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SOA 11G Vs 12C DOC

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Oracle SOA Suite12c against Orac le SOA Suite11 g Deloitte Consulting LLP

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Oracle SOA Suite12c againstOracle SOA Suite11g

Deloitte Consulting LLP

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Introduction 1

Features list 2

1.IDEs 4

2.Single installer 5

3.JDeelo!er de"ugging #

4.OS$ and %ediator in One IDE &

5.'e( data"ase connection t)!es *

#.Purge+!artitioning i,!roe,ents 1-

&.%o"ile serice integration 11

.o/A0DI 12

*.$rand ne( cloud ada!ter 13

1-.$rand ne( coerence ada!ter 15

11.0!dated SL %a!!er and 'e( uer) Su!!ort 1&

12.Continuous integration 1

13.$rand ne( %anaged File rans6er 7%F8 2-

14.$rand ne( Enter!rise Sceduler Serice 7ESS8 22

15.Saring Arti6act "eco,es eas) (it 9ra!ical %DS 23

1#.Sensors:Design i,e ; <un i,e 24

1&.Fault !olic) editor 25

Conclusion 2#

 A!!endi= A Acron),s 2&

 A!!endi= $ <e6erences 2

SOA 11g versus 12c

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 A >e) di66erentiator o6 Oracle SOA Suite 11g relatie to oter integration !lat6or,s as al(a)s

"een te uni6ied inter6ace across ,ost o6 te co,!onents 6or Oracle SOA Suite. Oracle SOA

Suite 12c ta>es tis di66erentiator to anoter ne( leel ") integrating te re,aining ,a/or

co,!onents o6 Oracle SOA Suite into a single uni6ied e=!erience.

is 6eature si,!li6ies integration ") eli,inating te need to train deelo!ers? ad,inistrators?

arcitects? and oters on se!arate co,!onents o6 eer) as!ect o6 integration? (ic lo(ers cost

and !roides a 6aster ti,e to integrate.

is uni6ication results in a single design@ti,e e=!erience? single run@ti,e in6rastructure? and

end@to@end ,onitoring and greatl) si,!li6ies te (or> o6 "uilding? ,aintaining? and ,onitoring

distri"uted SOA i,!le,entations. Oracle SOA Suite 12c is integrated not onl) (it te tools and

ca!a"ilities !roided ") te suite itsel6? "ut also (it e=ternal s)ste,s and a!!lications. is

ena"les an integrated !lat6or, 6ro, (ic custo,ers can create enter!rise solutions 6or a

eterogeneous eniron,ent. And te integration o6 te SOA !lat6or, includes "ot co,!onents

deelo!ed internall) at Oracle and tose "rougt in troug acuisition.

is (ite !a!er is all a"out te ne( 6eatures o6 Oracle SOA 12c (ile !resenting a co,!aratie

stud) against te 6eatures o6 SOA Suite 11g.

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Features list

$ot Oracle SOA Suites 12c and 11g !roide ca!a"ilities )ou need to delier ro"ust? agile? and

relia"le SOA solutions. e 6ollo(ing is a list o6 te ,a/or ca!a"ilities o6 te suite across te

i,!ortant areas o6 6ocus


• Birtualiation

• Serice@leel agree,ents

• %essage routing

• %essage trans6or,ation

• %essage encr)!tion


• Orcestration

• ransactional+Co,!ensating

• $PEL and $P%'

• $usiness <ules

• S)ste, integration


• %essage@leel encr)!tio

• Field@leel encr)!tion

• $asic Aut

• SA%L

• Fine grained autoriatio

• Identit) ,anage,ent

Management and Monitoring

• 0ni6ied ,anage,ent

•  Assets and I,!act Anal)sis

• <euse and <OI ,etrics

•  Arcitectural standards and


• <e!orting and Das"oards

• %eta@data

100% Standard

• S@

• <ES


• %L +Pat+uer)+SL

• Serice Co,!onent Arcitecture

• 0DDI


• Jaa

• SCA Standard asse,"l)

• $PEL and $P%'

• %L+%L+SDL

• 0nit test

• %aen+Ant

• Continuous Integration


• Serice Co,!onent Arcitecture


•  A!!lications

• Serers


• JCA Ada!ters

• e" Serices

• P+%L

• E<P

• Custo,

Event Oriented

• Co,!le= eent recognitio

• Co,!le= eent uer) lan


• Declaratie

• Strea,ing

denotes 6eatures tat are additional in SOA 12c.

