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SoBigDataSpeakers! · Nato a Palermo nel 1961, si è laureato in Scienze ... marketing) e...

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SoBigData Speakers




SoBigData  Speakers                                                                                                                  



Franco Accordino is the Head of the Task Force “Digital Futures” within the European Commission's Information Society and Media Directorate-General. Digital Futures is a participative visioning exercise aiming to devise 2050’s scenarios and policy ‘routes’ underpinned by the long term advances of ICT. Before becoming task force leader, Franco worked as Director's Assistant, mainly on the development of a vision and strategy for future ICT. Before joining the European Commission, he worked at the ETHZ/CSCS National Supercomputing Centre of Switzerland, at Consorzio Pisa Ricerche and at the National Research Council of Italy where he conducted research on formal methods, languages and tools for concurrent systems and protocol specification.

Emanuele Baldacci is head of Department for Integration, Quality, Research and Production Networks Development (DIQR) of Istat since October 2011, He is an economist, expert in public finance, socio-economic analysis and social protection systems. He is in charge of economic research, methodologies, IT, quality, flagship reports, and external communication. From 2009 to 2011, he was Deputy Division Chief of the Fiscal Operations Division I (Fiscal Affairs Department - FAD) of the International Monetary Fund.From 2006 to 2009 as Chief Economist of SACE Group (Director of Research Department, Director of Training and Advisory, and Head of Public Affairs) he was responsible for emerging market sovereign credit risk in the government-owned trade finance company. From 2005 to 2006 he was Senior Economist at the World Bank (Social Protection, LAC Region). He worked as project leader for social protection programs in Mexico and Colombia and dealt with flagship reports on social safety nets during crises in Latin America and Caribbean Region. He is the author of numerous scientific publications and is a member of important national and international committees.


Guido Caldarelli studied Statistical Physics, and he works in the field of Complex Networks. He got his degree in 1992 in Rome (La Sapienza), his PhD in 1996 in Trieste (SISSA). After Postdocs in Manchester and Cambridge he becames firstly research assistant in INFMand then Primo Ricercatore at ISC-CNR where he was still working with many friends and colleagues. Presently he is Professor in Physics at IMT Lucca, and a LIMS Fellow.




Cosimo Comella. Nato a Palermo nel 1961, si è laureato in Scienze dell'informazione all'Università di Pisa lavorando inizialmente nell'industria del software nell'area dei sistemi per il controllo di processo. E' entrato nella pubblica amministrazione nel 1990 vincendo un concorso pubblico per funzionario informatico presso l'Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”. E' stato Research Associate presso la West Virginia University nel 1995 svolgendo attività di ricerca nel campo dei sistemi distribuiti e della valutazione delle prestazioni. Nel 1996 a seguito di concorso pubblico ha assunto il ruolo di direttore del Centro di calcolo e documentazione dell'ateneo di Tor Vergata. Dal dicembre 2002, a seguito di concorso pubblico, è dirigente del Dipartimento risorse tecnologiche nell'Ufficio del Garante per la protezione dei dati personali.


  Marco Conti is a research director at the Institute of Informatics and Telematics (IIT), an institute of the Italian National Research Council (CNR). He co-authored the book "Metropolitan Area Networks" (1997) and co-editor of the books "Mobile Ad Hoc Networking" (2004) and "Mobile Ad Hoc Networks: From Theory to Reality" (2007). He published in journals and conference proceedings more than 180 research papers related to design, modeling, and performance evaluation of computer-network architectures and protocols. Currently, he is serving as general chair of IEEE MASS 2007. He is Associate Editor in Chief of Pervasive and Mobile Computing Journal, and he is on the editorial board of: IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Ad Hoc Networks journal and Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks: An International Journl.  


Luca De Biase is an innovation journalist. After getting a degree in Economics at Bocconi University, his research started from Social History studies, with Fernand Braudel in Paris, Aldo De Maddalena in Milan and Claudio Povolo in Venice. He then becames a journalist, helping the start up of a financial daily newspaper in Italy, while he continued his research: in Ethics and Economics for an Italian bank, and in local development at the Oecd. Since 1994, the internet has become for him a major opportunity for developping new ideas in newsmaking. In 2005, he started the Nòva project at Il Sole 24 Ore. He still lead the lively and forward looking group of people that writes Nòva.  


