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Social Media and the Young PR Professional

Date post: 11-May-2015
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These are reference slides for students who participated in Roger Williams University's PR Week.
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Social Media & the Young PR Professional Personal Branding in a Web 2.0 World Ruth Bazinet @baznet
Page 1: Social Media and the Young PR Professional

Social  Media  &  the  Young  PR  Professional    

Personal  Branding  in  a  Web  2.0  World  Ruth  Bazinet  


Page 2: Social Media and the Young PR Professional

Why  Social  Media?  !   Everyone  is  a  publisher  

!   Social  is  more  important  to  online  search  than  it’s  ever  been  –  understanding  this  is  critical  

!   Reporters  are  socializing  online  

!   News  breaks  online  

!   Consumers  are  online  

!   Great  place  to  network  

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Check  it  once  Check  it  twice  

And  when  you  think  it’s  right    

Check  It  Again.  

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Quick  Word  on  TwiAer  !   Make  sure  your  proHile  page  looks  professional  

!   What  are  your  last  three  tweets?  

!   Photos  –  check  the  last  photos  you  posted  

!   Twitter  Lists  

! Hashtags  

!   Twitter  Chats  -­‐  #U30Pro  #PRStudChat  #journchat  #connectchat  

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Takeaways    !  Be  genuine.  

!  Set  up  your  proHiles  with  keywords  so  people  know  why  you’re  there:  e.g.  PR,  softball,  music  industry.  

!  Have  a  purpose  –  What  is  my  ROI?  

!  Don’t  stalk  journalists,  but  use  social  for  research  and  interaction.  

!  If  you  make  a  mistake,  own  up  to  it.    

!  Don’t  share  links/articles  without  looking  at  them  Hirst.  

!  Your  online  footprint  is  permanent  (sort  of)  –  Google  yourself.  Set  up  a  Google  Alert.  Employers  do  look  at  your  online  reputation.  

!  Take  your  online  experience  ofHline  –  face-­‐to-­‐face  networking  is  valuable.  

!  Find  inHluential  people  in  your  Hield,  connect  with  them.  Remember,  just  because  you  read  it  on  the  internet  doesn’t  make  it  true  (or  a  best  practice  in  social  media).  

!  Follow  your  instinct.  Don’t  be  afraid  to  ask  questions.  

!  Use  social  media  in  moderation  –  don’t  let  it  get  in  the  way  of  other  priorities.  

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Journalists  &  Social  Media    !  Be  professional.  

!  Journalists  don’t  like  to  be  stalked,  but  appreciate  PR  people  who  do  their  homework.  

!  If  you  are  trying  to  connect  with  a  particular  journalist  without  luck,  check  out  their  blog,  Twitter  stream,  etc.  It  will  give  you  helpful  information.    

!  Use  your  best  judgment  when  friending,  following,  linking  in,  etc.  online.  Send  a  personal  note  with  an  invite/friend  request  –  give  context  –  why  should  they?  

!  Monitor  online  conversations  –  who  is  writing  about  your  client’s  area  of  interest?  

!  If  you  share  an  article  –  mention  the  author  if  possible/appropriate  (either  by  their  handle  on  Twitter  or  +’ing  them  on  Google  Plus,  etc.).  

!  If  you  have  no  luck  with  journalist,  look  to  see  who  they  are  talking  with  online,  try  engaging  with  them  (if  appropriate,  not  awkward).  The  slow  build  can  have  a  huge  payoff.  

!  Nothing  is  guaranteed  “off  the  record”  –  especially  online!  

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Some  PR  and  Social  Media  Pros  to  Watch  

!   Sarah  Evans  -­‐  @prsarahevans    

!   Brian  Solis  -­‐  @briansolis  

!   Chris  Brogan  -­‐  @chrisbrogan  

!   Deirdre  Breakenridge  -­‐  @dbreakenridge  

!   Todd  Defren  -­‐  @tdefren  

!   Lindsay  Olson  -­‐  @prjobs  

Page 9: Social Media and the Young PR Professional

AAend  Free  Webinars  &  Tweetups    

!   Awareness,  Inc.  

!   Marketing  Profs  

!   Radian  6  

! Meetup.com  (search  for  local  events  in  your  area)  

! Hubspot  

!   PRSA  (catalog  of  webinars  with  membership)  

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Advice  from  the  Pros  !   Tim  Carmody  –  staff  writer,  Wired  Magazine  

@tcarmody  Be  a  good  guest/host:  funny,  authentic,  opinionated.  Don't  monopolize  the  conversation;  don't  start  (or  try  to  Hinish)  Hights.  

!   Doc  Searls  -­‐  author  of  The  Intention  Economy,  co-­‐author  of  The  Cluetrain  Manifesto,  fellow  of  CITS  at  UCSB,  alumnus  fellow  of  the  Berkman  Center  at  Harvard.                                                                                                                                  @dsearls  Just  realized  I  have  a  policy:  If  you're  not  linking,  I'm  not  following.  All  i  need  is  1  link  in  what  Twitter  shows  -­‐  your  last  3  posts.  