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Sna!sot o6 SOA11g s. SOA12c 6eatures

Features SOA 11 SOA 12!

Eas) to 0se  

e"@"ased 0I  

$uilt@in Sceduler   

Clustering and Jo" distri"ution  

De!lo) in cloud o!tion  

Single installer   

$EPL+%ediator+OS$ in One IDE  

In"uilt D$ 7Jaa D$8  

%o"ile serice integration  

%anaged File rans6er 7%F8  

Fault Polic)  

Sensors   7Design ti,e8    7Design ti,e+<un ti,e8

Cloud Ada!ter   

Follo(ing sections are ,eant to dele dee!er into te e=citing 6eatures tat ,a>e OracleGs

SOASuite12c stand out as "est@o6@"reed so6t(are in te SOA and ,iddle(are s!ace.

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$ot Oracle Serice $us and $PEL+%ediator ae a co,,on uni6ied IDE in SOA Suite 12c as

against ,ulti!le IDEs 6or SOA Co,!osite and OS$. is i,!lies tat 6or Oracle Serice $us

deelo!,ent? no longer OEPE 7Ecli!se8? a se!arate IDE is needed. In 6act? no( an Oracle

Serice $us co,!onent can "e er) (ell "undled (itin an SCA co,!osite along (it a $PEL

(or>6lo( or a ,ediator co,!onent.

Serice$us Deelo!,ent in 12c JDeelo!er 

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2.Single installer 

o >ic>@start e=!loration and deelo!,ent (it SOA12c? it no( ta>es /ust a"out 3- ,inutes to

create )our er) 6irst ello orld !rocess. Oracle as created a single uic>@start !ac>age

installer? (ic (ill install te 6ollo(ing at one go

• IDE: JDeveloper12c

• Integrated Weblogic Server

• SOA Suite Server (Service Bus included)

• JavaDB that acts as the internal SOA DB

Enterprise Manager FMW Control

ereas in SOA 11g? se!arate installers 6or JDeelo!er? e"logicSerer? Data"ase? <C0? and

SOA Suite are reuired 6or setting u! te deelo!,ent eniron,ent.

is el!s te deelo!er and tecnical arcitect to !la) around te !roduct? assess its ,erits?

and !er6or, POCs and 6easi"ilit) studies (itout te reuire,ent o6 e=tra ard(are 7serer?

,e,or)? or ad,in8 or te need 6or ,aintaining te serer and associated ad,in /o"s.

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3.JDeelo!er de"ugging

 A ne( 6eature in Oracle SOA Suite 12c is introduced to de"ug SOA and OS$ a!!lications at

design ti,e (itin te IDE. it te el! o6 tis? te code can "e de"ugged "e6ore de!lo)ing?

(ic el!s sae lot o6 deelo!,ent e66orts ") te deelo!,ent tea,.

Earlier in 11g? te 6ollo(ing deelo!,ent c)cle used to "e 6ollo(ed

• Build Code in JDeveloper

• Deploy it to the server

• Test it in the EM Console and debug it using flow traces

I6 tere are an) issues (ile testing? (e (ould ae to re!eat all te a"oe ste!s. $ut? (it te

ne( 6eature o6 HSOA De"ugger in 12c? (e can add code "rea>!oints eiter at Co,!osite or

$PEL or Serice $us Pi!eline or een at Actiit) leels and trou"lesoot te, in De"ug %ode.

During de"ugging? te alue o6 aria"le or %L ele,ent can also "e canged.