Nicoletta De Francesco è nata a Firenze nel 1951. Ha conseguito la maturità classica nel 1970. Si è laureata con lode nel 1974 in Scienze dell'Informazione, presso la Facoltà di Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche e Naturali dell'Università di Pisa. È stata assegnista biennale e ricercatrice presso il Dipartimento di Informatica dell'Università di Pisa. Ha svolto l'incarico di professore di ruolo di II fascia presso l'Università di Salerno, quindi presso il Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione dove, dal 2000, è professore ordinario di Sistemi per l'elaborazione delle informazioni. Svolge la sua attività didattica nel corso di laurea in Ingegneria Informatica. La sua attività di ricerca si svolge nell'ambito dei metodi formali per l'ingegneria del software. È autrice di molte pubblicazioni su prestigiose riviste internazionali e ha presentato lavori a numerosi congressi internazionali. È stata responsabile di progetti di ricerca nazionali.      


Andrea Di Benedetto è un imprenditore di prima generazione: 3logic MK (azienda che si occupa di immagini digitali e realtà aumentata fondata a Pisa 10 anni fa con due amici incontrati all’università), Tunia (azienda vitivinicola a Civitella in Val di Chiana, con mia sorella enologa ed un’amica che si occupa del marketing) e SpazioDati (start-up tecnologica che si occupa di data-marketplaces semantici con sede a Trento). Dal 2009 è presidente dei giovani imprenditori di CNA e dal 2011 di LinkedOpenData Italia (associazione che promuove l’importanza dell’accessibilità dei dati e dell’interoperabilità dei formati, sia come strumento di trasparenza che di sviluppo economico). E’ socio di Wikitalia e vicepresidente del Polo Tecnologico di Navacchio (si dei rapporti con le imprese insediate per la strutturazione di servizi innovativi).  


Paolo Ferragina is Professor and Vice-Chairman of the department of Computer Science at the University of Pisa. His promotion to full professor has been sponsored for 5 years (2007-2012) by Yahoo! Research. He received his PhD in Computer Science from the University of Pisa, and was a Post-doc at the Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik. He spent various research periods at IBM Research (Rome), AT&T Shannon Lab (NJ), Yahoo! Research Lab (Barcelona), Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik (Saarbrücken), and the University of North Texas. His research is mainly devoted to the design, analysis and experimentation of algorithms and data structures for storing, compressing, mining and retrieving information from large amounts of textual data such as Web repositories, XML file collections, and genomic/DNA sequences.


Fosca Giannotti is a director of research at the Information Science and Technology Institute of the National Research Council, ISTI-CNR, Pisa, Italy. Her current research interests include spatio-temporal data mining, privacy preserving data mining, social network analysis, data mining query languages. She has been the coordinator of various European research projects, including the award winning FP6 FET-Open project GeoPKDD. She is a member of steering committee of the FP7 European Coordination Action MODAP: Mobility, Data mining and Privacy. She is the author of more than one hundred publications and served in the scientific committee of the main conferences in the area of Databases and Data Mining. She chaired ECML/PKDD 2004, the European Conf. on Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Data Bases, and ICDM 2008, the IEEE Int. Conf. on Data Mining. Fosca is currently the chairwoman of the European Association for Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery. Fosca Giannotti co-leads the KDD Lab – Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Laboratory – a joint research initiative of the University of Pisa and ISTI- CNR


Gianluca Gigliucci collabora con Enel Ricerca dal 2001. Le sue attività si sono concentrate sui sistemi innovativi per la conversione energetica. In particolare, si è occupato di impianti di generazione da fonti rinnovabili, generazione distribuita, produzione stoccaggio e utilizzo di idrogeno, sistemi di accumulo di energia, cattura della CO2 dalle centrali termoelettriche. Al momento è referente del filone Energie Rinnovabili e Generazione Distribuita di Enel Ricerca, all’interno del quale sono condotti i progetti di ricerca su solare fotovoltaico, solare termodinamico, eolico, accumulo energetico in accoppiamento con le fonti rinnovabili, risparmio energetico.  


