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Social Media and the IT Professional Marty Foltyn,Vice President, Channel Chargers

Social Media and the IT Professional

Marty Foltyn, Vice President, Channel Chargers

Social Media and the IT Professional © 2012 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved. 2 2


Is Social Media, with all its possibilities – and pitfalls – a good match for your organization? Are you weighing the pros and cons of integrating social media, and how to propose an implementation strategy – if at all? In this lively and interactive SNIA Professional Development tutorial, learn about the strengths and shortcomings of popular social media tools and where they might fit in to your professional development, and that of your organization. Examine how companies have attempted to implement social media strategy and policy in their organizations and better understand their successes, common pitfalls, and roadblocks. Learn how to define a strategy, and gain tips and techniques to get started.

Learning objectives: 1. Better understand how to define a social media strategy and tactics (or not) for

you and your organization 2. Learn about the advantages and disadvantages of social media tools that business

can use in their social media strategy 3. Better understand the opportunities and risks involved in an organization’s social

media implementation via case studies of organizations in a variety of vertical markets who have considered social media implementations for their organizations

Social Media and the IT Professional © 2012 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved.


Social Media Today Should You Be Social? So. . . Be It Social Media Outposts Putting It All Together Resources


Social Media and the IT Professional © 2012 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved.

Social Media Today

I know it all No problem Overwhelming


Social Media and the IT Professional © 2012 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved.

Social Media Today

I know it all No problem Overwhelming What is Pinturest?


Social Media and the IT Professional © 2012 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved.

The Future is Reality

By 2016: Global internet population will be using 1.3 ZB of data – more than all the IP traffic between 1984 and 2012 Amount of connected devices expected to grow from 10.3 billion in 2011 to 18.9 billion – 2.5 connected devices per person on the PLANET! 3.4 billion people will be Internet users


Source: RedOrbit Image Photos.com

Social Media and the IT Professional © 2012 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved.

Should You Be Social?

Promote yourself as a thought leader Research Learn from others Improve customer service

Internal External

Expand your company’s footprint

Marketing and promotion Community building Transparency

Meet the challenge to collaborate and engage with peers around the world in real time


Social Media and the IT Professional © 2012 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved.

Can U Be Social? Enterprises are lightening up on social networking

Only 30% of organizations expected to block access by 2014 (Gartner)

Majority of companies allow access (Frost & Sullivan)

Departments & processes like marketing require access Personal device access up

Is social media monitoring the responsibility of IT? According to analysts such as Gartner, no Risks tied to individual behavior outside organization’s boundaries with issues related to content and freedom of speech Blocking via policy and technical means occurs but is decreasing Risks remain – both in personal use and discovery by users and customers


Social Media and the IT Professional © 2012 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved.

So . . . . Be It


Social Media and the IT Professional © 2012 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved.

Stage 1- Chaos

Seek . . . and Observe

What are people saying about Your company Your industry Your competitors

Where are people talking about you? Who is talking? What questions can you answer? What are your opportunities to respond? Go forth and . . explore social media monitoring tools

Twitter search, Google search, Socialmention search


Social Media and the IT Professional © 2012 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved.

Stage 2 – Test, Measure, ROI


Become active, support, and respond

Learn the ropes - establish your own “Outposts”

Look in “other people’s houses” Post links to information to answer questions Comment, correct, and update blogs, forums, or postings Look for relevant Linkedin groups, Forums, Wikis, Google groups


Social Media and the IT Professional © 2012 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved.

Stage 3 – Operational Support Involve

Plan your resources Establish the “face” and “personality” of your company - fun, serious, tech-nerd, whatever! Identify a cross-functional team to take you social - include only those who WANT to participate Everyone should be a “RICCA”- a Responsive, Integrated, Credible, Consistent Ambassador

Develop a “Code of Conduct” Authorizations and disclosures Participation Legal considerations Personal vs. official

Develop a social media “Business Plan”


Social Media and the IT Professional © 2012 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved.

Questions to Ask

What are your strategic visions and goals? What are your communication objectives? Have you defined critical success factors? Who is your audience? Have you examined your options for which kinds of social media would work? What benefits do you see? What are the risks and mitigation strategies? Have you quantified your dependencies and assumptions? Are the resources you’ve already identified available to launch and maintain? How will you evaluate success and progress?


Social Media and the IT Professional © 2012 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved.