(o red arro(s !ointing to di66erent directions in te a"oe diagra, signi6) tat te "rea>!oints

are added to Serice and Co,!onent 6or "ot <euest and <es!onse.

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4.OS$ and %ediator in One IDE

In SOA Suite 11g? OS$ and %ediator (ere a se!arate entities altogeter in ter,s o6 installation

as (ell as deelo!,ent eniron,ent and IDE? (ereas in 12c? OS$ is a !art o6 SOA Suite and

can "e a !art o6 te SCA co,!osite deelo!ed in te sa,e IDE.

Oracle %ediator !roides a ligt(eigt 6ra,e(or> to ,ediate "et(een arious co,!onents

(itin a co,!osite a!!lication? suc as "usiness !rocesses? u,an (or>6lo(s? and so on? using

a e" Serice Descri!tion Language 7SDL8 docu,ent as an inter6ace. %ediator conerts data

to 6acilitate co,,unication "et(een di66erent inter6aces e=!osed ") di66erent co,!onents tat

are (ired to "uild an SOA Co,!osite A!!lication.

it 12c? so,e ne( 6eatures ae "een added in %ediator li>e ranslate 6ro, 'atie Action?

Oerride 0sing Action? etc.

For e=a,!le? (en te alue o6 te !rocess+in!ut ele,ent in te reuest ,essage is long 7i.e.?

longer tan si= caracters8? (e (ant tis alue to "e sent in 0PPE<CASE to te $PEL !rocess.

I6 te alue is sorter? ten noting sould "e done. In order to aciee tis? te oerride 6eature

o6 Oracle %ediator can "e utilied.

"#y mediator is placed along $it# OS in 12c& It is all a"out !roduct !ac>aging and

tecnologicall) s!ea>ing it is a redundant co,!onent o(eer? 6ro, te !roduct li6e c)cle

!ers!ectie? Oracle did not (ant to re,oe te %ediator co,!onent as it (ill el! 11g users

,igrate teir serices.

"#en to use mediator or OS& o ae a er) ligt(eigt routing ,ecanis, (it 6eatures li>e

re@seuencing? one can go 6or ,ediator? and 6or ea) routing ,ecanis, and ,ini,al

"rancing? one can go 6or OS$.

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%ediator is a tin) Hligt@(eigt serice "us it is li,ited to si,!le ,ediator 6unctionalit) 6or te

i,!le,entation o6 te BE<O 7Balidate? Enric? rans6or,? <oute? and O!erate8 !attern. It

su!!orts ,essage trans6or,ation (it SL and is also ca!a"le o6 !er6or,ing re@seuencing o6

te ,essages.

ereas? OS$ is a large and !o(er6ul stand@alone Serice $us. It as e=tended 6unctionalit) 6or

enter!rise@(ide integrations li>e %essage rottling? Serice Pooling? and <elia"le %essaging. It

su!!orts ,essage trans6or,ation (it SL and uer).

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5.'e( data"ase connection t)!es

SOA Suite 12c added t(o ne( data"ase connection t)!es (en creating data"ase connections

JaaD$ and JDE orld.

• JavaDB (Derby)—It is used to run SOA Suite repository, which is used for the integrated

server. It is a development database that allows one to start development with SOA Suite

without the need to run the RCU. Java Derby Database is a file-based database and that makes it

really fast to use.

• JDE (JD Edwards) World—With this connection, one can have easy access to the data in the

JD Edwards database.

ese t(o data"ase connection t)!es (ere not tere in te earlier ersions o6 SOA 7e.g.? SOA

11g8. is is a ne( 6eature in SOA Suite 12c.

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#.Purge+!artitioning i,!roe,ents

In tis release o6 SOA Suite? te ongoing ,aintenance cost is going to get reduced due to te

i,!roed !urge and !artitioning 6eatures.

• Auto purge of SOA DB enabled by default for new customers

• Improved performance due to consolidation of Audit and Flow Instance data.