Domenico Laforenza is Director of the Institute for Informatics and Telematics, belonging to the Italian National Research Council (CNR), since the 1st of July 2008. He is also head of the Registry of the country code Top Level Domain .it (ccTLD .it). Since the June 2008 he was responsible for the High Performance Computing Laboratory at the Information Science and Technologies Institute (ISTI) of the Italian National Research Council (CNR). Dr. Laforenza received the doctoral degree in Computer Science from the Department of Computer Science of University of Pisa in 1977. His main fields of research interest are high performance computing and the programming of distributed and parallel systems.  


David Lazer is an associate professor of computer and information science, and political science. Lazer’s research focuses on how people and organizations are connected, which is critical to understanding the functioning, success, and failure of actors and systems. David Lazer is part of The Network Science Collaborative Technology Alliance (NS CTA), a collaborative research alliance between the US Army Research Laboratory (ARL), other government researchers, and a Consortium of four research centers, performing cross-cutting research on network-science for improved military operations.



Fabrizio Lillo is Professor of Quantitative Finance at the Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa (Italy). He is also Assistant Professor of Physics at Palermo University, and External Professor at the Santa Fe Institute (USA). He is author of more than 60 referred scientific papers. His research is focused on the application of methods and tools of statistical physics to economic, financial, and biological complex systems. Recently he has been interested in the microstructure of financial markets and high frequency finance, in the quantification and modeling of dependencies among economic quantities by using techniques of network theory, and in the empirical study of economic and financial systems where the data allow to investigate the behavior of individual agents with the aim of building empirically based agent based models.    


Filomena  Maggino   is Professor of Social Statistics (University of Florence) and Chief of the Laboratory of Statistics for Research in Social and Educational field (Lab-StaRSE), University of Florence. In the ambit of statistics applied to social research, her research interests cover mainly three fields: data production, with particular reference to subjective data assessment; data analysis, with particular reference to multivariate and dimensional analysis and analytical procedures related to scaling models and complex indicators construction; and data presentation and dissemination, with reference to defining a model aimed at assessing their quality  


Tina Martino. Highly driven senior manager with 20+ years’ sales, technical pre-sales and marketing experience in Telco, ICT, M2M and ‘B2B web-based solutions’ sectors, with a focus on innovation in business model and cutting edge technologies; Currently responsible of International tender and for the harmonization of the Octo’s telematics service proposition across the insurance, fleet and automotive markets globally. This includes latest service developments such as driving behaviour, customer feedbacks, crash management and eco-driving. As Program manager and steering committee member, has overseen large cross-functional and/or institutional project focused on the Urban Mobility such as: Pegasus research programme co-funded by the Italian Ministry of Economic Development, currently advisory board member of the European program DATASIM. Prior to that drove, the market development of Machine-to-Machine for Siemens (M2M solution and internet of things applications on Intelligent Transport System, Metering and other verticals) and start-up of Infomobility services for Viasat (fleet management, marine solutions ). Also has extensive experience in network architecture and ICT business development across vertical markets completed in more than 10 years in Telecom Italia.


Flavia Marzano. Presidente dell'Associazione Stati Generali dell'Innovazione, docente alla Sapienza di Laboratorio di Tecnologie per la Comunicazione Digitale, Coordinatrice del Comitato degli Esperti per l’Innovazione di OMAT360, Esperta di comunità virtuali, Consulente per la Pubblica Amministrazione e le imprese per l'innovazione e lo sviluppo della Società dell'Informazione e della Conoscenza, l'adozione di software libero e il Government-Cloud e lo sviluppo della Società dell'Informazione e della Conoscenza, membro delle due commissioni nazionali per il software open source, valutatore esperto del V, VI e VII Programma Quadro della Commissione Europea, blogger per Wired.it e CheFuturo!

