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Social action and community media production

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Social Action and Community Media Existing Product Research
Page 1: Social action and community media production

Social Action and Community Media

Existing Product Research

Page 2: Social action and community media production

Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)

Purpose:The poster is trying to have a global change impact. Its trying to get people over the world to see the what happens when you smoke around children.To change attitudes. Its trying to change people opinion on smoking and trying to get them to smoke someone where there are not any children. To raise awareness. To show people the effects on smoking around children. To challenge dominant representations and agendas. They are trying to change people mind when smoking. To provide information. The poster is telling what will happening to children when there are people smoking around them.

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To campaign. It is trying to stop smoking in general but mostly around kids. To build relationship with subjects. People don’t know that them smoking has much effect on there kids but seeing this poster could change there minds.

Aims:The aim of this poster is to stop people smoking around there children. It is also trying to build awareness to people who do smoke around there child that it effects the every time you do it. It may not seem like it is doing anything to them but every time they inhale the smoke it is causing them problems like it does yourself and it can lead to the child being a smoker when they get older.

Techniques:The image has a bottle filled with cigarettes which shows that every time you have a cigarette around a child it can effect them and every time you do it, effects the child as they will inhale the smoke and can make them become a smoker when they get older. The poster is black with white text which mirrors the message on the poster and it is also easy to follow and understand. It uses clear and easy to understand font. It blends in well with the smoke coming from the Bootle. It is all in capital and is bold to stand out and make the message seem more important because of the boldness of the font. There is also text at the bottom which is smaller than the other bit of text but is still in bold and all in capitals but is not as important as the top bit so it has been reduced in size.The tone of the image makes you feel bad for the children how have this problem. The image is very sad and definitely grabs the attention of the reader of the poster.

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Impact: Evidence of any change being brought about through projects using words and or graphics.

Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)

This chart shows 3-11 year olds who have been effected to secondhand smoke by race and ethnicity.

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Purposes:It is trying to get national change by doing lots of campaigning to get themselves known. It is trying to change the attitudes of people how are not voting for the green party. The poster is asking what are you afraid of, which suggests it is trying to persuade you change your opinion on this party. It is trying to raise awareness, as it is trying to get the party known so that it has a chance of winning in the election.It is trying to campaign to help this party do better when the election comes around. It is trying to change voting behavior because It is trying to encourage and motivate people to vote for there party. It is trying to infiltrate mainstream media as this party is a small group compared to the other parties that are going for the elections. So doing there campaign they are trying to bring more attention to there party to try help them win.

It is building relationship with the subject as it is asking a question to people, so they can answer the question and get involved with the party.

Aim:The aim of the poster is to help get the green party out there so they have a chance in the election. Also it is made to make people aware to the party and to try make people vote for them.

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Techniques:The poster is based around the question that the green party are asking. It is in a bigger font size than the rest of the text on the page as well as it being in the colour green compared to the rest of the text which is white on a green background or black. The text is bold and all in capitals to make it stand out and because it is big it is easy to read and understand. They have used simple colours in the poster mostly the colour green which represents there party, It would be controversial if they were to use a different colour in there poster when they are called the green party. The image of two people smiling brings good vibes to the party as it is showing that these two people how are apart of the green party are happy with there party and believe in the party. Also showing two females goes back to the question they are asking. They have made there own hash tag for people to go onto twitter and start talking about there opinions and also start talking about the party.At the bottom of the poster they have there website links and also there slogan. They do this so you can find out more about the party.The tone of the poster is to to worry the other parties and make people think why the green party can not have the same respect as the UKIP party as they both have the same amount of MPs. Also the tone is happy to as shown by the faces of the women on the front of the poster.The poster seems like it is trying to get females into politics more than what they are at this moment. This also links to the question of are boys scared. It making it seem that males don’t want females to have the power they have as they believe that they are not as good but the green party believe otherwise.

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With the graph you can see that since August 2013 the Green party have been on the rise. In December in 2014 they overtook the conservatives which is the blue line. The Green party have gone from 9% to 24% where as the conservatives which started on 26% and has gone down to 21%. The poster will have an impact on females and make them try to get more involved in politics. One poster didn’t make this big change but multiple campaigns from the Green party have made them become more popular with people of the public. The numbers are only going to get better in the future.