• Interval Partitioning accelerates purging by targeting tables/instances within a time range.

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&.%o"ile serice integration

In tis release o6 SOA Suite? a <ES "inding as "een introduced in JDeelo!er to si,!li6)

,o"ile ena"le,ent ") e=!osing traditional SOAP serices? Enter!rise Jaa $eans 7EJ$s8? JCA

 Ada!ters connecting "ac>@end a!!lications? or an) oter underl)ing i,!le,entation troug


%o"ile integration is going to get "etter (it te i,!roed <ES and JSO' Su!!ort in 12c.

• One can expose any service or reference as REST

• There is a wizard to configure REST Interface

• Choice to use XML or JSON

• Map operations to existing services and bindings

• Autogeneration of test payloads and URLs

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JDeelo!er !roides a tool 6or auditing tas>? (ic is called an o/Audit. $) de6ault? one can 6ind

tis tool in te Koracleo,eM+/deelo!er+/de+"in director).

It is a tool used to run an audit !ro6ile against a s!eci6ic a!!lication? !ro/ect? or een a s!eci6ic

6ile using co,,and line or directl) (it Jdeelo!er.

is is not a ne( 6eature in 12c it (as alread) aaila"le in 1-g and 11g. In SOA 12c? 90I is

di66erent and a 6e( ,ore !ro6iles are added to te Auditing 6ra,e(or>.

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*.$rand ne( cloud ada!ter 

$esides ,o"ile ena"le,ent? one o6 te ne( directions o6 te industr) is cloud co,!uting. SOA

Suite 12c o66ers con6iguration@drien Cloud Ada!ter 6or reduced co,!le=it) o6 integration (it

>e) SaaS and PaaS !lat6or,s.

Oracle Cloud Ada!ters ena"le sea,less and si,!li6ied connectiit) (it cloud a!!lications

troug its intuitie design@ti,e (iards and ric !rocessing o!tions in contrast to e=!osing

co,!le= SDL inter6aces 6or te original SaaS serice 7Sales6orce.co, 6or e=a,!le8. e cloud

ada!ter con6iguration (iard engages users (it an e=tre,el) si,!li6ied ie( o6 te "usiness

o"/ect catalog 6ro, te SaaS a!!lication 6ro, (ere te) could "ro(se and select one or ,ore

o"/ects o6 interest 6or e=ecuting C<0D st)le interactions.

%ost i,!ortantl)? all o6 te nuances o6 integrating (it cloud a!!lications? suc as session

,anage,ent? andling te co,!le= SDL? and securit) are addressed (itin te ada!ter itsel6.

0sers are not e=!osed to tese co,!le=ities and instead can 6ocus on 6ul6illing te "usiness

reuire,ent at and. it all tese tas>s delegated to te ada!ter? te li>eliood o6 ,anual

errors is signi6icantl) eli,inated deelo!,ent c)cles are reduced and ,aintenance costs are

also lo(ered.

e cloud ada!ters ae su!!ort 6or in"ound and out"ound integration? secure connection? and

session ,anage,ent. It as a gra!ical API discoer)? uses declaratie ,odeling troug

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(iards? and su!!orts o!ti,iation o6 API reuests 76or e=a,!le? it can co,"ine o!erations into

a single reuest to te cloud serice8.

e Sales6orce.co, ada!ter as te sa,e glo"al 6eatures as descri"ed a"oe? "ut also as

su!!ort 6or standard and custo, Sales6orce o"/ects? SOAP API using Partner SDL and

Enter!rise SDL? and Sales6orceGs o(n uer) Language 7SOL8 and Searc Language

7SOSL8. e ada!ter uses te Oracle Credential Store Fra,e(or> to store user credential and

su!!orts te ada!ter diagnostic 6ra,e(or> 6or re!orting and alerting.