Guidelines on Guidelines


Social Media and the IT Professional © 2012 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved.

Guidelines on Guidelines

Research Reach out Realize Reassess


Social Media and the IT Professional © 2012 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved.

Striking A Balance

Strong, clear Policy that both Encourages employees to participate in social media AND gives them guidelines on doing so Include these messages:

Authenticity and transparency Protecting confidential information Respecting copyrights Incorporating the social media strategy Respecting your audience Obeying terms of service on specific platforms Including response guidelines for your “outposts” Respecting the rights of your employees while protecting the company brand


Social Media and the IT Professional © 2012 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved.

Stage 4 – Omnipresent

Assess and Leverage Officially participate in social media Reassess initiatives in place Leverage activities beyond marketing and PR

HR Customer service Sales Product development Internal communications


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Social Gets You Through the Stages

Seek Observe Complement Involve Assess Leverage


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Can I train my employees on social media? (the answer is yes) Understand your constituencies Tailor your training focus

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Social Media Outposts


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Blogging (Your Writing Desk)

Why blog? Build thought leadership Stand out from the crowd Demonstrate your knowledge An outlet to show who you and your company are Raise your brand and profile

Blogging pitfalls Commitment Content


Social Media and the IT Professional © 2012 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved.

Blogging Best Practices

Establish editorial policy Find your voice Write engaging content Use keywords in your copy Post on a regular schedule Mix it up with video blogs Include a photo of the author(s) Link from your company’s homepage Engage with your readers Make it easy to share your content


Social Media and the IT Professional © 2012 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved.

Facebook (Your Living Room) Why use Facebook?

For socializing and networking Can be authentic – show your human side Personal and professional lines are blurred Real time discussions/ feedback Advertise events Conduct polls

Facebook Pitfalls Personal and professional lines are blurred Commitment


Social Media and the IT Professional © 2012 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved.

Facebook Best Practices Claim your name: www.facebook.com/(YourNameHere) Understand the difference between a profile, a page and a group

Profile = describes you Page = describes your business Groups = targeted community of like interests

Know your audience Carefully select your privacy settings Make your profile searchable Mix your status updates with professional and personal information Participate in relevant pages and groups Department/Local pages may work better


Social Media and the IT Professional © 2012 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved.

Why use Twitter? Learn from others Get information in a timely fashion Easy to connection with large numbers of people Increase awareness – personal or company Boost your ego with lots of followers

Twitter Pitfalls Motivations are mixed TMI Commitment Content

Twitter (The Water Cooler)


Social Media and the IT Professional © 2012 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved.

Twitter Best Practices

Claim your name – @(Your Name Here) Create a short bio Add a photo Edit/brand your twitter background Learn the lingo Start following the followers of the people you follow Use hashtags (#SNWUSA) Use search.twitter.com


Mix up your tweets! All about you Ask questions – poll the public Answer questions Be a citizen journalist Forward links Spread the word

Social Media and the IT Professional © 2012 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved.

Linkedin (Your Business Card)

Why use Linkedin? Network with past and present colleagues Build a community Stay top of mind with your customers and prospects Locate potential customers Find your next job Hire your next employee Attract more business

Linkedin Pitfalls Linking to anyone and everyone who asks Commitment “True” bios


Social Media and the IT Professional © 2012 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved.

Linkedin Best Practices

Find people you know & learn advanced search Claim your name www.linkedin.com/in/(Your Name Here)

Include your new URL in your email signature Add a photo to your profile Send connect requests regularly

Set weekly/monthly goals Join groups in your areas of interest

Fill in profile completely, use keywords, don’t hide Update your profile often Use Linkedin apps – SlideShare, BlogLink, others 29

Social Media and the IT Professional © 2012 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved.

YouTube/Vimeo (The “Big Screen”)

Why use YouTube and Vimeo Brings your message to life in ways that text can’t Refreshing way to engage with your audience Visitors who watch video are more likely to purchase IT professionals watch videos to research technology decisions C-level execs prefer video format over text Video is easy to share

Pitfalls Production Quality R U Camera shy?


Social Media and the IT Professional © 2012 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved.

YouTube/Vimeo Best Practices

Create content that addresses your audience’s needs How-to’s, Answers to FAQ’s, Expert interviews, screen captures, and more… If you can blog about it, you can create a video

Make your video findable Use keywords in your title Include your video URL first in your description – and don’t be stingy with your description Tag your video

Create a YouTube channel and brand it Use annotations as clickable calls to action Post a bulletin to draw attention for your subscribers


Social Media and the IT Professional © 2012 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved.

