardena Nux-

that fit so many groups immediately de-' Haded from ‘ihunigrants. And so it will be fascinating to &Dd out how we differ, and w'hy, and bow it is that we do Ihe.thlnfs wc do and don't do the things we don't do.

Maybe it will be like group psycboanalj-sis. Not that Pm impljing (hot we need it, but it will be an inttresting if «# altogether Tileasant experience.

here. He came to the U.S. 1:

-Fun Tour reunionLOS .ANGELES—170*0 annual re­union of Mitsuiline Travel Scn-ice’s Nisei Fun Tours wifl be held at

Nwmm das for EtOT Oczaso) Fl« IAMY’S PASTRIESsM CAST rtmu K.V1L easT Le$ atm


JOKYO .Bank tt H«n<1fs#asy The Bank ofToky^o way. Bank by Maii...we pay postaga both vqrs.

5“SS«S“.'jfymac a 3J01 W jeHtrasa Bhd. - • 73I-7W

a U401 Sa. WBim Aw-t * wn • 501 Nwtk M4^ Strut * «aisites a aa: c«uaa» a*. * j9i-0678

- EacA Dtedt h— UP t. $10,009

Nisei UpholsteringazSifCag • StMWkv • ReiiaHto — KIKI CRAFT —



Lot AngelM • RE 44975Sum Ktatu - Twrr Kabra

I See aftd Drive fhe New 1965 _ iqiRYSl^ tMPBHALPlYMOOfn VAUANT BARRACUDA—BANEY'S: 43rd and Ctwn^taw—LOS ANCEIES AX 5-S371 ftn AX 5-2010

*Al«" IfSf* ®

I ‘Sto^eJ’or Mr. Short*JOSEPH'S MEN'S WEAR

Classic CerteringAt Weadmps — 2Sth Anoiwrurj Ptnitt — Soecul CflruPtfJtrt' to O'Wniitt'OKI —



0 w»u~-Hw) 6 Cce-Tt lUvuto E> 5-4111


321 east SKtod SUM UA 4-9591 • Lai Aagetn 12. CaUf.




FUJWOTO A C0.>302-306 S. 40i Sth Law Dtr 4. UUA Ptott 0*p.rv M279

Empire Printing Co.EtolbA tad JapMM

COHHERCtAl and SOCIAL P114 Waflar St., Loa Angelat 12

'TheSun'byDr.SeikohWadaThe booklet that tries U> reflect—like a mirror-the . true image of man ... the boeddet that shows the wa> to more abundant living sod hajqiiness without an excess of difficult reasoning . . ..the booklet that is being read, by many persons interested in good care of the body and spirit and sharing in happiness ... $1 per copy. (58 pp., ilhistrated).

. pt^sHED BYThe World Brelhdrhoed of the WhHo Temple

125 Wollor $t„ Los Anpelos IZ Calif.

Fukui Moriuary, JAMES HAKA6AWA


2MU e. iw at.204H E. IW SI, LA. ma-eoM


320 E lit St Let AitpttaPhono Ordors Takon

MA 4-2953«'ltsubd


A Man Fook LowM Gtwiw Cfi.ent Feed ™ <»62 So Stfl SL ^ Lot Anprtn 15. C*M.S 6*8-9705

WW lAICAnollAiebo PiumbiBg 'sbaa

PARTS A SL'PPLieS --Bepur* Our SpcelAnj —

Oftw". - Lcnwwwi - LkioW^ 309 5. SAH I^OaO ST.

lei Anptln 12 — UA5.toa 6-«153

Shimattu, Oaata Kubota MortuarvOiBSION MfSCD

911 Vonko BM., LwAnsaloo 15 — Rl 9-14498MP rawr OtHa. ^ I StoMOi. R. VaiMo Ktwa

TAMURAUD ca. ne.