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1-.$rand ne( coerence ada!ter 

One o6 te ne( ada!ters si!!ed (it SOA Suite 12c is te Coerence Ada!ter. is JCA

ada!ter ,a>es it eas) 6or a Serice $us "usiness serice or an SOA co,!osite a!!lication to

interact (it a Coerence ,e,or) grid. Full) declaratiel) and (it er) little trou"le? data can

"e !ut on a cace and read 6ro, tat cace. e cace is accessed li>e a "ig ,a! using a >e)?

an o"/ect is saed to and retrieed 6ro, te cace. e cace is accessi"le across serice

e=ecutions and !rocess instances? as (ell as across cluster nodes. Coerence !roides

re!licated and distri"uted 7!artitioned8 data ,anage,ent and cacing serices on to! o6 a

relia"le? igl) scala"le !eer@to@!eer clustering !rotocol. e Coerence Ada!ter is a JCA 1.5@

co,!liant resource ada!ter 6or Oracle Coerence. O"/ects in te cace can eiter "e o6 %L or

POJO 7Plain Old Jaa O"/ect8 t)!e. e Coerence ada!ter ena"les )ou to !er6or, use6ul

coerence o!erations suc as adding an ite, to a Coerence cace? o"taining an ite, 6ro, a

Coerence cace? re,oing an ite,? and uer)ing 6ro, a Coerence cace.

 A Coerence Cace is t)!icall) used to reuse results alues tat ae "een calculated "e6ore at

!otentiall) so,e cost to te "ac>@end s)ste,. $) reusing te,? te results are o"tained ,uc

6aster and (itout an) load on te enter!rise resources tat (ould oter(ise ae to re!roduce

te,. 0sing alues 6ro, te cace ,a) actuall) ,ean saing ,one) in te case tat calculating

te result inoles ino>ing !aid 6or serices.

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1-g does not ae te Coerence 6eature? (ereas in 11g (e can aciee coerence ") using

OS$. e need to con6igure te coerence cluster at te e"logic serer leel and use N<esult

CacingN 6eature o6 OS$ $usiness Serice.

Oracle as introduced a Coerence Ada!ter in SOA Suite 12c to aciee Coerence. e

Coerence Ada!ter allo(s sea,less integration (it Oracle Coerence? te industr)@leading

in@,e,or) data grid solution tat ena"les organiations to !redicta"l) scale ,ission@critical

a!!lications ") !roiding 6ast access to 6reuentl) used data. In ,an) cases? data in "ac>@end

a!!lications or data"ases does not cange er) o6ten. <etrieing data li>e tis ") directl)

accessing tese s)ste,s eer) ti,e is too costl). e coerence ada!ter !roides te a"ilit) to

!us te data to te coerence cace and access it directl) 6ro, te cace (en needed.

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11.0!dated SL %a!!er and 'e(uer) Su!!ort

it tis release o6 SOA Suite? uer) %a!!er as "een introduced and can "e used (itin

$PEL (or>6lo(s.

e uer) ,a!!er as su!!ort 6or Pat 2.- and custo, user@de6ined 6unctions. e ,a!!er

is reall) user 6riendl) and as "een ,ade consistent (it te SL ,a!!er inter6ace. e

,a!!er also as an integrated est 6ra,e(or> and is "uilt 6or reuse in "ot SOA and Serice

$us. e u!dated SL ,a!!er no( as a "etter su!!ort 6or co,!le= st)le seets (it ,ulti!le

te,!lates? user@de6ined 6unctions? and recursie 6unctions (it te 6eature o6 loo>ing at te SLe=ecution seuence.

e deelo!er can coose "et(een SL and uer) de!ending on te trans6or,ation


In 11g? uer) (as onl) a !art o6 OS$ and not SCA co,!osites.

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12.Continuous integration

It is a so6t(are engineering !ractice tat atte,!ts to i,!roe ualit) and reduce te ti,e ta>en

to delier so6t(are ") a!!l)ing s,all and 6reuent ualit) control e66orts. It is caracteried ")

tese >e) !ractices

• A version control system is used to track changes.

• All developers commit to the main code line, head and trunk, every day.

• The product is built on every commit operation.