Case Studies


Social Media and the IT Professional © 2012 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved.

Putting It All Together – B2C


Best Buy.com • Online company-wide storefront • Offers landing pages for other

engagement choices

“Geek blog” • Technology news and tips from

the Geek Squad www.facebook.com/bestbuy

• Community discussion • Product reviews & promotions

@twelpforce • Best Buy employees addressing

technical questions using twitter Also use YouTube, Idea exchange, Forums, local store pages

Social Media and the IT Professional © 2012 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved.

Experiencing Some B2C Mayhem. . .

Facebook Multiple campaigns Mayhem over 1 million “likes” Have you posted your personal Mayhem video?

YouTube 8,500+ channel subscribers 25M uploads

Twitter 4,200 followers 5,060 tweets Bland topics 34

Social Media and the IT Professional © 2012 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved.

B2B Social Media – A Success?

Everyone is using mobile, within and without the company Search/collection/analysis of data not just confined to internal databases Sharing compelling stories tied to expanded forms of social communications Are your competitors active in social media? Is your company an evangelist? A follower?


Social Media and the IT Professional © 2012 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved.

Putting It All Together – B2B


Cree Industrial lighting provider Social media marketing “embracer”

Making it relevant Having fun Delivering great content

What happens if a baby holds a Cree light bulb?

Building a community

Social Media and the IT Professional © 2012 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved.

Kinaxis – Supply Chain B2B Stars

Goal – doubling leads and web traffic numbers Results - 2.7x increase in web traffic and 3.2 increase in leads


Social Media and the IT Professional © 2012 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved.

Fd fa f


Social Media and the IT Professional © 2012 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved.

Being Social - It’s Time


Social Media and the IT Professional © 2012 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved.

Can U B Social ?


Social Media and the IT Professional © 2012 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved.

Can U B Social ?


Social Media and the IT Professional © 2012 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved.


Social media resources http://webstandards.govt.nz/guides/strategy-and-operations/social-media/ - Guidance on Social Media in Government – applicable to all businesses www.igoogle.com - manage your activity from one place www.mashable.com - The Social Media Guide www.copyblogger.com - great resource for blogging tips www.blogpulse.com - automated trend discovery for blogs www.linkedintelligence.com - all things Linkedin www.socialmediaexaminer - guide to the social media jungle http://www.facebook.com/help/ - How to use facebook http://twitter.com/help/start - How to use twitter

Top storage bloggers – do a google search, there are many to pick from - from vendors and others


Social Media and the IT Professional © 2012 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved.

Storage Resources

LinkedIn Groups you may want to join & post to The Storage Networking Industry Association (16,071 Members) Backup & Recovery Professionals (8,405 Members) Storage Experts Group (11,754 Members) The Storage Group (14,376 Members) Storage Professionals (43,041 Members) Big Data Low Latency (14,707 Members) Cloud Storage (19,289 Members) Cloud Computing (129,026 Members) Information Security Community (138,609 Members) The Virtualization & Cloud Computing Group (35,882 Members) The Green Data Center Alliance (11,883 Members) SSD: Solid State Storage Innovator's Network (3,532 Members)


Social Media and the IT Professional © 2012 Storage Networking Industry Association. All Rights Reserved.

Our Contact Information

Marty Foltyn – President, BitSprings Systems

Email: [email protected] Website: www.bitsprings.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/martyfoltyn Twitter: @martyfoltyn Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/martyfoltyn

Diana Eastty, VP of Marketing, Enterprise Strategy Group

Email: [email protected] Website: www.esg-global.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/dianaeastty Twitter: @deastty Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/dianaeastty


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Attribution & Feedback

Please send any questions or comments regarding this SNIA Tutorial to [email protected]

The SNIA Education Committee would like to thank the following individuals for their contributions to this Tutorial.

Authorship History

Original Author: Diana Eastty & Marty Foltyn 4/2011 Updates: Diana Eastty & Marty Foltyn 10/2011 Marty Foltyn & Diana Eastty 4/2012 Marty Foltyn & Diana Eastty 8/2012

Additional Contributors

Val Bercovici Kellye Crane Roman Diaz Laura Garcia Matt Harvey Kristin Hauser Michael Meleedy Suzanne Mugrabi Rob Peglar