Tkc FUM m Hum roilOhii3420 W. Jefteraa 8M

. Ui AtehilB — R£ 1-TJ61


If06 «r Vinw A«.. LJL AX 5-3204

^^y-TA A.\A, CALty.DttaeyUDdl

475 CJR LtK WAT -?,£r;.iss

tra. rowo piNBtT CBOP *1*T sorraoSAN KWO LOW

FAMODa cmtin rooo228 East First St. Loa Angoloa MA440S


• Sushi Bar — Tdmpura Bar — lAnniiiCOCKTAH KAN .

IMqetftl -e«QBH FtcOtid Fw aMMox■at IfiiUAitMi PanlB

Av-.!>»n:i Canwiew CaWv - Li:*—, Oman 8a% - CtOMB iJtoSv/Trty£.E£5 $•

fom at SeelMn CaT-len.i'i Men EitoMIe Stonfn-U MB

^/‘p/hgeurtoREse cRsac

Mott Panin. C«*uilt. Boi^ FKflRMl — KZT TtabitKiu Atearaq Hiath —

3888 Cronshaw' Loa Angaloi, AX-44241


315 E Isi Si, Un Alines 12 MAt'iae 5-8595

,iii Ifr- the flew moon

T«w Hah OAto rm[M............... 'iANGELUS PIANO

— NEW teCATWH — 1

Cvhee Cny Calif, YE 9-8714 j He«- 1W YAMAHA PIANO pWj « |

Opw Hwte. Sunte. Fee, 21 J

•t lcii-.ee ai 41/ S^-.> S«e Pi^ SMA. Lee a-V*to Ptet WlOai 1-2091WlieD in Elko . .. Stop at the FriendlySt€ckmen*s

CAFE — BAR — tASlNO Elko, Nevada

Toyo PrintingmPERiklOmtN!,^ B^l^rirein $3.00 Dlmera from $3^ 4

Aaftaatli Mnasesa feoO Mti Da.1r at 448 tA


;^*ciwc ciriicN PrUty. January 29, Wii By Kan KurWa


‘ Tot tbf U*1 <f» raoothj tbf SmcdO’ c»mpu* or Uw Ua)v, as CaliiffaM h.i been maitof a* tionaJ bradUne* a< • >^ul1 of Uir rVcf SfMch Movctnca: cootraver- tf. Other th«i thMrtTn l**«ei at •Aha. i« Aoushl to theAUfaee maav thmcs a-bich aonnal- iy'>Mtikl have remaioMi in ti.

o« our mindi.?4ratityu>i is the obun-atj *> tut a larfe number al sloOtti.- •U aberented in area.> oT political Ufl aocial iaibee and importaore |;\K>ukl not venture to aay ibai

r were Beceatailly aa-are, to>s of emoUoaal op^

'^el. at thr idea of one aympa- AMc -odiunal from aootber coi-

'~il̂ aald. That aort of thin* wcmW pMw happen at bur campo* . W'taMBitratc over unict tucb M <ree^ of apeech and of the Udlect would be both faoltih and ^^Bertatte, TV oely.lhia* «r

• 1 drmooetraie over U the D of freternlly ra«' or the

If of tooftaU " UctaUler* letalUIr

Jamet Baldwui the bnflia-tl >o«S Necro uTiter comtnonled on tKi Berkeley cruis: ihat mindtmutt be tree to think of anythin* aod evi-rylhin* under Heaven Be­yond. if nrcettary. I mi^t addT^icn .there »-ere thiite »lui «fre

%o Knoranl as to vent their tpleeni on the •beitiriku" and the border­line populaUoB

■ Why." I heard one penon say on a radki proRram. 'can't Uiey dresf nicely to white shirts -and pei alto be clean-shaven to present a nice public ima*e of the Uoiver- slM?" This is the basic alUtudt- that underlies the wh^ mess.Reader, can't Iniagioe nice, -fjce-

Icfs little men m white, shirts, tics, and suits runnin* around, bcin* saftly CTeaUvcT ni give js>u » lOWl that you would find a key