• The build must be automated and fast.

There should be automated deployment to a production-like environment.• Automated testing should be enabled.

• Results of all builds are published, so that everyone can see if anyone breaks a build.

• Deliverables are easily available for developers, testers, and other stakeholders.

Oracle Fusion %iddle(are 12c !roides su!!ort 6or enter!rises tat ado!t continuous integration

tecniues to deelo! a!!lications on te Oracle Fusion %iddle(are !lat6or,. S!eci6icall)? it

!roides te 6ollo(ing

• Integration with common version control systems from the development tool Oracle JDeveloper

• The ability to build projects from the command line using Maven, a build and project

management system, so that the build can be scripted and automated

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• The ability to create new projects from Maven archetypes

• The ability to parameterize projects so that builds can be targeted to different environments, such

as Test, QA, SIT, and production

• The ability to include testing of projects in the Maven build life cycle

• The ability to populate a Maven repository with Oracle-provided dependencies from an existing

local Oracle home software installation directory

• The ability to run Maven builds under the control of a continuous integration server like Hudson

• Comprehensive documentation about setting up your build or continuous integration

environment, or both, to use with Oracle Fusion Middleware

 Altoug tis (as a ,ore or less co,,on !ractice 6or integration !ro/ects "ut tis ti,e? Oracle is

6or,aliing and reco,,ending te !rocess.

Follo(ing coices are aaila"le 6or ersion control? continuous integration? and oter

co,!onents tat enter!rises t)!icall) use in tis >ind o6 eniron,ent. %an) o6 tese co,!onents

are 6ree and o!en source? and oters are co,,ercial !roducts.

Open Source

• Apache Subversion for version control

• Apache Maven for build or project management

• Apache Hudson as the continuous integration server


• Apache Archiva as the Maven Repository Manager

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13.$rand ne( %anaged File rans6er7%F8

e 12c release o6 Oracle Fusion %iddle(are "rings us a "rand ne( 6eature called %anaged

File rans6er a""reiated as %F.

%F is its o(n !roduct in te F% 12c 6a,il) and runs on its o(n ,anaged serer. It is

intended 6or receiing and sending large 6iles 7troug 5-- 9$8 and is a solution 6or re,oing

"inar) 6iles 6ro, an SOA transaction? i.e.? te SOAP ,essage does not contain te "inar) 6ile

an) ,ore.

ere is a gro(ing !ro"le, (it FP in te enter!rise. FP can ae a lac> o6 control? isi"ilit)?

securit)? and relia"ilit). Suc !ro"le,s can "e te uncontrolled !roli6eration o6 FP serers and

clients? no glo"al isi"ilit) into e=cange o6 crucial data 6iles 7including custo,er data8? and tat

te) are not integrated (it enter!rise securit) standards.

%F is a si,!le and secure end@to@end ,anaged 6ile gate(a). e ,ain !ur!ose o6 %F is

trans6erring 6iles "et(een a source and one or ,ore targets. e core is "ased on an

He,"edded sFP+SS serice and is o!ti,ied 6or large 6iles and su!!orts A cluster? P9P

encr)!tion? auditing? and ,onitoring o6 6iles. rans6ers are easil) e=tensi"le using te

!re!rocessing+!ost!rocessing 6ra,e(or>.

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It integrates (it 7s8 FP? File? $2$? ODI? ealt care and SOA? $2$? and (e"serices 7su!!ort

6or inline !a)load? attac,ent? and !ass@") re6erence8. %F runs as an a!!lication on e"Logic

12c and as a ligt(eigt e"@"ased design ti,e inter6ace to easil) "uild? edit? and de!lo)

end@to@end trans6ers and a run ti,e inter6ace to ,onitor running+6ailed trans6er instances.