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Purposes:To bring global change to football. The poster is trying to get rid of racism in football and they have used a card from football to relate It together. As football is a worldwide game this happens all around the world so they are trying to stop this by giving a red card which symbolizes that you are of the pitch for doing something dangerous. To change attitudes. This poster is trying to make people think about what they are saying and it is hoping that by giving them a red card they will not be able to shout racism at fans or players. To raise awareness. This poster is trying to get people how are unaware of this more aware so that they are able to stop and get rid of it out of the sport. They are trying to make an issue of it so people will see it and start to also make a fuss until it has been dealt with.

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To challenge dominant representations and agendas. This poster is trying to change the way a person feels about racism n football and is trying to get them to do something about it. To create or strengthen community ties. The poster is trying to get the football community together to deal with this problem that Is in football. By doing this it will make the football community stronger. This poster is trying to campaign to get rid of racism in football. To build relationship with subjects. This poster is trying to make more people understand and discuss it more. This poster suggests that people need to talk about it more and from that something might actually happen to get rid of the racism.Aims:The aim of the poster is to try to get people to not be racism at football matches and to be considerate to the players in the match as well as the officials and fans. The aim is to ban racism so that players o not have to worry about verbal abuse from the crowd or even having things thrown at them. Techniques:The poster is very simple and straight to the point. It uses very simple colours like white and black. It has the red background as this is to do with what the quote is referring to. The text has been put in bold and the first letter of the word has been given a capital letter to make it important and for it to catch the eye of the viewer. Also to add to detail they have added a drop shadow on the words to make it stand out more. The colour red is seen as bad or danger so the tone could be seen as serious and it could be seen as this is really bad it needs to be stopped.They have tried influencing people by relating to the problem which is football by using the red card which is from football. Also they have aimed it at football fans who know about the red card.

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Impact:The impact of being racist to another player can get you in trouble with the law and can also cost you some playing time. For fans they will get banned from watching the team and banned from coming to the ground. This image shows weather or not the different subjects are doing enough or not doing enough to tackle racism. The first two have a big gap between them but the last to are a lot closer to being equal with each. But according this graph it seems that the people doing the most to tackle the racist problem in football are players and there clubs. The second graph shows different countries and and the percentage of racism in there football. On the list the highest is Italian fans at 92% and English fans are only 1% behind Italy. The best one is Spanish fans at only 72% but it is still a very high number that they would like to make smaller. Racism did start to decline but recently it has come back again for example when bananas were thrown at the football player Dani Alves.

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Purposes:To change attitudes. This poster is showing that anybody can o something not only men but also women can as well. The poster wants to get people to change there opinions on the matter of females can do curtain things but the poster is trying to show that they can. To raise awareness. This poster is trying to alert females and make them just go for it and believe in themselves to be able to do anything that they want to do. The poster is trying to make people aware of something they may not know about. To create access to media production for non-traditional groups. This is because it is talking about all women including disabled and black women when saying girls can do it.To challenge dominant representations and agendas. This poster tries to challenge the dominant representations in the poster and are hoping to make a change and change the way people will feel about the subject.

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To create or strengthen ties. It is good to bring the female community together and make them stronger. Then from this they might find people who they can become log time friends with. To bring a change to global. This posters wants to make a change to females all around the world as it wants them to be able to say yes and do anything they want to do. To campaign. The purpose of the poster is to campaign for females.Aims: The aim of the poster is to get females to try things that they may not of done before and to get them to do it. The poster aims to influence females to challenge themselves. Techniques:The font used it clear and easy to read for the viewer. The text gets smaller the further you go down the page. With the different sizes of text it makes you start at the important things and work your way down the page instead of missing parts because of the fact that the second piece of text is bigger than the first bit of text. They have there own hash tags that people can use to get in touch with them and give there opinions on the matter and also give improvements. The image goes well with the quote and also is good for the point of the poster. The image is inspiring to people reading the poster. The tone of the image is happy as it has a woman achieving something that she wants to achieve.They have put the slogan in a box to make it seem important whereas the other text is just on the screen. The poster has one image that takes up the entire of the poster with text over the top of it.

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Impact:The impact of the campaign was that it was a success. The image shows some stats that happened after just one year of the programme. Over 2.8 million women from the ages of 14-40 years old have been more active because of this programme. All together there are 7 million females doing it regularly. Sport England chief executive Jennie Price wants the number to increase. There is a 1.73 million fewer women playing sports compared to men and a big reason because of this is because of this programme that was started. Ever since the programme has started they have been mentioned on social media everyday. The programme has gone worldwide and is know in 110 countries.