Sfat* S«t. Rodda of S«r«m*nf© County U Principal Sposkw

S.UCKJIMENTU-S'.i.’.r S.H Alfred Rndda of Sirtsmer.w Coiraty' was announced 3s prmcipal speaker at the f*n nuartcrly session banquet of the Northern Califitfrua-Westem Nevada District 'CouaeB meetinsr«j. 7 at El Bancho Motel. 1029 W Capitol AvrThe hanqurl will aJ.sO include In­

stallation of SacrameBto JACl.. JApf? .AuxiLary and Jr JACL ofb- rerv and presentauno of ’recbgni- tuto- awards.Of siiecial interest t.i chapter

prestomts and cwnmiRee 'ehair- men far program and activities,, membership and group health in­surance an- tbc three workalBps

PSW euafferlyslarts Q,gp,erCall Board U1 ToU« »•" •» *»«• *" «" **•**'»«1965 Officers----^Pasadena seaicnOykland JACL

l-i 'st<\ *- Dl.tr.rt Council oo K-

Oewntbwn L.A. JACLLOS ANGELES—A war on »ai«- i lines was declared by a group r'

I srfao Ui..'■"•'sri.S'S s;Uvr-“^ ’

" o

Kltu Vamate. pM.: Baneh William T moto^te^ul^K. Va«tCiaSSIFliD Alt

R_dlv JACL

T to.- Touriui-.'outgoing peesidenl. ■ athletir and•Since it win be same evening taeilitiet. ineludmg s«im-Ro.sm of the Pai,.iena -MV .. ................ ___ __________

li-l,. Club- ,*2S E CCMO St i, that of the CBS telbeart of p^jj. w^ght racks, saunaPSWDC cjjairman Ka-T3*«<uo^ .-^hj Prtoe and the ^ «,,c-k '

PSW rt»«nat director lsaacT»a- at 6 p.m . extra.TV aeU f^ence rooms, golf rangetsujHigc and J.ACL youth oir.-ctor „p p.rly comers. -comprise the *2S0.r

" AT s.‘£;.T..'‘a "" tSiTT. '" z •"<«*« ^ "iiwafeA ?ri! r^o . at>y 13 ir«s. in the prrparaUDos nu* e-jrjkida wiU emcee and p^^*to«t.

iciLs, ^ hoabiis WMcaa*rk b*r, con 2«. 312 t iw St. LA.H* 4-|n

H.v w “i?r> - •*->«-, Elyo Yama». dot KliFrank Cbumaa wUl install toe new initiaBoB fees are SlOO plu- SIS 1

■’'rw^sSTii utMa> Vokucaara rranX Oda. eo-ehmnS-Hiim I>, - - — •

P):II Matuini

The Idea of eonlonnily and ''image" u all too pcevalmt now. with too IrtUe concern for that which IS the essence df thinking.

i retalialory measures wbici P naked dlspUys of power and lectual tyranny.

L(t fras proposed that aU student ■^litipaU be expelled and all Mlfwm who tupporled student l^km be tuwd-as if we had an •Meet d hrilliant educators. The rigidficasi effect of such a mras- VM.ihnwevar. would be to bang a fgkird d Democles over the beads d- siudenu and insiructocs alike. '.IbaM legislaurt threaten us a^ tbr aac if we do not toe the 4Wty Iberearcjnhny much mftv deietvlng studenu, siey tell |l4 Who would iBc to grt to De- ftfuibg. ye*-pcrhaps to the senie Ml they Will hold to the "party

AM ibe profettoTs wlO stay a-tang as lhe> leach and express totvipproved ideas.SUw they evla thrraten to end f* 'lultnn. 1 would hope that ere (\-e the moral and intellectual aif^e aol to be intimidated by « Brotbar's hands on toe purse

gtrtofs. Then it is that we arc Ato* duped. If so, then whv en- Anger toe «oUr« futures of those "innocent '------------- ‘