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14.$rand ne( Enter!rise ScedulerSerice 7ESS8

SOA Suite 12c release "rings anoter ne( !roduct to te F% 12c 6a,il) Enter!rise Sceduler 

Serice a""reiated as ESS is !art o6 te SOA Suite license and (it it one can scedule /o"s

7using /o" ,etadata ,odeling8. Jo"s can "e created and sceduled troug te E%? "ut tere is

also a Jaa API. 'o(? te uestion arises? does tis re!lace uart 'o? SOA Suite still uses it

internall) 7e.g.? (ait actiit) in $PEL8.

ESS 12c Scedule Jo"s using E%

ESS 12c can call Enter!rise Jaa$eans 7EJ$8? PL+SL 7!rocedures+6unctions8? Jaa? and

e"Serices 7SCA+S$ and S)nc+As)nc (it OS%8. It also >ee!s trac> o6 de!endenc)

,anage,ent? con6lict resolution? !rioritiation? clustering? !rocessor allocation? and trottling.

It su!!orts te sceduling o6 SCA Co,!osites and S$ Pro=) serices. It as !re"uild /o"s 6or

initiating? actiating? and deactiating SOA and Serice $us co,!onents 7e.g.? actiate D$

ada!ter "et(een a s!eci6ic ti,e 6ra,e8. It can scedule "ul> error noti6ications to te das"oard

7in E%8 or to oter alerting cannels and "ul> o!erations 6or 6ault ,anage,ent. it tis 6ault

recoer) ,anage,ent? it can auto,aticall) disa"le ada!ters and re@!rocess 6aults in a controlled


It is auto,aticall) installed as !art o6 SOA Suite? Serice $us? and %F. De!lo),ent is o!tional

in SOA Suite and Serice $us "ut reuired in %F. is ,eans tat tere is no se!arate license

reuired to use ESS. It is a !art o6 te sa,e SOA Suite License. One ting to ta>e into account

is tat ESS onl) su!!orts (e"logic and Oracle D$ in 12c. ESS can "e de!lo)ed to SOA+Serice

$us cluster or a se!arate cluster in do,ain using te do,ain con6iguration (iard.

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15.Saring Arti6act "eco,es eas) (it9ra!ical %DS

In Oracle SOA Suite 12c? a gra!ical tool is !roided to !u"lis? searc? and consu,e 6iles 6ro,

%DS 7%eta@Data Store8. Point to note ere is tat one can !u"lis te 6iles to %DS Design i,e

<e!ositor) 6ro, JDeelo!er itsel6.

In earlier ersions li>e SOA 11g? to add te 6ile to design ti,e re!ositor)? (e ,anuall) need to

trans6er te 6ile to 6ile s)ste,? run so,e co,,ands? and ten ,a>e so,e canges in te code

to re6er to te %DS 6ile. $ut? (it te adent o6 SOA Suite 12c? all tis as "eco,e gra!ical. It is

er) si,!le to !u"lis te 6ile to design ti,e re!ositor) ") rigt clic>ing on te 6ile tis cangeste reuired re6erences in te code auto,aticall).

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1#.Sensors:Design i,e ; <uni,e

Sensors are a >no(n 6eature o6 te SOA Suite 11g. It is used to ,ar> a aria"le or data 6ield to

"e traced at run ti,e. So? at run ti,e? one can see te alues o6 tis 6ield or aria"le 6or a

running instance? "ut also one can searc 6or running instances 7e.g.? 6ind te running instance

o6 (ic te 6ield Qorder idG as a alue QA$12345G8.

In SOA Suite 11g? tese sensors ad to "e de6ined at design ti,e. In te SOA Suite 12c? it is

also !ossi"le to de6ine or cange te, at run ti,e Design i,e at <un i,e 7D;<8. is

6unctionalit) is added to te e=isting QSOA Co,!oserG a!!lication? (ic is alread) used tocange oter run ti,e ,etrics li>e te <ule Engine and Do,ain Balues %a!s 7DB%s8.

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1&.Fault !olic) editor 

In SOA Suite 11g? Fault Policies (ere added so tat one could easil) interene (en a

SOAP+$PEL 6ault (as tro(n. $ut one could onl) create te, in source ,ode tere (as no

gra!ical editor.

