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Social Endeavours Nepal - Newsletter - Jan 2016

Date post: 10-Mar-2016
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Newsletter of Social Endeavours Nepal

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  • NEWSLETTER January 2016

    What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal.

    Albert Pike



    One would have thought and hoped that after the two quakes in April and May, followed by devastating landslides in some regions soon thereafter, that the Nepali people would at last have some relief and life would speedily return to the normal that the Nepalese are accustomed to. But it was not to be!

    Emergency aid poured into the country from all over the world by the tons, but was never distributed and remains in government storage facilities to be eaten by rats or just to rot away! The Kathmandu Post reports:-

    Jan 12, 2016- The government is preparing to sell the rice offered by some countries in grant for earthquake survivors after it started to rot.

    Bangladesh had provided 10,000 tonnes of rice, while China had donated 130,000 tonnes. China had also provided a quintal each of edible oil and salt. However, Nepal Food Corporation (NFC) has failed to deliver the products effectively to targeted areas.

    NFC has claimed the supply was delayed due to their compulsion to follow the Public Procurement Act that seeks appointment of a supplier through competitive bidding.

    Transportation disturbances due to the ongoing Tarai unrest and fuel shortages as a result of India-imposed trade blockade also delayed the supply, it said.

    According to NFC, of the 10,000 tonnes of rice donated by Bangladesh, NFC still has 7,800 tonnes in its warehouses in Lahan (350 tonnes), Kathmandu (1,600 tonnes) and Jhapa (5,850 tonnes), according to NFC Spokesperson

  • And then of course is the unrest in the Tarai region of Nepal brought about by rejection of aspects of the new Nepali Constitution by the Madhesi peoples (in most part, of Indian heritage). This unrest has resulted in a total blockade of essential supplies at the India/Nepal border crossings, especially fuel (petrol) for vehicles and LPG (gas) for cooking. What petrol there is in Nepal, is severely restricted, likewise LPG. Black Market prices are astronomical and way beyond the majority of the population who just do not have the finances. To aggravate a dire situation even further, there is insufficient water from the mountains to drive the hydro-electric generators, Currently load-shedding (power outages) has increased to 15 hours per day without power!!! This has also effected the water supply as the pumps are unable to operate without electricity! This has dramatically impacted on the lives of the economically challenged folk especially.

    No fuel for vehicles; no gas for cooking; no electricity for light or stoves; often no water for cooking; a shortage of wood for fires and rapidly rising prices has resulted in a dire crises for those who do not have the financial wherewithal to meet the Black Market . Now winter has set-in and life is becoming desperate. The country is in crises, but the rest of the world is, to all intents and purposes, blind to the fact!

    In the meantime, the Nepali Government continues to sit-on over US$4 billion in emergency funding!! Current on-going aid is provided and funded by small, independent groups and NGOs that give on-the-spot aid to those in need..as does Social Endeavours Nepal (S.E.N.)



    Rina is one such person. Married less than 4 years and mother to 2 small boys (Rama and Laxman), Living in an poor Indian settlement in Boudha and ekeing out a living begging on the streets having been deserted (almost 2 years ago) by her husband. Rina's immediate plea was for a blanket to cover herself and her two boys during the cold Nepali nights.

    A gift of Nrs5000 from S.E.N. ensured that Rina could buy a very large and warm blanket, and have money left over for the purchase of basic food supplies (oil, rice, etc). Further support for this extended family was given in the form of warm, fleecy jackets, food and medical aid costing a further Nrs12,500.


  • Funding for these projects came direct from S.E.Ns own resources. There are many others in the beggar villages who need help. 2. ELECTRIC SCOOTER

    The Maitreya Pathshala Waldorf Inspired School in Pokhara is supported from the sale of produce of the Worldganic Bidynamic Farm that jointly shares the property (7 acres) with the school. There are regular daily deliveries to stores and private customers of the milk and yoghurt from the farms cows. However, the lack of petrol meant that the delivery service was severely compromised, which of course had a knock-on effect with respect to the support intended for the school! It was impossible to make deliveries!

    The organisation put out an appeal for funds to buy an electric scooter (this was prior to the severe power cuts that were yet to come!). Two generous donations from Australia in total amounting to Nrs76000, almost covered the full purchase price! An order for a scooter was duly placed and delivery expected within a week or two when the scooter would be imported from India! That was in October 2015! To date, they are still awaiting delivery. The delay is entirely due to the Madhesi blockade of all India/Nepal border crossings!!




    None of us can foretell what our destiny, our karma might be. We live in hope that life will not put too many challenges along our path. But sometimes, there are those who are born with a challenge right there. One such person is Lata.