One notices that very few young Japanese Americans participate in Vufh demonstrations—Indeed, very few OrirnUU al all Some, though west K far as to grt arrrsted to thr F3U crisis All jnrls. inci­dentally 1 cannot say whetoei their choice to participate was

or utelleetual. but J alsocannot help admiring them lot tocir Lom-eiu and involvement.However. 1 do heliwr that if .

chooses -to champton a cause bybfcaktog an existing law. that per­son should be prepared to face the - Moiet. raoaeguenm. 1 cannot quite sec total amnesty.But bark to toe stibyert.Certainly one can sav that Japa­

nese lor Onentalsi are by nature politely reserved And to a certain extent this

.- w» Dsenin i urs. Csorar Msiswnvniii

Dr Tbrii Takela of 'San Joac. DC ^irmuo. announced an IB- point agenda for thr r>*gular buvi. ness Mssioti storting at I i> m Th.' agenda includesDC Timsuren Report Tad Oo® f»u-

bllr ilcialloru. Jotvnevuro WlUlaiTi HAi.u.not- Mnnior- still/ I'rocreu RriXHt Ct-rtt Matsu- nu-lo im WtUb. Tad Kiruu: tUvi«- njtiuna J>e>o Yaumoi®. Jstsanesr His.- Isev Pn-jerl. iTanK ««ia OrXMip Htann tiuuiranrr. EdivMi D.'Hi. (VI- NeVA JAPl. Tire,, U|.lon. .T®<l Oom: Cultural Htiltase Jamt» StuiakanU KcgivtraUuu starts at noon with

set Bt *7.50 for off-rial -deic- gatesi te booticT delegates sod *5 for youth delegates The district youth council will

mrol coocurrenlly wpJi toe seniors at El Rancho Mote! from Sam The DC 1000 aub whing-dmg

Sslln- V.1U, lACL L-io.™ a»„h .. JJ...,

SK«5rSg!S■ "^V'...............iSSST s£,'S.‘-’s.- ‘Ai


b" 5

liOAyh- JACL Sub offtT^

shs?.‘nrjrr^ (wmisawM•ecordmg to 0o. Toyodc M pTMldwt "1'ii'VCA'.'Boom ^«S, according to

rti. July chapter pesidcot Mas Tbmasaki Pmeram chairman Fred Fisk

2nd V p I me Sol » p ipr tteai. Oravsne L*ii S-./u Hill iuder Warm Ki (Imnt StsimUu

1»JS T ,

raSeta rer a«c :I. n>r aec.. . tSiiO Club: .drs Sue S

T TuSU. lahl- K..« . .i--e . ,U-. .« gohett S Oka- ■ i-ot® Blue cnoa aOni : Dasv Salle IVrtT DuUaalu Craiv tiane. HelenSonata >:>/ liVAitv. Sin Oovka

Orange Comity JAQ iutollotioii fete ^

SA.KTA ANA—Luca] businesaman Mu- L.''es.ujt; was eierted prv“- drill o' the Orange CVninty J.ACL Slid Will head a 2&-man board ul

Program chairman Fred Fisk rORLOCK-Thc Qirur J.ACL will will present the slate of activiUes msUll Duialj Tovod: a, 196S i>rc‘- for the coming year. Mertto* wfll n-rth otoer members of hiseq.icludi with a po'Juck suiter, cabinet at a dinner tomgsl at

will also be eoli- D.vlne Cardco.v Bassett, chairman. jjrs Francis Fairmi, whu recL-ni-

ly loured the world, will discuss L us-uuns aod evvcu a the Middle Eii'si and Onent wub colored slide's. Je.-ry Eoomolo of Ovuel Vocational Institution wdJ be tostalltog eCtigW-

Bartewan. Ctandalr .'*>7 ysriary Tiamw. HJyvdlock ---------------------------------- --------— i • ACREM£ —' SovtkWB CalHenm

RSBRV t-ANB paiyvla frmr. S to'?err w.ih food terms SpM-ial u fc. el arrrs lull pnidurlng '— e< lull-.- luitAblc for mir*