Roberto Minerva, has a Master Degree in Computer Science from Bari University, Italy, and a Ph.D in computer Science and Telecommunications from Telecom Sud Paris, France. Roberto is the head of Innovative Architectures group within the Future Centre in the Strategy Department of Telecom Italia. His job is to create advanced scenarios derived from the application of emerging ICT technologies with innovative business models especially in the area of IoT, distributed computing, programmable networks and personal data. He held many responsibilities within Telecom Italia Lab: Network Intelligence, Wireless Architecture and Business Services Area Manager. Roberto is also a contract Professor at Turin’s Polytechnics teaching a course on mobile services. Since 1987 he has been involved in the development of Service Architectures for Telecom (TINA, OSA/Parlay and SIP), in activities related to IMS, and in the definition of services for the Business market (context-awareness, ambient intelligence and automotive). More recently his contribution is in the area of new architectures for the service provision with particular attention to data centric and user centric solutions. Under this perspective he is currently involved in Telecom Italia activities related to highly distributed architectures with particular reference to Big Data, Personal Data, Internet of Things, Software Defined Networking, Self Organizing Networks, Smart Environments and ICT technologies for leveraging Cultural Heritage. Roberto is authors of several papers published in international conferences, books and magazine.


Claudio Montani is the director of the Institute since July 2008. From 2006 to 2008 he served as acting director. Montani was previously the head of the Visual Computing Lab of the Institute. His research interests were computer graphics, scientific visualization, algorithms and data structures for 3D graphics.  


Andrea Passarella is with IIT-CNR, Italy. Previously, he was a Researcher at the Computer Laboratory, Cambridge, UK. He holds a PhD in Computer Engineering (Pisa University, Italy). He is working on opportunistic self-organising networks, with special emphasis on p2p and routing protocols, mobility models, energy management. He serves in the Program Committes, among others, of IEEE WoWMoM, PerCom and MASS. He was the TPC Co-Chair of ACM/SIGMOBILE MobiOpp 2007, and Vice-Chair for ACM REALMAN (2005/06), and IEEE MDC (2006). He is an Associate Technical Editor for IEEE Communications Magazine, and is in the Editorial Board of the Inderscience IJAACS Journal.  


Dino Pedreschi is a Professor of Computer Science at the University of Pisa, and a pioneering scientist in mobility data mining, social network mining and privacy-preserving data mining. He co-leads the Pisa KDD Lab - Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Laboratory http://kdd.isti.cnr.it, a joint research initiative of the University of Pisa and the Information Science and Technology Institute of the Italian National Research Council, one of the earliest research lab centered on data mining. His research focus is on big data analytics and mining and their impact on society. He is a founder of the Business Informatics MSc program at Univ. Pisa, a course targeted at the education of interdisciplinary data scientists. Dino has been a visiting scientist at Barabasi Lab (Center for Complex Network Research) of Northeastern University, Boston, and earlier at the University of Texas at Austin, at CWI Amsterdam and at UCLA. In 2009, Dino received a Google Research Award for his research on privacy-preserving data mining.  


Raffaele Perego is senior researcher at ISTI, an Institute of CNR, the Italian National Research Council, where he leads the High Performance Computing Lab. He received his Laurea degree in Computer Science from the University of Pisa in 1985. His main research interests include efficiency issues in data mining and Web information retrieval, distributed information retrieval, high performance parallel and distributed computing. Raffaele Perego co-authored more than 70 papers on these topics.  


Monica Pratesi is Professor of Statistics at the University of Pisa. Her research interests are in small area estimation, inference in elusive populations, nonresponse in telephone and Internet surveys, design effect in fitting statistical models. She was scientific coordinator and principal investigator of many research projects on Small Area Statistics funded by the European Commission and by the Italian Ministry of University and Research (see SAMPLE project, Small Area Method for Poverty and Living Conditions Estimates, 7th FP). At present she is involved as reference person of the University of Pisa in the project EFRAME (European FRAmework for MEasuring progress) and in the project INGRID (Inclusive Growth Research Infrastructure Diffusion) funded under the 7th Framework Programme by the European Commission.