    In her mid-20s. Lata has had a lifelong challenge of Muscular Dystrophy which drastically curtails her freedom of movement and ability to create or engage with her hands. One would think that that were a big anough challenge for a young women.

    But now add to it the fact that she married a handsome western guy in February 2015 only to have him snatched away from her by Fate's cruel hand when he succumbed to an acute infection that left Lata a young widow after just 6 months of married life.

    With help and financial support from S.E.N., Lata has been able to move into a larger apartment giving her a decent, airy bed-sit and a nice kitchen. In addition, it was possible to include a further room in the rental. An abandoned mother an her two children have been able to move into this room and the mother (Goma) now acts as Latas helper/carer and lives rent free. S.E.N. carries the costs of this rental arrangement (Nrs10,000 per month). Friends of S.E.N. (and Lata) give financial support for food and other living costs

    Lata has struggled to face the reality of widowhood and is determined to become independent, regardless of the tremendous odds stacked against her. One project that Lata has helped to create, is to engage in finding customers for the accommodations described in the website link below.

    If you are thinking of a trip to Nepal and wish to find a cosy place to stay in Kathmandu within reasonable distance of the city centre and numerous World Heritage sites, then please consider this option.

    If you book and mention that your enquiry is a direct result of Lata's promotion of the accommodation, Lata will receive 15% of the accommodation fee. That way, you have nice accommodation and at the same time help Lata and the women that run the accommodations. Website link: http://gyanmala.jimdo.com/



    SAPNA (see photos) died in March 2015 from septicemia, leaving behind two young sons who are now orphans (their papa died in 2012).

    S.E.N. instigated a fund-raising effort selling Christmas cards with Sapna's picture holding her son...a reminder of the essence of the Christmas festival.

    These cards were sold in the Cygnet and Channel district of Tasmania, Australia. A total of Aus$552 (Indian rupees 25,536) was raised which will now be sent to Sapna's widowed mother who is caring for the two boys in Ludhiana, India. It is

    hoped that some of the money will pay for the boy's schooling.

    Social Endeavours Nepal would like to especially thank the following for their tremendous and much appreciated fund raising efforts:-

    St Mark's Anglican Church (Cygnet) parishioners St Simon & St Jude Anglican Church (Woodbridge) parishioners

    Huon Valley Christian Church (Jeannie Schultz) 'Southern Swan' (John and Jane)

    Cygnet Market stall (Ann Martin)

    3. SUSHILA

    Sushila is a blind widow living in a one-room dwelling (including kitchen corner) with her two sons.

    Her circumstances were such that Sushila needed financial assistance with vacating her current accommodation to something a little larger. Outstanding debts and requirement for one months rent and a deposit equal to one months rent, made a move impossible.

    In late November, 2015, S.E.N. was able to give Sushila Nrs25,158 so as to enable her to clear her debts and make the necessary move into better accommodation. As of now (mid-January 2016) , still Sushila remains in her old accommodation!!

    4. GENERAL

    S.E.N. is also involved in sponsorships for individuals (Nirmala) and organisations (Butterfly Childrens Home). Being free-lance, S.E.N. is able to dispense support and aid wherever such is needed. Medical aid is always a priority.




    The following article appeared in the UK magazine NEW VIEW. Read on to find out how the Tashi Waldorf School responded to the needs of the children !


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  • This article was instrumental in raising over GBP 1000 for the Tashi Waldorf School programme.



    The following are the income/expendidture accounts for October/November 2015:



    There are several ways whereby those wishing to financially support the activities of

    Social Endeavours Nepal can make a financial contribution.


    United Kingdom:

    Barclays Bank Launceston, Cornwall

    BSB 20-50-40 IBAN: GB26 BARC 2050 4083 1564 78

    SWIFT/BIC: BARCGB22 Acct name: Eric Keith Fairman Nepal

    Acct number: 83156478


    Commonwealth Bank Chatswood, NSW

    BSB: 06 2138 SWIFT/BIC: CTBAAU2S

    Acct name: Eric Keith Fairman Acct number: 1000805

    PAYPAL perhaps the cheapest option

    Donations can be sent to PayPal via email account: [email protected] (please double check email address!)

    Please stipulate purpose of donation. This is important!! (eg: Boudha Beggar Village; Sapnas Children; Lata Support; Tashi Waldorf School;

    Maitreya Waldorf School; SENs Discretion; etc)

    Whichever method is used, we will acknowledge receipt of your generous gift.

    100% of your donation goes to the cause/project you stipulate

    Please [email protected] of any deposit and its purpose.