'^1^ ERenew Your JACL ALembership Today

11 precede tEdM Township choptor offkon to be sworn in

MAA-WARD - Preparatiocif comiUeted for the Eden Tosmship

b.U at toe Suddlcbaek Inn. Saou : Ana on Saturday. Feb. 6. with | Keith. Murdock. Oly Manager ol' .Anaheim, as guc'rt speaker. Kat.-

Ask for . . . 'Cherry Brand^N.^Mutual. SUPPLY CO.1090 saasoME st. saa FitaNCisco -ii

MDCortris alto being planned




.... !«.er'rBeS?’. So^S?pintena Ave . Carplntcrta. Calk IK

.*?::****-__-«(.^10U / iaMCS t I

triangle/ CAHERA. INC.







by, expriiing le lark?

. Apparently there are those who Vbuid tralae tbc Umveraily as long ti it praduces neat, safe ideas ifa ^ecMdlBBe' with what the public CUuMart Bice ajid reapecUtale. Bat trye laleUertual freedom does mil produce ideas according to a pir«dt«ermtoed mold It is as

I suspect that the deure to mam- tain recpcciabiUty binders .otrt. lertual eoocera and growth ^ 'nierc is also • very binding pat­

tern of aaiformity which ortra- cUei. to varying degrees, those of u> who panitopate to aui^ a type ciiUy non-Japanese activity. There i a fear of tovolvvmetrt.Mmeover. there exisU a great

a «thy among us on mailer^ oI t.ie Bund-things beyond our daih wwrlc and anelal lives Tliu n-Wr included

Contributor of "Tlurd Genera- Uin" has submitted his inctpre irl a new name for ' eouimn. "Mampitsu «»e means "stray note ii.e essays, random misceUany"-wfatoh U unique ai column bcMls go.—Editor.)

A.ACRAMENTO-As one \ the tew duties atm left for « 1964 chapter presidenL Sacramento JACL' pres­ident Tom Sato this' week an- oouDctd the election of 1965 ofli- cers. 'Complele Ustmg will appea.* in the "I9« Officers" eolumn.l Sato will be succeeded Kinya No­

guchi. Grace Murtmote will head thr Women's AnxiUaiy and Stan Kuboi-hi Is the new Jr. JACL pres­ident

JACL inAtaUation dUmer, accord- D.A\TON — Darryl Sakada. who mg to Tok Hirooaka. dinner chair- represented the Dayton JACL andmac. It will be held at thf lOkado won the MDC oratorical tuniesi ______ ________________________Restaurant at Jack Loodou Square, s.vvral years afu. has reccivL-s. | -------------------------------------Oakland, tomorrow fiom 6.30 pxn .A-s BS degree ip business frum!gW6fU WS. 6GV. Ahiws-OiBKn Aki Hasegawa is Uii- toeomiDg (mxi SUte University at tin Dl-| 114 5 Sar PcUrv. MA 6-9047

presxienL rl'inbvr commencemenr-The Al-Cb Jr. JACL officers will

abo be installed.Special guesU iocluda the Fre-

moot -JACL presidenLdec Ur. and Mrs. Jerry EM Tracy. Enomoto will be instsOltog

Steve Nakaji

PenrhoMse Clothes j ___r.::. . . ..3660 »I^W BLVO SUin 230 Js’^Tpad

3-^ TwJlwMK 1 HMOHATft WS. *6Y. 35* E 1st'Cap' aaki lU 8-mS. AT 7-8605


B®Ii Lake Cny -

Bep Pater r. Minn.