Chiara Renso helds a PhD and M.Sc. degree in Computer Science from University of Pisa (1992, 1997). She is currently a researcher at ISTI Institute of CNR, Italy. Her research interests are related to spatio-temporal reasoning, data mining query languages, and ontologies. She has been involved in several national and international projects, such as GeoPKDD Project (http://www.geopkdd.eu). She has served as reviewer for several data mining conferences. She has been co-chair of the ICLP Workshop on Complex Reasoning on Geographical Data (2001), of the Workshop Spatial, Temporal, and Spatio-temporal Data Mining in conjunction IEEE ICDM 2008.  


Fabrizio Sebastiani (born 1960) graduated in computer science from the University of Pisa, Italy, in 1986. From 1986 to 1988 he has been a research fellow at the Department of Linguistics, University of Pisa; since 1988 he holds a permanent position as a researcher at IEI-CNR, the Institute for Information Processing of the Italian National Council of Research, Pisa. Now he is a senior research scientist in the Networked Multimedia Information Access Laboratory at Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologia dell'Informazione. His research interests lie at the crossroads of Information Retrieval, Machine Learning, and Human Language Technology, with particular emphasis on text categorization and its applications.


Renato Soru serves as the Chairman and the Chief Executive Officer of Tiscali Italia and Tiscali S.P.A. Previously, Mr. Soru served as Chairman of Tiscali S.P.A. until September 2004 and its Chief Executive Officer until May 2004. From 1985 to 1990, he worked in Milan for CBI Merchant as a broker in stocks and financial by-products. In 1990, he focused his attention on expanding the business he had set up previously in retail development. In 1995, Mr. Soru launched Czech On Line, one of the first Internet companies, which rapidly established itself as the leading Internet service provider in the Czech Republic. In 1998, following the liberalisation of the Italian telecommunications market, he left the real estate sector and set up Tiscali. In 2004, Mr. Soru started a career as Politician and won the election for the Governorship of Sardinia, role he had until December 2008. He also serves as a Director of Liberty Surf SA (Euronext Paris); Director of World Online International NV (traded but not listed – Euronext Amsterdam); and Director of Hutchison 3G Italia S.p.A. and Director, Banca CIS. Mr. Soru has been a Director of Tiscali S.P.A since March 19, 2009. He graduated in Economics and Social Sciences at the Bocconi University in Milan.  



Stella Targetti. Ha conseguito la Maturità classica al Liceo Michelangelo a Firenze; Laurea in Economia e Commercio, Università degli Studi di Firenze. Dal 2007 è Vice Presidente Marketing Targetti Poulsen, Targetti Sankey SpA, Firenze, con il compito di indirizzo e coordinamento delle attività di comunicazione e marketing delle aziende del Gruppo Targetti. Dal 2004 è Membro del Consiglio di Amministrazione, Fondazione Targetti, creata e sostenuta da Targetti Sankey SpA. E’ membro eletto in Giunta di Confindustria di Firenze e membro del Consiglio scientifico del Centro di servizi di Ateneo dell'Università di Firenze per la valorizzazione dei risultati della ricerca e la gestione dell'incubatore universitario.  


Maurizio Tesconi is a researcher in Computer Science at the Institute of Informatics and Telematics in Italy. He graduated in Computer Engineering from the University of Pisa in 2003 and his Ph.D. thesis, "Sharing semantic resources", concerns a framework for cooperative management of semantic resources. His research interests cover Semantic Web, Social Network Analysis and Computational Linguistics. His research activities are mainly focused on Social Web Mining, Visual Analytics, Lexical Resources Technologies and Paperless Solutions for the Public Administration sector.  


Franco Turini is currently a full professor in the Department of Computer Science of the University of Pisa. His research interests include programming languages design, implementation, and formal semantics especially in the field of functional and logic programming. In 1990-1993 he has been responsible for an Italian national programme sponsored by the National Research Council for "New generation Languages". He has been coordinator of the "Meta- and non-monotonic reasoning area" of the BRA Esprit Action No 6810 "Compulog II". Recently, he co-edited with Krzysztof Apt a book entitled Meta-logics and Logic Programming, published by The MIT Press. He is currently serving as Department Chairman.  