In SOA Suite 12c? Oracle as added tis long a(aited reuest. it te Fault Polic) Editor? one

can no( design and edit Fault Policies. $esides? in te alread) e=isting 6unctionalit)? a lot o6 ne(

6eatures are added.

• Graphical editor for creating Fault policies, Alerts, Actions, and Property Sets.

• New Default actions for invoking a WS and enqueue data (JMS).

• Alerts can be defined to send fault to JMS, Email, or Log file.

• Alerts can be assigned to actions if type of Alert is desired to be triggered.

• Fault Policies can be coupled, using the Composite Binding dialog, to different levels:

– Composite

– Component

– Reference binding and

– Service binding

12c Co,!osite Fault Polic) Editor 

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e ra!id ado!tion o6 cloud@"ased a!!lications ") te enter!rise? co,"ined (it organiationsG

desire to integrate a!!lications (it ,o"ile tecnologies? is dra,aticall) increasing a!!lication

integration co,!le=it). Oracle SOA Suite 12c? te latest ersion o6 te industr)Gs ,ost co,!lete

and uni6ied a!!lication integration and SOA solution? ,eets tis callenge. it si,!li6ied cloud?

,o"ile? and on@!re,ises integration ca!a"ilities? all (itin a single !lat6or,? Oracle SOA Suite

12c deliers 6aster ti,e to integration? increased !roductiit)? and lo(er CO.

Oracle SOA Suite 12c and its associated !roducts? Oracle %F? Oracle Cloud and A!!lication

 Ada!ters? $2$? and ealt care integration? o66er te industr)Gs ,ost igl) integrated !lat6or,

6or soling te ra!idl) increasing callenges o6 integrating (it cloud a!!lications? ,o"ile

a!!lications? and te Internet o6 ings. <ater tan introducing ne( toolsets 6or eac ne(

integration callenge? Oracle SOA Suite 12c e=!ands on te !roen !rinci!les? !ractices? and

tools o6 on@!re,ise a!!lication integration to e,"race tis ne( (orld. Enter!rises tat coose

Oracle SOA Suite 12c to connect (it SaaS !roiders? "usiness !artners? and te e=!losion o6

ne( auto,ated sensors? (ill aoid te Haccidental arcitecture o6 se!arate !ro!rietar) Hsilos

and (ill delier "usiness@critical solutions 6aster? (it less e66ort? and (it greatl) reduced long@

ter, ,aintenance costs.

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 A!!endi= A Acron),s

Acronym De'inition

SOA Serice Oriented Arcitecture

OS$ Oracle Serice $us

SCA Serice Co,!osite Arcitecture

$PEL $usiness Process E=ecution Language

$P% $usiness Process %anage,ent

$2$ $usiness@to@$usiness

E<P Enter!rise <esource Planning

IDE Integrated Deelo!,ent Eniron,ent

<OI <eturn On Inest,ent

JSO' Jaa Scri!t O"/ect 'otation

C<0D Create <ead 0!date Delete

<ES <e!resentational State rans6er  

SDL e" Serice Descri!tion Language

SOAP Si,!le O"/ect Access Protocol

JCA JaaEE Connector Arcitecture

FP File rans6er Protocol

SA%L Securit) Assertion %ar>u! Language

ESS Enter!rise Sceduler Serice

%F %anaged File rans6er  

%DS %eta Data Store

SL E=tensi"le St)leseet Language


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A(out Deloitte

Deloitte re6ers to one or ,ore o6 Deloitte ouce o,atsu Li,ited? a 0R !riate co,!an) li,ited ") guarantee 7HDL8? its net(or> o6

,e,"er 6ir,s? and teir related entities. DL and eac o6 its ,e,"er 6ir,s are legall) se!arate and inde!endent entities. DL 7also

re6erred to as HDeloitte 9lo"al8 does not !roide serices to clients. Please see (((.deloitte.co,+a"out 6or a detailed descri!tion o6
