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Socia Media Trends

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Social media trends and best practices.
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Social Media Trends What’s New Now? Monday, November 21, 11
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Social Media TrendsWhat’s New Now?

Monday, November 21, 11

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Agenda๏ Social Now

๏ The Big 6

๏ Google +

๏ Google Panda Update

๏ Best Practices

๏ Newest Trends

๏ Take Aways

Monday, November 21, 11

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© Idea Engine, Inc. | Confidential. For use by Idea Engine and WIN only. | 11.21.11

Social Sharing

“I would expect that next year, people will share twice as much information as they share this year, and next year, they will be sharing twice as much as the year before.”Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook Founder

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10 Million Users

Facebook852 Days

Twitter780 Days

G+16 Days

Monday, November 21, 11

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Cause & EffectToday, consumers choose when they want to interact with a brand. And they interact with a brand in various ways and through various devices.

Forrester projects that by 2015 smartphone adoption will grow 150% and 82 million consumers will own a tablet.

Because of this mobile evolution, social is more accessible and user friendly.

Everyone has a story to tell, they just tell it over different social channels.

But before you dive in, figure out where your audience is having the conversation, and define the goals for each channel.

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Monday, November 21, 11

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The Big 6๏ Facebook

๏ Customer retention tool. Start with the people you know to build a following.

๏ Twitter

๏ This is the best listening tool you have... do a little research and find a few specific terms, and follow them.

๏ LinkedIn

๏ Best known for business networking, group discussions.

๏ You Tube

๏ Second largest searchable site next to Google. Non-editorial approach.

๏ Slide Share

๏ Best for sharing PowerPoints and brand recognition; SS is well ranked in Google.

๏ Google +

๏ Pretty new, but could be leveraged as a customer retention tool to assist with getting your content recognized.

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Monday, November 21, 11

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Google + It’s New!

Reasons It's Revolutionary• Leverages FB’s framework, but is better designed - more white space.

• Less content saturation, better chance you’ll be read.

• Circles:

• G+ allows you to group people in "circles" and only push content to those specific groups - like work, church, family, friends, networks.

• Hangouts

• Games

• 4 different types of posts:

• Link

• Video

• Photo

• Location

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© Idea Engine, Inc. | Confidential. For use by Idea Engine and WIN only. | 11.21.11

Google Panda Update

How this could affect you!• Google Panda* is all about original content; it's king, and gets you ranked higher.

• Content needs to be original.

• Content needs to be submitted to 1 location.

• Content should come first on a page, ads come below.

• Create content pages for each targeted keyword.

• Vary content! PR, Article, Video, Webinar.* Note: Google Panda created a 20 point list of qualifications to rank well with google.

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What Works?

๏ Content must be interesting, engaging, and must make a difference in your customers’ lives.

๏ Focus on what you can do with the resources you have.

๏ If you think FB & Twitter are going to be important, focus on those; check the other social arenas when you have time.

๏ Use the social & web to humanize your brand.

๏ Talk the talk that is relative to the social channel & end audience.

๏ People are always talking, whether you listen or not.

๏ If your users are taking the time to post, we should be taking the time to respond.

๏ Be who you are respectfully: less corporate, more human, but respect the brand.

๏ Having a social media policy allows you to align your communication efforts.

๏ Mary Henige, Director of Social Media, GM: If you call everything a pilot, people won't argue with it as much because they'll know you're starting small, adjusting, etc.

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Monday, November 21, 11

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Best Ways to Increase Traffic *SEO Engine Journal, by Loren Baker

• People Love Lists & Linkbait

• Having a “101” list, a top ten list, or a list of tips for a specific niche category can help generate readers, links and bookmarks.

• Blog for Links

• Blogs are rapidly gaining in popularity and can help your business website become popular too. The great thing about a blog is the content publishing is instant and so is the recognition.

• News and Fresh Content

• You can write an article or blog post on a regular basis will rank your website higher in search and generate more links to your site.

• Directories Will Help Create Links

• Submitting your site to free sites is one way of developing links; however, keep in mind that you should go for quality, not quantity.

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Best Ways to Increase Traffic *SEO Engine Journal, by Loren Baker

• Network With Your Local Community

• Your own local community can be a source of links. Get a link from your Chamber of Commerce or join the Better Business Bureau.

• Link Trading

• Swap with relevant partners and get linked in the content of relevant pages.

• Experts

• The Internet loves expertise and becoming an expert on your subject matter will generate interest, which leads to more links.

• People Love Contests and Freebies

• Spending a little money on a cash prize can save you money on advertising. Free samples, exclusive giveaways, and other items will attract people, and then your content can get them to stay and link.

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What Keeps Customers Coming Back

๏ Engagement

๏ People are engaging because they have questions, want to share pictures, are adopters of the brand.

๏ Just counting fans doesn't mean anything

๏ The people who keep coming back shows success.

๏ Don't treat social media like texting...it's not just how many likes you have on FB or followers on twitter, your objective is quality.

๏ Rule of three

๏ No more than 1/3 of your social media should be focused sales.

๏ 1/3 should be problem-solving.

๏ 1/3 should be conversational.

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Monday, November 21, 11

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Newest Trends *from the November 2011 INC. Magazine

๏ Instant Twitter Followers

๏ Paying for Twitter followers via eBay or Craig’s list.

๏ Different price tags = different follower amounts. Be cautious - what you see isn’t always what you get.

๏ Ex: $20 for 1,000 followers, $35 or 3,700 followers.

๏ Facebook Promotions

๏ Go Beyond “Like”. Require people to do more than “Like” your company to take part in a promotion.

๏ Ex: Win a dress from Five Bamboo - posted on a fashion blog. 1. Check out Five Bamboo's product line online.  2. “Like” Five Bamboo. 3. Leave a comment on the blog and share your favorite item. 

๏ Get Personal. Instead of a generic sweepstakes, implement a user-generated photo or video contest.

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Monday, November 21, 11

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๏ Foursquare Specials

๏ A case study: a restaurant leveraged Foursquare to reward loyal customers - aka "Mayors" (patrons that checked into a given location the most times in the past 60 days) with a 10% discount.

๏ Cross Platforms - encourage your customers who take part in Foursquare specials to post their check-ins on Twitter and include a hash tag.

๏ Run concurrent specials - run multiple promotions to see what works best.

๏ YouTube Promotions

๏ A case study: Orabrush video project - paid $100.00 for starring role, $300 for a script, $50 for a rented video camera, 80 hours all together = “How to Tell When Your Breath Stinks”. Purchased $30 a day YouTube’s Promotional Video Ad.

๏ Within 6 weeks, about 900,000 people had viewed the video and 20% had clicked on the link to the website. Roughly 10,000 products were sold during that period.

๏ Make it useful. Videos should be entertaining and useful. Include a call to action.

Newest Trends *from the November 2011 INC. Magazine

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Monday, November 21, 11

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๏ Google

๏ Create your personal profile & enter your information into Google Places & create a QR Code.

๏ Goals & Policy

๏ Make a decision of which social channels are right for your business, create goals & a calendar on a quarterly or yearly basis, start to compile a policy.

๏ Content

๏ The more proof you have the better. Make it a part of your strategy to collect case studies and testimonials when possible.

๏ Leverage other online sites that provide reviews, such as Yelp (for local businesses), or industry specific directories like Capterra (for software providers).

๏ Competitive Assessment

๏ Focus on social shares- compare how many shares socially you have vs. your competitors.

Take Aways

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Statistics to Chew

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Monday, November 21, 11