______________ m — InfteluuM dieaar.Httado Baateuiwnt. Park- London -WNM. Oakland, dbp pun.. Pciry8®a rraMuS^r yAci. ci*-“ta&s?SL“.Mn HkWaid Yoteilluus . liiuMf m.. fise p m.. ton. Suneyvak. «to pn^....aiiiiiiA

iS* H-Bohdsr

1497 Roto Haim. AN 8-4554

“t: Edw tatlisei American . Realty

202rhwSET BLVB.. LA. M M 8-069*

Walucr a 8aa DaH« TmrV^jia Ard^nto S*« 0 ^kaana


919 AW iWMi

Itow PhriBs tfll Ml 2 Yorii no Henrin

tailAPg «» THk 'NIGHT! MlyuhJ Kuoano. Uirtujira Talxa. •Ccteufcc fanoyr. bunte Buganara

SBCONO rtATVBEUtomoru to Gonin-no Onno

' (tTAMABl- AND TBC 1 WOMKK) ' KUuyn Tanaka. Ban.. Minimkr.

Kotars Santo. Toahikn liuiMKABUKI THEATER

Adami a CnmMw. Ylfc 75*-0962 — Fm tatH*

Cfiuirti hS?V pJST'*!*”*'JAN saol

Sail Lakr C'lty—IDC guarterty aawinn:fim'! «^Uml;d^'Sl*^(lS^s'Main St. a aun

lam Antrles -PSWIIC raieutivr board-'MS'ird’.nJTr

Impn-Iat Cardans. 7 pjn c Extra T\'

BaaUla-inalaliatk-n dinnr/ Buah Car- 'f pni. Of Oalr C Turnrr.

Pah. S <mdag)I Ourago—Jr JACL naivtinf.

SS-'S'ESS*o>d.«*. Anahain, tii» managci.

toah^a^^Wmtar CamIraL National - Pah. 1 (aaBdts)

Sarramante-NC.WKOr WC quanar- te-aruMm. O KanHio Hotel Buta $Ri Kodda. band apld

Ki.ll)-wu»d-1niitellaik.n dinner BwlIVDart^In^Mretm* WCA. Bn »Ji. 2


ICm Hayaahi, RmHw

2133 S Hitosr BM. AnahMt Call* <714) JE 7-4911 LA Tel RE 3-0366

REAL ESTATE — WSUItAIICEOne al tto LwfM SMcctott a'




Nm Pbybig tffl Ftb. 9■ ernotm h Cator - CagM SahtRlB


todniaro Kateu. Jlro Tamlya. Vukljl Aaaoku Yukc Kamada

ItogoK Toxr Goso

Pnaadma-Bnard meauiig. CVeUla Wa- kUi'a iva

Pea. u iPrldar)P^drtQlUa - Canerat marung-wtee.

i- l̂5wOc‘*q'!SnJrtr aeaalan M AlhiFtIr Ctub. 42S C

\-rwn 81ran is (Prtdai 1

- . mrn^MMuI JACL me® Voabuian.* Paa 21 lanndaA

-----------BmUtefb^ Dmnar- liww^tioo dmnar. Brat®

e AM.. LA.. RE d-ll<

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mss'sHTL« AnseleL HA 6-B135

CAL-VITA PRODUCE CO., INC.Bonded Commission Merchants—Fruits & Vegetables 774 S. Central Ave. L. A.—Wholesalt Tarminal NUriMt

MA 24S9S, MA 7-703$, MA 34504\Eagle Produce

929-943 S. San Padre St. MA 5-270'Bonded Commission Merchants

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The Sumitomo BankOF CALIFORNIA

Head Office—San Ffanto«ee • 36$ Cehte ru ?4 - YU I 33C5 Sacramento Ottie* • 1*00 feartu Sfeit • *43 $761SanJoddOthcB • &15 hertk fm Stwl • 233«116Lm Aitoteet Cffica • J23 Wton Sheet • HA4-4SU Crenahaw OMcc •' 3110 Owtoan BIrt. I A • AI S-43:i Cirdena Ottica . 1251 m Renonbi Bead BM ^ QA 78SI1 Ojkland Oftue • >:!i apee >e the rwn tutpie

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your credit unionike safeat place tw karrmw



« ttl.lUT t MO\