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Advice  from  the  Pros  Steve  Bradt,    Director  of  News  at  MIT  

The  people  you'll  be  talking  to  probably  already  know  this,  but  in  our  Hield  there's  no  substitute  for  real-­‐world,  in-­‐the-­‐trenches  experience.  Whenever  I  talk  to  students  about  careers  in  PR  I  always  urge  them  to  get  as  many  internships  and  as  much  communications  experience  as  possible.  A  degree  in  PR,  marketing,  etc.,  doesn't  carry  anywhere  near  the  same  weight  to  a  hiring  manager  looking  to  Hill  an  entry-­‐level  position.  

On  social  media  speciHically,  a  few  thoughts:  1)  It's  not  a  new  sentiment,  but  content  is  king.  Your  organization  won't  succeed  on  social  media  without  a  story  to  tell,  and  content  to  point  to.  2)  Don't  take  too  seriously  anyone  presenting  themselves  as  a  social  media  "expert"  or  "guru."  If  you  talk  to  X  number  of  professional  users  of  social  media  (which  I  did  before  launching  the  @HarvardResearch  account),  you'll  get  X  opinions  on  what  works  and  what  doesn't.  There  just  isn't  a  robust  body  of  research  at  this  point  on  social  media,  so  whatever  advice  the  "experts"  are  peddling  is  likely  anecdotal  at  best.  


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Advice  from  the  Pros  Tom  Boucher    Communications  Manager    Neighborhood  Health  Plan  of  Rhode  Island  

I  just  got  back  from  a  Mobile  Marketing  Conference  and  realized  how  behind  we  are  with  our  social  media  work.  From  attraction  and  retention  of  health  plan  members  to  improving  health  outcomes,  social  media  can  have  a  huge  role.  One  example  is  how  people  are  joining  social  network  support  groups  on  Twitter  and  Facebook  to  help  with  weight  loss  or  smoking  cessation.    

To  the  extent  that  PR/Comm  folks  can  help  publicize  and  support  that  effort,  it  can  make  a  big  difference  in  meeting  organizational  goals.  Right  now,  we  maintain  a  Facebook  page  that  helps  further  our  brand  and  add  value  by  sharing  ideas  for  Hinding  "good  stuff,  cheap,"  but  there  is  so  much  more  to  do!      

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Advice  from  the  Pros  Kevin  Carter  Manager,  Business  &  Trade  Public  Relations  at  TripAdvisor  @kcarter    (excerpt  from  his  related  blog  post)    Establish  yourself  on  social  media  -­‐  If  you  haven’t  already,  get  a  Twitter  account  (preferably  in  your  real  name)  and  begin  following  people  in  the  PR  industry  in  your  area.  Twitter’s  search  feature  can  help  you  identify  these  folks.  Be  sure  to  listen  Hirst  to  get  a  handle  on  social  media  etiquette  and  the  topics  they’re  discussing,  and–when  you  feel  conHident–begin  an  ongoing  dialogue  about  relevant  topics.  You’ll  also  want  to  follow  folks  like  PR  Week  (leading  trade  publication),  Doug  Haslam  (communications  pro)  Shannon  Paul  (social  media  consultant).      A  polished  Linkedin  proHile  is  also  essential,  and  don’t  be  afraid  to  ask  for  recommendations  on  the  site  from  people  who  have  been  pleased  with  your  work,  whether  it’s  a  college  professor  or  a  colleague.  Linkedin  is  a  great  tool  for  networking  and  searching  for  jobs,  and  having  strong  recommendations  from  people  in  your  network  will  help  you  get  the  attention  of  recruiters.        

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Advice  from  the  Pros  Mitch  Wagner  Editor-­‐in-­‐Chief  of  @theCMOsite  @mitchwagner    Social  media  is  a  way  to  connect  with  journalists  as  people.  The  relationship  between  PR  and  journalists  is  often  antagonistic;  social  media  can  soften  that  up  a  bit  and  make  it  more  human.  Social  media  are  the  big  pub  in  the  Internet,  where  everybody  knows  each  other  and  can  have  a  pint  in  a  casual  environment.  And  of  course  connecting  with  people  opens  the  door  to  doing  business  together.        Social  media  is  also  a  dashboard  of  what  the  overall  population  is  talking  about.  What  news  stories  and  trends  are  hot?  What  are  the  latest  pop  culture  fads?  Social  media  provides  a  read  on  that.        People  talk  about  brands  on  social  media.  If  customers  are  unhappy  with  a  client's  offering,  they'll  talk  about  it  on  social  media.  Social  media  provides  a  barometer  to  Hind  out  how  consumers  feel  about  a  particular  brand.  And,  since  consumers  often  complain  about  negative  experiences  with  a  brand  on  social  media,  that  provides  businesses  with  an  opportunity  to  Hix  the  consumer's  problems,  and  turn  a  hater  into  an  evangelist.    

